Zoo theme park

A controversial theme park is being planned at near . Some people are saying that it will bring more people to the zoo and create jobs. Other people say that a theme park and animals don’t mix.

EPISODE 11 Focus Questions 13TH MAY 2008

1] Retell the story in your own words. Learning Area 2] Why do we have zoos? English 3] Where in is the theme park planned to be built? 4] What is a company planning to do at Werribee Zoo? 5] What are some people saying are the advantages of a theme park being Key learning built at the zoo? 6] Describe how Werribee open range zoo operates. Students will plan, write 7] What are some of the concerns of people against the proposed and present a debate. development? 8] Who makes the decision about whether the theme park will be built at the zoo? 9] What do you think about the idea? Explain your answer. 10] Do you think compromise is possible in this situation? Explain your answer.

Mini debate – Should a theme park be built at Werribee zoo? Working in pairs, students will be preparing a two-minute speech for a mini debate. One person will be speaking for the affirmative (supporting a theme park being built at the zoo) and the other will be speaking for the negative (speaking against a theme park being built). Ask students to list their arguments in point form on paper (without their partner seeing them). When they have done this, ask them to choose the five best points that will form the basis for their debate. Students will write in point form, their debate on cards that fit into the palm of their hand. Their debate needs to have an introduction (introducing the topic), middle (five main points) and a conclusion (restating their position) Students practise their speech and then present the mini debate to another pair.

© ABC 2008

Reflection Ask students to think about how difficult it was to think of arguments to support their case. Do they think they could have created a stronger argument if they were speaking for the opposing view?

Further investigations

Create an artists impression of what you imagine African Safari World will look like.

Respond to the following question: `Zoos – palaces or prisons?’

Find out more about the history and roles of zoos. Go to http://www.cultureandrecreation.gov.au/articles/zoo/

 Related Research Links

ABC News – Theme park proposed for Werribee zoo http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/04/06/2209007.htm

ABC 730 Report – zoo may become theme park transcript and video http://www.abc.net.au/7.30/content/2007/s2233066.htm

Werribee open range zoo http://www.zoo.org.au/WerribeeOpenRangeZoo

History and roles of zoos - Government website http://www.cultureandrecreation.gov.au/articles/zoo/

Kids Planet website – animal quiz http://www.kidsplanet.org/games/quiz/

© ABC 2008