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ULLETIN NW 'TOW VOLUME II, NO. 5 4 affX. 98 JANUARY, 1949 ORT Graduates FRENCHLEADERSSAYORT To Get DP Visa IS PreferenceHere QUALIFIEDFORERPAID Formation of an ORT Social and of social and economic rehabilitation ORT graduates will receive prefer- Economic Committee composed of prom- has been announced by the World ORT ences for visas to emigrate to the United inent French political and labor leaders Union in Paris. States, Ugo Carusi, chairman of the to aid ORT in its world-wide program The committee, which will function Displaced Persons Committee, Washing- in an advisory capacity to the World ton, D. C., has stated. An ORT certifi ORT Union, was formed at a meeting cate is definite proof that a worker is ORT EXHIBIT OPENS FEB. 1 in Paris on Dec. 16 at which M. Justin entitled to an occupational preference May Godart presided. nity under the DP Act of 1948. and Attempting to clear up earlier state- M. Godart expressed the opinion that, leas ments which he termed erroneous and since ORT's activities are in accord with pro. due to a misunderstanding of his words, the Monnet Plan, ORT should receive r, is Mr. Carusi denied he had announced at Marshall Plan aid. (The Monnet Plan a press conference in Rome that ORT is a five-year plan inaugurated in 1947 'graduates would not get such prefer- to modernize French industry and agri- ences. In his letter the Commissioner culture.) calls the quoted statement a "distortion "Early in 1933," he recalled, "the of what I really said" and stated that French ORT organization extended vo- Is- if he had actually said that, he "would cational training facilities to the thou- dge have been deadly wrong." sands of refugees who found a haven Gil- "I had been asked," he explained in in France from the Nazi terror in Ger- ew- his letter, "whether a preference would many and Austria. As a member of the fon. be given to holders of ORT certificates. French Cabinet during that period, I My answer was that ORT certificates had occasion to come into contact with air- (Continued on page 8) ORT activities, and was able to learn Setting up ORT Exhibit (see below) at first hand the significance of ORT's ter- contribution to the French economy. Un- Chicago ORT Group Opens Drive "Approximately 3,000 students today the are being trained in ORT's vocational The 1949 Membership Drive of the rated in November at a membership schools in France. Of these about 20 ORT People's Committee in Chicago rally dinner held by the Albany Park per cent are non-Jews. ORT's contribu- ton will open officially at the Annual Con- Chapter and attended by more than 170 tion to the French economy is perhaps Lilts ference sponsored by the People's Com- people. Max Natkin is president of the best emphasized by the fact that the mittee of Chicago on (Continued on page 8) (Continued on page 2) ife. Sunday, January 23, im. at the Midland Hotel. ich The conference will 22 Countries to be Represented at ORT Exhibit re. be held in conjunc- The ORT exhibit of its work in 23 man of the ORT Exhibit Committee. all tion with the Albany countries is now in the process of com- In addition to the 13 prominent citi- vill Park Chapter, West pletion and will open to the public at zens who agreed to serve last month as be- Side Women's Chap- the ORT Trade School, 318 West 57th honorary sponsors — including Mayor ual ter and Men's Chap- St., New York City, on Feb. 1, accord- William O'Dwyer, Mrs. Eleanor Roose- Lfld ter of ORT. M. L. ing to an announcement by A. C. Litton, velt and the Hon. Herbert H. Lehman— in. M. L. Polin Polin is president of chairman of the ORT Trade School and the list of sponsors now includes Andrew ire the People's Committee. President of the American and European G. Clauson, Jr., president of the New The Albany Park drive was inaugu- Friends of ORT, and who is also chair- (Continued on page 3) Workmen's Circle Presses Drive 1 2 MIN .e Mr. Jeshurin, who recently returnv BUI.LETIN A resolution calling for intensive so- licitation of labor for membership in from a tour of Europe and Israel as ORT was adopted unanimously at the member of the UJA delegation, reportef Official Organ of the annual ORT Conference of the Work- on his visits to ORT schools in Pali American ORT Federation men's Circle Branches of New York, and Rome. 212 Fifth Ave., New Yolk 10, N. Y. The ORT school at Montreuil, MUrray Hill 6-3222 held at the Hotel Capitol on Dec. 19. Ninety delegates, representing 60 said, "could serve as a model of th Volume II, No. 5 January, 1949 branches of the Workmen's Circle, at- wonderful constructive work of ORT OFFICERS— GEORGE BACKER, President; It should have been built on the Champ Louts B. BOUDIN, Chairman, Board of Direc- tended the conference, at which speak- tors; M. MALDWIN FERTIG, Chairman, Execu- ers included Ephim Jeshurin, president Elysees or some other famous Pali tive Committee; EDWARD L. SARD, Executive of the Workmen's Circle; Joseph Baskin, street, in order to convey to the entin Director. general secretary; B. Gebiner, assistant world the great work ORT is doing." The American ORT Federation represents the general secretary; and Samuel Milman, Mr. Jeshurin called the aid sen World ORT Union, with which it is affiliated, in the United States. The World ORT Union executive secretary of American Labor abroad in the form of food and cloth is devoted to the vocational training and eco- ORT. ing packages only partially sufficient nomic reconstruction of Jews throughout the The delegates pledged their efforts "unless accompanied by the chance ti world. toward enrolling every branch of the rehabilitate their lives through th The American ORT Federation currently re- ceives its funds, exclusive of membership dues, New York Workmen's Circle as an affil- great work of ORT, which enables then by special agreement with the American Joint iate of American Labor ORT and, in to stand on their own feet." Distribution Committee, a beneficiary of the addition, to enroll at least five individ- Mr. Baskin gave an eye-witness ac United Jewish Appeal. ual members from each branch. count of the schools he visited in Europ while attending the Central Board meet ing of the World ORT Union last July Say ORT Qualifies for ERP Aid He described the new school for OW (Continued from page 1) Support for ORT was expressed by instructors in Switzerland, as well a French Government subventions its vo- the representatives of labor and the co- the ORT schools he saw in France am Italy. cational courses at the Paris Voca- operatives at the conference. M. Antoni, Mr. Milman reported on current Olt tional Center. Since the end of World secretary general of the General Con- activities. He emphasized the importanc War II, ORT has achieved the stature of federation of Workers Producer Coop- to Workmen's Circle Branches of haviii a major international non-governmental eratives, stated that the cooperatives representation at the coming conventice agency. Both IRO and the International have "particularly appreciated" the Labor Office support its activities. It ORT training program. "Accelerated of the American ORT Federation it May, in view of their support of 01111 should be a beneficiary of Marshall training courses," he said, "have lately work through the years. Plan aid." made tremendous progress in training Harry Fine, of Branch 99, served a Similar views were expressed by Prof. skilled rather than semi-skilled labor." Leff, o Andre Siegfried, French economist and M. Godart is president of the Eco- conference chairman and Frank Branch 420 E, as secretary. a member of the Academie Francaise, nomic and Social Council and Prof. and by Salomon Grumbach, member of Siegfried, honorary president. Others the French Chamber of Deputies and who participated in the conference were W. C. Board Meets French delegate to the United Nations, Leon Jouhaux, vice-president of the The Board of Directors of the Worts who urged the assembled members to Council, who is president of the Eco- support such requests vigorously before men's Circle held its annual meeting nomic Council of France and the Gen- the Hotel Central Plaza, 55th St. an the French Government. eral Confederation of Labor (Force Ou- Dr. David Lvovitch, co-chairman of 7th Ave., from Wednesday, Dec. 2f. vriere) ; Louis Maigret, president of the the executive committee of the World through Friday, Dec. 31, 1948. General Confederation of Workers Pro- ORT Union, called ORT's two major The reports on Workmen's Circle al ducer Cooperatives; Georges Gaussel, requirements in Western Europe "the tivities, since its latest convention hel vice-president of the Economic Council allocation of ERP counterpart funds for in Boston, in May, 1948, were delivere the purpose of expanding the vocational of France and president of the Society by Ephim Jeshurin, President, and Ji training programs in countries suffer- of French Consumers' Cooperatives; seph Baskin, General Secretary. TI ing from a shortage of skilled man- Prof. Michelson, director of the Inter- Board of Directors adopted a specil b power; and an ERP guarantee of cur- national Institute of Public Finance, resolution urging support of ORT rency exchange for tools bought in the and, as guests and advisers: Boris Shish- Workmen's Circle branches. United States. These tools are supplied kin, director of the Labor Division of the A mass-meeting, representing Worl to artisans and producer cooperatives." ECA Mission in Europe; David Saposs, men's Circle Branches, Labor Unim Both requirements, said Dr.