2014-2015 Annual Report

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2014-2015 Annual Report MONTREAL HEART INSTITUTE MONTREAL HEART INSTITUTE FOUNDATION 2014-2015 ANNUAL REPORT 1 Our hearts in the right place Prevent. Take action. Get well MONTREAL HEART INSTITUTE Local pride, global standing The Montreal Heart Institute is one of the world’s lea- Since 1977, the Montreal Heart Institute Foundation ding cardiology centres—a reputation it has earned has collected and administered funds to support from the high quality of not only its patient care but research, care, prevention and teaching at the also its research, prevention and teaching activities. Institute. The Foundation therefore has a hand in the excellence of a world-class institution that serves the Its values are founded on respect for patients and Quebec community. their families and concern for their quality of life, the recognition of human resources, sound management, Through its values and commitment, the Foundation the constant search for excellence and innovation, contributes to the innovative approach and lasting the protection of public health, an openness to the future of the Montreal Heart Institute. It places value community and the health care network, as well as on involvement, integrity, listening and respect to transparency and patients’ informed consent. obtain conclusive and effective results, all while res- ponsibly, honestly, transparently and soundly mana- ging the funds entrusted to it. The Foundation relies on the valuable contribution of many volunteers to continually surpass its goals. Table of Contents Message from the Chair of the Board and the Executive Director of the Montreal Heart Institute (MHI) 8 Message from the Chair of the Board and the Executive Director of the MHI Foundation (MHIF) 10 Key numbers 14 MHI’s Client 15 The MHI’s accomplishments 16 Care 16 Prevention 19 Research 20 Teaching 23 Honour Roll 25 Recognitions 26 The Foundation Helps Make Hearts Beat 29 Activity Report from the Heart Beat for the Future Campaign 30 The MHIF’s accomplishments 32 Events That Bring People Together 36 Third-party Events 39 List of Donors 40 Bequests 51 Our Dedicated Volunteers 52 Our Sponsors and Partners 54 Complaint Management 55 MHI Financial Statements 57 Management and accountability agreement 60 MHIF Financial Statements 62 Board of Directors, Committees and Consulting Bodies of the MHI 64 Executive Team and Chiefs of Medical Departments and Services of the MHI 66 Board of Directors and Executive Team of the MHIF 68 MONTREAL HEART INSTITUTE Message from the Chair of the Board and the Executive Director of the Montreal Heart Institute In the past few months, the Montreal Heart Institute In regards to the MHI’s accomplishments related to (MHI) was recognized as an independent institution teaching, it is worth noting that continuing educa- under An Act to modify the organization and gover- tion activities using videoconferencing technology nance of the health and social services network, in was offered to two dozen hospitals in Quebec. particular by abolishing the regional agencies (Bill These sessions, along with workshops given by our n°10). At the same time, we made our 2014-2019 electrophysiology specialists, allowed 64 doctors Strategy Plan public. It describes the actions we will from around the world to receive training in cardiac take over the next five years and bears the following electrophysiology. subtitle as a promise: prevent, take action, get well. The plan will require $155.8 million and we are happy Statistics when it comes to prevention are also very to announce that $70.4 million has already been telling: more than 7,500 visits to prevention clinics, raised. Many THANKS to our partners in this major 4,000 cardiovascular evaluations in primary and undertaking. secondary prevention at the EPIC Centre and nearly 1,000 interventions with our hospitalized patients I also want to mention that this year again, and des- within the smoking cessation program. pite significant budget cuts, we have been able to improve patients’ access to treatments, especially in In research, many progresses have been made in hemodynamics, cardiac surgery and electrophysio- human genetics and the MHI was involved in several logy procedures… all while maintaining a balanced major clinical studies. In fact, our researchers have budget. In fact, 1,785 cardiac surgeries (40 more made significant discoveries that have contributed to than in 2013-2014), including 13 heart transplants improving treatments for coronary disease and atrial and 13 artificial heart transplants, took place over fibrillation. For instance, the team of Dr. Tardif and the past year. Furthermore, 86 valves were inserted Dr. Dubé discovered a gene mutation that predicted using a percutaneous or transapical approach, while patients’ response to a drug that increases good cho- 2,595 drug-eluting stents (1,875 in 2013-2014) and lesterol. It is a world first in the fields of cardiology and 466 defibrillators were implanted in patients. In addi- personal medicine that will allow the MHI to carry out tion, the rate of infection linked to these procedures the largest cardiovascular pharmacogenomics study was under 3%, ranking the MHI as one of the most in the world. efficient hospitals in the world. 8 This year also marked the Institute’s 60th anniversary. Ginette Reno’s cardiologist, Dr. Jean-Lucien Rouleau, The meticulously prepared celebrations met our high gave her a prescription to sing the national anthem expectations and the Canadian Journal of Cardiology in front of Montreal Canadiens fans. even devoted an entire special edition to the momen- tous occasion. Some of the most memorable and In honour of their work over the past six decades and successful events included an evening honouring the for their contribution to the Montreal Heart Institute’s Institute’s founders at Birks, a benefit at the Montreal success, we want to once again thank all the doctors, Museum of Fine Arts, a concert by Gregory Charles nurses, health professionals and interns, non-medi- and the Bal des Vins-Coeurs. Two words can sum up cal staff, administrators, volunteers, the Foundation the emotions felt by everyone involved: Pride, for team as well as our precious partners, Université de everything accomplished over the past six decades, Montréal which is affiliated with the Institute, the and Mobilization, for everything we will achieve in Ministère de la Santé et des Services Sociaux, and the future. of course all our generous donors who have played a huge part in the MHI’s success. We also wanted to Other happy moments allowed us to highlight the pay tribute to the Desmarais family, who have greatly accomplishments of the MHI’s team. One such ins- helped the MHI, by renaming the MHI’s Research tance was the tribute to Dr. Martin Juneau for 30 years Centre the “Centre de recherche Famille Desmarais”. of innovative work that has contributed to making the MHI an uncontested leader in prevention in North In sum, this pivotal year provided us with great rea- America. Moreover, the Association Québécoise des sons to continue to surpass our goals in the coming établissements de santé gave the MHI a special com- years. munications award for its new website, acknowled- ging the Institute’s work and devotion to informing the general public about cardiovascular diseases. And finally, we all experienced strong emotions when Chair of the Board Executive Director Pierre Anctil Dr. Denis Roy 9 MONTREAL HEART INSTITUTE FOUNDATION Message from the Chair of the Board and the Executive Director of the Montreal Heart Institute Foundation One look at how much the Montreal Heart Institute In celebration of the Institute’s 60th anniversary, (MHI) has progressed over the past few decades the Foundation awarded 10 medals of honour during is all it takes to understand how important the a special event held at Power Corporation of Canada. Foundation is to maintaining the MHI’s role as a lea- In recognition for their dedication, the Foundation’s der. Contributions from the Foundation represent a medals were awarded to Ms. Nicole Bureau- genuine lever to helping it stand out in the medical Tobin, Ms. Suzanne Lévesque, Mr. André Bérard, field. In fact, to this day the Foundation has raised Mr. Raymond Fortier, Mr. Serge Godin, Mr. Tony Meti, more than $200 million for the MHI. Mr. Jean Royer, Mr. Michael Sabia, Mr. Louis A. Tanguay and Mr. Yves Archambault. Through their This year, the Foundation raised a net income of actions, these individuals have all made a difference $19.7 million (before payment of contributions). A for the Foundation. little over $10.4 million was given to the MHI while almost $4.8 million was added to the endowment During this exceptionnal year of celebration, the fund. Nearly $3.9 million will be invested in the Grand Bal des Vins-Coeurs, one of the Foundation’s MHI’s “Invest in Excellence” development pro- flagship activities, renewed its image and for the ject. The Foundation’s gross income was slightly first time was held this year at the Uniprix Stadium. higher over the past fiscal year, due in part to an The event raised more than $3 million, including a increase in investment revenues totalling $2.4 mil- $1.5 million donation from the Marcelle and Jean lion. In 2014-2015, the Foundation’s assets increased Coutu Foundation which will serve to finance the by $11.7 million and now total $134.3 million. Chair in Innovative Surgical Treatment for Heart Failure at Université de Montréal. In order to optimize its revenues, the Foundation has reviewed its endowment fund’s investment policy and This year also marked the creation of a new event will implement a new one in the coming summer. In when the young business leaders group held their terms of governance, the Foundation completely first Izakaya fundraiser.
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