Bibliography on On the occasion of the centenary of the Association

Fabio Ciardi

The document that marks the birth of the lay association linked to our Congregation is the decree of the Sacred Apostolic Penitentiary, Consociatio Mariae Immaculatae, dated July 20, 1920. Previously in France, Germany and Ireland there were groups of different kinds, which arose mainly for the spiritual and economic support of oblate vocations. The groups had different names: Oeuvre des vocations in France, Marianischer Missionsverein in Germany, Association of Mary Immaculate in Ireland-England. The General Louis Soullier in 1896 had addressed a request to the for indulgences for these associations calling them Association de Marie Immaculée pour promouvoir les vocations religieuses et apostoliques. The Holy Apostolic Penitentiary, in the decree of July 20, 2020, indicated a common name: Consociatio Mariae Immaculatae. Since then the Association has developed at the local level with central coordination. The methods of association and activities have evolved over time and have been accompanied by reflection, also documented in this bibliography. To the Missionary Association of Mary Immaculate (MAMI) the Constitutions and Rules of 1982 dedicated, for the first time, an article, R 28. R 27 (later expanded) opened up new perspectives for the association of the laity. The Congrès des Laïcs Associés (Aix-en- Provence, 18-21 Mai 1996) marked an important stage in this journey. In view of the next Conference on the laity to be held in 2021, it seems appropriate to collect some bibliographical data. In fact, we always run the risk of starting over in all our reflections, without taking into account the elements already acquired and consolidated. It is important to know the studies already made so far and the convictions achieved. After having indicated the main sources (1), I report ’ studies of a historical and doctrinal nature, accompanied by proposals for ways of mutual collaboration (2). I limit myself to writings shared with the whole Congregation through “Missions OMI”, “Études oblates”, “Vie Oblate Life”, “Documentation OMI”, “Oblatio”. Certainly, there are further studies at the local level and in other languages besides the three in use for the whole Congregation. It would be opportune that they be reported, especially in view of the next Conference.1 With the magazine “Oblatio”, which dedicates one of its columns to “Familia Oblata”, the laity have begun to share their reflection on their vocation and mission (3). Previously, also in the Congress of Aix, the reflection on the oblate laity was carried out, above all, by the Oblates. It is a step forward of obvious importance. It will no longer be possible to reflect on the theme without confrontation with the laity themselves and without a profound listening to their requests. Future studies and reflections, while continuing in the footsteps of the past, I think should be directed above all to discover the ways in which the oblate charism can be implemented in a lay form. The ways of sharing the vocation, the spirituality, the mission,

1 Only for the ancient Italian province can I remember the “Congress of Collevalenza, 1991”, with a rich documentation; Rolando Polzelli, Religious and lay people towards a single charism. The experience of the O.M.I. Missionaries in the writings of Mons. Marcello Zago, Superior General, Rome 2005, 158 p.; Fabio Ciardi, Sharing the gifts. Laity and consecrated together for the mission, Rogate, Rome 2020. 2 in a word the oblate charism, have been sufficiently explored. Less explored are the modalities of his incarnation in the field of lay, social, political or ecclesial and missionary life. Rather than looking at ourselves, at the relationships between us, at our identity, it will be appropriate to look around us, at the appeals of the world and the mission. We too are called to be “outgoing Church”. I hope that the 2021 Conference will offer contributions in this direction. Another aspect lacking in the bibliography of the oblate laity is the absence of lay profiles. While we have hundreds of biographies of Oblates, we have no significant bibliographies of lay oblates that show how this vocation can be lived. It will be necessary to identify and highlight witnesses and models. In this regard we can cite, more unique than rare, the biography of Louis Edmond (1876-1949): E. Nadeau, Un Louis d’or, le Chevalier Louis Edmond (1876-1949), Éditions Oblates, Montréal 1952. Perhaps there are other biographies to be shared locally.2 A special area, in studies and reflection, is reserved for young people. A brief bibliographical review is also offered on them (4). A further section of the bibliography (5) concerns the Institutes of the Oblate Family. The of 1992 proposed a new Rule 28a, later to become 37c, in which it speaks of the various religious or secular institutes linked to Oblates by their birth or by their spirituality. Also, in this field “Oblates” began to offer the members of these institutes the possibility of sharing their life and their bond with the Oblates. For lay people and young people one can speak indifferently of the Mazenodian Family or Oblate Family. The case of Institutes linked to Oblates is different. Some of them are directly inspired by de Mazenod, others have a link with the Congregation thanks to the Oblate who founded them (i.e. the Oblates), but not to the Founder of the Oblates. For these, starting with the first historical Institute linked to the Oblates, the Sisters of the Holy Family of Bordeaux, the term Mazenodian Family would not be appropriate, while the Oblate Family would be appropriate. In any case, when speaking of the Mazenodian Family or Oblate Family, one cannot limit oneself to the Oblates-Laity relationship, but one must also always have in mind the 45 or so Institutes of born of Oblates, which are inspired by Oblate spirituality and which work in many common missionary areas.

July 15, 2000

1. Sources

1. Sacra Poenitentiaria Apostolica, «Consociatio Mariae Immaculatae»: Modifications et Réapprobation, 20 Julii 1920, “Missions OMI”, 54 (1920) 141-143. 2. Augustin Dontenwill, Lettre circulaire n. 128, 13 Avril 1921, VI, 4, Association de Marie Immaculée, “Circulaires administratives”, III (1901-1921) 396-397.

2 Still in Italy we have the biography of an oblate lady: Rolando Polzelli, L’amore di un sorriso, AMMI, S. Maria a Vico 1996. We are also writing the biography of a layman, Enzo Teodori. 3

3. Augustin Dontenwill, Lettre circulaire n. 141, 7 Juin 1929, L’Association de Marie Immaculée, “Circulaires administratives”, IV (1922-1947) 149-167. 4. Jean Pietsch, Secrétaire général de l’Association de Marie Immaculée, Association missionnaire de Marie Immaculée. Quelques conseils sur son organisation et son fonctionnement, “Missions OMI”, 64 (1930) 617-624. 5. Léo Deschâtelets, Lettre circulaire n. 182, 25 Janvier 1948, L’Association missionnaire de Marie Immaculée, “Circulaires administratives”, V (1947-1952), p. 204-221. English translation 6. Anthony W. Hall, Directeur général de l’Association de Marie Immaculée, Directoire. L’Association Missionnaire de Marie Immaculé, Rome 1980. English translation 7. Fernand Jetté, L’Association missionnaire de Marie Immaculée et les Oblats honoraires, dans Le Missionnaire Oblat de Marie Immaculée, Rome 1985, p. 121-129. English translation 8. Marcello Zago, Lettre circulaire n. 305, 8 Décembre 1987, Message de Noël, “A.A.G.”, X (1987) 49-54. English translation 9. Marcello Zago, Lettre circulaire n. 313, 13 Septembre 1989, Regard sue la Congrégation après trois ans de généralat. Identité des fidèles laïcs, “A.A.G.”, XII (1989) 9-13. English translation 10. Chapitre général 1992, « Nouveaux modes d’association avec les laïcs », dans Témoins en communauté Apostolique, n. 39-44. English translation 11. Passionnés du Christ, de l’Église et de la mission. Identité du Laïc associé et Orientations, dans, Congrès des Laïcs Associés (Aix-en-Provence, 18-21 Mai 1996), “Vie Oblate Life”, 55 (1996) 249-263. English translation 12. Directoire administratif, Rome 2017, III, n. 20-26: “Les relations de non-oblats avec la Congrégation”, p. 57-59. English translation 13. Paul VI, Discours du Pape aux Instituts en lien avec les Oblats de Marie Immaculée, 21 avril 1991, “A.A.G.”, XIV (1991) 3-5. English translation

2. Studies by Oblates

1. Jean-Baptiste Guthans, L’Association missionnaire de Marie Immaculée, un peu d’histoire, manuscrit s.d., 82 p. 2. Missionnaires d’Action catholique. Travaux des journées sacerdotales d’Action Catholique, “Études Oblates”, 3 (1944) 133-264. 3. Jean Pietsch, Quelques notes sur l’histoire de l’Association de Marie Immaculée, “Études oblates”, 8 (1949) 371-384. 4. Irénée Tourigny, Étude sur la Spiritualité Oblate et celle de l’A.M.M.I., “Études oblates”, 10 (1951) 49-62. 5. Nikolaus Kowalsky, Mgr de Mazenod et l’Œuvre de la Propagation de la Foi, “Études oblates”, 11 (1952) 239-260. 6. Dominikus Schmitz, L’AMMI : Ce qu’elle est, ce qu’elle veut, “Missions OMI”, 97 (1970) 167-176. 4

7. Anthony W. Hall, Directeur Général, L’Association missionnaire de Marie Immaculée, (A.M.M.I.), “Documentation OMI”, 78/77, p. 1-11. English translation 8. Marcello Zago, Un Charisme pour l’Église. Charisme Oblat et Laïcs, “Vie Oblate Life”, 48 (1989) 39-46. 9. Marcello Fidelibus, Laïcat et Vie Religieuse-Apostolique des Oblats, “Vie Oblate Life”, 48, (1989) 253-273. 10. Marcello Zago, Sharing the Same Charism. Values in the de Mazendod Charism which can also Nourish a Lay Spirituality, “Vie Oblate Life”, 51 (1992) 31-47. 11. Patricia Mulkey and Roger Schoenhofen, Oblate Evangelization of Youth, “Vie Oblate Life”, 51 (1992) 343-373. 12. Albert Lalonde, New Associations and the General Government of the Congregation, Rome 1994, manuscrit, Rome, 1994, manuscrit. 13. Ernest Ruch, Les laïcs associés, Rome 1994, manuscrit. 14. Marcello Zago, Oblates and Laity can Cooperate in the Light of the Charism, “Vie Oblate Life”, 54 (1995) 3-16. 15. Congrès des Laïcs Associés (Aix-en-Provence, 18-21 Mai 1996), “Vie Oblate Life”, 55 (1996) 171-311. English translation 16. William H. Woestman, Association Missionnaire de Marie Immaculée, DVO, Rome 1996, 39-47. English translation 17. Marcello Zago, Laïcs, DVO, Rome 1996, p. 508-516. English translation 18. Marcello Zago, Evangelization and Lay Participation in the Oblate Charism, “Vie Oblate Life”, 58 (1999) 357-361. 19. Marcello Zago, Les Laïques de l’AMMI Coopérateurs des Missionaries Oblats de Marie Immaculée, “Vie Oblate Life”, 59 (2000) 235-249. 20. Marek A. Rostkowski, L’Histoire de l’Association Missionnaire de Marie Immaculée, “Vie Oblate Life”, 59 (2000) 191-209. 21. Oswald Firth, Laity Participation in Oblate Life and Mission, “Vie Oblate Life”, 67 (2008) 165-172. 22. Lorcan O’Reilly and Mary Tyrre, Partners in Mission and Friends of Eugene. Sharing the Oblate Charism in the Anglo-Irish Province, “Oblatio”, II (2013) 229-236. 23. Ochlak Marek, L’engagement des laïcs dans la famille oblate à Madagascar, “Oblatio”, III (2914) 375-380. 24. Gilberto Piñon Gaytán, ¿Por qué un capítulo general sin laicos asociados?, “Oblatio”, VI (2017) 461-467. 25. Fabio Ciardi, Religieux et laïcs ensemble dans la même “famille charismatique”, “Oblatio”, VII (2018) 341-362. 26. Fabio Ciardi, Sharing a Charism by Vocation, “Oblatio”, VII (2018) 503-524. 27. David Muñoz, The Mazedonian Famiy in the Unites States Province, “Oblatio”, VIII (2017) 403- 439. 28. Mario León Dorado – Mohamed Fadel Semlali, «Nuestro sacristán musulmán», “Oblatio”, IX (2020) 133-139. 5

29. Diego Saez Martín, La vocación a la santidad del laicado oblato, “Oblatio”, IX (2020).

3. Studies by Oblate Laity

1. Patricia Mulkey and Roger Schoenhofen, Oblate Evangelization of Youth, “Vie Oblate Life”, 51 (1992) 343-373. 2. Denis et Hélène Pellitier, Rolando Polzelli, Anita Grellier, Ginger Kemmy, Maxime Chaigne, Panel, dans, Congrès des Laïcs Associés (Aix-en-Provence, 18-21 Mai 1996), “Vie Oblate Life”, 55 (1996) 249-263. 3. Geri Furmanek, The Many Faces of Evangelization. Mission Enrichment & Oblate Associates in the U.S. Province, “Oblatio”, 1 (2012) 109-112. 4. Rolando Polzelli, La Relation avec des laïcs, “Oblatio”, I (2012) 429-438. 5. Dirk Fey, Sebastian Veits and Benjamin Weiss. Enthusiastic About Christ, the Church, and Her Mission: The Group of Young Oblate Associates in the Central European Province, “Oblatio”, II (2013) 237-241. 6. Lorcan O’Reilly and Mary Tyrre, Partners in Mission and Friends of Eugene. Sharing the Oblate Charism in the Anglo-Irish Province, “Oblatio”, II (2013) 229-236. 7. Esmeralda Volpintesta, Notas de una música. La comunidad de laicos oblatos en Mesína, “Oblatio”, III (2014) 95-104. 8. Team Kosmos, Un seul cœur et une seule âme pour annoncer la bonne nouvelle. Oblats et laïcs de Cenckareng, “Oblatio”, III (2014) 105-110. 9. Sandra Prather, Called and Sent. Touched by the Charism, “Oblatio”, III (2014) 257- 261. 10. Hippolyte Mimbu, Foi et qualité de travail. La contribution d’un laïc à la formation oblate, “Oblatio”, IV (2015) 123-132. 11. Victor Carmona, Insights on the Meanind and Implications of Immigration in Light of the Oblate charism: A North American Perspective, “Oblatio”, IV (2015) 511-518. 12. Nzir Nyanga Jacques-Marie, Mettre un peuple debout : Les Oblats à Idiofa, “Oblatio”, IV (2015) 187-202. 13. Sandra Prather, ‘Give Us a Portion of Your Spirit’: Oblate Associates and the Oblate Charism, “Oblatio”, V (2016) 279-311. 14. Ileana Chinnici, Feminine « Genius » and Oblate Charism, “Oblatio”, V (2016) 625- 631. 15. Krzysztof Zieliński, My ‘Get up and go to Nineveh’. Living the Oblate Charism as a Lay Person, “Oblatio”, V (2016) 725-728. 16. Adriana Cerecer Juárez, Asociada Misionera Oblata, “Oblatio”, VI (2017) 103-106. 17. Antonietta Mongiò, Charism Family, “Oblatio”, VI (2017) 335-346. 18. Enzo Teodori, La vocatión oblata, “Oblatio”, VI (2017) 347-353. 19. Stefano Dominic y Marina Falcone, Los Laicos y su Relación con las Constituciones y Reglas OMI, “Oblatio”, VII (2018) 363-373. 6

20. Mario León Dorado – Mohamed Fadel Semlali, «Nuestro sacristán musulmán», “Oblatio”, IX (2020) 133-139.

4. Oblate Youth

1. Émilie, Lamirande, Les règlements de la congrégation de la Jeunesse d’Aix et nos saintes règles, “Études Oblates”, 15 (1956) 17-33. 2. Jozef Pielorz, Début de la congrégation de la Jeunesse, 1813-1815, “Études Oblates”, 19 (1960), p. 157-163. 3. Yvon Beaudoin, Le Fondateur et les jeunes, “Vie Oblate Life”, 36 (1977) 136-149. 4. Émilien Lamirande, Aux origines des Missionnaires de Provence. L’état d’esprit d’Eugène de Mazenod (1813-1815), “Vie Oblate Life”, 57 (1998) 234-240. 5. Bernard Dullier, Eugène de Mazenod et les jeunes, “Documentation OMI”, 247 (juillet 2002). English translation 6. Alexandre Taché, La mission auprès des jeunes – Note sur la Règle 7b, “Vie Oblate Life”, 64 (2005) 219-224. 7. Christian Heinemann, The Whole World Our Guest: The Oblate Program for World Youth Days 2005 at Hünfeld, “Vie Oblate Life”, 64 (2005) 323-331. 8. Christian Fini, International Oblate Youth Encounter, Australia, July 2008, “Vie Oblate Life”, 67 (2008) 377-388. 9. The issue of “Oblatio” 2012/3 is dedicated to the pastoral care of young people, with articles of L.R. Alonso, P. Castrilli, Ch. Fini, Y. Ouellet, Ch. Heinemann, W. Kowalewski, S. Zampa, M. Rivarola, W. Steckling, R. Polzelli. English translation 10. Christian Fini, Mission with Youth, “Oblatio”, VI (2017) 385-390. 11. Luis Ignacio Rois Alonso, Segundo congreso de la missíon omi con la Juventud, Aix 2016, “Oblatio”, VI (2017) 323-333. 12. J. Pachocki, The Oblate Heritage clearly puts Youth at the center of our Call to Mission, “Oblatio”, VIII (2019) 379-392.

5. Instituts of Oblate Family

1. Jean Pietsch, Notre Fondateur et les communautés religieuses de Marseille : les Sœurs de la Sainte-Famille de Bordeaux, “Études oblates”, 7 (1948) 211-214. 2. H. Tassel, Oblats de Marie Immaculée et Sœurs de la Sainte-Famille de Bordeaux [L’affiliation des], “Études oblates”, 11 (1952) 297-311. 3. F. Aubin, Un heureux centenaire [1858-1958], “Études oblates”, 17 (1958) 183-185. 4. Gaetano Liuzzo, Un institut séculier né de l’Ammi italienne [COMI], “Missions OMI”, 97 (1970) 63-70. 5. Yvon Beaudoin, Sœurs de la Sainte-Famille de Bordeaux, Dictionnaire historique OMI, I, 677-679. English translation 7

6. Maurice Gilbert, Congrégations et Instituts fondés par les Oblats, “Vie Oblate Life”, 47 (1988), p. 177-208, 313-348; 48 (1989), p. 103-137. 7. Rencontre avec les Instituts en lien avec les Oblats, Rome, 22-27 avril 1991, “Information OMI” 290, Juin 1991, p. 1-2. English translation 8. Aix-en-Provence : La grande famille d’Eugène se rassemble…, “Information OMI” 433, juin 2004, p. 3-4. English translation 9. Maria del Mar Gómez Mañas, Las Oblatas, “Oblatio”, I (2012) 269-277. 10. Antonietta Mongiò, Les COMI : Missionnaires de l’idée missionnaire, “Oblatio”, II (2013) 111-123. 11. Claire Nantel, Les Oblates Missionnaires de Marie Immaculée, “Oblatio”, II (2013) 357-362. 12. Antonietta Mongiò, La mission des Coopératrices Oblates Missionnaires de l’Immaculée (Comi) en Afrique, “Oblatio”, III (2014) 367-373. 13. S. James Dunstan, L’Institut sécular Voluntas Dei, “Oblatio”, VI (2017) 469-483. 14. Maria del Mar Gómez Mañas, Mi experiencia vocacional, “Oblatio”, VI (2017) 163- 167. 15. Chantal Ruppert, Mission des Sœurs de Marie Immaculée à Madagascar, “Oblatio”, VIII (2019) 69-74. 16. Michele DiVito, A living in the Worls as a member of the Mazedonian Family, “Oblatio”, VIII (2019) 259-268. 17. Marie-Paule Trichereau – Béatrice Duranteau, Dans l’héritage spirituel d’Eugène de Mazenod : Les Apostoliques, “Oblatio”, VIII (2017) 393-401.