40 Mathematik Springer News 7/2008 springer.de/buchhandel

H. Amann, Universität Zürich, ; R. Battiti, M. Brunato, F. Mascia, Università di Trento, B. Bergmann, M. Epple, Universität Frankfurt (Hrsg.) J. Escher, Universität Hannover, Germany Italy Jüdische Mathematiker Analysis III Reactive Search and in der deutschsprachigen Intelligent Optimization akademischen Kultur

The third and last volume of this series deals with the theory of integration and the founda- Reactive search is developed around the meta- Der Band dokumentiert eine Wanderausstel- tions of global analysis. Again a modern and phor of a chemical reaction empowering other lung, die im Rahmen des Jahres der Mathematik clear construction is emphasized which not only meta-heuristic methods with more intelligent 2008 in sieben deutschen Städten gezeigt wird. provides a well-structured and beautiful theory, search functions. This happens in two ways: (1) by Die Ausstellung führt die Tätigkeit jüdischer but also equips the reader with powerful tools for automatically speeding up the reactive process that Mathematiker in Deutschland von der rechtli- his further work in . On this account, extends the parameters of the solution possibilities chen und politischen Gleichstellung jüdischer for instance, the Bochner-Lebesgue integral is (i.e., widening the solutions probabilities) and by Bürger im 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Verfolgung und presented which is an indispensable resource for intelligently refining the solution to a more “finely Vertreibung im Nationalsozialismus vor Augen. Sie the modern theory of partial differential equations. tuned” problem solution. Hence, it produces solu- stellt dar, wie im deutschen Kaiserreich und in der Likewise a version of Stoke’s theorem is proven tions that are drawn from a wider sphere of possi- Weimarer Republik jüdische Mathematiker in allen that meets the practical needs of mathematics and bilities and less approximated than tabu search and Bereichen der mathematischen Kultur zunehmend theoretical physics as far as possible. other meta-heuristic strategies. eine tragende Rolle spielten, und sie erinnert an In the same way as in the previous volumes The book presents the main principles of reactive Emigration, Flucht und Ermordung nach 1933. numerous prospects of continuative theories also search and intelligent optimization and clearly Die Ausstellung, die auch auf bisher unveröffent- will be given, and this will convey an impression of shows how they can be used in problem solving. It lichtem Material und neuer historischer Forschung the importance and the strength of the presented is organized to first introduce the basic issues and beruht, macht vor allem zwei Punkte deutlich. theories to the reader. Additionally these parts will algorithms, then identify the parameters critical Erstens gab es im hier behandelten Zeitraum be used to practice and to deepen the provided for successfully using the methods discussed, and, wahrscheinlich keinen Bereich der akademischen material. finally, to present opportunities and schemes for Kultur der Mathematik, in welchem jüdische the automated tuning of those parameters. Mathematiker nicht tätig waren. Features 7 Numerous examples, real calculations, a large Features Pluspunkte number of exercises and many figures make this 7 Reactive Search and Intelligent Optimization, 7 Dokumentiert die tragende Rolle jüdischer book a reliable escort for the whole course of and meta-heuristics in general, support managers Mathematiker in allen Bereichen der mathema- studies in decision-making with robust tools that provide tischen Kultur Deutschlands in der ersten Hälfte high-quality solutions to important applications in des 20. Jahrhunderts 7 Zeigt bisher unveröffent- Contents business, engineering, economics and science in liches Material und Ergebnisse neuer historischer Preface.- IX. Elements of Measure Theory.- reasonable time horizons 7 Especially when we Forschung 7 Besondere Exkurse über Berlin, X. Theory of Integration.- XI. Manifolds and think about systems development, meta-heuristics Göttingen, Bonn und Frankfurt Differential Forms.- XII. Integration on Mani- gain more and more acceptance in real-world folds.- Bibliography.- Index. applications such as ERP systems Aus dem Inhalt Vorwort.- Zur Einführung (Moritz Epple).- Fields of interest From the contents 1 Jüdische Mathematiker im deutschsprachigen Analysis; Measure and Integration; Global Analysis Preface.- Introduction.- Reacting on the neighbor- Raum: Von der Ausgrenzung zur Akzeptanz, and Analysis on Manifolds hood.- Reacting on the annealing schedule.- Reac- von der Akzeptanz zur Ausschließung (Annette tive prohibitions.- Model-based search.- Reacting Vogt).- 2 Personen (Birgit Bergmann).- 3 Orte.- Target groups on the objective .- Reinforcement Berlin (Annette Vogt).- Göttingen (David E. Rowe, Advanced undergraduate and graduate students; learning. Erhard Scholz).- Vor und hinter den Göttinger advisors; teachers Kulissen: Otto Blumenthal, Richard Courant, Fields of interest Emmy Noether und Paul Bernays (David E. Type of publication Operations Research, Mathematical Programming; Rowe).- Bonn (Walter Purkert).- Frankfurt (Moritz Undergraduate textbook Operations Research/Decision Theory; Computing Epple).- 4 Werke (Walter Purkert). Methodologies Fachgebiete Target groups Mathematik, allgemein; Kulturelles Erbgut Academic researchers, students, and industry consultants Zielgruppen Alle an Wissenschaftsgeschichte Interessierte Type of publication Monograph Kategorie Monographie Due October 2008 Erscheint Juli 2008 Due December 2008 2009. Approx. 190 p. 40 illus. (Operations Research/ Angezeigt in Highlights 03/2008 Computer Science Interfaces Series, Volume 45) 2009. Approx. 490 p. Softcover Hardcover 2008. Etwa 250 S. Geb. 7 approx. * € (D) 69,44 | € (A) 71,39 | sFr 112,00 7 approx. * € (D) 71,64 | € (A) 73,65 | sFr 111,50 7 ca. € (D) 39,95 | € (A) 41,07 | *sFr 62,00 9ISBN 978-3-7643-7479-2 9ISBN 978-0-387-09623-0 9ISBN 978-3-540-69250-8 springer.de/buchhandel Springer News 7/2008 Mathematik 41

C. H. Bischof, H. M. Bücker, RWTH Aachen University, P. B. Bochev, Sandia National Laboratories, N. Bourbaki, Paris, France Germany; P. Hovland, Argonne National Laboratory, Albuquerque, NM, USA; M. D. Gunzburger, Florida IL, USA; U. Naumann, RWTH Aachen University, State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA Lie Groups and Lie Algebras Germany; J. Utke, Argonne National Laboratory, IL, USA (Eds.) Least-Squares Chapters 4-6 Translated from the French: A. Pressley Advances in Automatic Finite Methods

Differentiation From the reviews of the French edition 7 This Since their emergence finite element methods have is a rich and useful volume. The material it treats become one of the most versatile and powerful has relevance well beyond the theory of Lie groups This collection covers advances in automatic differ- methodologies for the approximate numerical and algebras, ranging from the geometry of regular entiation theory and practice. Computer scientists solution of PDEs. Today finite element methods polytopes and paving problems to current work on and mathematicians will learn about recent devel- are in common use for incompressible fluid flow, finite simple groups having a (B,N)-pair structure, or opments in automatic differentiation theory as heat, transfer, electromagnetics, and convec- “Tits systems”. A historical note provides a survey of well as mechanisms for the construction of robust tion-diffusion-reaction problems, to name a few. the contexts in which groups generated by reflections and powerful automatic differentiation tools. This book is written with the premise that there have arisen. A brief introduction includes Computational scientists and engineers will benefit is a real, existing need to put least-squares finite the only other mention of Lie groups and algebras from the discussion of various applications, which elemenet methods on a common mathematically to be found in the volume. Thus the presentation provide insight into effective strategies for using sound foundation. It is intended to give both the here is really quite independent of Lie theory. The automatic differentiation for inverse problems and researcher and the practitioner a concise guide choice of such an approach makes for an elegant, design optimization. to the theory and practice of least-square finite self-contained treatment of some highly interesting element methods, their strengths and weaknesses, mathematics, which can be read with profit and Fields of interest established successes, and open problems. Appen- with relative ease by a very wide circle of readers Scientific Computing; Computational Mathematics dices provide results from functional analysis and (and with delight by many, if the reviewer is at all and Numerical Analysis; Electronic and Computer standard finite theory which are used in various representative). 7 G.B. Seligman in MathReviews Engineering places in the book. Contents Target groups Contents Ch. IV. Coxeter Groups and Tits Systems: Coxeter Computational and computer scientists, mathema- Part I. Survey of Variational Principles and Associ- Groups. Tits Systems.- Ch. V. Groups Generated ticians and engineers ated Finite Element Methods. Classical Variational by Reflections: Hyperplanes, Chambers and Facets. Methods. Alternative Variational Formulations.- Reflections. Groups of Displacements Generated Type of publication Part II. Abstract Theory of Least-Squares Finite by Reflections. The Geometric Representation Proceedings Element Methods. Mathematical Foundations. of a Coxeter Group. Invariants in the Symmetric First-Order Agmon-Douglis-Nirenberg Systems.- Algebra. The Coxeter Transformation.- Part III. Least-Squares Methods for Elliptic Ch. VI. Root Systems: Root Systems. Affine Weyl Problems. Basic First-Order Systems. Application Group. Exponential Invariants. Classification of to Key Elliptic Problems.- Part IV. Extensions of Root Systems.- Historical Note. Least-Squares Methods to other Problems. The Navier-Stokes Equations. Dissipative Time Depen- Field of interest dent Problems. Hyperbolic Problems. Control Topological Groups, Lie Groups and optimization Problems. Other Topics.- Part V. Supplementary Material.- A. Analysis Tools. Target groups B. Finite Element Spaces. C. Discrete Norms and Mathematicians and graduate students Operators. D. The Complementing Condition. Type of publication Fields of interest Monograph Applications of Mathematics

Target groups Researchers, graduate students

Type of publication Monograph Due July 2008

Only available in print

Original French edition published by Hermann, Paris, 1968.

Due August 2008 Due December 2008 Softcover edition to the 1st English language hardcover edition 2002 (ISBN 978-3-540-42650-9). 2008. Approx. 360 p. (Lecture Notes in Computational 2009. Approx. 285 p. (Applied Mathematical Sciences, Science and Engineering, Volume 64) Softcover Volume 166) Hardcover 1st ed. 2002. 2nd printing 2008. XI, 300 p. Softcover 7 * € (D) 85,55 | € (A) 87,95 | sFr 133,00 7 approx. * € (D) 50,24 | € (A) 51,65 | sFr 78,00 7 * € (D) 53,45 | € (A) 54,95 | sFr 83,00 9ISBN 978-3-540-68935-5 9ISBN 978-0-387-30888-3 9ISBN 978-3-540-69171-6 42 Mathematik Springer News 7/2008 springer.de/buchhandel

N. Bourbaki, Paris, France M. Bramson, University of Minnesota, MN, USA C. G. Canuto, A. Tabacco, Politecnico di Torino, Italia Lie Groups and Lie Algebras Stability of Queueing Mathematical Analysis I Chapters 7–9 Networks Translated from the French: A. Pressley École d‘Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XXXVI-2006 The purpose of the volume is to provide a support for a first course in Mathematical Analysis, along This is the softcover reprint of the English transla- the lines of the recent Programme Specifications tion of Bourbaki’s text Groupes et Algèbres de Lie, Queueing networks constitute a large family of for mathematical teaching in European universi- Chapters 7 to 9. stochastic models, involving jobs that enter a ties. Basic notions and methods of differential and Chapter 7 deals with Cartan subalgebras of Lie network, compete for service, and eventually leave integral calculus for functions of one real variable algebras, regular elements and conjugacy theo- the network upon completion of service. Since the are presented in a manner that elicits critical rems. Chapter 8 begins with the structure of split early 1990s, substantial attention has been devoted reading and prompts a hands-on approach to semi-simple Lie algebras and their root systems. It to the question of when such networks are stable. concrete applications. The layout has a specifically- goes on to describe the finite-dimensional modules This volume presents a summary of such work. designed modular nature, allowing the instructor for such algebras, including the character formula Emphasis is placed on the use of fluid models in to make flexible didactical choices when planning of . It concludes with the theory showing stability, and on examples of queueing an introductory lecture course. The book may of Chevalley orders. Chapter 9 is devoted to the networks that are unstable even when the arrival in fact be employed at three levels of depth. At theory of compact Lie groups, beginning with a rate is less than the service rate. the elementary level the student is supposed to discussion of their maximal tori, root systems and The material of this volume is based on a series of grasp the very essential ideas and familiarise with Weyl groups. It goes on to describe the represen- nine lectures given at the Saint-Flour Probability the corresponding key techniques. Proofs to the tation theory of compact Lie groups, including Summer School 2006. Lectures were also given by main results befit the intermediate level, together the application of integration to establish Weyl’s Alice Guionnet and Steffen Lauritzen. with several remarks and complementary notes formula in this context. The chapter concludes enhancing the treatise. with a discussion of the actions of compact Lie Contents groups on manifolds. The nine chapters together Preface.- 1 Introduction.- 2 The Classical Fields of interest form the most comprehensive text available on the Networks.- 3 Instability of Subcritical Queueing Analysis; Functional Analysis; Integral Equations theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras. Networks.- 4 Stability of Queueing Networks.- 5 Applications and Some Further Theory.- Target groups From the contents Acknowledgments.- References.- Index. Engineering, physics and computer science Chapter VII - Cartan Subalgebras and Regular students Elements: Primary Decomposition of Linear Fields of interest Representations.- Cartan Subalgebras and Regular Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes; Type of publication Elements of a Lie Algebra.- Conjugacy Theorems.- Operations Research, Mathematical Programming; Undergraduate textbook Regular Elements of a Lie Group.- Decompos- Computer Systems Organization and Communica- able Linear Lie Algebras.- Chapter VIII - Split tion Networks Semi-Simple Lie Algebras: Root System of a Split Semi-Simple Lie Algebra.- Subalgebras of Split Target groups Semi-Simple Lie Algebras.- Automorphisms of a Researchers and graduate students Semi-Simple Lie Algebra.- Modules over a Split Semi-Simple Lie Algebra.- Finite Dimensional Type of publication Modules over a Split Semi-simple Lie. Monograph

Field of interest Topological Groups, Lie Groups

Target groups Mathematicians and graduate students

Type of publication Monograph

Due July 2008

Only available in print

Original French edition: Groupes et Algèbres de Lie. Due July 2008 Softcover edition to the 1st English language hardcover edition 2004 (ISBN 978-3-540-43405-4) 2008. Approx. 200 p. (Lecture Notes in Mathematics/ Due August 2008 Ecole d‘Eté Probabilit.Saint-Flour, Volume 1950) 1st ed. 2004. 2nd printing 2008. XI, 434 p. Softcover Softcover 2008. Approx. 510 p. (Universitext) Softcover 7 * € (D) 53,45 | € (A) 54,95 | sFr 83,00 7 * € (D) 32,05 | € (A) 32,95 | sFr 50,00 7 approx. * € (D) 41,15 | € (A) 42,31 | sFr 64,00 9ISBN 978-3-540-68851-8 9ISBN 978-3-540-68895-2 9ISBN 978-88-470-0875-5 springer.de/buchhandel Springer News 7/2008 Mathematik 43

F. Cao, J. Lisani, J. Morel, P. Musé, F. Sur M. Feckan, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovak H. G. Feichtinger, B. Helffer, M. P. Lamoureux, Republic N. Lerner, J. ToftL. Rodino, M. W. Wong (Eds.) A Theory of Shape Identification Topological Degree Approach Pseudo-differential Operators to Bifurcation Problems Quantization and Signals – Lectures given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Cetraro, Recent years have seen dramatic progress in shape Italy, June 19–24, 2006 recognition algorithms applied to ever-growing This book is devoted to bifurcations of periodic, image databases. They have been applied to image subharmonic and chaotic oscillations, and travel- stitching, stereo vision, image mosaics, solid object ling waves in nonlinear differential equations and Pseudo-differential operators were initiated by recognition and video or web image retrieval. discrete dynamical systems by using the topo- Kohn, Nirenberg and Hörmander in the sixties of More fundamentally, the ability of humans and logical degree theory both for single-valued and the last century. Besides applications in the general animals to detect and recognize shapes is one of multi-valued mappings in Banach spaces. Original theory of partial differential equations, they have the enigmas of perception. The book describes a bifurcation results are proved with applications their roots also in the study of quantization first complete method that starts from a query image to a broad variety of nonlinear problems ranging envisaged by Hermann Weyl thirty years earlier. and an image database and yields a list of the from non-smooth and discontinuous mechanical Thanks to the understanding of the connections images in the database containing shapes present systems, weakly coupled oscillators, systems with of wavelets with other branches of mathematical in the query image. A false alarm number is relay hysteresis, through infinite chains of differ- analysis, quantum physics and engineering, such associated to each detection. Many experiments ential equations on lattices, to string and beam operators have been used under different names as will show that familiar simple shapes or images partial differential equations. Next, the chaotic mathematical models in signal analysis since the can reliably be identified with false alarm numbers behaviour is also investigated for maps possessing last decade of the last century. ranging from 10-5 to less than 10-300. Technically topologically transversally intersecting invariant The volume investigates the mathematics of quan- speaking, there are two main issues. The first is manifolds. tization and signals in the context of pseudo-differ- extracting invariant shape descriptors from digital This book is intended for post-graduate students ential operators, Weyl transforms, Daubechies images. Indeed, a shape can be seen from various and researchers with an interest in applications operators, Wick quantization and time-frequency angles and distances and in various lights. of topological bifurcation methods to dynamical localization operators. Applications to quantiza- systems and non-linear analysis, in particular to tion, signal analysis and the modern theory of PDE Features differential equations and inclusions, and maps. are highlighted. 7 Jean-Michel Morel belongs to the ISI list of highly cited mathematicians (http://isihighlycited. Features Contents com/) 7 The theory presented is new and orig- 7 IncludesRigorous proofs of chaotic solutions Luigi Rodino, ManWah Wong: Preface.- Hans inal 7 The text aims at being self-contained in all for discontinuous differential equations and Feichtinger, Franz Luef, and Elena Cordero: three aspects: mathematics, vision and algorithms differential inclusions 7 Includes bifurcations of Banach Gelfand Triples for Gabor Analysis.- 7 Specialists in image analysis and computer periodic solutions in differential inclusions and Bernard Helffer: Four Lectures in Semiclassical vision find the text easy on the computer vision systems with relay hysteresis 7 The persistence Snalysis for non Self-adjoint Problems with side and affordable on the mathematical level of traveling waves under spatial discretization of Applications to Hydrodynamic Instability. Michael sine-Gordon and Klein-Gordon partial differential P. Lamoureux, Gary F. Margrave: An Introduc- From the contents equations tion to Numerical Methods of Pseudodifferential 1.Introduction.- Part I Extracting Image bound- Operators.- Nicolas Lerner: Some facts about the aries: 2.Extracting Meaningful Curves from Fields of interest Wick calculus.- Joachim Toft: Schatten Properties Images.- Part II Level Line Invariant Descriptors: Analysis; Topology; Dynamical Systems and for Pseudo-Differential Operators on Modulation 3.Robust Shape Directions.- 4.Invariant Level Line Ergodic Theory Spaces. Encoding.- Part III Recognizing Level Lines: 5.A Contrario Decision: the LLD Method.- 6.Mean- Target groups Fields of interest ingful Matches: Experiments on LLD and MSER.- Mathematicians interested in topological methods Partial Differential Equations; Operator Theory; Part V The SIFT Method: 10.The SIFT Method.- in dynamical systems and non-linear analysis, in Approximations and Expansions particular in differential equations and inclusions, Fields of interest and maps; physicists interested in oscillations of Target groups Visualization; Image Processing; Artificial Intel- nonlinear mechanical systems; engineers investi- Researchers and graduate students ligence (incl. Robotics) gating vibrations of nonlinear strings and beams, and electrical circuits Type of publication Target groups Collection of essays Engineers, researchers, graduate and undergrad- Type of publication uate students in computer vision, statistics, applied Monograph mathematics, neurophysiology and psychophysics

Type of publication Monograph

Due July 2008 Due October 2008 Due July 2008

2008. Approx. 270 p. (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 2009. Approx. 270 p. 17 illus. (Topological Fixed Point 2008. Approx. 230 p. (Lecture Notes in Mathematics / Volume 1948) Softcover Theory and Its Applications, Volume 5) Hardcover Fondazione C.I.M.E., Firenze, Volume 1949) Softcover 7 * € (D) 42,75 | € (A) 43,95 | sFr 66,50 7 approx. * € (D) 93,04 | € (A) 95,65 | sFr 144,50 7 * € (D) 42,75 | € (A) 43,95 | sFr 66,50 9ISBN 978-3-540-68480-0 9ISBN 978-1-4020-8723-3 9ISBN 978-3-540-68266-0 44 Mathematik Springer News 7/2008 springer.de/buchhandel

A. Figalli, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France K. Fritzsche, Bergische Universität Wuppertal G. Glaeser, Universität für angewandte Kunst, Wien Optimal transportation and Grundkurs Analysis 1 Der mathematische action-minimizing measures Differentiation und Integration in einer Werkzeugkasten Veränderlichen Anwendungen in Natur und Technik

In Chapter 1 we study the optimal transporta- tion problem on manifolds with geometric costs Das Mathematik-Studium befindet sich im Der mathematische Werkzeugkasten wendet sich coming from Tonelli Lagrangians, while in Chapter Umbruch. Vielerorts ersetzen Bachelor und an alle, die eine Standard-Mathematikausbildung 2 we consider a generalization of the classical Master die Diplom- und Lehramtsstudiengänge. in der Schule hinter sich haben und ihr mathema- transportation problem called the optimal irriga- Die Mathematik ist die Gleiche geblieben, elegant tisches Verständnis vertiefen wollen. tion problem. Then, Chapter 3 is about the Brenier und faszinierend, aber nicht immer ganz einfach. Durch eine Vielzahl von Anwendungsbeispielen variational theory of incompressible flows, which Die vorliegende Einführung in die Analysis aus den verschiedensten Disziplinen wie Biologie, concerns a weak formulation of the Euler equa- möchte den neuen Herausforderungen mit einem Physik, Chemie, Astronomie, Geografie, ja sogar tions viewed as a geodesic equation in the space of zweisemestrigen Grundkurs begegnen, der je nach der Musik, werden algebraische Gleichungen, measure-preserving diffeomorphism. Chapter 4 is Anforderungen durch optionale Module erweitert Proportionen, Trigonometrie, Vektorrechnung und devoted to the study of regularity and uniqueness werden kann. Schwerpunkte des ersten Bandes Infinitesimalrechnung anschaulich vermittelt. of solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations applying bilden der Grenzwertbegriff und die Differential- Insofern ist das Buch eine gute Hilfe für angehende the Aubry-Mather theory. Finally, the last chapter und Integralrechnung in einer Veränderlichen. Studenten verschiedenster Studienrichtungen, deals with a DiPerna-Lions theory for martingale Ausgangspunkt ist das mitgebrachte Schulwissen. die fundierteres Mathematikwissen voraussetzen. solutions of stochastic differential equations. Kurze Einführungen greifen dieses Vorwissen auf, Wegen der fächerübergreifenden Anwendungen motivieren oder fassen wichtige Voraussetzungen eignet sich das Werk aber auch als Fundgrube für Features zusammen. Im Zentrum des Grundkurses geht es engagierte Mathematiklehrer, welche motivierende 7 Gives for the first time a generalized approach gleichermaßen um Rechenmethoden, die Kunst Beispiele für die diversen Teilgebiete der Mathe- to many problems of different nature, in the des Problemlösens und das Erlernen präziser matik suchen. context of optimal transportation Beweistechniken. Das Buch ist so aufgebaut, dass man an verschie- denen Stellen „einsteigen“ kann. Querverweise From the contents Pluspunkte bringen zugeordnete Abschnitte und Beispiele 1. The optimal transportation problem - Optimal 7 Passgenau für das erste Semester der neuen schnell in Zusammenhang. transportation on non-compact manifolds, costs zweisemestrigen Bachelor-Analysis-Vorlesungen obtained from Lagrangians, interpolation and 7 Durch die durchgängige Zweifarbigkeit und Pluspunkte absolute continuity, displacement convexity.- 2. die Verwendung von Kästen ist alles Wichtige auf 7 Durch eine Vielzahl von Anwendungsbeispielen The irrigation problem - Dynamic cost on traffic einen Blick erkennbar 7 Jeder Abschnitt beginnt aus den verschiedensten Disziplinen wie Biologie, plans, syncronization, stability.- 3. Variational mit einer Motivation (mit Anknüpfung an den Physik, Chemie, Astronomie, Geografie, ja sogar models for the incompressible Euler equations Schulstoff) und besteht aus einem gut verständ- der Musik, werden algebraische Gleichungen, - Arnold’s least action problem, Brenier’s varia- lichen Theorie-Teil und einem Übungsteil mit Proportionen, Trigonometrie, Vektorrechnung und tionals models, gap phenomena, necessary and vielen Beispielen Infinitesimalrechnung anschaulich vermittelt sufficient optimality conditions, regularity of the 7 Mehr als 400 Abbildungen wecken das Interesse pressure. Fachgebiet und fördern auf besondere Weise das Verständnis Analysis Fields of interest Fachgebiete Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control; Zielgruppen Mathematik, allgemein; Angewandte Mathematik Optimization; Partial Differential Equations Studierende der Mathematik und Physik (Bachelor und Informatik für Ingenieure und Diplom Grundstudium), Studierende der Target groups Ingenieurwissenschaften, Dozenten der Mathe- Zielgruppen Graduate students and researchers in optimal matik (Angehende) Studierende der Ingenieur- und transportation, calculus of variations and partial Naturwissenschaften, Lehrer, interessierte Laien, differential equations Kategorie Schüler Lehrbuch Type of publication Kategorie Monograph Lehrbuch

Due July 2008

Only available in print Erscheint August 2008 Erscheint Juli 2008

2008. Approx. 250 p. (Publications of the Scuola Normale Nur gedruckte Ausgabe erhältlich Nur gedruckte Ausgabe erhältlich Superiore / Theses (Scuola Normale Superiore), Volume 8) Softcover 2. Aufl. 2008. XII, 372 S. 95 Abb. in Farbe. Brosch. 3. Aufl. 2008. XII, 436 S. 400 Abb. in Farbe. Geb. 7 * € (D) 19,26 | € (A) 19,80 | sFr 31,90 7 € (D) 20,95 | € (A) 21,54 | *sFr 32,50 7 € (D) 32,50 | € (A) 33,41 | *sFr 53,00 9ISBN 978-88-7642-330-7 9ISBN 978-3-8274-1878-4 9ISBN 978-3-8274-1932-3 springer.de/buchhandel Springer News 7/2008 Mathematik 45

L. Grafakos, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, L. Grafakos, Missouri University, Columbia, MO, USA F. Guerra, Università di Roma La Sapienza, Italy; USA N. Robotti, Università di Genova, Italy (Eds.) Modern Fourier Analysis Classical Fourier Analysis, Ettore Majorana Second Edition Aspects of his Scientific and Academic The primary goal of this text is to present the theo- Activity retical foundation of the field of Fourier analysis. The primary goal of this text is to present the theo- The only prerequisite for understanding the text retical foundation of the field of Fourier analysis. is satisfactory completion of a course in measure Little more than one hundred years have gone The only prerequisite for understanding the text theory, Lebesgue integration, and complex by since the birth of Ettore Majorana, a highly is satisfactory completion of a course in measure variables. This book is intended to present the renowned theoretical physicist. His career was theory, Lebesgue integration, and complex selected topics in some depth and stimulate further brief and irregular but very intense, and he disap- variables. This book is intended to present the study. Although the emphasis falls on real variable peared in March 1938 in circumstances that still selected topics in some depth and stimulate further methods in Euclidean spaces, a chapter is devoted are not completely clear. This volume is a contribu- study. Although the emphasis falls on real variable to the fundamentals of analysis on the torus. tion to a better understanding of the scientific, methods in Euclidean spaces, a chapter is devoted This material is included for historical reasons, academic and human personality of Ettore to the fundamentals of analysis on the torus. as the genesis of Fourier analysis can be found in Majorana, beyond the layers of legendary aspects This material is included for historical reasons, trigonometric expansions of periodic functions in which have accumulated over the years. Based on as the genesis of Fourier analysis can be found in several variables. primary sources alone - scientific literature of the trigonometric expansions of periodic functions in While the 1st edition was published as a single period and numerous archival documents - the several variables. volume, the new edition will contain 120 pp figure of Ettore Majorana emerges in a completely While the 1st edition was published as a single of new material, with an additional chaper on new light. The young scientist is intensely involved volume, the new edition will contain 120 pp of time-frequency analysis and other modern topics. in scientific research, completely independent, new material, with an additional chaper on time- As a result, the book is now being published in 2 always striving to offer innovative contributions of frequency analysis and other modern topics. As a separate volumes, containing the modern topics the highest level according to the most advanced result, the book is now being published in (weighted inequalities, wavelets, atomic decompo- international standards, and very determined to 2 separate volumes, containing the modern topics sition, etc...). make his results known by following a shrewd (weighted inequalities, wavelets, atomic decompo- publication strategy. sition, etc...). Features 7 Historical notes at the end of each chapter Fields of interest Features 7 Numerous exercises for each chapter 7 User- History of Mathematics 7 Historical notes at the end of each chapter friendly exposition with examples illustrating the 7 Numerous exercises for each chapter 7 User- definitions and ideas Target groups friendly exposition with examples illustrating the Researchers and professionals definitions and ideas From the contents Preface.- BMO and Carleson Measures.- Singular Type of publication From the contents Integrals of Nonconvolution Type.- Weighted Commemorative publication Preface.- Lp Spaces and Interpolation.- Maximal Inequalities.- Boundedness and Convergence Functions, Fourier Transform, and Distributions.- of Fourier Integrals.- Appendix A: Gamma and Fourier Analysis on the Torus.- Singular Integrals Beta Functions.- Appendix B: Bessel Functions.- of Convolution Type.- Littlewood-Paley Theory Appendix C: Rademacher Functions.- Appendix D: and Multipliers.- Gamma and Beta Functions.- Spherical Coordinates.- Appendix E: Some Trigo- Bessel Functions.- Rademacher Functions.- Spher- nometric Identities and Inequalities.- Appendix F: ical Coordinates.- Some Trigonometric Identities Summation by Parts.- Basic Functional Analysis.- and Inequalities.- Summation by Parts.- Basic Appendix H: The Minimax Lemma.- Appendix I: Functional Analysis.- The Minimax Lemma. The Schur Lemma.

Fields of interest Fields of interest Fourier Analysis; Abstract Harmonic Analysis; Fourier Analysis; Abstract Harmonic Analysis; Functional Analysis Functional Analysis

Target groups Target groups Graduate students, advanced undergrads Graduate students, advanced undergrads

Type of publication Type of publication Graduate/Advanced undergraduate textbook Graduate/Advanced undergraduate textbook

Due September 2008 Due September 2008 Available

Originally published by Prentice Hall Originally published by Prentice Hall Only available in print

2nd ed. 2008. Approx. 505 p. 10 illus. (Graduate Texts in 2nd ed. 2008. Approx. 700 p. 27 illus. (Graduate Texts in 2008. Approx. 225 p. (Publications of the Scuola Normale Mathematics, Volume 249) Hardcover Mathematics, Volume 250) Hardcover Superiore / CRM Series, Volume 6) Softcover 7 approx. * € (D) 50,24 | € (A) 51,65 | sFr 78,00 7 approx. * € (D) 50,24 | € (A) 51,65 | sFr 78,00 7 * € (D) 24,61 | € (A) 25,30 | sFr 38,00 9ISBN 978-0-387-09431-1 9ISBN 978-0-387-09433-5 9ISBN 978-88-7642-331-4 46 Mathematik Springer News 7/2008 springer.de/buchhandel

J. Harris, Furman University, Greenville, SC, USA; B. Korte, J. Vygen, Universität Bonn, Deutschland B. Kostant, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, J. L. Hirst, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC, Cambridge, MA, USA USA; M. Mossinghoff, Davidson College, NC, USA Kombinatorische Optimierung A. Joseph, Weizmann Institute, Israel; S. Kumar, UNC Chapel Hill, NC, USA; M. Vergne, Ecole Polytechnique, Combinatorics and Graph Theorie und Algorithmen Palaiseau Cedex, France (Eds.) Übersetzt von: R. von Randow Theory Collected Papers of Bertram

Dieses umfassende Lehrbuch über kombinato- Kostant This book covers a wide variety of topics in rische Optimierung ist die deutsche Übersetzung Volume I 1955–1965 combinatorics and graph theory. It includes results der vierten, wesentlich erweiterten Auflage des and problems that cross subdisciplines, empha- Buches „Combinatorial Optimization – Theory sizing relationships between different areas of and Algorithms“, dessen erste Auflage im Jahr For more than five decades Bertram Kostant has mathematics. In addition, recent results appear in 2000 erschienen ist. Es ist aus verschiedenen been one of the major architects of modern Lie the text, illustrating the fact that mathematics is a Vorlesungen über kombinatorische Optimierung theory. Virtually all his papers are pioneering with living discipline. und Spezialvorlesungen für Fortgeschrittene deep consequences, many giving rise to whole new The second edition includes many new topics hervorgegangen, die die Autoren an der Univer- fields of activities. His interests span a tremendous and features: (1) New sections in graph theory on sität Bonn gehalten haben. range of Lie theory, from differential geometry to distance, Eulerian trails, and hamiltonian paths. Das Buch enthält vornehmlich theoretische Resul- representation theory, abstract algebra, and math- (2) New material on partitions, multinomial coeffi- tate und detaillierte Algorithmen mit beweisbar ematical physics. Some specific topics cover alge- cients, and the pigeonhole principle. (3) Expanded guten Laufzeiten und Ergebnissen, aber keine braic groups and invariant theory, the geometry coverage of Pólya Theory to include de Bruijn’s Heuristiken. Es werden vollständige Beweise, of homogeneous spaces, representation theory, method for counting arrangements when a second auch für viele tiefe und neue Resultate gegeben, geometric quantization and symplectic geometry, symmetry group acts on the of allowed colors. von denen einige bisher in der Lehrbuchliteratur Lie algebra cohomology, Hamiltonian mechanics, (4) Topics in combinatorial geometry, including noch nicht erschienen sind. Ferner enthält das modular forms, Whittaker theory, Toda lattice, and Erdos and Szekeres’ development of Ramsey Buch viele Übungsaufgaben und ein umfassendes much more. It is striking to note that Lie theory Theory in a problem about convex polygons deter- Literaturverzeichnis. Es gibt den neuesten Stand (and symmetry in general) now occupies an ever mined by sets of points. (5) Expanded coverage der kombinatorischen Optimierung wieder. increasing larger role in mathematics than it did in of stable marriage problems, and new sections on the fifties. marriage problems for infinite sets, both countable Pluspunkte This is the first volume (1955-1966) of a five- and uncountable. 7 Herausragendes Lehrbuch zur kombinato- volume set of Bertram Kostant’s collected papers. rischen Optimierung für Studierende im Haupt- A distinguished feature of this first volume is Features studium Kostant’s commentaries and summaries of his 7 Includes useful pointers to further reading at papers in his own words. the post-graduate level 7 Definitions are followed Fachgebiete by representative examples 7 Contains numerous Kombinatorik; Variationsrechnung und Optimale Features exercises, figures, and exposition 7 More stream- Steuerung, Optimierung; Mathematik der Infor- 7 Kostant’s work spans over 50 years, with his lined than most similar texts mationsverarbeitung fundamental and varied contributions to many aspects of Lie theory, a subject pervading almost Contents Zielgruppen the whole of mathematics 7 His interests span a Preface to the second edition.- Preface.- Graph Studenten und Lehrende in Mathematik, Infor- tremendous range from differential geometry to theory.- Combinatorics.- Infinite combinatorics matik und Wirtschaftswissenschaft representation theory, abstract algebra and math- and graphs.- References.- Index. ematical physics 7 Kostant’s papers demonstrate Kategorie deep results, giving rise to whole new fields of Fields of interest Lehrbuch activities.. Combinatorics; and Founda- tions Fields of interest Topological Groups, Lie Groups; Mathematical Target groups Methods in Physics; Differential Geometry Undergraduate math students, graduate math students, mathematicians, computer scientists Target groups Mathematicians and historians Type of publication Undergraduate textbook Type of publication Collected works

Due September 2008 Erscheint September 2008 Angezeigt in Highlights 03/2008 Due November 2008 2nd ed. 2008. Approx. 400 p. 165 illus. (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics) Hardcover 2008. Etwa 700 S. Brosch. 2009. Approx. 550 p. 3 illus. Hardcover 7 approx. * € (D) 37,40 | € (A) 38,45 | sFr 58,50 7 € (D) 39,95 | € (A) 41,07 | *sFr 62,00 7 approx. * € (D) 71,64 | € (A) 73,65 | sFr 111,50 9ISBN 978-0-387-79710-6 9ISBN 978-3-540-76918-7 9ISBN 978-0-387-09582-0 springer.de/buchhandel Springer News 7/2008 Mathematik 47

H. Nishimura, Tsukuba University, Japan W. Pohlers, Westfälische Wilhelms-University, K. Polthier, M. Aigner, T. M. Apostol, M. Emmer, Münster, Germany H. Hege, U. Weinberg (Eds.) A Lost Mathematician, Takeo Nakasawa Proof Theory MathFilm Festival 2008 The Forgotten Father of Matroid Theory The First Step into Impredicativity A Collection of Mathematical Videos

Matroid theory was invented independently by This book verifies with compelling evidence the The MathFilm DVD presents a juried collec- two mathematicians in the middle of the 1930’s, author’s inclination to “write a book on proof tion of innovative short math videos. The films namely, Hassler Whitney in USA and Takeo Naka- theory which needs no previous knowledge of are winners of the international competition of sawa in Japan. The former is famous, but unfor- proof theory”. Avoiding the cryptic terminology the MathFilm Festival 2008. Following the May tunately the latter had remained anonymous until of proof as far as possible, the book starts at an premiere in Berlin, the festival films are shown in a decade or two ago. The latter is still less known elementary level and displays the connections public viewings throughout Germany. The festival than the former. The book consists of four parts. between infinitary proof theory and generalized is part of the “Year of Mathematics” initiative of the The first part consists of his four German papers, recursion theory, especially the theory of inductive Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The which were published in the same journal issued definitions. As a “warm up” the classical analysis of films target a broad audience of students, teachers, by a Japanese extinct university. The second part Gentzen is presented in a more modern termi- and everyone with an interest in mathematics. consists of their English translations. The third nology to proceed with explaining and proving The topics range from geometry to graphics, part is devoted to an explanation of Nakasawa’s the famous result by Feferman and Schütte on the from computing to visualization, from historic to life and his times. The fourth part deals with the limits of predicativity. The author, too, provides an modern achievements, from abstract mathematical comparison between the two fathers of matroid introduction to ordinal arithmetic, introduces the worlds to real-world applications. The DVD theory. Veblen hierarchy and employs these functions to provides entertaining and informative insights into design an ordinal notation system for the ordinals modern mathematics and is an exciting resource Features below Epsilon 0 and Gamma 0, while emphasizing for lively school and university courses. 7 Gives an exact description of the origin of the first step into impredicativity, i.e., the first step matroid theory 7 First English translation of the beyond Gamma 0. Features four German papers 7 Mathematical Films of highest possible quality Features Fields of interest 7 Written by a specialist of the subject. Contents History of Mathematics Counting Beyond Infinity - up to Epsilon Zero.- Contents Möbius Transformations Revealed.- Flatland: Target groups 1 Historical Background.- 2 Primitive Recursive The Movie.- Growing a Hyperdodecahedron.- Mathematicians specialized in matroid theory Functions and Relations.- 3 Ordinals.- 4 Pure Facelab.- The Digital Heart.- Periodic Timetable or more widely in combinatorics; historians of Logic.- 5 Truth Complexities for Pi 1-1-Sentences.- Optimization.- Numbers in Motion.- Quantus.- modern mathematics 6 Inductive Definitions.- 7 The Ordinal Analysis Dice.- Attack of the Note Sheep.- The Shape of for Pean Arithmetic.- 8 Autonomous Ordinals and Search.- The Borromean Rings.- Chebyshev‘s Type of publication the Limits of Predicativity.- 9 Ordinal Analysis of Foot-Stepping Machine.- A Semi-Lagrangian Commemorative publication the Theory for Inductive Definitions.- 10 Provably Contouring Method for Fluid Simulation.- Recursive Functions of NT.- 11 Ordinal Analysis MESH- Bubble Excerpt. for Kripke Platek with infinity.- 12 Predicativity Revisited.- 13 Non-Monotone Fields of interest Inductive Definitions.- 14 Epilogue. Mathematics, general; Visualization; Computer Graphics Fields of interest Mathematical Logic and Foundations Target groups Mathematicians and computer scientists Target groups Students and researchers in the fields of proof Type of publication theory, recursion theory, set theory, and general Teachware logic

Type of publication Graduate/Advanced undergraduate textbook Available

2008. With booklet 20 p. DVD/PAL. (Springer VideoMATH) Due September 2008 7 ** € (D) 17,79 | € (A) 17,95 | sFr 26,50 ISBN 978-3-540-68902-7 Originally published as volume 1407 in the series: Lect.Notes Mathematics 9 Due December 2008 1st ed. 1989. 2nd printing 2008. Approx. 385p. 2009. Approx. 150 p. Hardcover (Universitext) Softcover Also available as DVD/NTSC 7 approx. * € (D) 53,39 | € (A) 54,89 | sFr 85,00 7 * € (D) 42,75 | € (A) 43,95 | sFr 70,00 7 approx. ** € (D) 17,79 | € (A) 17,95 | sFr 26,50 9ISBN 978-3-7643-8572-9 9ISBN 978-3-540-69318-5 9ISBN 978-3-540-68903-4 48 Mathematik Springer News 7/2008 springer.de/buchhandel

J. Rakotoson, Université de Poitiers, Futuroscope C. Rousseau, Y. Saint-Aubin, Université de Montréal, Chasseneuil, France New Series QC, Canada Réarrangement relatif Mathématiques et Un instrument d’estimations dans les Technologie problèmes aux limites Avec des contributions de: H. Antaya, Springer Undergraduate I. Ascah-Coallier L‘objectif de ce livre est de présenter une méthode méconnue voire nouvelle basée sur le concept du Texts in Mathematics and réarrangement relatif qui est le sujet principal de ce Technology Les auteurs présentent des concepts mathéma- livre. Pour ce faire, on a développé des propriétés tiques de base, comme les chaînes de Markov, les du réarrangement monotone dont certaines ne se Series editors: J. M. Borwein, H. Holden fonctions itérées, la structure de corps fini, et les trouvent dans aucun autre ouvrage que dans ce développent dans le contexte de problèmes réels livre (sauf dans des revues) comme les inégalités de tels que la navigation internet, la compression Polyà-Szego ou les C_alpha-réarrangements. On y La collection SUMAT s’adresse aux étudiants de de données et les codes correcteurs d‘erreurs. Un étudie la régularité de la dérivée du réarrangement premier cycle et de début du second cycle qui des leitmotivs du texte est de montrer comment monotone ainsi que la continuité de cette applica- se destinent à une carrière dans un domaine la modélisation mathématique, la puissance des tion dérivée. d’application des mathématiques, par exemple outils mathématiques et l’abstraction sont toutes On y expose les inégalités ponctuelles de Poincaré- le génie, les technologies de l’information, cruciales pour l’innovation technologique. Les Sobolev qui permettent de retrouver les inégalités l’informatique et l’industrie. Les manuels de cette divers sujets sont présentés avec clarté et les classiques de Sobolev, mais aussi toutes sortes collection mettent l’accent sur des sujets comme les mathématiques toujours discutées à partir de d’inégalités du même type liées à n’importe quel technologies de l’information, l’imagerie, les tech- connaissances de base. Chaque chapitre suggère espace normé comme les espaces de Lorentz. niques de compression, la navigation sur la Toile. de nombreux exercices, certains élémentaires pour La modélisation mathématique et les méthodes renforcer la compréhension, d’autres plus avancés Contents numériques y sont à l’honneur. pour explorer de nouvelles problématiques. Une Préface.- 1.Réarrangement monotone.- 2.Réar- Editorial board: mise en contexte historique de certains concepts rangement relatif.- 3.Inégalités type Polyà-Szego, Lisa Goldberg, MSCI Barra, Berkeley, CA, USA mathématiques ou de l’évolution d’une tech- régularité réarrangement.- 4.Inégalités ponc- Armin Iske, University of Hamburg, Germany nologique enrichit le texte. tuelles et inclusions de Sobolev.- 5.Formalisme Palle E.T. Jorgensen, The University of Iowa, Iowa d’estimations pour les problèmes aux limites.- City, IA, USA Features 6.Continuité de l‘application dérivée du réar- Stephen M. Robinson, University of Wisconsin at 7 Ce livre vulgarise de nombreuses applica- rangement montone u -> u*.- 7.Continuité forte Madison, WI, USA tions des mathématiques et tout mathématicien de l’appl. réarrangement relatif : u -> b*u et ou doctorant en mathématiques sera également conséquences.- 8.Quelques problèmes liés au réar- intéressé. 7 Les divers sujets sont présentés avec rangement relatif.-9.Réarrangement relatif d’une clarté et les mathématiques toujours discutées famille de fonctions et problèmes d’évolution.- à partir de connaissances de base 7 Chaque 10.Exercices et Problèmes.- 11.Solutions ou chapitre suggère de nombreux exercices, certains Indications.- 12.Commentaires bibliographiques.- élémentaires pour renforcer la compréhension Littérature.- Index. Fields of interest Field of interest Informatique, généralités Analyses fonctionelles Target groups Target groups Étudiants en mathématiques au premier cycle Étudiants de Master, chercheurs (undergraduates du système nord-américain) et futurs maîtres du secondaire; ce livre vulgarise de Type of publication nombreuses applications des mathématiques et Monographie tout mathématicien ou doctorant en mathéma- tiques sera également intéressé

Type of publication Manuel 2ème cycle

A paraître août 2008 A paraître octobre 2008

2008. Env. 320 p. (Mathématiques et Applications, 2009. XVIII, 594 p. 214 ill. (Springer Undergraduate Texts Volume 64) Broché in Mathematics and Technology) Relie 7 approx. * € (D) 64,91 | € (A) 66,73 | sFr 101,00 7 approx. * € (D) 45,96 | € (A) 47,25 | sFr 71,50 9ISBN 978-3-540-69117-4 9ISBN 978-0-387-69212-8 springer.de/buchhandel Springer News 7/2008 Mathematik 49

V. Romanovski, University of Maribor, Slovenia; W. Rudin, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA E. Salinelli, Università del Piemonte Orientale, D. Shafer, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Novara, Italia; F. Tomarelli, Politecnico di Milano, NC, USA Function Theory in the Unit Italia The Center and Cyclicity Ball of Cn Modelli dinamici discreti Problems A Computational Approach From the reviews 7 …The book is easy on the reader. The prerequisites are minimal – just the stan- Il volume, giunto alla seconda edizione, fornisce dard graduate introduction to real analysis, complex una presentazione della modellistica matematica In the last three decades, new methods for analysis (one variable), and functional analysis. This discreta ed una introduzione all’analisi dei sistemi investigating polynomial ideals and their vari- presentation is unhurried and the author does most dinamici discreti. Sono illustrate alcune tecniche eties have emerged, providing new possibilities of the work. …certainly a valuable reference book, per le equazioni alle differenze lineari, si studiano for approaching the long-standing center and and (even though there are no exercises) could be le proprietà qualitative delle soluzioni e la loro cyclicity problems. Using a computational algebra used as a text in advanced courses. 7 R. Rochberg struttura nel caso di modelli non lineari, con approach, this work addresses the center and in Bulletin of the Mathematical Society. particolare riferimento alle proprietà di stabilità. cyclicity problems as behaviors of dynamical 7 …an excellent introduction to one of the most La materia è presentata in modo unitario, svilup- systems and families of polynomial systems. active research fields of complex analysis. …As pando dapprima esempi e motivazioni, per The text first lays the groundwork for computa- the author emphasizes, the principal ideas can be poi affrontarne la modellazione, le tecniche di tional algebra and gives the main properties of presented clearly and explicitly in the ball, specific soluzione ed i metodi di simulazione al computer. ideals in polynomial rings and their affine varieties theorems can be quickly proved. …Mathematics Sono incluse numerose figure e diagrammi ottenuti followed by a discussion on the theory of normal lives in the book: main ideas of theorems and proofs, mediante simulazioni al computer. Sono proposti forms and stability. The center and cyclicity prob- essential features of the subjects, lines of further circa 150 esercizi suddivisi per problematiche. lems are then explored in detail. developments, problems and conjectures are contin- Sono presentati in dettaglio i listati dei programmi Containing exercises as well as historical notes and ually underlined. …Numerous examples throw light utilizzati per generare la rappresentazione grafica algorithms, this self-contained text is suitable for on the results as well as on the difficulties. delle iterazioni di sistemi dinamici ed i diagrammi an advanced graduate course in the subject as well 7 C. Andreian Cazacu in Zentralblatt für di biforcazione. La struttura del testo rispecchia le as a reference for researchers. Mathematik esigenze dei nuovi ordinamenti universitari.

Features Features Fields of interest 7 Each chapter includes examples, exercises, 7 A recognized classic and standard reference for Combinatorics; Analisi algorithms and historical notes 7 The compu- the subject tational algebra approach provides additional Target groups understanding of the center and cyclicity problems Field of interest Il volume è indirizzato a studenti delle Facoltà 7 Includes foundational material on the center Analysis di Ingegneria, Economia, Scienze Matematiche, and cyclicity problems as well as current research Scienze Biologiche, Scienze Fisiche, Statistica, efforts Target groups Informatica Graduate students and researchers Contents Type of publication Preface.- Polynomial Ideals and Their Vari- Type of publication Libro di testo introduttivo eties.- Stability and Normal Forms.- The Center Monograph Problem.- The Isochronicity and Linearizability Problems.- Invariants of the Rotation Group.- Bifurcations of Limit Cycles and Critical Periods.- References.- Index.

Fields of interest Dynamical Systems and Ergodic Theory; Ordinary Differential Equations; Partial Differential Equa- tions

Target groups Graduate students and researchers interested in nonlinear differential equations

Type of publication Graduate/Advanced undergraduate textbook Due July 2008

Originally published as volume 241 in the series: Pubblicazione prevista per il mese Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften di settembre 2008 Due September 2008 Reprint of the 1st ed. Berlin Heidelberg New York 1980 2nda ed. 2008. XII, 300 pagg. (UNITEXT / La Matematica 2008. Approx. 300 p. 5 illus. Softcover 2008. XIII, 436 p. (Classics in Mathematics) Softcover per il 3+2) Brossura 7 approx. * € (D) 49,43 | € (A) 50,82 | sFr 80,50 7 * € (D) 42,75 | € (A) 43,95 | sFr 66,50 7 approx. * € (D) 28,76 | € (A) 29,57 | sFr 45,00 9ISBN 978-0-8176-4726-1 9ISBN 978-3-540-68272-1 9ISBN 978-88-470-1075-8 50 Mathematik Springer News 7/2008 springer.de/buchhandel

K. Siddiqi, McGill University, Montreal, Canada; A. Soifer, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, M. Stillman, N. Takayama, J. Verschelde (Eds.) S. Pizer, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, CO, USA USA (Eds.) Software for Algebraic The Mathematical Coloring Geometry Medial Representations Book Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications Mathematics of Coloring and the Colorful Life of Its Creators Over the past fifteen years, several excellent general purpose packages for computations in The last half century has seen the development algebraic geometry have been developed, such as, of many biological or physical theories that have CoCoA, Singular and Macaulay 2. While these explicitly or implicitly involved medial descrip- This book is dedicated to problems involving packages evolve continiously, incorporating new tions of objects and other spatial entities in our colored objects, and to results about the existence mathematical advances, they both motivate and world. Simultaneously mathematicians have of certain exciting and unexpected properties demand the creation of new mathematics and studied the properties of these skeletal descriptions that occur regardless of how these objects are smarter algorithms. of shape, and, stimulated by the many areas where colored. In mathematics, these results comprise the This volume reflects the workshop “Software for medial models are useful, computer scientists and beautiful area known as Ramsey Theory. Wolfram’s Algebraic Geometry” held in the week from 23 engineers have developed numerous algorithms for Math World defines Ramsey Theory as “the to 27 October 2006, as the second workshop in computing and using these models. mathematical study of combinatorial objects in the thematic year on Applications of Algebraic The book consists of an introductory chapter, two which a certain degree of order must occur as the Geometry at the IMA. The papers in this volume chapters on the major mathematical results on scale of the object becomes large”. Ramsey Theory describe the software packages Bertini, PHClab, medial representations, five chapters on algorithms thus includes parts of many fields of mathematics, Gfan, DEMiCs, SYNAPS, TrIm, Gambit, ApaTools, for extracting medial models from boundary or including combinatorics, geometry, and number and the application of Risa/Asir to a conjecture on binary image descriptions of objects, and three theory. This book addresses famous and exciting multiple zeta values. They offer the reader a broad chapters on applications in image analysis and problems of Ramsey Theory, along with the history view of current trends in computational algebraic other areas of study and design. This book will surrounding the discovery of Ramsey Theory. In geometry through software development and serve the science and engineering communities addition, the author studies the life of , applications. using medial models and will provide learning Pierre Joseph Henry Baudet and B.L. van der material for students entering this field. Waerden. In researching this book over the past Contents 18 years, the author corresponded extensively with Software for numerical algebraic geometry: Features B.L. van der Waerden, Paul Erdos, Henry Baudet, A paradigm and progress towards its implemen- 7 The only consolidated account on medial and many others. tation.- PhClab: A MATLAB/Octave interface representations to date 7 Tutorial in nature to PHCpack.- Computing Grobner fans and and written for a general audience 7 Includes Features tropical varieties in Gfan.- On a conjecture mathematical notation appendices, a glossary of 7 Will contain material that has never been for the dimension of the space of the multiple terms and a detailed index 7 All of the chapters published before 7 Numerous historic photos zeta values.- DEMiCs: A software package for are written by world leaders in the theory and use 7 Author is a lively story teller computing the mixed volume via dynamic of medial representations 7 Organized into enumeration of all mixed cells.- SYNAPS, a library 3 logical parts: mathematics, algorithms and Contents for dedicated applications in symbolic numeric applications Epigraph.- Foreword by Branko Grunbaum.- Fore- computing.- Tropical implicitization and mixed word by Peter Johnson, Jr.- Foreword by Cecil fiber polytopes.- Towards a black-box solver for Fields of interest Rousseau.- Greetings to the reader.- Merry-go- finite games: Computing all equilibria with Gambit Geometry; Algorithms; Image Processing round.- Colored plane: chromatic number of the and PHCpack.- APATools: A software toolbox for plane.- Coloring graphs.- Coloring maps.- Colored approximate polynomial algebra. Target groups graphs.- The Ramsey principle.- Colored integers.- Graduate students, scientists, engineers and Colored polygons.- Colored integers in service of Fields of interest researchers in computer science, electrical chromatic number of the plane.- Predicting the Algebraic Geometry; Scientific Computing; engineering, mechanical engineering, biomedical future.- Farewell to the reader.- Bibliography.- Numerical Analysis engineering, medical imaging, radiology or Index of names.- Index of terms.- Index of nota- psychology; anyone with an interest in image tions. Target groups analysis, computer vision, graphics, computer- Researchers, graduate students aided design, object recognition, object modeling, Fields of interest statistical shape analysis, or computer graphics and Combinatorics; History of Mathematics; Math- Type of publication animation ematical Logic and Foundations Monograph

Type of publication Target groups Contributed volume Mathematicians, historians of science

Type of publication Monograph Due August 2008 Due July 2008 Due November 2008 2008. XVI, 413 p. 204 illus., 84 in color. (Computational 2008. IX, 167 p. (The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Imaging and Vision, Volume 37) Hardcover 2009. Approx. 600 p. 211 illus. Hardcover Applications, Volume 148) Hardcover 7 * € (D) 80,20 | € (A) 82,45 | sFr 124,50 7 * € (D) 45,96 | € (A) 47,25 | sFr 71,50 7 * € (D) 74,85 | € (A) 76,95 | sFr 122,00 9ISBN 978-1-4020-8657-1 9ISBN 978-0-387-74640-1 9ISBN 978-0-387-78132-7 springer.de/buchhandel Springer News 7/2008 Mathematik 51

K. Williams, Torino, Italy (Ed.) Nexus Network Journal 10,2 Architecture and Mathematics

This volume features a collection of papers dedicated to “Canons of Form-Making”, in honor of the 500th anniversary of the birth of architect Andrea Palladio (1508-1580). Theorist as well as practitioner, Palladio’s architecture was based on well-defined canons that he had gleaned from studying the treatises as well as the remains of architecture from antiquity. Palladio himself left to posterity not only his large corpus of built works, but his Quattro libri d’architettura. Three of the papers in this issue are specifically about Palladio and his work. The other papers deal with canons of form-making, ancient and contemporary.

Features 7 Special issue on “Canons of Form-Making” to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the birth of Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio 7 Guest- edited by Stephen R. Wassell, Palladio scholar and author of “Andrea Palladio: Villa Cornaro in Piombino Desi” 7 New research by renowned scholars such as Lionel March and Carl Bovill 7 Ten in-depth studies of form generation in architecture through the use of mathematical principles

From the contents L. March: Palladio, Pythagoreanism and Renais- sance Mathematics.- B. Eilouti: The Palladian Façade Language Represented by a String Recogni- tion Device.- T. Salgado-Garcia: A Perspective Analysis of the Rotonda’s Proportions: Making Visible the Invisible.- C. Bovill: The Doric Order as a Fractal.- R.B.F. Castiglia, M.G. Bevilacqua: Architecture, Geometry and Well-Being: The Case Of The Turkish Baths in Elbasan (Albania).

Field of interest Mathematics, general

Target groups Architects, mathematicians and everyone inter- ested in the subject

Type of publication Contributed volume

Due December 2008

2009. Approx. 150 p. (Nexus Network Journal, Volume 10,2) Softcover 7 approx. * € (D) 64,09 | € (A) 65,89 9ISBN 978-3-7643-8765-5