Concerns Regarding the Pigeon Lake Weir – Clifford (Cliff) Stone – Report

Meeting Date (Report Reference Only): 2021/02/04

Meeting (Report Reference Only): Agricultural Service Board


On the week of January 11, 2021, Administration received a request from Mr. Clifford (Cliff) Stone to appear as a delegation in front of the Agricultural Service Board in accordance with the Procedural Bylaw of the County of to discuss concerns regarding the Pigeon Lake Weir.

In documentation that Mr. Stone has provided to Administration, property owners near the area of Pigeon Creek, which flows from Pigeon Lake, experienced significant flooding over the 2020 Agricultural Season due to what they believe to be improper management of the weir between Pigeon Lake and Pigeon Creek. Administration notes that the weir is under the jurisdiction of Environment and Parks and the County of Wetaskiwin has no responsibilities in the management of the weir as it is outside of the jurisdiction of the County.

In documentation that was provided to Administration in which a summary of the main items of note have been provided for review by the Agricultural Service Board, correspondence occurred between Mr. Stone and a representative from Alberta Environment and Parks regarding the matter. Additionally, on October 6, 2020, Mr. Stone received correspondence from the Honourable Jason Nixon, Minister of Environment and Parks and MLA for Rimbey- -, regarding his concerns.

Subsequently, correspondence has been sent to the Honourable Rick Wilson, Minister of Indigenous Relations and MLA for Maskwacîs-Wetaskiwin, regarding the matter as well as numerous statements of claim made upon the Government of Alberta by several landowners that have stated that they have been affected to a total of approximately $53,395.00.

Mr. Stone has asked for the delegation with the Agricultural Service Board in the hopes that the Board would provide a letter of support for the efforts of the landowners to the relevant individuals with the Government of Alberta as an advocacy group for agricultural producers in the County of Wetaskiwin even though the County has no jurisdiction in this matter.

Mr. Stone will also provide additional information for the Board at the meeting.



Opinions for Consideration by the Agricultural Service Board:

1. That the Agricultural Service Board direct Administration to draft and send correspondence to the Honourable Jason Nixon, Minister of Environment and Parks and MLA for MLA for Rimbey-Rocky Mountain House-Sundre, as well as the Honourable Devin Dreeshen, Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, and the Honourable Rick Wilson, Minister of Indigenous Relations and MLA for Maskwacîs-Wetaskiwin, in support of the previous correspondences sent by Mr. Clifford Stone and other affected landowners as it relates to the management of the Pigeon Lake Weir; or 2. That the Agricultural Service Board accept the details concerning the Pigeon Lake Weir as provided by Mr. Clifford Stone as information.

Recommended Resolution that the Agricultural Service Board provide direction with respect of the details concerning the Pigeon Lake Weir as provided by Mr. Clifford Stone.