.rlsptdocd onclcelcfip o. aD(l)odsolos (I)s.lJs.lla,po (aocertt ; o{i}.Grocnr!6nraot0)

oilogrcDo;- ooJcrol oilojccjc01)o-noa0i(|lod

goroooi mffld.mi.|3 /6 2ts / 20 16 / onco('rl, o8/o r/ 20 i6

coaf rn-r;lrn gorDoo; Loldrooo 2010-16 ojdo8jcdrotoej (o)mjotd, otd,6!B() gonD(ocri msaJlelcdo'l oi'la5cdronle,glos oo6[q€oioorJojelo (Dmjoil6, rn"rlselgS (6br.Djcolo,@]os fluo(odM.o (srdeDJcol6, ol$d), (oJoll6,oldldldlol(m).

ffuirjol g(oriDoofloe-r clrenin-ola, lll (z) ,L0-rocoo olood${ko GIaGr)JC.Jd,OO or]rndorlrn;rrulc.oo6narot(I)ccf /rojm)(o):o, GrdaDJcoj"9,o(o cDcos 6,c6[)J(m ol$d, go elgcoiloer loJdrcoo orloilco ogc'n_oru5 dao;gga,gfoer o.,onrjsl4en 6crnj qtcddlaf nflrm;o oo'locdoJcffxcua g6rrdco,i(m dolorld,gflceK0iad nrJrndollrnjnulg g(610loolcd,;(m;

gg,u otconlm-ioer ognt g(oriDootld,s8 lold,c(oo o_r;rndoilcn5rruldooH5 (10:r, cnojcgnnr5 oo-rcojror mioolg]o,oE, o-r]roilco;torccoil tcrgooelg rnjao;go,ei0) ruJoaMror GrdeDJcard,oo cfloorlaf ceceil olq|3m ol'l6Jcero66nglcf orcdaocei-la,acqoil ror?socct GrD(r)lorc6o (I)cfl6,l(m). errit.rcqd.ffu'l aglcs mn.Gq6.rru1 crrgoofl cecefl o-ojEJ(molo.o ordm:cladl o)JS(ocoE Gro(I)lolcBo al.rola,;mr;.

.pro ot$ar, loldlc@o otgrnraoLlrn5nurldoo$g GtaaDJ3old,oJos Gouol(r, col(o)(I) oJJOi(rUO6,s6 OorOr5oilo5cercorotoilcfl oo.e,.e,'coJo or cg|'6rllrolca,Jcml. 1o_rm)or]ror GnaDJcojc*,do oilsg

ojla5ce5cm) g.',rourlod'std rlCetAOC5 mnla,tdorocoi t) nel gc e161c/ gu*]gc oi,:jcra5cot aco.olmrtdaoJo 2) nOHc Lol(,c(r) cCroAr-r5cot.e, doe4o, C[rr:Djcoi6,d(oo]o (eilgc/gorslgc oila3ue5c

T' K VALSA. LPSA CVMLPS VANDAZHY | 5101/l 985 AJ BS Arr ikode. KLrzhalmannanr

') LJshadq i.A.A. LPSA Mulayankavu AUPS 01t07 n981 A M LPS Natvanranglani. Pattarnbr

) PI(MLPS Pallassena 06/01i 1988 ALPS MudappallLrr South.

4 Prejinroll .P.R. LPSA PKMLPS Pallassena 06/0 r/ r 988 DMSBS Kakkavur. Kollerrsode

) l(.Achuthanliuttv" t-PSA Mulavankavu ALJPS 0410711988 AM LPS Karirnpuzlia. Clrerpu lassery

The teacher is already' deployed as per previous orders frorr this off-ice 6 PIIILOMINA E A" LPSA NTUPS 0t 1061r989 and allorv to corttirtue tentperorly urrtil further orders

1 C I t{t.rAt(tJ IVlAt{l tt. t_PSA KMMLPS ATHIPOTTA 0t t06il 989 A L PS Pazlurttttritlrtcrrde. A lathtrr'

ti I\,1 C.Alt.i ]NDATHY. LPSA CVMLPS VANDAZHY 08t06il 989 SVALPS NarribullipLrra Parli

The teacher is alreadv deployed as \'I.IAYALAI(SHMY.V. per previous orders fl"orr this office 9 IPAMLPS CHERAKUZHY | 5t06il 989 I-I)SA and allorv to continue tenrperorlv rrntil firrther oroers

-I- l0 A ROSY. I-PSA ALPS KOTTARASSERY 0 1/08i r989 GTJBS Kumbidy.

ll .larasrcc V rnenott. t-PSA AGMAUPS Kodurnba 04t06,/1 990 AMALPS Kuttipallam Clrittur

S I I l: E [.i\V;\ IIG tl tiSI]. ll IPAMLPS CHERAKLJZHY t810611990 Al(VN4 LPS Erattakurlarn Alathur I- I)SA The teacher is already deployed as per previous orders fi'on-r tltis offlce ll I]I\ I)LJ. L,PSA KEALPS ELAVAMPADAM 201061r990 and allou, to contintte tentperorly rrrrti I firr-ther orc'lers The teacher is alreadl deployed as per prer,'ious orders frottr this office l-l I(r'ishnaktnnat'i. K. LPSA Mangalay'hpararnbu AM LPS 2510611990 and allorv to contiltue terlperorly Lrntil further orders

l5 P..1. t-.t,t /,t.B t-.1 H. I _ PSA CVN,4LPS VANDAZHY 02101| 990 C.l BS K i nassc'r'1,. Krrzhal nrartttarn

l6 KMMLPS ATHIPOTTA 13109n 990 AM LPS Kavuliode. Thrithala SI Cotnrlencc'rnent \unre lutcl Desigltiition l)arent School coLrrrtirrLrctLrs ,.1() of l)enloved School serv i ce UJ BS KLrzlialrnarrnartr. t7 I'}.(i. [-aisarnnur. LPSA KJBS Kutharrur 0l/l I t1990 Kuzhaln-lannaln

ll,i ['IIPS PALLIPURAM 0i/07/ I q9l B EM I-PS Mepparanrbu. Pa lalikacl

l9 .IL,SSY PA. t-PSA ULJPS PALLIPURAM 0lir0l1991 BEMJ BS Palakkad. Palakkad.

The teacher is already deploy,ed as r/) s,\ITASWA IIlil\4 t(. per previous orders frortr this office IPAMLPS CHERAKUZHY 08/01 ne92 l.l)s,,\ and allou. to continrre terrrperclrlr runtil lirrther orders

The teacher is alreadv deployed as S,\ I N'lOLIr VAI{GH ESE. per previous orders frorn this office ll IPAMLPS CHERAKUZHY t0t06t1992 I ,I)SA arrd allolv to corrtirrue terlperorlv runtil firrther orclers

la ( i I:( XiY C I--Oltc E. LPSA ALPS PARIJVASSERY 26 061t992 ABLI l)S Peradil<.unnu. Parl i

1l CDALiPS OIiventount. -) I...I).SEEMA. I-PSA ALPS KOOTTALA | 5t07 il992 Kuzhalnrannanr r1 (iEottcE. --T ll\('\' t_t)sA At-PS PARUVASSERY 30t07ll 992 A I-PS Arnba lapara. Ottapalanr

l-he teacher is already deployed as per previous orders fronr this offlce l5 KEALPS ELAVAMPADAM | 410911992 and allon tcl contirrLre terrperorly runtil f ur:tlier orders

Tlre teacher is alreadr deplol,ed as llcr pre\/iorrs orclers front this clfllce l6 ALPS PUTHIYANKAM 04/03/ I 993 and allou, to contirrue ternperorly rrrrtil firrther orders

a1 i'.. Itlrllrirnran i" I -PSA ALPS Attassery 07106lr 993 ALPS Mangode.

l8 st IBAt)t{A.[).s. LPSA ALPS PARUVASSERY 0t t06^ 993 AJ t]S Kanrranur Kuzhallralltall

The teacher is alreadv deployed as per previous orders fi'orl tliis of flce t9 A LPS Kayarat Pananrarrna 0t t06^ 993 and allow to continLre ternperorly until further orders The teachcr is already' cleployed as per previous orders fiorl this offlce i0 ). .lrothi. LPSA AMLPS KothakurLrssi 10t06n 993 and allor,i to continue tentperorlv Lrrrtil firrther orders

il ('.Slnrla. I-l)S,\ ALPS Nennteni I 4r0(r/ I 99 j I-l F AI-PS Al

serv i ce

f -') (lVN4 [.PS Mangalanr(existirrg )' CVMLPS NIANGALAM 0 I '07,1 99 j Vaccancr')

)-) ALPS Pallassena |5t07 n993 SAt-PS Melarcocle. A lathLrr

K. t,. \,1 LJ I l,A t\l \t EI) AMLPS Karirrsanad SoLrth. IJ KMALPS KARINGANAD | 5t0t ll 9e3 \1[ SI IIAI'A. I,PSA Pattarrbi

The teaclrer is alreadl, cleplo,ved as per previous orders from this offlc .l ,j It. i\'lohanclas. LPSA AU PS Vadasserv 27 t09il993 and allolr, to corrtintre tentperorlv urrtil firfiher oroers

The teaclier is alreadv deployed as pcr previorrs orclers fl'ont this offlc )o V I'ITABIIA. I-PSA AUPS KALMANDAPAM 06t06,1991 and allow' to continue ternperorll, Lrntil lirrther orders

r -'7 )t CVMLPS VANDAZHY 06t0611994 MMJBS Vellalur. Tliritlrala

Tlie teacher is alreaclr cleltlovecl as per previous orclers 1l'ont this offlc .18 R K M A L P S Ka l.r,,anapetta 28106,l994 and allou,' to corrtinrre tenrperctrlv runtil firrther orders j9 AMLPS Charnaparantbu (iillr Scarilr. l-PSA ALPS Mannarnkulantbu 11t07 il991 Mannarkkaci

LEGACY AUPS. LA LI PS Tlrac harrattuliara. -+0 SIJITESI{.A.I(. LI)SA 25t07/l 994 THACHANATTUKARA Mannarkl

-ll I{.SINDIIU. L,I)SA KRMALPS MULL,AKKAL 26t09il994 KALPS A lanaI Iur. Manniirlil,.ad

The teacher is alreadv deploved as pcr pre\ iotrs orclers 1l'ont this of flce tl I K. lJrrlritlrrr. LI'SA AUPS Vaclasserl I 5/06/ t995 and allor.r to corrtinLre terlperorly Lrrttil firrtlrer orders 1,. St. Dorninic ALPS Tliacltarnpara. lil li.r'islrnalirrntari. li. LPSA AU PS Keralasserv t9t07^ 995 i (illll l-t VAI{(;l llrSE. LPSA AUPS MOOLAMCODE 28/08/ le95 AM t-I)S Patlranrliultrnt. Ottanalanr

1- LEGACY AUPS. T-l RA.IAN I P. L- PSA THACHANATTUKARA 03t06il996 ALPS Perurnansode. Cherpu lassery jillrl. l6 I)rir I]. I I'S.\ AUPS Keralasserv | 5t}t il996 ALPS Murivanliann i. Martnar'kliad

.17 KMALPS KARINCANAD 0 l/08/ 1996 AM LPS Kaipuranr. Pattarrtri

C AITAVINDAI(SHAN. KM M A LPS Karliidaniliun Lr. -18 KRMALPS MULLAKKAL 16109il996 I,I)SA Mannarkkad Commencement SI DeploYed School Nanre ancl Dcsi gllation Parent School of countinuous N-() serv ice ALPS Kotopaclattr East. l l/0 r 11991 l9 1','lolrartrecl I brah i Itl. LPSA ALPS Netttttetti Manrrarkkad TIre teacher is already'deployed as per previous orders frotr this off-ice 2010111991 50 AUPS Vadasserv arrd allorv to cotttitttre terrtperorly until ftrr-ther orders

1310211991 ALPS Perurngode , Thrithala 5l P.J..f ulie. I-PSA ALPS Nentleni

)/ PMROY. IPS\ AIJPS MOOLAMCODE 021061t991 ALPS Marrnarkkad

lThe teacher is alreacll' cleployed as lo.'' rrt.t ioLrs orders fl'ollr this offlce N'lartnatlku larnbu 23t0611991 t' 5l ALPS larrd allow' to cotrtintte ternperorly I luntil tirrther orders

I Pattarnbi -1 t4107 11997 I nV LPS l(ularrrtrkktr. \l K V.SI. It)I IA. t-PSA ALPS THEKKUMMALA l-he teacher is already c'leployecl as per previorrs orders fi'otl this office 03t0911991 PLJSHPAI-ATHA I(. LPSA CEUPS PARLJTHUR and allou' to cotltitttte terrlperorly runtil furlher orders

2210911991 AM LPS Pulassery. Pattarlbi :o ltr. ttAtl t\'. t.l)s,,\ lrnvALPS MULLAKKAL

t7lt2l1991 ALPS U tnrnenazhi, Cherprrlassery 51 Nl.P. I{ajani. LPSA NEUPS KeralasserY

06/01/ 1998 ALPS Vilayur Union 58 []ee na Dar id. l-l)SA ALPS Kudallr"rr

LJ A [,] PS Tltertkara, Marlrlarli l<.ad () stN l['.l'}.1(. t.l']sA UNI-f\, THENKAR,\ I I7,,07,1I998 -5 l)l '1iIPS.

ZOtOIt 1998 ALPS ParutlriPLrllr- 6r) 1... Sat'uttra. Ll)SA KJBS Kuthanur I

AJBS Padin-f arekkara. Ottapalarn 6l SL]NNY I) \1A IIIAI. I-PSA AMAUPS NECHUR | 24t0811998

ALPS E,ledathu MadarnbLr . 08/01 11999 62 AUPS Ezhr-rtlangad Ottapalartt The teacher is already'deployed as per previotrs orders frottr tliis office 0t 106n999 6i (iI-ORY I( I),AIII,. I-PSA AUPS MOOLAMCODE ancl allorv to contitltte tellrperorl5' lLrntil firrther orders

999 IVnlpS Phuttani kadu. Manrrarkka 6l SINI S NAI'II. t-PSA UNITY AUPS. THENKARA 20101A

06/06/2000 ALPS MtttldaktrtttlLt 65 UNITY AUPS. THENKARA sl. Corlnrencenrenl Nanre and Designation Parent School of countinuous Deploy'ed School No serv i ce AVLPS 66 N.N.SI IAN,l I LA .I.,PSA w0112001 tlV L PS l(adanibur'. Ottapalarl VADAI(KENCHRRY

I). N4..I YOTI I I LAKSHM I" UAU PS'Thenkara. Mantrarkkad 61 UNI]'Y AUPS. THE,NKARA 0610?11999 t,PSA (Existing Vacarrcl ) UAU PS Thenkara. Mannarkl

UAtJ PS Thenliara. Manrrarl

70 I(.V (iectha. LiPSA SVSMUPS Pudussery 25 06n 985 KVMUPS PolpLrlli. ChittLrr

7l Sar rtlrri.l).N. LrPSA MrrlavankavLr AUPS 2t t}l| 987 C LrPS Pu lapatta. C'lierpu lasserv

1) Ir-f SOBHA. LJPSA AU PS I(ALPATHY 2210711987 AU PS Azli iy'annr-rr, Cherpu lassery

-lf t) I).S .lA\ ASree. LJI)SA SVSMUPS Pdusserry 20il21 r 988 SBS Olasser\'. ChittLrr'

l(AU I'}S ElarttbLtlasserr'. 11 l(.V .lar,aclevart. U PSA SVSMUPS PudLrsserv 201121r988 CherpLrlassery'

f{ L]S H A C. L] PSA NTUPS PALAKKAD 18t0711989 KLi PS Manl

i\. I{. [-,,\ I l-,'\ I] t- t :C A \1. MMTJPS | 6t01l I 990 I(At IPS Mellarkocie I'o I jl)s,{ I'I f IUKA}{IKLJLAMBLI

11 I'hulasidas.N. U PSA Mular ankavu AUPS 0l/l l 11990 SBS Tharrrreerkode. Thrithala

S I V A IIA N1 A I( I{I S HN AN. 78 NTUPS PALAKKAD | | t0l lt99l St. Dornirric AUPS Ezhalikad. Paral IIPSA

'79 A STJNIIIIA. UPSA AU PS KALPATHY 30ll2ltL)g1 AUPS Velikliad. Parali

80 .IOLL\' .IOSEPII. UPSA ALJPS. KALLADIKKODE 06/01 11992 AU PS Kallad ikode. Marrnarkkad.

I{ I)llr\tll lL I t- l(Li\'l,AI{. 8l AL]PS I(AI-PATHY 09/06,'l 991 VEMLJPS KAt.Ltrl(At) l.,'I)SA

82 Ciopinathan.T.l(. UPSA Arr,'anchira AUPS 03t07 t1992 AUPS Muttisset'.r

8l K.Vilasini. IrPSA AGMAUPS Kodurnba 0110111993 MUPS MAMPADU

N{ N4 LI PS 8l .IC)I IN VARCHL,SE,. U PSA 01 061r993 A U PS VacJakkepotta. A lathtrr PITTUKARIKULAMBLJ

tt5 Sasiclharan. UPSA CVMHS Vandazhi 0910611993 GSUPS Mangalamr. Mattttarkl

86 AUPS. KALLADIKKODE 06t01il993 AUPS Thenur West. Parli.

E7 Sl.ll .lOStrl)l l. tll'}SA AUPS. KALLADIKKODE 06106il 994 AMSBS Lakliidi. Ottapalarl

ti8 N.Y Irrtltr. LIPSA SNUPS Nallamadart clralla 061061994 AUPS Appupillayur, Chittur

The teacher is alreadl' deployed as per previous orcjet's ft'onr this of fice V.\/(iccrha. LIPSA SVSMUPS PudLrsser\ 06106t1994 lse arrd allou to contitttte tentlterorll

I Lrnti I firrtlier orclers The teacher is alreadl'deployed as per previous orders fiorn this office ()0 CAHS. Peruvernba 08i06/ 1994 and allolv to contitttte tetttperorlv' urrtil firftlter oroers

()l RcnLtklt. tll)SA CVN'IFIS Vandazhi l0/08,/ 199.1 HAt-ll'S Aliliara

t)l BI.IINDU B NAIR. UPSA AU PS KALPATHY 05t06il 995 ASBS Marr i al ur. KLrzhal trattttattt

The teacher is alreadl cleploy'ed as [)cr prr'\ ir)us orclet's fl'ottt this of f]ce ej tol IN .tosE P. Ltt)sA A LI PS I(A L PATHY ancl allo* to continLte tetttperorly urrtil tirrther orders The teacher is alreadv deployed as

ll tr trN,\. I{.C | | AN DRAN. per previous orders fl'om this office 9J CEUPS PARUTHUR 29il 1t1995 t ll)sA and allorv to continue tenrperorll rrntiI lirrthcr ot'cJet's

I I)I{AN{OD VARG I-I ES E,, AUPS. KALLADIKKODE, 06t03,l996 AMUPS . Manrrarkkad l" IJPSA 9(r C'hithra Dcvi. tJPSA CVMHS Vandazhi 03l06lr 996 CAUPS Manrbad .Alatlrtrrr'

y51t rPS 91 N.P.SIIt-ltt-Y. UPSA 10101 1 r 996 N41-LJ l'}S Vadalilienclterv. Alathtrr PITI-UKARIKULAMBU

98 .IASN,lIN."I-. UPSA AUPS. 1910811996 AU PS Pa1 1'anedattt. Marrnarkliad

The teacher is alreadl' cleployed as per previous orders fiortt this office () () rtha \1. t jl)SA CVI\{llS Vandazhi l9l01 |991 and allctrv to corttinue tetttperorlt' Lrntil ftrrther orders

M ]\,IU PS i00 I( \,1 ('I IINN A. U PSA 0210611991 ALJ PS Palakkode. Ottaltllant PITTUKARIKULAMBU

I0I A It i\nithrr. Ljl)SA C'VNlHS Vandazhi 01,/06/ 1991 I lFAl. tPS fhaduliasscn I I i SI Conrnrencenlent I gnation Nan.rc' ancl l)esi Parent School of courrtinLroLrs Deplot,eci I ,\ tt Scliool serv ice

i ()l ( SVt-NM UPS V i lar arrchatlranur'. I I irr i;rr. t l'\ \ CVN'lHS Vandazhi 0l/0(r" l99l i h Lrzlrir lntitnnarl ()l I r\. I{ecrralirr nurri. Li PSA KVMMUPS Vadavartnur 06/0 l t1998 KSBS l(aripode. I(ol lengode

I0l l,.lt.sl l( )l],\\,\. u I,sA KUPS THENNILAPURAM t9t0t 4998 M MMSBS KodLrvavur. I(ol lensode 'l St. lrorrras UPS Ka,r'arad1,'. t0-j i\{..I AYASLJ DIIA. LJ PSA KUPS THENNILAPURAM 2t t08il 998 Kollerrgode

C H M l(S l\4 tJ PS NanclanI

|0l Sttnlt. I.l]. L.ll)Sr\ Ptr Iasseri liliara AU PS 0l /06/ I 9s9 A t IPS Ptrlasserr'liara

I()lt lr oth i.l(. t iPSA ALJPS 0l t06il 999 AUPS Vtrrode. Ottanalarn

( I09 ).1).\'irsrrtlcr an. LIPSA Shoranur AUPS 01106t1999 AU PS KarantoLrthur. Pattanrbi

r( B s \\ I I tosl tKL|\4A|{" St. Nllrr Lll)S I)trllisser'1. il0 LJN I I-Y AU PS. THENKAI{A 06/05/2000 LJPSA Mannarkli.acl

ALJ PS I(uniarant prrthrrr. ]ll I}INI)11. L;I)SA L]NI-fY AUPS. THENKARA 06t05t2000 Mannarkkad

ill \l.lt,\.il. t l)sA I NITY AI1PS. THENKARA 06/05/2000 H IrC L I PS Manclalirutn Lr. Martrrarl

lll A Ll PS ChenrbrakLr lant. lt-) Strnitlrir l'.P. LJPSA ABUPS Kanrrady 06t06t2001 KLrzhalnrannarn

h.. I,. I},,\ I-A I( i{ I S I INAN. lil AUPS 06106t2001 C U PS Pa lalil

1l-i [.llitlrltlcr i. l<." UPSA NVALiPS l)anantaltna Sorrth l6i()7/100 I ALi l)S l(al ltrvazlri . C'herpLr lassery

Allori to continrre in parent scltool i16 N{.P.1'l{l:[.-l I IY. LJ PSA I(U PS fI-IE,NNILAPURAM 01t06t2002 as per WP(C ) 2i600/2016

I r17 I ttl NVALJPS Panarnanna Soutlt | 5t01t2002 B E,M U PS l-hrilil

t8 G irir asan . P. U PSA AUPS Kirttanasserv 02t06t2003 A U PS Aclal

P K H N4OU PS L,dathanattLr liara. I lr0 I'..Anyuli. T JPSA AGMAUPS Kodunrba 02t06t2003 i Mannarkl

l-A \1 t i PS i:datltanattrrl,.am. t0 \ Ita jccna. LjPSA Sl\{ HS Ar alLrr 02/06/2003 Marrrrar-li.kad

Il \/ Sanrsrr itthr . IJPSA SM t IS A5,'alur 0-r/06/2003 V RC M L-l PS Val lans\,'. l(ol lensode (l Conrnrencenrent : . )t. ' \lrrnc und I)csislriti0n Parent Scitool oI ctlrrr.ttinLrotrs Deplol'ed School i \() I serv ice

I t "t-'l I l,- Ir.l{. t,lI)SA AU PS l(eralasserv r 0/ 1 v2003 A U PS Sreel

I-)I1f N SI{l:l:l'}l{lYA. t iPSA AMAIJPS NECHUR 09/01 t2004 AUPS Changalerv

lrl N N N'l Lj [)S Karalnranna t-1 SintlhLr V lJ. LJPSA KCPI'tS Kavasserv 02t06t2004 Cherpu lassery

t.t5 HS KA"|AMPAZHIPPURAM 25t06t2004 AU PS lrLrrribakasserv T'hrithala

[6 \,.\\ I )I I INI. I . I-JI'SA TIS I(ATA \,,I PAZHIPPURAM I8/0(rrl00J ALJ PS Mannengode. Pattanrbi

[7 l)r'arrree la l(. tiPSA l(CPllS Kavasser), 3010612004 SBS Meetna Ottapalanr

lt8 AUPS PERINKULAM t9t0t t2004 AU PS Raviranellur

( [9 rer'lltrt \" t:l)SA KCPIIS Kavassery 2t 01t2001 RKn LJ PS J-atrarrrl

i0 lurusree.\1" TJPSA Pulasserikkara AUPS 03/08/2004 AU PS Parrarnarrrra. 0ttaltalarn

j-jl lntlrr. l]" lrl)Si\ ABLIPS l(annadv 10,0 I ,1100-5 A l. I PS N'1 rrttilitt littt,,al'a

I t-) t ), l'Lrslrpllatha.S.A.S" t I PSA LNSLiPS Nernmara l2l03/2005 BVLJPS ChLrdanrlratta

I ll [(rrjrrrti I' l{. t l'S \ PKMAUPS Chittilanchery PKI\4AU PS Chitti lancherv

l,tl .,\ncr Vulket,. UPSA AIJPS Vadakkancherv 05/06/2006 AUPS Vadakkancherv

il5 Src.'[.,lrla I(. t rPSA TMFIUPS Manjapara TM[-ILJPS N{annapra

j6 I Irrlrinrr I.l)S.\ ALI)S l)aclur 01i06/1007 A L PS Paclur

\_+r\. -( r#\ Deputy Director of Education Pa la l