e Road Chimo Cove Ha rrison Lake R

Gree TOWNSHIP OF RYERSON Shawanaga Lak n Lan oad Westview Road e

Bou Swords Road rdeau MUNICIPALITYCredit Lane OF WHITESTONE


a d Ko ´ d ad d i a Taylor Lane c Roa

ll Roa u r T lsam Ro d

Fire Route 294b Ba Fire Fi Shakell Road ssing Road re Rou


te 158

Fire Route 295f Grey Owl Road


ute 15 y Road Fire Ro

Orange Valle



ad F

oute 103 McKellar Lake Road


v ownley Ro Fire R r

Dri B White Beaver Trails Road Route 156 Fire A 101 x ver

i e e Lake Road


ddle R Drive


ire Fox F ad M F d keside Ea re Ro La John Street st Roa ho es arm Ce Sanbo Lak F Be ire Roa n West t ar L r Rou e

d Road Ro rn Drive a ke Road te a d te 237f Fire Rou 155 d TheTOWNSHIP Camp OF MCKELLAR rne Roa l Road te Loch E 152 Fire Rou

g Hil

Fire Route 599f


at Road



M West

18 Reins Way 5 ve e y

nRoad ad riv Ro B In nt Road unny D ys Park Dri u dbe TOWNSHIP OF MCMURRICH-MONTEITH ito Holl n Trai Broa Highwa Ma ane l Lizzies L d Roa d ive ue a son Road q y Ro in Ja a ey B Birdwood Lane Fire ls Dick m au Bay Dr m P F Ji e Rout ire Route oad R


e 214 s 3 Middle Sumner D ad 00 rive ane ts Ro Wendy Miller Drive L t y Lyndse M anc e D eha

Burne Driv Lorimer Lake Road y Lan r g D 13 te 201 Highway 124 te 2 e riv view Rou Fire Rou e Blackwat e Fir


Road er Road

ardies Snowdo lle Road H ad

o Hurdvi R

N n es F ipi Roa ish

FireRoute 215 Lakes Road ss Jon n Of e Chai

rs Road i d n We


Ro s t B


d e

We a r L a st ke Bra dley R R oad 314 oad Road Swall

13 re Route e Road Beaver Trail o Fi 3 w Road Kirkham Axe Lak

Road d Road e Fire Route ltin MUNICIPALITY OF MCDOUGALL e Di Ess a mond Lake SquirrelAvenue Slater Road Fire Route 316 Pinewoo

9 Road Mile Lake Road Trail

hutes C d

ake Roa L

Isab urt ugar o S el la La t

istie C ke R r Leslie h Lane er Stree C S oad ione trawber P

ry Lane


a Christie Fire Station o

itt R

rk Lake Forest Drive u B

Parry Sound Drive

Lipsett Lane

NorthRoad d dys F art Roa d ire Route H Hai Alex Lan

nes R

Sideroad Ho 205 e

o Fire Route 204 ad Fire Route 3 10

Fire Route 202 Tal ly H ay Road id o Sword St 09 Hol Wi a d 3 r La lso No rt Roa Parton Road e k bel Road ut n Road e Limbe o Road s d Bay e R Road oa r R side Dr Fi g pissin Nip ive En

ge yDrive Road lking

L berr ane h Drive Waydo Parton 306 Hig te Lyn hite Birc h W Tudhop way

S ck Roa 69 H Fire Rou ho armony Lane Beatty Street Smith Crescent ebot e Street S tar Lake rive to d Mall D Marlyn Drive m Road Ro Louisa Street ss Ro

Woods Road ad reet la St TOWN OF PARRYtreet SOUND McDougall Road Isabel S 18 McNaughts Road am li wan Road uskrat il Church Lane Carru W Neech Lea Street McGo Highway 5 line M s Lane we ther f Lane s GibsonStreet Bo ee La TOWNSHIPTown OF SEGUIN ers Lane M Highw T cCa s River Street ay 6 Highwa ne Walt u Martin 9 Road r Ro tl ul d ccos e a Lan ey Millies Ro e M Lak rive y Country Lane a D ive 11 Lane h R und Ro rsha e Forest Street o o us Road a ry S ncy Do d e Hunter Dr B Par w ll Roa EmilyStreet eg Road R nes y Road ad arr kla Road Ro e Hek P d v th Chri Davis Dri Road Sou ad rkley stie Bay Be Oa y


Thompson stler P Wa s o rive ad Hig r Road ness Ro D Cemetary Ro Rose Point Road Lyle Ro per hway Badge a il Lady Slip Hicks rk Driv a Road w ra d Road ollo T ane in 11 a spd L in A d e L e Hogs H oon u C Drive g an ra e i Highway 11 L wford S Ech S Monteith Lane ad oad Lawso tlett Humphrey Fire Station n Crescen Road e R Laughing t ell ar o T Ro ak w t s Kettun reet

B L k rai in Foley Fire Station #2 Card o Hig

o Foley Fire Station #1 hwa l Rank y 1 d James Bay J unction Road Br e 41

Black Road oa n R Loon ad o R Ja oad Little Finland Road cklin Cresc s R Oak Stre

ans Rosseau Fire Station ne ent R Cook ainsRoad r La The Far oa m Road Hig tle Otte h d Alexa McC Lit wa et F Lane y 40 Brig erri Wa ndyPl es t V 66 ka v 0 e iolets La ndr h s R n Sa ee iv lice Lane a T Al ne t Stree Road A rail Maureen Dr i et o Str a Cre ad Circ n 10 King Stre Rosse Route io Tapa ava t r Lane too Tra l s e Dri Road Prio il ore Drive s s h cen Yah lowridge lue Lake Conce Bays Wil Summi auLa v t B t Drive Sa e Oak oad oad ndy R R M te ke 3 Ro P B G f aplehurst ne rays Roa ield D La lains eechwood La Road Coa Fry Road ad Deaf Ca e uston Ot oucks R riv mp Roa d r dog Ro L Thu o ive rn D Ho ter L d ad South Mets Road ad Sun Tall Ditchbu ow d Laps n Road Hig a ake der Road ffe T i D ver Holl aw Ro Lane kcli ne mbers hwa ogle Road il Hen Roc Bea Tra g Bradsh n rys Trai y P 6 at Brad rive R h D ink Broke oad 32 shaw L l C ad Ro ed Ro Tr lare a Unam Road d rt ails ad Cr L rpo ane Bay E oad ss Ro o s End Ai nd ssle Arm D rge Tr i Bu ail 41 x Road Walkers R y P 1 o R oi stron n Roa k Road nt R ay ke Peacoc oad w Ly o C a g Jac igh un n d ar La a e R x H d e ail noe L yBay M ane Cl d

Line kl n i Road R n oad C 2nd

Road H Sa


owpe Porta hwa m Sil Apple r White Pine Road y 6 H Stanl a g v a F r r Trail e e 9 ey ad r Cranberry mer ad Ho o L P dale Roa Steeles Road us ake Road o Ro e i B Road n a t y oad ke R L Dr Road on Way nozha La ive g & Cov Ke Road e d age R low t Lake Se n Win e Cran lmo Dr gwun Plac a Shal S din iv ne ld Por o e g O st Roa C oo il ns Road d High Hil Black Sou l Road e Hather Wychwood Tra t h Os Blu pts Road p Bon l e r d ol ey Ro Blair Point Roa f Ec T y fs h Roa Winter Berr o R Hig R Road oad oad e oad iv hway 69 a d d ran R cully d o S y Bay Roa Seel Road orth Dr N y Jean Marie Joe K Road s Road Campbell oad s R nd A Sa gaming Ro Morinu

Paignton s P Road a rk Roa d

a a d ane L Ro House ry n t d n arlingford Road e ou C v

Road Crane C dha


H ig h wa

y 61 Cockburn Lane 2 Joe R iver Murphy Road Road


e D

ak Highwa Chown Road H L enr e y r Rail Road a He y 400 Cran aly L K Ced d ings th a ake Road u ad Road ett Road o s Ro Healy Lake Lod ge So rl Ea ack R ox B F rth Road Kapikog No TOWNSHIP OF MUSKOKA LAKES n Drive Road lto ad Wa Sha Lake y Road mrock n Ro egor Road en Gr d P oad apikog B oad R K ear ad Roa

D i Ro s e t L l rict ake Ro Halls ruff R 11 Ro

apikog Dam ive ood K r Road D ad a W oad d od Fernda ing R Munro Stewart K oad R Big Joe Road McLe Joseph Railw ay B Buckeye Roa P tys Road e a l nin Street y Ki sula Stree Roa e d


d in House

Hem g ne Driv Ja l i oc

k El mes St Redwo Point Road Cl Trail r H Berners Road o ee a d R Grants t llett R oad

o ad

K e n d Bass Lake on 118 Sun TOWNSHIP OF Whi set Roa Carls Road P tes R W oi nt Road d R oods Bay Lane oad Highway o ad

S il ve Duffy B r utterfly R Sa s L d ane a High n Ro oad d ds Ro ngs u way Yo ad ower Roa T 16



0500 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 Scale = 1:50,000 8KM RESPONSE FROM STSS ACCREDITED FIRE STATION - HUMPHREY FIRE STATION Meters The maps and figures are intended to generally show an 8km road distance from a Superior Tanker Shuttle Service (STSS) DATE DRAWN: DEC 22, 2009 Legend Accredited fire hall. These maps and figures are not intended to illustrate the exact response distance or the exact STSS coverage area. It should be carefully noted that a true STSS coverage area would also be further limited to within 5km road " STSS Accredited Fire Station DRAWN BY: LZ Road distance of a dedicated water supply point which conforms to NFPA 1142, Standard on Water Supplies for Suburban and Rural Fire Fighting (most recent edition). Fire Underwriters Survey does not warrant or make any representations with respect to the 8KM Response From STSS Accredited Fire Station quality, completeness, currency or accuracy of anything contained in this map, the fitness of this map for any purpose or results PRELIMINARY FINAL obtained using information contained in this map and is not responsible for any action taken in reliance on information contained Municipal Boundary - Lower and Single Tier in this map. In all cases, field data should be used to confirm the data and accuracy of these maps. COMMERCIAL PERSONAL