Panghayati Raj and Drinking Water Department

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Panghayati Raj and Drinking Water Department GOVERNMENT OF ODISHA PANGHAYATI RAJ AND DRINKING WATER DEPARTMENT BID DOGUMENT FOR SHORT TENDER CALL NOTICE NO. 02 OF 2021-22 OFFICE OF THE PANCHAYAT SAMITI, GHASIPURA Name of the work :- Const. of DISTRICT RURAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY. KEONJHAR fusa Block Develowentbfiicer, Ghasinura GOVT. OT'ODISIIA PANCHAYATI RA,I AIID DRIIYKING WATER DEPARTMENT PA]\ICHAYAT SAMITI, CHASIPURA LName of the Works: :_ Const. of ................... 2.Total No. Of Works: Fifty Four Nos 3.Approximated Estimated Cost: Rs.....,............ 4.Class of Contractor: .............. 5.period of Completion: 3 ( Three Cdender month) 6.Date ofsale ofTender paper: _ Dt 0&062021 to I&062021. 7.Last pap date of receipt of Tender er - Dt2L06.2021 tiu S,00pM. 8.Date and time of Opening papet: of Tende r - Dr22.062021at 11.00 AM. The details can be seen from the website http:/ rww.kendujhar, and from the DTCN. Contractor W',' Block Developien8ffcer, Ghas i oura PANCHAYAT SAMITI: GHASIPURA DETAILED TENDER CALL NOTTCE (01'202I.22) Terms and Conditions sealed tenders in conformity with detailed tender call nolice to be eventually drawn in from of the opwD F-2 Agreement and will be received up to 5.0q_E.i,l_9u!q5;?!et by the Block Devetopment officer. GHASIPUM for the work: ',Consl of .......................................................................................... at a tender value of Rs ( As in TCN ) from Govemment Registered contractors of R&B/N.H/RW wings of class & 0", "c "B & c", "g * t" .nd above and wifl be opened on 22.06.202i at i.r.00 A.M in presence of the tenderers or their authorized 4ents by the Brock Deveropment officer, GHASrpuRA. The tenderers shafl pledge note that the work shal have to be mmpreted within 3ohreel calendar month commencing from lhe date of issue of the written order. Tenderers are requtred to submit a detail programme of v'ork along with tende.s which they consider necessary keeping in view the clause of the F- 2 Agreement of P.w D, without this programme of work, the tender shall be considering defective & liable for rejection No late tenders will be considered. Tender submitted through telephone or telegram will not be accepted. Tenderers are required to submit a'Bid securily Declaration" in lieu of Bid security with slipulation that, if they withdraw or modify their bids during period of validity etc. they will be suspended for the time specified in the tender documents as per office memorandum No.gg43 Dated 1g.03.2021 of Finance DeDtt. of Govt. of Odisha. tl Bidders submiting downroaded documents bid from officiar weDsrle of Nrc, Keonjhar (http//:www kendujhar' are requested to deposil lhe requisite non-refundabte lees of Rs.6000/- /Rs.,o00/' in shape of demand draft and prepared on or before rast date of sare of lender paper and submit the same arong wirh the bid keeping in a separate enverop mafis cost of tender documents downloaded from internet. 5. The Block Deveropment otricer, GHAsrpuRA reseryes the right to reject any or a[ the tenders received withoul assigning any reason. The tenderer, whose tender is selected for a@eptance shall within a period of seven days upon wdtten intimation being given to his of acreptance of his lender mad( an initiafiy securily deposit equar to thal of E.M.D. over and above lhe . E.M.D. i.e Bid security Decraration, as stipurated in clause above and sign the agreement in the item rate contract from the p.w.D. The amount withheld from successive work bills according to the provisions of the item rate cont€ct shall be retained as security deposit. Fairure to execute required agreement and deposit of the security i.e " Bid security Declaration" as above shafl be suspended for the time specified in the crause of the F-2 Agreement of P W D. No tender shafi be frnafly accepted unress the rEuired Bid security Decraration is deposited. The u/nnen agreement to be entered into bet een the contractor and the Brock Deveropment officer, GHASTPUM shafl be the foundation of the right of both parties and the contract sha, be deem to be Incrmprete untir the agreement has first been signed by the contracl'r and then by the Brock Development Officer, GHASTPURA in the manner as laid down in O.p.W.D Code. Contractor !D Block Development Ofricer, Ghasipura Both E.M.D. & I S.D ( BID Security Declaration) shall be refunded to the successfut tender after 6 months of completion of works povided that pointed all defecls if out by Engineering staff are leclilied. Hov/ever, the security deposit will be refunded only after audit, which is being deducted from time to time in all running as well as final bills. 7, The rate shall be quoted in words and figures. othenrrise, the tender wi be riabre for re.lection. In case of disctepancy between unit's rates and totals, the uniu%rate rate shall prevail. The rates shall be quoted in 7o rate contact The tender shal be written regibry and free from erasers, over wntings, conversion of figures. co'ections, where unavoidable shourd be made by scoing out, initiaring dating and re-writing. The contractor shal be responsibre for paymenr of royarties or other charges for quarrying materiars. Arl local taxes incruding state sares tax and income tax, ferry and toflage charges, olher rocar taxes shafi be paid by the contractor' The same will be deducted from the work bill if the contractor fails lo produce the valid receipt in supporl of the payment of the above said chargevtaxes, The tender sharr not be considered unress the tenderer encroses rrue copies of Income Tax crearance cenmcate and sares Tax crearance certificate and Labour License from the competent Authority arong with his tender and originar certificate are produced to be before the Brock Deveropment officer, GHASIPURA at the tirne of sale of tender papers. 10, lf the contraclor removes any materials or stock supplied to him from the stte of the rr,ork with a view lo dispose off the same dishonestry or for any other reason without written permission of rhe Brock Development ofiicer, GHASIPUM he shall in addition to any other liabilities ctvil or criminal arising out ol such removar, riabre to pay a penarty equivarent to given times rate of the materiars or stock s0 removed according to the stipulated rate and the penalty so imposed shall be recovered from the contractor from any sum that may then be immediately due or any time there afrer becomes due to lhe contractor or from his security. 11, The contractor shat be futy riabre to indemnify the grock paymenl of any compensation under ri\orkmen c.mpensation Act v||r of 1923 0n account of worker emproyed by him and the fufl amount of compensation paid shall be recovered from the contraqor. 12. Arr Reinforced cement concrete work shafl confim to the detaired Indian standard specirication and sharl be of proportion per as design with the specmcation mentioned in the tender schedure. A[ items of vr'rk shafl be executed in accordance with the detaired standard specification of orissa as folowed by state PWD (Roads & Buitdings). 13. shuttering and centering shafl be wfth seasoned sar wood pranks inner width of which shafl be rined wirh suitabre shuttering made of reak proof and tight incruding farse wo* as directed or arlemativery steel shuttenng and centering shall be used, Contractor B lock Development Oflicer, Ghasipura 14. For the purpose of the jurisdiction, in the evenl of dispute if any, the contractor shall be deemed to have been into within the Block Area and it is agreed that neither pany to the agreement will be competent lo bring any suit with regards to the matter covered by this contracl ar any ptace. 15 lt is contracto/s responsibility to conectly demarcate the lay{ut and orientation of the building etc. and fixation of level pillars at site as directed by the Asst. Executive Engineer or Asst. Engineer or Junior Engineer or Grama Panchayat Technical Assistant. All expenditure in connedion with tools and olants. instrumental materials etc., shall be borne by the contractor. '16 Afrer the rrrork is finished, all surplus materials and debris shall be removed, preliminary work such as mixing plates etc.' are to be dismantled and all the materials removed from the site and ground upto 30 mtrs wide from the building etc. should be cleaned and dressed by the contractor at his own cost. The net rale quoted should be inclusively of all these expenditures. He should retum all the unused Departmental materials to JE concemed. 17 The contractor shall not interfere with the execution of water supply or electrical fittings and other works enftsted to any olher agency by the Block at the time during the progFss of nork. 18 The Engineer-in'charge of work shall have the righl to reject the scaffolding and centering etc., made for the \,\ork and such structure if found defective in his/ lheir opinion. 19 The contractor shal al his own cost make water suppry for a[ work and make sanitary anangements for his labour campus. The Contractors shall also anange adequate lighting anangement for night wort, wherever at his own cost. 20' Boiling of water arising from any reason whatsoever from the foundation if necessary shall be bome by the contractor' No payment shall be made for lixing ananges bench-ma*s. Level pillers pofiles and benching and leveling the ground whenever required, The rates quoted shall be for finished items of work inclusive of all incidental items of work. 21' lt should be undeBtood clearly that on claim whatsoever shall be entertained as regards ext€ item of $/orx 0r extra quantily of any item in excess of lhe estimate, wrilten oroer must be obtained from the Block Development Officer, GHASIpUM for such e(ra item or quantity of work.
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