Sport Technologies Tél. : +33 (0)1 76 82 82 00 Z.A. Courtaboeuf Fax. : 33 (0)1 76 82 83 75 14, avenue des Tropiques Internet : www.renault- 91 978 Courtaboeuf Cedex - France

WSR Magazine #3 MONZA

PART 1 dur: 07’32”

10.00.0 Opening credits

10.00.21 ((Summary clip)) Welcome to World Series By Renault 2011. On this show we will have all the highlights from round 3, at Monza

10.00.32. In our postcard, we give you a flavour of this historic circuit

10.00.40 DRIVING SCHOOL - The inside line on racing at Monza

10.00.48 MY CAREER - Insight into the fast-rising American star Alexander Rossi

10.00.56 TEAM LIFE – Behind the scenes with Italian team BVM

10.01.04 PADDOCK JOBS ...and what it takes to be a mechanic at this level

10.01.11 ((JINGLE – POSTCARD))

10.01.15. ((VO)) The Monza Autodrome. It’s the home of the Italian Grand Prix, and the stamping ground of ’s Tifosi. Built in the Royal Villa of Monza park in 1922, the Monza circuit has, over the years, become a veritable legend, synonymous with many great moments in the reigning sport. This year, the World Series by Renault has coupled races in the 3.5 Series with the World Touring Car Championship for a unique weekend of motor sport. For the drivers, it’s an exceptional opportunity to get a taste of great things to come.

10.01.28 ITV – Sten PENTUS – EPIC Racing (in English) When I had my circuit walk before the weekend, and I saw the old part of the circuit, the last corner, for example, with all the banking, it’s just amazing to see how it looked like many, many years ago.

10.01.46. ITV – Sten PENTUS – EPIC Racing (in English)

Renault Sport Technologies Tél. : +33 (0)1 76 82 82 00 Z.A. Courtaboeuf Fax. : 33 (0)1 76 82 83 75 14, avenue des Tropiques Internet : www.renault- 91 978 Courtaboeuf Cedex - France

Yeah of course, the Parabolica is a different corner compared to other circuits, but I think all the lap and all the long straights and and the strategy, when to overtake and everything all together, it’s fantastic.

10.02.00 V0 No matter what level one drives at here in Monza, success is a huge challenge.

10.02.07 ITV – Sten PENTUS – EPIC Racing (in English) It’s never easy. When you want to be in front, on top, it’s never easy. You have to find the very, very limit and not go over it.

10.02.29. ITV – Sten PENTUS – EPIC Racing (in English) For me it’s a very, very, very great pleasure to be here.

10.02.32 (VO) - And Sten is not the only one. The pleasure will be all ours as we discover an incredible weekend of racing, here at Monza


10.02.52 FEATURE: DRIVING SCHOOL VO Lesmo, Granda and Parabolica are famous corners at Monza, but what are the secrets to conquering this circuit?

10.03.01 ITV COSTA (SPANISH) Well it’s the temple of speed, Monza, and we are at the maximum speed that the category allows.

10.03.13 ITV HARTLEY (ENGLISH) You have really long straight lines which means you run really low down-force which means the car’s moving all over the place and it really challenges you as a driver.

10.03.23 ITV VERGNE (FRENCH) The most difficult thing at Monza is the braking. It’s heavy braking. We arrive with very high speed along the start/finish straight line.

10.03.33 ITV RICCIARDO (ENGLISH) I think the chicanes are difficult the 2 nd chicane you’ve got to try and get on the kerbs properly to set the car up on the exit of the corner if you don’t use the kerbs or enter the corner in the right way with enough speed then you can lose a lot of time or get spat off into the gravel because you’ve got 30cm of kerb and then the big gravel bed

Renault Sport Technologies Tél. : +33 (0)1 76 82 82 00 Z.A. Courtaboeuf Fax. : 33 (0)1 76 82 83 75 14, avenue des Tropiques Internet : www.renault- 91 978 Courtaboeuf Cedex - France

10.03.59 ITV COSTA (SPANISH) It’s not really tricky but on the 3 rd chicane but with the light set-up it’s quite amazing. You fight with the car that point is where I have to think and I have to improve.

10.04.20 ITV HARTLEY (ENGLISH) For me it’s Ascari chicane. It’s really nice… it’s high-speed… as little downforce as we can have on the cars, so the car’s moving’s a really nice corner. But most of the corners on the track are like that because you have low downforce it’s always challenging and when you get it right it’s always nice!

10.04.39 ITV RICCIARDO (ENGLISH) Because there’s not so many corners, on the circuit every one leads up to another, and it’s all quite important, even the Parabolica, the last corner, it’s good fun.


10.04.55 FEATURE: MY CAREER VO In his first season of World Series by Renault is Alexander Rossi – a 19 year old American driver with Italian roots.

10.05.14 ITV Alexander Rossi (ENGLISH) The first time that I really realised I wanted to have my life around motorsports was when I was 10 years old and my father took me to a karting school in Las Vegas. I’d always grown up watching races with my father, but I’d never been able to drive v anything and we went to this karting school and it was 2 days and those 2 days it was probably the best experience of my life and it changed the direction of where I was going and what I wanted to do.

10.05.47 ITV ROSSI (cont’d) My dad makes jokes with me all the time – he says it would be quite cheaper if you just wanted a basketball and some basketball shorts but, with that being said, it was a family decision and we made it together and my family’s been with me since I started so it’s been quite important for me and I think it’s played a crucial role in getting me to this point.

10.06.08 ITV ROSSI (cont’d) To be here at Monza the cathedral of speed is always a good experience as a driver, and it makes it even more so as I do have heritage here, and I do live quite close to here so it’s always a good race

Renault Sport Technologies Tél. : +33 (0)1 76 82 82 00 Z.A. Courtaboeuf Fax. : 33 (0)1 76 82 83 75 14, avenue des Tropiques Internet : www.renault- 91 978 Courtaboeuf Cedex - France

10.06.25 ITV ROSSI (contd) The dream of Formula 1 is the dream of every racing driver especially when they’re this high up on the ladder in European open-wheel racing and what really is getting me there is the fact that I am an American I do have something different to offer and the fact there is a US Grand Prix coming next year is helping out quite a bit. On top of that I’ve signed with Lotus to be on their Driver Development Programme and that’s been a big boost and looking forward to next year there’s positive things coming but obviously the focus is World Series this year and winning this championship.

10.06.58 ITV ROSSI (contd) The opening weekend in Aragon was honestly a surprise for everyone to be honest, especially as an American and to come over here and do something a lot of people say can’t be done it meant a lot, and to hear the national anthem playing on the top step of the podium - it was difficult to hold back the tears But it’s a long road ahead & there’s a lot of work to be done so I keep that feeling & that motivation and I hope to do that many more times this year.

10.07.28 Jingle – WSR

10.07.32 <>

Renault Sport Technologies Tél. : +33 (0)1 76 82 82 00 Z.A. Courtaboeuf Fax. : 33 (0)1 76 82 83 75 14, avenue des Tropiques Internet : www.renault- 91 978 Courtaboeuf Cedex - France

Part 2 dur: 8’16”


10.07.40 FEATURE – TEAM LIFE – Team BVA VO In Italy, the cream of motorsport has a new glimmer of hope coming through the door of the antechamber of the reigning category. That shimmering light has come in the form of the lucky 13th team in the series, the Italian BVM Target team, managed by the already renowned Giovanni , son of the legendary Giancarlo Minardi.

10.08.00 ITV Giancarlo Minardi (Italian) I was virtually born in a car. When I was in my mother’s tummy my father was already working in this context. I was brought up with the smell of oil and rubber.

10.08.13 VO Two extremely promising drivers, Daniel Zampieri and have been chosen to carry the team colours in season…

10.08.27 ITV Giancarlo Minardi (Italian) The drivers are already very competitive in this championship. It’s a good school. They have to work hard because here the battle is very close and so it’s really a good school for the drivers to arrive in F1 in the near future.

10.08.47 VO For Zampieri and Canamasas, taking part in this championship is an incredible chance – and may open the door to even greater things.

10.09.01 ITV Canamasas (Spanish) All the teams working in this championship work very well, and Renault helps them with this. They participate in allowing the drivers to grow and become the stars of tomorrow … in the near future… It’s important that Renault be here and behind new drivers to support them in getting to Formula One and other important championships.

Renault Sport Technologies Tél. : +33 (0)1 76 82 82 00 Z.A. Courtaboeuf Fax. : 33 (0)1 76 82 83 75 14, avenue des Tropiques Internet : www.renault- 91 978 Courtaboeuf Cedex - France

10.09.30 VO 2009 Italian F3 Champion, Daniel Zampieri, is the only Italian in the pack… a lot of pressure … but having Minardi as a mentor certainly helps.

10.09.39 ITV Zampieri (Italian) I am very fortunate to have Minardi as a manager. He is a great man… we can do great things together.

10.09.53 VO For the Italian team, being on the track here in Monza is a chance, but adds a great deal of stress as well.

10.10.08 ITV Minardi (Italian) It’s the most complicated thing for us to do this year in this championship… because it’s our home race… obviously all eyes are on us so we have a lot of pressure. Italian driver; Italian team… I can’t say we are obliged to win but our supporters would like that. Se we are here with this objective. We will try to win. I think Daniel has all the chances of doing that, so we’ll be trying.

10.10.31 VO In any case, the thrill of driving these incredible open wheelers on the mythical circuit of Monza will remain etched in the drivers’ memories for many years to come.



10.10.58 Off the start line,

10.11.07 Korjus moves from 3 rd to 2 nd almost immediately.

10.11.15 Under pressure off pole, Ramos locks up his brakes but holds 1st .

10.11.23 After posting the fastest lap, Spanish driver Canamasos is too quick and spins off into the tyres.

10.11.30 Korjus has taken the lead, and the one to watch is Vergne – started in 11 th , and carving his way through the field. Here, he is already at the back of the leading pack, overtakes MOVE into 4 th

Renault Sport Technologies Tél. : +33 (0)1 76 82 82 00 Z.A. Courtaboeuf Fax. : 33 (0)1 76 82 83 75 14, avenue des Tropiques Internet : www.renault- 91 978 Courtaboeuf Cedex - France

10.11.43 1.00 Plenty of tight battles – Hartley, Costa & Rosenweig exchanging blows

10.11.56 Ramos vs Wickens for 2 nd place– Ramos blocks... and retains 2 nd

10.12.12 In battle to make the points, Berthon takes a big bump over the kerb

10.12.18 Hartley vs Zampieri...

10.12.26 Contact – Charouz and Costa, Costa is OUT

10.12.32 Ramos vs Wickens – fight for 2nd , Ramos blocks and is nudged off the track by the Canadian in a move later judged by the stewards as an avoidable accident, (which will impact on Race 2.) Vergne capitalises moving into 3 rd

10.12.55 Exciting racing, Costa & Ramos in the pack, contact... Costa damages nose.

10.13.05 Jean Todt is VIP here to see the race

10.13.06 Korjus has secure lead, but totally misjudges his braking here, missing the chicane & allowing Wickens to take the lead.

10.13.22 But that’s short-lived as a mechanical problem slows the Canadian, who retires.

10.13.32 So Korjus leads from Vergne, and MOVE has driven his own race, comfortably in 3 rd

10.13.54 Race over for Wickens but...

10.13.57 it’s game on for young New Zealander who makes a bold move on Richelmi to move into 5 th, Ricciardo follows, into 6 th

10.14.06 An uncomfortable excursion for Ramos, whose downfall from pole position results in retirement

10.14.15 Rossi gets in a few scrapes...

10.14.35 Korjus sails home to his 2 nd victory of the season, with Vergne & Move completing the podium places.

Renault Sport Technologies Tél. : +33 (0)1 76 82 82 00 Z.A. Courtaboeuf Fax. : 33 (0)1 76 82 83 75 14, avenue des Tropiques Internet : www.renault- 91 978 Courtaboeuf Cedex - France


10.15.05 ITV Korjus (ENGLISH) Yesterday wasn’t such a good day, I wasn’t expecting to win today, but qualifying went well and everything worked out good so it’s really good to be back in here

10.15.19 ITV Vergne (FRENCH) Finishing second is always better than there where I was. First would be good as well, but anyway I take the lead of the championship and I think now what we will need in this championship to win it is above all consistency.

10.15.35 ITV Move (ENGLISH) I don’t think we were the quickest, so I want to go as quick as possible to the guys to see what we can improve, what I can improve, but its a fantastic racetrack, even when you’re going last you like it.

10.15.48 Jingle WSR

10.15.52 >>Break<<

Renault Sport Technologies Tél. : +33 (0)1 76 82 82 00 Z.A. Courtaboeuf Fax. : 33 (0)1 76 82 83 75 14, avenue des Tropiques Internet : www.renault- 91 978 Courtaboeuf Cedex - France

Part 3 dur: 10’26”


10.16.00 FEATURE: PADDOCK JOBS VO Some of the hardest-working people in the paddock are the team mechanics...

10.16.15 ITV FERNANDO SEDANO – Chief Mechanic PONS Racing (in Spanish) Each car 3 mechanics in our team, one chief mechanic & the other 2 mechanics – 1 does tyres & fuel, and the other helps the chief mechanic

10.16.50 ITV FERNANDO SEDANO (contd) The regulations say no mandatory pit stop this weekend but there is a possibility of a pit stop only if it rains to change from slick tyres to wet, or vice versa

10.17.14 ITV FERNANDO SEDANO (contd) The important job is before and after the race, we have many hours of jobs. Between 10 & 16 hours. Depending onthe situation at the circuit. You can change the chassis, big jobs like this.

10.17.45 ITV FERNANDO SEDANO (contd) It’s really important the chief mechanic, and mechanics in general, are really connected with the driver, they trust each other. He has to trust in us, if we do a mistake, he is vulnerable. And vice versa the mechanic must trust the driver, there is no more work we can do once he is on the circuit.

10.18.35 ITV FERNANDO SEDANO (contd) To be a good mechanic Important thing is to be fast, to be precise, fast-thinking problem-solving, that’s what makes a good mechanic

10.18.52 ITV FERNANDO SEDANO (contd) Evidently you are learning every day even when you are chief mechanic. You never stop learning! It’s impressive.

10.19.04 VO And when everything works together perfectly, driver and mechanics share the joy of victory

Renault Sport Technologies Tél. : +33 (0)1 76 82 82 00 Z.A. Courtaboeuf Fax. : 33 (0)1 76 82 83 75 14, avenue des Tropiques Internet : www.renault- 91 978 Courtaboeuf Cedex - France

10.19.31 JINGLE MONZA Race #2


10.19.38 VO

Race 2 is underway, and some confusion off the start line mean several drivers jump start...

But a clean getaway at the front of the grid... not so clean into the first corner, though... Korjus makes contact with Vergne, and runs wide into the gravel, dropping drastically from 3 rd on the grid.

10.20.06 With slight damage to his front wing from connecting with Korjus, Vergne still pushes and overtakes Ricciardo as race leader.

10.20.20 Korjus pits with puncture

10.20.22 Hartley spins off at speed after touching the wet grass, big crash into the tyres. Driver is OK, but his race is over

10.22.40 Overtake – Panciatici on Grubmuller

10.20.54 Korjus retires

10.21.00 Vergne leads from Ricciardo, behind them Wickens and Costa fight – and collide! Wickens is out!

10.21.08 A bold overtaking move from Ricciardo forces Vergne to cut the chicane, and it’s a short cut that will cost the Frenchman a 10second penalty from the stewards, despite continuing to lead the race.

10.21.22 Great battles, throughout the field

10.21.47 Zampieri –mistake loses him several places

10.22.07 Rossi, Ramos & Pic in a fight for points

10.22.39 Rossi – now up to 3 rd

10.22.45 Rossi lucky, runs wide here but stays on track

10.22.50 Ricciardo continues to challenge Vergne closely but cannot pass.

Renault Sport Technologies Tél. : +33 (0)1 76 82 82 00 Z.A. Courtaboeuf Fax. : 33 (0)1 76 82 83 75 14, avenue des Tropiques Internet : www.renault- 91 978 Courtaboeuf Cedex - France

10.23.08 Ramos takes Costa to claim 4 th

10.23.20 Vergne holds onto the lead from Ricciardo...

10.23.30 Zampieri and Rosenweig fight to the end...

10.23.41 Vergne takes the chequered flag, followed bu Ricciardo and Rossi... but of course that 10 second penalty means he finishes in 3 rd place

10.23.47 GFX RACE #2 RESULTS

10.23.57 Podium

10.24.07 ITV RICCIARDO (English) It was a bit surprising, because I thought with his damage as well that maybe he was hurting the tyres and towards the end of the race I thought his pace would be slower, but it seemed he stabilised a bit and he was able to just get maybe a tenth or more out of me, so I was really struggling to stay in the slipstream at the end.

10.24.31 ITV ROSSI (English) The past three races have been very difficult for us but the podium is a great place to be back and I think with a little bit of luck we can continue this, so for sure it was good points today.

10.24.45 ITV VERGNE (French) At the start I damaged my front wing and so it was really not easy in the fast sections and under braking. After that, I had Daniel on my back throughout the race, so trying to remain concentrated, and trying to go fast, with someone like Daniel, it’s not very easy. Then on top of that my engineer told me on the radio that I had a ten second penalty. I had no idea why. So when you have all that running through your head during the race, and stay concentrated and go fast, it’s not easy. So I think I did a good gob.

10.25.18 GFX Championship Standings

VO Even with the penalty under appeal, Vergne still leads the championship after a strong weekend in Monza

Renault Sport Technologies Tél. : +33 (0)1 76 82 82 00 Z.A. Courtaboeuf Fax. : 33 (0)1 76 82 83 75 14, avenue des Tropiques Internet : www.renault- 91 978 Courtaboeuf Cedex - France


10.25.31 Closing Clip, Tease for MONACO

VO Well from one classic Grand Prix location, to another – join us next time when World Series by Renault Formula 3.5 races alongside Formula 1 on the streets of Monaco. But from Monza – it’s goodbye, ciao!

10.25.59 Closing credits

10.26.23 >>END<<