Open letter to Community Organisations, Businesses and the Australian Public: Commitment to protect our children and future generations from dangerous climate change

We write seeking your support for the attached Statement of Commitment on Climate Change.

Leading public health organisations and prestigious peer reviewed journals have recognised that “Climate change is the biggest global health threat of the 21st century.”

We also know that current Australian and international carbon reduction commitments are nowhere near enough to protect our children, grandchildren and future generations from dangerous climate change.

Unfortunately, decades of relative inaction on mitigation means that, despite the steep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions required to avoid dangerous climate change, the level of global emissions continues to increase. The threat to our children and future generations grows larger with every passing year.

Therefore, we all need to do everything we possibly can to protect our children and future generations. Indeed, if we are to have any chance of preventing dangerous climate change then we can no longer accept the excuse "climate change is not my responsibility" from anyone.

We all have a responsibility to speak up in defence of the children of today and tomorrow.

Join us in making a commitment to protect them from dangerous climate change.

Please go here to register your intention to support the Statement of Commitment on Climate Change. A list of supporting individuals, businesses and organisations will be posted with the Statement of Commitment on the Australian Research Alliance for Children & Youth website and the Climate and Health Alliance website. We also encourage you to include the statement or similar on your own website etc.

We understand that making this commitment is just one step. However, fulfilling it can be challenging. There are a number of not-for-profit organisations who can assist you to complete a carbon inventory, make plans to reduce your footprint and offset any remaining greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing carbon emissions has many co-benefits: not only is it good for the environment and future generations, it’s also good for the health and welfare of current generations, and it will be beneficial for corporate and national economies.

We owe it to our children and future generations to act now.

Yours sincerely,

Signed by the following leading researchers, health professionals and organisations

Fiona Armstrong, Convenor, Climate and Health Alliance

Associate Professor Erica Bell, Deputy Director, University Department of Rural Health, University of Tasmania

Dr Susie Burke, Chair of the Australian Psychological Society Climate Change and Environmental Threats Reference Group

Professor Simon Chapman, Sydney School of Public Health,

Professor Donna Cross, Child Health Promotion Research Centre,

Professor Peter C Doherty, Nobel Laureate, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Medical School

Assistant Professor Mark Edwards, Business School, University of Western Australia

Dr Lance Emerson, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Research Alliance for Children & Youth

Dr Janet Fletcher, FAPS, Senior Honorary Research Fellow, School of Psychology, University of Western Australia

Bret Hart, Public Health Physician/Future Health Advocate, foundation member of the Alliance for Future Health, Lead Fellow, Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine, Health in All Policies Working Party

Karen Kiang, Paediatrician and International Child Health Fellow, Centre for International Child Health, The Royal Children's Hospital and University of Melbourne Dept of Paediatrics and the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute

Winthrop Professor Carmen Lawrence, Director, Centre for the Study of Social Change, School of Psychology, University of Western Australia

Winthrop Professor Stephan Lewandowsky, School of Psychology, University of Western Australia

Francis Lynch, Chief Executive, Ruah Community Services

Professor Emeritus Tony McMichael, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, The Australian National University

Dr Noel Nannup, Founder Cultural Corridors Inc.

Anna Rose, author Madlands: A Journey to Change the Mind of a Climate Sceptic and co-founder, Australian Youth Climate Coalition

Associate Professor Peter Sainsbury, School of Public Health, University of Sydney

Dr Rosalie Schultz, Director of Clinical Services, Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation

Associate Professor Linda Selvey, Deputy Head of School, School of Public Health, Curtin University

Michael Sheldrick, Global Policy and Advocacy Manager, Global Poverty Project

Professor Fiona Stanley, AC, Patron Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, Distinguished Professorial Fellow, University of Western Australia, Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow, University of Melbourne.

Associate Professor Lyndall Strazdins, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, The Australian National University

Jaime Yallup, Chair, Alliance for Future Health

Contact Dr Brad Farrant, UWA Adjunct Research Fellow ARACY child and youth representative, Climate and Health Alliance Committee of Management member, Climate and Health Alliance E: [email protected] T: 08 9489 7711

Fiona Armstrong, Convenor, Climate and Health Alliance E: [email protected] T: 0438 900 005

Jaime Yallup, Chair, Alliance for Future Health E: [email protected] T: 0406 722 066