The Big 3: Emerald, Ruby, and Reign Supreme in the World of Gemstones

Year-round, , Rubies, and Emeralds are the most sought-after gemstones. Treasured for their rich, brilliant hues, they have fascinated and bewitched all who lay eyes on them. Is it any wonder we designate them as the Big Three?

And during the holiday season, the demand for these breathtaking stones grows as we highlight in our Holiday 2020 brochure. We no longer refer to precious and semi-precious stones, yet Sapphire, Ruby, and Emerald remain precious in our hearts precisely because the finest stones are rare and costly.

I’ve often wondered if their holiday popularity is somehow related to the color of Christmas lights. But I think the opposite is true: our festive lights’ color captures the beguiling power of these jewel tones. We offer all three in Notable Gems™ and calibrated stones so you can meet all budgets. Here are some fascinating facts and tales that will nurture wonderful conversations with customers. Sapphire

Ancient lore tells us that blue Sapphire brought spiritual enlightenment and inner peace. Sapphire also bestows wisdom, insight, and discernment to choose rightly when faced with obstacles and difficult situations. This jewel extended to the belief that Sapphire had the power to make peace between warring parties. Today, natural healers believe Sapphire has a positive effect on health issues, from hearing problems and inflammations to burns and cancer. It also has a calming effect, soothing a mind fighting depression and bringing joy to the wearer.

A Storied Sapphire

The Star of India — at 563,35 carats, one of the largest and certainly the most famous blue star sapphire — was discovered in Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) two to three centuries ago. Moorish traders purchased the rough stone, taking it to India, then under British rule. They considered Ceylon a part of the Indian colony, and by rights, the Moors should have sold the Sapphire to them. Instead, they sold it to a European dealer. Eventually, it was mistakenly named the Star of India instead of the Star of Ceylon. The stone is famous not just for its size and flawlessness but because its sharp six-rayed star appears on both sides.

The Blue Belle of Asia

In 2014, this magnificent 392.52-carat antique cushion stone set a record for the most expensive Sapphire ever sold at public auction claiming $17 million. The peerless blue beauty was originally intended as a gift to Queen Elizabeth II on her coronation. But it never made it to her jewel collection, disappearing for a good number of years. In recent years, a Saudi investor purchased it for an unknown price. Ruby

Who can resist ruby’s luscious red? Throughout history, ruby has embodied all of life’s intensity: power, passion, and love. Kings, princes, and the wealthy sought rubies for their exquisite beauty, rarity, and prestige. Many rubies were not set in jewelry in medieval times but admired for their intoxicating shade.

Not Just for Women

Ruby was considered the essence of wifely devotion: a fire burning within, enduring challenges and temptation. And ancient warriors implanted ruby beneath their skin, believing it imparted both courage and invincibility. Not a bad combination to have on the battlefield. Others thought it bestowed perfect safety, cured diseases of the blood, and denoted integrity and generosity. It also had the power to warn its owner against danger — perhaps someone was trying to steal the ruby. Wow! That was a lot of responsibility, even for the “King of Precious Gems.”

Peak Hue

The ancient Burmese people first mined Ruby about 3000 BCE in the region around Mogok. They described the finest ruby as having the color of “pigeon’s blood,” a vibrant medium red with secondary purple hues. The Burmese set ruby in pure gold with its intense yellow color. The yellow canceled out the blue in the purple undertones, producing that rarest occurrence: a visually pure red. To this day, “pigeon’s blood” remains the most valuable ruby color. So much so that a large transparent ruby commands higher prices per carat than diamonds of the same weight.

Sunrise Ruby

This remarkable untreated pigeon blood Burmese Ruby is a rare 25.596-carat gem of the finest purity taking its name from a poem by Rumi, the 13th-century Sufi poet. In May 2015, it set a remarkable record for a colored gemstone selling for $30 million to an anonymous buyer. This price was three times the previous record for a ruby. Cartier set it in a platinum ring with shield-shaped diamonds on either side — a magnificent creation.

Savvy Marketing?

Ruby and Sapphire are both corundum. Color separates them with ruby’s hue from trace elements of chromium: the more chromium, the deeper the shade. Throughout history, ruby included all shades of red from light rose — a pink — to blood red. Historically, the lighter hues were considered “female rubies” while, the darker hues were “male rubies.”

Today in Asia, these lighter “reds” are still considered rubies. In North America and Europe, we call them pink Sapphire. The change happened in the late 19th/early 20th century. Why? A vibrant, medium red ruby is the preferred and most valuable color. This made the lighter rubies less valuable. But their beauty deserves its share of value. By creating pink Sapphire, jewelers didn’t need to compare it to ruby. Pink Sapphire has a separate category and standards getting its popularity from its much-loved vivid hue. That sounds like savvy marketing to me. Emerald

Let’s go back to the Emerald City of Oz and forget about clicking the heels of our ruby slippers. Let’s click our emerald slippers instead and enter a realm of captivating beauty that has long exerted a powerful attraction from the rulers of ancient India to today’s A-Listers.

The Ultimate Emerald Devotee

Cleopatra’s passion for Emeralds knew no bounds making her the gem’s most famous devotee. Her love led her far beyond jewelry. She wore emerald encrusted robes — a luxury by any standard. And she gave loose emeralds as gifts to visiting dignitaries — all of them men. Between 1000 and 3000 BCE, the earliest emerald source was discovered in Upper Egypt near the Red Sea. This later became known as “Cleopatra’s Mine.” Was this the origin of her many emeralds?

“The Green of Growing Things”

The name “emerald” comes to us from the Greek word, “smaragdos,” which may originate from either the Hebrew word “izmargad” or the Sanskrit word “marakata,” meaning “the green of growing things” — fresh, vivid, radiant. I like the Sanskrit version, which communicates the lush range of emerald hues. Think of the first leaves of spring and follow this verdant trail to the richer shades of spruce green. Along the way, you embrace a world of growth that reflects emerald’s mesmerizing power. Catherine the Great’s Necklace

The Empress of Russia was famed for many treasured. Add this 75.61-carat Columbian emerald necklace to her riches. She received it in the18th century and ultimately it passed through many collectors’ hand to reach Pierre Cartier. In 2019, it was auctioned for $4.5 million.

Kermit Was Wrong — Way Wrong!

Kermit the Frog famously sang, “It’s not easy being green,” but when you’re admiring an emerald, you realize he got it all wrong. In addition to its famous beauty, extraordinary powers have been attributed to emerald through the ages. Read these, and you’ll realize that all of your customers need to have emerald jewelry — the more, the better.

In the 4th century BCE, Aristotle wrote that emerald increases its owner’s importance in presence and speech during business transactions. Throughout history, many cultures believed emerald enhanced fertility and fidelity: not a bad combination.

By the Middle Ages, emeralds had the power —

To keep a woman chaste — but not a man! Reveal truth and falsehood. Provided an antidote to spells, enchantments, and demons. Foretold the future if worn on the left side — but not the right. To make people more intelligent and honest. To change hues alerting its wearer of danger.

Whichever of these jewels your customers want, you’ll discover a stunning array in our Notable Gems™ and our calibrated stones, which include lab-created sapphires, rubies, and emeralds to meet all your needs. For more interesting facts about gemstones and more information about the Big 3, check out some of our previous blog posts!

Gemstones for All: Five Gemstones for Men and Women

Cursed Diamonds and Gemstones: All That Glitters Isn’t Gold

Sell With A Story: Fancy Colored Sapphires

Sell With A Story: Blue Sapphire Gemstones

Sell With A Story: Rubies

Sell With A Story: Emerald Gemstones

Gemstones for All: Five Gemstones for Men and Women

Brooches, Chains. Pendants. Rings. Gentlemen have a number of accessory options available and adding gemstones to fashion choices only allows for additional self-expression. Conventional wisdom would lead you to believe that gemstones are only features of women’s accessories and jewelry. But, times are changing, and developing trends would suggest otherwise. Gemstones do not belong to just women – or just men for that matter. Gemstones are for everyone. New Fashion or Timeless Trend?

If you follow celebrities, influencers, and trendsetters, you’ll begin to notice what seems like a new fashion trend: gemstones! Gemstones are starting to make more of a statement for men as well – young and old – accenting rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, brooches, and more. But this androgynous trend is far from new. In fact, men from all backgrounds and from all over the world have been using gemstones in fashion throughout history dating back to the discovery of the earliest pieces of jewelry.

Gemstones have a rich history in fashion, each with their own story to tell. Let’s dive into five gemstones that make for excellent, powerful additions to men’s jewelry.

Ruby: Power and Boldness

The color red symbolizes humanity’s strongest emotions of passion and fury. It is the color of our greatest desires, the blood that gives us life, and a symbol of battle. Such emotions and ideals are reflected in the energetic ruby. Ruby has been thought to provide all manner of virtues, such as vitality and invincibility in battle.

Often a favorite among gemstones historically, ruby is just as in demand today, with its value as prominent as ever. Ruby, a power move in fashion and bold choice in life, fits in well among unforgettable gold jewels. People are drawn to its color and the feeling of success and influence it brings. Amethyst: Every Day is Regal

A bold and popular gemstone, amethyst has quite the history as a gemstone carrying great meaning. Due to its color, amethyst has been associated with the Greek god Dionysus (also known as Bacchus by the Romans), the god of wine. According to legend, amethyst was once connected to sobriety, sound mindedness, and protection. Because of this belief, warriors would make small cuts in their skin and place pieces of amethyst in the wound. The stones would inadvertently enter the bloodstream and as they blocked veins the warriors would seem vexed or drunk due to restricted blood flow. When the stones would dislodge, they were magically cured and attributed the “curing” to the power of the amethysts.

Throughout history, amethyst has been used to adorn royalty and religious figures. To this day you can still find amethyst as the chosen gemstone of bishops and even British royalty during the coronation. Amethyst is a noble symbol. Its color inspires power, boldness, and confidence.

Sapphire: Wear Your Style

Although they come in many shades and colors, the classic blue found in sapphires is one of the most distinguishable among gemstones in the world. From light and serene to dark and inky, there is a shade of blue for everyone. Truth, sincerity, and allegiance inspire those that choose to don sapphire. Sapphires can be found throughout history all over the world aiding in their steadfast following.

While most think of the iconic blue sapphire, these gemstones come in many colors and the options are endless. Each kind of sapphire is unique and worthy of appreciation, as are the people who wear them. Sapphire is noble and vibrant making it an excellent choice to accent stylings for all.

Emerald: Green with Envy

Ambitious and lively, emerald’s notable green color is associated with opportunity and growth. Emerald is often connected to thriving landscapes, which ties in the virtues of relief and truth.

From Egypt and the Incan Empire to parts of Europe and Asia, the authority has a history of valuing the emerald. Emerald is a very calming, but powerful gemstone that makes for a great addition to anyone’s fashion statement.

Opal: Make a Statement

The magic of mystery strikes with the colors reflected in opal. Looking at opal, it is clearly not a traditional stone, but that does not detract from its intrigue. Historically, many have marveled at opal and found its colors inspiring. Others have associated it with the supernatural and the gift of prophecy.

Certainly unorthodox, opal’s rich kaleidoscope of colors is for those that wish to stand out and make an impression. Opal symbolizes hope and encouragement. Making a statement is the true magic this gemstone brings to the wearer.

Gemstones for All

Gemstones carry history and meaning. It is in this history you can see that they have a place with everyone. Man. Woman. Young. Old. Fashion and accessories are an expression of self and as time goes on jewelers will begin seeing more variety in those who are looking for ways to express those personal styles.

The gemstones mentioned only scratch the surface of stones used in modern fashion around the world. Other gemstones, such as tourmaline, garnet, and chrysoberyl, also make excellent gemstones for men and women. While Stuller may not carry every gemstone you might need, we are here to help you find exactly what you are looking for. You can special order gemstones through our network of sources.

Visit to make a request.

Sell With a Story: Fancy Colored Sapphires

Did you know that Sapphire comes in every color of the rainbow, except red? Every. Single. Color. Plus a few.

Fancy colored Sapphires are all the extraordinary colors outside of traditional blue, colorless, and black. Today, we are going to explore some of the up-and-coming colors as well as some of the most sought after.

First up is one of the rarest of the Sapphire family, Padparadscha. Pronounced pod-par-ah’d-sha, this gorgeous and subtle stone named after the reddish-yellow lotus flower is equally controversial as it is rare. Depending on who you speak to, the color defined to be a Pad (pronounced pod) can vary. Here at Stuller, we define this color as representing both pink and orange color within the stone and pale to medium in tone. If you look at the Sapphire and the first thing you think of is that it could have been plucked from a mesmerizing sunset or last night’s salmon dinner, it is likely a Pad. Trending because of the gorgeous color; paired with a pink gold mounting, these stunners can be any, from punk to princess, pink lover’s dream.

Next up are cool tone Teal and Green Sapphires. These delicate colors are trending because of the unique and subtle color that packs an earthy punch. Coming from all over the world, teal and green stones can range from dark and broody with a surprising pop of color in the right light to faint, yet somehow bright, green. Stones coming from Montana in the US makes for a unique home-grown aesthetic. The draw to these sophisticated colors is how nicely they play with all metal colors and skin tones. The ethereal natural look lends them to delicate floral inspired mountings or minimalist designs that really let the stones shine.

Purple Sapphires are a durable alternative to amethyst; rich and deep and powerful all rolled up into one easy to wear, durable stone. As a trending color, purple is alive with intensity. Since purple can come in many different shades from violet to reddish, select a cool tone stone to match your platinum mounting and a reddish stone for your yellow mountings to bring out the best in your Purple Sapphire. It’s not unusual for Purple Sapphires to be color change (or color shift in this instance; a sly change from purple to violet blue is what you would be seeing) stones, so make sure to take your stone outside to optimize its color. This is a great sales technique for your customers too if you have the ability to do it — and certainly if you know your customer well.

Earth to Market Sapphires from Umba River Valley in Tanzania are one of my favorite fancy colored Sapphires right now. They feature a beautiful rich reddish cognac color with flashes of reds, oranges, yellows, browns, maroon, and even greens. This stone is the autumn leaves of New England embodied and are great for a customer that wants something photogenic with a great story. Our Earth to Market stones have known origins and the Sapphires are no exception.

Bicolor Sapphires, sometimes called Parti Sapphires, exhibit more than one color within the same stone. This colorful combination can be any match you can think but are more commonly found in the blue-green-yellow range or the pink- purple-blue range. Generally cut into shapes that are longer to show off a pronounced color line, bicolor Sapphires can come in many shapes and sizes. We have many bicolor Sapphires in our Notable Gems™ collection, including rose cuts and some unusual shapes.

We wrap up with a truly unusual fancy Sapphire, the Trapiche, which looks a little like a 6-spoke wheel with black, white, or grey growth pattern making the spokes and a greyish blue in-between. These unique cabochon or tablet cut stones can be special ordered through our Gemstone Special Orders Service in many different sizes and even as a matched pair for the customer who has everything and is ready for something curiously remarkable.

I hope reading about some of the lessor known Sapphire colors encourages you to choose one for your next gemstone or bridal customer. They make a great option for a stone that is durable and easy for everyday wear and, of course, a fantastic way to showcase the uniqueness of each couple.

Be sure to check out our entire selection of fancy colored sapphires for these beauties and more.

Happy Selling. Sell With a Story: Red, White, and Blue Stones

There are few color combinations as iconic to the United States of America as red, white, and blue. Creating a color collection as classic as little pinwheels this time of year is super easy with many gemstone options in a plethora of shades encompassing red, white, and blue.

Below we break down four variations to add a little interest to your cases.

Iconic with a Twist – Red Spinel, Moissanite, Tanzanite

When you think of marketed colored gemstones, Spinel is a relative newcomer to the scene. Having been around for many centuries, but consistently overlooked; the bright, crisp colors are starting to find a new cult following. The ‘Black Prince’s Ruby’ aka a gorgeous Red Spinel currently housed in the British Crown Jewels, is a prime example of the stunning red color available from Spinel. Partner that with a clean, classic, sparkly Moissanite and the deep blue-violet you get from Tanzanite and you have yourself an iconic display with a twist. Remember, the color draws customers in but the story, those little details that set your store apart, closes the sale!

Eclectic & Unusual – Red Zircon, Opal, Lapis

Maybe you are looking for something just a little different or something that stops your customers in their collective tracks to bend down and look a little closer. Red Zircon with its powerful sparkle will do just that (who says diamonds get to have all the fun?). Partnered with the ever-loved Opals and the bold blue of Lapis, you have yourself a lovely blend of patriotic colors that will surprise and delight. The little gold flecks that dot Lapis work well with the earthy tones of Red Zircon and the play of color you get with Opal partner well with everything (because who does not love Opal!?). This eclectic combination helps customers see color in ways that they perhaps have not seen before, opening the imagination for unusual pairings.

Downright Playful – Garnets, Moonstones, Chalcedony

For those of you with a boutique wanting to play with the summery trends, look no farther than cabochon cut stones. With an eye toward curves, brilliant Garnets, ethereal Moonstones, and the ever-graceful Chalcedony (pronounced: cal said knee) make for a gleaming collection of nationalistic colors. And added bonus with these beauties, they have known origins making them right on trend for those sustainable, ethical customers. And since the same group usually wants something unique but still Instagram worthy, cabochon cut stones in reds, whites, and blues are sure to be a home run, with colorful little bubbles gleaming on their phones.

Luxury, all the way – Ruby, Diamonds and Blue Sapphires

…the bigger the better. Encompassing three of the four ‘majors’ stones, sorry Emerald no green in this pride, Ruby, Diamond, and Blue Sapphire are sure to leave your customers feeling patriotic and proud. Ruby has such a rich tone and when partnered with the smooth blue of Sapphires you have a winning combination. Add Diamonds to the mix and you get a pop of sparkle comparable to fireworks– the best of all worlds. If you are feeling ever so adventurous and in the luxury market, add a blue Diamond to the mix. Simply irresistible and an always appreciated solution Ruby, Diamond, and Blue Sapphire can be found in all shapes, sizes, and budgets.

Call our gemstone specialists and they will share all the fabulous red, white, and blue options that can be paired together for a beautiful 4th of July showcase display and celebration. Happy and safe Independence Day to you and yours!

What’s your favorite red, white, or blue stone? Let us know in the comments below!

Classic Blue Jewelry Trends to Ring in 2020

Last month, Pantone® announced Classic Blue as the 2020 Color of the Year. This shade represents a hope for stability and tranquility. This classic hue plays well with nearly every color on the spectrum. So, as your customers may lean toward traditional styles in 2020, use the color pairings below to meet their desire for Classic Blue jewelry trends. Take a look at Pantone’s color pairings and the jewelry trends to expect this year.

Classic Blue Trend 01: Ponder

Classic Blue is featured in a thoughtful and meditative palette in Ponder. Here, all metal qualities can shine under the hues of Sapphire, Iolite, and Tanzanite. Classic Blue helps induce a gently calming effect and feelings of peaceful tranquility to the human spirit. Pair stones with subtle hues like Citrine, Turquoise, Honey Topaz, Grey Spinel, or Sky Blue Topaz.

653644 • 2000028 • 87048

Classic Blue Trend 02: Snorkel

For a bolder option, the Snorkel palette will make you wish for a tropical vacation far, far away. Make Classic Blue the anchor of your jewelry choice, then add black and white for an even more dramatic effect. Create jewelry trends by pairing Salt-and-Pepper Diamonds, Onyx, Coral, White Sapphire, Rose Quartz, and Blue Topaz gemstones.

86780 • 87157 • 87058

Classic Blue Trend 03:Exotic Tastes

Classic Blue can be found in nature, just as the hues represented in this palette. Reflective of natural seasonings, foods, and condiments, these hues symbolize wellness and self- care. Pair Classic Blue with Coral, Alexandrite, Mozambique Garnet, and Rose Quartz to achieve jewelry trends acting as a form of protection for good health.

87168 • 86970 • 72115

Classic Blue Trend 04: Untraditional

This palette is perfect for swaying from the expected. An untraditional pairing with Classic Blue will make for unique color combinations and even more outstanding fashion statements. Mix the Color of the Year with Amethyst, Ruby, Emerald, Honey quartz, and Smoky Quartz to achieve unconventional jewelry trends.

87092 • 86990 • 72089

Searching for more info about all Classic Blue has to offer in 2020? Read more about the Color of the Year here.

Introducing Classic Blue: Pantone® 2020 Color of the Year

Classic Blue: 2020 Color of the Year

Last week, the color aficionados at the Pantone® Color Institute announced Classic Blue — a timeless, enduring hue — as the 2020 Color of the Year. This tranquil shade is suggestive of our desire for a dependable and stable foundation as we cross into an exciting new decade.

As a naturally restful color, Classic Blue brings a sense of peace and tranquility, soothing the body, mind, and spirit. Its reflective blue tone fosters resilience and boosts concentration and clarity in the viewer. Going into 2020, could there be a better shade? Image © Pantone Color Institute

As technology continues to dominate our world, it’s easy to see why we seek a reprieve from it all. We gravitate toward colors that offer comfort, protection, and honesty — all qualities Classic Blue provides.

Classic in Application

Classic Blue is a self-assured blue hue — simple yet elegant. The shade complements color mixes throughout the spectrum yet, at the same time, makes a strong statement on its own. Classic Blue takes on distinct appearances when applied to different materials, finishes, and textures, from shimmering metallics, lustrous sheens, and high-tech materials to handcrafted mixes and more fragile fabrics.

Blue Knows No Bounds

Because of its tradition and elegance, Classic Blue pairs well with many shades throughout the color spectrum. Pair with warm, peachy gemstones for a calming effect. Incorporate sparkle and shimmer for added sophistication. Add a hint of neon or even Living Coral, the 2019 Color of the Year, into your color palette for added enchantment.

Complementary Classic Blue Gems

Blue Sapphire

Blue Sapphire gemstones set the standard by which other blue stones are measured. As one of the “big three” precious stones, Sapphire’s breathtaking blues have captured our imagination and inspired designs. Within blue, there are many variations from lighter to darker shades, and some with a hint of grey.

Ancient lore tells us that blue sapphire brought spiritual enlightenment, inner peace, wisdom, insight, and the discernment to choose what’s right. It is September’s birthstone and celebrates the 45th wedding anniversary. For more about Sapphires, check out our Sell with a Story post.


Mysterious and beautiful, this violet-blue stone is strongly pleochroic. When the dark blue side faces up, Iolite resembles Sapphire, offering customers a less costly substitute for September’s birthstone and other jewelry. Iolite enhances intuition and mental clarity while stimulating creativity and curiosity. Learn more about Iolite here.


Discovered in Tanzania in 1967, some shade variations of Tanzanite closely resemble Cornflower-Blue Sapphire. The stone is said to raise consciousness, awaken our hearts, elevate moods, and guide its wearer toward their true calling in life. The gem sways in color and is most commonly brilliant blue with a purple tinge, though it ranges from indigo to violet to lilac to periwinkle. Find more about famous tanzanite here. Contrast Classic Blue with These Colors

Mozambique Garnet

A warm red hue plays politely with Classic Blue as a reflection of tastes and colors of nature. Consider Mozambique Garnet, thought to cure depression, encourage good dreams, and promote love.


For a more untraditional and unexpected pairing with Pantone’s Classic Blue, utilize Amethyst’s rich purple shade. Amethyst is equally gorgeous in white, yellow, or rose gold, symbolizing royalty, passion, and dreaminess.

What are your thoughts on the new and intriguing 2020 color of the year? Let us know in the comments below! And if you’d like to share your stunning jewelry featuring Blue Sapphire, Iolite, or Tanzanite, tag us onFacebook • Instagram • Pinterest using #HowIStuller! Sell With a Story: Blue Sapphire Gemstones

Blue Sapphire gemstones set the standard by which other blue stones are measured. Their breathtaking blue and radiance have captured our imagination for millennia. As one of the “big three” precious stones, Sapphire’s many, many fans reach far beyond September birthdays and 45th anniversaries. How does it hold so many in thrall? The color and brilliance cast a spell not easily broken.

Shop Blue Sapphire Notable Gems™ on

Friends In High Places

History links Blue Sapphire gemstones to royalty as far back as Solomon who wore a Sapphire ring. That’s probably why Sapphire is associated with wisdom. Kings and Queens treasured its dazzling shade, believing Sapphires protected them from harm and envy. And in the Middle Ages, the high clergy wore Blue Sapphire gemstones to symbolize heaven. It’s possible they also wore them because Sapphires are beautiful, and they were wealthy enough to afford them.

A Once and Future Ring

Lady Diana Spencer was a pre-school teacher when she received the most famous engagement ring in history: a 12-carat oval Ceylon Sapphire surrounded by 14 solitaire diamonds. Most people don’t know she selected the ring herself, choosing it from the Garrard Collection because it reminded her of her mother’s engagement ring. It was neither custom made nor unique, but it began a trend that has continued.

And why not have a Sapphire center stone? Sapphire symbolizes truth, sincerity, and faithfulness— making it the ideal engagement ring center stone. Today, Princess Di’s famous ring adorns the finger of her son’s wife, Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge.

71606 • White Gold Oval Blue Sapphire Halo-Style Ring The Power of Blue Sapphire Gemstones

Are you ready for this? Sapphire is said to bring spiritual enlightenment and inner peace. Those are priceless gifts, but Sapphire does more. It imparts wisdom, insight, and discernment to choose rightly when faced with obstacles and difficult situations. (Doesn’t that sound like Solomon’s famous dilemma of two mothers claiming one child?) But that’s not all. Sapphire has the power to make peace between warring parties. Are you impressed yet? Read on.

100% Natural

Today’s natural healers promote Sapphire for its positive effect on a variety of health issues— everything from hearing problems and inflammation to burns and cancer. And its calming effect soothes a mind fighting depression and brings joy to the wearer to those lucky customers who wear it. A Storied Blue Sapphire

The Star of India — at 563.35 carats: one of the largest and certainly the most famous Blue Star Sapphires — was actually discovered in Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) two to three centuries ago. The rough stone was sold to Moorish traders who took it to India, which was under British rule. The English considered Ceylon a part of the India colony and by rights, so the Moors should have sold the Sapphire to them. Instead, they sold it to a European dealer. Eventually, it was mistakenly named the Star of India instead of the Star of Ceylon.

Shop Star Sapphire Gemstones on

How Big is 563.5 Carats?

Of course, we could just say “very big,” but truly this remarkable Sapphire is the size of a golf ball. It is famous not just for its size and flawlessness, but for the fact that its sharp six-rayed star appears on both sides. A Star of India Adventure

Wealthy Gilded Age financier J.P. Morgan commissioned a Tiffany gem expert to buy an impressive gem collection for display at the Paris Exposition of 1900. The Star of India was among the gems acquired for Morgan. It traveled safely to and from the Exposition, and then Morgan donated it to the American Museum of Natural History on Central Park West in Manhattan. In 1964, it was stolen along with other gems of note. To everyone’s relief, it was retrieved along with one other gem just two days later. The thieves? Jack Murphy, a one-time surfing champion turned notorious cat burglar and two cohorts. Needless to say, they spent time in prison.

Shop Sapphire in all colors on

What’s Your Favorite Color?

Sapphire comes in many colors except, of course, red, also known as “ruby.” But without a color indication, “Sapphire” refers to Blue Sapphire. Within blue, there are many variations from lighter to darker shades some with a hint of grey. My personal choice would be a medium vibrant violet- blue. We no doubt have it in our inventory, and if not, our gemstone buyers could get it for me. Fortunately, we have Sapphires in a range of vibrant blues.

How are you celebrating Blue Sapphire gemstones during the month of September? Let us know in the comments below.

Explore These 6 Gemstone Selections for Colorful Engagement Rings

As more couples select gemstone centers, they reflect the current trend to individualize their rings. Choices can be based on the bride’s or groom’s birthstone, her favorite colored gemstone, or a gemstone that holds particular meaning. Offer these popular gemstones as alternatives to the traditional diamond engagement ring.

Here are our top gemstone selections for colorful engagement rings. Ruby Gemstone Engagement Rings

For thousands of years, royalty and the wealthy have coveted Ruby. Its mesmerizing hue inspires passion, love, courage, and devotion which makes it ideal. What better choice for a bride?

123713 • Yellow Gold Round Ruby Solitaire Engagement Ring

Alternate Gemstones:

Lab-Created Rubies Rubellite Tourmaline Mozambique Garnet

Bridal with Pink Tourmaline Gemstones 123823 • White Gold Cushion Pink Tourmaline Engagement Ring

Pink Tourmaline is believed to enhance awareness, love, and compassion — all valuable qualities for marriage and life.

Alternate Gemstones:

Lab-Created Pink Sapphire Pink Spinel Rhodolite Garnet

Aquamarine Bridal Gemstone Center Stones

Named for the waters of Antiquity, Aquamarine exerts a powerful allure. Like a clear sky on a summer day, its pale blue hue promotes calm, enhances spirituality, and stimulates mental clarity. This gem appeals to many couples. 123746 • White Gold Aquamarine Accented Engagement Ring

Alternate Gemstones:

Blue Zircon London Blue Topaz Sky Blue Topaz

Morganite Gemstone Bridal Center Stones

This gorgeous pale pink to peachy pink beryl attracts many brides-to-be. In smaller sizes, morganite is delicate and feminine. In larger sizes, it has a richly hued, sophistication. It stimulates calm, brings wisdom, and adds purpose to our lives. 123748 • Rose Gold Morganite Emerald Engagement Ring

Alternate Gemstones:

Pink Sapphire Lab-Created Champagne Sapphire Lab-Created Pink Sapphire

Blue Sapphire Gemstone Engagement Rings 123648 • White Gold Blue Sapphire Accented Engagement Ring

Sapphire’s breathtaking blues have captured our imagination and inspired designs. Ancient lore tells us that blue sapphire inspires faithfulness, fidelity, inner peace, wisdom, and insight — all of which make it a bridal favorite.

Alternate Gemstones:

Lab-Created Blue Sapphire Iolite Tanzanite

Emerald Gemstone Engagement Center Stones

The name Emerald comes from the Sanskrit word, marakata, meaning “the green of growing.” This gorgeous gem symbolizes vitality, honesty, and fidelity making it the perfect choice for marriage. 123823 • Rose Gold Emerald Cushion Engagementl Ring

Alternate Gemstones:

Lab-Created Emerald Tsavorite Garnet Peridot

Don’t Forget About Gemstone Care

Remind your customers to be gentle with gemstones. Avoid exposure to heat, contact with chemicals, and exposure to harsh blows. To clean, gently scrub with a soft toothbrush and a solution of mild dish soap and warm water. You can use an ultrasonic cleaner for Ruby and Sapphire.

How do you feel about these gemstone selections for colorful engagement rings? Let us know in the comments below! How The Jewel Princess Found Her Dream Ring

Meet the Jewel Princess

November 18th is National Princess Day! So what better way to celebrate than to share the story of the Jewel Princess’ custom engagement ring? Tammy Dominik, GIA Graduate Gemologist is a 4th generation jeweler who started her own company — The Jewel Princess — after over ten years of industry experience. “Jewelry is the intersection of science and unrestricted artistic expression, where every piece of jewelry represents an author’s unique creativity and requires a relentless commitment to excellence in the materials selection, design, and creation processes.” – Tammy Dominik

Here’s the Jewel Princess’ custom engagement story:

From custom invites to personalized gifts, most brides-to-be have their hands on every aspect of the journey. The only thing they can’t control? The ring. Well, that narrative doesn’t exactly work for The Jewel Princess herself, Tammy, who tied the knot last July.

How does a man propose to the go-to girl for helping others find the rings of their dreams and live up to her expectations? Well, he plans a private dinner on the beach, produces a beautiful, hand-engraved wedding band alongside tickets to the Tucson Gem Show – the mecca for gemologists! *Swoon*

Needless to say, he exceeded all expectations and was more than ready to be supportive of what was going to be an exciting journey! Take a peek into the mind of The Jewel Princess lead designer as she created the ring that will represent their love for a lifetime and longer: What Was Your Design Inspiration?

I wanted it to be a ring that was fit for a princess! I initially thought that my design was going to be a solitaire, but it evolved as I kept drawing out, and erasing my design. I wanted it to be regal, but not too chunky. So, I designed it with a shank that tapered. I love curvy feminine designs, but also the fierceness of princess diamonds and solid corners. So, I included both in my design. A post shared by Jewel Princess (@thejewelprincess) on Apr 21, 2017 at 5:03pm PDT

What Metal Did You Choose?

I have always wanted a yellow gold engagement ring, but in the end, I picked platinum, which is another of my favorite metals to use. The design, my lavender sapphires and my accent stones looked better with platinum’s color than yellow gold. So, that made my choice easy.

I am not hard on my hands like some clients – who I often tell to choose white gold – so platinum’s softness is never going to be a problem for me. I really love platinum and the fact that I will never have to rhodium plate it, unlike white gold. Depending on the client, I will recommend white gold over platinum any day.

Watch the Jewel Princess’ custom engagement ring transform from loose stones to complete brilliance

Why Sapphire?

I do love my diamonds. But for a gemologist, there is nothing like the beauty found in a colored stone. I have known for a very long time that I wanted my engagement ring to be color. What color I wanted, I couldn’t have told you. My choice of color evolved rapidly and often before finally settling on lavender (pictured below), my longtime favorite color.

When it came down to it, I was deciding between a lavender sapphire and a lavender spinel. Ultimately, it came down to the hardness (sapphire wins) and the cut because the two had equally beautiful colors with sparkles of reds, blues, and purples.

How Did You Pick Your Stone Shape?

To begin, I had no idea what shape I wanted. I have short fingers. And the only thing I did know is that I wanted a shape that would complement my hands and elongate my fingers, if possible. The longer shapes, like pears, ovals, and emerald cuts, really did that for me.

Which Accent Stones Did You Choose?

I adorned my design with the highest quality diamonds and four pear-shaped Paraiba tourmalines, which have the most mesmerizing color. I’ve always loved the color combination of purple and teal. I wasn’t sure if I would want to see that color combination all day, every day. So, I designed those accent colors to be in inconspicuous places, under the gallery and on the sides of the ring!

Loved the Jewel Princess’ custom engagement story? Follow @thejewelprincess on Instagram and check out her website here! Then, stay tuned; Tammy The Jewel Princess will be back to give an exclusive engagement trend report.

Sell With a Story: Star Sapphires

A Name In The Stars

The star sapphire’s name originates from its unique optical phenomenon, asterism (that’s Latin for “star”). Small needle- like inclusions of the mineral rutile cause asterism.

That’s Ancient History

For those seeking talismans, star sapphires surpass regular sapphires in reputed mystical powers. The celebrated explorer Sir Richard Francis Burton traveled the Orient with a large star sapphire, the Asteria. He found it brought him luck, as the stone’s fame preceded him in his travels. Many, however, believed that just viewing the gem would bring good fortune. Thus bringing Sir Burton prompt service and extra favors from those he visited.

Some Christians referred to the star sapphire as the “Stone of Destiny.” They associated the gem’s three crossbars with faith, hope, and destiny. They used the gemstones as travelers’ guides and as protection from illness and ill omens. Supposedly, the star sapphire warded off the Evil Eye and scared away devils. Some believed the influence of asteria remained after the stone left the wearer’s possession.

The Biggest of the Big

The Black Star of Queensland • Source

The Black Star of Queensland is currently considered the world’s largest black star sapphire, weighing in at a whopping 733 carats. This gem comes from humble beginnings. The gemstone was originally found in 1938 by Roy Spencer in Queensland, Australia. At first, it was dismissed and thrown aside mistaken for a simple large black crystal. In fact, it spent the next nine years serving as a doorstop in the Spencer family home. Over time the realization of what the doorstop actually was set in and the Spencer family struck a deal with an Armenian born jeweler, Harry Kazanjian, to sell the stone for just $18,000

Throughout its lifetime, The Black Star of Queensland was displayed in the Smithsonian Museum and exhibited at the Royal Ontario Museum, however, today, it’s privately owned by an unknown party and its current whereabouts is a mystery.

A Double-Sided Coin

The Star of India • Source

Discovered more than 300 years ago, The Star of India is the largest known blue star sapphire weighing in at an impressive 563.35 carats. As if being the biggest wasn’t enough, the Star of India holds another unique characteristic – it has stars on both sides of the stone.

In 1900, J.P. Morgan donated the Star of India, the Midnight Star Sapphire (another notable natural), and several other famous jewels to America Museum of Natural History, And there it remained until the 1964 Jewel Heist of the Century. Fortunately, investigators recovered the Star of India and the Midnight Star Sapphire a few months later inside a bus depot locker.

The • Source

Star of Bombay

Another Sri Lanka native, the Star of Bombay was given to silent film star, Mary Pickford, by her husband Douglas Fairbanks Sr. Mary bequeathed the 182-carat gemstone to the Smithsonian Institute in 1981. And to boot, the popular brand of gin, Bombay Sapphire, was named after this remarkable gem.

Stellar Star Sapphires from Stuller

We can meet your design needs with calibrated blue and black star sapphire. Should a customer request something unique, our Special Order Services will source it for you through our extensive global network.