This Month Rev Richard writes the letter from the Rectory; Rev Peter’s Green Page; Melinda’s Famous Hymns column covers " Through All The Changing Scenes of Life", plus the regular columns and news from around the parishes

1 From the Rectory

Dear Friends,

I always like to reflect on the past year at the start of January. As we look back we can all say ‘where on earth has that year gone?’ At the time, things often seem to move very slowly, but looking back it is always another matter.

Last January I wrote about having hope for the New Year ahead. Little did any of us know what was coming in 2020.

Doing this is also always a mixed bag of good things that we can be thankful for, and sad things such as deaths and tragic events to mourn. I think it is especially important to think about those we have appreciated in life but are now no longer with us. We can always learn from others as we reflect on what they have done in life and meant to us and others.

This last year things are different, it was not a normal year, the issue of Covid has taken centre stage, and it is surely even more important than usual to reflect and then try and take stock. What a year it has been! And what a different world we are in now! If we go into a new year without reflection or taking stock the danger is that we will have no fresh thinking and no clear plan to aim for, and over time we will find that life will tend to drift away from us. But if we aim at something we will always get at least part of the way towards that target. I am convinced that success is trying, and when we are trying we will also be keeping our hopes alive, hope is something that will keep us positive whatever we have to go through in life. Hope is vital, Martin Luther said “everything that is done in the world is done in hope”, and hope is also one of the three eternal verities.

It is also, I believe, important to seek to strengthen our hopes for the future at this time. No one knows what is coming next, but we can all have a hope that is more solid than the ground beneath our feet. The Bible teaches us quite clearly that human history is going somewhere, and it is going somewhere good. Whatever setbacks and tragic events happen along the way, they cannot alter a good outcome for God’s people because we live in a universe where God is the creator and the redeemer, and by trusting in him it will make sure that we, along with everything else, are under his control. My parents’ gravestone was put in place in 2020 and on the stone is a text which says ‘Underneath are the everlasting arms’ Dt 33v27. Even during or after the saddest events and the worst life can throw at us, we can have hope because God is even lower than we have descended and in his loving arms he will look after us both now and later on when he carries us home to be with him forever.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit”. Romans 15:13

I wish you a Happy New Year. Richard Steven


Letter from John King

The start of a new year gives us the opportunity to look back at the old and look forward to the new.

2020 has been an extraordinary year, on the 23rd March we, as a nation, went into the first lockdown. Up until then we could all see the relentless advance of Covid 19. From that date everybody’s lives changed, sadly for most it was a change for the worse. Since then we can see, read or hear the grim statistics. The remorseful advance of the virus, people being infected, many dying, many locked into a term of isolation. By the beginning of December there were over 59.000 deaths and over 1.6 million people catching this disease, just in our own country.

But other grim news followed, businesses collapsed, redundancies followed. Everyone was vulnerable to a greater or lesser extent.

We are all wearing face-masks, unless we have a dispensation. We know that P.P.E. means Personal Protection Equipment.

During the summer we expressed our grateful thanks to the hard pressed N.H.S. staff by clapping on Thursdays at 8pm. We read about the exploits of ‘Captain Tom’, who raised millions of pounds for the N.H.S. His aim was to raise £1,000 by sponsorship by aiming to complete 100 x 25metre laps of his garden, with the help of his walking frame as he approached his 100th birthday. Support flooded in from all over the world and it was also a boost for us oldies because it showed the world what could be done. When people are wearing masks it is not easy to see their mood, what they are thinking but what has been happening up and down our country is people helping others. In the beginning, like millions of others, I received offers of help to do my shopping for which I was very grateful. Certainly the initial reports on Covid said that, if you were over 70 or younger but had underlying health problems, you were in real trouble.

The way family, friends, neighbours have helped is one of the positives to come out of this catastrophe. Locally so many societies, clubs and other organisations have had to close, which has had a very detrimental effect to everyone, especially those of us living on our own. After the initial lockdown there were some easing of restrictions, then as the second wave happened, the restrictions were re-introduced and for many businesses this was the last straw. On the positive side there has been help from the government and also help from others, notably Food Banks, whether in or all over our country, the help they have been giving has been life-saving.

We need to be positive looking ahead and the news of vaccines being produced give answers to prayers, hopefully vaccinations will be well underway by the time you read this January Parish News. We give thanks for the researchers who have produced currently 4 types of vaccine. The hope is that later in 2021 our lives can get back to some sort of normality. 4

As with many others, all churches have been closed, many have produced ‘Zoom Services’ but I know many do not have access to computers or laptops, fortunately there have been services on television and on radio. After 2nd December partial relaxation, churches are now open, albeit with the wearing of masks and social distancing.

So there is hope for the future – a light at the end of the tunnel and hope is so important.

Our prayers continue to go to the N.H.S. staff whether in hospitals or local surgeries. We pray that the vaccines will work and they can be speedily distributed. We thank all who have given their help to others in 2020 and on into 2021.

May God give us the strength to overcome. May we all have a better life in 2021.

With love and prayers. Wishing you a very happy and safe New Year. John.

Prayer for January

As we look out on a New Year Lord Jesus help us to remember that it is only because of you that it is 2021AD at all.

You are the Lord of history, both BC and AD. Help us to find much to hope about in this new year, both in your saving and eternal love for us and also in the good things that are still happening around our world.



January Services in and Wartling Parish Churches Please note that, due to the current situation, the times and places of all services may change. 3rd January Epiphany. 8am Wartling. Holy Communion(BCP) Ephesians 3v1-12 Matthew 2v1-12. 10am Herstmonceux Epiphany Family Service 6pm Zoom Service.

10th January Baptism of Christ 8am Herstmonceux Holy Communion (BCP) Acts 19v1-7 Mark 1v4-11 10am Wartling Plough Sunday Service Genesis 1v1-5, Acts 19v1-7, Mark 1v4-11. 6pm Zoom Evening Service

17th January: 2nd Sunday of Epiphany 8am Wartling Holy Communion (BCP) Revelation 5v1-10, John 1v43-end 10am Herstmonceux Holy Communion (CW) 1 Samuel 3v1-10, Revelation 5v1-10, John 1v43-end. 6pm Zoom Service

24th January 3rd Sunday of Epiphany 8am Herstmonceux Holy Communion (BCP) Revelation 19v6-10 John 2v1-11 10am Wartling Holy Communion (CW) Psalm 113, Jonah 3v 1,5,10 John 3v16-21 6pm Zoom Service

31st January Presentation of Christ in the Temple Candlemas 8am Herstmonceux Holy Communion (BCP) Hebrews 2v14-end Luke 2v22-40 10am Wartling Candlemas Service Luke 2v22-40. 6pm Zoom Service

7th February 2nd Sunday before Lent 8am Wartling Holy Communion (BCP) Colossians 1v15-20. John 1v1-14 10am Herstmonceux Family Service 6pm Zoom Service.

If you would like to join a zoom service please give Richard a ring and he will send you the link.


Who Do You Think You Are? Rev Peter Has Found Out!

Rev Peter writes:

I expect many of you have watched the TV Series, “Who do you think that you are?” the series where people are taken back through time to learn about their ancestors. I know a lot about my paternal ancestors, but until recently, little or nothing about my maternal ancestors, the Gardiner Family. Then, last week, I had an email, from a Gardiner family member who lives in Australia. He researches the available on-line Gardiner family records, using the records that were passed onto him from his father as a basis for his study and investigations. He located me via the web, and invited me to have a look at his website that traced the Gardiner line.

He is an accountant, so all the work he had carried out was with precision and accuracy, his near clinical research going back over many hundreds of years. When I journeyed through the story, I noticed, much to my amazement, that there was a lot about Herstmonceux and Herstmonceux Castle, and two names in particular kept appearing. I emailed him back and asked if he could confirm that I was indeed related to them. He replied and said that there was no doubt whatsoever, they are your direct descendants, your blood relatives.

The names I queried, those who are my direct descendants and blood relatives, those names were Dacre and Fiennes. Both names being an integral part of the history of the Castle and the Church, as well as being intertwined in the local area.

However, if that were not enough to make my head swim and to wonder if there was any Brandy still remaining in the cupboard, I then remembered this.

The tomb of the family members, the two Sir Thomas Fiennes, father and son, is in the Dacre Chapel in Herstmonceux Church. However, the figures on top are not from the Fiennes Family, they are of Lord Hoo’s family members and were once in Battle Abbey. Incidentally, and by seeming coincidence, I live in the Village of Hooe.

Lord Thomas Hoo once possessed the Manor of Wartling, I am also privileged to take services in the Church of Mary Magdalene Wartling, and Lord Thomas commissioned an illuminated Book, a ‘Book of Hours of the Sarum Use’. I studied theology at Sarum College Salisbury, and just to make my head swim even further, Lord Hoo’s daughter, Anne Hoo, married Sir Thomas Fiennes. Sometimes you wonder if things were meant to be.


Rev Peter’s Green Page

Part 3, too often the concept of a circular economy is muddled up with some kind of advanced recycling process that would mean keeping our industrial system as it is and preserving a growing consumption model, an idea based on a belief that recycling will take care of everything. While we obviously need to continue recycling for quite some time, moving away from a production model based on waste should be the objective.

Today’s economy rarely accounts for the side-effects generated by a product once sold to the customer. The aim is to sell a maximum number of products at minimal cost. The higher a company’s rate of production and the higher its efficiency, the more successful it will be at selling its goods in a fiercely competitive environment.

This worked well when resources were easily available and raw material prices kept decreasing. Waste, as an economic externality, was not the producers’ responsibility. Managing waste cycles, dumping it out of sight or, at the very best, recycling it (but recycling only when it was cost-effective) were all under the control of our national institutions. But someone has to pay for these hidden costs, throwing things ‘away’ was never zero-cost. Those plastic toys, like that flat-screen TV, will cost a lot more in the end

Visionary manufacturers, who understand the upcoming challenges of increasing their economic resilience, know better: a product that is returned for repair will cost less to fix and sell again than manufacturing it from scratch. Of course, it is easier to think about recycling. This avoids changing the whole of our volume-based production model. But in a world where we have to shift our consumption patterns and use less energy, recycling no longer has all the answers.

Since we cannot stop the volume of waste overnight, investments in the recycling industry are needed. But truly meaningful investment in developing a circular economy takes place outside of the recycling space. Indeed, the more we recycle and the more we finance recycling factories, the more we stay locked in to producing future problems. But by staying in a recycling-based economy, we will delay the transition to an advanced circular economy.

In a circular economy, resources do not end up as recyclables or in landfill since products are made to last several lifecycles. Products’ lifespans are extended via maintain, repair, redistribute, refurbishment and/or re-manufacture loops, thus they never end up in the low-value but very high-cost loop of recycling. Such items may cost more at first, but in the long run, they are cheaper, because repairing a product made to last is always less expensive than producing it from scratch.


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Famous Hymns

Through all the Changing Scenes of Life – Nahum Tate (1652 – 1715) with many thanks to Charles Pavey - Organist & Choirmaster, Holy Trinity Church, Malvern

2020 has been a strange year. This hymn’s words seem apposite as we begin 2021 and perhaps wonder what will be in store for us in the year ahead. It’s an 18-verse paraphrase of psalm 34, itself apparently written by David when he was ‘on the run’ (see 1 Samuel 22:1-2). David hid in a cave, and was joined there by other desperate men. The psalm reputedly was written and first sung in that cave.

The words of Through all the Changing Scenes of Life have generally been credited to Nahum Tate. You’ll know some of his poetry, even if you don’t recognise his name, as he also wrote "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night", and “As Pants the Hart for Cooling Streams”. Born in Dublin, Tate’s surname was originally spelt Teate but he changed it when he came to London, where he had spent part of his childhood and was to live for the rest of his life, after graduating from Trinity College, Dublin. His Puritan father, Faithful Teate had various sermons and other works published: clearly writing was in the family.

Tate was a colourful character who, in addition to writing his own plays, adapted established dramas so that e.g. Shakespeare’s King Lear had multiple happy endings for its characters (including the marriage of Cordelia and Edgar). He became Poet Laureate in 1692, a salaried post in the Royal Household. His most original poem was perhaps “Panacea - a poem on Tea” (1700). He also wrote the text for Purcell’s Birthday Ode “Come Ye Sons of Art” in 1694.

He collaborated with Nicholas Brady, another Irish poet settled in London, to produce the New Version of the Psalms of David (1696). As well as all 150 Psalms they also wrote metrical versions of the Lord's Prayer and the Apostles' Creed. Many of these adaptations did not catch on – I’ve seen them described as “tedious and verbose” – but a few, including this hymn on Psalm 34, are still familiar more than 3 centuries later. They also jointly wrote the libretto for Purcell’s opera Dido and Aeneas. Tate died in Southwark Mint, where he’d taken refuge from his creditors, in 1715.

The tune usually used for this hymn, Wiltshire, was composed by George Smart (1776 - 1867), A Londoner. He was a choirboy of the Chapel Royal, and later became its organist and composer. He was Director of Music for the Great Exhibition in 1851. Wiltshire was a favourite tune of the author Thomas Hardy and it reflects the joy and wisdom to be found in psalm 34.

“Through all the changing scenes of life, in trouble and in joy, the praises of my God shall still my heart and tongue employ.” I shall try to cling to that in the year ahead.

Happy New Year, Melinda Stone


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Recipe Page

Here’s a quick and easy recipe for a breakfast or lunch or supper dish.

Serves 4 people.

• 1lb potatoes • 1 onion • 2 eggs • 2oz (or 2 rounded tablespoon) Plain flour • 1 level tablespoon salt • pinch of pepper • 8 bacon rashers • 2-3 tablespoons oil for frying.

Peel the potatoes and the onion. Grate the potatoes and the onion, through the coarse side of a grater, into a large mixing basin.

Add the eggs, the flour, salt and pepper and using a wooden spoon mix the ingredients thoroughly.

Using a pair of scissors, trim the rinds from the bacon. Arrange the rashers neatly in the grill pan. Place the fat part of each rasher overlapping the lean of the next and set aside ready for grilling.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and add the potato mixture in tablespoons at a time. Fry only 3-4 pancakes at a time and as you spoon the mixture in flatten them slightly.

Fry the pancakes over a moderate heat until brown on the underside, then turn over and brown the second side.

When almost ready, turn on the grill, place the bacon rashers under the heat grill for about 3-5 mins.

Serve the potato pancakes with the hot grilled bacon. Enjoy.

Knit and Stitch

I would like to wish you a very Happy New Year, wishing that this one will be a lot nicer than the last one. We will get back to normal I am sure, remembering the positives as well as the negatives of 2020. As soon as we can, Knit and Stitch will resume. Love to you all. Pam.



P. Thompson

General Carpentry Services

25 years of experience

Kitchen Fitting - Door Hanging - Skirting & Architrave Wood & Laminate Flooring - Flat Pack Furniture Assembly

Contact Peter on 07368451716 [email protected]


Children’s Page

The Christmas Story.

Morning Buttercup, morning Frank, morning Jessie, morning Cindy, morning Blossom, it went on around the stable with all the animals waking up and wishing each other good morning.

After the innkeeper’s wife had fed them all they went out into the yard and looked around. “It’s busy today,” said Frank the horse, “lots of people going past.” Yes,” said Buttercup a cow, “Apparently it’s something called a census, everybody who was born here in Bethlehem has to return to be counted, lots of nonsense I think myself”. “Don’t be so grumpy” said Jessie a sheep “sometimes we don’t know what the reason is for a rule but we have to do it”. “Huh”, said Buttercup feeling very grumpy indeed, “it’s too noisy and too many people I don’t like it” All the animals spent the day watching the people, more went past until the town was full. When evening came, the innkeeper came into the stable bringing with him two people, a man and a lady who was pregnant, the man was leading a donkey they all looked worn out. “Oh no”, thought grumpy Buttercup “another animal to share my stable and don’t tell me these people are staying here as well”. The other animals looked at the people and felt sorry for them, they had obviously come a long way and just wanted somewhere to sleep, probably no rooms left at any of the inns.

During that night, the animals were woken up by a very strange noise. “Can you hear a baby cry”, asked Blossom another cow, “Yes””, said Buttercup even grumpier “it’s disturbing my sleep”, “Ah look”, Cindy said “it’s a baby”, “I know”, said Buttercup,” a noisy baby and look- they are putting it into my manger”, “where is my food going to go”. “Oh Buttercup, you can share with me”, said Frank. “Don’t be so grumpy, just look isn’t he lovely, look at him”, Buttercup looked and then looked again, all her grumpiness disappeared when the baby smiled at her. “He is lovely, but still noisy” she said, the other animals smiled. They all went back to sleep.

The next day they all spent their time looking at this baby, his mum and dad were very pleased to have the company of all the animals.

That night, the sky was very bright and Buttercup was again grumpy, “Why is it so bright, I can’t get to sleep, I don’t like it, Oh no, not more people, who are these”. The stable was filled with shepherds, they had come to see this baby which the animals now knew was very special. “Oh no, I hope they are not going to stay, and look they have bought presents, nothing for me I suppose”, Buttercup said.

“Don’t be upset,” the donkey said, “you are very honoured, this baby is very special, he has come to save the world and you were here to see his birth. You met him first”. Buttercup stopped, she thought hard, “He’s still noisy, though”

We all now know that this baby born in the stable with the animals all around was Jesus, God’s son who came to save us all.


Christmas is now over but this story isn’t we need to remember all that happened in that stable and thank God for sending Jesus.

Even grumpy Buttercup came to realise that the noisy baby was special.

Children’s Prayer

Thank you God for sending Jesus to us. Help us to do what he wants us to do and be the best we can be for all our family and friends. Amen.

Colour Me In


2020 What A Strange Year

The Cowbeech Bonfire Society began 2020 in good heart with our usual (highly unusual actually!)January Panto based on happenings in the village. In April we should have held our Presentation Dinner giving away £8,200 to local charities, clubs and good causes. In fact the dinner had to be cancelled as the Merrie Harriers was then shut under lockdown due to Covid 19 but as all the organisations by then had applied for and been awarded money we were delighted to send out cheques for over £8,200.

Thereafter we kept hoping things might improve but one after another events had to be cancelled – the Sponsored Walk, the Plant Sale, the Gig in the Garden, Dig for Victory and finally the Cowbeech Bonfire. So we have raised no money at all this year to replenish our coffers and have had to explain this to those organisations contacting us in the hope of financial help. Most of these organisations like St Wilfred’s Hospice and the Air Ambulance Service have also suffered because their work remains but their loyal supporters have not been able to hold events to raise funds as usual.

However we are very hopeful that at some point in 2021 (albeit probably not immediately) we will be able to plan some events for later in 2021. We very much look forward to the pleasure of a drink and a laugh with friends while making money for good causes.

What bliss that will be! Mary Ann Gordon, Hon Sec Cowbeech Bonfire Society

Christine Standen

Christine Standen is in her 60th year of being a choir member of All Saints Church.

We recognised this at our Advent family service when we thanked her for being such a faithful and longstanding blessing to us.

At this service Chris sang us two Carols solo.


St Mary Magdalene’s Spire shines out

At last we have a beautifully re-shingled and re-boarded Church Spire, topped off with the stunning re-gilded weathervane!

Many thanks to all those who supported this project, especially everyone who donated funds to have theirs, or loved ones, names placed on the back of the shingles.

The Long-eared bats which use the Spire for sanctuary, can still get in via a bat entrance built into the new louvres. However, the pesky Jackdaws who did so much damage will have to find another home!

One fascinating story seems to have been confirmed from close examination of the weathervane. It was reported by Cecil Honeysett that when Canadian soldiers were based in Wartling wood during the war, some of their number came up to the Church and used the weathervane for target practice with their rifles. I found clear evidence of bullet ‘holes’ in the weathervane and now have the photos to prove it! The bullet holes have been preserved where possible, so the story can endure.

To all those donors, both great and small, thank you again so much. The result is magnificent.

David Harding

Police Chase in Wartling

On Saturday 28th November the usual quiet of Wartling was rudely disturbed by 3 Police cars hotly pursuing a stolen BMW through the village and down to the farm – nearly running over Cathy in her wheelchair! The BMW came to an abrupt stop as it met 130 cows coming in for milking! The two criminals tried to make a break on foot, but one of them had the misfortune to think that the cow muck in our midden was solid ground, and he ended up neck deep in cow poo! His mobile ‘phone is still in there somewhere.

The Police caught him pretty easily, but he needed hosing down by Simon as nobody wanted him in their vehicle. The Police put a photo on their webpage, and it went viral, getting coverage on ITN news and in the national press. Comments were priceless, such as “the Police dung the right thing” ! Even sleepy Wartling has its moments of fame!

David Harding


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Upon reading the December article in regards to the local infrastructure Levy. We have only lived here since February but we have found there is a vast increased amount of traffic using Wartling road in the small time we’ve been here. Our concern is not the amount of traffic flow but the speed and manner in which the drivers are using this road.

We believe the increased traffic flow is due to the constant road works outside of Hailsham towards Herstmonceux but also now that road to Hailsham has a reduced speed, sat navs are sending people this way as the quickest route due to the potential maximum speed a car can travel.

The speed in which vehicles that are using this road is outrageous. It has become a back alley racing track. I have video evidence of motor bikes on the wrong side of the road clearly speeding and putting people’s lives in danger. We have family connections in different motoring groups and they all say this road is fair game for anything because it is not policed. It is only a matter of time before a local resident is hurt if not killed. Even more so with increased people coming here to enjoy the fantastic scenery and walks available here. I myself have nearly been hit by 3 cars walking between footpaths. And 5 near car accidents this year alone. My friend was involved in the crash in the beginning of the year that saw a motor cyclist airlifted to hospital, the motor cyclist was on the wrong side of the road.

I have witnessed countless abuse to cyclists along this road and abuse to the farmers which we believe is completely out of order. These are people who are just violating this road because they can drive irresponsibly because there’s nothing to stop them.

For the best move forward, we believe the people of Wartling should all stick together for a safer more environmentally road. How to move forward we’re not entirely sure but we believe a study in the road traffic numbers and speeds etc should be done before any decisions should be made. We just want everyone that is using this road to be more sensible for all users of the road and more importantly the residents and farming community.

Sorry this is very long winded and would be more than happy to discuss this further with anyone that would like to. Thank you and stay safe.

Ricky Algeo, Averys.


Herstmonceux Free Church News

At the time of writing we have just entered lockdown 2 so we are all unsure of what we will be doing over this Christmas time but be assured of our prayers as we all face the challenges ahead. As we enter this Christmas period our hope is that you experience the Peace and Joy of this season as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, with best wishes from all the folk at Herstmonceux Free Church xx

For further information see our website: www.herstmonceuxfreechurch.org.uk or contact our Family and Community Worker, Sylvia Catt 07909 644762, or John and Helen Ford 01323 832266. 31

RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS (QUAKERS) HERSTMONCEUX LOCAL MEETING We meet at 10.45 on the first and third Sunday of every month. Join us for a quiet hour of worship and reflection at the Friends’ Meeting House, West End, Herstmonceux BN27 4NR or call 01323 844269 for more details. www.quaker.org.uk

HAILSHAM and CATHOLIC CHURCHES Sunday Masses Sunday 10:30am at St. Wilfrid’s Hailsham Sunday 9:00am, at St. George’s Polegate Holy Days 10:00am at St. George’s, Polegate; 7:00pm at St. Wilfrid’s, Hailsham

Would you like your business to reach more of the Herstmonceux and Wartling community? Advertising in the Herstmonceux and Wartling Parish News for the year (12 editions) ranges from £40 to £125 depending on the size of the advert. Contact Sarah Honeysett, via email on [email protected]

PARISH NEWS Please send text copy email (together with your name and phone number) to Miss Katherine Blake, [email protected] (c/o Parish News). Deadline is midday on the 15th of the month prior to publication. N.B. due to new arrangements no copy can be accepted later.

PARISH NEWS SUBSCRIPTIONS If you would like a copy of the Parish News delivered to your door each month for the discounted rate of £5:50 for the year, then please contact Chris Edwards on 01323 833207 or email [email protected]


All SAints’, Herstmonceux St. MAry MAgdAlene, WArtling www.herstmonceuxandwartlingchurches.com

PRIEST-IN-CHARGE Rev. Richard Steven Tel: 01323 833124 ASSISTANT PRIEST Rev. Peter Doodes Tel: 01424 892329 LAY READER Mr. John King, Camelot, Boreham Street Tel: 832997 CHURCHWARDENS Herstmonceux Mrs. Jane Bolton Tel: TBC Mrs. Pam Kendall Tel: 833079 Wartling Mr. David Harding Tel: 832150 Mr. Paul Hurle Tel: 832980 ASSISTANT CHURCHWARDENS

Herstmonceux Mr. Mick Bridges Tel: 833831 PCC SECRETARIES Herstmonceux Mrs. Melinda Stone Tel: 833976 Wartling Mrs. Penny Vasey Tel: 833603 PCC TREASURER for both Herstmonceux and Wartling Mr. Andrew Phillips Tel: 832619 ORGANISTS Herstmonceux Mrs. Anne Kenward Tel: 441244 Wartling VERGERS Herstmonceux Mrs. Pam Kendall Tel: 833079 Wartling Mr. Paul Hurle Tel: 832980 FRIENDS OF ALL SAINTS’ Treasurer Mr. Tim Roberts Tel: 832400 GIFT AID SECRETARY for Herstmonceux and Wartling Mr. Andrew Phillips Tel: 832619



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