US Forest Service Technical Assistance Trip to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia In Support to USAID-Ethiopia for Assistance in Rangeland Management Support to the Pastoralist Livelihoods Initiative for USAID-Ethiopia Office of Business Environment Agriculture & Trade Training in Rangeland Ecology and Management for Improved Rangeland Health and Forage Productivity Final Report – April 2007 Mission Dates: March 18-31, 2007 Pastoralist woman at river crossing in Oromia. Dave Bradford 10/06 Report Submitted by: Nancy Prall Range Management Specialist USDA Forest Service Humboldt-Toiyabe N.F. Elko, Nevada 89801 (775) 778-6113
[email protected] TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 BACKGROUND 3 MISSION ACTIVITIES 3 RECOMMENDATIONS 4 Suggested audience for the Ethiopian Range Management School 4 Suggested topics for Ethiopian Range Management School 4 Collaboration with Tufts University/IIED course 5 Tailoring the schools to local areas 6 Proposed locations for the May range schools 6 Recommended length and format of the schools 7 Needs for the May Range Management Schools 8 NEXT STEPS 8 Future locations for range schools 8 Technical college and university curriculum development 9 CONCLUSIONS 9 Appendix 1: Actual Mission Itinerary for USFS Team 10 Appendix 2: Scope of Work 13 Appendix 3: List of organizations and individuals involved in REM 3 16 Appendix 4: NEW CONTACT INFORMATION 17 Appendix 5: List of instructor participants at Gewane ATVET college 19 Appendix 6. List of participants at partner presentation 29 March 2007 20 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Rangeland Ecology and Management (REM) mission was conducted by Range Management Specialist Nancy Prall from March 18-31, 2007 to gain support and prepare for the Ethiopian Range Management Schools to be held in Gewane (ATVET college) and Yabello (YAPDARC – Yabello Pastoral and Dryland Agriculture Research Center) in May 2007.