The Case of Agip Petroli Spa, 1960-1990
The Evolution of the Strategy and Structure of a State-Owned Company: The Case of Agip Petroli S.p.A., 1960-1990 Luigi Orsenigo FondazioneASSI and Bocconi UniversiCyof Milan Giulio Sapelli Pier AngeloTonine!!i FondazioneASSI and State UniversiCyof Milan The historyof Agip is interestingfor severalreasons •. First,as the historyof an oil company,it is a pertinentcase study in the processof adjustmentand reorganizationof a large,vertically integrated company. This study highlights the perennial tension between centralization and decentralizationwithin organizations, sheds light on the natureof the patterns of responseto externalshocks, and illustratesthe role of precedentand traditionin shapingbehavior, strategies and structures. Second, since Agip is a state-ownedcompany, the storysheds light on the difficultrelationship betweenpolitics and economicsas well as on the behaviorof state-owned companies.The historyof Agip illustratesthe influenceof the processof evolutionon managerialcompetency, and on the impactof the structureof incentivesand controlmechanisms on management.Third, as the historyof an Italian corporation,the caseof Agip providesmaterial for the analysisof a crucialissue in Italian businessand industrialhistory, namely the weakness of the large, manageriallyfragmented company, and the persistingrole of family capitalism. The Birth of Agip Petroli: Antecedents "AgipPetroli" (AP) wasfounded in December1977 as the resultof the separationof Agip (the oil divisionof ENI) into two operatingcompanies: Agip S.p•., responsiblefor explorationand supply activities,and AP, •Thispaper is based partly on interviews with current and/or former managers ofAgip. In what follows,for reasonsof space,we shallnot quotethese sources as evidenceabout specific issues. We take the opportunity,however, to thankall of them for their kind cooperation.Empirical evidenceand data are drawn from [1, 2, 10]. BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC HISTORY, SecondSeries, Volume Twenty-one, 1992.
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