0RGHUQ,QWHOOHFWXDO+LVWRU\ KWWSMRXUQDOVFDPEULGJHRUJ0,+ $GGLWLRQDOVHUYLFHVIRU0RGHUQ,QWHOOHFWXDO+LVWRU\ (PDLODOHUWV&OLFNKHUH 6XEVFULSWLRQV&OLFNKHUH &RPPHUFLDOUHSULQWV&OLFNKHUH 7HUPVRIXVH&OLFNKHUH 7+($&&,'(17$/0$5;,67$1'5(*81'(5)5$1.$1'7+( ³1(20$5;,67´7+(25<2)81'(5'(9(/230(17± &2'<67(3+(16 0RGHUQ,QWHOOHFWXDO+LVWRU\)LUVW9LHZ$UWLFOH$SULOSS '2,63XEOLVKHGRQOLQH$SULO /LQNWRWKLVDUWLFOHKWWSMRXUQDOVFDPEULGJHRUJDEVWUDFWB6 +RZWRFLWHWKLVDUWLFOH &2'<67(3+(167+($&&,'(17$/0$5;,67$1'5(*81'(5)5$1.$1' 7+(³1(20$5;,67´7+(25<2)81'(5'(9(/230(17± 0RGHUQ,QWHOOHFWXDO+LVWRU\$YDLODEOHRQ&-2GRL 6 5HTXHVW3HUPLVVLRQV&OLFNKHUH 'RZQORDGHGIURPKWWSMRXUQDOVFDPEULGJHRUJ0,+,3DGGUHVVRQ0D\ Modern Intellectual History,page1 of 32 C Cambridge University Press 2016 ! doi:10.1017/S1479244316000123 the accidental marxist: andre gunder frank and the “neo-marxist” theory of underdevelopment, 1958–1967 cody stephens Department of History, University of California–Santa Barbara E-mail:
[email protected] Based on newly available archival records, this article examines the life and thought of Andre Gunder Frank from his years as a graduate student in development economics to the publication of his first and most influential book. A closer look at the evolution of Frank’s thought provides new insight into the relationship of his brand of “neo-Marxist” development theories with both classical Marxism and modernization theory. Frank interpreted Marxist political debates according to the categories of thought of 1950s American development economics, and in doing so he both misinterpreted fundamental aspects of Marxism and simultaneously generated lively theoretical debates that remain relevant today. Paul Sweezy thought Andre Gunder Frank’s Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America (hereafter CU)wouldbeabighit.AstheheadofMonthlyReview Press, a small but important publishing operation held together largely by his own efforts, Sweezy had to choose carefully the projects on which he would expend his and his small staff’s limited time and energy.