Nottinghamshire Police rural crime update

This is the first of a regular rural crime update from Police. The intention is to give you an understanding and insight into the current crime trends, rural policing issues and some advice on how to prevent crime.

Approximately 18 months Nottinghamshire Police set up a rural crime working group. Its members included senior police officers, front line officers, crime prevention managers, Notts NFU and the CLA East to name a few.

The aim of the group is to encourage maximum cooperation between the rural community, the police and other agencies to reduce crime through improved crime prevention measures, increased information sharing and a better understanding of rural issues. The win for the rural community is a better standard of service, for the police increased levels of satisfaction and lower crime.

The group has made significant progress but there is still work to be done and further improvements can and will be made.

Crime updates

Newark and Sherwood

Currently burglary other at farms, stables and rural dwellings are the most prevalent crime type. Offenders are targeting workshops, sheds, and garages for property such as ride on mowers, small tractors, quad bikes, caravans and Land Rovers. These offences have mainly occurred during the hours of darkness.

The area around the villages of , and Carlton on Trent has been targeted recently by organised criminals from outside the county. To combat this a small team was set up to increase patrols in the area.

East Bassetlaw

Whilst experiencing crime similar to , East Bassetlaw has particular problems with off road vehicles especially motor cycles and quads around . Those responsible are being targeted by the police off road motorcycle team who had great success in seizing these machines and removing them from the road. A ‘capture’ quad bike was also recently deployed which resulted in an arrest after it was stolen.


Thefts of Land Rovers have been on the increase in this area. Officers have run joint operations with Lincolnshire, Leicestershire and Derbyshire targeting criminals who use the rural roads to commit crime. The most recent was a success with three persons being arrested for theft of a trailer. These operations will continue to be run in the future.

Contact us

In a non emergency ring 101 or is a crime is in progress, life in danger or suspect crime about to be committed ring 999.

You can also contact crime stoppers anonymously on 0800555111 with any information or intelligence. We regularly act on intelligence received from them.

We now have a Twitter account @NottsRualCops which aims to provide followers with up to date crime info and advice.

In addition to this we now have a dedicated rural crime internet page This contains information and advice specifically for the rural communities.