Issue no: 1183 • SEPTEMBER 6 - 9, 2019 • PUBLISHED TWICE WEEKLY PRICE: GEL 2.50

In this week’s issue... FOCUS PMCG Research: Men Earn 37% More than ON GEORGIAN Women in WOMEN Women have always played a crucial role, President says. And yet they still receive a lower salary... PAGE 2

NEWS PAGE 2 Khajimba, Vote Hunter

POLITICS PAGE 4 5G to Boost Asia Pacifi c's Digital Economy Development “There is even pressure for you to be happy” – Degot on the Steirischer Herbst Festival, the Contemporary World, Georgian Artists &


hat we call art now is mostly BUSINESS PAGE 4 a 19th-century concept - Eka- terina Degot, art historian, writer, and curator, tells us Georgia Ranked 17th in an exclusive interview. W“Nowadays, art is an enormous fi eld with a lot Country in World for of directions based on everything from Modern- ist to Folklore ideas. This variety shows that art Wine Exports is the human desire to produce something that does not have a utilitarian task but at the same BUSINESS PAGE 6 time is needed for the understanding and pres- entation of human nature and the world. This desire is very old, keeping in mind the art of Up and Running: indigenous people – and it persists even now.” Steirischer Herbst (meaning Styrian Autumn), Mestia, Svaneti one of Europe’s oldest interdisciplinary festivals exhibit there. We ask her what got her into the fi eld. of contemporary art, takes place in Graz (Aus- Last year, the festival got a new director, the “Well, everybody does what they love to do SOCIETY PAGE 8 tria) annually every autumn. Through art, the Russian curator and scholar Ekaterina Degot. and I’ve always loved art. Growing up in the festival addresses the political and social issues While visiting Tbilisi, Degot talked to GEORGIA , I was not allowed to travel much of the local and international community. TODAY about the festival, the challenges of and by studying world art history, I felt like I Capturing the Vibe: What Steirischer Herbst 2019 is particularly interest- contemporary art, the Georgian artists involved was traveling the globe. I think that played a big ing to Georgia as two Georgian artists, Guram and Tbilisi, the city that, as she claims has ‘kept role in my interest.” Does Tbilisi Sound Like? Matskhonashvili and Giorgi Gagoshidze, are to its soul’. Continued on page 9 CULTURE PAGE 11 GEORGIA TODAY 2 NEWS SEPTEMBER 6 - 9, 2019 PMCG Research: Men President Zurabishvili: Women Earn 37% More than Always Played a Crucial Role Women in Georgia in Georgian History said it is mainly connected to the fact BY THEA MORRISON that men do not want to lose their “rank,” adding one of the main examples of this is seen in emigration, where the major- alome Zurabishvili, the fi rst ity of leavers are women who send their female President of Georgia, salaries back to their men, who stay in this week highlighted the Georgia. important role women have Regarding the lack of women in Georgian played in the history of the politics, the President said that the number Scountry. of women in Parliament is not impressive In her interview with French media and amounts to only 15% of MPs. outlet Le Figaro, Zurabishvili noted that “However, I’m against gender quotas, the claims of some analysts that Geor- which my female colleagues have per- gian society was very conservative for ceived very badly. In my opinion, the a long time, and that women stayed at lack of women in Parliament is further home while men worked, are incorrect. explained by the fact that politics is not “This is a stereotype. Women have yet an attractive fi eld for women. For a always played a very important role in Georgian woman, medicine, work in an the history of Georgia. First of all, Geor- international organization and law are gia was converted to Christianity by a more attractive fi elds than fi ghting for woman. Then, during the Georgian politics. Nevertheless, the Georgian gov- Renaissance and the Golden Age, the ernment does boast fi ve female minis- of France to Georgia and in 2004-2005 country was ruled by a woman titled ters,” she noted. she served as Minister of Foreign Affairs "King." All of this has had a huge impact The President also underlined that of Georgia. After leaving the post, she on the relationship between men and being a woman has never been an obsta- founded the political party ‘Georgia’s women,” she said. cle for her to become successful and Way.’ Image source: The President noted that even in the competitive in politics. In 2006-2015, she was an Associate woman was 856.2 GEL ($288.6), which Soviet times, everyone worked equally “When I went to the French Foreign Professor of International Relations at BY THEA MORRISON means a difference of 37.07%. and after the collapse of the SSSR, the Ministry, I was pregnant and unmarried. the Institute of Political Studies in Paris, “Analysis of unequal pay has been pos- role of Georgian women was strength- It did not cause any problems,” she said. France, and from 2010 to 2015 she led sible since 2001, when the pay of women ened. Zurabishvili became the fi rst female the United Nations Security Council MCG organization has pub- was 49% lower than that of men. Although “Women took over the country's des- President of Georgia in November 2018. monitoring group on sanctions against lished an overview on the the absolute difference between the aver- tiny and adapted to the reality of the She was born on 18 March 1952 in Paris Iran. In 2016, she became an independ- gender pay gap in Georgia and age salaries of the two sexes has been industrial breakdown. Georgia was lost, into a family of Georgian immigrants. ent Deputy in the Parliament of Georgia. indicates that, as of 2018, the increasing, the percentage difference without a strong economy, standing In 1974-2004, she worked in the diplo- During the 2018 Georgian presidential difference in salaries of men has been decreasing since 2005,” the before a world which was opening its matic service for the Ministry of Foreign election, Zurabishvili ran as an independ- Pand women is 37% and if the trend does survey reads. door. Men had the mission to protect Affairs of France in several embassies ent candidate supported by the ruling not change, it will take about 30 years to It also says that between 2005 and 2013, the country in olden times, and after- and with French representations to inter- party. She prevailed in eliminate the existing differences. the pay gap fell from 51.06% to 36.43%, wards had to try to rediscover their national organizations (UN, NATO, the a run-off vote against candidate of the The organization says that last year the but then increased by half a percent, places,” she added. Western European Union, OSCE). united opposition, Grigol Vashadze, and average salary of a man in Georgia was resulting in today's 37.07%. Asked if this is an incentive for domes- In 2003, she was appointed as Extraor- assumed the President’s Offi ce in Decem- 1360.5 GEL ($458.53), and the salary of a Continued on page 3 tic violence in the country, Zurabishvili dinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador ber 2018. GEORGIA TODAY SEPTEMBER 6 - 9, 2019 NEWS 3 Zurabishvili Criticized for Pardoning Prisoner who Killed Police Offi cer BY AMY JONES

resident of Georgia Salome Zurabishvili has been criticized for her decision to pardon Ramaz Devadze who was con- victed in December 2014 for killing a police offi cer in Batumi. PThe court sentenced Devadze to twelve years in prison in 2015 after he fatally shot Tarash Mukba- niani, a 22-year old police offi cer, at Legas night club in Batumi. Devadze used Mukbaniani’s service gun, which Mukbaniani was carrying despite not being on duty. “Ramaz Devadze was released from prison yes- terday,” his lawyer David Japaridze confi rmed. He had served a third of his sentence. Devadze denied murder, claiming the killing was manslaughter. “Ramaz Devadze did not intention- ally kill Mukbaniani,” his lawyer told news network Akhati Taoba. “None of the courts paid any atten- tion to the nightclub’s video camera recordings which make it clear that the policeman initially started shooting at the club. Ramaz was able to confi scate his weapon and fi red an accidental shot,” he continued. The police offi cer’s family, as well as members of the ruling party Georgian Dream, have heavily criticized Zurabishvili for including Devadze on her list of pardons released on August 28, the national holiday of Mariamoba. “On what grounds did she let him out of prison? is controversial. Justice Minister Tea Tsulukiani don Commission Ucha Nanuashvili told OC Media after , then-President, halved She should be held responsible for her decision,” criticized Zurabishvili’s pardoning list, claiming that to his knowledge “the Commission is not active his sentence. Originally imprisoned for robbery, Mukbaniani’s mother told Imedi. that it was not discussed with the justice ministry. under the current president.” Nebieradze raped and murdered an 8-year-old girl Prominent members of Georgia Dream, such as Typically, the Pardon Commission, formed by mem- “It is not clear how the President makes decisions in Gori in October 2018 following his release. Parliament Speaker Archil Talakvadze and the bers of civil society, composes a list of recommenda- [to grant pardons]. Some general criteria exist but Margvelashvili also pardoned Vepkhia Bakradze, general secretary and Tbilisi Mayor Kakha Kaladze, tions for a presidential pardon. In December 2018, the the point of the commission is to ensure the risks, convicted for domestic violence, who slit his step- also publically spoke out against the decision, whilst commission’s chair Zviad Koridze resigned, disagree- like the one which was not avoided in this case, are daughter’s throat following his release. others questioned the process by which Zurabish- ing with the way Zurabishvili appointed new commis- considered,” he reported to OC Media. Zurabishvili, who was on a state visit in Poland vili selects prisoners to be pardoned. sion members. The President’s offi ce has not released Zurabishvili is not the fi rst Georgian president to at the time of the criticism, told Imedi that she Since taking offi ce in December 2018, Zurabishvili information regarding Koridze’s replacement. be criticized for her choice of pardons. In February would not justify her decision to grant clemency has pardoned 91 prisoners. However, the process Public Defender and former member of the Par- 2018, Iago Nebieradze was released from prison as it was at the President’s discretion. PMCG Research: Men Earn 37% More than Women in Georgia

Continued from page 2 For comparison, in the education sector, which is considered the lowest-paid sector, 82% of employ- “If the above 10-year trend does not change, it ees are women. will take 30 years to eliminate the wage gap and, PMCG says another important factor that also according to the statistics of the last fi ve years, the contributes to unequal salaries is the type of average salaries of men and women cannot become activity in the sector. In particular, in the fi nan- equal,” the organization says. cial and insurance sectors, where the difference It was also noted that in 2018, Georgia's potential between salaries is most noticeable, 74.2% of workforce, 15 years old and up, was 3.034 million women work as offi ce staff while only 56.2% of people. Women represent 53.6% of this 15+ popula- men also do so. In high-paid jobs, such as spe- tion, but only 46.6% of the workforce, which means cialist-professional, the percentage of men is fewer women participate in the workforce than twice that of women. men. “Based on the available data, it may be inferred “The level of women's activity has increased from that some of this difference is due to the different 54.4% to 55.6% since 2010. The main cause of the working hours of men and women and the differ- slight increase may be the decline in population, ent career decisions they make at an early age. as the number of women in the labor force has not Traditions may also greatly infl uence these deci- increased,” says PMCG, adding women’s activity sions,” the organization stated. level of 2018, which is 55.6%, is not a satisfactory In late August, the Women’s Movement in Geor- number, especially when the activity level for men gia protested the existing pay gap in the country, is 73.6%. saying the difference between men and women’s It added that this difference can be explained by salaries in Georgia is 36%. certain stereotypes, and based on empirical exam- The organization said studies show that high wage ples it may be argued that the low activity level differences directly increase the number of eco- contributes to the pay gap. nomically inactive women and also have a bad PMCG believes one of the main reasons for the impact on child poverty. pay gap may be the disproportionate distribution “The government must ensure a non-discrim- of men and women in different sectors. For exam- inatory wage and labor conditions that will ple, in the fi ve highest-paid sectors, women exceed empower women and boost the country's econ- men only in one sector, while in the lowest-paid omy,” they said. sectors, they are represented as a majority in the The Public Defender of Georgia, Nino Lomjaria, top three sectors. also commented on the issue, confi rming that gen- In particular, men are predominant in sectors der equality in labor relations and economic empow- such as construction and in the electricity, gas, erment of women remains a challenge in Georgia, steam and air-conditioning supply sectors. The which in turn has a negative impact on women's average wages in these sectors are GEL 1513-1757, legal status, including increasing their vulnerabil- making them the fourth and fi fth highest paid jobs. ity to discrimination and domestic violence. GEORGIA TODAY 4 POLITICS SEPTEMBER 6 - 9, 2019 Khajimba, Vote Hunter BUSINESS 5G to Boost Asia Pacifi c's Digital Economy Development

uawei is enabling sustain- able development of a digital economy in the Asia Pacifi c region by leverag- ing on 5G. The company alsoH seeks to help carriers across the Asia Pacifi c region to deploy 5G faster and fully leverage the advantages of 5G. Announced at the 5th Huawei Asia- Pacifi c Innovation Day, the conference also saw more than 200 representatives Image source: from government, industry and academia lost in those election districts where it across the region get together to discuss OP-ED BY ZAZA JGARKAVA had worked most: Batumi and Sighnaghi. 5G technologies and applications. The same happened to Khajimba: he lost “5G is arriving at the right time. More the districts where his campaign had specifi cally, it can provide wide coverage, he events surrounding the worked hardest. There hasn’t been a yard large bandwidth, and low latency on the so-called presidential elec- or a road which wasn’t repaired in the basis of traditional connections. It can also tions in occupied new district of Sokhumi; Khajimba was provide network slicing for different appli- exceeded all expectations. even named Concrete Raul for the cations. This new feature makes it adapt- is as high as 1 Gbps, which means it takes BETTER INTELLIGENT WORLD Although the second round endeavor, which obviously proved futile. able to a variety of complex industrial only seconds to download an HD movie StorySign is an AI-enabled application Twas predicted by all election observers, Despite Khajimba’s hopes, everyone applications. With the advancement of 5G, in 1080P. that uses image recognition and optical no one was able to foretell the results. in Sokhumi is convinced that the presi- there will be many 5G-enabled applica- 5G is becoming a reality. Around the character recognition technologies to Who could have imagined that the favorite dential prospects for both candidates tions that will change the world. At the world, 35 carriers in 20 countries have translate children's books into sign lan- candidate of President Putin, the current are in the hands of Alexandre Ankvab, same time, 5G, AI, IoT and cloud are launched 5G and 33 other countries have guage, helping deaf and mute children “president” Raul Khajimba, would fail whose favorite candidate got only 102 improving everyday life and nature, mak- distributed 5G spectrum. learn how to read. to get even a fourth of the total votes. votes less than Kvitsinia before the elec- ing the world a better place,” said Huawei’s Huawei has secured over fi fty 5G com- In Costa Rica, a company called Rain- But he wasn’t alone, as neither of the tions, Ankvab was asking for the post of board director and president of the Insti- mercial contracts worldwide and shipped forest Connection has deployed solar- other eight candidates were able to gather so-called Prime Minister and for the tute of Strategic Research, William Xu. over 200,000 Massive MIMO AAUs. With powered monitoring equipment in 2,500 25% of the votes and all this in light of completion of the government. Naturally, Asia Pacifi c is leading the world in terms rich exaperience in 5G pilot commercial km2 of rainforest. With the massive data the fact that the number of voters on the after August 25, his ambitions only of 5G deployment, with South Korea being use and active exploration of 5G innova- storage and intelligent analysis capabili- occupied territory doesn’t exceed 129,000. increased. As for the Kremlin, it seems the fi rst country to commercial the use tive applications, Huawei is committed to ties of Huawei Cloud, the monitoring Khajimba, who got the most votes, to be in a win-win situation. of the technology. providing the safest and most advanced equipment can process complex audio received only 20,304. Oppositional can- Khajimba is known to be Putin’s favorite, Xu said since the rollout of 5G in early 5G products and solutions, as well as appli- data in the rainforest in real-time, and didate Alkhas Kvitsinia gathered 19,032 and the two met in Sochi before the elec- April, the number of subscribers have cation scenarios. Huawei seeks to enable identify the noises of chainsaws and trucks votes, while the favorite of former “pres- tions, which obviously didn’t make a exceeded two million. carriers in the Asia-Pacifi c region to deploy in an accurate and timely manner, so as ident” Ankvab, Oleg Arshba, got 18,931 difference. Maybe Putin’s neutrality is Three major carriers in China, namely 5G faster and fully leverage the advantages to prevent illegal logging. votes. The rest of the candidates got no the result of the 2004 experience, when China Mobile, China Unicom and China of 5G. The aim is to empower numerous Helping vulnerable groups, protecting more than 6,000 votes altogether. Khajimba Putin openly supported Khajimba and Telecom, have also deployed 5G networks industries, improve social effi ciency and the earth, and realizing the harmonious and Kvitsinia will participate in a second called Abkhazians to vote for him and in cities including Beijing, Shanghai, accelerate industrial digitization. development between man and nature round and now everything depends on instead the elections were won by Sergei Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Chengdu. are issues that concern everyone in soci- those 45,000 voters who did not show up Bagapsh. To date, Huawei has secured over 50 WITH THE LAUNCH OF ety. New technologies like 5G, cloud, IoT on polling day on August 25. Today, Khajimba’s situation is far more 5G commercial contracts worldwide and 5G STEREO-COVERAGE and AI are shaping a world where all Khajimba believes that he has the rel- diffi cult: where in 2004 he was only shipped over 200,000 5G base stations. NETWORK, THERE WILL things will be sensing, connected and evant resources to increase the number known as being the colleague of Putin Meanwhile, at the event, China Mobile BE MORE 5G-ENABLED intelligent. The intelligent world is com- of voters and states that he will work on in the KGB, today everyone knows that Sichuan and Huawei launched a 5G stereo- INNOVATIVE APPLICATIONS ing to all individuals, all companies, and this part of the electorate during the time Khajimba is the protector of corruption coverage network to achieve seamless At the event, China Mobile Sichuan and all industries. Technologies are making that is left before the second round. “We and criminals. Compared to this, Kvit- 5G coverage. Huawei launched a 5G stereo-coverage the world a better place. know where we failed and which votes sinia has a good reputation. He has been Other than carriers, Huawei also part- network, which consists of a basic cover- Since 2013, Huawei Innovation Day has we will be able to get,” he told journal- working as the Deputy Major of Sokhumi ners with industry players to demonstrate age layer, a capacity experience layer and been held in different cities, including ists on August 26. for years in a territory still considered various innovative industry applications, indoor coverage for high-value scenarios London, Milan, Munich, Paris, Singapore, This resembles the events that took an oasis for corruption, with candidates including 5G+VR, 5G+8K video, 5G tel- to achieve seamless coverage of 5G. In Sydney, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, Dubai, place during last year’s Georgian presi- including Khajimba unable to discredit emedicine and more. All these indicate addition, Huawei has partnered with car- and São Paulo. Following the principles dential elections, when the fate of the him. Kvitsinia’s clean reputation has the infi nite potential applications of 5G riers and other industry partners to dem- of openness, innovation, collaboration chosen was determined by the voters made him known as a person who fi ghts in the era of commercial use. onstrate various innovative industry and shared success, Huawei is committed who didn’t vote during the fi rst round: corruption and criminals, which is what applications, including 5G+VR, 5G+8K to bringing digital to every person, home it was these people whose votes were he has based his election campaign upon. HUAWEI IS HELPING CARRIERS video, 5G+drones, 5G telemedicine and and organization for a fully connected, “bought” by the Georgian Dream for As for the approach of the Kremlin, it ACROSS ASIA PACIFIC TO 5G ambulances. All these indicate the intelligent world. Salome Zurabishvili. But how President hasn’t shown any pretentions yet. It will DEPLOY 5G FASTER infi nite potential applications of 5G in the HUAWEI products and services are Putin will act in this situation, we will likely be supporting this candidate too, Asia-Pacifi c is leading the world in terms era of commercial use. available in more than 170 countries and fi nd out on September 10. as Moscow needs to have a leader in the of 5G deployment. South Korea is the Guests from government, industry and are used by a third of the world's popula- The similarities between elections go occupied territory with such a clean world's fi rst country that has realized academia gave speeches from various tion. There are 16 research and develop- further: remember when the electorate reputation. At the moment, Khajimba is large-scale commercial use of 5G. Since perspectives, such as policy-making and ment centers operating worldwide in the from Ninotsminda mixed up Mikheil 1615 votes ahead of Kvitsinia, about the the rollout of 5G in early April, the num- regulation and industry digitization. They USA, Germany, Sweden, Russia, India Saluashvili and ? same number difference seen between ber of 5G subscribers in this country talked about how innovative technologies and China. HUAWEI Consumer BG is Likewise the Abkhazian voters confused Salome Zurabishvili and Grigol Vashadze exceeded 2 million. South Korea has can support the development of the cul- one of HUAWEI's three business units, Artur Ankvab for Alexandre Ankvab. after the fi rst round of presidential elec- become the global benchmark for the tural industry and natural ecological pro- mainly focusing on Smartphones, per- With the help of Saakashvili and the tions last year. Whether the same sce- commercial use of 5G. China has built a tection and shared typical cases on how sonal computers, tablets and cloud ser- Ninotsminda voters’ mistake, Saluashvili nario will repeat in Sokhumi, we will see large-scale 5G network for pilot commer- "5G+AI"can empower numerous industries. vices. HUAWEI Global Network is based got the votes, as Artur Ankvab got 1403 soon. What Khajimba needs now is a cial use. The three major carriers have on 20 years’ experience in the telecom- votes from the Gudauri electorate. protector who is willing to spend his deployed 5G networks in cities including TECHNOLOGY FOR munications business and serves to pro- If we recall the parliamentary elections money on votes, just like Ivanishvili and Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, GOOD - THE USE OF NEW vide innovative technologies to custom- of 2012, the United National Movement the Georgian Dream did for Zurabishvili. and Chengdu. The tested downlink rate TECHNOLOGIES OPENS UP A ers around the world. SUBSCRIBE!


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GEORGIA TODAY 6 BUSINESS SEPTEMBER 6 - 9, 2019 Georgia Ranked 17th Country in World for Wine Exports put Georgian wines on the map. BY AMY JONES “Wine professionals have discovered Georgia’s indigenous varieties, which refl ect a deep sense of place,” Julie Peter- he Association of American son, Managing Partner of Marq Wine Wine Economists (AAWE) Group told Forbes. “There is growing has ranked Georgia in 17th interest in low-intervention wines, and position in their list of wine because Georgians have continually exporting countries in the produced wines using natural, ancient Tworld, released on 30 August. methods for 8,000 years, they stand at Based on data from 2018, Georgian the epicenter of this practice.” wine companies exported 86.2 million However, despite Georgia’s historic bottles of wine totaling $196.6 million in link to wine, companies have faced set- value, the AAWE reported. A total of 284 backs over the past decades. Winemak- wine companies, 34 more than in 2017, ers have worked to bring back unique sent bottles to 53 countries around the varieties of grapes that were phased out world. Georgia placed behind The Neth- during the Soviet era to make way for erlands and Austria and ahead of Lithu- generic sorts that were easier to produce ania and Belgium. for the mass market. A well-known wine nation, France In addition, a Russian wine embargo topped the list, exporting wine with a imposed in 2006 forced the industry to value totaling $11,055.9 million. Italy, diversify its market. At the time, Russia Spain, Australia, Chile, the USA, Ger- was the biggest export market for Geor- many, New Zealand, Portugal and the gian wines, as the destination for a stag- UK all ranked in the top ten. gering 92% of wine exports. Russia is Georgian wine exports have been now once again an important market for increasing year on year. In August, Forbes Georgian wines. In 2018, Georgian wine Magazine reported that wine exports exports to Russia totaled 15% of the total from Georgia to the United States grew exports by value. by 88% in the fi rst half of 2019. This year, Georgia may also face dif- As one of the oldest wine regions in fi culties due to a challenging grape har- the world and with 525 grape varieties, vest and further Russian sanctions. Image source - Just a Glass of Wine Georgia has a strong winemaking tradi- Chairman of the Georgian National Wine he said, adding that Georgian wine exports home-based makers into an important companies and 100,000 home wineries tion. Indeed, unique wine methods, such Agency reported in August. “Producers to Russia had decreased. industry, using both qvevri and Euro- registered in Georgia and the number as Qvevri, which is a UNESCO-protected say they will buy less grapes than planned Nonetheless, today, Georgia’s wine pean methods. Despite being a small of wine exports is expected to continue winemaking technique, have helped to as they could face problems selling wine,” industry is transforming from small country, there are more than 500 wine to rise. Natia Turnava on Need for Deep Sea Port The Minister added that container BY ANA DUMBADZE shipping in January-August grew by 37% compared to the same period of last year, which was the highest indicator in the atia Turnava, the candidate last decade. for the post of the Minis- “Nowadays, Georgia is really transform- ter of Economy and Sus- ing into a regional transport hub. Work- tainable Development of ing on the trans-European transport Georgia, has pointed out network and integration of the country’s Nthe importance and necessity of a deep transit systems into the network will sea port for the country at today’s com- continue. This is a project that brings us mittee hearing in Parliament. closer to Europe. In response to the chal- “Such high growth in container ship- lenges in the fi eld of transport and the ping once again shows that there are all development of the transit corridor, we the prospects necessary for developing are planning to digitize the transit cor- our port infrastructure even faster. The ridor through Georgia with our partner country has long needed a deep sea port. countries. This means not only the We are doing our best to ensure that this physical existence of the infrastructure project is implemented and supported. but also a high-tech model of manage- We are looking forward to the moves of ment, which will further increase the the investors involved in this project," attractiveness of our corridor,” Turnava Turnava said. said. Georgia Ranks 68 on Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report 2019 policies that enable the sustainable BY NINI DAKHUNDARIDZE development of the T&T sector, the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report shows the development and com- ecently published data from petitiveness of a country. the World Economic Forum The report put Georgia in the subgroup shows that Georgia is the of Europe and Eurasia. The world rating 68th country in Travel & puts Georgia in 68th place, ahead of Tourism Competitiveness neighbor Azerbaijan (71th) and Armenia outR of 140 countries. (78). The ranking gave Russia 39th stand- Published biennially, the Travel & Tour- ing. ism Competitiveness Report and Index The top fi ve countries most competi- benchmark the T&T competitiveness of tive in Travel and Tourism according to 140 countries and their different econo- the report are 1. Spain, 2. France, 3. Ger- mies. Measuring the set of factors and many, 4. Japan, 5. USA GEORGIA TODAY SEPTEMBER 6 - 9, 2019 SOCIETY 7 Georgia’s Linguistic Delusion


he average Georgian parent sounds awfully funny when it comes to the problem of enlightening their precious posterity. I fall into hyster- Tics hearing them reiterate absentmind- edly the popular but terribly trivial wis- dom about a knowledge of foreign tongues, perpetuating the idea that the more languages we are fl uent in, the more of a person we are. In fact, it is a curse for smaller nations to be so egregiously coerced, for cultural reasons, into learning somebody else’s tongue, be it an ally or a nemesis. Geor- gia, for instance, was historically com- pelled at various stages of its develop- ment to speak Greek, Arabic, Mongolian, Turkish, Persian, Russian and now Eng- lish, in addition to its native tongue. For plain survival, Georgians have always needed to be at least bilingual, if not trilingual, for that matter. The historical multi-lingual indispensability persists even today, and it will not end in future either. The logic of the imposed ‘sweat’ is not like math, science, computing, technol- selves on the verge of a precipice of cialist. Well, if we want to learn a foreign guage in the world that they come across rocket science: no matter how lovely ogy, genetics, engineering and what not. irrationality. Our children should only language for fun, that’s OK of course, accidentally, but only the one that makes and unique our native Georgian is, it is This is just a short list of tools for our learn what needs to be learned, and what but spending most of our time on lan- their future life defi nitely more qualita- still not enough for us to stay in active continued existence. Axiomatically, time is dictated by absolutely existential neces- guages, hoping that a polyglot has a bet- tive than without it. And time must be touch with the world. And without a for human life is strictly limited, and sity. In the very fi rst place, they need to ter chance of survival, is simply wrong. given to learning sciences in their stead, tight interconnection with the rest of one third of that god-allotted instance learn what makes their survival realistic. It might be plausibly helpful to learn which will determine what kind of peo- humankind, we can hardly survive, espe- is spent on sleep. The remaining amount Meanwhile, the subsidiary lore like a the language of the country of which we ple and what sort of survivors our little cially because the world is not prepared of lifetime has to be broken up with knowledge of languages has to be subject want to become a permanent citizen, ones are going to make in the future. at this time to master the Georgian lan- utmost reason and precision and given to very serious deliberation and decision- but this is a horse of a totally different The delusion that we are overwhelmed guage to communicate with us. to what we truly need to learn to stay making. If we spend most of our chil- color. So, let us tell our kids that the con- with, only in terms of our education in This is just one side of the medal. The alive. dren’s energy on learning languages, we nection with the rest of the world may general, would not allow us and our other side is that knowledge of foreign The balance in this kind of time allot- will never make survival-oriented money- be made and maintained via the most children to be as reasonable as we should, languages is in no way a suffi cient device ment would serve the nation perfectly makers out of them. Languages do not usable language of the world. The main but this does not mean that our eyes for staying alive and sated. We also, if well. So, if we persist with our kids in make money unless they are profession- sense that I am trying to put into this must be closed forever. We will certainly not in the fi rst place, need knowledge talking them into learning as many lan- ally used by teachers and translators or didactic piece is that we should not over- see the light someday. The matter is how of many other instruments of survival, guages as they can, we might fi nd our- as an auxiliary qualifi cation for a spe- load our kids with learning every lan- soon!


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ton Zhorzholiani, and his deputy, the many of its most vulnerable citizens. BLOG BY TONY HANMER Ambassador, TRC Board head Nana As I watched the Ambassador sitting Lomadze and Ruta all gave speeches down to eat cake with several of the about the importance of this facility and attending children, shrugging off any ow I can cross off “eat cake this day. Two local boys with special special status which might cling to some- with a printed icing top” needs dazzled us with some Svan danc- one of his long title, I was impressed. He from my bucket list. Also, ing. The ribbon was cut, we toured the has a genuine interest in what is happen- “meet an ambassador from facility, had cake and champagne along ing here, and neither is this his fi rst (or Japan”. Both events hap- with families of disabled children. last) visit to Svaneti. I was able to tell him Npened at the same time: the offi cial open- As I have written before, it is most that while my teenage dream of becom- ing of the Rehabilitation Center for Per- encouraging to see such centers being ing an apprentice to a Japanese potter sons with Disabilities in Mestia, named opened here in the far-fl ung regions of was never fulfi lled, I still have enormous after the late Kakha Paliani. This project, Georgia, away from the big urban areas respect for the arts of his country, the long the dream of Ruta Casabianca who with their multiplicities of available highest practitioners of which are given runs Together for Real Changes, and infrastructure and help for the needy. the title of Living National Treasure. One many local families with members with And these largely hidden away people, day I’ll go and see it all myself. disabilities, is now fully operational, with traditionally unacknowledged as exist- Who knows which of these children a capacity of over 100 people! It includes ing at all in society, can fi nally come into present and the others who will join easy access to residential facilities for the light, receive help, be taken care of, them are just as talented? Whether they those wanting to stay and receive reha- their families be given training and a are or not (and we will be given the bilitation and training in family units, break and support for their heroic work. chance to fi nd out at last), they are being the fi rst such facility in all Georgia! A This is profound. If 20 and more years recognized as people like anyone else, large and well-equipped kitchen and ago special needs children in Georgian which will make all the difference to bathroom facilities; and a number of orphanages were… dying of malnutrition their young, newly allowed to be blos- rooms for the various types of rehabili- in their own excrement, unschooled and soming lives. tation offered. It was funded largely by practically untouched and ignored, now the Grassroots and Human Security at least some of them have the possibility Tony Hanmer has lived in Georgia since Grant Assistance Program of the Gov- not to live in institutions but to stay at 1999, in Svaneti since 2007, and been a ernment of Japan; thus the presence of home and in society, loved and looked weekly writer for GT since early 2011. He H.E. Mr Tadaharu Uehara, Ambassador after. The Georgian government and peo- runs the “Svaneti Renaissance” Facebook Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of ple of Japan, along with those of Bulgaria group, now with nearly 2000 members, at Japan for Georgia and several of his staff. and others who have also contributed to 10 Members of the internationally the building and running of places like sance/ famous Riho Svan singing ensemble this and more over more than 20 years, He and his wife also run their own guest house opened the day with a couple of their are to be applauded for their humanitar- in Etseri: best songs. The Mayor of Mestia, Kapi- ian work to improve life in Georgia for GEORGIA TODAY SEPTEMBER 6 - 9, 2019 CULTURE 9 “There is even pressure for you to be happy” – Degot on the Steirischer Herbst Festival, the Contemporary World, Georgian Artists & Tbilisi

Continued from page 1

SOME OF YOUR EARLIER WORK, LIKE THE EXHIBITION OF UNDERWEAR IN SOVIET TIMES, COULD BE DESCRIBED AS A PROTEST. DO YOU BELIEVE THAT ART SHOULD SERVE THE STATE IN THE FORM OF SOCIAL ACTIVISM? ARE YOU AN ACTIVIST? Social activism today is something that goes against the state, working in opposition to it. Many artists see their role in some sort of social activism. I’m not a part of the movement and I don’t live in Russia right now, and being in Russia would prob- ably require me to be an activist. I live in a quiet of pleasure are more enhanced by the feeling that town in the quiet country of Austria, where I can our civilization is coming to an end. be critical of art and politics without being labeled The abyss is the future of our civilization which a ‘social activist’. There’s no need for me to fi ght is very much under question, ecologically but for artists’ rights. more so politically. I would say very few people have an optimistic view of our future. Most peo- TELL US ABOUT THE STEIRISCHER ple can’t help but feel that the world is going in HERBST FESTIVAL. WHAT IS ITS AIM? the wrong direction. It started in 1968 on the border with the Soviet Union and quite far from the big center of Euro- WHAT BRINGS YOU TO TBILISI? pean culture of the time. The former Nazis were I’m here to assist the rehearsals for the play we still in power in education in Austrian universi- are putting on for the festival. The festival tries ties. Avant-garde artists were feeling very lonely to do exclusive pieces of theater, which is never in a hostile environment and this defi ned the easy. The play that I commissioned is written by whole energy of the festival – the confrontation Keti Chukhrov who is an important poet and phi- with society. At the same time, of course, we have losopher living in London and Moscow. She wrote to win society over. So this festival strives to make a satiric comedy titled Global Congress of Post- a big social impact. Steirischer Herbst mainly Prostitution, which takes place in Zugdidi. It is consists of visual art but the festival also includes about love and sex between the genders but also literature, theater, music and discussions. We want between the West and the East. We are very happy to stimulate society to political and social discus- that we have found a great, young and talented sions through art. theater director for this play – Guram Matskho- nashvili. We are here to get a glimpse of how the THIS IS YOUR SECOND YEAR CURATING production is going. THE FESTIVAL. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR EXPERIENCE? WE UNDERSTAND YOU WERE We do not have our own spaces, so each year we LAST HERE DURING THE SOVIET have to fi nd space in Graz and other towns for PERIOD. HOW WOULD YOU our exhibition of concepts both practical and his- SAY TBILISI HAS CHANGED? torical. It needs to be a place with a great story Actually, probably less than Moscow. Tbilisi has that not only tells of the past of the location but kept its charm and soul. Everybody loves it and, is somehow connected to the story of international though I’ve been here only two days, I’m totally society. Then we have to fi nd artists that fi t into in love with it. I’m already making plans to come the specifi c theme and space. This is what we call back and go to other places in Georgia. The Tbi- a challenge but at the same time is what brings lisi landscape is very picturesque, but I rather feel us the most interesting results. Installations in that human relations are something that makes former shops… exhibitions in churches… Tbilisi unique. I haven’t been here long, but I think that even the architecture of Tbilisi shows how LAST YEAR’S THEME WAS ‘NEW SOFT social the city and its habitants are. FASCISM,’ THIS YEAR ‘HEDONISM.’ HOW ARE THESE ‘LITTLE FASCISMS’ THERE ARE TWO GEORGIAN ARTISTS RELEVANT IN SOCIETY TODAY? INVOLVED IN THE STEIRISCHER Unfortunately, all over the world, conservatism HERBST 2019. HOW DID THEY is on the rise. It has different forms, different faces. END UP PARTICIPATING? In Austria, like in many European countries, the Keti wanted a Georgian artist to direct the play. right-wing nationalist party has the legacy of the And the other artist, Giorgi Gagoshidze, I came Nazis. Of course, we have to deal with this. Plus, across accidentally. The fi lm he has made is rather we are surrounded by a lot of countries like Hun- new but fi ts perfectly with the theme of the exhi- gary, where this political tendency is much stronger bition. He’s directed a very beautiful movie about – we are refl ecting on this phenomenon. his father and his lost hand. I found the humor of the movie very nice – the lost hand and the invis- ANOTHER THEME THIS YEAR IS ible hand of the market. And I see a great art ‘THE GRAND HOTEL ABYSS.’ potential here in Georgia, and the originality of WHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS Georgian artists. METAPHOR BY GEORG LUKÁCS? We had the city of Graz in mind. The architecture WHAT WOULD YOU SAY IS there is really old, mostly baroque. There is almost THE BIGGEST CHALLENGE no modernist architecture. This style on churches FOR ARTIST’S TODAY? and apartment complexes serves as propaganda. As always, the challenge is to say something about It, along with the culinary pleasure that is a big the contemporary world. Through realism, art is part of the culture in the region, shows a great some sort of mirror to the society he or she rep- deal of hedonism. Enjoying life on the verge of resents, which simultaneously lets you see what the apocalypse – which is what the Grand Hotel that society is like. The challenge for an artist is Abyss is all about. There is this feeling that we to be heard, to access the world and to put himself enjoy life while the catastrophe is building up in that mirror of art. outside – that is the phenomenon of hedonism we are looking at in the exhibition of Steirischer THE CURATORIAL CONCEPT OF THE Herbst ’19. FESTIVAL READS: “MANY OF THE CONTRIBUTIONS TO STEIRISCHER THE METAPHOR CONSISTS OF HERBST ENGAGE WITH APOCALYPTIC TWO CONCEPTS: THE HOTEL OF IMAGERY, NOT ONLY AS A MIRROR PLEASURE AND THE ABYSS OUTSIDE OF DYSTOPIAN TENDENCIES IN OF IT. IN TODAY’S WORLD, WHAT THE PRESENT BUT AS A SPACE FOR WOULD YOU SAY IS THE GRAND HOPE AND RENEWAL.” WHAT IS HOTEL AND WHAT IS THE ABYSS? THIS HOPE AND WHAT RENEWAL The hotel is this life in Europe. I’m not talking SHOULD WE HOPE FOR? about the whole world, but Europe enjoys this I think what is specifi c for visual artists, they like fortress that it has built which does not let outsid- negativity. They feel very comfortable in cata- ers in. For the enjoyment of their lifestyle, each strophic situations because they see it as a great day’s pleasure and happiness has become more environment in which to make art. The other thing conceptualized. There is even pressure for you to is that they see the apocalypse as a form of revo- be happy. It is constantly published on social lution, too. Revolution is the moment when things media. This is new to European culture, maybe it turn around. I think this is the hope that sees the is something that came from America. In Europe, apocalypse as some form of revolution. There is in Austria and Russia at least, you are rather sup- a potential for more authentic popular forms in posed to complain. It’s impolite to say you are so pop culture; theater is emerging. I am interested well. But now there is the pressure. Consumerism in parts of art where theater and visual arts come is a part of it, but maybe the needing and feeling together. We have great potential there. GEORGIA TODAY 10 CULTURE SEPTEMBER 6 - 9, 2019

WHAT’S ON IN TBILISI THEATER Until September 8 Film of Animation Film Festival Mezzo-soprano: Ketevan Kemoklidze collaboration & Storm Altas - The Georgian National Museum ‘Suzdal’ Chorus: Tbilisi Z. Paliashvili Opera live concert and the Embassy of Japan 13:00- Animation Film Retrospective and Ballet State Theatre Chorus Start time: 20:0 GABRIADZE THEATER in Georgia present Japanese and Master Class of the Director and Principal Chorus Master: Avtandil Ticket: 10-30 GEL 13 Shavtelis St. CALLIGRAPHY MASTER animator Michael Dudock de Wit Chkhenkeli TEL (+995 32) 2 98 65 93 KOSHU'S (AKEMI LUCAS) (The Netherlands) Chorus Master: Shalva Shaorshadze RUSTAVELI THEATER 17 Rustaveli Ave EXHIBITION "ECHO" 15:00- Festival Closing Ceremony Orchestra: Pan-Caucasian Youth September 6, 7 16:30- Concert of Gori Women’s Choir Orchestra RAMONA September 12 IOSEB GRISHASHVILI Conductor: Gianandrea Noseda Playwrite, director, and SOUNDWAVE: Zola Jesus MUSIC Start time: 19:00 Art director: Rezo Gabriadze TBILISI HISTORY MUSEUM New wave of live music Ticket: 150-300 GEL Language: Georgian - KARVASLA Start time: 20:00 English Subtitles 8 Sioni St. TBILISI STATE Ticket: 30 GEL September 9 Start time: 20:00 TEL (+995 32) 2 98 22 81 CONSERVATOIRE HAYDN, BEETHOVEN, CHOPIN, LISZT AJARA Ticket: 20, 30, 40 GEL 8 Griboedov St. Until September 10 TEL (+995 32) 2 93 46 24 Repertoire: Joseph Haydn ARENA September 8 The Georgian National Museum Piano Sonata in E fl at major, Hob. Shekvetili STALINGRAD within the project "Contemporary September 6 XVI:52 The Autumn of My Springtime Art Gallery" presents VAKHO PIANO MUSIC CONCERT Ludwig van Beethoven September 7 Playwrite, director, and BUGADZE'S EXHIBITION: Soloist- Irma Gigani Piano Sonata No. 14 in C sharp FOLKLORE FESTIVAL Art director: Rezo Gabriadze ‘THREE, FOUR" In program: Works by Schubert, Folk Songs and Dance Ensembles minor, Op. 27 No. 2, “Moonlight” Language: Georgian Together with Vakho Bughadze are Liszt and Schuman from Georgia and abroad. Frédéric Chopin English Subtitles artists Gogi Okropiridze and Katrin Start time: 19:00 France (Corsica)- Spartimu, 4 Mazurkas, Op. 24 Start time: 20:00 Bolt. Ticket: 5, 10 GEL Italy (Sardinia)– Castelsardo, Franz Liszt Ticket: 20, 30, 40 GEL Georgia- "Bermukha" (Adjara), MUSEUM OF SOVIET FOLKLORE CONCERTS FOR "Reminiscences de Don Juan", S. 418 "Shilda" (Kakheti), Trio "Shalva George Li (Piano Recital) September 11 OCCUPATION TOURISTS Chemo" (Guria), "Riho" (Svaneti), Start time: 12:00 REZO 4 Rustaveli Ave. 4 Sanapiro Str. "Basiani" and "Qartuli Khmebi" Ticket: 25-180 GEL (Tbilisi), The State Song and Directed by Leo Gabriadze TEL (+995 32) 2 99 80 22, 2 93 48 21 Every Sunday Dance Ensemble of Kutaisi, Enver Script: Rezo Gabriadze September 9 Khabadze State Choreographic Producer: Timur Bekmambetov EGARI LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN Ensemble "Batumi" Genre: Animation, Biography The exhibition hall is equipped The concerts presents songs, Repertoire: Start time: 20:00 Language: Georgian with monitors, where visitors trisagions, instrumental music, Ludwig van Beethoven Ticket: 10-50 GEL English Subtitles can see documentaries of various dance, urban folklore from different Piano Concerto No. 4 in G major, Start time: 20:00 historical events. parts of Georgia and ethno-jazz INTOURIST LOUNGE Op. 58 Ticket: 15 GEL music. The guest will listen live 11 Ninoshvili Str., Batumi MUSEUM OF ILLUSIONS polyphony, diversity of instruments Ludwig van Beethoven Symphony No. 2 in D major, Op. 36 September 12 10 Betlemi Str. (Salamuri, Panduri, Chonguri, September 7 Piano: Sir András Schiff The Autumn of My Springtime Chiboni, Doli) and it is amazing E-STARR FROM OTTAWAN Orchestra: Verbier Festival Playwrite, director, and Discover the Museum of Illusions performance. Start time: 23:00 Chamber Orchestra Art director: Rezo Gabriadze Be brave enough to jump into an Start time: 20:00 Ticket: 40 GEL Conductor: Gabor Takacs-Nagy Language: Georgian illusion created by the Vortex, Start time: 19:00 BATUMGORA English Subtitles deform the image of yourself in a FOLK SHOW Ticket: 150-300 GEL Cable car Argo Start time: 20:00 Mirror Room, be free in the Infi nity 10 Rustaveli Ave. Ticket: 20, 30, 40 GEL room, resist the laws of gravity and September 10 DAILY FOLKLORE SHOWS size ratio, and take selfi es in every September 6, 8, 10 The whole summer through, you MUSEUM possible pose. Enjoy the collection FOLK SHOW MENDELSSOHN, BRAHMS Repertoire: will have a wonderful opportunity of holograms, and discover optical The fi rst full and systematic folk to attend traditional folk shows Felix Mendelssohn GEORGIAN NATIONAL illusions. show made for tourists every day from 8 pm. Enjoy Piano Trio No. 1 in D minor, Op. 49 MUSEUM SIMON JANASHIA Start time: 19:00 UNESCO recognized traditional GALLERY Johannes Brahms MUSEUM Ticket: 25-55 GEL folk dances and songs, Georgian Piano Trio No. 1 in B major, Op. 8 3 Rustaveli Ave. drum show and master classes in Violin: Renaud Capuçon TEL (+995 32) 299 80 22, 293 48 21 THE NATIONAL GALLERY ELEKTROWERK dancing 250 meters above the sea. Cello: Edgar Moreau 11 Rustaveli Ave. 4 K. Cholokashvili III turn Start time: 20:00 TEL (+995 32) 215 73 00 Piano: Nicholas Angelich Start time: 12:00 BATUMI BLACK SEA MUSIC Exhibitions: September 7 AND ART FESTIVAL Until February 26 (2020) THE OCEAN COLLECTIVE- LIVE Ticket: 25-180 GEL GEORGIAN COSTUME AND September 6 WEAPONRY OF THE 18TH-20TH GRAND MASTERS FROM IN TBILISI September 10 METHOD MICHEL SOGNY CENTURIES THE GEORGIAN NATIONAL Special guest- Backwarmer GEORGIAN NATIONAL BALLET SOS TALENT NUMISMATIC TREASURY MUSEUM COLLECTION XIX – Start time: 19:00 SUKHISHVILI Foundation Michel Sogny EXHIBITION STONE AGE XX CENTURY Ticket: 25-55 GEL Start time: 14:00 Start time: 19:00 GEORGIA Lydie Solomon; Recital; Beethoven; CINEMA Ticket: 30-100 GEL ARCHEOLOGICAL TREASURE TSINANDALI CLASSICAL Ravel; Sogny NEW LIFE TO THE ORIENTAL MUSIC FESTIVAL Start time: 19:00 September 11 COLLECTIONS INTERNATIONAL Tsinandali, Kakheti Ticket: 10-20 GEL ANIMATION FILM FESTIVAL SHOSTAKOVICH, TCHAIKOVSKY Venue: Batumi Drama Theater Repertoire: Until September 10 “NIKOZI” September 8 Dmitri Shostakovich Under the joint initiative of Nikozi Village, Gori GUSTAV MAHLER September 7 Piano Trio No. 2 in E minor, Op. 67 HENRI MATCHAVARIANI Georgian National Museum and Venue: Bishop’s Palace Repertoire: Pyotr Tchaikovsky EXHIBITION Georgian Post, Exhibition: STORY Gustav Mahler Piano Trio in A minor, Op. 50 Venue: Ajara Art Museum TOLD BY POSTAGE STAMPS September 6 Symphony No. 2 in C minor, Violin: Pinchas Zukerman Start time: 17:00 Dedicated to the 100th anniversary FESTIVAL CLOSING "Resurrection" Cello: Amanda Forsyth Guram Odisharia of the fi rst Georgian stamp. 11:00- French Animation fi lms, Soprano: Ying Fang Piano: George Li Start time: 19:00 Poetry Evening Ticket: 25-180 GEL Start time: 19:00 Ticket: 10-20 GEL Venue: Batumi Drama Theater September 11 BACH, MENDELSSOHN, HAYDN September 8 Repertoire: OPEN AIR GALA CONCERT Johann Sebastian Bach Venue: Dadiani Palace in Zugdidi Keyboard Concerto in G minor, Start time: 18:00 BWV 1058 Ticket: 10-20 GEL Felix Mendelssohn Violin Concerto in E minor, Op. 64 September 9 Joseph Haydn MICHEL SOGNY Symphony No. 88 in G major, Hob. Impact of Musical Education I:88 Seminar Violin: Renaud Capuçon Start time: 15:00 Art Palace of Western Guria Orchestra: Verbier Festival ‘Piano Virtuoso Chamber Orchestra Barbare Tataradze, Ilia Lomtatidze Piano/Conductor: Sir András Schiff Start time: 18:00 Start time: 19:00 Ticket: 10-20 GEL Ticket: 25-300 GEL Venue: Batumi Drama Theater

KHIDI September 10 Vakhushti Bagrationi Bridge, right GALA CONCERT embarkment Stars of Tomorrow: Liza Megrelishvili, September 12 Anahit Stelmashova, Eka Nikoladze, CIRCE Barbare Chkhaidze, Barbare Experimental Platform for Dance Tataradze, Lia Lomtatidze and Theatre presents an event with Start time: 19:00 Italian dance company Dewey Dell: Ticket: 10-20 GEL Deriva Traversa, à elle vide, music Venue: Batumi Drama Theater GEORGIA TODAY SEPTEMBER 6 - 9, 2019 CULTURE 11 Capturing the Vibe: What Does Tbilisi Sound Like?

THE MANY FACES OF GEORGIAN HIP-HOP Hip-hop is certainly the most emergent genre of all at the moment, to the point that the BBC World Service’s team came in person this July to cover its blossom. The two prominent bands, MokuMoku and Kayakata had the fl oor to share their vision of art, music, and society in Geor- gia. They later released their fi rst album ‘Sadaa,’ in August, which is infused with psychedelic trips and arty animations. The experimental hip-hop duo rap in Georgian, exploring and enhancing the Isodrome - Source fi lm by César Tresca musicality of their native language. They musicians, bringing more old-school, melodic notes, capture the melancholic create a surreal language to talk about jazzy and funky vibes to Georgian hip- feeling that sometimes penetrates the their Tbilisi, an urban jungle hidden in hop. They were touring in most of the city. The label describes itself as a “bright, The Soundtrack of Tbilisi - by Magnus Lorenz the Eurasian corner of the world. summer festivals in Georgia and are living beam of light in our troubled Although not on the record, Kayakata currently working on their next album. world”, mixing cosmic-like sounds to the next techno-destination in Europe is a major player in the Georgian hip- Two of their members, Moku J and Moku more tribal, hypnotic rhythms. BY LORRAINE VANEY thanks to underground clubs like hop scene at the moment. They have T were gigging in Dedeana Bar on August Bassiani, Khidi and Café-Gallery; they featured with other Georgian rappers 25 for the now traditional Sunday Hip- ALWAYS ACOUSTIC have shaped the musical tastes of the on many occasions, including DRO and hop night, going from 90s trip-hop to Georgians’ passion for singing is nothing n August 29, a new record new generation and raised awareness Kordz, who are present on the face B new school rap with ease and taste. It new; polyphonic singing is the cornerstone appeared on the market. on important social issues. One can of the Soundtrack of Tbilisi with their was surely a prolifi c summer for the of Georgian traditional music, and probably The Soundtrack of Tbilisi dance to electronic music every single atmospheric, new school track “Rita”. band, with Moku T releasing his fi rst the most well-known genre among tourists. compiles 42 minutes of day of the week in Tbilisi, which makes It follows “Sleep on Me” from Creams, solo instrumental album this June, ‘In The women’s choir Ialoni perfectly illus- contemporary music from the city somewhat unifi ed in one musi- who delivers her nimble and confi dent Thru Mentals,’ made of underrated sam- trates this unique culture with their song 11O Georgian artists. Each of them brought cal genre, but gives few spaces for other fl ow to harsh deep beats. The only ples and lo-fi beats from diverse infl u- ‘Patara Zvima,’ on face A of the Soundtrack their own musical universe in a mix that tastes. However, this is the visible part female rapper refl ects here on her chang- ences. MokuMoku appears on The of Tbilisi. The record is also making rooms captures the vibe of this fast-changing of the iceberg: below the surface is a ing lifestyle, in an intimate and personal Soundtrack of Tbilisi with their song for acoustic and rock bands such as Ara, city, made of sharp dissonances and sub- broad and vibrant scene that grows in song. “Sugar Glider” on face A. Bedford Falls, Ezos and Kid Jesus who close tle harmonies. The record is the basis smaller recording studios and venues. MokuMoku is a bigger ensemble of 10 the record’s musical journey. for the 2020 documentary by the same AMBIENT TBILISI Last but not least, Lua, winner of Geor- name, directed by Magnus Lorenz. Fitting perfectly with the grey and bru- gia’s Newcomer Award, is of course part Interestingly enough, Magnus turned tal architecture, ambient music is also of the project with a brand new song the creation process upside down and defi ning the musical universe of Tbilisi. ‘Hello Yellow Lady Sun.’ She gave a live created the soundtrack before the movie. The Soundtrack of Tbilisi actually opens performance in Zoestan during the release This do-it-yourself project came to life the song “Daisi” from the two experi- party; the bar was literally crowded with thanks to a crowdfunding campaign that mental musicians TeTe noise & VAZH- Tbilisian music enthusiasts, and with raised nearly €5000. Independent artists MARR. On his webpage, TeteNoise the artists themselves. also contributed for free, which some- describes his music as a “sound/noise Although the Soundtrack of Tbilisi is how refl ects on the indie mood and collage [...] recorded in his home studio not setting new trends, it successfully visuals of the album. Natia Benashvili the Tbilisian streets.” The musician and shows the multiple colors of contempo- created the cover: a typical old Soviet producer has been crafting his own rary Georgian music. It is a musical elevator, dusty and full of stickers, totally universe since 2009 and lately worked illustration of the many layers that make relatable for anyone living in Tbilisi. “We on the soundtrack of Uta Beria’s new Tbilisi a vibrant creative capital. The are looking for authenticity” said Mag- movie, Negative Numbers, released in record is released in a very limited edi- nus at the release party during his short July 2019. tion and only 100 copies are available opening speech about both the playlist Theosophy is another label that sup- for free sale. Copies can be purchased and design. ports and promotes niche ambient art- in the two branches of Dodo Beach Indeed, in the last years, foreign media ists, such as Saphileaum, Mind Static Records in Berlin and in the Vinyl Salon have talked a lot about the striking and Isodrome. The later dedicated one Kiel. Both shops also offer international development of the electronic scene in of his new tracks, ‘Source,’ to Tbilisi; the shipping. For the complete playlist, visit Georgia. Tbilisi has been pictured as MokuMoku - by Giorgi Zatiashvili deep sonorities lightened by some the website ARTTENT Tbilisi: The Newcomer to the Georgian Art Scene and to the original meaning of any kind Art takes many forms and so does ART- EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW BY of creation, regardless of the fi elds and TENT. The aim is to create something LORRAINE VANEY purposes. This tent was here, on the new, and meaningful for Georgia, where historic site of the Tbilisi Funicular’s people from various backgrounds can upper station, for four years. It was used mingle and exchange. People here are itting on the top of Mtastminda for many events but when I contacted sometimes reluctant to get out of their with a spectacular view over the owner, Alexander Tsivtsivadze, he own circles, which is at the end damag- the city, the new contemporary saw the potential of the project and ing to the development of our potential art gallery “ARTTENT” opened became our partner. Then, everything as a society. ARTTENT provides this in the midst of the summer on sped up thanks to the motivated and inclusive venue for anyone involved in SJuly 25. It took just one month for a hand- committed people I had the chance to or attracted to art, from Georgia or from ful of energetic Tbilisians to turn a spon- gather around the idea. ARTTENT opening - by Alexei Serov abroad. taneous idea into an innovative cultural country. The exhibition offers a com- is a way to strengthen cultural exchanges hub. The multifunctional space has many ARTTENT IS NOW HOSTING prehensive overview of Georgian art with foreign countries. It has to do with HOW DO SEE THE upcoming projects, and strong vision MORE THAN 200 ARTWORKS and of the diverse mediums used by public diplomacy, and it can surely ben- FUTURE OF ARTTENT? for the development of the local art scene CREATED BY GEORGIAN artists to express their visions. After efi t Georgian society as a whole. For the We want to team up with international and cultural ties between Georgia and ARTISTS FROM DIFFERENT our successful start, she became the art scene itself, we are supporting emerg- partners and go global. Of course, there the rest of the world. Maya Bichikashvili, GENERATIONS. WHAT ARTTENT director. ing artists by promoting their work to will be challenges on the way but with who initiated the project, aims to make IS THE ART DIRECTION curators and doing consultancy for com- the right vision and the right team, it is ARTTENT the next key actor of the OF THE EXHIBITION? BESIDES THE EXHIBITION panies looking to purchase art. We will possible to overcome them. Challenges Georgian art scene. ‘The Anatomy of Existence’ was curated ITSELF, WHAT DOES ARTTENT also organize educational activities and are actually opportunities to learn on by professional art manager Thea Gogua- AIM TO BRING TO THE workshops, bringing artists and art lov- the way. The artistic scene is developing HOW WAS THE PROJECT BORN? dze and a talented artist known as Tea GEORGIAN ART SCENE? ers closer together. in Georgia and I wish it to get more and I have done many things in my profes- Nili. She was the only one in town who The exhibition is a great platform for more attention from specialized media sional life, but eventually, everything was up for such a challenge; opening a Georgian artists to show their work to YOU ARE ALSO OPENING and professional art managers from boiled down to art. So, even if the idea contemporary platform in just one a wide audience. Mtatsminda is obvi- A CAFÉ, A CO-WORKING overseas. Art is a way to secure the rep- of an art gallery came somehow spon- month. She used her contacts and her ously a strategic touristic location, and SPACE AND A CONCEPT utation of Georgia as a creative and wel- taneously, it was clear to me that art is notoriety to select the pieces that, once ARTTENT is building up the artistic STORE. WHAT KIND OF coming place. It opens a lot of opportu- at the basis of everything. Art is some- combined, best express the variety of reputation of Georgia among foreigners. COMMUNITY WOULD YOU nities, and ARTTENT is ready to take thing that brings you back to the roots Georgian perspectives on their city and It actually goes beyond tourism, as art LIKE TO ATTRACT OR CREATE? up the challenge.

PUBLISHER & GM Journalists: [email protected] George Sharashidze Tony Hanmer, Zaza Jgarkava, Website Manager/Editor: ADDRESS Reproducing material, photos Maka Bibilashvili, Katie Ruth Davies 1 Melikishvili Str. and advertisements without COMMERCIAL Vazha Tavberidze, Tbilisi, 0179, Georgia prior editorial permission is DEPARTMENT Nugzar B. Ruhadze, Layout: strictly forbidden. Commercial Director: Amy Jones, Thea Morrison, Misha Mchedlishvili Tel.: +995 32 229 59 19 The author is responsible for Iva Merabishvili E: [email protected] all material. Rights of authors Ana Dumbadze, Webmaster: Marketing Manager: Nini Dakhundaridze, Sergey Gevenov F: GeorgiaToday are preserved. The newspaper Sesili Tikaradze Ketevan Kvaratskheliya is registered in Mtatsminda Circulation Managers: ADVERTISING & district court. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT: Photographer: David Kerdikashvili, SUBSCRIPTION GEORGIA TODAY Editor-In-Chief: Irakli Dolidze David Djandjgava +995 555 00 14 46 Katie Ruth Davies E-mail: Reg. # 06/4-309