Bengali Parliament Ordered by Mujibur

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Bengali Parliament Ordered by Mujibur Average DaUy Net Prelte Ran The Weather For The Week Endea Increasing cloudiness tonight November M, m i with low around 30. Continued cloudy tomorrow, showers like­ ly; high near SO.. Outlook for 15,590 Friday . .. cloudy but cooler. Manchester-—A City of Village Charm VOL. XCI, NO. 86 (T H IR T Y .3IX PAGBS^TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1972 lelfled Advertising on Page 33) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS Bengali Parliament Ordered by Mujibur By DENNIS NEELD envoys greeted him during a shipping. The two ports were million worth of steel, fertili­ brief stopover in New Delhi. heavily pounded by the Indian zers, petroleum and other com­ DACCA (AP) — Sheik Muji­ In other developments; navy during the two-week war. modities as an outrigdit grant. bur Rahman gave up the presi­ —^The government declared —A government spokesman He said India also agreed to a dency of Bangladesh today to the porta of Chittagong and said India has agreed to pro- loan equivalent to 812.5 million become prime minister after ChaJna open to international 'vide the new nation 'with 833 in foreign exchange. ordering a parliamentary gov­ ernment for Asia’s npwest na­ tion. Mujib, named president by other Bangladesh leaders while he was a prisoner in West Paki­ U.S. Steel stan, Issued a provisional con­ Candidates Stir stitution Tuesday night con­ Admitting centrating governmental power in the hands of the prime min­ ister. The presidency became Layoffs largely a ceremonial office. Florida’s Palms PITTSBURGH, Pa. (AP) — ’The constitutional order pro­ By 'rUE ASSOCIATED PRESS the ceremoniek Thursday after vides that the parliament 'will U.S. Steel Corp., the nation’s largest steelmaker, has begun m eeting -with form er New be made up of persons elected Two of the dozen Democrats Hampshire Gov. Lane Dwinell, a year ago to the East Paki­ making substantial cutbacks in entered in Florida’s presiden­ its engineering force, already the Nixon campaign chairmen stani state legislature and to tial primary prepared for a in that state. the Pakistani National Assem­ furloughing 100 techniical work­ bly that never met. There was ers in this area with Indications second day of campaigning in Hartke launched his FTorida no indication vdien the new par­ more are planned. the state today and waited to campaign with an emphasis on “ there is no mystery about how liament would meet, but Mujib The Pittsburgh Poet Gazette see 'Whether the field, would di­ said today a U.S. Steel spokes­ to create full employment." became prime minister as the m inish. unchallenged leader of the ma­ man confirmed the layoffs and “We need only accept the jority party. quoted him as saying; Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey proposition that if Industry can­ Thawed-i)ut Composure Mujih, who is 51, took the “Tile company has reviewed planned to visit a black neigh­ not provide decent jobs, gov­ turned frozen turf into week to the chagrin of Jane Galvin of Dedham oath of office 51 hours after his its engineering organization borhood and attend a senior ernment will,” he said. ahoe-stealing mush in Boston's Public Gardens this after mixed-up mercury hit 54 degrees. (AP photo) return to Dacca. structure and (unctimis with a citizens’ dance in St. Peters­ Hartke endorsed the space- Abu Sayee Chou<fiiury, a for­ view to Improving efficiency. burg. shuttle program announced by mer judge who has been the “The reduction will take Sen. Vance Hartke moved Nixon last week. , Bangladesh movement’s chief place over the next soverai into Miami today, continuing There were these other devel­ spokesman in London and New months and 'will involve retire­ the Florida campaign he kicked opments in presidential pri­ York, was sworn in as presi­ ments, layoffs and severances off with a burst of confidence in mary states Tuesday: as well as reassignment of cer­ U.S, Bombers Hit Back; Food Stamp dent. ’T a ll^ a sse e Tuesday. Ohio — Humphrey announced In the Pakistani general elec­ tain personnel." “ f w ill 'Win in F lorida as I plans to campaign there Jan. 18 tions in D ecem ber 1970, M ujib’ s Sources within the United will win in New Hampridre, Fund Still Awami League won 298 of the Steelworkers, which represents said the Indiana Democrat. 810 seats in the provincial legis­ •Florida Secretary of State Red Forces in Attacks ^Available’ lature and ]^67 o f the 169 Na­ Richard Stone announced a list Confident SAIOON (AP) — Ooraumuilst two Ifiet Cong sappers dipped to order a permanent cease-fire tional Assembly seats allotted More o f 12 to be on the D em ocratic Kickoff forces today made the third at­ past South Vletnunese and throughout Indochina and sus­ WASHINGTON (AP) —The to East Pakistan. Neither body ballot in the March 14 primary, was ever convened. This led to but anyone may remove his tack in lead than two weeks on American guards to blow up a pend all U.S. aid to South Viet­ Agriculture Department said Coming stoclq>ile of small arms amnui- today it does not planl to spend ci'vil -war in East Pakistan, cul- own name from' the ticket by a U.S. air base In the 'Vietnam nam, Laos and Cambodia. and to offer a full slate of 153 nltlan. It also said that if Nixon an additional 8108 m illion avail- mtoating in India’s liberation of filing a declaration of noncan­ war, shot down an American the •territory and the estab­ d id acy b y F eb. 15. delegates in the May 2 pri­ One of the sappers was killed would set the cease-fire for the aMe for food stamps this year white collar workers through m ary. helicopter, kllUng aU four crew­ when he triggered a claymore Tet celebraticn Feb. 15 and set but wiU not hesitate to do so if lishment of Bangladesh as an its Office,and Technicsd 'Work­ In Washington, a spokesman mine on his way out, the 7th it Is needed. independent nation. for Sen. Edward M. Kennedy Illinois — Sen. George men, and intensified attacks an early deadline for withdraw­ ers Conference, said that McGovern of South Dakota will Air Force reported. The other Congress allowed 88.2 billion The number of natiems recog­ said the Massachusetts Demo­ across foutfa Vietnam to their al of aU U.S. troops, It would draftsmen and allied salaried offer full delegates slates in up escaped. - . "guarantee" the return of for food stami>s in the year nizing Bang^esh' increased to­ workers have been laid off here crat would file the affidavit to Ughest'fevril In three months. day to six, four cf them Com­ get out of the race. to 17 of the state’s 24 congres­ No other casualties were re­ Americans held' by North Viet­ ending Jime 80. The depart­ and 'that similar payroll cut- munist, as PeCand and. Mcmg- St(me said he suspects Rep. sional districts, .altbougk he The U.S. Oonunand also an­ ported. The ammunition stores nam and the vUt Cong. ment, however, says only a bwkg. were expected in Chicago olia joined the group.^-EasT'Ger- 'd u rren tiy'” plans ' Ih 'CSil- nounced'Oiat an Air Force Fi are far fn»n personnel living The coalitlcn called Itself the' Uttle nmam assa 82'Mllidn-WlU and l^ladelphia. Wilbur D. Mills of Arkansas' many and Bulgaria started the cago. McGovern, did not enter quarters. Inter-Rellglons Qeneral Assem­ be requited to take care of The company spokesman, ac­ also may order his name Jet bombed and iqiparently de­ ball rolling in the Soviet bloc stricken from the ballot. the preference primary vtdildi stroyed an antiaircraft missile bly Demaiuling Peace. It is needy recipients. cording to the Post-Gazette, An Air Force iq>okesman said Tuesday, but so far there 'was ■ Alabama (3ov. George C. binds no delegates. His slates batteiy . :,ih the Inotlan pan­ made up of the World Salvation Department officials, asked said It was “impossible at this the Viet Cong planted two no word from Moscow. Wallace, who ran as an Ameri­ of candidates for convention handle near depone shortly, aft­ Religion, Peace Religion, ■ a to com m ent oi\. r e p < ^ the time to determine the total India was the first nation to can Independent party candi­ delegates would be idMIged to er it fired two mlssUes at an­ Buddhist sect end a faction of money had been intentionally number of employes that might recognize Bangladesh, followed date in 1968, w as expected to him. other American plane Tuesday. the Cab Dal sect. withheld from food spending, be affected." by one of its junior partners in announce in Tallahassee Thurs­ Wisconsin—Campaigning in The Army UHi helicopter Bien Hoa In northern Laos, North Viet^ said the charges are “not cor­ The layoffs in this area are the Himalayas, Bhutan. day that he will stay in the Pulaski, Sen. Edmund S. Mus- was diet down Tuesdi^ while luunese forces captured two r e c t." the secmid major blow to the Britain and France also are FTorida primary. kle was reminded of bis state­ support^ South Vietnamese Battered mere government positions “It’s news to me,’ 'said As­ steel industry’s work force. considered likely to extend rec­ In the North, Republicans ment that a presidential ticket operand south of tha U Mlnh near the Long Cheng base. In­ sistant Secretary of Agriculture Last. month, Jones A Laugh- ognition. Mujib had discussions prepared to open campaign with a Negro couldn’t win this forest jin the Mdcong ODelta, formed sources in Vientiane Richard E.
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