Care of the Patient Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS)
Care of the Patient Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) Cameron Bowman, M.D., F.R.C.S.C.* Joshua Goldberg§ January 2006 a collaboration between Transcend Transgender Support & Education Society and Vancouver Coastal Health’s Transgender Health Program, with funding from the Canadian Rainbow Health Coalition’s Rainbow Health – Improving Access to Care initiative * Clinical Instructor, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada; SRS Fellow, University Hospital of Gent, Belgium § Education Consultant, Transgender Health Program, Vancouver, BC, Canada Page i Acknowledgements Project coordinators Joshua Goldberg, Donna Lindenberg, and Rodney Hunt Research assistants Olivia Ashbee and A.J. Simpson Illustrations adapted by Donna Lindenberg Reviewers Trevor A. Corneil, MD, MHSc, CCFP Medical Director – Urban Primary Care, Vancouver Coastal Health; Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Family Practice, University of British Columbia; Vancouver, BC, Canada Stan Monstrey, MD, PhD Department of Plastic Surgery and Urology, University Hospital, University of Gent Gent, Belgium Kathy Wrath, RN Quesnel Public Health Northern Health Authority Quesnel, BC, Canada © 2006 Vancouver Coastal Health, Transcend Transgender Support & Education Society, and the Canadian Rainbow Health Coalition This publication may not be commercially reproduced, but copying for educational purposes with credit is encouraged. This manual is part of a set of clinical guidelines produced by the Trans Care Project, a joint initiative of Transcend Transgender Support & Education Society and Vancouver Coastal Health’s Transgender Health Program. We thank the Canadian Rainbow Health Coalition and Vancouver Coastal Health for funding this project. Copies of this manual are available for download from the Transgender Health Program website:
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