Press Release

SEPTEMBER 22, 2017

Salient points of speech by BJP National President Shri while addressing 'Yuva Hunkaar Rally' at Municipality Ground, Kangra ()

• In the last five years of its rule the state Congress government under has brought only bad name to this Land of the Gods Himachal Pradesh through its acts of corruption and inefficiency.

• BJP CMs who ruled earlier on in Himachal were known for their good work; Shri Shanta Kumar Ji was known as a Water Wala CM, Ji was known as Road Wala CM, but today Virbhadra Singh Ji is known as Corruption Wala CM, Amit Shah said.

• This is an inefficient and corrupt state government. Remove it and bring a BJP government in its place in the state. Then only the state will develop, Shah told the crowd amidst cheers.

• BJP will make a government on its own with than 50 seats in the next assembly elections, Shri Shah said pointing towards the crowd, and asked for their full- fledged support. “We will fulfil all your dreams,” he said.

• Referring to cases of corruption against Virbhadra Singh, the BJP president said that the Congress CM has started a new trend of not resigning and sticking to the chair even after serious allegations of corruption. “This is his only achievement in the last five years” Shah said.

• BJP has started a new campaign called ‘Hisaab Maange Himachal’ wherein the state public will seek an account of work done by the present government. People can do this by giving a missed call on 7574068068, he said.

• What did the Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi government at the centre and the state government do for you in the years they were in power, you must ask for those details from Virbhadra Singh when he comes to you next, Shah urged the huge gathering.

• BJP government under has done a lot for Himachal Pradesh. The share of the state in centres grants has gone up considerably under the BJP government at the centre, Shah said. Himachal gave all its seats to the BJP in the elections, but we could only do as much as the state government was not letting the money reach to the grassroots. Please elect a BJP govt. in the state so that we can give you the development you desire.

• Modi govt. in the centre launched as many as 106 schemes for the people of Himachal Pradesh, but the state government didn’t do anything to let them reach those to you at the grassroots, Shah told the gathering.