
GoldwaterGoldwater 5050 yearsyears laterlater

RemembrancesRemembrances byby Richard ViguerieViguerie Jr. Matt SchlappSchlapp AlfredAlfred RegneryRegnery LyushunLyushun ShenShen DavidDavid KeeneKeene Michael R. LongLong

A Special Report Prepared By Advocacy Department The father of American By Barry Goldwater Jr. line while conservatives think we should be equal at the starting line. That is the war, the classic struggle, half-century ago, Sen. going on in Congress and in America Barry Goldwater strode as we gather tonight. to the podium of the Re- I might also note that his belief that publican National Con- America and the free world will re- vention in San Francisco main free only with a strong commit- to accept his party’s ment to national defense. Clearly, with presidential nomination. the record of the current president, He declared, “Extremism in the we need a change in defense policy as defense of liberty is no vise.” Let me well. remindA you further: “Moderation in The conservative movement has the pursuit of justice is no virtue.” been on a tortuous trail. suff ered My dad set the stage for the resur- defeat many times but came roaring rection of a passionate belief in liberty back. With the overall huge victory and redefi ned the Republican brand. in 2010 and 2014, I believe we are on It is interesting these same words the right path because we stuck to the could be used to describe another message. eff ort to ensure the civil rights of all Now we look ahead to the 2016 Americans regardless of race. Unfor- presidential election. With 70 percent tunately, those words were distorted of the state legislatures in Republican by the media and his critics. hands and 36 Republican governors In his book “Conscience of a Con- and control of the Senate and House, servative,” published in 1960, Goldwa- conservatives have an incredible re- ter noted: sponsibility to provide the leadership “The root diff erence between the so lacking at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Conservatives and the Liberals of In considering the challenges fac- today is that Conservatives take into ing the new Republican majority in account of the whole man, while Lib- Congress, it is important to review erals tend to look only at the material my father’s observation that conserva- side of man’s nature. The Conserva- tives must present positive answers to tive believes that man is in part, an national problems, not just condemn economic, an animal creature; but the answers provided by the left. He he is also a spiritual creature with PHOTOGRAPHS observed: “Our failure is the failure of spiritual needs and spiritual desires. Sen. Barry Goldwater rallied a new conservative generation during his presidential cam- Conservative demonstration. Though … Conservatism therefore looks upon paign in 1964. Although he lost that contest, his landmark philosophies of conservatism we Conservatives are deeply per- the enhancement of man’s spiritual still echo a half-century later. As Goldwater’s son, Barry Goldwater Jr., reminds us, conser- suaded that our society is ailing and nature as the primary concern of vatives must present positive answers to national problems, not just condemn them. know that Conservatism holds the political philosophy. Liberals, on the key to national salvation … we seem other hand, — in the name of concern unable to demonstrate the practical for “human beings” — regard the relevance of Conservation principles satisfaction of economic wants as the to the needs of the day.” dominant mission of society.” We have come together tonight to It is interesting that my father’s celebrate a powerful idea: liberty. We good friend Jack Kennedy echoed my came tonight to recognize a move- dad in his own speeches. While my ment: conservatism rooted in prin- dad lost the 1964 presidential race, he ciples. We came together tonight as launched a movement that has domi- brothers and sisters to remember a nated and infl uenced the body politic man who had such a powerful infl u- and government for the past 40 years. ence on the two-party system and us. I can still hear my dad explain his With fond memories of battles we philosophy “Let me remind you a fought, friends we made and a phi- conservative is one who fi ghts to ex- losophy we love, we salute our leader, pand individual liberty and resist the Sen. Barry Goldwater. accumulation of power by those who Goldwater changed America for claim they know best.” the better. He gave America a choice, THE WASHINGTON TIMES WASHINGTON THE | It was Madison versus Jeff erson as not an echo. In our hearts, we know to the balance of power. Who should he was right. Goldwater was a man control? Who should dominate? of principle, integrity and honesty. It is a struggle that has dominated His ideas, his courage and his candor the history of our country. John May- helped shape our national character, nard Keynes versus , and I hope that his work will continue The Times versus The to be lived through the lives and dedi- Journal, the right versus cations of the generations to come. the left, conservative versus liberal, ⦁ Barry Goldwater Jr. served in the MSNBC versus Fox, Republican ver- U.S. House of Representatives as a sus Democrat. As fi rst lady, Nancy Reagan congratulated Sen. Barry Goldwater and West Point football member representing California from

TUESDAY • NOVEMBER 18 • 2014 2014 • 18 NOVEMBER • TUESDAY The diff erence between a liberal coach Earl H. “Red” Blaik aft er they received the Presidential Medal of Freedom at the 1969 to 1983, and currently serves as and a conservative is that the liberal on May 12, 1986. Goldwater inspired , a Demo- chairman and president of The Gold- 2 think we should be equal at the fi nish crat, to become a conservative Republican who would go on to become president. water Taplin Group. In the beginning there was Goldwater. It’s as simple as that.

battle with the liberals and Demo- National Republican Senatorial stage, they welcomed him in a The ensuing campaign was crats who dominated everything. Committee, authored a book that way that told the world he was one of the most vicious and nega- The growing conservative move- students and others devoured and their man. , who tive in history, and that is say- ment had Bill Buckley, of course, became an instant hero to conser- was there and helped organize the ing something today. Goldwater but was largely composed of writ- vatives young and old. rally, remembers it as the moment was pictured as a foaming-at- ers, intellectuals and students. In 1960, a reluctant Goldwater when the political conservative the-mouth madman who would There were a few old Taft con- was nominated for vice presi- movement really began. destroy the world, who had secret servatives around as well, but dent at the Republican National Goldwater himself had always ties to German neo-Nazis, would the new conservative movement Convention and in withdrawing been reluctant about running for end Social Security and plunge linking believers in free-market gave a speech that ignited his fol- president, but was a close friend America into depression. He lost, economics with Cold Warriors lowers and led almost directly to of the incumbent Democrat, John of course, by a huge margin. And and those who are today called his nomination four years later. F. Kennedy, and the two had dis- thought the social conservatives was in its in- He stood before the assembled cussed and looked forward to conservative movement he led fancy and could count few elected delegates who had just nominated a campaign unlike any other in had been destroyed once and BY offi cials within its ranks. Richard M. Nixon and challenged modern American history. They for all. THE WASHINGTON TIMES Goldwater was something his fellow conservatives. “Let’s even talked about touring the Things would return to nor- else. He said what he thought and grow up conservatives,” he said, country together on the same mal with Democrats and “re- n a very real sense, the mod- had the courage to stand up for “If we want to take this party back plane and engaging in a series spectable” Republicans diff ering ern conservative political his beliefs. He had been elected — and I think we can someday — of Lincoln-Douglas style debates on the margins, but agreeing on movement began with Barry by upsetting the Senate’s majority let’s get to work.” that would give voters a chance major issues. The intellectual elite Goldwater. Had it not been leader and could often be found They did just that, building to choose between Kennedy’s lib- that had so hated Goldwater and Ifor the Arizona senator it might standing and voting alone on the the political infrastructure that eralism and Goldwater’s conser- his advisers (like the eccentric have taken years or even decades Senate floor regardless of the would vanquish those who had vatism. It would have been quite Milton Friedman) who they felt for conservative ideas to break odds or orders from his party’s dominated the party for most of a campaign, but it was not to be. gave the senator crazy economic into the political mainstream, leaders. He seemed to embody their lives and hand their hero Kennedy’s death put Lyndon B. advice would vanish and the Ronald Reagan would be remem- Buckley’s defi nition of the conser- the nomination. The sign that Johnson in the White House and world would go on as it had. bered today not as one of our vative as one who “stands athwart the conservative movement had Goldwater was not very interested They were wrong, of course, greatest presidents, but as a “B” history yelling stop.” arrived took place at Madison in running against him and was because Barry Goldwater in los- movie star and television host, Columnist , then Square Garden two years later, convinced it would be almost im- ing had changed their world and and many of those who since a moderate and critic of Goldwa- The Young Americans for Free- possible to prevail in the aftermath ours in ways they couldn’t imag- the 1960s shaped our nation’s ter, wrote that “he was a conser- dom audaciously decided to put of the Kennedy assassination. But ine. They saw his defeat as the politics would not have had an vative who smiled, who laughed, together a conservative rally and his followers literally forced his end, but were soon to discover opportunity to do so. who was young and dynamic.” He invite the Arizona senator, among hand, so the reluctant candidate that it was only the beginning. Goldwater seemed to young came to Washington to change others, to speak in what they stepped forward, vanquished the conservatives in the early 1960s things, gave hundreds or perhaps called “the belly of the beast.” GOP establishment and seized ⦁ David A. Keene is opinion edi- like a sort of real life John Wayne, thousands of speeches around Eighteen thousand people showed control of the party in a raucous tor of The Washington Times. riding in from the West to do the country as chairman of the up, and when Goldwater took the San Francisco convention.

Remembering : A bridge from Goldwater to modern conservatives

BY RALPH Z. HALLOW In that sense, Crane, who died Nov. 8 of where he taught and the headmaster job in Reagan’s failed 1976 nomination run. THE WASHINGTON TIMES cancer at age 84, helped construct the span a preparatory school he started. He lectured At times, Crane’s view of where con- that linked the Goldwater campaign failure, conservative student and adult gatherings, servatism should take the THE WASHINGTON TIMES t was fall 1964. A young Phil Crane, over which liberals spent decades gloating, formal and informal, all over the country. led him to stand athwart history and say armed with Hollywood good looks to conservatism’s mixed successes in the He served a two-year stint as chairman “no.” He opposed turning over control of and a freshly minted Ph.D., had wan- Ronald Reagan era and beyond. of the American Conservative Union. He the Panama Canal to Panama — a position gled a job in the research shop of One reason Crane was so good at philo- created what amounted to a philosophy- Reagan also held. History overrode Crane IBarry Goldwater’s Republican presidential sophical, ideological bridge-building over policy-tactics school for lawmakers when and Reagan with a “yes.” campaign. his 50 years in public service was that he he founded and led the fi rst conservative But when Crane said the federal gov- Crane saw himself as foot soldier in the started out as a conservative intellectual caucus in the U.S. House — the Republican ernment should restore Americans’ right burgeoning conservative movement. That at a time when popular belief held that the Study Committee. He helped create the to own gold, history — and Congress | year, it had set out to complete a bridge left in America — liberal Democrats, demo- Heritage Foundation, fi rst headed by Edwin — agreed. TUESDAY • NOVEMBER 18 • 2014 linking the founders’ blueprint for limited cratic socialists, communists — held an J. Feulner and Paul M. Weyrich, destined to Some who knew him well said Crane government with a modern means to maxi- exclusive franchise on intellectuals. They become the most infl uential conservative did fully live up to his potential. For too mize individual freedom amid what Gold- held the commanding heights in broadcast ideas and policy factory of the Reagan era. long, Crane said “yes” to alcoholism. By waterites saw as the ruble of liberal statism. and print journalism and in the most pres- For most of his 35 years in Congress, he the time he said “no,” it was too late and The Goldwater crusade collapsed with tigious and expensive universities. taught the philosophy of conservatism how his infl uence had waned. his electoral defeat on Nov. 3, 1964. Skeptics Conservatism had its intellectual phi- to apply it successfully. A few years later, he lost re-election concluded that the Goldwater brigades had losophers, and Crane read and quoted from Although he was never able to fulfi ll his after 35 years in Congress. But he already started a bridge to nowhere. the right’s top intellectuals, such as Russell ambition to become a presidential candi- helped build the bridge from Mr. Gold- Crane, like Goldwater, stuck with the Kirk, Friedrich Hayek, date, he did take a shot at it, running in 1980 water to a modern conservative political bridge, as did other ardent Goldwaterites and Milton Friedman. for the Republican nomination. Instead, philosophy now claiming the public al- such as William F. Buckley Jr., Paul Wey- That empowered Crane to spread their Ronald Reagan became the nominee, and legiance of most Republicans in Congress rich, Stan Evans, Phyllis Schlafl y, William word though a variety of megaphones. He then president. Crane spent the fall of 1980 and most aspirants to the GOP presidential Rusher and others. has his professorial lecterns in colleges working hard for Reagan, just as he had for nomination. 3 Barry Goldwater’s commitment to America’s youths By Ron Robinson and already poised to join us be- decline or die off . Jessica Jensen cause of failed government ini- We can change that. Young tiatives, a poor job market and America’s Foundation, with the resident Reagan told us, increasing realization that their help of our supporters, activates “There is no better way generation faces record personal and trains reinforcements — to establish hope for the and governmental debt. and this is the very best time future than to enlighten History teaches us the value in an eight-year cycle to do just Pyoung minds.” of harnessing the power and en- that. Barry Goldwater understood ergy of young people to advance Now is the time to engage this. He knew the importance great social movements. students in public policy de- of inspiring and reaching out to This was the backbone of the bates. ’s time in young people, which is why he civil rights movement, which offi ce is winding down, and worked with Young Americans was led by a 26-year-old Martin many new, exciting voices are for Freedom throughout his ca- Luther King Jr. and a 23-year-old emerging. reer. In fact, YAF helped launch . However, we know the left Goldwater onto the national It was certainly true of the will make its greatest eff orts scene by hosting a “Rally for Goldwater-Reagan movement. during this time. World Liberation From Com- That is why so many Reaganites Whether or not one leader munism” with 18,500 conserva- and Youth for Goldwater are still emerges from the conserva- tives in Madison Square Garden active in public policy debates. tive ranks, he or she will need in 1962. It was true of ’s a youth following and a strong Addressing the YAF National eff orts and the McCarthy-Mc- base of support of young people Conference in 1974, Goldwater Govern forces. Rep. , to be successful. Reagan under- said: “My speaking schedule is Republican, also built the stood that. Goldwater under- heavily loaded with commit- ASSOCIATED PRESS modern-day libertarian force stood that. ments to speak with college Youngsters in signature Goldwater glasses carry beagles to greet Sen. this way. Even the “environmen- They, more so than any other groups. They seem to want me, Barry Goldwater during a campaign stop in Montgomery, . tal movement” harnesses the en- conservatives in the past cen- and I love to go. I love to go, be- ergy and idealism of our young tury, inspired a generation of cause I want to know what the people to build its base. young people to be bold in their future [holds] for mankind in they do. our principles. Some brainstorm In contrast, the , John activism and advance freedom the years ahead. And believe me, Today, more than ever, our how we can reach more women. McCain and even on their campuses and through- my friends, today’s YAF leaders leaders need to understand what But all of those groups, to vary- eff orts failed to give any priority out their careers. In order for are tomorrow’s national leaders. Reagan and Goldwater did: No ing degrees, have resisted join- to gaining a youth following. Lyn- our movement to be success- I know this because I see it hap- major movement has been able ing us en masse. don B. Johnson and Hubert Hum- ful, today’s leaders must do the pening all over .” to sustain itself without an ac- The surest audience that we phrey overlooked students, and same. Our nation desperately tive, and usually well-funded, have the best chance to win over their style of politics collapsed. needs today’s young people to youth component. right now is young Americans. Even the neocons faded because ⦁ Ron Robinson is president of understand the importance of Many want to reach blacks They are more persuadable they were disdainful of youth Young America’s Foundation. preserving and advancing free- and Hispanics, arguing they and, once activated, can stay activism. Likewise, churches Jessica Jensen is the chief of staff dom, and it is up to us to ensure have values in common with with us for decades. They are without active youth ministries of Young America’s Foundation.

Goldwater: Good for a story, and good for the conscience

BY WESLEY PRUDEN particularly weird look,” he said, tone of the ’64 campaign. was soon to follow. “We as a na- , ferrying supplies for the Re- THE WASHINGTON TIMES “and these glasses are for the pho- Before and after the disastrous tion,” he said in the ’64 campaign, public of China “over the Hump,” tographers. There’s nothing there ’64 campaign — he carried only his “are not far from the kind of moral errands over the Himalayas that arry Goldwater was in the frames to refl ect the lights.” native Arizona and three states of decay that has brought on the fall took the lives of more than a few the favorite candidate He was a fi ne photographer him- the Deep South — Goldwater said of other nations and peoples. I say American pilots. He fl ew as well of every correspondent self and he understood technical some of the pithy things the report- it is time to put conscience back between America and India, via who appreciated a good perils of the trade, both for the ers loved him for, whatever they in government.” the Azores and North Africa. Bstory. I covered his 1964 presiden- photographer and for the subject. might have been thinking about Our paths crossed again not “We were fl ying a C-47 out of tial campaign for the old National The mockery was unimagina- the politics that were just slightly longer after 1964. I had fl own up Agra,” he said, “and we lost an Observer, the late, great Dow tive and unrelenting. Fact maga- ahead of his time. Once, discuss- from Vietnam where I had gone engine on takeoff . I thought for Jones newsweekly, and he never zine, now mercifully no longer ing nuclear bombs and the frustra- back to the war after the presi- sure we had bought the farm. But let us down. He was blunt, irrev- with us, sent a questionnaire tion of the West with the relentless dential campaign, for a few days the engine spluttered back to life, THE WASHINGTON TIMES WASHINGTON THE | erent and unpredictable, often to 12,356 psychiatrists — who persistence of the Evil Empire, he in Hong Kong. I noticed a small and the plane forgave me, as the mocking the press caricature of knew there were so many? — suggested that “let’s lob one of them item in the South China Morning C-47 had so many pilots before him as a reckless gunslinger from and asked them whether they into the men’s room at the Kremlin.” Post that Goldwater and his wife, and after me. But in those few the Old West. He was great copy. thought Goldwater was mentally He once called the cautious Eisen- Peggy, had been in Saigon, too, seconds when it looked like we Early in the campaign he fi t to be president. Only 2,417 re- hower administration “a dime-store and were stopping at the Penin- weren’t going to make it, and we stepped up to the microphones sponded, and of those 1,189 said New Deal.” He said “sometimes I sula, the iconic hotel where all were closing fast straight for one and stuck his fi nger through an what the publisher, Ralph Ginz- think the country would be bet- roads in Asia eventually cross. I of the most recognizable treasures empty frame of his iconic black burg, wanted them to say, that ter off if we could just saw off the left a note inviting him to break- of the world, all I could think was, eyeglasses and wiggled it at the he was unfi t. Not one of them Eastern seaboard and let it fl oat fast. He was as cordial, blunt and ‘I’m going to be remembered as row of reporters. (I distinctly had ever interviewed him. It was out to sea.” irreverent as always. the jerk who destroyed the Taj remember that it was his index a particularly outrageous stunt, He said some important pre- The conversation turned to Mahal.’”

TUESDAY • NOVEMBER 18 • 2014 2014 • 18 NOVEMBER • TUESDAY fi nger.) “Sometimes the photog- which said more about the witch scient things, too, insights that airplanes, one of his very favorite raphers get a bit of glare bouncing doctors than about the candidate, would become home truths for topics, and World War II, when ⦁ Wesley Pruden is editor emeri- 4 off the glasses and it gives you a and it accurately refl ected the the conservative renaissance that he had been a Ferry Command tus of The Washington Times. YAF carried the torch for Barry Goldwater in 1964

...and 50 years later, YAF continues to introduce his philosophy and ideas to the youth of America “My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them.” — Barry Goldwater THE WASHINGTON TIMES ————————————————— In our hearts, we knew he was right. We still do.

In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of his trailblazing Presidential |

nomination, we invite you to discover the behind-the-scenes secrets of TUESDAY • NOVEMBER 18 • 2014 how Barry Goldwater’s The Conscience of a Conservative came to be. Call 800-USA-1776 to get your free copy of the full story excerpted Young Americans for Freedom is a from Funding Fathers: The Unsung Heroes of the Conservative Movement. project of Young America’s Foundation. Act now for this limited time offer.

The Reagan Ranch Center 106Rs‘sdRsqdds¶R‘ms‘A‘qa‘q‘+B‘khenqmh‘820/0 Young America’s Foundation National Headquarters www.yaf.org 0037/BnlldqbdO‘qjCqhud+RhwsgEknnq¶Qdrsnm+Uhqfhmh‘1/080 800-USA-1776 5 ‘The Conscience of a Conservative’: The little book that transformed American politics

By Alfred Regnery be printed; “The Conscience of a Conservative” became the arry Goldwater’s political book of the century, little 115-page book, probably with a greater impact “The Conscience of than any political book since a Conservative,” was “The Communist Mani- Bpublished in 1960, long before festo.” It is no exaggeration running for president had to say that “The Conscience occurred to the senator from of a Conservative” changed Arizona, or much of anybody American conservatism from else. But Goldwater was already an abstract set of ideas into a the undisputed champion of practical political philosophy conservative ideas and policies and, in the process, estab- in the Senate, and had traveled lished Barry Goldwater as its thousands of miles making most prominent spokesmen, speeches, campaigning for which he would remain until aspiring congressmen and sena- the emergence of Ronald Rea- tors, and raising money for the gan. The book probably was Republican cause. In the pro- also responsible for recruiting cess he had developed an un- more people to the conserva- derstandable and clear position tive cause than anything else. on conservatism and a degree Typical was the impact it had of popularity among right- on Paul Laxalt who, in 1960, wing Americans. He also knew was practicing law in Carson that the literature available to City, Nevada. “One of my conservatives lacked a concise clients sent me a copy of ‘Con- and unadulterated statement of of a Conservative,’” conservative principles. said Mr. Laxalt, “and, God, I Ghostwritten by L. Brent found it absolutely fabulous. Bozell — a senior editor at There wasn’t anything around , William F. ASSOCIATED PRESS PHOTOGRAPHS like that. And I just feasted on Buckley Jr.’s brother-in-law A demonstration for Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater (right) is held on the fi nal night of the Republican National it.” and co-author of “McCarthy Convention in San Francisco on July 16, 1964. Goldwater lost his presidential bid to incumbent Lyndon B. Mr. Laxalt told me the and His Enemies” (1954) — it Johnson, who ascended to the presidency in 1963 following President John F. Kennedy’s assassination. distribution of the book “to took the ideas that were, at the young people like myself, a time, mostly discussed only by how they could be applied to young lawyer who had run a few conservative intellectu- practical politics and govern- for offi ce one time before was als and presented them in a ment policy. The “challenge to signifi cant as hell. It was our way that made them accessible conservatives today,” he said, bible.” Mr. Laxalt, who was to a more popular audience “is quite simply to demon- elected lieutenant governor and laid out what conserva- strate the bearing of a proven of Nevada in 1962, was the tives believed and what their philosophy on the problems of fi rst elected offi cial to endorse plan of action should be. our own time.” Goldwater. Bozell had been writing The result was an astonish- re- speeches for Goldwater, had ing success. “The Conscience leased a 33-year anniversary a good grasp of the issues of a Conservative” became, edition in 1990 with a new that Goldwater believed in, quite simply, the conserva- introduction by . and was a fi rst-class writer tives’ new bible, the “under- “Into that winter of our dis- and thinker. He and Buckley ground book of the times,” content came this slim book had been debate partners and as Goldwater described it 30 …,” wrote Mr. Buchanan. “[It] the U.S. debate champions at years later. The fi rst printing, was our new testament; it con- Yale, and if anybody in the a small hardback, was 10,000 tained the core beliefs of our nascent conservative move- Former Sen. Barry Goldwater fl ew from his home in Arizona Febru- copies, which the publisher political faith, it told us why ment knew how to frame an ary 15, 1988 to endorse Vice President George H.W. Bush in the New sold to bookstores for $1 each. we had failed, what we must THE WASHINGTON TIMES WASHINGTON THE | argument, it was Bozell. It is Hampshire primary during a news conference in Nashua. Mr. Bush Within a month, it ranked do. We read it, memorized unclear whether the book was went on to defeat Democratic challenger and serve 10th on Time magazine’s it, and quoted it. To reread it Goldwater’s idea or Bozell’s, one term as president. best-seller list, and two weeks today is to recall the magic the but when Bozell fi nished the later ranked 14th on The New charismatic man from the des- manuscript and presented it to York Times’ list. By the time ert had for so many thousands Goldwater, it is said that Barry state, education and the Soviet 15 years. As Goldwater said in the 1960 election came along, in that Silent Generation.” thumbed through it for 10 min- menace. In doing so, Goldwa- his introduction, he wished just fi ve months later, 500,000 “The Conscience of a Con- utes or so, handed it back and ter brought the three conser- “to bridge the gap between copies were in print. The Wall servative” remains in print 54 told Bozell to go with it. vative branches into a coordi- theory and practice.” He took Street Journal reported that years later, and is as timely as The book spelled out the nated and seamless tract — a the ideas that established the it was selling best in college it was in 1990 and 1960. Over conservative position on lim- “fusion” that ended the three- roots of conservatism — eco- bookstores, comparably to the years, it changed a genera-

TUESDAY • NOVEMBER 18 • 2014 2014 • 18 NOVEMBER • TUESDAY ited government, civil rights, way debate over reconciling nomics, anti-communism, the perennial best-seller “The tion, changed the conserva- government regulation, taxes conservative ideals and practi- , the Catcher in the Rye.” Eventually tive movement and changed 6 and spending, the welfare cal politics that had raged for Constitution — and explained over 4 million copies would American politics forever. Barry Goldwater: Unwavering friend of ‘Free China’ By Lyushun Shen

arry Goldwater is rightfully an icon of the American conserva- tive movement for decades since the 1960s, and it is a privilege Band an honor to contribute to his re- membrance on the 50th anniversary of his presidential campaign. What many Americans may not know, however, is the role then-Sen. Goldwater played in the U.S. relations with my country, the Republic of China (ROC, Taiwan), usually termed by the senator as “Free China.” His contribution to the U.S.- Taiwan relationship made him a fi gure of enormous importance and won him profound respect on the other side of the Pacifi c as well. Goldwater’s friendship with the ROC can be dated back to when he helped train our pilots in the U.S. as an Air Force instructor during World War II. He also fl ew over “The Hump” in the Himalayas to deliver supplies to the wartime ROC. His aff ection for my country took root then and grew even stronger when he started his political career. Ever since he won his seat in the Senate in 1952, Goldwater became one of the staunchest voices in this country advocating sup- port for the ROC government in Taiwan against the communist regime in main- land China. The senator strongly argued that it is a core American value and in the coun- ASSOCIATED PRESS try’s best interest to stand by Taiwan as Barry Goldwater waves to delegates inside the Cow Palace at the 1964 Republican National Convention in San Francisco. As a senator, it faced an existential threat from tyran- he strongly argued that it is a core American value and in the country’s best interest to stand by Taiwan as it faced an existential threat nical communists. But the real time to from tyrannical communists. Goldwater’s contribution to the U.S.-Taiwan relationship made him a fi gure of enormous importance and show such staunch support as a man of won him profound respect on the other side of the Pacifi c. He championed the passage of the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA), a landmark principle came when the United States piece of legislation, which through bipartisan support, was signed into law in April 1979. To this day, that law provides the bedrock for switched diplomatic recognition from U.S.-Taiwan relations. free China to Communist China in 1979 and abrogated its defense treaty with an ally as old as the ROC-Taiwan. To express ten days before the switch of recogni- rumors that he had been personally newly-opened Chinese restaurant in his outrage, and as he felt the abrogation tion took eff ect, a civic organization co- invited to visit mainland China. The an- downtown Washington. When the group of a treaty required the advice and con- chaired by Goldwater called the “Friends nouncement was true to the senator’s of guests arrived, they also brought sent of the Senate while President Jimmy of Free China Association” purchased character: a delightful surprise: Goldwater was

Carter did it single-handedly, Goldwater the Twin Oaks Estate for a token price “For one solid week, I have heard and with them and declared himself a self- THE WASHINGTON TIMES challenged the administration through in order to prevent it from falling into read of reports that Communist China invited guest. We had a wonderful night a lawsuit against the president of the the hands of the soon-to-be recognized has invited me to visit Peking. I have not in which the senator showed his car- United States and argued all the way to communist government. Also due to personally received such an invitation, ing and personable attitude toward us, the Supreme Court, where he ultimately the senator’s help, among other things, and if I did, I would decline it,” Goldwa- the younger generation, as an amicable failed. However, he also championed the TRA was passed with a provision ter declared. “I have great aff ection for grandfather. Junior offi cers do not have the passage of the Taiwan Relations Act rendering legal basis for the ROC’s the Chinese people, their culture, their the privilege to invite senators, but they (TRA), a landmark piece of legislation, continued ownership of its properties. skills, and their potential. But until there may be bestowed upon with such an which through bipartisan support, was Accordingly, the Friends of Free China is one free China, I will not visit the honor that will leave a long-lasting and | signed into law in April 1979. To this day, Association returned the property to mainland.” encouraging eff ect throughout their TUESDAY • NOVEMBER 18 • 2014 that law provides the bedrock for U.S.- the ROC government in 1982. Thanks The legacy of Barry Goldwater as career. Taiwan relations. to Goldwater and our other American a friend and ally of the free China can Goldwater consistently demonstrated This was just one of the many in- friends, today the Twin Oaks Estate be seen through acts of such a great the true meaning of his phonetic Chi- stances of Goldwater’s assistance to hosts many American dignitaries and magnitude. It can also, however, be seen nese name, Kao-Hua-Teh: Kao, mean- my country. Following the diplomatic the general public through events such through the personal touch he impressed ing “tall;” Hua, meaning “grand;” Teh, switch, the ROC government was con- as the annual Republic of China National on others. Goldwater often left people meaning “virtuous.” Tall, grand, virtuous cerned that it would lose possession of Day celebration. with a story or two to pass on, and I hap- — one for his shadow, one for his vision Twin Oaks, a historic estate, originally Over the years, Goldwater visited pen to have one myself. and one for his character. built by the founder of the National Taiwan on many occasions but never set As a junior offi cer for congressional Geographic Society, that had served as his foot on mainland China. Following liaison at the Taiwan mission in the ⦁ Lyushun Shen is the Taiwan Represen- the residence for nine ROC ambassadors one such trip to Taiwan in May 1982, he early 1980s, I once hosted a dinner party tative (TECRO) in the United States. since 1937. On December 22, 1978, just issued a press release in June addressing for Goldwater’s staff at a well-known, 7 The bones and sinews of the conservative movement are Goldwater’s legacy By Richard A. Viguerie later said. “It contained the core beliefs sellout crowd of 18,500 mostly young through the Republican National Con- of our political faith, it told us why we people to liberalism’s East Coast citadel vention in San Francisco and straight arry Goldwater was responsible had failed, what we must do. We read and gave national exposure to the rally’s through to his epic defeat on Election for recruiting and inspiring it, memorized it, quoted it. … For those featured speakers, especially conserva- Day 1964. many of the people who built of us wandering in the arid desert of tive Republican senators Barry Goldwa- In the wake of Kennedy’s assassina- the infrastructure and organiza- Eisenhower Republicanism, it hit like a ter, and . tion, Goldwater briefl y considered drop- Btions that to this day form the bones and rifl e shot.” Before that day, what we in the con- ping his campaign. He recognized that sinews of the conservative movement. The book’s strong statement of the servative movement were doing was the American people would be unlikely After the death of Sen. Bob Taft in dangers of, and opposition to, world mostly out of the public eye. But when to opt for three presidents in 14 months, 1953, Goldwater quickly became the communism helped defi ne the conserva- thousands were lined up around Madi- but he was persuaded to continue by his most consequential fi gure in the Repub- tive movement as the natural political son Square Garden and the speeches grass-roots supporters, a desire to wrest lican Party and in conservative politics. home of fi rst- and second-generation and sellout crowd were front-page, control of the Republican Party away Part of Goldwater’s appeal was Eastern Europeans, Cubans and Asians “above the fold” news the next day in from the establishment’s Eastern liberals undoubtedly his larger-than-life per- who had fl ed communist revolutions in , the conservative and for what Bill Middendorf called the sonality. He was an Air Force pilot and their homelands, and it confi rmed Barry movement leapt onto the national po- “noble reason” of building the conserva- a plain-talking entrepreneur. In his Goldwater as the premier spokesman for litical stage — and it was a movement tive movement. trademark black glasses and rugged rolling back the communist tide. largely inspired by Goldwater and the In that sense, Goldwater’s 1964 cam- good looks, he was the very defi nition It also inspired a new generation of new brand of conservatism he shared paign succeeded far beyond expectation. of a man of the New West. Although not young conservatives, including me, to with intellectuals such as William F. In his epic defeat, Goldwater cleared a tall man, Goldwater seemed to stand become involved in the movement. Buckley, Jr., M. Stanton Evans, Russell the way for one of his strongest support- head and shoulders above every other After deferring to and Kirk, Frank S. Meyer, William F. Rusher ers, actor Ronald Reagan, to make an Republican political fi gure of the late taking himself out of the running for the and L. Brent Bozell Jr. electrifying television speech, “A Time 1950s and early 1960s. 1960 Republican presidential nomina- Far from being intimidated by the for Choosing.” That speech refreshed His plain-spoken, sometimes profane, tion (where he still received 10 votes on media’s love aff air with Kennedy, or conservatism’s appeal and led to former commentary on the failures and follies the fi rst ballot) Goldwater traveled the swept away in the glamour and lib- Democrat Reagan entering Republican of the progressive Republicans and lib- country as chairman of the National Re- eral celebrity worship surrounding politics to become governor of Califor- eral Democrats of his era refl ected what publican Senatorial Committee selling “Camelot,” conservatives were an ener- nia and eventually America’s fi rst con- millions of conservative Americans be- his new brand of conservatism. gized and growing force rallying for the servative president of the modern era. lieved was wrong with the government, That experience put him in contact ideals of freedom, liberty and limited Although conservatives were in a popular culture and politics. with grass-roots Republicans all over the government. darkness of biblical proportions after The importance of Goldwater’s will- country. After Nixon’s defeat, and more And Barry Goldwater was our chief Goldwater’s defeat, we didn’t give up. ingness to publicly criticize the Republi- than two years before the 1964 election, spokesman and inspiration. We started organizations to advance can establishment cannot be overstated. “ Goldwater for President” com- Goldwater was enthusiastic about the conservative ideas. We took note of Rea- In 1960, he referred to the domes- mittees were formed across the country. prospects of running against President gan’s optimistic assessment of the elec- tic program of Republican President Goldwater conservatism, the mar- Kennedy and drawing a sharp contrast tion that, although Goldwater lost, we Dwight D. Eisenhower, the revered lib- riage of anti-communist “national to Kennedy’s policies. What’s more, attracted 27 million conservative voters erator of Europe, as “a dime store New defense conservatives” and economic Goldwater understood that the problem who shared our values. Deal,” and in so doing he empowered conservatives, led to a redefi nition was as much the establishment Re- To communicate with those 27 mil- conservatives to begin to publicly fi ght of conservatism away from the anti- publican Party leadership as it was the lion newly identifi ed conservative vot- the Republican establishment and to interventionist ideas of William Howard Democrats. ers, I began copying by hand (as was demand that the GOP actually stand Taft and led to a generational shift in the In 1961, F. Clifton White organized legal in those days) a list of Goldwater for and campaign on conservative Republican Party. a movement to nominate a Republican campaign donors. Less than two months principles. In the haze that the liberal establish- conservative for president. Traveling after Barry Goldwater’s defeat, I founded Goldwater’s fi ght, I might add, has ment media created in their celebration around the country, White exhorted the Viguerie Co., America’s fi rst conser- been taken up today by members of the of the election of John F. Kennedy as the conservatives to seize control of their vative direct mail company. and other limited- beginning of “Camelot,” it is easy to lose local Republican Party organizations Through direct mail, we created an government constitutional conserva- sight of the fact that the election of Ken- and elect conservative delegates to the alternative media that bypassed the left’s tives. They draw their inspiration from nedy coincided with the rise of a con- Republican National Convention. It was monopoly on the country’s microphones the same principled demand that the servative movement in the United States much the same message I preached in and editorial pages and allowed conser- Republican Party actually campaign and in the Republican Party. my recent book “Takeover.” vative candidates and organizations to and govern according to its conservative In 1960, Young Americans for Free- The movement White orchestrated communicate with the growing bloc of platform and principles. This honesty in dom was founded and “The Conscience gave conservatives more infl uence over conservative voters free of any liberal politics is now, as it was then, annoying of a Conservative” was published. In the inner workings of the Republican fi lters. and troubling to the ruling class within 1961, conservative Republican John Party than they had during Taft’s 1952 Today, the members of the “Stop THE WASHINGTON TIMES WASHINGTON THE | the Republican establishment. Tower was elected in a special election defeat and helped persuade Goldwater Goldwater” movement are largely for- In 1960, with the help of L. Brent to fi ll Lyndon B. Johnson’s vacant Senate to run for president. gotten and “” is Bozell, Jr., Goldwater published the seat. This scared the devil out of the pro- a term of derision. But “The Conscience groundbreaking “The Conscience of a On March 7, 1962, while I served as gressive-dominated Republican estab- of a Conservative” is still in print, and Conservative.” The book was intended, executive secretary, Young Americans lishment, which was all for Eisenhower’s the organizations founded by the people Goldwater said, “to awaken the Ameri- for Freedom held a huge rally at Madi- “dime store New Deal.” This ideal had that Barry Goldwater inspired, including can people to a realization of how far we son Square Garden in long embraced me-tooism and ceded the the Viguerie Co., remain vigorous and had moved from the old constitutional with Barry Goldwater as one of the national agenda to the Democrats. growing. concepts toward the new .” headliners and chief draws. I would New York Gov. , ⦁ Richard A. Viguerie is the founder of The book quickly went through 20 print- nominate the Madison Square Garden Pennsylvania Gov. and the Viguerie Co., chairman of American ings and sold 3.5 million copies, and it is rally as the day the modern conservative Michigan Gov. George Romney all lined Target Advertising and author of “Take-

TUESDAY • NOVEMBER 18 • 2014 2014 • 18 NOVEMBER • TUESDAY still in print. movement had its public debut. up against Goldwater in a furious “Stop over: The 100-Year War for the Soul of the “‘The Conscience of a Conservative’ “A Conservative Rally for World Goldwater” movement that attacked GOP and How Conservatives Can Finally 8 was our new testament,” Pat Buchanan Liberation from Communism” drew a him during the Republican primaries, Win It.” Fifty Years Ago in 1964 . . . This American patriot sparked a conservative movement …

This American patriot turned it into a Revolution …

And these American patriots carried that vision forward to Barry Goldwater the 2014 election and beyond! Ronald Reagan

And this man was Cliff White, campaign manager for Draft movement … Ronald Reagan for turning privileged to have a Goldwater campaign in 1964, as well as that movement into a Revolution … and “front row seat” at Ronald Reagan’s campaign manager in the millions of conservative and tea party every phase. Right 1968, co-authored a book, Why Reagan activists working tirelessly ever since to after the 1964 election, Won. In it he states: “In every election restore liberty for future generations. Richard Viguerie— from 1966 onward, the Viguerie Company America’s “Funding and its score of imitators…brought Richard Viguerie Father” of the information to millions of Americans; conservative movement—obtained the information that quite often the people names and addresses of 12,500 could not obtain from or “Goldwater for President” donors on 3 x television or mass-circulation magazines.” 5 cards. These “true believers” would form the base for the future of the Today, with over $7 Billion dollars raised conservative movement, and the cause of since 1965, Viguerie Political Lists has the world’s largest donor list of its kind—no one liberty in America. Within one year, that “Mr. Viguerie became king of list grew 1,000 percent to 125,000 names. else comes close—with TEN MILLION right-of-center donors to Republican, political direct mail and provided As the list continued to increase, Conservative, and Charitable organizations. conservatives with an essential tool conservatives could finally bypass the Index cards have been replaced by a to raise money, communicate ideas, liberal mainstream media and connect powerful database of names and addresses, and motivate people.” directly with millions of patriotic enhanced with phone numbers, emails, – The Washington Times Americans on a “personal level” over giving history and demographic profiles. issues they cared passionately about. “Viguerie… may have understood

But the most important information the true value of a name before THE WASHINGTON TIMES Viguerie’s growing agency and lists Viguerie has on these conservative anyone else in contemporary became a factor in the major reshaping of Americans is the issues they are passionate politics.” America’s political landscape – starting about: , border – The New York Times Magazine with the 1980 Reagan Revolution, security, taxes, Obamacare, military & followed by the 1994 conservative sweep veterans, education, 2nd Amendment, “Viguerie made it all possible” for of Congress, then the 2010 “shellacking” life, and concerns of conservative conservatives.

seniors, Catholics, Protestants and Tea |

of the Obama administration and the TUESDAY • NOVEMBER 18 • 2014 AFL-CIO News Reid/Pelosi Congress, to the historic Party activists. – blowout against the radical Obama- Barry Democrat agenda in November 2014. Viguerie Political Lists salutes “Viguerie has been called ‘the Goldwater for sparking the conservative conservatives’ .’” –

Over 7 billion dollars raised from 9 million donors AMERICAN MAILING LISTS CORPORATION Since 1965, America’s largest source of active Conservative donors. 9 A time for choosing: ‘You and I have a rendezvous with destiny’

BY RONALD REAGAN do that, it must use force and coercion to 40TH PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES achieve its purpose. They also knew, those Founding Fathers, that outside of its legiti- Excerpts from the speech delivered by mate functions, government does nothing Ronald Reagan on Oct. 27, 1964, in support as well or as economically as the private of Barry Goldwater’s candidacy for presi- sector of the economy. dent. It aff ectionately has become known ◾ ◾ ◾ as “The Speech” and is widely credited for catapulting Mr. Reagan and his vision for They’ve just declared Rice County, Kan- conservatism onto the national stage. sas, a depressed area. Rice County, Kansas, has 200 oil wells, and the 14,000 people have spent most of my life as a Demo- there have over $30 million on deposit in crat. I recently have seen fi t to follow personal savings in their banks. And when another course. I believe that the issues the government tells you you’re depressed, confronting us cross party lines. Now, lie down and be depressed. Ione side in this campaign has been telling us We have so many people who can’t that the issues of this election are the mainte- see a fat man standing beside a thin one nance of peace and prosperity. The line has without coming to the conclusion the fat been used, “We’ve never had it so good.” man got that way by taking advantage of But I have an uncomfortable feeling that the thin one. So they’re going to solve all this prosperity isn’t something on which the problems of human misery through we can base our hopes for the future. No government and government planning. nation in history has ever survived a tax Well, now, if government planning and burden that reached a third of its national welfare had the answer — and they’ve income. Today, 37 cents out of every dollar ASSOCIATED PRESS had almost 30 years of it — shouldn’t we earned in this country is the tax collector’s Sen. Barry Goldwater was at the side of President Reagan on May 30, 1984, aft er Reagan expect government to read the score to us share, and yet our government continues addressed the graduating class at the U.S. Air Force Academy. At Reagan’s left is Lt. once in a while? Shouldn’t they be telling us to spend $17 million a day more than the General Winfi eld Scott Jr., superintendent of the academy. Th e men believed in a strong about the decline each year in the number government takes in. We haven’t balanced national defense to defend freedom and to fi ght the chains of communism. of people needing help? The reduction in our budget 28 out of the last 34 years. We’ve the need for public housing? raised our debt limit three times in the But the reverse is true. Each year the last 12 months, and now our national debt are? I had someplace to escape to.” And in among themselves; and all of the things need grows greater; the program grows is one and a half times bigger than all the that sentence he told us the entire story. If I now will quote have appeared in print. greater. We were told four years ago that combined debts of all the nations of the we lose freedom here, there’s no place to These are not Republican accusations. For 17 million people went to bed hungry each world. We have $15 billion in gold in our escape to. This is the last stand on earth. example, they have voices that say, “The night. Well, that was probably true. They Treasury; we don’t own an ounce. Foreign And this idea that government is be- will end through our acceptance were all on a diet. But now we’re told that dollar claims are $27.3 billion. And we’ve holden to the people, that it has no other of a not undemocratic .” Another 9.3 million families in this country are just had announced that the dollar of 1939 source of power except the sovereign voice says, “The profi t motive has become poverty-stricken on the basis of earning will now purchase 45 cents in its total value. people, is still the newest and the most outmoded. It must be replaced by the less than $3,000 a year. Welfare spending As for the peace that we would preserve, unique idea in all the long history of man’s incentives of the welfare state.” Or, “Our [is] 10 times greater than in the dark depths I wonder who among us would like to ap- relation to man. traditional system of individual freedom is of the Depression. We’re spending $45 bil- proach the wife or mother whose husband This is the issue of this election: incapable of solving the complex problems lion on welfare. Now do a little arithmetic, or son has died in South Vietnam and ask Whether we believe in our capacity for of the 20th century.” Sen. Fulbright has said and you’ll fi nd that if we divided the $45 them if they think this is a peace that should self-government or whether we abandon at Stanford University that the Constitution billion up equally among those 9 million be maintained indefi nitely. Do they mean the American Revolution and confess that a is outmoded. He referred to the president poor families, we’d be able to give each peace, or do they mean we just want to be little intellectual elite in a far-distant capitol as “our moral teacher and our leader,” and family $4,600 a year. And this added to left in peace? There can be no real peace can plan our lives for us better than we can he says he is “hobbled in his task by the their present income should eliminate while one American is dying someplace in plan them ourselves. restrictions of power imposed on him by poverty. Direct aid to the poor, however, the world for the rest of us. We’re at war this antiquated document.” He must “be is running only about $600 per family. It ◾ ◾ ◾ with the most dangerous enemy that has freed,” so that he “can do for us” what he would seem that someplace there must be ever faced mankind in his long climb from You and I are told increasingly we have knows “is best.” And Sen. Clark of Penn- some overhead. the swamp to the stars, and it’s been said if to choose between a left or right. Well I’d sylvania, another articulate spokesman, ◾ ◾ ◾ we lose that war, and in so doing lose this like to suggest there is no such thing as a defi nes liberalism as “meeting the material way of freedom of ours, history will record left or right. There’s only an up or down: needs of the masses through the full power A young man, 21 years of age, working THE WASHINGTON TIMES WASHINGTON THE | with the greatest astonishment that those [up] man’s old — old-aged dream, the of centralized government.” at an average salary, his Social Security who had the most to lose did the least to ultimate in individual freedom consistent Well, I, for one, resent it when a rep- contribution would, in the open market, prevent its happening. Well, I think it’s with law and order, or down to the ant heap resentative of the people refers to you buy him an insurance policy that would time we ask ourselves if we still know the of totalitarianism. And regardless of their and me, the free men and women of this guarantee $220 a month at age 65. The freedoms that were intended for us by the sincerity, their humanitarian motives, those country, as “the masses.” This is a term we government promises $127. He could live it Founding Fathers. who would trade our freedom for security haven’t applied to ourselves in America. But up until he’s 31 and then take out a policy Not too long ago, two friends of mine have embarked on this downward course. beyond that, “the full power of centralized that would pay more than Social Security. were talking to a Cuban refugee, a busi- In this vote-harvesting time, they use government” — this was the very thing Now are we so lacking in business sense nessman who had escaped from Castro, terms like the “Great Society,” or as we the Founding Fathers sought to minimize. that we can’t put this program on a sound and in the midst of his story one of my were told a few days ago by the president, They knew that governments don’t control basis, so that people who do require those friends turned to the other and said, “We we must accept a greater government activ- things. A government can’t control the payments will fi nd they can get them when

TUESDAY • NOVEMBER 18 • 2014 2014 • 18 NOVEMBER • TUESDAY don’t know how lucky we are.” And the ity in the aff airs of the people. But they’ve economy without controlling people. And 10 Cuban stopped and said, “How lucky you been a little more explicit in the past and they know when a government sets out to » see REAGAN | D11 $146 billion. With that money, fi nal demand — the ultimatum. REAGAN we bought a $2 million yacht for And what then — when Nikita From page D10 Haile Selassie. We bought dress Khrushchev has told his people suits for Greek undertakers, extra he knows what our answer will they’re due — that the cupboard wives for [n] government be? He has told them that we’re isn’t bare? offi cials. We bought 1,000 TV retreating under the pressure of Barry Goldwater thinks we sets for a place where they have the Cold War, and someday when can. no electricity. In the last six years, the time comes to deliver the fi nal At the same time, can’t we 52 nations have bought $7 billion ultimatum, our surrender will be introduce voluntary features that worth of our gold, and all 52 are voluntary, because by that time would permit a citizen who can do receiving foreign aid from this we will have been weakened from better on his own to be excused country. within spiritually, morally and upon presentation of evidence No government ever volun- economically. He believes this that he had made provision for tarily reduces itself in size. So because from our side he’s heard the non-earning years? Should we governments’ programs, once voices pleading for “peace at any not allow a widow with children launched, never disappear. price” or “better Red than dead,” to work, and not lose the benefi ts Actually, a government bureau or as one commentator put it, he’d supposedly paid for by her de- is the nearest thing to eternal life rather “live on his knees than die ceased husband? Shouldn’t you we’ll ever see on this earth. on his feet.” And therein lies the and I be allowed to declare who road to war, because those voices ◾ ◾ ◾ our benefi ciaries will be under don’t speak for the rest of us. this program, which we cannot Last Feb. 19 at the University of ASSOCIATED PRESS ◾ ◾ ◾ do? I think we’re for telling our Minnesota, Norman Thomas, six- President Reagan greeted the senator from Arizona in the White House senior citizens that no one in this time candidate for president on Rose Garden on Feb. 17, 1981, during a ceremony to start National You and I know and do not country should be denied medical the Socialist Party ticket, said, “If Patriotism Week. It was a speech in 1964 for Goldwater and his belief believe that life is so dear and care because of a lack of funds. Barry Goldwater became presi- in America that catapulted Reagan onto the national political stage. peace so sweet as to be purchased But I think we’re against forcing dent, he would stop the advance at the price of chains and . all citizens, regardless of need, of socialism in the United States.” If nothing in life is worth dying into a compulsory government I think that’s exactly what he will issues. They want to make you any direct confrontation with the for, when did this begin — just in program, especially when we have do. and I believe that this is a con- enemy, he’ll forget his evil ways the face of this enemy? Or should such examples, as was announced But as a former Democrat, I test between two men — that and learn to love us. All who Moses have told the children of last week, when France admitted can tell you Norman Thomas isn’t we’re to choose just between two oppose them are indicted as war- to live in slavery under the that their Medicare program is the only man who has drawn this personalities. mongers. They say we off er sim- pharaohs? Should Christ have now bankrupt. They’ve come to parallel to socialism with the pres- Well what of this man that ple answers to complex problems. refused the cross? Should the the end of the road. ent administration, because back they would destroy — and in de- Well, perhaps there is a simple patriots at Concord Bridge have In addition, was Barry Gold- in 1936, Mr. Democrat himself, Al stroying, they would destroy that answer — not an easy answer — thrown down their guns and re- water so irresponsible when he Smith, the great American, came which he represents, the ideas but simple: If you and I have the fused to fi re the shot heard ’round suggested that our government before the American people and that you and I hold dear? Is he courage to tell our elected offi cials the world? The martyrs of history give up its program of deliberate, charged that the leadership of the brash and shallow and trigger- that we want our national policy were not fools, and our honored planned infl ation, so that when his party was taking the party of happy man they say he is? Well based on what we know in our dead who gave their lives to stop you do get your Social Security Jeff erson, Jackson and Cleveland I’ve been privileged to know him hearts is morally right. the advance of the Nazis didn’t pension, a dollar will buy a dollar’s down the road under the banners “when.” I knew him long before We cannot buy our security, die in vain. Where, then, is the worth, and not 45 cents worth? of Marx, Lenin and Stalin. And he he ever dreamed of trying for high our freedom from the threat of road to peace? Well it’s a simple walked away from his party, and offi ce, and I can tell you personally the bomb by committing an im- answer after all. ◾ ◾ ◾ he never returned till the day he I’ve never known a man in my life morality so great as saying to a bil- You and I have the courage I think we’re for an interna- died — because to this day, the I believed so incapable of doing a lion human beings now enslaved to say to our enemies, “There is tional organization, where the leadership of that party has been dishonest or dishonorable thing. behind the Iron Curtain, “Give up a price we will not pay. There is nations of the world can seek taking that party, that honorable This is a man who, in his own your dreams of freedom because a point beyond which they must peace. But I think we’re against party, down the road in the image business before he entered poli- to save our own skins, we’re will- not advance.” And this — this subordinating American interests of the labor Socialist Party of tics, instituted a profi t-sharing ing to make a deal with your slave is the meaning in the phrase of to an organization that has be- England. plan before unions had ever masters.” Barry Goldwater’s “peace through come so structurally unsound that Now it doesn’t require expro- thought of it. He put in health said, “A nation which can prefer strength.” said, today you can muster a two-thirds priation or confi scation of private and medical insurance for all his disgrace to danger is prepared “The destiny of man is not mea- THE WASHINGTON TIMES vote on the fl oor of the General property or business to impose employees. He took 50 percent of for a master, and deserves one.” sured by material computations. Assembly among nations that rep- socialism on a people. What does the profi ts before taxes and set up Now let’s set the record straight. When great forces are on the resent less than 10 percent of the it mean whether you hold the a retirement program, a pension There’s no argument over the move in the world, we learn we’re world’s population. I think we’re deed to or the title to your busi- plan for all his employees. He choice between peace and war, spirits — not animals.” And he against the hypocrisy of assailing ness or property if the govern- sent monthly checks for life to an but there’s only one guaranteed said, “There’s something going our allies because here and there ment holds the power of life and employee who was ill and couldn’t way you can have peace — and on in time and space, and beyond they cling to a colony, while we death over that business or prop- work. He provides nursing care you can have it in the next second time and space, which, whether engage in a conspiracy of silence erty? And such machinery already for the children of mothers who — surrender. we like it or not, spells duty.” | and never open our mouths about exists. The government can fi nd work in the stores. When Mexico Admittedly, there’s a risk in You and I have a rendezvous TUESDAY • NOVEMBER 18 • 2014 the millions of people enslaved in some charge to bring against any was ravaged by the fl oods in the any course we follow other than with destiny. the Soviet colonies in the satellite concern it chooses to prosecute. Rio Grande, he climbed in his this, but every lesson of history We’ll preserve for our children nations. Every businessman has his own airplane and fl ew medicine and tells us that the greater risk lies this, the last best hope of man on I think we’re for aiding our tale of harassment. Somewhere a supplies down there. in appeasement, and this is the earth, or we’ll sentence them to allies by sharing of our mate- perversion has taken place. Our specter our well-meaning lib- take the last step into a thousand ◾ ◾ ◾ rial blessings with those nations natural, unalienable rights are eral friends refuse to face — that years of darkness. which share in our fundamental now considered to be a dispensa- Those who would trade our their policy of accommodation We will keep in mind and re- beliefs, but we’re against doling tion of government, and freedom freedom for the soup kitchen of is appeasement, and it gives no member that Barry Goldwater out money government to gov- has never been so fragile, so close the welfare state have told us choice between peace and war, has faith in us. He has faith that ernment, creating bureaucracy, if to slipping from our grasp as it is they have a utopian solution of only between fi ght or surrender. you and I have the ability and the not socialism, all over the world. at this moment. peace without victory. They call If we continue to accommodate, dignity and the right to make our We set out to help 19 countries. Our Democratic opponents their policy “accommodation.” continue to back and retreat, own decisions and determine our We’re helping 107. We’ve spent seem unwilling to debate these And they say if we’ll only avoid eventually we have to face the own destiny. 11 Memories of a New York conservative 1964 ‘Go with Goldwater’ rally bore fruit in the Reagan presidency

By Michael R. Long loudspeakers on 50th Street and 8th Avenue. That jampacked rally was one of the ack in 1964, “conservative” great experiences of my lifetime. It got was a dirty word in New York my adrenaline cooking, and my voice Republican circles. The party became hoarse from all the cheering. was under the thumb of the A “National Goldwater Rally Song Boriginal RINO (Republican in name Sheet” was handed out that contained only) Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller, who the text of a tune titled “Go with Gold- believed he was destined to be elected water.” The entire assembly shouted president in 1964. “Go with Goldwater! You know where To achieve that end, Rockefeller Goldwater stands. Clap your hands. made it clear that he would control the Let’s go with Goldwater’s plans. … Clap New York delegation to the convention your hands and go with Goldwater. and that no opposition would be toler- Barry’s the man for our land!” ated. There was, however, one fl y in William F. Buckley Jr. and sev- the GOP ointment: the newly created eral other prominent conservatives Conservative Party of New York. delivered warm-up speeches, and Founded in 1962 by J. Daniel Ma- when Goldwater entered the arena, the honey and his brother-in-law, Kieran crowd went crazy. The rally was a tri- O’Doherty, the Conservative Party’s umph for Goldwater and inspired me purpose was to counter the Rockefeller ASSOCIATED PRESS PHOTOGRAPHS to go out and do battle in the capital of domination of New York’s Republican Sen. Barry Goldwater, then the GOP presidential nominee, and his vice presidential run- American liberalism — New York City. organization and to serve political ide- ning mate, Rep. William E. Miller of New York, appear together on Capitol Hill, Aug. 14, To further aid Goldwater, Conserva- als fi rst. 1964. In the fall election, the Conservative Party took the lead in promoting Goldwater tive Party leaders put out a report ex- Mahoney, O’Doherty and a band of aft er word went out that the state GOP was not to lift a fi nger for its presidential nominee. posing Rockefeller’s fi scal performance principled people went door to door Although Goldwater lost New York by nearly 3 million votes on Election Day in 1964, he as a “fraud on the voters of N.Y. and in 1961 to collect tens of thousand of had a lasting impact on the state’s fl edgling conservative movement. the nation” and published a 20-page signatures on petitions required by law “how to” manual for Republicans pre- to establish a new party. And despite pared to enter the June 2 GOP primary an army of highly paid Rockefeller as Goldwater delegates. Ten slates lawyers charged with the task of stop- qualifi ed, and there were Goldwater ping them, the party withstood court victories in Erie, Nassau and Queens challenges and made its debut on the counties. 1962 ballot. In the fall election, the Conserva- Rockefeller, striving for a huge tive Party took the lead in promoting re-election victory that year to bolster Goldwater after word went out that the his presidential ambitions, was disap- state GOP was not to lift a fi nger for its pointed by the results. His little-known presidential nominee. People like me, Conservative Party opponent, David who were energized at the Goldwater Jaquith, racked up an astonishing rally, manned hundreds of campaign 141,877 votes. Political pundits agreed storefronts throughout the state and that Jaquith’s candidacy was respon- distributed tens of thousands of pa- sible for tarnishing “Rocky”’s vote- perback copies of Goldwater’s “Con- getting ability, and that his presidential science of a Conservative” and John juggernaut had hit a bump in the road Stormer’s “None Dare Call It Treason.” — if not a brick wall. Although Goldwater lost New York In 1964, Conservative Party mem- by nearly 3 million votes on Election bers had no intention of sitting on Day, he had a lasting impact on the the sidelines and became activists in state’s fl edging conservative move- the Goldwater movement. Their fi rst ment. Goldwater volunteers joined move was to participate in the National Ronald Reagan leads an impromptu rally among fans of Sen. Barry Goldwater outside a cause that one year later garnered Goldwater Rally, scheduled to be held San Francisco’s Cow Palace on July 15, 1964, shortly before Goldwater was to be pro- 341,000 votes for Buckley, the Conser- on May 12, 1964, at 8 p.m. in Madison posed as the Republican Party’s presidential candidate. One sign boosts Rep. William E. vative Party’s New York City mayoral THE WASHINGTON TIMES WASHINGTON THE | Square Garden. A strong showing in Miller of New York for the other half of the ticket. candidate, and in 1970 helped deliver Rockefeller’s backyard would send a the 2.4 million votes that elected the strong message of hope to conservative party’s standard-bearer, James L. Buck- Republicans throughout New York. ley, to the U.S. Senate. As a 24-year-old gung-ho Goldwater Those successes permitted Goldwa- supporter, I paid $2 for my ticket and ter’s heir, Ronald Reagan, to proclaim made sure I got there when the Garden that the Conservative Party had “es- doors opened at 6:30 p.m. Coming out tablished itself as a preeminent force of the subway station, I was shocked in New York politics and an important to see the size of the crowd lined up part of our political history.” to attend the rally. Tickets to fi ll the

TUESDAY • NOVEMBER 18 • 2014 2014 • 18 NOVEMBER • TUESDAY 18,000-seat Garden were sold out, and another 15,000 stood outside to greet Michael R. Long is state chairman of the 12 Goldwater and to listen to speeches via Conservative Party of New York State. “The good Lord raised this mighty republic to be a home for the brave and to fl ourish as the land of the free, not to stagnate in the swampland of collectivism, not to cringe before the bully of communism.” “We must, and we shall, set the tide running again in the cause of freedom.” THE WASHINGTON TIMES He said it. He meant it. |

We need to keep embracing it. TUESDAY • NOVEMBER 18 • 2014

A Proud Sponsor of the Goldwater At 50 Celebration 486 78th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11209 • cpnys.org 13 The man who ignited a revolution By Lee Edwards

ho was Barry Gold- water, universally known as “Mr. Conservative,” andW how did his ’64 presidential campaign ignite a ? He was an unlikely revolutionary. He was a college dropout whose 1960 book, “The Con- science of a Conservative,” sold more than 3.5 million copies. It was once required reading for History 169b at Harvard. He was a man of contradictions: He was inspiring and infu- riating. He said of his ’64 presi- dential race: “I know I am going to lose, but I am going to lose my way.” He was courageous and cantankerous, saying, “I did not come to Washington to pass laws but to repeal them.” He was profane and pro- found. A classic axiom of his was: “Any government big enough to give you everything ASSOCIATED PRESS PHOTOGRAPHS you want is big enough to take Sen. Barry Goldwater meets U.S. Air Force personnel during a visit to an air base north of Saigon, Vietnam, in January 1967. Goldwater’s no-non- away everything you have.” sense style and unfi ltered manner set the ground for an eventual Republican takeover of the South and the ascension of Ronald Reagan to the He delighted in saying the governorship of California and, later, to two landslide presidential victories in 1980 and 1984. unexpected. “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice.” He be made about his life — by 18th The dirty tricks played in- was vilifi ed for saying it, but let Century Fox. cluded having the FBI bug us refl ect: Was Patrick Henry an He aff ected American poli- Goldwater’s campaign plane extremist because he declared tics more than any other losing and the CIA planting a spy in “Give me liberty or give me presidential candidate in mod- Goldwater’s campaign head- death”? Were the brave Ameri- ern times. quarters. Those 27.5 million cans who fought and died in 1. He raised, for the fi rst time voters became the cornerstone World War II to defeat in a national campaign, basic for Reagan’s 1980 and 1984 land- and Imperial extremists? issues such as Social Security, slide victories. Was Christ an extremist because government subsidies, welfare 6. He allowed Ronald Reagan he chose to die on the cross? reform, privatization and victory to give his famous TV address, Barry Goldwater challenged over communism. “A Time for Choosing” — a conventional wisdom, asking: 2. He inspired thousands of speech, by the way, that Gold- Why can’t we have a voluntary young people to get into poli- water’s top advisers tried to kill. option for our Social Security tics and public policy. Among Because of the phenomenal system, which is headed for those entering the fray on the public response to “A Time for bankruptcy? policy side were Ed Feulner Choosing,” a group of prominent He declared that welfare of , Republicans approached Reagan ought to be “a private concern the Cato Institute’s Ed Crane, and literally begged him to run … promoted by individuals and commentator and presidential for governor of California. THE WASHINGTON TIMES WASHINGTON THE | families, by churches, private candidate Pat Buchanan, direct Barry Goldwater laid the hospitals, religious service orga- mail guru Richard Viguerie, foundation for a political revo- nizations, community charities publisher Al Regnery, Fund lution and led a generation of and other institutions.” for American Studies Chair- Sen. Barry Goldwater, Arizona Republican, announces his candidacy conservatives to understand that The Constitution was his man Randal Teague — even for the U.S. presidency in Phoenix on Jan. 3, 1964. Although hidden theirs was a winning cause as guide, the Declaration of Inde- Washington Times Editorial from the audience’s view, Goldwater notably wears a cast on his right well as a just cause. pendence his inspiration. Page Editor David Keene, who foot. He was a man of enormous previously headed both the charm and self-deprecating American Conservative Union 3. He was the fi rst to use national party. A scholar in the Heritage Foun- humor, especially about his and the National Rifl e Associa- direct mail and TV in national 5. He persuaded 27.5 million dation’s B. Kenneth Simon Cen- supposedly “old-fashioned” tion. Politicians who took up the political fundraising. Americans to vote conserva- ter for Principles and Politics,

TUESDAY • NOVEMBER 18 • 2014 2014 • 18 NOVEMBER • TUESDAY conservatism. He once called a conservative torch included the 4. He broke the Democrats’ tive despite an unprecedented Lee Edwards holds the title press conference to announce late Phil Crane, as well as many iron grip on the Solid South, anti-campaign run for President of Distinguished Fellow in 14 that a Hollywood movie would other members of Congress. enabling the GOP to become a Johnson and the Democrats. Conservative Thought. What amnesty would do in eff ect is reward people who knowingly break our laws. Beyond that, it would be inequitable and unfair to those who have applied for legal immigration and may often wait years for approval.



15 Goldwater’s call to arms: ‘The tide has been running against freedom’

The following are excerpts of Sen. Barry We must, and we shall, return to proven leadership, they have been given bread the most elementary and fundamental Goldwater’s presidential nomination ac- ways, not because they are old, but be- and circuses, spectacles and, yes, they purpose of any government, and a gov- ceptance speech in 1964. cause they are true. We must, and we have even been given scandals. Tonight ernment that cannot fulfi ll that purpose shall, set the tide running again in the there is violence in our streets, corrup- is one that cannot long command the accept your nomination with a deep sense cause of freedom. And this party, with its tion in our highest offi ces, aimlessness loyalty of its citizens. History shows us of humility. I accept, too, the responsibility every action, every word, every breath among our youth, anxiety among our — demonstrates that nothing — nothing that goes with it, and I seek your contin- and every heartbeat, has but a single elders, and there is a virtual despair prepares the way for tyranny more than ued help and your continued guidance. resolve, and that is freedom — freedom among the many who look beyond ma- the failure of public offi cials to keep the I made orderly for this nation by our con- terial success for the inner meaning of streets from bullies and marauders. My fellow Republicans, our cause is too great stitutional government; freedom under a their lives. Where examples of morality for any man to feel worthy of it. Our task would ◾ ◾ ◾ be too great for any man, did he not have with government limited by laws of nature and should be set, the opposite is seen. Small him the heart and the hands of this great of nature’s God; freedom — balanced so men, seeking great wealth or power, have Those who seek absolute power, even Republican Party, and I promise you tonight that liberty lacking order will not become too often and too long turned even the though they seek it to do what they that every fi ber of my being is consecrated the slavery of the prison cell; balanced so highest levels of public service into mere regard as good, are simply demanding to our cause; that nothing shall be lacking that liberty lacking order will not become personal opportunity. the right to enforce their own version from the struggle that can be brought to it the license of the mob and of the jungle. Now, certainly, simple honesty is not of heaven on earth. And let me remind by enthusiasm, by devotion and plain hard Now, we Americans understand free- too much to demand of men in govern- you, they are the very ones who always work. In this world, no person, no party can dom. We have earned it, we have lived ment. We fi nd it in most. Republicans create the most hellish tyrannies. Abso- guarantee anything, but what we can do and for it, and we have died for it. This nation demand it from everyone. They demand lute power does corrupt, and those who what we shall do is to deserve victory, and and its people are freedom’s model in a it from everyone no matter how exalted seek it must be suspect and must be victory will be ours. searching world. We can be freedom’s or protected his position might be. The opposed. Their mistaken course stems The good Lord raised this mighty missionaries in a doubting world. But, la- growing menace in our country tonight, from false notions of equality, ladies and republic to be a home for the brave and dies and gentlemen, fi rst we must renew to personal safety, to life, to limb and gentlemen. Equality, rightly understood, to fl ourish as the land of the free, not to freedom’s mission in our own hearts and property, in homes, in churches, on the as our Founding Fathers understood it, stagnate in the swampland of collectiv- in our own homes. playgrounds, and places of business, leads to liberty and to the emancipation ism, not to cringe before the bully of particularly in our great cities, is the of creative diff erences. Wrongly under- ◾ ◾ ◾ communism. mounting concern, or should be, of every stood, as it has been so tragically in our Now, my fellow Americans, the tide Rather than useful jobs in our coun- thoughtful citizen in the United States. time, it leads fi rst to conformity and then has been running against freedom. Our try, people have been off ered bureau- Security from domestic violence, no people have followed false prophets. cratic “make work.” Rather than moral less than from foreign aggression, is » see GOLDWATER | D17 R THE WASHINGTON TIMES TIMES WASHINGTON THE | TUESDAY • NOVEMBER 18 • 2014 2014 • 18 NOVEMBER • TUESDAY ASSOCIATED PRESS 16 Republican presidential candidate Barry Goldwater said government starts in the cities, counties and states — not at the national level. disturber of peace in the world today. GOLDWATER Indeed, we should brand it as the only From page D16 signifi cant disturber of the peace, and we must make clear that until its goals of conquest are absolutely renounced and to despotism. its rejections with all nations tempered, Fellow Republicans, it is the cause of communism and the governments it now Republicanism to resist concentrations controls are enemies of every man on of power, private or public, which enforce earth who is or wants to be free. such conformity and infl ict such despo- We here in America can keep the tism. It is the cause of Republicanism to peace only if we remain vigilant and only ensure that power remains in the hands if we remain strong. Only if we keep our of the people. And, so help us God, that eyes open and keep our guard up can we is exactly what a Republican president prevent war. And I want to make this will do with the help of a Republican abundantly clear: I don’t intend to let Congress. peace or freedom be torn from our grasp It is further the cause of Republican- because of lack of strength or lack of will ism to restore a clear understanding of — and that I promise you, Americans. the tyranny of man over man in the world ◾ ◾ ◾ at large. It is our cause to dispel the foggy thinking which avoids hard decisions in I know this freedom is not the fruit the illusion that a world of confl ict will of every soil. I know that our own free- dom was achieved through centuries, by unremitting eff orts by brave and wise men. I know that the road to freedom is a long and a challenging road. I know also that some men may walk away from it, that some men resist challenge, accept- ing the false security of governmental paternalism. And I pledge that the America I en- ASSOCIATED PRESS PHOTOGRAPHS vision in the years ahead will extend Sen. Barry Goldwater, Arizona Republican, consulted with Sen. John F. Kennedy, Mas- its hand in health, in teaching and in sachusetts Democrat, who was fl oor manager for a labor control bill in 1958. Goldwater cultivation, so that all new nations will called for plugging more loopholes to tighten union controls. Despite their ideological be at least encouraged to go our way, diff erences the conservative leader and the future president were friends. so that they will not wander down the dark alleys of tyranny or to the dead- end streets of collectivism. My fellow We see, in and in are the elements of Republican equation. Republicans, we do no man a service by economy based upon and fostering pri- Republicans agree, Republicans agree hiding freedom’s light under a bushel of vate property, the one way to make heartily to disagree on many, many of mistaken humility. government a durable ally of the whole their applications, but we have never I seek an America proud of its past, man, rather than his determined enemy. disagreed on the basic fundamental is- proud of its ways, proud of its dreams, We see in the sanctity of private property sues of why you and I are Republicans. and determined actively to proclaim the only durable foundation for consti- ◾ ◾ ◾ them. But our example to the world must, tutional government in a free society. like charity, begin at home. And beyond that, we see, in cherished I would remind you that extrem- In our vision of a good and decent diversity of ways, diversity of thoughts, ism in the defense of liberty is no future, free and peaceful, there must be of motives and accomplishments. We vice. And let me remind you also that room for deliberation of the energy and do not seek to lead anyone’s life for moderation in the pursuit of justice

talent of the individual — otherwise, our him — we seek only to secure his rights is no virtue. R THE WASHINGTON TIMES Goldwater returned to the Republican vision is blind at the outset. and to guarantee him opportunity to The beauty of the very system we National Convention four years aft er his We must assure a society here which, strive, with government performing only Republicans are pledged to restore and own campaign to rally delegates in Miami while never abandoning the needy or those needed and constitutionally sanc- revitalize, the beauty of this Federal Beach, where Richard Nixon accepted the forsaking the helpless, nurtures incen- tioned tasks which cannot otherwise be system of ours is in its reconciliation of party’s presidential nomination. tives and opportunity for the creative performed. diversity with unity. We must not see and the productive. We must know the We Republicans seek a government malice in honest diff erences of opinion, whole good is the product of many single that attends to its inherent responsibili- and no matter how great, so long as they somehow mysteriously resolve itself into contributions. ties of maintaining a stable monetary and are not inconsistent with the pledges we a world of harmony, if we just don’t rock I cherish a day when our children fi scal climate, encouraging a free and a have given to each other in and through the boat or irritate the forces of aggres- once again will restore as heroes the sort competitive economy and enforcing law our Constitution. Our Republican cause sion — and this is hogwash. of men and women who — unafraid and and order. Thus do we seek inventive- is not to level out the world or make its | It is further the cause of Republican- undaunted — pursue the truth, strive to ness, diversity and creativity within a people conform in computer-regimented TUESDAY • NOVEMBER 18 • 2014 ism to remind ourselves, and the world, cure disease, subdue and make fruitful stable order, for we Republicans defi ne sameness. Our Republican cause is to that only the strong can remain free, that our natural environment and produce the government’s role where needed at many, free our people and light the way for only the strong can keep the peace. inventive engines of production, science many levels, preferably through the one liberty throughout the world. and technology. closest to the people involved. Ours is a very human cause for very ◾ ◾ ◾ Our towns and our cities, then our humane goals. ◾ ◾ ◾ Today in our beloved country, we have counties, then our states, then our re- This party, its good people and its an administration which seems eager We Republicans see in our consti- gional contacts — and only then, the unquestionable devotion to freedom to deal with communism in every coin tutional form of government the great national government. That, let me remind will not fulfi ll the purposes of this cam- known — from gold to wheat, from con- framework which assures the orderly but you, is the ladder of liberty, built by de- paign which we launch here now until sulates to confi dence, and even human dynamic fulfi llment of the whole man, centralized power. On it also we must our cause has won the day, inspired the freedom itself. and we see the whole man as the great have balance between the branches of world, and shown the way to a tomorrow The Republican cause demands that reason for instituting orderly government government at every level. worthy of all our yesteryears. we brand communism as a principal in the fi rst place. Balance, diversity, creativity — these 17 SPECIAL OFFER

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TUESDAY • NOVEMBER 18 • 2014 2014 • 18 NOVEMBER • TUESDAY Available at 18 Why Barry Goldwater still matters today By Matt Schlapp started making his points: He started winning and eventually never had the opportunity defeated Nelson Rockefeller to meet Barry Goldwater, and all his money and all his but I feel like I knew him. well-bred big-city friends. One Like so many young can still imagine how the Rock- Iconservatives, I also never had efeller wing moved from mock- the chance to talk to William F. ing Goldwater to fearing him. Buckley or Ronald Reagan. The Goldwater must have reveled in modern American conserva- that. Reagan took the same path tive movement is now just old during his three attempts at the enough that new leaders and GOP nomination. activists will have to learn about Conservatives of my genera- Goldwater, Buckley and Reagan tion often talk about the need through books and increas- for a new Reagan. By this, I ingly sessions with the war think they mean a bold leader horses who were right there who can explain why conser- when it all began. And it all vative principles and policies began with that 1964 campaign. will work, who will stand up If one were asked to build a for America and protect her monument to modern Ameri- from evil enemies bent on her can conservative champions, destruction and someone who it would be hard not to start lived a life and had a career out with these three conserva- separate from politics but was tive revolutionaries. Buckley pulled into the fray out of con- was clearly the cerebral, well- cern and duty. Reagan seemed connected pen of the revolution. to appear on the national stage His weapon was his intellect just when we needed him, and and his ability to aff ect the cul- he either changed the country ture through his columns, the or brought it back to what it National Review and his weekly once was. In either case, it is TV show, “Firing Line.” Reagan hard to imagine the world and ASSOCIATED PRESS PHOTOGRAPHS was the eventual political victor America without the God- Sen. Barry Goldwater accepts the Republican presidential nomination in San Francisco on July 16, 1964, who became the personifi ca- blessed presidency of Ronald with a blast at the Democrats and a promise that “together we will win” in the November election. tion of the revolution — and its namesake. But there is no Reagan. Perhaps we do not the Constitution guided him to denying that Goldwater was deserve another like him, or do and to not do. the ultimate risk-taker. He was perhaps a leader like Reagan is I will admit, when I read the barbarian at the establish- so unique due to abilities and the headlines about the Islamic ment gate. He was willing to events that we will not see an- State, or the arrogance of legisla- take on all the powers to make other like him for a long time. tive fi ats from unelected judges, a diff erence and try to change However, there are undeni- I pray, because this great nation everything. Goldwater was the ably diff erent leaders for diff er- deserves another Reagan. After sword of the revolution; he lost ent times. eight years of Obama socialism the bloody battle but set us up Fifty years ago, a silver- and constitutional confronta- to win the war. haired, sharp-tongued man of tion, the Goldwater approach It is the Reagan revolution the West changed American could just fi nally fi t the times. that endures today, but without politics forever. He knew what Perhaps the Republicans

Goldwater it would have been he thought and understood should consider a leader who THE WASHINGTON TIMES harder, if not impossible, for what was holding America back. can explain with uncanny Reagan. First of all, Reagan was He could be a vicious political conviction why conservatism impacted by Goldwater’s think- opponent and still be a constant works; a leader who is not ing and public rhetoric as he friend, and he had strong per- afraid to be colorful or regular; matured from naive New Deal sonal relationships with Demo- a leader who will not spin the enthusiast to eventual champion crats and liberals. He believed American people; a leader who of and limited- big government is bad but that is bighearted, broad-minded, but government Republicanism. It the national government had constitutionally bound; a leader | is also undeniable that even the to spend what it took to make who honors those who serve in TUESDAY • NOVEMBER 18 • 2014 charming Reagan, who clearly sure that America could always the armed forces. Perhaps in the liked being liked, realized that in protect itself. He believed in fi eld of candidates in 2016 there order to eff ectively lead in poli- scientifi c innovation and the will be such a candidate. tics, you had to demonstrate grit need to reform many aspects of If the Goldwater suits and by picking a worthy fi ght. human interaction, especially black-rimmed glasses of the When Goldwater joined the government operations. Finally, 1960s can be hip again, I think fi eld for the Republican nomi- he was so dedicated to the Con- the values and principles of the nation in 1964, his candidacy stitution, and each word therein, man himself deserve an elec- was about making a point as that he would sometimes agree toral second look. much as it was an attempt to Sen. Barry Goldwater greets an enthusiastic Indianapolis crowd in with liberals during Senate de- ⦁ Matt Schlapp is chairman of wrest the nomination from the October 1964. As a sharp-tongued, uncompromising defender of bates, not because he liked their the American Conservative Union liberals in the party. Something conservatism, Goldwater began the philosophical reshaping of the philosophy but because he felt and former White House political strange happened as Goldwater Republican Party with his fi erce but futile presidential campaign. bound to strictly adhere to what director to George W. Bush. 19 Conservatism Began Here

Conservative Action Starts Here: Making A Difference Together The Future Of Conservatism Begins Here “We’re turning CPAC into an interactive year- round experience. The Road to CPAC will serve as your 100-day guide leading up to CPAC 2015 that will expand upon the traditional CPAC THE WASHINGTON TIMES WASHINGTON THE | experience and give conservatives the tools and resources we need to be successful at every level. We want YOU to join us on The Road to CPAC. Only with your help can we preserve those values and ideals that Barry Goldwater stood for and propel our conservative movement into the 21st Century.” ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp TUESDAY • NOVEMBER 18 • 2014 2014 • 18 NOVEMBER • TUESDAY 20 Check out conservative.org to become a part of The Road to CPAC 2015