The President of

Autor(en): [s.n.]

Objekttyp: Article

Zeitschrift: The Swiss observer : the journal of the Federation of Swiss Societies in the UK

Band (Jahr): - (1982)

Heft 1791

PDF erstellt am: 28.09.2021

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Ein Dienst der ETH-Bibliothek ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Schweiz, The President of Switzerland - the man nobody /cnou;s

THE Swiss have a new President this year - as they do every year, in fact. To readers unfamiliar with Swiss affairs, such a situation might seem to indicate a certain lack of continuity and cohesion in the running of the country. In reality, however, it symbolises the world's most stable and Fritz Honegger dependable democracy. For under Switzerland's unique political President of the Swiss Confederation for 1982 system - based on a tradition of compromise rather than confrontation - the seven ministers in the Federal BORN July 25, at Bischofszell (Canton when he was elected Cantonal country's four-party Council always take it in be President. Thurgau). Citizen of Fischenthal and Councillor of Zurich and Mayor of tum to Ruschlikon Ruschlikon, office he held for eight And it's a system that dates back 134 years. (Canton Zurich). an The of President the Studies at the post goes to longest- in political economy years. who fills the , graduating in serving minister, appointment In 1965/66 he was President of the from January 1 to December 31. He 1941 may with a doctoral thesis on "Vergl- Cantonal Parliament of Zurich. Mr than but for eichende über das serve more one term, never con- Betrachtungen Honegger was elected Deputy of secutive Erhebungsverfahren bei den direkten years. Canton Zurich to the Swiss senate in While serving as President he also retains Bundessteuern" his (Comparative 1967 with an impressive majority, his post as minister which, in fact, remains his Analysis of the Levy Procedure with parliamentary activities concentrating main task. It all adds to a which Direct Federal Taxes). and up process mainly on economic monetary resembles a political of musical chairs. In 1942, he obtained his first post at and game matters, as well as on foreign Although the election is a foregone for- La Chaux-de-Fonds as secretary social policies. mality, succession to the of President is (German speaking) to the Swiss Feder- post In 1974 Mr Honegger was elected nevertheless to ballot by the ation of Watch Manufacturers. subject a joint chairman of the Radical Democrat two houses of the Swiss parliament. At the In 1944 he was appointed secretary and three later became one the second to the Silk Industry Association of Party, years same time longest-serving of Switzerland's seven Federal minister is elected Vice-President and is thus Zurich, a position he retained until Councillors. assured of "promotion" to the presidency 1961 on becoming director of the Zurich Chamber of Commerce. He was appointed head of the Swiss one year later. True to Swiss tradition, Mr Economics Ministry in February 1978. Yet the annual elections to these rotating Honegger has gained his political Mr Honegger is married with two experience at all levels of public sons, and holds the military rank of in- affairs. He entered politics in 1957 fantry colonel. 6 Ht

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V^amctz/C-H The new Swiss /4r « President? I w/a?F£. £//y don't know, but it's probably another of those government ministers - /rom the Berner Zeitung

responsibilities are so uneventful that many The publicity was duly noted back in foreign motorist. Swiss citizens soon forget who the President Switzerland, but in terms of the strongest The President for 1982 is 64-year-old Economics Minister Fritz who has and Vice-President are, even if they knew in disapproval. The Swiss Press and public alike Honegger, Federal the first place. simply could not understand what all the fuss been a member of the Council for the five But ask Swiss, and The temporary honour does not make the was about. past years. any President head of state in the true sense of The story is also told of another Swiss Pre- the chances are that few will know his name. the term. Switzerland's real head of state is sident of recent years whose official transport Less than a month after his election to the the entire Federal Council, whose seven broke down while he was travelling to an Presidency, and only a few days before he 11 members despite their often opposing important engagement. He hitch-hiked a lift actually took office, I put the question to - adult Swiss. of them knew. political interests and ideologies - take all the rest of the way from an astonished Only two major decisions collectively. The President merely presides over the Federal Council meetings, and is often referred to in Switzerland as a primus inter pares a first - remarked chore is to do rather equals. A FEW years ago a jriend o/ mine more hand-shaking o/ among than his As The Times of London once observed: that the glory o/ Switzerland was that no one visiting foreign dignitaries cabinet knew who her President was. No out- colleagues do. "It is all a remarkable demonstration of the people side Switzerland haue heard o/him, and/ew The Economist, London. Swiss distrust of any one person becoming - inside. After a/I, the job o/ a government is too powerful, and of the urge to safeguard ASK f've Swiss (including the not to supply enferfainment/or/oreign news- any cream of the country against individual fallibility." the country's youth) the name of their paper readers but to govern the country The President of Switzerland enjoys no country's President. two them efficiently. This the Swiss Federal Council // of can give particular powers, his family no special the the you correct answer you wi// be quite favours. does. And God save Switzerland and the lucky. In the 1960s the daughter of the world from the day when we all learn Swiss President's - The Student Guide then President came to England - like name. to Switzerland. thousands of other Swiss girls to work as an - Switzerland for Beginners, - Mikes au pair girl and improve her English. When by George (published ASK a Swiss to name his President and the the news leaked out in Britain, newspapers by André Deutsch Ltd, London). chances are very good that he will not know. here were soon publishing pictures and Ffe might even add that it doesn't matter articles about the President's daughter peel- NAME the President o/ Switzerland. You much. ing potatoes and going down on her hands can't. And quite a lot o/Swiss would have to - The Swiss Journal, and knees to wield a scrubbing brush. scratch their heads. A/most his only special San Francisco.