145 Flats and 10 Houses), Including Demolition of the Gatehouse at 4 Seafield Street and Conversion of the Chapel and the Matron's House to Form Residential Dwellings
Development Management Sub Committee Wednesday 6 November 2013 Application for Planning Permission 13/02584/FUL At 4 Seafield Street, Edinburgh, EH6 7LG Construction of 155 dwellings (145 flats and 10 houses), including demolition of the Gatehouse at 4 Seafield Street and conversion of the Chapel and the Matron's House to form residential dwellings. Item number Report number Wards A14 - Craigentinny/Duddingston Links Policies and guidance for LPC, CITD1, CITD3, CITD4, CITD5, CITD6, CITE3, this application CITE4, CITE8, CITE9, CITE12, CITE17, CITOS3, CITH1, CITH2, CITH3, CITH4, CITH5, CITH7, CITCO2, CITT2, CITT4, CITT5, CITI6, NSG, NSDCAH, NSESBB, NSGD02, NSLBCA, NSMDV, NSP, David R. Leslie Acting Head of Planning and Building Standards Contact: Jackie McInnes, Planning Officer E-mail:jackie.mcinnes@edinburgh.gov.uk Tel: 0131 469 3731 Executive summary Application for Planning Permission 13/02584/FUL At 4 Seafield Street, Edinburgh, EH6 7LG Construction of 155 dwellings (145 flats and 10 houses), including demolition of the Gatehouse at 4 Seafield Street and conversion of the Chapel and the Matron's House to form residential dwellings. Summary The proposal complies with the development plan and the non-statutory planning guidance. The proposal is acceptable in this location, preserves the setting of the listed building and is of an appropriate layout, scale and design. The amenity of neighbours will not be adversely affected and, with the use of conditions, an appropriate level of amenity will be provided for future occupiers. The impact on infrastructure, with the use of a legal agreement, is acceptable and the proposal will be sustainable. It will not affect view cones or key views.
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