• News • Arts • Entertainment • Classified • Real Estate Union County • Automotive WORRALL COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS THURSDAY, MARCH 30,2000 - SECTION B MtpJ/www.locattouj Big week Freeholders study The Cuddly Critters Club li's a big week for Republicans as courtly conventions in Middlesex on Saturday and Somerset on Tues- options for new park day awarded fheiHines and Union By Mark Hrywna Republicans prepare for ttieir con- Regional Editor vention Saturday in Summit. The Board of Freeholders has a rare opportunity 10 design a new county park People seem io think the Union and members are trying io decide1 what type of a .park to develop. Coumy line will com: down to The county Jail year purchased an II-acre tract from the Kean family at the Assemblyman Joel Weingarten of comer of North Broad Stteet and Moms Avenue near the Elizabeth-Union bbr Millburn or Tom Kean Jr. of West- *der for S2i million, field in Ihe 7ib Congressional Dis- Freeholder Chairman Daniel Sullivan will selicil input from freeholders to Iriei race. While Kean has (he name form a consensus and give direction io Parks and Recreation officials within a reengniiioh and his treasurer hap-- month. Freeholders last week were presented, with'two conceptual designs for pens lo he. the county chairman's the new county park, One option called for a passive recreational area while the ii Weinnarten's legislative dis- other was 3 more active park featuring a soccer field trkt falls righi in the con cress ion a! Freeholders were spilt as 10 what type of park to pursue. .While some fav irea district. ' • an active park to address ihe growing need fer athletic fields', others advocated, more passive park to complement the other 26 county parks as well as for the countVs growing'senior population. But all were in agreement that the board is On The in a very rare position: being able to design and a new park from scratch and ado Campaign it to the counr\r system. The last time the county purchased property for the parks system was in the The Cuddly Critters 4-H Ciub held a pet show for residents of the Rahvvay Geriatr- early 1970s when the Oak Ridge Golf Course was bought.by the Union County ic Center. Joey Dacchille of Linden and Jessica Anderson of Westfield show their Trail Parb Commission, , , • • ' pets lo Mary Barmore. right, and Bette Martin, residents of the center. For more1 "I don't remember in recent memory any opportunity to craft a park like information about 4-H clubs in Union County* call Karen Mallea at (908) 654-9854. By Mark Hrywno See COUNTY, Page B2 Regional Editor "

All.hul three of ihe L7municipal chairmen in Union County's 7ih Di&tnci are endorsing someone, Deja vu for this year's Republican freeholder ticket wilh Weinganen holding a slight lli> would face Dei Kurz and frank Lehr. In garnering . edge over Kean. : ' . Dili, Shackell to run again, with former sheriff-candidate . ..mtenl Joanne Rajoppi of Union. approximately 55 percent of the vote, By Mark Hrywna • Malcolm lost IP Ralph Froehlicli in I; 45 percent of ihe vptc while Dem^ unMI, fcUn(y Republicans will ihe.Demncrais took control of all nine •nveniion last week, Weineanen Regional Editor "« IJJ8 Union Count\ Sheriff elec UJI I 1 SSpuccrii Shaekcl! ledlhc alfiujlls n.imjn'aie their candidates. freeholder seats thai1 year. si ly outdistanced his opponents, sh The Republican freeholder UcUi ! v.|»i <- gained a^pronmaieh iJ jpp o> m idv SW0 votes hl, freeholder and eounty clerk during garnering iwo-thirds of the vote, 41 All Dem . awarded ihe party line earlier this of 61 •votes. Kean .finished just year as two-thirds of Ihe slate, has first lorjy inio public office and Dill. day ui Summit Middle School. 272 • . year, have held elecled office at the behind Michael Ferguson of War- decided io seek election again In 1W8, she ran with freeholder The jddiii of Guzman-Malcolm MM™ Ave, The Tilirig deadline for ren who collected 10 votes. Green Former Crsnford Mayor Wally eimJidsies' John Fernandez of New kes ii ihe first time a ihu June primary is April 13 at 4 p,m. municipal level prior to sitting on the Bronk Mayor Patricia Walsh Shackell and former Summit Council Providence, George Gore of Plain- e Republican freehol- Lini'« also will 'be awarded Saiurday freeholder board. received a single vote. mail At Dill last year ran with Richard field and Andrew MacDonald of Fan Unda Lee-Kelly of m ihe races fw U.S. Senate and 7ih Scanlon was a member of the Summit's straw poll for the U.S. Revilla of Elizabeth and lost to Demo- v.i ixl. They were defeated by Demo- Eliz lost as an incumbent in Ttiwa^hip of Union Board ©f Educa- Senale I was, not surprisingly, a crats Linda Slender, Nicholas Scutari crats Daniel Sullivan of Elizabeth, The Republican freeholder ticket tion. Her.husbaiiJ Patrick is a member 'uruway for Bob Franks. Franks, and Angel Estrada, It was the fifth Mary Ruotolo of Westfield and Lev-is Guzm -Malcolm retired as a will he up again?! Democratic incum- of ihe Union Township Committee. Mw attended Summit High School, consecutive year Democrats swept M ingo Jr, of Plainfield, who collected in the Sheriffs Office last bents Alexander Mirahella of Roselle 1 Holmes served on ihe Railway City collected 54 votes lo Essex County countywide elections," nearly two-thirds of ihe vote that year March after nearly 26 years. Paris. Chester Holmes of Railway and Council. Mirabella was on Ihe.Rowlle inecuiive James Treffinger's five Joining Shackell and Dill will be Party leaders initially asked all Eric Urbano. a law student from Detwrah Scmlon of Union. The three Park Borough Council for several ores and Stale Sen. William Esther Guzman-Malcolm of Roselle lliree candidates from ias( year to run Scotch Plains, dropped out of the 7th Dcimerais ran for freeholder ihe first years, including a stint u council iormtey's two. who earlier this week accepted the d^uin hut Revilla declined. Last year, Congressional District race lo pursue lime in 1997 and unsealed three GOP president, and is the borough's Demo- In Miinville Tuesday nighi, Fer- GOP.'s inviiatioii to run. Guzman- Ihe GOP ticket garnered anproximate- the Republican nomination for couhiy incumbents, Edwin Force. Henry cratic chairman. UjjitfTwas awarded the Somerset £oufU.y line, hut it look tlireeballois before he garnered the majority. Weingjrien finished a close second Authorities arrest 14 in what they on tht first ballot followed by Mardi Gras at Runnells Kean Walsh Morrisey and iardntf believe to be organized crime ring On the second ballot Ferguson In what law enforcement offieers charged was a "pot- by what they were charged \ nearly had a majority as he picked pourri" a crimes including identity theft, manufacture and • John Garofalo, 52, of Lancaster Road, Union, and up more delegates from the first sale of phony dirvers' licenses, drug sales, loan sharking, owner of Mario's Trattoria on Chestnut Street in Union; ballol than other candidates fol weapons and stolen property, a six-month investigation conspiracy to commit the crime of safe of simulated gov- lowed by Weingarten and Kean ended last week with 14 arrests and the seizure of a stolen ernment documents, to wit, false New Jersey driver's as a distand third handgun, an Uzi, a sawed-off shotgun, four other gun's and Ferguson was ihe big winner hundreds of victims' credit reports.. • James Fox, 42, of Coofidge Street, Irvington; conspira- Saturday in Ediwn where he won 1 Union County Prosecutor Thomas Manahan said the cy to sell simulated government documents, to wit, New the Middlesex Counly line, collect- case was sparked by information developed last September Jersey's driver's license. ing 116 of 194 delegates, good" for b> Prosecutor s Deteco,ve Michael Bums concerning a • Steven Andiorio, a-La, Steven Hempel, 35, of Main 60 percent of the vote and ihe loose-knit ring that was dealing in theft of identify, credit' Street, Lincoln Park; possession of an assault firearm Uzi required majority. worth and buying power of dozens of innocent victims 9mm automatic pistol and unlawful possession of a wea- Kenneth Gardner of Woodbridge along with stolen property taken from stores In Edison, , pon by persons not authorized; $250,000 bail, finished second with 59.14 dele- 1 Piscataway and throughout North Jersey, ' . . • Patsy "Doo'Doo" Ragonese, 68, of Parker Avenue, gales, 30 percent. Weingarten col- The prosecutor said1 teams of officers from the Union, Maplewood; unlawfully possessing usurious loan records lected 11.76, 6 percent, and Kean Essex, Morris and Ocean County prosecutor's offices — loan sharking records. finished with 7.56, 4 percent. along with police from the Linden, Springfield, Cranfordt Walsh received 0.54 voles. • Fred Pernicola, 52. of Audrey Terrace, Union; posses- Newark and New Jersey State Police departments began at sion of controlled dangerous substances, cocaine and mari- Franks easily won Ihe Middlesex dawn March 23 and continued throughout the weekend juana, and possession with the intent todisnibuie; $75,000. . nod for U.S. Senate with 446 votes, executing a series of 15 search warrants, , • Virginia Pemicola. 52. of Audrey Terrace, Union; pos- SO percent. Gormley finished ahead They came up with computers that could scan driving session of a controlled dangerous substances! cocaine. of Treffinger, 80.70, 14 percent, to records laminating machines, hundreds of credit .reports 33.61, 6 percent, The congressman • Janet Nardone, 43, of Walnut Street, Linden; posses- and obituary notices and e\en death certificates that could ' sion of a controlled dangerous substance, cocaioe; posses- garnered 92 percent of the dele- be used m creating dmers licenses and phony checks, gates irrSomerset Tuesday night. sion with intent to distribute; conspiracy to distribute, authorities said cocaine; $10,000 bail. Seventh District Congressional The suspected ringleader, Jude M. Barbette, 43, of Wal- • Julio Pena, 43, of Walnut Street, Newark; conspiracy candidate Patrick Morrisey of nut Street, Linden,, was arrested March 23 and charged to distribute, cocaine; $70,000 bail. Weslfield is taking a different lack. with conspiracy to distribute stolen property, conspiracy to Doing his best Jeff Golkin imperso- sell phony driver's licenses, conspiracy to disribute • Carmen Gonzalez, 40, of Walnut Street, Newark; con- nation, Morrisey called the current cocaine and marijuana, five counts of theft by deception of spiracy to distribute, cocaine; $75,000 bail. convention process "a sham" and more than $10,000 of home improvement and electronics • Dalton "Manny" Queen, 28, of Ruby Street, Spring- proclaimed himself the anti- goods during the falla nd winter and possession of cocaine. field; conspiracy to distribute, cocaine; possession of & organization candidate. Golkin, f Runnells Specialized Hospital resident Hildegard He was being held at the Union County Jail in Elizabeth. controlled dangerous substance, cocaine; possession with Warren township Commiiieeman, Gehr, right, and Patricia Scott of Union, Director of Other arrests made were at businesses or private • intent to distribute; possession to distribute stolen proper- hai liken the Union County Demo- Activities Therapy at the hospital, pause during the ty; $60,000 bail. crats to task for selecting Counly residences m Union Township, frviogton, Lincoln Park, hospital's Mardi Gras celebration. Manager Michael Lapolla to run. Maplewood Newark Springfield. Hillside and Cranford. • Michael Wansaw, 46, of Spruce Street, linden; con- Those in custody are expected to appear this week for an spiracy to distribute, cocaine and marijuana; possession of Taking a page oul of John initial appearance before Judge Joan Robinson Gross in a controlled dangerous substance; $50,000 bail, McCain's book, Morrisey said, he Elizabeth • Janine Barbette Rybczyki of Heinricb Street, Cran- ig • targeting 'he "disillusioned Vo-Tech open house April 12 The following people were arrested by police, followed ford; conspiracy to distribute, cocaine; $15,000 bail. voter," • Congressional candidates are The Union County Vocational-Technical Schools have announced the annual scheduled io file iheir latest cam- open house will be si the Raritan Road Campus in Scotch Plains on April 12 paign finance reports lomorrow. from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. All prop-arm will be available so visitors can get a first- Union FFA Chapter Captures 11 awards at competition hand look at top-flight occupational and skills training through guided tours. The East available reports were filed During the Horticulture Exposition Aragona of Linden, "Mid-Summer della with "Mardi Gras" took ftftn- Dec. 31; some candidates had not There will be demonstrations of the latest technology in each of the instruc- portions of the New Jersey FFA Flow- Night's Dream," and Jessica Brinson place honors. , filed at that point., tional areas. Auto Technology students will highlight the Dynomometer, the er and Patio Show held recently at the of Union with "Independence Day." The Union County Chapter's latest in emissions testing, while the Machine Technology Program will show a GardeaState Exhibit Center in Some- . Second-place hononwent to Michel- Design Team placed third in the state Wire EDM Machine in action. net, the Union County FFA Chapter le Ciandella of Roselle with "Winter J. Brooke Hern may have from among 22 entrants. Brown Was Other-highlights include samplings in the Bake Shop; shopping at special gained 11 awards from its 18 entries Solsace;" Aragona with "Remember dropped out of the 7ih district race second in the state in the individual prices in the UCVTS Tech World Supermarket! desktop publishing in Graphic in the competition The chapter is When," and Brown with "Secretaries on the Democratic side, but you can rank and first in the Practicum Portion Communications; blood-pressure screening in Allied Health and basic mini comprised of students in the Horticul- Day." be Sure it's not Ihe last we'll hear with Walden {dating fifth. The other cures in Cosmetology. House plants will be on sale in Ihe Horticulture Program ture Program at die Union County from him. For one thing, he's sup- Third-place laurels went to Erica team members were Aragona and and the Culinary Arts students will offer samples of gourmet specialities: Vocational-Technical Schools. Bon- porting the right candidate — for Robinson of Roselle with "Mother's Ciandella. his future anyway. Lapolla is the The public is invited to attend the open house and view the campus, facilities nie Baldasare of Wcstficld is instruc- Day" and Brown with "Flowering organization's pick and. Hern can and state-of-the-art instructional equipment. Instructors and trades people will tor of the program and serves as .advi- Plant." A fourth-place winner was For more information about horti- go further with the organization at be available to answer questions. Refreshments will be served and there is sor to the FFA Chapter. Channaine Walden. of Plainfield. culture and all the other programs at the present lime than he can on his ample parking. First place winners and their crea- whose entry was "Easter Basket" the county vo-tech schools cSH the See REPUBLICANS'/Page B2 For more information call the UCVTS Day Admissions Office at (908) tive entries were Karen Brown of Jessica Messina of Roselle with . Admissions Office at (908) 889-2911 889-2999 or Wait iu web site at www.ucvts.tecnj.us. Westfield Thank You, Adrianna "Sugar and Spice" along with Cian- or 2999:

i -,- WORRALL NEWSPAPERS PAQE B2 — THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 2000 COUNTY NEWS sustain or improve their lives," Mingo FEMALE game night United States and Canada The Union program is open to all Senior Citizens County chapter offers a variety of living in Union Couniy. added. "Our senior staff members will • On Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. the activities Including evening discus- "The Union Count)' freeholders conduct private interviews • on Union Count> Chapter of-HLMALE sion groups, guest speakers, mom's provide a variety of vital services tQ ^U T.ol.i»lomr ed«c«l.n .ml fun f~ KM.I — FormerK Emplojed Mothers Ai night euL book discussion and weekly senior citizens through our outreach the Leading Edge — will host a game H8 AI 80 Top College Campuses Nationwide! daytime play gatherings, program," said Freeholder Lewis applications are;, night, featuring the board game The Union Count)' chapter holds Mingo Jr., liaison 10 ihe Union Coun- • April 13,1 to 6:15 p.m., The Arc. FDU-Madlson ft Toaneek, MY, LI, Stanford, MIT "Taboo, at Hanson House. ?S Spring- meeting on the first and third Wednes- ty-Advisory Council on Aging. "We 20." W. Jmev St.. Elizabeth, field Ave,, Cranford, Sew and pros- encourage all elderly, isolated indivi- day of each month at Hanson House. • ApnllS. : to 7:30 p.m., Roselle Weskly Camps foe Boys Bui Girls 7-16 . pecrive members are welcome, duals who meet eligibility require- New members are always welcome. Education Association, 126S Shaffer ments to apply for these helpful Commuter and Omnlghl Prosrams Fat more information call Deann at Ave., Rossile, FEMALE is an inifmational noi- 1 (90S) 653-0S42, * • April 25, 3 10 1:30 p.m.. Programming or General Curriculum • fof-profit organization supporting County representatives 'will be on RtK»seveltElemental) School.'SI I St. women uh£> have altered their career hand to provide assistance in complet- All Ability Levels: Beginner to Expert Senior outreach services Georges Ave., Rah'way, paths- tn order iticare iov ihtiv children ing ihe necessan applications for Gas ,EO EDITING, SOUND AND MUSIC, at hems. What began as one Illinois Union County's Division on Aging • and Electric Support. Pharmaceutical • April :", 3 to S:30 p.m., Clark mother reaching out to another in in the Deparenent of Human Services Assistance. Home Energy Assistance. Volunteer Emergencs Squad, S75 3D MODELING AND ANIMATION , [9S? has now frown to 7.500 mem- has announced its Outreach Sen ices Supplementary Security Income, Rariian Road, dark, ' GRAPHICS. ADVANCED WEB DESIGN bers m over ISO local chapters inthe Program scheduled for April. The Counseling on Health Insurance for For informiiuon call (90S)

Medicare Enrollees and the SHARE . 35?-;5ll or (WS1 ?5(iB7ioo, Food Program, For tnore information or losign up'. "These services can supplement the for 2 blood dm e, call the blooJ tenter Republicans' turn to choose basic nefis of the isolated elderly and ai (800)'W2.5663. CM. 140 800J0N.4ACE «M0.UMt») iContinued from Pace B|, Seeing how (he Democrats *•!! or with either Goliarr c .11 cine seasF oruihe freeholder iiryannv Comwlly ' • rv^ w well as a]] the .w'ristituiioii- County has rare opportunity DemwraU h:vc had nothing hut .jl offker$, 1 figured Union Couniy (Continued from Page BH this." Sullivan said. He could only recall uh=h the siabli in the seuniy-operaied :>. ftom New' Providence, Of *<) <*t anther • ' • ' . Watchung Rescnation was relocated in 19£6 bcvsuse of the con strut HDII of 'if!>(.', m>t L'sxij enfsjsii t>> actually -t'ni^n C.iumy Republican Chair- Route 78, ... . • lU'iinJorsedhim. Ntapromjs.nE imri f™^ MsDermon icppeJ the Although both options arc about equal .in pnee. the final price ug is depen- dent.on what type of park the freeholders ultimately elsoose and could range immon description 'of Hem. And i'1 say Picking the worrfi couniy anywhere from S500,000 to SI million. title Democrats may rule Union .chairninn inNew Jsiwy wasa fair- Officials said the park has the potential 10 be a showplace and gateway for 1 ogmy from Elizabeth and parts '>' easy process, Dem? n^w have a Union Count) , Peeple think the area is in Elisabeth/Sullivan laid, although the •utli. lilt parly's presence in v.esi- (-*-0 ad\'antage on Ihe Board of Free- parkland is .-actually in the Township of Union. ' GOUBMET PASTA fl pars of the county is nwre ISBJI 'witters; and Republican candidates "Both options for the park call for 60 parking spaces as well as ornamental iitfii' lacking. • for siaicwiJe office seen; io be cci- fencinc ednsisien! wiih the tvpe Kean University has along itJ propsm across the streei. The two options also would have a path and exercise stations as well FACTORY rwti iri 2001 and Dcmoert 110ns McDcrmoil, o as two playgrounds, one fo'i children ages 210 5, and another for children agni- 5 ru^eti'i even presented Candida! presiJcni of ihe Stat to 12. its iht 2!nJ dism.-t, which indud cjiUiJiite for toye The passive design has a picnic area, gazebos and a large p!au vlhioh ma; Niw Providence, m the past t« RAVIOLI-26 flavors -LASAGNA •An athletic field would take up appro\imate!\ one third of tin. available MANIC0TT! -CNOCCHI parkland in the more active plan. CAVATELLI .LINGUINE governor's Seat, at least hopes to. crais owning Based on what municipalities are looking for Dire*tor of Parks and Recrea- Fresh He which would open his Senate seat. Co y scni-elections. tion .Charles Sigmund said he would choose to eenstruu athletic fields. FETTUCCINE -RIGATONI 1 "li miner 22nd district assembly- Chairman Chariots DeFil-. "We can't jusi leek ai w hat the demand i« toda\ said Freeholder Marj Ruo- STUPFED SHELLS • FUSILL1 niji: — Alan Augustine of Scotch as'not anwr)£ the top five tolo, but look to the the county's, future miEht be everyday! MEALS-TO-GO -DESSERTS PIJIIIS or Richard Bagger of \Vesi- Freeholder Vice Chairman Alexander Mirabella said ilie bsard should keep fieiJ — get' Ihe Serialc seat, ihai K the Republic in mind what other tjpes of parks the count) has within iu swem and look to 4 W. WESTFIEI.D AVE., ROSE1 .l.h PARK || in cipen pi! as complement those, "I don't think we have a park like tlm he said referring to 1 Of £01 «. rsdistn mg after t a> eouniy levels, Copiliciing 1 the second, passive design. >ris from memhers of ihe GOP e McDermcitl undecided about Who knows, maj.be a seal on ihe luiure or twi seeking re- RSVP has new home Independent Living with a Helping Hand treiiliojJt.T hoard will open for -non McDermplt himself, as of Retired Senior Volulnteer Program .•fill v\eisk:-itCO, saiJ hi lias nol in a Comfortable, Apartment-style Setting of Lliiion County wishes to announce us new-home at Community Access Spring Meadows offers quality assisted living services to Politicsnj.cnm. a new political, •Should McDermatl no! seek re- Unlimiied Inc.. 80 West Grand St.. enhance jour lifestyle... All for an Affordable ^hsiii"; sijfied jusl lasi month and eleciioa. which seems li^ly. ihe Elizabeth. 07202. RSVP is an organi- Monthly Fee. Discover Summit's Newest Community. tas hitfinw a sue anyone involved only name left circulating of late zation where citizens age 5? and older Call for More Information Today- n ejnipaigns seems-io visit, li has heen Ron Frigerio, former may- service the needs of their ecenily rated the five best and m and municipal chairman in commum'lies. .\oi>l wuniy chairmen in New West field. RSVf> members.1 volunteer their lime and abililies to hospitals, Blood drives scheduled throughout county schools, nmrition sites, senior hous- ows The Blood Center of New Jersey is asking people le make a special effort to ing; programs for at rish youth, trans- SUMMIT dnnaie over (he upcoming holiday season. The following blood drives arc sche- portation, counseling, correctional Call or Wrilc for Your FREK Return This Coupon and duled in Union .County* facilities and more. RSVP of Union We'll Rush You This FREE • Sunday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.ni,1 Knights of Columbus 258lJ, 118 Park Ave-, County would like to welcome older Assisted Living Booklet Valuable Booklet Luideii;() a.m. IO I p.m., Connecticut Farms Presbylerian Church, Stuyvesam Americans to gel acquainted with the Avenue and Chestnui Streei. Union. program, |Phone_l ^ Summit, NJ 079IH,

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Ask about our Frequent Buyecs Club WORRALL NEWSPAPERS THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 2000 — PAGE B3 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Marriage is played for laughs at UCC Playwright A. R. Gurney has Direcior Spina • has never shied excelled at offering glimpses inio fhe away irom mounting lesser-known inner workings of relationships in On the ii)les ai the Theaier Project, and this such shows as Ihe ofi-produced "Love iaiesi foray once again proves the wh> Utters" and "Later Life," and with Boards dam of offbeat choices. Bordering on '•The Golden Fleece," on . stage iheater of the absurd — especially in ByBillVanSant , through Saturday at Union County "The Golden Fleece" — these plays Associate Editor .College in Cranford, he once again wili noi only delight and entertain, but takes us hehind the scenes. provoke quite a few thoughts on the Staged by the Theaier Project at pan, will make one think long and naiurc of marriage, Hits staging is UCC under the direction of Mark Spi- hard about one's own< relationships, fluid and the pace never lets up, espe- na. 'The Golden Recce" is actually a ' In "The Golden Fleece." Tallby and cially when ihe physical aspect of the DeSandies. burst onto the stage every package of two of- Gurney's one-act 1 comedy has ihe 'actors rolling about comedies, "The Problem" and "The bit the quinlcsseniia! "married con - on Ihe siagc or chasing each other, . Golden Fleece." pie." Whether correcting each other's cai-and-mouse siyle, around the With each piece, we are offered a retelling of a story, convincing ihe other one to go see. to the tardy Jason glimpse into the complicated world of When a playwright, director and marriage. In "The Problem," a hus- and Medea, or fighting desperiiely to Thomas E. Bethman I Antonio Buonauro Enrico Di Giuseppe ignore the ofrvlous schisms it) their actors can make us laugh at things band and wife, played to perfection by which really aren't funny, something Gary Wood and Barbara Guidi, marriage, these two never miss a beat and invest their performances with a is being done quite right. And at the approach the dilemma — her pre- Theaier Project at Union County Col- gnancy — with riotous humor. Is he. depth and history which fills the Collaboration proves successful stage. Andeach.impressivcly handles lege, n's to be found in "Die Golden ihe fadier? If not. just who is? The Fleece." (hrusf-and-parry of their sparring, the task of holding an audience's' for Manor's three operatic tenors fueied by her desire to shock him ou[ attention while, alone on stage, filling For information on tickets, see (he 1 ' Ru Han Gmlih '*fVrfnrmin 11 \trifh hnlh Trmv anri Turn " caW Hi fiinw of complacency and his resolute even the silent moments with rich "Theater" listing in the Stepping Osii By Bea Smith "Performing with both Tony and Tom," said Di Giusep- . deiermmaiion lo remain rational, car- theater. calendar on Page B6, StDfT Writer pe, "is going'to be a lot of fun. They're both very talented, ries this comedy of manners through LiKicning io the marvelous yeice of one tenor can be and they're a lot of fun to work with. Tony is a very inter- la its conclusion. thrilling enough, bui when three tenors, with completely, esting man, who has a very colorful background. Tom also different styles, provide their interpretations of their musi- is 3 fine tenor. We like to work locether because we all In "the Golden Fleece," it's actual- cal world, il can become' an Incredible experience: perform very well together." ly i wo marriages we examine: that of Bom in Philadelphia, Di Giuseppe resided in Pompton the on-siage characters, Belly and And tonight u Lc Dome'in the Cabaret Soiree series al the Manor in Wesi.Orange, ihe program will re called "A . Lakes for 22 years and returned io Philadelphia, -where he Bill, played by Daaimah.Talley and has lived for more than 50 years. Andre DeSandies, as well as lhal of Night With Three Tenors," and Antonio Buonauro, Enrico iheir friends, the absent Jason and Di Giuseppe and Thomas E, Bethman til will offer "popu- "I. just love to sing,'\Di Giuseppe said. "When I was a Medea, Ostensibly havrng gathered us lar arias. Neapolitan songs and selections from Broad- boy and people heard me sing', they said, 'Oh, gee. you to display ihe legendary Golden way's 'Phanlomof the Opera,' 'West Side Story,' 'Man of have a nice voice" 1. used to listen to records of operas that Fleece. Belly and Bill stall for time La Mancha' and rt>?re,'' my father had. 1 guess.'I was about 15 years old when 1 while ihey await the other couple by A chil with these three lenors, who work well together, began io sing along with them. My father was a man who idling us of Jason's heroic exploits simply because they're friends and they collaborate was interested in a lot of things in the arts. And he was and Medea's overwhelming maternal smoothly and beautifully, took place last week. They have interested in Roman history and did quite a bit of reading. insiinci. That. Jason is revealed to be a appeared on every continent, entertained thousands of Of course, being Italian, he loved fhe opera. He took me to cavalier philanderer and Medea, ulti- audiences internationally, from New York's Metropolitan my first opera when I was !0 or 12, and I fell asleep," mately, a heinous child murderer is Opera and Carnegie Hall and are known individually and Gut (hat didn'l deter young Di Giuseppe. He went to. [he undoing not only of this marriage, together by every opera enthusiast, Curtis maiiule of Music in Philadelphia; then served as a but almost the one we see before us. Buonauro, who had appeared \s$\ season at the Manor, soloist with the United States Army Reid Band and The "behind closed doors" glimps- mentioned thai he is truly looking forward to tonight's traveled around.the country singing with the band, "Then I ing these plays provide is what makes' appearance, , went to Juilliard School of Music in New York: I studied them work so well. You need not be Buonauro, who recently starred in the New York Grand there, then went to auditions', i'got jobs, sang all around the married; just familiar with the travails Open Company production of "La Trayiaia" and in con- country and then all over the world. In 1970,1 got a job as a of making a long-term relationship cert at Lincoln Center's Alice Tully Hall, talked about the teacher al the Metropolitan Opera;and I taught there for 15 successful. It's not always easy, as three tenors. "We are three tenors with totally different years. Then I was hired to teach at the Juilliard School of these couples discover and display. voices, One is more dramatic, one is more 'spinto' — Music and was on the faculty for seven years. I was offered Gumey's sharp and witty banter is meaning a lyrical Pavarotti voice — and myself, more of a a position as Shelfer Emminent Scholar Chair al Florida ably delivered by these four actors, true Italian lyric voice. And we put together a concert and State University, where I taught for five years. keeping the sparring alive and rich. had a tot of fun doing it. We have a good time. And every- "When 1 decided I'd. had enough of Florida. I came back As the husband in "The Problem," thing becomes a learning process. Enrico is right (here to to Philadelphia, and here I am," he chuckled. Wood seems to be a. combination of assist you. It's really quite fulfilling, Di Giuseppe mused, "I've never been to the Manor before, but I've heard so much about it. And I can't wail to Johns — Lithgow and Cleese — and "Enrico is a legendary tenor from the New York Opera," spend an evening with my friends at the Manor. -*A Night gets maximum mileage out of dead- said Buonauro, "He sang in opera houses throughout the with Three Tenors' tends to be a night of fun. I'm really pan reactions. and understatement. world. 1 had met him when I was a student and he was a looking forward to March 30." . Guidi nails the frustration and resour- teacher at the Jmlliard School of Music, He has a fantastic cefulness felt by any wife whose hus- voice, We became student-teacher-type friends, and pro- Bethman said thai he had "appeared with Tony and Enri- band calmy reacts to earth-ska tiering fessionals al ihe New York Grand Opera, where we work- co in other concerts together. We enjoy each other's com- news, and the sparkle in her eyes Barbara Guldl and Gary Wood attempt to figure out ed together in many projects, It's not often you get to work pany," he mused. assures that she has more tricks up her, The Problem; the first or two one-act plays in 'The Gol- with someone of his caliber." •••.'• , Bethman, who was bom in Easton, Pa., grew up in 1 sleeve. Easily the broader farce of Ihe den Fleece by A. R. Gumey, at Union County College , Bethman, the third tenor, explained Buonauro, "was Upper Black £ddy. Pa. He attended Montdair State Col- two, "The Problem," like its counler- in Cranford through Saturday, brought to me by my teacher, Anthony Di Leva, who has lege and transferred to the Eastman School of Music in since passed away. He was in the original 'Fiddler' and Rochester. "I used io sing to people in the street in Easton 'Most Happy Fella.' He told me that he had a new student when I was 3 years old," he recalled. "I would introduce with great potential. He introduced me, and I realized that myself to whoever was around, and then sing 'Jesus Loves Freeholders exhibit Kahzler's work Thomas was a great talent and a good friend for me, Me." That was my whole repertoire at the time." The Union Cdunty Board of Chosen Freeholders will who isalso well known for his, fine-art photography, which Bethman chuckled. "A few lessons later, I appeared in present a photographic exhibit by Owen Kanzler titled has been.widely exhibited in New jersey for many years. "What makes il easy for me to appear at,the Manor," my first professional show in my early 20s at the Bucks "Antique Architectural Details of Elizabeth, New Jersey." For this project he applied his discerning eye and his many Buonauro said, "is that I have a cabaret and night club' County Playhouse. Last year, I appeared in Weill Recital The exhibit will be on display now through April 20 in years, of photographic experience to recording for posterity background.that allows our concert to be more intimate Hall at Carnegie Hall, where I made my debut with the Ihe Freeholders Gallery, located on the 6th floor of the a pan of our vanishing architectural heritage. with an audience. And in this program, we don't maintain a New York Grand Opera. I did excerpts from different Union County Administration Building,. EHzabethtown "Kartzler's traditionally crafted, black-and-white photo- strict concert form. We Interact with the audience, explain operas. The concert was conducted by Vincent La Selva. I Plaza at Rah way Avenue, in downtowo Elizabeth. The gal- graph* capture irw euence of a bygone era of architectural to them in layman's terms, and add Neapolitan and Broad- also appeared with the Orchestra of St. Peter By the Sea, lery is open from 9 a-in. to 5 p.m. weekdays and also on style and workmanship," said Freeholder Mary Ruotolo, way music to lengthen Ihe mood, tt wu really fun and very conducted by Father Alphonse Slephenson; And for seyen Thursday evenings. . • . . • • liaison to the Cultural and Heritage Programs Advisory easy to assemble arias familiar to audiences and try to years, 1 appeared as vocal narrator in North America's The photographs focus on the ornate architectural styles Board.- • ' please the masses. We lend to slay on a more commercial longest-running passion play in Union City." that flourished in Elizabeth during the late 19th and early The Freeholders Gallery is coordinated by the Union end of ihe arias and more legitimate Broadway music." He agreed that it will be exciting to "work again with 20lh centuries — structural designs and details that are County Division of Cultural and Heritage Affairs. For Di Giuseppe, who has performed at principal tenor with Enrico and Antonio. We worked together for the last three now slowly vanishing. The documentary project was made more information about this exhibit and other programs both the Metropolitan Opera and the New Yoric City Oper- years," he said. The last time was with the Bergen Philhar- possible in part by a HEART Grant—History, Education, and services related to the arts and Union County history, a, has been beard in concert with the New York Philhar- monic Orchestra in Englewood. And I'm really looking Arts Reaching Thousands — from Ihe Union County contact the Division of Cultural and Heritage Affairs al monic and the Chicago Symphony. He has spent equal forward Io getting logeiher again at the Manor in West Board of Chosen Freeholders. 633 Pearl SC, Elizabeth, NJ 07202 or telephone (908) time as a teacher of opera in two of the most prestigious Orange." Kanzler is a professional photographer from Linden 558-2550; , •• *hwlj In the world, . Great expectations! INFOSOURCE FREE INFORMATION BY TELEPHONE • 24 HOURS A DAY ENTERTAINMENT I MOVIE REVIEWS I SKi REPORTS 908-686-9898 EXTENSION 3190 ^EXTENSION 32 ^EXTENSION 2160 IT'S AS EASY AS... FINANCIAL HOTLINEl MUSIC CHARTS I SOAPS/TV DRAMAS Pn»*e4dlg«M* EXTENSION 1250 EXTENSION 3550 EXTENSION 3270 ••^§r**rr ttiin Mammon you lohear..

Inlosource Is a 24 hour voice HOROSCOPES I NEWS HEADLINES information sap/ice where callers get free Inlormatlon Irom th» selections shown by calling (906) 686-9898. Calls are witi it within your local calling area. Out of area calls will be.bWed as long distance THE INTERNET NUTRITION TELEVISION by your telephone company. Infosource Is a public service of EXTENSION 6200 Worraii Community Newspapers. WORRALL NEWSPAPERS : B4 — THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 2000 Oscar buffs can check answers to trivia quiz Now that all (he awards have been Deborah Kcrr, Peter O'Toole, Gre- races resulted in a tic? Answer: The only time a Best Pic- ta Garbo, Richard Burton, Glenn Answer: Only twice in 72 years has handed cm, iel's see how you did on nations was in 1931-32 when "Grand Happy Birthday last week's Oscar Trivia Quiz, And Close and Kirk Douglas all have in .the vote been split, resulting in a tie in the answers are ... («• acting category: Best Acior in Hotel" took top tionors.' Dr. Suess! 1. In I»7, 'Titanic" tied two AnsHvr: None of them has ever won 1911-32, Wallace Beery for "The 13. What was unique about how Oscar records. What were they, , a competitive Oscar. Champ" and Frederic March for the Academy honored Barry Fitz- and what two films previously held 6.'How many African-Americans "Or, JeckyttandMr. Hyde;" and Best At Featherbed gerald 't performance in "Going My these honor* alone? have won acling Oscars? Can you Actress in 1968. Katharine Hepburn Way" In 1944? Lane School Answer."ln 1997. "Titanic" tied the far "The Lion in Winter" and Barbra Ansnyr: Fitzgerald was nominated records for most nominations, 14, end •Answer: Six African-American Slreisand for "Funny Girt," for his performance in the categories in Clark most wins, 11, These records were actors liave been honored bv the , ,10. Can you name \he three of both Best Actor and Best Support- previously held by "All About Eve," Academy: Halite McDamel, "Gone movies that have swept the Top in); Acior. He won the supporting • 1950, and "Ben-Hur." 1959, Five — Best Picture, Director, With the Wind," 1939: Sidney Poitif,r. award and the rules were subsequent- respectively, Actor. Actress and Screenplay? "Lilies of the Field," 1963: Louis ly clutnged to allow only on nod per Miss. Pistolese's-Nursery class 2. Whai dubious Oscar distinc CosseltJr., "An Officeranda Gentle- Answer: Pulling off Oscar's royal performance, lion does 1972's "Cabaret" hold? man, " 1982; Deniel Washington, flush have been Frank Copra's "It celebrated Dr.-Suess's birthday. Answer 1%73's "Cabaret- is the "Glory." 19S9; Whoopi Goldberg, Happened One Night," 1934, with 14. What.fad disrupted the 197J The children listened to the books, most-honored, fdjn — eight Oscars,, "Ghost." 1990: and Cuba Goading Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert; Oscar.ceremony? " including Best Director — that failed Jr., "Jerry Maguire, " 1996. All but Mihs Fornuin 's "One Flew Over the •Answer: During.David Nivcn'i "Green" Eggs & Ham" and "The Cat In The Hat." to also win-Best Picture. Tnat statue Poitier were honored in supporting Cuckoo's'Nest." 1975, with Jack introduction of Elizabeth Taylor, a went io "The Godfather." which only categories. Nielwtsflit and Louise Fletcher;, and streaker ran across.tlte stage, Theu also made green took luvw fnf» other awards: Best 7- During World War II, when Jonathan'Dentine's "The Silence of 15. Who is the, only person to epos for snack-time. • Actor ff» Marlem Brando and Befl metals' were In .short supply, what the Lctml>s." 1991, with Anthony' receive a posthumous Oscar In a Adopted Screenplay for Francis Ford were theOscars made out of? Hopkins and Jodie Faster. competitive acting category? • • Coppoh and Mario Puzo. Answer When the war effort had 11, Only twice in 72 years have FEATHERBED LANE SCHOOL of CLARK Answer: The Acadcim honored the 3. Who was the first actor or dibs on metals during the '40s, the women been nominated for Best Peicr Finch'! performance in 'W'c-l- SO! Featherbed Lane Clark actress lo earn . three Acident) Academy made its statues out plaster. Director. Who were they and what work" wiih a Best Actor wm in 1977. . fi. How many people have won were their films? 732-388-7063 Finch's wife delivered'iht moving Ansiwr; Character actor Waller hack-to-back acting Oscars in the Answer: The two women to bridge acceptance speech ' ' Thomas & Barbara Faria. Directors Brcftnetn HIIS named Best Supporting same category? Who were they? trie pfflflr r gap and score notmnations Aanrir. 19!6for "Come and Gel It." Answer Four actors have beer, M Best'Director were Lisa W'ertmull- Swine: -'Inside Oscar: The Unof- ' IT; 19SHfor 'Kentucky, " and in '1H40 ignored hi the 'Academy in consecu- [V. "Se^en Beauties." 1976; and Jane ficial -History of the Academy for -The Westerner/' He was later tive years in the Same category: Lttise Campion, "'The Piano," ,1993. Awards." by Mason Wiley and New Jersey Ballet's Production of Rniner, Best Actress for "The Great 12. What was the only Best Pic- liamien Dana; "Behind %t Oscar: 1 Bergman in 19?J and Jack Sicluilsort Segfeld.' .1936, and "The Goad lure winner thai scored no oilier The Secret History of the Academy PETER ft; WOL F . :r. }1V. anj fmr-iimcr Kaiharme forth,- 1937: Spencer Tracy. Best nominations? Awards." by Anthony Maiden. Acior for "Captains Courageous.," 4.- For «hat did The Talking 19'JT, and "Beys ToWit." 1938: BEAUTY'S? BEAST Heads' David Byrne win a 1987 Katbnrme Hepburn, Besl Actress for Ballets th9 Whole Family Will Enjoy Oscar? "Ones' Who's Commit to Dinner." Bill Van Sam, Editor Sunday. April 2 - 2:00 PM Answer: Talkir,a Heads front'mar, 1967. and "The Lor] in Winter." CWo-raii Commumry Newspapers Inc. 2000 Atl Righls Reservefl Davis Byrne received a 19S7 Oscar I96S; and Tom Hanks, Best Acior far Organizations submitting releases to the entertainment section AM Tickets S7 - Reserved Seating (« the cc-cmnposcr of Best Original "Philadelphia," 199?, arid "Far'rcs; can mail 'copy to 1291 Stuyvesant Ave', P,O: Box 3109, Union. Box Office: New Jersey Ballet Score «inner. "The 'lasi.Br.pcrcr." • Gump." 1994.. • . New Jersey; '07083. 90&-527-2M7 973-597-9600 f.WhBt do. Alfred .Hitchcock. 9. Ho« many times have acting a


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Main Street fe MorrisIowD * ,, to this directory 791-9700 • 9-17 Divii y "unusual, Sorocrville Op«n7Dir! . 973-7344900 CALL CLASSIFIED AT 1 (908)595-1294 WORRALL NEWSPAPERS THURSDAY, MARCH 30. 2000 — PAGE B5 Author Plain finds inspiration in human spirit v Bill Van Sant You get something" and you lose i doctor, Ihe inspiration for, "Random 12 on ihe experiences of her late hus-' Associate Editor something. Winds," • ' band in the medical field, she found Wiih ihe exception of (he pholo and "People are very courageous," And just where, does all the inspira- the heari of her story. "The striving a biography on ihe book jacket, the Plain continued. "I think from trie tion for all Ihose novels come from? young doctor has, the problems, a lot author of a novel is ofien a secondary (inn; you're .horn, there are problems. "1 always draw this analogy." she £»f thai canie from him," character, taking a backseat to the Even in kindergarten, (here are prob- said. "I think if someone has written a However. Uw auihsf has never and women filling the pages lems, lliere always are. Life's a song, a person wouldn't he able to say fashioned characli NJBALLET. bei struggle even when you're very tiny." where the melody earne^ from." The- Sometimes,' though, lhal person Whaher the immigrant heroine in . author simply relies on her observa- '"! always write aboui a big prob- Saturday Senes steps irom behind ihe scenes and "Evergreen," the young tiocior in tions of life around her. "You see how lem, and 1 haven't had problems like prove* as fascinating as ihe characters "Random Winds." or the. single people handle situations', People have tlut." Plain said. "I've had a passive ilwy'vs created. mother in her ncwes! novel, "After the unusual experiences, and usual exper- life which isn't very interesting. Such will be the case next Wednes- Fire," Plain's protagonists face adver- ience*. It's a ease of being curious. "There is someihing of me, of 1 en (he ihe Junior League of siiy with a quiet deierrrtination. . "I remember once being in a hotel course, m every hook. ' she continued, Eli ih-Plainfield plays host lo "You have to keep moving. You author and Short Hills resident Delva can't get stuck in one place," she said. . shu continued. "I was having break- vnwsimitorjiies, "A character who Plain. "You ask, "How am I going to bear fast by myself and a,! the table next to needs to read, a character who loves 1 1 Plain, who first came le promi- it1' Bui-you do. you have to." me, people were having a very intense iwiurc. I've always teen an animal- nence wiih the novel "Evergreen," di?eusHon and E remember taking "After Ihe Fire." unlike ••Everg- will jnm fellow guihors Sylvia Wein- note of it, Si was a •difficult decision The "Literary Luncheon" will inke reen" and "Random Winds," is set siock and Linda. Fairstein for "A 1 they had to maW and I thought, 'What pLce Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 3 enure! J in Ihe present, and deals with Literary Luncheon," a league- woulil I do in, that situation?"' rvm JI The Chanucler. 500 Miilhum a form of adversity all too common in sponsored benefit event at (ho Chanii- .\vc Short Hills. Tickets are SSO today's society. Such, connections often carry a m cler in Short Hills. • Jacpsr resonance for Plant. W which ;jch and are available by calling '•It is about a woman" who, afieF a Kir a woman whose trade is usually iif her novels is her personal favorite? 'X)s< 7CW-li7". Proceeds from (he divorcei has fo cive custody of ihe a solitary one, personal appearances' "Now, ihai is a question that people ' :vetn\vit! support the Junior League's children to her husband," Plain offer their own rewards, usually in the have been asking me fcr years and . missiTOof assisting women and child- Easter Bunny Coming And shartd- form ol a reader who's been touched years,'1 she said with a slight laugh. "I w Create A Hallmark Greeting Card a hook. " • • Researchin£g legal precedent was reaJlIy enjoy them all, but since people "» We-JnesUa\V appearance often bout some- seeondarj' lo ihe emotional journey.- arc pcrsistcnl in lhal, for purely per- so.on IO be behind her, the celebrated Contest At O'Johnnie's ing and there's someone in the audi- ice who had that particular experi- details, it gels complicated," she said. " tinc I ever WMC years ago, and ii"s ^^k ia; 1 la-." Plain said of-the people she pointing out the kgalese in ihe novels ;j||ej 'Random Winds." , " - barely," she said, chuckling. 1 U;it eeis at such appearances. "I reall of John Grisharn as an example. "! "[['s aboul a ck>ct6r — not a "•* barely." 1 .H'V ihai. personal lC(." . '' jusi want lo malie sure I'm accuraie. present.day dfl.'H-r because things Bui. after all. even now] beem" ' coura- Plain's own life-does not share such >'us."she said. "I don'i mean that drama. Born in New' Canaan, Conn.. er> fion; has a' totally happy she relocated ID Short Hills by way of •Ms: I dnn'i think life is like that, New York Olv. Her late husband was '

Agranoff appears Friday ' t arts aid ColwffiDVi 170 We si. . i lit Bag et jdV Bel t wi /o«r>s and *t at Arts Guild of Rahway : coloing antett asplealians even tu> ar During 2000. The Arts Guild ef pursued his passion ovei JO . Rahway will be presenting a series of years.at fesnvals, concen seriesand concert — The "Millennium Music • talented eiiisrm *A reeelvf a trie wa« Inen temii) w Kansas Cit> wnere coffee houses throughout (he eastern .ads and wi I B* nenoi^g i s wnner iK*p^on Wnne-s urli aisc tsceive n Senes." United Stales much to ihe delight of S250 worih Of Crayolft prQfli>Ct an$ a ££00 0^ 1 *w their scnool^ art The second concert in the series, those who have seen him and shared department Each Kids Card CcnlMt £nlr> K^l contain hints bn de^rgiLng a winn ng card two btenV card^. one oftioai errtry tornv oflicittl fU*t Bf>fl ono &ffrafldf»wed envelope So ma*! 1t»e er,iry originally scheduled for mid-February his music. CRAWFORD HIGH SCHOOL has been1 rescheduled:' New Jersey This will be a concert fit for the L folk musician Mike Agranoff will be purchase Is necessary lor'the Ir94 A^try kit i whole family and, for only S8. no one . Also tree with the purchase Dt «ny 3 Htilmlr* «trai btlWNn Apnl 8 to Aorii 23 vmtl be a 1 playing a concert of acoustic music, should have to miss it. The Art Guild Creanvs Kids Pack containing' Activity guide, Ctayei* Mooel Magic. Crayola wastiatie Marter. original-contemporary and traditional Crayola crayons, Construction PSPt'. tllcksri. punl«. irssl uc* and a Hallmark earn with is located at 1670 Irving St. at the cor- envelope Supplies are iimied so coc4 in variy songs and stories Friday at 8 p.rn. ner of Seminary Avenue in downtown Tempi) Beit-El Mtkor Oioyini 908-276-9231 There Vfill also be eiclJSive cotleclibi* Brtiduoli^oW en Ae"i B made by the Boyds Bears Agranoff plays a superb finger- Rahway, only blocks from St. Ciedy Smith'! DWM Studio 908-276-5053 Company and Annalees Company. H «ny aOdlllOnal Inlamition •$• needed you can raacn ajohnnies ay 732-574-21S3 Of (Of fi»f« informa


?: 873-W1005 • etoomfield 9 . QUICKSCmPTPHCY E ftm . • - an Wshnatan SL - "J uiuiv aii nuaiinvEaoMi sw<«soo• MM SOUTHWbOIKUJUIACr RITAPHAUUCY B37.SwjtMwtAM uncwmiist. %ts.78&287 Park & Mountain Avenue, Scotch Plains WORRALL NEWSPAPERS

$12, and proceeds will benefit CDC Stepping Out is a weekly ealtniar and the Westlield Community Playere.' designed to guide our readers to tht For information, call CDC at {90S) many am and tnttrtainmenl tvtnts . 276-7611. • ' in the Union County ana. The 'THE BACK PORCH-In Rahway will calendar is open to ail groups and Out present Open Mlkt Nigtt every Tuet- performing arts. Rartway. For information, call. (732) County College will present "The Gol- Main St. in Rahway. For information, Ave. rot -.information, call (90S) Beginners, Intermediate and «9-6E26 or visit the website at1 den Fleece" by A, R. Gumey today call (732) 381-4700. 730,7155, •• . Advanced Acting classes will concerv ' www.ucas.org. SINGLES through Saturday tn ihe Roy Strath HILLTOP CAFE 4 GRILL in Summit trate on improvisation, character deve- INTERFAITITH SINGLESINGLESS , ffor single Thsatef at the UCC Cranford Campus, presents "From Broadway to the Silver NEW JERSEY 1NTERGENERATION- 1 CONTEMPORARY FIGURE PAINT* lopment and scene study. Also offered aduiis older than 45 years old, swill. 1033. Springfield Ave. Shows are Screen' every Sunday at 6 p.m,, pre- AL ORCHESTRA will be presented in ING'and Portraiture wil! be oh exhibit at aiefoui levels of tap and three levels of meet evsry Sunday Irom 9 to 10:30 Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 ceded by an sll-you-can-eat dinner con:en with ja:: pianist Rio Clemente the Gallery at the Arts Guild of Rahwey musical theater, which focuses on a.m. — lor discussion and continental p.m., and April 1 al 3 p.m, Tickets are from 5 to 6 p,m. Cost is $29.95 and April 16 at 3 p.m. at Cranlord Hio> though April 14, lealuring the work* o! song selection and interpretation, breatfas! at the First Baptist Church, S10 for general admission, S5 (of stu- reservations are required. The Hilltop School, West End Place, Cranford, A Lorsrta Kielar, Tim Gaydos arid Loia ensemble work, voice, and musical 170 Elm SI, in Wsstfietd. Donation is dents and senior citizens. Reserva- Cafe S Grill is located at 447 Spring- pre-concert 'Meet the Musicians' will theater movement and dance; Private S3. For inJormation.' calf (908! tions are recommended. For informa- field Ave.,,Summit, For information, lake plate al 2:30. p.m. Admission is Gallery hours are Wednesdays, Fri- lessons in voice and/or acting are 8B9-5269 or (908) 859-4751. tion, call (908) 656-5169. ca» (90S) 277-0220. free. For inlormation, call (BOB) days and Saturdays tcom 1 to 4 p.m., available. • CRANFORD REPERTORY.THEA- VANGOGH'S EAR CAFE in Union will 709-0084., Thursdays from l to 3 and S to 7 p,m,, The Westfield High Schoot, is SINGLE FRIENDS, for Catholic sin- TER will present "Fiddler on the RMf" present a series of musical events and by appointment, The Arts Guild is located et 728 Westfield Ave., West- gles, will sponsor a night ol dancing Saturday at 6 p.m., April 8 at 8:25 p.m.. throughout March and April. Tuesday locaied al 1670 Irving St: in flahway. . field. • For Information, • call (90S) this evening el tne Colorado Cafe, 154 and Sunday and April 9 al 2 p.m. Tick- nights are "Acoustic Tuesday,' with For information, call f732) 361-7511, 233-3200..' , , • DANCE Bonnie Bum Road.'Watchung, lrom'9 ets are $12 lor reserved seating; S10 open mike from 6 to 9 p.m. (or folk sin- NEW JERSEY BALLET wil! appear at ANTIQUE ARCHITECTURE DETAIL- UNION COUNTY TOHAH CENTER p.m. lo midnignt, Women are admitted lor general admission, SB lor students gers, poets and comedians, lotlowtd Kean University's Wllkins Theater, S OF ELIZABETH will be on exhibit et will offer a Juctaica art metai'smith fre.e, men pay S5, For Information, call and senior citizens, 'and S5 for children by a featured" folk performer. Jazz and" 1 Union. Saturday at 8 p.m. with 'An. ihe Freeholders Gallery,'featuring the course Sundays through April 9, from 4 (973) 479-3537. younger, than 10 years old. Perfor- tlues are featured Sundays at 6 p.m. Evening of Pas de Deux," and Sunday v.'orks ol photographer Owen Kanzlar, to 5:30 p,m. The course is for children mances will take place et Cranlord Cover charge Is S3 lor all Sunday 1 with ballet versions of children's fairy through April 20. between the ages of 9 and 12 years SINGLE FRIENDS, for Catholic sin- High, School, West End Place, For concerts, - tales. Tickets for Saturday are $10, gles, will sponsor an afternoon of ice Gallery hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. old; the cost is $100 per child and iniormalion. call (90S) 276-9231 Of 615 and $17; all tickets for "Sunday are skating Sunday from 2 to 4 p.m. at frie weekdays, end Thursday evenings, includes ell material*. For information, (90B) 276-5053, ' Van Gogh's Ear Is located at 1017 $7. Kean University is located on Mor- South Mountain Arena. 560 Northfield The gallery is located on the 6th floor ol call (90S) 789-5252, Stuyvesam Ava, In Union Center. For ris Avariue in Union. For information, Ave.. West Orange. Cost is $S for the the Union County Administration Build- THE WESTRELD "Y" will is cutrertlly inlormation, call (SOS) 810-1844. ceil Kean al (908) 527-2337 or NJ8 at session, Sffor skates, For inlormation, ing,' Elizacethtown Plaza at Rahway ' conducting classes in cardio box and THE WAITING BOOM in Rahway will (973) 597-9600, call (973)'479-3537. Avenue, Elizabeth. For information, kick, an* appreciation, and bellydanc- LOVE AND OTHER THINGS Is. the present the rocK group Evirtounge call (908) 658-2550. ' . ing. Tha "Y" Is located at 220Clark ,St, KISMET SINGLES will sponsor sever- theme ol an evening ol cabaret music April 22 at 10 p.m, The Waiting Room REFLECTIONS: -Memories, Moun- in Westfield. For information, call (908) al events, in the .coming weeks. . April e at 6 P.-m, featuring John is located at 1431 Irving St., al be cor- FILM ner of Lewis Street, In downtown Rah- tains. Rooks and Water,'he clay and 233-2700. For inlormation, calf (908) 233-8872 Schweska, Rob Duffy and Joanne Qui- mixed media works of Carole Wong UNION COUNTY ARTS CENTER In way. For Information, call (732) Rahway continues its Film Series or. visit the website et da afth« Cranford Dramatic Club, 78 Chesek. will bt on exhibit attht Kent 815-1042. through May. Unless otherwise noted www.thatsklsmei'.com, Winans Ave. In Cranford; Tickets are 1 Place Gallery In Summit through April lot double end triple features, ticket's 21. COMEDIAN DAVID BRENNER will be are $3'for 1 p.m. screenings, S5 at 8

Gallery hours are 9 a.m, to 4 p.m, presented at, the Union County Arts p.m. • • . Monday to Friday, or'by appointment, ' Center In Rahway April 29 at 6 p.m, Time hasn't hurt Air Supply's appeal The series continues with the follow- The gallery is located at 42 Norwood Tickets-are $30 and $36. UCAC Is ing schedule: . • ' By Dca Smith lumber, walked up and down the aisles strumming and Ave., Summit, For Information,' call located at 1601 Irving St. in downtown • April 12: "Sea Hur,' 1 and-a pjv>. Staff Writer singing, hugging and thrilling an over-excited audience, (SOB) 272-0900, Rahway. For information, call (732) 1 And Hitchcock was equally thrilling to Ihe fans as he sang 499-8226 or visit the website at . M»y 3; "Leave 'Em Laughing" Twemy-five years are a long lime to draw such huge ACRYLIC STILL LJFES by James www.ucae.QrB, Comedy Double Feature—"A Night at crowds of fans, and on iheeveningof March 21,:aprogram with feeling and gusto all of ihe crowd's favorite Air Supp-. Wolanin will Us exhibit at tha Swain the Optra" and "Some Lrke II Hot,' 7 sf wild nostalgia permeated ihe Paper Mill Playhouse in ly numbers, Galleries In Plainfleld Saturday CASUAL TIMES restaurant features p.m.. S7 for both films Milibum when two performers known as Air Supply — One of ihe highlights of ihe concert was a special . through April 29, An opening reception comedians on Saturdays, at 8:30 p.m, UCAC is located at 1601 Irving St. In momeni for a married couple, Karol and Wayne Morrison will take place Saturday from 5 lo 7 and 11 pin. • Graham Russell, an Englishman, and Russell Hitchock, an The restaurant Is located at 1085 Rahway. For Information and reserva- Australian, bounced around, the stage,' - of Edison, who incidentally; had been silting'next to this tions, call (732) 489-8226 or visit the Central Ave., Clark. For information, , From 1976, when Ihe fwo got logeiher after meeting the reviewer. Apparently, the couple had sent a note 10 Hitch- Gallery hours are Tuesdays to Fri- UCAC website al www.ucac.org, , days from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 pm, and call (SOS) 388-6511, year before as cast jnembers in "Jesus.Chrisi Superstar," to cock and Russell telling them (hat they had fallen in love lo Saturdays Irom 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m, FILMMAKERS SYMPOSIUM will be Hie year 2000, Russell and Hitchcock sold millions ©f the. music rof Air Supply, and they, danced 10 "You're Swain Galleries is locaied at 703 CONCERTS sponsored by Monmouth University at records and won numerous music awards. And the fans al Every ihing to Me," 18 years ago at their wedding. Now,. , Walchiing Aye., Plainfield. For infor- the Loews Mountainside Monday (lie co'mplelely filled Paper Mill didn't seem to mind that tlicy were celebrating their anniversary by attending this OUTRIGGERS, fte outreach chorus of mation, call (90S) 756-1707. evenings, Monday through May 8. these two were 25 years older, and perhaps not quite as performance, Russell read the letter 10 Ihe audience, and the Summit Chorale, wjll be presented Cost is S103, lor six weeks. For inlor- Ihe fans persisted in having the couplecome up on stage — . HOMAGE will b« on exhibit at the Lei in concert Friday ate p.m. at St. Mark's romatiitcally inclined in their presentation of their music mation; call (800) E22-7719. lo really celebrate the anniversary. The celebrants were Maiamut Art Gallery in Union, show- Episcopal Church, 140 S. Finley Ave, — and Ihe sound rtoi quite as' beautiful as it was a quarter called up, and the two rather shy, but determined people casing the work Jeannctte Chubalovs- in Basking Ridge,'All proceeds will' of a'century ago. because after all, the fans wete 25 years ky and other artists associated with the benefit the Manville victims of Hurrl- older, too. '• . . climbed onstageand were serenaded by both Russell and Hitchock. It was a grand momeni for ihe Morrisons,, one gallery, through May 3.' • cans Floyd. Suggested donations are JAZZ So, when Russell, toting his guitar, told'thefans, "You'll THE HISTORY OF JAZZ, featuring that the (wo would not easily forget. Gallery hours are Mondays. Tues- $20 tor adults, and f 10 lor senior citi- get everything you ever desired," and .proceeded to play days and Wednesdays from 10 am to Carrie Jackson and the Yuset All zens and students. For information, .while Hitchcock sang such songs as "Lost in Love" and Even Ihodgh there was an intermission, the audience 9 p.m.; and Fridays and Saturdays call (909) 359-1620. . Ensemble, will be presented Sunday al 'Two Less Looely People in [he World,".the'membera,in apparently could not gel enough of Ihe musica] group «nd Irom 9 a.m. to 5 pjn. Union.Public 2 p-m. by the Donald B. Palmar FOLK SINGER MIKE ACT ANOFF will Ihe audience sang along, clapped their hands, stomped would not let Air Supply leave the (healer. The fans stood Library'is located.in Friberger Park on appear at the Arts Guild of Rahway Fri- Museum of the Springfield Public Morris Avanue, next to Union Town Library. Admission Is free. The library Iheir feet and even made shrill, animal sounds. in unison and whistled and cried out until the two perfor- day al 8 p,m. Tickets are $8. The Arts 1 To the accompaniment of, drums, a piano and two gui- mers and iheir accompanists raced back out on the stage lo Hall. For Inlormation, call (908)' Guild of Rehway Is located at 1670 Irv- is located at 66 Mountain Ave.,Spring- 1 •satisfy their cuslomers. • ' . •' ' • 851-5450. ing St. For Information1, call (732) field. For Iniormalion, call (473) tars, Air Supply supplied some of iheir most popular num- 381-7511, 376-4930. , bers including "Now and Forever," "Sweet Dreams," 'The Unquestionably, the bright and blinding lights supplying VINCE DIMURA WORLD MUSIC, lea- Sea" and "Making Love Out of Nothing ai All," Air Supply will never diminish — not as long as the Iwo WESTFIELD SYMPHONY turing'the jazz of Charlie Mingus and maintain their popularity and retain Ihe Jove of music AUDITIONS ORCHESTRA will be presented In In order to slay in inlimate touch with Ihe ever-faithful John CoUrane with Ralph. Bowen on NEWARK BOYS CHORUS SCHOOL, concert Saturday at 8 p.m. at the Union fans, Russell, who seemed lo change guitars with every accepted by their fans, of a quarter of a century, saxophone, will bo presented by the a fully accredited 4th- through 8th- , CouhtyArtsCenterihRahway.Priort? Arts Guild of Rahway April 14. Tcrtts grade academie/ehoral school, will •. the concert, a "Conversation With the art $10 (or general admission, $8 (Of conduct auditions for September 2000 Artists" win take place at 7 p.m. For . students and senior citizens, the Arts Applications are sought from student musicians enrollment, There are 16 opening! lor information, call WSO*at'.(9bfe) Guild of Rahway Is located at 1670 Irv- Application forms are now being according (0 age and ability. Particip- jsic field trip is projected for the 4th grade, limited space in Sth or»d«, 232-9400 or UCAC at (732) 499.6226, ing St. in Rahway, For inlormation. call There are no resident requirement*. 3OTH ANNUAL PLAINFIELD AREA accepted for "4 Strings!," A Summer ants, will be taught works from the second week. (732) 381-7511, . For information, call (973) 621-9900, , CHILDREN'S CHOIR FESTIVAL will Chamber Music Academy for suing standard repertoire by cellist Marm'e Audiiions will take place in late • take place Sunday at 4 p.m. at the students in grades 4 lo 12, which will Kaller of Morristown, violinist Nan- May. Application deadline is May 6, NEW JERSEY YOUTH SYMPHONY Crescent Avenue Presbyterian Church lake place July I0to21 a) the Central cic Lederer of West Caldwell, and will conduct auditions April 14 and 15 "4 Strings!" is a nonprofit organi- in Plainfield. For Information, call (732) KIDS Presbyterian Church in Summit. Ses- violiiiisi/vlolist' Mary Babiarz of lor its summer music camp, June 26 to PAPER MILL PLAYHOUSE in Mill- zation. Those who are interested In S49-2B26. sions will run weekdays from 8:30 South Orange. Supplementing this July 1 at the NJYS Music Center in bum will present a series ol children's applying should call Babiarz at (973) New Providence, with other programs MID-OAY MUSICAt.ES continue at shows tvery weekend in April and a.m. to 1 p.m., wiih final concerts July will be master classef and specif se*- 762-1416.. June'i lo23.Tri8campisdeaignwlf©r the First Con 3 re gat I on al Church Of May, 21." ' • • stons with a variety of guest artists, grades 4 through 9. DeadUna for audJ- WMtfiekf Wadwday at noon. Faa- - Saturday md Sunday: "Allc* In including performers; conductor!, For free ad advice call tion applications and application (it el ' lured wil be Rutgers University1* Kirk- Wonderland," ages 3 to 11 y#are old; Chamber groups will be formed composers and Instrument makers, A 908-686-7700. www.jmkbmw.com Like No Other BMW^ Center In The World ^^: -n

iiouie 22 East • Springfield, NJ (9/3)379-7744 • 1-800-BMW-7222 WORBALL NEWSPAPERS NJCVA juried show offers highs, lows Return engagement is twice as sweet By Joe By Bee Smith degree of gesWre into his brush*' painted en two masoniie panels, is Staff Writer Staff Writer trofces; ' although . the small size generally dark, allowing the The International Juried Show Following numerous perfor~ implies the Idea of a snapshot, the encnisteid= pinks and yellows to li was "An Afternoon to Remember" Sunday at 2 p.m. 2000 ai the New Jersey Center for photographic noiion is constantly jump out. A number of the shapei when Maya and Boris Zolotarev, a unique and an excep- mantes in Russia, in internation- Visual Arts in Summit poses an old mercilessly challenged by are suggestive of eccentric perfume tionally talented Russian couple, played a diverse selection al music festivals and on Russian modernism question: Do you want Slraub's considerable painterly and liquor botiles; the Image effec- of music at the YM-YWHA of Union County in Union.' 10 respond emotionally or intellec- television, Maya and Boris Zolo~ skills. ' . _....>'cly pulls ih. e viewer between still , Myron Friedman, concert program director, arranged for tually io what you see? , Another paimer, Rose Wein- life and landscape, without ever set- the Zobtarevs to make their fourth appearance at ihe"Y," tarevare now performing in New Quest curator Dan Cameron,- stock, provides a Hopperish view in ding, for even a Second, on elih*r. prepared tables around a dance floor and offered refresh- senior curator of'the New Museum York and New Jersey to sold-out, "Larraway Chair," Sunlight, (jint- Goodman's faniastic world is ' rrtems Regretfully, the room was only half-filled, and of COniemporwy An in, New York ing into a dark but comfortable- wonderfully supported by two unfortunately, many New Jerseyans missed an absolutely audiences. City, "has decided to take the inlet- looking room, is the entire subject equally busy and colorful mixed splendid afternoon, leeiual road. Of the 69 works, only of ihe tiny panel, The setting is media sculptures by Kevin Samp- But those who attended, the majority of them senior citi- Russian melodies and pop music that came out after World slightly more than e handful suc- shown through a cloud window; son inmiled adjacent to it. Looking zens, enjoyed every moment and even got up on the dance War II, while Maya played the piano and Sons, the odd- ceed equally-on both aesthetic and the interior, isn't intimidating but almost, tike gingerbread houses, floor at the requesi of the fabulous musicians, With Maya, locking harmonica- emoiional levels, isn't terribly inviting either, leaving ,Sampson's pieces, are constructed an aitractive woman with a lovely, exceptionally beautiful Far a change of pace, the Zolotarevs offered some Yid- Much of ihe work flaunts its the viewer with the slightly uneasy of, among numerous fliher mater- mice; singing international favorites, and her husband, dish songs in their Russian style, such as "Bei Mir Bis Du inaccessibility; without the appro- feeling of playing Peeping Tom. ials, bone. DPHS, accompanying her on an electric piano, a large har- Shoen," which Boris jazzed up a bil — it didn'i sound like priale iftiellectualizing, the pieces Two airier painters. Paul Carani- . monies that looked like one half of an accordion, and some Cameron's photography selec- iht' Andrews Sisters' version, but it was just as effective, collapse weakly, Mark ,Ena>l*.' cas and , Brenda. Goodman, also taped background music, the "Y" lilerally bounced with tion is inadequate Most of the Then same "My Yiddishe Mama" by Maya, who,sang it siripy digiul abstraction on canvas, make memorable impressions, happiness, ' . . works are predictable, while a few only in English, and would have, a la Sophie Tucker, "Diana," is, apparently, a distorted although in completely different The two were both graduates of the, Saratov Music oihers succeed — barely — only as hmughi more lears had she offered it in its mournful Yid- and unrecognizable image of Prin- ways. Caranicas' "Noir Time IV" School in Russia. While Boris continued hit studies in amateurish exercises in the use cf dish language. A lively "My Yiddishe Maidelen" and cess Diana1. The viewer is looking has a narrative feeling aboui it — a piano and theory at the Saratov Conservtory, Maya cast shadows and gimmicky props, •'Chin-him. Chrim bom" and another favorile, "Yussell," at 5'picture of one of the mssr pristine, industrial interior is the auended Saratov University for a1 'master's degree in fore- Only Amy Berkley and Lynn Rey- followed. • ' photographed personalities in his- ' selling for a liule gunplay drama, in ign language. They were signed by the Saratov Philhar- • nolds come off u genuinely inter- • Then came some Israeli music and folk dances,' in:lud- lory, tout isn't aware of it; denied which a young male in jeans and e nwme Society, and began their artistic collaboration as soi- ning, Berkley's "Rachel," a small, ing "Oseli Shaljirn." "Freilachs," ••Sholom Aleichem,"and , even that marginal intellectual eiMs with a stupendous "repertoire of songs'in many styles, T-shirt s.andS on a caiwalk, point-. «,„« ima£e of , yogng woman the folks gaijy danced., The audience sang along to ' experience, ihe onlooker is left with' ng a gun down toward an unseen from many countries and in many languages." Following , tying in Ihe dark, repesiediy •O.harei," did' ihe pojJia 16 "Melody of Lave" sung in Pol- nothing bui> an image that holds target, Unlike Ihe mysteries pre- numerous performances in Russia, in international music scraiching out the name "Amy" on ish and English; danced (he tango to"Ich Hebi Dlch Zufiel • absolutely no .meaning of its own semed by the more conceptual festivals and'on Russian television, they are now perform- a dark surface with a piece of Chalk, Lieb" and to the "Argentina Tango," bounced a cha cha to — ihe grealesi fault of pieces, "Noir Time IV"1 offers nar-. ing in .New York and New Jersey to sold-sut audiences, is, like "Noir Time IV," a moody "Blue Moon," walked to "The Anniversary Waltz" and a cnncepiaally-hssed art, riiiive details the viewer can loy Their program Sunday opened with Maya's rendition of participatory challenge. The tying Vienna waltz, boogie-woogied lo "Chatanooga Choo • The less conceptual pieces are wiih; although as impossible to "Those Were the Days,"'ie which she danced and swayed wemart, spotlighted in her brighi Chwi," and lisiened with favor 10 Maya's Russian- overwhelmed in number but still solve in Us own way. as "Diana" or and was able to attracl audience participation when she yellow and red outfit, seems like a accented "Achy, Breaky Heari" manage in triumph nicely in their any of the other stringently concep- said, "This is a nice sweet reminder," Then came "Lara," p colorful animal in the road about tp A very fsvorite Russian gypsy song, "Oichi Tchomay,"

I •RtmowEjawngWilli ,*MutleSidfll«tSlll Oabruftemowl Upo n v«rtloni Springfield School District is hosting level, The show includes work from • F.M. Gaudineer Middle School, 1016 STUYVESANT AVE,-UNION I 1 a louring art show of student work. Pre-K to high school and will be tour-, IDESIGNER Monday to April 20, • BATHROOMS 4 KITCHENS II i (908) 6884500 • 1-600^22-8919 | The complied work ia a sample of the ing all of the schools and the board, • Jonathan Dayton High School, • ^rtwv.frwtl. mm/DESHSHERB ATTMM BQQMS BQQ t K [TCHFN SS hth m • besl painting, printing, drawing, com- offices, The schedule ii as follows: May I to 15. • Springfield Board of Education Bill Van Sanl, Editor Offices; May 22 to June 2. •Want Oemmunfir NnnpipM Inc. 20W All Mshti Rmnvd • Participating teachers are Holly Organizations submitting releases, to the' entertainment section Call ah an, coordinator; Marytin ATTENTION HOME OWNERS!!! can mall copy to 1291 Stuyvesant Ave., P.O. Box 3109, Union, Schneider, Barbara Dellkaris, and NewJ«IWV, 07083, Suzanne Dobrowolskl, 1st ANNUAL WHOLESALE TO THE PUBLIC | 3 DAYS ONLY-3/31,4/1 & 4/2 BUY DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER DISCO ALUMINUM MFG. Your Choice •CUSTOM MANUFACTURER For Fencing Supplies! OF SCREENS INDOOR • OUTDOOR SHOWROOMS • PORCH ENCLOSURES, STORM PANELS

"WE MAKE . • SERVICE & REPAIR SCREENS m'sizs- REPLACEMENT WINDOWS 6X8113/4 STOCKADE 521,99 FAX I 518 South Ave nflO IZA OfiQQ 6XB #2 3/4 STOCKADE S14.99 Plninficld C/UO / J*T L.WZJ 90B-7M 4534 • • • _ " " ~ " COOL CASH BACK-™^ Winter warm-up Sale!!! AIR CONDITIONING I save Dp TO 35% Slimmer is Coming!^ Durum Our Factory Sponsored Sale! Buy a Carrfor COSHM Syitta i A Four Seasons Enclosure will nowarigriaCaihRwato! ^ give you year'round use of your patio or deck without snow, rain, • Rinlvi i $100.^150. CASH nbau wh.n you purehut i|' wind or insects; or expandVour CarrtoJSTBA.TDAorTXAAIrCondltionliijSymm!', home with a Four Seasons Room Addition. All available I •Changs your fumiM it B» s with exclusive NT WMMertMS™ • UimudufnangthtrN the best performing glass available. »1«M1B0.CASHf ••Lowlntarul Fliuunlng Plan Avallabta! +BONUS! saveiouauioiiai5%! •OfhrExplrw April 30,2000 OB JU carved SlassStniooiin |MIA*tUIHH0MIIS11MATL tAUVlBylSiiireMBi, wnjervaion«4PaaoRMias IMMIMHM , I Our Inglnnn dm'i comfertakl* until you an. i Call Now For Fm In Home Survey Of Four Seasons Products On Your Home!!! Low Interest Financing Available! Solar Sun Inc.-Viiii our Show Room-2 Locations ENGINEERING CO. MBrtokPtoi'lBIlb>lrS«lkn«.ulhm.i,») I 2117 Spme St. • Ewing NJ. C86S8 Creen Broil 712- %U7d •l-WM"-7«2 I 1-8(8-216-7789 • l-«D9-771-9770 WOftRAU. N6W8PAPER8 • THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2000

CO-OPTIONS REUNIONS • . Westfield High School Cius of ACROSS 1980 reunion is scheduled for Satur- day. For information, call Reunions WMs Going On? Unlimited Inc.- at (732) 617-1000. , 1 Biblical land 5 Actress Day • Westfield High School Class of 1970 reunion is scheduled for April17. FLEA MARKET WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY 10 Country lot ' , April Sth & 6th, 2000 14 Glen Gray's "Casa — For information, call (732) 617-1000. SATURDAY EVENT: Rumma&e Sate . • Scotch Plains High School Cltts PLACE: Congregation B'Nai Ahavath Orchestra' . April 1, 2000 of 1980 will conduci its 20th reunion Shalom, Plane Street 5 Vauxhall Road, 15 Kind o( conservative EVENT: Flea Marks 1>C rafts. & Collecti- . April 15: For information, caJl Reun- bles Sale, iBth annual indoors event Union. 16Langue—:OldFf. PUCE: Mapttwcod Woman's Club, 60 TIME: April 'Sth; 6:00pm-9:00pm. Apnl 17Ancnor , ions Unlimited Inc. at (732) Woodland Road. Maplewood (between 6th, 9:Q0anvt2iO0noon. 617-1000. RidgewoodMaplewood Avenue), ORGANIZATION: Sisterhood -48 Legendary corporate • Union High School Class of 1965 TIME: i0am-4pm gation B'Nai .Ahavath Shalom head willxanduct its 35ih reunion April 29. PRICE; Fr«« admission! 40 qualily.deai- 20 Style of decoration eis offer antiques, hand-crafted items, For information, call Reunions,' 22 Coerce one-af-a-kind coll«tibi«, attic tr«a*uw. FUN AUCTION Unlimited Inc. at (732) 617-1000. estate jewelry and a variety ol merehaiv 23 Small bite . • FRIDAY . • St. Joseph's School in Rosetle di». enjoy tto famous Country Wlohen 24 •— Heartache": . Corner and a light lunch, Call . March ,31, 2000 Class of. 1950 reunion is planned for 873-762-9119,' Ronnie Scott song EVENT: BLAST FROM THE PAST, May 2000. Coniact Jarte Gecghegan ORGANIZATION: Maplewood Wo- Annual Tnctw Tray Auction 25 Axilla Burke at (732) 388-7363. Al Hflase m . man's Club, a non-ptofit Federated vol- PLACE: Union Catholic High School, 28 Loses color: arch." unteer service club, 1600 Martina Avanue, Scotch Plains UJ (203) 744-7896 or George Schmid- 30 Deg, in-trie arts . TIME: Doors open at 6:0Cpm . bauer .at (920) 432-0210. SATURDAY PRICE: $6,00 includes one bid ticket, 33 Camera caper April Ut 2000 . Union High School Class of 1990 finge! desserts, coffee, and tea Purch- 34 Copycat EVENT: Big Indoor Flea Market ase tickets prior to March'3isl and reunion is scheduled for June 10, For 4111 35 Confirmation PUCE: Rotate Catholic Hfch School.. r*e#ive an extra bid ticket FREE information; contact Reunions Unlim- Raniart Read, Rosalie SORRY, NO CHILDREN UNDER 11 YEARS 36 Cor • TIME: 9:00am-4:00prti • iied Inc. at (732) 617-1000. 1 OLD, Cal 9ca-eeS-16D0 37 Congressman, for one ORQANIZATION: Rossi I e Catholic High ORGANIZATION; Union Catholic High • Jefferson. High School Class of School Parents Guiid 38 Tabasco snack **"' luwy 1940 reunion is scheduled for June 24 39 Part of AD ai the Jefferson Performing Arts APRIL 2, 2m 40 Pawn EVENT: Flea Market and Collectible, House in Elizabeth High School, For Show, ho>o' and Outdoor WORKSHOPS 41 Sanla — information, call Patrick Oargano at PLACE: Belleville High School, 1OO, 42 However (908} 272-5485, or write 10 him at 322 Pawae Avenue (OfUorei*mon Street),' EDUCATIONAL 43 Utah (lower - Belleville. . ' FRIDAY North- Ave. East, CranfO|d', NJ T)ME:9:00am-5;OOpm ' 44 Concealed 07016-2435. . March 31, 2000 37 Beats badly PRICE: Now held me first Sunday o! the EVENT: Free Clinical .Preunbtion, 45 Re.fewer Pauline DOWN 13 Verve - : month, unleif a holiday, then the Second • Union High School Class of 1940 -MOTHERING: THE IMPOSSIBLE PRO- 47 Russet cousin I Cordwood 19 They are often cool 4*. In conclusion ' Sunday, Featuring over lOOquollry iCtoa!- FESSION" reunion is scheduled for July |3. For ers selling a variety ol merchandise 48 Starfish fibrils 2 Accordion — 21 Sleep — 43 Pas — PUCE: The Psychoanalytic Canter ,of informaiion, contacl Evelyn Steudle , including new and UMd itflmi, bwebai! • 51 Manyarmed 3 Melvifle novel 25 Examine 44 Protective'cover cards: memorabilia, toyt, fashion clo- Northern Naw Jersey (PCNJK 769, • Borshay at (407) 647-8119. 1 26 Tarascon's river 46 With — of thousands, thing jewelry, coins and much more For Northfield Avenue. Suite LL2. Wast Or- , creatures 4 Cochin visitor? • Summit High School Class of more information call 2O1-997-9S35, ange, New Jersey. , • 5 Sweei-sounding 27 Westchester County 47 Court game TIME: 8:Mpm-e:30pm 54 Bergman eo-slaning 1 WO will conduct its, 10th reunion ORGANIZATION: BHS Seniors . commune 48 Corn — PRICE: Free. For reservations or further role 6 Com bit products July 29. For • information, contact information call 973-736-7600, 28 Ql compliance 49 Scheme FRIDAY 55 Charged partides 7 Highway Reur 12) ORQANIZATION: The Psychoanalytic 29 Frenzied 50 Court Arthur April 7ft, SOOO Center o!'Northern New Jertey (PCNJ). 58 Resinous substances 8 Com lily, for one 617-1000. EVENT: flea Market " 9 Architect Eero 31 Prima —: obvious 52 Somewhat, to PUCE: Redeemer Lutheran Church, 59 Comic Marx • Union High School Class of 1980' •32 Have — on:be composers 13* Pfospeet Avenue, Irvingtor., Nil SATURDAY eONoncams 10 Lead-life reunion is scheduled for AOg, 19. For intoxicated TIME: 9:30am-1!:30pm April 1, 2000 61 Cockade 11 Atlantic Coast resort. 53 Privy lo informaiion. coniact Reunions Unlim- PRICE; New and used clothes, shoes, EVENT: Frae Clinical Presentation, 62 Insert 12 Wealthy, in 34 Bruin goalie Andy "55 Pimple ited Inc. at (732) 617-1000. records, houwwares, books ate, Call THE SENSE AND NONSENSE OP OUR 1 35 Coating with cement 57 Compass point 973-374-9377 BEHAVIOR" 63 .Consumed Mexico • Linden High School Classes of ORGANIZATION: Redeemer Lutheran PUCE: The Psychoanalytic Center of 1950 10 1959 will conduct a '50s ' Northern New Jersey (PCNJ), 769 North- - , See ANSWERS on Page BI1 ChUfCh SATURDAY Reid Avanue. Suits LL2. West Orange, Reunion Picnic-Aug. 26 at Memprial 1 .April S, 2000 . New' Jersey 070.52, Park on SouihWood Avenue, Linden, EVENT: CraH Fair/Flea Market . TIME: 2:30 lo 3:30pm from I p.ni 10 dusk. For information, PRICE: free. For reservations or further PLACE: Connecticut Farms Church, information call 973-736-7600. call Gail Hudak at (908). 862-4272. Stuyvesanl Avenue and Chestnut Strael. Union ORGANIZATION: Th« Psychoanalyse HOROSCOPE • Union High School Class of 1970 C«nlar ol Northern N TIME: 9:00am-3:00pm, im New Arwy (PCNJ). workers are healthy as long as it stays .Washington. James Watson, Buddha will conduct its 30th reunion Nov. 24, PRICE: Free Admission. Tables (or ven- For April 3 to April 9 Jozsef Aniall, Charles Baudelaire and For informaiion, contact Reunions dors $20. For more Information call: pn a level of reasonable debate. Go 90B-6S6-5313. LECTURES ARIES (March 2!-April 19): Luck ahead, and voice your concerns. Belie Davis. Unlimited Inc. at (732) 617-1000. ORGANIZATION: Mission Projects ol sits in your comer this week. In com- SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): TUESDAYS the Presbyterian Women ol Connecticut petitive situations, you have the win- Make careful choices in romantic or Farms Church April 4th, 11th, ind 16th, 2000 ning edge. Practice moderation, and ' EVENT: Montrosa Pa* Historic District social situations, and avoid being SATURDAY Association (MPHDA) Sponsors True* don't push too hard. around people who do not share your April 8th, 2000 Uctuw on Tuesdays In April: TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You goals. Give children special attention. April 4th, HISTORIC MONTROSE, Lecturer EVENT; Flea Market, New and Used have something valuable to give to COUNTRY FOLK ART Items CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): , PUCE: St/Rumas C«nter, 1407 St, PUCE: .South tiranga^dt School, those who are down' and out. Work Focusftn expressing your feelings this George Av»nu# Ftahttay through a chaltable organization, and week father- thirrrtrying to suppress TIME: 9:0lim*Wpm' ' ' 'TIHEi 7:3Mii.9:O0pm * it, 9 SHOi offer your (TUB, money or advicST"*" them. Quality time spent with loved PRlCE:Verdo'rs wanted, For information PRICE: South Orange Maplewood Adult GEMINI (May 21-June 21): Don't ptaasa call 732-382-2417 School: .Each Lecture SiOi $8.00 for ones, is well-spent. ORQANIZATION: $1, Them** Church MPHDA memMtt. S#ritt ol Thre* Uo- feel like you hm to any the whole AQUARIUS (Jan". 20-Feb. 18): Make tutet $25 or $20 MPHDA membara (call APRlt 7^5 SATURDAY < world on your shoulders this week. tlie most of an opportunity to finally Adult School 973-376-7620), For further • April Bth, 2000 Others will pitch in and help if your information call MPHDA: 973-763-1860. communicate with someone who has EVENT: Flea Market and Rummage ORQANIZATION: The Montros* Park request Is sincere, been difficult to reach. Lay all of your Sale 1 EDISOn Historic District Association ' CANCER (June 22-July 22): A pro- PUCE: Second Reformed Church, 132 cards on the table." ' Elmwood Avenue and Florence Avenue,. ject comes to a successful completion, PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Money < riEW JERSEY Irvingtcn OTHER and you are recognized and rewarded news is good and comes along, with TIME; 10:00am-2:00pm' • . for your conuibuiion. Stand up, and insights on. how you can preserve and Jo Convention & PRICE: Free. Clothes, books, records, THURSDAY-SATURDAY be proud! p electric appliances, collectibles, jewelry,' April 6lh-l5th, 2000 S E Exposition Center linens, household ilemi, end a cake sale, EVENT: ANNUAL BOOK & MUSIC LEO (July 23-Aug, 22): Adjust your income. Make very ORQANIZATION: The Women't SALE i expectations surrounding a social or 11 at Raritan Center Association PUCE: 26 Park Street, lowar level, cultural event. Everything does not If your birthday is this week, put O p Please phone (732) 417 1400 for] Monlclalr (across from the YMCA) have to be perfect for you to have a = directions or v s t our webs les at RUMMAGE SALE TIME: April 7, 13, H, e;30am-9:00pm: your nose to the grindstone this com- April B & IE, 9:30am-6pm; April 10, 11, good lime. . ing year and uncover financial resour- o vwwxounlryfolkart com or SUNDAY 12, 2:OOpm-6:00pm, Cnlldren'a books VIRGO (Aug, 23-Sept. 22): It is time ces you didn't realize were available 8 www.njexpocentercom Mirch 26th & April 1st, I COO April 6. 2:00pm-6:00pm, Adults mull be lo face up to yqur financial obliga- to you. Settlements or inheritances EVENT: Rummag* .Sale •eoompanled by aehild under 1G,aoiad Fri; eve. 3 pm to 9 pm • A African, Inttrnel Training .'.„,...... h^a/g^nUiewrkhrtitowrt.com Boyd's Bears Ji America httpJ/www.jumpamerlca.com Modem. Flamenco) "Prissie, Sissie &MissieFixin Tea For Three" ^J/l Maxim Warehouse: : ; r^JAww.lccaisourM.coiiWaJ*riWa(erwM.hlm •VISUAL ARTS, $23 (matching pm also available) M»J>mniumHome«..:* ' •THEORY, SOLFEGE, Montagnard Fbundalion, Inc. Anna Lee Mountainside Hospital '.pg •STRING ENSEMBLE Multt PackagingSystems.. '. WipJ/wvm.toCBb>»n«nntuu.essex.nj.uua.on} purchase of Scent ot the Month United Wwri BtoomfieW fmp^imylconetconV-unltedway For more Information call! S1Q or more $25 or more •Urorti pir cuttwner. Not to be comblneo. WKh this portion ct ad. &q>m 4J30fQO. WooDey fuel Co '. :...'. http^/www.locaisouroe.oonVwooBeyfiiel.httn (973) 642-0133 170 Westfield Ave • Clark fax. (973) 622-2664 732-381-8999 • ToN Hsted ; Homs:Mon.-Sat.6:30iuii-9nni,Sun.lJll4pm .. /Call 908-686-7700X311 WORRALL NEWSPAPERS THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 20M - PAGE B9

The Essex and Union Communities Against Tobacco (CAT) Coalition announces WEEKEND SPECIAL 100% Smokefree Dining — April 7, 8, and 9 Essex and Union CAT thanks and congratulates the Union County restaurants listed below for being 100% smokefree. The CAT Coalition urges people to patronize smokefree dining this special weekend. These restaurants protect your health and promote your comfort. Thank them. Enjoy them! These restaurants are 100% smokefree every day of the year: • Berkeley Heights Kenllworth Village Cafe & Bagels Summit Skolnik Bagel Bakery • Di Maio Civile Ristorante Village Deli Al's Specialty Store Subway Espresso Pizza Italiano Bagel Chateau' Taco Bell ' Fuji , , Le Rendez-vous Plainfteld Brick's Pizza Wendy's1 Neelam Freshwaters Doria's Pizza Pizza Hut Mountainside Pizza Spot • • loe's Pizzeria & Vittoria's Vauxhall Pizza Spot Daimatsu * Restaurant Church's Siam Village Friendly's Rahway La Focaccia Syd's ' . • Beana's Mexican Phoenix • Cranford New Providence Fon Garden Souffle. Westfleld Dim Sum Aquila Cucina Italia Three Squares Clyne & Murphy Chens Scotch Plains . Windmill Kotobuki Clark ChezZ Brianna's Zappia's • . Mojave Grill Momotaro Coppola's Hung's Shanghai Northside Trattoria Friendly's Thai House • • Union Novita Elizabeth Gio's Cuccina Del Mare Adagio Bistro Italiano Panera Cali Mio . Jose's Mexican Cantina Springfield Fior D'ltalia Sorrento's Primo Pizza McDonald's Barnes & Noble Cafe KFC South Side Roman Bistro Super puper Bagels Noah's Bagels II Hillary's Monica's Cafe Vivian's Kitchen' TCBY Morris Thai Cuisine Windmill The follbwing.chains.are smokefree in all restaurants: Au Bon Pain, Bertucci's Brick Oven Pizza, Boston Market, California Pizza Kitchen, Chu.ck-E-Cheese, Dunkin Donuts, Einstein Bagels, Starbucks, Taco Bell, Wendy's, White Castle. .,••••••• These restaurants have agreed to be smokefree in all dining areas for the weekend of April 7,8, and 9 (smoking may be permitted in separate bar area)., ' , , Berkeley Heights Kenllworth Liantonio's Pizza Stop Churrasqueira Marina Summit The Alley Bar & Grill Anthony's Luncheonette Umbertp's Domani;? • Hilltop Cafe and Grill : The New Bagel Delite . Bagels 4-U MbnaLisa Office Beer Bar & Grill The New Pizza Stop Station CafeRepetti ' •.. New Providence Napoli's Pizza & Deli House Cafe Charlie's Hot Dog Groucho Marks Union Sub Zone , Golden Palace Scotch Plains Cioffi's Italian Restaurant La Griglia RosellePark Alfonso's McDonald's Cheung Hing' Mezzogiorrio •'•

For a directory pf 100% smokefree diningthroughout Newjersey, send your name and address plus $3.00 to help cover postage and handling to: pining, New Tersey GASP, 105 Mountain Avenue, Summit, Newlersey 07901

This ad paid for by Essex & Union CAT r— local health, civic, and business groups and individuals working to reduce youth smoking, reduce public exposure to tobacco smoke, support programs that help youth and adults to quit smoking, andproyide tobacco prevention and control programs to diverse populations: For more information, call CAT at 908 352-5694. .'•.,'•.• , •..'.•


UNION COUNTY SPECIALS 1 •' ' Union Leader -Eoho Leader 1-800-564-8911 Clark Eaglt* The Leader Search your local classifiadt on the inlernat Spectator Leader •Gazette Leader Rahway Progress •.Summit Observer http://www.localsource.CQm/classifieds/ 25 words $21.00 or $28.00 combo ESSEX COUNTY Garage Sale signs, price stickers, balloons, News-Record of Maplewood & South Omnge SALES HOURS West Orange Ovonlds-EislOftnoeRaowd ' helpful hints, Inventory sheet arid Rain Orange Transcript • The Glen Ridge Paper Insurance. CLASSIFIED BATES Monday through Friday Nutley Journal • Belleville Post 20 words or less $16.00 per insertion, Irvington Herald * Vallsburg Loader 9:00 AM-5 PM Additional 10 words;...,.,,$4.00 per insertion The Independent Preu ot BtoomfiaW After Hours Call Display Rates ..$25.50 per column inch 908-686-9898 Contract Rates Available Blind Box Number • .$12.00 per insertion Selection # 8100 20 words $7.00 or $11.00 combo Items for Business Directory 4 PM Thursday sale under $100.00 One item per ad price Display - Space reservation 5 PM Friday must-appear. ADDRESS Ad Copy 12 noon Monday.

Classified Advertising In-column 3 ,PM Tuesday . Worrell Newspapers CLASSIFIED COMBINATION RATES • • P.O. Box 158 '. Ad appears in all 18 newspapers ADJUSTMENTS Maplewood, NJ 07040 20 words or less $22.00 per insertion Adjustments; We make every effort to avoid Phone; 1-800-564-8911 Fax: 973-763-2557 Additional 10 words $6.00 per insertion mistakes In your classified advertisement. Please Display Rates... $47.50 per column inch check your &d each time it appears, should an error Offices where ads can be placed in person: Contract Rates Available occur please notify the classified department within ESSEX COUNTY seven days of publication. Worrall Community 463 Valley Street, Maplewopd Newspapers, Inc., shall not be liable for errors or 170 Scotland Road, Orange omissions in cost of actual space occupied by item in which error or omissions occurred. We can no! 266 Liberty Street, Bloomfieid Photo of your car plus 20 words be held liable tor failure, for any cause, to insert an 1 ad. Worrall Community Newspapers. Inc. reserves. 4 weeks - $40.00 UNION COUNTY the right to reject, revise or reclasslfy any Call now 1-600-564-6911 ' 1291 Stuyvesant.Ave., Union advertisement at any time.

HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT (Or medical BABYSITTER' HOUSEKEEPER rweWS lor 16 CHILDCARE.N1EDED for 2 chlldrtfl in Ml- CUSTODIAL POSITION: Part time custodial office, Musi be experienced m ali,«spects of month ola girt. 3 days, Monday, Wednesday, piewooo. AflefBWool 3-5:30(Mn through r»« position with possibility Ot becoming full time medical practice. Pleas* tax wume Thursday, Mutt be energenic and e>$eltxrt year 2001 and poasibn summer work, Idea) tor available In non-protit Institution. Prior WANTED student Need NJ driver's license and »tr Like working 973-762-6538 or call B'73-762-383S. wrth children. Scanish a plus. Uive r oustodial^anitoral and rood Hrvice e»«rienct ences. Call B73-31S-9'9B eefunga with kids? preferred. Musi be able to provide reliable - Adminlttntve Attlttent/BookkHpIng 917.312.^533 ' S3,000 WEEKLY! Mailing 400 Brochures AT nfeiencea, woifc fexibia hours and have own HOME1 Guaranteed FREE tupplHf Call W« taovm Mokerage He iraunrwe igency BUSY CONTRACTOR hiring lull lirrte p«nwn CHILD CARE needed for our 3 montn old transportation. Please lend resume to; Custo- 1-800-489-9477 extension 76 {£4 Hours), OS located In otntrai NJ, li seeWna in (rv3(v>daai ttxwiloimnaoufL r- dial Position, PMB 160, West Orange, Hi RUSH SASE. MOI, 3472 BreaOHiy, Suite- who wouU tnjw worWng In a fniMly tute ot with own icon, musi have knowtMB* 01 daughter In our Soutfi Orange home. 5 or b eheetrock;-c3rp«ntry. ceramicg, plaster,, pi Int, Hays per WHK, Uve^n referred. RappniiUe aas. Summit ChHd Can Ctnleis. Inc.. a tttd«r 07O52. 338-Cl, New Yorn. NY 10025 (SCA Network). the art environment. RespontlSihWl Include maw electric and plumbing. Year round work. loving and caring peiaon wanted. Experience , In the lieu ot early ehlldhood MUcatbn, ail- renty hai a numbtr ol epporiunRies avaBabia ACCOUNTANT/BOOKKEEPER. 30 news per Apply In person it 92 Beti Street. Orangt, NJ, and i*twert»l necesaary, car preferred bulnei 07050 • 7am.Bam.u5e side door, or carl rtquired. Call B73-768-62BS. forboiA experienced and eniry-fevel Individu- . weeKComputerekillsaplui.Saiaryeotnmen- als, indudng ihe loBawlnj: - PROOF READER turtte wtthtt!"s an d experience, fa* resume 97MTfr4U1 PART TIME to 973736-8W:... CARESIVEtiS NEEDED part time memlngt/ eww Ctrl Accounting IZ - afternoon* So cart for elderly, NOfMT»de«l •Nurse ,.„. We- are a group of »-«My . AIM HIGH. New bonuses AvslKBIt! Up to poitw rarw •Bookkeeper companionship and home care, Salary (7.SV newspapers vriti ' an office in Btd Sain 4 Beyond, one ol !he mo SI profitable ST2.0M Entlitment Bonus for those who qual- 1 Indfviduaii, ramlfles and homemaUrc of all •Pan Tim* ' ify, and lot a tlmtted time receive S1,000 if on hour. No eerttftattoi required. Driver ! lletflM elhnidtie* and rtHgbni are needed to provide Asslstam Mipkwpod. LooVdBg fot a person to Horn* twrt shlnos retail chaina In the esimtry, is andcv.nquir«l HorneinstaadSantorCin, ' proof read our legal advertising on nqMrtng M Dtxporatt Kwonwtff ttttt to KM duly By 31 Mty 2000 (meohinieai/ tfaefic tow can. siwn t«m toiler care •Bus Drrvei— and emergency oae to 4 a Tuesdays and Wednesday mHl tin «muWa of a*tnfl 1 W+stWM to out electronic career field*)- Tuition astlitance, t bbi 04 onth d (CDL requirtH medical and. dental care. If you are a high children agat 6-1B. Services incjude: mofiUify •Bus Aidei euirtniiMtoverWenaxttnrHyeanM.JIkin financial compMuaon. Medicald, !4 .flour Call for 10 appointment, or 2000 iloml We cwenty' Hive numerous school graduate, between 17-27, ceil CHILD CARE, Looking for Nannv> TiienenV come into one of our offices and fill 1-SOCMsS-USAF lor tft Ihformatton paetel or Sabyarnare. Rapid Placement!! I PM Part time lupport lint ind In-home iherapy. if interested, •CCOuntlru opportunities avillible it our Cor- all 732-32M200 Ext.3C£. Al tuWime potfl«ni oiltr a c. . poral* CffiM in Union. NJ. Join a company visit www.ilrfofce.ixim, AIR FORCE. noura.Qftal pay. Immediate and Summr Jsbs Mneiits padcaga Including meOcai & dantd wnien H debt free and ofl#rt unlimited growth AIR CONDITIONING; Heating S*rvl», InsUll- AvaiiaWe, Toll Free i-e77-Sft*Yoo, CATHOUC CHARITIES . Insurance and ohM cant accnMiWd mibluMn. MJ prof llbfl certneallen, 4 For more information please P.O. Box 158, Maplewood, N.J, 07040 yns ol-pub.lle library eiperience wilh 1 yr m evU6i' p prev lO call (908) 686-7700 Ext. 346. atsiitance to the Oiiecior in all »pec» ol management mo operation of we Library, Kid. TEACHERS tli with grant ippllcatlons, conlloinee, lorward,resume, Insetting position . , reporting, Would you like to make a difference? of lnttr*it to: Bed Bath & BtyondTAttn: Salary Ran?*, b«gini « MS.000 aaied on AC/DD, e» Uberty Avtnut, Union, NJ " ' ~ Generom BtnefHs Sylvan Learning Center is coming to Cranford. 0T0M.ru: 90M8WM41. E-m*H: employ- TELEMARKETERS: nwilObMtMth.com/ Equal Opportunity em- Sena mm* md 3 current pml. r»l by Apnl We have Immediate openings for full and part

PNunnelCwrnnKIM • Work Evenings • Earn Extra money time teachers at our new location. Sylvan . BED BATH & »Friendly Environment»Bonuses provides diagnostic and prescriptive instruction to BEYOND students K-12. We emphasize building academic Biyontf Any Store Of Its Kind. We are currently looking for energetic people to skills and Increasing self-esteem. Certification mandatory. Positive attitude and a good rapport ADVERTISING SALES 6:00-9:00 pan. Monday • Friday with students required* Fax resume or call: to market our 19 local publications. SYLVAN LEARNING CENTER Worrall Community Newspapers is looking (Flexible schedules available 3 to S nights per week) PHONE 908.709.0202 for experienced and aggressive salespeople FAX 973.857.2934 for outside and inside sales. Earning potential commensurate with experience. ' Call for appointment (908) 686-7700 A free press NEWSPAPER PRODUCTION is the strength behind democracy. At Worrall Community Newspapers, reporters learn FULLTIME what it takes to become good reporters. Why? Because We, are a group of weekly newspapers with an office in reporting for one or more or our weekly newspapers , Maplewood looking for a person with good typing skills. You will means-becoming involved In the communities we serve, compose ads from advertising layouts, build editorial pages From news stories to features, from council covers|e to SIRED AD LINE following page layouts. Along with all phases of the production police blotters, from community events to the Board of department- Education, reporters are the eyes and ears of all of our readers Newspaper publishing and Macintosh experience helpful, but not Worrall Newspapers, which publishes 18 newspapers serving 26 towns, CALL required- Benefit plan with paid holidays. Call for an appointment. has openings for reporters in its Essex and Union County regions. If (973)763-0700 you think you have what it lakes to be a reponer, send resume and clips -686-9898 . ' orsQndyourmsumtto , to Editor Tom Canavan, P.O. Box 3109, Union, N.J., 07083, or fax to Production Director (908)686.4169; • ,' .'-..':•• R SELECTION #8100 . Worrall Community Newspapers Be part of. a company whose mission'is to preserve democracy. I aid you Vtu«r HMircvd ntdy P.O. Box 158, Maplewood, N.J. 07040 Worrall Newspaperslian'equalopportunilyemployer. NW you m uM t) • star wriot, UNION COUNTY CLASSIFIED THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 2000 - PAQE B11

HELP WANTED GARAGE/YARP SALES COMPUTER CLERK Mcpin time' Mutt JEWELRY SUES UNION, 741 PINEWOOD Road, SltUfdJy, MfiLO CONTRACTORS; Inc. There It no J*«*l95,OOMWaryTwtllMl. Otf WalMr Baumin (antlers to seeking profes- STAND OUT ANNOUNCEMENTS April 1st; 9:0uam-4pm. Fumrluri, etotrung, gJ«M^ "»*»n 1« Of 868.SiO.B8W riousewarea and mucti more, tttns, Dormers, KHcrten*. Filming, Defla, | sional Inftvlduais to mm in trs fine jewelry 1 dspsrimsnt Experience preferred, will train. Does your ad need • ItHe mwe aitefflion? You esmi.Over 30 years top fl- - ••- -• UNION Clover Terrace (off Bumetl Avtnut). alfordabte prices, U6-E45-6" DATA ENTRY- Nationwide Billing Soviet' Part lime/Full line. Apply in person: - Can create Ad-lnvad by uatag larger type. .Saturday, Aprilis!, 9am-4pm, multi-family Witt Orange S73-73141S5 BUY NEW Jersey lor only $3491 Trie New 'www.mHocsMTaaorsccm wtki • wv pin tim* medical Wiier Batary at TWs Type size la... Jersey Press Association can place your household, holiday, baby Items, intiqusS; Short Hill* S7W7W036 25-word classified ad in over 150 NJ newspap- clothes, rrucrbwave.bdoksheK, teilvtilon cam, 6dlwn • . 732-S4B-5498 ers tnrouQtXiui the state- a combined circula- large seciionai wjth becv reciinerft, maiernity DRIVI LOOKING FOR A NEWSPAPER JOB? For a 12 Point tion of over 2 million households. Call Diane clothes, sooner, car seat DENTAL HYG16NIST put lima lor friandly Trent at NjPA.at 609-4060600 or email I, HIRTI PfWnsr*, tltbH, general prictice, pans a $20 refundable deposit, me NJ Press Associa- dtrentenjpa.org for more information. (Nation- .plus, uliry eommaiuraUi, Monday'ana tion *M poit your 40-word summarized resume - wide placement avaHableJ. on www.nlpa.org and put*sh it monthty, reach- WArfTED TO BUY 14 Point Conerst* Walla, Parking Arsss inj >9 Sallies and ovei ieo weeklies. Editorial, AAM LIONEL. American FlyeMves and ether . Advertising, Circulation, Photography staffers Rssurfaelng, Mrtways, Sullng trainsand old toys Ccflector payi nignest casi Curblns, Dump Trucks * DRIVER- tlOOO Sign-On Bonus lor all S*f*'- needed, Contact Ui Magen at 609-406-0600, for corning scnool year. Cal 1 -SOO-SJBUNG 01 prices. 1-600-464-4671, 973-42S-'»e •ncsd drtvmt Company drivers- Sid mUs, lax 8W-406-0300, enagenftrjpa.org . ' '• Paving Machine Rentals assigned conwOontHI o/Lys42c/ mil*, paid MANAGER WEEKENDS, Part Time for art 18 Point ANTIQUE AND Older FumftuftJ, DlfliflSfloWTiS. twl UXM, MW ponHs, nrottown IMM cenltr In.Summit. Responsible lor operation of Bedrooms, BreaWroms, SWfBtarys, tic Cs« W»n. PttUM CMJsn. Mfrg?<$46. arW,ptonei,greetingpublic,lightdaiaeMiy. Bill, 973-586-4804 • PATERNO PAVING Sundiyi 12,00 Noon to 5:00pm. S7 per hour. Driveways • Parking Lets MIVER COVENANT transport, Coiit to Contacl Ernie 308-273-9126 or fax Caiit runs. Turn tttrt *,«• {.4$ $1000 ' "Cost sealing 9&B-273-1487. 24 Point WHAT TIME does the movie start? Call •Concrete SnUwtlW sign-iyi bongs for «xperi«no*d company dfw- 908-636-9898 ext 3175. Infosource is'a 2A .All Type Cumingi • ' ers.Foretpenencederrversanaowneropera. Add impact by using larger type • ask our MEDICAL BILLER, $15-$45T hour. Country's hour a day voice information service. Catts are •Paving Bloekt Classified Representative lor the type you free if withinTOW loca l callino area most estabHintd Metfcal/ Dental bffling soft- would like for your ad. TYPEWRITER FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED wire Company seeks people to proces ctaims Fortow cos t peopie-toiseopie i 908-24H162 or 90&-24WWS! tram home, Training provided. Mini own com- jntoifta Classified Pages. Can 1 DRIVERS WANTED PW, Old 1-800-797-7511, extension 322.. WANTED START YOUR own business! Set your own ADOPTION: ARE you pregnant? Don't know ACCURATE CAR SERVICE ELECTRICIANS *"" MEDICAL BiLLER— Great income jwlentiall schedule. Control your oun income. Sell from what to do? We have many families waiting 10 90*276-6696 ' ProcweUlms-Full training provided. Compu- WiH^alM» 1 your home, at wotk, through luridraisers. Be an adopt your chM Please call 1-800-745-1210. ABLi ELECTRIC *H s'a electric, ,we 00 rt! Dispatchers Also Ntftrfed : ter (teglrtd. Call Titan toll free eBS-660-6693, Avon representaDire. 386-942-4053. ext 4313 ask for Marti or Gloria. We can help! Inlenar ana Exterior, Ugntingl.ReMin, Hew Ctrvciion, Free Estimates, Call1 BEAUTIFUL NUDIST Swim Club in your back- DRIVER: FULL/ pan time lor Uvingiton Taxi . TEACHER JOB Fair Spring of 2000. Dynamic, 6eOS9 Uvingit MEDICAL BILLING Great earning potential! yard. Large heated pool, not tub, sauna, sun Full mining/ computer requtw. 3884604693 dedicalec., Averse- discover the attraction ol Osceola School District, April 24. 2000 - lawns, social actMties. For families/ couples KREDER ELECTRIC, INC. SKI, 4409 Membership is limited. 908-647-2310 9:0Oam. Kissimmee Middle School, 2410 Dyer PETS RtildentJil, Commercial, InitMtrtH DRIVERS...HIRINQ Drivers! Regional flea., MEDICAL BILLER. Part time. He*** hours for. Boulevard, Kissimmee. FL 34741. www.skytami.cbm. 1 cited available! ExetHtm say/ benefits, mort South Orange medical' office. Strong back- http://www.osceola.ki2H.us - Must register to FREE ESTIMATES home time Atk sBoui SiOOO sijn-on Bonus' ground In patient billing/ accounts. Please fax attend'- Free admission. 407-fl70-4$00. Oppor- Cafl Tom , 1 DIAL A BIBLE " " " " "• n 1-W0-B00-T31S' (eoe-m/ Teiumr flT3-762-5539 or call 973-762-3835. tunities include: Elementary Education. Lan- A S50 BIU- Buys any pup over 16 weeks ana 973-762^203 'guage Arts. Math, Science, Exceptional Siu- • 73 younger pups all types £ sizes, Osen April t Prcfessiomi Service Owner Opentor MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST tor Busy pediatric Pent Education and Other Special Areas. MESSAGE and 2. Hours taOOam-S OOpffi J P. O'Ntiti U «tH24 DRIVERS - NEW £K Pay* OTR' 6 montn office In Sowtfi Orange. Computer literate The Bible teaches that Satan is The Greatest Kennels. 3637 U.S. Hgrmay «1 Prineslon HJ atperfanos • .30/opm Top Pay • 40,'epm necessary. 1 position. Monday- Friday TEACH tN North Carolina Job Fair- May 6th- 1 •Deceiver and liar" and have distorted the word 112 mile south of .Alexander floao fiegbnjt 36/epm Lease program New/UiMI 7:Mam-2,30pm Call 973-762-3835 or fax re- 9:QOam-l:0Opm, Roanoke. Rapids, NC 21 ol God, and changed God's dhiine Pattern and M.S. .Carriers- 1-600-231-MOS EOE. sume 673-7JZ-E53B. Northeastern NC School S^tems on site tor. Thingws. from the beginning until now (Gen AE3OPT A Stray Dayt LovinoLovo,, neededy aoaojij , cats, informatioiV interviews/ employment Informs- 3:1-5,2 Cor al l ages, sesize s. SOiStmO y Apnp l zrczc DRIVERS WANTEDi No ixpariance neett- MEDICAL RECEPTiONlST, typmgf word pro- Apnl tion 2S2-641-2653. e-mail 11:00:3.00pm. Valley VetV . 22i72,MillBu2Mill m Av wry. CDL Qui A training provided Avsragt cessing are necessary. Available immediately cal len ecoastalnet.com. Therefore all the "Modem Day Pentecostal- . erwe, Mapiewood AOr^otylyoy appointment MONEYSS- HOLDING a W> Top S ptlS now Tn'it.yewpiyUOO/'wtek.StneinslMusiMSi Full time/ part time. Fai resume to. Ism" including the TV Religious hypocrites, -JAC 973-763-7322- yian old' Cimoa A, 1-600472-4616 973-9LU-89S TELEMARKETING, PART time, no selling, fake healers, etc., are the worts of Satan and (or Trust Dfttdt, Mortjiji • Notes, Btnlneu hourly plus bonuses, evening hours. Call Mary his Servants (Matt.7:15. 22-23) FIN 'N FEATHER, 239 Morris Avenue, Ssnnj. Notes, Inneriunce Probatn, insunnes State- DRIVERS WANTED. Professional OTR (1 year MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST, full time.' part time or Ray at 908-651-9p40. •_ The Bible teaches failure lo ditcem me truth field Tropical fish. Plants, AccMssnet, Exotic ments and ethw.perlodlc ptjwtt CM Wendy IWWHt) H *v«fi, Orft ** highly mot- for Buy oenraknotogy practice. People skats 1 from error is F«t»l. birds and Reptiles, Grooming sU Bbarding. ' at JQ Werrrwwn 1«g-4W-8», • vated, ulety onented netd apply. We oner big and pawnee a must. Ability to juggle tasks, WHEN REPLYING Aquanum Mainierarce for Home an3 OWa • trucks- Wg hoods- big mllat^e- ana morel For • taltphont and Icnowieage of PC is required. We offer BASIC BIBLE STUDIES FREE. AMILV, m«M U*S, COffl- II you have a BiUe Question 973-376-5641. • , • - maninformitiononour4etiiteoperaiion Can Excwlint Htiry. benefits and work emriron- TO A mencai. murti-lam^, Good arid 0*3 craoi' Please can 908-964-6356. sny Kind 0! credit, atfinanct or purenu*. Fin; Enaeiytu it eoo-*4i-*3ie, mini, Llvingslon area. Fan resume' Marry Persaud. Evangelist • 973-216-1271, attention; Dave.. UNION COUNTY or secono mortrjaptt Local Mndtr. Mangtge EARN SZS.OOO-SSO.OOO' yeir, Medial Insur- CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER America, tt\ Ml Pleasant Awua, 4th float, arse Htng issisanct needed immedntely1 ERICA KAHE what are you up to? find our Call MODELS, KIDS, Ms, kiOs. ara adjlis reedes 908-6BS-9B98, ext 3250. Infosource is a £4 We*! Orange. NJ 07052 873-3SS-1T17. Use your hem* computer lor grsat poienflai for leWBoola. cauiogs. and commericais. Nc ptease aadress envekipe lo: Ucensed Comnpondtnt Mongagt Banker, ismuti. income. Call nowl i-e»-»i-4683 hour a day telephone information service Calls INSTRUCTIONS portfolio necessary. For information, are tree within your local caning area New Jersey Slit* Banking Dtotnmam 973481-0350,. ' • . BOX NUMBER MYSTERY SHOPPERS- needed in Union GUITAR INSTRUCTION By a ProltSSion*i FLOORS "" Apply on the internet ai Worrall Newspapers . Guitarist Over25yearsexp4nense Beglrswn tww Becre3hopne1.com through aavancea. All sgtt wtlcomt HARDWOOD FLOORS Sartfirtg nfl Atfinlirv P.O. Box fie 1 Ing Quality wo*, ev*r 20 yaw awerieroi , EASTERBUNNlESWanteSaiMillfoMSaay* MISCELLANEOUS Fully ii»n»fl iftf tnsar** $«fying CtfOtl t {April Tsv and). Oboe* Piy, Fleiffle noun Maplewood, NJ 07040 Day'Eviningv Weekend Enflwa.n..v.Expr(M- 1 WILDLIFE JOBS to $21.60 penhour. Includes rn. 97>4»7644 Hiring Immsdiiltty. benefits. Game Wardens. Security, Mainte- PART TIME. DfJiwery/ Bmctery Person with SERVICES ENTERTAINMENT COM PANY-, Seeks Disc nance, Park Rangers. No experience needed. K£AN FLOORING •Cnfumartthip It Our 9000 driver's record. FlexiDie hours. Great tor For application and exam information, cal! MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE "**—'- Sandlrw Repain Rtfin Jockeys/ Omars/ Performers and part time «il«M Itudeni South Orange- Call Lee. help for evening* tnd= waekenaa, Retibie I73.fg3.4S22 •_ :l-eO0-ai3-358S, extension #4221, . 3D VERTICALS. Discounts on Regular Vertical OFFERED • houn, immidiitj openingt, 90ft-298-8300, B:O0aro-9:O0pm 7 days. and Venetian Blinds. Please cal) Janet Decora- PART TIME help

SM PUZZLE on Page B8 UHMEl I'JEUIDQ E3QE1B YOUR AD CAN HHDQ EBDQQ 0BDH MintmM, TRORCW. FISH-PLANTS wnimViO and coog QHHH HQUUQHKHHrj APPEAR HERE A minimum JytMHfl ginnttt •xpertonci : -ACCESSORIES md Mm* nvtl art required; 9PHR or PHR INOUR desired, • UiitlEJ EXOTIC BIRDS AND REPTILES Fbrtonslcfcratlon, Iwio: •as UUQ uaia PUU15 GROOMING 8 BffARDINQ FULL SERVICE [IMl'JH [1UUHC1 UDEH or»-mall: uciint) I;IKIS[2 QCJEDD PET DIRECTORY onauphlArta-inc.com WiU I11IEB BQBdQB CALL1-800-M4-8911 CNA UniSouree [][jiiw[')i«a BEeiaa 239 MORRIS AVE. , uaaaaiMmse SPRINGFIELD (973) 376-5«41 FOR INTRODUCTORY RATE www.OTwniaource.com MMHll HE3UHH EOEM/F/D/V raiaiu SD PAGE B1! — THURSDAY, MARCH M, MOO UNION COUNTY CLASSIBEP

HOME IMPROVEMENTS HOME IMPROVEMENTS PAINTING HOOFING TBEE EXPERTS NOME REPAIRS FERLWrJANDI FAMILY PtMtng. ExWtbr/ Inter- STONEGATE TREE SERVICE lor Ptindng. Shew Flock, WlteipiaoRng-' Very PRINTING .-•.'; J.O. ' "Work Done Professionally for Less" SS YEARS EXKRIEKCE HOLLYWOOD Neil and dean. Over 2S Ywrs. Swine Union ROOFING CONTRACTOR - IN ALL PHASES OF TREE WORK .Pilntlfifl.0^ WaiV Spa<*lir>g County.. Fully Insured. FtMsonOS* Rates. Publication printing •MaBnry.WoaJ Work Canned in 1 ply robber ttwfirip REASONABLE RATES, FULLY INSURED. Ftw EBamatas. 9C8-9W-73S9, 732-57.MB75 Plat foofino-repilre 'Iferi/ Erfri LANDSCAPING i tpteltlty ShlnghK. re-rooi-teaiDft •08-7354712 ARTISTIC LANDSCAPING ,. Root IwpeefeM & maintenance, HOUSE PAINTING Miple Compoilllon All work guaranteed WOODSTACK DESIGN INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR 4S3 Valley Strett uUy'lnsured Fret Estimates TREE SERVICE IDEAL EXOTIC GARDENS & Folly imund Mapliwood . MM2M337. - FrwEltlmitM Local Traa Company HOME IMPROVEMENTS nea' 0! Nswi-puicord Bhlg All Type* Trw Work POND INSTALLATION STEVE ROZANSKI Mon. Tuei,, Wtd, A Ph. SAM-5PM ROOFING - ilmMM, Senior D KITCHeW BATH CARPENTRY Tnuraaay tra ptntr times * ADOmOW ENCLOSURES TREE REMOVAL LOW. LOW RATS 908-686-6455 By ippoln&! •Repairs "Replacements 9Q8-276-STSS BASEMENT WINDOWS/ DOORS/ TILE Singes Tile INTERIORS'EXTERIORS FREE ESTIMATES •Slate -Flat PROFESSIONAL JOB REASONABLE PAINTING S 973-762-0303 1 Frta ErtmitM ' trtturtd PRICES 908-686-1838 PLASTERING *Oualtry Work at a fleasonjbie Prt» BECYCUNO COMPUTERIZED CALL JOE: 906-964-5164 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE. MARK MEISE 973-228-1965 Induitrfil Aoooums SwvlceQ TYPESETTING MIKE D'ANDREA,, Alt Home ir,,, FREE ESTIMATES 30YearsEJ^enanM CarpentryandtlieWor* MAX WEINSTEIN SONS, INC. WE STOP LEAKS! Uige or Smill Jobs, All Wort; Guaranteed CALL: LENNY TUFANO HONEST WEIGHTS-BEST PRICES. i CLARK BUILDERS, INC • iRool Stripping & Repairs Camera Work Free Ea.tlmaies, Call 908-24,-3913 Alvrays Buying Scnp Metals (Keniiwoffii) 908-273-6025 •nu Roofing & Slatt Veloxes - AFFORDABLE'LAWN Senna. Cutting dean, 2426 Monll Ave,(Nr, BumetlUnlon , ' •Gutters S Leasers PLAZA HOME IMPROVEMENTS uo and inmb mmming Forfree ettiffW e call MP8J:3uVSi1B1 Serving Union & Middle*** Counties Negatives 732-499-96S1 Siding • WIMom • Roofing 90MIS423SSInee 1919 For30r»ars Krtchena • Satnrooms • Basements . FuSty, Insufed • Free Estimates Maple Composition ExlinetflK • Concretl • Masonry BLEIWEIS • NJ. Lit No. 050760 PLUMBING 1 HEATMfi T324Bt-W» ' 1-SOO-7M-LEAK(I3») FrH Eatimatei • lOO Rnance MASONRY 463 Valley Street No Down Payment • Fully Insured , »*i. Types nuu-ig siWemt, inHHM Ing wrvced References Available • NJ Ucen3e.#122B66 . DREW MASONRY •flu M wittr hular Maplewood •Btsitroeni I !tt=hen ramoWrns Louis Mateia, 612 SaiHy Ave., Elizabeth, NJ SUM, Pivn, Cohcrttt Wcrtt Resumes Rwi ol NtwB-flaCont Building , REASONASU MTU RU8WSH REMOVAL 1-800-7JW134 Work, sfstwslks, WaHwiyi, Curbing • FrafeMlonal . • Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday • All Repairs tad Small Jebt Fully Insured and BonOeO Typeunng twvlsas ' ANYTHING GOES REMOVAL ana Friday 9AM-SPM ALSO SNOW REMOVAL Piuftong bnnM I7J7) > ' Thursday and otner limes SUPER IMPROVEMENT: Kitchens. Bams, i inttnatedlniUrtinganewc*re«r?wenno . Entire Homes Cleaned Out Window*, Doom. Sheetrort. Tile. Painting "Very RtwontbK R«M" Visa'Masiercaras aecspwa chtnge (obi? SM ua lor typ* letting your by appojntmeni Attici, Btsements, Garages Plumbing, Decks .Call 906*88-3535. Fm Ejtimttet • Fully Iniurirf 908-686-7415 rae. m»3S9-40S4. ' Same Day Service . 973-762^)303 Tub, Tilt fttsurfittd OR BYRON -Plumbing ana Heating Boiler Senior Discount Use Within 12 Hours Repairs ana' installation. Plumbing Repairs. Mute Composition PAUL'S MASONRY • Insurad emCK AND CONCRETE SPECIALST Hot Water Heaters. Sewer tnd Dnm Ctunng.' . 463 Vitfey Street Of Colors infraction Work Warranty, Fully Insured. Lie* 08027. Call 1-800-2S3-1349, or 973-731-9031. STEPS, SIDEWALKS. PATIOS , Maplewood De-It-Yourself Ideas 0* RepaeeTK™ ALL TYPES OF MASONRY REPAIRS ' Call" MR U8L VERY DEPENDABLE R3»f ol News-Record BIO3- 9G8-96M5M MAX SR. & PAUL , "uei, WeS. & Fri 9AM-SPM W K. HOUSE OOCTCfl- Roofing. Siding, Win- Tfiufsdiy and other times " «ws, Doors, DKU, Remodeling Kftctiens. TERRY HOWELL "Steps Sdewaiks, Pitrot, WE CLBAN OUT Attics 1 SCHOENWALDER S*tnroom», Basements, Rooring, Tile. Wood. ,Brtc* Work. Repair Work, Consrele Worts, 973-762-0303 •Gangei •BiMmento 'Yards [_ C*ipetinfl All RflMira' and improvements Drainage Wont Waterproofing No JOB Too ESTABLISHED 1912 TAKE AWAY Furnltm 'Applweet Sump Pumps LANDSCAPING ~" MOVING/STORAGE •ToiietS'Water Heaters •AJleralions.Si! Hell BILL SCHAU LaMseMing. Inc. Commercial' ALL TYPES 01 moving and hauling Problem •Faucet Repairs COMPLETE . Residential, Lawn AtmtioiV Seeding. Mulch- solving our specialty. Call nowi Kangaroo Men. •Electric Drain & Sewer Cleaning TILE ing. Top Soil Fully Insured Call Bijl at 973-2JB-MW, *we Hop To rr 24 hours Serving tho tiofiw owner ROOFING 9DB-687-SC2S, ' 573-680-23?$, License PM 00576 Business t Iftduttty K D B Pf CERAMIC TILE Installer New and Repairs DONOFRIO A SON Complete Landscape Regroutino' Remodeling/ Cleaning- No JOB PAUL'S M t II MOVERS . 908-686-0749 - Too Big or Small, J 4a it all. All Ma^ot Credit Service -Sprtrca' Fill Own-Up Lawn Mamte* - «4 Chestnut Strttl, Union. NJ Cards. Accepted. Joe Megna, t-eoo-449-ei 56, nance. SVubbery DesiorV Planting. Mulching, Formerly Ot Yale Ave. •TtirOt* •Hillside. PM 00177 • • Mailer number's Lioense MIB2-# Home, 973-J29-gaB7. Chemical Application! Tret Removal Fully SEN1OH CmZHN DISCOUNT •Rt-rool No small jc« or repair refused DENICOLO TILE Conlractore.. Estafilisnea 973-763-89)1, S0S-232-7308 ' 1935, Kitchens, Bamrooms. Repairs. Qroutng, EASTERN LANDSCAPE And Design. Com- Sftower Stalls, Tile Floors, Tub Enclosures • pwe Landscape Servtett Monthly Mainte- Free Estimates, Fully Insured. No job too smal! SCHAEF6R' MOVING. Reliable. Very low RICHARD EVERLAST or loo lame. 808-686-5550. • , • runx, LirBtape D«jn. Seasonal Clean rates, I tour minimum. Same Raws 7 Days, UBs. Sod, fleseMrns, Thatching. Free Esti- iniurM, FfM Estimates. Uc KPMOO561 Call SCHOENWALDER ROOFING YOUR AD MuM appear here tor is little as ' mates, Fully Iruurtd, 906^7-8045. Anvtime. 908-964-12'B •. .- > w*. .WML.^HVM. SpteiimiBsTilUl In RooRf T«T r 0H« $16.00 per weeK, Call lor more details. Oaf tt.Rwtol l R 0(l1, QgQutt l PLUwaiNG, Am ccmomoNiNO, HEATING o,'^rfI?'1*?- . ' 2 ^Ji (flendly classified deparynem woun be nappy. a, CaOar, Coppw, si • • . R & C LANDSCAPING MASTEAS R PLUMB1NUS O LICENSE H551 SI|W ™*> Cl^Jt SSffiJS. ' . to hatp you, Can i-800-564-S9n Phone: «Dt>9643osi SPRING CLEAN-UPS- MULCH, PAINTING 90M64W35; 1«0MM4«5 1 SHRUBBERY TRIMMING, FERTILIZING Si SeuthoBta Rd; New Providanee 24 Mr, JS COMPUTE LAWN CARE ALL PRO Painting and Wome Improvement. FAX I 4W-BW7 „ Are you HreO ol paying too mucn and then being, TREE EXPERTS COMPLETE LANDSCAPING DESIGN 1 BONDED AND INSURED VERY COMMITS) dissatisfied with the work done on your homi * FAMILY TRADITION SINCE 1»19 BOVLG TREE SURQERY CO, TO CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Then a\l in, all wort; is guaranteed arid www,»choenwUder-com J.B.A. payment I) not accepted until yeu a* utlsfled ESTABUSHED 1922 KKrWBHS We are'lully Insured- Call lor a free ettimtle Use Your Cord.. ROOFING & SIDING TREE & STUMP REMOVAL ^KKrWBHS— eoe-380-nee. Shingle, Plal Root Tear-ofte PRUNING BEEPER 1-MMW-MM Rerooie, Slate k Spanlati Tils Repairs SHADY PINES Landscaping. Lawm Mainte- BORIS RASKIN Paining. Etteriof/ Interior, . Vinyl, Aluminum I Wood Siding TREE SURGERY IN nance,-Sod, Sruubl, Oean Upa, RR. Ties. Fu|iy insured. Free Estimates- Reasonable Free eiUrnitM • Fully Inaurtd ALL ITS BRANCHES Mulch, Snow Removal Fully insured. Rates, Sett References Pleast call Phone: MMTe-1404 Union 906-6BS-1621 973-564-9293 - . Btlpen K»-»MT» 608-964-9358 J, REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS

Real estate transactions Nicholas L. and Jennifer Grasso for William H. and Eileen J, Luttmann Rahway recorded in the office, of the a 1 S230,5OO on Aug. 24. sold property al 527 Buchanan St. to Linden . clerk. Wprralt Newspapers pubtishe: Roy J and Hanietie T- Siark for Gerlaiido and Spina Milizlano sold Walter T. Wronski 111 sold property an abbreviate/1 version of all m diaries M. and Linda A. Collette • SI 12.000 on Aug. 13, . • Hillside property at 556 Middlesex St., io Luis at 810 E. Milton Ave.. lo Marvin Bel- lions recorded in the 12 Union Count: sold property at 231 Penman Road to CharlenColkue for SI 17,500on Aug. Julio E. and Barbara Eigueredo sold Rodriguez for $105,000 on Aug. 12. vln for S122.900 on Aug. 13. municipalities tlic newspapers Frank and Eleanor Cozzolino etal 4, . propeny at 114 Coe Ave., lo Cynthia Reginald and Cheryl Ross sold James C. and Anioinette Toomey , using the recording date. Tlie infor- sold property at 344 Harvard Ave., to Gary R, and Karen E, Wartenberg Bullock for $130,000 on Aug. 13. property al 912 McCandlcss St, to sold property ai 306 Orchard St, lo mation is provided by TRW Property Mark and Anderson E. Lazarus for sold property ai 197 Locust Drive lo Hyacinth P, and Walcoit C, Hawke Latrecia Liiiles for $126,000 on Aug. Ofl/n, a Fort lauderdale, Fla., infor- $127,000 on Aug. 3. Arnold and Jeanne Jacob sold prop- Carlo and Sara • Lancelloili for for $130,000 on Aug. 13. . tfi. mation service, and is published Annie M. White sold property ai erty at 140 Valley View Road to Mar- S235.O0O on Aug. S. • Henry Ransome Jr. sold property at Pasquale and Janice Manero sold approximately six weeks after it is 220 Oakland Terrace to Dayis Hadie ia Reynolds for $143,500 on Aug. 16. 1037 E. Eljzabcth Ave.. (o Nestor property ai 703 Harrison St, to Jorge filed in the county clerk's office. Vincent A. and Debbie C Zeckman for $150,000 on Aug. 9. R. and Julio R. Morrey for S2O3.OOO sold property at 33 Craig Place to Richard J, Geczi sold property at Valdes for $100,000 on Aug. 21. Jorge P. Dias sold property at 545 on Aug. 16. Mark, and Mara Liiiler for 5225,000, 211 Arthur St., to Paul Prescod for Francisco J. and Crislin Almeida Clark ...• Yile Ave.,, (o Daniel Brown for. an Aug, 12, •.••• S132.000 ori Aug. 18. sold properly at 1910 Crescent Park* hcob Warnbach Jr. sold property at S197.O00 on Aug. 9. Patrick J. and Rosemane Garreil way to Robert and Lori A. Larmore 1896 Lawrence St., to Ivan and Vera Michael and Anna Duch sold prop- Donald and Ann M. Denlscq sold sold properly ai 6 Pine St., 10 Anton Kenllworth for $145,000 on Aug. 23. Tar for S80.000 on Aug. 17. erly 31 646 Madison Hill Road 10 property at 269 Ryan St., 10 Claudio and Denise P. Wolfshomdl for William J, and Regina Bums sold Mark A. and Eileen M. Scotl sold Jewell and Mary Tyler for $310,000 H. and Meyriangela Lopes for.. S24O,OO0 on Aug. 12. Joan C, and Maria L.B. Rodrigues property at 2001 Myrtle Terrace to' property at 521 Hamilton St, to on Aug. ,24, Sliy.000 on Aug. 10, , Ann Rogers for S153,OOOon Aug. 23, Marie A, Kryston sold property at 3 sold property al 629 Washington Wilebaldo and Robins F. Sanchez for Edward and Winifred TonKzyk Charles and Alsuna C, Roland sold Osagc Drive lo Charles Swab for Ave.. to Teresa Godinho for.S157.006 SI 10,000 on Aug. 20. sold property at 64 Ruddy Place to properly ai 576 Paul St, to AnUiony 5185,000 on Aug. 11 on Aug. 19, . . , • Mountainside Robert E. and Ann H. Rooney sold Tara A and KwilhofferTomczyk for and Andrea Hyatt for $157,000 on . property at 930 Pierponl St-, to John , Michael P. and' John J. Wherrity Dominick and Daisy G. Berenguer SlflOOOO-on Aug. 25, Aug. 11. M. and Kathy E. Thompson for sold property at 13 Ramapo Road to sold property a( 666 Qulhton Aye., lo Thrusyvoulos N. and Melan Pappas Frank.and Rita N. Hawks told $167,000 on Aug. 20, John J, and Mary R. Farnfr sola Michael Whemiy'for S85.000 on Karl W. and Margaret Delpiano for sold property at 372 Dogwood Way property at 39 King St, to Luis H. Millard W. and Bellye Harris Jr. property al 41 Bradley Road to Aug. 18, S184.000 on Aug. 27. lo William H and Krisline Hulburt Joseph Venire for $180,000 on Aug. Robert Scidenwand sold property and Falconery Toboo for 5161,000 on for 5323,500 on Aug! 20- • •. Kiid property al 18)4 Pa(er»on St., (o 27, ai 25 Dlake Ave.. to Charles P, and Aug. II. • • • • John J. and Margaret Enrighi sold Laurence D. and Sandra D, Cbaptn Pamela Young for S93.OO0 ori Aug. David and Michele G. Serido sold Anna Delayo for 5265,000 on Aug. Carol A. Cortes sold property at property al 373 Lincoln Drive to sold property ai 1607 Deer Path to M,1. • • • ' • property al 174 Liberty St, to Flor- 18. 163 Frances Place to Paulo Costa for Renee Capiraano for $165,000 on Robert H. and Ann M. Oholla for , Ethel M.Wjebusb sold, property at $114,000 on Aug. 13, : ence Maroita for S208,0O0 on Aug. George B, and Laura II. Young Sept; 2. S7SO.0OO on Aug. 23. (Contiuned oh Page B13) II sold propeny m S15 Claremont Gluna Seni «.>ld propcn> dt II I'lacc 10 David and Lxticia Potash for Sandalwuod Drive to Steven and S2^7,OO0 on Aug 20 & With approximately 500 ChriMine Gjlei for S3W.0O0 on Scpi Clirisiopher P. and Chery Venezla I >ol(0lVidfticiu(imB*»ii0MtoMt HutHO Union County Etsex County Hudson County 271MT. PLEASANT AVENUE, 4TH FLOOR WEST ORANGE • 973-325-1717 1155 LIBERTT AVE. HILLSIDE 1961 Morris Ave. 164 Fairy SI 264KearnyAve. Union Newark Keamy licensed Corespondent Mortgage Bankers-NJS Banking Depii (908) 351-7000 „££ CoiioiCmila/Mrto Couto-Son wren UNION COUNTY CLASSIFIED THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 2000 — PAGE B13 TRANSACTIONS

(Contiuned from Page Bl2) ice Lee for $105,000 on Aug. 23. Ramford Road lo Lois Honcharuk ai 98 Passaic Ave., 10 Peter and Winifred F. Sinnoit sold property at Weir-Stewart for $228,000 on Aug. 5. 870 Hamilton St., 10 Thomas Richard S. and Diana Pasquarella -for $172,000 on Aug. 6. Chrisicn Lambrianakos for $296,000 • 805 Monmouth Road to David and Lawrence W. Jordan sold property Schweitzer forS148,000on Aug. 24. sold properly at 307 W. 6th Ave...io • Luisand Lysetie Pereira sold prop- on Aug. 10. Madeline Quinones ftfr $132,000 on at 2612 Frederick Terrace to Joao . Debra L Mayer sold property at Julio and Sheila L. Louis for 1134,000 erly a! 287 Short Hills Ave., to Ger- Gcrvasio A. and Maria P. Decfiaves July 30. . and Olga C. Ferreira for $155,000 on 2151 WhlMlcr SI., 10 Maria on Aug. 24. . ard Alba for 5310,000 on Aug. 6. sold property at 32 Kent Place Blvd., Lois P. Bausch sold propeny at 8 Aug. 6. Drodriguez-Derius for $149,500 on Melvyn R. and Leola Sears sold Norma L. Aitman sold property ai tri John Mayer for $391,000 on Aug. Paine Ave., to Paul Mazur for Dorothy H. Clark sold propeny at Aug. 25, ' . - properly ai 115 Hiflcrest Terrace to 23 Oak. Ridge to Anatoly and Lily a 11. $140,000 on July 30.. 258 Newark Av&. to Almerinda and Robert J. and Linda Tatarynw sold Gloiguens Philippe for S84.OO0 on Esirin for S410.000 on Aug. 13. Edward J; Lynaugh Trust sold Frank W. Brady sold property at Aniceio Monieiro for $126,500 on property at 561 River Road to Crystal Aug. 27. Bemice Friedman sold property ai property at 105 Ashjand Road to 816 Townley Ave., 10 Christopher Aug. 7. Wesley for $150,000 on Aug. 25. 119 Pin Road to Benjamin Tjan for Mark and Tracey Carlson for and Michelle Goerke for $149,900 on James A. and Adrienne Varidewa- S645.000 on Aug.' 12..' "*"' July 30. ler sold property at 1730 Union Ave., Gail A. Joseph sold property at 29 Roselle Park S290.000 on.Aug. 16. Van Cl«f St, to Clayton Turner for Ann Warren sold property at 56 Rex R. and Suzanne R. Dyer Jr. Waiter and Hedy Klein sold prop- 10 Nathaniel and Sheila Richardson erty at 2575 Spruce St., Io Jozef and for $187,000 on Aug. 8. $140,000 on Aug. 25. • Rose M. Kobulyar sold property al Golf Oval to Michael and Donna sold property at 2 Woodcroft Road to Philip J, and Sarah R. Roberts sold 276 Seaton Ave.. lo George L. and Karp for $392,500 on Aug. 19. Hugh and Donna. Woltzen for Kazimiera Saniewski for $152,000 on Sarah Salvatore sold property at property at 3 Ridge. Lane to Janet Debra R. Latrfuito for SI 25.000 on ,; Eugen and Silvia Gantea sold prop- S885(000 on Aug. 12. July 30. 915 Douglas Terrace to RogeUo R. Messersmilh for $223,140 on Aug. July. 28. erty at 478 Meiscl Ave., io Frank A.. Edward J. and Susan A.' Emanuel Dihis and Alice Taipina sold prop-, and Martina Cuenca for $207,000 on 26. . Paul and Genevievc VannaUen sold and Elaine Kuczynski for $212,000 sold property ai 8 Harvey Drive to erty at 2566 Jackson Ave., to Francis- Aug. io; . . ; < Pedro L, and'Alice Acevedo sold properly aj 447 Colonial Road lo on Aug. 23. Francis Pittclli for $405,000 on co and Maria J. Alexandra for • Daniel Hartley sold property, at property at 326 Elm Ave., to David Wayne and Anny Yip for SI70.000 on Michwel A. Giovinazzo sold prop- Aug. 16. . Si55.000 on July 30. 1080 Sterling Road 10 Konstaminos and Kimberly K. Hal! for SI87 000on July 29. erty at 159 Pitt Road to Andighe Kha- Clint R. and Brenda J. Holmes Kenneih and Linda Nicola sold and Stac Skordalis for SI75.OOO on 'Aug. 26. Jayam ,C. and Hansa Palel sold- iih for S250.O00 on Aug. 24.- • sold property at 37 Edgewood Road property at 1039 Schneider Ave., to Aug. II. , property at 258 W Clay Aye., .to Scon A. and Dina C. Sanderson lo Joseph B. and Amanda W. O"Dowd Flnrvil Valdez for $158,000 on July : For S715.000 on Aug. 16. . SO. Jose L. and Wanda L. Parrales sold, Roselle Angelo and Laura E. Sanionisstaso for sold property at 145 Bryant Ave., io property at 979 Greenwood Road to .5103.000 on July 30. Carl J. and Chom S. Ltftz for Elizabeth A: Brennan sold property Eduviges and Eneida Cruz sold i«i 115 River Road 10 Omar Carvajal property ai 1512 Elaine Terrace lo Raymond T. and Rosario G. Wilson Andres F. and Martha L Marquez Hung K. and Amy S. Lam sold S254.9O0 on Aug. 25. for SI90.000 on AUR. II. sold properly ai 405 Bartletl St. to propeny ai 538 Pin'ewood Ave.. !o for $199,900 on Aug; 17. Rhiza Benzon for S164.500 on July Victor and Nubia A. Oviedo for Ram N. and Pawan Kafckar for Thomas P. arid Patricia J. Lynch 30. • Thomas and Kathryn Coon sold Summit sold property a: 2 New Providence' David and Maria A. Pinho sold property at 500 Thoreau Terrace to S129.O00 on AuS LV S22.OCKJ on Aug. 2. Ave.. to Steven S. and Linda R. Wolf property at 188 Park Place 10 JohnAraulofor5180,000onAug. 11. . Howard -and ~Carol Skuratofsky Madeline R. Kennedy sold proper- Stuart J. and Doreen J,. Fischer sold wld property at 217 Central Avc. ID ly ai 20] E. Lincoln Avc. lo Robin for Si42.000on Aug. 18. ... Michael M. and Oge Okonkwo for Abraham Leff Trust sold property property ai 255 Kent Place Bird-, io S218,500 on Aug. 4.. at 1770 Colgate Place to. Anthony Geovani Sanchez for S175.OW on Rosen, for SI 13.000 on Aug. 2. Robert and Carol Myers for $750,000 Aug. 18. • Patrice M: Jerineite sold property ai Union Thomas and Barbara Percoskie and Catherine E. Johnson for on Aug. 2.' . . sold properly at 10 BurvtelhSt, to $189,000' on Aug. 12. Willie T. Taylor sold property ai 630 Myrtle Ave.. to Joseph A. and Peter J. Lutton sold property at 30 Rose V. Barberio sold property at Lisj A. Lance for S 175.000 on Aug. Mario and Carmen Mickle for. 230 E. 7th Ave., io Derek BischoffV Miele Place to Joshua and Jennifer 3539 Morrell. St, to Roosevelt and Angelo and Irene Romano sold hausen /or 556,000 on Aug. J9. .$169,000 on Aug. 4. property at 1082 Cedar Ave.. to McCoy for S295.O0O on Aug. 3. Yanique Morency for S178.000on Ernest A, Ujhely sold propeny at Julio and Maria LEsquilin sold Robert?. Yingliiig sold property a! Gary and Lyndal Peck sold proper- July 29. Denise Johnson for 5150,000 on Aug. prppeny at 590 Uncas Ave.. to ' 42 \V. Roselle Ave.. IP Meryl Schoeri 121 Parkview Drive to David and 12. • ty at 27 Bedford Road to David B. Naveed and Shaguffa Ahmad sold Maribel A, Torres for $147,000 on Edward and Parris B. Robinson for for SI29.000 on Aug. 20. Morion and Norina Goldberg sold and Jennifer E. Brady for $795,000 on property at 40 Relnhold Terrace to. Aug. 4. S 130.000 on Aug. 19. Emma Egner sojd property ai-618 property at 2462 Wilson Terrace lo Aug. 5. . Kenbl and A'liagracc Jean for Francis P. Paduano sold property at Tomas and Agusiina V. Rodriguez Sheridan Ave.. lo Viio Renzi for Dalio and Rosa Melim for $208,000 William F.X. and Eileen B. Coffey 5240,000 on July 29. 2020 Balmoral Ave., to Paulo and sold property at 115 Prospect St., io S165.000 on Aug. 23. on Aug. 12. ' . sold property at 16 Waldron Ave., to George M. and Virginia Gilcrest Celesie Ferreira for $345,000on Aug. James E. and Leslie K. Jackson for David H. and Jennifer Hollenbaugh sold property at 381 Lum Ave., to Albright Construction Co. Inc. sold S15y.5.OO on Aug! 20.' Springfield for $725,000 on Aug. 6. Stanley and Genowefa Kmet for Robert H. Ebenfeld sold properly at propeny at 255 Oregon Ave., to . Gregg M. and Susan M, Fcdorka Mary L.G. Roy* sold property at 1.5 $192,500 on-July 30. 866 Lafayette Ave.. to Herminio and Eloise and Lalanya Jones for sold properly at 482 Chester Place to David and Shirley Weiss sold prop- Sunset Drive to Patrick C. and Kris- - James A. and Lisa B. Hagopian Norma Clemente for S168.5OO on $199,000 on Aug. 12. DarinMillerforS112,OOOonAag.20. erty at 105 Hawthorne Ave., to Susan len 0. Ramsey for S625.OOO on Aug. sold property at 374 Lum Ave., to Aug. 5. Brian B. Raab sold property at 841 -Enrique ancl-.GIadys Crespo sold . 1 Feldman for S198.OO0 on Aug. 2. ft ' • Andrzej and Barbara Chomik for Valere S! Martin sold propeny at property at 312 W. 3rd Ave.. to Clar- Riverside Ave., to Ralph Forte for Alma M. Cox sold propeny at 6 Duane H.Tucker Jr. sold property S188,OOO on July 30. 1519 Vauxhall Road 10 Merliiie 5142,000 on Aug. 16.

1915 Morris Ave. I 115 Miln St. a m i e Union Cranford (908)688-3311 Picciuto Realty, Inc. (908)272-8337

"TWO OFFICES TO SERVE YOU BETTER" BRIDGEWATER ROSELLE PARK - Mountain Top.location W/Milllon Dollar View, Contempt) Ranch, 6 BR, 3.S Bath, Professional Urge Beautiful Colonial, 4 BR, 1.5 Bath, Office Suite, 1.29 acres, Tlmbefflne Roof t Formal Dining Room, Move-In Condition, updated Kitchen and Baths. Plenty of Storage Years, Oak HW Flooring, Red Cedar Cathedral Space, asking $157,900. Contact us at (908) Ceilings, too many amenities to list! Asking 272-8337. CRANFORD CRANFORD $579,900. Contact us at (908) 272-8337. BricMront. white colonial in the Brookstie Place School Area. FIRST Brick Fm..crMni «nd «Nt cUgnW In (torn pitWmfly n Union Cofcg* FLOOR: Larje reception halt; huge living room (24x17), dining room and Broototf* sand. NIcMy tandsap»>± Large front porh tn) a rear {15 x 13), kitchen (16x131, first floor family'den witti fireplace d*ck (34>r16). A mrrrotM Mranca hd: bug* Mng room «4«3). tonnal (20x12). and lavatory. SECOND FLOOR: Master betfoom (17x12. dWng room{1SH3) , latgi kNdien *» dWie an* (18*13). den wifreplec* 2nd bedroom (16x11). 3rd bed/oom (14(13), 4th bedroom (13x12), and otxaiy tfMMng (20x12). and iwUMy compWa tort tax 2nd floor UNION UPPER IRVINGTON and 2 Baths. Closets gakxe! BASEMENT: Finished recreation room ItatucM Maatv tadrrxm (17x12). 2nd beorown (16x11), 3rd Be#oom in the basemen! (32X23). Laundry. Omer amenities: 2 sets 61 double (14x13) tod 4h taoYDom (13x12), andtno ft* bath* Plenty of doe*M Urge Colonial In Larchmont section, 4BR, 2.5 Near Maplewood Line, Great Investment, 8 sliding doors lead to deck from'den and dining area in fdfcherv Large Rtta in he basement (34xE3) pravUM a amat dtal of space lor Bath, 2 car Garage, central Air, Master Units, All 1 BR, LR/DR, kitchen, bath, Walk-In lencefl lot. Reduced to $434,000. Ask for property *102S Bedroom w/bath, Newer Roof, gas Heat, Great Closet. Move-In Condition, Brick Exterior. Net Location, asking $185,000. Contact us at (908) Income over $42,000 per year.- Asking 908-276-2400 1-800-287-2402 272-8337. $299,000. Contact us at (908) 272-8337. SERVING UNION. ESSEX. SOMERSE1 AND MIDDLESEX COUNTIES WHAT'S A FAIR MARKETPRICETOR YOU R HOME? One of the firstthings a REALTOR can do for you is help set a realisjic price for your property. For you this means a fair return. For the buyer, it means good value for his or her money. But setting that price isn't easy. It takes skill resulting from training, experience and broad knowledge of the community. It takes a professional to do it well. < Your home is a major investment. When you want to sell, talk to a professional for advice-talk to a REALTOR-talk to any member of our staff at PAIGE, PAIGE & RICHARDS. - . Paige, Paige & Richards

Cranford . ERA Meeker Realty Co. WTH A LfTTLE TENDER I LOVING CARE, this Cape Cod, priced at <»ly I (908) 272-2570 $163500 is worth seei Features Iryingroorn • SOUTH AVE. RAIC^PAICE 4 RICHARDS 181 NORTH AVE., £ SPARKLING CLEAN ANDMUCCDTOSELL, CRANFORD this lovely Cape Cod is •ttuaied on a quiei. dead- end street Features living. (908)276-1900 8COTCHPLAINS ' ( Magnaoent« W Mm* wflh drculardrive WurM V oingi. han. FR mMtm oak Iln S mind hearth marb. Ff> Ml urtei "SPECIALIZING W SSew bmaUM bar, nevr JioiHl Wcfttny WbtoWa -^ Vte ZoBat 809 lo schools a CRANFORD HOMES" l ASKIN

Cnnford W PRIME BROOKSIOE SCHOOL AREA, Ihfs tovaly Colonial features a 23'xie1 family room ' w/lirspJace.Also • ' hdudesLRwiTptc, dlnirg room, kitchen. 3 CRANFORD bedfooms, 11/2 balhs, Room to expand on 2nd (low inc. tage Elk. Mnqu«t SUM DR. til fl I den, C/A, garage. ' loom. MBRWftuHbMh.HW floors«ndCAC ; Greal I • 1L- ASKING $305,000. PABE B14 - THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 2000 UNION COUNTY CLASSIFIED REAL ESTATE

"REAL ESTATE FOR SALE JRS Realty earns award BUSINESS $0' DOWN FORECLOSURES, No credit needad! No elulru cost! 3% financing avail- Century 21 Real Esiale Corporation, franchisor of Ihc world's- largest resi- RENTAL OPPORTUNITIES able! 60Q-*4B-464§ exL 2702, dential reel esiaic sales organization, has awarded the Gold Medallion Award OFFICE TQ LET lo Century 21 JRS Realty for their continuous sales success. S74.000 DOUARS11 Turn $35 into 174,000 etose to more, PhteWpWi, New VoA Ory- The Gold Medallion Award recognizes Century 21 offices that earn $950,000 without lifting • fjnpif or earn 1138,000 by SPRINORELD; INDMDUALLV furnished ot- Can toll TTMW tree brochure and appointment puWino a lew keys, Money back H not tatttfW, ' Aces with busintu tuppoH servh»s. Can Tern Hariland fleitty, Whiting, New Jersey in gross commissions or 275 award unitt within a calendar year. A customized au»r«rit»edi ^ ^ oeto 973^21-3000- eOO6315aO9 trophy will be presented at their regional annual awards ceremony, . I.C0W, fl cap, familial atama, w ntfcnil origin, s UNION. 980 Souare teet, Stuyvtaant Avenue BLOOMFIELC, CHAHU1NQ poionlll Oak View "We are thrilled to recognize the work of Century 21 Jersey Realty for this — •-» any aueh nhnw Private entrenot. frade level wHn parking. Section- Living room, dining room, sat-in- AMA2N5 MAIL prMr Money Mtcttne-tumt S885 per month. Can prtto. Mfr687-*495. tttcnen. 3 wdrooms, 2 bsthi, Nav NYC significant achievement." said Van Davis, senior vice president. Franchise and yournuJDox into an ATM> FREE nport UIU «H. i $205.000. 973-226-1676. Field Services, Ceniury 21 Real State Corporation. "The Century 21 System Cal 600-573-3236 «a. me M hour.) U? wrti»log lorraal ur n wWcrtl* in MoWOon. . -FOREaOSEO GOVERNMENT Momef commends the dedication, professionalism and commitment to quality service BUSINESS OWNERS fceep! major ndn of IM Uw. All p»rwmi V* hmtby tmormtd trwt aH dwHllnpt acMitiMd an av*llab*t S»v-e up to EOS Or more! Mhirnum or.no down canlil Free setup, AbMuttrttO UPFflOWT - exemplified by Ceniury 21 JRS Realty that is the hallmark for our franchise " en in tauil opportunltv be*l*. REAL piymemi Fa UtiriBt can now 7 dayt a week. CHARGES! Reginteu offee. He , craft. 48 1 eoo4293eEO *«. n-999. NsSonal Resource. ' offiees." • . hour let*- increase HM ' -BOWOBOOU 84 tours tnvw.mp40lut«ni com (310) (SCA ESTATE ' Ceniury 21 JRS Realty has more than 15 years of experience in the real estate APARTMENT TO RENT "" SeD HOMES. LOW Ofi SO 0OWN! rtstwork}, t i bank reposaettions being sold industry and has been affiliated with Century 21 System for eight years. With "All rtti acttt* advamaad htralii is DO YOU EARN S80Q In a My? Yogt own Loot! EUZABETH • now' Fantailic sivingi! Local listings. offices in Clark and Linden, Century 21 JRS Really serves both Union and and •ubjtet to tha FMera) Pair Housing Act, 600-501-1777, eW- 199. Fee, CaWy Route. ivUdes 30 machtnet and trt* LOOKING FOR which mates it Illegal to advMite any Middlesex couniies. eartfy. AH tor a.WS- Can 1-600-99S-VEND, PEACE & QUIET? pratsrsne*, Hmitttton, Of dtKrUnlnatlon HOME FORECLOSURES SO down, Nooedfi FRANCHISE! PETWJCCV8 «* srwnl MWi •YOU FOUND IT!" baaad on raM, mar, mllgton, •**, handi- "This award is a testament to the hard work, dedication and loyalty of our Huge 1 bvdroom avaiUN* at quit) and aim. needed' Hi dosrng cosH Lew Mymerrts irom lew Store waiting lor vmi" Inurtin^ Support' cap, lanyilal sWus, or national origin, or ,(89/ month! S00-337-81B1 Mt 2701, agents, who make quality service their lop priority. I'm very proud of aU of RnvOn? Arm {Wtopwntf Srngto Unto. ing location, wMet units wtth boat** ranovattd tfrtanttoo lo mal* any tueft prvtarance, Igtcricn Indudlno brand new appliances, fins- ihem.™ said George Sangiuliano, broker/owner of Century 21 JRS Realty. Join Now - Be Op*n 'Spring 2000' Calf UNION, 855 MIDLAND Boutevirfl- Sale by vated Mmroom, fire harawooa loots. Wafls o( ' "We wUl nol knowingly a«eepl any ad- owner- Crttrmmg Mother/ oiuflriter 4 bed. i-aaa-pgmucci EXUMIOP MO. etoset tpioa, prtvatt parking 1 laundry on tHs Ceniury 21 Real Estate Corporation (www.century 21.com) is the franchiser vartlafng (Of rstl Mtata wMch li in vtoHSon room 2 lull UtM, two Htcheni- Finished Walk 10 pubW trereportitton, No pets. From of tha taw, All person* are hereby Informed basement:. S219.900- Call for appointment- of the world's largest residential real estate sales organization, providing com- LEARN'PIANO Tuning St your own boss • 1550.' • •' • ' that all iwmngs advefflaetf an avanabig •95&«B61T£7 OpsnHouseSunaayApfii2nd prehensive training, management, administrative and marketing support for the E*e«tanl incomt. Full n put mm, CM 560 Westm^itlar Avenue ' on an aquai opportwrfty ba«l." 73S-8) 5-1475. Century 21 System- The System is comprised of more than 6,300 independently 908-355-3S13 NSW At/TOMATEO Home Business, Quickly owned and operated, franchlsed broker offices in more than 25 counties and MAPLEWOOO, 4 ROOM Apartmtnt. 2nd floor lerritories worldwide. In prrvite Home, No pea $900 psr month, plus utittias. VA monm security, 973-761-0516. CHAFILESTON, SC area. New 2 or 3 beOroom ViSA/MASTERCARO UNSECURED I No Home surrounded by Hk»s and iwoods. ' pedfttwl credit ACprovM Jw*s All Amert- MAPLEWOOD BURNETT SECTION Sell S1O4.O00. Call now. 1-80046M24S, Sunbgrtl can Credit, 8OO-31fr£S33. Great 4 btdreem on euMa^ae patk^tntd Utes- | ,_ Arias joins Meeker Realty vntA, nav all major hlahwayi and [itnty, WORK FROM hort». Earn $420,00 mis weH HOMEFORECLOSURES.ru money dovm! No — train. (1,300 plus uQIIUea. VA 1 Vila Zoltak, broker/owner, and the staff of ERA Meeker Realty welcome •round your sdwOM Call 9KHJ33-1167 credit neeoed Takeover very low payments.' • Online ww-bw^hi coffl. 1*00-35^0034; extension 8593. < Cartes Arias as a full-time sales associate. The office is located in downtown WORK FROM horns, Earn extra Income ar- Your • Cranibrd, across from the train station at 124 South Avenue East. ound your scheduts, Earn from »»• $1,200 90S-964-8246 1 . part time. Si .200- S3.000 full timt- Join our Arias has more than 10 years of Residential Real Estate experience and is a ' tmamationai cotrwny fat IMMEDIATE CASH ' member of the Greater Union County Board of Realtors, Garden State MLS. FLOW aT7.5O7.37B1. NEWARK-WEEQUAHIC AREA Use Your Card.. YOUR AC could appe»' Weto* u s linfs as , Stuff! and Middlesex MLS systems.. STUDIO 1 AND 2 BEDROOMS 5^6 03 ot' wee* Call loi mare details. Our Very SpKttui, nice quiw buitdAg and nakgh- Arias has qualified for NJAR's Distinguished Million Dollar Sales Club in inendly etissilteo aeoarirnefll waulO M hippy - borhood, NMrMnsporaiUon, Superior service ' K "elp you Call ,-800-564-6911 1996-97^98 and 1999. Arias has a reputation for his high energy, enthusiasm, Advertise It All ON SHE secimmr and intense efforts to satisfy his clients' needs. He is an expert in creative SECURE UNDERGROUND PARKIN 0 On The Internet financing and has experience as a mortgage .consultant/loan officer. Call Ma. D. lor appointment 973-703-8486 "Customer satisfaction is my. ultimate goal." said Arias, "I joined ERA SOUTH ORANGE $2900 Meeker Realty Co. because we share ihe same customer service business philo- LUXURY APAHTMENTS FOR RENT sophy. Through die ERA brand. I can offer my clients innovative products that IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY ' 1 CaM 973-762-2344. . . meet consumer needs." •• • ' FTO Quick, Over-Tbe-Phone STOP REKTINQi Own far less! S 0 down'' No Arias can be reached on his pager at (908) 471-0001, or at the office at (90S)' Evaluation of your Home credit needed! Guaranteed apprc-viM 272-2570, Em. 24. His e-mail address is: [email protected]. On.lhe inter- 1-aOO-36O-46» attensfcTi 8803. . • , CaJl«-IJW!«piK!lW3«7 net: www.ERA.com. ' STUDIO' APARTMENT, ail utilities included, central air, pftVMe parking, Rent $57S. Call lor more Wormitton, 9094S14152, We want to promote your real estate news Quick, Free OverrTbe-Net OrWh06,ToreyCCK Your real estate organization should be getting the publicity it deserves and MSning,areawU)'c< CALL1-800-564.8911 roo, h oom Home Evaluation, we would like to help. We have a publicity handbook which explains how lo tell Call Now!! . Wi Boor with one finisned mom ofic* or VisOjufleH ^w of DoogUi i Runot your story. We would like to publicize your company's news, promotions and ' TO PLACE. YOUR dea S660 pv month plus o» and electric, One R&MAX Unitea award winners, as well as the latest information about retrieving real estate month security. AvailabM May 1st, CaB Sandy, 1-800-564-8911 1961 Moffil Avc ste. 2A. Union J days 973492-7000 extension 226, everrtgi, CLASSIFIED AD w.iocflbource.com / d information from the Internet, If you have an idea for a picture or story, please ^72e277 Search you' Wai ClJssrtieflE let us know. If you'd like a handbook, call (90S) 686-7700 and one will be mailed to you, . . , '• . ALL TOWNE REALTY CLARK IS PROUD TO PKESENI FREE HOME BUYERS/SELLERS SEMAR TIPS AND HINTS ON BUYING YOUR DREAM HOME WITH NO MOHEYDOWHi MUCH MORE!

Don't miss this valuable opportunity ' -.^ -• ^- .- CaU 1-800-660-5497 -a2S year veurtn Beet R09EU£PMK PERFECT FOR RELATED FAMILY For reservations (seating is limited) WHENl Apnl 13,2000 • 7.00 - 9.00pm UrstCuuxnUenawrouinrLfl PnamEJ^ZBRi F«n* SPACIOUS COLONIAL W. K* B«ui * Lamuy Rm ina Ik ifl ElK. 1 BR| FLh BaJti Uip ™ »W LB .1,1 urg. Dmuij Rra, l»gi ElK 3 IB. Refreshments will be served WHERE! Grand Centurion' Madison HillRd « Hnmnl n«Mi CAC M1» .»a IW „„ MgnMndpMU^474 $239 SCO _ForBuyers t ...... ForjSeiters ____._.._ r Present this coupon for a " FREE•; credi'" ' t report- &-- • present this coupon for a FREE: prequalafication. FREE Market Evaluation Name: - Nartie: Address: . Address: Phone: - Phone:

UWEN EUZABETH GREAT INVESTMENT OREATOPPORTUNITYI TTw 2 family n in txoeltnt c«nt»n O«efs tun DtwnwiL ^eny ST. JAMES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Four Fanrny B'tek Home oHtrt 2 BA apartments au nro ti yard, all gaptrau uunes zctigmgeanjeAiparung CRD le HOUSING RESOURCE CENTER PRESENTS A ; OWNERSHIP WORKSHOP SERIES Tired of wWni that rent check? Heed more space foryou r growing tolly and NEW JERSEY MORTGAGE RATES want financial stability? Then this is a great opportunity for YSSl ToplctCwerM: FOR UPDATED RATES CALL lNFOSQURCE 908-6B8-98$8 AND DIAL THE LENDER CODE

COOK FOR THESE LEHDEBS ON THE IHTERNET ft WVWHCMH<0RTCAGBNFaCOMWORRALLHTM Personal Mousy Maiuganeni • Oectt Rebuking Fra Indmdual OneOnOn Cainseing • Free Credit Report

PLACE- Episcopal Dlocew of Newark 31 Mulberry Street Newerk, New Jeresy 0T102 ft DATES: April 10 thru MeyD (Five consecutive Monday!) ft ft TIME: 8:00pm to 8:00pm ft FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO REGISTER CALL NOWII ft St James Housing Resource Center ft 2130 Broadway Suite 300, Newark, NJ 07104 ft Aek For Laurie Roberteon 973-482-1666 Refreshments urill be served © e NIP-Notpravididbyiralitutten Underwritten by: FannieMae ft HntrifK* lUuMt n Ibkntj toi t ft eJU-9B0tM»-4RS.RAtinW(v«Mlby«wlMdmlln ONION COUNTY CLASSIFIED THURSDAY MARCH 30. 2000 — PAGE B1S AUTOMOTIVE Porsche 2000 Boxster is a lot more car, but can be hard to find more foot-pounds of torque, now at rear, The 4-pislon calipers are in eye- By Mark Maynurd more ear. The only problem is gelling allocation of Boasters is up to 12,661, allows the system to default to a high- 225 foot-pounds, with a lusty power catching red. Copley News Service. a car. Waits of as long as six months ' which is 1,765 more than last year. idle mode— 1,600 to 1.800 rpm— so range thai peaks at about 1,800 and Chassis For those still on a wailing list for a are possible In some areas bf the Porsche says the allotment has been you can drive home. carries up through 4,500 rpm. ' More performance' also means Porsche BoXBier, be glad you are in country, and the higher performance . pre-orderfid by its dealers. Porsche also upgraded the interior appearance of the Boxsler. A soft- The S is very strong in second and more suspension. There are larger sta- line now for a 2000 model, For sbout Dossier S will be in short supply. About a third of the total — 4,362 touch material is used on most trim third gear, now, which is especially bilizer bars, larger struts and springs a hundred, bucks more, you get > lot Porsche's Nerth American annual' — will be the S model, which recently pieces that aren't leather or plastic, lundy for driving in traffic. The and larger wheel bearings. want on sale for a base price of The coating feels like rubber or soft 5- Tiptronic S — auto-manual Stiffer doesn't'" mean rougher,, S49.930 or about 58,500 more than a leather, but is expected to hold up bet- — with steering wheel shift buttdns is though. After 250 miles on the road,' stock Boxter. If you factor in the extra ter to ihe sun and general wear and available for $3,210. Only about 20 most drivers could do another 250 in 2000 Boxster S features that are now standard equip- tear. It looks a lot better than Ihe percent of.Boxsters are ordered with ilie standard — partial leather — Body system: Mid-engine, rear drive ment, the adjusted price increase is cheap-looking plastics in use before. the Tip. ' seaU, Engine: All aluminum 3.2 liter, DOHC, 24-valve horizontally opposed closer to $5,345, Porsche says. The latest version of Porsche's If is .likely every heel-toe shifting and liquid cooled VarioCun 6 cylinder, with an 31,0:1 compression ratio Boxster S 1 Among the real two-seat sportscars Motronic engine electronics is a enthusiast would choose the S over Power ratings; 250 hp at 6,250 rpmi 225-foot-ppunds of torque at The debut of the Boxster S is a with which it competes, the Boxster is -torque-guided"1 system, Porsche the standard model, bui me revisions 1.800 to 4,500 rpm •* we 11-defined step up from the stock remarkably practical, if a sports car says. The angle of ihe accelerator to the 2000 Boxsler make a desirable Transmission; 6-speed manual (optional Tipironic S} model and no threai to the 911 . can be practical. Two trunks, one in translates power needs in terms of consolation prize for a two- or three- EPA fuel estimates: 18 mpj city, 26 highway; premium unleaded the front and one in the rear, allow torque: 10 percent throttle sends the year lease. recommended ' - - Boaster has been a tool to put youn- exclusive trunk space for two people signal to the actuator'18 provide 10 Fuel capacity: 16.9 gallons ' • , - . ger buyers into Porsches, but it sur- Thai's enough,time to put a deposit 'percent torque;, full throttle gels full Acceleration; 0-60 m'ph, 5.7 seconds (6,3 with optional Tiptronic OD long weekend getaways. prised company- execs when it also on the S, which by then will have even torque. iransmJMion) • • ' . And driving a Boxster is reward brought in older buyers, typically more horsepower and pleasure perks, With ihe increased power comes Coefficiehief drag: 0.32 Cd cnoucn for most owners. those who owned older Porsches but increased stopping power. The Boas- Mirk Mivriinl is automotive 1 Dimensions couldn't afford a new Carrera. Its race-car-inspired.styling recap- ter S uses the 911 Carrera discs: editor at the San Ditgo Union- Wheelbase: 95,2 Inches Width: 70.1 inches As everyday usable as the Boxster tures that of the 550 Spyder from the 12.52-inch vented and cross-drilled Tribunt. Contact him at Length: 171 inches . Heigh!: 50.8 inches is. it typically is the third car in a fam- mJd-!50s, and (he contemporary, rotors on the front arid ]J.77Ttnch mark.maynBrdSunlontrlb.com. Ground clearance: 4,1 inches ' water-cooled engine saws off .slabs of ily fleet, Porsche says. Curb weight; 2,855. pounds (2,943 'with optional Tiptronic meaty pleasure in sound and accelera- The S model isn't just a shot in the transmission) tion. Rev it to 5,200 rpm, and the arm for the 3-year-old Boxster, it is. Head/leg/shoulder room: 38..I/41.6/51.7 inches turbine-lite wail of the boxer6 engine pan of the company philosophy to Truri; space; 9.1 cubic feet, front and rear trunks combined LS mu.sic lo inspire greatness. continually improve its care, says Chassis And it gets better for the year 2000. Wolfgang Sander, dealer service Front suspension; MaePherson struts with-aluminum Ibwer control Last; year's 2.5-litcr 6-cylinder manager. GRECO'S GARAGE anns; progressive rate coil springs; 23.6mm stabilizer bar; gas-charged . engine in ihe standard Boxster has Aside from the Boxster S badging. 301 South Ave. E. • Cranford • 908-276-9811 dual-lube shock absorbers, Rear: MaePherson struts with aluminum low- been enhanced through a new cranks- you can tell ihe difference between er control arms; progressive rale coils springs; 18.5mni stabilizer bar; . haft to 2.7 liters of displacement. the two models by the front center air OVER 60 YEARS OF gas-charged dual-tube shocks; self-stabilizing toe characteristics Horsepower jumps to 217 from 201 inlet on the S. The added opening is Brakes: Power assisted dual circuit four-wheel vented discs with one- - and torque increases 11 foot-pounds for the third radiator because a larger 'CONTINUOUS SERVICE piece, Tour-piston fixed aluminum calipers and ABS; from discs, 12.53 to 192. The 0-60 mph acceleration has engine creates more heat. indies; rear discs, 11.78 grimed from 6.7 lo 6.4 seconds, and Here's what else separates the two Wheels and tires: Pressure-cast aluminum alloy and P205/5O 17-inch top speed has been stretched to 155. models. The S has: front; 255/40 ZR 17-inch rear up from 149. * 17^inch tires— Michelin Pilot, Steering; Power assisted rack and pininn; 2.98 turns lock to lock and Among the other power enhance- Continental, Pirelli or Bridgestone — 1 358-foot turning radius • ' - ments are Motronic E-Gas throttle — and a new wheel pattern Features used in the 911 Carrera and Boxster S Dual tip. exhaust Standard equipment; Power convertible top, lined and insulated: — and a dual resonance intake mani- Titanium-colored trim and • Lubricatioft remote locking; fog lights; rear fog light; heated windshield washer noz-' fold, which is largely responsible for leplates zles; heated power mirrors; automatic climate control with air filter, par- the improved torque. Light gray-faced gauges •Oil Filters tial leather-covered seats; height adjustable seals with power seatback A flap in the manifold adjusts for 3-spoke steering wheel • Brakes & Exhaust adjustment; telescoping steering wheel; leather>covered shift knob, door short or long intake runners. A long Illuminated vanity mirrors handles and handbrake lever; soft-touch interior trim on door panels, con- intake fills the cylinders more com- Immobilize! security system • Shocks & Struts Replaced sole, instrument panel; aluminum-look instrument panel trim with gray- pletely and boosts torque at low rpros; Aluminum finished hood and faced gauges; aluminum trim on from and rear luggage compartment - a short intake helps breathing and trunk'releases — in the style of the •All Major EhanteQf Tires - releases; aluminum-look gearshift trim, door handles and handbrake horsepower at high rpms.- 911 Carrera •Test Equipment. ... ,. , release; power windows with one-touch up and down; windshield wipers The E-Gas throttle system works • Intermittent wipers with intermittent adjustment; delayed shutoff for interior lighting; immo through electronic integration with The Powertrain • Shocks & Struts bilizer anti-theft system; AM-FM-cassette stereo; lockable storage com- the engine computerization; there is The heart of the S is the engine. The partment behind emergency brake; illuminated vanity mirrors; tinted no cable linkage to the engine, it also base Boxsier 2.5 has been enhanced, • Bear Computerized Wheel Alignment glass. , has a limp-home mode that, in the through a new crank-shaft, to 3.2 • Prompt, Efficient & Reliable Service event of an electronics malfunction. liters and. 250 horsepower. Coming along for the ride are 44 Due At

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LEASE PER MO! 39.MOS.1 LEASE PER MO. 39 MOS.* (To* title, license and regittration a' (Tax, Hilt, lletntt and rtglstretten arttxtn) SATURN OF UNION •V-; 2675 ROUTE 22 WEST, UNION 1-908-686-2810 FIH SATURN Of GREEN BROOK SATIRN. •:270ROUTE 22 WEST, GREEN BROOK 1-732-752-8383 :.'••'•. A DIFFERENT KIND «/COMPANY. A DIFFERE i

Prices Muao all costs lo to paM by consume! excepl lie., reg.,8natKei. Not run. (or iypM. •» mol. c4o«*Mni) Hue wttti12Kirtles per year/20e thereafter. <

mm MM* PAGE B16 - THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 2088 UNION COUNTY CLASSIFIED Suzuki Esteems have new engines i Suiuki Moior mining liglita. tachometer, 14-inch AUTOMOTIVE lion has introduced Ihc new ),8-liter wheels, hody side moldings and rear engine for ihe Esteem Sedan and defroster. The GLX adds power windows, mirrors and. door Esteem Wagon. The new U-iiter. AuTO FOB SALE double overhead-cam engine gen- locks with remote keyless entry, and . eraies 122 horsepower at 6,300 rpm the GLX+ adds four-wheel ABS and cruise control. The GLX+ wagons — a 28 percent increase in power over CABS S100, S80Q & UP. Ptflce impounds Save On All Brand New the 1.6-liier engine. It develops 117 also iiicluJes a sunroof. HondM, Toydui, Chevys. jeeps and Sports Utilities, CALL N0WI 1-600-730-7772. E«»r>- Ib-fu of torque ai 1,50(1 rpm — an The Manufacturer's Suggested ilcnflOSO (SCA Network). 2000 Hondas in Stock! increase of 18 percent over the 1.6-lit- Retail Price fur the GL sedan starts at CARS FFtOM SSOO! Honda. Chevy, Je«p. and er engine. SI2.WJ wilh manual transmission,, Span Utility, Police impounds and ropoSMi- Delivering a power-to weight ratio uoni Current (tilings- BOO-941-8777, e«en- while die GL, wagon starts at S13.JW tion Cm. Fw, of 18.74:1 inihe sedan and 19,95:1 in with manual transmission. The man- FORD MUSTANG. 1965, asking S3600, er best the wagon, the Esteem boasts one of • ual transmission GLX sedan has a otter, In good condition, e cylinder Can the best pi.iwer-10-Weichi ratio in its MSRP of S13.7W and the GLX class. This is approximately a 20 per- wagon is priced al 534,299 for the MERCEDES BENZ, 600 SB. 1992 Win war- cent improvertKiil the 11.6-liter manual. transmission, The GLX+ wily L conditio engine. sedan and wagon are only available 973-B66-633Q With i rcfint with automatic transmissions — the NlSSAhJ MAXIMA, 1998. full power, , Ihe 1.8 sedan is priced al Si5.599 and the AC, DitfliirMDS.Sspeed.blac*. 26,000 mlltt wagon S16.290. condition S14.5QQ. 973-762.2115 JrejJy'great value package, tt) keq> SAAB 900SE TurtM. 1996, 5 door, automatic, . Auiomauc transmission is available nc widi the company's strategic green, isn itsmti, tuiiy loaded, 46K mlltj, Kir the GL and GLX on both the 516,0 hrivnon, .the Eqeem offers afforJ- waeou and the sedan for SI.000. The TOYOTA CAMRV LE Spoil, 1996. 31,500 hk' pritina 2nd good Kvfcs. reinforc- two-ione paim.tSjUfcm on the GLX+ miles, reguiany maintenance, garaged, new i!g Su?.Jki"s goal to establish a Ftron- OraKtt.acamimcassene AskingS13,000« wag.'n is $200. Destination and deliv- ftest ofter 373-20?-643e. 'cr presence in ihc l!,S, market. . ery- clurgc lor the Esteem models is The wagon anJ sedan are available, S4-0. IJI including lic u Uiret'inm. levels: ihc base GL. GLX sid cop-of-tliB-itne. GLXt. The •siwni is well-equipped with a Th rican Stttuki Mr iej!ih of standard features including JEEP WRANGLER hardtop tor sale, tinlrt ir jondmcrunj;. color-ke>ed bum- . Calif,, was founded wiper, ana detros! Will frt 1997 HiOLl3fi '999 S15O0 Gall 973-450-1006 " pei AM/FM stcreft'eiSctte, davtims ki, Maim Corpor


• SALE OF REAL ESTATE ' Appro*. Dimensions: 501eet x 1 SSOO Ana UP PaW 19B9." Newer. Any Corrfi- SV MASTER Neared Cross Street: imersec non Ce* Trucks. 013 Junks Removed Bonus Grumman Avenue and Bwgen S Toyota, Honflt, Nissan CaB 973-256-7021 BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF EXECU- "" l O TION, ID me a,re«te3> lauM out of the Superior.Court ol New Jtr»ey, Chancery ABLE PAYS TOP $$$ IN CASH Division Union Countyh Docket No. CARS, TRUCKS AND VANS "C-15S3-90 win Be *oia at Pubin " " ALSO WRECKS AND JUNKS •SIHIavMMiey Back OusrantM - TliertgnitoaOioumtnlssaleisspftcHical-- OR NOT LDHESDA1 ly reserved by me undersigned. >AY OF A Seized «• the property of Winston Sutn- PREE PICK UP 7 DAYS van. taken In execution ei we sun ol Tan, ai 2 o'clock, local time in tne afternoon ot 1-5TO-953-932B said day. si 1"9 latvoHtee ol MafCia Gray- 90S-688-2929 Oon, 76 S. Oranje Avenue, Soutn Orange. New Jersey. Property to M aold i* loeatM in trie Township ot Hjllaide ArtQ Crfy'Of'Ne* County & un.on ana tisex, Siat« ' ' Attomev lor me Ptalntilt Jersey. March SO, April 8, IS. BO. Premises is known Afi: 46>50 Grumman U7999 WCN Avenue. Newark mfl Townenip 0' Hillside. N.J. ana more partieulBrty «iei" " TICE Of PUBLIC AUCTION SS FAST CASH SS BEGKJNING at tne comer (ormeo by I URSUANT TO N.J.S. 39:10A-S. MAKES, MODELS S CONDITIONS intersection ol tne Southweeterty line ITED AMERICAN LIEN S RECOVERY Grumman Avenue Wltn' iho nortfiweslerly WILL SELL THE FOLLOWING AUTOJS) RUNNING OR NOT line of Bergen Street, as l»iO oi/t on map JUNKS & HIGH MILES OK 24 HOURS - 7 OAYS FUNDS: ANY PERSON(S) PLEASE CALL E. Lain), Coniifudicri Bi _ — - - TED PH:' |654).563-1999 Surveyor*, dated AuDUIt. tSOS, filed in tne ATE April El, 2000 a< 2:00 pm 80M77-0285 Reoister-s Offioe ol Eesex County 9/03«)9 TREE RD ISELIN NJ 08830 as Map #£04; from tala Beginning poi running mence (\) North 40 degrees, HSRDJWRSEHBU22S SSSWE PAY TOP DOLLARSSS si aieng taid Una Of Orumm: or, Dependable Body S Fender For Your Junk Car .0 1*et thence (!) South 49 HBtson Ave,, Ranway. MJ degrees 59 minutes West 100 leet: thence 5338 1997 Chevrelot Cavalier a dr 24 Hour Service. Call: (3) Sown 40 Degree), t mlnuie East. 50 oon vln» 3G1JFS242VS863469 ' leet to the saia northwesterly line ol Beioen Liener: Maaco AulO Pi S" Body. 908-688-7420 -iet.anatfwne#^)Nortn4eoepi— " Kl - " -.t tlong said line of ®!lfcffiSI»,"Ll.4«r»» Uenen wer Rd., Unden, HJ 5340 1991 Cnevrslei 6- 1GNCT18B4M0189711 Lienor: Ofdvint Towing. 23 Springfield Ave. Spnngiieid, NJ Classifieds map ol Hillside Commonly kn6wn at 4S-B0 Grumman Avenue. Newark and HitliiO* Township, to Do the Job

Own one and you'll understand

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wi Ii ^^

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