EARLY GRAVETTIAN OCCUPATIONS AT DOLNÍ VĚSTONICE – PAVLOV. COMMENTS ON THE GRAVETTIAN ORIGIN Jiří Svoboda 1,2, Martin Novák 2, Sandra Sázelová 1, 2 1 - Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Science at Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, Brno CZ- 611 37, Czech Republic
[email protected];
[email protected] 2 - Institute of Archaeology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Brno, Královopolská 147, Brno CZ- 612 00, Czech Republic
[email protected] Traditionally, the process to Gravettian origins in Europe has in the Mediterranean, the Paglicci cave is also dated around been considered only one of the many continuous changes 28 ky uncal BP (Delpech and Texier 2007; Noiret 2011). In within the complex development of the Upper Paleolithic. Danubian Europe, early Gravettian follows the Aurignacian Here we place the Gravettian in the context of early modern in cave stratigraphies of the Suabian Jura around 29-27 ky un- human migrations into Europe and interpret it as the final cal BP and at Willendorf (Conard and Moreau 2006; Jöris et stage of the Middle-to-Upper Paleolithic transition process. al. 2010; Haesaerts et al. 2010). In western Europe, the majority of dated Gravettian sequenc- Moravia offers a complex record of the Evolved Gravettian es start around 28 ky uncal BP, but an earlier industry with (Pavlovian) between 27-25 ky uncal BP (Svoboda et al. 2000) micro-gravettes was probably present at Sire (31-30 ky uncal but the evidence for an earlier Gravettian has been weak until BP), and the Noaillian facies is documented at Gargas (29-28 recently.