Asteroid-Meteoroid Complexes Backwards in Time, in of What Produces the Meteoroid Streams? Suggested Alter- Order to Learn How They Form
LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS toshihiro kasuga Public Relations Center National Astronomical Observatory of Japan 2-21-1 Osawa Mitaka Tokyo 181-8588 Japan Department of Physics Kyoto Sangyo University Motoyama, Kamigamo Kita-ku Kyoto 603-8555 Japan david jewitt Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences / Physics and Astron- omy University of California at Los Angeles 595 Charles Young Drive East Los Angeles CA 90095-1567 USA arXiv:2010.16079v1 [astro-ph.EP] 30 Oct 2020 1 8 Asteroid–Meteoroid Complexes TOSHIHIRO KASUGA AND DAVID JEWITT 8.1 Introduction are comets is comparatively old, having been suggested by Whipple (1939a,b, 1940) (see also Olivier, 1925; Hoffmeis- Physical disintegration of asteroids and comets leads to the ter, 1937). The Geminid meteoroid stream (GEM/4, from production of orbit-hugging debris streams. In many cases, Jopek and Jenniskens, 2011)1 and asteroid 3200 Phaethon the mechanisms underlying disintegration are uncharacter- are probably the best-known examples (Whipple, 1983). In ized, or even unknown. Therefore, considerable scientific in- such cases, it appears unlikely that ice sublimation drives terest lies in tracing the physical and dynamical properties the expulsion of solid matter, raising the general question of the asteroid-meteoroid complexes backwards in time, in of what produces the meteoroid streams? Suggested alter- order to learn how they form. native triggers include thermal stress, rotational instability Small solar system bodies offer the opportunity to under- and collisions (impacts) by secondary bodies (Jewitt, 2012; stand the origin and evolution of the planetary system. They Jewitt et al., 2015). Any of the above, if sufficiently vio- include the comets and asteroids, as well as the mostly un- lent or prolonged, could lead to the production of a debris seen objects in the much more distant Kuiper belt and Oort trail that would, if it crossed Earth’s orbit, be classified as cloud reservoirs.
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