Developmental anomalies of primary and

Developmental anomalies of primary and permanent teeth  Morphological variations  Supernumerary cusps  Supernumerary roots  Dilaceratio dentis  Invaginatio dentis  ,  Numerical variations  Polyodontia/  Dens supernumerarius  Dens supplementarius  Oligodontia/  Aplasia / agenesis  partialis, anodontia totalis  Double formations (fusio, geminatio dentium)  Structural anomalies   Dentinogenesis imperfecta Disturbances in the different developmental stages  Initiation stage (sixth to seventh weeks)  hypodontia, anodontia  hyperdontia, supernumerary teeth  Bud stage (eighth week)  macrodontia, microdontia  Cap stage (ninth to tenth weeks)  invagination (dens in dente)  gemination, fusion  supernumerary cusp  Bell stage (eleventh to twelfth weeks)  Apposition and maturation stages (varies per )  enamel dysplasia  dentinal dysplasia  Root formation  supernumerary roots  dilaceration  Cement formation 

Supernumerary cusps

Supernumerary roots

Dilaceratio dentis

Dilaceratio dentis

Invagination („dens in dente”)



Dens connatalis


Supplemental tooth

Supernumerary tooth

Accessory teeth Supplemental teeth

Supplemental tooth


retromolar/distomolar paramolar


Aplasia/agenesis Oligodontia (6 or more germs are missing) Partial anodontia Total anodontia

Aplasia of primary and permanent upper lateral incisors

5 1 1 5 aplasia

5 5 aplasia 5

Aplasia of second premolars Persistent primary molars


5 4 3 4 5 8 germs are missing 5 4 5

Double formation of teeth

Gemination – an incomplete division of a tooth germ

Fusion – union in dentin and/or enamel between two separately developed normal teeth

Concrescence – the roots of two teeth are fused only in the cementum



Congenital anhydrotic ectodermalectodermal dysplasiadysplasia (partial or complete absence of sweat glands, wispy hair, nail defects, extensive aplasia of teeth)

Cleidocranial dysosotosis

Enamel hypoplasia

Any disturbance in tooth formation associated with macroscopic defects in the surface enamel.

Pindborg, 1990.

DDE index An epidemiological index of developmental defects of dental enamel Federation Dentaire Internationale Commision on Oral Health, Research and Epidemiology  1. White-cream opacities  2. Yellow-brown opacities  3. Hypoplastic pits  4. Hypoplastic horizontal grooves  5. Hypoplastic vertical grooves  6. Missing enamel  7. Discolored enamel

1982 Enamel hypoplasia Etiological factors

A. Inherited B. Aquired, environmental

1.1. Systemic:Systemic: 2.2. Local:Local:  Birth trauma, birth  Trauma to developing teeth prematurity  Local infections  Infections  Irradiation  Nutrition disorders  Ankylosis of primary teeth  Metabolic diseases  Chemicals



enamel hypoplasia

Enamel hypoplasia

Amelogenesis imperfecta

Amelogenesis imperfecta

Amelogenesis imperfecta

Epidermolysis bullosa

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