Augusta Rauriea 66. R. Laur-Belart, Fiihrer durch , Basel 1948, 141, is of the opinion that a little cella (L. 5.90, W. 2.00) discovered in 1933 "auf der Fliihweghalde etwa einen Kilometer ~stlich der Stadt" Augst belongs to a sanctuary of Cybele (Metroon). In the courtyard have been found a head of a goddess with mural crown and a cornucopiae in limestone (Basel, Historisches Museum). This interpretation of the find is doubtful.

Munzaeh 67. Bronze statuette (H. 0.097), found at Munzach in a Roman villa. Liestal, Kantonsmuseum Baselland, Inv. no A 5304. A. Kaufmann-Heinimann, Die romischen Bronzen der Schweiz I. Augst und das Gebiet der Colonia A ugusta Raurica. Mainz 1977, 121 no 190a with PI. 123; Bronzes romains de Suisse. Lausanne 1978, 21 no 19 with fig. Bust of Attis emerging from a leaf-crown. He wears a Phrygian cap and tunica. The eyes are inlaid with silver. Date: end of the second century A.D.

68. Bronze statuette (H. 0.079), found together with the preceding item. Liestal, Kantonsmuseum Baselland, Inv. no A 5305. Kaufmann-Heinimann, 121 f no 190b with PI. 124; Bronzes romains de Suisse, 21 no 20 with fig. On a base the bust of Attis emerging from a leaf-crown. He wears a Phrygian cap and a tunica. The eyes are inlaid with silver. Date: end of the second century A.D.

Vindonissa 69. Relief in stone (H. 0.85, W. 0.45, D. 0.24), from Vindonissa. (), Museum (originally walled into the "Schwarzer Turm"). R. Laur-Belart in Germania 17, 1933, 190ff and figs 1-2. Attis in mourning attitude. Phrygian cap, tunica manicata, mantle. The legs are missing; he supports with his left hand his head. F.D.~

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IUVAVUM ~ • ~ tt1 >-I NOR CUM Munz.ch. ~UGUSTA VINDONISSA. RAURICA n~ Wieting. i1 R A E T Hohenstein TEUR~ : ••• Allmendingen .Thun ) ~.~UN\!!! GUflne • Petermon Seifnitz-Cemporosso COLONIA IUL;A EQUESTRIS / CELEIA

Fig. 3