The Catholic Community of Central Nottingham

St Cathedral Derby Road


St Augustine of England Woodborough Road

Welcome to all our visitors at St Barnabas Cathedral and St Augustine of England


Saturday 8th December ~ Sunday 16th December 2018

Psalter Week II ~ Sundays - Year C ~ Weekdays - Cycle I

Weekday Masses at The Cathedral:

In addition to the 1pm weekday , Mass will be celebrated each weekday in the Lady Chapel at 7.30am and at 6.15pm on Wednesday. Children’s Liturgy takes place at the Cathedral during the 10am Sunday Mass. Confession Times During Advent As usual during Advent there will be extra opportunities to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation at The Cathedral. Monday to Friday each weekday from 12 noon to 12.50pm. Cathedral Repository A large selection of cards, 2019 diaries, advent candles, traditional nativity scenes, and a large selection of faith gifts available to purchase from the Repository. Please feel free to browse and view catalogues for specific needs if item not available. Thank you for your continual support, Cheryl. Sunday Morning Tea & Coffee Tea and Filter coffees will be served after the 8am, 10am & 11:15am Masses in the Cathedral Hall with bacon/sausage rolls, toasted crumpets and teacakes available after the 8am and 10am Masses. Times of Confession Mon - Fri Cathedral 12noon - 12.50pm Saturday St Augustine 5.15pm - 5.45pm Saturday Cathedral 10.30am - 12 noon 5.30pm - 6.15pm Weekly Exposition Times Thursday Cathedral 12noon - 12.45pm Thursday St Augustine After 10am Mass Saturday Cathedral 10.30am - 12 noon 5.00pm - 6.00pm Nottingham Roman Catholic Diocese Trustees Company No. 7151646 Charity No. 1134449

CATHEDRAL MASS TIMES FOR THE SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT ~ Psalter Week II Saturday 8th December Vigil Mass 6.30pm Sunday Second Sunday of Advent 8am 9th December 10am 11.15am 6pm Monday Advent Feria or 7.30am 10th December Augustine Webster 1pm And Companions, the Martyrs of Lincolnshire 7pm Rainbows Carol Service Tuesday Advent Feria or 7.30am 11th December Damasus I 8.50am Trinity School ~ 1pm

Wednesday Advent Feria or 7.30am 12th December 1pm 6.15pm Thursday Saint Lucy (Memorial) 7.30am 13th December 1pm

6.30pm Maggie’s Carol Service Friday Saint 7.30am 14th December (Memorial) 1pm 7pm Carols by Candlelight Saturday Advent Feria 9.15am Prayer for Vocations 15th December 10am

Vigil Mass 6.30pm Sunday Third Sunday of Advent 8am 16th December Gaudete Sunday 10am 11.15am


Nottingham Diocesan Yearbooks Yearbooks for 2019 are now available from the Repository or from the Cathedral Office. Price: £3.50 each. ST AUGUSTINE’S MASS TIMES AND EVENTS FOR THE SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT ~ PSALTER WEEK II Saturday 8th December Vigil Mass 6pm Sunday 9th December Second Sunday of Advent 11am

Tuesday Advent Feria or 11th December Saint Damasus I 10am Wednesday Advent Feria or 12th December Our Lady of Guadalupe 9am Thursday Saint Lucy (Memorial) 13th December 9.15am (In School) Friday Saint John of the Cross 14th December (Memorial) 10am Saturday 15th December Vigil Mass 6pm Sunday Third Sunday of Advent 16th December 11am St Augustine’s Shared Table and Tombola Come and join us in the Church Hall today (Sunday) after Mass, for a shared table and tombola. There will also be a Tombola lucky dip with lots of prizes to win. If you've been before you'll know how enjoyable this event is. If you haven't been before, come and find out for yourself! Christmas This weekend we are handing out frames for the Christmas Wreaths to decorate the Church. Please decorate them and bring them back on the weekend of the 15th and 16th of December. Cake Stall Thank you to everyone who supported the Cake and Bric-à-brac stalls last Sunday. £116.50 was raised towards the Roof Fund. The next Cake Stall will be on the first Sunday of February. Mince Pie and Wine Party will take place on the 22nd December at 7pm in the Parish Hall. Following the great success of Sr Treasa’s Cheese and Wine Party in September, we have decided to have a Christmas event. We hope this Mince Pie and Wine Party will be a happy social occasion and give a boost to the Roof Fund. Tickets are available from the back of the Church from this weekend, priced £5.00. All welcome. Retreat Day There will be a Retreat Day in preparation for Advent on Saturday 15th December. Please remember the Bishop's Pastoral letter to us with emphasis on ENCOUNTER and DISCIPLESHIP! This is a good opportunity for us to experience our encounter with & our personal relationship with Him as we prepare to meet again the Coming of the Christ-Child into our lives this Christmas and to prepare ourselves spiritually for His Special Coming. St Augustine's Vigil Mass Monday 24th December at 5.00pm We would like to invite the children to come to this Mass dressed as a Christmas Character e.g. Mary, , Angels, Star, Shepherds, Innkeepers, Donkey, Sheep and Animals, to share in the celebration. Today: Today: At a time when we are preparing our hearts for Christmas, we read of preparing the people for the coming of Jesus. John’s message was a call to turn away from sin, and be ready for God’s forgiveness. There was a Saviour coming, there was a Redeemer coming. In order to be saved, it is necessary to acknowledge my sinfulness, and my need for salvation. In order to be redeemed, it is necessary to acknowledge the fact that I am in bondage, and in need of being set free. The only way I will ever be able to respond to the Word of God is to accept that it is a personal Word for me. Today’s gospel contains language for me. I am the one who is asked to turn from my sins, to turn to God, and to prepare the way for him to make his home within my heart. I am the one who is asked to ensure fair play and justice for others, so that I can see the salvation sent from God. There is a famous and beautiful picture of Jesus knocking on a door. When the picture was first shown to the public, the artist’s attention was drawn to a serious flaw. There was no handle on the door! The artist explained that this was very deliberate, because it represented the reality. The door is the door of my human heart, and there is no handle on the outside. Jesus cannot enter unless I open the door and invite him in. “I stand at the door and knock. If anyone opens the door, I will come in and we will share a meal as friends”. If I open the door and let Jesus in, then I can be sure that, later on, I will hear another knock. If I ask “What is it now?”, he will answer “I want back out again”! Back out again through my words and actions, etc. (MB) A Crib for Christmas? Bishop Patrick was encouraging us in his recent Pastoral Letter to use the time of Advent & Christmas as an opportunity for us to ENCOUNTER afresh, the amazing love of God, our Father, in sending us, the Gift of his Son Jesus: and to ponder again on Mary’s openness to receiving that love. (PL: Nov 2018). To ENCOUNTER Jesus, we might consider having a crib for Christmas. If you don’t have a crib for Christmas then now might be a good time to think about having one. We could have it there in our homes, for the crib scene is a great gift for us to draw upon. How can we use this, to help people, ENCOUNTER Christ? Well, parishioners could take home a piece of straw from the Church scene to their own crib and in this way, they would unite their crib, to that of the Cathedral. We could prepare a little prayer and have it written beside the crib scene – and use that place as our place of prayer, first thing in the morning and maybe last thing at night. Maybe something like this: We read in St John’s Gospel: “The Word was the real light that gives light to everyone; he was coming into the world, from his fullness, we have, all of us, received” (St John 1:9.16). The prayer: “May our Advent be a time of preparation so that our hearts are touched with the warmth of your love. May our minds and our hearts be brightened to be steadfast in faith, joyful in hope and untiring in love so that we may be ready again, to receive in true peace, Jesus, the Light of the World. Amen”. (MB) Missio Boxes All boxes have now been emptied and Second Collection are available for collection from the Sacristy. There will be a second collection after all Masses Parish Finances Last Week this weekend in respect of St Augustine Cathedral Thank you for your Christmas Flowers. Loose Plate £ 173.20 £ 1, 365.05 generosity to the work Envelopes £ 139.00 £ 775.44 of the Church! Second Collection S/Orders £ 160.20 £ 707.68 In your Will, please after all Masses next Total £ 472.40 £ 2,848.17 remember your weekend in respect of Church. Poor and Needy Parishes. Ordinations for the Diocese of Nottingham: Please remember in your prayers all our seminarians who will be ordained soon, we particularly remember Deacon Paul Smith who will be ordained to the priesthood at St Barnabas Cathedral on Saturday 26th January at 11.30am and John Owens who was ordained Deacon at St Mary’s College Oscott today (Saturday). Cathedral Choirs Tour to Lourdes & Paris: 15th July - 21st July 2019 In celebration of the Cathedral’s 175th Anniversary, our Youth Choir will be joining our Cathedral Choir to lead the music in the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes in July 2019. As well as playing a key role in the liturgies in Lourdes itself, the choirs will be giving concerts in the local region and visit Paris on their return journey for two Masses: Saturday 20th July 2019, 6pm Mass at Saint-Eustache, Paris and Sunday 21st July 2019, 11.30am Mass at Notre- Dame Cathedral, Paris. If you are interested in supporting the fundraising efforts in making this happen, please contact Alex Patterson ([email protected] / 07792618634) Cathedral First Confession/First Holy Communion and Confirmation Classes 2019 Classes for First Confession/First Holy Communion for children in School Year 3 or above, and Confirmation for children in School Year 8 and above will start early next year. All children who would like to receive these Sacraments are welcome regardless of what school they attend. We are looking forward to meeting and helping you take your next important steps in the Catholic faith. Please contact Alison at the Cathedral Office or Barbara McDonagh on 07786 891993 for more details or to register for the course. Prayers For Vocations Saturday morning in the Cathedral Blessed Sacrament Chapel at 9.15am. Weddings 2019 Any couples who are hoping to get married next year, in either of our two parishes, are required in the first instance to make an appointment with the Cathedral Dean. Diocesan Law requires a minimum of six months notice prior to the wedding. This enables all the necessary arrangements and preparations to be made. All couples without exception have to attend the Marriage Preparation Course. Prayer for the Sick

Father, your Son accepted our sufferings to teach us the virtue of patience in human illness. Hear the prayers we offer for our sick brethren. May all who suffer pain, illness or disease realize that they have been chosen to be saints and know that they are joined to Christ in his suffering for the salvation of the world. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Events This Week At The Cathedral Vespers Lady Chapel Sunday 6.45pm following Mass RCIC Ellis Room Monday 5pm Compline Cathedral (Mon/Weds/Fri) 6.45pm (After 6.15pm Mass) Journey of Faith McMahon Room Monday 7pm Young Adults Ellis Room Wednesday 7pm Bible Reflection Ellis Room Thursday 6pm Refreshments McMahon Room Friday following Carol Service Reconciliation Services with Confessions will take place at the following Parishes:-  Monday 17th December ~  Our Lady’s, Bulwell: 7pm and Holy Spirit, West Bridgford: 7.30pm  Tuesday 18th December ~  St Teresa’s. Aspley: 7pm and St Anne’s, Radcliffe on Trent: 7.30pm  Wednesday 19th December ~  Sacred Heart, Carlton: 7.30pm  Thursday 20th December ~ Several Priests will be available  Good Shepherd, Arnold: 7.30pm for Confession.  Sunday 23rd December ~  St , Long Eaton: 3pm Christmas Mini Market ~ Valerie, Sue and the team would like to thank all who supported the event last Friday either by attending, giving prizes, donating items to sell, baking cakes or volunteering on the day. The total raised will be printed next week. They look forward to seeing you all in February when the lunches will recommence and if in the meantime you get any unwanted Christmas gifts, please donate them to the Cathedral for next year. Rainbows Christmas Concert ~ 10th December 2018 at 7pm Rainbows is a Hospice for children and young people and they are holding an evening of festive music at the Cathedral. Tickets are £6.00 and refreshments are available. Tickets are available via the website:, from the performers or telephone Rainbows on 01509 638 000. Maggie’s Carol Concert ~ 13th December at 6.30pm An evening of carols, music and readings will be hosted by TV and radio broadcaster John Hess. Mirabilé – a Nottingham-based Vocal Ensemble & “Best Female Choir winners - Llangollen International Musical Eisteddfod” will perform some festive favourites as well as some contemporary pieces. We are also delighted to be joined this year by Clare Bhabra and Deirdre Benscik from Sinfonia Viva along with Aurora starring Will Bracha. Interval refreshments will be served in the community hall and there will be a Christmas raffle to raise funds for Maggie’s Nottingham. Tickets cost: £10. Buy tickets here: https:// notts-2018/ Carols by Candlelight ~ 14th December at 7pm You are warmly invited to join us for Carols by Candlelight at St Barnabas Cathedral. Escape the hustle and bustle of the pre-Christmas season with an evening of traditional carols and readings in the beautiful setting of Nottingham’s Pugin-designed Cathedral, featuring our Cathedral Choirs and the dazzling Essentially Brass! FREE ADMISSION with a retiring collection for the Cathedral Music Fund. Adoration and Prayer for Priests Anointing Fire Catholic Ministries is organising a week long Adoration and prayers for the Bishop and Clergy of the Diocese from Monday 10th December to Sunday 16th December 2018 at the Poor Clare Chapel, Brooklyn Road, Bulwell. NG6 9ES. Time: 9.30am to 8.30pm. All are invited for any sort of convenient hours. More info contact 07506810177 (Joe). Christmas Boxes for Emmanuel House If you would like to support Emmanuel House at Christmas, please fill a shoe box with goodies such as socks, gloves, hats, scarves, combs, pens, razors, toothbrushes and toothpaste, shampoo, soap, Deodorant, even chocolate and choccie biscuits! - and bring it to the Cathedral on Sunday 16th December for delivery on Monday 17th - they will then be delivered to Emmanuel House. Please do not wrap the boxes, but separate Christmas Wrapping Paper would be welcome. Please do not put money in the boxes. Donations of money can be sent separately to Emmanuel House. Many thanks. THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH OF ST BARNABAS ST AUGUSTINE OF ENGLAND

Saturday 15th of December Saturday 15th of December Mass at 10.00am Confessions from 5.15pm Confessions from 10.30am and from 5.30pm Vigil Mass from 6.00pm Vigil Mass at 6.30pm (Sunday III of Advent) (Sunday III of Advent)

Sunday 16th of December Sunday 16th of December (Sunday III of Advent) (Sunday III of Advent) Masses at 8.00am, 10.00am, 11.15am Mass at 11.00am and 6.00pm Tuesday 18th of December Monday 17th of December Confessions from 9.30am Masses at 7.30am, 1.00pm and 6.15pm Mass at 10.00am

Confessions from 12.00pm and from 5.30pm Wednesday 19th of December Compline and Rosary from 7.00pm Mass at 9.00am Tuesday 18th of December Confessions from 9.30am Masses at 7.30am, 1.00pm and 6.15pm St Augustine’s School Carol Service Confessions from 12.00pm and from 5.30pm 10.00am

Wednesday 19th of December Thursday 20th of December Masses at 7.30am, 1.00pm and 6.15pm Mass at 10.00am (6.15pm Mass in Extraordinary Form) Confessions from 10.30am Confessions from 12.00pm and from 5.30pm Exposition and Adoration from 10.30am

Compline and Rosary from 7.00pm Friday 21st December

Thursday 20th of December Mass at 10.00am Confessions from 10.30am Masses at 7.30am, 1.00pm and 6.15pm Confessions from 12.00pm and from 5.30pm Saturday 22nd of December Confessions from 5.15pm Friday 21st of December Vigil Mass at 6.00pm (Sunday IV of Advent) Masses at 7.30am, 1.00pm and 6.15 pm Confessions from 12.00pm and from 5.30pm Sunday 23rd of December Compline and Rosary from 7.00pm (Sunday IV of Advent) Mass at 11.00am Saturday 22nd of December Mass at 10.00am Monday 24th December Confessions from 10.30am and from 5.30pm () Vigil Mass at 6.30pm (Sunday IV of Advent) Confessions from 4.15pm Vigil Mass at 5.00pm Sunday 23rd of December at 12.00am (Sunday IV of Advent) Masses at 8am, 10am, 11.15am Tuesday 25th December and 6.00pm (Christmas Day) Mass at 10am Monday 24th December (Christmas Eve) Masses at 7.30am and 1.00pm Service of Carols at 5.30pm followed by the Vigil Mass at 6.00pm Vigil of Readings and Midnight Mass from 11.30pm

Tuesday 25th of December (Christmas Day) Masses at 8.00am, 10.00am and 11.15am (No Evening Masses) THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF CENTRAL NOTTINGHAM St Barnabas Cathedral, Derby Road and St Augustine’s, Woodborough Road Barnabas Cathedral RCP) If you are a Taxpayer, please use Gift Aid. Gift use a please Taxpayer, Ifyouare RCP) Cathedral Barnabas Donations Fridays 9.00am to Mondays ~ Hours Office 2 ~ Ext. Times DayMass Holy ~ Ext.1 Times & Confession For Mass Saturdays. on 8.00am and from Information Co Flower 990993 07979 ~ ARMCM Vernon Mr Graeme Emeritus Organist 401032 ~ 07908 ARCM (CHM)LRAM FRCO MA Gower Mr Robert Organist 618634 07792 ~ MMus (Hons) BA Patterson Mr Alex Music of Director 7 ~Ext. 2.00pm) to 10.00am & Thursday Weds (Tuesday, Lokes Mrs Alison 7 Ext. ~ 3.00pm) to 10.00am Fridays & (Monday Harley Mrs Debra Secretaries Parish Deacons Secretary Private Bishop’s Bishop ~ Ext.3 Priest) and Parish (Cathedral Dean Brett Malachy Rev Fr 4 ~Ext. Alex John Rev Fr 5 ~Ext. Wakely Marcus Rev Fr 8 Ext. ~ Joseph Biju Rev Fr Note: To leave a message, wait for ‘ten’ ringsandfollow for theinstructionsgiven. Note: wait To amessage, leave

Jeremy Lea and Ann Reddington (The Cathedral and St Augustine’s) and St Cathedral Reddington (The Ann and Lea Jeremy Representatives Safeguarding LCM Service Margaret & Sr MacDonald LCM AnitaSr Centre Heritage Potter Mary Ridge PBVM & Treasa Sr Healy PBVM PBVM,Bernadette Sr Rooney Sr Road Woodborough Augustine’s, St LCM Kelleher Monica & Sr LCM Murphy Margaret Sr Cathedral The Sisters Parish Rt. Rev Patrick McKinney ~ Bishop’s House, 27 Cavendish Road East, Road 27 Cavendish House, ~ Bishop’s McKinney Rt. RevPatrick Contact us... Contact - Rev Anthony Sullivan ~ 0115 9240671 (St Augustine’s) Augustine’s) (St 9240671 ~ 0115 Sullivan Rev Anthony Rev Kerry ~ Kerry Rev David


0115 953 9839 Parish Clergy Cathedral House, North Circus Street, NOTTINGHAM, NG1 5AE NG1 NOTTINGHAM, Circus Street, North House, Cathedral to: addressed be should correspondence All Twitter: Facebook: Site: Web address: Email May be made to the Cathedral by cash, cheque, (payable to Saint toSaint (payable cheque, by cash, Cathedral the to be made May Holydays, toFridayand Sunday from7.00am is open Cathedral The

Mrs Mary Mulvenney ~ 01332 872 147 872 ~ 01332 Mulvenney MaryMrs

Rev Fr Jonathan Rose ~ 0115 9474786 0115 JonathanRev Fr ~ Rose

07952 103981 (The Cathedral) (The 103981 07952 @Cathedral_Nottm or Cathedral Nottingham or Cathedral @Cathedral_Nottm Cathedral st Barnabas [email protected]


Regent Street, Nottingham Nottingham Street, Regent

The Park, Nottingham. NG7 1BB NG7 Nottingham. Park, The then dial extensions extensions then dial




