 The work ensures greater efficiency and security for the Adriatic coast's electricity grid, especially important during the summer time

 The project, focused on sustainability and the environment, has a planned investment of €8 million

Rome, 06 July, 2018 - As of today, Terna's new 150kv San Salvo () Electrical Substation is in service, connected to it, the “ - Montecilfone” and “San Salvo ZI - Termoli Sinarca” power lines and the San Salvo Primary Transformer Room that supplies electricity to the area.

This completed project makes the Adriatic coastal area electricity system, which experiences extremely high demand during the summer time, more reliable and secure.

The operations, for which Terna invested around €8 million, were completed with particular attention to the project’s sustainability. In particular, the junctions are constructed with lower profile tubular single-stem pylons instead of traditional truncated pyramid towers, which considerably reduces their footprint.

The substation has also been equipped with a modern digital control system, which allows the plant to increase electrical insulation and, consequently, its resistance to the strong presence of salt particular to the coastal environment.

Additionally, in consideration of the environment, Terna is committed to reusing excavated materials on site as much as possible, devoting surplus material to the environmental restoration of some of the area’s quarries.

The substation construction works have led to important reclamation activities at the Valle del Trigno battle grounds, where there are many WWII relics.

The completion of this project, together with the -Montenegro Interconnection and the Gissi-Larino-Foggia power line,” stated Pierfranceso Zanuzzi, Terna Rete Italia’s Chief Executive Officer, “is one of the modernisation measures that will make the region’s electricity system more efficient and secure, increasing energy transit capacity from renewable sources produced in the southern regions and contributing to reducing the 24% energy production deficit in ”.