Academic Dissertation to be presented with the assent of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oulu, for public discussion in Auditorium 1 of the University Hospital of Oulu, on September 24th, 1999, at 12 noon.

OULUN YLIOPISTO, OULU 1999 Copyright © 1999 Oulu University Library, 1999

Manuscript received 28.8.1999 Accepted 2.9.1999

Communicated by Professor Peter Dean Professor Matti Eskelinen

ISBN 951-42-5360-4 (URL: http://herkules.oulu.fi/isbn9514253604/)


ISBN 951-42-5359-0 ISSN 0355-3221

OULU UNIVERSITY LIBRARY OULU 1999 Saarela,ArtoO.Diagnosisandsurgicaltreatmentofsuspiciousnonpalpablebreast lesionsandearlybreastcancer DepartmentofSurgery,UniversityofOulu,FIN-90401Oulu,Finland 1999 Oulu,Finland (Manuscriptreceived28.8.1999)


Thepurposesofthepresentresearchweretoevaluate(1)thevalueofultrasonographicallyguided fine-needleaspirationbiopsy(US-FNAB)innonpalpablesuspiciousbreastlesions,(2)thepreoper- ativeuseofmethylenebluestaininginnonpalpablegalactographicallysuspiciousbreastlesions,(3) thedeterminantsofpositivehistologicmarginsandresidualcancerinwire-guidedbiopsy(WGB)of nonpalpablebreastcancerandinlumpectomyforearlybreastcancerandthedeterminantsofposi- tiveradiologicmarginsandthecorrelationbetweenradiologicandhistologicmarginsandresidual diseaseinWGBofnonpalpablebreastcancer,(4)theassessmentoflumpectomymarginsbytouch preparationcytologyinearlybreastcancer,and(5)thecosmeticoutcomeofWGBperformedfor benignbreastlesions. ThesensitivityandspecificityofUS-FNABin90nonpalpablebreastlesionswere84%and 93%,respectively.Preoperativemethylenebluestainingwassuccessfulin22outof30(73%) cases,makingsubsequentselectiveminimalvolumemicrodochectomyeasytoperform.Multivari- ateanalysisof21prospectivelyevaluatedvariableswasdoneafter71WGBsofnonpalpablebreast cancerfollowedby54re-excisions.Largemammographiclesionshadmoreoftenpositiveradio- logicmargins.Multifocality,largepathologicsizeandsuperficialexcisionwererelatedtopositive histologicmarginsandmultifocalitytoresidualdiseaseinre-excisions.Thesensitivityandspecific- ityofspecimenradiographyforpredictinghistologicmarginswere38%and81%andthosefor residualdisease27%and79%,respectively.Thecorrespondingfiguresforhistologicmarginsin predictingresidualdiseasewere85%and59%,respectively.Inaprospectiveseriesof55consecu- tivelumpectomiesforearlybreastcancer,positivehistologicmarginswerefoundmoreofteninthe presenceofintraductalcancerandifthepathologicsizeoftheindextumorwaslarge.Residualdis- easewasfoundin38%ofthecaseswithpositiveandin15%ofthecaseswithnegativehistologic margins.Amultifocalandnonpalpableindextumorpredictedresidualcancerin34re-excision specimens.Thesensitivityandspecificityoftouchpreparationcytologyinpredictinghistologic marginswere38%and85%,respectively.InWGB,theoverallcosmesis6monthsaftersurgery wassatisfactoryin75%ofthe101prospectivelyevaluatedpatientswithbenignprovenlesions. Cosmesiswaspoorerafterdeepexcisionsandcomplications. TheresultsindicatethatUS-FNABisausefultoolinevaluatingnonpalpablesuspiciousbreast lesions.Preoperativemethylenebluestainingcruciallyfacilitatesselectiveminimalvolumemicro- dochectomyinthree-quartersofcases.ToobtainfreemarginsinWGB,mammographicallyand pathologicallylargelesionsshouldberemovedwithwiderexcisionsextendingdowntothefascia. However,radiologicmarginsinWGBandhistologicmarginsbothinWGBandinlumpectomyfor earlybreastcancermaybemisleading.Re-excisionofthebiopsysiteofmultifocaltumorsafter WGBandlumpectomyshouldbeconsidered.Thisisalsoimportantaftersuperficialexcisionin WGBduetotheconsiderableriskofresidualdisease.Touchpreparationcytologycannotberecom- mendedfortheassessmentofmarginsinlumpectomyspecimensofearlybreastcancer.Cosmetic outcomeafterWGBofbenignbreastlesionsissatisfactoryin75%ofcases.Deepexcisionsand complicationsendangerthecosmeticoutcome. Preoperativebiopsyandtumorlocalizationmethodshaveproventheirutility;nevertheless,free marginsarestilldifficulttoobtainandtoevaluateaccurately.Thesurgeonmayoftenbeforcedto choosebetweenfreemarginsandanacceptablecosmeticoutcome.

Keywords:Breastneoplasm,wire-guidedbiopsy,margins,cosmesis Aknowledgements

This work was carried out at the Department of Surgery in co-operation with the Depart- ments of Radiology and Pathology, Oulu University Hospital, during the years 1993– 1999. First of all, I owe my sincere gratitude to Professor Matti Kairaluoma, MD, PhD, Head of the Department of Surgery, for support, excellent conditions and working environment at the Department. I wish to express my warmest thanks to my supervisor, Docent Heikki Kiviniemi, MD, PhD, for valuable ideas, advice and trust in me during this research. His enthusiasm sus- tained my research project through disappointments and difficulties. I express my special appreciation to Tarja Rissanen, MD, PhD, for her crucial role in this project. Her valuable advice, criticism and introduction to scientific work extend far beyond the radiological aspects. Docent Kari Haukipuro, MD, PhD, deserves my deepest thanks for all his valuable work on the statistical problems encountered during this work. I am grateful to Professor Matti Eskelinen, MD, PhD, and Professor Peter Dean, MD, PhD, the reviewers, for their constructive advice and criticism of the manuscript. My co-workers, Docent Outi Kaarela, MD, PhD, Kimmo Lähteenmäki, MD, Timo Paloneva, MD and Docent Ylermi Soini, MD, PhD, deserve my warmest thanks. I cordially express my gratitude to the surgeons and personnel of the Department of Surgery for all their extra work and great support. Especially, I thank my colleagues in the Gastroenterological Division and its present head, Docent Seppo Laitinen, MD, PhD. I also thank Jukka Palm, MD, for his valuable support in computor problems. I wish to thank Mrs. Sirkka-Liisa Leinonen for revising the English language of this thesis, the uni- versity secretary Mrs. Ritva Huhtala, and the personnel of the Library of the Medical Faculty of Oulu. Finally, my parents Tauno and Anja Saarela deserve my deepest gratitude for their unselfish support and encouragement throughout my life.

Oulu, August 1999 Arto Saarela


BCS Breast-conserving surgery BCT Breast-conserving surgery and irradiation for early breast cancer DCIS Ductal carcinoma in situ (intraductal carcinoma) EIC Extensive intraductal component FNAB Fine-needle aspiration biopsy US Ultrasonography WGB Wire-guided biopsy

List of original publications

This thesis is based on the following papers, referred to in the text by the Roman nume- rals I-V. I Saarela AO, Kiviniemi HO, Rissanen TJ & Paloneva TK (1996) Nonpalpable breast lesions: pathologic correlation of ultrasonographically guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy. J Ultrasound Med 15: 549-553. II Saarela AO, Kiviniemi HO & Rissanen TJ (1997) Preoperative methylene blue staining of galactographically suspicious breast lesions. Int Surg 82: 403-405. III Saarela AO, Rissanen TJ, Soini Y, Lähteenmäki KM, Haukipuro K, Kaarela O & Kiviniemi HO (1999) Wire-guided biopsy for nonpalpable breast cancer: determi- nants and correlation of mammographic and histologic margins and residual cancer in re-excisions. Submitted for publication. IV Saarela AO, Paloneva TK, Rissanen TJ & Kiviniemi HO (1997) Determinants of positive histologic margins and residual tumor after for early breast cancer: A prospective study with special reference to touch preparation cytology. J Surg Oncol 66: 248-253. V Saarela AO, Kiviniemi HO, Rissanen TJ, Haukipuro K & Kaarela O (1998) Cos- metic results after wire-guided biopsy of benign breast lesions. J Am Coll Surg 187: 610-615.


Abstract Aknowledgements Abbreviations List of original publications 1. Introduction...... 13 2. Reviewoftheliterature ...... 15 2.1.Epidemiologyandincidenceofbreastcancer ...... 15 2.2.Diagnosticmethods ...... 15 2.2.1. Noninvasivemethods...... 15 ...... 15 16 17 ...... 17 2.2.2. Invasivemethods...... 18 18 ...... 19 20 ...... 21 2.3.Treatment...... 23 2.3.1. Breast-conservingsurgery...... 23 23 24 Margins, residual disease and local recurrence ...... 24 Multifocality and multicentricity ...... 27 2.3.2. ...... 27 2.3.3. Cosmesis ...... 28 3. Aimsofthestudy ...... 29 4. Materialsandmethods ...... 30 4.1.Patients...... 30 4.2.Methods ...... 31 4.2.1. US-FNABinnonpalpablebreastlesions(I) ...... 31 4.2.2. Preoperativemethylenebluestaining(II)...... 31 4.2.3. WGBfornonpalpablebreastcancer(III) ...... 31 4.2.4. Marginsandresidualtumorafterlumpectomy(IV) ...... 33 4.2.5. Cosmesis(V)...... 34 4.2.6. Statisticalmethods...... 35 5. Results...... 36 5.1.US-FNABinnonpalpablebrestlesions(I) ...... 36 5.2.Preoperativemethylenebluestaining(II) ...... 38 5.3.WGBfornonpalpablebreastcancer(III)...... 39 5.4.Marginsandresidualtumorafterlumpectomy(IV) ...... 41 5.5.Cosmesis(V) ...... 43 6. Discussion...... 46 6.1.Subjectsandmethods...... 46 6.2.US-FNABinnonpalpablebreastlesions(I)...... 48 6.3.Preoperativemethylenebluestaining(II) ...... 49 6.4.WGBfornonpalpablebreastcancer(III)...... 49 6.5.Marginsandresidualtumorafterlumpectomy(IV) ...... 51 6.6.Cosmesis(V) ...... 52 6.7.Generaldiscussion...... 53 7. Conclusions...... 55 8. References...... 56 1. Introduction

Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in women in Finland (1). The current life- time risk of a woman for breast cancer is approximately 10 % (2,3). Several randomized and controlled population-based mammography screening trials provide consistent evi- dence that screening mammography decreases breast cancer deaths in women aged 40 to 69 years (4-7). The widespread use of screening mammography coupled with judicious use of needle biopsy and wire-guided biopsy can reduce the rate of breast cancer deaths (8-11) by helping to identify breast cancers that are smaller and at an earlier stage (9,11- 17). It has been predicted that, within a decade, the median maximum diameter of all invasive breast cancers will be 1 cm (14). Among the known prognostic factors, such as age, lymph node involvement and hormone receptor status, tumor size remains an impor- tant predictor of both disease-free and overall survival (18-21). It directly correlates with the prognosis, small tumors (<10 mm) having the best prognosis overall (18,21). Early detection of breast cancer is the only known possibility to improve the life expectancy of these patients (2). Approximately 90 % of early nonpalpable breast cancers are curable at this stage (22,23). Women presenting with nonpalpable mammographically detected inva- sive breast cancer have a favorable prognosis compared to women with palpable breast cancer (24,25). The reported 20-year survival of women with nonpalpable breast cancer has been over 95% (9). The excellent long-term prognosis and low recurrence rate of small T1 breast cancers facilitates modifications and simplification of therapy in the futu- re (14). With the widespread use of screening and clinical mammography for the detection of early breast cancer, the number of suspicious nonpalpable breast lesions requiring a defi- nitive diagnosis has greatly increased. Image-guided needle aspiration biopsies have redu- ced the need for open biopsy in obtaining reliable tissue samples with lower cost and less morbidity (26,27). Discharge from the nipple is a fairly common reason for remitting women to a surgical evaluation, comprising 3-4.8 % of all causes of remittance (28-30). The sensitivity of mammography for the pathologic processes behind is low (31-33), and although the sensitivity of galactography is high, its specificity is fairly low (34). 14

Despite the advanced image-guided needle biopsies, a wire-guided biopsy (WGB) sample is still often required for a definitive diagnosis of a clinically occult breast lesion. Although approximately 60 % of biopsied lesions are malignant in population screening (35,36), the majority of nonpalpable breast lesions in women outside screening programs have traditionally been benign (37-42), underscoring the importance of the cosmetic out- come of this widely used procedure. In the era of breast-conserving surgery (BCS), a pro- portion of diagnostic WGBs also prove to be therapeutic after a histologic examination. Breast-conserving surgery and irradiation for early (stage I and II) breast cancer (BCT) is equivalent to modified in terms of local and regional control as well as overall survival (43-47). The optimal extent of the initial surgical procedure is contro- versial, but the appropriate minimum requirement is a microscopically uninvolved margin (21). To date, however, no optimal method for assessing microscopic margins has been established. In this study, preoperative ultrasonography (US)-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) of nonpalpable breast lesions and methylene blue staining in galactographically suspicious ducts were explored. The determinants of positive histologic margins and resi- dual cancer in WGB of nonpalpable breast cancer and in lumpectomy for early breast cancer were studied. Also, the determinants of positive radiologic margins and the corre- lation between radiologic and histologic margins and residual disease in WGB of nonpal- pable breast cancer were studied. Furthermore, the usefulness of touch preparation cyto- logy in the assessment of lumpectomy margins of early breast cancer was evaluated. Finally, the cosmetic outcome and related determinants after WBG of benign lesions were explored. 2. Review of the literature

2.1. Epidemiology and incidence of breast cancer

Breast cancer is overwhelmingly the most common malignancy among women and one of the most actively investigated tumors worldwide. The incidence rates have been highest in northern Europe and North America (7). Age-specific incidence increases clearly up to 45-50 years of age, suggesting that menopause has a protective effect (7,48). The incidence of breast cancer has been increasing steadily during the past decades (48,49), whereas the mortality rates have remained relatively constant for several years (2,7). In Finland, the incidence of breast cancer (the annual number of new cases diagno- sed per 100.000 women) was 76 in 1995. In the same year, 3,125 new breast cancer cases were diagnosed and 838 women died of this disease. For comparison, the corresponding figures for colon cancer in women, the second leading primary malignancy, were 691 and 360, respectively.(1)

2.2. Diagnostic methods

2.2.1. Noninvasive methods Clinical examination

Clinically, apart from mammography, the first and most important way of detecting breast cancer is still to find a new palpable lump by self-examination or physical examination of the breast (50). The true positive rate of physical examinations in premammographic screening was 56% according to Gilbertsen et al. (51). The sensitivity of physical exami- nation has been reported to be more than twofold in younger versus older women (52,53) and to decrease substantially in smaller (<1cm) breast cancers (54). Notably, physical examination may discover interval cancers and mammographically negative cancers (55). The impact of breast self-examination on clinical stage and mortality from breast cancer 16 is still controversial (56-58). The combination of physical examination and mammo- graphy is superior to either modality alone (55,59), detecting more than 90% of all breast cancers (60). Mammography

Improvements in mammographic techniques since 1960, when Egan (61) described a reproducible technique for x-ray examination of the breast, have resulted in earlier diag- nosis and treatment of breast cancer (12,13). Nowadays, an increasing number of nonpal- pable breast lesions are found in attempts to achieve earlier cancer diagnosis in the daily clinical practice and in mammographic screening programs. The sensitivity of high-quali- ty mammography for cancer is high (5). A malignant breast tumor is seen at mammo- graphy as a stellate, ill-defined or lobulated circumscribed density, or as a group of microcalcifications without a soft tissue tumor (62). Architectural distorsion and asym- metric densities are less common signs of malignancy. It is, however, not always possible to differentiate between malignant and benign lesions based solely on their mammo- graphic appearance. The positive predictive value of mammography varies in different centres and according to the grade of suspicion, being best when associated with popula- tion screening (35,36). In mammographically suspicious cases the probability of malig- nancy averages 10% to 30 %, and in cases highly suggestive of malignancy the yield is greater than 80 %. The frequency of cancer among mammographically probably benign lesions is low, 0.5 % to 1.7 %. (63,64) About half of the women referred to a surgeon for an abnormal mammo- gram can be spared biopsy in cases where the referring radiologist has not performed a full preoperative diagnostic workup (65,66). The well recognized role of mammography in the detection of breast cancer has been constantly plagued by reports of 3-34 % false-negative rates, the majority of the rates being between 8 and 25 % (61,67-78). The sensitivity of mammography increases with age (73-75), but this has not been confirmed in all studies (77). The dense of young nulliparous women are usually most difficult to evaluate in mammograms, but the use of hormone replacement therapy preserves the pre-menopausal mammographic den- sity postmenopausally for as long as the treatment is used (79). It has been claimed that this therapy decreases the sensitivity of screening mammography (80). The cancers not visualized even in a mammogram review account for 30-52 % of all mammographically negative cancers (67,69-71). One to two percent of all breast cancers present as nipple discharge (81). Even nowadays, the sensitivity of mammography for the pathologic pro- cesses behind nipple discharge is low (31-34). In the future, technical improvements, including the digital computer-assisted technique, digital , digital angiog- raphy, synchrotron light, and laser mammography, may be used to increase the sensitivity and specificity of mammography (82). Nevertheless, conventional mammography remains the most cost-effective tool for breast cancer diagnosis due to its high sensitivity, good availability and low cost. Notably, mammographically negative breast cancer has no negative impact on patient eligibility for breast-conserving surgery (83). 17

Mammography has some important limitations in selecting patients for BCT. Conven- tional mammography underestimates the extent of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) (84), which is detected solely by mammographic microcalcifications in approximately 75% of cases (85). In nonpalpable mammographic abnormalities, microcalcifications constitute one half of the indications for WGB (86). Magnification mammography can improve the correlation between radiologic and histologic tumor size and aid in patient selection (87). Ultrasonography

At present, US is accepted as complementary to clinical examination and mammography with a primary role in distinguishing cystic from solid masses. US is not considered reli- able in screening for asymptomatic breast cancer, and its role in differentiating between benign and malignant solid breast masses has been controversial (88-90). Morphologic US criteria for differential diagnosis have, however, been presented recently (90-91). US can be a useful tool when mammography has limitations, as in the identification and eva- luation of palpable or nonpalpable masses not visible in mammographically dense breasts (89,90,92). It is also helpful in the case of extremely peripherally located masses, where adequate positioning for mammography may be impossible, as well as in the evaluation of axillary node status and in examining breasts recently operated or acutely inflamed (60). During pregnancy, US is the primary imaging method because mammography has an unacceptably high false-negative rate, probably due to the high radiographic density, and ionizing radiation may be harmful for the developing fetus (93). US also plays an important role in the guidance of diagnostic interventional procedures, including core- and fine-needle aspiration biopsies (94-97). Other methods

The role of new noninvasive diagnostic methods, such as MR imaging or radioisotopic scanning of the breast, has not yet been established. They can be used as a complementa- ry diagnostic modality in preselected patients (98-103). The eventual future indications for MR imaging in breast cancer include a need for more accurate evaluation of size and multifocality (100), postoperative differential diagnosis of tumor from therapy-induced changes (101), and more accurate detection of occult cancer in patients with isolated ipsi- lateral axillary metastasis (102). 18 2.2.2. Invasive methods Needle biopsy

Further investigation of mammographically found suspicious nonpalpable lesions has usually involved surgical WGB with its obvious disadvantages. The lower cost, lesser morbidity and better cosmetic outcome of percutaneous needle biopsy have challenged the superiority of open biopsy in obtaining reliable tissue diagnoses of nonpalpable breast lesions (26,104). As a result, the proportion of benign findings in open surgical biopsies can be markedly reduced (47,105-110), preferably to or below the benign-malignant ope- ration rate of 1:1, when operations for nipple discharge and abscesses are excluded (111). Surgical excisions of nonpalpable breast lesions with preoperatively confirmed malignan- cy have been associated with larger volume, a high incidence of negative microscopic margins, lower costs and a decreased need for re-excision (27,112,113). According to the European Breast Cancer Working Group, the majority of nonpalpable breast cancers should receive a preoperative diagnosis by FNAB or core needle histology (111). This emphasizes the importance of a preoperative diagnosis allowing thorough pretreatment planning and discussion with the patient. It is important to minimize false-negative needle biopsy findings (114), which may result in a delay of diagnosis and a more advanced stage of breast cancer. In qualified hands, the FNAB technique works reasonably well. In nonpalpable breast lesions, the reported sensitivities range from 57% to 97% and specificities from 91% to 100% (114- 119). For comparison, the corresponding sensitivities and specificities of FNAB in pal- pable lesions have been 65% to 99% and 64% to 100%, respectively (114). However, FNAB has several limitations. Up to 54% of the cytologic samples are insufficient (106,114,120,121). Recently, the high rate (34%) of insufficient samples for FNAB of nonpalpable breast lesions led to the early termination of one multicenter trial (121). The high risk of insufficient specimens has been related to inexperience with the technique and to the occurence of benign lesions, especially microcalcifications, where it may be difficult to obtain a definitive benign diagnosis (114,116,121). Dedicated breast cytopat- hologist is needed for all FNABs, and it is still not possible to differentiate between DCIS and invasive ductal carcinoma with a cytologic examination because of the lack of archi- tectural information (114). Histology is preferable to cytology for a definite diagnosis (20). Core-cutting needle biopsy techniques provide sufficient tissue for a histologic diagnosis with a lower rate of insufficient samples (110,122) and have partially replaced FNAB (106,122-125). In non- palpable breast lesions, reported sensitivities range from 60% to 98%, specificities from 96% to 100% and rates of insufficient samples from 0% to 17% (104,106,119,122,126). Large-core biopsy is more invasive and traumatic than FNAB (127). Yet, the reported complication rate is very low (27,104,126,128). The diagnostic accuracy of image-gui- ded core biopsy varies with the histologic diagnosis, being lower in atypical hyperplasia and DCIS, but notably high in invasive cancer. Atypia may upgrade to DCIS and DCIS to invasive cancer after excision, but DCIS does not downgrade to a benign diagnosis. (104,122,126,129). Therefore, a core-needle biopsy diagnosis of atypia or DCIS mandates an open (104). 19

During the 1990s, technical improvements have been introduced to ensure histologic diagnosis of nonpalpable breast lesions with an accuracy comparable to open surgery. Directional, vacuum-assisted biopsy (Mammotome) uses a vacuum to withdraw and tran- sport larger amounts of tissue more quickly and completely without a need to withdraw the needle each time the biopsy is harvested (128,130). The need to avoid the abovemen- tioned underestimation of disease has been pointed out (131). Stereotactic guidance of fine-needle (20-25 gauge) aspiration cytology or large-core needle (14-18 gauge) aspiration biopsy in nonpalpable suspicious breast lesions is most widely used (105,106,116-119,122,132). The competitive method, US guidance, is less widely documented (95,123,133,134). The different guidance methods have their specific advantages and disadvantages, and they should be regarded as mutually complementary (135). The lesions best suited for stereotactic guidance are suspicious asymmetric densi- ties, sonographically invisible microcalcifications and very small masses in large, fatty replaced breasts. US provides a fast and accurate guidance method without ionizing radia- tion for virtually all palpable and nonpalpable sonographically visible breast lesions (130). With US, accurate monitoring of the needle tip can be ensured during needle inser- tion and sampling under continuous real-time visualization (136), which may explain the reported low rate of insufficient specimens by US guidance (121,134,137). US guidance has also been reported to be more cost-effective than stereotactic guidance (138). On the other hand, US-guided biopsies have been claimed to be technically more difficult to per- form and, therefore, to have a longer learning curve than stereotactic ones (127). Galactography

Discharge from the nipple is a common reason for remitting a woman to a surgical evalu- ation, accounting for 3-5 % of all causes of remittance (28-30). Only spontaneous, non- lactational, persistent and unilateral discharge from a single duct is considered to be of surgical significance. Drug-induced or endocrine discharges are usually produced bilate- rally by multiple ducts. Spontaneous discharge from a single duct is a sign of an under- lying inflammatory, benign proliferative or even malignant disease. Papillary lesion is the most common etiology in these cases (29,30,139-142). Some controversy exists over the precancerous nature of single intraductal papillomas, but the prevailing view is that mul- tiple papillomas (papillomatosis) may become malignant (32,139). It is also well recogni- zed that pathologic differentiation between papilloma and papillary carcinoma may be extremely difficult. The incidence of cancer in patients in whom nipple discharge is asso- ciated with a palpable lump has been up to 60-70 % (30). Without a palpable lump, the reported risk for cancer ranges from 4% to 13% (28-30,81,140-142). On the other hand, only 1-2 % of all breast cancers present solely as nipple disharge (28,81). The sensitivity of mammography is low in these cases (31-33,143). The value of cytologic examination of the discharge is limited, because of the unreliability of exfoliative cytology in the detection of intraductal malignancy (142,144). The best method available for the detecti- on of intraductal tumors, variations in ductal calibre and ductal incontinuities is galacto- graphy (ductography) (29,34,81,142,145). An intraductal tumor presents at galacto- graphy as a filling defect within a contrast-filled duct (Figure 1) (142). The findings are, 20 however, nonspecific. Differential diagnosis between benign and malignant tumors is not possible. Therefore, it is important to excise all galactographically suspicious lesions for a pathologic examination, even though a pathologic correlate cannot always be found (146).



The mainly benign nature of nipple discharge underscores the importance of precise mini- mal-volume excision of the intraductal lesions for better cosmesis. Microdochectomy is the conventional method for patients with persistent discharge from a single lactiferous duct (32). Knowledge of the exact location, size and distribution of the duct producing discharge facilitates accurate minimal-volume microdochectomy through a circumareolar incision and ensures inclusion of the lesion in the biopsy specimen (Figure 2). The smal- ler size of the specimen gives a better cosmetic outcome and provides the pathologist with an intact specimen and fewer sections to review. Methylene blue staining is the met- 21 hod of choice to meet these requirements (142). Other localization methods, such as clini- cal findings only (30), a lacrimal probe with (29) or without (28,81,147) galactography or with the insertion of a catheter into the secreting duct (148), have a number limitations. Approximately 20% of lesions are missed in duct excision if galactography is the only localization method (34). In 1969, Funderburk and Syphax (139) reported a contrast mammography technique with dye identification of the lobule producing discharge for surgical excision. It has been later criticized (149) for the dye reactions and extravasa- tions seen in a small percentage of patients and for the need for time-consuming coordi- nation between the radiologist and the surgeon. Methylene blue staining lacks these limi- tations.

Fig. 2. A surgical specimen of a ductal-lobular unit after preoperative methylene blue staining and opening of the duct revealing two intraductal papillomas. Wire-guided biopsy

Today, breast biopsy is one of the most common surgical operations. Despite the advan- ced image-guided core biopsy techniques, open surgical WGB is still often necessary for a definitive histologic diagnosis of nonpalpable breast lesions. The indications for open biopsy include cases where the mammographic finding is not concordant with the core biopsy results, the mammogram changes or the core biopsy demonstrates atypical hyperplasia (over 50% risk of simultaneous malignancy) (124). The malignancy yield of 22

WGB for nonpalpable breast lesions has been 10-48 % in studies performed outside mammography screening programs (37-42,150-154). An average of 37% of the malig- nancies have been noninvasive (154). Wire insertion is performed under mammographic or sonographic guidance. The advantages of WGB are adequacy of the specimen and accuracy (155). Specimen radiography is an integral part of WGB to ensure and docu- ment that the mammographic lesion has been partially or totally removed. The failure rates of WGB vary from 0 to 10 % (153,156-158). The rate of complete radiologic excisi- on of all the lesions removed by WGB vary from 47% to 92% (153,159,160). To inc- rease the success rate of WGB, it has been suggested that the radiologist should recom- mend after specimen radiography that the surgeon should remove more surrounding breast tissue in suspicious cases (60). However, single-view and even two-view speci- men radiography have limitations in the accurate verification of positive or negative mammographic margins of a three-dimensional specimen. Apparently clear margins may be found to be involved if an appropriate tangential view is obtained. (159) This problem is further complicated by possible additional pieces of breast tissue removed after speci- men radiography. There are no reports concerning the actual contribution of these additio- nal pieces of specimen to the radiologic completeness of WGB. In WGB, because of nonpalpability, the localization wire and the preoperative mam- mogram constitute the sole guide of tissue excision. Specimen volume in wire-guided breast biopsy is determined by two opposite limitations. The surgeon aims at adequate local control with histologically tumor-free margins without compromising cosmesis with an unnecessarily wide excision of surrounding normal breast tissue. Therefore, the tip of the guide wire should be within 10 mm from the lesion in any plane in at least 80% of cases (111). The reported success rate of the placement of the localization wire within 5 mm of the target lesion has been more than 96% (157). This facilitates crucially the indi- vidualization of the amount of breast tissue excised. More than 95% of nonpalpable mam- mographic abnormalities should be successfully removed with the first WGB, and 80% of benign breast lesions should weigh less than 30g (111). In the era of active use of image-guided needle biopsy and BCS, a considerable pro- portion of WGBs also prove to be therapeutic after a histopathologic examination. In cen- ters where this approach has been employed as a definitive therapeutic procedure, 41-60 % of patients require no further local surgery, which results in lower costs and morbidity (156,157,161). The therapeutic role of wire-guided biopsy is, however, still controversial (161,162). 23 2.3. Treatment

2.3.1. Breast-conserving surgery Lumpectomy

In BCS, the casual usage of mutually interchangeable terms, such as "lumpectomy", "par- tial mastectomy", "wide excision" and "segmentectomy", without specifying the surgical technique in detail has been confusing. However, the term "lumpectomy", as used in this study, has been defined as the complete removal of a tumor with histologically negative margins without regard to any specific anatomic landmarks within the breast, aiming at local-regional control of breast cancer with the resultant appearance of a normal breast (163). BCT for appropriately selected patients with early (stages I and II) breast cancers 4 cm or less in size is equivalent and even preferable to mastectomy, provided that the margins of the resected specimen are free of tumor. Overall survival and distant disease-free survi- val have been equal in several randomized trials. Only the long-term local failure rates have been different, reflecting the uncertainty with regard to the optimal extent of surgical excision between a high initial local control rate and cosmesis. (21,43-46,164) The use of BCT has increased over time, but there are still great differences between surgeons in the use of this data. The rates of eligible patients receiving BCT have varied from 16 to 80% (165-170). The factors influencing this rate are patient's age, tumor size, urban residence, patient income and surgeon's age and education (165,171-174). There have also been sug- gestions to extend the indications for BCT to certain preselected patients with locally advanced breast cancer (175,176). The use of induction chemotherapy to downstage tumor has resulted in reductions in the size of the primary tumor, allowing BCS in 27- 81% of locally advanced noninflammatory breast cancers with 5-year survival of 73-86% after multimodality treatment (176). Following active preoperative use of image-guided needle biopsy, all biopsies must be performed with an assumption of malignancy, and the procedure of choice should be lum- pectomy (177). Therefore, the biopsy should include at least a surrounding 0.5-1.0 cm margin of apparently normal breast tissue (21,50,178,179). With careful preoperative planning and a proper biopsy technique in diagnostic lumpectomy, the rate of re-excision for positive margins has been reported to be as low as 5% (180). The type of anesthesia must be individualized to suit the patient, but either local anest- hesia alone, local anesthesia with intravenous sedation or general anesthesia may be used. For wire-guided procedures, however, to achieve free histologic margins in lesions loca- ting deeper than 3 cm in the breast, general anesthesia has been recommended (181). The incision should be small, curvilinear or parallel to the edge of the consistent with removal of the lesion following the normal lines of tension in skin (Langer's lines) and least likely to create prominent scars but without compromising the possible mastec- tomy incision (163,182,183). Transverse or radial incisions can be used in the medial aspect of the breast (163) or directly medial or lateral to the nipple (177). They have, however, been criticized for an inferior cosmetic outcome (178,184), and wide use of cir- cumareolar (periareolar) incisions for breast biopsies and even for total subcutaneous 24 and reconstructions has been recommended because of the minimal scar- ring and the small likelihood of keloid formation and deformity involved (184). Howe- ver, some only use this incision directly over the lesion, because tunneling may make dis- section difficult and prone to errors (163,182,185). In wire-guided procedures, the place- ment of the incision over the area of pathology rather than at the skin entry point of the wire allows a small incison with good visualization (186). Skin or subcutaneus tissue are usually not removed with the lumpectomy specimen (3,21). If skin must be removed (as in superficial tumors and in suspicions of inflamma- tory carcinoma), a radial incision is preferable in the lower hemisphere of the breast (182). After meticulous hemostasis (21), the wound is closed with continuous subcuticu- lar sutures (185) without reapproximation of the underlying breast tissue and without breast drains (21,177), and the cavity is allowed to fill with fibrin and become organized (183). Malignant cells have been claimed to disseminate along hematoma planes and limit the probability of local control (184). Placement of clips or sutures and staining of the periphery of the lumpectomy specimen with India ink aids radiologic and pathologic orientation and evaluation of excision margins. Axillary dissection should always be per- formed through a separate incision (21,178), even when the lumpectomy incision may only be 3 to 4 cm apart (182). Axillary dissection

In BCT, level I-II axillary dissection is an integral part of the treatment of invasive breast cancer both for staging and for the prevention of axillary recurrence (21). Nodal status guides adjuvant therapy and aids in determining prognosis. However, surgical treatment of the axilla is controversial, and exploration of the axilla can be safely omitted in some patient groups (187,188). In the future, sentinel node biopsy may replace full axillary lymph node dissection in a large number of patients (189,190). Margins, residual disease and local recurrence

Numerous reports have been published on the importance of adequate tumor-free mar- gins in lumpectomy specimens (191-207). Most of these reports have focused on the cor- relation between surgical margins and local recurrence (195-198,200-205,208,209) and some on the occurrence of post-biopsy residual cancer (192-194,210). In BCT, margin involvement has been associated with tumor size (206,211,212), EIC (207,211,212), age (211), mammographic findings (212) and the type of operation (212). Positive or unknown histologic margins have correlated with the finding of residual dise- ase at re-excision in 29-65% of cases (180,193,194,213,214) and less commonly also with a variety of other factors, such as EIC, residual microcalcifications on post-biopsy mam- mograms, clinical tumor size, method of detection, pathologic nodal status and histologic appearance of the tumor (192,194,210,213,215). When the first attempt to provide histo- logically tumor-free margins fails, re-excision may be necessary. Residual microscopic carcinoma after BCT accounts for the majority of recurrences occurring early and close to 25 the site of previous excision in the breast (191-193,216-218). Thus, there is a growing desire to ensure the removal of all tumor tissue at lumpectomy. The reported proportions of residual carcinoma in re-excision specimens have varied according to the relative extent of the primary biopsy procedure from 11 to 100 % (191-195,210,219-221). They have also been related to the extent of secondary surgery (breast-conserving surgery vs mastectomy) (206). Currently, there is no firm consensus on the optimal extent of the initial surgical pro- cedure in BCT. The data concerning the need to obtain microscopically negative margins are conflicting. Several reports have shown a correlation between positive margins and local recurrence (195-198,202-205), but it has not been confirmed consistently (200,201,208,209). However, even Solin et al. (200) from the latter group recommend re- excision to achieve microscopically negative margins before irradiation therapy. The general recommendations for the histologic width of the microscopic resection marginals vary from "free margins" up to 2 cm (3,21,111,169,179,222,223). However, unnecessa- rily wide margins (> 2 cm) should be avoided for cosmetic reasons (21). The European Breast Cancer Working Group requires only clear margins in the surgical management of nonpalpable breast cancer (111). Positive histologic margins mandate re-excision, even though re-excision predicts an adverse cosmetic outcome (224). In addition to positive excision margins of the primary tumor, the predictors of risk for local recurrence include lymphatic vessel invasion, low tumor grade and large tumor size (218). EIC has also been considered prognostic for local failure after BCT, but the results are controversial (191,195,196,199,201,203-205,216). The detection rate of local recur- rence following BCT increases with the length of follow-up. In an overview of the rando- mized trials, the addition of radiotherapy to surgery has reduced the rate of local recur- rence by two thirds (225). Fisher et al. (44) reported, after 12 years of follow-up, a local recurrence rate of 35% following BCS alone and 10% following BCT. Notably, all these series include palpable invasive breast cancers, whereas corresponding data concerning nonpalpable and noninvasive breast tumors are very sparse. According to Silverstein et al. (202) patients with ductal carcinoma in situ in whom the margin width is less than 1 mm can benefit from postoperative radiation therapy. Excellent local control can be achieved without radiation therapy when excision margin width of at least 10 mm are obtained. Earlier reports have also shown the difficulties encountered in assessing margins by a standard histologic examination, which is probably the main reason why margin analysis is a poor predictor of the completeness of tumor excision (44,193,211,213). Frazier et al. (193) pointed out that the assessment of margins may be misleading, since 48 % of patie- nts with involved margins had no residual tumor, and 30 % of those with clear or close margins subsequently had residual tumor upon re-excision. Breast cancer usually involves a more or less round tumor that subclinically spreads radially and imperceptibly into the surrounding breast parenchyma, making the determi- nation of histologic margins very difficult. At least two thirds of invasive breast cancers have root-like borders, and this proportion is increased by the presence of associated int- raductal carcinoma. (87,217) This greatly and unpredictably increases the tumor surface area to be histologically examined. The most common reason for a false-negative patho- logic report of lumpectomy margins is inadequate examination, because only a very small proportion of the specimen's outer surface can be analyzed. It has been calculated that a complete display of the surface of a 2-cm spherical carcinoma would require more than 26

3,000 histologic sections, which is not feasible. (217) Thus, success is obviously related to the number of sections assessed for margin involvement. Also the discrepancy bet- ween a large tumor size and the standard pathological slides measuring 2.5 x 3 cm at maximum may cause problems in a histopathological examination. Moreover, patholo- gists' examinations of specimens are far from uniform, and there is considerable variation in the definition of histologically positive margins in different reports. In the National Surgical Adjuvant Breast Project (NSABP protocol 6), the headquarters' pathologist agreed with the referring pathologists on only one third of the cases with positive histolo- gic margins. According to the NSABP study, it is most appropriate to regard the lines of resection involved only when cancer is transected. (191) Because of these problems, alternative methods for assessing surgical margins have been suggested. Carter (217) proposed peeling of the entire outer surface of the lumpec- tomy specimen after inking and parallel sectioning of it for histologic evaluation. Fisher et al. (191) performed sectioning of lumpectomy specimens in several different planes to topographically localize tumor cells in representative margins. Margins have also been evaluated by histologic examinations of tumor bed biopsies and a fully excised cavity wall (211), frozen sections of surgical margins (226) and cytologies of samples obtained by scraping (227) or shaving (228) from the cavity walls or from the outer surface of the lumpectomy specimen (229). Theoretically, the cytologic examination evaluates the entire resected surface even intraoperatively (229). Unfortunately, the results of these methods have either been controversial or there has been a lack of confirmation of preliminary results. However, the most promising method has been the touch preparation cytology introduced by Cox et al. (229) in 1991, which is a rapid intraoperative method for evalua- ting the entire resected breast lumpectomy surface. The authors have recently related their cytologic evaluation of lumpectomy margins with local recurrence 3 to 5 years postopera- tively (230). If re-operation is to be avoided, it is mandatory to assess the margins intraoperatively. Frozen sections are widely used for this purpose, but their usefulness has been limited by the relatively high proportion of false negatives and deferred diagnoses (231). Employing cytologic examination in conjunction with frozen sections during surgery has been clai- med to increase the validity of margin assessment (87). However, the use of frozen sec- tions has been discouraged for small (< 10 mm) and nonpalpable breast lesions because of the fear that manipulation may crush the lesion undetectable, and permanent sections from the frozen block may be suboptimal or even useless for definitive diagnosis (3,232).Thus, no optimal method for assessing the microscopic margins of a lumpectomy specimen has been established. In WGB for nonpalpable breast cancer, specimen radiography is used for intraopera- tive assessment of tumor-free margins. The accuracy of the method in predicting histolo- gic margins of the specimen or residual disease in re-excisions has, however, proved limi- ted (159,160). The incidence of involved histologic margins after WGB ranges from 25% to 84% (151,157,159,160,233,234). Campbell et al. (234) aimed at a margin of 1 cm around the lesion and reported the lowest rate of positive margins. Thus, the wide range is probably attributable to the impact of the relative extent of biopsy, as previously noted in series including palpable tumors (207,208). In WGB, the reported rates of residual cancer at re-excision after positive histologic margins vary from 22 % to 64 % (151,160,162,234). 27 Multifocality and multicentricity

Assessment of completeness of lumpectomy is further complicated by the multifocality and multicentricity of tumors. In the literature, the terms "multifocality" and "multicentri- city" have been confusingly used interchangeably. For clarity, microscopic foci of cancer encountered within or close to the same quadrant as the index cancer should be regarded as signs of multifocality and those seen in quadrants remote from the index cancer as signs of multicentricity. Breast cancer is a multicentric disease. In the reports from the previous era, when mas- tectomy was a common treatment, the rate of multicentricity in nonpalpable breast cancer varied from 34% to 47% (235-239). According to Holland et al. (240), tumor resection with 3 to 4 cm margins would have left invasive or noninvasive residual cancer in the remaining breast tissue in 4 to 9% of cases. According to Morimoto et al. (241), lumpec- tomies removing a T1 tumor with a margin of 2 cm would leave residual cancer foci in the breast in about 20% of cases. Both of theses series included palpable tumors. It has been estimated that even in the presence of apparently negative histologic margins, about one third of breast cancers are multifocal or multicentric beyond the limits of local resec- tion (217). Thus, complete excision of some breast cancers with lumpectomy may be dif- ficult or impossible. Local recurrence is usually noted near the primary site, and it is often concordant with the histologic type and grade of the index tumor. This suggest that local recurrence represents the growth of an overlooked multifocal tumor, minimizing the clini- cal significance of multicentricity. (191,218) Multifocality or multicentricity of breast cancer is, however, not considered an absolute contraindication for performing BCS (191). In BCT, multifocal disease should preferably be removed by lumpectomy, and subclinical multicentric involvement may subsequently be eradicated by irradiation (87). However, postoperative irradiation therapy only prevents approximately two thirds of local recurrences after BCT (225).

2.3.2. Mastectomy

The current indications for mastectomy in breast cancer are extensive malignant type cal- cifications visible on the mammogram, multicentricity, inflammatory breast cancer, failu- re to obtain tumor-free margins, contraindications for radiotherapy (e.g. physical disabili- ties, pregnancy, previous irradiation of the breast), large tumor size in proportion to breast size and the patient's preference for mastectomy (3,177). Controversy exists about such factors as EIC, extensive lymphatic involvement and age under 39 years (21). However, mastectomy is still performed in several patients eligible for BCT for a variety of reasons (165,171-174) (see paragraph The reported rate of mastectomies in the surgical treatment of early breast cancer varies between 20% and 84%, showing a decreasing ten- dency over time (129,165,167-170). 28 2.3.3. Cosmesis

There are numerous reports on the cosmetic outcome after BCT, showing most patients to have good or excellent overall results (224,242-250), but the data concerning the cosme- tic outcome after biopsies of benign breast lesions are very sparse. No reports on the cos- metic outcome after WGB of breast lesions that subsequently proved benign could be found. A considerable proportion of nonpalpable lesions in WGB subsequently prove benign, underscoring the importance of the cosmetic result of this widely-used procedu- re. The fear of poor cosmesis may delay treatment, which can be tragic whenever a malignant tumor is involved. The adverse impact of irradiation after BCS on the overall cosmetic outcome is almost impossible to evaluate. It is notable (224,242-250), however, and such changes are absent after WGB for beningn breast lesions. The surgical changes in the breast tend to be evi- dent within months after lumpectomy (185), because human scar tissue maintains a relati- vely high level of collagen synthesis for only up to 6 months (251), but the cosmetic sco- res after BCT continue to deteriorate for the first 36-60 months because of postradiation changes (243,244,252). The development of hematoma, seroma, and subsequent fibrosis at the excisional biopsy site after BCT have been related to lower cosmetic scores in a few reports (224,247). Retraction due to scar tissue is further aggravated by radiation- induced fibrosis (253). Several investigators have reported a relationship between increa- sing specimen volume and inferior esthetic outcome in BCT (224,242-249). Some of these reports show a strong correlation between any volume resected and a lower probabi- lity of excellent cosmetic outcome (243), but some only show such correlation for large volumes of breast tissue (>70, >85, or >200 cm3) (244,248,249,254). Large specimen volumes in BCT are probably related to a large tumor size and the doses of irradiation administered. Other factors, such as age, breast size, location of the lesion and body mass index have been related to lower cosmetic grading in some reports (242,243,245,246,250,255), but the results have been controversial. 3. Aims of the study

The purpose of the present work was to evaluate the results of ultrasonographically gui- ded fine-needle aspiration biopsy (US-FNAB), preoperative methylene blue staining, wire-guided biopsy (WGB) and lumpectomy in suspicious nonpalpable breast lesions and early breast cancer in Oulu University Hospital, aiming to increase the success rate in obtaining radiologically and histologically free margins without residual disease in breast cancer. The specific aims of the study were: 1. To study the usefulness of US-FNAB in nonpalpable suspicious breast lesions in cli- nical practice. (Paper I) 2. To evaluate the preoperative use of methylene blue staining of nonpalpable galacto- graphically suspicious breast lesions. (Paper II) 3. To investigate the determinants of positive histologic margins and residual cancer in WGB of nonpalpable breast cancer and in lumpectomy for early breast cancer and the determinants of positive radiologic margins and the correlation between radiologic and histologic margins and residual disease in WGB. (Papers III and IV) 4. To study the usefulness of touch preparation cytology in the examination of lumpec- tomy margins for early breast cancer. (Paper IV) 5. To evaluate the cosmetic outcome and related determinants after WGB for benign proven nonpalpable lesions. (Paper V) 4. Materials and methods

4.1. Patients

The patients discussed in paper I consisted of 86 women with 90 nonpalpable suspicious breast lesions subjected to sampling by US-FNAB at Oulu University Hospital between February 1986 and December 1993. The cases were derived from the files of all patients (n=781) who underwent wire-guided breast biopsy for histologic diagnosis because of a suspicion of malignancy after mammographic and/or sonographic examination. The les- ions were detected through screening mammography in 61 patients, evaluation of nonspe- cific symptoms in 19, and cancer follow-up in six. Paper II considers a series of 30 consecutive women who underwent breast operations at Oulu University Hospital from 1986 through 1995 for persistent unilateral nipple discharge from a single nonlactiferous duct without a palpable mass in the breast (mean age 59 years; range 31-75 years). The discharge was bloody in 22 (73 %) patients and serous in 8 (27 %) patients. The mammography of 28 (93 %) patients was considered nor- mal. A small retromamillary density and retromamillary fibrosis were the mammo- graphic findings in the remaining two patients. Galactography of the suspicious duct was attempted preoperatively in all cases, and methylene blue staining was performed on the day of surgery. The 69 patients (mean age 54 years; range 31-82 years) with 71 nonpalpable breast cancers studied for paper III and the 101 patients (mean age 50 years; range 18-72 years) with subsequently benign proven nonpalpable breast lesions without previous surgical biopsy of either breast covered for paper V were prospectively derived from the series of 232 consecutive wire-guided breast biopsies performed between September 1993 and June 1996 at Oulu University Hospital, in Finland. Paper IV covers 53 consecutive prospectively evaluated patients (mean age 56 years; ran- ge 40-82 years) who underwent 55 for early breast cancer at Oulu Univer- sity Hospital from October 1994 until November 1995. Two lumpectomies were re-exci- sions. Thirty-six of the 55 lumpectomies (65.5 %) were perfomed under wire guidance and radiologic control. 31 4.2. Methods

4.2.1. US-FNAB in nonpalpable breast lesions (I)

US was performed after the primary mammographic examination using the direct contact method and real-time equipment (Toshiba SSA 77 or 100, Aloka SSD-650, or Quantum 2000) with a 5 or 7.5 MHz transducer. After the lesion had been localized sonographical- ly, it was punctured and aspirated under real-time control with the free-hand technique using a Cameco® syringe holder connected to a 10 ml syringe and a 0.6 or 0.7 mm dia- meter needle. At least two aspirates were taken from each lesion to obtain a sufficient amount of material for cytologic examination. The samples were fixed in 50 % alcohol and stained with Papanicolaou stain. The findings were classified according to the Papa- nicolaou method into classes 0 to V. Class 0 indicates an acellular or insufficient aspirate; class I indicates a normal finding with no atypical or abnormal cells; class II indicates abnormal cells with no evidence of malignancy; class III shows atypical cytologic results in which malignancy cannot be excluded; class IV is probably malignant; and class V shows malignant cytologic results.

4.2.2. Preoperative methylene blue staining (II)

Before galactography, the secreting duct was identified by stroking the breast and squee- zing the nipple. The breast was cleaned with klorhexol 5 mg/ml solution and the duct was cannulated with a thin (0.5-0.8 mm) blunt-ended needle connected to a syringe contai- ning water-soluble contrast medium. 0.1-2 ml of contrast was injected until a mild resis- tance was noted or the patient felt uncomfortable. Magnified mediolateral and craniocau- dal mammograms were obtained with a dedicated microfocus tube mammographic unit (Mamex DC Mag or Ami) to visualize the secreting duct. On the day of surgery, galacto- graphy was repeated using 1:1 solution of contrast medium and 1 % methylene blue. Mediolateral and craniocaudal mammograms were obtained to ensure that the same duct was stained as in the primary galactography. After successful staining, it was easy to localize and dissect the entire duct system and part of the lobule for a permanent section through a circumareolar incision.

4.2.3. WGB for nonpalpable breast cancer (III)

A radiologist performed the preoperative localization of the lesion using mammographic or sonographic guidance on the morning of surgery and later checked the specimen radiography in all cases to ensure adequate excision. The technique of WGB was compa- tible with the cosmetic principles recommended in the literature, and skin incisions least likely to create prominent scars were used (182). The biopsy incision was made directly 32 over the tip of the guide wire. The aim was to remove the whole lesion with a margin of 0.5-1.0 cm of apparently normal breast tissue. The specimen was oriented with metallic clips. The volume of the surgical specimen was measured by water displacement in a glass measure. The measurement was accurately performed in 68 cases. A magnified two-view radiograph of the specimen was obtained using mild compression. After identifying the lesion on the specimen radiograph, the smallest tumor-free margin was measured. The resection margins of the excised specimen were stained with India ink, dried, fixed in for- malin, and serially sectioned at 2-3 mm for a histologic examination. A microscopic mar- gin was considered to be positive if the tumor was present within the inked surface, and otherwise it was considered negative. Re-excision of the primary tumor bed was performed in 54 (76.1 %) of the 71 cases (mastectomy 28, breast-conserving surgery 26) according to our current policy (histologic margins <5 mm). In some small tumors, however, the biopsy site was not re-excised in spite of only 2-4 mm histologic margins. Moreover, in one small DCIS with involved margins no re-excision was carried out. EIC was considered to be present when in situ cancer occupied 25 % or more of the area encompassed by the infiltrating tumor or was widely present in random sections of grossly unremarkable breast tissue, or clearly exten- ded beyond the infiltrating edge of the tumor into the surrounding breast tissue. Table 1 shows the recorded variables.

Table 1. The recorded variables for determinants of positive radiologic and histologic margins and residual disease in re-excisions in breast cancer patients.

Variables Age Menopausal status Body-mass index Breast size Mode of detection Mammographic finding Mammographic size Method of wire-guidance Number of wires Point of entry into breast Anesthesia Directionofskinincision Length of skin incision Quadrant of breast incision Depth of incision Specimen volume Histology of lesion EIC Pathologic size Multifocality Multicentricity 33 4.2.4. Margins and residual tumor after lumpectomy (IV)

In lumpectomy, the surgeon removed the tumor with a rim of grossly normal tissue, usu- ally 1-2 cm or more. The following parameters of the 53 consecutive patients with 55 lumpectomies were recorded: age, preoperative palpatory and mammographic findings, size of the biopsy specimen (largest dimension accurately measured in 51 of the 55 speci- mens) and pathology of the index tumor (size, stage, presence vs. absence and extent of noninvasive cancers and multifocality). During surgery, cellular samples were obtained for touch preparation cytology as desc- ribed by Cox et al. (229). Two to six slides were used, depending on the specimen size. After that, the specimen was inked for a permanent histologic examination.The touch pre- paration cytology slides were categorized after examination as positive, if malignant cells were present, negative, if malignant cells were not seen, and inconclusive, if the cellular material was inadequate to allow conclusions. A microscopic margin was considered positive if the tumor was present within the inked surface, but otherwise it was considered negative. The distribution of the histologic types of breast cancer is shown in Table 2. Twenty- three of the 55 specimens (41.8 %) contained pure invasive and 10 pure noninvasive (in situ) tumor, while the remaining 22 cases contained both invasive and noninvasive tumor. In seven of these 22 cases the noninvasive component was considered extensive (EIC). The mean (SD) pathologic size of tumors (invasive + noninvasive component) was 1.8 (1.4) cm. According to UICC (256), the pathologic stages 0, I and II accounted for 10 (18.2 %), 30 (54.5 %) and 15 cases (27.3 %), respectively. Seven of the 55 tumors (12.7 %) were multifocal. Re-excision of the primary tumor bed was performed in 34 of the 55 cases (61.8 %) because of uncertainty as to the adequacy of the surgical margins (5 mm or less) in the initial procedure. The same parameters were compared in the cases with and without resi- dual cancer in the re-excision specimen.

Table 2. Distribution of histologic types of breast cancer in 55 lumpectomy specimens.

Histology N Invasive Ductal 31 (12) Lobular 5(4) Tubular 5(5) Mucoid 2(2) Papillary 1 Metaplastic 1 Noninvasive Ductal 6(4) Lobular 4(4)

Total 55 (30)

The figures in parentheses indicate the number of nonpalpable tumors. 34 4.2.5. Cosmesis (V)

The recorded potential risk factors for poor esthetic outcome are shown in Table 3. The cosmetic outcomes were evaluated 6 months postoperatively by using a subjective (obser- ver-based) method. All ratings were based on a comparison of the treated breast with the untreated breast (with the exception of the surgical scar) by using a modification of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) breast cancer cooperative group protocol 10801 rating of cosmetic results of breast-conserving treat- ment (257). Loss of breast tissue, breast contour from the side, breast contour from the front and shift of the areola and nipple were scored as follows: 0 = no difference, 1 = a small difference, 2 = a moderate difference, 3 = a large difference. Scar retraction and the surgical scar in itself were scored as follows: 0 = unobtrusive, 1 = visible but not affec- ting the cosmetic results, 2 = visible and detracting somewhat from the cosmetic results, 3 = visible and detracting notably from the cosmetic results. The sum of the ratings could vary from 0 to 18. They were classified into four descriptive subdivisions: excellent 0-1; good 2-3; fair 4-5; and poor 6 or more. A single observer (AOS) evaluated 94 patients and two other specialists the remaining 7 patients. All patient appraisals were recorded using the same 4-grade scale.

Table 3. Recorded risk factors for inferior cosmesis.

Risk of factors Menopausal status Body mass index Mammographic finding Radiologic size of lesion Method of wire guidance Number of wires Point of entry into breast Anesthesia Amount of local anesthetic Directionofskinincision Length of skin incision Quadrant of breast incision Depth of incision Subcutis excised with specimen Skin excised with specimen Intraoperative blood loss Specimen volume Closure of wound Complications Histology of lesion 35 4.2.6. Statistical methods

Multivariate logistic regression analysis was chosen to identify the risk factors associated with positive mammographic and histologic margins and residual disease in re-excision specimens (Paper III) or with unsatisfactory cosmetic results (Paper V) . For clarity, the dependent variable in Paper V was re-categorized into two classes: satisfactory (excel- lent / good) and unsatisfactory (fair / poor). All the categorical independent variables were cross-tabulated against the dichotomous results and the associations evaluated using the chi-square test. The continuous variables were analyzed using unpaired t-test. The variables possibly (p ≤ 0.1 in Paper III; p < 0.2 in Paper V) associated with positive mar- gins or residual disease (Paper III) or with unsatisfactory cosmetic result (Paper V) in this univariate analysis were then included in a multivariate logistic regression analysis. A p- value < 0.05 was required for a variable to be included in the final model. Multivariate odds ratios and the respective 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) are shown. McNemar's test was used for a comparison of the cosmetic outcome with the patient's appraisal in Paper V. Chi-square analysis with Yates correction was used for the comparison of cate- gorical data, and Student's t-test was applied for continuous variable comparisons in Paper IV. Differences at or below the level of p = 0.05 were regarded as statistically signi- ficant. The calculations were perfomed with SPSS 7.5 software (SPSS inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA) for personal computers. 5. Results

5.1. US-FNAB in nonpalpable brest lesions (I)

The histological diagnoses of the 90 nonpalpable breast lesions are shown in Table 4. The proportion of malignant lesions was 29%, with three intraductal cancers included. One malignant breast lesion proved to be a metastasis from a malignant melanoma in the foot.

Table 4. Histological diagnosis of 90 nonpalpable breast lesions.

Histology No. of lesions Malignant Invasive ductal cancer 22 Intraductal cancer 3 Metastasis of melanoma 1 Benign Fibroadenoma 26 Fibrocystic disease 19 Atypical hyperplasia 9 Fibroadenosis 4 Intraductal papillomatosis 3 Fibrosis 2 Ductal hyperplasia 1

The mean sonographic diameter was 12 mm (range 4-50 mm) in the 68 lesions for which an accurate diameter was available. A comparison of the cytologic and histologic results is shown in Table 5. The cytologic classes I and II were combined as benign, and class III was regarded as neither positive nor negative in the calculations. The sensitivity of this technique in the diagnosis of cancer was 84%, specificity 93%, positive predictive value 94%, negative predictive value 95% and overall diagnostic accuracy 90%. All of the insufficient specimens were included in these calculations. 37

Table 5. Comparison of cytologic results of US-FNAB and histologic results of WGB.

Histologic Results Cytologic results Atypicalhyper- Invasive Benign DCIS* Total plasia cancer Insufficient1101 3 Benign 33 6 0 2 41 Atypical 20 2 2 5 29 Probably malignant 1 0 1 6 8 Malignant0009 9

Total 55 9 3 23 90

*Intraductal cancer

Two false-negative results and one insufficient sample were found among the 26 malignancies. The two cancers with a false-negative cytologic result had sonographic dia- meters of 5 and 8 mm, while the mean sonographic diameter for all cancers (with 22 of the 26 cases accurately measured) was 10 mm (range 5-17 mm) . The ultrasonographic size of the lesion with an insufficient cytologic sample was 10 mm. When these two false- negative cytologic samples were reviewed by a cytopathologist, one (class I) was rede- fined as clearly insufficient, but the diagnosis of the other (class II) remained unchanged. The 64 benign lesions included one false-positive and two insufficient samples. The false-positive case (class IV) was a fibroadenoma, and it was reconsidered atypical or indeterminate in a cytopathologic review. The histologic results of the atypical cytologic samples (class III) are shown in Table 6.

Table 6. Histology of the 29 atypical cytologic aspirates.

Histology Number of lesions Malignant Invasive ductal cancer 4 Intraductal cancer 2 Metastasis of melanoma 1 Benign Fibroadenoma 8 Fibrocystic disease 7 Atypical hyperplasia 2 Fibroadenosis 2 Intraductal papilloma 1 Fibrosis 1 Lactatic proliferation 1 38 5.2. Preoperative methylene blue staining (II)

Galactography was successful in 29 out of 30 cases (96.7%), showing an intraductal tumour in 23 cases (one with discontinuity), ductectasia in two, discontinuity in two and ductectasia with discontinuity in the remaining two cases. Table 7 summarizes the histo- logic results in the different galactographic findings. Preoperative methylene blue stai- ning was successful in 22 out of 30 (73.3%) cases, and these cases were operated on by standard microdochectomy. In five cases the stained duct was different from the duct seen at primary galactography, and in three cases the cannulation of the duct itself failed. The success rate of methylene blue staining in the different galactographic findings is pre- sented in Table 8. All the eight cases with unsuccessful methylene blue staining were tre- ated operatively, four by quadrantectomy and four by a smaller resection based on clini- cal, previous galactographic and peroperative findings.

Table 7. Histologic results of 30 patients with different galactographic findings.

Galactography Histology N (%) Intraductal papillomatosis 10 (33.3) Intraductal papilloma 10 (33.3) Intraductal tumor Invasive ductal cancer 1 (3.3) Lobular cancer in situ 1 (3.3) Fibrocystic disease 1 (3.3) Intraductal papillomatosis 1 (3.3) Ductectasia Fibrocystic disease 1 (3.3) Intraductal papillomatosis 1 (3.3) Ductectasia with discontinuity Intraductal papillom 1 (3.3) Discontinuity Fibrocystic disease 2 (6.6) Failure Intraductal papillomatosis 1 (3.3)

Table 8. Success of methylene blue staining in 30 patients with different galactographic findings.

Methylene blue Galactography Success Failure Intraductal tumor 18 5 Ductectasia 1 1 Ductectasia with discontinuity 2 0 Discontinuity 1 1 Failure 0 1

Total 22 8 39 5.3. WGB for nonpalpable breast cancer (III)

Twenty-seven invasive ductal carcinomas, 19 ductal carcinomas in situ, 15 invasive lobu- lar carcinomas, three lobular carcinomas in situ, six tubuloductal carcinomas and one mucinous carcinoma were the dominant histologic subgroups of the lesions revealed by the microscopic examination. The mean pathologic size (invasive + noninvasive compo- nent) in the biopsy specimen was 14 (range 1-80) mm. Multifocality was seen in 19 (27%) of the 71 cases. The initial specimen radiography showed the target lesion in 68 (96 %) of the 71 cases, and the remaining three lesions were seen in the synchronously excised additional pieces of specimen. Moreover, one or two additional pieces of specimen were taken in 14 other biopsies after specimen radiography aiming at complete removal of the lesion. The radiologic margins of the excised piece of tissue involved tumor in 19 (27 %) of the 71 cases according to the specimen radiography. The mean radiographic margin was 7 (0-20) mm. In univariate analysis, large mammographic (p=0.02) and pathologic (p=0.04) size were risk factors for positive radiologic margins, but only large mammographic size proved to be significant in multivariate analysis (p<0.01) (odds ratio 1.07; 95 % confi- dence interval 1.02, 1.12) The mean mammographic sizes of the margin-positive and negative lesions were 28 (7-100) mm and 14 (4-40) mm, respectively. The mean histologic margin was 2 (0-10) mm. In twenty-nine (41 %) of the 71 cases the histologic margins involved tumor. Five variables (p ≤ 0.1 in univariate analysis) were forced into the multivariate analysis, in which superficial excision, large pathologic size and multifocality were significantly related to positive histologic margins (Tables 9 and 10). Residual cancer at or near the biopsy site was found in 13 (24 %) of the 54 cases with re-excision (invasive 4, noninvasive 9). Multicentricity was found in five cases. Five variables (p<0.1 in univariate analysis) were forced into the multivariate analysis, where only multifocality was significantly associated with residual cancer in re-excisions (Tab- les 11 and 12).

Table 9. Risk factors for positive histologic margins in 71 wire-guided biopsies for nonpalpable breast cancer.

Univariate Multivariate Multivariate odds Risk factors analysis model*** ratio ( 95 % CI) Mammographic finding* 0.008 Mammographic size** 0.05 Depth of excision* 0.03 0.045 0.3 (0.1-1.0) Pathologic size* 0.005 0.007 1.1 (1.0-1.2) Multifocality* 0.00001 0.0003 19.8 (3.9-100.0)

*Chi-square analysis. ** Unpaired t-test, non-equal variances. ***Goodness-of-fit test p=0.52. 40

Table 10. Distribution of depth of excision, pathologic size and multifocality according to histologic margins in 71 wire-guided biopsies for nonpalpable breast cancer.

Histologic margin Risk factor Positive Negative Depth of excision Superficial 11 15 11 Down to fascia 14 31 14 31 Pathologic size (invasive +noninvasive) (range) 21 (3-80) mm 10 (1-40) mm Multifocality No 13 39 Yes 16 3

Table 11. Risk factors for residual cancer in 54 re-excisions after 71 wire-guided biopsies for nonpalpable breast cancer.

Multivariate Multivariate odds ratio Risk factor Univariate analysis model*** (95 % CI) Menopausal status* 0.09 Mode of detection* 0.039 EIC* 0.06 Pathologic size (invasive+noninvasive)** 0.085 Multifocality* 0.00001 0.0001 32.1 (5.6-182.4) *Chi-square analysis. ** Unpaired t-test, non-equal variances. ***Goodness-of-fit test p=0.50

Table 12. Distribution of multifocality according to residual disease in 54 re-excisions in 71 wire-guided biopsies for nonpalpable breast cancer.

Residual cancer Multifocality Present Not present Yes 11 6 No 2 35

The relations between margins in specimen radiography and histologic examination and residual disease in re-excisions are shown in Tables 13 and 14. 41

Table 13. Corelations between specimen radiographic and histologic margins and residual disease in re-excisions. The figures in parentheses indicate multifocal tumors.

Radiologic vs histologic Radiologic margins vs Histologic margins vs Correlations margins residual disease residual disease True-positive 11 3 11 (9) False-negative 18 8 2 (2) False-positive 8 6 17 (6) True-negative 34 22 24 (2)

Total 71 39** 54 ( *Additional pieces of specimen (n=17) excluded. **Specimens with additional pieces (n=17) and without re- excision of biopsy site (n=15) excluded.

Table 14. The accuracy values between specimen radiographic and histologic margins and residual disease in re-excisions.

Radiologic vs histologic Radiologic margins vs Histologic margins vs Accuracy margins residual disease residual disease (%) (%) (%) Sensitivity 38 27 85 Specificity 18 79 59 Positive predictive value 58 33 39 Negative predictive value 65 73 92 Overall diagnostic accuracy 63 64 65

5.4. Margins and residual tumor after lumpectomy (IV)

Histologic examination of the specimens revealed positive margins in eight (14.5 %) and negative margins in 47 (85.5 %) of the 55 cases. The correlation between histologic and touch preparation cytologic resection margins is shown summarized in Table 15. The sen- sitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value and overall diagnostic accura- cy of touch preparation cytology were 37.5 %, 85.1 %, 37.5 %, 88.9 % and 78.2 %, res- pectively. The two inconclusive specimens were included in these calculations. The pre- sence of DCIS (with or without an invasive component) in the index tumor predicted positive histologic margins (p=0.03) (Table 16). The mean (SD) pathologic sizes (invasi- ve + noninvasive component) of the margin-positive and margin-negative tumors were 2.8 (1.7) cm and 1.7 (1.3) cm, respectively (p=0.02). 42

Table 15. Relations between histologic and touch preparation cytologic resection margins in 55 specimens.

Histologic margins Cytologic margins Positive Negative Total Positive 3 5 8 Negative 5 40 45 Inconclusive 0 2 2

Total 8 47 55

Table 16. Presence of ductal carcinoma in situ (with or without an invasive component) in eight tumors with positive and 47 tumors with negative histologic margins after lumpectomy.

Presense of DCIS* Margin positive Margin negative Yes 7 18 No 1 29

Total 8 47 * Ductal carcinoma in situ

A histologic examination of the 34 re-excision specimens (BCS 18, mastectomy 16) revealed residual disease at or near the primary resection margin in seven cases (20.6 %) and no residual carcinoma in 27 cases (79.4 %). All the seven re-excision specimens with residual disease contained noninvasive cancer, while two contained invasive cancer. There was no significant difference in the histologic or cytologic margin status between the cases with or without residual cancer (p=0.39 and p=0.80, respectively) (Table 17). The re-excision specimens contained residual carcinoma in 37.5 % and 33.3 % of the cases with histologically and cytologically positive margins, respectively. For negative margins, the corresponding figures were 15.4 % and 18.5 %. Considering all the cases in which either histologic or cytologic margins were positive, only 32.4 % of the re-excisi- ons revealed residual disease. 43

Table 17. Comparison of histologic and cytologic margins to residual cancer found in re- excision specimens.

Residual cancer Total Histologic margins Yes No Positive 3 5 Negative 4 22 26 Total 7 27 34 Cytologic margins Positive 2 4 6 Negative 5 22 27 Inconclusive 0 1 1 Total 7 27 34

Table 18 summarizes the significant differences in the seven index tumors that left residual cancer in the tumor-bed compared to the 27 tumors without residual disease. The differences in the distribution of other factors were statistically insignificant.

Table 18. Main differences between seven tumors with and 27 tumors without residual cancer in re-excision specimens. The figures in parentheses indicate nonpalpable tumors.

Residual cancer Findings in re-excised cases Yes No Multifocal Yes 4(4) 1(1) p=0.003 No 3(3) 26 (12) Palpable Yes 0 14 p=0.040 No 7 13 Preoperative mammography microcalcifications 5(5) 6(6) mass or density 1(1) 16 (6) p=0.07 MC*+density 1(1) 3 normal 0 2 (1)# *Microcalcifications. #Detected at ultrasonography.

5.5. Cosmesis (V)

Overall, the cosmetic outcome was rated as excellent in 49 (48.5%) patients, good in 27 (26.7%), fair in 13 (12.9%) and poor in 12 (11.9%). After re-categorization of the cosme- tic outcome into satisfactory (excellent / good) and unsatisfactory (fair / poor), five variables (p<0.2 in unvariate analysis) were forced into the multivariate analysis, in which excision down to pectoralis fascia and postoperative complications showed signifi- 44 cant adverse impacts on cosmesis. According to the goodness-of-fit test, the predicted values fitted quite well to the original data (Table 19). The distribution of these risk fac- tors according to the cosmetic result is shown in Table 20.

Table 19. Risk factors for unsatisfactory (fair / poor) cosmetic results after 101 wire- guided biopsies of benign breast lesions.

Univariate analysis Multivariate Multivariate odds Risk factors (p-value) model*** ratio (95 % CI) Anesthesia (general / local)* 0.07 Depth of excision (superficial / deep)* 0.0003 0.001 6.8 (2.2 to 20.9) Intraoperative blood loss (=<50 / >50 ml)* 0.14

Specimen volume (cm3)** 0.1 Complications* 0.013 0.018 3.8 (1.3 to 11.3) *Chi-square analysis. **Unpaired t-test, non-equal variances. ***Goodness-of-fit test p=0.38 of the final model

Table 20. Distribution of depth of excision and complications according to cosmetic outcome after 101 wire-guided biopsies of benign breast lesions.

Satisfactory (excellent / Unsatisfactory (fair / Univariate odds ratio good) poor) (95 % CI) (n=76) (n=25) Depth of excision Superficial 47 5 6.5 (2.2 to 19.2) Down to fascia 29 20 Complications Yes (one or more) 36 19 3.5(1.3to9.8) None 40 6 Breakdown of complications Hematoma 34 11 Infection 1 4 Prolonged pain 1 4

Table 21 summarizes the correlation between the patient appraisal and the overall cos- metic outcome. When the results were re-classified into two categories, the patient's app- raisal of cosmesis was satisfactory in 81.2% (82 of 101) and parallel to the overall out- come in 74.3%. Ten of the 76 (13.2%) patients in the satisfactory group scored "unsatis- factory" and 16 of 25 (64.0%) patients in the unsatisfactory group scored "satisfactory" (p<0.001). 45

Table 21. Relations between patient appraisal and overall cosmetic outcome in 101 wire- guided biopsies of benign breast lesions.

Cosmetic Outcome Patient appraisal Excellent Good Fair Poor Excellent 19 3 1 0 Good 29 15 10 5 Fair 1 8 2 7 Poor 0 1 0 0 6. Discussion

6.1. Subjects and methods

No patients were lost from the series covered in Papers I, II and IV. There was thus no dropout rate to cause any bias in the results. The loss in Paper III was 4% because of mis- sing data in four cases. In Paper V, 18 % of the eligible patients were lost, since four women refused to participate in the study, nine women never attended the cosmetic fol- low-up visit even after contact by mail or telephone, two patients were unable to attend the cosmetic evaluation because of other diseases, and three women were excluded from analysis because of missing data. Some of the reports concerning FNAB in nonpalpable breast lesions (115,116,118) have been criticized (114,135,137) for excluding the insufficient specimens from their calculations or for treating them as negative results (giving too high sensitivity and speci- ficity values). According to Fornage (137), "the claimed values for specificity of 91%, 95%, 94%, 97%, and 94% drop after correction to 80%, 74%, 78%, 76% and 75%, res- pectively." The reported insufficient specimen rates of FNAB vary from 0 to 54% (106,114,120,121,258). These rates are very low with US (134,137). There were only three (3%) insufficient specimens in Paper I, which were all included in the calculations. In only part of these previous studies was the correlation of cytology confirmed in all cases by means of histological samples (117), while in the others (105,116,132) the con- firmation was mostly based on follow-up times of various length, which is not an equally reliable method as open surgical biopsy (119). In the previous reports of US-FNAB inclu- ding palpable lesions (29,95), more than half of the final diagnoses have been based on clinical follow-up instead of open surgical biopsies, which is why the accuracy values may be too high. The number of cases in the retrospective series in Paper II was relatively low. Howe- ver, it included all breast operations for persistent unilateral nipple discharge from a single nonlactiferous duct without a palpable mass seen in a large university hospital over a 9-year period. 47

The major problem encountered in the prospective series presented in Paper III origi- nated from the observation that the radiologic orientation of the 17 additional specimens relative to the initial specimen radiography proved to be inaccurate. Therefore, the addi- tional pieces had to be excluded from the analysis of the determinants of positive radiolo- gic margins and from the calculations concerning the correlation between radiologic and histologic margins. The calculations concerning the correlation between radiologic mar- gins and residual disease in re-excisions only included the 54 cases without additional pieces. The obvious benefit of the prospective nature of the study in Paper III was the low rate of missing data. In the retrospective series of Lee et al. (160) concerning the determi- nants of residual tumor after excisional biopsy of nonpalpable breast cancer, the presence or absence of tumor at the histologic margins of WGB could not be ascertained in 47% of the cases. However, these indeterminate cases were included in their calculations toget- her with those margin-positive for the presence of tumor, which can be criticized (137). The method of assessing lumpectomy margins by touch preparation cytology in Paper IV can be criticized, because an additional slide of the tumor itself as a positive cytologic control was taken from only a small portion of the tumors (12 of 55). This may have complicated the interpretation of cytologic slides, resulting in lower accuracy values. However, the majority (66%) of tumors were nonpalpable and/or small. Transection of the specimen for cytologic slides in such lesions has been discouraged because manipula- tion may crush the lesion and render it undetectable (3,232). Most reports concerning the evaluation of cosmesis after BCT have been based on the subjective (observer-based) method, which gives an overall score for the degree of breast deformity in three or four discrete cosmetic categories compared with the untreated breast. Subjective evaluation of cosmesis has been criticized in several reports (259-261) for not being always reproducible and not being useful for quantitative measurement of separate factors, since all cosmetic changes are lumped together into one assessment. However, subjective grading of cosmetic results is not without value, and it has been generally used because of a lack of standardized objective (measurement-based) met- hods. Consensus on cosmesis has exceeded 85% when two-grade instead of four-grade scales have been used (excellent-good vs fair-poor). Experienced observers have attained even more consistent results. (260) Also, the use of a single observer in the postoperative cosmetic evaluation has been claimed to increase validity (255). There are also studies aiming at improved objectivity by quantifying subjective observations. Each type of cos- metic change is evaluated separately by several individually scored specific indices. (257) There have been proposals to use quantitative measurements of nipple displacement and breast contour retraction for objective cosmetic analysis in early breast cancer (259,261,262), but the requirements for special equipment, such as photographs with a bidimensional raster system (262) and a measurement grid (261) with complex calcula- tions makes routine use of such methods difficult (260). Moreover, these methods are not able to identify all the different factors (e.g. disturbing surgical scars) involved in a poor cosmetic outcome (242). In Paper V, cosmesis was evaluated by a subjective method, but instead of placing patients in 3 or 4 discrete cosmetic categories, 6 specific cosmetic indi- ces were individually scored from 0 to 3 in an attempt to quantify the subjective observa- tions. This method was derived from the EORTC breast protocol 10801 rating of cosme- 48 sis (257) with modifications, allowing for the benign nature of the breast lesions. The scale of cosmetic outcome was changed from four grades to two (excellent-good vs fair- poor) for statistical analysis. Almost all evaluations were performed by a single observer.

6.2. US-FNAB in nonpalpable breast lesions (I)

Although the accuracy of cytologic examination in the diagnosis of breast diseases has been widely studied, reports of US-FNAB used solely in nonpalpable breast lesions with pathologic correlation are rare. The accuracy values (sensitivity 84%, specificity 93%) of this study compare well with the corresponding series (sensitivity 88-97 % and specifici- ty 95-99%) (263-264). Previous studies of stereotaxic FNAB in nonpalpable breast les- ions have reported similar results (105,116,117,122,132). Half of the malignancies had a maximum US diameter of less than 10 mm, but US-FNAB also proved to be acceptably reliable in such small cancers as reported previously (265). The inherent risk of FNAB is false negativity, which may be attributable to the technical limitations, scant cytologic samples and small size of lesions. All the three false-negative results in this study proved to be sampling errors (two originally interpreted as benign and one of the samples being insufficient) probably due to small size. One of the two specimens originally considered benign was reconsidered to be insufficient at a slide review. All the three patients were referred to WGB because of suggestive findings at mammography. Even though a small risk of false-negative cytologic diagnosis remains, the use of conservative follow-up for cytologically benign lesions instead of WGB is acceptable, if they are mammographical- ly and sonographically benign. Further support is lent to this by the fact that the reported positive predictive value for cancer in periodic mammographic follow-up of cases of pro- bably benign lesions even without fine-needle biopsy has been as low as 0.5% (266). The consequence is a lower cost and less morbidity. One-third of the cytologic results were atypical or indeterminate, and a high proportion (266) can be explained by patient selection (atypical cytologic finding was a definite indi- cation for wire-guided biopsy). The proportion of cancers in the atypical cytologic samp- les was 24%, which is within the range of previous reports (264,267,268). False-positive results in this study were very rare. The one false-positive result proved to be an interpretative error. The tumor was a fibroadenoma, which is known to cause interpretative difficulties in cytologic samples (269,270). Owing to its very low false- positive rate, a conclusive cytologic diagnosis of malignancy can help in operative plan- ning, thereby reducing the need for two-step operations. Low cost, real-time monitoring of the needle during both insertion and harvesting, reliability and rapidity have made US the preferred guidance method for FNAB of nonpalpable breast lesions that can be visu- alized sonographically, while the other methods are secondary. To date, however, core- cutting needle biopsy techniques providing sufficient tissue for histologic analysis with a lower rate of insufficient samples have partially replaced FNAB (110,122). 49 6.3. Preoperative methylene blue staining (II)

Malignant neoplasms made up a small minority (7%) and papillary lesions the great majority (intraductal papillomatosis 43%, intraductal papilloma 30%) of the histologic findings in operations performed for nipple discharge in this study, as in many previous reports (29,30,139-142,271). The success rate (73.3%) in preoperative methylene blue dye staining of galacto- graphically suspicious lesions for microdochectomy was only fair. Grillo et al. (271) reported a higher success rate (83.9 %), but both bilateral and palpable lesions were inclu- ded in their series. Choudhury et al. (149) reported a series of 12 patients with bloody nipple discharge, whose secreting duct was successfully stained peroperatively with met- hylene blue dye, but none of these patients had had preoperative galactography. They felt that all patients with bloody nipple discharge warrant a biopsy. The mean actual incidence of breast cancer in patients with bloody and serous disharge has been 13% and 7%, res- pectively (142). As the preoperative methylene blue staining was performed 2-3 weeks after the diagnostic galactography and in many cases by a different operator, it was not always possible to identify the same duct that had been originally visualized. This led to a failure of the staining procedure and to more extensive excision of breast tissue (up to quadrantectomy) in 26.7% (8 of 30 cases), because the peroperative localization had to be based on the clinical and previous galactographic findings. The success rate could easily be raised close to 100%, if all patients with nipple discharge could be scheduled for potential microdochectomy on the day when the primary galactography (and subsequent methylene blue staining) is performed. However, this is not always possible, because most of the diagnostic galactographic examinations are performed outside the surgical unit and only part of them reveal suspicious findings. Thus, referring all women with nipple discharge to a surgical unit is unlikely to be cost-effective.

6.4. WGB for nonpalpable breast cancer (III)

To date, the primary role of WGB has been diagnostic. Its use as a definitive therapeutic procedure is debatable (162). However, no re-excision was needed in a quarter of the pre- sent cases, as expected (156,157,161). The results of preoperative needle biopsy were not a topic of this study, but it is most probable that a definitive preoperative diagnosis of malignancy would have increased the proportion of one-step procedures. According to specimen radiographic control, only large mammographic lesions were at a significant risk for radiologically incomplete removal. During WGB, it is more difficult to maintain a 0.5-1 cm margin through a wider resection surface with a mammographi- cally large than small lesion. However, even two-view specimen radiography has limita- tions, because radiologically apparently clear margins may be found involved if an appropriate tangential view is obtained (159). This problem could only be avoided with a three-dimensional technique, not available with the current imaging equipment. The mag- nification used in this series most probably improved the accuracy of specimen imaging. There are no previous series addressing the determinants of positive radiologic margins. 50

The mean histologic margin was 5 mm smaller than the radiologic one, as expected (84,156,159). Accurate assessment of histologic margins is difficult (217), and the clinical significance of microscopically positive margins after lumpectomy is debatable (151,157,255), but they usually mandate re-excision of the biopsy site in order to limit local recurrences (272). Histopathological analysis of the present series revealed a 41% incidence of positive microscopic margins. The wide range of this incidence (26-84%) in the literature (151,159,160,233) is probably associated with the great variation in the rela- tive extent of the biopsy procedures in different series (207). In the present study, superfi- cial excision, large pathologic size and multifocality of the lesion proved to be signifi- cantly associated with positive histologic margins in multivariate analysis. Extension of the excision lines down to the fascia ensures a minimum risk of involved histologic mar- gins under the index tumor. Larger tumors are, understandably, more difficult to be three- dimensionally completely excised than smaller ones. Tumor foci in the vicinity of the pri- mary tumor may be mammographically undetectable or underestimated (84,100) and the- refore prone to be transected by a surgical biopsy incision. Moreover, large (> 2 cm) tumors have been related to a higher rate of surrounding multifocality (241). Multifocal tumors naturally carried a significant risk for residual cancer after WGB in this series. Comparison of the present results with other studies is limited by the differences in the research protocol. The differences in the correlations between specimen radiographic and histologic mar- gins and residual disease in re-excisions compared to the previous retrospective series (159,160) can be addressed to the larger relative extent of the biopsies made in the present prospective series (Table 22). The subsequent lower incidence of involved radiologic and histologic margins reduced the true-positive rate, giving lower sensitivity and positive predictive values. The corresponding increase of true-negative cases resulted in higher specificity and negative predictive values. However, the specificity in the series of Gra- ham et al. (159) was higher, because the mammographic underestimation of the histologic lesion (84,156) combined with their minimal volume biopsy technique resulted in a very low rate of false-positive cases (1 of 119). In the small series of Aitken et al. (273), inclu- ding palpable cancers, the differences were parallel because of the larger relative extent of biopsy (Table 22). Thus, the accuracy of specimen radiography in defining the adequacy of surgical excision in WGB is clearly dependent on the relative extent of biopsy. The problem is further complicated by the known radiologic underestimation of the histologic extent of the tumor (84,156). In the recent retrospective seriesI of Kollias et al. (212), including mainly palpable cancers, specimen radiography had a specificity of 87% and a positive predictive value of 79% with positive histologic margins (< 3 mm). However, their accuracy values are difficult to compare with the present results, because their posi- tive radiologic margin was defined clearly differently (< 1cm). 51

Taulukko 22. Impact of relative extent of excision on accuracy values between positive specimen radiographic and histologic margins and residual disease in re-excisions.

Radiologic margins Histologic margins Radiologic vs histologic margins vs residual disease vs residual disease (%) (%) (%) Graham et Present Aitken et al Lee et al Present Present Lee et al al (8) study (21)* (9) study study Excision margin (cm) 0 0.5-1 1 0 0.5-1 0 0.5-1 Sensitivity 62 38 11 49 27 93 85 Specificity 95 81 75 77 79 18 59 Positive predictive value 98 58 11 79 33 55 39 Negative predictive value 32 65 75 56 73 67 92 Overall diagnostic accuracy 67 63 61 62 64 58 65

*includes palpable cancers

The histologic margin status can be misleading in predicting residual disease in re- excisions, as reported previously in retrospective series (44,193,211) including palpable invasive breast cancers. This is probably one of the reasons for the contradictory reports concerning the prognostic importance of surgical margins for local control after BSC (195-198,200-205,208,209). The amount of residual cancer can be too small to be detected by standard histologic examination, resulting in negative residual cancer after positive biopsy margins. On the other hand, residual cancer found after negative biopsy margins can be explained by inadequate microscopic examination of margins or multifo- cality (217). Previous studies of multifocality, including also palpable breast cancers, have reported a 4-20% incidence of residual disease after tumor resection with 4-2 cm margins (240,241).

6.5. Margins and residual tumor after lumpectomy (IV)

Compared to permanent histologic sections, the sensitivity, specificity and overall diag- nostic accuracy of touch preparation cytology reported by Cox et al. (229) were 100 %, 96.6 % and 97.3 %, respectively. However, the corresponding figures in the present study were clearly lower. The reasons are not obvious, but an additional cytologic slide of the tumor itself as a positive control was not systematically used and the experience of the cytopathologist was more limited in interpreting touch preparation cytologic slides. In this study, the only significant factors predicting positive histologic margins were large pathologic tumor size and the presence of ductal carcinoma in situ. One previous study noted a correlation between tumor size and margin involvement (206), but no such correlation was seen in another study (207). Since the tumors with positive margins were larger than the ones with negative margins, the sizes of the former must have been unde- restimated either clinically or mammographically. All but one of the margin-positive can- 52 cers were at least partially noninvasive. As intraductal cancer usually does not induce the kind of desmoplastic reaction typical of invasive cancers, it cannot be palpated as diffe- rent from the normal surrounding breast tissue during surgery. Often, the only manifesta- tion of DCIS is a cluster of microcalcifications at mammography (85). It is essentially important to carefully assess the size and distribution of the calcifications on preopera- tive mammograms and specimen radiographs in order to avoid incomplete removal of the tumor. However, not all intraductal tumors are seen at mammography, and a tumor-free margin at specimen radiography is not a good predictor of histologically uninvolved mar- gins (159). Likewise, in situ cancer may be impossible to detect at specimen radiography, if there are no associated microcalcifications. Only 20.6 % (7 of 34) of the re-excision specimens in this study contained residual carcinoma. Notably, the histologic or cytologic margin status was not a reliable predictor of residual cancer in re-excision specimens, as also reported previously (87,193,211,213). One reason for negative residual cancer after positive lumpectomy margins may be that the amount of residual cancer is too small to be detected by a standard histologic exami- nation. Multifocality, on the other hand, explains the residual cancers found after nega- tive lumpectomy margins (240,241). According to Morimoto et al. (241), lumpectomies to remove T1 tumors with margins of 2 cm would leave residual cancer foci in the breast in about 20% of cases. In the present study, multifocality was also the most important pre- dicting factor. Another predictor of residual disease was nonpalpability of the index tumor. The most probable reason for this is that nonpalpable cancers were more often multifocal and noninvasive than palpable ones. Nonpalpable breast tumors have also ear- lier been reported to involve a higher rate of postbiopsy residual disease (274). Moreover, microcalcifications in preoperative mammograms predicted residual disease. This was not unexpected, as microcalcifications are an important sign of DCIS, the size of which is often underestimated at mammography (84). All residual tumors contained noninvasive cancer.

6.6. Cosmesis (V)

The cosmetic outcome of WGB for nonpalpable breast lesion in this study was excellent or good in 75.5% of the cases. Corresponding figures of 49% to 89% have been reported after BCT, but any comparison with the present results is difficult. The adverse impact of irradiation on the overall cosmetic outcome is almost impossible to evaluate. It is notable (224,242-246,250,275,276), however, and such changes were absent in our series. Cosmesis was evaluated 6 months after breast biopsy, because the surgical changes alone in the breast tend to be evident within months after lumpectomy (185), and human scar tissue maintains a relatively high level of collagen synthesis for only up to 6 months (251), though remodelling of the wound continues for 12 months or more (277). Notably, cosmetic scores after BCT deteriorate for the first 30-60 months because of postradiation changes (243,244,252). More superficial excisions resulted in better cosmesis compared to biopsies extending down to the fascia. Thus, a rim of normal breast tissue should preferably be saved on the fascia, unless complete excision cannot be ensured otherwise. In BCT, deep excisions 53 often result in retraction due to scar tissue, which is further aggravated by radiation-indu- ced fibrosis (253). The adverse impact of postoperative complications is logical and expected, especially with regard to infections. Notably, large specimen volume had no statistically significant adverse impact on cosmetic outcome, contrary to BCT (224,242- 249,252,254). Large specimen volumes in BCT are probably related to a large tumor size and the doses of irradiation administered. However, resection volumes in BCT are signifi- cantly larger than the mean volume of 31 cm3 in the present study. Other factors, such as age, breast size, body mass index, and location of the lesion, had no impact on the esthetic outcome. In BCT, some of these factors have been related to a lower cosmetic grading (242,243,245,246,250,278), but the results have been controversial. There were too few cases of radial skin incision, skin excised with the specimen, and intraoperative blood loss of more than 50 mL to allow any definitive conclusions. The patient's appraisal of the cosmetic outcome agreed with the overall cosmetic out- come in 74% of the cases in the satisfactory vs. unsatisfactory rating categories. The woman's own evaluation was generally more positive than the overall cosmetic outcome. This has also been the case in studies concerning cosmesis after BCT (221,243,246,250). However, there were ten patients (13%) who considered their cosmetic outcome unsatis- factory rather than satisfactory, contrary to the overall outcome, a feature which is uncommon after BCT (250). Nevertheless, this was expected, as women with a benign diagnosis have been reported to be twice as likely to be discontent with the new appea- rance of the breast than those with breast cancer (279).

6.7. General discussion

The results of this study emphasize the paramount importance of a correct preoperative diagnosis and close co-operation between the radiologist, surgeon and breast pathologist in the surgical treatment of suspicious nonpalpable breast lesions and early breast cancer. Owing to the high accuracy of US-FNAB, a conclusive cytologic diagnosis of malignan- cy crucially facilitates thorough pretreatment planning and discussion with the patient. With an established diagnosis of nonpalpable breast cancer, WGB may be increasingly employed as a definitive therapeutic procedure. The extent of excision in nonpalpable and early breast cancer can be more easily individualized between adequate local control and cosmesis. According to the European Society of Surgical Oncology and the European Breast cancer Working Group, 90% of palpable and the majority of nonpalpable breast cancers should be diagnosed preoperatively by fine-needle cytology or core needle histo- logy (111,223). The results also underscore the importance of the knowledge of the relati- ve extent of surgical procedures in the evaluation of the reported treatment results in BCT. To date, however, the major unresolved issues regarding local treatment techniques in BCT include the optimal method of assessing lumpectomy margins and the optimal extent of excision. The results of this study suggest that the relative extent of excision should be adjusted to the size of the primary lesion. To achieve grossly and microscopically unin- volved margins, small (< 1.5 cm) primary tumors should be excised with a normal tissue margin of approximately 1 cm. In large (>1.5cm) lesions, excision extending down to the 54 fascia should include a normal tissue margin of approximately 2 cm. If positive histolo- gic margins or multifocality are encountered in the histologic examination of the speci- men, re-excision of the index tumor site should be considered due to the increased risk of residual cancer. In the near future, the combined use of preoperative imaging modalities, especially image-guided needle biopsy, may replace the vast majority of diagnostic WGBs in evalu- ating patients with nonpalpable breast lesions. The result is lower cost, less morbidity and better cosmesis, even though the cosmetic results after WGB of benign breast lesions can be considered satisfactory. It is, however, not possible to replace all surgical excisions of benign breast lesions with needle biopsy or follow-up. A woman with a breast lesion may prefer operation instead of follow-up. Most nonpalpable intraductal lesions with nipple discharge remain nonspecific at mammography and galactography. They are difficult or impossible to exa- mine with needle biopsy. Even in these cases, accurate preoparative diagnosis and locali- zation of the lesion are crucial for the surgeon to enable accurate excision of optimal extent with a good cosmetic outcome. 7. Conclusions

1. US-FNAB is a useful tool in evaluating nonpalpable suspicious breast lesions in nor- mal clinical practice. 2. Preoperative methylene blue staining crucially facilitates selective minimal-volume microdochectomy in three quarters of nonpalpable galactographically suspicious breast lesions. An interval between primary galactography and later methylene blue staining may be associated with a failure to identify the originally visualized duct in approximately one quarter of the cases. 3. To obtain free margins in WGB for nonpalpable breast cancer and in lumpectomy for early breast cancer, mammographically and pathologically large lesions should be removed with wider excisions, preferably extending down to the pectoralis fascia. However, radiologic and histologic margins of the specimen may be misleading. The biopsy site of multifocal tumors should be re-excised because of the considerable risk of residual disease. 4. Touch preparation cytology cannot be recommended as a method of assessing lum- pectomy margins for early breast cancer. 5. The cosmetic outcome after WGB of benign breast lesions is excellent or good in 75 % of cases. Excisions extending down to the pectoralis fascia and complications endanger the esthetic outcome. 8. References

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