The theory of abstract sets based on first-order logic with dependent types M. Makkai Department of Mathematics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
[email protected] April { June, 2013 Abstract Since the mid 1990's, the author has been working on a foun- dational project involving higher dimensional categories on the one hand, and model-theoretical methods used for typed versions of first- order logic on the other. In this paper, the project is called the Type- Theoretic Categorical Foundation of Mathematics, and it is referred to by the acronym TTCFM. The present paper is a discussion of the first level of TTCFM, abstract set theory. To display the close rela- tionships, as well as the differences, of abstract set theory and topos theory, I will base my discussion on a review of parts of F. William Lawvere's paper [Lawvere 1976]. At the invitation of Professor Andras Mate, the author gave a se- ries of { rather technical { lectures, entitled \First Order Logic with Dependent Sorts", at the Department of Logic of the Eotvos Univer- sity in early March, 2013. This paper was inspired by the lively and thorough-going interest for the subject by Professor Mate and the au- dience of the lectures. The paper is dedicated to Professor Andras Mate on the occasion of his 60th birthday. 1 Introduction I must start with a polemic with Solomon Feferman's views on categorical foundations of mathematics, CFM's, in general. Below, I cite a passage from [Feferman 1977], page 154. Jean-Pierre Marquis used the same passage as the leading quote in his paper [Marquis 2012].