BANK REGISTER Usuod W««klf, linttied u 3ooonil-Clen Mattsr it tbt Poll- VOLUME III, NO. ,18. offl«« ol Dad Bank. N. J., ondar lta« Aot o! March B. 187V. RED BANK, N.J,, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER-30, 1929. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 1 TO 16. NEW HOSPITAL AVXIMARY. RED BANKi NEW LODGE. TEACHERS' PARTY. LIONS RECEIVE CHARTER, WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. XInton Falls Women Organize to SCHOOL'S MUSICAL SHOW Hnllowc'cn Dance to bo Hold Friday RUMSON PUBLIC MATTERS A FREEHOLDER PLATFORM! Help lied Bank Institution. "THE WISHING STONK" TO BE DISPENSATION GRANTED FOR Night at High School. BEDJUBTTEB NIGHT FOR THE KED BANK COUI'LK MABBIED 58 CONTRACT FOIl SIUKWAT-KS ON WllAIAM H. It. WHITE TEIX8 OH A Tinton Falls auxiliary of River- GIVEN AT EATONTOWN. NEW LODGE OF MASONS. Invitations have been issued to the BTJMSON C1XV. YEAKS AGO. view hospital of Red Bank was teachers of the Red Bank public LENNOX AV13NUE. HIS PLANS AND AIMS. formed last Thursday at a meeting schools to a Hallowe'en masquerade Two Hundred Forsons Attended Bnn- Cupt and Mrs. Chnrles E. Throck- The Production Will bo Put on by tho It Will be Known as Bed Bank Lodge Ordinance for Sidewalks and Curb- at tho homo of Mrs. Wellington Wll- Robert Sk.'lllng Quartet, Assisted and Will Meet in tho Pnch Building dance to bo given Friday night of He IS I> Candidate for Freeholder and oueti and Dnnoo last Week ot tho morton of Broad Street Observed liina. Tho auxiliary will meet once a this week at the senior high school ing on First Street Withdrawn- nellmes n County Improvement Molly Pitcher Hotel-American Their Anniversary Last Friday— By School Children—Profits (or an —New Organization Starts With Oceanic Storm Snwer Project Again month, but tho dato for tho meet- Educational Trip. Nearly 100 Members. gymnasium by the teachers of the Flan Could bo Arranged and dreat Flag Presented to Club. Gifts ol Flowers and Gold. Ings has not yet been fixed. Tho of- junior high school on Branch avenue. Discussed—Bulkhead Washed Out. Savings Effected In Tfliofi. ficers of the auxiliary aro Mrs. Well- „ "Tho Wishing Stone," a musical Red Bank lodge of Masons received Tho decorations will be in keeping Last tfodneifflay night was red-let- Flfty-clght years of married life Tho Rumaon commissioners Thurs- BY WILLIAM II, E. WHITE. ter night for tho Rumaon Lions club. wero celebrated Friday by Capt. and ington Wllltlhs prcflidont, Mrs. E. G. comedy, will bo given at Crescent hall a dispensation from the grand lqdge with the season. Games will be played day nlffht awarded a contract for The occasion was tho presentation of lira, Charles K. Throcltmorton of Ehlnger and Mrs. Theodore N. Parm- at Eatontown Friday night under the last Wednesday night. The new lodge and refreshments will be served. laying slclcwalltu on tho west side of I am a candidate for freeholder Ot thfe chartor to tho BumBon organiza- ly vlco president^ Mrs. Harry C. Cole- auspices of the- eighth grade of tho starts with a charter membership of Monmouth county at next Tuesday's Broad street. A dinner party was held Mrs. Howard Manning Is chairman Lennox avenue to Ruillni & Ambronlo election. tion in tho presence ot 2pO persons at and those present In addition to Capt. man treasurer, Miss Ethel Dreyer re- Eatontown school. The show will be nearly 100 and was forrncd by mem- of the general committee, Her as- of Red Bank on a bid of 57(55. Jarne:* a banquet and danoo at tho Molly and Mrs. - Throckmorton wero Ml cording secretary and Mrs. William given by the Robert P. Skllllng Quar- bers of Mystic Brotherhood lodge and Istants are Mrs. Robert Brown, Norman & Ron of Red Bank anil 1 have served seven yeara aa coun« Pitcher hotel. Besides members o£ Katherlne Throckmorton, who lives S. England corresponding secretary. tet of Long Branch, assisted by the by Masons living in and near Red games; Miss Alice Nagle and Mrs. Owen J. Melee of Long Branch eacli tilman and flvo 5'cara aa mayor of tho the Rumson club and friends there ut home, Mr. and Mrs. William B. school children. One of tho members Bank and holding membership In Nora Straus, decorations; and Miss hid $810. borough of Red Bank. were delegations from Red Bank, At- Smith of East Orango and Mr. and of tho quartet Is Robert P. Shilling, other states. It will probably receive Elizabeth Ernest, refreshments. After an ordinance for sidewalks I have seen conditions In s IMfllcult Compositions With River road. This change will be made need is rcllectcd by the enormous Rose," Keansburg! "East Side, West Throckmorton also entertalnod a the entire cast will bo in the finale. were Isaac Cherry grand secretary, Finn Technique— Concert Was For in the ordinance and it will be in- work of "The Regional Plan for tho Tho annual meeting of tho Baptist Donald Sargent deputy grandmaster, St. Anthony's Church. City of New York," prepared by tha Side," Acbury Park and Union Beach; number of callers on Saturday and association of New Jersey began at Tho performers wtll be.costumed and troduced at the next, meeting. "Sweet Adeline," Leonardo; and Sunday. On Monday Mrs. Throck- special drops will be installed at the nnd William Curchin of Rrfd' Bank, St. James's high school auditorium Tho matter of a storm sewer in the Russell Kagn Foundation. Atlantic City Monday and It will con- district deputy. Other s^Late officials "There Alnt No Wives With Us," morton observed her birthday. clude today. One of tho features Is hall for the performance. Fred G. waa filled to seating capacity Thurs- Oceanic section was again brought to I earnestly request your support! Rosevlllo. Muslo was provided by Capt. Throckmorton, and his two Steelman, principal of the school, will present were Walter Coles, deputy day night by an appreciative audience the attention of the commissioners by for freeholder at the coming election a Seizes of three pageants entitled grand, secretary, and District Depu- Larry Laroa's orchestra. A vocal solo brothers, John S. Throckmorton and "Baptist Growth In New Jersey." havo general charge of tho show. which listened to a very elaborate Dennis Byrne. A private drainage and I promise to be as progressive aa was rendered by Howard Mallan o£ Mr. Skllllng Is directing the entire ties William A. Kelly i and Stanley Dr. Dunbnr Throckmorton, wero own- Tho Holmdol Baptist church Is tho musical program ^iven for the benefit system has been installed on the Eor- the economic condition of oup coun- Leonardo. Marjorio Jones, daughter ers of the former Merchants steam- production and so far tickets have Rtultz. The lodge has among Its of St. Anthony's church. The princi- den property and the officials have ty will warrant. • ot Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Jones of oldest church of that denomination been rapidly sold. members William M. Thompson, past boat company, which ,was sold sev- in New Jersey, and a number of pal feature of the program waa the been waiting to determine the effect Red Bank, sang two songs entitled eral years ago to a concern which, Tho school children who will take grand master, and several pastmas- piano renditions of Glauco D'Attilll, it will have on drainage conditions Holmdel Baptists are taking part in tcrs. The meeting was attended by Monmouth county ia nearlng. Ita "Helgh-Ho Everybody" and "Honey." operates boats between Now York part are Vivian Sayre, Thelma Sam- an eight-year-old artiat of Rome, in that vicinity. Tho officials will legal limit of bonded indebtedness. She made a hit. tho pageants to depict tho early his- about 100 Masons. and Graham beach on Staten Island,. tory of the church. Those taking part ple, Isabello Kenna, Helen- Pfistcr, Italy. , make an investigation after tho next For that reason I am advocating a Samuel B. Silberblatt of Highlands, Their father, James S. Throckmorton, aro Rev. and Mrs. John Sherman, Adglo Griffith, Dorothy Parker, Mar- Harry C. Sicbcr, principal of the The program was opened by an ad- storm to determine if it is necessary county regional plan. The county is deputy district governor, was toast- started thn boat lino and Capt. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Holmes," Mrs. jorio Griffith, Helen Whitehurst, Red Bank high school, is master of dross by Rev. Nicholas Soriano, rec- to install the storm se.wer. growing rapidly but this growth ia master. Rov. Lcroy Dlllcncv, pastor Charles E. Throckmorton began his Chrlney S. Holmes, Mrs. Flora Thomas Erb, Otis Mabb, Floyd Rush, the new lodge. Ralph J. Parkell of tor of St. Anthony'3 church. Father In a letter Chester Packer reported controlled by each municipality sep- of the Eatontown Presbyterian career in the Bteamboat business Holmes, Mrs. Rhoda Holmes, Mrs. Hampton Andrews, Raymond Wil- Monmouth Beach is senior warden, Soriano gave a short address in Eng- that the bulkhead at the foot of Lin- F.iatcly without any uniform plan. church, delivered tho invocation. when ho was ton years old. Ho and Howard Wagner, Mra. Taylor Hance, liams, George Winning, Dorothy Win- M. Floyd Smith of Fair Haven jun- lish, which was followed by a more coln avenue In West Park has been There is no comprehensive plan in Short remarks wero made by Clar- Mrs. Tlirockmorton are enjoying ex- Mrs. William Pitcher, Mrs. Bronson ning, , Francis Aumack, ior warden, William H. Elliott secre- elaborate talk in Italian. Father Sor- washed away. operation and each individual need Is ence C. Pilling, president of tho Rum- cellent health. Butler, Samuel Gothard and Edwin Helen Terry, Nelson Warren, Alice tary and James D. Otterson treas- iano expressed to his audience the handled as tho necessity arises. uon Lions club; Eugono'Magoo, pres- Cheek.. Conway, Anthony Siciliano, Charles urer. Other officers are, George H. great need of encouraging youthful It is common practice for candi- Quinh, Aline Brown, Patty Seely, Wilson senior deacon, Henry Ely ident of tho Rod Bank Lions club; W. Tho ancient namo of Holmdel was talent. He told of Italy's piano prodi- dates for public office to promise tax Warron Barbour, mayor of Rumson; Maude Rush, Ruth Smith, Florence junior doacon, Fred S. Hayes senior gy and at the close of his remarks A MISSIONARY BANQUET. reduction but they rarely caro to tallc Baptlstown and It got this name be- Kelly,' Eleanor Noe, Katharine Rog- master of ceremonies, Edmund Vom- Carl Banwart of Newark, stato scc- CHANGES AMONG PRIESTS. cause nearly everyone who lived introduced the young artist. about tho manner in which ,tax re- rotary; Samuel Rothsleln of Union ers, Margaret Aumack, Mildred Rid- Steeg, Jr., junior master of cere- ANNUAL EVENT OF LITTLE SIL- duction can be effected. I do not Beach,- a state director, and Samuel there was a Baptist. Tho earliest rec- dle, Rosella Taylor, Mario Wolcott, monies, Wellington Wilkins senior The boy is^ very small for his years FATHER JOHN C. FAKRELL ord of a Baptist church at Holmdel and in order to sit at the piano prop- VER SOCIETY. promise to reduce'taxes within one Lovlno of Loijg Branch. Ralphio Tomanlo, Caroline Garafola, steward, Joseph Valleau junior stew- year if elected, but I believe that If is In 1668, but It to said that the Bap- Annabello VanDasscl, Leonard Joline, ard, and J. Stanley Farrar organist. erly it was necessary to have a spe- Rev. Charles F. Mayhow of New- GOES TO MAPLE SHADE, tists used to hold services provious to o. county plan is formulated, enor- Richard Winning, Walter Hogrofe, cial pedal attachment so that his feet Over 100 Fersons Attended Banquet 1 ark, the principal speaker, gavo. a that time at private homes. mous savings coulld be effected hy 1 IScv. John limlte, Formerly of Key- Eugene Glittenberg, Arthur Cot- could reach the pedals. It was also GJven Friday Night at St. John's flno address on tbo topic "Llonlsm." In those early days Holmdel town- DANCE AND MUSIC STUDIO. .. necessary to havD the piano stool Parish House by the Wenonnii Mis- ppemttng puWle luni)3 tor permanent Me »a)a NBB' ileraw, wWob )s Known port, to the New Jlccror ol tho Par- greave, Ralph Johnson, Edward An- ship was part of Middletown town- derson, Carley Garafola, Evelena raided aa high as possible so that sionary Society—Two New MemberH improvements that fit in with a com-. as tho Garden state, waa not only ish. There—I<'ivr HIIIB Pastor to New Business Opened In the Carlton prehensive scheme. Conic to New Monmouth. ship and the Holmdel church was Doan, Dorothy Chatlin, Phyllis Mil- his arms would be level with the notod for its wondorful truck gar- known as the Middletown Baptist Theater Building. keys. The boy rendered selections The annual banquet of the We- Tho regional plan could be drawn dens, but also for its industries and ler, .Juliet Miller, Dolly Mazza,. Ruth nonah missionary society of Little Sil- Father John Charles Farrell, cur- church. Subsequently a Baptist Mabb, Lenora Clark, Edith McQueen, William Phelan of Morganvillc and entirely from memory and according to tit in with the plans of the various Highways. He also said that tho stato ate at St. James's church under tho church was established at Middle- to music/il experts his rendition was ver was held last Friday night at' municipalities and our entire county 'with Its 123 miles of coastline la tho Shirley Miller, Florence Rowland, Michael Sherry of JCeyp.orV • havo St. John's parish house and was at- loto Father Dennis J. Dugan, has town village. Both tho Holmdel and Dorothy Wolcott, Dorqthy Frazior, opened a studio for voice culture and perfect, his notes being .sharp and would be functioning as a^unlt. • plpyground of tho world. been appointed rector of tho Maple the Middletown churches wero in clear. A feature of his program was tended by mere than 100 members Dorothy Walker, Margaret Maxwell, dancing instruction in ono of the and guests. ,,Tho parish house was There should not be petty jealousy ••' jferrlng to tho growth of tho .Shade- Catholic church in Burlington same parish. They had the samo pas- playing a selection blindfolded and among our municipalities. There la p ,:b ho said that it Is estimated that Doris Baden, Ha Garafola, Grace Carlton building apartments on Mon- decorated with autumn leaves, flow- 1 county to replace Rev. Leo Dlneen, tor and tho same church officials. Brechsteln, Doi'othy Wagner, Mar- mouth Dtreet, formerly occupied by with the keys of the piano'covered enough growth in sight to afford Wow Jersey will havo a population ot who .fins been transferred to Far with a cjoth. This brought forth ers and Hallowe'en decorations. This dual arrangement continued garet White, Virginia Hathaway, the Sally Ann Lee beauty parlor. Ex- Black and. orange streamers and prosperity for all. Wo must, how- 30,000,000 by 1950. When the,-new Hills. Bishop John J. McMahon of much applause; ever, plan this growth under control nridgo between Fort Lee and New until 1836, when because of increas- Joanna Warren, Mitzl Kellengi, Ruth hibition end sooial dancing will be lighted Jack-o-lanterns made the the Trciiton diocese announced sev- ing membership the two churches Chasey and Florence Winning. taught in adUitlon to instruction in The boy artist was assisted on the to effect tho desired result. York is completed It will mean an eral transfers last week and they .stage attractive. On the tables were separated. ' The church at Holmdel limbering and reducing. Mr. Phelan program by hi3 father, who is also Hallowe'on favors and napkins. Tbc There is enough waste land In Mon- additional population of 300,000 in will go Into effect immediately. took .the name of the Holmdel Bap- m uth Bergon county .alone. Mr. May hew HOLBROOK OFFKRS TROPHY. will have charge of the dancing a talented pianist, and by MaTgherita dinner consisted of boiled ham, scal- ° th'" tlmoto Bald that at present 520,000 men wero Father Farrell was a curato at tist church and tho Middletown classes and Mr. Sherry will conduct Grova and Guiseppe Rischiglian, vo- loped potatoes, baked beans, cabbage I vide a beautiful system of county ongaged In Industries In this stato, Trenton after ho left Red Bank and church took the name of the village tho voice culture work. The business cal artists. After tho close of the sauce, apple sauce, biscuits, ice parks. Some land can be purchased he later became assistant to tho late where It Is located. Most historians Prize Worth .$3,flOO to bo Awarded En as low as five dollars per acre. How' Within tho next flvo yqars he said will be known as the "Sherry Phelan musical program two hours of danc- cream, cake and coffee. Father Joseph J. Llnnano at St. Jo- refer to tho Middletown church as Speedboat Event Studio." 'ing were enjoyed. long prices will remain at. this level lho Pennsylvania railroad will spend A short business meeting was held. J seph's parish at Kcyport. He has tho oldest Baptist church Jn..Ji£W. -.Gerald Holbrook and Thomas - S. Mr. Phelan is augraduate of~trW *fPh^»Hectionsrendered by the boy • no - one- ean-^ayH*-Muw''llitey"ttnre»"~ **' V150,000,000 and the telephone com been In charge of the Keyport "church Jersey," but *H61mdet'~B*apitTsts who Kdmund Ayers,' the president, wasrln havo you heard citizens of munici- \iany $125,000,000 on extensions and Field, Jr., were delegates from the Freehold high school and he took artist were: charge. Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Ken- .since Father Llnnono's death. Father have looked up tho matter say this Red Bank yacht club at tho annual an engineering course at Cornell uni- palities without parks say, "I reroern- ; improvements. 1W Mayhcw stated is a mistake. They-say that tho dis Prelude from II English Suite Bach nerly joined the society as honorary Dineen wa» at one time assistant to T meeting o.f ,the American Power Boat versity. He later entered the news- Rondo Cnpriccioso: Cantabilc-Preato ber the time when this land In ttlo that it was up to such organizations Monsignor Frederick Kivclltz of Unction of being the oldest Baptist members. . Rev. Mr. Kennerly is rec- center of the city was offered for •> na tho Lions club to propavo man- association laat Thursday at New paper business and since 1924 he has . . . . Mendelssohn tor of St. John's chapel. Tho meet- Freehold. church In New Jersey really belongs York. Mr. Holbrook, who Is commo- done exhibition dancing at cabarets Dream of Love Linte pa rk for $5,000 or $6,000. Now it Can- hood for this anticipated growth and to the Holmdel church, but that on ing was followed by a program con- Father John Burke, an assistant at dore of the yacht club, offered a per- and hotels and has taken part in Ffnrcarolo Tsclmikowski sisting of a talk by Rev. Mr. Ken- not bo bought for $250,000." 'W« ho urged them to bo ready for days account of tho change made in the Dells of Moscow ..,.: Rachmaninoff should not givo the coming genera- that are ahead. Ho said tho world Is Keyport about fifteen years ago and petual trophy worth $3,000 as a prize vaudeville and produqtions. He is now nedy, a saxophone solo by Willard pastor of the Catholic church at name- In 1830, -most folks forgot that in the unlimited class for speedboats. Jtustlo of Spring Sindimr tions an opportunity to speak in thU going forward all tho time and that if connected with the LeQuorne dance Mandoline Thome Ivins, accompanied by Mrs. George Swedesboro the last several years, •tho Holmdel church antedated the studio at New York. manner of our county park system. ' two generations arc alike there is one at Middletown village. The trophy will rank in importance Valse in E Minor (Op. 14 Post.) Chopin Ivins; a baritone solo by Rev. Leroy something wrong with tho second ling been appointed rector of St. Jo- with the Gold Cup and tho Harms- Mr. Sherry studied music ten years The Fauns Chamin'adc Dillener "of Eatontown, accompanied It may be shown after careful plan- generation. seph's parish. Father Thomas Ma- worth trophies. It will be awarded under Dudley Buck of New York Symphony from Gazza Lndr.i (four by Miss Ella King; recitations by ning that the county finances will,not her of Far Hills will como to St. Lawrence F. Kramer of Paterson, ORANGE AFTER NEW MEMBERS from year to year to the winner of and he has taken part in the plays ' hand.?) Rossini Miss Dorothy Seeley, a contralto solo permit a system of parka or other Im- Mary's parish at New Monmouth to the Red Bank yacht club sweepstakes 'The Student Prince" and "The Love GInuco D'AUilli nnd His Father. by Mrs. Bronson Butler, accompanied provements at this time. Then such district governor of New Jersey 1111 the vacancy caused by the death Lions clubs, stated that tho first Fred ConUIln Spoke) on Tarlfl at a to be hold on the Shrewsbury river at Song." Last year he toured the coun- Father Soriano expressed his by Mrs. George Ivins; a violin solo improvements will be delayed, until of Father John Sullivan. Father Meeting Last Thursday. Rod Bank. Tho only restriction in .try with a Gilbert & Sullivan vaude- thanks and that of his parishioners by Miss Dorothy West, accompanied some future date. The plan would Lions club was organized in 1917 and Cosgrove, a curato at Perth Amboy, that today thoro are 2,000 clubs with this' contest is that the boats must ville act. His wife conducts the "Ola to all those who in ony way assisted by Mrs. Kirby; and ,a solo by Mrs. show practically all of its problems has been transferred to Trenton, Tho Shrewsbury grange launched have not more than ono motor. for a period of twenty or twenty-five n. total membership of 80,000. In Now its membership drlvo Thursday night, Bidwell Sherry" music studio at Key- In making the concert such a great: J. William Hine, acqompanied by Ed- whero ho will bo assistant at the Tho Rea.Bank yacht^ club is en- port. . win Hobbs. years, and public monies (commen- Jersoy there aro sixty clubs. Mr. Church--of the Sacred Heart. Father at a meeting at Raymond Conklin's success. Kramer then presented tho charter deavoring to havo the Gold Cup races «-*-» , A boquet of roses was presented by surate with reasonable taxes) would Finn of Spring Lake will take Father on tho I?ennedy farm at Nutswamp. be- expended where the need was «• to tho Rumson club. Aa tho presen- A social time was enjoyed after a take place at Red Bank next sum- BIG REPUBLICAN RALLY. FOK FAKM WELFARE. Miss Marie Wilby, secretary of the Cosgrove'a place at Perth Amboy. mer. They will be held either on acute. tation was mado tho chartor mem- Rev. John Caton of Riverside, for- fchort business meeting. Tho mem- society, to Mrs. Fred L. Ayers, a for- bers of tho club stood before tho bers will convene again Thursday- the Shrewsbury river hero or on Man- Candidates and Other Speakers to be Stuto Grange Representatives Met mer president. Tho society's next We would, however, still bo work- merly of St. Gabriel's parish at hassot bay. The selection of the speakers' table. Kdward A. Collins Eradevelt, has received the pastor- night, November 14th, at tho home at Highlands Friday Night. at Trenton J>st Week. meeting will be held November 29th ing toward the final fulfillment of place will bo made shortly. tho plan even though only a small of Rumson presented an American ship at Florence. of George Ivins of Rumson. Walter V. Fields of Colt's Neck, at Mrs. A. E. Wilde's. flag to the Rumson club and It was A big Republican rally will be portion was completed each year. Fred Conklln gave a short talk on staged at the Auditorium theater at John D. Forman and Edward Courts accepted by Mr. Pilling. The pre- tariff last week, Henry C McLean Attended Collego Debate. of Jerseyville and William Ward of Sisters Aro Prize Winners. I have not worked out an outlln* sentation was followed by thn singing Highlands Friday night of this weelft for a regional plan but I will list some 0A CLASS ELECTION. road an article on grange work and Jessie Frost, Dorothy Mazza, Sam- All of the county Republican candi- Freehold represented the Jorseyville Misses Marie and Catherine Scott of tho "Star Spangled Banner." 1 of the problems to bo embraced: Russell Leonard told of the recent uel Druy, Grace Getty, Elizabeth dates aro expected to bo on hand to grange at a meeting of tho legis- of Tinton Falls won ilrst prize for Florence! ]HncI)onnld President of raco meet on tho Amory L. Haskell Powers, Dorothy Lippincott, Doris make addresses and all of the Repub- lative committee of the granges of wearing the best costumes at a Hal- (1) Comprehensive: study of plan* Junior High School Grade. lowe'en parly held by a Freehold A NOVEMBKtt BIUDE. farm at Chapel Hill. Others at the Wllman, Sara "Ylvisakeiy, Louise lican units in the county will be rep- New Jersey at Trenton last week. for present and future stato roads. Oflicers elected by tho DA class of meeting wore Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jacoubs, Harry Tarzlan and Evelyn resented. Judge Carey of Hudson The legislative committee considered lodge last Friday night. Tho two (2) Contemplated study \>l federal the Rod Bank junior high school are G. Leonard, Mrs. McLean, Mrs. Conk- Walder of the Red Bank senior high county will make an address. Music various suggestions for the improve- sisters were'attired as a newly mar- and stato improvements, such M Miss Dorothy Oakley Will Havo a ried couple, Miss Marie Scott being Quiet Wedding Next Week. Florence MacDonald president, Clare lln. and Mrs. Ivins. school attended a debate at New .jvijl .be.f.urnis.hwL.a.nd, there will also ment of agricultural interests and it Manasquan Inlet, Raritan Bay, Doln- ws'- vteo-prealdcnty Chester Forrar Yor ic • Thursday i iieii v'' "Ufi'M ecu" "C6- bo moving pictures. recommended several measures for •drcaacd tin thegroonr and-Mtu-.s Cath- 'Svar'Ri'i'ilverVi)'ropo'scd''tidiew'a'ter'c'iailiBl erine Scott as the bride. "Mlss'Iiorolhy OaliTey, 'daughter'61 secretary and Chndwick Hcndrickson , Hoof Protection. lumbla and Oxford universities. Tho enactment into law by the state leg- —this proposed canal is practically B. Irving Oakley of Chestnut street, islature. The Jerseyville grange has outside of our county, but ita influ- treasurer. Miss Sceley is tho class Olson roofs applied correctly over party was in charge of Carl Kail of GREAT TEAROOM SERVICE. Absolutely Free will bo married to Lewis Lowry of advisor. Alice Cook and James Gib- old wood and slate shingles give 100% tho English department. a largo number of Colt's Neck resi- ence would bo felt. Seattlo, Washington, Saturday after- Two rectangular heavy galvanized bons wero chosen members of the protection against storms and are a The Flvo Corners at Llncroft Fea- dents in ita membership. tanks, 275 gallon capacity each, in (3) Complete plan of county noon at a quiet home wedding by safeguard against lire. Monthly pay- tures AH Homo Cooking. executive) commltt'co and there was a A Saving 1 , cxctiption&Uy • good ^OTiiiUion, -wuV \>o | Kov. Iota A. Hayes oi trie Rfcu BanYi- tla -Voto between'' X>orl3t 'Eurleh' andments avrav\getL Every 5°t> ia guar- ot len per 'cent" Mv Christmas, cards, .:We- Viavo in.,tearoom European Experts given awaynhsalutrty without charge (1) Future needs of courity prison. Fresbytorian church". • A reception anteed ten years;" Olson Hoofing Co., with your name printed, engraved or nnd regular dining service, specializ- Kenneth VanBrunt for third mem- Atlantic Highlands, phono 540. oi^thc Spanish Beauty Salon guaran- to the first party that will remove (a) Complete data on prison will bo held at the Oakley home and ber of tho committee. plateless embossing, on all orders, re- ing in luncheons and dinners and ca- tco that your hair will be beautiful them at once from the basement of farms (locations'! etc.). after a abort wedding trip tile cou- Branches: Asbury Park, Newark, N. ceived beforo December 1st. At tering to banquets and all kinds of y Tho Register bviiiding without any J. "We are roofing New Jersey.— parties. Always home cooking. Am- with ono of their wonderful perma- g g y (b) Investigation as to possibility ple vwl!l reside at Red Bank. either ono of our stores, Trubin's Sta- cost or responsibilitibilit y to Th RoRdd I Rest and Dino at Mother's. Advertisement. tionery nnd Olllee Supplies, or Tru- ple room, music and dancing. Our nent waves, which they offer at the of employing prison labor to Mr. Lowry is a son of L. Paul Low- special price of $5.00. Artistic finger:—I3ank Register. FFiryi t come, ilrst I Just a renl atmonphere for home bin's Art Kraft Shoppc. Choice gifts prices are the most reasonable. Five We need tile build county parks. ry arid ho has been employed at ra- coolcing, just like mother used to do. Business Opportunity. for all occasions. Red Bank.—Ad- Corners Tearoom at Llncroft, under waves $1,00, hair cuts 50 cents. All I served. Act quick, (n) Study ot plan to handle rural dio research work the'last two and If you want that kind of food, served Twenty-six car capacity garago; es- the innnagement of Charles F. Couch, tho work in beauty culture at very ! room.—Advertianmmit. tablished battery business completely vcrtlsemcnt. reasonable rates. For appointment | V^^^T" pedestrian traillc on heavy tralno a half years by tho American tele- as you would like to havo it, make successor to Edward Boughton. Tel- Voto For routes. (This problem, often rldl" it your habit to oat at Mother's Din- equipped; living quarters on second ephone Red Bank 2820.—Advertise- call Red Bank 2312.-—Advertisement. pHfino and telegraph dorhpany at floor; six rooms and bath, hot water Special Sale Ellwood B. Ivins, a member of tho culcd, must be met In tho near fu- Cllffwood. Miss Oakley has been em- ing Room, 20 Wallace street, Red of the most delicious coffee you have ment. Red Bank real estate board, for as- Bnnk. Luncheons and dinners a spe- heat for entlro building; lot 75x125. ever drank at 35 cents per pound. — ^ Justice ol (ho Pence. sessor of the Borough of Rod Bank ture, as the deaths due to nccldontB ployed at tho Red Bank Eocial sorv- Excollcnt opportunity for responsible Criminal and civil cases given havo increased enormously.) cialty. Open Sundays and holidays. party. Inquiro A. C. Rees, postoftlco This Is tho first time out In Red Clrtm Chowder. on November 5th, 1920.— Advertise- lco oillco on Pearl street. Mrs. Caroline Bray, proprietor.—Ad- Bank and absolutely new Imported On election clay at tho Holmdel prompt and careful attention. Otllee ment. di) Plans for future operation and vertisement. building, Matawan, N.. J.—Advertise- open from 7:00 A. M. until 8:00 P. M. (I'ai't for by Ellwood B. Ivins Commuted.) ment. , _ goods. New Jersey Grocery Co., 114 Baptist chapel. Luncheon or full din- doily except Sunday. Gilbert M extension of cuunty institutions. Toiler's for ChrlstmuH Cards. Monmouth street, Red Bank.—Adver- ner at twelve o'clock, noon. Supper (7) study of county park system* Alugts.trato'8 Court Keith, 2 Wallace street. Red Bank, Havo you ordered your greeting Marcel Wave B0 Cents. tisement. at five o'clock.—Advertisement. ' next to Western Union.—Advertise- Order Christmas Cards Now. (a) Those grounds would prob- cards yet? You can select formal for Monmouth county. All com- Given by expert lady attendants. Select now when you have leisure plulnts promptly Investigated. Bad Lot Us Give- You Better Work ment. . ably bo left in natural statft cards, dignified and chaste, .t>r gay By malo attendant $1.00. Phone 2024 Dnnco- Every Night to look for just the card you wish. until it was financially es- colorful ones, ablaze- with Christmas accounts and checks collected. Day for an appointment today. Mon- and better service in shoe repairing. nt the San Romo, Ocean ftvenue, Every Wednesday Night Let. lid process engrave nr engrave cheer. And by ordering now you nnd night service. Justice Elmer C. mouth Keauty Parlor and Barber Repairing done while you wait or West End. Music by Schury's orches- Is Victor. night at Tustlng's. Mon- from plate your nanlo. Do it now. podient to develop them for- will escape the hurry and confusion Woinrlglit. 4 Patterson avonuo (near Shop, 100 Monmouth street, Red while you aro shopping. Grand's Shoe tra. Reserve your tables for New mouth street, near Brond street. Totley's 17 Hroad street, Rod Hank.— mally. Brond street). Shrewsbury, N. J., tele- Repairing Shop, 28 West Front street. of-lost minute'orders. Tetley's, 17 phone <1. At HI Broad street, Red Bank, N. J.—Advertisement. Years eve.—Advertisement. Radios, rolls, orthophonlc vlctrolas, Advertisement. Tho development of Biich a plan Brond street, Red Bank.—-Advertlsc- Bank, by appointment only.—Adver- Rod Bank, just opposite bua waiting rqcords and pre-eminent makes of would make public expenditures for 1 mcnt' -£ Tractors: McCormlcIc, Dcorlng, room.—Advertisement. Moth-Prnof Bags Free upright and grand pianos. Bring tho Arndstien Dance periiKint'iicy and toward ono general Farmall, Wallls and Bolden's. Also given to those having their summer family tonight.--Advertisement given by Rumsun lire company auxil- Voto lor iary at Holy Hosary linli, Jliver road, (.bjective. Gunning Signs. >' several used Ifordsons. S. P. Cono- C-Drive-It garments dry-cleaned. Leon'H, 70 It would enable tho county officiate Ellwood B.,.a mombor of the ver & Bro., sales and service, Wlcka- Ront a car—drive It yourself. Hud- Whito street,—Advertisement. New Hat Mocking Machines. I\unurt in™. A linn llne ;t period of tlmo, duo to over-expend* Top Noll, Fill Dirt. Second National Bnnk building, dinner, $2.50. Patten nvenuo, Long Dancing Taught. For Afternoon Weddings. rndlng of all kinds, ulao roadways Branch.—Advertisement. Tap, toe, ballet, etc.; private. Also Pick Jack Quinn to winV Frock suits for hire; Tuxedoes also. U IUt " §ullt; Lakowood sand, wnnhed gra- phono Red Bank 2100.—Advertise- tiiui approach to the bonded limit. ment. • ^-*-» • , classes, 50 cents. Special boys' tap Then- go vote for him. P. T. Jlannlno, 07 Hiond street, Red vel, Blag, cinders, bluo Btono. Prices class Thursdays. Kathleen Mender- M«»q«i'nulo Suits, I'urty r'uvora, We can luivo public Improvemonto . *»-*~^ Ilowaro of lho Moth. — Ar,i.'al. Kiiwnrd M. tisement. '"_ street, phono 1545.—Advertisement. (Pnld for by Independent Committee.) Tor Sale. Keep a bottle of Mnyplnks In tho I Dank.—Advertisement. Soda water, all fiuvora, mnlt bev- Andy Gump flays "Oh, Miji!... Miller & Company. Occunport ttvrn If you voto for Quinn Pianos and Service erages and distilled water. BenJ. H. house for an emergency.—Advertise- lie's TToni'st Jack Quinn mil', phono Long' Bmni'h 382QV-Ad* Fuller Mriishrs. ment. We'll vote for Jack Quinn.", volt Isfniont. ^ You help him to win. Phono or write William H. John- tho best Dlrhan'o Piano Shop, Crato, 14 North Brldgo avenue. Red —Advertisement. Ky all vviu^, know him. —Advertisement. • ' Drummond place, Red Bonk, phono. Bank, phono 1485.—Advertisement. (PnlU fur liy Indfiu'liilfnt Committee.) - Advertisement. stone, 21 Westsidc avenue, phono Red 033.—AdvertlsomonL Next Tuesday hegln ' VlnllliifC rhlni|lodl»(. (Paul for by Independent C.ommittoe.') llonk HS>0-W.—Advertisement. By .voting for .Quinn. (I'ui.l Tur tiy Iml.'iuMiilrAt Cmn.niltL'C.) rtr. I''ranccs C'otfho Caaler WlH —: •**-* The Auniml Supper <—Advertisement. ( lirktiims Cards. ninko nppuintinentN by' tolfljiliono tn And bazar of tho Marlboro Reformed Typewriter lloadiiu.u Iris. T "Null Said." Moody's. Change your smile to a grin Portor Bros., Tree Exports. (I'jild for l.y Independent Committee.) Order now when you have n great- t'omti to you when rinpilod. l<'i6VUQnn Moody's Hhoo Repair Shop, L'G Me- Spraying, pruning, cavity filling, church will bo held in the.clmpol No- er variety to select from. A lino line Typewriters rented, bought nnd By voting 'for Quinn. land clearing. Phono Rumson 323.— vember Oth, 102!). Supper uerved^at Chlcltrn Snlnd Supper sold. Trubin'3, 58 Urond struct, lied r'.aUtMtovvii -1*7 liflwtin H.00 1\ Mfv chanic Btrcct. Rod Dnnk.—Advertise —XdvurtlsoiriVnt." at all prices at The Register otlice — I'.iink.—Advertisement. anil 10:00 P. M. Ailvfit ment Advertisement f,:30—Advertisement. tonight nt Llncrtift chapel.' First Advertisement. ^^ U'IIIII /ur l,y Imlepomlcnt Committee.) serving at r>:;i0.—AdvertiHcmcnt. Fill'tho ballot box brim ^-«-» — Gold, money or tin You'io rammltlliw; no r|r» Will) votes for Jack Quinn. Fotlny'H for Typewriters Take your enr for a spin * He'll bo Senator Quinn Every unit her and kin When you vuto Cm tju'im, And go voto for Quinn. If you,vote for him, 'Ogden Sign Co. Turn.out for Jack Quinn. Will never tempt Quinn. —Advertisement. nnd adding machines. 17 Broad -Advertisement. Estimates. Phone Keansburg 645. —Adveitisemcnt. —Advertisement. •-AilVi'rllmiircnt street, Bed Bank,—Advertisement* —Advertisement, .. (I'old for by Imlcvouucnt Cumrolltoe.K 1'm'l f«r l>y lu-Kw .(Paid lor by. Independent OommitUit}.) (Fald for by Independent Committed) .(Pahl for by Independent Committee.) —Advertisement. ! (Void for by IiiL'beiulont Committee.) Page T*o> .RED BAtiK REGISTER, OCTOBER 80.1929. FATAL ADTO ARDENT. KEANSBIIBO NEWS. pany, Is under charter by the federal UNCROFT GIBL SCOUT TROOP. government, plying between Ellis I»- Moiitroso Womun Diet* .|Q Hospital Outboard Motorboat Club to Spend mnd and the Battery, carrying im- The Orianlmtion la Pint of It* Kind Alter Crash on Highway. $3,(HIO*on Clubhouse. migrants. The regular steamer la un- in Mlddletown Township. Whether you order in August or Mrs. Delia' Clark, wife of Jolin bile collision .shortly before that on club will build an addition to Its Mrs. William HaEteadt entertained tain of the Red Bank girl scout troop. COLD • • ttin l<>o-chol

'4 We Deliver Price reductions: In all departments including groceries, fresh fruits and vegetables, also fresh and smoked meats, by the member stdires that have meat markets connected with their '4 grocery stores. * . >• . 4 SALE EFFECTIVE FROM OCTOBER 31st TO NOVEMBER 6th TILTON'S CLICQUOT CLUB g\ I Grade

GINGEPale Dry or GoldeRn ALE£ 1 Lb. Aii-tight. tin PASTEURIZED Walter Bakers \[ IL Cn, 17. U. S. G. Coffee will now be sold in 1 Lb. air-tight cans, assuring you COCOA 72 ">• WC of the uniformity; of fine flavor at all times. •> Small Pkg. PRESTO Franco-Amsncan Spaghetti, MILK 3 Cans 29c Cake Flour u*. Beardsley'a Shredded Codfish, Self Raising 2 Pkgs 25c To Your Home Every Van Camp's Light iMeat Tuna Octogan Soap, full size cake, 5 for 23c Fish, Can 19c Day in the Year Super Suds, 3 pkgs.,...... a,;.... . 25c New Dromadary Dates, fg^ Large Pkg. l'.:.....20c Parson's Household Ammonia, Sun Maid Seedless Raisins, ECAUSE Tilton's Grade "A" Milk is delivered to your home every day, Large Qt. Bottle, 29c; Medium Pt Bot. 18c 2 Packages '. 23c in the year, you can depend upon always having on hand the one brand Fancy Pink Salmon, tall can.... 19c B of milk known from Keyport to Barnegat as the creamiest, purest and Weston English Quality Flag Fancy Shrimp, glass,ea...29c most delicious for all purposes. Biscuits, 1 Lb. Pkg. . Fancy Yellow Onions, 3 lbs. 10c 12 Varieties in Each Package Wheatsworth Whole Wheat Crackers, 2 Pkgs 25c From the dairy to your Home, Tilton's MHK Budweiser Malt Syrup H. F. Fancy Blue Rose Rice, 3 lbs. 20c is brought to you with endless care as to fresh* Light or Dark Gold Medal Pure Vanilla, ness and purity—just as though our reputation Large Bottle ...... 19c for quality dairy products won during the last My-t-Fine Chocolate Des- 32 years was at stake in every bottle. sertorD.&C. Pie Filling Goff'sCdligh "•— Try . Leader Coffee, Fine Flavor Syrup, bot. Choice cows, grazing on Ocean and Mori- TILTON'S mouth County pastures—model dairies located MiJd Drinking^ lb. A f eaipoon Siii) at night prevent* " croup. Extra Selected near your home and quick deliveries—all play a; Eggs part in bringing you milk infinitely more whole- 1 some, sweeter and fresher. Drink Tilton's Oar Best Grade "A" Pasteurized Milk every day. The children love it. It costs no more. Write or phone us today.

Distributors of Suitable For AS! Occasions WALKER-GORDON PRODUCTS THE FOLLOWING is A LIST OF NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF THE UNITED SERVICE GROCERS MEMBERS STORES: These strictly fresh eggs will also be delivered daily to your home. Uni- Tilton's Dairies are also distributors in this section of Stores Located in CHARLES LANDA TUNIS H. LANE I. M. WALLING form, large size. Order direct or the state of the well known Walker-Gordon'.Certified' Red Bank: Atllintifl Ki'ononly Store ill.T St., near Buy Avc 19 Main St..' through any Tillon representative. 78 First Avo., Highlands, N. J. Ecnnsburg. N. 1, Milk for infants; Acidophilus Milk and the other fa- Vtlnntlo Hlghlnnds, N. ,1 Tel. Highlands I2IC. TcL Heaiisburg 610. GEORGE W. BRAY mous Walker-Gordon dairy products. 8 East ..front St. TeL A. H. 28-J. FRANCIS KILDUFF TcL B. B. 508. OSCAR A. KEMMERER Leonardo, N. J. E. RUNYON M^DREW CITARELLA 285 Buy Ave., TcL At Highlands 211. 73 Monmouth St. Bel ford, N. J. Highlands, N. J. i ToL B. B. 042. FRED W. MEYERS XcL Kennshurg S3. Tel Uiehlunda 1109. • LU1G1 NANNINI - White llouso Store. l!)(l Lclehton Ave. ROBERT B. RORKE Ccntro St, TcL B.B. 11133. GEORGE SCHMIDT Leonardo, N. J. .» 217 Sceley Ave, Nilvc.'iiiiU and I.lndcn Avcs., •ToL At. IllgbJands 418. McNAIR'S MARKET HighlaiidM, N. J. . I» E, Front 6t TILTON'S CITY DAIRY CITARELLA BROS. TcL E. B. 372. TeL Hlgiilmids 1177. TcL Kenasburf on. Littla Silver, K. J. 805 Second Avenue WM. F. REILLY JOHN A2ZOLINA ToL Bed B.*n!i 3484. 4 21 Fcarl St. T. M. GILES TeL B. a (H8-A. 35 MUIcr SL. liray nnd Thnmiison Avoa., LUCIAN D'ANTHONY Highlands, N. J. • ASBURY L. M. THOMPSON Kast Keansburg, N. J. Mlddlctown, N. J. f RED BANK J1S5 Sbr^wHlmry Ave . Tel Kcaiisljurg 52X>- ToL Mlddlotonn 273. LAKEWOOD Tel. Asbury Park 7575 Xel. It a Iltfi-lV. OTTO GAUTSCHY FRED J. FINNERTY * 224 Second Street •'f\ iBroad Street GEORGE C. WOLF 188 idiy Ave.,: v FRANK HERTLE H nivcr Itcnd, Tel Red Bank 30 Hudaon Ave. tuid Ilti'i'ding ltd. Ill«lil:niils, X ,1. lljizlcl, N. ,1. Hunison, N. J. Tel. Lakewood 82 Tel. ft- 11. 2072. Tel. Ilicliliinils Vliio, TcL-'l(cv|i«rt 938 TcL Ilnmson 318.

{'..- • --;.•.«'• RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 30, 1929. Page Thret 1 . COLORED DOCTOB SUES. UNION BEACH NEWS. Union Beach' Lions club, Mr. and Mra. J. Frlewald, Sadie West and Ho Wants to Vw Albury Fwrk Bath- About' 46 Children From Here Con- M>. and Mrs. F. Mahnken attended U Ing Beach Unmolested, finned at Keonsburg. the charter night dinner of the Rum-; son Lions at the Molly'Pitcher ho- Dr. John H, Hayes, colored o£ A»- About 45 children from the Union QfOOD- FURNITURE FOR EVERY HOME" ' Lury Park huo filed a «ult In the Beach Cathblic Sunday-school worn tel at Red Bank. court of chancery to restrain Edward confirmed Wednesday at St. Ann's Tho Union Beach Cathollo club T. Mitchell ol the Aibury Park bath- church at Keansburg. Mrs, C. Mur- held HB regular monthly card party! ing company from Interfering with phy was the Instructor. on Friday night with a large gath- either himself or members of hie Mrs. I. Hennessey has had a new ering. _;_ family while walking along the beach roof put on her house and Is having lroht in bathing attlro. The suit U the Interior redecorated. ' . EVERETT NEWS. the result of an Incident last summer Mr. and Mrs. John Enders and when Dr. Hayea claims he was ON daughter June of New York spent St. Catherine'! Church KM • New dDred from the beach by two life the week-end at tho homo of Mr. Vestment Press. guards, who assaulted him In the Endors'a slater, Mrs. C. Duffy. A large vestment press has been presence of his two children. The city Mr, and Mrs. E. French of Verona built in the B*crlsty of St. Catherine's of Asbury Park Is also named as a spent Sunday at the home of Mr. church by Vanderwhal & VanRlxoort defendant In the suit. and Mrs. J. Hoblnson. . of Keyport. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Matthews of The Monmouth county hunt club TRIAL POSTPONED. Atlantic City spent a few days with ended its weekly hunt at this place the latter's mother, Mrs. B. Ent- Saturday morning. Four Alleged New York Gunmen to wlstle. Edward Rowe has been Buffering be Tried Next Month. .Miss Octavla Aumack has com- from an Infected finger.. The trial of the four alleged New pleted her course of private instruc- Misses Margaret and Mary Dobisky York gunmen accused of shooting at tion at Ned Wayburn's dance studio attended a Hallowe'en party at the Frank Pappas at Long Branch last and has been advanced to the pro- home of Misses Irma and June Scho .April has been postponed until No- fessional class at the, institute for Held at Llncroft Saturday night. vcmbor 8th because ono of the law- dancing. Patricia Carton, daughter of Pat- yers engaged for the state Is unable Mm. Florence Cullcn and daugh- rick Carton, Jr., has been on the sick ter Charlotte and Miss Helen Sop- list. • . to attend until that date. The four 1 uecuBod aro Naaoon Karon, Harry par spent Wednesday with Mra. I . The Blessed Sacrament guild will T'rown, James A. Fox and Louis Sus- J. Kennedy of KeanBburg, -;- meot on Tuesday night, November 1' ?/e. They were caught near Coop- Mn. B. A. Aumack Is having a 12th, at Mrs. Charles Kelly's. c •• bridge at Red Bank after an ex- eunparlor added to her residence. John P.' Brady Is employed at the r ::•? chase by automobile from Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cawley and hunt club-headquarters at Tlnton i .-•, Branch. Miss Elizabeth Daly of Freehold Alls. spent the week-end with Mr. and Sovcral men Irom this place, who Mrs. B. A. Aumack. are members of the Fair View fire •«EW TYPE PLANE. Martin Blclslak has returned from company, are on the committee for a trip through the South. the company's annual. chicken sup One Det.gned at' Koyport Entered In Thomas V. Lyons, president of the per to be held next month. Safety Contest. An airplane designed at.Keyport Very attractive telephone sets This special offer comoa just bo- by the Uppcrcu-Bernelll Corporation complete with desk and chair, fore most housewives will be needing a five-piece mining •will compete for the $150,000 prize of- THE WORLD'S GREATEST finished in rich walnut at a new fered for the safest air craft built. bowl set like this to assist them The plane will carry twenty passen- HOSIERY VALUE! low price! in the preparation of the Thanks- gers. Construction work will be car- giving dinner. ried on in Italy and It Is planned to turn out fifty planes a year for live yeara. Mechanics from Keyport will SHEER bo sent to Italy to speed up produc- tion. CHIFFON OR Want Teacher Dlsmta»cd. -IT'S a fact ! We have prepared a veritable feast of unusual values for all Petitions have been presented to STURDY * who come to this store tomorrow ! On every floor, in every department, the Rarltan township board.of edu- cation asking for the dismissal of SERVICE you will find amazing opportunities to add to the beauty and comfort of your Miss J. Leslie Fotherlngham as home at prices that afford a genuine saving ! r' teacher and principal of the West WIGHTS Keansburg school. Tho petitions are signed by parents and state that Miss Convenient Credit Terms Arranged ! Fotherlnghamjs inefficient and guilty of conduct unbecoming a teacher. The charges state that she has beaten pupils and failed to give proper credit to pupils in their studies. Neat Tea Wagom Pull-Up Chairs at Suit for Damages. $19.00 . „ $9.75 up MIB. OUNO Inman, -wileot George Just what the, modern hosteES New arrivals include tho most .tnman of Elbbron, brought suit needs to serve her guests in the tii recover $15,000 from the Atlantic attractive occasional chairs w« Coast transportation company and height of stylo. Choice of gen- have ever shown. Better still, Greenspan brothers of Perth Amboy uine mahogany. or walnut, hand prices are much lower than you for injuries received when an auto- somcly finished. would expect on chairs of tli« aiobllo truck collided with a bus on fine quality we are featuring. Milch sho was riding. A verdict of $2,000 was rendered In favor of Mrs. Every pair is pure silk—full fashioned and Inman' and her husband. guaranteed perfect ! Bus Lines Sold.1 Thousands of pairs sold each week In our stores In Tho Long Branch commissioners Newark, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and have approved tho sale of nine bus other principal cities. lines operating at that place to the Coast CHIos railway company, a subsidiary of the Eastern New Jer- NOW IN RED BANK sey power company and operators of tho -bus line between Asbury Park and Long branch and other shore Anna Lee Hosiery Shops towns. 7 BROAD ST., an Lucille Hat snoppe) RED BANK It pays to advertise In Tho Register. Complete Table and Chair 12-Piece Living Room Outfit $139.00 Gateleg Tables I $5.95 Could you possibly conceive of a more attractive living room group than the one pictured above? Think of it! This attractive Here is furniture of beautiful design and real quality. Including everything you need to completely $19,50 furnish your living room, at a price as low as you would ordinarily pay for tho 3-pleco suite alone! drop leaf kitchen table witli 1 Always popular, these' beautiful We have only a few of these outfits for tomorrow, and as they will be sold quickly at the astoum .- tables may be had with tops of chair at BUCVI an amazingly low Ingly low price quoted, wo suggest prompt action on your part If you would avoid getting here tciu price. Extra chairs can be hud genuine -walnut or mahogany, late! : " with beautifully turned legs, fin- JOIN THE RED CROSS at $1.49 each, making up a ished to match. An extra special breakfast set if you wish. A Small Down Payment Delivers It ! Balance Easy for tomorrow only'.

Home of Quality Furniture and Ray Thousands of Friends. Come in and get Oil Burners acquainted. On the market since 1872; Unusual 3-Piece Living Room Suite, $198.00. 5-Piece Dinette Suite of New Design, $149.00. Covered all over in genuine mohair—ironts as well as-backs!. A)l Idea\ ,lor the apartment or small dining room. Consists of ASK THOSE WHO USE THEM; some extension table and four beautiful chairs to match. In gen- three' pieces!' One of the very newest designs, with special spring uine walnut, combined with other fine cabinet woods, this suite construction that makes it extremely comfortable. Reversible cush • makes a very imposing appearance, and tho price is remarkably lonB covered on one side In attractive frieze. The complete sulto low for such quality. By all means sec this valuo'tomorrow! TJial H. McCailer 11. L. Zobel • Jos. McDermott at this amazingly low price! Henry E. Butler O. E. Plchler ' O. O. Waterman W. J, Couse Mrs, C. K. Thomas Dr, CD. Blalsdell

Phone Long Branch 3550 for list of over a hundred users in your immediate When Company ' neighborhood. Comes— O YOU welcome them with D warm cordiality or is your welcome tinned with apologies Made in 35 different sizes—$695.00 for tho way your lionio 13 fur- nished? How tin quests feel In up completely attached your home? Arc ithcy comfoi t- able or ill nt case? Why not (to your present heating plant.) decide. Iv'OW, to add those rnw pieces of furniture that will Remarkable 9-Piece Dining Suites, $119.00. New Hollywood Vanity Suite ! • 4 Pieces, $179.00. give you £n much ndded prldo Thanksgiving is the psychological tlmo to refurnish the dining and comfort in your home? room complete. _ Everyono will get an extra "kick" out of TlinnlCB- 45,000 Users Can't Be Wrong Here, Is one of the new bedroom suites In which tho Hollywood Kiving dinner if It la served In a dining room furnished with 0118 Vanity is featured. Tho other pieces Include full sAo double bud, Credit tor nl.s ai ranged If desirril. of our beautiful walnut dining suites. GO" buffet, 00'' extension handsome dresser and roomy chest of drawers. In genuine wnl- dining table, beautiful, china cublnct, and six hamlMunii) chain to nut, embellished -with overlays of other lino woods, this is a suite ' -match—nil nine pieces nt this remarknbly low prlct1, nmX on con- of real quality, yet the price Is extremely low! venient credit terms. New Jersey Oil Burner FIRST — Furnish Your Home. It Tells What You Are ! Tho furnishings of your home provide the proper social background nnd It Is just as Importnht that they are up to Mm Sales Co., Inc. minute In style a» the clothes you weur. If you were judged bj the wiy your homo Is furnished, what would the verdict bo? 582 Broadway, L. SUFFERN TAILER, Long Branch, N. J. President. Open Inc. Pay An J. SCHWARTZ Out of Account! 77-79 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. jfncomef IF Four RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 80,1929. ••V it can be made, will turn to the safi POCAHONTAS LODGE MADE ISO. THE RED BANK REGISTER, field of real estate investment. ; • • a Seventy-Five Persons at Card Party JOHN H. COOK. Editor. and Many Prizes Awarded. GEORGE a HANCH, Aiioelita Editor. Whether or not this view Is corre PUBLIC SALE time alone will tell: but the near The Red Bank Pocahontas lodg —OF— • THOMAS IBVINO BROWN. panic on Wall street was an impres- made $30 Wednesday night at a care PnbUihn «n4 Baslneii Vuinit sive lesson that real estate Is a safe: party at Odd Fellows hall on Mon and moro conservative lnvestmen mouth streot. Seventy-flve person Heal and Personal Property Subictlpllon than stocks, even though stocks may were present and bridge, five hun- On» y«" — sometimes be more profitable. Real dred, euchre and pinochle were Six monthi MM estate in Monmouth county is never played. Mrs. Anna Hyslop of Baton, OF THE LATE JAMES BENNETT, Tfcn* month* . subject to the same fluctuations town won the non-players' prize an stocks in Wall street. Humors am Mrs. James Nelson of Red Bank wa 82 Carpenter Street, River Plaza, N. J., Ml—Bid B»ok II. various other things In, which then the winner of a large home-made E.d Bank HOC. may not be one bit of truth are su cake, which waa contested for. flolent to send stocks down like leai The first prize winners were Miss SATURDAY, NOV. 2d, 1929, ,' tb% Be* Bulk RelUUr sinking In water. Llda Emmons at bridge, Mrs. Hanc I. a member of at 1:00 O'CIock. • • • Woolley at five hundred, Mrs. Annie THE ASSOOATED PRESS Monmouth county real estate neve Stone at euchre and George Lewis HOUSE FURNISHINGS:—Dfnlng room suite, 6 large rugs, small rugi Tht AuocUtad Proa U axelmlTrtjr an. at pinochle. Misses Llda Emmons Ico box, kitchen cabinet, kitchen tools and chairs, bedroom suites, ha' tttltd to tha Una for xvpublicatioo of all follows such a course. There Is n< and Anna Malone comprised the Un dl«D»tchei credited to It or not other- chance of an inveBtor being w!pe< party committee. Another party will rack, rocking chairs, odd chairs and tables, sewing machine, Iron bode wit. gradlted in thli paper and ajjo tht out over night, as is the case in Wa be held In a short time. springs, parlor suite, combination desk and bookcase, la'ce curtains, dishes local oewa pabllihed tberaln. street. If it bo objected that th glassware, pots and pans, jugs, garden tools, and articles too numerous chance for profits is not so great, thi to mention; also 25 fowl. ARTISTS' REPRESENTATIVE. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1927. answer is that there Is still a lot o: truth in the old saw that "the longes REAL PROPERTY:—Bungalow, 6 rooms and bath, hot air heat, gar- Milton Berk of Little Silver Has age, lot BOxlOO, house In perfect condition and located In one of the fast- Shoes way around is often the shortest w&3 home." Certainly, (here must be Started In Business. est growing sections in the county. TOWN TAX.K. lot of truth in this old saying to Wa' Milton Berk, son ol Irving Berk of TERMS:—Very reasonable; made known on day of sale. So Smart street investors who got caught i Little Sliver, is now an artists' repre- A Great Demand last week's jam. Some people an sentative and he has connections to astute enough or fortunate enougl furnish talent for dances, smokers, , HANNAH M. BENNETT, Executrix. find short cuts to profits an So Different for Monmouth Cider. club meetings and other soda GEORGE H. ROBERTS, Auctioneer. wealth, but failures ln*such attempt! events. Mr. Berk Is active In the Red Cider has done something thli year are far more numerous than success- that applejack, or "Jersey Lightning,' Bank young'men's and young wom- . New styles are arriving almost daily, so es. "Get-rich-quick" occasionally re- en's Hebrew association. He was AS It wu called, never was able to lults from real estate Investments li perform, great and famous as It was formerly associated with his father varied, so unusually attractive are these Monmouth county, but the safest an In the shoe business. > In the old hard drinking days. Clder- finest thing about this kind of an In- PUBLIC SALE new Autumn styles that Fall Shoes can maklnff has exhausted the apple sup- ply of New Jersey. It Is actually a estment is that It never results In Try a Register Want Advertise- —OF— be chosen now with assurance of their fact that the demand for cider la so a "get-poor-qulck" ending. ment. It will pay you.—Advertisement style correctness and also of meeting great that there ate not enough ap- (Continued on pago 20.) ples in the state to supply It. The Farm Stock and Machinery personal preference. cider mill ownerB have been forced To the Editor of The Register: to Import apples from Virginia and I wish to call your attention to th Dow Avenue, Oakhurst, Ni J., A wide range of sizes^ and widths plus even with the Southern grottn fruit nadequate space provided on th our careful fitting service, is your assur- they have been unable 'rto make easterly side of the Red Bank rail enough elder to supply the demand. road station for motor and other ve- ance of complete satisfaction. • • • hicles; particularly since the erection SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9th, 1929 "Jersey Lightning" in its palmiest f posts by someone, which has close' at 1:00 O'clock Sharp. days was never able to do this. There he street from Monmouth street tc Oakland street. I were always enough applefl to meet Having sold his farm, tho undersigned will sell to the highest bidder, the requirements of the trade in by- For forty years or more to my the following personal property: Two good work, horses, S cows, al In Blue Rid or Suede. gone times. It 1; true that the apple knowledge, traffic has been able to milking, young, and good ones; set heavy double harness, low whee $9.50 crop of New Jersey wan short this ass from Monmouth to Oakland farm wagon, Ford suburban, lot of locust posts, 22 hot bed saah, movr. year, due to late frosts and prolonged itreet, skirting the station, over wha ng machine, hay rake, two-horse plows, one-horse plows, cultivators, haf- summer drought. However, in the 3 evidently railroad property. This rows, hay shelvinga, top wagon, sleigh, 175 years old; 253 stacks of good days before Volsteadlsm there were articular roadway haa always been corn, 7 tons of hay, forks, hoes, shovels, and articles too numerous to short apple crops, but never did it :arrow at the point where foot pass mention. Y happen that there were not enough :ngers leave the station on their way apples to quench the public thirst for o Monmouth street. There is, how TERMS:—All suras of $50.00 and under, cash; on all sums over {50.00, elder and applejack. !Ver, no reason why the street could . credit of nine months will be given on bankable note with approved In Silver Cloth—or enn --.._, "• •• • . • • lot be widened, since there is a plo lecurlty. 5% discount for cash on sums over $50.00. be dyed to mutch your if ground between the winding Blde- gown. How different is this condition valk and the New Jersey Southern $8.00 from the fears entertained by many allroaU tracks not occupied excep] BENJAMIN HARVEY. fruit growers when prohibition went 'or a lawn. Into effect. Many and dire were the GEORGE H. ROBERTS, Auctioneer. If all of the unused railroad prop- predictions that fruit of all kinds ' \ \rmil& tie a. (itug on the market, due erty. ...east of th« station,reaching to to the fact that the products of the he Southern - railroad tracks; - wu TIMOTHY R. HOUNIHAN orchards and vineyards could no hrown open for public use, together longer be made Into alcohollo bever- Ith the plot on Monmouth street Contractor and Builder ages. Instead of this being true, just iear the taxi stand, and the present the reverse has turned out to be the gage room moved to the west of SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING case. There never was a better de- he railroad tracks, sufficient space • 8CREEN AND STORM ENCLOSURES •ould be made available for use of Smnd or a better market for windfall Telephone MO-M 160 Bridge Avenue, Bed Bank, N. White Shoe Co. apples than this season, and there lotor and other vehicles, which, If never was a better market for elder 'laced under the supervision of the 9 BROAD ST., RED BANK, N. J. than there la today. As for grapes >o!Ice department, would eliminate and other farm products supposed to he disgusting and ridiculous sltua- have received » knock-out blow at on that obtains at the station at the the hands of prohibition, one has on- present time. ly to make a hurried trip through The people using the space to the the rural sections of Monmouth coun- east of the railroad station are cus- ty to realize how greatly the acreage tomers of the railroad, but Instead of of these fruit crops has Increased. the railroad using their efforts to pro- vide a satisfactory means of approach and exit, it looks as though they had A4A«AAAAAAaAAAAAA4AAA*AaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.AAAA Greater and more regal than Jer- deliberately set out to see how much sey Lightning Is Monmouth county worse they could make things. Not cider. The demand for It Is so large only thia, but the condition of the that it is not only made at all the roadway is abominable, full of holes old-time cider mills, but also at elder and ruta and almost Impassable in presses at roadside booths. Perhaps bad weather for man, machine or Amazing Satisfaction some of it Is bought by persons who beast. turn it into applejack or who let it Red Bank is particularly unfortun- get hard. If so the sin is not on the ate in its selection of railroads, Inas- heads of the cider makers. When much as it derives nothing from xhe GLOBE they sell the cider It is a drink which large patronage It gives the railroads. Say the Users of refreshes without inebriating. It is Look at the Red Eank station tor ex- good to see this old-time industry ample. It would do credit in Henry still flourishing and still s factor In Ford's antiquated village as a speci- Every day we are receiving the finest pieces the prosperity of Monmouth county. men of railroad structures during the of Furniture that will replace that old piece wood burning era. The railroad at- titude in this direction is just as now at housecleaning time. Our floors are backward as it is in the matter of jammed with fine gift furniture. A few of One Candidate Sure providing proper approach and exit the pieces we are showing at new low "SILENT AUTOMATIC" of Unanimous Election. from its station. The present situation Is unbear- Lane prices. Next Tuesday, when the citizens of able and decidedly unfair to the town. Red Bank go to the polls, they will How long will the people of the town Priscilla America's Best Liked by acclamation re-elect Mrs. Julia M. and adjacent places using this rail- Cedar Chest Kcough as collector. She Is the only road stand for It? Sewi'g Cabinet candidate on either ticket at Red Ewlng P. Parker. it only $9.75 Bank who Is sure of election, so far Red Bank, October 23d, 1929. as it Is possible for earthly surety to at only $3.95 be sure of anything. OIL BURNER

This unanimous Indorsement of Mrs. Keough Is a great tribute. The office YOUR FRIENDS, who are already owners of "SILENT AUTO- n-hch Bhe holds is one of the most Important In the community and it MATIC" will be glad to tell you of the surprising economy, quietness and to attractive to offlceseckers. It goes ...without saying.that (here would-be dependability of this outstanding home improvement. The names of a few someone to contest for the place against Mrs. Keough If there seemed local users are listed below: to be the slightest possibility of suc- MR. C. ALAN HUDSON, Member N. T. Stock Exchange Rumson MB. L. L. WHITE, '" " " Shrewsbury It Is seldom indeed In these times AU-Cord MR. E. O. BRUNS, Jr. " " » " "• .Allonhurat 5n a town the size of Red Bank that there Is such an outstanding case of LAMPS MR. J. F. NKILSON, " " » " " Shrewsbury th£ office seeking a candidate instead v is setting new Table $5.00 END TABLES of the candidate seeking the office. ANDIRON AND FIRE SETS. Mr. J. D. Tuller . -Red Bank Mr, Thomas B* Hasler . ...Little Silver In tho younger days of the commun- 75 Tables to select -LUtlo Silver ity such occurrences were quite fre- Bridge . .$5.00 Mr. Albert Worden, Jr. Red Bank Mr. L. R. Buokbeo quent, but they are rare today. The " records for Velvet Black at $3.75 set from—some in solid Mr. Joseph Marks . —Red Bank Mr. Fred E. Hoslor Rumson only recent example of such action Junior ....$8.95 Walnut Top— Mr. William H. Douglass Mr, W. C. Pettoo Rumson was nine years ago when William H. Swedish Hammered at $6.50 set Dr. Fred T. Newman Mr. E. J. Batcholar Shrewsbury R. White was Indorsed by both par- All Complete; with ties for councilman. mileage Shades. Burnt Antique Brass at $7.00 set .at $3.95. Mlsa Emily Peacock Ma].-0en. W. S. Graves — Shrewsbury Mr. William W. Armstrong Hon. William A. Steven^ _. Long Branch Mr. John J. Leonard Mr. Henry Offcrman Wanamnsna . Mrs. Keough is a Democrat, but it is not on account of her political Mr. John J. O'Snea -Red Bank Mr. John S. Monnhan Elberon faith that she is to receive tho great Mr. H. L. Zobel, Bulck Shqw Room Mr. B. B. Newcomb Long Branch trlbuto which la to be bestowed upon and Office Building -Red Bank Mr. William H. Woolley Long Branch her next Tuesday. To be a Democrat .Mr. J. J. Travers -Red Bank Mr. R. V. Dorbeck Weat End is of no political advantage at Red Bank, for this town is usually strong- Mr. Joseph Sacco _^-^__ -Red Bank Mr. Sylyan E. Roscnthal ..Elbcron ly Republican. This makes Mrs. Ke- ough's achievement all the more out- standing. In office she has been an Investigate the Silent Automatic Burner at once. Learn about the superior- efficient. Impartial jmbllc servant, giving fair and equal treatment to ities that have been responsible for its leadership. Get from owners this Republicans and Democrats, high Governor Winthrop and low. Bed Bank pays a big trib- TEA WAGONS COGSWELL CHAIRS most remarkable story of OWNER SATISFACTION. There are sound rea- ute to Mrs. Kcough In unanimously Loose Cushion, In Taupe Jucquard. DESKS electing her to the position of col- In Walnut us Shown, Regular $30.00— sons behinr| Silent Automatic's sensational rise, and these reasons are vital lector, but it is fully deserved. Genuine Mahogany Veneer. At Only $19.75. Now $24.00. Prices Start at $45.00. to you an investor in oil heat. See the "Silent" before you make your nSKKUGGEDAIJLCORD- choice. , "Get Rich Quick" The finest tire ever made by vs. "Get Poor Quick." FUk; giving the utmost in safe YOUR GIFTS WHILE YQU HAVE THE NEWEST AND u . . .• • traction; good looks, and long LARGEST VARIETY TO CHOOSE FROM AND WE Many persons interested in real es- lire. A remark- tate development believe that the big Select able value at "•".;, WILL GLADLY HOLD FOR FUTURE DELIVERY. drop in values at the New York Wall street stock market last week will prove beneficial for the upbuilding of JOHN HANSEN this section. The theory of these Phono 2112. people la that a great deal cf money FURNISHING CO., INC. • Seacoast Engineering Co. which ueed to be Invested In real es- it WEST FRONT ST. RED BANK. tate has been diverted to Wall street 22 E. Front St., "GOOD PEOPLE TO DEAL WITH" by the prospect of making a quick a.nd easy fortune. People who hold Red Bank, N.J. to this belief say that the Investors, 1112 MAIN STREET, Phone 2340 ASBURY PARK, N. J. The Register's advertising column's PHONE 1259. having found that money can be lost are the morchants' show windows. GLOBE in Wall itrctt •v«n poore readily than I —AdvertlBem ' >• rvrrrrmy L RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 30, 1929. Page Fl VBBDICTS UPHELD. " ['next Sunday morning at tho Mctho- ceived many gifts. Before her mar- ''. itiat church. Mrs. John Lindsay willriage Mrs. Dllllone was Miss Matilda Supreme Court Bulcs in Favor of j lead tho young people's meeting Sun- Young. Two Injured Men. day night. Dr. and Mrs. James J. Reed will FALL IS NATURE'S OWN PLANTING TIME. Excursisns Tha BUpremo- court has upheld the j Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hciser are leave shortly for California, whore BLATCHLEY BROS. .verdict of $20,000 obtained by Albert expected home this week from Wash- they will spend the winter. Holniroth of ^abury Park against ington, D. C, where they have been MI33 Jennie Woolley has returned Plant Your Roses Now. Samuel R. Walsh, proprietor of tho spending a month. from a month's stay at Albany. ;• Now offer their fine Ducks to the people of Red NEW YORK Fennlmoro hotel at Asbury Park. Mr. and Mrs. Harris Miller re- Bank at 39 cents per lb. Hulmiolli received injuries in a fall turned Thursday from a trip to Round Trlpi UPTOWN NEW YORK down an elevator shaft while work- Aaheville, North Carolina.' Msike Advertisements Attractive. Ing at tho hotel. Another verdict up- Miss Geslne Smack, who la confined "An advertisement is lik« a wom- D.&D. COMPANY $1.43 hold by the court 'Is ono of $18,500 to the house with sickness, continues an: It can be pretty or plain, but ROSE SPECIALISTS DELIVERED! to George Shaw of Asbury Park to Improve. It Is not a success unless It attracts." RoundTripi DOWNTOWN NEW YORK A surprise kitchen slower was giv- Give plenty of thought to your ad- Monmouth Road, Long Branch, N. J. On Friday each week. Phone Order before Thursday Night. against the Verihont marblo company vertisements and the result will more WEDNESDAYS, NOVEMBER 0, for injuries sustained when hit by a en last week by Mrs.'Vlola Fichter than pay you for the trouble.—Adver- rHONE KATONTOWN M. TBY OUR QUALITY AMD BEItVICE, , | i DECEMBER 4. piece of falling tile. for Mrs. Charlea DHHone. She re-tisement. I Leave Red Bank O:SS A.. M. Raturnlnf, Je»va New York, Petinn. St».. 1:80 P. M.. Hudion Term. 7:20 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS NEWS. BLATCHLEY BROS. P.M.. Newark (Market St.) 7:52 F.M. All Steel Equipment Four Years In the Philippines— Second Week of this PHONE S8S-F-S FREEHOLD. EAST FREEHOLD. ' Health Association Officers. i AH high quality .•• Pennsylvania Railroad (Tbe Red Bank jteglster a&D be bought great Sale brings to you standard merchandise cub week In Atlahlio Highlands at tbe L •tore! o( William LeS and N. Brown.) many new items not at prices to make this Frank Swan of Atlantic Highlands Sale of vital importance its home from tlio Philippine Islands advertised. after ftn absence of four years. In the to you ! Philippines Mr. Swan had- a position with a construction company from New York. . Dri Thomas MiiVey, Joseph Dender; Oct. 24 to No^. 9 Howard Gaffey, Harold Kelly, Wil- A Straus Sale is a Sal( liam Hulleran, James McConnelt and Kenneth Melnert attended tho Prince- Cleaner, more healthful HEAT ton-Wavy football game last Saturday ut Princeton. Mrs. Jonas Tumen of Asbury Park, at a guaranteed low price formerly of this place, gave birth to a, daughter laBt week. At the annual meeting of tho public health association last week Mrs. delivered with the utmost care Walter J. Roberta was chosen presi- dent, Mrs. George P. Williams vice president, Mrs, Herberts. Melnert sec- retary and Mrs. Howard A. Stock- ! ton treasurer. William B. Mount is ' chairman of the finance committee,' Sirs. B. W. McHenry of tlio nurse committee, Mrs. G. P. Williams of the . publicity commlLtee and Mrs. Harry • '.iich-nund of tho transportation com- Three Blanket Specials Ladies' Umbrellas Jf\.RE yott prepared for a hard winter? Will you HiiL'.hew A. Hensori, who reached AH Wool Straus Part Wool tin KiUi Polo, • with Commodore $1.84 enjoy that healthful warmth that reduces fingers of 1'i'iiy, j;::v:! a-lecture last night at tho Blankets Special Blankets '..'••,'.! i^x-il auditorium for tile benefit Manufactured for us for this sale catching cold? :.:; f.L yiis week at tho Central Former Price, $0.03 Former Price, $3.98. Former Price, $S.!)S. ford Cloth* in navy, green, red, 1 :i.~:.'i~.. ' iiurch. The sermons are be- . with a constant, steady fire—a constant, steady i.:'; pi'v'e'ied by Rev. Charles Inglis Plain colors, all pure Made to our order Extra largo size, 72- purple and black, on brass and wool, double bed size for this sale, full x84; all colors, in black frames; with an exceptional warmth. Clean-burning, too. Less smoke and soot. l-Jur-'ii'll H. Hilton, teacher of —66x80. Rose, blue, size, wool finish block plaida; double assortment of handles to choose :"ci :::^'i V.f the Leonardo high school, \ green, orchid; wide Plaids, in all colors, stltchod wide sateen I 5 But more than that At the present low prices you 'r.Mi i::!:?n charge of the young men's; sateen Ijindlng. twill weave. binding. from. Value to .$2.98. \ can assure yourself of a substantial saving in fnoney c/i;i:i oi' the Central Baptist Sunday-1 About $70 was cleared by the Pres- ] • —-if fod act now. fUtider"the terms of the "Stand- >yl'ji-;rm ladies' aid society at the re- . Imported Kid Gloves Fashioned Silk Hose ard" Heating Plan you are fully protected against • rut rummage sale. Tho committee insisted of Mrs. K. C. Woodruff, Mrs. $1.15 rising prices. The service is prompt. Deliveries "..). G. Jones, Mrs. George Conover, $1.95 Mrs'. J-. Wills, Mrs. A. Hagemeer and carefully made. Our specially trained drivers and Mrs. Samuel P. Harris. Wonderful value Kid Gloves, pretty Words cannot do justice to this ex- i A young daughter of Charles Staf- novelty cuff and embroidered backs; traordinary value—Service weight large reserve stocks assure you unfailing satisfaction. ford of Lincoln avenue was hit Sat- urday by an automobile driven by newest fall shades. Would be con- thread silk, full fashioned Hose, Write or telephone the address below ...... Norman Olson, The child was sbalt- in all the wanted colors. Buy en up, but was not badly hurt. sidered good value at ,$2.50. Hollla Hart preached Sunday night plenty at this Special Price. at the Leonardo Baptist church and Rov. Thomas Thomas of Leonardo preached at the Navesink Methodist Curtain Sets Printed Table Cloths 50-in. Drapery Damask church. At the Navesink church a solo was rendered by Mrs. Maynard $1.69 STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW JERSEY Card. At tho morning Bervice at the 69c Each 79c Yard Navesink church, Rev. Joseph E. An- Former Price, $2.00. drews preached and Mrs, Leon Llm-: Were $1.00. Former Price, $1.00 to $1.25 Yd. Ing gave a vocal aolo. I Fear] Street, Bed Bank. A Hallowe'en party will be held Ruffle with valance and tie- < r Heavy weight Brocaded Damask PHONE REO RANK I)S(!. tonight at the Navesink flrohouse. backs, flat curtains with valance, Fast color on cream ground with —in figures and stripe effects; Mrs. G. P. Williams will bo hostess at a card party to be held this af- .n plain or fancy marquisettes •block printed colored designs, all the newest colorings in ternoon at St. Agnes's auditorium by ^and voiles, all new styles and size 44x44; all ready to use. We greens, reds, blues, rose. Can't the parent-teacher association. About $45 was cleared by the association at "designs; 214 yards long and full have one hundred Cloths to sell be duplicated anywhere at this a cake sale Saturday. widths. at less than manufacturer's cost. price. James VanMater attended the Princeton-Navy football game Satur- it is always day. Dr. Denton Silk Underwear Rain Coats Knitting Worst'd Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Thomas, Mrs. Philip Carnle, Mrs. John Leon- ard, Mrs. Grlmshaw, Mrs. Noble and Sleepers 57c Hank Miss Blanche Leonard are attending $1.95 . $5.95 a Baptist Sunday-school convention Dr. Denton's Sleeping Manufactured by the at Atlantic City. Garments for children, Chemise, Dance Sets, Rain Coats made of Minerva Knitting Mills SUMMER-TIME John O'Neill, assistant manager of the County gas company, Is having a every mother knows Bloomers, Step-ins and Jersey Plaid Back and of the best quality yarns vacation of two weeks.' Paul Postcn them—at these special Panties, all made of ex- Trench Coats, all are in full weight hanks; in TTS always summer-time in your kitch- will give up his position at the gas company's oliice this week. prices during Anniver- tra quality.' washable rubberized and guaran- all the wanted colors, JL en.It'enevercoolwherethereisastove. ttt i/o fir sary Sale. Silk Crepe. ' Choice of teed in every way. You including brown, buff, HIGHLANDS NEWS. 0-1-2 3-4-5 6-7-8' most dainty "models. must see them to appre- grey, pink, blues; also Andthedangersoffoodcontaminationare «/ ciate the extra value Hallowe'en Sociable Friday Night at Values in this lot up to black and white. present as long as the temperature in your tho Methodist Church. 89c $1.09 $1.29 $2.98. we're giving you. Sold regularly at 78c. (The Red Bnnk Register can be bought refrigerator can rise above fifty degrees. each week in Highlands 8t Beille'a druy 14JTCH fttora &nd at Joseph Stamen's store.) Tre-Jw Smart Fall The Methodist choir will hold a Tho famous Pow- 500 Boxes Fine Faithfully, quietly, automatically the Hallowe'en sociable Friday night of Bath der Bcented with Hand Bags General Electric gives you the perfect re« this week in tho church basement. Powder Jollo Memoiio Stationery 44c Box The.,fqurth_ciuarterly conference of fragrance, in col- . .Assortment, that, offers, consider-,., the Methodist church was hold last orful tins of blue, frigerntion that iafeguardshealth. It makes night. Prayer meetings will be hold green, lavender, able variety, some with tissue 'All leather, Sueda tonight at Mrs. William Fahrcr's on maize, etc. Will lined Envelopes; also gold edged and Antelope Suede, plenty of ice cubes, operates without ever Barbetla avenue arai tomornow ntgUt 1 ^mnko p.e&utiSu\ In the newest ot 1 Corresporidence Cards, ihfa tack-strap, >' pouab, necdingtohe olHed,createa ndrc^olnict-' at' ifra.''s. ' ' ''Cni'fsfrha's'-g-ifts. envelope, top handle Edward Mount is building an ad- Rp£. Price, $1.(10. great variety of colors, including and zipper stylo; In ference. And it has an accessible freez- dition to hi3 bungalow on Miller all tho best fall col- street. buff, white, blue, grey, etc. Val- ors, Including brown, ing regulator. Important, too, is tlio fact Miss Thyrea Fulom underwent an 46c ue to 75c box. Buy now for hol- tan, navy, black, etc. operation for tho removal of her ton- Value $205 to $3.05. that it is the only refrigerator which haa sils last week at the Long Branch iday gifts. hospital. an «Dl-8teel cabinet—"built like a safe." Mr. and Mrs, Reginald Hardy have moved to Bay Ridge. A card party held last week at Mat- Wool Filled Comforts 40-in. Crepe Back Satin Bouvelard Velveteen thews's restaurant for tho benefit of j More than 350,000 homes are enjoying the tho American legion was largely at-' tended. $6.98 Each ; $1.69 Yard $2.00 Yard economy, convenience and health-guard- ; Mrs. Charles FflefTer has been spending a few days on Long Island. Regular Price, $10.00.. j Regular Price, $2.25. Former Price, $2.69 Yd. ing service of General Electric Refrigera- Her son-in-law, Frank Johnston of j Richmond Hill, haa been sick with ; tors .... and not one owner has spent a pneumonia. ... | Special Mrs. Anna Hubbard tripped and j 2 Bed Spread Bargains Bed Comfortables dollar for any kind of repairs or service. fell last week In her homo. Her head | hit a gas range and a pot of hot Rayon Spreads Quality Curtain Purchase water on tho range upset. Some of Spreads $3.98 Each Come in and examine the various models tho hot water fell on Mrs. Hubbard $2.69 Ea. 85c Pair / and sho was scalded on tho leg. Former Price, $5.50. ( —there's a size and style to fit your needs Mr. and Mrs. William Worth and Value. $3.50 Each. $5.00 Ea. Worth $1.19 to $1.50. Mr. and Mrs. William Lawrence have Heavy weight Ray- Values to $9-60. and your kitchen. Just a small down Tune in on the General-Electric Hour broad- on, handsome pat- Both sides covered with figured Manufacturer's clearance, full returned from an automobile trip to terns, scalloped all All colors and sizes cast every Saturday evening^om 9 to 10, Eastern Miami, Florida. of tho finest novelty cambric, pure white cotton fill- length Curtains, ruffle or plain; , payment can put a General Electric laio May Foucha, daughter of Wil- around; for single, fabrics; somo are some with valance. White, Standard Time, over the NBC network of 42 liam Fouchs, was baptised recently at three-quarter or full worth doublo tlie ing, extra large double bed size; Refrigerator in your home. stations covering the entire . tho Highlands Methodist church by slzo beda—72x105, M- sftlo price. Only HO some with Sciteen coverings and ecru or cream. You have never Rov. Walter's, R; Powell. xlO5 — roue, ' bluo, Spreads in tho lot— borders to match—a real reduc- seen curtains so good at such a EVEBY GENERAL ELECTRIC REFniCEIUTOR IS HERMETICALLY SEAtED Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wood havo Rold, green or or- iminiifncturer'9 '.lis- closed their summer homo at Mon- chid. contlnued lines. tion for this sale. little price. mouth Hills and havo returned to New York for tho winter. ; GENERAL ©ELECTRIC. Initial Pillow Cases Linen 5-Pc. Hemstitched Table Sets ALL-STEEL KEI^K1«EKAT«I1 ' SEADRIGHT NEWS. $1.59 Pair $2.98 Set Church Conferences Tomorrow Night Luncheon Sets, 79c —Shower Tor a Bride. Were $2.25. Regular $3.98. (Th« Bed Bank Rnrlatcr enn bo bought Made in genuine Fruit of the Value $1.25. Hemstitched cloth, all pure linen H. HENDRICKSON CO. each week in Scnlnlnlit at tho stores or Morris Wolironn and [I. Lofkowltz.) Loom Muslin, scalloped or hem- —large size, 54x72, and six all Red B^nk 1736 Tho fourth quarterly conferonco „ linen Lunch Cloth, size 36- linen, large size Napkin's to will bo held tomorrow night at the stitched; size 45x36. Imported 8 MAPLE AVENUE RED BANK, N. J. MethodlBt church. Reports will be Swiss Medallion Initial, most all x36;'four_ Napkins to match, in match. A grade that can't be mado by the various departments. initials when sale starts. Each various colored borders; a real duplicated for less than ono dol- ••* Open Evenings. Convenient Payments Arranged Tho junior league will meet tomorrow afternoon, with Mlaa SIgrld Nclaon pair in a*box. $1.25 value. , lar more. as leader. New Low Prices. , TheXord's Supper will bo oboerved

•'',".-:.•; •• . • • • • •/•!"• 'f'i 4. Page Six RED BANK REGISTER;. OCTOBER 80, 1929. Building Loan Election* RETURNS EAST. The Scabrlght .and Rumson build- Bed Honk Business Institute,. LEWIS & HAGERMAN BIG FIRE AT EATONTOWN. 128 Braid Strtat. PHONE S81B. BarrelU Approved Boofer Play Areas — S) ing and loan association held its an- Arthur V. "Walmifht Now With United States Engineering Corp. ENROLL NOW! LUMBER CO. BAKJT ON JAMES VANKEUKEN nual meeting last week and all the di- Mornlni, /fl.rhooiv* Evtillng CIMMI rectors except one were re-elected. Arthur V, Walnright, formerly of , Secretarial CourM FARM nilRNKI) TO ASHES. Short Cmriu in Gran Shoruana ' for The new director is George Ivins of Rod Bank, has been elected presi- 1 l^umqon, who succeeds Mellon-F. Kit- ' and Typewriting . J. H. White Lumber, An Automobile and a Ton erf,Hay dent and member of the board of Phono 688 tell of Deal. Directors re-elected directors of thp United States en- Children Were Also Destroyed and ttie Loaa wore Frank M. Baxter,' James P. General Roofing and Shget Metal Contractor Is About $2,5(10—A Sedan Stopped gineering Corporation and will be Millwork, Bruce, James A. Ryan, J, Elwood with the company's New York offlco In Front tho Barn Before the lire. Harvey, William H. Mahohcy, Charles Skylights Ventilating are an essential consideration at 39 Broadway.. Mr.,Walnright was Building Supplies A largo barn on the James Van- L. Presley, John Thorsen and Gron- uijtil recently president of the Cal- Experienced Mechanic* - Modern Equipment for the home owner today on Kcuren farm at South Eatontown dln V. Johnson. ifornia consumers company and was Thomas Jardine Complete stotk of materials. nccounl o! modern traffic con- nnd all of Its contents, Including an formerly president of the Intern and Hardware. School Orchestra Augmented. 35 WHITE ST., RED BANK, N. J. ditions. Overland sedan and a ton of hay, power and light corporation. When were destroyed by fire shortly after Edwin Gilland, Jr., and Jack he left Red Bank several years ago dark Thursday night. The origin of Mount, who play clarinets, and Owen Mr. Walnright was connected-with RIVER PROPERTY SUverwhlts Gardens merits your the fire is not known. The loss Is Eames, who plays a bass violin, are a utilities corporation at St. Louio. TRY SOLIDON about ?2,500 and lt> is covered by in- new members of .tho Red,Bank high consideration In this connection. He is a oon of Hnlstead H. Waln- surance. The automobile was owned school orchestra..' of Manasquan. - f Eit«bllih.a 1884 T.l.phon. lit I ! For Walls and Ceilings. by Emil Jubrey, who lives on the ARTISTIC HOMES Alston Court Eaat Front St, Stronger, Lighter, farm. Fat people and slim Fill up your coal Bin Permanent. The barn was on the opposite side Can all vo,fo for (Juinn, By electing- Jack Qulnn, BED BANK. N. J, ALEXANDER D COOPER Tuller Construction Co. of tho road from the farmhouse oc- —Advertisement. —Advertisement. Phone 70, RED BANK, N. J cupied by the Jubrey family and two (Paid for by Independent Committee.) (Paid for by Independent Committee.) ol the Jubrey children saw a sedan, 58-64 BROAD STREET RED BANK. N J. with three or four men stop in front b burst into flames. Tho entire build- Ing seemed to tnke fire at once and WINDSTORM INSURANCE Mr. Jubrey's car was ablaze before he IRAYH.STILLMAN could move it. The Eatontown fire- A Good Coverage at Very Low Rates. men were summoned, but the barn FARMS . First Mortgage Money burned so quickly that it was virtu- ally destroyed before they arrived. Country Homes Tho property is the former I?etcr ,Receirel(bur Corblin farm and the barn was origi- Shore Estates To loan in amounts of nally used as a cow barn and it housed 75 head of cattle. George All Forms of' INSURANCE Tantum of Wayside rented tho farm Property? Stata Highway several ycara. Mr. VanKeuren occu- Realtors Work Together pied the place n short while after Ei tontown, N. I. Phone 178 $3,000 to $12,000 buying it and no then moved to New York. Mr. Jubrey and family have /wtfir lived 'in tho house since last July. The members of the Red Dank Real Estate Board Applications given immediate attention. The farm will shortly be sold at a are all Realton. sheriff's sale. Mr. Jubrey la employed as a chauf- They work together, One of their great work- feur by Cohen & -Gordon, wholesale together features is the grocers of Long Branch,."and he Ask us to send you the folder illus- bought the Overland automobile trated above. It shows how your proji- Auto Owners Hawlcins Brothers week before the fire. The car was not insured. •(- erty will be divided among your legal Multiple Listing System REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS heirs if you do not make a will. BBH.DING NEAR TOWN BROOK. Under this system all the members of the Red Bank Real Estate Board or Board of Realtors get busy on sell- INSURANCE Mrs. Allda Taylor is Having a House If you make a will you may select your Attention! ing your property when it is put in the hands of any mem- 10 Monmouth St., Red B^nk, N. J. Tut Up For Her Own'Use. heirs and designate the amount each is ber of the Board, unless you specially do not want this Mrs. Alida Taylor is building to receive. You may choose your own house for her own use on the west done. The side of Tyndall road, between New Executor—one that will safeguard at Automobile Financial Responsi- Monmouth and Town Brook. Tho all times the best interests of your bility Law will demand proof ait •Barnaul house is. being constructed on a plot, financial responsibility (or Multiple Listing System. 150x400 feet, opposite William T. Hen- family. $5,000 to $10,000 for public lia- SANBO/ZN'6 LITTLE THEATRE drickaon's farm. Mrs. Taylor bought is a great help when it comes to selling a piece of real estate, this plot three years ago and she had Protect your family.against the possi- bility loss and $1,000 for prop- for eight firms put your property on their active list at once THE GHOSTS FLV ==[ |= AMD THOU&H a garage built on it at that time. erty dnmn£o loss. for sale. | Tho house will bo 24x26 feet. The bility of a disappointing future. Our ROUND OKT^WOU'RE ME lower story will be enclosed with Trust Officer will be glad to talk it TJ10 easy way to be relieved of r^mmM) MALLCME'EW FREE AUD Tveattip-boarfls ana tbovpper story . over with you. in/s worry Is an Insurance Poll- Thise sre W?OF . LAND and LOAN CO., 12 Mechanic Street BIVEB PLAZA iOT SOU). Join the Red Cross—November 11th to 28th ' Realtors—Insurance! MORRlSEY & WALKER, Kean»burR • r Robert Burnett Will Build a House ALLAIRE & SON AGENCY, Inc., 60 Broad Street For His Own Occupancy, EV4OUSH COAL Register Building, Red Bank. HAWKINS BROTHERS, 10 Monmouth Street THE 6HOST OF Robert Burnett of Wall street SOOM WILL COME IKiVOUR BIN ? bought a lot ladt w;eek at- River AKJD Plaza from George Kaney of that place for $1,000. The Crispyn post VOUR. NOSE. IF MOT, PLEASE construction company of Fair Lawn SEMD AM has already started erecting a1 house AKJD on the property for Mrl Burnett's oo-. HUM ORDER IKJ — cupancy. He is single at present, but IA1BOTT * WALK**. IHC. he does not expect to live in his new house alone. ; PREPARE FOR VJIMTER - ORDER OURCOAL The lot is 50x100 feet and It is at the corner of Foster and Applegate OUR COAL GIVES HEATING streets. The house will be a frame o building with six rooms, a bathroom SATISFACTION. WHY EXPERIMENTS and sun parlor. It will have steam :eat and other modern conveniences. Why wait till Old Man A two-car garage will bo on the prop- CANBORN'S COAL© SUPPIY erty. The house and garage will cost $6,500 and will be completed by the O RED BANK. 82.4 FROM 8 TO-4 first of next year. Winter drives you to it? •KI!i:iU!!i!!i!&!SI!IIKI!ll MOVED TO NEW YORK STATE. Joseph B. Conofer and Family Va- cate Their Ilolmdel Homo. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Conover tnd their son, Robert S. Conover, Every Good WARNING!! noved last week from the Roberts farm in Holmdel township to Salom, New York. Their neWhome wag re- cently given to Mrs. Conover by rel- I To Motor Vehicle Owners atives. ,' !.• -. The farm which the Conover fam- OVERCOAT ily vnnat.nrt was bought-£i short time- ago by William B. Wallace of Mont- clalr from Howard \V«, and Thomas S, Roberts of New Monmouth. • Mi*. Wallace also j bought the < twq- adjoin- Style Is Here ing" Herbert farms. The large frame house on the Koberts 'farm will. Uo

winter. ™—wHetlier you want one of the new big RESIDENCE SOJUh. styles of Novelty Woolens or a plain Chesterfield Mrs. Grace E. King's Homo on'Pro**- of Blue or Dark Grey, it'sT waiting for yep. Better IttMit Avenue (.lets New Owner. Mrs. Grace K. King1, widow of John come in now and make your selection while you •••••--••• vw C. Kinjj, has sold her fine residence property on the east side of Pros- can do it in a leisurely manner—while stocks are pect avenue, between East Front'! street and the river, to Mr. and Mrs. f Clark Holbrook of Red Bank. Tho at their best. lot is .10x175 feet. The house Is com- paratively new and has seven rooms and bathroom. It has hot water heat, Kay, electricity and all other The above j-tirloon shows khat icill happen when the Financial improvements. A one-car garage is Kuppenheimer ftespo/tsibility Act goes into effect on November J.Sth. on the lot. The price of the prop- erty \$is jjlO.QOO. In the transaction Hemliickson & Stout represented the IJCIICT and f\hc Allaire & Son real and others, in all the new soft fleeces and other Are You Prepared ? estato agency represented the buyiu. rich fabrics so popular this season. GOT DEED FOIt HIS LOTS. On November 15th, 1929, "The Motor Vehicle Mi c tin el Veto Now Owns His Home Responsibility Act" goes into effect * in New at Port Moiiinouth. $ .00, Jersey: Mjchacl Peto received a deed last to week tor two lots which ho bought 125 Chapter llfl, IJIWS of 1929 of tho Stata of New ,Tor- on the Homestead Terrace develop- Hey, provided that any person who has been con- ment nt Port Monmouth. Mr. Peto, victed of a violation of any one of cortnln sections •who ia a contractor and builder, bought tho lota several weeks ago of tho Motor Vehicle Lnw or who has lieen Involved and .built aJ house for his own Use. Stetson Hats—New shapes and shades* in n motor vehicle uccideitt, ctiuuing personal injuiy Kuhi?i;qiiontly he enlarged the house. or property damage, tho latter to tho extent of ut He bought the lots oil the installment least $(01), Khali furnish to tho Commissioner of Mo- plan, paying $250 for each one. The Interwoven Hosiery—Snappy effectsin Silk & Wool, tor Vehicles proof of financial responsibility to nnt> liiyt payment was made last wedfe lily within specified iiniouiits any claim for dam- and Mr. Peto received a1 deed froni HKCH by reason of personal Injury or property dnm- Benjamin \V. nnd 'Walter H, Mills, Spats, in grey and tan—they're nifty* , anc resulting from such accident. Fallurfl to fur- the 'owners of (he development. nish such proof will n'.siiK in thn Buspenslon or re- vocation of the rlfihis of such person as owner nnil| or as operator of n motor vi'lilclo in tho state. STOKE LEASED. Japanese Art Store to be Opened on Don't delay—Phone' Red Bank 2100 for rates, Mnnmoutu Street, explanation, etc. • , Hawkins Brothers have leased tho store fjn the north side of Monmouth J. KRIDEL Blreet, formerly occupied by the Re- frigeration Engineering company, to K. Murnmatsu of East Keansburg, as -~Red Banh>- WHITE-PACH, Inc. a Japanese art store. The store is nearly opposite (lie borough hall. Broad and Mechanic Streets, •».«.'—_ All your hopes you 'can pin RED BANK, N. J. On your faith in Jack Quinn. "' Advertisement. \3 " BED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 80,1929. •• "3 Seven >»>«>«»•»»»»••»«»•>«»•« Daughters of the American Revolu- »>»>•»»»•«»»»>»»' tion. \ ' \ STATE MUSEUM OPENED. In planning and finishing the la nUllaUon of the exhibits, the depart- MANY SPECIMENS vOf PEEHI8- ment had the expert co-operation "of Toaic ANIMALS AND BIBDS. official! of many nearby museuma and inetltutlons, notably the Ameri- FLY WITH US Indiana Are Shown u They lived can Museum of Natural History of Here Before the Advent' of - the New York, the Academy df Natural A Safe and Novel Experience White Han—BOMB of CroeadUtn Sciences of Philadelphia, the Univer- and Other, JteptUn found in State. sity of Pennsylvania, Princeton uni- versity, the American association of After many month! of Inteiulve muaeuma and others of equal import- work ctnd preparation the new state ance. ' museum at Trenton la now open, giv- RATIC The new state museum will un- ing the public the opportunity of doubtedly .prove a valuable educa- YOU TO viewing {he most complete exhibition tional factor. For the first time In ^ $1750 to date of mammals, birds, flah,rep - OM Bound , the history of the state adequate and tiles, butterflies, Inncto, mlnerala, NEWYORKCITY Trip < suitable quarters for it have been rocks, foaalla, Indian-relfca and other provided. The various exhibits which flora and fauna found In New Jersey, mean so much to the education of III BY AIR nccordlng to an announcement made New Jeraey residents and the numer- by the New Jersey, department of ous visitors from other sections who conservation and development. visit the Capitol every day can now In the main exhibition hall are be adequately displayed. to be. found groups of mammals and I'MONMO Red Bank •'New York birda which once Inhabited New Jer- Stolen Turkeys Recovered. sey, but are now rarely found or ex- Sixteen turkeys stolen from Mrs tinct. Among these groups are black bears,, once found in New Jersey's Margaret Veselle of Marlboro several Daily Air Service cedar swamps, wild cats, whooping weeks ago were recovered last week (EXCEPT SUNDAY) cranes, whistling swans, heath hens, at Freehold and were returned to passenger pigeons, flsbers and others. Mrs. Veaelie. C. Leroy Curley of Five One of the striking features of the Points was arrested charged with the main exhibition hall Is the reproduc- theft and Is said to have admitted For Information and Reaervations Afifjply to tion of the skeleton of the hugh liz- his guilt. { ard of the Cretaceous period, the Ha- drosaurus, which was originally ex- TINTON FALLS NEWS. FLIGHTS INTERSTATE, INC. hibited by the New Jersey state mu- seum at the St. Louis exposition. Due The Ladle*' Aid Society to Plan Fall to inadequate space this specimen Activities. 551 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY lias been in storage for the past twelve years. The ladies' aid society of the Meth- • Murray Hill 5785-5786 odist church will hold its next meet- 'this room also contains a collec- ing Thursday, November 7th, at tion of rocks, minerals, fossils, fish, home of Mrs. Edward Stoothoff,* jr. birds, mammals, reptiles, Insects and A program of fall activities will be specimens of trees found In New Jer- planned. Red Bank Airport sey. Miss Cora Bennett was home Sat- , Red Bank 1730 To the right of the main exhibition urday, from New York, where she room is the Hall of habitat grolips, teaches school. Her friend, Miss which portrays birds and mammals »*»•••*****»***<»«»«»•«•••*>*»•• Jessie Pownall, was with her. «»«« on found In their natural surround- Mrs. Laura Moulton and her ings. There Is a beaver group show- mother, Mrs. Nitschelm, have gone 400,000 Women ing bearers at work, at home and a to Newark to spend the winter. beaver dam as found in the northern Edward Stoothoff, Jr., has had the part of New Jersey. -The exact scene Interior of his house repainted and Report Benefit is reproduced. There is a series of ro-decorated. these groups Including one of Vir- A number of the residents of this I" ' by actual record ginia deer which abound In the South place attended the funeral of James Jersey pines, the gray fox, raccoon, H. Bennett of River Plaza last "Have you received benefit from taking bald eagle, the pheasant, sea life Thursday. Mr. Bennett formerly lived along the Jersey shore and bird life here and he was a brother of the late ' hjdia E. Bnkham's Vegetable Compound?" In the Hackensack meadows. ' Samuel J. Bennett of Tlnton Falls. In the center of the Habitat hall Is Francis Greaves, son of Frank a dome of flying birds. Here ar« Greaves, has been unable to attend A questionnaire enclosed with shown In their own element'ftocks of school on account of sickness. every bottle of medicine has gulls, ducks and other • birds pre- Mrs. Charlotte McGuIre of Long eminently creatures of the air., TheBranch, formerly of this place, died brought, to date, over 400,000 background of Bky and. Clouds con- last week. Several Tlnton Falls resi- veys the Illusion of Illimitable space. dents attended the funeral. replies^ Xhe.aveCThelmitigma- Leading from the left, ot the m&ta Mrs. Anlhony CeWS Vina gone-to Hen joricy—in fact, nine*ty-eight out exhibition hall is a room devoted to Bank to spend the winter with rela- SOWnOKLAUTMMi LANGD0N E.MORRIS Indian material. The main feature tives. ASBURYPARK LONG 3RANCH of a hundred—says, "Yes." If of this room Is a group depicting In- Mrs. Charles Dreyer has sold a dian life In the Bevans Bock Shelter .large quantity of the privet on her this dependable medicine has of Sussex county. Life-sized figures property to J. L. Honigman of helped so many women, isn't it of New Jersey Indians are shown Shrewsbury. here as they lived before the invasion The work of graveling Hope road is reasonable to suppose that it of the white man. Indian relics nearly completed and there is a vast found In this state are also on ex-improvement in the condition of the will help you too? Get a bottle hibition in this room. road. from your druggist today. One of the features of the muse- The anniversary of the Pine Brook um's opening Is the exhibition of the Methodist church was observed with bones of the prehistoric crocodile re- an all-day celebration last Thursday. cently found In the marl beds near There was a large attendance. At Birmingham, Burlington county. This night most of the Republican county skeleton is not complete nor assem- candidates were present The church LtfdiaE.Pmk bled, but It Is placed on exhibition In recently received a gift of a piano. exactly the same condition as It was In anticipation of the gunning sea- removed from the ground. son Wellington Wllklns has bought In conjunction with the two hun-a bird dog from Jerome Jennings of dred and fiftieth anniversary celebra- Medford. The dog is the progeny of "Vegetable Compound tion of the city of Trenton there is prize-winning stock.' a special colonial life exhibit spon- IYDIA E, PINKHAM MEDICINE CO., LYNN, MASS. sored by the Trenton chapter of the It pays to advertise in The Register.

HARRY N. JOHNSON ROBERT C THOMPSON Citizens Building and Loan Association HIGHL/iNDS RED BANK, NEW JERSEY New Series Now Open for Investors The best investment for monthly savings/ earning about 8^ %'. Investment in shares of The Citizens Building and Loan Association should appeal espe- - cially to persons who desire to own their own homes. You may subscribe for as many shares, at a cost of $1 per share per month, as your ,_. • .-ii n -----..iQxarry^;.™^.^^,,-:..-,.., i.,^^^,,-^;^^ : 1 * ' '~,* $ 1 per month returns $ 200.00 in about eleven years ^ 5 per month returns 1000.00 in about eleven years •' "'•*"';/''"" 10 per month returns 2000.00 in about eleven years THE0DOHEH.BENNETT WILLIAM H.R.WHITE 25 per month returns 5000.00 in about eleven years SPRING LAKE RED BANK 100 per month returns 20000.00 in about eleven years Under the supervision of the Banking Department of the State of New Jersey. - TOTAL RESOURCES OVER FOR CORONERS [ One Million, Five Hundred ^ Thirty Thousand Dollars Payments maBe at The Second National Bank and Trust Company OR ANY OFFICER OR DIRECTOR

V OFFICERS .President - Y - '.- FRANK McMAHON Vice-President LOUIS E. BROWN i Secretary A. ALVIN WHITING Ass't. Secretary - - A. TRUMBULL SMITH GEORGE B.BENNETT BOMBYR.MASCUTaLO •. i Treasurer FRANK SHERWOOD ALBERT W.W0RDEN. JR. BRADLEY ^.M LONG BRANCH Solicitor - - JOHN S. APPLEGATEJ RED BANK DIRECTORS FRANK McMAHON AUGUSTUS M. MINTON WILLIAM S. CHILD v LOUISTE. BROWN BENJAMIN J. PARKER BORDEN L. HANCE HARRY A. HAWKINS ELECTBON LESTER E. McQUEEN ALBERT L. IVINS PAIO -FOR by fiONMOLJTH COUNTY OEMpCRATlC MQRT V. PACH . OLIVER G./FRAKE JAMES P. BRUCE Page Eight RED BANK REGISTER. OCTOBER 80,1929. 88 years old and he had accumulated neu'Wai, broken, but the horse was man's chlckenhouae *nd ten of Abel a comparatively large fortune. He not Injured.. Coleman'a chlckeni were stolon tha YEARS AGO IN RED BANK. left neither wife nor children. . Atlantic Highlands celebrated the same night ' Ambrose Matthews, Jr., of Red twentieth anniversary of Its found- Mrs. Lydla Garhart of Belford c»le- HAPPENINGS OF OLD D»\ AND Bank, who belonged to a family of ing and at the celebration subscrip- brated her 69th birthday with a big Masquerade Suits Ol'It HOME TOWN. house movers, invented a new house tions to tha amount of 420,875 were reception to her friends at the home moving machine which was operated taken toward tha erection of a pub- of her daughter, Mrs. William F. Ma]- Incidents Culled From The Register by four hydraulic rams. lic steamboat pier. chow of West Front street. LANTERNS of the Last Week In October Isaac Smith, a colored man who Willie Hendrickson of Navestnk, Thomas Flaming, who livid be- Twenty Venn Ago, Thirty Yean Was well known IiftRed Bank, died who was seventeen years old, went tween Naveslnk and Highlands', died .j, Catering Luncheon • Ago and Forty Years Ago. of consumption at his home In Mld- South to find an easier Jiving: placo of consumption, aged 38 years. He PARTY FAVORS dletown township, near Hubbard's than, his home town, but after being left two brothers and one slater, John, Forty years Ago. bridge. there over a year he worked his way Michael and Xjezle Fleming. Tel. Red, Bank 2075 8 Wallace St., MASQUES The Stoutwood Park racing track Mrs. Mary E. White, daughter of back to Naveslnk. «,'\ Mrs. Mary P. VanMater of Red in Middletown township was opened A 24-pound turkey owned by Eu- Bank, while visiting Mrs. Victor D. RED BANK. BEARDS lor the trotting season. The trotting Johrj Henry Heyer of Holmdel, and William H. Johnson, a school teach- gene Magee of Tlnton Falls was Klnney of Holmdel, fell down the ! 1 rack was named Stoutwood Park stolen from Its roost In Abel Cole- (Continued on next page.) WHIGS * after John W. Stout, Jr., and George er, were married at the bride's home. Woods. About 400 horsemen and Francis Gllhuiy of Branch avenue MAKE-UP PAINTS others interested In horse racing were died of cancer of the throat after a at the track. There were Beveral year's Blcknesa, He was 64 years old ]iaces between horses owned by rea- and left ft widow and two children. EVERYTHING FOR A JOLLY ! idents of Hod Bank and vicinity and Miss Minnie F. Borden, daughter of ] quite a little money was bet on them. Richard Borden of Little Silver, was JAmoriR the winners were horsos married to Charles S. Hill of Red r I owned by Will Conover, Tom Sher- Bank at the bride's home, man, Dave Smith and George Woods. Mrs. Harriot Conover, wife of Wil- HALLOWEEN Mrs. John Cooney of Coil's Neck liam I. Conover of Shrewsbury, died was standing on a chair to reach a at Morrlsvllle, where she was visit- piece of meat which was hanging ing her father. • by the good and particular people of MonmoutK from the collingr and In stepping off — Peter L. Cruser, S. F. Elmer and the chair she stepped on her dog. The Frank Hampton, all of Seabrlght, do;; jumped and Mrs. 'Cooney fell on went to Somerset county on a big County as the proper place to dine the lloor, breaking her left arm hear hunting trip. the wrist. George. Brand's bakery on West Front street was broken Into and a Miss Luella Riddle, daughter of quantity of candy and other goods "STOBE OF A THOUSAND ITEMS" Henry Riddle of Oceanic, and Frank was stolen. Chandler of Fair Haven, -were mar- Catherine Conway,,ln(ant daughter ried by Rev. S W. Knlpe. The at- of Nora and Edward Conway of 58 BROAD ST., RED BANK tendants were Miss Sadie Kiddle, a White street, died of whooping sister of the bride, and Edward Fen- COUgh. ,; Monterey HHotel ton, Jr., of Lcedsville, Louis Soffel of Colt's.Neck raised Mrs. Ann Wilson of Leedsvllle died a sweet potato -which -weighed 2V4 of pneumonia at the home of her pounds. nephew at Bound Brook after a Jew Henry Campbell of Freehold raised daya' sickness. She was eighty years an acre of corn which when husked old and had been a member of the weighed 8,385 pounds. Grill Red Bank Methodist church almost ever since Its • organization. Ocean. Avenue 'Asbury Park J. Burton Hallenbako ot^ Phillips Thirty Yean Ago. Open AH the Mills, near the Mlddletown. and Rar- Mr. and Mrs. Michael Marks of Why You Should riant ltan township boundary, was found Bridge avenue celebrated their gold- In the Fall! dead In bod. He had long been aen wedding. The day was also Mrs. sufffferer from asthma and consump- Marks'a seventieth birthday. About A large, quietj-refined modern hotel with a truly beautiful grill, open Beautiful Grounds in tion He was 57 years, old and left a forty guests were present at the cele- «, daily from 7 in the morning until 9 in the evening, which is growing Spring % wife and two daughters bration. Mr. Marks was born at John Havens oft Porti Monmouth Farmlngdale, but moved to Red Bank in popularity as a rendezvous for social, business and family luncheon After a Good Fall Planting saw a large blueflsh swimming In when a boy. Bight children were and dinner affairs and parties. , Evergreens, Mountain Laurel. Rhodo- Compton's creek with Its nose at the born to the couple, five of whom were dendrons, Azaleas, Perennials, Peonie*. top of the water. He jumped In the present at the celebration. They were Flowering Shrubs, Rosen, Jnpaneso Mrs. Charles B. Bobbins, Mrs. Ella Foods of -wjide variety and finelt quality are expertly selected, skillfully Maples, Flowering Crnh, Pink Dog- creek, caught the fish with his hands wood, Flowering Almond, Hawthorne, and threw it ashore. The fish weighed Randall and Mrs. Margaret E. Gray prepared and served with delightful finesse. , Mountain Ash. etc. K" Pounds. of Red Buik, Mrs. Henry Wilson of Miss Melissa Parker, daughter of Jersey City and George Marks of Plenty of Col Newark.1 : Planting. Ask Robert L. Parker of Fair Haven, and William B. Little, son of Harvey Lit- Hiss Lillian Evalena Paddock, Lunches—$1.50 > Dinners—$2.00 ,„. tle of Fair Haven, were married at daughter of J. N. Paddock, and Al- the Fair Haven Methodist parsonage fred Hoff Magee, both of Atlantic by Rev. Jacob Lcuppie. Highlands, were married by Rev. O. Special Sea Food Dinners at $2.50 and Shore Dinners at $3.00. Miss Ida B. Kelsey, daughter of W. S. Wenrlck. The wedding was Marvin H. Kolaey ot Red Basil, taii very largely attended and a, big re- VV. Ehvood Wyckoff, bookkeeper at ception was held. After a wedding the Second national bank, were mar- tour the couple began housekeeping Dinner De Luxe~$2.50. ried at the bride's home by Rev. J. at Atlantic Highlands. K. Manning.1 William Woodward and William Sundays, from noon to 8 o'clock. Service a la carte, if desired. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Swannell and McGacken of Bed Bank caught an -i • • •• ...

their three children, Miss Ella Swan- opossum which was running on '• t nell, Mrs., Mary Ivlns and William Chestnut street. Mr. McGacken Swannell, were received as members picked the opossum up by the tail and of the Red Bank Methodist ehuroil. exhibited it as a trophy of his and Dinner Music that harmonizes with the restful tone and John Enright of Colt's Neck died Mr. Woodward's skill in capturing at the age of seventy years. He had wild animals. • Scotch PlaiAs, N.J come to this country from Ireland While Lester Lovett of Little Silver atmosphere of this refined and fdshionable resort Tel. Fanwooil 727Z in 1819 and located at Colt's Neck, was calling on a young lady of that where he raised a large family. place his horse, which had been tiad Jacob Conrow of Little Silver died to a fence, broke loose and ran away. of paralysis of the throat. Ho was The wagon was smaBhed and the har-

••••••••••»••••••.••••»•••»•••»•»•••»••••••••••••••••••••••••«•••••••••••••••••••••••»••••»••»••••»•••••.•••.••»•«••••••••••••••••»••»•••.»•»•••••»•••»..»•»•••»••».»•••»•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••»•••#. To The Voters and Taxpayers of Red Bank: v> I am very busy getting the tax books ready for the year 1930. As you taxpayers all know, or should know, for the last seven or eight years there has been a continual RAISE in valuations in real estate in Red Bank. I will admit and I think you all will, in those eight years real estate values have increased considerably, not only in Red Bank but in all towns and boroughs in the county. But this increase in Red Bank is not only a natural increase. A good portion of it has been put there by the Monmouth County Tax Board on orders from the State Tax Board. For two years I have taken the stand that I would not increase the valuation, and the Tax Boards have gone ahead after I had done what I thought was the proper thing to do, and raised the valuations until they have them where I think property own- ers in Red Bank have got about all they can stand and then some more. I have always had the taxpayer at heart, tried to do my duty to them as well as to my borough; but, Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer, my hands have been tied. I will tell you why. We have always had a State Tax Board and a County Tax Board composed of a majority of Democratic members ever since I have been your assessor. I, being a Re- publican, feel that had I been otherwise tMn a Republican the going would have been better. . » . Now we have a Republican majority on both the State and County Boards. This year we are not asked for an increase. Th-\nk God! So Mr. and Mrs/Taxpayer, you can rest assured when you get your tax bill next year there will be NO increase in your valuations. And I am glad for your sake, as well as mine, for I want to assure you that this job for the past seven or eight years has no1: been all roses. 1 have had many a head- ache and heartache and made some enembs through no fault of mine, but they just did not understand. >.. YOU SEE THE VERY FIRST YEAR OF THE REPUBLICAN ADMINISTRA- TION I AM NOT ASKED TO RAISE THE VALUATIONS. LETS KEEP IT THAT WAY. I am the Republican Candidate for your Assessor at the coming election, Tuesday, November 5th. I have not the time to calf and see you all. I am running on my past record of nine years. My motto always has been, "My Duty First, ThTheen Taxpayer and Borough. , , fA iave always been ready arid willing to do what I could in my small way io help the property owner and Red Bank. If you think I have done the best I could under the circumstances, I would like tq be your assessor for another term. I leave it entirely in your hands to judge. . George W. Bray, Assessor if ,k (PAID FOR BY GEORGE W. BRAY CAMPAIGN )

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*;. ••. .• , ':-•• BED BANK BEGISTER, OCTOBER 30, 1929.

mtningltlg after a sickness of fpur street celebrated their 25th wedding NOTICE OF REGISTRY ANl> EUXTiON. theiiet- RfstwardJy ^Jong the ctnt«? ilfl» of NOTICE OF3 REGISTRY AND ELECTION. Borough of Red Bank, N. J. Wi-st I.eofi»rf1 »^re«t to iti inlerstotlOD Townahlp of Middletown. bglidna. days. . anniversary. tvith the center line of Leighton avanue, YEARS AGO IN RED BANK Notice ia hereby given that o General Notice is hereby given that a General The polHnor pUfl* for th« Abram Sanborn of Llncroft mashed Four barrels of oysters were stolen j FIRST CHURCH OF Election will b« held In and for tho tlinncf* tmrthwardly aiona the c«nt«r Itae o( Eteption will be hold in and for the Town- P0ltoBl0 CHRIST, SCIENTIST Borough ol 'Rod>Bank?, In the County of Leiifhlori nvenue lo its intersection rltb ship of Mlddletown, In the County of Man- ?ro« N j b (Continuofl from la»t page.)' mer/ awhile doing isome carpenter Bertram Birch of Red Bank won a Monn-.outh and 'State 'ml New Jersey, on the line of Locust tvertlit,. tbene* mouth ftml Stnte of. New Jersey on Tues- )latr)ct, Cammanlf Known u f 34 Broad St., Red Bank. N. J. Tuesday, November fith, 1920, between the ivt-stwanlly along the center line of.Locus 1 day,, November 5th, 1020, between tbe Sbiih i Port Monmomh Dltfrlct, garret stairs. Sha mi very badly woflt. prize for a window display of chem- hour* of six A. M. and teven i'. M., at avenue to Us Intersection \vfth tbe ihore hours of 0:00 A. M. nnd 1 ;00 p, M., at tho ical goods. of the North Slirewsbury r(v«r, th«nc* respective polling places of said Town- cut and bruised, '-' • John W. Ely, eon of Eugono Ely of the respective poking places in said Opr- northtastwardlj" OIUIIB the tbore ot the j fr d.rvtstd.rvtsttt Hund.Hund.jj 1111 A.A... M.M.,, 8 r. It. # ship. Obelnnlntr at the corner fermid kf *)w \ Joseph Truoraan died of consump- Holmdel, was married to Miss Edna Put That Koom to Work. North Shrewsbury river'"to its intersection intersection of tha rnnd from ileodrlil(«av< ' tion at Eatontown, rfo WM 61 y«ftr» Marie Dornran of New York. Tho difference between a vacant ^ guixlar-Ssbool— »:»0 A. U. Sald election will be held In tho eiild with the center line of the track or rofkd Hold election will bo held In tho said Corner to Atlantic HlffhliniU end tht rui Mra. Lydla Ann Patterson of Mid- ^ W»/tnfl«ilaWednesda*y fT.iranlnEveninDg TMtlUlOQili >rouirh for the purpose of ch-ctinjf bed of the New -lersey Southern railroad Township for- tho purposu of electing from that rn»d to Ilornionyj thtae* (Ij old and had been alolt two yewa. He room and. a rented one may make 2 Meetings—a P. M, .. Member of the SenBte of the Ktnle ff>r' the point or place of beginning. a Member of tbe Senate of tha Stnte for eaatorly to Mill Itrook; tho nee (1) follow- left two eono, John and Joaoph True- dletown died of Brlght's disease. She tho difference between an uncom- the - County of Monmouth; two Member* The polling place for the Eighth Election the County of Monnumth; twm Members inu siilu brook Its vtirloun oouraet UftttMt^ was In her 88th year. fortable homo and a comfort- ^ (lead Ins ttoom—Wednesday a sod of the General Assembly of Ntw Jersey, District la the cafeteria of the SIgmund of. the General Anacmbly ol Haw Jeraey] to Compton'i Creek; thenco (f J vUll la ft f man. 5 gniurdays from 3:80 to 4 ;S0 f. M, a Clerk for tho County of Monmouth; M KUner Company, Ilridjre avenue and Weal a Cicrk for the. -Cuunty of Monmouth; H northerly courne. followinfr the ore*it t« Mrs. Latham of Naveslnk built a ablo one. Many are helping pay the Sheriff for the County of Morimdiith; Bordcn nance's liauae on Broad rent by letting a furnished room or K The public Is cordially Invited to Sheriff- for the County of Monmouth: Front street the old rIk'lit of way of tht N«w Utter street was broken Into and two over- house near the Navcslok greenhouses so. Use the Register's want columns two Members of the Hoard of (}hoin-Mi Ninlh Klftctlort District. two Memhcrs of tho Bonrd of Chotcn Houthern niilrnail: thencti (4> stilt noru* coats, threo pairs of hid gloves and at a cost of $2,000. W. attend the services and a»i tht FreeholderB, for three years; three Coro- Beginning at a point whera the center Freeholderc, for three ye»rn; ihrco Coro« nrly, Rlynjf said old New Jorgey Southern and secure a desirable boarder.—Ad- d itotidlnff Room. ners for the' County of Mcinmmitli; two lia« uf Shrewsbury avenue 1* Intersected ricrs for the County of Monmouth; two railroad ri«ht of way, to Haniy Hook bi*J a box of cigars were stolen. Mr. and Mrs. Blwood Lane of Bank vertlBomcnt Ciiunciirru-n for the Borough of Hoi \\nn\, with the center line of Herbert street, Meinbera of the Towrmhip Committpp. for thence (5) westerly nton* tha Bny, to U)f for three years; a Collector for the Horoutfh three yearw, and one Rum) Supcrviinr, mouth'or Vavt'* Creek; thenee New York and f*ong lows, via: District !-» Port Monmouth aehooIhoUl* ft| . Quockenbush. l'ort Monmouth, N. 4. First Election Dlatrlct. • Branch iUilrnad, thence uorthwesUrlr Beginning at the corner of Wesley Sin- Maud Aumaclt, , seven-year-old aionn tho center line of the road bed or 1 Beginning at a point on the short of eon * house on tho roail icndiiiK from Sovcnth District, Commonly Known ss 1st daughter of John Aumack of Eaton- tracks of the New York and Long Branch Middletown to Keyyort, «nit thence (I) E«it Kean*burg District the North Shrewsbury River directly be- Railroad to its Intersection with the center town, died of dropsy after a week's tween tha propertluu owned by the Mon- following a Hue on n cnurse of (M;iy, The boundaries of tha lame sre M toU line of Chestnut Btreet, thence southwardly 1911), south forty-eiyht dcKrucs and forLy- Iowa, viz: sickness. mouth Boat Club and tlia property known f v along the center line of the tracks or road ' _9. "jimUe^ wf>4t..t.o..t;!!n Jinf-nE-t-iio- ruu«l _...Uj:«innui8:,-*i-the-flor-N*r formed fcy tt)* CtiarloB K. Blahop of Oakland as tho Red Bank Lyceum, thence south- bfld of the. New Jersey Smitfwrn tUUroftl bovi^'ilih« Muldletown unit llnliuik'I 'loivn- i»ti:raeetlun of the rnm\ tram Hendrlcltion'* Btroet Had a vlalt from about forty wardly to tht center tins ol Broad siicet, to its mli'rsrpiion with tho center line of ship3; thence (2) soutliprly, folluwitiK trie CuriK'r lo Atlnntic lliahluiuta mid thi road thence along the center line of Broad street lierbi'rt street, thence westward!* along canter lino of snttl huundnry TIMI!" l)»-lwet*";i from that road to Harmony; thence <1> friends In celebration of his 70th to it* intersection with the center line of the center line of Herbert atreet to its in- Mlddletuwn and , llolrndcl Towiiiiliipi to nnrtherly, and northeasterly, atonir the !•#* ' birthday. Mechonio street, thence caatwardly atony tersection with tho center line of Shrews- Garret 8. Luyeter'a coiner; thence (S) named road and nlimif the road past Johq ^ John Osborn of Bolford caught the center line of Mechanic ptre«t to the bury avenue, the point or place of begin- westerly, to ilendrick^ou'd Corner in said J. Murphy's roBitlfncfl -to W, E. Ilftlph'i end of Mechanio street, thence southeaster- nlnK. boundary lino; thence (4) eoutncrly. DK "" Corner; thence =»2> northerly. In nn ilroasl ly olon* tho Fence Line to the curvi?i) over fifty bushels of weakflsh, blue- The polling place for the Ninth Election to tho corner of GeorRe C. LuyUer'a lunil itraitcht line, west of the barn of CbftriM iisli and buttorflBh In one lifting of boundary line of tbrf"Borough of Red Bunk, District Is Union firehouse. Shrewsbury on the rand londniK from Mid die town lo H. Mills to Pew's Creek, and thenaa (8) thence, northeastwardly and' uorthwarJly avenue. Holm del; thenco (5) easterly, and to\- down Raid Creek to Sandy Hook or Karl* hla net, following tbe curved boundary line of the lowing tho center lino of *nid rond to tan Buy; thenco (4) westerly, along 1h« Mrs. Sarah Johnson, wlfb of Ben- Horuugh of Red Bank to the shore of tho Cv Tenth Election District. Balm Hollow nt Fred HnrrU's Corner: Day Shore to tho Kennuburff BoroUgh lip*I North Shrewsbury river; thence south- Beginning at % point where the centei thenco 16) eastcriy, tulWinic the centtr thencK (5> Bcutherly, and westerly, ftlooat jamin Jolinson of Central avenue, wKBtwardly and westward); along the line of Shrewsbury avenue Is Intersected line of said road to the Now' York and the Keansburg Boroush line to Palmer Ave- iHcd'tif <4rapsy at the aga o£ 28 years. shore of the North Shrewsbury river to vith the center line of West Leonard Long Brnnch railroad; thiMiue (7) north- nue; thence (0) southerly, alowr Falm** Frank Matthews ' of Colt's Neck the point above mentioned • at the shore tret't, thence southwardly along the cen- erly, nlon^ the New York ami Long Hrnnch Avenue, to tho State Highway Roat* No. lino of tho n»*d river directly between the ter line uf Shrewsbury avenue to Its Inter- •••rnilroa'J" to Mill Uroolt runnin a g through 4: thenco (1) easterly, along nuld SUt* bought a clipping machine and began properties owned by the Monmouth Boat ection with the center line of the Newman farm of Willium It. Conover; lhence (8) Highway and alone the roail from J. O* the business of clipping horses. Club und property known us tha Red nruiKs road, thrnce westwrirdly along the cnsterly. along *n\A Mill Urnok, to ttte rond Uenilrickson'a Corner to Atlantic High- Edward Oakes of Atlantic High- Bunk, Lyceum, at the point or place of be- fentL'r line of the Newman Springs road from formerly Antonides'a Corner to Ohapul ittuds to the point or place of begtnotnjr at ginning. to its intersection with the North 3brews- Hill to Head den'a Corner paat the Evimi Harmony Cornor. lands won a silver loving cup in a place: thence (10) northerly, along tho laat The polling place for the First Election bury river, thence northeastwardly along nnmetl road to tho said Antonldes'a Corner The polling place for the Si vent h Bias* shooting match at Oceanic. District is Naveaink Hook and Ladder the shure of the North Shrewsbury river formerly at Chopel Hill; thence (11) west- tlon District ii the flrehoui* of th* Eml to its internection with the center line of Keansburg Fire Company, Thompion Ave» firehouse. Mechanic street. Locuat avenue, thence eastwnrdly along erly, anil following tho main rond from Twenty Years Ago. Second Election District. Chapel Hill to Mlddletown Ii>-Jhe old Mi-I- puc. Eaat Kcar.iiburK. N. J. the center line of Locust avenue to its In- dletown Station of tho New Jorspy Snutlicrn ! Eighth District, Commonly Known at tit* William Gaffoy, sou of Mrs. John Beginning at a point where ti-e center tersection with the center line of Lcjghton railromJ; thence (11!) northerly iilonw the I Itna of Mechanic street t» intorntcted with averiuu, thence southwardly along the cen- Riverside Drive and Hmadden** Corner rilfht of wny of mtid New Jersey Southern ' Dlitrict, Gaffey of Lconaritvllle, was killed by the center line of Broad street, thence ter line of Leigh ton avenue to Us Inter- railroad to Wnlter llnvv'wi;'* Corner; thence i a railroad.train nnd his body was southwardly along the center line of Broad section with the center line of West Leon- | The tioumlnrles of the lam* an »s fol* street co its Intersection witb the center very badly mangled. . Ho was thirty 1 nrd street, thrnce print wnrdly alon« th«« lino of Wallace street, thenco eastward .? enter line of West Leonard street to the (13) northweaterly, from Walter HoppiiiK'a IH'R]niilng nt the Interseatlon of the yoara old nnd ho left three brothers along the center line of Wallace street to center line of Shrewobury avenue, tb* Corner a!on? tho HoppinK road to Mor- Shrc\yibury River and tho brldjrs over tha tin rear of the property of the Second ford's Corner at New Monmouth; thence same of the New York and Loaar Bra Rah - nnd thran slstcra. They were Thomas, point or place of beginning. r;iilroed; thence (1) northerly, ttonjr th» National Bank, thence southwardly along The polling place for the Tenth Election (14) weaterly following the center lino of Martin nnd Lawrence Oaffey, Mrs. the rear of bald Bank one hundred feet the mnin roiid lending from I^nnnrdvillo to -iKht of way of the Now York end La»» A, Leo Emrnonu and Mrs. W. B. Kelly from the center line of Wallace street, District Is Westslde Engine House, Leigh- New Monmouth toward Kpyport, tranch railrosd to Ml)) Brook, runnlntf of Atlantic Highlands, and MrB. thence eaatwurdly by, a straight Imagin- too avenue. The polling place for the Kirst Election brough the farm of W. B. Conover: tbenea ary line to ijts intersection with the center AMY K. SITINN. District is the po.Uotlicc htiildinE on State 2) easterly alonar Mill Urook to tho road Sarah Jackson of Leonardo. lines of Linden place aod Wallace street, Clerk of the Borough of Red Bank. Highway. Midtlletown Villuge, Mlddletown, from Chnpei Hill to Headden's Corner mat Bated May 22, 1920. N. J. tho Mill Pond: thence (3) northarly. up Samuel W. Morford of Riverside thence northeastwardly along the center oaid road to formerly Antonldes'i Corntr avenue died from stomach trouble. line of Wallace street to Us intersection NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION. Second District, Commonly Known ai the to Chapel Hill; thence (4) easterly, along with the - center, line of Prospect avenue, Shrewsbury Borough. Naves&tt District. tho Chapel Hill road to Gnrvey'i Cornsr, Ho wag 75 years old and was born thence doutheaiijjwardly alohfe the center formerly WyckofE'a; thence (5) easterly, in Red Bank on Riverside avenue. line of Prospect' avenue to the southerly Notice is hereby given that e General The boundaries of the same are as fol- nnd southerly, along the boundary line of For 30 years he wao> In the coal and Welcomes the Friend curved boundary line of the Borough of Election will bo held in am) for the lows, vh: District No, 2, to the Brown's Dock roid; . Red Bank, thence northwardly along the Borough- of Shrewsbury, in the County Beginning at Many Mind Creek and thence (fl) Houtfaerly, along the Brown • wood business at the corner of curved boundary line of the Borough of of Monmouth. Stnte of New Jersey, on Seventh avonup on the George U, Davis Dock ronrl, to the Shrewsbury River; then?* Shrewsbury avenue and West Front Red Bank to the Fence Line, thence north- Tuesday, November Cth, 1920, from the property, ami thence running (11 south, weat'irly, alontc the Shrewsbury River. .,.,. Warns the Intruder! westwardly along the salt) Fence Line to the hour of six o'clock A. M. to the hour in the center of Seventh Avenue to the to the point or plnce of beginning. street. Ho left three children, Mrs. tho center-Una of Mechanic street, thence of seven o'clock P. M., at the respective rond ieadinic from Navenink to Leonard- ""* The pulling place for the Eighth Election Walter G. French, Miss Alice El. Mor- westwardly atone the center line of Me- polling places In Raid Borough. ville; thence (2) westerly, along tho cen- District U the flrehouie of HIddUtown Flr« ford and Garrctt Morford. chmiic street to ita Intersection with the Said election will bo held In the said ter line of said road,'!endinn from Nnveaink Company No. 1, State Highway. Beadd«n'» BRILLIANT porch light we)comes the friend and center line of Broad street, the point or Bornuph for the purpose .of electing to Leonardville to the winding road Icadlna Corner, N. J. Miss Helen HcndvlckBon o! Rett place of beginning. a Membor of the Senate of the State for up to the Socrcy (formerlyl property on Batik, who had recently died, left • warns the intruder. To the friend it shows that the the County of Monmouth; two Member* the Bay View Helnhta; thence (3) aoutn- HOWARD W. ROBERTS, ' » The polling place for the Second Elec- of the General Assembly of New Jersey; erly, up the said winding rond to Far View Township Cltrk^ will in which almost all of her prop- tion district is Independent Firehouse, Me- Avenue; thence (4) westerly, in the cen- Daton* Mny 22. 1029, erty was bequeathed to her sister, hostess is thoughtful. The guest feels his company is chanic street. a Clerk for the County of Monmouth; a ter line of Fnr View Avenue as Inid out on Sheriff for the County of Monmouth: NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION. ISllza Henilrlckson. Miss Josephine Third Election District. two Members of the Board of Chosen tho Map of Bny View Heights, to the cen- really desired. Beginning at a point where the center ter line of WeatStde Avenue; thenca (5) in Borough of Rumton, N. J, Manson was the executrix of the •/111. Freeholders, for three yeara; three Coro- a northwesterly direction in the center line line of Wallace street 1B intersected with ners for the County of Monmouth; and for Notice i.i hereby given that a C«n«rat Francis P. Farley of Little Silver, In ot West Side Avenue to ita Junction with Election wilt be held In and for tht ' the center line of Broad street, then;*-* the following municipal officers, viz.: Two the Old Woman's Hill road: thenco (6) his will, left all his estate tb his wlfo To the intruder if is the sign of warning. It notifies southwardly along the center line of Broad Councilman, for three yearn; a Collector, southerly, end southwesterly, alonj; the Borough of Rumson* In the County of end named her as executrix. street to its intersection witb the center for three years, and an Assessor for three center line of said Old Woman's Hill road Monmouth and State of New Jersey, OH line of Harding Read, thence eastward!; yenrs. to Garvey Corner; then Ci> Buutherly, Iioni Tuesday, November Oth, 1929, between ih* Mia. AiSna Morton of Spring street, him that the piercing eye of light is ready to expose him. along the center line of Harding Road to l&» hours of six A. M, and «even P. M., *i The polling place for Shrewsbury Bor» Gprvey, formerly Bowne'a, Corner in the the respective polling place* In laid Bof* ; •widow of David Morton, died of par- Because of the low electric service rate, the cost 13 .intersection with the center line of Branch bugh Is the F'rnhnuse. Shn»wnhury. center line of the road leading to Winter's alysis In her S2d year. Most of her avenue, thence southeastward]? along Ihe Hill to the junction of,uaid road with the insignificant. "To burn your porch light for five hours center line of Branch avenue to its inter- ORTHUDE C. VANVLTET. road leading from Chapel Hill to Brown's SaUi elation will b» haid In tha •»!*!: ' Jlfn was spoilt at Eatontnwn. section with the center line of Bergen Clerk of thu' Hornugh of Shrewsbury. Dock; thence (8) in an easterly direction in BoroURh for tbe purpoia of sleetlnar i Mrs. Hanpah Bowne died at the. costs only a penny. : place, thence eaxtw&rdly directly between Dated May 22. 1929. the center line of the lust mentioned road a Member of the Senate of tha State tof < the properties owned by the Est of Sarah to Hi intersection with the road leailins the County of Monmouth; two Mamtwf* >' homo of her sister, Mrs. Shampanore P. Wolcott and Emily Spinning one hun- NOTICE, OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION.' from Naveeinls to Brown's Doelt: thence of the General Aaaembly of New JertiM Uppincott of Little Silver. She was dred and fifty feet from the center line of Shrewsbury Township. a ricr-k for tha County of Monmoutht * -• 81 y was 79 years old and had lived at Beginning at a point on the ahore line a Member of the Scnnte of the State for lands: thenpG |6) following a lino of i perintendent. hnve bBon filed In the offlcst RADIO of the Nortli Shrewsbury River directly be- the County of Monmouth; two Members Llncroft'most of his life. course (May, 1911) of north six degree, of said superintendent nt the Do roue !l k>U* tween the properties owned by the Mon- of the General Assembly of New Jersey; no minutes east to Mill Brook; thence (7) Monmouth Htre^t, Red Bank, N, J., and Frederick Mornhlnweg of West mouth Hunt Club anil the property known a Clerk for the County of ' Monmouth; n north, down the center of suit) Mill Elrook niny he in«pec tec! by prospect! Vt bidder* street died after'a long sickness. He as the Red Bank Lyceum, thence south- Sheriff for the County of Monmouth; to the Bay Shore; thence (8) westerly, during buaincsa hours. The standard pro* was 78 years old and was a native wardly to the center 11ns ol Brond street, two Members of the Board of Chosen following the hitch water mark alone the po^jil form is nttuch(?il to tha specfflcatlom. ttienca southwardly alonar the center line Frenholders, for throe yenrs; three Coro- flny Shore to the place of heRinnintr. copies of which will he furnished upon of Germany. Ho left a son and two of Broad street to the intersection with the ners for the County of Monmouth; nnd for application to tho uuperlntendont, daughters, Frederick, Mary and Cath- tower Detection center Hue of Monmouth street, > thence the following municipal officers, via.: Ono The polling place for the Third Elec- B !i . » * W.3J !',0.made,^ri ,tho,j(ta ..<••"" westwnrdly along tho center line of Mun- Township .Conimitteemnn, for three yenrs: tion District is the firclipuse nf the,Be]' erine Mornhinweg. "JilUJb ,?iTCpt,..,tfl. .Jt3 .l.ttte.M*:ttio»'--with—the tjrveull^'frti^hiVif'Cb1mh^HtSeh1hn;!l forl'6ii'ii "year." Mrs. Jano A. Jennings, wlfo of center lino of the tracks or road bed of t^ fill the unexpiriMl term of Garret D. Lonir- in nnd required by tho specifications: mu*t John W. JnhnlhRS of "East Oceanic," and the New*-45Tubes the New Jersey Southern railroad, thence strei!t, resigned; n Township Collector, for Fourth District, Commonly Known the l>c onload! n Healed, envelopes, hearing th« : northwardly along the center of the tracks three years; n Township Assessor, fur Leonardo District. name nf the proposed work «nd the nama died after a short slcknesB. She was of tho New Jersey Southern railroad, to three years: two Justices of the-Peace, for The boundaries of the same aro as fol- nil.) midre** of thn bidder on the outaldt, 3!) years old nnd loft four children, plus the exclusive the shore of the North Shrewsbury river, five yenrs each, and two Surveyors of the lows, vht addrud^etl to tho Horoueh Council of ReJ David H., William E., Albert and Vlr- thence Bouthenstwardly and nortlienaUvartl- IKcH'Mii-y inr ono .-yeat each. •,. •.-.-, BesUvnVTur JX\ tVi6 Bay Stooro nf Yf&re UnnW, W. J*, axvi tti\>»\, W ixcctmrpxnVa& Vy;; • ly along the shore ol tbe North Shrews- Creek ««d running thence (1) southerly, n certified check equal to 10 per cent <*t "•"• - StI>\E\' V. PRAY. Township Clerk. thu miiiimum cunt met price, payable to g R«. • . „ bury river to the center line between the Dnted May 22, 1029. following iho several courde.-* of .said creek Leon do la Reusslllo of Broad Majestic Automatic property belonging to ths Monmouth Hunt and Mills llrooti (formerly kilown iia Cold the order of tho riortnitth Collector, and ft Club and property known as the Retl Hnnh Sprinur Brook) to MilU Bridge on the rond surety company certificate otatliiK that laid street, who was a frcBhman in Lyopum. the point or place of beginning, NOTICE OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION. leading from Leonardviile to New Mon- Suruty Cumpany will provide (he bidder Princeton college, won second honors Sensitivity, Control The pollinj? plnce for the Fifth Election Atlantic Township, N. J. , mouth; thonco (2) following a lino un a with the retmive'l bond, anrt must be d#» District la Liberty Engine Uouse, White course of' south B!X deEree* no minute livered nt tho plnca and before the houf in tlie running high jump event at Notice ot thu time nnd plnce uf holding west (May. 1011) to n corner of the rond utovy montionod. tho college field 'meet. atreet thu Gi'iicrnl Election nnd of the officers to leading from Chapel Hill to Middletnwn and Arthur Roberts, son of John M. Sixth Election DUtricC be clcctt-d in the Township of Atlantic, Headden'a Corner;1 thence (3) along the The Borough Council of Red Bank re* gives you QUIET, Beginning at a paint where the center in tht; County of Monmouth. Chapel Hill road easterly to (inrvey'd Cor- serves the rljrht to rujoct nny or all bldl Roberts of Eatontown, wont West to lino of Monmouth street is interacted Notice i» hereby Riven that • General ner, formerly Iluwnc'a and Wyckoif* Cor- if deemed to the beit interest of tho Bor^' find a job snd ho got a mighty good with the center line of Broad *uett, thunue Election vill be held in and for the ner: thenco (-1) in n northerly direction o\:^\\ to to do, southwardly aloiiR the wnter line of Towns In p of All untie, In tho County ot in tha ctnter lino of OKI Wcman'd Hill ruud Hy urilor «E the DorouBh Council of IU»4 jioaltlon In 'a dry goods store in Kan- Smooth Reception, Broad street to its intersection with the Monmonth, and Slate of New Jersey, on lending from Gurvey'^ Corner to iu junc- KanK, N. J. sas city. center line of Fteckieaa place, thence west- Tucstlny, November 5th, 1929, from the tion with West Side Avenue 011 tin- Gillvit W. H. H. WHITK, Mlsn Rebecca Hubbard, daughter wnrdly along tht center line of Ruckk-sa hour uf H\K o'iluck A. M, to the hour u( property, known na Hay View Heights; M ayor. ptac,e to its Intersection with the center soven o'clock I', M., nt the following plnci thence (5) in the center line «t saiil West Of Wllllum Hubbard, and Irving Den- with no oscillation Una of Maple avenue, thence •Northwardly in auto Township; Township Hall. Colt's Side Avenue to tho point when; it inter- A. El SHINN, Clerk. iilu, Him of Alonzo Dennis, both of along the center lino of Maple avenue to Neck. sects Far View Avenue on sniil Gilktt lied Dn^ik, yoptenibor, 1U20. its intersection with the center line of property: thuncc (G) easterly, in the cen- Red Bunk, 'wore married at Long Said election will bo held In the Bald SHERIFF'S SALE! " on the low wave Chestnut street, thence westwardly ttlonc Township for the purpose of clectlnK ter lino of r'ar View Avenue to the tnUT- Branch. the center line of Chestnut utret't to itn aection of what is known us the Snrri-v Hy virtue of a writ of |1. ffl. to ma dl» Peter J. Gorman of Fair Haven put 11 Member oC the Senate of the Stnte for Winding Road; thence m northerly, dnwn rncteil, issueii nut of the Court of Chun- intersect inn with tho trncks of the New the County of Mminiouth; two Members the center line of the Sorrtiy Wimlhi; Umni up a conci'eto' block building on Mon- Juraey Southern r nil road, theDce north- of the General Anst-mbly of New Jersey: eery nt the Stnta of New Jersey, will b» lengths as well as wnrdly along the tracks or romt bed of the to the center littu of the mini londiti^ from I'xpimi'il to tjuln nt public vandue, on mouth street and started In tho un- a Clerk for the County of Monmouth; a Nnvcsinlc to Leonanlville; thfime (8) ciut- TUESDAY, THE ISTH DAY OV NOVEM- New -Inraey Southern railroad to it« inter- SheritT for tlio County of Monmouth: erly. In the center line uf the rond Itadiim dertnltlnK nnd embalming business. neation witR the center line of Monmouth, two Memhei n of tho Board of Chosen from Navcalnk to I(eonurilvillo to thu cen- Mrs, Shullz, who lived with her eon, ptrettt, thence eantwardlv tlanu thu center Freeholders, for tliroo yeiira; three Coro- ter line of Seventh Avenue on thu <'ieiir«J lictween tho hours of 12 o'clock and 8 Frank Shultz of Tlnton Falls, burned the high ones linp of Monmouth street to its intfrioctioti nert for tlio County of Monmouth; and for ». Davli tract; thenco (i>) nnrthcriy. In oYluok (at 2 o'clock), in the afternoon of with center line of> Broad street, the point tho fdllowinK municipal utficers. viz.: One tho center lino of Seventh Avenue to its in- Haiti day, nt tho Court ilottae In the Bor» herself very badly by the upsetting Model 91 Or plncj of beginning. Township Cnrninitteunnin, for three year*, tersection with Mntiy M fnil creek nnd the ouch pf KrcchoM, county of Monmouth. The polling place for the Sixth Election soiitlicrly line or tho lloroush of AthinMi- Nuw Jerrtny, to sntlrtfy n docrBO nf IRltl of a kcttln'of boiling water.' and n.Ciiliuaur'for anitl Township. court iiminintltiK to opproximately IS.flOT, Archie W. Willlnms bought from FOUtRTUNEb District is Relief Engine Home. Drummond JONATHAN H. JONRS. HltrhlAnda; thence (10) westerly and * 13752 (/ess tubes) place. l northerly in tlie southerly nnd we.itorly It wnn ordered, ltdjuiltiei) Hllit decreed. Mrs. Charlca 11. Pnrnons tho lot at Township Clork. lintM of tho IJoroiiBh of Atlnntio III«h- tluit corLuln iiuirtuaK«il premtftrs, -with thtt the corner of Beech street and ' STAGES * Seventh Election Diitrlct. Dutwl May 2'i, 1920. lancl* to hi«h water mark on thf shore of iil'lMirtcniinfri, in thu bill of romplnlpt lt> Improved MiJtHlc Bt»jitf.I>ynimlc SpeiVer. Eitr« Improved Mijeiilc Super •Atr, r.if» Beginning at a pulnt where the aentei Rnrit!in or Samly Hook flay: Uimir« (ID thu mtld ciiuno pnrtiRUlnrly net fuith and Shrewsbury uvonuo for $80Q. -Dtnamlc Sp line of Ijruad Btreet in intersected tvith the NOTICE OK REGISTRY AND ELECTION. lieivy, iturdy Majenlc Power-hctt, »lrK pcMttlis hcivy, ilurdy Majtilie Pourr-Pjek, u' ith pomive westerly, in thf hifih water murk nn snld ilo:*f riljvtl. thnt h to n»y i All tho following - center line of Reck lens place, thaiice douth- Littlo Silver Borough, N. J. Bhuro to Ware Creek, tho paint or plnco of tract or purcul uf liinjl >nntl prumiioi bere- Alcnzo Smith Curchln, son of Wil- volugt-balUtt. imurci Ion and iifci wnrdly along the center line uf Urond vollil.billiii, lniur.1 lout lib ind itfeiy. Eitlt clife ly. Jacobem NoticL' ot the turn, nnd place of holding imtftcr pai-tlculurly ilortcrllnsil, uitunta, lylnf liam Curchln, Sr., of Fair Haven, was period cabinet of Amti . Doorl ci( P tree I to the southerly boundary of tha EnjIWl J.iipi ublnM el Amtilcin IVilnui. li> kin Wilnur HoroUk-h of Red Bank, thence Tinrtliwrxt- tho C.^HTIII Electiim rind of the otlieerd to nmt belin: in tho Towwalilp of Mid*Met»wn, married (o Miss Mabel Hayden of f0 muched butt walnut wit\\ w «iliy* or be elfctetl nnd meet ing a o,f the Board ol In the ('ounty of Monmnuth. nml Btata of • llrantljil pm In-Ill in nnd for the Fifth Diitrict, Commonly Known as the fiuerado party in celebration of her tliem-c east wnrdly alonu thy center line ltun>m:li o£ Little Silvtr. in the County of Lincroft District. IJ3NIB0N MANOH, ultunM nt LanUatJ. of Chestnut street to, Us tnteraection with Moiimouth ft ml Sdrtr of New Jerncy. on The boundaries of tbe sumo ure asful- Monimiuth County. N«w Jersey. Bald lol sixteenth birthday. the center line of Maple awni^c, thence Tiu'Mlay, Novinibur Blh, 10^9, (nun thu IOUM, viz: : shown nn mi tifll^ini Hurvey map niailtt hy Tablo and £od linen to tho value loiillinanlly along the center line of MnpU hour uf ak o'lilock A, M. to the hour ol U^ainnlnH at the Intersection of the New Herbert 0. Tn lu.:, I,am duly lUo.l In tho CUfSiU lino of Mr3. F. A. Morchouso o£ At- nliinp the center line of Reckless plnce' to in Bnid Uoruuttli: Liltlo Sliver Volunteer tho flald Now \ark aiui LonK Urmich rtiil- OIHt-o of tlio County of Monmouth at f'tft* the center line of Broad Btreet, the poii\t or L'tca Compuuy'ti House. roiul tii tho Interrii'elioi) of tho ruad from lantic Highlands. » plnci' of beginning. Said t'luaioii will he held in tho cnld Ileadden'ii Corner to the Still Hou^o; thence /nteiidml to ho the a amti fund nml pri Mliia Freda Ohlandt of Oceanic was The polling place for the Seventh Elec- DorutiKli for tht purpose of electing (2) wt'fltorly, follow in tr thu mud from lie* cuiivcyt'tl to tho HHI'I Uonry limit using a hot curling Iron when the tion Dlitrlcl is ' Eupcne M. Mat,"Je'» aa- ii Mrmbor of the Scnnte of tho Stute for HcniliJun'a Corner l» tlio Still IIouso and Imch t.y <|c««l fr«m N«ln»lai J,— rn.r\ Irvinu place. tho County of Mimmcmtli; twu Mtimber4 to tho corner of Utilm Hollow roiul nt ['red Iron slipped and one of her oyes was Hnna* Corner; thenco (3> wi-nterly, f.illnw- nnd MarRurnt fJlavocloh, hU Wl ..,, 21 Other Stores, at Ligbth tlactioD-Diitrlct. df the (Jfiurnl AhM'inlily of New Jrr.iey; HriXrmher Ui), ll^lf. uml ,r««nril«d Ip \k btully burned. n t'lvvk UIT liit Ctiwniy Df Monnnmtli; n ins tho center lino of tho iiuhiic hi»)iw>iy- MumnmiU ('nuiiiy Clorh'a oflifl* in IwNl i Eatantown Methodtats 'celebrated Beginning at a pulnl 'wtiert* the center I SherilT tor the County of Monmuulh; between Mldillctown and Holnuiol lown- Monmouth St., Long Branch line of tbe tracks or road bed pf. the New j two Mf'it.liers of the floiirtl of Chosen ships to Ocden's Corner: therco ( 1) fol- Jersey Southern railroAd In nileraoo'ed with |(>vvlii(t thct ranter lino of thn mud fro in .SglEod ris tho property nf Uenry Bro|^#n» ' tho nineteenth nnnivorsary of the or- i FrfdidldiTi, for thrt'ii yenrs; three Coro- hM rt HII. lakan in oMimutltm At lh« *nJ| • i ganization of tho Epworth league of thj ehore of the North vShrewatiury river, | nen'. fur thi* County of MonuiuUth; nml for Otfdt'ii'n Corner to Everett, through Kver«jl< Red Bank, nnd thenco southwardly alnnti Hie cen*.««( lltir to Sinuck'a Cornori thence 15) futltiwinif » „{ UcU liAuk lluil'Ilnff and Uiatt AMO»'*- * ' that town. of tlie trncki or road htvl of thu Ntw Jt-t- J tbf ftillnwinn iTiunicipul .illk-fH. vlr..: n lino on n" coitrNu (May, 1011) uf south tlon, a corporation uf the f Whooping cough waB an epidemic N. J. 'THE STORE OF SATISFIED CUSTOMERS' •icy Southern railroad to its fnUraectinn j Muyor lur thf UoruiiKh ot l.Mle Silver, for tlfty-Boven ilvicrceit. forty mlfuiliia wewt lf> Asbury Park, with the center lino of Herbert street. I two t ycat'!i; two Councilnion. fur thruc Swimming River; thence (6) in 1111 uurMttfly f\ JIAItllY N. JOHNdOM, 1 at Colt's Neck and upwards of a thence westwardly nlnnir the oemcr line of j yeor'a; an Ani.rHnor, for three yearn; n •jid aouthorly direction, rollowlim tlm v»rl- Uittrd Ootobtir 10th, U^U. Mioiie 2003. . li.jli!ftur, for threo years, und a Justice u\is ct)iirsc» or »nld 8wltmnlti« Iliv*»r to flewtird a lII(tBlnion HoUcit(,i\ 4X dozen children word alck with this N.J. I JU-rbert utreet to ita intersection with thf of tbii I'l'olio for five yean. ' > '" f disease, J cent IT line of Shrewsbury n venue, thenee the liiuh watiT lino nt the tthoru of J?hr««n- dpi.) RADIO STORES •ioutliwnnlly along Ihe center line ot ' -. . EtUABETII D..IIODIJS, bury river; tlierco 17) oanterly, In-Lhp h)3h RusSclI Longstreet, son of Garrstt Shrewsbury avenue to iii Intersection wfth water line of tho aharet of «niU BUrowsUurv to nUveitiae In Tb« liongatrcet of Holmdel, died of tplnal tlio center tfno of West T^eouartl atrcet, •.Piitcd Nay 22, U2». Pace Ten RED BANK REGISTER, 30, 1929. police Gurdottl Imd boon drinking Public Questions. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. and became unconscious. He was 49 At the election next Tuesday Sea> yeara old and leaves a widow and girt borough will voto on the propo' seven children. • i . sitiori of building a boardwalk bit N HAPPENINGS OF INTKBEST IN tho beach and Manaequan borough New Experimental Plant ' MONMOUTH COUNTY. will vote on tho question of appro- DAILY The Erdman color plant near Mat- priating $35,000 for a municipal hull andrdwm awan has been leased to a Now York .50 .50 Sunday, November 3d Personal Notes, Sales of Property, site. Building: Operations, I.oiljro Do- concern, which will use it as an ex- State Trooper Hurt. 1 U1CKETS GOO0 TO NEWAKK. ings, Slight Tires, Births, Mar- perimental unit for refining oil by a Eugeno A. Englestadter, a atato EXCURSION Round Trip SPECIAL TRAIN LEAVES riages and. Deaths—Other Items. new process. If the experiments are t.rooper who was recently transferred Round Trip RED BANK - 8.58 A.M. successful a largo factory will be from Freehold to New Egypt, re- (Including Sunday) Richard'Archer, an old resident of erected there. /IIUUL? iOWN 0:05 A.M. Alonmouth Beach, whpre for years he ceived a broken leg last week'when KclumiDk" leave New York. West 23il St., he collided with an automobile while C 47 I1. M.. Liberty St. U:00 1'. M., Newark \\ns engaged as a water man, died Boy Bicyclist Hurt (Droiul M.) !>:0S r. M. last week at the home of his daugh- Evans Hyrne, sixteen, son of Ed- rounding a curb on his motorcycle. far further information secure hanilbi!) ter, Mrs. Angelina Smith of Tenncnt, ward D. Hyrnc of Keyport, was Fancoast—Lane. at Ticket OlHce. V'here he had lived several years. He thrown from his bicycle last week Mis? Lavlnia' Pancoast, daughter of was eighty years old and is survived when a woman stepped In front of W. G. Pancoast ,,of Neptune, was Red Bank t« New York bj three children. him. He landed on hl3 head on the married last Saturday- week to Chea- ( Thomas Cumminprs of Freehold Is pavement and received ^concussion ter C. Lane of Point Pleasant. After -by- associated with MacDonald & Ely In of the brain. an automobile) wedding tripthey will NEWJERSEYCENTRAL developing: their tract known as As- Boy's Skull Fractured. start housekeeping at Asbury Park. bury Gables, near Aabur^' Park. Mr. Peter DeVrles, son of Cornelius De- MOTOR COACHES Cummings will bo • in the Asbury Marries l'ittsburg Girl. Park office on Cookman avenue. Vries, chief of police at Freehold, re- Miss Jean Jacobs of Pittsburg and ceived a slight fracture of the skull Nathan W. Vanderveor has been Kenneth P. Clayton, an Asbury Park Leave Leave from Leave elected 'president of the Presbyterian last week when ho was struck by an loal estato man, wcro married at Daily . 1:30 A. M. brotherhood of Englialitown. G. W. automobile driven by Miss Mary B. Cumberland, Maryland, on October Conover is vice president, Alston Longman, a social service nurse of 11th. They are living with the Daily Vanderveer secretary and Lewis P. Red Bank. gioom's parents for the present. 9:30 A. M. Bridge Avenue Coffee for Firemen. Arrive Arrive Bodine treasurer. - - New Kquipment for Jail. New York New York Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bodine of Free- The Belmar commissioners have Hospital equipment has been In- and Perfect emulsion cf nothing but the purest donated $150 to tho ladles' auxiliary 12 o'clock 12 o'clock ' hold have gone to Charleston, South stalled in the county jail through the Noon. Noon. ingredients is what gives to Wright's . Carolina, to remain until November of tho fire department, which will be recommendation of Sheriff Harry N. Mayonnaise that outstanding deliciousness. V 20th, when they will go to Pinehurat, used toward equipping an automobile Johnson. The equipment and hos- Leave Monmouth Street Leave One trial will prove this. Just compare it Korth Carolina, to spend the -wiifter. so that hot coffee can be served to pital facilities are under the super- New York Now York .. the firemen while they- are fighting with your own or any other make. Your Mrs. Belle purtis of Long Branch vision of Dr. John C. Clayton, 6:30 P. M. (Oliva Bros. Store) 6:30 I\ M.v is recovering1 from an operation per- fires. regular dealer has Wright's. • ,- "^ Church 135 Years Old. formed on her' eyes at a New York Shoo Shop Padlock. Arrive Opp. It. R. Station. Arrive hospital. This was the second oper- Padlock proceedings have been in- The Manasquan Baptist church cel- Red Bonk Bed Bank Wright's Salad Product! • ebrated its 125th anniversary Tuesday ation of the kind she has undergone. stituted to close a shoe repair shop 9:00 P. M. Telephone Bed Bank 1360. 0:00 P. M. — French Dreuinfr — Thauund Iiland Dretsink " The congregation of the Keyport at South Belmar, of which Tony night of last week with a dinner, | TMte-T-Sandwich Spread Presbyterian church has given a sil- Lombirdl is the proprietor. A room which was attended by over 100 men> »»•»»»»»>»>•>•>•*»>•••»»»•••••«••••••>••»«»•• A. E. Wriihl to.—DMiIon of Krait-PhonU Chccis Corporation ver meat platter to Raymond B. Mc-at the rear of the shop Is said to l.cis and friends. Addresses were Kinney as a testimonial of his serv- have been used, for the sale of li- by four former pastors. HARRY W. CLERK, Distributor to Shore Point, ices as organist of the' church.* quor. ' " j (Continued on next page.) * It Pays to Advertise in The Register. Long Brunch, New Jertey • \ Clifford Rue of Freehold has taken a job with Montgomery & Ward of Asbury Park and he and Mrs. Rue will make their home at . Ocean Grove. -:j Itichard Ward of Freehold died at the Long Branch hospital last week of pneumonia, aged 61 years. He is xurvlvetl'by a widow and one d&ugli- ter. Mrs. John Trojan of Freehold Avaa, tripped by a dog last wcclt and thrown down. She was taken to the, Ijakewood hospital for observation. ijoupelf Mrs. Kliza Gatlin of Freehold and OTHER TRIUMPH Frank /I. Vincent of Allentown were married at Chestertown,' Maryland, on Monday, October 1-lth. ut Announcement wns made last week of tho marriage of Miss Wilhelmina Janssen of Freneau to Albert Koche of Freehold. Clyde A! Mullen of Asbury Park HUM has been granted a patent on an indi- cator for measuring instruments. i^OME in and picture your. Charged With Auto Theft. OF LEADERSHIP ^-< self in one of the new Samuel Grossman of Asbury Park has teen held in ?1,000 bail on a Middishade Blue Suits now charge of stealing an automobile on display. You may have owned by Leo Canton. Grossman 7 a Middishade Blue Suit in drove Canton to a hospital last sum- mer and disappeared with the car, the new-processed "STANDARD' Gasoline made plain blue, stripe, unfinished, which was recovered .In Virginia, basket-weave—and in other Shells From a Well. novel weavejs and effects—all About half a barrel of oyster and in the ever-popular blue but clam shells spurted to the surface infinite ill their variety. of the old well at the Freehold rug by latest and best refining methods ... but read for mill last week when the well was be- ing cleaned out at a depth of 186 Every Middishade Blue Suit feet. When the well was originally is guaranteed by the makers drilled it was 220 feet deep. : and by us to give satisfactory Sues for Permit. wear, to have enduring The Fischer baliing company has yourself the story of this wonderful high-test gasoline shapeliness, fast color, and brought suit against Asbury Park to compel the city to grant a permit to be made of the finest of for a large bakery building at Fifth fabrics. We'll be glad to have and Railroad avenues. The permit you comejn and try one on. was withheld when adjoining prop- BUILT TO PLEASE THE PUBLIC. Huge ore tho erty owners made objection. giant cracking stills erected to produce a Injury Fatal. popular-priced gasotirfe botler than any now Herbert Stevens of Asbury Park sold to motorists. died at the Matawan hospital last FROM THE ROAR- Philip T. Jiannine Friday week as the result of an in- ING INFERNO the Holler than tho fabled Vulcan's furnace Is tho distillates pass info searing heat that literally "tears" the pure, jury to his spine received in an auto- rich gasoline from tho crude oils. No wonder 87 Broad St., Ked Bank, N. J. mobile accident. Stevens -was em- the huge separat- ing drums where ill is new-processed "Standard" Gasoline ii j pluyed at >,the National lead com- smoother-powered. i pany'3 plant at Matawan. heavy f ra ctlo n s a n d One Flight Up—It Pays to Climb. impurities are re- New School to Open. moved. Nothing 1'or Your Convenience— The North Long Branch public reaches your motor Open Wed. and Sat. Nights. school, which has been rebuilt after except pure, rich, being: destroyed by fire last spring, new-processed will be ready for opening next week. "Standard" Gas- Upstairs The new auditorium at tile rear of oline. the school building will be completed in about two weeks. Died After Drinking;. Alphonso Gurdctti of Long Branch died in the Wanamassa ambulance last Wednesday night. According: to

Skyscrapers of poured cement—In which the pure, crystal, new-processed "Standard" U literally "cracked out" of super-heated and compressed heavy oils. Night and day thesa huge separator* turn out high tost "Standard" Gaiolino to fill the ever-growing popular demand*

\ A^R months of patient experimentation and'the installation of entirely new refining equipment, we offer the NO HOLIDAYS. Day and nighMhe /"\motoring public a truly balanced gasoline—a gasoline with no one quality sacrificed af the expense of any other. refinery is alive with industry. The This Certificate monster fire boxes The new-processed "Standard" is not better merely on one or two points. It possesses in a balanced combination good for never cool. Tho giant cracking coils ALL thbse qualities which experts agree go to make up an all 'round superior motor fuel. Quicker starting. Quicker ore on twenty-four hour duty to care pickup. Smoother power. Less knocking. You can judge the new-processed "Standard" on any one gf these for the tremendous increase in new- specifications, or in combination. However you test it, it sets a new record in motor performance. And yet you processed "Stand- ard" Gasoline pay no more for it thanfpr ordinary or inferior gasolines. Sold everywhere at all "Standard" pumps. Test it today. consumption.

NO GUESSWORK in this "Standard" control room. Trained experts -constantly watch the big-faced meters. Heal and pressure can deviate no more than a point Or two before corrected. Checks and rechecki, test* end retells are continuously madeito insure a constant supply of uniform new-procossed "Standard" Gasolint STANDARD at no e^Jrd cosV ' . , GASOLIN I NEW-PROCESSED HIGH-TEST RED BANK REGISTEE, OCTOBER 30, 1929.

elayy In Jail by Judge Clark in' fed- eral court at Trenton last week. > on. n. A. EGAN'S BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. LICENSED CHIROPRACTOR. K> Married Fifty Yearn. (Continued from last page.) . Mr. and Mrs. William ,A. Morton It's ho accident—when you .get a load of Good Roofing of Manasquan celebrated their golden -UN. Auto Vans and Express Tho Atlantic tiro company of Long Mow that moving tlna* U otar i *m wedding Tuesday of last week with a good coal here, because we handle 100% Jeddo- ARCHITECT. "The Kind That Lasts" »re pared to do four n*it moving of turn'* Branch hos accepted Its new Day- I'ho st1 .ore* pl«not or baggage to all part* of Elder flro truck, which was recently family dinner. They received many Highland. , ilty or country. In the Isrgsit pidqtd VMi» purchased. Tho company will soon gold coins and flowers as gifts. VtSVHKR It ClUiWKLt, For all types ot roots tn Red Bank, Bsforc you bav« rour n*xt LAW OFFICES, movlnff "' Sworn) National Baak Johot-M»n»il!o Approved Roofera J. T. EQAN Branch hospital. Besides her hus- Bulldlne, phona am. 12 MASON PL. ing an unusual run of misfortunes. Residence phone 11B, tl WALL STREET. RED BANK He recently broke a rib; ho wasband she leaves two sons. Pbon. 390 KEANSBURC. Reiidence Phooa 39*W l>H,oe hiurV, U:00 to 11,00 K M.t lclclccd on tho leg by one of his hors- Convention Hall Flag. »L£^dJl Office Phono 2215-J e» and he ran a splinter of metal un- \VILIIAM A. HOPPING'. 10 WHARF AVENUE Workmen on tho new convention Rail E»t»l. Urokar, der one of his finger nails. hail at Aabury Park la.Gt week do- < Llniitn Hint,. RED HANK. W. J. Caught In Wringer. nated an American flag 10x15 feet, QUINN, PARSONS & DOR1 Shirley Bookot, a Keyport girl, which was raised on a 35-foot polo COUNSElXOIlS AT LAW. at the top of tho tower. nuneH Buiidine, rt.a runt csught her hand in the wringer of —and— John J, Qutnn, TliaodOM D. Paraau. her mother's washing machine last Hurt at Football. * ^ Thomm P. n,lremu» woek and beforo she could bo re- David Cashlon, ton, fion of D. D. ALSTON B£EKMAN; * lease! her arm up to the elbow had Cnshlon of Freehold, .suffered a con- COIJN3KLL011 AT LAW. been painfully injured. cussion of the' brain while playing l£_Hrniiri Hi, HEP UANK. H. 1. football last weelc and was out of UfcOKGE D. COOPER, ~ " Retired Merchant Soad. CIVIL ENfHNBICH, Alfred B. Johnaon, a retired whole- school for several days. or to George Coopar. C* E. . sale coffee and tea merchant of Now-Overhead Bridge. fatttrnon Building. RKD BANK, tf. I. nrlt, die! at the homo of his sister FUEL GEORGE K. ALLEN, j7., C E., «nd Tho state highway commission has at- Avon Tuesday- of last week.. He received a bid of $17,146"for a new GEORGE F. RANDOLPH, CE. \vao 62 years old anil leaves two chil- overhead bridge of the New Jersey CIVIL ENfHNEERS.. AMU SUBVEYOMi dren and two Bisters. central railroad over Valley drive, Always the same, uniformly good, the best WALTER~C.~ VAN KEUREN, "'' ! Itf:uid2ii>*-Kclder. near Matawan. . ' mined. Well screened, free from dirt. CIVIL ENGINEER AND SUHVEYOB. I Llkiu Rita Madden, daughter of Broad Strut National Bank Oulldlol, New Borough Clerk. R.d Bunk. N. J. i Patrick Madden ot Freehold, was Francis T. Kelly, the newly ap- i r.inrrled last Wednesday to George DR. HAROLD J. STOKES, pointed borough clerk at Union DENTAL SURGEON, i Kuider of Kpyport, Rev. Thomas Boach, took office last week. He suc- 54 Oroad Street, Elaner BuUdlnt, I'lr": pel formed the ceremony in St.ceeds Walter F. O'Hara, who recently Rooina 4, 5 and 6. >. Ho'io cf Lima church. - resigned. Office Hours 0:00 to 8:00 0*elMk* new Ugh'ting System. , •/• TelC5hon« 1601 Died nt Hospital. WILLIAM A, WVRVH, Tho Jcrory central power and light Alice Thomas, daughter of Clenton • ' '• '• •'• OPTOMETRIST, :ain;>any i'S submitting a new plan Thomas of Belmar, died last wcaVs. aV Retilter Dld£., Broad Straal. Phone SS, Red Baaa .or l!£iHin;[ the business section of tlv^ AWontown'- hafpllal of" tuberculo- OfQce Bourai l>:00 to 6130. TO THE GREAT Fveeliuld to UwiArarough Council Tlid sis. She was fourteen years old. Telephone 103 ' Evanlngi by Appolntniillt. rany has put up a sample light Store leased. The Paper That Gocn Horns, of 1,000 candle power. The Atlantic^ Pacific grocery com- Tim Re^istpr has the largest cir- May Build High School. pany has leased a store on upper Where Quality Rules ! culation of any country weekly In the Broadway at Long Branch from Solo- United States. It Is cherlahed aa a Tho Spring Lake board of educa- member of the family circle.—Adver- tion has adopted a resolution favor- mon Nelmark of Seabrlght. tisement. v ing the erection of a high school THINGS IN building large enough to accommo- date pupils of Spring Lake and the surrounding territory. Manasquan Couple Wed. Miss Ellljabeth I. Noclt, daughter of George D. Node of. Manasquan waB married last week to John KOLSTER Howarth of that place. Rev. E. E. lSdmond of the Methodist church per- formed the ceremony. Want n New Bridge. The Avon civic association Is mak- ing an effort to have tho road con- "The whole world Htruct a now bridge over the tracks at Sylvanla avenue. Avon officials will ask Neptune City officials to Join them in the project. A. Golden Wedding. . watched the skies!" Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. VanSlclen of Freehold celebrated their fiftieth The thrilling story of Joe Gately, chief wireless wedding anniversary Tuesday of last week. About fifty guests were pres- operator, S. S. President Roosevelt, 1928 ent and the couple received many "This was two years ago, when Miss Amelia Earhart made handsome gifts. her daring hop across the Atlantic! The 'Roosevelt' was at Aged Wheelwright Dead sea, then. With my Brandes headset, I traced Miss Earhart's William H. "(turner of Engllahtown progress and flashed the news to the world that she was>alf. died last week, aged eighty years. He was a wheelwright arid had spent his way across and going strong! i:. Yes, my Brandes headset entire life In tho vicinity of English- has seen a lot of adventures since 1917, when I used it for town. A widow and four children Ihe first time aboard the U. S. S. Massachusetts; But now, survive him. I am Just as enthusiastic about the new Brandes Radio: Tho 1931 Auto Tngs. For clearness and depend- The color scheme for the 1D31 au- ability—on sea or shore— tomobile license plates in New Jersey give me a Brandes all (he will be a bright red background with lime!". white numerals. Next year's plates will bo a white numeral with a gray background. , Extra Jail Guard. Hanilsomo cabinet with doors Sheriff Harry N. Johnson has em- of figured butt walnut and two-tone panels. Seven tubes and rectifier. ployed an extra guard at the county Selector tuner. Equipoised dynamic re- jail because of the large number of "...they'resuch a lovely couple • producer. Screen grid tubes. Push-pull murderers and desperate criminals •—and wliat a beautiful home amplification with two type conflnod there. The jail nowhas six they've furnished!" 345 tubes. Price, less tubes .. guards, making three shifts of eight hours each. * Yes—and they just bought a Engagement Announced. KoUter Radio, tool" iKE a flasli, the news travels from neighbor to neighbor The engagement of Miss Frances "A-Kolsterf r Cook, daughter of Perrlne Cook of I and from town to town!—"listen to the great things in Farmlngdalc, to Howard I. Vander- "Surely! Don't you know? You veer of Freehold was announced at a > can get a Kolster now for only ^. *. +. For the minute you say to your dealer, dinner given by Miss Cook's parents tl7SI My radio dealer told ma "Show me the new Kolster for 1930!" you nsk for a new ex- last week. it wot Kohlcr's remarkable pop- Hotel Flans. ularity that made that possiblcl" Amazing Value! *165°° perience in radio!—for screen grid tubes tested and approved Tentative plans for the $3,000,000 hotel to be built on the ocean front BRANDES CONSOLE B-1(3 pictured here—7 tubes and rectifier tube Oeaitnbei) bf Kolster engineers! — for selectivity so fine, so true, every at Long Branch were presented to sound but the station you want is barred out completely !— the feommlsSioners last week by Will AMAZING is the word! Never before in the history of radio did such littl* H. P,aVson, who leased the land for money buy a cabinet as handsome as this—PLUS dynamic reproducer—PLUS for a cabinet so handsome, so distinguished, you're proud the-hotel. remarkable selectivity that brings you the one station you want! Here is the to display it in your home! -a. A *. Why delay any longer? liuiialapan Man Dead. only radio in the world whose history dates back to 1908—the only radio that ' Charles Maloney of Manalapan comes to you as the climax of 21 years of research and experiment! You see Your dealer has the new Kolster on display —now! See it- died suddenly in a Trenton hospital —' hear—the difference immediately! last Wednesday, aged 32 years. He hear it—find out for yourself why this year, more than ever had been at the hospital only two days. A widow and a daughter sur- Tonight's the time.! Your dealer is waiting to J^ying, ''Kolster is a fine.jgtl",. •vlvo-hlm:''-.' let you test thei Brandes in eveiy possible way I Beaton and Kabbod. William J. Archer, 74, who lives CONSOLE IS-16. Handsome cabinet; CONSOLE MODEL B-15 Selector tuning. Dynamic reproducer. 7 Tubes and Rectifier Tube. alone near Smithburg, was attacked Push-pull amplification with type 345 in his home last Saturday night by tubes. Four tuned circuits. Heater type three co^OTetVvTnfi'ft v*\vo. ribbed hAui ot TABLE MODEL B-IO '.;. S15 and left him lying unconscious on control ;!)>l65VW tho floor. 6 Tubes attd Rectifier Tube. KOLSTER prove His Father's Car. . {allprices less tubes) Anthony Amblamsky, Jr., of ^Free- hold, was arrested last week charged with driving his father's car with- Copyright. 1929, by TheBftndei COTJk RADIO out a license. After a hearing the hoy was released under a suspended sentence. Union Station Opposed. f The ¥li»tf»-M^ Xilten to tho Kol»ter Program every Wed- Residents of Allenhurst and Deal ne»d«y Evening at 10 P. M. Eastern Standard are opposed to the plan of the New Tiine, over tbo nation-wide Coltunbia Chain. "Vork and Long Branch railroad to NEW J>!ctli$ provide a union station for the two es Radio towns to bo known as Deal-Allen- (A PROLVUCT OF KOLSTER RADIO CORPORATION, NEWARK, N. J.) hurst. Behu—Combs. AUTHORIZED KOLSTER RETAIL MERCHANT Miss Gertrude A. Behn, daughter of William h. Behn of Neptune, be- came tho brido of Elston F. Combs AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE. ot Deal last week. They left after the ceremony for a motor trip in the South. Miller's Hardware and Radio Co. Bus Permit Granted. The Manasquan borough council BOB JOHNSON has granted permission to the Penn- sylvania railroad company to operate TRADING AS "THE BEST IN RADIOS" its busses running from Asbury Park to Philadelphia through the borough. 33 W. FRONT ST. Phone 1140 RED BANK, N. J. Boulevard BInp Approved. The City plnnnlng * and improve- ment association of Long Branch has Monmouth io Service approved the map of the proposed ocean boulevard at that place, which 16 White Street, Radio WJBI. Red Bank, N. J. "Kolster plus twenty-three years of practical Radio experience was prepared by J. W. Seaman & Son. means success foryou. " Returns to Old Job. Earl MacPherson of Freehold, who haa boon working C9 a cfvil engineer AUTHORIZED BRANDES RETAIL IVIERCHANT in Nova Scotia for several months, has returned to ^Freehold, and will "BOB" JOHNSON WJBI again bo employed* by William Mount. Inlet Properties Deeded. AUTHORIZED KOLSTER SALES AND SERVICE. The Manasquan oflklals have deed- ed to tho United States froverniment Miller's Hardware and Radio Co. tho borough's property in the 100- foot stretch where it is proposed to- 16*1Vhite Street, Red Bank, N. J. erect dikes to keep tlio Inlet open. "THE BEST IN RADIOSi * " Five Days In Jail. Charles Stocrmnn of Keaiwburg, who pleaded guilty to soiling liquor Give Luke Longhead the Job of Supplying Your Wants. at that place, was sentenced to flvo 33 W. FRONT ST. Phone 1140 RED BANK N. J. Page Twelve RED BANK .REGISTER, OCTOBER 30,1923. >•*** WALKSuOlWOF MKKXINO. . football team play against n college nnd suppers by tho>ladleB' aid Boclety team ot Hightslown Saturday. of tho Baptist church next Tuesday., Freeholder Harry O. Borden Doesn't Mrs. Joseph Holmes and her daugh- This sale was very successful last Agree With His Colleagues. ter; Miss Arinaiaura Holmes, went to year and indications point to equally During B discussion over tho coun- New Haven, Connecticut, on Satur- an gratifying a result thla year. ty maintaining the highway Itnown day and Baw tho Army-Yale football Thieves tried to steal iho turkeys Nothing starts off a fine day like an inviting aa Routo No. 4 through Neptune game. on Bcrnon S. Prentice's farm a few township, Bradley Beach' and Avon at Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Ely and nights ago. An employee on tho tho meeting of tho freeholders last Mr. and Mrs.. Jay Duncan saw the place turned on tho lights at tho cmt- breakfast. A most delightful breakfast is week Harry G. Borden of Shrews- Princeton-Navy football gamo on bulldlnga and this frightened the in- bury, a member of the board, walked Saturday. . • ' truders away. Thoy did not get any Puritan Dairy's Cream, Eggs and Milk. It from tha room. The discussion was Preparations arc completed for the looty, but there is general regret that GEORGE M. S. GOTF brought up through the presence of annual election day sale of luncheons they were not caught. Frederick P. Relchcy, clerk of Brad- takes a healthy person to sleep well—keep ley Beach, who asked if the free- holders wore guing to keep their improving your health by drinking and promise made last summer to take r I N V I T E S J G V T O over and maintain Main street, a sec- tion of the former state highway. 'I'hr cooking with Puritan Dairy's Milk. ether members of the board said it INSPECT THE FALL i was; their recollection that the frer- | holders had agreed that if the state ! would appropriate 825,000 for tj)e re- AND WINTER CLOTHING | pair of Shark River bridge that next DRINK MORE MILK! i yrar the county would take over and 'ij maintain the highway. Mr. Borden Insisted the decision was not unanl- NOW ON DISPLAY AT 'mous and declared his recollection was as good as the other members. He declared tho road was a state highway and that the county should not/be charged with its maintenance. PURITAN DAIRY Tho other members then directed .the., clerk to. call a conference with tho municipalities affected on Novem- For Your Supply ber Oth. •• PHONE RED BANK 2030 Wants Higher Award. Judge Rulif-V. Lawrence of Free- BROKAW hold, sitting in the first circuit court case to comBt>etors}))irfat Ftaehold this term, refused to al)o\v a Free- "j^+M^>»><^»>*^^4>» (52 lines) 121.84 High Art Coffee ...... lb40c Thirty-six members of the Wom- an's club and a few invited guests at- fir Xc*m*mhotTrentpoTtatIo» tended a luncheon Saturday after- Fancy noon at the home of Mrs. Henry C Mecklem, Sr. Others present besides Selected Maig^Potatoes Z£ §3,17 the club members were Mrs. John L Hubbard, Mrs. Ursilla Spear, Miss Francis, Mrs. Harry Ijcacli, Mrs. Nor- PCHEVROLEX man Gardner, Mrs. Baumert, Mrs. A. Apples . $2.25 bu. basket H. Sutphin, Miss Marie Caldwell Mrs. Forman White, Mrs. John VVid- ger and Mrs. Fred Stier. Oranges • • 1§ for 25c Mr. and Mrs. Addison Sanborn, Jr., of Newark spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. Sanborn's parents, Ritter Campbell's OSCO Finest Gold Seal Mr. and Mrs. Adtiison Sanborn. Mr. and Mrs. Leach of Now York Maryland Rolled have been spending several days with Tomato Mr. and Mrs. Harry Leach. iliions of Miles A card party for the members of Tomatoes Oats the Woman's club and their hus- Soup Soup bands will be held Saturday night at C C the home of the Misses Brand. cans cans Mrs. Elmer Alexander has returned 15 25 2 -can2s 23' from a trip to the CatskiH mountains. Mrs. A. H. Sutphin Is directing a Constant Testing religious survey which ta bcipg made Reg. 25c Armour's Veribest Gooked Corned Beef can 2S.6 at this place in connection with a similar undertaking which is under way at Hcd Bank. There are 120 to maintain the outstanding Reg. houses at River Plaza and the de- nominational faitha of all residents Finest- Creamy Cheese «> 33« will be compiled. The survey or can- 37c vass will bo concluded tonight. As- quality and dependability of sisting Mrs. Sutphin in this work are Reg. 23c OSCO Fancy Calif. Large New Mss Iona Brand and Charles Bren- Finest Pure Paper Shell Selected ker. Calif. Budded Mr. Kingsberry's new house on Ap- The Chevrolet Six plcgate street is completed. Tho Mixed Nuts Riounds have been graded. Mr. Grape Juice Kingsberry expects to move in the pt bots \h house In a few days. In spite of the fact that a million final—Is one of the fundamental Judson Bioren, who has been This Ingenious reasons for the overwhelming popu- 2 device occuratdy Chevrolet Sixes have already been spending several months at Asbury •svelgha the pressure Park, was at his former home at tills required to operate placed In the hands of owners, and larity of Chevrolet cars. For In no place Saturday. He has had a new the clutch pednt of other way is It possible to make the New Pack Fancy Cooked roof put on his house. The work was tbe Chevrolet SU. have proved their performance and Reg. 14c y-| -t « /** ^ pat done by George A. Kaney. ' . stamina by billions of miles of service Chevrolet Six so sound in design and Miss Ella S. Conover has returned over every type of highway. materials—so dependable in perform- bigcans from a visit to Mrs. Joseph Sproul' of ance—'and so economical to operate I Keyport and from a visit to friends —the Chevrolet Motor Company con- rumpkm Z 25c at Caldwell. Miss Conover is spend- i Surprise the family with a good pic. No bother. Just add spicos. ing several days with her Bister, Mrs. tinues to take new Chevrolet Sixes A:-11. Siilph'm ol tills' plbcc •-,'• Hyou are considering the purchase ol .Mrs. Kinworth of Ridgeffeld Park from the assembly line at the factory a car, come In and see the new You'll Be Sure to Need These ! hnn bren spending several days with and subject them to pitiless testing her .mother, Mrs. William Cook. Chevrolet. You will find that it Is ' dSCO AMI. Beverages Z qt hots 25c, Cream Relish Chceso u, it, 25,. Albert Conover has placed a new. on- the roads of the General Motors more than a Six in the price range of 'Bob Koj- Pale Dry filnger Ale carton of 12 $1.K5 Grecnlilll Mushrooms small can 32c inundation of faced brick under his Proving Ground! , (!SW Cream Minis .-- .....','. 1b 10<: house and he lias enclosed his porch the four. It is a finer car than you with glass. Ho did the work himself The decelerometcr Baby Ruth JSars' ;i for 10c Shelled Walnuts (in 23c records the rate the This passion for proof — this con- ever thought possible in the low- in his spare time. new Chevrolet Sii Jlason Cocoamit Peaks _ 8 ,for 10c American, Swiss or Pimento Cheese '/• ib 25o •lows down Dt any The firemen are preparing for a pressure on the sistent refusal to accept any testa as price field! "Plus usual deposit. card party to bo held some time next brake pedal. month. William. Meaghcr of Newark ex- ThaRoaJit*T,tS2S: ThtHia4lon,t5tSiThtCoach, J595; Tfia Count, U9ll Tht Sport Coup: IMJ; pectfj to move in the Burnside house ThtStdan.»«»; The imptrlalStdin, tttii .Won on Applegate .street In a few clnys. Delivery, *$9S: Illhl PaMwy Ctwilt. HOC: l'f. Heinz, Ascp. or Ritter Beans with Pork 3 cans 25c He has had a hot water heating sys- Ton Chaitii, ISIS; 1V4 Ton Chctlti wirh Cab, SISO. tem, new plumbing fixtures and cither Ml pricol.o.b. factory, Flint. Michigan Kill JUR improvements placed in the house. Repp's Natural Cider 30c 55c Canada Dry Fale and Clicquot Club SEC I The carpenter work was done by George A. Knnoy. ^ t 1 OSCO Stuffed Olives '•'" 12 /2c723c Ginger Ale 3 bots 50c James McGrath is the new garbage collector at this place. He has been I on the job about a week find his serv- Everyday Needs at 4SC0 Savings ! ! ice thus far has been very sutisfac- | lory. 1 Vnmlyk's Pitied Dates 10 oz pkg lW 1 4SCO Selected Wet Shrimp 1 can 19c ppy t, -HOLMDI'X SEWS, brakes to Insora casyt It. & It. riuni Pudding -can 10c, 2!>c ' 4SC0 Pure Jellies _ ___tumblcrlfic positive brsju •cUosk Now BI1 ASCD »™ Meat 2 th jar 48c. Fancy I,argo Snnlu Clara Prunes -__lb lfie ; A Forest Fire on Daniel II. Taylor's New. Pack Imported Cleaniil Currants plig 14o Pabs't-elt Cheese _ pi 230 Farm Saturday. r rB fg ffSCO " Ktrawlwvry Preserves ... 1 5b jar 39c Kraft's Vclveeta Cheese. plcgSSc j The firemen were called out late A fifth t.__ ,—. — • Sweet Applo Cider (Plus Deposit) _ jrnl jug 63c j Saturday morning l>y a forest Urn of mcaaurcp ipced and rail»ic on i Ground by muni C. &-V. Imperial Dry Ginger A!o 2 hots25c the gasoline, drop of thli 'Second" California Seedless Itaisins 3 pkgslSc 1 unknown origin on Daniel H. Tuylor"H Chevrolet tut rum at the Proving by drop. Lucille Assorted Chocolates Ib'35c ! farm. After an hour of hard work Ground. •teeriag wheel. Choice Washed, Hrazil Nuts ' lb 2,'ic I the firemen put the Ilames out. The Fancy Jnpnurso Crah Blent can ^c N. B. C. Assorted Choculutc Cnkes 1 pits VQ I damage wns small. Mr. Taylor's farm Tnsty California SardincH ...._: 2 cans 25c. >'. H.. C. Itobenetto Nut lingers Ib23c is in Marlboro township. Most o[ the Fancy Columbia JHvcr Salmon tall can 30c alarms answered by Holnidel firemen Ruppert's Cereal Bev. (Plus Deposit) a bots 28c of late have been foi'^flres in that RED BANK MOTOR CO. township. ;' . • Makes Delicious Sandwiches ! In the aocount of tho annual brown supper for the benellt of tha Re- Mechanic Street and Globe Court Red Bank Boa£ formed church the names . of Mrs. ; Telephone 1720. Br^ad Supreme Fred Ritter and Joseph Phillips were emitted from the list of helpers. They Large Wrapped Milk Loaf. took an active part in making the supper successful, VANHISE MOTORS, INC., Atlantic Highlands, N. J. A new steam heating outfit lias Victor Bread . . . big pan loaf 5c been placed In the Baptist church. These price, eflecllve In our Slo,«. In R«j . |,, vicinity. [J Rev. John .Sherman and Harold B n M< Holmes saw the. Peddle institute A SIX IN TJIE PRICE RANGE OF THE

4 •<«•>•• RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 80, 1929._

OFFERED THKIK BLOOD. nor at the Garfleld-Grant hotel at B. Akin, assistant commandant, who »•>»#•< »MMMMM< Long Branch. Their guests Included conducted them through the various *•* Branch Athletes Come to AidColonel and Mr«. A. B. Cowan, Major I departments of the school. of Meningitis Victim. / nnd Mrs. L. B. Bander, Major and Mrs. Charles Stodter entertained at j Seven members of tho Long Branch Mrs.'L. E. Byder, Major Tateo Kone, tea at the homo of her mother, Mrs. Monmouth Motor Haulage Co. football team volunteered blood tests Captain and Mrs. B. A. Wlllard, Cap- William H. Sutphln, Jr., of Long at the Long Branch hospital lant tain and Mrs. N. L. Baldwin, Cap-Branch. Her quests included Mrs. week when a blood transfusion was tain arid Mrs. A. M. Mlxson, Captain E. L. Clewell, Mrs. H. P. Browning, Daily transportation between Asbury Park Long J and Mrs. H. P. Browning, Captain needed for Harold Kin}?, four-year- Mrs. J. W. Green, Mrs. Bobert Rob- M old son of Harold King of that pluco. and Mrs. C. I. Hoppough, Captain inson, Mrs. I. H. Treest, Mrs. F. T, Branch Red Bank and Newark anrt "w York. and Mrs. K. B. Lawton, Captain and Gillisplc, Mrs. James Peters, Mrs. W. vu want The child is suffering from spinal Mrs. Garland C. Black, Captain and H. Sutphin, Jr.. and Mias Janice Dey. meningitis. Tests were given to three Mrs. Louis Cansler, Captain and Mrs. Light and heavy hauling of the high school volunteers and also T. H. McCarley, Captain and Mre, to tho father of the boy and Ray-K. P. Antonovlch, Captain and Mrs. Purses are filled and hearts made Phone Atlantic Highlands 246. mond King, an uncle, and a member W. O. Beeder, Lieut, and Mrs, E. R. glad by the timely U3o of Register of the football squad. Other volun- Wells, Lieut and MM. C. W. Wood advertisements. Thirty words for a teers were William Karrborg, Arthur and Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Getty, Cap quarter,—Advertisement. *••••••%»* Murray, Viotor Bellmont, James tain and Mrs. L. F. Lawrence and Mlon, Edward Green and John Har- Lieut, and Mrs. F. H. Lanahan enter- It's far easier to be beautiful and to stay vey. Harrberg and Murray were the tained at dinner preceding the dance other high school boys who roceived ut the home of Capt. Lawrence at beautiful, if you have a bedroom that cheers the tests. Oakhurst. Among those present were and lifts your spirits with its own loveliness. Major and Mrs. C. W. Lewls^ Captain A COUNTY I'ABK. and Mm. E. L. Clewell, Captain and If you haven't seen what wonders you can Mrs. M. G. BrlBlawn. Lieut, and Mrs. Interlaken Officials.. Bequest Free- G. A. Williams, Lieut, and Mr«. E. apcomplish now, with a very little money, holders to Establish One. N. Schjerven, Lieut, and Mrs. R. L. Land, Lieut, and Mrs. J. E. Baymond you'd better come in today. The freeholders last week received Lieut, and Mrs. E. C. Gillette. Lieut a letter from Interlaken officials re- and Mrs. E. S. Matthews, .Lieut. H questing that a county park bo estab- C. Hino, Lieut. T,._8. Horn. Lieut. B lished. Freeholder Bordsn declared EJ. Moore, Miss Marrianne Kidder, that if expenses kept oft mounting up and Lieut. C. E. Haswell. tho "county will have to build another Wolfaro home." He said he owned Major Tateo Kono of the Imperial eighteen acres of land In Atlantic Japanese army, who Is enrolled as a towtvahlp which ho jwould ststt to theaUulont at Vne army signal school, en- county for $1. Director Bryant B. tertained the commandant and fac- Newcomb said the proposition might ulty of the school at dinner at the be expensive but he thought it should Molly Pitcher hotel at Bed Bank. His be looked into. guests Included Colonel A. S. Cowan, Major S. B. Akin, Major'C. W. Lewis, Major L. B. Byder, Capt H. P. to handle and control A Veteran Worker. Browning, Capt. Louis Cansler, Capt Albert M. Bazley of Long Branch N. L. Baldwin, Capt. L. F. Lawrence, has received a gold button in recog- Capt. K. B. Lawton, Capt. E. L. nition of thirty years of service- for Clewell, Capt. A. M. Mixson, Capt. C The more time you spend behind the wheel of a Dodge the New Jersey telephone company. I Hoppough, Capt W. C. Beeder, He began work as an installer and Capt. B. A. Willard, Capt G. C. Six—driving on crowded streets and busy highways— has held several responsible positions Black, Capt. M. G. Brislawn, Lieut. with the company. Ho is now hand- C." W. Clarke, Lieut. C. , W. Wood, ling Bpeclal work for tho division Lieut. E. B. Wells, Lieut. B. T. the more enthusiastic you will be over its easy handling. plant engineer. Scholsberg, Lieut. F. T. Gllllsple, • •-•-•. 1~ Lieut. A. J. Lubbe, Lieut. F. H. Lana- One Hour Parking Limit.' han, Lieut. J. E. Baymond, Lieut. V. The roller-bearing steering guides with minimum effort. Special Prices for This Week Only ! The Freehold borough council has A. Conrad, Lieut. J. W. Green. amended the traffic ordinance pro- Lieut, and Mrs. M. G. Wallington The clutch is easy-acting; so is the gear shift. Weather- 5-Piece Mahogany Suite viding for a one-hour parking limit entertained at dinner at their home in the vicinity of the rug mill. The at Long Branch. Their guests In- Bcgulur rrlce—$275.00, owners of tho rug mill have provided cluded Lieut, and Mrs. G. A. Blcher, proof/ internal-expanding 4-wheel hydraulic brakes parking space for their employees, Lieut, and Mrs. J. Gillette and Lieut, 4-Piece High-lighted Walnut Suite : but some of the employees have re- and Mrs. V. A. Conrad. ' Regular 1'rlco—817S.00. fused to use it and parked on the Tha signal corps pigeon section at afford easy operation and are positively equalized. The 5-Piece Ivory and Green Suite streets. -, Fort Morimouth has on exhibition at the International homing pigeon eon lively motor with its 7-bearing crankshaft, Invar Strut Kegular Price—$150.00. Married In Canada. ventlon in tho Pennsylvania hotel at Miss Hilda Lonsdale of Montreal, Now York 33 birds from the local 4-Piece Tw»-Tone Walnut Suite Canada, and Raymond D. McKlnney lofts. These birds according to Col- aluminum alloy pistons and other refinements, responds Eceular l'rlco—$150.00. • of Keyport were manied lastWednes-1 onel A. S. Cowan, commanding officer day at Montreal. A reception fol- at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, will 4-Piece TWo-Tone Walnut Suite lowed at the bride's home, after compete for prizes with over 1,000 instantly with a quick surge of power. In every way, the Kegular l'rlcc—$125.00. which Mr. and Mrs, McKinney left birds from all parts of the United on a wedding trip v/hlch will-, take States, France, England, Belgium them to California and Hawaii. and Canada. Thomas Boss, pigeon Dodge Six is easy to handle and control. That is why it expert United States army, Sergeant Henry Haggo and Private M. J. Omar FORT MONMOUTH NEWS. - accompanied the exhibit to New is particularly prized by people who do a lot of driving. York. This convention Is the largest Hallowe'en Masquerade Ball Friday over held in the United States and Is 50 3 Night Largely Attended. attracting wide attention. In addition The Hallowe'en masquerade ball to the display of the birds, the given Friday night by the Officers' famous war films of signal corpB club at tho army signal school, was pigeons will be exhibited. OTHERS SIX a marked success. Almost the entire Charles T. Stnne, superintendent NINE BODY STYLES* $925 TO $1045 F. O. B. DETROIT CHRYSLER MOTORS PRODUCT 10 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. membership of the club was present. of the schools of Long Branch, ac- The committee in charge of the af- companied by fifteen members of his fair was composed of Captain N. L.teaching staff made a vlBlt of Inspec- Baldwin, Lieut. A. *B. Cooper, Lieut. tion to the army signal school at Fort E. C. Gillette and Lieut. P. H. Lana- Monmouth laHt week. They were re- Frank Van Syckle han. Preceding the dance Major and ceived by Colonel A. S. Cowan, com- Mrs. S. B. Akin entertained at din-mandant of the school, and Major S. JOHN H. BURNS, Mgr. 149-151 W. Front Sfc Telephone 1296. Branch ol Perth Amboj. October TIRED LIVEIY ACHING COMFORTABLE In Keepinq with its STEPS STEPS Fine Car Enqineerinq Standards OLDSMOB1LE PROVIDES PRESSURE LUBRICATED PiSTON PINS

and Viking, offer BUICK 1028 SEDAN—"Good Will" ' recomHtlonod through- A feature this feature—and the out. The light six model; l' ', , majority of these arc runninit condition In perfect^ startsfoOap4-\vhpel brakea; Duco finish;, characteristic priced above $2000. In nnd full equipment. A real Oldsmobile, all main, Now you can buy the car you've wanted at a big re- •burtfuin $500 4. of high-priced connecting rod and duction! For our October Sale which starts today is > 192fl WHIPPET COACH— , camshaft bearings arc Orinlnnl finish like new—up- one of the biggest bargain events of the Fall—a value- hntstcry npotle.ta—cnKino quiet cars • • • * • •' also lubricated under . ivtut Tot*pon»\vo. A licpenaftWo siVing clearance sale including every car m OUT hne cur for your fumily to drive nt stock. A big group of popular makes and models .\ Ronulno bargain price. To- Incorporated in the con- day only - $325 struction of Oldsmo- Many other quality fea- awaits your inspection—all in good condition and many 1927 4-D00R ERSK1NE SE- bile's big 62-horsepowcr tures include controlled DAN—Complctu equipment. cooling; engine driven of them backed by our "Good WilP'written Guaranty. Ithio Duco finish And uphol- fngine arc many fea- Here the pstopistoInn wall hai been cut nlory tn matcii. Perfect nie- atures which have long iy to ununoow thhe piston pin. To fuel pump; counterbal- To obtain the utmost* value for your money—grasp clinnicnlly after "Good Will" these shoes make the DIFFERENCE! this vitall point of wrist-like »c- recondUlonhia unj i\ beautiful been considered marks ticm, where reciprocating parta anced crankshaft; and this opportunity todayl See these cars and select the car nt nn exceptionally low move thousands of times a min- complete engine protec- price $323 o your shoes hurt you? Do they tire you? Needless of high quality in auto- ute, Oldiimohile forces oil through rnodel you want. Buy it now at a bargain price! 1 mobile power plants. the rifletlrilled connecting rod. tion afforded by oil D pain—need less weariness! Needless because today filter, air cleaner, gaso- there art comfortable shoes that the smartly dressed Piston pins, for example/; are pressure line strainer, and crankcasc ventilation. woman may wear—without apology. lubricated through connecting rods These and many other advantages Cantilevers give complete, caressing comfort from the which are riflc'drillcd throughout their entire length. Serving aa connec- characterise Oldsmobile as a thoroughly first step on. Aching, swollen feet cool down. Weak tions between rods and pistons, the fine motor car. Come in today and arches become strong. Your step is lighter, easier. examine the car. Drive it yourself. 1926 CHEVROLET SEDAN— pins act constantly as bearing surfaces 1929 Pontiac Coupe 1928 Chevrolet 4-Door 'llii* cur has had very «ond Why do Cantilevers help you? Because they are shoes under great strain. The stress imposed Discover to your own satisfaction Liiru .'tnd Is in perfect condi- how much Oldsmobilc's fine-car'con- Excellent conflHIon through- Here Is n oar that Iins ha.l thin —UI-OH ]iko new—finish that follow true scientific foot-health principles. Their' by compression and combustion, is enor- out. Omul tlroK, low inllo- struction contributes to the excellence iho best of cure, all new Hr. "(Jiioil Will" recondi- The new fall styles arc particularly attractive, and new, to specifications shown in the July automobile vfcluci , , . $800 tioned. You will buy it if you , $875 Oldd mobile ilcl(!vcre most popular curs appearIHKQ nnd porf onn nnrc. See - of tlu! yonr. Fully equipped, H if you wont A iciil baiTnin. hi beautiful dink mnromi Ducn. To- rtenr nnd quiet- in operation. Only ..... - i ' $200 dny'f best vuluo nt $500 Just the thine for 9100 l IMMOBILE

>. F Morford Motor Car Co., Inc. ED. von KATTENGELL MONMOUTH ST. & M'AFLE AYE, lti:l> BANK, N, J. • 21 Mechanic Street, Red Bank. Telephone Bed Bunk 21:). ALEXANDER STEEL GEORGE G. GRAY rANTl 1LEVER SHOES 105 Bay Avc. Highlands, N. 3. 45 VhrocUmorton St. Ff««hold WILLIAM J. MAJOR DAVID LEWIS 69 South Main St., Aibury Park, Raymond I3o\vne 18 Washington Ave., Long Branch Niptuna Towmhlp, N. J. GOOD WILL USED CARS 621 GOOKMAN AVENUE, ASBURY PARK, Pace Fourteen RED BANK BEGISTEI^CTOBER 30, 1929. football game Saturday ot Princeton, MIDDLETOWN'S BUSINESS. Louis Hill and family spent the HOWARD FREY week-end In New: York-state. Free Dumping Allowed Geo. 1. Sewing SAN1TAHY PLUMBER LIABILITY INSURANCE ON THE The dramatic 'club met last week at Mrs. Mary VanBrunt's on Rail- JANSEN'S GAS STATION, WILLIAM O'BRIEN 74 Monmouth Street Red Bank, N. J. TOWNSHIP EMPLOYEES. road avenue. On Friday night the CONTRACTOR club will meet at Walter Cotgrcave'a, near Fort Monmouth Bridge, and BUILDER STEAM and HOT WATEK FITTING—Gutters. Leaders and Jin Rooflnf rrotecton Against Encroachments The members are planning to give a Llttlo Stiver. N. J. of Barllan Buy to Given for play early In December. MEANS RED BANK, N. J. on Bray Avenue Joseph Wolcott la employe!) at n Offica (n Ettner Building FIRELESS Newark machine shop. HIGH GRADE SERVICE of the township Carl F. Whltehurat is planning an Room 3 Ictown towtiBhip entertainment for the benefit of the r.lepbont 2018. last Thursday aftcrKoon It was voted organ fund of the Presbyterian Approved and Improved Jobbing of All Kind. * to place employers' liability Insurance church. n on road workers, poiiee officers antl Mrs. Walter Cotgrcavc had a party Heating Plumbing R°°fi ? Ettimatu Cheerfully Furniibed COOKS with&•»•»•»•»•»•»•»<»••••>••>> junction of the state highway cut-off pany's-dlstrlbution plant here after a and the old state highway. He stated week's vacation. Mr. Smoclt has al- ..ON THE HILLS that because of the change made in most entirely recovered from an in- the route of the state highway many fected arm. autoists who were bound for Middle- C. T. Edwards of Long Branch, Appetizing aroma, town village had found It difficult to formerly a ticket agent at tho rail- Anderson Brothers get to that place. Thn sign asked road station here, has been trans- real flavor, deli- for by Mr. VanDaalen was ordered ferrejl to Atlantic Highlands. MULTI- RANGE POWER put up. Mrs. Charles Rlddlo and Mrs, cious taste, "blend- STORAGE WAREHOUSE A letter was received irom Charles Emma. Wllburn. both of Railroad ed'' into the (lour A. Saffer, asking for concrete pave- avenue, and Itfre. Holly• Reynolds nt ment and electric lights on the road Lewis street, who have been seriously and baked into DOES MORE THAN POWER sick, are slightly Improved. Richard between Port Monmouth and East cakes, cookies, bis- Local and! Long Distance Moving Keansburg. The letter was filed. Wilson of Lewis street, who has been laid up with sickness, shows improve- EVER DID BEFORE . . . Recorder Louis H. Meese of Bel-ment. J. W. Reading Johnson ha Our vans are padded and dust-proof. ford turned in $40 In fines which he reopened his hardware store afte had collected since the last township having been confined to the housi Packing, crating and shipping to all Something revolutionary has, hap- committee meeting. two weoks with grip. Complaint was made by Mrs. John William E. Morris is having the in points. pened.! In these brand-new cars, Schuler and, Augustus Deucker of East Kearisburg about damage being tcrlor of his house repainted by Wil- done to their properties by high liam Taylor. Chrysler engineering science has de- waves from Rarltan bay during Thomas Zingale will waterproof the storms. The township committee re- basement windows of tho Methodls veloped a marvelous new principle cently awarded a- contract to Jesse church for tho Method(st ladles' aid Office and Warehoused A. Howland of Seabright for bulk- society. of power control. A new type of four- heads and jetties at East Keansburg, Clarence Hyslop has bought a new No work of this sort was done inDurant sedan. 51-53 Mechanic St. speed transmission with extraordinary front of the properties of Mrs. Schul- Councilman James B. Hathaway la er and other residents of Bray ave- able to be about after, having been superiorities plus the advantages of nue. However, not all of the appro- cor inert to the house with sickness. priation for this purpose was used. The Presbyterian Gleaners wi the Multi-Range'gear shift, giving a The township committee passed a meet at the chapel Friday afternoon motion to use the balance of the ap-at three o'clock. Mrs. Zimmerman >»>•>»»»••>»»•••»••>••••••••»••» propriation to. protect the properties and daughter Betty, Mrs. Rue and new ease in shifting without danger of Mrs. Schuler and her neighbors. Miss Norma Stothart recently joined Mrs. Schuler stated that after the tho society, which now has a mem- of clashing gears. THESE NEW MULTI- last storm the water was so high in bership of 43. her yard that she was unable to leave Mrs. George B. Whitfleld and Mrs. V" RANGE CHRYSLERS are so far ahead in the house for several hours. She said Harry Dennis are attending a con- that a huge log was washed up onvention today of the Methodist wom- driving pleasure that nothing on the her porch by the waves. en's foreign missionary societies at ONE DAY SALE Chrysler Imperial, "77", "70" and "66" The committee passed a motion au- Highland Park, near New Brunswick. road can serve as a comparison. You thoriztng Howard W. Roberts, the G. Rowland Monroe of Newark, a offered in all popular body styles—Prices township clerk, to buy new keys-for member of the anti-saloon league, ad- THURSDAY have only to ask for a demonstration the election boxes. dressed a union meeting Sunday range from $985 to $3475 f. o. b. factory Surveyor Herbert O. Todd of At-night at the Methodist church. Rev. —and a new sensation awaits you. lantic Highlands reported that some Samuel D. Price, assistant secretary (Special equipment extra], residents.of Campbell avenue at Port of the World Sunday-school associa- cA typical 'TZyby Lane Store Value! tion, will speak next Sunday night at 5 3 2 Monmouth had registered complaints because the grade fixed for sidewalks a union meeting at the Presbyterian on that street was higher than the church. Mr. Price was pastor of tho properties. Mr. Todd recommended Presbyterian church here more than MULTI - that the grade be lowered so that It 25 years ago. SEAMLESS BED SHEETS would not be more than six inches The Methodist ladles' aid society RANGE CHRYSLER ,bove. the property grade at anyhad a sociable last night. The pro- Double Bed Size point. Tho committee passed a reso- ceeds will be used to buy new kitchen lution to this effect. utensils for the church social hall. 81x90 inches An all-day quilting party will bo held tomorrow. A covered-dish Offered at less than Cost EATONTOWN NEWS. luncheon will be enjoyed at noon and ANDY'S GARAGE a short meeting of tho society will Regular Price -• 1.19 Four New Members Recently Joined Corner Maple Avenue and Weit Front Street, Red Bank, N. J. be held in the afternoon. - the Boy Scout Troop. A cement floor is being laid In the An astounding value — offered at almost one third Phono Red Bank 2124. '" (The Red Bank Register can be bought !ach week in Eatontown from Noble Moi- Advent Sunday-school room by Leon off for this One Day Sale. Sheets are made of a heavy- ( Smock. The room is being repainted weight bleached sheeting, strong and firmly con- 45-53 Broadway, Tel. 1,-ong Branch 204 >y a't the postofflce.) and a new electric -water pump is Edward Kozicky, Frank Mann, being put In. structed. Will wear and launder well; finished with Proctor Hague and James Dean have Tho Life and Advent young 3 inch hem. ioincd the boy scout troop. The troop people's union of the East, will hold 'ill have a Hallowe'en party tonight its annual convention at the Advent t the municipal hall. Music will be church here Saturday and Sunday, 'urnished by George Washington's November 9th and 10th. 9-94 orchestra. Costume and dance prizes RUB? LANE STORES 111 be awarded. Edward Walder, 28 BROAD ST, BED BANK. K< Dtferia. M or , Francis Bruce and Irving Van Brunt tt pays to advertise In The Register. 820 COOKMAN AVE., A3BURY PARK. / :omprlse the party committee. Mint Orders / Mrs. Ada B. Nafew, Mrs. James •'I SLEEP GOOD NOW." teen and Mrs. Charles Breese at- J. A. Davis, E. Setauket, N. Y., ended an all-day meeting yesterday Sity9, "I will tell or write liow my bladder if women's club ex-presldcnts at the was corrected and 'Kettlnjt up nights* re- e of Mrs. Horace Burrowes at lieved by I-ithlated Buchu (Keller Formu- lii)." It nets on Madder na cpsom salts rCeyport. do on bowels. Drives out foreign deposits James Wolcott has had steam heat nnd lessens excessive acidity. This relie are lower because the irritation that causes netting up nlftr nd a bathroom put in his house. The tablets cost 2c each at nil drim storos. Miss Clara Morris and Richard Keller laboratory, Mechanics burg, Ohio, or Roberts attended the Princeton-Navy locally ft Sclirofiller's Pharmacy. • • and it has the of Frigidaire's absolute dependability

Sound engineering means much to you as a purchaser oi Frifiitlaire. It means jlowcrprices. IfthcFriBulaircmechanism 7 >- •;' i - •were less simple, less slunly—if it re- safer in zero weather quired service that could be piven only l>y the factory—then Frigidaire prices would have to be far higher than they In a field of twenty-one medium- boiling. And as a result It Is safer are today. priced automobiles only Oak.and in zero weather. This is an Oakland A million in use proves (his has the Cross-flow Radiator. All of advantage 'which becomes increas- the other cars use down-flow radi- But Frigidaire requires no such service. ingly important with the approach The mechanism is strong and powerful. ators, despite the fact that thirteen of winter. Dozens of others of equal of them are- higher-priced thna It operates without strain or effort. And Look for these features importance combine to make this every part is so easily accessible that any Oakland. Yet the Cross-flow Radi- You'll find, for instance, that Frigidairo car America's finest medium-priced desired adjustment can he made right is equipped with the "Cold Control" ator is recognized as one of the in your own kitchen—and in just a few automobile. Come in—and we will minutes' time. which speeds the freezing of ice cubes, greatest automotive developments salads and desserts. You'll find that nil Hear This No* 846 Screen-Grid of recent times. Its design is revolu- tell you all about them—and show -Compare the values the mechanism is completely concealed tionary. It practically eliminates you how easily you can own an All- Call at our display room. Compare the —away from dust and dirt—that the American Six. ' Frigidaire mecha- losses of water and alcohol through lining is seamless Porcelain* Stromber^CaHson nism withlthe mecha- on-stcel with rounded corners. nism in other makes With Automatic Volmne Control Prlr«». tlUS to flSiSJ.o. b. Pontiae, MIcMf an, pliw ContUterthedeliveredpriceaauHillaaiheU'stif.o.b.y of electric refriger- You'll find that Frigidairo has delivery charges. Spring covert and Ivvejoy Shock prleaifi/ieHroniparlnf Riitomnlilfa values...OahfaiMf- every feature you want iand If jrou want the best in radio enjoyment, radio Absorber* included in Hat pricea. Dumpera and Fontloe deliverer! price* include only authorised ators. Compare cabi- rear fender guards extra. General Motor* Tim* chargea /or freight and delivery and \he chargm expect in an automatic refriger- convenience and radio beauty come in and sec the nets. Compare prices. No. 846 Strombcrg-Carlson. Payment. Plan .avallabla at minimum rnt: /or any additional accessories or financing 8es\red> ator. And you'll also find that Compuie values. Thrill at the haunting bcanty and Ijruiiance of Frigidaire offers more prices arc consistently low. ita tone. A tone as dear and pure at high volume T. F. Morford Motor Car Co., Inc *-»-far more—for every Conic in today or at your first as at whisper strength. dollar of its price. opportunity. Then, learn how the Automatic Volume Control 21 Mechanic Street, Red Bank. by keeping the volume constant, rives relief from fading. How the Meter for Visual Tuning enables JOSEPH RASSAS MORFORD BROTHERS, Inc. Ton to eel each station's finest tone. How the "Silent" Key glints ont the disturbing noises as you turn 663 Broadway, Long Branch. 405 Monroe Ave., Asbury Park. 1 from station to station. . . Phona 2168. rhono Anbury Parli 4011. FRIGID AIRE Come in and examine this Receiver carefully and yon will agree again "There is nothing finer WEST GARAGE 3MOHE THAN A, MILLION JiV USE I than a Stromberg-Carbon." JOE LEVY i Englishtown, N. J. Price, without tubes, $347.50 31 East Main Street, Freehold. Jersey Central Power & Light Company D. A. JOHNSON CO. 65 Broad Street, Red Bank. N. J. 15-17 Mechanic St., Red Bank, N. J. OAKIiAM DOMESTIC ELECTRIC CO., Inc., , Room 907 Electric Building A.bury P«rfc. N. J. Phono 380. L-AMEBICAK SIX rsoDucr u$ CKNEBAL MOTOBS BED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 30", 1929. vaONrf tAOKAWANNA Ul« BED BANK 1T« on election day. Tho club was vory FOR A WOMAN'S CLUB. successful with a similar sale last Modiste year. . ' Mis. Hanna Marie Patten CABD FABTY LAST WEEK AT Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Walling, Mr. and Mrs. George A. Hlclldalc, Mr. AMERICA M MomnouU, St, Bed Bank. tITTLE SILVER. and Mrs. Paul Reid, Mr. and Mrs. . Tel bed Bonk ' Georgo Taylor, Mr. and Mra. Ed- and HUGH GETTY, INC The Fronts From the Affair Amount- mund . Wilson and Miss Margaret ed to $55—Afghan Won by Mm. J. Sickles are new members of thu Ji:r- J. H. ffRICE J. Wllley—Miss Annlo LaurLc Chair- seyvlllo. grange. man of Committee. ' BUILDERS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS The Bremen held a largely attend- The Little Silver Woman's club ed dance at.the schoolhousc last Fri- REPAIRED. day night. William Desmond was In Violint • Specially. cleared $55 at a card party last 359 Wert 26th St., 18 Mechanic St., Wednesday. Among the prize win- charge of fchQfestivities . Bsm Rthilrod. ners were Mre. Clark Kemp, MrB. 13. Abram Jamison of Matawan, for- New Yorfe City. Red Bank, N. J. 28 Weil Front Strwt, S. Wllllard, Mrs. William T. Parlior, merly of this place, was killed in an (Over Chamber! Paint Shop.) Mrs. J. L. Davis, Mrs. William Aeh- accident at Freehold last week. morc, Mrs. A. E. Wilde, Jlrs. Fred Word has been received of the safe Jiieharason Borden, Mra. J. C. Wilson and Mis3 arrival of Mr. and Mrs. Joaquin Uuvcn't you hnd that desire'to go spinning through tho »nter In Barbara Wilkinson. An afghan, do- Lnwrcnco at St. Petersburg, Florida, u sale, cumfurtublo bout? There's nit reason why you can't. ODINE VERMICIDE for Poul- nated by Mra. H. W. Sheffield,. was 'Wliero they will upend the winter. i*honu mo for a free demonstration. Bettor yet, let mo explain I try kills roundworms and tape- They made the trip by automobile. worms—all of (hem, and without disposed of on the co-opor'atlve plan how you can havo that bout you most desire, ' ': danger to the birds. and waB won by His. J. J. Wllloy. Tho baskctbajl team ol tho Pioneer Others present at the card party club of this place and the Jerseyville Merely squeeze 1 oz. of diluted HAVE 200 USED WRITE OR PHONE FOB solution (for half-grown bircta !^ besides thOBO mentioned -were Mrs. basketball team played a tie game at BOATS FOR SALE, TAHTICULAUS. john Kennedy, Mrs. C. K. Davis, Mrs. the Cult's Neck tiehoolhouao last oz.) from a closing appliance ui- \ Kilmund Ayera, Mrs. Benjamin J, week. The score was 16 to 1(». sertcd into (he gizzard of each Parker, Mrs. George Ivlna, Mrs. A. C. A number of tho young pnoplo of Demonstrated by bird. In addition to killing in- Knoncer, Mrs. W. Wordier, Mrs, Fred. this place attended a Sunday-school testinal parasites, tho Iodine in rally at Freehold last week. this very assimilable form help) Dunnell, Mrs. Zachary Taylor, Mrs. FLOYD E. BRADY to overcome-the bad effect! Setthig die Stage Vted L. -Ayeru, Mrp.J.. Raymond The sewing club ot the Rnfoi-mcd caused by poisons from the la* King, Mrs. J. T. White, Mrs. Frank, church will meet next Wednesday af- <*Phone Red Bank 2640 Fair Haven, N. J. (cstinal parasites. Giles, Mrs. Kalph B. Edgar, Mrs. Wllr ternoon at th e; home of Mry'? Arthur 11am T. Skldmore, Mis. Kdwiird D. Soffcl. ' JTruaiiiMrs^.B. K. Voorlils, Mrs. Bpn- . J&Mc a Big Holiday Business |.1omin F. VanVllet, Mrs. John Bates, IODINE I Mm. E.,, J. Batchelar, Mrs. Edward (Bowman, Mrs. Samuel Corse, Mrs. at}d Many Sample Suites ..•'' | Leon Kelley, Mrs. Dorrill, Mrs. Joa- VERMICIDE oph Kennedy, Mrs. Bay Ferry, Mrs. "THE BUSIEST WORKSHOP Now sold only in concentrated E. ~H. Simpson, Mrs. W. E. Scott, form—1 lb. of the concentrated Must Qo! Mrs. Benjamin Covert, Mrs. Nelson material sufficient to treat 12} Variderbeek, Mrs. A.- B. Randall, Mrs. birds. Will not throw bird! oft IN THE WESTERN WORLD' egg production. F. J. Kutler, Mrs. M. E. VanKeuren, Used by leading poultrymen— We're preparing now to b^ing from ouf warehouses, Mrs. Charles White, Mra. B. S. Voo'r- PACH year New Jersey workshops take approved by agricultural college* large purchases of Holiday Furniture. We're preparr. hls, Mrs. Herbert Hunter, Mrs. Vic- and experiment stations. tor Sattcr, Mrs. Bronson Butler, Mrs. At your dtaler'i ifi% for a mammoth event, so we must set the stage.; S. W. Kmmons, Mrs. Rolston Water- C $2,000,000,000 worth of raw ma- DlitrlbutnJ by bury and MlBsea Ada Hoffmlrc, I. H. NESTOR That means that we're clearing our floor space. It takes Pctfgy, Sarah and Mary Llpplncott, terials from all parts of the world and 3 ClMtlnut SI.* Phlladtlphu, Pit. , place annually and is a well known event to value-wise Dlithbuiorfor ' Ruth Parker, Ella Kins and Lillian •convert them into finished products worth Pa., N.J., Md., Del., v». and wide-awake thrifty customers. Every Suite and Hates. mm MERCK, a- CO. IMC. • "* The committee consisted o£ Miss Dcpt.P.1. Rahwar.N.J. Odd Piece is new. and desirable. It is oriced to movf $3,500,000,000. In this gigantic task of pur- Please jend free literature. j Annie Laurie, chairman, Mrs. John •> J«.5O for 1 Ib. and to move quickly. -, ,...... [Kemp, Mrs.; "David "Jones, Mrs. G; A. chase, manufacture," sale and distribution, Iodine Vermicide. I Williams, Mrs. Charles Prothcro and U33c for Dosing Appliance. . Miss May Hcndrickson. New Jersey industry uses every' aid of Name .....'...... Street..,..,...... ,.., science an^ invention, including a system Town State.. SHREWSBURY No.ofBird«...... ,,..,,, • Save 25% to 40% I ; of Telephone, communication as progres- s Many Residents Attended the Prince* ton-Navy Football Game. sive as tlfe State it serves. (Tbo Red Bank Register can be bought ON TH^SE CLOSE OUTS. acl) meek in Shrewsbury from' Richard Innka at ttaa poitofflee.) , MONMOUTH COUNTY ORPHANS COURT Many residents of this place at- ||j\frt'business, New Jersey uses the lele- Septtiinber Term, A. D. 1920, in the matter of tlic Eatatc of H«nry tended tho football game Saturday JacKB, deceased. Berkey & Gay Dining Room, Bedroom and-Living between Princeton and tho Navy at ^•pjione almost 2,000,000 times a day. Order to Show Cause. - Room Suites. • . Princeton. Among those who attend- Marie Jackt1. executrix of Heury Jackn, uoc«niicil, hnvinj,r exhibited to thin Court, ee the game wore Mr. and Mrs. Arch- under onth, JI juat nnd true uccount of tho ibald L. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Fred- piTsonut cHmtc and debtB of auid decode nt, S. Karpen & Bros. Living Room Suites and erick Robinson, Miss Ruth Parker, whereby it appears that the personal e»- lutc nf said decu^sird U insufficient to pay Occasional-Chairs. Miss Jane Wylie, Miss Dorothy Ben- his dcbt.i. tmd renuc.itini?: the aid of tHe der, Captain James Benrfl, John Par- Court in the prpiniaes, it is therefore or- • ker, Trenchavd Wylie, O. Harold Nev- ilercd that nil persons interentod in tho Simmons Beds, Springs and Mattresses. Fine Imported hind.-;. t(!iu>mcnt» and horeilftaments anil lua and Frank Qnackenbush. rent ctUitc, of the sniil decedsed, appear and Domestic Rugs. The monthly meeting.of the mayor before the Court, at tlie Court Home, in and council will bo held on Tuesday lieeniild, on Thursdny, tho second day of January, A. D, nineteen hundred and thir- Also a wide assortment of low and medium priced r.ight, November 12th, instead of on ty, at 10:00 A. M., to show cause why ao its regular meeting date, which falls much of the said lands, tenements, lier«- merchandise. on election day. ditamenta and real estate of the said d«» ceased should not be sold as will be «u(B- Mr. and MrB. Edward Hounihan en- mv cient to pay hia debte. or the resldu* tertained sixty guests Wednesday thereof, as the cano may require. night at a reception for their daugh- • Hy-the Co«rt, 'JOSI&ru L. BONAITAY, All at Wholesale and Less- ter, Mrs. Louis borlch. Mra. Dorlch Burrog«t«, was formerly Miss Elsie Hounihan, Ented October 2-lth^ A; D. 1DS9. and she was married about a week While They Last! ago. A new Btarnp cancelling machine has been installed nt the postofllce. ! The interior of the building has been repainted by.Edward Hounihan. - Dining Room Living Room The fire company recently appoint- ed a committee to solicit funds for Suite Suite William Lane. • Mr. Lane wag hit by an automobile and he has been in a Floor Samples. Floor Samples. serious condition a long time. Mi- Askfor the "QUEEN $800 lO-Pleoe Period Design Suite $298 S-Iiece Karpen Suits nttrao- chael McGarlty Is chairman of the Ln Mahogany. tlvely covered ln a beautiful tap- committee and his assistants are Floor Sample Price estry. Frank O'Brien, John Sagufton, Jr., Floor Samplo Price O •§ Q JJ Edward Hounihan, Frank Curlcy, $185 Thomas Dean and George Lange. Cornelius Bly, who is employed at —and y©u1l get 18-10 10-rieco Walnut Suite. Thin i tho Suneaglca country club, has Is a massive Bet with Canopy $235 S-Pleco Suite with Frame bought a new Chevrolet coupe. style China. Base. Thla sot Is covered ln • • Frank Marx, Sr., has had a< gas Floor Samplo Prlco fine quality ol Mohair with Frieze burner installed at his residence.. on thb tops of the cushions. Con- Mr. and Mrs. George Silver, Sr., $165 sists of an artistically curved went to their summer homo at Rut- front Sofa. With Arm Chair and land, Vermont, Thursday for a. short 105 6-Pleco Dinette Suite.In Wal- Cogswell Chair to match. stay. They were driven to Vermont nut Consists of 1 In I tablo, Floor Sample Price by George Lange, who was accom- extra large combination Server panied by his daughter Marie. •nd China, 4 cbnlrs with uphol- $185 Tho woman's auxiliary of Christ stered seats. $280 3-Flece Karpen Pillow Arm church cleared $36 Saturday at a Floor Sample Frlce Suite covered In Moth-proof Mo- cake sale at the parish house. Mrs. hair with finest Imported Frieze W. R. Morris was chairman of the CHOCOLATE $49 on the tops of cushions. nalo committee and her assistants Floor Samplo Price P were Mrs. Harry Tlcehuret, Mrs. . Klchard Bcake and Mrs. Charles Mc- Claskcy. Bed Room Dogs owned by William H. Hine, Frank . Quackenbush and Mrs. Mae ORANGE ICE Suite Reed and Fibre Downing died of distemper last week! Floor Samples. Seventy-five persons from this Suite place, Red ,Bank, Little Silver, $310 B-Pioco Berkey & Gay Suite Kntontown and Asbury Park attend- ta Walnut. MaAo ol 1ho Hunt , ,: Floor S&mpleB. ed a. "PRINCESS-'-FrenchVanilkCoffecaOranselce Thursday night at tho homo (it Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Willdns. Most of "DUKE"—Black Walnut & Pineapple tho Republican candidates for coun- "DUCHESS"-Frcnch Vanilla & Strawberry ty offices were prcucnt. A collation vas served anil there was music and Tliertj's a Cailles dancing. Dealer NeatYou West Furniture Co. The helping olrclo of the Reformed church held a successful food sale Saturday afternoon at,Freehold. KEYPORT, N. J. Eov. J. A. Thomson preached tho sermon at tho funeral of ono of his former purlahlonors. at Mldcjlcbuslt AST lost week. Rov. and Mrs. Thomson spent.last Friday with Dr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Hcndrickson of Mlddle- ICF tewn village. The sewing club of tho Reformed A P\p DUCT' OF NATIONS L chu'ren has completed arrangements for soiling luncheons at the nrehousc

.<£,";• A ... i Page Sixteen T RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 30,1929. QUEER CHICKENS. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Saturday by automobiles on the mam were Saturday visitors at Philadel- i oad, . * James Miller Has a Flock Which phia. . ' William Domldlon and: family of Hava Extra Toes. Mr. and Mrs. John Grant, Misses Nevf York spent Sunday at their James Miller of Mlddletown has a Ada Fenton and Myrtle Layton and summer home hero. flock of chickens which have turned Harold Perry attended a dance nt ,,Tlie Monmouth county hunt' club out contrary to nature. In that each Golfs Neck Friday night. ', st'nrted its weekly fox chase from tho one has an extra too or spur on Frank McCnrron is employe* at croaKroada, near the - village center, COMPANY each foot. The chickens are of a Fort Monmouth. Saturday morning. Japanese breed. The flral year Mr. John McQueen, Edgar Layton and Misses Mary and ' Helen* Ryan of ASBURY PARK Miller raised them none of the Charles Toop attended a meeting of Morristown were visitors 'of their chlckena had this peculiar formation ngricnlture students of tho Leonardo aunt and uncle, Mrs. Kathryn Kelly of the feet. Mr. Miller 6ays he high scjibol at tho high school fjreen- omi Bernard Kelly, Sunday and Mon- changed the feed of his chlckena liouse building Thursday night. day. They attended the funeral on last year and ho thinks this had Louis VanBrunt, an employee at Monday of their uncle, William Ry- something to do with the unusual the water works, has bought a Whip- an, at Holmdel. feet the present flock has. pet sednn. Patrick Gaffncy has bought an : A police dog, owned by Jacques electric radio set. ,- Soleil or Antelope Destribats. and a smaller dog owned Miss Margaret Campbell spent Sun- MNCROFT NEWS. by Harold Wlllgermlt, wero Wllea day at New York. Sixteen of tho Whitney Horses Shipped to Kentucky Last Week. Tweeds Are A Definite Town Mode Thirteen brood marcs, two year- MILLINERY lings and Broomstick, a retired stal- ' lion with a long turf record, have heen shipped from Harry Payne Modernly Trijnmed with Galyac, Whitney's farm here to his Brook- dale breeding farm nt Lexington Ermine or Lapin -V Tweed-Knit Kentucky. The removal of these horses from the branch of the Whit- %e%manceofdmeriam'Pm)re$i ney farm under John L. Schenck'E supervision marks the end of Brock- dale as a breeding place for Whitney horses. Fred Hofiila.11 And~Jes!m Sbhofleld $24.50 to $32.50 nagged eight wild ducks recently on a gunning trip. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boughton and son Edward have moved from their apartment at the Five Corners' The most charming hats Exceptionally Versatile, Are tearoom to the home of Mrs. Bough- we have wen In many a ton's father, Melville S. Reid. Very Specially Priced for Monday Tho annual chicken salad supper day! Ever and ever BO of the ladles' aid society will be held modernly cut and irlmmed At the chapel tonight. iliift Joseph W. Thompson, Floyd Lum, .which means, of course, i Street, travel, business, are the Harold White and Misses Ada Pen- with! that simplicity and ton, Myrtle Layton, Harriet Roach, special, provinces of these Jennie McQueen, Elsie Leonard anil linowlngriess of cut which stunning and very practical Pearl White attended a young peo- Is distinctly of the 19S0 knit ensembles, many of them ple' rally at the Freehold Reformed church last week. season! in simulated tweed patterns. The roof of the schoolhouse is be- Some very smart models have ing repaired. Mostly In the fashionable new black, with appllquees, facings silk blouses, others blouses of Charles G. Leonard and Ansel \~m. and other touches of those smart, flat furs. For women and White attended the rodeo at Madison jersey. With pleated or flare Square Garden ^jJ>New York last miasea. ' . skirts. Week. STEINBACHS—Second Floo! Mrs. David Noonan, who has been a patient at the Long Branch hos- pital three weeks with rheumatic fe- ver, Is steadily improving. When the tcto-a-tetc chair was a commonplace Mrs. Emma VanDervcer, "who has piece of furniture in tho Red Bank homes, it been living with relatives here, has was'much easier to keep one's beau nt arm's $15.95 gone to Long Branch where she will make her home with her daughter. length than to keep one's money for any length The Very Newest Shade I An automobile, owned and driven of time. by Timothy Watts of this place, was Sheer, Magical Black Other t and S-Fleco Tweed or Knit Ensem- struck by another car last week on Today there Is but llttlo excuse for losing the highway at Shrewsbury. Mr. bles, Blue, Green, Rust, Tan, Brown, Dahlia, Watts's ear was damaged; but no one money through poor investments when one »nd Wine, In Sizes 14 to 20 and 30 to 46, •WH hurt. He was accompanied by can receive the experienced counsel of the I1S.S0 to $49.50. Edward West. Broad Street National Bank on Investments in Henry Harris, who has been em- general. Have you availed yourself of this HOSIERY ployed at Brookdale farm thirteen years, has given up his job there. Mr. service? BTEINBACHS, SPORTS SHOP— Harris was married a short time Second Floor Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S: Thompson, Jr., and Harold Bloodgood attended JQIN AMERICAN flfeQ CROSS 82.95 the Princeton and Nav£ football game Saturday afternoon at Palmer stadium at Princeton. The game November llth-November 28th With the black costume so popular for this winter, black ended with the score tied 13' to 13. chiffon stockings are most Important This very new collec- Arthur Rodcn- ha:i hfiil a lint air tion; ulioer and slim and dollBhtful__featufes just Uie-proper" lurnacc installed in his bungalow. The Junior Miss Mrs. James Bar McPherson of Clif- tint for the discriminating woman, ton, who recently gave birth to a THE BROAD STREET Caron's daughter at a Paterson hospital, has —Of course, there are other new shades shown in this ex- Chooses Her returned to her home. She was for- cellent weave, and they are quite as smartly delightful! All merly Miss Matilda WJllgerodt, NATIONAL BANK aizes. daughter of Mrs. Alice L. Willgerodt Newest of ^this place. Mrs. Harold Blood- STEINBACHS—First Floor (Jotid, a trained nurse, has been at- p MEMBERS tending Mrs. McPherson. iFEDJERALRErtRVEj. Dance Mr. and Mrfi. Joseph W. Thompson Df Lincroft and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Perfume Is Alexander of the Uutswamp road tnaile an automobile trip to Albany Smartly'Long Chamoisette Frocks Acacios^ In the Junior Shop Slip-On Gloves ... And a fresh, de- .. . Because here she lightful, fragrance finds exquisite taste it is. Still too new prevailing .... lines to b~ popular . . . suitable to herself ... out just long 81.95 and her very size, re- enough to be used gardless of how diffi- exclusively by those You know how smart the longer gloves' are?._.Well, these cult she may be to fit, discerning and dis- practical chamoisette slip-ons come in six-button length Moire, chiffon, taffeta, criminating few with hut one clasp, however! They may bo wrinkled down satin, or printed who always seem to about the wrist gracefully, and will add much to the smart- moire models . in the find the newest, the ness of a costume so.. Mocha, beige and Arab. new, long silhouettes loveliest and the ... draped .., tucked. smartest things to STEINBACHS—First Floor Sizes 13, 15 and 17 be had. The flacon, • While many of the frocks are $19.50 most of them are priced $16.50

For Cooler Days I BTEIMBACHS- .95 First Floor "Zipper" Clothes STEINBACHB, jrrNIOR SHOP—Second Floor

Featuring 50 Oriental Reproductions FOR \ OUNQSTERS Imported & Liu AT $87.50, $115.00 AND $123.00 FOR THE 9x12 SIZE Domestic 9 INSTEAD OF $125.00 and $175.00 REGULAR 1.95 to 5-95 Is Guerlain 8 And 500 Room Size Rugs L Neivest IN ROYAL WILTONS, VELVETS AND AXMINSTERS. Particular mothers Riding Fragrance choose zippers for prec- Our stock of Rugs is one of. the largest in the state. The newest ious children snug, weaves and patterns are placed on sale here in advance of most It is especially in- warm, all-protecting lit- Boots teresting as a gift stores. Now we give our customers the opportunity and advan- tie over-clothes for item, packed in ita • tage of buying their Eugs at the beginning of the 'season at the cold, damp weather. In the Shoe Section, fur- handsome black and same prices we will name in February. ' Fashioned of genuine niahed with comfortable, gold modernistic modernistic chairs, the container as it is. 9x12 ROYAL WILTONS 9x12 SEAMLESS suede cloth with zip- serious equestrienne finds The subtle fra- $49.50 per closings Blouaco. rather a pleasing assort- grance, named after AXMINSTERS ment of boots ... imported $21.75 leggings and hats. In the leading'charac- 9x12 EXTRA WEIGHT perfectly adorable styles and domestic ... in fine ter of the opera VELVETS black and tan leathers . . . "Turandpt," is Ori- 27x52" AXMINSTERS and colorings. Sizes aii> cut especially to fit the leg ental in feeling and $39.50 \ $1.95 2 to 6 years. or severely straight. Extremely new. ' Hats, $1.95 West Furniture .Co. Leggings, $4.95 *25 & *30 $30.00 Blouses, $5.95 BTEINBACHS, SHOE SECTION— KEYPORT, N. J.' First Floor ' STJSINBAOHS— BTEINBACHS—Second Floor ' Mm Floor BANK REGISTER Imaid Weakly, Entertd ai 8ioond.0l»n tuttir at th» P«». VOLUME LII, NO. 18, olHc« at B

TO HONOR CBAND KNIGHT. BIG LOSS OF CLOTHING. DIED BY HER OWN HAND. Testimonial Dinner-nance Friday for CHURCH SITE SELECTED. ELECTION NEXT TUESDAY, John H. Naughton. Million Dollar Building FIRE DOES LARGE DAMAGE AT YOUNG COLOBED WOMAN FIRED METHODISTS VOTE TO BUY TWO FEW SURFACE INDICATIONS TO • The dinner-dance in honor of John BBOAD STREET STOIU5. BULLET INTO HEB BODY, H. Naughton, grand knight of the BROAD STREET LOTS. SHOW THE TBEND. Knights of Columbus of Red Bank, IT WILL BE ERECTED ON THE METHODIST CHURCHBlflzo of Unknown Orlgta Monday Sho Chose the Front Porch of Mrs. •will bo held on Friday night of this Tito Lot* Are Those of Harry Bur- Tho Contest Between Jabn J. Quint] Night Caused n Loss of $30,000 at Anna Stone's House on DeForcst week instead of tomorrow night. A roweg and Mrs. Francis Cooko Cas- and E. Donald Sterner for Senator Clayton b Mageo's—Splendid Work Avenue to Commit tho Bosh Act last minuto change waa made in the lor and the Price to be Paid for tho OMTNIUUIOWS Every Other Feature SITE BY THE MERCHANTS COMPANY. by the Firemen. ana She Died » Few Minutes Later. date. The event will take placo In Two Lots Is $SO,000. of tho Campaign. Damage of about $30,000 was Mrs. Ella Waters of Bank strcot, tho main dining room "of tho Molly The Red Bank Methodist church, Pitcher hotel and will be followed With election less than a week dis- The Building Will Be Six Stories in Height With a Tower and Will Comprise a caused Monday night by a fire of un- Red Bank, killed herself late Satur- at a meeting held last Friday night, tant, tho leaders of both political known origin at the clothing store of day night by firing a revolver bullet by dancing. It is expected that about voted to buy two lots on tho eaBt 300 members and friends will be pres- purtlea In Monmouth county are wor« Bank, Stores and Business -and Professional Offices—Two Upper Clayton & Magco on Broad street at into her right side. The rash act was side of Broad street as tho site for ricd by the apathy which scenw ten Red Bank. The greatest damage was committed on tho front porch of Mrs. ent. Among those who will speak their new church. Several properties aro Prosecutor John J. Quinn, Rev. exist. Maybo this apparent apathy Floors Will Be for Doctors, Dentists and Lawyers. . dono to the clothing stock. Hundreds Anna Stone of DeForest avenue, Mrs. had been offered as a site for the is not real at nil and maybe uador of garments were destroyed or dam- Waters died a few mlnute3 later Father Grlbbcn, Rev. John C. Far- church and the choice had been nar- rell and William H. Hoag. Tho din- tho surface, tho voters aro greatly < aged by fire, smoke and water. while she waa being taken to River- rowed down to tho John H. Gregory Interested. If this is so tho voter* The store has been closed since the view hospital. Tho woman waB 23 ner-danco Is a testimonial to Mr. property on tho west side of Broad Naughton in recognition of his fine ii-ivn concealed, tholr thoughts roora fire. Tho work of making ropalro will years old-and colored. She was the street at tho corner of Leroy place, thoroughly than at any other election! - be started as soon as possible, and wife of Frederick Waters, who Is a work In tho interest of the Knights nnd the Burrowcs and Casler lots on of Columbus. Frederick Finnerty of ever held in Monmouth county. Clayton & Magce expect to rjsume chef at the Long' Branch hospital. Broad street, "nearly opposito the Usually, in advance ot »V»ctlo», business on or about December 1st. The couple had not lived together for Rumaon ls.cYia\TBtfiin ol Alie. cotnmlt- egory properly: There -was 'an feo in charge of tho affair. eAraro visible' cross currents anil The bulldlnff la owned by tho IJenry several months. animated discussion over the two other signs to show how tho political N. Supp estate. Tho members of the It was about half-past ten o'clock Bites and when the voto was taken tide Is running, but tills year such por- firm of Clayton & Mageo are James Saturday night when Mrs. Waters tho Burrowes and Casler plot was tents aro few and far between. May. Clayton, Eugene- M. Magco and Harry knocked on tho front door of Mrs. chosen by a largo majority of the be a great ground swell ono way oi! B. Clayton. The loss Is covered by In- Stone's house In the house with GARMENTS FOR NEEDY votes. The church had accepted tho other ia Just under the nurfaco, surance. Mrs. Stono at the time was one of •Warren H. Smock's offer of $250,000 but If this l.q so it gives no advance The lire was discovered by Harvey fr daughters and ono of her sons, NEEDLEWORK GUILD TO HOLD for the present church property at nolice. The usual predictions are Hopkins about half-past seven o'clock. who is ten years old. Another son, the_ corner of Broad and Monmouth mailo by partisan zealots, but persons On tho second floor of the building John Stono, had loft tho houso two ITS ANNUAL MEETING. streets, and this made the selection of who want to the real unbiased Is a lodge room, and Onward council hours previous to visit his sister at a new church site necessary. facts hestltato to mako prophecies of American Mechanics was to havo Long Island. Mrs. Stone went to the Three Days Next Week to be De- this year because there are so few voted to Receiving and Distributing The Gregory property was offered met there Monday night. Mr. Hop- door In response to tho summons. to the church at $47,500. The Bur- tangible or definite Blgns on which to kins was on his way to the meeting 'Let mo in. I want to have a talk Garments Contributed, and to the rely. Business Meeting of the Guild. rowes and Casler properties were of- when he saw flames in the store. Ho with you;" said Mrs. Waters. fered at $50,000 for the two, the Bur- rang the flro alarm and then went Just at that moment the telephone The senatorial battle between Pros« Tho Red Bank branch of the rowes lot at $26,000 and the Casler ecutor John J. Quinn ot. Red Bank upstairs to the lodge room and told bell rang in Mrs. Stone's house. "I needlework guild of America will lot at $24,000. Each of these lots has the lodgo members about tho lire. dont know you," said Mrs. Stone In anil Assemblyman E. Dcrjald Sternoi? hold its annual exercises at the Red a houso on It and these houses will of Belmar excites more interest than Tho meeting had not begun, but a answer to the demand made by Mrs. Bank Woman's clubhouso on Tues- either bo moved off or sold. number of American Mechanics were Waters that she be admitted into the anything else. At'Red Bank and vi- day, Wednesday and Thursday of The Casler lot has a frontage on cinity Mr. Quinn's chances seem to present. With one accord they loft house. Mrs. Stone closed and locked next week. Tuesday will be devoted Broad street of sixty feet and it has the room. , the door. There was something about bo very bright., A Sterner adherent to, receiving, sorting and classifying an average depth of 360 feet. The who commented on this tho other The entire fire department was the appearance of the colored -woman tho articles contributed by members Burrowes lot is also sixty feet, front called out. The firemen made quick which caused her to take this pre- day admitted that Mr.- Quinn had of the needlework guild and their and this lot Is 285 feet deep. The great popularity in this part of tha time In getting to tho blaze. The fire caution. Tho stranger had a wild, friends; the annual meeting of the Burrowes.lot also haa a plot 60x110 had started In the rear part of the desperate look. . county, but he said that Mr. Sternec guild will bo held on Wednesday; and feet attached to the north side of the waa equally as strong at Asbury Paris store, where most of the goods were Mrs. Stone went to tho telephone to the distribution of tho articles con- rear of tho lot. The Gregory prop- utorcd. Tho flames rolled upward and and vicinity nnd that one thing Juet answer -the call. A few moments tributed will take place on Thursday. erty has a frontage of 120 feet on about offsets the other. forward like waves. Tho front part later she heard a revolver shot. Go- Mrs. William A.' Patterson is presi- Eroad street and 188 feet on Leroy of the store did not catch fire, but Ing outside on the porch Mrs. Stone place. In tho opinion of some political dent of tho Red Bank branch of thj prophets whose predictions have been, tho waves of lire swept along the found Mrs. Waters in tho throe3 of society. Other officers are Mrs. metal celling to tho front door. Tho death. Police headquarters waa noti- fairly correct in the past, the fight Frank Blaisdell and Mrs. Biddle H. BOXING FOB THE LEGION. between Mr. Quinn and Mr. Sterner interior of the store "v^as a veritable fied and Sergeant Albert Newman Garrison vice president; Mra. C. F. roaring furnace. It was a tqrrlfying end Policeman George Clayton were will be largely one between the north* Bostock secretary and Mrs. Jesse Bouts to be Held Every Thursday ern part of the county aqd the south-. and fantastic spectacle. sent to tho scene of tho tragedy with Mlnot treasurer. Tho meeting on - Night Beginning Next Weelc Tho store had been closed for the tho town ambulance, Mr. Clayton era port of the county. These observ- Wednesday will be opened by Rev. ers look for Mr. Quinn, to carry th« day's business at quarter after six acting as tho driver. The wounded John A. Hayes, pastor of the Red The first of a. series of boxing bouts o'clock and all tho doors had been woman was rushed to the hospital, for tho benefit of tho American Le- northern part of tho county and they Bank Presbyterian church. Other expect Mr. Sterner to carry tha south* locked. However, the glass of the but she was dead when she arrived speakers will be Mrs. William Scott gion will be held Thursday night of The Merchants Company of Red arrango tho two upper floors into showed assets of $2,214,37561 In Its there. An investigation made by the next week at the Red Bank armory. ern part. Bank has been announced as the pur- suites of rooms for tho special use statement of October 4th, 1929. Its front door had been so weakened by of Camden and Miss Martha Hanson the Intense heat that It readily col- polico left no room for doubt that Bhe of Red Bank. Forty directors are Bouts will take place thereafter every Of recent years several political chasers of the Methodist church of lawyers, dentists and doctors. officers, In addition to Mr. McQueen, had fired the bullet which ended her Thursday night. Louis Grassman is property at the corner of. Broad and Tho building will be constructed of tho president, are Harry Campbell, lapsed when one of tho firemen gave associated with the Red Bank branch battles have followed thla line. It was it a slight push. Joseph Asay, ono life. She had a nervous high-strung and a reception and tea for officers, the match maker. very apparent in. tho reconl Republi- Monmouth streets. The company light brick with limestone trimming. chairman of tho board; James D. Ot- temperament. The bullet entered her will erect a six-story building which Tho tower will houBo tho water tanks, terson, Jr., vice president and treas- of the firemen, was cut on his hand directors and guests will follow the The principal event for next weok can primary election. In/that contest by broken glass. abdomen. business meeting. Is a ten-round go between Jose Allano Mr. Sterner swept all btfore him In will be 8Urmountedxby a tower with fcpsides bolng an ornament to tho urer; Archibald L. Miller, vice presi- ft" very largo chime clock, building. Kenneth H. McQueen, tho dent; Edgar N. McClees, vice presi- The heat and the smoke were so In- Mrs. Waters was a twin sister of Mrs. Patterson has appointed the of Philadelphia and Willie Cubic of the southern part of the county. Most tense that the firemen had to crawl Oscar Bass of Long Branch, who following committees: Newark. Both boys aro reputed to of the northern part of the coiinty" The building la expected to cost president of tho Merchants trust dent and secrotary; and J. Ernest Oli- be fast fighters. There will be three voted for W. Warren Barbour of SJ.OOO.OOO. This will mako it ono of company, said yesterday, in talking ver, assistant secretary. The direc- into tho store. Spectators marvelled has won fame aa a prize fighter. Mrs. Kccelvinff of garments—Mrs. John H. that anyone could live in such an In- Waters was a member of St. James's^ six-round bouts, In one of which Jim- Rumaon, who opposed Mr. Sterner, the costliest business buildings in tho about the now building, that "abso- tors, in addition to tho officers, are Cook, MM. Willinm G. Manson. Mrs. mie Donato of the West Side athletic The result was a victory for th« • county. The Merchants trust com- lute confidence In tho future of Red Jacob Yanko, G. Harold Nevlus, John ferno. Nearly everyone believed that Episcopal church of • Long Branch. Jamen R. Smock, Miss Ovens, Mils Etta tho building would be reduced to She leaves two children Cornelia and S. Miller, Mra. Frank House. club of Red Bank will meet Charlie southern part of the county. pany "will occupy tho Broad and Mon- Bank and a desiro to demonstrate J Quinn, Warren H. Smock, Ray H. Roberts of Newark. Terico Kid of mouth street corner of the building that confidence to tho advantage of Stilllman, Fred W. Robinson, John ashes and that there was danger of Charles, who live at Long Branch. DIstributlnB—Mrs. Thomnj Voorhls, Mrs. However, other political flghU hav» the fire spreading to other buildings. The funeral was Hold yesterday af- CeorEo D. Cooper, Mrs. Thomas Cook, Mra. Newark will meet Frankie Sweeney been won in tha narthorn part. 'Vtt» with its bank, and this will bo flanked its citizens and tho town ltscif led tho Giblon, Paul Oschwald, Frank E. James R. Wolcott, Mrs. Samuel Sabath, of South River. Tiger Hall of Long with stores on both Broad street and Merchants group to plan this ambi- Pricn, Charles R. English, Arthur C. Theso fears were not borne out by ternoon at Mount's funeral pnrlor. haps tho most outstanding example o{ subsequent events. Burial was at Whlto Ridge cemetery (lias Flora McDonald. Branch and Johnnie Scott of Phila- this was the struggle for sheriff be- Monmouth street. Tho upper floora tious Improvement to the town's Stolnbach, Jesse Minot, Clark Hol- Entertainment—Mrs. George O, Hen. It was surprising how soon the at Eatontown. delphia will bS'the contestants.In the tweqn John H. VanMater of Atlsntla will be devoted to business and pro- buildings." brook, Pr. Blddle H. Garrison and drlckson. other six-round bout Mickey Travis fessional oflkca and It is intended to Albort'W. Worden. flames died out after the firemen, got Hospitality—Mrs. Tony Hunting. Highlands and Thomas Smith of Key-. Tho Merchants 'trust company of Red Bank and Mickey Sardello of port, Mr. Smith carried nearly ovary streams of water working. 'Within an SIRE CO5EPANY 50 YEABS OLD. Distribution of the guild's garments hour trie flro was completely out. The Matawan will have a four-round go. municipality south of Asbury Park. are made to the Red Bank public Mr. VanMater carried Asbury Park; FIREMEN TO PARADE. A STORE'S BIRTHDAY. firemen never showed fo better ad- Independent Firemen Selling Tickets health and nursing association, the vantage. Every move was well dl- For Carlton Shows. and nearly every place north of ft BIG NIGHT FOR MASONS. social service organization, tho Long TO MOVE TO LITTLE SttVER. and this resulted In his election, Bed Bankers to Take Part In Cele- Straus Company Is Celebrating Itajrected and there was no lost motion. t Branch, Spring Lake, Allenwood and Independent fire company of Red THIRTY JURISDICTIONS BEPBIS- bration nt Trenton Saturday. 83d Anniversary. The fire was confined entirely to the Farmlngdale hospitals, Searles home MrK. James H. Bennett Will Make Observers who believe that this store. No damage was done upstairs Bank is,selling, tickets for the per- at Asbury Park, and to many local oamo line of demarcation will b» Liberty hoso company will take Straus Company of Broad street la formances at the Carlton theater on Her Home With Her Daughter. SENTED AT EATONTOWN. part In a big parade at Trenton In tho lodgo room. cases of need. shown at next Tuesday's battle »ay celebrating the 33d anniversary of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Mrs. James H. Bennett Is planning they do not mean to claim that on Saturday afternoon. AH mem- their business career In Red Bank An examination of the electrical A Big Cnthor.'ng at Postmasters' wiring was made yesterday morning November 20th, 21st and 22d. The to move from her house at River everything south of Asbury Park will bers of tho department are Invited and as part of tho anniversary pro- profits realized In this way will be Benjamin Cook, Jr., Improving. Night of Washington Lodge on to attend. Tho American Legion and no defects were found. Evidently Plaza and to make her home with Mr, go for Sterner or that everything Monday—Twenty Fastmastors of gram they are having an anniversary used for tho company's fiftieth anni- Benjamin Cook, Jr., a member of and Mrs. Peder Glsleson of Branch north of Asbury Park will go- for fife, drum and bugle corps havo been anle in all tho departments of their the fire did not originate from such a the Lodge Wore Present. cause. versary celebration next year. Mor- the Red Bank high school football avenue, near Little Silver. Mrs. Gis- Quinn. They say there wift be ex- hired to furnish musio during: tho storo. Tho firm had a full page ad- ris Homestead Is chairman of the team, is steadily Improving from in- Washington lodge of Masons of parade, A bua will leave" from inj leson is Mrs. Bennett's daughter. Mr. ceptions to the rule on both sides oC .Batontown was tho scono of a no- vertisement in last week's Register sale committee and .his assistants are juries received, in the Red Bank- and Mrs. Sidney Bennett of Colt's the dividing line, but that they ex- front of tho American Legion rooms [ featuring the salo and another adver- A New Ked Bank Business. South Orange game several weeks table gathering of Masons Monday Tho Nathan Strauss company's Jerry McConvey, Max Welsman, Jos- Neck will stay with Mrs. Bennett un- pect to see this line of cleavsga on Broad street, opposite Tho Reg-j tisement appears in today's issue. eph Asay and Georgo Worthley. ago. He was able to sit up In bed night at the annual pastmastcrs' later office, at 11:1D o'clock Saturday new butcher and grocery market at til she moves to her^iew home. Mrs. clearly shown In the election returns. night celebration. About 150 porsons Straus Company has becomo one Tho ladies' auxiliary of the com- for a little while yesterday and today Bennett will havo an auction of her morning. Firo Chief Fritz Dressier 54 Broad street, Red Bank, In the he expects to sit up a little while Occupying a, place almost as great were present, representing thirty Ma- of Red Bank's commercial Institu- pany will hold a roast beef supper household goods and personal effects in interest as the senatorial light to states that ho has room In tho bus tions, having been in tho same loca- Eisner building, will bo opened to- at the flrehouso in November for the longer. The doctors believe he will aonlo Jurisdictions, Including Panama for ton uniformed firemen, The la morrow. There will be free souvenirs in a short time. Her husband, died the battlo between Joseph McDer-.. and Scotland. Captain Douglas Rid- tion since starting In business in Red benefit of tho anniversary celebra- be up and around shortly. Ho suf- about two weeks ago. dies' auxiliary of the department will and music. Strauss company oper- fered a dislocated vertebra when he mott of Freehold, the present county dle of Oceanport, who was master Bank. Their first store jvas less than tion. Frank Dickman Is chairman clerk, and Sheriff Harry N. Johnson of tho lodge In 1807 to 1899 and was also take part in tho parade. half tho sizo of tho pret%Jt, store. It ates 396 chain Btores in New Jersey, Of the committeo in charge of the an- received a blow on the neck. New York state, Pennsylvania, Con- Names Not on Ballot. of Highlands for the offlco of county the oldest of tho twenty pastmasters wag formerly tho dry gossfisfhryl la- niversary ceremonies and others »n clerk. Mr. McDermott Is generally dlees' furnishing storo of tho late necticut and Massachusetts. the committeo are Frank House, The names of James A, Curley and present In point of service, made an New Auto Sales Manager. Parent-Teachers' Dinner. accounted a very astuta politician, addross. John A. Eaton, who Joined Georgo W. Hance, which for many Charles Bennett, Sr., Samuel Rogers, John B. Prothero, Democratic and but in the primary election campaign Edward T. Baskett, formerly with years was ono of tho best known Harry Klatsky, Raymond Boyd and The dinner of the parent-teachers' Republican nominees for justice of the lodge In 1882 and served as mas- tho Now York office of tho Ford mo- Decorated Clubhouse. association, of Red Bank at tho Molly he made bitter attacks on B. Donald ter In 1910, was also present. Mr. houses of Its kind in Monmouth Morris Homestead. the peace of Red Bank, aro omitted Sterner. Just how many votes he( Eaton broko hln leg last May and en- tor company and later manager of county. Instead of holding a business meet- Pitcher hotol last Friday night was from sample official ballots mailed tho Ford Newark branch, has become ing last night tho members of the largely attended and it waa voted a oliennted by this courso la impotialblo tered tho lodgo room on crutches. 1 Hudson House Party. this week. Edgar I. Vanderyeer, Lincoln salo3 manager for tho Mount- A few years after buying tho busi- Players' boat olub auxiliary spent the great success by all present, The pro- to determine, but no ono has to tra« 'The pastmastors wero In charge of ness tho firm acquired tho former The annual Hallowe'en party for gram was carried through as outlined clerk of elections, stated the names vel far to meet voters who remember tho work lor tho evening and woro English company of Red Bank. Mr. time decorating the clubhouse for tho were not on the ballot because the Baskett haB been a resident of Mon- Elizabeth Clay property to tho north Hallowe'en party "to be held tomor- the guests of the Hudson house and in last week's' Register. James T. it and who say they are going to vots assisted by William Curchln of Red of the Hnnco building and built a. their friends was hold last Friday Mason of Paterson, who made ,tho candidates did not file their accep- against Mr. McDermott for this reiw Bank, deputy of tho sixteenth dis- mouth county flvo years, ho having row night. Cornstalks, lanterns and tance in time. larg« addition to tho Hnnco building. crepe paper were used In tho decor- night at tho Smoke Shop tavern and principal address, predicted an In- son. Mr. McDermott has hold the- ol- trict. After tho ccrenionies a beef- bought tho Bertha Polhemus farm on They havo leased tho Hanco build- fice of county clerk more than thirty tho Freehold road near Colt's Neck. ations. about 100 persons were present. The crease In tho number of vocational steak supper wa3 served. ing slnco starting In business in Red decorations were in keeping with schools. A Wedding Anniversary. years. Tho remark Is frequently Bank. Hallowe'en. Most of tho guest3 were Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Cadman of mado that he has had enough of po- Tho pastmastera present In the Now Oil Burners. Election Day Sale. Tho firm has a trade slogan, "A In costume. Dancing was enjoyed In 1'hlludelphla Hospital. Knollwood, near Red Bank, cele litical honors and that it Is now tim» rotation of th«lr sorvlco wcro Doug- Daniel P. Duffle of Hance road, brated their twentieth wedding anni- for him to step aside and to give las Riddle, Frank Lundy, T. Frasor The Fair Haven firemen's auxiliary Straus Sale is a Sale," nnd this .slo- jind about midnight a supper was Mrs. John C. Aul of Maple avenue will hold a clam chowder ealo next gan has been carried in almost every Fair Haven, Ralph Nappl of Keyport served. . . . •was taton to tho 3«fferson isosjtou at versary Mcmjltiy evening • "«iUa a somo one CISB a chance. If SJisrtff Price, William C. Price, E. H. Env &.W& Ytca "W. Meyer oi Leonardo party. ; Guests were 'present from Johnson retains anything like tha monii, IMrrard H. Green, Walter C Tucsflny nt tho S)tehovse at that rAvcvtlsemant of the firm sines Its Philadelphia yesterday for an oper- place., Mrs. Harvey Little is chair- first announcement 33 years ago. bought Petro oil burners last week Walker Retains Title. Red Bank, Rumson, Summit and popularity ho has shown In other Van Keuren, William J. Darby, Louis ation, which will bo performed tomor- elections Mr. McDermott will havs man of the committeo and her as- from the Modern heating and en- row. Mrs. Aul is the mother of Mrs. Chatham. A. Dlngman, Harry Campbell, John gineering company of Red Bank. Mickey Walker of Rumson success- the biggest fight of his political ca- A. Eaton, Frank Kcnno, Benjamin sistants are Mrs. Danlol Allaire, Mra. Howard All-EIcctrlo Radio fully defended the middleweight title Julia Keough, collector of Red Bank. Everett Smith and Mra. tlarry Ver- in table console, with Western Electric Vote for reer next Tuesday. VanKeuren, Orlando P. Warden, speaker; complete with tubes and all lost night against Wildcat Hudklns Ellwood B. Ivins, a member of the neau. Vaccination Notice. at Los Angeleae,. Walker won eight Dancing and Voice Culture. Red Bank real estate board, for as- Usually, when a sheriff Is to M Frederick Sickles, Benjamin F. Van- equipment. Sold for $315, our salo The last day of free vaccination foe Vllet, Frederick Schults, Alexander price $125. Opportunity knocks but of the ten rounds. The attendance Can you dance the tango? If not, sessor of the Borough of Red Bank elected, tho battlo for thlsofflco ovor« school children will bo Thursday let a professional dancer teach you on November 5th, 1929.—Advertise- Boross and*F. C. Van Vllet. Tellcy'8 for Christmas Cards. onco on an exceptional bargain of November 7th, 1929, at 4:00 P. M., at was about 25,000. shadows everything else. For corns Have VQU ordered your greeting: this kind. Emplro Garage, 21 East tho favorite dance of society. Also ment. renoon thi3 does not seem to bo tho borough hall, Dr.Hullman In charge. fox trot, waltz, one step and any ex- (Paid for by Ellwootl B. Ivins Committee.) For Justlco of tho Pence. "" cardo yet? You can select formal Front street, Red Bank.—Advertise- This is for school children living in Hard to Do Things. case at the coming election. Ona cards, dignified and chaste, or gay ment. hibition dance. Limbering, stretching seldom hears this contest or th9 Voto for James A. Curley of Red colorful onus, nblazb with Christina's Red Bank only. Some things are hard to do If you and reducing class, voice culturo and Order Christmas Cards Now. Bank for Justlco of tho peace, in tho Red Bank Board of Health, go at them in a hard way. An easy names of tho candidates mentioned, cheer. And by ordering now you A Sininro Deal to Everyone, way to do them is to ndvertiso them tono placement. Visit our studios Select now when you havo leisure Personal choice column of the will escape* tho hurry and confusion Dr. Lawes, Health Inspector. without obligation. Sherry-Phelan to look for just the card you wish. The Republican candidate Is William! election ballot. Mark a, cross in front You'll get this if you voto for John —^Advertisement. li> TIio Register's Want Department. of name.—Advertisement. of last minuto ordcra. Tctley's, 17 B. Prothero, Republican candidate By using Luko Longhead's columns Studlo3, Carlton theater building-, Let us process engrave or engrave R. O'Brien of Bolmar, who has A (Paid for by Jtimoa A. Curley Committee.) Broad strcot, Red Bank.—Advertise- for Justice of tho Peace of Red Bank, you can find tenants, sell property, suites 1 and 2. Phono 2835.—Adver- from plato your name. Do it now. civil service position In the flhorlffa ment. on Tuesday, November 5th.—Adver- John B. rrothoro,' tisement _ ^ ^ Tctley's 17 Broad street, Red Bank.— office, Mr. O'Brien made a try,fop ••-«. : secure help, get a job and do lots of 1 ^ • »• - tisement. Ropubllcan candidato for Justlco of other things that might bo hard it Advertisement. i ^ tho oillco three years ago, but ho wa»- Freshman Kqunplmso Console, Iladlolo. 17. (1'nlil for by John B. Prothero Campaign tho Poaco of Red Bank. A squaro done In some other way.—Advertise- Republican Justice of the Peace llko now, all electric, complete with deal & everyone. If you want this for tho borough of Red Bank, John defeated In tho primary election by All electric, in beautiful largo con- Committee.) _ ment Armlstico Dance EUHII Bruno of Long Branch. Tfto tubes, etc. Sold for $225, our salo eolc, with Euper-dynamlc speaker; irv voto for Prothero on Tuesday, No- B. Prothero. Vote for him on Tues- given by Rumson fln> company auxil- price $75 cash. Terms can bo ar- perfect working condition. Must bo Now Jersey Grocery Co. vember 5th.—Advertisement. day, November 5th.—Advertisement. iary at Holy Rosary hall, River road, Democratic candidato is Robort C. ranged. Emplro Garage, 21 East (Paid for by.Jobn B. Prothoro Campnlfim Miss Kathryn Dwyer (PnW for by John 1). Trotlicro Campnlen Thompson of Spring Lake, who HOV« Rccn and heard to bo nppreclatod; nro giving Wear Ever aluminum Committee.) •' will bo pleased to meet hor friends at Rumson, Monday, November 11th, Front street, Red Bank.—Advertise- ?S0, terms If desired. Empiro Ga- premiums with your purchases. Buy Committee,) 1929. Allan Woollcy's music. Admis- crnl years ngo served ns a mombof • .—^-*^ . tho Kelly Beauty Shop, tho only au- ment. rage, 21 East Front street, Red Bank. tno best Pure Food groceries nnd veg- thorized Marineilo system in Red sion llfty cents.—Advertisement. of tho county board of froeholdors. etables at this popular Whita Roso i For Justlco of the Pcnco. Veto for "Dory" Bennett. —Advertisement. vote for Jamea A. Curley of Red Bank. 10 Broad street, phone Red Theodore H. Bennett, Spring Lake, . o-.-» • On tho Republican ticket tho can* Voto For store. George J. Mack, manager, 114 Bank 1515.—Advertisement. Republican Justice of tho Peace Kllwood B. Ivins, a member of the Monmouth street, Red Bank.—Ad- Bank for Justlco of tho peace, In tho on the ticket for freeholder. An old dldatcs for freeholders aro Harry G. Bed Bank real estate board, for as- John B. l'rothero. Personal choice column of tho Monmouth man.—Advertisement. for'tho borough of Red Bank, John Republican candidata for Justlco of vertisement. B. Prnthero. Vnto for him on Tues- Bordon. of Shrewsbury and Borden sessor of tho Borough of Tied Bank election ballot. Mark a cross In front Republican Justice of tho Peace (raid lor by Thcodoro H. Bennett Cjm.) A. Jeffrey of Oakhurst. Their Demo- on November 5th, 1929.—Advertise- tho Peace of Red Bank. A squaro . -^-» ^ of name.—Advertisement. for tho borough of Red Bank, John day, November 5th.—Advertisement, deal to everyone. If you want this Every Wednesday Night (l'nlil for-by John B. Prothoro Cnmpnisn cratic opponents aro Mayor William! ment. (Pn!d for by Jnmos A. Cnrley Committee.) B. Prothero. Voto for him on Tues- Upholstery Cleaned. Committee.) ' (Paid for by Ellwood D. Ivins Committee.) voto for Prothorp( on Tuesday, No- Is Victor night at Tusting'a, Mon- day, November fith.—Advertisement. Wo dry clean upholstery In your H. It. Whlto of Red Bank and Theo- vember [ith.—Advertisement. mouth strcot, near Broad street Voto for "Dory" Bonnett (Pn!d for liy John 11. Frothero Campaign car as well as your upholstered furni- doro H. Bennett of Spring Lake. Mr. (PnUl for l,y John It. Frolliero Cnmnnlen Voto for "Dory" Bonnott. Radios, rolls, orthophonlo victrolas, Theodore H. Bennett, Spring Lake, Committee.) turo. Leon's, 70 White street, ph'one Theodore H. Bennett, Spring Lake, White ha3 been Invincible as a can- Election Day, Tuesilny, Nov. 6th. dU) records and pre-eminent makes or Dont forget to voto for John B. on tho ticket for freeholder. An old —o i ^» 1545.-»-Advcrt!sement. on tho ticket for freeholder. An old didate for mayor", and a big vote J* upright and grand pianos. Bring tho Bring Your Jug. _ «l . C • Prothero for Justice of tho peace- of For Justlco of thi) Peace. Monmouth man.—Advertisement. Monmoulh man.—Advertisement. generally expected for him In hl8 Red Bank, regular Republican candi- fnmily tonlEht—Advertisement (Paid for by Theodoro 31. Bennett Com.) Now molasses; also new-Virginia Masquerndo Suits, 1'nrty Favors, (I'ni.l for by Theodora H. Hennett Com.) Voto for Jrimos A. Curley of Red corn meal and now buckwheat. At homo town nnd In tho nurroundlntf date.— Advertisement. Hank for justlco of tho peace, in the For Justice of tho Ponco. everything for a jolly Hallowe'en, at cotmtrysldo where ho la best known. (Paid for by John li. Trothero CnmpnUrn Fuel Olt Matthews & Forbes, 14 Broad utrcot. Trubin's Storo of 'a Thousand Items, Personal choice column "of tho Vote for James A. Curley of Red —Advert Iscmcnt^ Mnsqueraili! Stills, Party Fuvors, Committee.) election ballot. Mark a cross In front Bank for Justlco of tho peace, in tho for any burner; best grades and 58 Brand street, Red Bank.—Adver- nvervthing for a jolly Hallowe'en, at The candidates for assomblymon ^ » ^i of nnmn.—Advertisement. Personal choice column of tho prices. Unexcelled service. Fred D. Olivo Oil. tisement. _ Trubln'a Store of n Thousand Items, aro Thomrni M. Oonslll of Ri'il IltvnlC Voto for "Dory" Bennett. Wikoff Co., Red Bank, phono B52.— 58 Broad street, Red Bank.—Adver-. and Mayor Frank C. Durand of Sea, (Pnid for by Jnmoa A. Curley Committee.) election ballot. Mark a cross In front Imported special. 'Schneider's When football teams win Theodoro H. Bennett, Spring Lake, of nnmo.—Advertisement. Advertisement Market, 21 West Front ntrcot, Red tlsemen* _ _ Gltt, Republican*, and Sot Lfuitmntl on tho ticket for freeholder. An old They 'Rah 'Rah for Quinn. Voto for "Dory" Bennett. (Fold Ji>mc» A. Curler Committee.) Bank. Quarts 08 cents, pints D5 cents. —Advertisement. of Asbury Purlt urid Lnntfdon B. Monmouth man.—Advertisement. Theodoro H. Bonnett, Spring Lake, Christmas Cards. —Advertisement^ New Modern Press Morrla of Long Branch, Democrats. . (Puld for by Thoodoro It. Bennett Com.) on tho ticket for freeholder. An old At tho school and the "gym" Order now when you have a great- (Taid for by Independent Committee.) not only prcssop your suit but nhapes Mr. Clopulll huii nerved threo terms M Monmouth man.—Advr-rtinnmcnt. Tho scholars want Quinn. er variety to select from. A fine line. Gunning Signs. it to lit tho Individual. Leon's, 70 nn n: flciublymun. Ho Is ona of tlto Stout ladles Ret thin (Paid for by 'ilicoiloro II, Bennett Com.) —Advertisement. .at all pricos at Tho Register offlco.— Buy them now at Tho Register of Ton-l'iiyment Plan. White Htrect, phono 1515, Red Bank. When they voto for Quinn. Advertlaoment- Suits, $'22.50 up. at Jiannlno'a, G7 —Advertisement. couMcllmon of Red Bank, nml whfith- U'nld lor by Independent Committee.) flee. Muslin, 60 cents per dozen; card- Broad street upstairs. Red Bank.— —Advertisement. ,—«««. . board, 60 cents per dozen.—Advertise- er running for aaaomblyniun op conn- (Paid for by Independent Committee.) Tho Philathea society of the First Advertisement clliimn ho hn» always rocclvml a |fooVor for Coroner. -Advertisement. Bank.—Advertisement. . (CunUnuiid on mni jftge.) (Fold for by Hod. Sank Dcmoccalla Club.) {Paid, for t>y Independent ConimlUee.) Ut t edtiettttemmii tween George W. Bray, Republican, lands. Tho Republican nominees for («ii:6 apsoVnVeito VooVt,altoi thB ana fe» hearers wen-Dames, FaUr ta convert tho prssent school build- store company paying $B0O to Mrs. and ElVwood B. Ivlns, PemDcrak, Jo. pendimt Republican candidate. Ho is cauncUnwn are Frank Siegfried and 'ertialng and printing. A committe and Joseph McCor- City, a cousin of the groom. Among Sutphen, who was represented by assessor. Mr. Bray has held this .of- Daniel H. Colllnson of New Mon- Honry Quast, find the Democratic to arrange1^ details was appointed, those prej$nt were relatives from Ing Into a munlolpal building, . The Fischer & Crowell, ' mouth. His name Is not on the tick- mack of Holmdel, Wilfred Mullin of Red Bank, Rumson, Belford, Long meeting wu In charge of Mrs, Frank fice a great many years and he has candidates are Harry A. Brown and comprising Rev. J. W. Lee, Rev. W. Lincroft and John Kelly of Head- Dean, president of the parent-teacher always been invincible. et and those who vote for him will Fred Bedle. AVilliam B. Mead, Dem- :. Baker, Mr. Sheridan, Mr. WItkln den's Corner. Branch, Elboron, Jersey City, West have to write it on or paste it on un- ocrat, and John Kwik, Republican, and J, William Helm. Now York, New York and Long Is- association. TWO HUBT IN FAIX8. i However, three years ago he was der the column marked "Personal opposed for this office by Jfr. Ivina are running for justice of the peace. Fourteen churches have joined th( JOHN BENNETT'S FDNEBAL. land, The groom's gift to the bride Two vocal solos were rendered by Choice." JDespito.this great handi- Highlands Is the homo town of was a silver fox scarf, and tho bride' Mrs. William Elliott of Red Bank, Fair Haven Resident, Ono 84 and the and the outcome was a great deal cap" Mr. Collinson's friends predict movement, and part of the celebra- gift to the groom was a pair of pearl I Other 1, in Hospitals. closer than the political prophets Had Harry N. Johnson, Democratlo can- tion will consist of Father and Son Many Attended Service at River who was accompanied by Miss Flor- victory for him. His most outstand- dldato'for county clerk. Tiiere are studs. The brfde'a gift to her brides- ence Chandler, also of Rod Bank. Two Fnlr Haven residents, one old Imagined. Mr. Ivins actually carried ing supporter Is Henry VanDaalen, banquets at each of these churches, Plaza Residence Thursday. ' maid waa a string of amber heads, three of the ten districts of the town, many Johnson and Sterner sign3 in Later, the fathers and sons wl 1 Miss Dorothy Went of Oceanport and tho other young, aro In hospitals whereas against every other oppon ftho Is Republican executive commit- windows throughout the borough, but inarch to a central location where The funeral of John H. Bennett of and the groom gave a pair of gold gave two violin solos and was accom- with brokon bones as tho results of ent In previous elections Mr, Bray leeman from the Leonardo district. the Quinn signs are conspicuous by community program will be present River Plaza, who dropped dead last cuff links to the groomsman. panied by Mrs. Horace Klrby of the falls. Mrs. Elizabeth Allen, who Is had carried all ten districts. Mr. Ivlns Mr. VanDaalon has issued a verbal their absence. ed. Tho representatives"^! the va- week as the result of an acute heart Mr. and Mrs. Noonan left for a gams place. Mrs. D. I. Butphen was S4 years old, fell In her home and suf- Is the only man who has ever made broadside against tho Republican rious churches in this movement are attack, waa held Thursday afternoon wedding trip-to the Virginia oavernB. In charge of the rauslo program. fered a broken Bhoulder. aha was township organl2atlon and has called In Shrewsbury Township. at his late residence, The houoo was The bride wore a blue broadcloth takon to the Long Branch hospital. any kind of a showing against Mr. upon both Republicans and Demo- J. William Helm for the Baptis Bray and his friends are making In Shrewsbury township two town- church, Harry C. Siobor and R. E. L. filled with relatives and friends, in- traveling suit, with a silver fox neok THE LEGION AUXILIABY. Harriet Marcellus, seven years old, : claims that he will carry through crats to vote for Mr. Collinson as the ship eommltteemen and » township Morefleld for tho Presbyterian church, cluding a delegation of members of plece, and a hat to match. The new- daughter of Cornelius Maroellus, suf- most effective means of breaking the clerk are to bo elected. There will the Red Bank American Mechanics ly married couple will start house- fered a brokon log when sho tripped , this time to victory. Mr. Bray and Republican township organization. John H. Carhart for the Methodist Two New Members Eleotcd Last his friends do not seem to be wor- bo no contests, all tho candidates be- church, Henry C. Mecklem for thi lodge, of which Mr. Bennett was a keeping in their new house at 94 Week—A Coming Card Pnrty. over a dog and fell. Sho Is now In ried. They count on Red Bank's Re- Mr. Colllnson was an unsuccessful ing unopposed. On tho Republican :plscopal church, David J. Sherldai charter member. Blngham avenue, Rumson. The brld tho Spring Lake hospital, candidate for tho Bepublican nomi- ticket Mrs. Margaretta Redd of Tin- received many fine gifts, including Mrs. D. L. Shaffer and Mrs. C. E. publican proclivities, as well as Mr. nation for township committeeman and Thomas L. Little for St James' Rev. Archibald H. Sutphin of River Bray's personal, popularity, to pull ton Falls is running for re-election as Catholic church, Rev. Mr. Hebron fo Plaza, a retired Baptist minister, silverware, china, lamps, linens, fur Bremer were received last Thursday New Heating Apparatus. him through. They say Mr. Ivlns township clerk and Wellington Wil- ho Pilgrim colored church, Antoni conducted the service. Burial waa niture and checks. evening as new members of tho la- t the primary election last June. dles' auxiliary of Shrewsbury post of Frank Merrltt has Bold a Wotop Jnay make a respectable showing, but The entrance of Mr. Collinson into kina of Tinton Falls is running for Soylero for St. Anthony's church, at Fair View cemetery and the burial The bride was employed until re- stoker coal burning outfit to Major that he wont do any better than he re-election as township committee- Captain Harttrce for tho Salvation service of the American Mechanics the American legion of Red Bank. he campaign has given joy to the cently jn the office of the Slgmund After the business meeting Mlas ,J. F. Prcanell of Fort Monmouth, who ! did three years ago and perhaps mot Democrats. The Democratic leaders man. On tho Democratic ticket Ken- Army, Rev. Paul J. Trltschler fo waa performed with Eden S. Ewlng, Eisner company at Red Bank. The llvos at Foxwood Park, Little Silver. as well. neth Fields of Waysido is running ho Lutheran church, Nathan Witkin as councilor and W. Burrowea Asay Gladys Shropshire, who has Just re- figure that Mr. Colllnson's campaign groom Is a graduate of the Red Bank turned from France, described her 'The motor stoker feeds coal Into tho There 1» one Democrat at Bed will not only improve Mr. Hoagland's for re-election as township commlt- or tho Congregation B'nal Israe aa chaplain. The bearers were War- high school. Ha Is employed at thi fire box of tho furnaco and removes chances but will help the rest of their tceman. Rev. Charles E. Nelson for SI ren C. Dennis, Allbert L. McQueen, New York stock exchange. visit In that country and exhibited Bank who Is sure to bo elected no Thomas's church, Rev. Mr. Baker foi William Hurley, Samuel E. Clark, photographs she had token. While in ashes. All manual labor Is elimin- blatter how the election turns out icket. Political conditions never Quiet at Shrewsbury. Last week a miscellaneous shower France, Miss Shropshire placed flow- ated. jeemed more chaotic In the township Elon Methodist church, Rev. Mr, Lei George Palmer and Mr. Asay of the was given for tho bride by Miss Mar Otherwise. This fortunate Democrat Present indications point to a quiet "or tho Calvary Baptist church, an American Mechanics lodge. era on the grave of Burton Swannell, Is Mrs. Julia M. Keough, who has :han right now. Maybe, before elec- election at Shrewsbury as far as can- garet Emery of Rumson. About 25 a Red Bank young man who was Card of Thanhs. ion day rolls around, the Republican Isaac Burgess for the Eatontown persons were presont, and there was served two full terms as collector and didates for borough offices are con- Methodist church. killed in army service during tho Wo desire to thank all thoie who part of another term. Sho was ap- machine will bo functioning with its cerned. G. Harold Ncvlus and Fred- DEATH FROM PLEURISY. much gift giving. world war. offorod sympathy during our recent I pointed to the office in 1922 to fill a ccustomed efficiency, but up to date erick W. Robinson, Republican coun- beroavement, and especially Rev. A. The next meeting of the auxiliary H. Sutphon, the bearers and those* j vacancy caused by the resignation of some of the cogs seem to be missing cilmen, and Michael McGarlty, a Daughter of W. Tobor Parker Dies In Critellt—Longo. will be held in the post rooms Thurs- ! Benjamin L. Atwater. Archibald L. (Ire. The Democrats figure that if Democratic.momber of the council, CAKn PARTIES AND DANCES. Washington State. who sent flowers and loaned cars. j Miller was mayor of Bed Bank at Miss Frances T. Crltelll, daughter day afternoon, November 14th. Mrs. Jamco H. Bennett Mr. Colllnson polls 200 votea Mr. are running fqr re-election and they Mrs. Frances P. Hoidon,'wife of P. of Albert Crltolli of Catherine street, The auxiliary will hold a card party that time and he made the appoint- Hoagland will havo a good chance of have no opposition. Alfred Grover Events of the Ked Bank Woman' ., ., and Family, ment Later Mrs. Keough was elec- Club and Junior Clubs. Willis Holden of Wenatchce, Wash- and Joseph Longo, son of Mrs. An November 10th In the post rooma —Advertisement • winning and that if Mr. Collinson ia running for re-election as assessor ington state, died Sunday morning tolnotto Longo of DoForest avenuo, with Mrs. Leon de la Rousaillo In ted to the office by a large majority gets 300 votes the election of Mr. and Mrs. Ortrudo C. VanVliet Is a Tho card party of the Red Ban: were married Sunday afternoon at over her Bepublican opponent. Hoagland will be assured. There are from an attack of pleurisy,'with charge. A prize will be awarded to DEATHS. candidate for collector on the Re- Woman's club, which will bo given which Bho had beon sick threo woeks. three o'clock at St. Anthony's church tho winner at oach tablo, and refresh- ISAY.—Willlnm B; A.oy of Tnmton, The Republicans have put up no ight districts in the township and to publican ticket to succeed nor hus- Friday evening of next week, will b Mrs. Holden was a daughter of the by Father Nicholas Soriano. About ments will be Berved after the games. former y of lto.1 Bunk, dlod Monday, Oo- one to oppose Mrs. Keough at next leet Democratic expectations Mr. band, who has been collector since Ir. charge of Mrs. Thomas VoorhU late W. Tabor and Amanda L. Park- fifty persons attendod the ceremony, tober 28th. 10211. j week's election. The hopelessness of the borough was formed. • \ l-Wi-nl .crvlcM Thursday, OotoW 81i Collinson would need to receive an und. Miss Rosa Wels, who have, called er of Little Silver and sho was in her which was followed by a reception at it 1:30 P. W., at Into ro»ldonc«, Us Vin- {trying to beat Mrs. Keough was gen- verage of 88 votes to a district a mooting to be held Friday morning 49th year. The family had moved to the Riverside casino. BIO DAMAGE VERDICT. «mt nvenue, Ji. D. No. 2, Tronton, N. J. erally realized and no one wanted to ccording to all accounts hio greatest No Opposition at Eatontown. to plan for the affair. The profit Washington state on account of Mrs. The bride was given In marriage l'rlorftifl and relatives Invited, !run against her. Moreover, the Ee- itrength is at Leonardo. At Eatontown In the the coming will be used for improvements to th Holden's health. Sho left three chil- by her father. Her sister, Miss Elvira Judgment of $10,140 Against Bed | publican leaders were not anxious to Most township political observers election James B. Hathaway and lubhouse. Bridge, five-hundred am dren, a daughter and two sons, whose Crltelll, was maid of honor. The Bank Man and Employers. IN MEMORIAM. I have anyone run for the office. They jelleve that Mr. Morford Is Bure to James N. Wolcott are running for brldge-keno will be played, and prlzei ages rangod from 17 to 22 years. She bridesmaids wero Misses. Rose Sta- Mra. Lillian Williams, wife of Dan- In lovlntr remembrance of my d«a bellavo they have followed an astute elected and that tho renl fight will three-year seats on the borough coun- will be awarded,' Mrs. Voorhls an< also left three sisters, Miss Susie W. vola, Christina Boncoro, Mary Luci- father, Charles H. Conovcr, who nill \ course by letting Mrs. Keough win iel L. Williams of South Belmar, re- nway Noviynbor 1st, two years airo, >e between Mr. Grosslnger and Mr. cil and Benjamin VanKeuren and Mlsa Weis will be assisted by Miss Parker, Mrs. Jessie Crossley, widow ano and Angelina Garruto. Patsy covered a judgment for $10,146 at "Gone, but not fornottcn." '. without opposition. Their theory is -ioagland. Tho Democrats claim that George E. Winning aro candidates Etta Miller, Miss Julia Little, Mis of Harry Crossloy; and Mrs. Sarah Longo, a brothor of the groom, was Freehold Monday against William that letting Mrs. Keough win -without ill or nearly nil of tho votes cast lor for two and onf> year terms TC- Florence Krldel, Mrs. Frank Curtis, L. Parker, wife of Beniamln John groomsman. Tho ushers were John iurohln, Jr., and tho S. S. Thompson MI1S. WJLL1AM'SIMJSON. opposition will arouse less ai\Jago- fir. Colllnson will come from Repub- spcctlvely. All the candidates arc Re- Mrs. Victor L. Kinff, Mrs. Walte Parker. Mm, Holden'a funoral was Garruto, Salvatore Izzo, Joseph & Company of Red Bank for injuries nlam against the Bepublican ticket ican sources. The election may turn publicans and they hatfo no Demo- Eruyere, Mrs. Earl Clark, Mrs; Harry hold yesterday at Wenatchee, where Moro and Eugeno Ollvo. Alfred she received last August when an au- IN MEMORIAM. on the part of Mrs. Keough'a friends, :ut to be a very one-sided affair, as cratic opposition. Daniel S. Morris Morford, Mrs. Jesse N. Beers, Mrs, the Interment also took place. Raciti was ring bearer, Josephine and In «nd but lovlnu memory of our (iear than If she were opposed for collec- Is unopposed for the office of collec- tomobile driven by her husband was son nnd brother, Joacuh. J. Murphy, who ill elections have in Middletown Hermann Asendorf, Mrs. William A. Rachel DePonte were train bearers struck by ono driven by Curchln, who died October 31«t, 1028. tor. She has made a remarkably ownshlp in recent years; but from tor. Patterson, Mrs. Leon de la Beussllle, and Sylvia Garruto was flower girl. Just olio year ago you left us, able and courteous'offlcial.. DIED AT THE AGE OF NINETY. is employed by the Thompson com- in entirely unbiased standpoint at No Contests at I4Hle Silver. Mrs. Jay J. Ballln, Mrs. H. C. Per- Misa Marie Marasclo played the wed- pany. How wo mlsa your »mlllng face; Two councilman are to be elected. he present time it looks as if it might rlne, Mrs. C. C. Watrous, Mrs. Percy ding march and Miss Mildred La- But you left us to remember Thero will bo no local contests at Mrs. Sarah Worth Had Lived at Tho collision occurred at Bailey's No ono cun ever take your place. The councllmen whose terms expire >o a very close contest. A. Gaddls, Mrs. Tony Hunting and Manna sang "Ave Mario." Corner. Mrs. Williams was thrown Wh t P V y U 1 110 WO OVOr are James S. Parkes, Republican, and Little Silver as no one was nomin- Mrs. James Wolcott ' Highlands Forty Years. -.•ir r. . "'' " " " l™*—* One thing about which both Re- ated by the Democrats at tho pri- The brldo wore a gown of white from the automobllo and her pelvic Wo did not eec you dlo— j William H. Francis, Democrat. Mr. mbllcans and Democrats seem to During November, the hooked rug Mrs. Sarah Worth of Highlands, satin and carried a boquct of bridal bone was brokon. At tho-tlmo of the Wo only know that you nro Bon© 'Parkes is running to succeed him- mary. The Republican candidates are aged ninety years, died Friday of gen- Ami could not way Kood-byc. igree is that Harry G. Borden, one Elias S. Black for mayor, Edward C. nd patch quilt class will meet on roses and lilies of tho valley. Miss iccident Bhe was on her way homo MOTHER, FATHER, SISTEIt self and his running mate Is J. Al- if the Republican candidates for 'uesday . afternoons Instead o eral debility. She had lived at High- Elvira Crltelll woro a gown of coral 'rom the Lakewood hospital, whero bert VanSchoik, who was formerly Fiedler and Victor Satter for council- lands forty years. Her husband, Wil- AHD BROTHERS ounty freeholder, •will be badly cut men, William J. T. Getty for assessor, Wednesdays. Mrs. Charles A. Mc- satin with a picture hat to match. she was employed as a nurse. Curchln a councilman. Tho Democrats have In the township. No one would bo Claskey and Mrs. de la Reussllle will liam Worth, died a number of years Misses Roso Stavola and Mary Luci- was returning to Red Bank after tak- only one councllmanic candidate, he Mrs. Elizabeth D. Hobbs for collector ago. Mrs. Worth leaves a daughter urprised to see him run several hun- and Clifford H. Herbert for assessor. give talks relative to designs and ma- ano wero attired in blue and poach ing some workmen to a job at Man- WANT ADVERTISEMENTS. being Albert B. Dlrhan, who ia en- ;red votes behind the rest of the tick- terials. and two sons, they being_Mrs: Isa- colored satin respectively. Miss Bon- osquan. Mrs. Williams was confined gaged In the piano business. William The treatment which Frank bello Matthews, Louts Worth and core wore orchid taffeta and MIBS H. Francla was nominated for coun- No Opposition at Fnlr Haven. Twenty-three members of the worn- to the hospital six weeks and Is still Too Late for Clarification. Icott received during the short time Two councilmen are to be elected ui's club made a bus trip to thi Walter Worth. Anothor daughter, Garruto's gown was of maize taffeta. unable to follow her usual occupa- cilman on tho Democratic ticket, but e was county supervisor of roads Is 'ennsylvanla Museum of Arts a Mrs. Abram Parkor, died about a Tho bridesmaids wore turbans to tion. LOST, blnck moilo pocketbook. containing :he did not qualify and therefore tho at Fair Haven and tho candidates month ago. Mrs. Worth was a mem- money, nlvrr ciirnretto ca-ic, etc. Kind- cmembered by a good many Middle- aro Arthur Sickles and Seeley B. Tut- 'alrmount Park, Philadelphia, las match their dresses and carried bc- »y •. return to ATrfl# Irvintr X^uttorAon corift •Democrats hava one lesa candidate ber of tho Highlands Methodist quets of pink tea roses. Tho train than there are offices to fill. For the own township Republicans. They j hill, Republicans, who are running veck. They saw many things of ln HAD A DETEOTrVE GUEST. Dr. WHsin. Brnml ulroot, RailJBnnk.' 111 never forgive Mr. Borden for this for re-election. No Democrats were :ereat at the museum and they also church. The funeral was held Mon- bearers wero dressed' In white and STAlVc(MCH~tor nnio." II ymTwinroSeap first time in many years both parties islted an ancient house which was day afternoon at tho Methodist tho flower girl wore a peach and sil- tnuupurtutinn this winter hero In your will have incomplete tickets, the Bc- .nd a good many of them make "no nominated at tho primary. church and was conducted by Rev. Merrltt B. Kent nt Meeting ot tho :ones" about saying that they will iuilt in 17G2 by William MacPhorson, ver dress. Bed Uank Lions Yesterday. publlcana having no candidate for Mayoralty Fight at Rumson. ivho was a buccaneer.' The names of Walter S. R. Powell. Burial was made nvenuo, ]{umn[)Vi, N, J collector and tho Democrats having -•ote against him. They also claim j at Bay View cemetery. The wedding party enjoyed dinner There aro three local contests at :hose making tho trip were an- at the bride's home. About 100 guests Merrltt B Kent, ono of tho detoc- FoirfiraTrTSft of home, .»ven ro(.m7,' only ono candidate for councllmen. hat county roads and bridges I Kumson. Van R. Halsey; who is a ;ivea connected with tho prosecutor 3 wntcr and electricity; nlao some furnl- /Tho only other Bed Bank office to lounced In last week's Register. attended tho reception and dancing I member of the borough council, Is Miss Myrtle Miles made an address DIED IN HIS 75TH YEAB. and games were enjoyed. Musis was We filled is that of justice of the ho standa other places and they j running for mayor on tho Republican peace. The candidates are John B. )lama Mr. Borden for this. m travel at tho club meeting las furnished by an orchestra, A grand ticket and his opponent on the Dem- [frlday. Tho Junior Woman's club George Webber Was a Former Ele- march was held and it was lod by Prothero, Republican, and James A. This feeling against Mr. Borden 13 ocratic ticket Ls Charles A. Willson. Bank Lions- club. He gavo an address Curley, Democrat. Both of those men tot shared by all the Middletown _ ict Monday afternoon, with Miss vator Manufacturer. Joseph Calabrese, asslstod by Lulgi wlth_inipi-ovojni!ntii._Phono .121 Entontown, p and Androw F ZclT acquelino King in charge and Mrs. Ramplno. A largo wedding cako was n "Tho Importance of Finger Print- FOR SAI.K. Vhoip. bnby"carrl«iir~high are real estato agents. The success- ownship Republican leaders. Some ;Ql .o tho E ublican candidates for George Webbor, a former elevator Ing." Other guests wero William A. chair, Bmall mifi rnnitc, ovon and gas ful candidate will fill tho unexplred .1 them are working like beavers to i m- Willgerodt gave tho history of the cut and distributed. hofiter. Apiily mornintra nt 245 Spring councllmcn and tho Democrat c nO Christmas seal movement This club manufacturer at Newark, died Satur- Mr. and Mrs. Longo left by auto- iweeney, of tho Rod Bank Rotary term of tho late Clayton B. Clark. ry to bolster up his cause. It may ,, 3 are Edward O'Brlen and Ray- day at his homo at Atlantic High- club, Thomas C. McVey" and J. H. ,e that between now and election day ; _ _ ill give a danco at the club house mobile on a week's wedding trip to FINE winter liomo for rent at Rumson; h«t Due to tho fact that three candi- mdnd puIIon- Mr Bruc0 and Mr Friday night, under tho direction of lands at the age of 74 years. Death Atlantlo City. On their return'they Warner of the Lions club of Atlantic wntcr hunt: fully furnlnliod: chosl. dates for county offices live at Bed hey will be able to do this, but if , O'Brlen aro socking re-election, was due to pneumonia after a week's Highlands, Harry W. Sacco and Har- rhono J20 Keii^rjght, e, fack.r. he election were held tomorrow Mr. isa Elizabeth Powers, and another sickness. Mr. Webber had lived at will start housekeeping In an apart- ry Zuckerman of Long Branch and Bank, it is generally expected that lance will be given during the Chrlst- ment on Shrewsbury avenue. Mr. NKAT Lyouni: «irl wanted to assist with a larger vote will be cast in this town 3ordcn would not pet anywhere near Senbright's Candidates. Atlantic Highlands eight years. Ho D. B. Belden of Fredonia, Now York. hotisAwork ; nlcoD In, Apply momlngt »t .s many votes in Middletown town- nas season. Longo has been employed the last 245 bpVlriB Btieet or phono 1104-M, Hod than in any other place in the county. Philip S. "Walton, .mayor of Sea- Several members of the Junior club leaves a widow, Mra. Isabelle Web- five years at Frank Garruto's cloth- Majftr Jamea F. Frcsnol! gave a five- These Red Bank candidates for coun- hip as ho did tho last time he ran ; bright, who Is running for re-election, bor, and a daughter, Mrs. Peggy minute talk on reminiscences of I F r freeholder. Another thing which • ilj bo opposed by Cyril A. Smack, lavo entered the art department of Simpson. The funeral was held yes- ing factory on Biver street B.uoo privat for; ty offices aro Prosecutor John J. w he Woman's .club,, MerMwta.'oi-tots early Ufa 4 Mb i Qulnn, .who la the pcmocraUcs ,CUT>- nakca cm. u»hUl flgUt.fot Wov kv MW-T i -who. won iy, UiTeo-CDrneroft -fight lor terday s/tecnoon 'At- ih&MouSe/'ivJH? tendance prize wnfl won by* Paul dej vercry honlthy plants. I'rleo reason- township Is t,he~ popularity fho Democratic nomination in June. .run/or ilfib-iirin ntd ta the work of Rev. Ralph W. Carr In charge. The oblc. P t)it}ata for'senator;'J/ayar"; William tho needlework guild next Wednes Sheridan—Lang. la Rouoslllo. It was offered by TO1- Fhonn 110)1 Dank UB1.« H. R. White, who Is ono oC tho Dem- f his Democratic opponent, Mayor Tho Republican candidates for coun- body was taken by A. M. Postert & Miss Elizabeth> Sheridan, daughter lam Jones. I'lIHNiSHEU rooms for rent, two Jteht Villlam H. R. White. Mr. White ia day and will assist in serving tea. Son to Newark, whore burial was htniaiikccpini; rnomfl, complete ant] xoa- ocratic candidates for freeholder; ant! cilnicn arc Neils Jacobscn and John Next Monday evening tho Junior club of Thomas Sheridan of New York, sonQblo; nbo slntflo rooms. 100 Monmouth Councilman Thomas M. Gopslll, who ^11 known in the township and it ia Lindsay and the Democratic candi- made. and William J. Lang, aon of Stephen ntroot, phono 2483. and tho Young .Woman's club wil VISITING HIS OLD HOME. • is running on 1h>> Republican ticket cnorally expected that ho will "top" dates aro Joseph W. Douglas and give a reception for tho new state Lang of Fair Haven, wero married l'"OH SALE, Upright pinno In irood Bondl" to succeed himself as an assembly- Is ticket there. Bloomfield E. Fary. Walter J. Swee- tioni prlco ?25. 15 Drown pl«co, B»d chairman of Junior 'clubs. EATONTOWN BOY DEAD. with nuptial mass at New York Mon- [ man. Playing a part In the Middletown ney, Democrat, 13 running apain for day morning at Holy Namo church. Hamilton B. Price Beturns From n Han If.* Trip to Canada. FUH SALE, cont, sizo !)G, cape and coat wnship campaign for township of-1 assessor and his Republican oppon- John W. Elgrlra's Grandson Died at The bride was givon In marriage by sweater, fur ncrkplace, two lafga ovor-* ?>M: :•.•;.-,.M T •. is,hi'> "•iinic-.s. ces Is tho newly formed Middletown ! ent is Chester Packer. Thomas W. Dr. E. C. Hazard's Hospital. her uncle, James Sheridan, and the onts, Boverul arcane* for children and BEHEABSING FOB "KEMPY." Hamilton B. Price, a mombor of tho olhOT '• Tlr-o Is cau.' in Middle- townshi•p taxpayers'* associationoiti . GarlanGarland isa runninrunning for re-electioreelection as ceremony was performed by her cou- Ked Bank real estato company and thinK3; all In good condition «ml collector on tho Democratic ticket Robert Elgrim, six weeks old, sin, Rev. Mr. Russell. About 100 per- rC nWo 2 Pctcr place Bod •' •' >• • • -i'. ualinarily the .,i.own. . . - . .whic .,..,h. proclaim. i_i s itsel:,nni«f a_ Mnnon-partisan ,^n..c^^nn pnllprtnr nn Ihp rinrnnrrnHc tlz-lrnt Show Will bo Presented by the Young grandBon of Mr. and Mra. John W. also a mambbei r of tho Monmouth con-. JS.. °°°" - " " • ' *hip 13 so overwhelmingly Republican organization for tho welfnro of the Tho Republicans did not nominate _j< Woman's Club. sons attended the ceremony and a raetlng company of Red Bank, | ivnTi'NEii anyone to oppose him, ilgrlm of Eatontown, died last wedding breakfast waa served for 75 wnntcil In confectionery -blisl-* -that the result is a foregone conclu- township. A public meeting was held Rehearsals are being held for the Wednesday at Dr. E. C. Hazard's hos- vhoao ofllcea are in the former Sec-1 mss. Address Purtnor, drawer M, Red sion, but this year's contest Is so un- by the association Friday night at the Qceanport's Election. jltal at Long Branch, where he had guests.' and national bank building, roturnod ?."?!!:_ Leonardo, schoolhousc. The candi- show "Kempy" to bb given Thurs- SEWINQQ wanteedd to do at hhomo; two ladlas usual and so complicated that an un- !No contests will take place at day night, November Wtb, at St. •jecn a patient threo weeks. Tho body Miss Margaret Kelly, a cousin of last week from aitrlp to his old homo biased observer finds It hard to draw dates oi both parties had been invited the brldo, was bridesmaid, and James In Now BrunBwlolt, Canadai Ho vis- woulldd llllkko hhom o APPll y att 1100 to bo presont and outline their pol- Oceanport for municipal ofliccs. James's high school auditorium by was prepared for burial at Albert W. Monmoutthh streett , or phonh o Hed Bunk '•' conclusions. Theodore G. Rowe, who was appoint- tho Young Woman's club of Rod Bank. Worden's undertaking establishment Lang, a brother of the groom, was ted many of his old-tlmo associates 2-193. «• I!y all odds tho most interesting icies, but tho only olllco-seckers who and the funeral was held Friday af- Rioomsman. Tha ushers wore James ind friends as well aa his relatives Glttl, WANTKD~for cohfootlonory Hon. uccepteil tho Invitation -were Mr. ed mayor to (ill tho uncxptred term Mrs. Matthew W. Grelg la coach Apply at 23 Woat I-'ront etrcet, Bod fight in the township ia the one be- of the late Charles W. Billings, wll Tho caat includes Miss Kate Buck- ernoon at the Elgrim residence Rev. Butler of Fair Haven and, Thomas here, and ho had a very delightful tween Thomas B. Day of East Hoagland, Mr. Colllnsori and Mr. Ben- Golden of New York. Frank Tansoy lollday. Danl^ nett. At tho outset of the meeting be elected mnyor on tho Republican lln, Mlas Carol Schroeder, Miss ;roy Y. Dlllener conducted the ser- l''OK KENT, cozy throe*room apartment, Keansburg and William H. Bennett ticket for a full term. George C. D. Isobel Smock, Miss Dorothy Motzgar, ice and burial was at Glenwood cem- of Now York ployed tho wedding furnlnhod, all Improvements; Juat nice for of Belford for township supervisor of William Doyle of Port Monmouth march. The bridesmaid received a acted as chairman, but Inter John Hurley, Democrat, will be elected col- Miss Dorothy Morris, George Bailey, •tcry. Improving Telephone System. buBhicnH woman (ir business couple. Also roads. Mr. Day is running for re- lector to succeed himself, and H. William Firth and Junior Gray, string of pearls as a remembrance Tho New Jersey telophono company lnrno iloiililo room, Inquiro Rltcr 0:00 P* election on the Republican ticket. Ha Heins of Belford was chosen as per- from the bride, and tho groom's gift M. nt 106 Monmouth Btrect, Hurt Hunk. manent chairman. About 75 persons Whitney Conrow, Democrat, will be Misa Ruth Leddy and Miss Leah Death of an Infant i placing new feeder cables and ox- i'OUIt riiorna, with all Improvements, for was appointed to tho position early elected assessor to succeed himself, Degavre.aro on tho publicity commit- to his attendant was a pair of. gold ending the present cables at Hum- rent nt 70 Monmouth street, Hod Bank. in 1928 to nil tho vacancy caused by were present. Torrenco Lawson, threo weeks old, cuff links. Inquiro la nhoo Bturo.* ' the resignation of Frank Scott of Three councilmen are to bo elected, tee, and Miss Helen Tuthlll chair- son of Joseph C. and Frances Mal- on, and In other ways ia Improv- Mr. Hoagland and Mr. Colllnson The candidates aro "Robert Ot Cook man, Mrs. Norman Scott, Miss Dor- Tho bride wore a white satin dress ng tho telephone system at that BUOWN caracul fur coat for snlo, fox col- Fair View. Mr. Scott resigned after criticised Mr. Day. Henry VanDaalen, ory Lawaon of Mechanic street, died nnd George D. Wilkinson, Republi- othy Haviland and Miss Douglas tVcdnesday of stomach trouble. The and a voll, and her boquet was of ilace. The work is being done by he had beon appointed county super- who is Republican executive r-otn- cans, and Douglass Riddle, Democrat Hendrickson aro on tho program whlto bridal roses. The bridesmaid's nek Weir, line foreman, and a gang visor of roads by the county board of mltteeman for tho Leonardo district, funeral was held Thursday at Albert K.0H KENT ut S3"Wot street, house of ill freeholders. committee. Miss 'Adah Paine is in W. Worden's funeral homo and bur- gown was of orange georgette and if lineman. When the Improvements rooms, all improvements; r< lit $40; pos- found fault with Mr. .Day on the charge of tho tickets. she wore a hat to match. Her bo- ire completed there wll be ample BcsatoH November lBt. Apply at 11 6t\i- score that Mr. Day had not accorded NJ3W ial was at White Ridge cemetery at land street. Red Hnnlc. Mr. Bennett served one term as TF,.\KOOM MANAGER. outh Eatontown. quet was of tea roses. able conductors to take caro of the ^Phc-no 2880.• township supervisor of roads several to him tho respect which wna due t') Mr. and Mrs. Lang left on a honey- I-'OIJU-KOOM apartment forVcntrairfiffht a Republican executivo committee- C^mrlcrol s Couch Buys Edward liougli- Mr. Lawson la employed by the leeda of Rumson for some time. rooms; steam licutcil. hot water snd nil years ago. Both Mr. Day and Mr. A NEW CARD CLUB. ed Bank water department and ho moon trip to Atlantlo City, and on Improvements; rnto roimmalilo. Inquire at Bennett have largo personal follow- man. Mr. Bennett mada a very short- / fmi'fl Ilusljticss nt Uncroft. their return they started housekeep- 10_prummoni[ jilnco, IJeil Dank. speech. Ho said ho was not an onatoyT -,,.,,.-„_ , • as two other children, Evelyn and Ings. It is generally conceded that i • ,,, The Nagle nnd Miss Helen Kalkoph of On a Trip to Wellington'. Auction IIou.o. «s Monmouth itr««t. party to have complete control and ructora of tho OcAn institute, now Mlsa Kathryn Minn of Atlantic B nl aintainhisJUL New Monmouth. At tho first meet- Hlshlnnds and Frank Supenski or Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Engllshof Nave- *B T huntlnit dof~fnr~Ml.Tf»m.I.rif6 that it would bo a good thing to put Friday nltfht at -• of the pence office in the build- lie property of tho Wright memorial gome Democrats in office so they Leonardo high schoc ing of the club the highest score was omc on tho state highway, near Leonardo were married Saturday, nk left Saturday for a trip to Wash- tnatlo by Miss Mario Volkland. . . . > itontown. October 10th, at St Agncs's church ington. [Want OL'vcrtljtm.niB oontlnutd~oa~n«iit RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 30,1929.

AMEBICA'S SCENIC WONDBBS. GAPE lor aaU: In aood conriltion. Telfl- plione B«d Bunk 444 betw«m C:00 and BUSINESS NOTICES. EMPLOYMENT. MISCELLANEOUS ROOMS FOR RENT. REAL ESTATE FO R RENT. REAL ESTATE FOR SAUB. 8i00 P. M, cventng^imd tmpiOO A._M^_ 8EWINQ wanted ta do br th* day. Fhone ELP iupplttd of all nations lit,**, for ••!! WE LOAN money on bdme furniturw with- FURNISHED room for rent to lady; well Illiwtrated Travelojue Given at Bed Red Bank 24«, Hindi of work, specialising in farm- out removal in tttmi from 126 to 1800. BUNGALOW.STYLE horaaJrf «v« roon», wo HARIJ WOOD for flreplaoea. any lomrtiT; heated; ell improvements; line room for all Iraprovements; plct 78x360; r«lt l>6 trwti ».ry r.M Bank Public Schools. aha black wood nnd kfndlingr. M. V.FBANK itllSK. contractor and builder: hands., Write or eall at S. Dergar*! Agen- Repayable monthly, lawful Interest, prompt woman who likes homo comforts; pleasant Per month! ontlonsl to purehise. Near ils- . Brea Brown. 24; Wharf avenue. Bed Bank, phone Jobbing and repairs. Work guaranteed cy, U0 Wot •treat. Ntw Vork blM D6OD. aervlo*. Write, phone or call. Industrial aurroundlngs. Call , at 07 West Front tLon. Writ. 6o» H2, H«d Bank.- B »!.«.. B.4 Bank. Rector Loan Society, Inc.* 176 Smith street, street, near Mnple avenue, phono Red Bank An Illustrated travelogue of Amer- 87.* and done In a flrstrelaai manner. Frank P*r_th Ambor. tj J.. phone 1851. SEVKN-KOOM house far rant: mod.rn ImJ _-M—•• — «•! Mil ica's moat sconlo wonders was given CAKNEI, GOAL, Old EnfflUh quality, tor Frisk, Belford, N. J>. phone Keansbura; AGENTS wanted to scli our net* apring irovemonti: on Herbert .troet. Inquire propartiai, traslneie lost Thursday at tho Junior high your nreplocoj you wilt like It. Protnpt 189-M,» p Una of Allen Ann dreaati direct from our tXOJOOO Tb*~LOAN In amounts from F2.0Q6 APARTMENT of three rooms for rent; >U r»^ BH» Haler. 69 Herbert .treet. Bed slUi, fnrmi, dwtlUnis delivery In any quantity. M, V. Brown, TKACHEH, with nine years' nperlence In factory LJbaral eommlsslon. WrlU Bei- io $8,000, on flrat mortgage. Samuel improvements; heat supplied; on bus line. office will brtni tali oartt*ttla"rsr enhool on Branch avenua and at the uar Drcti Co- So rent a avtnne, Bclmar, C. Cowart. Freehold, N. J. Kiilty Offlca, Campbflll's JuBttloa. ; 24 Wharf tvenue, Red Hank, phona 27.* h«sdllnir amall children, would like a few Address A. P., drawer M, Red Bank.* SIX-ROOM house on Clolrtnont avenue! River street Bohool by Robert E, 1'IUVET JIEUOB for .»!-, 3. I and 5 »oot private .pupils; special attention given to LARGE JurnfBhed^room; private Entrance; backward children; would also coach a few BCD BANK Employment Ageocy mat alao two on second floor; hot water heat; Belford, N. J., for rent, 126 a month. VALUABLB bu.rn.s. proMrti <« "sjalai Roth, Some of tho scones Included huJoo; 12.SO to 13,60 per 100. Phono WANTED, v«al oalrai, beaf eattl* and Inquire J. V. OIEM. Beltord. .lot an oornst at Will (>ot itr«t«o«l 'Sitontqwn SOfl.* pupil. In elocution and expression. Ad- nurlet* Raglitry. 4& Rivtralrla avsnut, conveniently located to railroad station and WV the Yellowstone national park, the Jreia M. F. 0,, bo* 40, Keyport, M. J. Mrak L B. Batterabv, proprittoi. Courte- Diet. TOD market pcloea paid, cash. ion BENT, balldlng on Union •treet; nlt- Map), a»«nu., on wSlch Is"V' ™" hut lines j also garage to rent Call at 16 sior» Boildln»iK l« harebr «H«k grand Canyon of Arlsona, Roosevelt TWO rabbit doaa for •«!«; thorouuhl? I BUY and sell second-hand eloth.s: must ous aarvlca. «ffiel«nt help; refcreneci ID* A. a Crawford Oo^ Tin ton falls, N, Rectorpjace. Red Banjt^phone I015-W. able for »hop or office. M. V. Drown, 24 broken. Call at A. P, Dennett'*, Vendor- vestlgated. Practical and trained on oalL JMiarf avenua. Red Bank, phone 27.* A to J. TraSar d AUtn, •T« dam, tho petrified Forests, Bait Lake burg, N, J. ' %e In good condition. I. Kerber, 200 Telephone Red Bank 1422. K Dbone Eatontowo Ifll. NICELY furnished front bedroom for rent; Bed Bank. City, Niagara Falls, Pike's Peak, sal- Shrewsbury avenue, lied Bank, , phone threo windows, hot water heat; with or FOR RENT or aale, bungalow! ami home.: CANNKI. COAI^—Iilesl far flr.placo. Car INSTRUCTION—Anneie Bcbpol of Musfo; without kitchenette; three minutes' walk »ora« faaivalns. Tourteen acres land near FORT* «t Baa Bonk, VaU tH«» mon flailing In the Columbia river, ta arrive in a few daya. Place your or- expert Instruction on violin, mandolin, CHICKENS wanted; wiU pay blgheat to railroaii station anu alt bus lines, ln- KeaniburB. ,uitabl« for coultry farm: onlj and Humion. Ineludlna tint DlOMrtl«», BV1B, phone 105 HodQET YOUR automobile insurance before the IJ.600. Caleb L. Luker. Belford. N. I., for »on to ehooie tmmll »oo .re iMarjit^ Crater lako, Mojava desert In South- rush. Fords, etc,, 127; Bulckl,,, guitar, ukelcle, steel guitar, banjo, saxa- tnurliet prlcca for fo*wlt* and broil era. 5Ul_re flt_13£ ^rJd^o_B^ejiiu^AedJBank. Bank. phont, clarinet. Inntrumenta sold, traded Call or write Alex Zwiekl, 89 North BOOMS for rent flt 1 Allen place, off Riv- Phona Keanaburg 602-M. »d In builug P *• Kenmdjr, »| <£»„ ern California and-the big tree sec- 134.20: Uncolns, etc., 149.20. Easy terms itroadvay, »I.orm Braneb, N, J.. obon« J^ont street. Bed Dank, shorn JDSL COKE—Coke—Cok«—A few torn of nut and repaired. 47 Washington atreet. Red erside avenue; in private family; ault- HOUSE for rent on Mechanic ntrcot; »ood tion In California. arranged. Hadley-Hall, OD Monxnonth Bank, phono 1761. } 600. HEAL ESTATE for »>!• or not. la ordil •iio coke, vhlle It lasts, IB.00 per ton,street. Red Dunk, phone 1888. ablo for business people. Coll or phono location, near center of town; auitable to give best .ervlc. to tllenti. ngsn two ton* for $15,00. In l>ulk. Hanoe & nireeb, nuu UHIIH, pnone IDDB, MAM OR WOMAN wanted with ambition THOMAS'S INN, Little Silver; try our spe- Red Bank 23-J.« for email family and rent i, very reason- TUB OVERHEAD door for earax«». fao- ara ceauested ta s.nd Ottaileit aeurlntton P»vl«, phono Red D>nk 108j ___ and industry, to Introduce and supply the cial dinner Saturday nlghU after foot- »bl». Apply at the ofBee of Slgmund Els- ot property, srltb terms, II. u tnn, torUt, wartboutei. «U.f any ilu( nafdamand for Itawlelgh'a Household Products ball g&mes. TWO furnished rooma for light house- ner Co., or telephone Bed Bank 1100. ONE thlrtj-oallon hot water boiler,.Ultra opening. L*st ui call and ixplaln, Mou- keeping, with all improvements; nice lo- Broad, Bhrewsbory, N. j. "*"'•_ WANT ADVERTISEMENTS heavy quality; Kood aa new, for eale; mouth and Oeflan oountlei r«pr«t«ntttiv* to steady users. Several Ana openings In CURTAINS carefully and reasonably done FOR KENT, four-room bunsalow with all CHICKEN .od'TrVck farm for ialai"«lia~ (Contlnnid from orMiQini put.) price very low. Telephone Hiimion 548." Red Bank and nearby towns. Wo train up. A. Wieckera, 63 Kemp avenua cation. Apply at EU East Bergen- place, convenience, and garage. Charles teea aeres, nleely located I aell all «ou« Jt«lphJi-_Bleltel*. K«d Bank. and help you, Rawlolgh dealera can make phono 32&-W." BANTAMS for «»1e, White Japanese Silk- Fair Haven, N. J., phone Red Bank 439-M, Brenker, 507 West Front street, Bed Bonk, etga right at tho door. A good hom« aod ARTICLES FOR SALE. TTrMsSIAHTflM caTintst makor and up-up to |100 a week or more. No experi- LARGE furnished room for rent, well heat- Phone' 1607. r II0!'li/!!%vll11 '"' •<""•<">•! Poultry bomii ies, 18.00 per pair, F. T. Bdlnsrton, holsterer; Early American furniture ence neceisniy. Pleasant, profitable, disr- MONMOUTH HATCHERY at Bailey's Cor- ed, t 65 White street, Bed Bank, Call 'or 1,4001 Uyera. runnln« water, cornjr.ta SAW MIWJ equipment for lale., B. J, Llchteniteln Estnto, Rlreralde Drive. Bed mado to order; dealer In fine furniture. nlfled work. Write today. W. T. Raw- near, Belmar, The sole owner and man- SIX-ROOM bouse with llreplace and all Fellow, Coif < Neck. N. J. Bank.' ' • , Antiques on hand. 8B W«it Front atreet. flKer, Dextor P, Upham, hereby serves no- Sunday or eveninga.* • ' conveniences, Including garage, for rent noon; all conveniences, ft. L, Atvatcr F Icl«h Co., pcpt. NJ-52r>g. Freeport, III. FOR REN']', three-room apartment, all im- 1OP SOIL, fill dirt, grading of all kind* FOB SALE, one c»h reulater, In perfect Red Dnnk.' tic« that no other parties are, or ever have Charles Brenker, 607 W«t Front street. HANDY man wants work;.can do moBt bbeeni , Interested in any way in this Hatch- provements; heat; suitable for business Red Bank, phone :B07. alto roadwayi built: Lakawood sand condition: rlnu. from one cent to $80.00. UIC,Ht;ST price* paid for all klndt of llva any kind Inside or outside work! by tho ~ery* , that I have no branches anywhere in Couple. Phone 2S1-J. Whyte, 800 River washed gravel, • ,«,?, clndera, blue itone. poultry. Jaeob Backer, 278 Shr«wibury FOR RENT, eight-room house, bath, Isun- Frloe reaionaUo. Address Cash RcKllter, day or by the week. Address John Htek«, road. Fair Haven, N. J. t'OR SALS, farm ot sis acres; t.n-room Price" reasonable. Howard Q. Boa«v*lt, avenua, [ltd Bank* or photi« 1639-W. Red the state, that our name is reftlBtereJ nnd ai 'phona 1586, Red Bank. ADDRESSOGBAiPH muchlne for sale: com- Bank. school; two-car garage; rent reasonable; nve acres! fruit: on blghwar. Term! can BARGAINS la furniture. , W» carry one ot located at , Fort l&DTuntrotii*. Telephone bj made. Caleb Luker, Bel/ord. M. J~ plotc. Price reasonable. Puritan Dairy, U. HIT16AP, wmover of da ad, REAL ESTATE WANTED. Kcanaburg 550. tho tatueu *\otV» ot-«Mt turnout* and HW Wd B«V")W Plien* R«f Bk t34O W AmBia' JfOiVBr—C««rh teauty DINNERS—Shrewa'jui- Hanoi offers phon. Kenn.burB 802-M. tifttiw&turmtalttgt In tbe stst*. Bay aoi.< FARM WANTED, about flvo acres, with FOOT ortlUer for'sale: a real bar* , wall d«coratlne. pap" culture, the best paying profession excellent borne cooked dinners at APARTMENT for rent, fornilhed., 0 Rlv- FOR SALE In Belford. on Main street, two tents of tomes outright, or ull«a commit good buildings and fruit: location south etside avenue. Telephone 1416-"W, Bed uton. G«org« H. Roberta Co., Inc. Slate , gain. Might consider enmlter boat and hsnuing and Textone and exterior today. Our last year students now 11.50, special Thursday and Sunday. of Red Bunk. With pnrticulnra, address uliTOgm bungalows: small narnsnt ] huh way (one mile north of Red BROKI. cash. This Is worth bolt inn up. Dont PRlntlnff. S. Cannlstaro, (rfaln-etreet. Key- Bonk. down, balance monthly j heat, electric and earning $35 or more weekly. You can Phone for reservation 1496. Red Hollenbeck. Maplewood, N.'J. o c lon \ '.one Red Bunk 2871. • hesitate. Dobbins, JUvorllde drive, or port, & J,, telgphone Keyport 807-M. SIX-ROOM house for rent; all Improvo- n'V. j l" " «' once. Caleb h. Lufcar/ do the name. Fall special, flOO Bank, Sycamore avenue* Shrewsbury. WANTEDrrienr Re*d"naifk7lliave a client Y ' KT NESE dogs regular toys for sale phoneJRed Bank 1850.* _^ , mentg, 00 Wallace atreet. Red Bank.* n«lford, N. J.. phone Kean.bum (02-11 LANDSCAPE gardemr. Pronlas course, now |&o. We are the leading N. J. who wants , a nmaii place, reasonable. • .'eylo Kennels, NuUwnmp • road, phone FOB"BALBrbaby spotlight, 4O0-watt fflobe, John W. Mason, real estate, 27 East Front FOR RENT furnished, five-room bungalow. LARGE two-story atora for late, Inoludlh, P i, L'nnk 1159-R. cabte, plutrs, color frame, colora, com- by fixperldseed mtni spraying, lay- beauty achool of New Jersey, Expert street, phoncs^ltcd Bank 2785 and 2849. Improvements; two-car garage, located ahctvlBS and counters, with foar Qni»h«d pleto, »12; brand new; suitable for show cement road between Llncroft and Red living rooma in rojurj located At TIntoin (• * ifiD SASH for uale, well built, four Ing oat ct groanda, larg* or imall. Instruction in all branches. Positions. KENT GIVEN free in pleasant home to room, window display, etc. Jack Mason, neat, honest couple desiring to live near WANTED by prospective buyer, two aerea". Bonk. See Robert I» Cook, or telephone ralla. on corner at paved county road to • t. '.wo Inches by six feet: 86.00 each. Advlen, Hi van at to what, when and Weekly terms. Day, evening classes. near highway, within two miles of Red 1341-W. Bed B.nk." seashore; ciin be used as srocery. oenaral M- ' > neen to be appreciated. Phone 80S Hunting theater, Red Bank. town. References required. Address R. GET^YOUR automobile Insurancehefora the bow to plant. T. H. Stiles, 17 Harrl- This may mean your future happiness, 0., drawer M, Red Bank. Bunk. Telephone, gas, electricity must store, filling itation. Wonderful oppor- pnsB door. Write to Martha Hellerraan, FOR RENT In Fair Haven; neveral houses AM j rush." fords, etc., J27; Buleks, etc.. '•on avenaa fled Bank, thoam \99U Enroll now—whr wait T Parisian nnd bungalows. Phone or sea Fred F. Bargain. Phona Eatontown 104 MANtlh.l ior sale, well rotted, in any WANTED to purchamj, old furniture. Ori- agent, 38 Waahington Btteet, Rumaon, N. $84,20; Lircolns. etc., (43.20. Easy terms Beauty School, 903 Broad street, New- ental rugs. Also old Bilverware. Any- Dennis for particulars, Fair Haven, N. J.. quantity; delivered anywhere; also oln- arranged. Hadley-Hall, 99 Monmouth or phone Red Bank 669-R. FOR SALEr^saveivacre form with fot»> OLD F LOU US reaurfaoad ilka new. Let ark, N. J. Phone Mitchell 1780. thing unusual. Addreoa Old Furniture, 1 dero, top soil, Brnding.and trucltlnir. Rob- •treat, Red Bank, phone 1888. ^^ drawer M, Red Bank.* room stucco house and srarnaej nenf ert Laurino, 05 Second avenue, Lonff us s^ve you an esttmat* for resurfacing HOUSE on Locust avenue, eight rooms, all atato hishwuy; very reasonable; must ieli Branch, phone 26B*J. Long Branch. THREE-PIKCE ovorituflfecl llvlne room TOUT old floor i by mac bin a, which we have REAL ESTATE FOR RENT. ImDrovemsnts: two-car earnee: for rent. to nettla eotate; Rarltan towmblp. Ad- suite, good condition: cost 1225, will recently aided to our equipment Phont GET YOUU automobilo insurance before the Apply 37 Locust avenue. Red Bank.* BUILDING gravel (or snta at the Horsfal •ell for 140. Phono lied Bank 1133-J. Ralph B. SlctieU, Red Bank. HOUSEKEEPER, middle aged woman wish- rush. Fords, etc., $27; Buicke, etc., HOUSE for rent, all improvements; also dress Seven-Acra Farm, drawer M, Eed farm, Newman Spring* road, flnt houia eft position RB housekeeper; private fam- 134.20; Lincolns, etc., $43.20. Easy terms garage. Apply at 60 Rector place, Red Bank. SIX American hot Wfitor radiators for flale VES, It will bo dona right.If your ear la ily *or widower's home preferred. Address arranged.. Hadley-Hnll, -99 Monmouth weat of bridge. Phone Red Bank 1SB1.M Bank.* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. FOR SALE, roadatand; llviOff rooms' arid cheap; nmountlnor to 312 feet of radia- waahed at the Boro Buasoa. Ine^ vratb Housekeeper, drawer M, Red Bank. street. Red Bank, phone 1S88. 1 NEW wnir^pnpor will make your home tion: also oak dlninff room furniture, ilvo »»wnii. i Charka A. Jonca. expert waiher HALF of double house for rent; five room *, SIX-ROOM bungalow on Main street. Bel* cellar, electric; lot 60xl2S feet, corn on more inviting for tho winter holiday LADYj of refinement or companion would NOTICE to Gunners and Trespassers—No chairs, round table--and buffat. Phone uunuM^Kit—L,GI my experience of con- modern improvementsp . Applpp y 165 Cath- ford, for sale; also sbt-ri>om house at 52.GOO. 1500 canh. Also two and • quartei- Boyoo, tho Fain tor. can cgrtalnly fltl th Kumson 491. Itumson-Garaga. liko^a good home. Phono Red Bank 237a. sunning or trcapanning on the II. Pi eHnVBtreet Red Bank John Flanlffan Mlddletown, near depot, 13.000; three seres ncrea land, 1900, Luker's Realty, Qetfora.' order. Splendid unmplofl, excellent work- ducting over one thousand Bales be of Robinson form. This notice -will be en- Red Bank. John WOMBN'S clothing for sale; several beau- service to you. • Will attend to alt ndvertis- W ANT Eli BV^onco, experienced weather- RIVER PROPERTY for rent; six rooms woodland, near Keansbure. •oitable foi I* J., phone Keanaburg S02-M. nirnialiip,_pplccB right. Phono Bumion 866, atrip mechnnica; no other need apply, forced by an offleer on the place, so dont chickens 11.500. Caleb Lakes. Belford FOR SALE, fa«H^ry build|n~g« iind bun20^ tiful Imported chiffon, georgette, cropo, Intr, furnish clerks—all you haVe to do is get arrested. H. P. Robinson.* and bath; enclosed Bleepins porch; sec- SOBERM AN~pTnBcher pu pplo * ior sals; all evening, dinner' and street gowns; now and act the date. George H, Roberts, phone Hlffgin Woatheratrln Co., Norwood avenue, ond house acrosa Hubbard's bridge, River N J. low at South Eatontown adjoining now blnelc ami tan, five months old. 8, C. Pent, N. J.. shone 2BG9, WANTED—Children tnk,«£ in board, $1.00 State Highway. Term* to responsible par- allehtly used: alto heavy block aquirrel day Red Uank 2371, night Middlctown Plaza. Telephone A. L. Miller, phone Red BUSINESS for aale; plumblnff liuBlness at ty. First National Bank of Eatontown. ot VnnMnler, Frtujhcild, N. J., phono 46. trimmed coat, all excellent condition; alzo 276-M. GIRL WANTED for homework and to a day; motherly carer near school. Car- Bank 11G9-R. Red Bank, N. J,; stock and fixtures, al- olina avenue, Port Monmouth, N. J., box y.our broker. toil SALE, adding raoahinei, deaki, f S& to 41 buat. E. Morfls. Lconardvllle BUSINESS for sale; plumbing ous.neBt at tnke euro of children. Apply CO Wil- ESlRAbHJ oiftcg for rent in the Eisner so three automobiles. Reoion for sale, typewriters, filing cabinet!. Everything kond, Chnpiil JMIll crossing, Atlantic Hlfc'h- m street, Bed Bank.* 253.* dentil of proprietor. For further particu- lied Dank. N, J., a town of about 15.000 building. Apply at tbe office of Sigmund FOR~SALE on account of death, modernf tar the ulli.-e, Call Anbury 6*40,, BiHl«r'« liuidi, N. J."". ___^ population i stock and fixtures, also three WANTED, the services of a chauffeur tp Elaner Co., or telephone Red Bank 1100. lars Inquire J. Joseph Rodgera, phone Red . Office Kriuiotnenl Co.. 417 Uond street. MORTGAGE MONEY; $8,000, $4,000 and Bank 539-M. •- a even-room house, two baths, sun par* O—MajoBtlo A eliminator, orltfinnl automcbthjB. Reason for sale, death _ of take a couple to Miami, Florida. Tele- 50,000 to loan on first mortgage on good BALL for rent; third floor, 10 Broad for. 12x14, partly furnished; 115x300 foekt MOTOR HO AT for tale, el dh teen- foot run- pr^hJao.BOj Mnjeatlo B-ollmindtor, or- proprietor. For further particulars Inquire phone 1391 Highlands. 43 Harberle ave- property; Red Bank and vicinity; second atreet, for lodsc, dances or entertain- fiuit trees, barnfl. two-car garage. New- about type, Thompson Quad El to motor, Ifflnal prTft* $29,50; theao will electrify your J. Joseph Hodgere, phone 630-M, Red Bank. nue. Highlands. N. J. „„____ mortgage, $1,000 to $3,000. Reasonable ments. Cno be rented by ths year, montb man Springs road, phona Red Sink little used. SCQ Dlckman'i boat worki. buttery act. Also ftno apeaker, original rates. John B. Prothero, SI Monmouth or eveninB. Apply R. Hance & Sons, fi 2266-M. Wharf avenue. Red Bank. QAKTON CHAMUEKLA1N, aontraou/T nQJ WHITE WOMAN doslrea ocvoral waBhlneo price $24; RII for ?2C; onch in Kood order. builder: jobbing especially. 151 Soutn nnu Ironings to do at home. Reason- street, phone Red Bank 962. Broad street. Red Bank. Phono 22U-W, Monmouth Beach.* 1 FOXSALE, a line of farms; all k.nda. l£ > CANARY btrda and sold flub fur «»ie. Wa »ti*«et. Red Bank, phone 1616-W. able rates. Mrs, Georgo Olah, 17 Harding WANTED. $5,000 on first mortgage on im- I OR RENT, store rooms on Monmouth Bittlion. nor BOIO or reni ior nvo yeart you are out foe a farm see Lukav'i now have a full Hne of canary blrdi and MANURE for Bale;ijBTeo a load delivered. road. Bed Bank. proved property; value $8,000; good loca- atreet. Red Bank, for rent; favorable to- Address Dairy Farm, drawer M, Red Bank. (cold flab; also bird and fluta supplies. W. Realty, Belford, N. J., phone Ream burr E. Brown, Third and WIHIiim street) LANDSCAPE gardener) new grouada YOUNG GIRL wishes light housework. tion ; no brokers. Address Mortgage, cp.tlon; moderate rent Apply at the office HILL SITE for sale, with acreage; about E02-M. • . W.' Kennedy ft Som. 41 Broad street. G«J Fair Haven, N. J.» 1 dravrer M. Red Bank." oE SizrouPQ Eisner Co.. or telepbou* Rod Bixty acres overlooking Highland Hills Bank. laid out and planted! old grouada Phone IWd Bank 2263.* Bank 1100. FOR SALE, fllx-room house* all mpro* MEN'S CLOTHING— Three beautiful busi- GENTLEMAN desires instruction in acety- and ocean. McClees's road to Riverside CONCRETE, limvol and man on sand for Improved and beautified. Treea and CHAUFFEUR would like commercial or drive and Red Bank; auto road to hill. J. ments; two acres land; Bultable fot ness suits, brown, grey,.navy; made to private driving. Phono Eatontown 64, lene welding. State terms to A. W.. LODG Ei room for rent. Daslrablt room sale. II. RlUau, phono 2240-W, Bed order; cott ¥00 each, sell $25; tan top coat, •hrubbery sprayed and pruned. Ad- available for use second and four:n F. Andrew. Naveaink, N. J, chickens, 84,500; near Lons Branch. ZiU* John Herman.***** drawer M, Red Bank.* ______ker*3 Realty, Belford, N, J., phona Keans- ' Bank. aiKO lib out waiat B6, In scam 3ft, chest 40; vloa gladly given. N. Butterbach, Thursday nisbts of each month. Apply 125-ACRE farm for sale; new bungalow, burg 50i!-M. WINTER la coming. Protect your "house men's shoes, size 7-C: aoft white shirts, box 222, Fair BBTCQ, N. J^ phooe NTED^Men with experience to sell an t the olllee of Si ground Eisner, Co. Itfree building^ good brook; 112.000. collar, 1& cents. E. Morris, Leonard villa article iuBt invented and in demand for •with paint, $8,20 per gallon; Store, 14 Hod Bank 2042-J. FARM PRODUCE. FOR RENT, stores, offices, Bats, house, 1 OS-acre farm," large house, steam heat, I'QR SALE, farms of all kindi and aerc- Blvcr roud; opon evening. Practical road. Chapel Hill crosBlmr. Atlantic High- twenty years. No competition—every apartments; improved; all locations. Juat plenty of outbuildings, asparagus, grapes, age to suit; two acres to 800. Tea jialntors and decorators, wallpaper expert land*. N. J.« house a prospect. Can make $25 per day. HORSES for sale;, three horses for sale off Broad street, e.t 13 Mechanlo street. fruit. S22.00G. Good road frontage. Caleb acres, seven-room house, large orchard]/ Each sale nets 14.00, paid daily. Address chenp. John S. Holmes, R. D. No. 2, Estlnuitoa frco. Boyco, the painter, phone NEW TIME for afllo; BUO.29x5.00; will sell Land & Loan Co. Luker, Belford, N. J. $7,500. Luker*s Realty, Belford, N. J« 66G, Rumaon. ______WE BUY and aell old shoei: men'* and Poatoffice box 24, Matawan. N. J.* Keyport, N. J.. phone Holdmel 79-F-18. cheap. Phono R«d Bank 1701. between boya' only. Strand Shoe Renewry, 20 FOURTEEN vacant bouses and apartments FOR SALE, tit Mlddletown: six room Ens- phone Keanaburg £Q2-M. • 3f imported china and 8100 KEWATID—Roturn platinum brncelet, ins, school teaching:, newspaper report- March hatched; 12.00 each. Just begin- 148 Fair Haven road, phone Red Bank down, balance monthly. James A. Curley« street and Maple avenue; five rooms, ing and feature writing; educated, inteHi- ning to biy» Apply Theo. Wubber, Golfs ltt 6 Elm place, phone 2368, Rad Bank. bath, oak floors; will sell for cost. John Hlnnevfnre; "will fiell nt pne quarter of 4G dlamonda, last October 19th. at Eum- &2 flon, N. J. A. U. Lee & Co., 15 William Kont youns woman looking for work. Phone Neck, N. J., phone 107-F-I3, Freehold. SHREWSBURY building lota, 50x138; side- B. Prothero. 31 Monmouth etrcet, phon* value, Aleo vneos nnd brlc-u-brne. - A Red Bnnk 2272-J, HOUSE and garago for rent; all improve- «hnnco to get a bnrpaln. Phono 42, Redfttreet, phone Hanover 0680. __ BALED rye straw for Bale. . William Mar- ments; on Willow street, Fair Havon. walk, curbing, water, gas and electricity; Red Bnnk 962. ___ Bnnlt. bntweon 7:00 nnd 8:00 P. M.. for C A it wa.hina mj •peclaltj, 1 guarttntea EXPERIENCED saleslady wanted for hos- tinson, phone 28 Holmdel, N. J. near school. Inquire 117 West Front $50 down, balance $$ per week. James A. RIVERPLAZA; four rooms, bath, ear«H«: further Information nnd oppointmcntB.* LOST, plgBkin glove, last week; you a Batisfactor„.. - ...y . job. . *t mo prove iery department. Address Saleslady, street, Red Bank, phone 22G1-W. Curley, 6 Elm place, phono Red Bank all . modern Improvements; fralt nnd my ability. Charles A. Jones, c-pert suio- drawer M. Red Bank, Btnting experience.' 2868. • , shrubbery; lot GGxlGO; $5,000. Term* ar- "WOOD for unto, about 35 eordn of scnuoned marked Inside Alice \t. Stout. He- SHEEP for sale, thoroughbred regis- FIVE-ROOM bungalow for lent, OR MonT mobllo washer at Boro Busses, tno.. Glob* FOR SALE at Shrewsbury; six-room houne, ranged. John B. Prothero, 31 MonrnoMth wood, cut In any length required; mostly ward. FInde/, return to 2C8 Broad WORK WANTED, part time Jobs by neat tered Shropahires; four ewes and roe nvenue; gas, water nnd electricity; Court and Mcehanle atreet. Red Bank. colored eirls; (rood references. Call at $22 per month, includes water tax. Ap- water, gas, electricity, toilet and bath; street, phone Red Bank PG2. oak. M, Gfifrclla, It. V. D., Nutswomp road, ram; prize winning stock. J. M. Ben- Red Bank, second form left from Elver street. Hod Bank. CARPENTER and builder. General co- Taylor's Garaaro. Pearl street. Red Bank.* ply Mra. Robert C. Hance, 101 Riveraido price 54,BOD; make offer. James A. Cur-LEROY PLACE, juat listed; on Ideal horpt, nett, It. D. 2, Freehold, N. J., farm on ley, S Elm place, phone 2868, Ked Bank. Plazfi school. pairing, estimates ttlven on all kinoe nt EXPERIENCED cook, white, wantaof; would avenue, phone 6S2-J, Red Dunk. seven rooms, all modern improvements.; buildings, blue prints furnUhedi prleea consider woman with child, no infant; Highway 33, near Jerseyvllle. TWO-FAMILY house for rent, ench seven TWO buildlne lots for sale, 50x160; Church screens, awnings. garflEe, etc.; $13,001. ANTIQUE chesfc of drawers, livlna room LOST, benglo hound, black and tan, with r ens on able; ull work guaranteed. A- Q. Owner leaving town. ,J. B. Prothero, II Bu'itii nml other vaUiablo pieces for Bale. white markings, about two weoks BKO. other help kept; must have A-l references. rooms nnd bath; all improvements. At street, Fair Haven; $500 each. Edward CtOft. phont* Red Banh 926-M. Monmooth street, phone Red Bank B52. T. Johnson, Little Silver Point road. Lit- Answers no namo of "Nippe*." Suitable Mrs. Jerome Rico, Pearl street. Fold Ha- 42 Rector place. Inquire at 38, or go in Hayes. Church street. Fair Haven, phone HAVE your clothes cleanid at tbe Ci:yyen. N. J., phone 2181. Red Bank.* DUCKS for sale, young and tender; twelve rear to 31 Bridge nvenue, Red Bank.* Red Bank 495. BROAD STREET, eight rooms, iiot watM ' tle Silver. N. J.» , reward if returned to Mm. Jerome Rice, weeks old, four to eftrht pounds each;' Pcorl Btreet. Fair Havon, N. J.. phono Uoa Dry Cleaning and Dyeing Works, V Me- NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD: house of six heat: three-car garage, lot 60x230; good chanio street, near Broad street. Red AGENTS wanted to Belt Christmas etirds ; price 3fl cents per^pound F. O. B. .Mnple . ..ftve-room house and garage for TnaKft. extra money in your aparo time. rent, with nil improvements; located in looms, bath, two-ear jraraffe; 57,500. H- shade And »hruhii9rji;-3B.DI>0 **jfc;<**).«)•* ' Baa*. i>lM>n» «)7, Wttlsm Ottror, Dry* x-aimFarm, Silvers.douversiuuo avenue, Littlijitiie Silveronvcr. INN., JJ. , TnortRagfi. John B. Prothoro, 81 Monraottlo prleior. • . Apply R. C. Caaler. Port Monmouth N. J. Riverside HeteY.*^; £40 per montb, Had- A. Hendrickson & Co., 78 Newman Springs. to pumhiue ^our Christmas cards, phono Keanaburg 8G3-M. FOR SALE, twenty Darred Rock and twelve ley-Hall, 99 Monmouth street, phone Red read. Red Bank, phone 1400. street, phone Red Bank 052. BUSINESS NOTICES. i G. ESCHELBACH A &ON, 125 Wedt Rhode Islnnd Rod pullets; five months and n't ft tiiiio when you nro most REFINEU woman wishes a position as Bank 1888. busy ? Order now and nvoid the holi- MUSIC TEACHING; Mlaa Nelllo Kahl. Front atreet. Red Bank, phona 12T6. old. John Sherman, Holmdel. N. J., phone rnualcnl Instructor for piano, banjo. Hn- Auto HQCenBorlm and > a leant* Ing. housekeeper In small family; good plain Holmdel 57.• SPLENDID six-room house with garage; day rush. Box assortment* as high waiisn guitar, etc. Beginners or advanced TCHING. Meilcan. gold, aliver, cook. Phone Red Bank 1207-R.* all improvement*, located in Riverside as 30 cards for $1.00, and other cards cupllit tutored. Maplo avenue and Holly (tc, battons, pinking, platting* em- YOUNG GIRL would like position dotnK Heishts; $G0 a month. Hadley-Hall,. 98 atrett, Rumion, N. J. ' _„_ broidery, trimmings and noveltlei. Mas- Kenernl housework, or na nurse* refer- ROOMS FOR RENT. Monmouth street. Rml Hank, phone 1B88. with your nnmo ciujrnveil from It.00 encea. 72 Bnnk atreet. Red Bnnk.* EAnITY"AMERICAN antiques. Are you rc- querade sulta for blre. Tbe Handy Shop. BOARDING, 10 Wallace atreot. Red Bank; COMFORTABLE Mix-room house, open fire- per dozen and up. Yout order dellv- 16 Brood street Red Bank. WANTED, eompnnion for elderly lady; place. Holland heater; Knrnge. Only a ored nt your door If placed with Rviu- nnishlng your home thin fallT If you room a with board, $10 and $12 per nro, como and BCO U«. K. Tcrzian, 88 West FOR wall paperlns. pa In tins ana decorat- good home; small wages; no housework. week; good home cooking, plenty of hot few seconds from the bus line in Little BCII C. CnBler, Tqrt Monmouth, N. J., Front street, Bad BaJ1't-* ing sea O. A. Miller, Church and ComD- Address Companion, drawer M, Red Bank.* water; table board. Mra. N. Sutton. Silver; 550. Hadley-Hnll, 9D Monmouth toti »Ue«ta, Beltord. Thibant** wall paper. atreet. Rod Bnnk. phone 1888. phono Koannburff 803-M. LETS" TALK~Wut elgna now. Mo"yan Estimates cheerfully given. PoatofBce ad- REFINED colored girl desires p~OBitlo7\~a¥ FOR KENT, nicely furnished room, alflrnt Sinn Co,, mnnufacturcrs of commercial moid or wutiresB. Phono Red Bank provements; two minutes to station; in ATTENTION I—Bachelors and couples ; WHO CAN DO IT? dreAa Belford. box 63. Pbona K«ani- 89D-J. two-room apnrtmonts; frigidaire and CIDEH for enle; York Htnto Bweot elder, out-door and oil types of electric signs. burtt 87;i-W private family. Apply 131 South Bridge Utah clius, lowest prices nml rellnbllity. WAITRESS-LAUNDRESS wanted: year avenue. Ited Bank.* heat furnished; ready November 15th. $50 wholcfltilo or retail. Benjamin Crate, 14 WATER SYSTEMS—Fairbnnks-Moraa wa- per month. Hadley-Hall, »S> Monmouth "Winter la just around tho corner—you'll hava to Nortli ItridtfO avenue, Red Dank, phono 110 Oakland Btreet, phono 2431*J. Bed ter systom Installed. V}o speclallie in round position; sleep in. Other help kept. TWO connectlna furnished or unfurnished Bank. . Good, home, goDil wanes. Phone 1405, Red rooms to rent for housekeeping, adjoin- fittest. Red Bn.nk, phono 1888. _ hurry,? with those annual Autumn "odd jobs" tnut ;___ pump roDnirlnpr. Kenldenco Middletown, N. Bank. HOUSE for rent furnished; 17 Peter* lOR SALE, Rrcr a niachine,, dropp WILLIAM V. DIETRICH, plumbing, beat- J., phone Red Bnnk 1118-J. Plumbing,: ins bath; Katage, Apply 14 Madison avo- need to be done around the home If you want to l''OR SALE, SliiRrcr Ins nod tinning. Pumpa and windmill* hentlnR and tinninu. Frod G. Hurat. ^^ WAITRESS-LAUNDRESS wanted: year nue.JRed Bank. place; ot a very moderate price for the 'tlicad. perfect condition; oheBphp; ; alsl o lala* winter months; tivnilnnle November 25th. beat him to tho wire. d repaired. Agent for Master carburetor round position; sleep In. Other help kept. FliRNisTlED bedroom for rent, suit&bf cljr'a writini: denk ?3.50, Address E. A.. coat a&vlrjg device. Fits any furnace, 48 CURCHIN'S for real art Curchin's Inrbor Good home, good waxes. Phono I495> lied .' •••111/11U1/ IW^|41 Will —V. Telephone Bed Bniik 4b6-J.» dfawer M, Red Uinjt.* H shop Is the plnco where art moans same- for one or two persons. 18 Elm place. UluhtoD avenue. Bed Bank. Phose Bnnk. Red, Bank. i'OR~REN~T, house with Bfti rooms ami These mechanics and handy men whose advertise- GUINEA "PlGa"lnr~ silo for »et» or Inb- 1X64. thinE. V"or real proof try M» oncci and thon yoo will always. This also appllett MARRIED MAN wishes position as srocer- FOUH rooms In double house for rent; bath; all improvements; stenm heat; ments appear here ore ready to help you—they oratory work; nny number. George N. SUPERIOR Window Cleaning Co., phone *40. William Curchi^i & Son, Fair Haven, HopkltiB, Plttavillo, Mnaa.* to lad ion nnd children. Second National manasrer: worked in chain store four Southern exposure; living room and want your work and they will glvo tho qulclt sorylca Red Bank 2478. We mnka a apeolnlly of ~~ ' Uti yeara. Call nt Mra. Glass's house on'Main kitchen, lirst floor; two bedrooms, accond phone Red Bank 2352.' CANNEL COAh for open firoplaccB. Prompt cleaning windows in pi.vnte residence!. you want , MASON contrnctor; estimates cheerfully tract, Port Monmooth, N. J.* floor; ' improvements. 404 West Front TEN ROOMS for rent, two baths, sun delivery, nny qunnttty. M. V. Brown. 2* Day nnJ night Bervlce. , street. Itivcr Plaza, phone Red Bank Porch, hot water heat, two-car garage, Wharf nvcmic. Had Hunk, phono 'IT.* given. Eupene Soyer, 40 Eaat Westaldc BOV WANTED to Icnrn goM boating trade; EAirESTATB for o or runt. John VT. avenue, 'Red Bank, phone 14G1, good wages to start. Must bo over six- 1169-R, or 2119. Everything up to date and In excellent con- Their advertisements appear ov'tiry week In Lull* yilliS for mile. Apply Rod Unnk Candy Mason, licensed broker, 27 Kant Front teen. Apply nt W. D. Aahmore'a, 31 Lln- dition. John B. Prothoro, 31 Monmouth TYPEWRITER heodouartere. Typewriters FIVE rooma and bath, water, gas, electri- street, phone •lied Hnnk 0E2. Longhead's department of Tho Register. Consult Kitchen, Ct> Ilrond etrcet, nod Honk. jtreet, Rod Bank, Phonos 2785 and 2849, den place. Red Bank.* city; (;)B per month; near Broad street. Ltit your property with mo for quick no- rented, bought and sold. Trubln's. 68 them and got ready for winter. •UMUGHT l'inno In tfood condition for sulo flroad street. Rtd Bank. USEFUL aocond man wishes position in Red Bank Heal Estate Co., former Second HOUSE HUNTERS—Dont wnsto your time. reasonablo. Telephone Mlddletown tion. I havo dpecriptiona of all vacant hoiiBCi IF IT'S real estate you want we bar* it. private fnmily or on estate; highly rec- titml bank building. Red Bank. 1B3-J.* ••"••»... BOYCE, the painter, fully caulpped for the Demarest & Krahnqrt. Phono Red Bank ommended; clisenifanert November oth, FURNISHED, three-room apartment, suit- nnd npnrtmcnts in town. Tell mo your IT HOX! WANT TO GET— THOROUGUHKED EIIKIIBII nottor doa. flt interior decorating, wall paper «**- t)20>Mj or Eatontown 37-R. Main rJBce, 1029. Phone 344 Ilumion, or write H. able fnr light housekeeping; nil Im-needs and I will find you a homo at once three yonr»' old; good hunter; sood look- pert*; prncticnl house pnlniors. Store and 168 South street, Eatontown: branob office F.. enra Mrs. R. H. McCarter, Red Bank.* provements; centrally located; references without chnnte. ^'ho^neRcd Bank 952. the garago built, er. Triced low. C. C. Bnrker, Shrewsbury, office, IB River rond, Ruimon.. Phone C6fl. ; NBW~HOITH"B "for~rcnt~~oir Main street. Open fveninBi. Fine paint $8.20. Sycamore avenue, Shrevrabury. N. J. t EXPERIENCED children's nurse desires required. 17 Washington, street, Ked the roof repaired, N. J.. phono'Rod Bank 47-R. ^__ MONEY to loan on flrat mortgage Ittnumi Ipottition; American born: finest refor- Bank, phono GDfl-M. Ocennporl, H. J. rhono Eatontown 107.* IDEAL LAYOUT for automobile paint shop BUNGALOW fiir ~n>T.'C. ^(Tl-pniiard nVreet. the chimney rebuilt, KITOHtiN RANGE with. water back for from $2,000 up. Prompt service. Th« ences furnished. Adtlrcaa I\ O. Box 544,FOUR-ROOM apartment for rent, with the furnace cleaned, Bale; nizo H-IB; bricks nnd «rnte In KODII or machine shop adjoining new Stflte Land * Loan Company, 12 Meobanic Red Unnk. bat-h; $25 n month; Main road and La- Inquire nt 1."»0 Uriilno flvnmic. Red Bunk. v Highway nt Entontown. Will aell, Termi t5l Bk conditfoii. pHci SG.OO. Mosby. V. O. Est- WORK' wonted, part or whole time, nit fayette ntrcflt. IturriBon. Inquire at Traut'a FOUll-ROOM houau at Fnir jlnv«n for the oil burner Installed, ', '. nntown. N. J.. Phone fi^.^tontown^Nj^J^ to responKlbio party. Flrat National Bank, T restaurant, phone P09, Red Bank, or Fink- Eetontown or your broker. and poporhanfflng cBtlmatea general houaeworker. Apply 18 Lemh- I'ent; nil improvcnientn; rent $25; In- "* the storm doors built, • FOll SALK. n PremTeif Duplex vacuum cheerfully Eirlven. Klmer H. Stout, 39 ton ay»nue. R«?d Bank.* elBteiu'a store, East Front street. Red nuiro n(, 1U Oak plncc. 1'pir Huven, N. J.. the fireplace wood aecureo. irleiuicr, with all nttnehmcntn, practically DOAltUING. modern improve me nta, hot Bcuth atreet, Red Bank, N; J., phone Bunk. phono Red Bntjkji'136. now. sell cbetid, A»Ulie»B C. A. I1'., drawer and' cold running water, centrally lo- .GGS-R. CIIAUVFEUR or sencraTaT. Rcount, man; the car ready for winter, cated ; ratea reosonabls. Uudinn Hou*a. life cxporlcnoe mul rlnaa referenceH; FURNISHED apartment for rent: home ELM PIiACK. nix rooms, all improvements: the furniture ro-upholatered, M. RPII Hnnk.« Ill Hudson avenug.^honeRed Rank. t>4>. iNTRACTORS and builder*. When you emplojed until November 1st. Hiidh Cnr- privilege; prefer couple without children, newly decoriitod: $fi5 per month; inime- thinking of having work dont. by ncltoo! teachers or buninena women. 26 (iiiito po«';G"«sion. Jni..c» A- Curloy, 6 Elm the plastering retouched, etc., TWO junior »ttivcu for snlc; unod condi- HOWARD wTufE.~iiY~p"ort]anti rona, ton, lit I.eii-liton avenue, Rod Bank, phono tion, 'M Shrewsbury nvenue. Red . or contract, consult Knrllng, Jobmon fillK* Allon place, or phone Red Bank 24G1. plnco, phone ^,163. Ilestl! Birnk^ linnk.* Hlghlandi, N. J.. home mover, founda- Fralte. Ww hnve our qwp lurcher T»^. tion- built. Phone Hlghlanda 1270-R. YOUNR r.UlL. Hwedliih, .lc ire .dosltion NICELY furnished front room for rent in nt .Oceftniiort, four rooms, all you'll find that your helper carries h!« advartlM* H B n amall private fnmily; would consider VOU 8ALE, a winter coat, brown, with (ur RED BANK Window Cleaning Co. VWt as chambermaid; beat references fur- ..__ nt-i, newly decorated: $35 per ment In Tho Register's Clasolflod column!. crjlhir: HIEO .1H; MO. AUo n lndy'n denk. ORIENTAL and dbmaatle ruga and nished. Aridreni. P. O. Hox 544. Itcd Bnnk,* board; (routleman preferred: two minutes month; mimed into POSH ess Ion, .Tames A. make » ip*elaltr of oleaning findowa of to biia Jlne. 104 Bergen place, or phono r\:n. t'MI nt lfil Brond "trent, RcdlJDank.^ tores, officei and private residences, Ratei carpet* shampooed and dry cleaned. Curlcy, li Kim plnce, plicma 2368. Rod Bank, TWO iii«i-ain ciirpets for . nnle. twenty e^ionahlH. Sail*faction guaranteed. 49. Old earpeta made Into ruaa. Raa Red Hank 1747-R. FAUM of thirty ncrcfi for rent; hor^os, im- <•-•(= HIT yard. Onll Koil Bonk 2164-M.* WaHhlnirton utroet. Hetl Bank, phone Ht\* ruga woven. Telephone or a poital MI3CELLANE9US. NICELY furnished room, with private fam- plements nnd buildings, on the highway, ily, for rent; gentlemen. Call Red Dank T'. tt, Purker, Monmouth lomt. Weat Lona lOlt .S A I,!-:, six Uhlas, suitahlo fnr ten- UMIUM l and he a Una; astlmatea [ux- eard will bring our truak to yonr '•SPIRIT OF MONMOUTH." la an Italian 18H7. . riKHii (ir rontimraiit. Telephone Hod Bnnk nlsbctl. Branch, N. J.. phone Ldntr UVnnch 1981. Joseph W. Fox. US IMncknij door, U onmouth CarpBt Cleaning ' weekly newspaper that covers the coun- •Ml butu-ern 5:00 im.l 8:00 1*. M. evenlnsa !li!K Pho"» ^?^1 ty and ft read by thomnml-i of Italians. SMALL furnished room for rent. 88 White I'ltF/lTY five-room house, with all conveni- nn.i un untft-.O:0O A. W.*., iT"Li' HcCOLOAN, nurseryman nnd land- Company, telophone aloncaonth Beaob Advertise in It. IB2 Monraoutb . street, street. Red Dank, CnlTeveiling.* ences nnil garnge. Charles Drencker, I fnr HIIIC- Can be scon nt nny scape cantrnctor: grndlnff, driveways anil 22R9-J. William (.rota, pronrlitor. phone Red Dank 2GO7. FURNISHED rooma foVrent; all improve- 1507 Weat Front street. River Plaza, phono lk enndtructed. Broken flagstones' for, mcntB. 58 Washington street, lied Red Hnnk 1G07. ,. Mra. Ii:mniR Morrla. Bolford. N. J.« l enndtructed. Broken flagstones for, ADVERTISING is today one thu best pay- anle. 2D Tlnoknek y road. Red BankB , phonh e AUTO AND TRUCK painting; al«o trucks Bonk;* " ' UHNUALOW of "five rooms for rout; all YOUNG TllEES for sale; white birch. lettered. George luff professions. Learn, advertising or Jipcch, muple. dogwood and also a lot of 1401 W Parker, Knno lane. commercial art. Wo teach ft In all It* ROOM for rent, with bonrd; larce, sunny oynveniences; gariiRe. Chnrk-s Ilrencker. In ..el hiiuhen; will set) cheap on account EXPEUT nutomubila washer now ID ^Mlddlotown.N. J. branches; also Inndscnpes In oil or wnter front room with' running ,waler. Van- R07 West Front atrect. River Tlnta, Red rf rlrnniut; n piico of woodland; prlcna 'of tho wash stand at the Boro Duitr*, ME1AL weatherstrips for \v)ndoiv» nnd color. Call or write for further Informi- Dcrveer*n, 35 Wnllnce 8trc«t, phone C0B-W. Itmik. phono l*iO7. r from 2 > vontit to II cocli,, M. Omrellt, R. Inc.. Globe Court and Mechanic at reft doors. Call Ited Bunk ldOO. M tion. Terms rensunutile. Evening I en* on * ITOUSE fur rent, 33 Hardinu rtmd; all im- P. D., Nutdwamp ronJ. lied Dunk, second O«t tout oi\i watticd wbU* III town. S«rv- ! Mntd! Wentheretrtp Co., 78 N from 1-.O0 to »;0O p. M. Avon Art School, 117 West Front street,1; provonients; very uleasnntlk' locate J. farm left from River Plata sebpoL ifls guaratitced* w tipringa roiiU, Bed Dank. fiOa Main street, Avou-by-thc-Hea, N. J, ' Red finnk. phono Red Bank 1^51-W. l'liuno Red Bnnk 456-J. , '

' •• • . -'• ' , , . ' . .' t\ Paea Twenty RED BANK BEGISTER, OCTOBER 80, 1929. eminent which they get will be no them later on In life to recall that REDUCTION OF TAKES. »•>©*•*•«<»••«•«••••#•• worse than they deserve. they made trouble and loss for folks THE RED BANK REGISTER. Who never did them any harm. John J, Qulnn Slaking Toll His Dancing JOHN H. COOK. Mltoft Chief Campaign Plank. -o-o-o-o-o-o- Social, QSOSOB a BANCB, Aitoeteta fflltn. John J. Qulnn, candidate for sen- Hallowe'en Damage Red Bank's ator, la malting reduction of taxes Ballot. THOMAS IBTIMO BROWN. Not a Funny Pranki cne or his chief campaign planks. Ho Toe, u< Bulani Uuuim Gallant Firemen. says:, ^ Tap. • Thursday night will be Hallowe'en Bed Bank can thank its firemen "No matter what polljica] promises Acrobatic Grand Opening Sutariptloa PrIeMI and it Is unpleasant to realize tbnt Ou >«'. tills tine, old festive night will be that the Broad street business section may be made by any candidate, the BIx Boutin — of tho town, or at least a good part moat Important quostlon in New Jor- Special nm monttu one of dread for many persona, who in the past} have suffered from the of it, is not In ashea today. Every- sey, and one which affects every In- Children'* one who saw tho firo at the store of dividual, is the reduction of taxes. I Courses. Tdtpbdnui—Bed B»u)t.lB. depredations of hoodlums. It shows that a strong perverse streak must Clayton & Mngee Monday night fully will not make tho usual political Sad D.nk 18 00. realizes this. The -lire had every ap- promise that If elected that taxes will Evening Classes Abe's Market be implanted In human nature when- be reduced, but I do make this pledge (01 Th. Bid Buik RajlaU* the original purpose of Hallowe'en pearance of being able to sweep Is no corrupted. everything before It and yet, due tdto the people of Monmouth county Business 39 BROAD STREET, RED RANK. U • B«I»T of the good work of the firemen, It did that If elected I will cc-operate with Girl*. I THK ASSOCIATED FBESS • • • not spread to the second story of tho every olllco holder or person Inter- Telephone 2047. TO19 AaiooUtad Pf**a la txelmWalj m- Punishment and strong-arm tac- ested in tax reduction, for the pur- rail Term Now Open. tltiad to tat nit for ^publication of all building, and not a bit of damage was pose of arriving at a uniform plan Classes In Child's Building. Htm dlipitehw credited to It or not other, tics are required to stop the destruc- done to the buildings on either side. tion and the damage which occurs « • • whereby It may bo accomplished. •win credited In this papa and also ti- to property on this night; but some- "The governor of.New Jersey, tax Best of Fruits and Vegetables led n«w. psfclllhed Unrein. thing more than this is needed. In Red Bank has been getting such specialists, and Republican and state Mabel Coleman this connection it is encouraging to good flre-flghtlngservic e that it prob- political leaders, are all agreed that ably does not fully appreciate ita flro- IB RECTOR PLACE. Phone 2011. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1027. note that church societies and other something must bo done to lift the organizations are celebrating Hal- men. The firemen not only had a burden of heavy taxes. lowe'en properly to a greater extent difficult fight Monday night, but also "If every county In New Jersey than ever before. Tho parties and n dangerous fight. The fact that no SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2d TOWN TALK. were represented by a committee, to other functions held by these socle- one -was hurt attests to their skill work in .conjunction with a legisla- tiea afford an outlet for Juvenile en- fully as much as their lack of fear In tive committee and with political We Specialize io (Continued from page <) thusiasm and keep youngsters out the face of dangerous conditions at- leaders of both parties, with a view Public Inspection—Friday Evening* Nov. 1st. at mischief. tests to their bravery. The next time to eliminating politics frorii such a Only One Way • • • the firemen want help in any wayconference and approaching this The Public is respectfully invited to inspect my new store Friday- from the people of the town it should question on a business basis, to my Second to Reduce Taxes. One thing about Hallowe'en which bo given ungrudgingly. Their brave mind some good can be accomplished. night, November 1st, at which time ihey will see Red Bank's newest There Is only one way to reduce Is hard for grown-up folks to under- and efficient flght Monday night 13 I would bo glad to co-operate with Mortgage Fruit and Vegetable Market all ready to serve the public of Red Bank taxation. That way is to stop spend- stand is that most of the damage enly one of many like servicea they such a body, irrespective of political and destruction dons on that night have performed for the community, affiliation, for that purpose," and Vicinity. ing »o much money. No other way and It is well that publlo memory Loans. will bring any relief. Is not committed with malice afore- thought but with a notion that this should be refreshed on this score. la the proper thing to do. This la SAILING TO BUENOS AIRES. Abe's Market will have NOTHING BUT THE BEST and at all The money spent by the board of a viewpoint which should not be Applications Given freeholders of Monmouth county in- GOT DAMAGES OF $2,000. Frederick Heath and Family Have times moderate prices will prevail for first class fruit and vegetables. condoned, but the correction should Been Visiting In the United States. creases year by year. The freehold- not ba entirely repressive. Waya and Compensation Paid to Henry Halscy M Immediate Attention * ers have power to spend as much means should be devised for youth- as Besult of Injuries. Frederick Ashley Heath, son of Having been manager of the Sunshine Market at Red Bank sev- money as they please. They fix the ful enthusiasm to find expression Mrs. Frederick Heath of Shrewsbury, county b\mget and they can fix it without damage or harm to anyone. Henry Halsey of Belford received called last week with his family for A Local, Friendly eral years I know what the people of Red Bank and Vicinity expect. to cover anjt sum they want to spend damages of $2,000 last week as tlw re- ' • t • • Buenos Aires,' Argentina. Mr. Heath I shall be ever ready to supply their wants in my line. A trial will con- sult of an automobile accident In is vice president and a director of Organization Perhaps the worst feature of Hal- which ho was injured a year or so Two freeholders are to be elected tho West India oil company, a sub- vince that Abe's Market is where you will buy your Fruits and Vege- lowe'en la the damage that Is done ago. He was hurt when his car waasidiary of the Standard oil company. tables. " • next week. One of the wssys to re-to the properties of persons who can In a collision with a truck. The truck Mr. Heath and his family left Ar- Riverside Mortgage duce taxation is to put two present ill afford the expense of having re- was insured and tho money was paid gentina last June and they have since freeholders, Harry G. Borden and pairs made. To boys who think It to Mr. Halsey by tho Insurance com- been touring Europe and the United & Finance Corporation Borden A. Jeffrey; out of office, and is smart to do such tfiihgs the best pany. The case was settled out of States. FREE DELIVERIES. put new men in their places. Two advice is to "have a heart." Tho iourt. Mr. Halsey was represented Braaa St N*t1 Bank Blda. good men have been nominated to results of such acts are apt to be by Qulnn, Parsons & Doremns of Red Reel Bank. N. ". ABEJHALPERIN succeed them. These men are William humiliating for them. Even though Bank. • , •. Woolworth's five and tin H. R. White and Theodore H. Ben- hey escapo arreBt or other punish- All want Qulnn to win. nett. One way of reducing taxation ment it will not be pleasant for —Advertisement. . la to elect these two men. < It pays to advertise in The Register. (Paid f or by Independent Committee.) ^CORP^

There has long been complaint In Monmouth county over the great ex- penses of the county clerk's office. Joseph McDermott has been county THEATEE clerk for upwards of thirty yeara The expenses of the office have in- EEd Bank creased far In advance of the propBr- HELEN FOSTER PARAMOUNT tlonate Increase in population In the Last Times HOME OF PARAMOUNT VAUDEVILLE county. On a number of occasions, —tN— when Mr. McDermott'a term was STAGE about to expire, he he* promised the TODAY peeople of Monmouth county that if MUSIC BY "CHET" ROBINSONS SHOW lie were elected for one more term he would then retire from the office. He was re-elected, but his promise of re- tiring was never kept ' TOURS., FRL, SAT., OCT. 31, NOV. 1, ? Another Paramount Stage Show ! FAliL CARNIVAL WEEK, Against Joseph McDermott is run- ning Harry N. Johnson, whose three- year term as sheriff is just expiring. Mr. Johnson has been a careful, 5-Acts of Paramount-5 capable sheriff. With the expenses of the county clerk's office constantly in- Acts of Paramount creasing in so great a degree, there should be a change. Thirty yearo In one job always sees a vast increase in unnecessary expenses attendant on VAUDEVILLE that job. Mr. Johnson should be elected county clerk in order that these enormous expenses may be cut down. • • ii Marty May and Her Gang VAUDEVILLE There Is only one way to Teduce taxes. That way Is to elect men who Including LADY TSEN MEI, Beautiful Chinese Screen Star, in Person. will spend less, money. 20-PEOPLE-20—MUSICAL COMEDY Her Last Success Wat With the Late Jeanne Eagels in "THE LETTER." Continuous Show on Saturday—2:20-11:00 P. M. Election Day * —ON THE SCItBEN— —ON THE SPIEAKING SCREEN— Is the People's Day. LATEST FOX MOVIETONE SOUND SENSATION ! MON., TUES., WED., NOVEMBER 4th, 5th, 6th More so than any other day of the WILLIAM year next Tuesday Is "the people's day." It la the one day of the year rox NOW As Human As Lif •when they can by direct action get FRESEWIS Aa Sentimental the kind of government they want. PLAYING If the election choices which they As Love. make next Tuesday result in bad, or MASKED IN THE Inefficient, or extravagant, or dlahon- cst government, the people will have CENTRAL no one to blame but themselves. THEATRE, N. Y., County and state taxes are con- AT $2.00 PRICES. stantly increasing. There Is com- EMOTION plaint on all sides about this. There is widespread complaint about the SEE IT large expense of conducting the WITH county clerk's office. Are you satis- fied with the mounting tax bills, Mr. HERE WITH Voter? If so, the thing to do Is to go to the polls and voto for more of the same kind of government and thus GEORGE O'BKIEN make your taxes higher. There Is no reason why a satisfied citizen should vote for a. change NORA LANE FARRELL MACDONALS)/ • • • Storyfy BEti AMfct WILLIAMS 7 Eut citizens who are dissatisfied have every' reason to vote for ft feAVID BUTLER Acts of Paramount change. Few things are harder to un- derstand Irom a logical standpoint and than citizens who kick all the year VAUDEVILLE around about high taxes and who on election either vote a straight party KENNETH HAWKI ticket for the very officials respon- PRODUCTION sible for the high taxes, or else fall AT STRAND PRICES: to vote at all. Everyone ia acquaint- ed with citizens of this type. In a Matinee 25c 35c , free country these citizens have the right to be blind, partisan zealots, or to Btny away from the polls Just as Evening 25c 50c they please, but the United States would be a mighty poor place to live in it everyone had always followed these two courses. 10 a new employed at Bothstefti's Friday afternoon to carry on affairs tlon for human life from tho auto- Three Performances Dally—2:30, 7:00 and 0:00 P. M. Saturdays and BolMays Continuous. clothing factory at Long branch. at the Shrewsbury church. The mobile menace. In the report of the By W. A. Sweeney. James Oalver, son ot Joseph Calver women's auxiliary has 22 members, committee on street paving, design, of Leonard street, has been laid up all of whom joined the guild. Mrs. construction and maintenance read with nlckneBa. Benjamin John Parker was elected b> Bryson Vallas, city engineer of Upon tho request of persons Mrs. John Woodward of Westslde president Mrs. Anna V. Jennings New Orleans, it was said that the avenue, who has been vory sick sov- connected with Red CrosB work, and Mrs, Walter R. Morris have been space alongside roads which was and In the knowledge that It Today; THurs. and Fri., Oct. 30th, 31st, Nov. 1st eral weeks, is slowly improving. made honorary president and vice oncp available for walkers has now Miss Esther Bcynolda, teacher o meets with the approval of Mr. RIPPING GOOD NEWS president, respectively, of the aux-been given over to automobiles, and Leon, who donates this space, A / the fifth grade of the River etreel iliary. . this lack of sidewalks means that the school, Is sick at her home In Penn- am devoting my half column' Worthy of front page promi- Tho new organization and the aux- roads are absolutely unsafe for pe- this week in both newspapers to nence to tho news that you can sylvania. Mrs. FrodConoverof Mld- iliary will meet on the third Friday destrians. Town, county and state dletown township Is acting as teacher an announcement concerning Also All-Talking Comedy, ' now purchase HOOD TIRES at of each month. The next meeting will officials throughout, tho United States, the Red Cross Drive. Here It Is: lit Hiss Beynolds'a place. be held at Mrs. Charles A. McClas- It was said In the report, ought to be Clark & McCullougb In "Tha Honor System" truly extraordinary eavlng'a. Th» Albert Snlffon, son of Harry Snlf- keys on Newman Springs road, Fri- aroused to the need of protecting ANNUAL BOLL CALL- sensational character of thU fen of Westelda avenue, Is steadily AMERICAN' RED CROSS Paramount Sound News. day afternoon, November loth. Other life by providing sidewalks or paths great event will be e«Ident whan Improving from tha Injuries which hi officers of tho guild are Mrs. Harry C. alongside all roads where any con- Assistance to ex-aervlca men thtthrilUnij received in a motorcycle aecldcn Tlcehiirst, vice president; Mrs. Mc-siderable number of automobiles and women by tho American ARMY*NAVY you pay us'a visit and inspect several weeks ago, but he Is not ye Claskey,' secretary and Miss Ruth travel. Red Cross formed one of tho FOOTBALL CLASSIC our tires. Never before jiavo we able to walk. Mrs. Martini of NowParker treasurer. Mrs. Thomas Wylie principal activities of that or- made such drastic reductions. To York spent part of last week with The conventibn, when It came to in this has been elected vice president of the ganization In the past year. This avoid possible disappointment Hwry Snlffen, who Is hor nophow, considering reason's, centered its In- aid covers fields which neither auxiliary and Mrs. McClaskey'and call enrly. Mrs. Mlnretta DoMott of Wcsi Misa Parker were re-elected secretary terest on this one matter, and adopt- the United States Government I"ront street and Mrs. Laura B. Blm- ed a resolution emphasizing the Im- and treasurer, respectively. nor other agency enters In min- Storage. bier have been visiting at the Chal The auxiliary realized J50 Satur- portance of such provision of side- istering to veterans. fonte-Haddon Hall hotel at Atlantlo day at a cake sale at the church par- walks. Not stopping with merely ex- Cars Called for, and Delivered. City. pressing a ploua hopo of improve- For Instance, Red Cross work- ish house. Mrs. Morris was chair- ers In 68 Government hospitals e Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Hughes have man of the sale committee, and herment, tho convention voted to take OPEN ALL NIGHT. ~ tnoved from South street to Richard steps to have the matter agitated In assisted moro than 30,000 dis- assistants-were Mrs. Tlcehurst and abled veterans monthly the past Brother vs. Brothei A skilled auto repair service White's houso on HarrlHon avenue. Mrs. Blchar.d Beako. Plans are being all engineering and municipal papers. Mrs. William T. Brown and her In Furthermore, It waa voted to send year, in solving home and per- that disturbs competition. II made for a bridge party which will sonal problems that interfered Army vs. Navy we can't fix your car—Junk It. fant son, William T. Brown, Jr., of4>b hold soon. Tho annual Christmas a communication on tho subject of Orange avenue, havo returned home the need of sidewalks to every mem- with their medical treatment; If you're stuck by tha wayside sale of fancy articles and cakes will gave entertainments and per- simply from the Long Branch hoBpltal. be held at the home of Rev. Carroll ber of the society and to urge each West Point vs. Miss Helen VanKeuren of Borgon member, throughout the United formed other valuable services. M. Burck on Wednesday, Decembor States,' to bring the matter- to the This Red Cross work supple- Annapolis place has taken a position at Paul- 4th. The Junior guild of the church Phone Red Bank son's beauty salon on Broad street attention of tho public and of officials mented the Government pro- will assist the auxiliary at the Christ- gram, as the Bed Cross work- 1029 Allen Smith of the police depart- mas sale. in each member's own community. ment has returned to work after a For a long time the Newark Sun- ers' services were such as Gov- The junior guild Is planning a ernment agencies can not, under tosb. y&L PUBLIC NOTICE. two weeks' vacation. day Call, the Red Bank Register and Notice ia hereby gWen that tho ComiaU- Christmas party for the Sunday- present appropriations, carry on •JonerB of Asien»mGnt of the Borough ot W. Paul Stillman of Fisher place school children on Christmas" eve. a few other state newspapers have and East Front Btreet returned homo been hammering on thlB subject. for these hospitalized men and Red Bank will meet at tho Boraunh Hall Jn This society Is made up of the young women. J Bald Borough on tho 7th (Jay Qf November. the first of the weolt on tho steam women of the church and meetings Finally tho legislature, In 1928, passed 1923, at 7:30 P. M., for the parpoao 1ot ship California by way of the Pan- an act permitting boards ot freehold- hearins peraona interested in the asset *- are held once a month at the home Besides helping veterans in merits to bn mrulo by them in tho im- ii ama canal from SanFrancisco, where of tho members, Tho guild's advisors ers of first and second-class counties hospitals, tho Red Cross, through provement of Fisher place by Inyina seven *, he attended a bankers' convention. are Mrs. McClaskey, Miss Ruth Tlce- to lay sidewalks along county roads its numerous local branches, or therein. 1 He spent a month in California. Ho end to enter Into agreements with chapters, helped In various ways, A. E, SHINN, hurst and Mlsa Elizabeth Powers. . Clerk. I is chief examiner of the Newark Tho Women's auxiliaries of tho municipal authorities for'sharing the a monthly average of 51,091 clearing house association. Mrs. Episcopal churches In this part of tho cost This is good as far as It goes, service or ex-service men and Another MONMOUTH COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT. Stillman, who has been visiting hor but It does not go far enough. The women, in such ways as adjust- MONMOLITII LUMBER COMPANY, a cor- stato will hold a neighborhood meet- Roxy poration of the Stato of New Jersey. mother at Los Angeles tha last two Ing at Christ church Jn February. duty should be made obligatory, not ment of home problems, filing Plaintiff, vs. CRAFTSMAN'S HOMES. jnonths, will return homo today. permissive, and should not be con- compensation dalmB, securing INC.. a corporation of the State of New Miss Catherine Leddy and Miss fined to first and second-class coun admission to Government hos- Theatre Jersey, builder and owner. Defendant. Loretta Began of Bed Bank and Miss GIR&'S BIRTHDAY PABTY. ties. Every improved road, whether pitals, etc. Action at Law. On Mechanics' Lien. • constructed by state, county, town:: Success Notice. . Dorothy Breslln of. Shrewsbury at- Spectacular disaster relief was To CRAFTSMAN'S HOMES, 1N0., a cor- tended the football gamo at NowMiss Elizabeth Gctt'o Was Sixteen ship or municipality, should have a poration of the State of New Jcraoy, York Saturday between Williams and Years Old Monday. safe and commodious footpath on rendered by the organization builder and owners, defendant* during tho year, the record TAKE NOTICE, That on tho 11th dar Columbia universities. Tho glrla one side and the construction of of October, one thousand, nine hundred and Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Gettls of these footpaths should be deemed showing 117 disasters within the were accompanied by Hudson Granrt, Shrewsbury avenue had a celebration twenty-nine, a. summon* nnd complaint Richard Cooper and John Doeg, New just as important and necessary as United States, and three In In- were imBued nnd filed against yoa in tho Monday night of the sixteenth birth- sular territory of tho country, Circuit Court in and for the county of York college students. Tho party to provide a smooth firm roadway Monmouth. in a suit wherein Monmouth day of their daughter Elizabeth. for vehicular traffic. in which the Red Cross eervpd. J attended tho show ';Hot Chocolato' Forty gucsta were present and the Lumber Comuany, a corporation of tha * I at tho Hudson theater after tho Duties In this field were contin- State of Now Jersey, is plaintiff nnd you. house was decorated with pink and Wo wish ttho society for municipal uous, and at times the organi- Craftsman's Homes, Inc., a corporation ot • ] game. whlto streamers'. Two large birth- Improvements abundant success in tho State of Now Jersey, builder and owner, sation was at work In several are defendant, in which suit the, plaintiff 1 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dorcmus of day., cakes were cut and distributed Its efforts to protect the pedestrian. States over widely scattered I Reckless place have returned homo clalma that there in due it the"-IUm of anof Miss Gettls received many pres- Goodness knows he needs protection. areas. $1,169.85 for materials furnished yon In j from a visit at Charleston, Bhodo 1s- ents. the erection of a building oa a lot of land described ns follows: ] land. Their son, Dr. Theodore Dore SURPRISE FAREWELL PAKTY. The Red Cross derives support 4 DAYS-Sat, Mon., Tues., Wed., Nov. 2, 4, 5, 6 : muo, ls spending a vacation In Can- At tho party were Mr. and Mrs. for its yearly services through ALL tbat certain land and premises Louis Gettls and son Philip, Mr. and hereinafter particularly describee], Bitaat«, I ado. Mrs. Annie Worden WUI Leave Satur- membership in its ranks, en- lying nnd being in the Township of Mid- Mrs. James Gettls and daughter rolled from Armistice Day, No- I Miss Alice Stout, a student at Miss Theresa, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas day For Denver, Colorado. dlotown, in tho county of Monmouth and ! Balrd's school at Orange, spent the vember 11,,to Thanksgiving. Ex- State of New Jersey, known and deilB- Clozza, Mr. and Mrs. R. Nlcolettl, Tho Red Bank Sons and Daugh- ? nated aa lot Number 146 an shown and.' week-end with her' papenta, Mr. and cept in national disasters, no designated on map entttletl "Map ot Coun- Mrs. Antoinette Amato, Mrs. Mary ters of Liberty gave a surprise fare nation-wide appeal for funds is j Mrs. R. V. E. H. Stout of Broad Ouaamano, Mrfl. Mary Caruso, Mrs, try Club Eatntoa, Tied Dank, N. J., acaln : street well party Friday night for Mrs. made otherwise. You. pay 3O.8O to one inch to ono hundred feet, property of Louise Crlml and children Alfred and Annie Worden of East Front street, Shrewsbury River Holding Company, Hod Mr. and Mrs. August Ahearn of Marlon, Mrs. Dominic Garuto and flimk. N. J.. Gcortre I>. Cooper, C. E.. dftted Knollwood spent tho week-end with- who will leave Saturday for a visit ii mn I II* 1 January JDth, 1028," which map ls duly Misses Ida Boncore, Mary DelGul- with her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Oet- filed in the Monmonth County Clerk's friends at Pallsades-on-the-Hudson. dlco, Nellie and Mary Cusamano, Mrs. Victor E. Rlccl of Lea Ger- ter of Denver,.Colorado. Thirty per- TEST office. This being intended at part of th* Susie and Rose Caruso, Rose' Cano- sons attended the party and games same land and premises described in deed trudes apartments on Broad street nlco, Tessle and Josephine Gargullo, made by Kaygood Realty Corporation! • gave birth to a son last Friday at tho and dancing were enjoyed. A cov- This is the Sure Way. corporation of the Stnte of New Jerssy, to Frances and Mary Amato, Mary see this show Cruitdman'a Homes, Inc., a corporation of ered dish luncheon was served and Freehold hospital. Tho Infant has Nlcolettl, Helen Canjona, Angellno the State of New Jersey, dated April SO, boon named Victor Rlccl. Before her Mrs. Ruth Shrope, deputy of the Red Send us an article gener- 1929, and recorded in the Monmouth Falmlerl, Fannie and Rose Amato Bank lodge, presented a bath robe County Clerk's office in Book H79 7 "7A ls what yon would pay to see Zlegfeld's fas- SHERIFF'S SALE. Yonkers. Miss Mildred Barrett of ^ I . I vf clnatlnff stars singing, dancing, making love! By virtue ot a writ of fl. fa. to ra»di - committee and most of the profits A Jolly Party at the Community clothing simply because rected, issued out of the Supreme Court of Maplo avenuo was a week-end guest will be used to buy shirts, belts and Clubhouse Lost Week. You see and hear them in "Tho Cocoanuts" 1 See and tho State of New Jersey, will bo exposed - of Mr. and Mrs. Havlland. neckties for tho firemen's parade uni- signs of wear show in one or hear to sale at nubile vendue, on Frank M. Dennla of Evanston, A largely attended Hallowe'en mas- TUESDAY. THE 12TH DAY OF NOVEM- forms. querade party was hold at the Com- two spots. • BER. 1029, Illinois, has been spending a few days Mrs. Adolph Kind won a wrist between the hours of 12:00 o'clock and with his daughter, Mrs. Leslie B. Mc- munlty clubhouse at River Plaza last watch as first prize in the beauty con- week. ' A variety of costumes was HAT CLEANING. 6:00 o'clock (at 2 ;0O o'clock) eastern stand- Cloes of South street. Mr. Dennis test. The popularity contest was won nrd time, In the afternoon of said day, ftt came East to attend the funeral of worn and there waa much merri- OSCAR MARY tho Court House in the Borough of Free* by Adrian Woodward. In this con- ment THE unusual quality of hold. County of Monmouth., New Jtrs9j» his mother. test E. Donald Smith was second and to satisfy a judgment of said Court Robert and Thomas Rowe and Ed- The door prize, which was a box our hat cleaning is due to the amounting to approximately ?802. s Thomas Scott was third. Other en- of candy, was won by Miss 'Sophie ward W. Wise, Jr., of Red Bank, who trants wore Henry.Hlgglns, Walter method employed. All tho defendant's right, title and *••. are stridents at Tome school In Mary- DoMldowltz. Miss Shirley Bloren re- terest tn and to the following; Hamilton, Leslie' Woodward, Allen ceived a prlzo of a lavalllere for wear- EVERY trace of soil is re- All thnt lot, trnct and pnrccl of land de- land, were home last week for thePryor, Daniel Hopkins and John Ap- SHAW EATON scribed, situate, lying and betnir in the bor- Ing the prettiest costume. The fun- week-end. They attended tho foot- plegate. moved, inside, outside, rib- ough of Red Bank, Monmouth County, N«w ball game Saturday at Hlghtstown niest costume was worn by a Long Jersey, Branch man and his prize was a bon and band. The firmness BEGINNING at a point on the north eld* between Peddle institute and tho Q7 7ft ls tho P''00 *oran y musical comedy in New of Beach street, ot the southeast corner of Toms Bchool. BIG MEETING OF BAPTISTS. smoking set Among the children the is restored to the felt, leav- .YiUHMa.&tt&Vlot. tiitttct S\\ noilbnaifijy! • best ccmtumo -was -worn by William ing the Vat chic and style re- v'«l" York fcaturlnc a musical Rtoie such as ?11M>. n.fonar the cast line of William Iteeil'g lot Endeavor Societies Witt Cocoannts" baHsts. written by the Icing- of composers, 128 feet, six inches to a point, thence (1) Mrs. James Trout and Mrs. J. L. Fowler and he received a box of newed. You will have much easterly and parallel with Beach street, 16 Schmidt of Quarryvllle, Pennsylvan- Gather at New Monmouth. candy as a prize. ' more wear and pleasure feet, 10 Va Incho.q to a point, being tho Tho club cleared about $25 by the northwest corner of other lnnda of Wllledffo ia, spent several days last week with TI.3 Baptist Christian Endeavor,eo- from it for a long time. and Mury Hobtcn: thence (a), southerly Mr. and Mrs. John H. Trout of Oak-cld; j of Monmouth county will hold party. Tho judges were Mrs. Edward nnd parallel with tho first mentioned coun© land street. their annual meeting Friday evening, H. Scattergood, William H. Petlngale s 128 feet, 6 Inches to the northerly line Of THERE is still time to IRVING BER.LI Bench street, thence (4) westerly and and George A. Kaney. Dr. and Mrs. Georgo W. Shera of November 8th, at the New Monmouth have your SUMMER along the northerly line of Beach itrett. Gooseneck Point have been spending church. Rev. Paul Poling of 7A would bring you tho cavorting choruses! 26 feet, 10 Vi inches to tho point and plfleo 7A of beginning. a month at tho Homestead hotel at Belmar will preside, and tho prin- A FORTUNATE BOY. CLOTHES dry-cleaned and p/»l»lv The K'lrKCous girls! The lilting dances and cipal address will be made by Rev. Seized n$ tho property of Andrew Bolton, Hot Springs, Virginia. MOTH-PROOFED before ravishing settings! Just as you get them at popular et al., tnkcii in execution fit the suit of Edward Conover and family of Marshall Sewing of Lakewood. The Richard Davis Missed Death by a storing them away. prices In Mutual Discount Corporation, a corporation* Hudson avenue spent the week-end attendance prlzo at the last two an- Matter of Inches. nnd to be !<"M by at Now Haven, where thoy attonded nual meetings has boon won by the HARRY N. JOHNSON, Sheriff. Richard Davis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dated October J4th, 1029. the Yale-Army football game. Now Monmouth Christian Endeavor Obadlah E. Davis, Jr., of Maple ave- Max B. Lowitz, Attorney. Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard J. Roop ot society, but on account of next week's __ • :00 oVl'ick I'. M. Roop and tholr daughter of Red prayer meeting. car. The only Injury Richard re- Bank were guests last week of Mr. Tho subject of the sermon Sunday ceived was a cut on his scalp, and WEAR CLEAN CLOTHES. end Mrs. William Tnnsey of Colt's morning at the BaptlBt church will this was closed with three,stitches at Keok. bo "Tho Splendor of God." Tho young Rivorvlow hospital. Also All-Talking Comedy, "When Caesar Ran a Newspaper" Mrs. Eunice Emmons and daugh- people's union will. meet Sunday ter Llda of Wallace street and Mr,oventng at half-past six o'clock, when ENTERTAINED AT PARTY. * and Mrs. Georgo Lewis of ISatontown reports will be made of the recent spent Sunday at Atlantic City. oung people's convention. nvo rnmdi), Shop orchestra and there will bo 18th, at half-past two o'clock. Mrs. H. Everlngham, Mrs. Minnie Dang- • The BorouKh Council rSBSjrvep **!« Ifflhfe many diversions. ry C. Tlcehurst will have charge ler, Mrs. John VanBrunt, Misses Dar- MAIN OFFICE & tn reject any or nil bliia if (]esm*'J. give a fashion show this afternoon at Tho ladlcB' aid society of the Bel-and Anthony Cell. ] 70-76 White Street, the Little Sliver Woman's clubhouse ford Mothodlst church will serve elec- i on Willow drive. The show will be- Get right In tho swim I Attest t tion day dinners next Tuesday from Red Bank, New Jersey. BUKADRTl! T>. JBH, gin at half-past two o'clock and isnoon until two o'clock and from.flvo By electing- Jnck Qulnu. ' Nancy Carroll in "Sweetiiee" Clerk. open to the public. —Advertlsompnt. o'clock until eight o'clock. XFM lot bjr ladtpondrot Cj)mHltt««,>. Phones 1545-6-7. It pays to advertise in fht R«rt*tt» Page Twenty-Twg RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER ,80, 1929. Mr. and Mrs. Cephas Bralnerd of Newton over the week-end. MM 4R0M.1TO0RT Mr. and Mrs. Dyson Woodhouse of South Keyport we receiving congrat- WI1XJAM a M. ANDERSON TO ulations on the birth of a daughter. WED MAINE OIBL. Mrs. Daisy Cummlnga of New York Is the gueit of her cousin, Mrs. Alex- High Sohoo! Pupils Present a Three- ander H. Sands of Main street Act Comedy—Farewell Party For Mr. and Mra. Albert W. Anderson Mm. Elizabeth Duiii—Improvement of San Antonio, Texas, who were Association Meets Honda}-. former residents of the borough, are t •ecelving congratulations on the birth (Til* Bud B»nk BegliMr can be boimbl of a son, Albert Warren Anderson^ t : (ton.) t Invitations have been Ifssued by Mr. Mrs. Richard White, Mrs, Harry B. and Mrs. Charles H. Blood of Dover, West and Mrs. Henry 1\ Hopkins loft T ; Foxcroft, Maine, to the wedding of Monday for Chicago by automobile. | Y their daughter, Miss Teresa Elizabeth: Mrs. David Clapp of WestBeld en- j • Blood, and William C. M. Anderson, tertalnetldd att a lheoluncheonn bidgbridge luslustt : A son of Mr. and Mrs. John Carlo An- week at her home. The priae winners ! •1 derson of Main street. The wedding were Mrs. J. Hamilton of Westneld, j V • will talte place November 8th at 6:30 Mrs. Harry B. West of Keyport, Mia. | •*• o'clock at the home of the bride. Walker of WeBtfleld, Mrs. Georgo H. t Sunshine Market A three act comedy "Cool Knlghta," Conover of Keyport, and Mrs. Floyd was presented by the senior class of F. Armstrong of Keyport. Other the Keyport high school Thursday guests from Keyport Included Mra.! and Friday evenings In the high Albert M; Halgh, Mrs. Samujel D. • school auditorium. The play Is a. pro- Walker, Mrs. John Harold Henflrlch- ; 74 Broad Street, Corner Monmouth Street duction of the Triangle producing son, Mrs. J. Leon Schanok, Mrs. j. company of Greenboro, N. C. Miss Arch MacEwan and Mrs. Howard D, ] Lucille Phillips wa3 the dramatic In- Little ol South Amboy. | structor and Mrs. Carleton R. Whar- Harry B. West is spending severe) , h\ ton the accompanist. weeks at Clifton Springs, New York. Mrs. Georgo I>\ Walling of First •Mra. Frank Moonoy of Jersoy Cli,' street entertained at bridge Friday spent several days hero with ro's afternoon as a farewell to Mrs. Eliz- tlves. \ abeth DUU3, who returned to her The evening of December 6th, the . ; home at Altadena, California. Prizes Men's club of the Reformed church . for high scores were awarded to Mrs is planning to hold a masquerade c; ; 1 DUU9, Mrs. J. E. D. Silcox, Mrs. Hcn- the high school auditorium. i ! ' ry C. Wyckoff, Mrs. S. E. Tllton and Georgo H. Conover Is spending sev- j . • Mrs. L. Brower Walling. Other eral weeks at the gatineau Fish and. • guests present were Mrs. William H. Game club at Thirty-one Mile lake, Hitchcock, Mrs. O. C. Bogardus, Mrs. Canada. I t Harvey S. Bedle, Mrs. N. Hodgson Mrs. Henry E. AOkerson, Jr., and T Hosevear, Mrs. Rufus O. Walling, Mrs. H. A. Underwood were hostesses Y Mr«. William T. VanMater, Mrs. Dan- at the Guild meeting of the Reformed FREE DELIVERY "'ephone 1257 iel V. D. Conover, Mrs. Asbury W. dhurch yesterday afternoon. Campbell, Mr3. Ira M. Anaorge, Mrs. Mrs. Norman B. Lookwood spent t • Henry T. Hopkins, Mrs. Harvey the week-end with her sister Mrs. LOCAL AND SUBURBAN. '[ Bronner, Mrs. J. Grover. Curtis, Mra. William B. Frledlander of Brooklyn. Elmer E. Morris, Mrs. C. Leroy Mr. and Mrs. John C. Osborne of Y ', Bowne, Mra. Harry Sentell, Miss Nan Main Btreet spent the week-end at f Y N. C- McKlnncy,, Miss Marie Juhl, Manllna, N. Y.( where their son Craw- • and Mies Susan Brown. f6rd Is a student at the Manllus Mil- Y ' The next meeting of the Keyport itary school; Y Stores New Brunswick and Perth Amboy Improvement association will be held Mrs. Horace S. Burrowes of Main • in the public library on Monday af-street entertained ,the ex-prealdeht«' f- ternoon. Mrs. Gertrude Pritchett, 1 club at her home yesterday after- Y former local visiting nurse, will be oon. ' Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday! '•. the speaker. Mrs. William H. Hitclfc Mrfc. Lloyd F. Armstrong Is hostess Y • cock, chairman of the \yelfare de- at the meeting of the Keyport liter- t ; partment, has charge of the meeting. ary club at the publlo library on Fri- : - .Mrs. S. E. Tllton of Osborn street day afternoon. The topic of the meet- f • entertained at a luncheon bridge at ing is "Our Women Composers." '. her home last week. Prizes for high The Klwanls club will hold a Hal- T scores wore awarded to Mrs. Els- lowe'en party at th« Rariton Inn to- T • worth N. Tilton, and Mrs. J. D. Mil- morrow at which time ladles' night ler. The guests included Mrs. Emily will be observed. • , Behr of Maplcwood, Mrs. William Fos- Mrs. Elizabeth Morales of New Vegetable Specials ter of Orange; Mrs. Herman Peterson York spent the week-end with her Grocery t of Brooklyn, Mrs. R.- J. Knox of mother, Mrs. Ella A. Brown of First ' Brooklyn, Mrs. GifTord B. Aumack street. t and Mrs. Elsworth N. Tilton of Key- Mr. and Mrs. J. Csrls Anderson en* •;•• GREEN MOUNTAIN CAPE COD | port. tertained. their daughter, Mlas Mar- t I: Miss Emily Baurer, daughter of tha Anderson, who is a student at t Mrs. H. O. Baurer of First street, edar Crest college, Allentown, Pa., : t Tomatoes SUGAR who resides In the guest over the week-end. ; of her sister, Mrs. Norman Dlngman A. W. Crlstlanl,- president of the ' of Paterson. Architectural tile company, has re- t Cranberries FINE GRANULATED ! Mr. and Mrs. William Preston and turned from a hunting trip to Can- 27-LB. BASKET SOLD PACK 1 children of First street were the ada. . ' t • guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Finger NO. 2 • last week at Delaware. He's worthy to win— He's Fearless Jack Qulnn. I, Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Fltzell and —Advertisement. t • son John of Bronxvllle, N. J., were Paid for by Independent Committes.} : tha guests of the latter's parents, Pr. . and Mrs. H. S. Cooloy of Front street, 16c'* 5 last week. Mlus Frances Hyer entertained sev- eral of her. friends at bridge last f woek at her home on Main street. f i; Prize for high score was awarded WilliamJ. Cook Mrs. Carloton Wharton and consola- f tion prize was given to Miss Ruth f Cauliflower Clam Chowder : UildorbacH. Other guests included ONIONS , Mrs. Harry Sklar, Mrs. James Ward, Electrical > Jr., Mrs. Floyd Brown, Miss Marjorle t FANCY FANCY UNDERWOOD Beers, Mrs. Olive Johnson, Miss Contractor PEAS Helen Cottrell, Mrs. Hewitt Whar- T 4 ton, Miss Alma Dlngvvall and Mrs. f George S. Heyer. f b head SWEET WISCONSIN cans c Mr. and Mrs. William Danforth and Estimates Cheerfully f I grand-daughter, Phylll3 Delnlnger of Given. ' REG. 20c •• 3 25 New York, were the guests of Mr. Y •25c T and Mrs. Phillip Lennen of Oakwood 3 1 Oc Park. •Y Mr. and Mrs. Fred Demarest of DOZEN 95c. 1 38 Drummond Ave., f cans Maplewood, entertained Mr. and Mrs. • George Totten and children ot First Red Bank, N. J. Y street last week for several days. Y Judge and MrB. Henry E. Acker- Phone 1731-J. T Mushrooms Spinach 3 35c son, Jr., of Maple Place entertained f Y JERSEY DOZEN $1.35 Spinach T FANCY WHITE tY PARADISE BRAND Y lbs LARGE CANS Goldberg's fY 49c" 3 * 25c Heinz Catsup Y 24 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. Y GREEN or WAX LARGE BOTTLES <5 Y Sweet Potatoes All Mothers Have the Same Y Problem... V f bottles for FANCY 10 lbs. 25c Evaporated —the problem of where to really get their children'* Y 2 feet fitted correctly—where to get the light sort of Y shoes. Has It bothered you* too? f Y After serving; our patrons with dependable children'! lb 27 lb. basket 65c apparel for over 1G years, we have now added a MILK Y children's shoe department, featuring the famous Dr. Y Posner's Scientific Shoes (the best lor growing chil- f 15c TALL CANS dren.) t JELLO Y Dr. Posner's Shoes are scientifically designed to give X ccms growing loot tlio firm, necessary protection tender ALL FLAVORS Y growing muscles require and children love them be- f BEETS Y causo they are BO soft and light with lots of room for t • 3 25c f those active feet to grow. They are good-looking, too, Y Carrots and abovo all. they wear and wear. hm pkgs Y The now Dr. roBnert Shoes for Fall are ready—In Y the popular leathers and colors. I/OW shoes and high ^ bunches for lit shoes—for dress, school nnd play—all slzea and widths 3 tr 1 Oc A —from babies to boys and girls of college days. Pineapple | For your child's sake—buy t SLICED HAWAIAN | t Oranges TALL CANS |^ Grapefruit Uneeda Biscuit SPECIAL | £ MEDIUM SIZE SUNKIST SPECIAL Y For Boys and Girls. & Prices range from $^00 to 5 <- 25c 15 for 25c We also carry a complete line of "DR. MALKIN'S" Shoes for Children. Prices range from $-j .50 to $O.45. y T 3 lbs. TOKAY

•A- .11 ^I^&S^^^^^UV,- <(«• *va=M*f*^i'« SANK REGIS^R, OCTOBER 30, 1929.'

BUMSON NEWS. of Rumson have bsen announced at urday night by Mr. and Mrs. E. BIG PARTY FOR CHURCH. Holy Rosary church. • Canatta of. Naramiunk avenue, for Councilman James j. Bruce Cele- The Junior Christian Endeavor so- members of the Golden Eagle lodge, Tho,tab)e decorations were orange MANY PHIZES AWABDBD UBT brated Hl» 78th Birthday. ciety will bold a Hallowe'en party Friday night at the Presbyterian par-' and:black. 'Music was.provided by fTb* BM Bank Resletar m In bouiht Raymond's band WEEK AT BBADEVEI/T HAIX. ueh «Mk In Buraion at Flnnaitr's «M>. l»h house. •nl etore. at Borle'i grocery, and it Tor. MurrajrBrookman, prelldent of the 1 Mr. and Mm. George Creevey Wen bin's (uaral itore.) W. S. Ray manufacturing; company Come on, "douse your glim," ,. The spotlight's on Qulnn. Lucky Number Danes Winners— A miscellaneous shower was given of Ban Francisco, spent the week-end —Advertisement. About ITS Persons Attended and last week by Miss Irene Andsrfon for with %. Suffern Taller. He reports (paid for by Indroendent Committal.) the Total BeoelpU Wore WO. Miss Myrtle Traut, who IJ engaged large i sales , of Ray oil burners throughout the country. Mayor John NOTICE OF'SEfTfiEMENT OFACCOUNT : St Catherine church of Everett to wed Franklyn Gray of Red Bank, Xltat* ol Maria Lulrla Palmierl, deeetieel. took In |3OO Wednesday-night at a Councilman James P, Bruce was 76 R. Snedeker of Atlantlo Highlands Notice !• harebj «lven that the account* card party and datiae at Collier's hall years old last week and a party In has bought a Ray burner. of.tbs .luberibtre, executors of the estate' ' THe ladles'aid society cf the Meth- of e«ld deceased, will be atriltad and stst.d at Bradovelt. The party »« attend- celebration of the event was g^ven by ti« BurnnU of ths County of Mon- ed t>y 170 persons arid It was one ol for him at the home of his daugh- od lof church will hold a Hallowe'en nioiivi ana reported for ••ttl«mant to th«' the most successful aflalrs held at ter, Mrs. Charles Beck of Fair Ha- sodabje Friday night of this week at Or^lsnl Court of ia(d County, on Tbur»*> the home of Mrs. Slocum on Second day, the fourteenth day of November, A. the hall In »everal y«ar«, A program ven, Mr, Bruce received a number D. 1629, at which tlm» aDplipatton will be of modern and old fashioned dances of birthday gifts. He has served as street.! ' .. . • made for the allowanct of commlselona and followed the card games. Mr. and a commissioner of Rumson nine Misses Anna, Bather, Flora and eounisl fata. years. , Dated, October 4, A. D. 1920. Mrs. George Creevey of Bradevelt Elizabeth Butterworth of Santa ANGELINA PALMIEHI, won two dollars and a half In gold - Banns of marriage of Miss Mary Monica, California, spent part of last 210 Sbrewiburr Avenue, Bed Bank, N. J. in a lucky number dance. Two oth- Hartner of Red Bank to Policeman week with Mrs. DeWltt Scott of . JOSEPH PALMIEB1, er gold pieces and, a box of clgara Henry Kruse of Bumson and of Miss Lafayette street. 210 Sbrewibury Avenue, Red Bank.- M. J. ELECT ANTHONY PALMIEHI, were deposed of. Curjey of New York and John Kaney A masquerade party was given Sat- 110 Sbrewibury Avenue, Bed Bank, N. 1. Euchro and bridge were played and 45 prizes were awarded to tho high acorara. The prizes were well wortll winning and they ranged from floor and table lamps, end tables and oth- er furniture to nocktlea, etc. First price in euchre was won by Anthony 7 Shalvaltls of Brftdcvolt and ha chose as his award a floor lamp, donated by. the Blessed Sacrament guild of the church. Miss Mary Collins of J Bumson was the first prize.winner at bridge and she selected a card Service^ table, given by Hosea Chark of Red Bank. ' MIBS FranceB Zajkowakl of Brado WE ARE AN AUTHORIZED SERVICE STATION ON ALL OF THE velt won two dollars and a half In gold as tho door prize and Patrick FOLLOWING: Vaughn of Brookdale farm won a gold piece for the same amount, All types of Speedometers. SENATOR which was disposed of on the co-op- erative plan. A box of cigars, do- hated, by Mrs. Bernard Hlckey of A-C Products, such as Gas Pumps, Thermo- Everett, was won by Miss Margaret Dobisky of tho same place The dance and door prizes were donated by Gauges, Ammeters and Oil Gauges. James G. Rowo and Matthew Itul- lln, Sr., of Llncroft . ' King-Seeley Telegage, the red liquid gas gauge. Other prize winners at cards were Mrs. Kathryn McCuo, lira. Bernard Shock Absorbers—Delco-Remy Hydraulic. Wahl Warnoker, Mrs. Frank Haley, Mrs. Edward Howe, Mrs. Richard Noonaii, Mrs. George Creevoy, Mrs. John Hydraulic and Gabriel Snubbers. Maiier, Mrs. Jacob Jeffrey, Mrs. Wil- liam Conway, Mrs. John B. Brady, Stromberg Carburetor. Mrs. Bernard Hlckey, Mrs. Thomou Kelly, Mrs. Patrick E. Kelly, Mrs, Mary B. Manor, Misses Catherine and Wahl Heaters. Mary Warncker, May Hyer, Christine Meyer, Agnes Campbell, Elizabeth Dugan, Gertrude H. Meyer, Mary A. OUR SHOP IS EQUIPPED TO GIVE YOU SERVICE ON McCue and J. N. Harrington, Wil- fred-Mullin, William .McGowan. Wil- Reboring, Valve Facing, Piston Grinding, Piston Pins Fitted, Brake liam Sagurton, Michael Mahoney, J. Drums Refaced, Brake Bands Relined^ Rod» Lined, Connecting Rod Frederick Sllcox, Raymond Mc- Gowan, John Mahef, Joseph Tomu- and Main Bearings Rebabbitted, Generator and Starter Work, Hy- levlsus, George MeKnlght, James B. draulic Brake Work, Installation of all type heaters.. Carton, George Creevey, Francis Maher, Martin Collins, Jacob Jeffrey, William Wallace and V. P. Conway. Mleses Holon Kelly and Amelia Carton had general charge of tho party and the card games, dance con- test and the disposing of various ar- ticles were directed by Joseph Mullin. Kelly & Company Ho was assisted on the card commit- AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT tee by John P. Brady, Gerald Warnc- ker and Donald Hlckey. 3 EAST FRONT ST., RED BANK, N. J. ^ • .»• • You'd never rescind . A vote for Jack Qulnn. —Advertisement (Paid for by Independent Committee.)

lortant I

The store of Clayton & Magee is temporarily closed on ac- count of damage caused by fire Monday night. Pledged to Reduce Taxation We will re-open on or about

DECEMBER lit VW»'fii,V t ftox Jl-» PledgedtoRaxitanBay Bridge

with a complete new stock of goods for the Holidays.

We wish to express our thanks to the RED BANK FIRE DEPARTMENT IMPARTIAL! for their very efficient work. Too much credit or praise cannot be accorded to them. CONSTRUCTIVE! WATCH THIS PAPER FOR FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS! CAPABLE! Clayton \&!Magee (PaH for'lr J. J. Qulnn Caiirp«l«iv-<>onK)~— 19 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J.

-r tRED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 30, after having been confined to theNaveslnk spent the week-end with Jane Wilkinson have been on an au- NEWS FROM MIDDLETOWN house a week with sickness. relatives at Trenton. tomobile trip to Troy, New York, and The Roberts farm trucking com- Mrs. Russell Mount of Plalnfleld Northampton, Massachusetts. At Are you in Financial Difficulties? pany has opened an office at Camp- spent Sunday with Mrs. Thomas Du- Troy they visited Hiss Lois Wilkin- THREE HAIXOWE'EN PABTIES M It'i money you need, let u« bell's Junction In the building form- mont of Naveslnk. son. "apply you. That'* out blul- TO BE HELD AT NAVESINK. erly rented by Caleb Luker. The siren at the old flrehouse at Lieut. Ernest Llttrell and his sons OUR RECORD. neu. Mrs. Earl Connor has returned to Naveslnk was moved to the new flre- have been on a trip to Detroit. Mission Studies for New Morunouth AHentown, Pennsylvania, after a stay house on Sunday. Mrs. Wilson L. Smith Is sojourning Dependable Fuel and Service We make loans to h»lp, peo- ' Baptist Church Begin Tonight— with her mother, Mrs. Harriet Leath- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Solllnger and at Hot Springs. Virginia. ple out ol all kind* ol trouble. Lilacs in Bloom at Port Monmouth er of Port Monmouth. family of Naveslnk spent Sunday at Mrs. Donald E. Lawes of Foxwood for 33 Years. Oar nyitem permit* you to —Whooping Cough and Measles. Arthur Glass and family have Bernardsvllle. Park entertained a bridge club last to pay ui back at your con- moved from Bolford to New York, Miss Ida Thompklns of Naveslnk "Wednesday night. venlence a little each month on A Hallowe'en party will be held to- They expect to return to Belford In was a visitor at White Plains Sat- Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Killean have your own endorsement with night at the Naveslnk flrehouse by the spring. urday. moved into their new home at Sllver- lawful rate ot Interest, gov- tho Epworth league of the Naresink John H. Wermert, Jr., of Belford erned by the laws of this Methodist church. Tho boy scouts ot Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wermert, vhite Gardens. COAL MIBS Mary Rose Wermert and John visited friends at JerBey City last State. Call, or write, and set Naveslnk -will hold a Hallowe'en week. acquainted with our method ot party at the parish house of AllMurphy of Belford Bpent Sunday at We all like Jack Quinn Trenton. Mrs. Frank Maxson of Naveslnk doing buslneia. Saints' church tomorrow night. The will leave Friday for a trip to Florida. And want him to win. first grade of tho Naveslnk public Mis3 Margaret Hoose, who Is em- —Advertisement. YOU GET THE ENTIRE Mrs. Fred Rader of Navesink was (Paid for by Independent Committee.) FUEL OIL school will hold a Hallowe'en mas- ployed at Kearny, spent Saturday a visitor at New York Saturday. AMOUNT buerado party tomorrow afternoon. and Sunday at her home at Belford. ] Miss Mildred Leonard Is tho teacher. William Keescham has had a fire- PUBLIC NOTICE. Loans from $50 to $300 place put in his house at Navesink. Notice Is hereby stven that the Commis- The first of a series of mission LITTLE SILVER^ NEWS. sioners of Anseiement of the Borough of There are no foes or deduction! studies for members of societies of The work was done by Frank Hower. lied Dank will meet at the Borough Hal] in COKE tho New Monmouth Baptist church Mr. and Mrs. James Scott of Nave- Taking Fart In Rodeo at New York— aald Borough on the 7th day of November. ' QUICK SERVICE. Hector Home From Southern Trip. 1129. at 7:30 P. M.. for tho nurpcuo ot will bo held tonight. The World sink spent Sunday wlh Mr. Scott's hearing pernons interested in tne asaeaq- ' Wide guild will meet at the homo ol brother, Henry Scott of Jersey City. (Tbs Red Bank fWttlster can be bought nwnta to ho made by them in the im- jits teacher, Mrs. J. Crawford Comp- Mr. and Mrs. Brill of Jersey City •acb ink m Llttlt Silver at the Union proment by pavlnti of Linden place. Hud- Monmouth ,, 1 were 'Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs, New* Stand at the depot and at George aon avenue and Mechanic street. I ton. The other societies -will meet Quackenbusb's general atore.') Fred D. Wikoff Co. A. E. SHINN. For having us handle that j at the church. The teachers are John Charles D. Brown of Belford. Oerk. Loan Company moving Job Is because our \ H. Be"nnett for tho men'B class, Mrs. Russell easier and Harry Roxey of Herbert Wlnn Is taking part in the Port Monmouth left today for an au- polo games at the rodeo this week at RED BANK N. J. 7 Broad Street, men aro experienced, caro- ; Harold Coddlngton for the women's NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT ', class, Mrs. George Acker for thetomobile trip to Virginia. the Madison Square Garden at New Estate oj Lucy B. Jackson, deceased. Bod Bonk New Jersey. ful and courteous and our j junior group and Rev. H. Pierce Charles Rutt, Sr., of Port Mon- York. Notice la hereby Riven that the account* OFFICE) 19 W. Front St. Tol. 2648. , of the subscriber, administrator of the «•- : rates aro rcasonnble. i Simpson for the .young people's group. mouth, who has been very sick with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Auer have gone tnt« of aald deceased, will be audited and Phona 662 License No. EOS. I Mrs. Thomas J. Casler "of"Toff pneumonia,; IsTecovorlmj; to"lHoTtda~foT the wlnterr — stated by tKe SurroK^Te~of~t!ie~ County of I Monmouth has a lilac bush in bloom Miss Edith Willse, a teacher at the Rev. W. W. Kennerly, rector of St. Monmauth and reported for settlement to Open Wed. Evo^J to 8 P. M. the Orjihani Court ot aald County, on YARDi Maple Are, * Bergen Placet Ofllco Hours 0 to 8; Sat U (o i: ! in her front yard. There was a large Naveslnk public school, Is boarding John's chapel, has returned from a Thursday, the fifth day of December, A. 125 Broad Street. j number of flowers on the bush with Mrs. Lester Sickles. trip to the South. D. 1929. at which time application will bo Phon. SB4 What National Banks have i last week. Some of them have dls- Miss Matilda Klernan of Brooklyn Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mader have made, for the allowance of commissions done for Big Business I appeared since that time. was a week-end guest of Mrs. George moved into their new house on Wil- and counsel fees. Dated October 17th. A. D. 1929. Monmouth Loan la doing for • I Whooping cough and measles aro Evans of Navesink. low drive. , MIT/TON D. JACKSON, "THE MAN WHO WORKS.' I prevalent at Navesink. Nearly half Mr. and Mrs. Royal Hawkins of Mrs. V. Parker Wilkinson and Miss 80 Atlantic Avenue, Matawan, N. J. of the children are out of school on account of these diseases. Mrs. Josephine Mills and hor daughter, Miss Grace MlllB, of Port Monmouth have returned from a visit •+»•+•••••••••:•••>•••+»+••••+•••+•••+•••••••+ at Staten Island. Mies Marian Scheenlock of Rldgefleld Park has been visiting Miss Mills. Mrs. Mills. Miss Mills and Benjamin and Walter Mills' will leave this week for an au- tomobile trip to Vermont and other New England states. They expect to be gone ten days to two weeks. NATHAN STRAUSS, Miss Muriel MaWhlnney, who at- tends normal school at Montclair, spent Saturday and Sunday with her LARGEST RETAIL BUTCHERS IN U. S. A. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ma- Whlnney of Navesink. Mr. and Mrs. MaWhinney rode in their car to GRAND ANNOUNCES THE GRAND Montclair with their daughter Sun- day night. At South Amboy some- thing went wrong with tho automo- bile and it was towed to Naveslnk OPENING OPENING by Donald D. Johnson. A Hallowe'en party and dance was Thursday Thursday hold at tho Port Monmouth school- GRAND OPENING house by the Port Monmouth firemen last Friday night for the benefit of October 31 -at- October John Downes. Everybody had a fine time at the festivities. Mr. Downes FREE SOUVENIRS 54 BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. J. FREE SOUVENIRS Is slowly Improving at RIvervlew hos- pital at ' Red Bank from Injuries MUSIC MUSIC which he received a few weeks ago of Their New Modern Up-to-Date Sanitary Pure Food Market. while answering a fire alarm. Harold Jones of Campbell's Junc- tion continues to Improve at River- view hospital at Red Bank, where he is under treatment for Injuries re- Don't Miss This Gala Event. Bargains Galore ceived In an accident. At first It was Not Only feared that It might be necessary to. amputate one of his feet, due to crushed bones, but.there Is no danger GRAND OPENING SPECIALS MEAT DEPARTMENT beautiful of this having to be done now. Mrs. Chester Hcndricks of Belford —but also durable, sani- and her new-born son Chester are C .«• I tary, economical. Isn't that now at tho homo of Mrs. Hendrlcks's ARMOUR'S the kind of finish you want parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cas- ler of Port Monmouth. The babe was (Whole or Half) ib. :: for your walls and ceilings? born at Riverview hospital at Red Bank. Both the mother and Infant Star HAMS 23 are In good health. A special service In celebration of Luthejf's Day will be held at the New Fresh-Killed Long Island' TOP or BOTTOM ROASTING LEGS and RUMPS Monmouth Baptist church Sunday night. There is no Lutheran church ROUND JERSEY MILKFED in Mlddletown township and a special Invitation has been extended to Luth- erans to attend the service. FOWL DUCKS This is a rich, flat finish that The Royal Ambassadors, a club of gives to walls and ceilings that boys and girls of the New Monmouth ROAST PORK VEAL Baptist church, held a Hallowe'en subtle air of quiet refinement. party Saturday afternoon. The prize It is washable, and is not for the best costume was awarded to affected by moisture, and will Lee Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Simpson of not rub off. Port Monmouth have returned from an automobile trip of two weeks in Lu-Co-Flat can be applied over Indiana and Kentucky. Mr. Simpson plaster, wood, metal, brick, in a s'ergeant of tho state troopers', burlap, wall paper, or any pre- police force. I viously varnished, painted or John McDermott has haa a sun I parlor made at his house at Camp- enameled surface. ton Park at Belford and he has had Let vs hAp you select the color to new plumbing fixtures put In. The harmonize u»irh your furnishings I work was done by -Frank Frisk of Knlford. The ladles' auxiliary of Independ- ent fire company of Belford will hold c «• a card party tomorrow night at the company's flrehouse. Mrs. Herman GENUINE Tarnow will be in charge of the LEGS OF party. SPRING Mrs. J. Crawford Compton, Mrs. L.AMO 32 Leo Cleveland and Miss Nan Helwig represented the New Monmouth Bap- Red Bnnlt, "S. J. tist church at tho Baptist state con GRAND OPENING SPECIALS FISH DEPARTMENT vention at Atlantic City Monday. The World Wide guild of the New NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Monmouth Baptist church will hold JMato of Millard'F. Cornwell, deceased. FRESH-CUT JUMBO Long Island Fresh-Caught FRESHCUT Notice is hereby KIVI:* that the nccnimts its annual Hallowe'en party tomor- of the subscriber, executor of the estate of row night. Prizes will be awarded pa ill deceased, will lie liurtiteri and stated for the best costumes. by the Surrogate of the Cuunty of Mon- mouth and repoitcd for settlement io the Donald D. Johnson will buy Orphans Court of ."aid County, on Thurs- wrecking car for his automobile re- Shrimps Flounders Mackerel Cod day, the fifth day of Dcrt'iiiber, A. I). Filet pair business at Naveslnk. He has ll)2y, nt which time application will be rondo for the allowance of com miss ion a had a large sign put up In front of STEAKS and counsel fee^. his garage. • Dated October 22, A. II. 1920. Evelyn Solllnger, daughter of Her- JOHN S. APPI.EGATE. bert Sollinger, and Eleanor Johnson, Hod Bnnk. N. J. daughter of Joseph Johnson, are on the sick list. Both girls live at Nave- 19 The "V" that's in Vim 18c T.3 in Votes for Quinn. slnk. —Advertisement. Miss Virginia Seibert of Navesink has resumed her position at Newark (Paid for by Independent Committee.) GRAND OPENING ECONOMY SPECIALS-GROCERY DEPT.-Save 25 QUART JAR BORDEN'S EVAP. BIRDS-EYE FAIRY 3 Milk 25c 5 lbs. Granulated k BOXES Olives 33c . TALL CANS 'Matches 3 SOAP 10« FANCY SUGAR ARM & HAMMER Mread FRESH brands the grocer My-T-Fine SHRIMP Washing Soda ROASTED A -f% Women with families to feed—women packaged loaf. For it 6hows 2 pkgsfor 15c wijh seven busy days every week—are knowledge and care on your cans 25c 2 boxes 15c Coffee 33°» ; learning |<> patronize the grocer who grocer's jtart ill picking your 25c sells Ohoy Bread. It'a a mark of rclia* innst important article of food. bility to handle this* If meals have been getting monotonous of late, buy u loaf or two of flavorful, nutritious Obny. Prepare it according to one of the recipes that appears in these ads. Serve it BUcedj ) NATHAN STRAUSS, too—and toasted. Yoji will ho amazed at the difference'bread! ' QTRFFT LARGEST RETAIL BUTCHERS IN U. S. A. Oboyican iuako in a uicul. TEL. RED BANK OO NEXT DOOR TO t Ohoy Milk loan: 6 iljcei bu tout—2 tftblcspoom ipoorw butter—2 cu JIRILLI, Make n white MUU mllk «nd •oti and pi read RED BANK, N. J. FREE SOUVENIRS WOOLWORTH RED BANK REGISTER. OCTOBER 80, 1929.

FAIB HAVEN NEWS. LONG BRANCH'S BIG FIRE. Hallowe'en Sociable Tomorrow—Re- All Standard ception for Pastor. OPEN LOSS OF f 100,000 IN EARLY MORN- (Tbt Bid Bank can b» bought * Brand •Mil WHk in th« itor* of Harry KurtU and ING BLAZE. at th« Gold Csdan. Fair Uavtn. 8ub« •orlbttt on set tbtlr papers at tb« poit- FROM Merchandise offlee WldD«id«7 aitaroooni it 1:80 Upper FloniTi of Two BuUdlnfB 'olDsk.) Big Owned by Howard Green Gutted at the and Lower Floors Flooded—Five A Hallowe'en sociable will be held 7 A.M. HE 70th Anni Firemen Hurt While at Work. tomorrow night in the basement of Lowest the Methodist church. Those with Tversury Sale Fire In two buildings on Broadway rainy day bags have been requested TO Retail at Long Branch owned by Howard to turn them In at tho Bodable. Re- brings many decided VV. Green caused damage of $100,000 freshment* will be served. Remodeling Prices in early Monday morning. Most of the A reception was held last night at the State. reductions in meat loss Is covered In Insurance. The the Methodist church for Rev. Harrv_ 9 P. M. flrst floor of one building 1» occupied J. Bright, who was recently#eap- prices. An oppor. by the Jersey central power and light polnted pastor. -.' -<,•"' company and the first floor of the New officers elected by tfio Metho- tunity for you to othsr building is occupied by Bull dist ladles' aid society are Mrs. Eliz- SALE Bruno's drug store and the K. & S. abeth Fea,rsall president, Mrs. Lewis test economically, outfitting company. On the eeeond Smith and Mrs. Arthur Baker vice floor of the building occupied by the presidents, Mrs. Roland Fennlmore ' the quality of merch« light company Mr. Green had insur- secretary and Mrs. Frank Snyder ance offices and other offices were oo- treasurer. Mrs. Lydla Taylor and Mrs andise at the A&P oupled by Milton A. Bennett, William Josephine DeWolf are chairman of h. Edwards, Judge Jacob Stalnbach, the supper committee. Meat Markets. Jr., and Charles F. Sexton, lawyers, The Methodist church will hold Its and tha Prudential lnturanco com- first'roll >caU next Wednesday. Ses- pany. The Red Men's hall was on HONEST ABE sions will be held In the afternoon the third coor. Offices In the other an! nlglib, and a supper will be SPECIALS! building were not occupied. The fire served between sessions. broke out on tho eccond floor of the Mrs. Kdwln R. Conover entertained THE WORKINGMAN'S FRIEND building occupied by the druy Btore, a number of friends at a bridge Pork Loins, £ or whole 27c lb. The upper floors of the buildings party last week. - were burned and the first floors were The Methodist ladles' aid society 25 WesEVERYTHINt FrontG StreeFOR THtE MAatN thANDe BOBuY s Stop flooded by water. Five firemen were cleared $80 at a rummage sale last Boneless Pot Roast 39c lb. Bllghtly injured in the flve-hmjr bat- WGOlC. tle with the flames. The firemen left Mrs. Matilda Parker Is visiting her Long Island Ducks , 29c lb. at 4:45 and two hours latqr, were bister, Miss Mario Doughty. called again when, flames broke out A cement driveway is being laid on This Sale is extended to all our Friends of Red Bank and surrounding vicin- in the roof. At nine o'clock the flro Carl Behwenker'a property on River Chucks or Short Fore- broke out for the third time In Red road. Men's hall. Among the heaviest losers Hereafter the Communion services ity. No Dealers can he sold as this is strictly a Sale for the Consumer. This wore the Jersey Central company, at the Chapel of tho Holy Com- quarters of Lamb 21c lb. Milton A. Bennett, who lost most of munion on the first Sunday of each Sale is not being run in any of our other Stores. Come early and get your his law library, and tho K. & 8. out- month will be held 'at nine o'clock In fitting company, ..dealers in women's the morning instead of eight o'clock. ! clothing. The loss to the drug store first pick and avoid the crowds. We cannot list all our Merchandise on this was slight as practically all the goods Jay J. Thomas of New York, pub- Smoked Hams, popular brands ....29c It. were in glass cases,' licity director for W. L. Strlbllng, page so come down to see us and it will surely be worth your while. (WHOLE) heavyweight contender, was a week- x end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Davis Broilers, 2 to t /z lbs. 45c ft. Hicks, Mr. Thomas Is editor of the HONEST ABE. HAZLET NEWS. # Self Defense magazine, a boxing pub- Fryers, 2% to 3% lbs 42c 16. lication. • He ha3 exploited some of / Firemen to Attend Parade at Tren- the world's famous beauties, Includ- Loin Lamb Chops .49c ft. ton on Saturday. ing Dorothy Knapp, Dorothy Brit- Gunners, Attention ! MEN'S We carry a large line df Rubbers, Boots, Rain- Hazlet fire company will attend a ton, Barbara Lake, Marjorio Beebe Shoulder Slices of Veal 35c ft. parddo at Trenton on Saturday. and Dolly Arney. Mr. and Mrs. Hicks We carry a full line oi Silk Socks Men's and Boys' Leather coats and Slickers, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Pensyl and are entertaining Miss Louise Rad- Mercerized Xoe and Heel. Blade Rib Roast ...35c ft. Mr. and Mrs. William Pensyl of cllffe of Miami, Florida, for two Men's Hunting Coats, Coats and Jackets in Arctics, Felt Boots in Bangor, Pa., spent last Sunday with weeks. Regular 35c. standard makes and at Taylor's Pork Roll 49c ft. Mrs. John Brown.. Mrs. Howard Morris has been on Slicker lined. the best obtainable Ball Kverett Slmonson of Rlveredge la the sick list the past week. Prices that cannot be du- Fre«h Calas 22c ft. visiting his mother,, Mrs. Harry S. 19c Band, Gold Seal, Good* Miss Betty Clecland has taken a plicated. The Jackets Corned Plate or Navel 1 17c ft. Cowles. secretarial position at New York. $3.95 year, United States, Mrs. Frank P. Sproul has been laid An all afternoon and evening meet- and Coats are made of up with an Injured kneo. Ing of the ladles' guild will be held Roots Tivoli Underwear Pure Pork Sausage Meat or Links 39c ft. Mrs. Hattle Thome of Certtervllle today at the parish housa on Church AIA WOOI. genuine cow and horse-" Snag Proof and spent Friday with her daughter, Mrs. street. The meeting Is scheduled to Fine Winter Shirts or Drawers. Prices Effective November 1st and 2d. Samuel H. Walling. begin at ono o'clock this afternoon. Windbreakers Regular $2.23. hide, they are wool and Firestone. " The Cardinal garden club met at There will be a recess for supper. the home ol Angelo M. 'Webster on Mrs. Nelson DeVoe, Sr., of South 100% Wool—W.50 Value. sheepskin lined. Also 46 MONMOUTH STREET, Thursday evening In charge of Qarry River, has been visiting her daugh- $1.85 We have Exclusive A. Miles, county club agent. ter, Mrs. William Martin. Mrs. Mar- Chamois Jackets. RED BANK, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Welgand, Miss tin was a South River visitor last $2.95 Grace H. Welgand, Miss Sybillah Os- week. MEN'S HEAVY BIBBED Agency for Gold Seal THE GREAT born, Daniel S. WelganjJ; Mr. and Alford Boyce and family of Grant- All our Shoes are guar- Mrs. Ernest E. Peseux and sons Mal- wood spent Sunday at their bunga- MEN'S HEAVY ' Union Suits colm, Ernest and Donald motored to low here. They enjoyed a dinner at anteed to give satisfac- Rubbers & Boots ATLANTIC & PACIFIC Brooklyn on Sunday and vlslUd Mrs. the Players' boat club, of which or- Jersey Gloves tion or we will make Margaret L. Wilson. ganlzatlon^Mr. Boyce is a member. Regular $1.25 MEN'S HEAVY WOOL TEA CO. The fire company will hold a mas- Tho trip here was made by auto and Regular 25c. good. EASTERN DIVISION querade dance in the flrehouse to- Mr. and <" Mrs. Boyce were accom- morrow night. panied fcy several friends, who ex- Flannel Shirts John H. Bahrenburg has purchased pressed their admlralon o£ the scen- 95c MEN'S BETTER GRADE a new Ford delivery car. ery on tho river. 15c Sizes U to 20- All Colors. Monmouth County Syrrogate'i Office. hereby glvon to the creditor* of attd de This Is tho Home Special Shirt. fti the matter of tho estate of John J- ceased to exhibit to the subscriber, ad- In llpe you march In MEN'S HEAVY RIBBED Sheep Skin Coats Schlckling, deceased. ministrator as afore laid, their debts and Tour ship may come In • MEN'S HEAVY Full Out JJotlcu to creditors to present claim* demands affainit the said estate, under If you vote for Qulnn. To vote for Jack Qulnn. Sizes 38 to 48. Reeular $8.50. against estate. oath, within a\x months from the dote of —Advertisement. —Advertisement. Shirts & Drawers Purnuont to the order of Joseph L, Don- the aforoiald order, or tbty will b« forever (Paid for by Independent Commlttie.) (Paid for by Independent Committee.) Cotton Socks fchay, Surrounto of tho County of Jlon- burred of their actions therefor agalnit The Famous "Mayo" Brand. mouth, ma'lo an tho fifteenth tiny of Oc- the said subscriber. The Register's advertising columns Regular 20c. $5.95 $1.95 tober. 1D2D, on tho application of Kenneth Dated Freehold, N. J., Octdber IS, 1020. The Register's motto: "A Paper in are the merchants' show wlndowB. Regular, 85c. II. McQueen, administrator of the estate ,, KENNETH H. McQUEEK, Every Home."—Advertisement. —Advertisement. of John J. Schieklinfr, deconscd, notice is Rod Bank. N. J. ai 69c 9c P BOYS' LEATHERETTE Composition Sole. AH Solid Leather MEN'S Men's Heavy Fleece Lumber Jackets MEN'S Work Shoes Regular $0.00 . Lined Union Suits Famous Sundial make. Lisle Socks Regular 95c. O or % pairs for $4.45 13 25 69c $1.99 «p MEN'S HEAVY 100% WOOLt Men's Horns Special Men's Heavy Fleece Lined OCTINQ DON'T Union Suits Lumber Jackets Flannel Shirts Regular $1.85 Regular $4.93 FORGET $3.89 All Sizes and Colon. THE NEW $1.39 95c THE BOYS' HEAVY RIBBED BOYS' Union Suits All Wool Suits White NAME Age 6 to 18. Many Patterns to choose from. Handkerchiefs 'Regular 60c. Tweeds and Worsteds. Regular 10c.

49c $4,95 —3c •••'•

MEN'S PART WOOIi MEN'S XVL. WOOL Men's Better Grade Union Suits Sample Overcoats Qveralb o This Is n Hne Dress Underwear. All Colors. Regular $1.36 All Colors. $8.95 Regular $1.13 RADIO N 95c 89c MEN'S MOCCASIN MEN'S HOME SPECIAL E Work Shirts Work Shoes Composition Sole. HONEST ABE, in the All Sizes. All Colon. Regular $3.50 Now ready for you to see-«nd hearl S 89c THE WORKINGMAN'S new Edison LighH>Ma!k, tho latest and finest achievement $2.79 FRIEND ON WEST jnradBo. This namelous new set h years ahead of its time. It MEN'S MEN'S ELK-SIUN bridges space and brings In distant stations you never heard be- T Dress Oxfords Hi-Top Shoes FRONT STREET, fore. DramaBc UghH>Matic Tuning-new-startling-on Edison Endlcott-.lohiisoii, 10 inch. Jn^nHon-^nnounces the capture df your favorite stations with $2.79 JUST OFF BROAD. a flash of light Come m and play the new Edison-see these | ' BOYS' FINE $4.95 beautiful cabtoelvone model of which is priced as low as $167.50. A And remember, it bears the greatest name in science. Easy terms Corduroy Pants BOYS' You will be well paid Regular $1.28 to suit your convenience.''.'.' B School Shoes for an extra few steps. 95c Endloott-Jnhnson and Sundlul makes. E The Three BOB! Brand Overall* $1.95 • on thu Murliet 25 W. Front 25 WEST FRONT Headlight, Sweet-Orr, Lee Hi-Top Shoes Street, Ideal Radio Shop STREET, White, Bluo nnd Striked Junipers Endlcott-Johnson make. Phone: 168 Monmouth Street. $2-95 and $3-95 Red Bank 2206 Red Bank. > RED BANK, N.J. $1.89 RED BANK Keaniburg Atlantic Highlands RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 80 A MURDER AT BELMAR. PRIZE WINNEBS. ABMY PIGEONS WEN FBEEES. "THBB1FS NO PLACE LIKE HOME" Card Party Hold Last Week at Fair Theodora and Bobert afwttn Taken Fort Monmouth Birds Captured SILVERS Haven Parish House. . to Bed Ink Hospital. Awards at New York Show. WOMAN STABS TO DEATH HER \ WHITE DIAMOND Whom bnllt or re-modeled by v A card party was held Friday night Theodore Martin, jK, and Robert The Signal Corps pigeon section of HUSBAND'S ASSAILANT. at the Episcopal "parish house at Fair Martin of Lltt!» Silver were hurt Fort Monmouth carried off practical- Mrs. George Kuglar Fatally Wounds Haven by the ladlea' guild. Prises Sunday when a motorcycle on which ly all tho prizes at tho International Carhart Construction Co., Inc. WUIluin Studeman, Who Bad At- were won by George Sickles. Harold they were riding hit on automobile Homing Pigeon • convention held re- tacked Her Husband—Trouble S. Allen, Mrs.*BtanIey Fielder, Mrs. driven by John R. McDonough of cently at the Pennsylvania hotel at MAYONNAISE BUILDERS Newark. Th» accident ocourred on New Tork. Out of 28 prizes the Fort Started Over Boy's Kemark. W. H. Chandler, Mra. J. E. Balnes, A sandwich embodied 27 Oarfleld A venae, Miss Ariadna Little, Andrew Ege- the Rutnaoa road, near Branch ave- Monmouth birds brought home ,21 M Mechanic Street William Studeman, forty, of West nue. The two machines came to- cups, statues and medals. "Major with Atlantto Highland*. N. J. lond, Mrs. Harry Allaire, Mrs. Tony Bed Bank, N. J. Belmar was stabbed to death Mon- Hunting and Mrs. Benjamin Phyor. gether when Mr. McDonough turned General Qeorge S. Glbbs," a younj White Phone for estimates. day night by Mrs. Margaret Kuglar The place was attractively decorated into a driveway just aa the motor- bird bred at Fort Monmouth, won tho of Belmar during a fight between in keeping with Hallowe'en. The com' cycle waa about to pass the car. international grand championship Diamond Bed Bank ittSS Atlantic! Highlands 210 Studeman and Mrs. Kuglar's lius- mlttee in charge of the party con- Theodore Martin was operating the cup. He also won the cup for the best band, George Kuglar. Accordlng to sisted of.Miss Mary Emma Hendrlck- motorcycle and his brother was rid young bird in the show. Mayonnaise police the trouble started Monday af- eon, Miss Elizabeth, Scowcroft, Miss Ing on a ba* k teat. Both were thrown Prizes captured by the Fort Mon- Imparts a smack that Is most ternoon when Eaymond Kuglar, ten- Grace Sickles and Mrs. John Minton. off. Theodore suffered a broken col- mouth birds Included two champion- delightfully pleasing and appe- year-old aon of the Kuglars, rhad larbone. Robert was cut on the back ship trophies, two gold medals, thir- tizing, called Studeman a name which In- FOB THE AGED. and two ribs were fractured. Both teen Bllver medals and four sllvei sulted him. Studeman Is said to have were taken to thf Rivervlew hospital. pigeon statues. In addition to the It Is Clean—Dellcloui and waited for Kuglar to return home Ttaton Falls Folks Do Their Bit to Several stitches were taken to close prlio winning bird mentioned above, Wholesome. from work to speak to him about the Make Old Folks Happy. the cut on Robert's back. Fred Zle- oner winners were "Lady Monmouth' Made FROM the OEST meVanBlerck JuniorIncident. glar. chief of police of Little Silver, and "Navealnk." About 1,200 birds It was dark when Kuglar reached An autumnal service was held at made an Investigation, but no ar- from the United States, Canada, Eng- Accepted AS the UEST home and aa he approached his house tho Tinton Falls Methodist church rests were made. land, France and Belgium competed. A four-cylinder four-cycle portable he was attacked by Studeman, who last Wednesday night and donations At the show, B. R. Rleger, a Now struck him with an axe handle. The were made for the home for the aged Hit By an Automobile. York artist, presented a bronze J. S. Silvers & Bro. Compaoy blow knocked Kuglar down and he at Ocean Grove. The church waa at- Mrs. Ira Crouse of Shrewsbury was plaque to Thomas Ross, army pigeon Inboard Marine Motor. warded off another blow by raising tractivo with flowers and colored expert at Fort Monmouth. The plaque Sols Hanufacrurora leaves. Many donations of Jellies, walking across West Front Btreet, his hand. Mrs. Kuglar saw the en- near Broad street, Sunday when she was especially cast for this event. counter and rushed out with a boy canned fruit and other food were re- HIGHTSTOWN, N. J. Costs no more than a large outboard motor ceived. A collection of $6.12 was made was hit by an automobile driven by scout knife with which she stabbed E. McLean of Rumson. She suffered A kick on the shin Studeman in the breast. Studeman for tho home. An entertainment was and half as much to operate. i given. Those who took part were a scalp wound and was taken to the Wont help Qulnn to win. was rushed to the Spring Lake hos- Riverview hospital, -%here two —Advertisement If you have sell, or, if you want to buy pital in the Belmar ambulance, but Miss Gladys Springsteen, Miss Gussio (Paid for by Independent Committee.) See this motor at our factory. Ludwlg and Alida, Elizabeth and stitches were taken to close the cut. ho died before reaching there. Mrs. Afterward she was taken home. anything, you will find The Register's Want Column Kuglar was arrested and after Frank Schultz. An address was made gtoadverUaalaTh-Re^er' the quickest and cheapest way of filling your want. questioning t>y police until after mid- by Isaac B. Burfjosa of Eatontown. night she broke down and said she stabbed Studeman to protect her hus- Engagement Announced. band. Studeman was the Bon of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William Adamelt of Wllhelmlna Studeman and was un- tho Newman Springs road have an- Van Blerck Motors, Inc. married. nounced the engagement of their daughter Thelma to Joseph Feeney Back From California. of Shrewsbury. No date has been set RED BANK, N. J. John L. Daly of Long Branch has for the wedding. Just returned from a business trip If you think he's a skin Works: Fair Haven. Phone Red Bank 1208. from the Pacific coast. While in Cal- Then dont vote for Qulnn. ifornia ho visited his brother-in-law, Tusting's •—Advertisement Dick Little, formerly of Red Bank. (Paid for by Independent Committee.) RADIO The Music Stores of the Coast RADIO ASBURY PARK -:- RED BANK 1 . ^ ... • Demand Quality The Place to Buy Musical Merchandise is in a Musical Store Whatever or Wherever You Buy Radio Sets a completely new standard MARKET of radio PERFORMANCE 21 West Front St., Red Bank, N. J. ICTOR-RADIO is revolutionary: new in principle, new in design, new in results. It's all you had hoped Is themost reliable market in town. Everything (guaranteed a radio could be! Hear it! See what the micro-synchronous feature means in sensitive, precise reception. Pat your own finger on the amazing one-motion station-selector. Swift's Premium PRIME Armour's Star listen to the only radio tone the world's great artists approve 1 Products. RE-45: The greatest musical instrument of all time! ,N RIB ROAST Products. You can have Victor-Radio separately ... or Victor-Radio with Electrola: all the music of the world, from air or records, with the actual realism of Premium Hams ....(. 16. Star Hams tb. the personal performance. Nothing approaches tb"- the instrument ,vou WHOuehs WHOLE ">• 34c •will eventually own.#c ' _. , • . '*<• Premium Frankfurters ID. Star Bacon **»« f»mi Sensational in price. LEGS Ji-IJB. PACKAGE 19' Only unlimited Victor resources and production skill could make theso Cloverbloom Butter A/Jc low prices possible. Victor craftsmanship throughout. Dollar-for-dollar Bropkfield Butter tb. value never before approached.. Come to Victor headquarters for the SPRING LAMB thrill of your life. Don't wait 1' Brookfield Eggs tb. Ib 6—8-LB. SIZE Star Sliced Ham .....ft. OQc Premium Bacon tb. Print Lard ft. -g ff 1-Ifl. CARTON—SLICED. 31c c OUR OWN ! PureM d Good Try It—You'll Like It. Down p*s Tteiov- Sausage ^ 34c In •jaati bone NONPAREIL COFFEE Bushmills lb 35C -^KOWI ' Victor tjnalilr tfcMMfjb- HOLLAND HUMt MADE Dozen

Tfctar-Ra4Io console R-w. VIclor-TUdlo-Ilfctroln RC-U. Xxelsriie new modernized clr- Tb« moders, complete muiictl Butter 21b Roll 98c Instrument. Reproduces botlt Schneider's JeUy $1 so rait; unique Kmlllrlty iHj. Hiwlf developed broadcast and recorded mu»l9 czeltuive Victor eleetro-dr- electrically. List price «27I nalc tpttitr. Utt juice tlis idlotro Fancy Poultry! Top or Bottom Fresh Pork! Uu BuUotroiu. FRESH ROUND ROAST Frying Chicken tb. QJc Fresh Hams ft. WHOLE OR HALF Victor-ludlo ,it luia B-tl. lb CUtslcal design ol finest wal- FRESH nut veneera. Inlaid door psneb of butt walnut. Blend- - 34c ed beautuul InUh. HIS Uu Fancy 3-tb .Fowl tb. Fresh Cali Hams ...... Lib. Rdl -fl Qc Features s FBESH Short Steak or Round Bone Pork Chops Stewing Chickens ft. 9Q* ^pUatesqmilitrfcfToice ot lustra- to mit the fpecfU •eoulictl, SIRLOIN STEAK properties of «af room. CENTER CUT i,Mi in «U iu lito*ko tatira TBESH lb A-f Roasting Chickens ft. Pork Loin Ton apt the Marion you' 4-IJJ. SIZE 39c 27" •^Wr-^^m-iMuj, •;-0T^-5^ho^"ihe~eitirO ft TteaiiiaafatgneirtiiipnueJVTetow J a _^ il^-ji 1^. •'mtiaicalacalc -.-*»->5'. Radio Eleetrola. RepradtKes both MILK FED brtudcaal and recorded nnisiowjlb „ Vfctor-of sadqne •ouitMtr ami W iDterchiMMHe, acceMiblesuble.. All incrediblenewbriUianeeaiidpeweri » - acientifio lilemOf dnpikMes tho Shoulder Veal »> 24c Breast or Neck Veal » 19c Dedonaawce. lb Philadelphia Scrapple I4c Boiled Ham !/4 »> 17c 14 Monmouth St. Pigs' Feet Beef Liver Loin •W 'Are." Fresh Sodus Felin's Park Red Bank Neck Fresh Lamb Calves' Strictly Tustings Pot Strip Ribs Chops Fresh Liver Cheese Bacon « Egg« Stores Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings 39 "25° dozen 7 X'A or Whole) Guaranteed. OCTOBE'R 80,1929.

his niece, Olive-Scudder White. The HENRY G. SCUPPER'S WILL wltnesies to the will were H. W. Hartman of Keyport and Robert B. Wilson of Red Bank. HOLMDEL TOWNSHIP MAN LEFT Mrs. Nell Flader of Red Bank, af- American , A LABGE ESTATE. ter providing for the payment of all debt* and funeral expenses, be- queathed all the rest of her estate to Fund of $40,000 Left to HI* Hoiu* her husband, Max H. Flader, and keeper—Mrs. NeU JFlader of Bed mads him the executor of.the will, Bank Leave* Estate to Hiuband— which was made April 26th, 1027. Other Wills Frobktod. Rosa Varetsky and Harold McDer- 3 BROAD ST., RED BANK N. J. Henry O. Scudder of Holmdel, who mott of Freehold were the witnesses 'died recently, made hla will October to .the will. 3d of tbli year. He left a tern «»• William J. Kurtla of Fair Haven tata. Mr. Scudder appoints J t)|i made his will last May and named Always the Best Meat at Lowest Prices I niece, Olive Scudder White of Hunt- tho Second national bank of Red Ing ton, Long, Iiland, and AliUmBoik- Ban* "aa^«xecutar. MrrKurtis be- man of Red Bank, to be executors of queathe"-•d' |200 each ...for th. e support hi! will and the trustee* ot a fund of and education of two nieces and a UEGS LOIN M0,0Q0. Mr. Scudder bequeathed f 200 nephew, these being 'Catherine Kur- to the First Presbyterian church of tle, Ruth Kurtls and Donald Kurtls, Huntlngton, Long Island, the lacoirie and $100 was bequeathed to Bobble from which 1B to keep In neat and Nicholson. The sum of (100 each LAMB Lamb Chops sightly condition the Scudder burial was left to Mrs. Frank Pfluegcl and WE'RE READY plot, He created a fund of 140,000 Mrs. William Mahoney of Erie, Penn- which In to be Invested and the ntt sylvania, and J200 was left to Mrs. income of this fund Is to be paid to Mamie Kurtla of Eric-, To W\ C: hla housekeeper, Frances A. Hare], In Knight of Fair Haven was left all of to show you the 1930 33c 39c «>• quarterly payments during her life- Mr. Kurtls'a "roosters," which were time. At her death this sum of 140,000 used In his theatrical act known ai Jb Is to go to his nephew, Harry B. "BUlle Knight's Rooster Act," with Scudder, and to his niece, Olive Soud- all trunks, paraphernalia, copyrights, i Prime Ribs Beef • 36c - der White, In equal shares. Olive eto., of this act. Mrs. Alvln Parker •#? Scudder White Is also to get two of Fair Haven wan bequeathed $4,000 O'CO ATS acres of meadow land at Hunting- and Jane Smith of Fair Haven was FRESH PORK ton, Long Island. The sum of $100 left $100.. All the rest of his estate was given . to his nephew, Hewlltt wan bequeathed to hln brother, Fred Scudder, son of his brother, Hewlltt A. Ifrjrtls of Erie. The witnesses to AND vfhftt a fine stock—never better, Scudder. This brother is to have the the will were Sarah Portner and Use of the buildings and land owned Theodore J. Labrecque, ^^ never »o all embracing, never such HAMS LOINS by Henry G. Scuddor In San Diego, Charles LeSassler of Atlantic High- wonderful values. And what, apprecia- California, as long as he lives and » lands made hla will two years ago. hU death this property !• to go to Ho left all his property to his wife, tion will be voiced in making selection 25c ib his niece, Nellie Bcudder Welli, Elizabeth Ingraham Rowan LcSas- 29c daughter of Mr. Scudder's brother eler, and she is the executrix. frorn one extensive group at a feature Hewlltt To his nephew, Harry R. Mary Yahn of East Kcansburg be- Scudder, is bequeathed all the real es- queathed $100 each to her go^-chlld, price of tate' owned by Mr. Soudder In Texas]. Marie Gruely; and the same aum to Roasting Chickens 37c The residue of the estate Is to be Marie Benson and Herman Yahn. To divided equally between Mr. Scud- her brothar>ln-law and his wife, Wil- IMMIWI der'B nephew, Harry H. Scudder, and liam Yahn and, Carrie Yahn, ,£he be- queathed. $450 each, All her wearing apparel and Jewelry was also left to 40 Carrie Yahn. The rest of her prop- erty sho ordered divided Into five equal part3, one part to go to each of five nlece3, these being Catherine OTHERS $22.50 TO $100.00 Holler, Mlnnb Benson, Marie Benson, Selected by the voters of the Republican Party of OtlUla Llnsky end Lucille Strucnlng Lelcht. William Yahn is the execu- No matter what style all pattern!, with wool- Monmouth County in the June Primary, the following tor of t'.io will miJ Huward W. Rob- you desire, you'll find ens from tho finest Eur- erts u:id Louia Ohliv.ann were the it here. Ulsters, Utater- opean and American soa^. The will was made Sep- ettes, Raglans, Ches- looms. It's a treat to candidates are to be voted upon at the Election. Tues- :' utli of thin year, ob L. Plttc:i£cr of Freehold, In terfields, Tubulars, etc., come to this store. day, November 5th: which .ho made December 15th, In plain colon and In IKS b:(i'.u:.t:i=d S100 to Maplcwood cemetery of lJYcuholcl, tho Income from which la to 1)3 used in caring What The Freehold Trans- .for .Uia.c3r.i2to:-y plot. All hlBfurni- turd, Jfc'.vjlry, etc., v/sa bequeathed to cript, Independent Demo .his v/Ifo, Mari.-.nna £i. Pittengor. The crat.Says of the Monmouth remainder c.f hi:i oct?.te was ordered Invested and tho lncoms paid quar- County Election: E. RONALD STERNER, for State Senator, a terly toll!:: \vl£? as long as she should live, v/ich tho provloa that if tho ln- P. T. JIANKIME conscientious and observant legislator, qual- como was not oufUclont to support THE COMING ified by service to the people of his county her in comfort as much of tho prin- It Is not the function of a news- plpal of tho estate aa might be nec- 67 BROAD STREET, RED BANK. paper to tejl people how they should essary for this purpose should be vote, but one of Its functions Is to In- and state in'the House of Assembly. used. At his wife's death the income form Its readers concerning candi- from the estate is to be divided equal- One Flight Up-IT PAYS TO CLIMB. dates and parties asking for their suffrage. Four officials having to do ly between his two daughters,' Mar- directly with county business and lon L. Plttengcr and Dorothy P. Plt- For Your Convenience—Open Wednesday and Saturday Nights. three others having to do with mak- tenger, until Dorothy should arrive at ing the laws at Trenton ara to be tho age of thirty years, when the elected next month. JOSEPH McDERMOTT, for County Clerk, a principal of the estate is to be di- For State Senator the Republicans, vided equally between them. Garret after a lively canvass, nominated Mr, Business Man for a Business Office with a A. Denlae of Freehold was appointed Sterner. His record in the Assembly executor of the estate. The witnesses has been one of efficient and satis- factory service. He la capable of fill- record of administration to the people of to tne will were Andrew J. Conover ing the higher office to which he as- and Ira D. Balrd. pires, and we believe that' he would Monmouth which cannot be attacked. do so with credit. His opponent, Mr. Mary Emma Tlernan of Morgan- Qulnn, appeals to tho voters on the vllle appointed Thomas Costeilo ex- score that his years of experience In ecutor and trustee of her estate with the Prosecutor 0 ofHco fit him to of- the direction to use the income from fer legislation calculated to improve the estate for the benefit of Mrs. and facilitate criminal practice. This Is possible, but his conduct of the Tlernan's daughter, Lillian Tlernan, Prosecutor's office, to say tfce least, WILLIAM R. O'BRIEN, for Sheriff, for 21 years until she should reach the age of 21 has been slack and Inefficient, and years, at which time the estate Is while drawing a good fat salary, such Chief Clerk of the Sheriff's Office and thus to be turned over to this daughter. work as has Been done has been left The will was made three years «so largely to underlings to perform. He qualified by experienced ability for promo- and . the witnesses were Jacob R. has given his office very little per- FISHING ICB YACHTING sonal attention and has not earned Lefferts and Celeste K. Wenzel. AVIATION further promotion. tion to the office of Sheriff. Mrs. Annie E. Cook of Howell town- For County Clerk the voter* have ship made her will nine yeara ago. oholoe between Mr. Johnson, the She bequeathed all her property to resent Sheriff, and Mr. McDermott, her husband, John T. Cook, for his Sie present Clerk. Mr. Johnson es- use as long as he lived or until he ro- says to step from one county office, maxrled; and after his death or re- with a good Salary and a three-year marriage the estate Is to go to their PROGRESS term, to another office with an equal- BORDEN A. JEFFREY fend HARRY G. BOR- ly good Balary and a five-year term. son, Delbert F. Cook. This son is the This very evident willingness on the DEN, for Members of the Chosen Board of executor of the will. The witnesses part of Mr. Johnson to stay In public were Andrew J. Conover and Ella A. Red Bank's superior facilities as a business nnd residential city are office rathor blunts the Democratic Conover of Freehold. rapidly bringing to this community the type of Improvements which are argument that his opponent has held •• Freeholders. Two public officials who have Mrs. Mary E. Rogers of Bradley Its natural heritage. the Job too long. The business of the TENNIS County Clerk's office under Mr. Mc- Beach made her will last August. She GOLF . 'seWed the taxpayers andjaided in the pro- bequeathed $100 to Christ church Dermott has been continuously well Within a short time, Tlie First Methodist Church of Bed Bank will conducted; tho prospect of another cemetery at South Amboy for the live yeara can bo viewed with jgr'ess of Monmouth County in the resort, bay perpetual care of her cemetery plot erect a beautiful and Impressive building on Broad Street. equanimity by the' people of Mon- ;and farm sections. Her household goods were divided mouth county. among her son, John Larkln of Fords, The Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, Red Bank Lodge No. 238, In their nominee for Sheriff the Re- New Jersey, Grace Hiltbrunner of will erect on the corner of Broad Street and Hncknoy Koucl. a new publicans have a man of wide exper- Wayside and Elizabeth Barkalow of home, embodying every feature to be found In a modern fraternal organ- ience In the business of the office. He Bradley Beach. All the rest of the ization. I • . i has had pretty much all of the work of the Sheriff's office to do for a num- estate was bequeathed to John t*ar- ber ot ^eais. yitaH, KB& An tfl tot he to Vln MJD. Grace Hlltlofunner. Eliza- asking for a continuation of the job beth Barkalow and Harold B. Snyder The H. L. Zobel Building. Broad Street and Harding Bond, n splendid ^ M. GOPSJLL, for Member of *he As- example of a modern automobllo display room—us flnn as any in tho with an Increased salary. This office of Avon are tho executors. The wit- POLO Is a very Important one. Tho Sheriff sembly, qualified by his record to continue nesses were Walter J. Rllcy and Mil- state—Is already completed and will soon be open to tho public. has much to do with the selection of dred Benson. grand and petit Juries and upon these juries the efficient administra- representation in the House of Assembly. Amos H. Cook of Asbury Park tion of tllo courts and the enforce-, made his will last May, with A, Bank and Office Building—on Red Bank's most mont of the criminal law greatly de- Frank Bennett, Jr., and Frdnk E. prominent corner, Broad Street and Monmouth Street, lends. Recent grand and petit Bennett as witnesses. Mr. Cook left urles have left much to be desired to his mother, Cornelia 8. Cook, his the ;n the manner in which they have entire stock of dolls and supplies. handled liquor, gambling, and sim- ilar Infractions of the law. The next FRANK DURAND.for Member of the Assembly, She is also to receive the Income County Judge and Proseoutor will from his house on Munroo avenue MERCHANTS COMPANY both be Republicans. The Sheriff an able and capable executive of Sea Girt at Asbury Park. All the rest of his should also bo a Republican In order estate was left to his son, Philip D. will erect a bank and office building in which the that thero can bo no divided respon- Cook, and he is to receive the. Mun- HUNTING sibility, In which case, if there Is no • who will prove an efficient colleague of Mr. roe avenuo house and lot at his Improvement In tho conduct of the Merchants Trust Company will be located, arid which MOTOR BOATING criminal business of the county the'™ Gopsill. ; mother's death. Rev. Martin L. Fer- can be no question as to which party rio waa named as executor. will give to the Red Bank community office and bank- Is responsible. We can easily imagine John E. Llonakls of Spring Lake grand and petit Juries drawn that made his will a year ago. He left ing facilities with metropolitan standards. would cause the slot machine and other gamblers, as well as bootleg- his house furnishings and Jewels to gors in high as well as In low places, his wife and all the rest of his es- The Merchants group of men have nhvays expressed n groat faith In to take notice of the wrath to come. tate ho bequeathed to hla son.Eman- Bed Bank and its future. They huvo pledged their entire energies and . The two candidates for tho Board THOMAS R. HARDY, F. LEON HARRIS and uel John Llonakis. Mr. Llonakls'* resources to givlnj; the peoplo of Monmoiith County every facility of » of Chosen Freeholders, Messrs. Bor- brother, Styllanoa E. Llonakls of modern bank, following In tho footsteps of tho largest, nnist progressive, den and Jeffrey, have also served Crete, Greece, is tho executor. years upon the board and have the CHARLES P. WEST, for Coroners; repre- and successful metropolitan bunks. details of the county business well Susan C. Roach of New York, who In hand. And Mr. Oopslll, who offers sentative Business Men of their Communi- owned property In Monmouth coun- himself again for the Assembly, has ty, left all her eatato to her daugh- RIDING YACHTING baok of him years of experience In .ties. ter, A. Elizabeth Shepherd, and the Assembly. On tho scoro of ex- named her as executrix. perience in the offices to which they aspire the Republican candidates Susan Behn of Brooklyn, who also mako by far tho. bettor showing. ' eft sorne real estate In Monmouth county, appointed tier husband, Fred- MERCHANTS TRUST COMPANY erick W. Beltn,: her executor and be- queathed to him all of her property. BROAD STREET, RED BANK Charles R. Enyder and Howard W. FOR THE PROGRESS AND BETTERMENT Roberts witnessed the will. OFFICTJJS All soldiers, fall In! KENNETH H. McQUEEN, Prealdoiit"/. OF MONMOUTH COUNTY Right face! Vote for Qulnn.. HENRY CAMPBELL, Chairman of the Board —Advertisement. • JA3. D. OTTERSON, JR., Vice PreB. and Tjreas. EDGAH NT. McCLEES, Vico-Pres.' and Secretary Paid for by Independent Commttte*.) ARCHIBALD L. MILyiR - Vice-President J. lDRNtiST OLIVER, - Assistant Secrotary VOTE THE UHIEC'TOKS I Fix Clocks Archibald L. Miller John J. Qulnn Paul Oschwald Henry Campbell Jacob Yanko Warren H. Smock Krnnk 13. Price, . ii. H. Garrison Fifty ytiri' axparltace and lh« best 1 Ray H. StillnVftn. Clinrlea R. Englloh I'Mn'rlc Holbroolt •qtup^td clock r*p«Ir thop In th* .county. O. Haro !!! Ncvluo James D. Otterson, Jr. Fred W. Robinson Arthur C. Steinbacli Albert W. Wordtn REPUBLICAN TICKET F. F. COLEMAN Kenneth H. McQueen John Glblon Jcsao Wlnot IB Rector Place, Red B.nk, N. t. P»ld for by the Monmouth County Republican Executive Committee. Pbon. 3011 "The Bank That Banks on Red Bank" The Register's motto: "A Paper Jn Ivory Homo."—Advertisement Page Twenty-Eight RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 30, 1929. 'BIG HALLOWE'EN PARTY. *****************'********************************* MISS HOBERTA MTKNIGHT EN- THE FOREST FARM "A Man You Know" V • J. TEHTAINISD MONDAY NIGHT. The Gathering Was In Her Father's Automobile Showroom on Eaft Announcement I WILLIAM KANE Front Street—Prizes Won by Mar- FOR tin Becker and Marguerite Cole. Middletown Freehold Bos 78, Phone TOUT. MISB Roberta McKnlfrht', daughter Special InvltaUona were nnt to the candidates to succeed them- R, r. D. b. Phono Jll-F-fl. of Thomas H. McKnight at East ! Front Btreet, had a Hallowe'en party selves for township road supervisor and' conunltteemen, Messrs. offers i Monday night at Mr. McKnight'a Thomas B. Day, Carl Grosslnger and Edward Moriord. to speak COUNTY CLERK Studebaker showroom. Forty guests 1000 bushels of cabbage @ $ .75 per bushel ! were present and games and dancing at a Mass Meeting beld under auaploea ef AQddletown Township wore the pastimes most enjoyefl, Miss /Taxpayers' Protective Association last Friday evening at I*on- 800 bushels of carrots @$ .75 per bushel ! McKnight Is a student in the'ninth ' grade of the Red Bank high BOhool ardo High School. These gentlemen were conspicuous by their 760 bushel* of1 squash ...... ,...@ $ .75 per bushel jiSlinost of the guests were her absence. The Association has been wondering why. Was It that classmates. i I The showrooms "were decorated they were afraid or ashamed to face the Issue or their opponents 750 bushels of pumpkins ...@ $ .75 per bushel with streamers, the color scheme be- who did appear? iftgr orange and black. Cornstalks and 500 bushels of sweet potatoes @ , . • I various Hallowe'en trimmings were I arranged about the rooms. Music for If these absentees desire to express their views before election. $ .50, $1.00 and $2.00 fcer bushel j dancing was supplied by a radio. If they will notify the committee, arrangements will be made to i Prizes were won by Martin Becker accommodate them. i ' and Marguerite Cole. Refreshments ALSO PRICES ON C0RN,,HAY, RYE AND ; of punch, cake, Ice cream, candy and fruit' were enjoyed. STRAW ON REQUEST. £>ther guests were. Mr. ami Mrs. RICHARD F. LOCKWOOD, Leonardo. Richard A. O'Connor and sou Rich- ard, Mr. and Mrs. •William McKnight, Jr., Mrs. Thomas McKnight and chil- Chairman. MUMIWIIIMIHIHUHWIIII dren Madeline, Margaret, Vera and Loroy. Misses Anna Bottagaro, Eliza- beth Wdley, Editl* Head, Evelyn Brower, Anna Belchek, Janice Simon, (Paid for by Mlddletown Township Taxpayers' Protective Also,)] Ruth Mack, Betty Minton, Alice Marie Smith, Adeline Olsen, Miriam KJitzer, \fearj GcSodrlch, Dorothy ********************************************^it*** Curchln and John Stpye, Irving Rich- USED CAR SPECIALS roath, John and Charles Scheldt, Eugene Magee, Theodore Rose, AT AN James Leddy, Amory Osborne, George Worthley, Chester Farrar, Harold AUTOMOBILE OWNERS! Smith, Amily Jacubecy, William EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICE. Sweel, James Thacker, Joseph Eschel- Clip this Reply Coupon and mall without delay, to one of bach, Vernon Little, Henry Buchanon Monmouth County's largest Insurance agencies—specialising and Henry Conway. In Insurance only! ONE WEEK RETURN PRIVILEGE. 1829 Six cylinder Chevrolet Sedan, BAPTISTS RAISE $4,850. E. R. SNYDER & CO. low mileage, appearance like new. Phone: $475.00 HARRY N. 95-07 FIRST AVE. 1928 Graham-Paige S Fas*. Sedan In This Virtually Wipes Out the j*TnANTIC HIGHLANDS, N. 3. Atlantic Highlands 900: fine condition. Church's Floating Debt. tSENTLEMBN: $475.00 The Red Bank Baptists virtually 1928 Essex Super Six Sedan, a good JOHNSON wiped out an indebtedness of $5,000 Realizing the'need of Publlo Liability and Property buy for the money. $390.00 as the result of contributions made Damage Automobile Insurance to most satisfactorily estab- at the services Sunday morning and lish my financial responsibility under the new N. J. Motor evening. Morning contributions were Vehicle Financial Responsibility Law effective Nov. 15th, 8779 and evening contributions were 1929, please inform me, without obligation, how most eco- FRANK VAN SYCKLE He Meets the Test $2,619, making a total of $3,498. Col- •nomlcally to obtain it. I own autos, or trucks. lections on the other three Sundays There are , drivers using them. ' 149 West Front Street, Red Bank, N. J. of October brought^the total amount J. H. BURNS, Manager. contributed to $4,850. Car No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. t Qualifications: Pledges: The church conducted a campaign during October with the slogan of Make Law School Graduate. Full Time Personal Attention- "Every member accounted for." Last Name Monmouth Counljr SjUrrofatVa Office. tho creditors of said deceased to exhibit Year to the subscriber, executrix us afore- 20 Years in Real Estate. Economic Administration. Sunday was banner day, directed by In the matter of tho estate of Cora Kraft, said, their debts and demands against George W. Bray. At the roll call in deceased, - tho sa\d estate, under oath, within •!« Sheriff 3 Years. Prompt and Accurate Service. the morning 182 members responded Model Notice to creditors to present claims months from the dato of the aforesaid or- Address •gainst estate. der, or they will ba forever barred of their to their namos, and in the evening Pursuant to the order of Joseph L. Don- actions ' therefor agalngt tho Raid aub-. 160 responded, Next Sunday an ef- ahay, Surrogate of the County of Mon- scribcr. fort will be made to reach the mem- Phone No. mouth* made on the first day of October, Will Be County Clerk in Person 1929, on the application of Helen F. Kraft Dated Freehold, N. J., October 1. 1020. bers who have not responded thus ^rake. executrix of the estate of Cora HELEN F. KPAFT FBAKB, far. A list of those responding will be [caft, deceased, notice li hereby given, to 119 Pincknoy Road, Red Bimlc, N. J. All Day Every Day. posted, .as well as tnose falling to re- spbnd. The advisory board will meet at four.o'clock in the afternoon to check up the results. A communion Paid for by Harry N. Johnson Committee. sendee will be held Sunday morning at eleven o'clock. The pastor, Rev. Edward W. Mil- ler, has expressed appreciation of the work done by board members and of tho generosity of the contributors. "We have the greatest church in the State of New Jersey," he said in com- 1rnentln? on- '.he result fkst Sunday. We're Ready Rev. and Mrs. Miller aro expected to return home today from Atlantic City, wherp they are representing the When You Are 1 church at the Baptist church conven- tion. Mr. Hunter. AMERICAN LEGION MEETING. Two New Members Received at Meet- Our Guns and Ammunition are of Ing of Bed Bank Post. Joseph T. Reynolds and William F. the best makes. For instance, all the Henry were received Monday night as. new members of Shrewsbury post leading makes of guns such as L. C. oiT the American legion of Red Bank. Arrangements were made for the Smith, Fox, Lefever, Parker, Browning, post and its fife and drum corps to parade at Burlington on' Saturday, November 9th. Cecil MacCloud and Ithaca, Savage, Winchester Pump and Felix Santangelo will arrange trans- portation. Remington Automatic guns are to be found Alpnzo Getty reported that the post cleared $472.29 by selling refresh- here. We are selling them at lower prices ments at a hooth at the Gold Cup re- sntto last summer. than ever before. They are guaranteed for a Mrs. Otmar Phillips and Ralph Smith -were appointed members of a sick and relief committee. The sick lifetime. fund was started with $100. The committee/will co-operate with a slm- ilai) committee acting for the ladies' We Have Good Guns All the Way From auxiliary of the post: U to ATTEND ASBURY PARK PARTY. Mrs. Addle Walling Won Trlze at 85,9a P 8800.00 Shepherds Masquerade Sociable. A delegation of Red Bank, Shep- i' ' ,.?:..• herds of Bethlehem attended a mas- We carry ue - ptferade sociable held at Asbury Park SHFL.L.S— s lf: famous makes as Super X, Peter's High j Monday night by.the Shepherds-lodge ol that place. Mrs. Charles Bennett Velocity, Arrow Express, Nitro Club, Winchester and j of Red Bank is deputy supremo com- Climax Shells. We also carry a'full line of Hunters' Clothing, High Top | mandcr of tho Asbury Park lodge. I Mrs. Addle Walling of the Red Bank TRIMMER Shoes, Rubber Boots, well in fact, anything you need for life in the open. i lodge won a costume prize. Other Red Bank lodge members who at- tended the party Monday night were Mrs. Betty Warron, Mrs. Annie Wall- man, Mrs. Mary Bryant, Miss Georg- etto Walling, Charles Bennett, Jr., HUNTING SEASON OPENS . and Joseph Smith. The Long Branch Shepherds arc \ having a masquerade sociable to- Monday Morning, November llth. night, and a sociable will bo held by j the Red Bank lodge next Thursday .75 - I night. Here You Have Style and Quality ISO "At a Price" 'I'HJiSE coats are so rich So be prepared for the first day of gunning with the TWO BArTIST r ARTIES. * brondcloth, and em- Hallowe'en Festivities Tonight—Log HATS body the newest silhouettes SILK DRESSES • i • proper equipment. You can do this by visiting this store I Cabin Party Tomorrow. ' ff and tho newest Ideas In Fall : A Hallowe'en party will bo held at Formerly Sold from chic! Flared and straight] as WE SPECIALIZE IN EQUIPMENT FOR HUNTERS. • the Red Bank Bapti3t church tonight line model s luxuriously for the benefit of Troop No. 23 of $3.50 to $5.00; trimmed with fluttering fun. | boy scouts. Russell Tetley Is scout- $7.70 Most of Monmouth County's Best Hunters Buy Their : master. On Sale now Those coats have been re- UNDREDS qf smart dresses give this selection a variety of duced from regular stock. The Baptist 'young people's union H sty is'that will certainly please you. Dresses for afternoon, Equipment at This Stores Why Not You? , will hold a party tomorrow night at street'and school wear In Ugh quality Bilks. Prices formerly from $25.00 i William Matthews's log cabin near hip-lines, pleats, flares, tiers and uneven hemlines make to 888.00. ' -,. Colt's Neck. The members of the t'.ls group BO exceptionally attractive. Novel button and buckle union will gather at the church at '.rims are also prominent; , ' . . • $1.37 half-past seven o'clock .and automo- SIZES biles will be provided to take thorn Beautiful felt*, fine quality to Colt's Neck. These Dresses formerly sold as high as $15.00. soleU, all with distinctive FOR WOMEN. MISSES. Sizes for Women and Misses. trimming toucho9> >. AND JUNIOHS Svvnrtz Confirmed. LEON KISLIN Lester Richmond Swartz, son of Samuel Swartz of Hudson avenue, was confirmed at the Congregation (Next to Hunting Theatre) B'nal Israel on Riverside avenue Sat- urday by Rabbi Nathan Within. j> 13 East Front St., / Recj Bank, N. J. reception was held in the socipl rooms of the synagogue after the cer- Stanly Style Shops emony. Phone 2088. "Open Evenings till 10:30. Phone 2088. ' , A Republican "Whim Not paid for by Quinn. Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. < —Advertisement iFalcJ fjr by Independent Committee) RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 30,1929. Page Twenty-Nine' .1 LKONABDO'S NEW CLXJB. LITTLE SILVER'S BUSINESS. A HOUSEWARMING PARTY. GOT DAMAGES OF $1,000. —FOR— , Gunning, Fishing Mid Other Sport* The Mayor and Council Held a Meet- It Wa» Given Friday Night for Mrs. Ernest Nord.'n'g Infant Daughter Enjoyed by the Club Members. Ing Last Wednesday Night Fred Swanson of Long Branch. Was Hit by a Truck. Tire Service Hyman Bros. 1 The Monmouth County Gun and Four bids for garbage collections Mrs. Frank Ayrea and Mrs. Amory Suit was brought last week by TELEPHONE 2112 Hod club Is the name of Leonardo's at Little Sliver, ranging from $2,080 P. Osborn of Red Bank gave a house- Ernest Norclin of Little Silver againat 72 Broad Street, Introducing Electrolux latest sporting organization. T. to '$4,800, wero opened last Wednes- warming party Friday night for Mis. Eleazer Becker of Red Bank, aa tho Red Bank, N. J. Chaplin Beet la president and Wal- day night. The mayor and council Fred Swanaon of Long Branch. result of an accident about o. year Our Service Car is ter Schoellner Is field manager. The deferred action on awarding the con- Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. ago when Mr. Nordin'a Infant daugh- The Homo of trusteed are Harry Stevenson, Sir. tract. The bidders, In tho order of Ezra Osborn, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace ter Vera was struck and knocked The ^improved method of housecleaning. Schoellner and Mr. Beet. The first tho lowness of their bids were W11.J B. Bankln, Mr. and Mrs. Howard down by a truck owned by Mr. Beck- always ready. HAMILTON practice shooting took place oh Bat liam Schr'amm, David King, Josenli Rogers, Mrs. George Twlford, Mrs. er. Damngea of 31,000 were awarded This machine not only' cleans everything in the urday and Sunday on the former Stavola and the Jlonmouth motor to Mr. Kordin, who was represented haulnge company. John Carbart, Mrs. E. H. Earling, by Fischer & Crowell. Mr. Becker Steam Vulcanizing and lighthouse groonds at Leonardo, Miss Essie Carhart, Miss Peggy Ran- house thoroughly, it purifies the air at the same which Is owned by the Leonardo civic Only one bid was received for con- did not contest the eult and lie had Interests association , kin, Mr. Swanson, Amory Osborn and no lawyer. Before the suit ho of- structing a building In which to store sons, Amory and Donald, and Carl J. Walloon and Truck ELGIN • time. . | On Saturday night the members of road apparatus and other implements. fered to settle for $1,000,. but for the club held a rnock rial, with Henry Dietz. legal reasons it was necessary to tVy Because of lack of competition It was Mrs. Swanson was formerly Miss Van Daalan as defendant, Joseph decided to readvertise for bide. the case/ Tires in Stock. Your dust cloth and mop can be eliminated !§ West as judge, Patrick Mason as Dorothy Dleti, daughter of Carl J. WATCHES Bills to the amount of 5600 were Dietz of Red Bank. Mr». SwanBon prosecutor, Irving W. Teople as de- paid. HALLOWE'EN PAHTrES. entirely? - Unlike most ^machines the- bag is con- {•fensa{ . counsel and Bert Sullivan as received many presents. court attendant. Other members of Two to bn _Held by Pupils of St COMPENSATION FOR INJURIES. A Small Deposit will cealed in a steel chamoer making it 100% dust- $ tho club acted as jurymen. The fes- SCOUT COMMISSIONER SIOK. Jumes's School. tivities were kept up until a late. hour. John Hansen Damages of $2,000 Awarded to George The annual Hullowe'un party of hold any article in this proof. | The next meeting of the club will be Five Staten I»land Scoutmasters Visit held Monday night, November 4th, at Hoycr of Bclford. St. James's hij,»h school will be held 42 West Front Street, at Lincroft tonight at tho school auditorium. store for Xmas. the clubhouse of the Civic Interests About a year ago George Hcyer of Demonstrations cheerfully given in your |;j association. Anyone wishing to join Prizes will be awarded for the funni- RED BANK. N. J. Belford, while driving an automobile Five assistant scoutmasters of est, prettiest and most original.cos- the club should apply to Harry Stov- near Mlddletown village, was run Into Staten Island visited F. H. Horton home without any obligations whatsoever. | nnson, P. O. Box 78, Leonardo. tumes. A gold wntch will Be disposed by an automobile driven by Justus E. Billard of Lincroft la«t week. Mr. of'on tho co-operative jilan. Elgenrauch of Elizabeth, who la aBillard is one of the Staten Island JEWELfRS scout commissioners and he has been St. James's grammar achool will i LEG BROKEN IN ACCIDENT. brother of Henry Elgenrauch of have a. party tomorrow afternoon. Chapel Hill. Mr. Heyer redelved a Berlously sick several weeks. Ho is WATCH MAKERS (1 Respectfully, ^ now able to be about his home. The Games will be played and prizes will John C. Anderson, Jr., Hurt When fractured rib, a broken shoulder and be awarded. CLOCK MAKERS Motorcycle and Auto Crashed. internal Injuries. ,Ho started a suit Staten Island scouts were Denycr against Mr, Elgenrauch, and the case Jackson, John Pekurl, James Malle, ENGRAVERS John C. Anderson, Jr., of Mon- Albert Beggs and Fred Newmann. A Coming Wedding. mouth street, is In the Rlvervlew hos- was trlftd before JudgR Lawrence and John Lauden, a former resident of pital with Injuries received when a a jury yesterday. DamagcH of $2,000 Belford, announced the engagement Other Store: motorcycle he was rldfng collided were awarded to Mr. Hcyer, who was of his niece, Miss Helen Domke of 703 COOKMAN AVENUE, represented by Quinn, Parsons and Supper ;at New Monmouth. GEORGE BALDWIN with an automobile Monday night at About 400 persons were served at Elizabeth, to Emory Williams, of ASBURY PARIS. N. J. Doremus. tho corner of River road and Lexing- the annual' dinner of the New Mon-Hazleton, Pa. t hniiiiiimii ton, avenue at Fair Haven. Mr. An- mouth Baptist church last Thursday /EXCLUSIVE AGENT. derson was going east on River road Off for the West Indies. night The gross proceeds amounted and tho automobile, driven by Elmer William R. Blllard of Lincroft, a to more than $425. Many donations •irb**>t ******* O. Gordy of Belmar, was coming out lieutenant In the United States navy, of fooll and cash -were made. Tho Phone Eatontown 186. of Lexington avenue. The motorcycle sailed Saturday on the steamship various departments of the supper 8 got caught In the front part of the machine and was dragged a number Macabl of the United Fruit lines for were in charge of Mrs. William Mor- of feet. Anderson's right leg was the West 'Indies. He will be gone ford, Mrs. George Acker, and Mrs. J. about six weeks. C. Runyon. Skxg<«»^>x<»>>x?iih your old •!•• $ Sizesl 2 3t records, therefore, you can bnild tip n credit with us that Same with Zip Leggings. 4.95 ' ' Fresh Roasting win pay for a new selection of Victor Records of your $ Set choice without the expenditure of a penny on your part. 8.95 Leggings to match $2.49 Hats to match $1.49 arid $1.95 Chickens All Wool "Worumbo" 4 lbs. Each lb. Smooth finish Chinchilla. Brushed Wool and XBE ONLY CONDITIONS ARE THESEi $6o9S t0 $8.95 Knitted Sets Shoulders X, JU1 tqoariB retnrned must beVictar Records. Sizes 2 to 8. All colors. 2. All records must be unbroken. ( V Hats to Match. and up FRESH 0 3. A "*»rds must be defaced by a large X Genuine "Germania" LAMB u, 22 scratched across the label! A TIMELY SAVING ! THAT'S ALL I i Chinchilla Coats—all colors. 3-Pc. Suede Sets PRICES PREVAIL OCT. 31st, NOV. 1st, 2nd. exmlnt Ditndmromoldreeordi! Chome TOUT trmiUnew ranifcom $ Sizes21 08 •or hu«> «ook, Kid lake home—FBEEI-n now mock of farllBant VIebM ^to WtaYUl HdioQecte* f 9.95 - Leggings, Hat, Jacket. I Hats to Match. $4 4K the Set. WAGNER MARKET CC. T^W Ml colors. | All Wool Brother and 7 Broad St. Red Bank. 2B Bay Ave, Highland*. 3-Pc. Wetproof Suede Seta 23 Monmoutli St, Red Batik. 204 Broadway, Long Branch, | Sister Suits 38D Momnoutb St, Red Bank. 603 Broadway, Long Branch. Not only waterproof, but wetproof. II First Avo, At Highlands. 150 Mnln St. Asbury Turk. ! $1.87 theSfil Campbell'" Junction, Bclford. *7.95 • All colors and combinations. Also genuine "Zip-On" Sets in stock. Sizes 2 to 6. •* Tus ting's • Berets to match. E"Z "Union Suits Monmouth County Surrogate'* Office, hereby Riven to the credltom" of said de- In the matter ol the estate of William J. ceased to exhibit to thu suhinrlbor. execu- "Carter's" Underwear for Children. Kur.i-t, dcconseii, '-".•• tor as aforesaid, their debt* and ilemnmla 16 Monmouth St. Red Bank Notice to creditors to proiont claims ntfttliflt the mild entotc, under oath/ with In Complete selection always carried in KKuinut •Btnte't HIK months from tho date of tho nforcHaid \ Pursuant to the order of Joseph L, Don- order, or they will bo forever barred of 85c iitiuy, Surrosnlo of tho County of Mon- ttieir nut Ions therefor BUR ins t the ool'l stock of this famous silk-and-wool ifiuut)], rrmde an the twenty-fifth day subscriber. ' • ot October", 1020, on tho application of Dntml Freehold. N. J.. October 2B. 1020, Underwear for children. All Sizes and Styles, Th* Second Nntfonn) Dunk nnrl Trust Com- THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK AND puny of" FteJ Brink, executor of the e&t&te 'IttUST COMPANY OP Ufcn BANK, of William & KurUa, Ueceiaod, notice U JEUd Bonk, N. J, :. ..;...... • *. . • ; > A- Page Thirty RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 30, 1929. TEACHERS' BASKETBALL TEAS! 1 Ifred Ktlly, Margwot fuller, Dorothy I.b- OFF F6R FLORIDA. HORSESHOE CHALLENGE. era on Monday flight. Tho scores pinoott, Barbsra Ooode, Marjorla Orooma, RED BANK ELEVEN WINS. ST JAMES SQUAD LOSE were: 3 GIRLS' SOCCER TOURNEY. Klliatnth Clark. Phyllis MacKay, Alice lied Bonk Champions Beady to Meet Miss Katharine Morse •• Captain of BROAD STREET DANK. Hoss, Florence Chandlsr, Margaret Eble, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Bloltoslco Will All Comers In Sunday Games. River Street School Aggregation. Hall ...,..,..., 165 103 108 GAMES PLAYED AMONG SENIOIt Dorothy Curchln. Mary flaston. Patricia Spend tho Winter Thmo. HIGH SCHOOL DOWNS 1ONG THEY HAVE N6T SCORED A Hochovsky, Edna Jordan, draco Getty. Dor- Eugene Wenzell and George Chand- The women teachers of tho River 165 141 145 Mr: and Mrs. Harry Blakcaieo of BRANCH 13 TO 0. POINT SO FAIt THIS SEASON. 1G3 223 HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES. othy Grand, Marjorle Eaitmond. Berths ler, Red Bank's champion horseshoe street school have organized a has Foulke, Margaret Hall, Ellmbeth C.ule, Red Bank loft yesterday for thulr ketball team and a practice game 132 tossers, have issued a challenge to Whitney 163 140 117 Senior*, Juniors and Sophmocea Vic- Marlon Hlellng, KilubeUl Zlcglar, Jaanatte I winter home at Daytona Beach, Flor- Eed and Gray Gridiron Worrjoro Reg- A Heavy and Experienced South Am- will be played this afternoon on the Truawell, Patricia Gopilll, Sidle Warnekor. ida. A farewell dinner was given for ister Third Consecutive Victory meet any team for the county cham- 201 186 torious—Goals Kicked by MUdred pionship. Wehzoll and Chandler won boy Eleven Ran Houghshod Over school court. The team would like Deborah Buchanan.' '}'./ them last week by Mr. nnd Mrs. Wal- Over Long Branch—Two Touch- the Red Bank Boys Friday in Con- Scheldt, Marion Harm, Ma^a to book games with any other aggre- —'•• Freshmen—FlonnW MacDonald captain, ter D. Fields of Colt's Nook. Mr. and downs Mode by Jack Strode. the championship cup at New Mon- Haokstaff and Marjorlo Grooms. moutb last summer. They will meet test Saturated With Fumbles. gation of women teachers hereabouts. . WASHERS. Jean Stevens, Vivian Llnbarger, Olca Mrs. Arohlbald Rutherford bf Red Red Bank high school's gridiron Miss Katharine Morse, center of the 13t> 144 107 For .the past few daya a girls' aoc- Sehwenker, Hilda 'Proctor, Anna Belcheck, Bank were also guesta at tho dinner. warriors tucked away another victory cny team accepting their challengo in The football battle Friday after- Anna Dottagsro. Elizabeth WIdley, Doris Sunday morning or Sunday afternoon team, has been elected captain. The Whalcn 123 cer tournament has been In progress They will leavo later to spend tho Saturday when they defeated Long noon between St. James high school Villara 132 104 Eurleh, Betty Meglll. Mildred Swift. Mar- games on tho municipal dock prop'- and St. Mary's high school of South team colors are black and blue. among the classes of the Red Bank guerite Cole, Dorothy Sm(th Dorothy winter at Daytona Beach. Mrs. Ruth- Branch high school by a score of 13 147 "160 108 senior high school. The seniors de- r erford and Mra. Blakesleo are alstora erty at the foot of Wharf avenue. Amboy at Hunter's field was a com- Other players are Mrs. Reba Miller Hartncr ..... A 11 r, Pemble, Loulie Meyer, Buelta ^Taylor. Hope to 0. The whole story Is not told in 134 174 feated* the freshmen by a score of 2 Derlow, Marguerite Eaan, June Johnson, and they are cousins of Mrs, Fields. the score, for although Red Bank out- Regulation shoes are specified and edy of errors. The South Amboy and Misses Dorothy Metzgar, Sarah 102 123 143 the distance is to be 27 feet. Lipack, Elsie Waugh, Helen Immcn to 0, the goals.being made by Mil-Adeline Nelson, Roberta MeKnlnht, Ruth played Long Branch in every stage eleven waa superior in weight and ex- Mack, Clare Savey, Pearl Ooodrldge, perience and their linesmen held Red and Virginia Tllton. Miss Waugh is 735 731 78Sdred Scheldt. The juniors won from This ad though for Qulnn of the gamo the latter put up a cour- tl\o freshmen by a score of 1 to 0 and The Senior and Sophomore team of ageous fight and kept the Red Bank Bank scoreless, whilo the St. Mary's also business manager and coach. The standing of tho teams at the Isn't paid for by him. from tho sophomores by the same Red Bank high school playod a score- —Advertisement. - ' boys pn their toes throughout the backs countered eighteen points by end of the third week is as follows: less tie Monday afternoon. An extra SUNDAY FOOTBALL GAME. touchdowns. Friday's conteat was the score. Marlon Harm kicked the goal (Paid for by Independent Committee.) contest. New Gun Club Member. O L A IIS in the former game and Margaret period was played, but neither side third garne""played this season by Red Sttrrnund Eisner Co 0 0 852 Hackstaff made the goal. The sopho- scored. L. The tallies came in the second and LONG BRANCH HOLY NAME Bank and as yet they have.not scored Joseph Havens is a new member Butchers a/td Grocers , ... 9 0 846 last periods. Jack Strode, the Red a point. of Sunrise rod and gun club of Red Clothiers &, Insurance ..7 2 814 mores conquered the freshmen 1 to 0. and Gray speedy halfback, made both CLUB DEFEATED 7 TO 6. Red Bank made several more first Bank. The club will dispose of a Postofflce G 3 828 Marjorle Grooms scored the goal. A SCHOOL CLUBS. Best Place Telephone Company .... 6 3 817 touchdowns. Ernest Hartman kicked downs than their opponents, but they turkey on the co-operative plan on scoreless tin was played between the Jersey Central Power .... 6 S 793 seniors and the sophomores. Miss The 7B Clan Has Playhouse, Poetry —in— tho point after the second fccore. In Wally Keys Smashed His Opponents lacked the necessary punch to score. Thanksgiving eve. ~ 716 the opinion of those who have been lino fur tho Touchdown nnd His Automobile Men . ...VV.. 6 8' Ruth Leddy, supervisor of physical and Reading Clubs. Their onlyythrcat waa in the last per- Second National Bank ..5 4 training among the girls, Is in charge Monmouth County following the Red Bank team Strode Brother Plunged Through For tho tinted Street Bank .,... 4 5 770 iod when -a'long pass'from Gill to BOWLING. of the tournament. Three clubs have been formed 13 a strong contender for an all-state Winning Point. Kennedy waa perfected and Red Blue Comet .A ... 3 6 787 among pupils-of the 7B class ot the to Buy a Good position. Bank had the ball in the shadow of Commercial Chauffeurs .. 1 8 790 The members of tho soccer equada junior high school building on Branch Sterling Keyes's plunge through Eisner Company and Butchers and Prudential Insurance Co. 1 8 726 The same.j|as fast and rough, and right ta&&]e for tfea extra point-'after M^fir opponents' goal post. They lost are as follows; avenue. They are the Playshop, penalties worn frequent and heavy on Grocers Are Tied for First Place. Washers 0 9 631 his brother Wally had smashed the ball ori downs after being pen- 656 Senior—Mildred Scheldt captain, Marlon Poetry and Reading clubs. The both Eides. Costly fumbles were made ,f Mailmen 0 9 USED CAR through his opponents' lino for aalized for two incomplete passes and Tho Autdmen won three games Mftlr, Geraldlne Bmith, Louise Cleary. Ruth Playshop club will write plays, the * by both elevens. Long Branch kicked the ball was in South Amboy's pos- Individual averages of ten highest play- Jeffrey, Gadya Russell, Vivian Layton, touchdown ,early in the first period from the Prudential last night. ers: Poetry club will collect poems and off and Marascio received the ball on gave Herb Hunter's pigskin war- session at the end of the game. ftracs Fartrlck, Carolina Erb. Jessln Frost, write verso and the Reading club will his own forty-yard line. He fumbled The scores were: G A S IIS Marlon Diets. Eleanor Mulvihlll. Vivian R. L. SAXE" riors a 7 to 0 victory over the Long The punting of Gill, tho playing of AUTOMEN. 'i'uttle 187 D5 make book reviews and suggest good and Long Branch recovered. The root Roseberry, Mildred Nolan, Charlotte Pettl- Branch Holy Name athletic club Sun- Tanner in the backflold and the ef- Word 16CK 175 137Coles 184 grew, Vivian Sears, Virginia Chasey, Ber- books. HUDSON & ESSEX DEALER of' the quarter was one of midfleld Anderson .. 218 186 Hoffman 181 day afternoon at Hunter's field. The fective work of Danny Calandrlello nlc« Soule. Madeline McKnleht, Pearl Blch- The officers of the Playsbop elub (Next to City Haiti play. The second quarter began with gome was the second played this sea- in recovering fumbles wore outstand- Layton 144 Monzzopane- 180 irdson, Marie Vanderhoef, Anna Sevrard. are Howard Golf president, Newton 1 Pentermann 170 Long Branch punting to Hed Bank. ing., Tho Red Bank line was consid- 1S5 17 yard3 for off side. .>, list this year with $175,995. A dozen nhay. Surrosato of the County of Mon- A basketball team representing the y;irds for too much time for n play. Red owners in al! have passed the $100,000 mouth, mndo on the twenty-fifth t liny Pioneer club nf Colt's Nock played a l'.nnk—15 yards for holding, 5 yards for mark so far this season. of October, 10211, on the application of nlT side. William Ynbn, executor of the cstnto of 16 to 16 tie game with a Jcrseyville Clll Mnry Ynhn, deceased, notice is horeby giv- quintet Thursday night at the Colt's l en to the cradltorti of emiil do conned to ex- Keck public school. Three extra ses- SOLDIERS DEFEATED. A LOG CABIN PARTY. 31 3 to 3 /z-\b. Average hibit to tho subscriber, executor RH nfore- futid, their debts and dcmnndH against the sions were played, but the teams said ostnte. under oath, within six months were still deadlocked at the end ofFort Hancock Eleven Lost to High- Fancnkes and Sausage Comprised the from tho date of tho nf ores aid order, or that time. Thursday night's panic lands Team Sunday. Bill of Fare. they ivlH bo forever burred of their actions waa the first of a Five-game series be- therefor nualnst tho naid «ub«rrlher. The Highlands football team de- Mr. and Mrs. William Matthews of Dated Freehold, N. J., October 21!, 1929. tween the teams for a trophy offered Keyport entertained some of their ,WIMJAM YAHN. by Walter J. Graham of Red Bank. feated Fort Hancock Sunday after- noon, at Sandy Hook by a score of 6friends ono night last week at a pan- Fresh-Killed Fresh Cala _Port Moiiinnuth, N. J. The score way 14 to 14 when the to 0. Weiss paved the way for thecake and sausage supper at their log elb Monmouth County Surrogate'* Office, game ended and during the extra lone touchdown in the first period cabin near Colt's Neck. The guests In tho mntter of tho catnta of Emil 3, sessions bo* h teams pocketed Held Krusc, deceased. with a thirty-yard run. The quarter were Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hendrick- 29 JERSEY HAMS Notice to creditors to present claims goals, Connver, Colt's Nock's cen- 19* ended with tho ball on tho Eoldicrs' aon of Port Monmouth, Mr. and Mrs. nKainnt estate. ter, and GoKIcn, a forward, did most one-yard line. Hess then took the Daniel Hendrlckson III of Keyport Pursuant to the order of Joseph L, Dan- of the scoring for thnir team. The nhay. Surrogate of tho County ot Mon- ball over for a touchdown. Tho Fort and Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Fields mouth, made on the first dny of October. defensive work of Rilry was out-Hancock team began a drive in the nnd their daughter, Miss Alice Fields 1029, on tho application of Henry S. standing. Cordts and Conover, Jer- second half, hut was stopped near of Colt's Neck. All hands had a jolly Kruse, administrator of tho estate of Emit seyyille forwards, scored fourteen of time at the party. The log cabin and R, KruBc, deceased, notice is hereby piven the £oal line. Fancy Young Rib or Loin Prime CHUCK, to the creditors of the deceased to exhibit their squad's points. The members of the Highlands the woodland surrounding It were to the subscriber, ndaiinistrntor as afore- Other Colt's Keck players were team, were Arnold Horn center, Ger- largely used by various lodges and or- said, their debts nnd demands again*t VanMatcr, forward mnd Lewis, guard. ganizations during the summer for STEAK the said estate, under oath, within nix Cild Johnson left guard, Sidney Mar- RIB months from the tjnte of the oforcnaiil or- The Jerseyville courtsnien who were £nliu9 right guard, Maynard Cottrcll picnics and' outings. HEN LAMB der, or they will bo forever barred nf their not mentioned -were VanArsdale cen- actions therefor ngainut the said sub" left tackle, Charles Quast right Bcribcr. ter and Flintzcn and Polhemus, tackle, Gothard Kadenbach left end, NEW ROD AND GUN CLUB. guards. Dated Freehold, N. J., October 1/1929. Edgar Dennis right end, Richard ROAST ROAST HENRY S. KRUSE, Woisa , Mahlon Drake Navcslnk Organization Held Its First TURKEYS CHOPS Bl Went River Road, Uumson, N. .T. PATTEUSON TO BOX LAV AN. Shoot Sunday. left halfback, Frank Carey right half- (Blade Cut) (Best Cuts) ' Monmouth County Surrogate's Office. back and Edward Hess fullback. The The Navcsink road and gun club, In the mntter nf tho untiita of Henry O. Jack Klernun 1VMI Also Take Tart substitutes were Grovcr Johnson, Irv- Scudder, deceitnctt. ; In Shaw ai Perth Amboy. •hleh was organized a short time Notice to tmlltorfl to present clnims ing Rittermmi, James McGough, Rog- ago, held its first trapshooting match ngnlnBt estate. (•r Hills nnd Thomas Thompson. Willie Patterson of Tied Bank will Sunday on the Andrews property. 'Pursuant t» Ihe order of Joseph fT.. T)vn- • box Bobby 'Lavan of Perth Amboy Rhay, Surroirute of the County or Mmi- Neil Johnson liad high schore, break- elb <"» nioulh. made on tho twcnty-fmtrlh dny Monday night, November 11th, in a BASKETBALL PRACTICE. ing 22 claybifds out of 25. Alfred of October. Ifl2i). on tho nppllcfition of elx-round semi-final bout in the sec- Biower broke 21 and Leon Liming Olive Scudder White nnd Alston Urelcmrui, 26 executors of tho relate of Henry G. Seud- ond annual boxing show of the Perth A Good Deal of This Sport to Take 29 T.I. Others who took part were Otto dcr, (lecpn^cd. notice 1» licrehy itlvcrt to Amboy American legion post. Jack Place at River Street School. hn.Hon, llnynaid Card, Paul Pos- the creditors oT unltl /c-eiuod to exhibit t» Kiernan of Lonp Branch will meet thp 6uh*eriher», o:w:utui\ us aforo^nd, Tho pupils of the River street pub- trn, Ashton and Schuyler Sickles, Jo- Johnny Pile of Keyport in an right- seph Johnson nnd Sterling Hopkins. their debts and dcnjAmln iiuuinst the unM round match, which la the main lic school of Rod Bank will start CHtate, undeV^olHrv.ilhin MX month* from practicing basketball this week, un- the date of tho nfori'Mild onlef, or thev event of the night. will be forever barred of their actions Philadelphia ^ s$ Pure Pork 1 der the direction of Frank Pingitore, Sale of Land nt Barnegut. Fresh or therefor nualnut the snid *ubscrMicM, Six other bouts of six and four the school athletic instructor.; It is rounds duration will be fought. Ace Dated Freehold, N. J.. October 2-1, in2.». planned to have a boys' team nnd a Ray H. Stillman of Eatontown and Scrapple |flelb Sausage Corned Plate OUVE SCUDDEtt WHITE, Hudklna, Sailor Smith and Martin girls' team for each junior high school Wellington Wilklns of Tinton Falls, Clb Maple Hill Hoad. HuntJnirton, I.. I., N. Y. Eckel are included In tho etnrs who who bought 130 acres of land on ALSTON BEEKMAN, team and to play a series of games Meat or Links 32 BEEF Red Hank. N._J. Vil! take part in the show. Kiernan for the championship of the school. Ba'fnegat bay three years ago, Bold lost R doclBion to Pile last Septem- two acres of the property last week The best players will bo picked to to James G. Kcan of Landsdown, ber at tlio Ocean View arena at Long play on boys' nnd girls' teams repre- Branch and Patterson waa beaten by Pennsylvania, for $3,500. The re- senting tlio school. mainder of the land will be sold in BumsteadsWormSpp l»avan at the same arena last sum- To children an amrd of merer,** Where mer. ^ lot;, 25x100 fuel. directions or« followed. IT NKVHft If yoiir(Kis(er*s a twin FREE DELIVERY. TELEPHONE 2037-W. PAH,S. DcHDlle ncareUv and «normou.t Tlmn both'vote for Qulnn. cott 'if L'AINTONIN. It contnIn* full dose. Tho rtcgistPiH mot In "A Pnpci in - Advertisement, •• Tho rtcgiHtei s mhtto: "A Paper in Blood rlity return' i«**t. Bold tvenrtrhera E\ery Home."—Advertisement (I'aid fur hy Independent Committee.) Every Home.'—AUvirtiaement. or bj moll, fiOe • bottle.

V.*!* 1, t V RED BANK REGISTER, OCTOBER 30, 1929. Page Thirty-On<

INFANTS SUDDEN DEATH. The ^merloan Mechanics held their PORCELAIN MAKING. BULBS IN MIKED I'LANTINCS. tc. two feat or a little over, and then be done and stick In a stake with dead foodstuffs. Bass, trout and do their own feeding Instead ot pro- regular weakly meeting on Tuesday tailor. We naturally do not wish the a bit of bright red flannel dangling perch do their daily dozen under elec- viding them with cut fish, meat llvor Doremus Carter, Jr., Sled yesterday night la the church hall: A supper Frofren In Method* Shown la Mona- Abstroot of Lecture Given at Tlic highest In the front but a good bord- from It as a word of warning to the tric lights erected over the water to was served at the close of the meet- New York Botanical Garden.' or other dead foodstuffs," of Pneumonia. •quan riant. er will have the heights coming for- hired man not to molest that partic- attract insects which the young fish Embankments jutting Into the pond ing. v/artl and j;olng back, one line break- ular place! As mice eat Tulips and Poremus W. Carter, three months Asbury Park, N. J. ,(AP)—Prog- The following is an extract of a lec- may feed. Water fleas, minnows, Increase the shore lino upon which Mr. and Mrs, John Silvers heve re- ture given at tho New York Botani- ing into tho other and doing It un-Crocuses -It la well to treat the rest crayfish and shiners aro raised In the the food Is grown. It la necessary old, son of Doremui and Emma Lane turned from an automobile trip to ress In the methods of porcelain evenly. Herds whore wo uso judge- of tho bulbs in tho samo border to Carter of Lelghton avenue, died md- making through the many centuries cal garden by Mrs. Wheeler H. Feck- culture pond to tempt the appetites only to prnylde choap fertilisers and Dover. ham and should prove of Interest to ment in selecting and placing our prevent this winter feast and notof the growing fishes. tho proper amount of brood stock to denly yesterday of pnoumonla, Tho William Hayward of Pembertoh since Its practice by the Chinese, 1B bulbs and here Is where, we must be put on covering until the surface la funeral will bo held at half-put tw% well typified In the Manasquan plant floorer growers: "This culture station In Concordla atart. The Concordla project was avonue is having a new fanco erect- wary again for unconsciously, we will frozon, alao bulba are Injured by Parish 13 different from an ordinary built for ?3,500, In It wore produced o'clock this afternoon «t the Carter ed In the front of the lot adjoining of a Trenton factory. ThlB plant, the When, in speaking of bulbs, wo use get tho plants into rpws and rows manure as diseases they aro subject home. , Rev. William. B, Baker or only porcelain factory In Monmouth the term "mixed plantings" wo may fish hatchery," said Mr. Vlosca, "In about 2,000,000 sunflsh, bream or his yard. aro what wo must avoid. Rows are to are brought to them In stable man- that it not only hatches tho young porch, 400,000 largo-mouth black bass the Red .Sank Methodist Zion county, Imports from China and Eng- Interpret It In two way3; cither that poisonous to any bulb planting ex- ure. Prepared bulb fertilizers can church will ba In charge and burial land nearly all of their raw products. the bulbs tare mixed before being but raises them to maturity. The nnd 100,000 crnpplo nnd bnrflsh. The Seabrlght Personals. cept where we are representing a be procured from (he specialists and hatchery Itself comprinos one acre, bass, at nine months old, ranged up will be at Whits Ridge cemetery at Ground flint, rock , and pulverized planted or that they are combined definite period of, for lnstanco, Dutch aro tho beat to uae. Coverings of South Eatontown. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ronshaw and feldspar, also used In the process, with other bulbs or plants. Except In and tho total area on which young to one and ono-quarter pounds, and planting for historic purposes only. salt hay are good in the semi-shaded buss and other game ilah wore grown tho brood stock that, averaged a. Mr Carter is employed at Red son Stanley returned horns last night come from South Jersey and Penn- a very few circumstances It Is well Largo open patches partly In the places and granulated peat-moas will Bank by the Burns Brother* coal from a trip to Oklahoma, where they sylvania. not to plant mixed bulbs as the ef- la twelve acres. ,The fisheries divis- pound last April had grown to three very front and leading back through do nicely. Attention should be given in ion devised this hatchery because It pounds, . ,• < company and he haa nve other ohtl- visite'"-—d Mr**-—--. RenahaW- s sister. Mixing the clays and powdered fect produced will be spotty and tho middle section can be used for springtime to the gradual removal Mr. and Mrs. William Woolley of thereby lose force. The exception to had ascertained that tho policy of "INII expert la needed to supervise dren, Elizabeth, Edward, Howard, stone in the desired proportions, the Narcissi and several kinds can be of the coverings so the young bulh planting ilBh fry was un economic Blwood and Ethel Carter, all of Rutihmere, Virginia, spent the week- compound passes into a "blunger," this rule is where tho plant in Its col- used together if BO desired. Consid- shoots will not" be crippled as they tho projnet." Mr. Vlosca pointed out. end with Mr. and. Mrs. William R. ored forms is of dull tones and In loss to tho state. The youn^ fish have "It is within the means of each par- whom live ot homo. where water Is added and the mater- er here a combination of shape as puBh up. One cannot aflord to wait so many enemies that only a nmall Fowler of New street ials mixed. Like a thick pea soup it white forms Is insipid, tending to dis- well as of color. Take three varieties to uncover the whole of a mixed ish or sport union's league chapter," St. Mary'a guild will hold a mas- appear from tho picture. Here each porcentapo of them ever reached ma- The department of conservation has STOLEN OAB BEOOVEBED. pours forth and across a vibrating of Daffodils of varied color, ono a herbaceous border at one time but turity under tho old'method. Tlic querade party tonight at Ralph hall screen of 120 meshes to the Inch. The sort needs the other to throw It Into (all yellow trumpet such as Robert Covering may be pulled off of the offered to furnish nil Hpccltlcatlons at rtumeon. rellof and to show all Its aspects and principal of this culture station Is to and plans neewjsury to thonn Inter- All the Tlrea Had Been Taken From course material Is thrown off and tho Hydenham and with It put a blcolor bulbs making the earliest appearance raise the food upon which tho young desired iproduct sinks through to beauties of design. Frltlllario, mele- vulqfl. Inquiries have come from out- Watson Wotherhle's Automobile. Frank Covert has returned to Tren- Incomparabllis variety, Croesus and first and so on. fish are to feed and allow them to side tho state. ton for the winter as superintendent agitators. The material, now of the agrls Is a definite example of this for blend tho two with either a bunch- Watson Wetherble'a JEoseic coach, for the Taylor provision company. consistency of thick cream, Is known these bulbs are not satisfactory whore flowered form auch as the Poetaz Not only one person can tell an- which was stolon from ita parking Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Young of this "slip," and It is in this state that they are disturbed and aro best Hacman or, a shorter white Lcedsll other what he or she must have in place on Monmouth street Wednes- place and Mr. and Mr*. John Flchter It Is used for pouring Into plaster 'naturalized" In grass and should be lllto Her Grace or White Queen. :helr mixed plantings, one can only day night, was recovered Monday of Rumson have returned from a moulds. The slip Is then pumpod into mixed for the finest effect. However, Evemthfi four will give a splendid suggest and the best part of the fun bv state polleo near Freehold, whom long filter presses and here much of this sort of thing Is rare and T think $<*f>|Mfgis aro lifted late Gladioli may If this method of cultivation is car- shelter. need renewing and thirdly, tho half- go in or we can try some of the newried^beyond the first twelve-month Does Good Printing New Bed Bonk Besldent. the desired product hardy plants that are put in just tor These rock formations and the lay- named Montbretlas which might be period. Promptly and at Fair Prices. Mrs. Charles F. Perrlne of River- out of tho camp are in strict con- the summer aeoson and which must hardy but which are too expensive to Game qualities of the fish are de- side avenue gave birth to a daugh- formity with those In the fields near SHIPPING COAL. be brought into the house or barn risk losing over a severe winter and veloped, whereas they are auppreesed ter this morning at the Rivorvlew Bevans, for tho winter. better lifted and treated as we do In hatcheries where the fish feed on hospital. A pamphlet published by The Geo- Three Towns In New Jersey Are Im- Our first group is the largest, tak- Gladioli. Gladioli combine well with logical Survey of New Jersey several ' portent Shipping Centers, i. ing In Snowdrops, Daffodils, Scillas, nearly all herbaceous plants for they Gintalng In Pennsylvania. years ago, describes tho Indian ruins. Grape Hyacinths, Crocuses, Llllea, come in so many colors and they Elizabeth, N. J., CAP)—New Eng- English Irises, Colchicums, Tulip spe- can be tucked Into small spaces here Joseph Irwin of Red Bank and The first part of the pamphlet deals land and other parts of the eastern with "Indian habitations In Sussex ies and many, many more. In our and there to stand up before a mass Herbert and Junior Langler of River seaboard look to three Now Jersey of Gypsophila, perhaps, or near,Sal- Plaza left today for a gunning trip county, New Jersey," and the second, second we find Spanish and Dutch cities- for their ooal. Coming from Irises, Specie-sum and Auratum Lilies via farinacea or even among Helen- of a week In Pennsylvania. with "Indian remains near Flalnneld, the mines of Pennsylvania over tho Union county, and along the lower and Tulips of the Cottage, Darwin iums and Michaelmas Daisies. tracks of the Central railroad, hun- find Breeder groups while into the Visitor From California. Delaware valloy." dreds of carloads each week are dis- The upkeep of bulbs in such plant- Concerning the find near Bevans, third {group fall Gladioli, Ismcne, ings la not more complicated than Mrs. Susan Murray of Oakland, tributed at the docka In Elizabeth, Montbretlos, Ixlas, Galtonla, etc. California, has been visiting Mr. and the pamphlet says: South Amboy and Cartcret Barges, that of the mixed border. The dif- ficulty Is certainly to remember Mrs. John Ryan of Oakland street "It la, probably the only, rock shel- old and new, largo and Bmall, await The shapes 'of tho plantings arc ter between Flatbrookvlllo and Port them there In Staten Island sound to Important for If wo meditate upon where they are and this can be read- •«•» the herbaceous border as a usual ily done if a plan is made when the MIDDLETOWN VIU2AGE NEWS. Jervls. The rock house has an East- carry the fuel for heat and light to ern exposure and consists of three Industries and communities through- thing we find heights of plants; very planting Is done. If labels get lost parts: To the left a typical overhang- out the cast. Largo steamers also at dwarf, such as ground-covers and up it la then easy to teplace them and Two Residents of This Flnco Injured ing rock, 24 feot long, with rock to one foot In height then plants up one can go about when digging is to In Falls tlio rast Week. times put In to load coal Into their from 10 to. 14 feet above the floor bunkers. Mrs. William Bohn was badly and projecting 8 feet In the center While no longer recognized as one bruised In a fall last •week. Her in-another* overhanging rock, 22 feet of the leading Industries of the three fant daughter Jane had started to long, wnh the roof 8 feet high and cities, the coal docks are responsible walk downstairs and Mrs. Bohn, fear- projecting 6 feet At the' right, a eave- for the employment of many men. iul that her baby would fall, rushed llke compartment All three parts lie They give employment to engineers, to save her. She picked up Jane, but In an approximately straight line at firemen and brakemen on the rail- In doing so sho lost her balanco and tho foot of the low cliff and their roads and to laborer! on the docks fell all tho way downstairs. The baby total length Is about 62 feet" and barges. •was not hurt, but Mrs. Bohn received The museum flgureB,. practically Coal trains, sometimes forming a bruises which causod her to be con-life-sized, were modelled by Mahonrl fined to tho houBO several days. mile-long line of .-cars, are switched Young, and the habitat getting was to tho yards and pushed up the In- Miss Emma Patterson fell last constructed by Howard McCormlck clines to the top of the docks. The week while waiting for a bus at Red of Leonla, who designed the groups barges are carefully warped, along Bank. Her right hand was sprained, showing Southwestern Indians, for Ido and movable chutes placed In she roceived cuts on her head arid her the American Museum of Natural them. Built between • the tracks, back was injured. Her Injuries wcro History, in Now York city. which the cars bestride, the chutes attended to at tho Red Bank hoBpltal receive the coal when the bottoms of and she was brought home In a taxi- JERSEY'S WILD LIFE. tho cars are dumped. As each car cab. She la slowly Improving. Is emptied It Is ridden to the bottom asY Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tlndoll, Jr., Game and Fish Killed in Tear Val- of the Incline by brakemen and made have a new StudebaKer automobile. ued at $1,1SO,0»0. ready for Ita return trip to the mines Many residents of this place attend- of Pennsylvania. Trenton, N, J, (AB)-JThat Now ed the annual suppor of tho New As many as 32 cars, containing Monmouth Baptist church last Thurs- Jersey sportsmen enjoy wild life re- resources Is shown In the opinion of 1,000 tons of coalf are sometimes need- day night ed to load ono barge. Figured at the Personally Mrs. Henry NelnBtedt Is confined to tho state, fish and game commission, by the fact that the meat value of rate of $13.50 a ton, "that IB a lot of tho house with sickness. coal," one of tho bargemen remarked. Mrs. Walker of Now Hampshire Is fish, game and animals killed during the past season, exclusive - of' the Although used for nothing elae ex- making a stay with her daughter, cept carting coal, most of the barges Mrs. Cecil Graves. value of furs; was (1,110,000. Tne'Doard assarted that the state are Kept Mm and tamaoutate. Paint Jwonauctea Xours "'Sfrtr. Fred Adima entertained the always Is applied unsparingly and Mlddletown bridge club at the Molly attracts thousands by Its climate, scenery and salt waiter angling. More wator la used freely. White curtains Pitcher hotel at Red Bank Inst week. drape the windows «f many of the Mrs. James Spears and her son of than $4,000,000 la expended tor equip- ment and Incidental expenses yearly cabins on thoi barges. This may be to acquaint you with tne Rutherford and Mr. and Mrs. Fred- due to the presence of women and ericks'and her daughter Marian and by nearly 200,000 licensed sportsmen, the board estimated. children, many of whom live on fascinating details of tne Miss England of New York were board the entire year. week-end guests of Miss Elizabeth During the past two years the ;T?S>«yTto come . ^»i Greater Bamberger Store Caster. board has distributed In the state Ono 12-year-glrl who left Ells- azeth aboard a barge with her fath- Mrs. Cecil Conover and'MIss Marie more than 40,000 pheasants, 80,000 rabbits, 700 quail and 400 partridges. er for Portland, Maine, was born on Conover spent last Friday at New- the same boat Just before leaving, 16]trolley llnei and 35 6u*"1ln*i ark. Tho library was In chargo of Tho board's figures'wero rather In- [This is one time when you start at the teresting In view of tho fact that tho she was engaged In washing her pet, Miss Evelyn Starko while Miss Con- a whlto poodle dog, which had fall- paw w'rtfiin a block of the Greater over was away. hunting season for certain kinds of top. Take one of the Bamberger game Is now at Ita height en Into tho coal scuppers. She had The store occupied by Luclan D'An- been off tho barge only a few times, Bambcrgcr Store and Bamberger't thony and owned by Charles Ellcrt Tho open season for shooting of sho ,sald, adding that her schooling express elevators on the Bank Street \has been piped for water. tho sora, marsh hen, woodcock, wild had been conducted by her father, ! three parking areai are here to serve Tho mcmbeVB of tho Democratio gceso and ducks Is already under tho bargo captain, who carried side to the Tenth Floor Restaurant women's club had luncheon at tho way. The woodcock hunter Is re- aboard a largo library, Including i • If youTdrlvelyonrj ownle«! quired to procure a special license There you will be met by a guide who Molly Pitcher hotel at Red Bank last many of tho classics. She confided t d^ for the privilege of bagging the bird, that In two moro years sho will loave will conduct you about the Greater In addition to' tho regular hunting the barge to attend boarding school. So.mucli forTtfie^comirw. JAfer OCEANPORT NEWS. permit. Hunting for several varieties of you feach here the going It jurt a? Bamberger Store and point out the Auxiliary to Riven lew Hospital to bo gams has been restricted by. law. BEETLE QUARANTINE. many points of interest. And there t Formed Tomorrow. There la a closed season on quail un- til March, 1033, In ten counties. In Indications Are That Japanese Beetle twenty, cic*lator« take care ofriiatr certainly are many to see ... so many An auxiliary of tho Rlvcrvlcw hos- five counties ruffed grouse cannot /Pest Is Spreading. pital at Red Bank will bo formed on be taken until next season, and In Washington, (AP)—Indication that for that matter that you might easily Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Charles seven other countlos not until 1D32. tho Japanese beetle la spreading to -youm«yshevc tfoubleJgoIng'iWay Walling will bo hostess at her homo During the post year tho board re- on Main street. Mrs. Theodore now territory was indicated In tho overlook a few if you were not per- ported 18,337 English rlng-ncck recent announcement by Secrotary of >v7mereVso much tojite and buy." Rowc, who I? on tho executive board, phensanta had beon distributed from will bo In chargo of tho meeting. Agrlculturo Hydo that the present sonally conducted. tho Forked River and Rockport quarantine affecting noveral Atlantic Offlccra for the coming year will bo farms. Tho open season for these elected. All women Interested are In- coast states might be extonded to birds is from November 10th to De- Rhode lalund. vited to attend. cember 15th, This period la also open A hearing on the advisability of ln- A large pine tree on tho property for the shooting of rabbits and black ' "One of America's Graat Stoht$» Tours begin at on Pemberton avenue owned by or fox squirrel. clutllng that state In the quarantlno regulations will be held on Thursday. Charles Straub of Florida, was blown Only five days are allowed for down during a recent wind storm. New Jersey has been the center of 10.00 anJ 3:00 Daily hunting deer, tho season opening De- tho Japanese bnotlo -pest for many It fell on a Email building In the rear, cember 17th. Each hunter will bo re- partly demolishing It. „, years and the finding of Insects In stricted to the killing of one buck Providence, Boston and Norfolk, Va., Wesley VanCleaf, manager of tho as It Is Illegal to take a doe or fawn, haa led tho department of agriculture American store, has returned from tho board stated. to believe the extension of quarantlno an automobile trip through Virginia. Included among practices prohibi- operations advisable. A masquerade Hallowe'en party ted In.hunting wore: will bo held In tho assembly room of "The uae of a Bhotgun or rifle hold- L. BAMBERGER & Co. the Methodist church tonight. Hard to Do Things. Ing more than two cartridges, or that Some things are hard to do If you "One of America's Grcyl Stores* • Several'women from Oceanport at- may be fired more than twice with- go at them In a hard way. An easy tended the meeting of the Woman's out reloading." wav to do them Is to advertise them NEWARK, K J. ' Republican club at tho Garfleld-Qrant "Tho use of a silencer on any gun In Tho Register's Want Department. hotel. or firearm." By using Lulco Longhead's columns You May Telcphono Your Order by The ladles' aid society will hold a "The shooting of any bird or ani- you can find tonantH, sell nroporty rummage sale on Friday and Satur- mal while riding In an automobile or securo holp, get a job and do lots of Calling Market Q001. day In the Shapiro store on Third other things that might be hard if to. hunt for game by aid of lights done ta some other way^-Advertlse- avenue, , carried on aucn automobile,",-" "•• mont £' ~, - - -"*• ' dine .wa» pumped from her system FBOM CABS TO BOATS. and (he'll now out of danger. AN ATTEMPT AT SUICIDE. Trouble with »her husband, from Thomas 8. Field, Jr, to Now With Better Furs whom the has been estranged, caused Banneld Sea Skill Firm. Oar reputation ai SHBEWBBuitY WOMAN DRINKS her to attempt suicide. After drink- the creator* of • Commercial Body Thomaa S. Field, Jr., has given up bottei garment was TWO BOTTLES OF IODINE. ing tho Iodine she came Into the res- his position with the Mount-English Building and Repairs taurant screaming -with pain and company of Red Bank as dlreotor of gained through with her apron stuffed in her mouth sales of Lincoln cars In Monmouth yean and yean of of All Kindt. " Hit. Mar; DeAgoattna Hat Been in an effort to soothe the burns. Ba- county and has taken a position In supreme effort to BUMksalthliiff, Repairing, Auto Estranged From Her Husband— den forced her to drink a full quart the' New'York offlco of the "Banfleld create the moat Springs, SoUdJhmk Tlrea, She WP a Cook at an Eotontown of milk and she was taken to the sea skiff corporation, which has Its serviceable tor the PneumaUo Tnek Tim. Beataurant • hospital in the record time of .fifteen least money, plant at Atlantic Highlands. Edward Service FUrestona Sterlok Mrs. Mary DeAgoStlna, -who makes .minutes. T. BasUett of Colt'a Neck formerly W Newest Styles "THE HOUSE OF HITS" , her home with friends at Shrews- Mrs. DeAgoatina is 21 years old of New York, has taken Mr, Field's jtf Select From. < EitabUsbed o»« to Tean. THREE FERFOBBIANCES DAILY-S:S0. 8:10. 9:0ft 8ATUBDAy8 A HOLTOATS CONTINUOBjL bury, drank the contents of twp bot- and she had lived at New York be- place with the Mount-English com- DUtritator for tka tles of iodine Wednesday night in an fore coming to Shrewsbury. Her first pany. Mr. Baskett was formerly Try Us Once, BATON BUStPKB SttUNQB. EAST FRONT STREET, TELEPHONE 3i. RED BAN# attempt to take her life Ip the base- job In this locality was as waitress In cbnheoted with the Ford motor.-eonv' 'l Try Oa Al- When your Spring* break or ment of the Main street restaurant at a Red Bank restaurant and she went pany at New York and Newark. At waya, • your ear doesn't run right or Eatontown, where ehs was employed to work at Eatontown when the Main tho latter place he was manager/of there'! any other troubln whkih LAST TIMES TQDAY! as cook. Edward Emmons of Enton, street restaurant was opened several the sales office three years. might b« traceabl* to Hprings, town discovered her plight and Po- weeks ago. Jack Friedman come tons, I can fix It Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's All-Talking Drama, liceman Howard Baden gave her first FOBS - • aid treatment and sent her. to the When your troubles begin Broadcasting for Quinn WHARF AVE, BED BANK. Long Branch hospital In the 'Eaton- Start shouting for Quinn. Means more votes for^hlm. 25 West Main Street,' Telephone 10M. town volunteer ambulance. The io- —Advertisement •Advertisement. "THE UNHOLY^ NIGHT"



A Smashing Drama of The Overland Trail

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