RICHARD W. BAR Stovi 26, Tregeseal, St. Just, Near Penzance

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RICHARD W. BAR Stovi 26, Tregeseal, St. Just, Near Penzance RICHARD W. BAR ST OVi 26, Tregeseal, st. Just, Near Penzance, Cornwall, England. CRDERING INFOF\MATION Ma il orders ar e promptly filled and despa t-:hed on a 7-day examination basis, subject to approval. Immediate refund guaranteed on return of specimens. Please quote the name and the number of the specimen(s) required, and enclose P.O./~heque with order. No charge is made for postage and packing, except for OVfr seas customers and postage over 50p. We reserve the right to make slight substitutions, if neressary, unless advised to the contrary. Special requests and 'wants lists' are welcome. We hope that we may be of some service to you, and assure you of our best attention at all times. JDLY 1974 1. ADULARIA. Schonblick, Tyrol, Austria. Specimen A- Sharp, semi-transparent crystals to til in size richly encrusting Granitic matrix with odd scattered crystals of olive green Epidote, creamy coloured Sphenes and plates of Chlorite. 4x3". £6; Specimen B-A large glassy white single twinned crystal with minor smaller crystals in association, sharp and vlell formed. lxl". £1.25. 2. A~~DINE. Zillertal, Salzburg, Austria. Large deep red sharp crystals to i" in size, scattered on,and partially embedded in, Chlorite Schist. Choice display specimen. 4h2xli". £7. 3. ANGLESITE. Leadhills, Lanarkshire, Scotland. Long, spear-like, creamy coloured crystals to i" in length intergrown and partially protruding from a QuartzlBarytes matrix. 2tx2". £5. 4. ANHYDBITE. Rhokana, Zambia. Select, lavender coloured, pure cleavage mass with minor plates of brown Biotite in ll association. 2txltxl • 75p. 5. APATITE variety FRAN~OLITE. Fowey Consols Mine, Tywardreath, Cornwall. Choice, small, sharp transparent crystals richly lining cavities in and scattered on white Quartz veinstuff. an old F.H. Butler label accompanies this specimen. 2tx2txlt". £4. 6. NATIVE ARSENIC. Jachymov, Bohemia, C.S.S.F\. Solid, pure, blackish grey, metallic mass with odd small bright red crystals of PF\OUSTITE. 3x2t~. £6. 7. ARSENIOPLEITE. Sjogruva, Sweden. Salmon red rich masses intergrown and embedded in Bio~ite Hornfels. Specimen ~ ­ 2tx2". £3; Sp ecimen B- 2xlt". £2. -2- 8. AURIc~LCITE. Mina Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico. Very rich turquoise needly crystals thickly encrusting large cavities in Limonitic Gossan with whitish Calcite in association. Superb specimen for display. 4ix4". £12. AXINITE. Obira Mine, Oita Prefecture, Japan. Lustrous, sharp, clove bro~m crystaIs, mostly around t" in size, thickly intergro~m and encrusting massive Axinite matrix. Excellent crystalised example of this mineral. 3x2tx2". £20. 10. AZURITE. Tsumeb, Otavi, S.W. africa. Specimen A- Choice group of well terminated thick, sharp, deep blue crystals, to t" in length implanted on a matrix of grey Chalcocite. ltxl". £10; Specimen B- Bright, deep blue, small sharp intergrO\1U crystals encrusting matrix with minor Cerussite in association. 3x2". £8. 11. BARYTOCALCITE. Admiralty Flats, Nentsberry Haggs Mine, Nr. ,;lston Cumberland. Intergro~m group of large white bladed crystals completely covering Limestone matrix. 2xlt'l • £3. 12. BAUMHAUERITE. Lengenbach Quarry, Binnental, Switzerland. Rich, metallic grey masses aggregated in white granular Dolomite with minor Pyrite in association. lxlt". £5. 13. BERYL. Tongafeno, Madagascar. Choice, well terminated, semi­ transparent, sharp hexagonal lime green crystal. It" long x It" wide. £6.50. 14. BIS~lliTHINITE. Fowey Consols Mine, Tyv~rdreath, Cornwall. Thick, metallic lead grey, elongated needly crystals implanted in cavities in Chalcopyrite/Quartz matrix. 2txlt". £5. 15. BLOMSTRANDINE. Dauren, Iveland, Norway. A crude, resinous brown, single crystaL Itxl". £2. 16. BREWSTERITE. Bellsgrove Mine, Strontian, Argyll, Scotland. Superb, transparent, sharp crystals, thickly encrusting Gneiss matrix. Specimen A- 3tx3"x2t". £7; Specimen B- 2b2". £3. 17. BROCHliliTITE. Blanchard Claims, Bingham, New Mexico. Bright, emerald green needly crystals richly aggregated on and in cavities in Limonitic gossan. 2xlt". £2. 18. BUSTAMITE. B.R. Quarry, Meldon, Nr. Okehampton, Devon. Fine, pure, divergent light brown crystaline masses with very minor bronzey Pyrrhotite in association. Specimen J!. - 2ixlt". £2; Specimen B- 2xlt". £1. 19. CAL~ITE. st. JUldreasberg, Harz, Germany. Semi-transparent, zoned, creamy coloured platy hexagonal crystals to t" in size, richly intergrown on cellular Quartz/Calcite veinstuff with odd sMall masses of Galena. Classic old sample. 3tx3tll £5. 20. CALCITE. Bigrigg, West Cumberland. dn excellent, perfect, ~Iell terminated, complex single crystal water cle1;lr towards its termination grading to a milky colour at its base. Crystal is l~-" long x~-" across the axis. £2. -3- 21. CASSITERITE. Mulberry Mine, Lanivet, Cornwall. Lustrous, sharp, blackish broWl crystals to II in size, thickly encrusting a Tourmalinised Slate matrix. Jb:2". £4.50. 22. C~SSITERITE. vfucal Kitty, St. hgn€S, Cornwall. Small, sharp, black lustrous twinned crystals completely en rusting Slate matrix. 2xlt"o £3. 23. CI.SSITERITE. Llallagua, P01;osi, Bolivia. hn intergrown group of large sharp black tetragonal crystals on a base of pure massive Cassiterite. Largcst .::rystals are ttl on edge. 2xltxlt". £5. 24. CELESTITE. Girgenti, Sicily, Italy. Very choice, lustrous, translucent to nilky vlhite clusters of terminated crystals in paraIel growth thickly encrusting matrix with minor yellow Native Sulphur in association. Excellent example of this nineral, with most of the crystals being over i" in length. lttx5t". £15. • 25. CERUSSITE. Susanna Mine, Leadhills, Lanarkshire. lL nass of lustrous gl~ssy intergrown crystals with minor Limonite. Crystals show much parallel grovlth and range up to II in size. Itxl;~". £1.75. 26. CIfuLCEDONY. Wheal Mary ,L'1n, Menheniot, CornwJll. Large, inter­ grown octahedral crystals of Fl~orite completely replaced by vlhite Cholcedon:t on Chalcedonic Quartz natrix. Cryst3ls are up to 1 co. on face edge, and this is ~ goo example of this interestin pseudol:lOrph. 2tx2". £1.25. 27. Clli.LCOCITE. Dolcoath line, Camborne, Cornwall. Rich, metallic grey intergrown platy crystals partially altered to Bornite on Quartz/Chalcopyrite matrix, with a later partial encrustaticn of small drusy Chalcocite crystals. 4--~x2t". £10. 28. CHhLCO?YRITE. South hoskear Mine, Camborne, Cornwall. Large, sha rp, bra s sy complex cryst3ls scattered in large cavities of cellular drusy Quartz with minor Chlorite in association. 2tx2x2". £6. 29. CHALCOPYRITE. Dreislar, Sauerland, Germany. Choice, very bright, complex crystals, some with a slight irridescence, and varying in size up to 5 ~. richly scattered over snow-white lenticular Barytes crystals. Very attractive specimens. Specimen,~ - 4--~x2t". £6; Specimen B- 3x2". £4-; Specimen C- 2txlt". £2; Specimen D- l!i-x2". £1.50. 30. CHALCOPYRITE variety BLISTER COPPER. Cooks Kitchen Mine, Camborne, Cornwall. Dark, bronze coloured botryoidal mass of unusual shape and form the individual botryoids being strongly pronounced. 2xl,,-".i £2.25. 31. CHALCOSIDERITE. Phoenix Mine, Lirucinhorne, Cornwall. Very rich, dark olive green small crystals completely encrusting cellular Quartz/Limonite matrix. 4-x2:t". £8. 32. CHILDRENITE. Crinnis Mine, st. ,.ustell, Cornwall. Small, lustrous, sharp well formed crystals of a light coffee brown colour encrusting Quartz/Sl:3te matrix. 2txl~-". £5. -4-- 33. CHRYSOBEltYL. Collintina , Espirito Santo, Brazil. .• single, complexly twinned sharp pale lime green crystal of good form, and partially transparen~. Crystal is a9proximately 15 mID. in size. £16. CHRYS0~OLLn. Kakontwe, K~tanga, ~1ire. Spe imen - Brillian~ turquoise blue CJncentri botryoi al mass partially overlain and interbanQed \- ith ereen , slii;htly botryoidal, 11alachite. Very cJlvurful specit:len. 3~2txl~". £6; Specimen B- InteL'b3r,ded, brilliant turquoise blue Chrysocolla with li.;ht green 1i:J13chite :md fragments of bro\mis veinstone :I t" c3vity lL'1ed wit bright green, small sharp, ~alacnite rystnls. L;·x2". £3. 35· COB"LTITE. Hakansbo, Vnst~nland, \o!eden. Sharp, tin-white, modified single crystals partially embedded in bronzey Pyrrhotite matrix. 8pec'.men a - I-btrix Itxlt" with a 5 mm. crysta1. £3; Specir.:en B- Ma trix l'~'xl" ~Tith a 4- mm. rystal. £2. 36. CONICILLCITE. Najuba Hill, elshir.g C'J., Nevada, U.S •.•• Light green botryoiual crusts richly covering irony gossan matrix \o!ith minor velvet·· netdly areas Jf pale green MIXITE in association. Hxl·}". £3. 37. NATIVE COPPER. l:Jheal Virr;in, Gwenl ap, Corm-JaIl. u. reddish, hackly, crystalised mass ~Iivh mi or fragments of \o!hitish vein quartz. 3x2":,}" thiele, £'+. 38. N"TIVE COP ER. Fowey CJnsols Mine, Ty\·rardreath, Cornwall. Metallic, coppery, crystaline veinlets and masses richly tr~ve~sing and impre nating a dense Quartz/Lionite matrix. 2x2xH". £1.25. 39. NdTIVE COPPER. Copper Falls Mi e, Keweenaw Pen., Michigan, U.S.n.. r'- -ery ~hoi;;e di'.-ergent hackly m3SS of dark metallic copper as.::').::iJ~ed ,-'ith so!:'e small wi itish CaJcite crystals. Very fine shape and form. 3tx2". £8. 4-0. COVELLITE. Hen<ierson IUne, Su:ncit·::i.lle, Colorado, U.S .... Select, slightl;r irride:.;ent i i!'.tergro\offi platy crystals completely encrusting Quartz matrix. Distinct crystals Jf Covellite are rare, 2xl". £6. 4-1. CUPRITE. C-opper Queen M1ne, Bisbee, Conchise Co., .,rizJna, U.S... Bright, deep rect, cutic crystals thickly encrusting a massive Cuprite matrix with minor Native Copper. The specimen is of excellent quality and exa~ples from this famous location are now pretty
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