Growing our Catholic Faith -- at Folly Beach” P.O. Box 1257 · 56 Center Street Folly Beach, South Carolina 29439 Fr. Kelly Hall: 105 West Hudson Avenue Rev. Fr. Bryan Babick, SL.L. Phone/Office-Rectory: 843-588-2336 Email:
[email protected] Administrator Website: Nicole DeNeane Administrative Assistant Third Sunday of Lent MISSION STATEMENT: To give honor and glory to God, by loving one another as He has commanded, and by March 7, 2021 reaching out with love and compassion to those in need. MASS SCHEDULE Saturday (Anticipated Sunday Mass)...5:00pm Sunday……………...6:30am (traditional Latin) 9:00am, 11:00am Mon, Tues, Wed & Friday ...... 9:00am Holy Day of Obligation….according to daily schedule The Church will be open on Weekdays for prayer. SACRAMENTS Confession ........ Saturday 4:00-4:45pm Sunday, 8:00-8:45am Marriage ....... Six Months Prior to Date Baptism…... .. First and Second Sunday Call Parish Office prior Office hours: M 9a-2p, W 11a-4p, F 9a-2p Mass Intentions: A Mass can be offered for your loved ones, living or deceased or for yourself, by calling or emailing the Office (843-588-2336). There are also envelopes in the back of the Church to fill out information and drop in the Offertory. To Place Flowers in the Church: Those that wish to place flowers in the Church in memory of or in honor of a loved one, please call the parish office. Bulletin Submissions must be turned into the parish office by the end of business on Mondays. The publisher requires the completed bulletin be sent to them by the end of business on Tuesdays.