DRSPRI& Orplircu Plus Ovitage
/ .1 DOCONENT.RESUNE HE 911 646 tv> ,11 TITLE'' Education for Justice. OcCasional Papers-on Catholi,c : Higher Education. VQ4Alie v, liumber 10 Sumner 1979. INSTITUTION Association of.Catholid Colleges andi-Universities, Washington, D.C. .E1081DATE 7 79 NOTE 38p; 4VAILABLE PEON Association of CathIii,c Colleges and Universities, One DupOnt Circle. e 770.washington, p.p, ,20016 !DRSPRI& orpliRcu Plus Ovitage. -DESCRIPTORS *Catholic4ducatdcS; Christianity; nhUrch Relate4 Calleg,,s: *Church Role; College Administration4 College Plantingt ?Collegeitole; EdUcational Econoilics; Ed4cational,QuaIityNGovernance: Elfgher Education.; trumanismt. Rumanfties:-Liberal Arts: Political Inflpinces: *Private. Colleges;.2eligiouS Education: Social PrObleks: Theelogical Educatipni( IDBMTIFIERS' Saint'Johris Onivermity EN , ABSTRACT *. The rble ofCatholicism inAmerican higher'educition is addressie this.collection ef papers.,The historicaltragtion of the Cat university,is discussed:As well a$ the problems- they . must-face es examined itcluderiaolitical andfinanciAl concerns; of;church-r, ed,colleges and universities, the role of the university in higher. .educationi aut! the role of the .Catholic colleges and'utiversities. The governance o/ Catholic institutions, their . relationShip to'the church hierarchy,'andiaanning for,the.future are also Considered.1"ndluded are4.Toward a.Tr* University,Truly _Catholic (EdmUnd D. Pellegrino); Teward a Theology of, Learning .(Thotax.Trotter)1 The University and. Change in theCatholic.gorld 4Sargent Shriver1;:gemily.for. a Baccalaureate.Ceremeny(John Tracy Ellis): The'Catholic College: A Question of Identity(Xavier-G. ColaveChit);,The.. Emerging Guardianship of American,Catholic pigher Education (Martin J. Stain); InstitutionallitalitY, Up Against the Ei.ghties (Jamei A..Ebben):and The. NEN ChristianHumani'im Preject at SaintJohnls. Collegeville (R. W. Franklin).' gsF) S :************44**********ig****** *s ReOroductions supplied by BURS are the best that.can be made *.
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