9 Foreword The Kaldi and VATI Gócza family life path, expansion of research Prof. Gócza Peter suggested. Ferenc Kovács graphical kus and material collected by the writer of these lines (facts, data, events) made using the first and second chapters of this chronicle family history. The source of the third part of the text of the family members (especially the Kaldi Gócza Frigyesné) oral Communication and Iron County Archives adjunct services. The research result revealed that the names of most of the former family resources and periodically mentioned a range of different modifications: Geőcze-Geöcze-Gócza-Gőcze1 The studied resource studies demonstrated that in each case from the same family reference is made. Among the most common first names in the 'John' name. Keszthely, 2010. Octoberyou right-to six-pointed gold star, left growing silver crescent moon shines. Crest helmet above the blood of silver unicorn stand out. The armor is surrounded by the usual fluff . blankets blue , gold , red and silver . "

Dr. Gócza Rezsõ 12 family History The Szendrői family crest symbols INTERPRETATION CRANE : wading bird living in swampy areas . In antiquity, the symbol of spring and the joy of life . The ancient Greece, India and China are often imitated by the cranes circular wedding dance of initiation rites , referring to the relationship between life and death , the cycle . In China, the symbol of longevity , he refers to the contented old age, the Mac UI godliness , hermit accountable. Popular heraldic animal , which comes from animal guard role. Vigilance symbol of all the cranes night gather round their king , and then choose a guard during rest . The guard is sleeping on one foot , while It follows also holds a raised leg so as not to fall asleep . If you fall asleep instantly drops the stone, which wakes him knocking . This is how the crane is the egyházatyáknál and the bestiáriumokban vigilance , loyalty and religious life incarnation . This vigilance is taking care of the other virtues hold as well. STAR : a six-pointed star in heraldry always , if not, this description makes special mention of the coat of arms . Primary is the luck / fortune mostly in military / and glory. In the Bible, the shining star of divine leadership , guidance and patronage symbol . In other respects, represents Virgin Mary as the star of the sea , who hazavezérli the tossing boat , or guide of souls , " Guiding star ." HOLD : coat of arms in the Crescent mostly personified , that is a human face . deformation Due to the antiquity of the inconstancy of transformation , growth and fertility expression . Due to cyclical changes in the appearance and the constant reality , biological rhythms , is the embodiment of eternity . Tassels mostly always turn in the same direction a crescent moon , this moon is rising , and a positive sense : the growth, empowerment means , as opposed to expressing hopelessness waning moon song . Dr. Gócza Rezsõ Genealogy 13 Unicorn : / unicorn / : mythical being, the depiction of a horse , goat is similar to forehead middle of a long , straight horn growing out of spirally wound , which in the Middle Ages varázsilletve attributed healing powers . The unicorn primarily of purity, virginity , power , the mental and physical virtues symbol . The Lion counterpart . The coat of arms Maza : metals and colors always will be applied in accordance with the rules of heraldry . As with any culture, heraldry is the cosmic world turn colors. this according to the symbolic meanings of the following : METALS : gold ( Sun ) reaches full, reason , faith majesty , authority , virtue and morality . Silver ( Moon ) : wisdom , purity, innocence price , modesty . COLORS: red (Mars ) : patriotism , self-sacrifice , do - will and generosity. blue ( Jupiter) : elvhűség , perseverance , resilience , confidence . green ( Venus) : freedom, love , beauty , hope, health and happiness .family History II . The Familia highlands expansion The 16th In the second half of the century southern enemy , the Ottoman army attacked regularly over decades , s been in the northern defensive line - Komárom- Esztergom- Levice - Portland - threatened . The várvédelem vára2 also was a member of Smederevo . Gócza captain Martin (capital der Veste - strength , wait - Smederevo ), who in 1582 Rudolf German Holy Roman Emperor and King of (reigned from 1608 to 1576 ) kapott3 nobility . Szendrői Gócza Martin's successor was Stephen Gócza , sure we know that in 1595 the neighboring Gömör County land lying 100 forints pawned Dosa Thomas . His son, also Stephen Gócza millénneumi the county under s Monograph is at the head of the family tree , the alispánnal In order to protect the county by county, and the assets of the Polish army of King Commander discussed the year of the wars of liberation , 1684 . The written sources of genealogical family Szendrő Gócza Check partially known , and possible makes some typical characteristics , properties and events recalling the family 's past. The family is "noble " indicator of eligibility in several county and national census ( " Possessive Lords and Nobles League tables ") are also documented . Muddy Gócza Alexander County in 1741 showed nobility . The 1754-55 . annual national between census Nitra county nobility in Gócza Michael and Paul Gócza , County Bars Gócza Anthony , Borsod and Imre Gócza . 1757th July 23, the " city of Smederevo residential " Andrew Gócza the three fi - Michael Gabor and Rafael - asked for and received Miskolcz Bratislava vármegyétől certificate certifying nobility . According to Ivan Nagy ( Hungary Családai Czimerekkel , California, 1868th 1-8 . volume) of Szendrő Gócza noble family of In 1773 and 1878 he preached it. Pest noble families c . publication ( written by Alexander Kőszeghy ) appears to be more Gócza such descendant . aporkai4 the population Gócza Based on Alexander and Anthony Gócza " Poszony county certificate confirmed nobility in 1828 . The same time proclaimed Gócza Gócza Stephen Francis and nobility as well. The noble family of the Royal Hungarian Minister of the Interior confirmed 60865/1937 "number. Most of the highland population , and the majority of families lived Gócza cotter line , that is little land was a judge, robotic work led peasant . The 19th the second half of the century - the abolition of serfdom after implementation - the latter grew the only agricultural work workers , the number of so-called day laborers . The livestock , or trading iparűzésből more and more people have chosen for their children in the intellectual field. Wealthier Gócza families had no lands , their land is outside the plot rather árendába ( bérDr. Gócza Rezsõ Genealogy 15 be) sold or pawned . Szendrői Gócza Francis exist , Zemplén várnagyának , five in fiction It was , both to the Church were : Joseph (b. 1802 ) Red Churches ( ) , Imre (b. 1804 ) Bodrogkeresztúr ( Tokay district) was the parish priest . Attorney legal professional , public service employees as John worked Gócza (b. 1795 ) Kaponya ( Zemplén ), Thomas More remained even after renewal county archivist , and later became the Tokay District alszolgabíró . The fifth county reeve Mac Transfer, Charles 1827th October 15th renewal of honorary alszolgabíróvá chosen , then the performance of the tasks entrusted to the auditor . Charles also Gócza five was a child , seminarians at a later successor, or sacrificing priest of the Diocese of Eger have . The famous prelate , Bishop of Eger Telkessy Stephen , who was the grim - emlékű Trencsényi CSTA ( 1708 ) is held next to the uprising affairs , " Rákóczi bishops ' after 150 years anniversary of the occasion Gócza Aladar memorial speech ( sz.1840 , Tent New Location ) Diocese of Eger in 1861 printed and submitted . Gócza Bartholomew (born 1832 , married Bertha Elizabeth ) Deák - party adherents as " a pillar of " was the county committee was elected in 1860 . Number of families Gócza mainly grown in the Upper West Counties , Bars , Komárom , Nitra and Bratislava counties , but left descendants and Zemplén counties Borsod too. The fast-growing , capital would also impact on the closeness of life choice . Házasságkötéseikkel the Highlands have been a number of family kinship : 5 pl . Lónyay Bereg vm family , family Bertha Iron vm , vm Nitra Malonyay family , family Benyovszky Vm Trnava , Trenčín Andrew Szulyovszky family vm , vm George Saros NT family , George Severin family Nitra VM, Szabolcs Leövey family vm , vm Antalóczy family Bereg , Large ( Baia Mare ) family Satu vm , vm Kovácsy family Zemplén , Large ( sztankóczi ) family Zemplén vm , vm Thuránszky Gábos family Liptó , Black ( Nagyiván ) Violent family in m , Szepessy ( Quartet) family Borsod vm etc Zemplén Monograph author of the Appendices - Borovszky Sam - Literature and Science in art c . chapter provides a detailed Geőcze Stephen , who is the author of the Hungarian military literature It was one of the key worker . In 1836 John was born in the Zemplén and Baracska Gócza Wednesday Antonia local one as a fiction . Italy fought for the liberation and unification Garibaldi officers of lieutenant 's guard , then as a first lieutenant and company commander became a zouave battalion . In the period between 1864 and 1866 was in Brazil . In 1870, as a lieutenant entered the Royal Hungarian Army , and taught at the Academy of Ludovica . He retired as a captain In 1884. He is editor of the Gazette of officer training college and more domestic magazine . Wrote several books on travel and military experience , works as a textbook was also used . Latest work : The practical training of officers and the harczszerü czéllövés Russian army. California, 1890th Writing about his work is in the county Monograph longer referred to Bacskán6 1862 - He was born in Charlotte Geőcze . " A large number of literary and pedagogical articles published in the newspapers , Dr. Gócza Rezsõ 16 family History but there are also a considerable number of independent works . " From 1892 to 1897 director of Komárom It was the girls' state schools . He wrote a book about the life of Hungarian society, hegyeinkről , Stones of Venice , foreign experience , the Tisza Society, regulatory , and summarized educational experience of the " Arithmetic skills in the service of nönevelés " c . the work . Buzgalmunkban heritage of their case for the 19th century we examined , although the previous centuries pivotal political and economic transformations, changes were made in our country , which of course had an impact on the lives of families in the discussion . After one and a half centuries of Turkish occupation in the 17th At the end of the century country ( Karlócai Peace , 1699 ). liberated. In the occupied territories painful death occurred . Changed in the wilderness, a former high agricultural landscapes of cultural domination Wetlands counties were under a whole . Malicious flora and fauna , took possession of the megműveletlenül remaining areas; elgyepesedett , elhomokosodott the ground . The Hungarian population over a century , alarmed , fearing refugee villages of the occupied area . But not only the strictly occupied depopulated area , but the is highly consumed the population . The occupation flanking parts of the country , so our case is the extension of the Raba River liberation armies was marching , wintering and caterer in the field , and later the Prince's also a lot of years of fighting labanc suffered not one place in the lakatlanság was as large as the occupied areas . the basic condition of life was restarting the installation ! Unprecedented in our history , has made it a priority large-scale depopulation of introduction at a time ( 18th century) , when the countries of Europe - not only in the developed zone , but the slower moving boundary zones - both economic and cultural - level rise , characterized by a gain. I Leopold Holy Roman Emperor and King of Hungary (reigned 1640 to Until 1705 ) as early as 1701 to create favorable conditions for foreign settlers : tax , customs and cantonment granted exemptions . Regular public and landowners thousands introductions were moved , and apart from the rest of the royal territories have started at the beginning of the century also financially needy and the poor peasants of their land without immigration too. Gócza families moving in to the (families ? ) Iron County Sitkére7 which external factors or what kind of intrinsic motivation , the effect will happened - we do not know . Incentive was spacious kissitkei border , has a population of 1892, 615 people, 4052 kh limit , but personal acquaintance, marriage as well. In fact, the material has been written in the 18th Sitkei first decades of the century appears Gócza the family name . Michael Gócza Sitkei population 1852nd November 14 th is married to káldi8 Jankovits born to Anna and Joseph Gócza also Sitkei Chaldean population is also getting married : 1856th January 8 Kaldi married Ilona Horvath (see table in annex I ) . The Enlightenment and the economic boom era ( 18th and 19th ) at the 20th At the beginning of the century Wars followed , namely historical bloodiest , people and destroying nations , I and II . World War II, the incomprehensible tragedies behind them and forced kitelepítéses and lakosságcserés times were .

Dr. Gócza Rezsõ Genealogy 17 The victory elated Czechoslovaks have been restored after the First World War announced eszményüket ; realization of the nation-state . "No law providing for minorities - Said E. Benes , President of the Republic of Czechoslovakia - a departure from them right ... at least four hundred thousand away from us must go! " said the Hungarian war guilt , disenfranchisement , which allowed the confiscation of constant harassment . expelled Hungarians are the state institutions, the workplace application of the indemnities , the war damage reimbursement , pension contributions and disbursements from the state . who did not go voluntarily , he was deported , as well as military assistance . 1946 began with the Hungarian expulsion of foreign lands , Sudetenland region of Bohemia . Sandor Marai recorded in his diary : " Collective punishment than the meanest principle of international practice , which gave this century itself ... the end of European morality . " One of the survivors of the deportations - according to testimony - I wrote the story " that picture ... give the kitelepítésekről not to be forgotten , lekicsinelve harassment of Hungarians . " " In January 1947 we were deported , as Hungarians, a small village of the Danube Karváról . ( Karva . Esztergom vm Párkányi District 681 residents , of which 667 Hungarian ) The village leader Soldiers blocked the roads . Neither it nor not come no one has started the internment . The courtyard of our house is turned into a big truck and the soldiers began feldobálni the furniture in , belongings . My mother was crying. He could not believe that small children at the time of wintertime they want to install ... When I began to get dark , we started out with us in the truck köbölkuti station. We sat on the top of a straw mattress . Mother in Ready or wrapped in a blanket protected us ice cold snowy rain , carried all the way from her eyes with tears. The station is a dirty boxcar thrown into furniture. Besides him, the other family is placed into the car ... After several days of cold feet ZATEC we arrived in the Czech Republic . Could not get out , because the farmers would soon come and started mustrálgatni bennünket ; interpreter they asked how old , how many members of the family, etc. . If they liked the job , the host hired the family in question is mostly agricultural work , such as the farmers knew that the Hungarian families voluntarily came to work in the Czech Republic . This is all not so different from the rabszolgavásártól ! " Based on a total of 44,129 persons were transported Order of the President of the Czechoslovak federal government among barbarous circumstances the Czech Republic. The ruthlessness and inhumanity of deportations left a deep mark on the Hungarian minority in Slovakia aware , since the relocation of the szülőföldről , family the expulsion from home , the entire property loss was reported. Finally, after international protests , especially in the United States resolution could no longer continue the deportations , but the Czechoslovak party continue to insist complete expulsion of the Hungarians , so formal negotiations began , and after much wrangling created a population exchange agreement , which both domestic as well as in the highlands of Hungarians rejected .

2 NOTES - Abbreviations Dr. Gócza Rezsõ 34 family History 1 Transcarpathia - not far from Uzhgorod - was ( is ? ) Is a small settlement in Hungary and Small Gócza " Great Gócza ." More formal publication ( eg Town Name Gallery . ) Directly in the city name in parentheses after " Geöcz Small " and " Large - Geöcz ." A report is to be read , that the interviewee was " Kisgeőczén ." It was not part of the research, said that the place-name and whether there is a correlation between the Gócza family name , probably will be among the descendants who will look for the answers. 2 SZENDRŐ : Market town in Borsod County , Bódva the valley, 20 kilometers from north of the Hungarian population of 2,864 (1910) . Later, a large village in Borsod- Abaúj -Zemplén County population of 3,780 (1960) . The first country to herein as " Old Castle sights somehow , külömbféle and suffered hardships explore ... if good enough pasture , mill site, a vineyard there is nints tree of buildings; piatza Miskoltzon four measured ground away . " The rich medieval settlement monuments are shown on the 14th -century castle of the ruins . Castle like fortress often attacked by the Turks . After a fifteen -year war (1593-1606) destroyed the castle is again had to be built , but the Rákóczi war of independence were devastated again . 3 The 1500s became commonplace from the birtokadományozás without it, just crested letter breeding occurred , which was connected to soldiering . The Gócza noble family of Borsod County In 1773 and 1828, Pest County promulgated . 4 Aporka Punjab -Pilis -Solt -Kis- Kun County Pest lower gait ( walking Ráckevei later ) In 1892, 862 inhabitants. Later - in 1959 - county, district Ráckevei 1,150 people. 5 The Highlands Gócza family descendants of the 18th and the 19th century At the beginning of 12 century county (Excluding iron and Pest ) 19 highland settlements established family házasodással relationship . 6 BÁCSKA : Zemplén Latorcza along the river, the plain lying Hungarian Bodrogköz small village . Pecheneg is an ancient colonies : the 11th century - I Andrew King (1047-1060) time - mentioned in written sources . The 13th century, the East Gut sex Bácskay the masters later it was more than one owner . II between 1707-1709 . Rákóczi three times also occupied the village. Bácska Protestant and Roman is . 1910 - It was in 632 predominantly Hungarian inhabitants until 1920 Zemplén Bodrogköz Township belonged Trianon became a part of Czechoslovakia . Between 1938 and 1945 and again in Hungary subject. Today: Back, Kosice, Slovakia territory of the village . Population in 2001 597 people, 575 Hungarian and 18 Slovak . The main walls of the present church in the 15th century were built shrine Báthories coat of arms can still be seen from the Gut East clan . Dr. Gócza Rezsõ Genealogy 35 7 Sitka ( Small Sitke + Great Sitke the end of the 19th century, population 615 +1019 ) Vas , Sarvar walking. Holder , the Great Felsőbüki family , they both built a nice mansion . Baroque Roman Catholic church monuments. 8 Chaldean Vas county , district Sarvar , in 1892 was 1,497 inhabitants . Káldy the ancient seat of the family , stately home was destroyed , there is also gr. Laszlo Maróthy landowner mansion . larger estates was in the outskirts of the Bavarian Crown Prince Franz Sarvar . Catholic church of the village It was built in 1635 . 9 Quotes referring to the deportations and the data expressed as numbers of fields: • Force installation of Hungarians in Slovakia Memory 1945-1948 . Document Collection Komárom 2003rd Edited by László Szarka • Laszlo Peter White Ancestors , Szekszárd, 2005th ( The 1947 to 1948 in the South installed Highlands also communicate details of family ( 167-205 , p . 235-236 . ) ) • REMEMBER! ( Highland 1945-1948 ) Komárom 2006th Edited by Noble Andrásné ( P . 61-62 ). • outlaws ( in Hungary is compulsory installation of the Second World War ) , 2008th Edited by: Cholnoki win. 102 P. . • Countries of the Hungarian Crown gazetteers (Editor: Dr. James Joseph Falussy ) Budapest, 1892nd 10 VAT ( Vath ) Vas , walking. " Flat zone on ancient Hungarian village . " The area has been inhabited since the Iron Age . First the landlord lukafalvi Zarka Nicholas, who bravery was ennobled by King Charles Robert (reigned 1308-1342 ) . The estate 17 At the end of the century Nádasdy III . Francis scored the fourth fi Nádasdy Thomas ( +1734 ) . He initiated the Váttól chapel two kilometers away , " Szentkút source" and next to Servite the construction of the monastery , which was completed in 1750 . The monastery was operational until 1788 : II. Joseph decree banned . Today, even the ruins of the monastery can be seen. The chapel II . suffered serious injuries. Vát village church of construction also mentioned Thomas Nádasdy financial support , built in baroque reconstruction in the 18th the second half of the century occurred. The village was the last holder of the Star family. Estate purchased by the State létesült airport 's tables . The Szentkuti chapel in 2000, the landscape of Ages , Museums series decorative brochure ( 652 ) device . 11 LOWER Szilvágyi : (now Upper and Lower Szilvágy = Vasszilvágy ) Vas , Szombathely District ( " Historical past without them insignificant small Hungarian village, poorer population. ) " The 19th At the end of 30 century, 215 people lived in the house in 1930, 313 persons in 42 houses Dr. Gócza Rezsõ 36 family History was . The population gazdálkodhatott 832 kh ground cereals produced . Most of the land - 29 kh - was the Nelson family Czoma economy inherited Nemeth . Landlord Bezerédy Since my 1918 975 kh estate owner, the economy of the mill and distillery worked . 1931 / 32nd According Yearbook data of 100 cattle herds and 60 pieces of horse . Fatty fajlovakat and cattle exported to Italy and Switzerland. Was a regular bus service between the village and Szombathely, in July 1930 he was a resident physician as well. The Rifle Club In addition to 16-member volunteer fire functioned as " fully equipped with " collegiality 1931 Alsószilvágyon . 12 CZOMAHÁZA : Iron County, Sarvar walking among mere Pecöl and Raba ker , in the last century Rábakovácsiba merged . Written record of the 14th Untraceable century . Landowner Count Imre Batthyány . All urban földterülete 31 acres . The family of serfs living in Czoma was bred by state nobility , that their serfs cultivating land many a land-owning noble. The Iron County Alsószilvágyon acquired land in 1598 . Here , Alsószilvágyon czomaházi Czoma family settled in and built a rustic -looking mansion average ( Czoma House) . The family is the poorer population wealthy "rich" family considered it a noble and indicator also revered for . In the decade following the Second World War the house was only There were three female residents ( Czoma " Misses "). The II . stood empty for years preceding World War I Due to the heirs of opposites . Nationalized after 1945 , and in 1973 the government sold it. 13 The church -related knowledge from Hermann Entity: History of the Catholic Church Hungary until 1914 . Munich, 1973rd 264 , 358 P. .

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3 PLACE NAMES - DETAILS " IRON COUNTY AND CITY Szombathely GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND Directory THE 1931-32 . YEAR " C. PUBLICATION OF Dr. Gócza Rezsõ 38 family History Gazetteer Includes small settlement in the nineteenth album . century description . The two villages last century geographical description quoted text I present : the entries labeled a) Bright I : Hungary Geographical Dictionary . California, 1851st c . Eclipse parts of interest , b ) end with Hungary counties of the series, " Iron County 1898 " c . Volume of . In parentheses former name of the villages . The signal c ) refers to the lexicon of the New Hungary (Budapest 1959th ) . LOWER Szilvágyi ( ZYLWAGH , LOWER Szilvágyi , MA : Vasszilvágy ) Lower Elm desire Hungarian village, Iron County , 28 5 174 Jewish inhabitants, Evang . , Kath . . landlords Tallinn, etc. Gal . Ut.p. Szombathely 1 ½ hours . Lower Szilvágy small Hungarian village of 30 houses 215 Kath . and branches. ev . Inhabitants. Post Office and távírdája Acsád . CZOMAHÁZA Czomaháza is already in the medieval documents as well as Ciumani , Chamaháza . Mary Theresa two land-owning serf and a peasant's house populated by unforgettable . Imre landlord Batthyány . All Úrbéres földterülete was 31 acres between major and Pecöl Raba ker ( Sarvar district) . At the beginning of this century , in 1907, 65 inhabitants , and then merged Rábakovácsiba . Unpack the small Hungarian village hall , Iron County with 85 Kath . lak . Ut p . Home. The book does not include mere Unpack Pets , Raba and Pecöl ker . FŰZTŰ Fűztű Hungarian village of Iron County . 122 kath.lak , parsonage ( rectory ) , Holy Church. . Landlord of the genus Megygyesi . Fűztű small Hungarian village , with a total of 13 houses and 150 r.kath . ág.ev.lakosa and there . Post Office Peczöl , telegraph Sarvar . Landlord was Eölbey family. Chaldean Chaldean Hungarian village, Iron County , the Kemenesalja last post Small Czél . inhabited by 1023 Kath . 214 30 Jewish residents, Evang . . Kath . parsonage , the church . Bora, wheat , tree , pasture enough. stand Sarvar estate and a number of public holders . Chaldean large Hungarian village, 183 houses and 1,497 Kath . and ág.ev. inhabitants. Post Office is on site Sarvar and telegraph . The village church was built in 1635 . Dr. Gócza Rezsõ Genealogy 39 Sitka Great Sitke Hungarian village, Iron County , 350 5 212 Jewish inhabitants , Evang . , Kath . Away. Full story parsonage , the holy Church. Alexander the Great landlords . Ut p . Körmend . Sitke small Hungarian village in Vas County , 221 Kath . population . Landlords h . Batthyáni . Ut p . Körmend . Great Sitke Hungarian village of 110 houses and 1,019 r.kath . and ág.ev. inhabitants. Post Office site is , telegraph and Sarvar . Kath . church was built in 1636 . Felsőbüki patron of Alexander the Great , Everyone here is old castle . Boundary are Roman graves . Between small and large - Sitke a Turkish column from times is that now , as a border mark. VAT Vath in Hungarian village, Iron County , Sarvar , Szombathely, 550 Kathol . Evang 30 . inhabitants. Close to the premises shall see a abolished in 1787 and a holy nation Servita times a house Melly Vath szentkútnak called , and which founded Count Ferencz Nadasdy Crown Jewels In 1720 , and now also in that it is a clan conventional Estonian soul takes in its own expense. The Holy Church of the Virgin Mary can be seen hell populous búcsújárások happening - write those Bright Hostels in his work . Acid, Hungarian village, 73 houses and 766 r.kath . and ág.evang . inhabitants. Post Office is telegraph Acsád . The village of Iron Age burial mound there . Szentkútnál the same place in an old Servite ( Pauline ) monastery ruins are visible. Landlords were Nádasdys . UPPER Szilvágyi Upper Szilvágy Hungarian village 43 houses and 336 inhabitants. R.kath religion . and ág.ev. Post Office and Acsád telegraph . Kath . very old church . The village is near the Sopron - Szombathely railway away. The landlord was Tallián family. Chernelházadamonya Chernelházadamonya , Iron County, Sarvar District 420 residents. Chernelháza and Damonya villages merged . Baroque castle monument. ( New Hungarian Glossary Bp 1959) Sótony Sótony , Vas , Sarvar district 121 houses and 798 inhabitants in Hungarian . R.kath religion . Nyőgér Post Office , telegraph Sarvar . Kath . church was built in 1874 . Residents of the basket of bonds as jövödelmező cottage industry practiced . Dr. Gócza Rezsõ 40 family History Vas AND County town of Szombathely GENERAL brochure and contacts THE 1931-32 . YEAR The above publication, the ancestors of people living today biographical data can be found. Chaldean " Shoemaker Laszlo .... Gócza Alexander Gócza .... " (Both the VATI Gócza Rudolph 's brother) " Spice and tobacco dealers ... Joseph Gócza ... " Chaldean parents. In 1883. Koszeg learned profession , worked Bpesten too. 1920-30 , he was a leader of the local ants , and became independent herself Rudolph 's brother and business leads . In 1915 entered the 18.honv.gy.ehez , Russian - French -Romanian fronts fought twice wounded . bronze vit . and Emperor Charles Cross medal holder. (A VATI Gócza Rudolf brother) VAT " Spice and mixed Traders : Gócza Rudolph ... Chaldean born in 1886 . Németujváron learned profession . 1903 released . Worked as an assistant in several cities of the country. 1911 local independent grocer , tobacconist and liquor licensing as well. War fought on the Russian battlefield , captured , which in 1918 - he came home. " Drink gauges, innkeepers and restaurateurs ... Gócza Rudolph ... " ( Stephen , Cooker, László and Bob 's father Gócza ) Dr. Gócza Rezsõ Genealogy 41 LOWER Szilvágyi " Landowners ... Kalman Nemeth ... Locally , born in 1883 , schooling is done on site . corporate and School Board member. War fought on the Russian front in 1918 was discharged . Small silver and bronze medals for bravery and Emperor Charles Cross holder. " ( Mary Case . Gócza brother Rudolf Nemeth ) UPPER Szilvágyi " Municipal prefecture ... Nicholas Wolf ... Locally born , 1917 70 kh continue self- management . land . County Agricultural Society , municipal bodies , school boards , representing County corporator , h.bíró four years . war Romanian fought battlefield , where he received a leg fracture. In 1916 he was acquitted . " Landowners ... Nicholas Wolf ... ( C. Dr. Wolf Gócza Rezsőné Elvira 's father) Porpác " Landowners ... Ferenc Kiss 41 kh ... " (Dr. Gócza Rezsőné no. Farkas, Elvira 's uncle ) Persons referred to in the present edition of our social status, get information on the role of public the nineteenth century. Monograph published at the end of the century the county is composed . Hungary County , Budapest from 1895 to 1896 . ( Millennium Series)

Dr. Gócza Rezsõ Genealogy 43 4 PHOTOS