Tableau training courses Tableau Desktop 2 day course

This course covers Tableau Desktop functionality required for new Tableau users. It starts with simple visualizations and moves to an in-depth look at the different and graph functions, calculations, mapping and other functionality. The lessons are organised into modules that provide conceptual information, how-to steps, follow me (where the students follow the instructor using Tableau) and tutorials on each subject. They provide the opportunity to visually analyse , build Interactive dashboards and share them with others.

Audience: Tableau end users and analysts. No prerequisites are needed.

Approach: Tell Me, I’ll Forget; Show Me, I’ll Remember; Let Me Do It, I’ll Understand


Introduction to Tableau Desktop UI • The Tableau Product Line • Visual Cues • Workbook windows and options

Connecting to Data • Live connection • Join tables • Extract Data • Blend data sources • Combine data sources • Cross-Database Join

Creating Basic Visualizations • • Scatter • Geographic • Line chart • Crosstab report

Filtering and Sorting Data • Filtering • Sorting

Creating Groups and Hierarchies • Groups • Hierarchies

Date functionality • Discrete and Continuous dates • Fiscal dates

Introduction to Tableau Desktop UI • The Tableau Product Line • Visual Cues • Workbook windows and options Tableau Desktop

Mapping • Mapping • Filled • Geographic maps • Mapping options

Heat map and Highlight • Difference between heat map and highlight table • Highlight table • Heat map • Compare heat map to text table

Calculations • Calculations

Histogram Histogram

Dashboards and Actions • Dashboards • Dashboard Actions

Sharing Your Work • Tableau Data Source • Tableau Workbook • Tableau Data Extract • Tableau Packaged Workbook

Final Exercise

BOOK IN TODAY FOR TABLEAU DESKTOP COURSE Tableau Intermediate 2 day course

This course covers Tableau Desktop functionality required for intermediate Tableau users. It starts with a revision of Tableau Desktop and moves to a more in-depth look at sets, quick table calculations, multiple visualisations, reference lines, bands and distributions, pie and tree maps, packed bubbles and circle view, parameters, motion chart, trends and forecasting, formatting, stories, performance recording and advanced mapping. The lessons are organised into modules that provide conceptual information, how-to steps, follow me (where the students follow the instructor using Tableau) and tutorials on each subject. They provide the opportunity to visually analyse data, and use these intermediate skills and techniques to enhance your Tableau experience.

Audience: Tableau end users and analysts.

Prerequisites: •Tableau Desktop Training is required.

Approach: Tell Me, I’ll Forget; Show Me, I’ll Remember; Let Me Do It, I’ll Understand.


Tableau Desktop Revision • Bar chart • Heat map • Line chart • Highlight table • • Histogram • Geographic map • Groups • Filled map • Dates • Crosstab • Calculations

Creating Sets • Create static set • Create combined set • Create dynamic set

Quick Table Calculations • Quick Table Calculations

Multiple Visualisations • Measure Names and Measure Values • Multiple visualisation types . Side by side bar . Combined axis chart . Stacked marks . Dual axis chart . Bar in bar chart

Reference Lines, Bands and Distributions • Reference line • Reference distribution • Options available • Boxplot • Reference band • Instant Analytics

Pie, Tree map, Packed Bubble and Circle view • Pie chart • Packed Bubbles • Tree map • Circle view Tableau Advanced

The power of Parameters • Parameters

Motion chart • Motion chart

Trends and Forecasting • Create Trend Lines • Create Forecast • Model Types

Formatting Visualisations • Formatting

Stories • Story Usage • How to create Stories

Performance Recording • Compare Performance

Advanced Mapping • Background Images • Mapbox maps • WMS Servers

BOOK IN TODAY FOR TABLEAU INTERMEDIATE COURSE Tableau Advanced 2 day course This course covers more advanced Tableau Desktop skills required for Tableau users who wish to take their skills to a higher level so that they get the most out of their data. It starts with a section on Tableau best practices, followed by data connections and data sources, a review of Tableau Desktop/Intermediate, usage of custom SQL, context filters, advanced calculations, advanced parameters, advanced mapping and advanced chart types. The course is provided with data and workbooks enabling the participants to fine tune their advanced Tableau skills.

Audience: Tableau end users and data analysts particularly those that want to become power users or who have more complex issues to solve.

Prerequisites: Tableau• Desktop and Tableau Intermediate courses and/or equivalent experience are required.

Approach: Tell Me, I’ll Forget; Show Me, I’ll Remember; Let Me Do It, I’ll Understand.


Tableau Best Practices (best practices data visualisation and design considerations) • How best to create data visualisations? • When not to use Tableau • The different types of visualisation • Common data visualisation problems • Data integrity (typical political tricks!)

Data Connections and Data Sources (best practices for performance) • Files • Relational Databases • OLAP Databases • Big Data Sources • Cloud Data Sources • Tableau Data Server

Review of Tableau Desktop and Intermediate • Bar chart (compare discrete values – ranking best to use horizontal sorted) • Line chart (data over time – show missing values at default) • Scatter Plot (correlations – trends) • Geographic Map (show your data by country, state, LGA, city, postcode) • Filled Map (physical, political, cultural, economic data by c, s, l, c, p) • Crosstab Report (not recommended for text heavy crosstab reports) • Side by Side Bar (direct comparison) • Combined Axis (comparative trends) • Stacked Bar (compare the whole) • Dual Axis (comparison looking for any correlations) • Bar in Bar (comparison looking for any correlations) • Heat Map (multiple relationships) • Highlight Table (visual way of looking at text report) • Pie Chart (relative proportions or percentage) • Tree Map (relative proportions or percentage) • Motion Chart (history) • Histogram (data distributions) • Groups (categorising data at higher level for hierarchy) • Sets (sub-set of your data – dynamic) • Dates (in-built options including fiscal years) • Calculations (used to create new data fields from existing) • Quick Table Calculations (inbuilt calculations) • Parameters (powerful) • Reference Lines (highlight min, max, avg, etc.) Tableau Advanced

Custom SQL • Convert to custom SQL (how to create and to parameterise)

Context Filter • Why create a Context Filter? (best practices for performance) • Create a Context Filter

Advanced Calculations • Split / Custom Split (understand the split options) • Profitability as a percent of total (quick table calc – percentage of total at cell level) • Level of Detail (fixed, include and exclude) • Size (number of rows in a partition)

Bars on Tooltip • Bars on Tooltip (great way to show more detail on tooltip)

Advanced Parameters • Multiple Views in a Container (uses less space on a dashboard with variable views) • Dynamic Hierarchies, Colouring, Sorting and Measure Values (how to be more dynamic)

Advanced Mapping • Point to point maps (showing events on a map over time) • Calculate the distance between two points on a map • Dual Axis Map (ability to overlay a geographic map over a filled map) • Map Australian LGAs (assign LGA data to the county geographic role)

Advanced Chart Types • Bump chart (comparing ranking over time) • Hockey Stick chart (multiple event, rate of increase over time) • Pareto Chart (80/20 rule) • Gantt Bar chart (resource planning and hitting deadlines) • Waterfall chart (showing both positive and negative effect) • Sparklines (comparing trends in a small amount of space) • Market Basket Analysis (marketing brochures and store item placement) • Multiple Bars and Lines (ability to compare multiple bars and multiple lines) • Box Plot (comparing many values and in particular the outliers) • Band chart (show both averages and the high and low for the same period) • Benford’s Law (assist in fraud detection)


This course covers Tableau Server functionality required for Tableau Server users whether they are the system administrator, site administrator, publisher, interactor or viewer. It starts with an understanding of the server components and moves to system and content administration and publishing objects to server. We also touch on the Tableau Server Admin Commands. The lessons are organised into modules that provide conceptual information and tutorials on each subject. They provide the opportunity to use the full functionality of Tableau Server from the different users perspective. Show how we can publish a Tableau Data Extract using an Alteryx macro.

Audience: Tableau Server system and site administrators, publishers, interactors and viewers. No prerequisites are required.

Approach: Tell Me, I’ll Forget; Show Me, I’ll Remember; Let Me Do It, I’ll Understand.


Tableau Server Architecture: • Caches • Overview of the server • Component functions

Tableau Data Server: • Understanding of the Data Server • Connect to Tableau Data Server from Desktop • Publishing to Data Server • Extract v Live • Permissions

Installation and Configuration: • Before you Install • Server Configuration • Authentication • Email Alerts and Subscriptions • Data Connections and Caching • Security

System and Content Administration: • Sites • Status • Users • Settings • Groups • Content • Schedules • My Content • Tasks • My Account Settings

Publishing and Using Tableau Server: • Publish Tableau Data Source/Extract • Create Subscription • Refresh Extract • Edit Workbook • Publish Tableau Workbook • Share • Create User Filter • Download • Use Tableau Server Objects • Tableau Server Filters

Tableau Server Admin Commands: • tabconfig • tabadmin BOOK IN TODAY FOR TABLEAU SERVER COURSE

Tableau Server


Tableau Server: • Installation

Administration • Create a Site • Create a Group • Create new Users • Add Users to the Group • Create Projects

Publishing and Administration • Publishing and Administration • Check User Filter • Publish Tableau Data Source • Create a Subscription • Publish Tableau Data Extract • Create a Snapshot Log File • Publish Packaged Workbook • Upgrade from UAT to Prod Project • Check User Permissions • Create another Site • Create a Schedule • Create new User • Schedule a Refresh • Check what the new user can do and see • Check Status • Import new users from a file • My Content • Publish to UAT Site and check • My Account Settings • What can Interactor do in UAT? • Collaboration • What can Publisher do in UAT? • Create User Filter • User Roles Summary

Tableau Server Admin Commands: Find out what you can do using: • tabconfig • tabadmin

Demo – Alteryx Publish TDE to Tableau Server • Show how an Alteryx workflow can automate publishing a TDE to Tableau Server