Construction and Building Materials 159 (2018) 486–498

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Revitalising limestone slate production by artificial freeze/ thaw splitting ⇑ Elizabeth Anne Laycock a, , David Jefferson b, Steven Hetherington a, Francis Clegg a, Christopher Wood c

a Sheffield Hallam University, Howard Street, Sheffield S1 1WB, b Jefferson Consulting, The Old Armoury, Crown Business Park, Old Dalby, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire LE14 3NQ, United Kingdom c Historic The Engine House, Fire Fly Avenue, Swindon SN2 2EH, United Kingdom

highlights graphical abstract

Extraction of Collyweston limestone ‘slates’ (tilestones) from the Roman period on. Various factors influence the efficacy of splitting including the block (‘log’). Important factors: morphology, size, time since extraction and freeze/thaw regime. Commercial production of tilestones is possible by artificial freeze–thaw processes.

article info abstract

Article history: Extraction of limestone roofing slate from Collyweston was an industry which was considered extinct by Received 1 November 2016 the early 19900s, with building repairs relying on wholesale recycling of roofing from demolished build- Received in revised form 3 October 2017 ings. Traditionally stone extracted from the mines was exposed to natural cycles of freeze/thaw to facil- Accepted 5 October 2017 itate splitting. Work was undertaken over several years to investigate the resources available and Available online 10 November 2017 whether these could be artificially frozen to produce slates. The work identified a freeze/thaw regime which could be used to produce roofing slates for historic buildings and which were used in the Keywords: Historic England restoration of Palace. Mining of the Collyweston limestone stone has now Limestone resumed and uses artificial freezing to achieve production of slates which is economically feasible due Roofing Slate to the faster process time. Stone Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Mining Conservation Freeze/thaw Vernacular building material Collyweston Tilestone

1. Introduction

Limestone and sandstone roof tiles (tilestones) have been used ⇑ Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (E.A. Laycock), enquiries@ in Britain since at least the Roman period. The Collyweston lime- (D. Jefferson). stone, together with the Stonesfield Slate from the Cotswolds, are 0950-0618/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. E.A. Laycock et al. / Construction and Building Materials 159 (2018) 486–498 487 almost unique in that traditional methods required the stone to be the strata was followed underground, locally termed ‘foxing’ [21], exposed to winter frosts in order to allow the material to be split using drifts, locally termed ‘fox-holes’ [12]. The main areas of this manually into thicknesses which vary considerably but are esti- development being around Collyweston, Easton, Dene and Kirkby mated at around 15 mm. This paper presents the findings from a [21] and [21]. Extraction was also undertaken by quar- series of ongoing investigations, commenced in 1998 and com- rying, but drifts steadily became the predominant method. Unlike pleted in 2014, into the feasibility of using artificial frosting in the stone at outcrops, that found at depth down drifts showed little order to produce tilestones. The conservation of buildings, espe- or no tendency to split naturally. In order for this limestone to be cially those which are Listed or within Conservation Areas, relies split into thin sheets suitable for the manufacture of tilestone, it on the adequate supply of appropriate materials and the use of sal- had been discovered that it was necessary to subject the extracted vaged material is not sustainable in the long term. As part of the stone to a series of frosts. work a feasibility study was carried out into the mineral resources Both drifts and shafts extended below the limestone and into available, as well as extensive frost testing both in the laboratory the sands of the underlying Grantham Formation. Miners had to and in pilot plants. lie on their sides, picking away at the relatively firm compacted sand under the limestone bed, using a tool known as a foxing pick. The limestone was supported during the removal of the sand with 2. Literature temporary supports, in the form of columns of waste stones [10]. The presence of a joint set with a strike of 40° West and another Modern roofing materials are normally thought of as consisting less pronounced at right angles allows a section of the limestone of ‘slates’, a geological term applied to naturally formed metamor- to break from the bed when sufficiently undermined [12]. When phic rocks, or ceramic tiles which are manufactured. Historically, the overlying bed could be heard to be ‘talking’, that is issuing a natural stone materials, other than slate, used for roofing in Britain series of clicks; it would be ready to fall, ideally at the end of a were sedimentary rocks including sandstone and limestone, which day’s foxing. The miner would then retreat removing the tempo- were available in thin sheets and had low porosity [9]. The Colly- rary supports as he went. The undermined part of the seam would weston limestone, also termed Collyweston slate, is one example then fall, hopefully breaking into easily managed pieces of stone within the Jurassic calcareous ‘slates’, which are calcareous sand- known as ‘log’. If the seam did not fall, steel wedges would be dri- stones or sandy limestones. Technically these should be referred ven into it and a bar known as a ‘lion’s tail’ would be used to lever to as flagstones or tilestones, and the latter term is adopted in this the seam down. The log was taken by a barrow, known as a shim, paper. The climate during the Jurassic period was warmer than at to the surface or to the foot of the shaft [5]. Where mining was car- present with thermophillic organisms such as corals and extensive ried out the galleries were supported by piles of waste stone [21] in tropical carbonate belts [20]. Depositional environments were pre- the manner of pillar and stall. Long face working was used and dominantly either shallow marine or non-marine with open mar- these walls ran parallel to the face. As they were constructed, the ine sedimentation only persisting in the southern areas of the excavated sand and waste stone was placed behind them provid- British Isles. In overall form the surface consisted of a shallow ramp ing, not only a roof supporting pack in the worked out area, but facing to the south west in which a number of basin areas with dif- also somewhere to place all the waste stone immediately adjacent ferent sedimentary systems developed in response to sea level to the working area, removing the necessity for transporting any change [8]. The Inferior Oolite Group formed in the Worcester waste at all to the surface. All the stone carried out of the mine Basin and on its shallow water margins is the parent unit of the had therefore been selected as being suitable for the manufacture Lincolnshire Limestone [3,8]. According to King [13] the Lower Lin- of roofing material. colnshire Limestone is a fine grained cream, pale yellow to It has always been known that it is essential that the log should yellowish-beige, or darker greyish limestone. This unit is of Bajo- remain damp so that freeze–thaw cycles could initiate splitting, cian age and occurred within the Middle Jurassic period formed those which dried out prior to frosting were noted to lose their fis- between 170.3 ± 1.4 Ma and 168.3 ± 1.3 Ma [11]. Typically the Lin- sile properties. Log for the tilestones were therefore worked over colnshire Limestone is comprised of calcilutites, sandy limestones, the winter period [21], usually the six to eight weeks in December peloidal wackestones and packstones in the lower parts of the and January. This extraction period was also limited by the fact sequence [3]. that the water in the pits rises in the mines during the spring mak- The Collyweston limestone is found in the base of the deposit ing working impossible. The logs were laid on the grass and kept and Historic England [10] date its use to Roman times since Colly- watered so that the ‘‘‘water of the Quarry’ (also known as quarry weston roofing has been found at places such as Drayton Roman sap)” would not evaporate before frosting. A rapid succession of Villa and the 3rd century basilica at Godmanchester. Archival evi- sharp frosts and thaws was found to be most favourable to tile- dence shows that in 1375 9500 tilestones from ‘Colyn Weston’ stone production. Large barrels of water were often located in were used at Rockingham Castle and in 1390 a further 4500 ‘scla- the frosting area in order to supply water to keep the logs wet. Judd stones’ were supplied to the castle. Oakham Castle also purchased [12] reported that ‘‘three or four good frosts” were needed and ‘‘as 5000 ‘sklat’ at Collyweston in 1383 [19]. However, by the 1920s a rule of thumb, a week0s frost is needed.” After frosting, tilestones there were only six slating pits in operation [7] and by 1967 this were cleaved and trimmed to the required shape and size using had been reduced to only three pits [18]. It is estimated that Colly- hand tools. Larger tilestones were attached by means of a wooden weston tilestones roof at least 1500 buildings in northern peg with diminishing courses towards the ridge where the small alone, and their use extends into adjoining tilestones could be fixed with mortar [12]. Since the log varied in counties [10]. Until very recently intermittent working only size, the resulting tilestones also varied in size. They were graded, occurred at a single mine. The horizon from which the stone is and named, into 27 different sizes, ranging from 6 inch ‘‘Even extracted is normally less than 1 metre thick and underlain by mopes” to 24 inch ‘‘Long tens” [18]. This was normal practice when quartz sand. It is known to occur in an area stretching from Burgh- tilestones were being produced since, in order to reduce waste, ley House, south-west on the south-east side of the Welland valley every riven piece of stone had to be used. to Wakerley, and south east of this line at least as far as Apethorpe. There are 26 named Cotswold Limestone Slates and up to 27 Extraction occurred wherever the stone was suitably fissile and the Stonesfield Slates, the latter being similar to Collyweston in that original stone was worked at outcrops on the side of the Welland it also has to be frosted [1,9]. The Collyweston Slate was described valley. However, once the outcrop exposures had been depleted, as a buff and blue-hearted stone ‘so that some of the slates are