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Hendrickson, Dean Arthur


Arizona State University PH.D. 1987

University Microfilms International 300 N. Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Ml48106


Dean A. Hendrickson

A Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy


May 1987


Dean A. Hendrickson

has been approved

t1ay 1987



Supervisory Committee


-~::?d~--Dean, Graduate College

------···---·- ···------· ------. --··. ABSTRACT

Morphometric analyses of Agosia chrysogaster indicated a

northern morph native to Bill Will lams, Gila, Sonoyta and de la

Concepcion basins of Arizona, New Mexico and Sonora, and a southern form from Willcox Playa of Arizona and Rios Sonora, Yaqui, Mayo,

Fuerte an~ Sinaloa of Sonora and Sinaloa, Mexico. The latter is

smaller, and less sexually dimorphic, but has longer pre- and

postdorsal body lengths. Populations in the geographically

intermediate Rios Sonoyta and Sonora are morphologically intermediate.

Males differ more between morphs than do females. Meristic characters overlap between morphs, but the northern form has higher mean lateral line scale counts. Highly tuberculate nuptial males, characteristic

of the northern morph, were not found in the south, nor were •spawning• pits associated with spawning of the former. Morphs differ on a multivariate axis on which temporal variation at single localities is also reflected. Distances among some intra-locality samples on this axis were greater than least inter4norph distances. Measures of morphological disimilarity were

weakly correlated with inter-sample differences in elevation; latitude, and longitude, but more highly correlated with an index of

hydrologic isolation among localities. Differentiation among basins thus appears to reflect hydrographic isolation, rather than ecological


Electrophoretic data on&· chrysogaster produced relationships

patterns largely incongruent with results of the morphological

analyses, and with unexpected geographic area relationships.


--- -··- ----· ·------·-· ---·-- ··--···· ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS

Many people provided assistance that enabled me to complete this study. Primarily I wish to thank my wife, Sherry, and son, Garrett, who, along with my parents, supported me throughout this project and tolerated many hours in which my focus was on this instead of them. This work, and many others I have simultaneously undertaken, would have been impossible without their help and understanding. Dr. W. L. Minckley has been an endless source of support and intellectual stimulation throughout, and has made it possible for me to participate in several other professionally profitable, and enjoyable, endeavors.

My work with him has greatly broadened my scientific background and for that I am forever grateful.

Much field work for this study was supported by various grants from the Department of Zoology at Arizona State University, which also provided me with part-time teaching and museum assistantships for four years. I wish to thank all collectors mentioned in the 1 ist of samples for their field help, and all museum curators who lent specimens. Ms. Susan Zneimer did the electrophoretic analyses in the lab of Dr. Don Buth at University of California, Los Angeles. I also wish to thank Terry Johnson for his flexibility in allowing me time to complete this study while employed under his supervision at Arizona Game and Fish Department. Michael E. Douglas and members of my committee provided many suggestions which greatly improved the dissertation.





Distribution, Biology and Ecology of Agosia chrysogaster 4

Taxonomic History 10


Morphometric and Meristic analyses 12

Electrophoretic Analyses 15


Univariate Analyses 17

Multivariate Analyses of Morphometric Data 20

Allometric Differences Between Morphs 31

Shape Reconstructions 33

Temporal Variation in Morphology of Agosia chrysogaster 38

Classification of Unknowns to Morph and Basin 47

Results of Analyses of Meristic Data 50

Correlations with Ecology and Geography 51

Other Characters which Corroborate Morphometric Analyses 56

Results of Analyses of Electrophoretic Data 58


Physiography and Distribution of Morphotypes 85

Other Fishes 88


---· ----.------Page



APPENDIX 112 Appendix A. Acronyms and descriptions of morphometric variables. 112 Appendix B. Descriptions of samples used in analyses 114

Appendix C. Means and 9~/. confidence intervals <±2 standard errors) for all variables by sex and basin 120 Appendix D. Nonlinear regression statistics by sex and morph for all ·variables regressed on SL. 127 Appendix E. Composition of native fish faunas of river basins where Agosia chrysogaster is native. 136


--- -·-·· ·------· ----·------·-- LIST OF TABLES


Table 1. Mean Coefficient of Variation for all variables measured 5 times on each of 5 specimens. 18

Table 2. Summary of meristic characters of Agosia chrysogaster. 49

Table 3. Numbers of specimens of each genotype found in a survey of 15 1oc i i n 25 pop u 1 at i on s from 22 ge ogr ap h i c localities. 51

Table 4. Numbers of specimens of each genotype found in a survey of 15 loci in 25 populations from 22 geographic 1 oc a 1 i t i e s • 59

Table 5. Genetic similarities among samples- Nei 1 s <1978) unbiased genetic identity above diagonal, and Rogers 1 <1972) genetic similarity below diagonal. 62


------·-·· LI ST OF FI GURES

Page Figure 1. Map of distribution of Agosia chrrsogaster with localities of samples used 5

Figure 2. Lateral and ventral views of female Agosia chrysogaster and dorsa 1 v i ew of rna 1e 13

Figure 3_. Plot of sample mean scores on first canonical variates from 3 separate DFA~s maximizing distances among samples , basins and morphs 22

Figur~ 4. Scatter plot of scores on first two canonical variates of pooled, within-sample covariance matrix of females. 25

Figure 5. Plot of scores for all basins on sheared 2nd and 3rd components

and southern (stars> morphs of Agosia chrysogaster at grand mean SL. 34 Figure 7. Overlaid average shapes of females of northern (solid line) and southern (dotted line) morphs of Agosia chrysogaster at grand mean SL. Average measures at mean SL were predicted for each morph from non-linear regressions of each variable on SL. 36

Figu~e 8. Overlaid average shapes of males and females

Figure 9. Overlaid average shapes of males of southern morph of Agosia chrysogaster at grand mean SL. 41 Figure 19. Mean scores for samples on first two canonical variates of pooled, within-morph covariance matrix of females. 43

Figure 11. Percentages of total numbers of specimens used in morphometric analyses by month of collection and morph . 46


------· Page Figure 12. Relationship of Mahalanobis' multivariate distances among samples based on 49 morphometric variables, and •Pair level.• 53

Figure 13. Phenogram of genetic relationships of samples of Agosia chrysogaster 66

Figure 14. Unrooted Wagner network of relationships of samples of Agosia chrysogaster derived by clustering of Roger's (1972) genetic distance coefficients <1 -similarity) with the distance Wagner procedure of BIOSYS-1

Figure 16. Plot of S.



A number of major problems confront biogeographers analyzing evolutionary histories of western North American fishes. Studies of geology and paleoecology are complete enough that hypotheses of area

relationships can be formulated for testing against biological data

distributions required for such tests

Cracraft, 197S; Craw and Weston, 1984; Hendrickson, 1986; Nelson and

Platnick, 1981; Nelson and Rosen, 1981; Rosen, 197S, 1978, 1979>, are

inadequate or entirely lacking for the region's fishes.

This study partially ameliorates the paucity of systematic data

on Western North American fishes. The genus Agosia was chosen

primarily because it occurs in one of the ichthyologically least-studied regions of North America. within the genus has not been examined since the 18B9s (Jordan, 1886, 1891>, although

Miller <19S9> and McNatt (1974> suggested that specimens from the Rio Yaqui system were taxonomically distinct from those of the Gila River basin. Additionally, a second taxon , for which relationships have already been studied

198S>, shares much of its distribution with Agosia. If both fishes

attained their distributions via the same geologic events, they would display congruent phylogenies and area relationships. Failure in this

---- . ------···· 2

regard would indicate either independent derivations of distributions,

differential dispersals of species, or errors in reconstruction of phylogenies. Development of phylogenetic hypotheses for Agosia is thus required before the biogeographic hypothesis that it and f. occidentalis share the same history can be tested in the sense of

vicariance biogeographers

After preliminary analyses, a detailed phenetic approach to

relationships analysis was decided upon for several reasons. First,

samples from throughout the range of Agosia indicated little

inter-sample differentiation, and a lack of discernible osteological

or other anatomical characters appropriate for use in a strict

cladistic analysis. Furthermore, metric characters appropriate for

recoding to discontinuous character states , these have not consistently met with success. Second, a thorough mor·phometric analysis may reveal underlying cladistic patterns of relationships, or produr.e new characters. It need not be constrained to production of purely phenetic classifications. Recently developed techniques, such as truss systems

of measurements

1985; Winans, 1984) and Jshearing' of Principal Components

et al ., 1981; Strauss, 1984; Bookstein et al ., 1985), provide powerful

methods of analyzing morphometric data and comparing shapes and shape

------·-··- -- ·--·· ·------··--·----· 3 changes among groups. Such analyses can lead to discovery of characters useful in cladistic analyses.

Several hypotheses, stated as follows, were addressed with the morphometric data set:

1. Populations of each major river basin will be morphologically

differentiated from one another. Genetic isolation by

hydrographic divides and genetic drift or differential selection

since time of isolation are the means by which such

differentiation may have evolved. If morphological divergence is

constant in rate, and convergence is absent, patterns of phenetic

relationships should approach the true phylogeny. 2. Morphological distances among populations will be positively and

linearly related to hydrographic distance among them. While panmixia should prevent significant morphological differentiation among local, hydrographically proximal populations, deviation from panmictic conditions will increase as a function of inter-locality distance. Deviations from 1 inearity in this relationship reflect

either variations in gene flow, heterogeneity of differentiation

rates, or polyphyletic origins of single basin populations. Since

drainage distance .is believed the parameter most correlated with extent of genetic exchange, various other measures of inter-locality geographic distances should be less correlated with morphology.

3. Morphology will be uncorrelated with measures of ecological

conditions. Endler <1982a, b, 1983) and Chernoff <1982) have

pointed out some difficulties and importance of discriminating

------·-----~- ~~-- -~- ·-·-- -~~ 4

ecological from phylogenetic causes of variation. If morphology

is not affected by ecology, usefulness of morphological

differentiation as an indicator of phylogeny is increased.

4. Patterns of morphological variation will match patterns of

independently analyzed meristic, electrophoretic, and other data

sets .on relationships among populations of Agosia chrysogaster.

Congruent patterns should be evident as well in phylogenetic relationships of other groups similarly affected by the same events in earth history. Failure to find congruence among

independent data sets indicates failure of data to depict true phylogenies or differences in history among the groups being


Distribution, Biology and Ecology of Agosia chrysogaster

The natural geographic range of Agosia chrysogaster extends from

the Bill Williams River drainage <350 N> of Arizona, U.S.A. of Sinaloa, Mexico

1989; Hendrickson, 1984>. It occurs in all major, intervening

tributaries of the Sea of Cortez , with the

apparent exception of the Rio Matape of Sonora

the taxon is associated with a diverse m~alian, avian and herpetofauna of La Brean age

Non-native populations of Agosia, apparently the result of use of

------··- --·------····----·--- 5

Figure 1. Map of distribution of Agosia chrysogaster with localities of samples used. Outlined area is approximate natural distribution of the species. Open circles mark samples used in morphometric analysis only. Solid circles are for those used in both electrophoretic and morphometric analyses. Half-solid circles indicate those used only in electrophoresis.




GILA ..,1.~""'--,.,.. COLORADO~

SONOYTA -..,_..;1-4



------7 the species as bait , were recently discovered in streams of the endorheic Hualapai Lake system, Arizona , and became established in the Mimbres, Zuni and Pecos rivers, and Rio

Grande , of New Mexico

No specimens have been taken in recent studies in the Virgin RiverJ Arizona and Nevada (e.g., Cross, 1985; unpublished data, J. E. Deacon, pers. comm.>. That population

Desert region to which Agosia chrysogaster is native were recently reviewed by Turner and Brown <1982>, and aquatic habitats of the region described by Hendrickson et al. <1981>, Hinckley and Brown (1982>, and

Hendrickson and Hinckley <1985>. Paleoclimatology was reviewed by

Hinckley et al. <1986>, who further described the region's geologic history.

Aoosia chrrsogaster is typically the most abundant fish in Soncran

Desert stre~s. While mostly at low to mid-elevation (less than 1500 m>, it penetrates to 2873 m elevation

. Records from Mexican drainages extend no higher than about 1698 m

Hinckley, 1981; Schreiber, 1978; Schreiber and Hinckley, 1982; Fisher

et al ., 1981> cyprinid is highly successful and apparently well adapted to low-order tributaries, persisting through a broad, highly fluctuant

and unpredictable spectrum of conditions ranging from dramatic flash floods to near total desiccation

~·~'nckley and Meffe, in press>, and individuals survived under algal mats in stream reaches lacking daytime surface flqws.{Minc~ley, 1973;

Deacon and Hinckley, 1974), Decreased nocturnal evapo-transpiration

renewed surface discharge and allowed the fish to leave algal mats to

forage. High fecundity and prolonged reproductive period

Barber, 1979; Rinne, 1975; Lewis, 1978a; Kepner, 1982> provide rapid

recovery from events which reduce populations. An apparent high

vagil ity

adaptability were provided by Lewis <1978b>, who provided data on tolerance of Agosia chrysogaster to toxic mine effluents, Lowe et al. <1967>, who studied its survival in low concentrations of dissolved oxygen, and by Marsh and Hinckley's <1982> record of the species from Phoenix metropolitan area irrigation canals.

Breeding behavior and spawning habitats of a. chrysogaste~ in the Gila River basin have been described by Hinckley and Barber <1979>,


Hinckley <1973>, Lewis (197Bb>, and Kepner <1982). Saucer-shaped

nests are excavated to a depth of 1 - 4 em in sand or gravel of shallow

areas (3- 18 em) with little current, generally at mouths of

backwaters. Males do not defend territories, but move with apparent

randomness over nesting areas. Single females enter the area and spawn in a brief flurry of sand, with one or rarely 2 males, in the depressions. Females quickly depart from spawning areas and males

resume patrolling. Eggs are non-adhesive. Any one female generally

carries ova in 3 stages of development. Spawning periodicity is multimodal, and at least some eggs appear ready to be spawned at almost

any time of the year. Individuals reach maturity asynchronously, but

spawning activity of populations peaks in spring and autumn. Fecundity

ranged from 8 to 379 ova per female in Kepner~s (1982) study. Low

numbers of eggs per nest indicate fractional spawning and distribution of egg complements across numerous nests. Postlarval anatomy and development have been described by Winn and Miller <1954). Agosia chrysogaster is parasitized by a diversity of organisms . In this study, infestations of Posthodiplostomum minimum

significant biological impacts .

------· Taxonomic History

The genus Agosia has a relatively simple taxonomic history. Girard <1856) described 2 species, a. chrrsogaster and a. metallica, respectively from the Santa Cruz and San Pedro rivers of the Gila River

drainage, and shortly afterwards published figures

These taxa were subsequently synonymized with B· chrysogaster

page priority) by Evermann and Rutter <1895). In the interim, Cope and

Yarrow <1875) examined other material from Fort Lowell, Arizona, on the

Gila River, which they described as Hyborynchus siderius. Jordan and

Gilbert (1883) referred these specimens to the genus Zophendum. Jordan (1891) noted the Camp Lowell Zophendum did not differ from specimens of a. chrysogaster from the Rio Sonora. Over the last 59 years, taxonomic status has been stable, and the genus has been accepted as monotypic aside from comments by Miller <1959> and McNatt <1974> who noted that Rio Yaqui populations may represent a distinct, undescribed form. Relationships of North American cyprinids have long been unclear, and phyletic affinities of the genus Agosia remain so. Many taxa now

believed to be distant relatives of AQosia have at one time been placed

into the genus ; and subsequently separated. Coad (1976> proposed that Agosia was phyletically nearest Relictus, Rhinichthrs, and Tiaroga, while Hubbs

and Miller (1948a) considered Moapa to be its nearest relative. Coad

1 inked Moapa with Eremichthys, at some distance from the group

containing Agosia. Recently, Hinckley et al. (1986) 1 based on recent

geological data, speculated that relationships of various western North

------·-~-- ·----···-· ---- . ---·-·------···-· 11

American taxa may I ie to the south, and in particular that nearest relatives of Agosia may be found within , a central Mexican endemic. At least phenetically, some taxa currently in Algansea

Algansea aphanea) are remarkably similar to Agosia. However, Barbour and Miller (1978> hypothesized the sister group of Algansea to be subgenus Temeculina of genus Gila. This relationship, which makes Gila

paraphyletic, is based principally on a single synapomorphy , which allegedly experienced reversal in at least some Algansea. The same osteological character is problematic in

taxonomy of certain taxa assigned provisionally to Notropis , and appears to have independent, polyphyletic origins.

Although I do not further address relationships of the genus Agosia, a comment relevant to future studies is appropriate. While taxa previously hypothesized as its sister groups are western North American forms, such need not be the case. For example, Howes (1984) considers that Pogonichthys and Ptychocheilus may be North American representatives of the otherwise eastern Asian aspinine cyprinids. His work lends support to earlier speculations of such trans-Pacific relationships , pointing out that extra-continental taxa should be included in future analyses of intergeneric relationships. METHODS AND MATERIALS

Morphometric and Meristic Analyses

Specimens were collected by seines and electrofishing, preserved in 19/. formalin and transferred to 70/. ethanol after rinsing in water. Host preserved material is in the Co11 ect ion of Fishes, Arizona State University , University of New Mexico , U.S. National Museum and Museum of Comparative Zoology . Counts followed Hubbs and Lagler (1970) on the left side of 241

specimens from the same samples used for morphometric analyses.

Meristics data were compiled on at least one sample of 39 specimens

from each major basin. A truss system

dimensions, was used for morphometric measurements. Data were taken on

49 dimensions

of body shape and size from 1236

specimens representing 69 spatially and/or temporally separated samples

the IBM 3981 and 3999 mainframe computers at ASU, employing programs in versions 5.98 and 5.16 of the Statistical Analysis System

Figure 2. Lateral and ventral views of female Agosia chrysogaster and dorsal view of mate.· Measurements used in moprhometric analyses are indicated.

------·-- ·-··-·- 14 15

characters were ambiguous. Each major sub-basin of the Gila River

drainage was represented by similar sample sizes. Morphometric data en

non-native populations of Hualapai Lake, Mimbres River, and Rio Grande drainages also were analyzed.

Data were subjected to descriptive, univariate statistical

analyses , 1 inear regressions and frequency distributions , as well as variable-by-variable plots , to detect obvious errors , which were verified or corrected by re-rneasurement or

specimen deletion. Unless otherwise specified, all analyses were

conducted separately on each sex and significance levels of PS.05

applied in all tests. Since sexual dimorphism confounded many

analyses, results presented here are of analyses on females only unless stated otherwise.

Multivariate analyses of morphometric data were done using SAS


the PROC MATRIX code presented by Bookstein et al. (1985); after

corrections of minor errors, including those pointed out by Rohlf (in press),

Electrophoretic Analyses

Electrophoretic analyses were done by Zneimer <1986>. Specimens

were frozen fresh on dry ice in the field and maintained at -800 C for

a maximum of 5 years prior to analysis. Populations used in the

------·· ------·-·--····------· ------. ·-··-·· 16 electrophoretic survey are indicated in Appendix B. Buffer systems and stains employed to survey 15 presumptive loci resolved from mixed tissue extracts are described in Zneimer <1986>. All analyses of electrophoretic data were done using BIOSYS-1

Univariate Analyses

Measurement precision was analyzed by compiling 5 repeated measurements of all variables on each of 5 individual specimens of varied size and sex from 5 different collections. Means, standard errors and coefficients cf variation were calculated for each character for each specimen. Mean CV

Measurement precision varied over nearly 3 orders of magnitude among characters, but most <42 of 49} were measured relatively precisely, with cv~s ranging from 9.118 to 9.747. Greatest lengths were measured with the least error of all , and 4 characters displayed unusually high measurement errors . Univariate summary statistics were computed for all variables by locality, basin, and sex. Within each sex, Kruskal-wallis nonparametric one-way analysis of variance indicated highly significant

Sex-specific means and 9~/. confidence intervals for all raw variables are summarized in Appendix C. 18


NARORB 3.227 SNTBARB 0.458 HEADW 0.274 ISTHMUS 1.934 OPERNAR 0.425 DOOPERCO 0.264 NARL 1.684 MOUT!id 0.429 DORSFL 0.250 BARB ORB 1.264 BODYW 0.404 PCFL 0.237 PECOPER 9.747 PELVGW 0.490 BPECTO 0.216 NARSNT 0.735 IORB 0.392 PECDO 0.209 OPERCORB 9.704 PELFL 0.372 ANFL 0.205 I NARES 0.677 ORBDIA 0.372 PECOPELO 0.203 IPREMAX 9.629 PELOANO 0.370 PELODI 0.180 SNTBMEM 0.618 ALIPB 8.367 NPECTO 0.172 I BARB 9.616 AN BASE 8.360 ANODO 0.167 PLIPB 0.506 CAUDPD 0.356 PELODO 0.137 BOPERCO 9.505 ANOHP 0.349 HEADD 0.124 DORSBASE 0.501 IOPERCO 0.315 HEADL 9.110 LOPERCO 9.485 ANODI 9.396 SL 9.068 BARBNAR 9.466 HPDORSI 9.284 FL 9.953 TL 0.035 Table 1. Mean Coefficient of Variation for all variables measured 5 times on each of 5 specimens. CV was computed for each specimen, then averaged across specimens. See Appendix A for acronyms and descriptions of variables.

Since size differences were present ~ong samples, basins and sexes, it was desirable to isolate these effects. Bookstein et al. <1985) recently reviewed methods of isolating size effects from those of shape in morphometric studies. Basically, three methods have been employed: Principal Components Analysis , ratios, and regressions. PCA was used extensively, as will be discussed later. Use of ratios of distance characters

1978; Albrecht, 1978; Hills, 1978; Pimentel, 1979; Humphries et al .,

1981; Mosimann and James, 1979; Blackith and Reyment, 1984; Bookstein

e t a 1 • , 1985) .

Regression techniques were applied to partition variance into

size-related and size-free components. For each sex, plots of raw variables ·against SL revealed non-1 inear relationships, which remained

after log transformations. Log-log 1 inear regression of individual variables regressed on SL produced generally high coefficients of correlation (r2),85>, but plots of residuals revealed

consistent deviations from linearity. The same was true if individual

variables were regressed onto scores of the first principal component

indicating better fit to the data. Therefore "size-free• data for each

sex were produced by non-linear regression of measures onto the first

principal component of pooled, within-sample, covariance matrices.

Resultant residuals were used in subsequent analyses. The possibility that the pooled population displayl\'d heterogeneity of allometric relationships was also investigated by regression

techniques. Tests revealed differences in regression parameters ~ong

basins, which are discussed later.

---· ,_, ______213

Multivariate Analyses of Morphometric Data

PCA was used not only to summarize the data set and analyze relationships ~ong variables, but as a means of evaluating •natural• groupings of observations. PCA of the pooled covariance matrix of log-transformed raw measures of all variables produced a single cluster of data points on all plots of component scores. Upon closer ex~ination, however, mean scores for some drainage basins differ~d from others, despite broad overlap in scatters for individual specimens. All variables loaded heavily and positively on the first component , which was interpreted as a measure of general size, which accounted for 88.88/. of total variation in the data set.

Component 2 loaded heavily <-.92) on the imprecisely measured ISTHMUS, with the next largest being ANFL (0.13). Component 3 may be interpreted as a contrast of several vertical and horizontal measures in the anterior head region (loading on BARBORB is 8.38, NARSNT 8.33, NARORB 9.29) with predorsal body lengths

NARORB : while extreme negative loadings were found on NARL <-9.31) and pelvic and anal fin lengths <-8.21 and -9.22, respectively), Components 2-4 collectively contained 4.52/. <1.98/., 1.34/., 1.171., respectively) of the total, or 49.36/. of variation remaining after extraction of size.

Upon failure of PCA to resolve •natural• clusters in the morphometric data set, DFA was applied. While PCA extr-acts 1 inear combinations of variables (components> accounting for maximal ~ounts

------·------·------21 of variation, it does this with no constraints on orientation of components other than that they be orthogonal and uncorrelated. The first component is oriented on the axis of greatest overall variation, and subsequent components describe sequentially lesser proportions of total variance. DFA likewise extracts 1 inear combinations of variables describing sequentially decreasing amounts of total variance, but does so under the constraints that they maximize inter-class variance while simultaneously minimizing intra-class variation. The technique thus requires some a priori basis of classification of observations. It has a further drawback when compared to PCA. Whereas loadings of

individual variables onto components can be interpreted in PCA as shedding 1 ight on structure, intercorrelations among variables greatly confound such interpretations of 1 inear Discriminant Functions. Thus, although these functions may provide discrimination among groups, contributions of indi~Jidual variables remain largely unknown. DFA performed on log-transformed raw measurements for all variables and all specimens produced a discriminant function maximizing multivariate distances among samples, yet a plot of scores on the first

2 canonical variates revealed 1 ittle discrimination among them. Figure 3 illustrates that although scatters of scores for each sample are broadly overlapping, sample means on the first axis , which maximizes distances among samples, fall into 2 major groups which become more distantly separated on discriminant functions maximizing distances among hydrographic basins , or between major groups themselves .

The same DFA 1 s were also run on data segregated by sex. Each sex 22

Figure 3. Plot of sample mean scores on first canonical var·iates from 3 separate DFA~s maximizing distances among samples , basins


w ...J :>:"- a: (F) ......


z tn ex IXl

IJ) "'I I 24

had comparable patterns of relationships among samples and basins.

Based on analyses of raw, log-transformed data on all variables for each sex, and using major group as the class variable in DFA, morphological separation of the 2 major groups was greatest among males


Use of size-free data in DFA improved segregation of the same 2 groups. Separation of the forms on the first discriminant function of size-free residuals input to DFA classifying samples was roughly comparable to that of the second discriminant function of raw data on

the pooled, within-basin covariance matrix. The 2 major groups were, as found with raw data, a northern one consisting of samples from the Bill Williams, Gila, Sonoyta and Concepcion basins and a southern one comprised of samples from all remaining drainages

. DFA also sheds some light on nature of differences in sexual dimorphism among the major groups. Discriminant functions based on size-adjusted data were constructed for each group to maximize inter-sex variation, and minimize intra-sex variation. A posteriori classifications of specimens to sex in the northern group, using classifications developed upon the same specimens, were 97.~/. and 96.r/. correct for females and males, respectively. The same tasK was accomplished with 96.~/. and 99.~/. accuracy for females and males in the southern group. Functions developed separately on data from each major group were then used to classify specimens from the other major group.

The function developed from the southern group successfully classified

97/. of females and 99/. of males from the northern form, the northern group 1 s function correctly classified all females, but only 55/. of

·- -··· -- ---·-··------.-----. 25

Figure 4. Scatt~r plot of scores on first two canonical variates of pool~d, within-sample covariance matrix of females. Matrix was of residuals of 49 morphometric variables from nonlinear regressions on PCl from a pooled, within sample covariance matrix of females. Specimens of northern morph indicated by"+", those of southern morph by •x•. CANONICAL DISCRNINANT ANALYSIS ON RESIDUALS OF NONLINEAR REGRESSION ON PC1. CLASS =SAMPLE. CAN2 6


X X 4 X X + + ++ + X -1-t +* 3 X lE,c" ~ X +if.-11-,~t+ ++ + ~ ~ )C Xx X .+ +of~-++ + :1=1:+ +-fl'"+ .... +..&...... 2 XX X X~ + i" • X X lC ilf. *X ~ X 't.jJ/ X~ X X ~ x,j6c ~X Xx ~ X :x 0 X lC\l )( XX X X X X )( X x· X X c -1 X ~ X,CX ~ X xX X~ ~ >§c X ~ ~ ~ )( X X X X X )0( XX X -~ A x x *xxx XX x -2 X X ~X >)c X X X X~ XX X N X X X X X X xlll: X ~ X 2 -3 XX X Xx XX -4


-6 -7


-9 I -8 -7 -6 -6 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 2 3 4 5 6 CAN1 X • WUCOX, VACU. SONORA, + • BlJ.. WLLJAUS. COCOlAQU, UAVO, FlERTE SONOYTA&~ t-v &stW.OA 0.. males of the other group. Generalized multivariate (all variables included) distance between sexes was 11.7 in the southern, and 15.8 in the northern group.

As was the case with PCA's on pooled matrices, initial sheared components from the matrix of all variables failed to discriminate samples, but on closer analysis provided slightly less overlap among basins than did PCA. Shearing components on the major groups recognized from DFA slightly improved discrimination between them, but still left extensive overlap between scatters of the 2 apparent morphs.

Although these sheared components did not provide the high levels of inter-group discrimination seen with DFA, interpretabl il ity in terms of morphology makes PCA of interest at this point since at least some discrimination exists and loadings on Discriminant Functions are not easily interpretted. Although variance within each major group was high, differences between them were present on components which have interpretable loading structures. Sheared PC-3 for females, for example, on which differences between morphs were detected, contrasted measures of the anterior head region with pre-dorsal and pre-pelvic body lengths and depths.

Since certain imprecisely-measured characters consistently loaded highly on principal components extracted from all variables, and interpretation of loadings from 49 variables was complex, sub-sets of variables were input to sheared PCA analyses to simplify analyses.

First, variables were ranked by overall estimates of measurement precision, and the 36 most precise characters were used with major grcup (mor~~) as the grouping variable. This reduced data set provided 28

slightly more graphical separation of major groups on PC plots than

those based on the entire data matrix. Differences between major groups were greatest for males on H3 (sheared PC3>, which principally

described variation , BARBNAR <-.25>, PECDO (.35), PELODI <.33>, PELFL <-.23), ANODI (.25>, CAUDPD (.28>, DOOPERCO <.27>, and H4, comprised mostly of BODYW (.44>, ANOHP (.31) and HPDORSI (.49). Females differed less than males, but greatest average distances between major groups was on H3, composed predominately of MOUTHW (.34>, BARBNAR <.31) and DOOPERCO <-.32>, and

H4 which is a combination of PELOANO <-.51), CAUDPD <.36) 1 and HPDORSI (-.42).

By focusing on discrete areas of body shape, the character set was

further reduced, yet still retained discriminatory power. Using only

four characters from the anterior body region, and producing sheared

PC's on the pooled within-group covariance matrix, H2 of the analysis

on males becomes a contrast between PELODO (-.8) and DOOPERCO (,5).

The major groups differ noticeably on mean scores on this axis

major groups on these axes is more complete, and interpretation of loadings is clearer than for axes based on the full data set. After some experimentation with effects of various subsets of variables on outcome of sheared PCA, a 19-variable subset was selected that maximized inter-basin and inter-morph discrimination. While not as distant as in plots of discriminant functions, the same groups

recognized with DFA are evident in Figure 5, a plot of scores on

sheared components extracted from this subset of variables for males.

------·- -- ·- --· ·---·-·· ------. ···- -·· 29

Figure 5. Plot of scores for all basins on sheared 2nd and 3rd components

and loadings on the sheared components are as follows:

H2 H3 SNTBARB 9.732 -9.337 BODYW 9.199 9.391 DOOPERCO -9.288 -0.379 PECDO -0.216 -9.059 PECOPELO 0.162 -9.038 PELODI -9.933 -9.299 ANODO -9.235 0.251 PELODO 9.105 IL269 HPDORSI -9.038 0.596 PELOANO -9.444 -9.263 30

(J) (V")' .


~~------~------~~ ~ ~ (Y') L() I • . I 0 .

·-·· ------31

Plots of the same components from females only display an equivalent geometry of relationships, but with slightly less distance between basins.

Allometric Differences Between Morphs

After recognition of morphometric heterogeneity, a variation on the regression method of size correction applied earlier to pooled data was performed on partitioned data sets for variable-by-variable analysis of among-group differences. Appendix D presents inear regression statistics for each variable regressed on SL by sex in each major group. These relationships were later used in shape reconstructions (see below>, but also demonstrate differences in allometries between groups and sexes. For example, a large proportion of variables have nonlinear log-log relationships with SL in at least one sex in one or both major groups. In the northern group, 35 <7~/.) of the 48 variables regressed on SL had significantly nonlinear relationships with that variable in at least one sex. Twenty-three

(66/.) were positively nonlinear in both sexes while 4 <11/.) had negative quadratic terms. Twelve were nonlinear in males only <5 negative, 7 positive). In contrast, the southern group had only one variable nonlinearly related to SL in both sexes. A total of 14 additional variables were non-linear on SL in one sex only <14 positive, 1 negative), Females had a positive quadratic term on 19 variables, in which the same term was positive for both sexes in the other major group. Non-linearity with SL was demonstrated for only 3 variables (2 positive, 1 negative) in males of the southern group, besides the one for which both sexes are non-1 inear. Non-linearity was found in 3 variables in the southern group, for which no significant deviations from I inearity were indicated in the northern group, 2 of

these were in males. Only one character, pectoral fin length

As indicated by lack of overlap of asymptotically-estimated, 9~/. confidence intervals, a number of variables differed in one or more regression parameters between sexes and/or major groups. Within the northern group, sexes were significantly different in each intercept, slope and quadratic term of the pelvic-fin-length

to SL. Differences between sexes were not demonstrated in the southern group for the relationship of any variable to SL. Although not different between sexes in the northern group, barbel to nares

distance and pectoral fin length

other variables differed in regression relationships on SL between

opposite sexes of different major groups. 33

Shape Reconstructions

The truss system of measurement is a geometrically logical

improvement over traditional means of morphometric data collection, which often included measurements between non-homologous points and

typically were heavily biased toward disjointed and compounded length

dimensions as well as disjunct depth measures

1982; Bookstein et al ., 1985; Strauss and Fuiman, 1985). Perhaps greatest advantages of the truss system result from an ability to

derive average shapes for groups of observations, permitting graphic

comparison of size-free shape differences among groups . Nonlinear (quadratic) regression statistics from sex and major group-specific regressions of individual variables on SL were used to predict group mean values for each variable at the grand mean SL. These data were then used to graphically reconstruct average shapes for each group at that size. Overlays , scaled to compensate for group-specific differences in the size/SL

relationship, provide graphic confirmation of results from DFA and PCA.

Again, it is obvious that greatest differences between major groups in

each sex are in pre-dorsal and pelvic-anal body lengths , post-dorsal body lengths , and lengths of anterior parts of

the head, especially the mouth

variation from the overall Size/SL relationship.

Overlaid reconstructions of mean shape for each sex within the


Figure 6. Overlaid average shapes of males of northern (dashes) and southern


~ :1 ·-1 :; ==- 12:=· I ...... '.,~\ i2 \ ...... , ...... I ..••••••••••- ...... - . 36

Figure 7. Overlaid average shapes of females of northern

·------· ·----·· ----- ·-··. ..,.., •J{

mm..... '''''''' 38 major groups illustrate the trend toward greater body depths and shorter fins of females in each major group. Overall, the extent of sexual dimorphism is slightly greater in the northern than in the southern major group. This fact is evident from overlaid shape reconstructions

Temporal Variation in Morphology of Agosia chrrsogaster

A series of 8 samples taken from a single locality over a period of 39 months (7 over a 12-month period) was used to assess extent of temporal variation. Since growth and changes in condition factor were expected among samples in this series, it was not surprising that DFA of raw data discriminated among samples. Inputting size-free data for females into DFA, which maximized distances among samples, revealed that samples taken less than 2 months apart had mean scores on that axis that are as different as means on the same axis of the nearest inter-major group pairs

Figure 8. Overlaid average shapes of males (dashes) and females

. ------43




Figure 9. Overlaid average ~hapes of males

-·-·------· ·---·--·------··------· ------. --·-·-. 42

• I ._, .... J:: ...... IJ ...... li I '\ . \ I- ~·-·-......

------~ 43

Figu~e 10. Mean scores for samples on first two canonical variates of pooled, within-morph covariance matrix of females. Matrix was of residuals of 19 morphometric variables from Bonita CreeK

------·- --- ·--· -----····------·--·· 44

m (..) "' m

01 "' "" "'m Ill ., m "'

"" m < 0


:z ct u :z 0 ct UJ :z::


> > "' "' >

30 "' C\J o .... ' "'"' "' "' 0 ... en

~ N -.--.-.. -.·:--· . .--~~~~-r~~--~~~~-r~-T~~~-r~----~-C\J_L~ "'~--- 0 u ' :z ct w :0: 45 both inter-morph and intra-locality differences are great along the

s&me axis indicates that temporal variaton parallels shape differences between the major morphological groups. On discriminant functions constructed to maximize between-morph and minimize within-morph variance, distances &mong Bonita Creek samples became small in comparison to inter-morph distances, but still encompassed the full range of variation within the northern morph on this improved between-morph discriminator. The same geometry of inter-morph and inter-sample

19-variable reduced data set.

Although multiple, temporally-isolated samples from single

localities in the range of the southern morph were not available for detailed analyses, temporally discrete pairs of samples were available for 2 localities. These also display large multivariate distances on the same inter-morph discriminators. Thus the morphs apparently do not differ in the way their shapes vary over time.

High levels of temporal variability indicated that morphs detected by DFA could be an artifact of seasonal variation, if seasonal distributions of samples differed significantly between the 2 geographic areas. To evaluate this possibility, frequency distributions of numbers of specimens by month of collection for each group were compared

. Distributions do differ between morphs, with the northern morph having more even distribution of collection times throughout the year. The southern group was comprised almost entirely of specimens collected in January, June and July.

Despite distributional differences, the average time of collection of

--- ~ ------~ ~ ------~--~ ~~. 46

35 + ss I I ss I I ss I I ss ss I I ss ss 38 + I ss ss I ss ss I I tfl ss ss I I ss tfl ss ss I I ss tfl ss ss 25 + tfl ss ss I ss I ttl I ss ss ss p I ss tfl ss I ss E I tfl I ss ss ss R I ss tfl ss ss c + tfl 28 I ss ss ss E I ss tfl tfl ss ss I N I tfl tfl I ss ss ss T I ss tfl tfl ss ss I A I ss tfl tfl ss ss G + tfl tfl 15 I ss ss ss E I tfl tfl I ss ss ss I ss ttl tfl ss I ss I ss tfl tfl ss ss I I ss tfl tfl tfl ss ss 18 + tfl tfl tfl I ss ss ss I ss tfl tfl tfl ss ss I I tfl tfl tfl tfl ss ss ttl I ss I ss tfl tfl tfl tfl ss ss tfl I I ss tfl tfl tfl ttl ss tfl ss tfl tfl 5 + ss tfl tfl tfl tfl ss tfl ss tfl ss tfl tfl tfl tfl I I ss tfl tfl tfl ttl ss tfl ss tfl ss tfl tfl tfl ttl : ttl ss ttl ttl ttl ttl ss tf-1 ss tf-1 ss tf-1 ttl ttl ttl : tfi ss tfl tfi tfl tfl ss tfi ss tfi ss tfi tfl tfl ttl : tfi ss tfl tfi ss tfi tfi ss tfi ss tfi ss tfi tfi tfi tfi ------J F 11 A 11 J J A s 0 N D

Figure 11. Percentages of total numbers of specimens used in morphometric analyses by month of collection and morph


southern morph specimens is only about one month earlier than that for

the northern form. Additionally, temporal variation at Bonita Creek on

canonical variates scores from refined DFA~s maximizing discrimination

between major groups (by utilization of subsets of variables and a

priori classification to major groups) is proportionally far less than

seen on canonical variates maximizing inter-sample distances.

Therefore, differences between major groups appear to be fixed exaggerations of seasonal morphological variation.

Classification of Unknowns to Morph and Basin

Using a subset of 19 morphometric variables, mostly from the

body-trunk region, a series of classification functions was derived

from a subset of 769 specimens of mixed sex. The first of these,

designed to provide classification to morphotype, correctly classified

418 (more than 9~/.) of the 443 mixed-sex specimens not used in its

development. Interestingly, 11

specimens), were from a single sample

Sonoyta, and 19 of those were females. Only one female, but 16 of 17 males, from that sample were correctly classified by this function. Despite this, the function was relatively successful and data on all

specimens were used to derive a similar discriminant function usable

for classification of future unKnowns. Scores on this discrimator,

which maximizes between basin distances, but also provides accurate

classification to morphotype, may be computed using the following


------~- -~------~------· 48

X= 12.94966592 + 6.18669194 - 26.79981397

- 19.61163418

+ 4.57912251 + 11.91991754

+ 15.11293161,

where values entered for each variable are logarithms (base 19) of the measurement in millimeters. Specimens of the northern morph score

higher on this function than those of the southern group. Using a

score of -6.95 as the point of division, this function misclassified to morph only 4.95/. <69 of 1212 total specimens- 21 of 471 males and 39

of 741 females) of all specimens used in this study. Although

classification of single specimens to basin of origin is less accurate,

the classification of unknown, relatively small samples to basin of

origin should be possible. Basin mean scores on this function

9~1. confidence limits>, as well as maxima and minima, are presented in

Table 2.

------···- 49


Mimbres -2.9966 -3.634159 -2.179959 Hualapai -3.3942 -3.848842 -2.759558 Concepcion -3.6403 -3.868214 -3.412386 Gi 1a -3.8422 -3.935474 -3.748926 Bi 11 Wi 11 i ams -4.1677 -4.493588 -3.931812 Sonoyta -5.3749 -5.689682 -5.967318 Sonora -6.4728 -6.681924 -6.264576 Yaqui -7.2993 -7.479387 -7.128213 Cocoraqui -7.7926 -8.333794 -7.251496 Fuerte -8.1631 -8.369244 -7.965956 Wi 11 cox Playa -8.2491 -8.462812 -8.917388 Mayo -8.4819 -8.669519 -8.393281 Sinaloa -8.7326 -9.346988 -8.119112

Table 2 - Mean and 95"/. confidence intervals <±2 Standard Errors) of the mean for scores on the 19-variable discriminant function defined in text. Statistics based on analysis of all specimens of Agosia chrysogaster 1 isted in Appendix B.

Efficiency and accuracy of this discriminating function clearly

demonstrate morphologic distinctiveness of the 2 morphotypes, and, in some instances, differ·entiation among basins.

Intermediacy of scores on th1s discriminator for specimens fr-om

Rios Sonoyta and Sonora is notable, as is the nature of misclassified

specimens. Rio Sonoyta specimens, though previously indicated as part

of the southern morphotype, are misclassed with a frequency of 32.~/.

<21 of 64). Although 56.~/. of the Rio Sonoyta fish are females, 71.4/.

of those misclassified were of that sex, indicating a pronounced

tendency toward northern morphology in females. Fish from Rio Sonora

were similarly misclassified <27.96/.) 1 with a tendency for males to be

most liKely erroneously categorized. The female/male ratio in combined

samples from the basin was 1.66, while the ratio for misclassified

specimens was 1.39. Specimens of all other basins were accurately

------·· -·-· - ·-··· ·-·· ··--·. ·------. -·· .. 50 classified to morphotype by the 10-variable function. Remaining

misclassified specimens were from Rios de la Concepcion (1) 1 Fuerte

(2) 1 Yaqui <4>, and the Gila basin (9). For all these basins, rates of correct classification to morph are >911.. Using the same 10-variable

discriminant function, 24 specimens from 2 populations (1 and 67 1

Appendix B> introduced outside the native range of Agosia were classified to the northern morphotype. Mean scores from these samples are greater than any basin mean

Results of Analyses of Meristic Data

ANOVA was used to test the null hypotheses of no differences among basin and morphotype means for each meristic variable. Among basins, significant differences were found for number of scales in the lateral

1 ine

DF=10, P=.0992) and number of pectoral fin rays

P=.9095), However, significant differences between morphotypes indicated by morphometric analyses, occurred only in lateral-1 ine scales , all other inter-morphotype comparisons of meristic characters produced probabilities of no differences that were >.64. Data for all meristic characters are summarized for each morph in Table 3. "'-··

Std. Mean Error- Min. Max.

Lateral 1 ine scales (northern morph) 75.10379 9.3763599 69 89 (southern morph) 78.12969 9.3674279 64 89 Dorsa 1 fin rays (northern morph) 8.97925 9.9189748 8 11 (southern morph) 8.95035 9.0299361 8 10 Anal fin rays (northern morph) 7 .975Hl 9.0139592 7 9 (southern morph) 7.97872 0.0187459 7 9 Pectoral fin rays (northern morph) 15.99879 9.9753949 6 18 (southern morph) 15.87949 9 .1908959 6 18

Pelvic fin rays (nor-ther-n morph) 8.96224 9.9227996 7 9

Correlations with Ecology and Geography

Mahalanobis' distances from DFA of all 49 size-free morphometric variables from females and classifying on sample were correlated with various measures of inter-locality geographic distance. Straight-1 ine distances among all pairs of localities were geometr-ically computed from latitude/longitude coordinates. Drainage distances between localities were extracted from drainage maps using a rotameter and following coastlines between mouths of basins. Elevational differences among paired localities were also used, as was an index of hydrographic relationships of localities. In the latter, drainages were partitioned into major hydrographic subbasins

~- -~------~----~- C''")_,_

intra-subbasin (2) and intra-locality (1), The last level consists of

comparisons of temporally isolated samples from single localities.

Of all geographic distance measures, highest correlation of

morphological distances among localities was with Pair-level (r2 =

0.49), MahalanobisJ distance is correlated with drainage distance (r2

= 0.23>, while the same statistic for correlation with straight 1 ine

distance is r2 = 9.20. Elevational difference between samples shows

1 ittle correlation with inter-locality Mahalanobis distances, whether

analyzed within or among·basins. The relationship of Mahalanobis

distance to Pair-level is presented in Figure 12.

Scores on the first Discriminant Function maximizing inter~orph

distances with all morphometric variables were correlated with latitude

. Adding latitude to a multiple regression model

explains no more variation


Similar correlations of Principal Components scores (from the

pooled within-morph covariance matrix) were also analyzed. Size

r2=,133) 1 but not with longitude were correlated

with latitude


3 variables at P<.0091 (r2=,337, .089, and .979, respectively). A

correlation between latitude and elevation

----·---~- -~-·---~-~------~~---~-~------53

Figure 12. Relationship of Mahalanobis' multivariate distances among samples based on 49 morphometric variables, and "Pair level." Pair level = 1 for comparisons of temporally isolated samples from single localities, 2 for comparisons of geographically separate localities within the same hydrographic subbasin of a major drainage, 3 for inter-subbasin comparisons within single drainages, and 4 for inter-drainage comparisons. Score for· each comparison is indicated by •+•, Means and their 9~/. confidence intervals <±2 Standard Errors) are indicated by vertical 1 i nes.



PALEVEL lj + + IH 111111_1_ II


2 + + + -tt+ 1&1 t -itH- + +

++++ + #+t-tt+- -tH- + *

0 2 3 lj 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 MAHALD


------._1._1"'"' demonstrates a sampling artifact, which

confuses interpretation of correlations with aspects of morphology.

High elevations were sampled only in the Gila River basin; all collections available from southern basins wer·e from low-elevation localities. However·, weak relation:.hips of PC1

the restricted latitudes of the Gila River basin.

Linear regressions of meristic variables onto latitude, longitude,

and elevation were done to evaluate possible effects of ecology on meristic characters. The highest single correlation was that of

lateral-1 ine scales with latitude (r2 = 9.37>. Lateral-1 ine scales correlate little with elevation (r2 = 0.17) and longitude (r2 = 9.12). Other meristic characters were not significantly, or poorly correlated (r2 < 9.99) with these same environmental variables. This was true whether analyses were performed separately on sub-samples

An additional indication that morphological characters defining morphs is not highly influenced by ecological conditions was provided

by experimental starvation of a sample of fish. Two s~ples <19 and 11) were taken on the same date from a single population. One maintained in the lab and intentionally starved. Although some food was available to them in the form of natural production in the artificial stream in which they were maintained, approximately 1~/. of the entire sample had succumbed to

apparent starvation at the time the remainder were preserved.

Subsequent inclusion of these samples in multivariate analyses

------· ------·---···· 56

demonstrated them to differ less on axes which discriminated morphs

than did any of the temporally-separated pairs of samples from other

localities (see below).

Other Characters which Corroborate Morphometric Analyses

Preliminary evidence compiled on other characters appears to

corroborate the outcome of morphometric analyses. Principal among

these development of tuberculation in nuptial males and the possible

failure of the southern form to construct a spawning pit.

Based on series examined in this study, and many others not

specifically used, it appears that tuberculation in southern~.

chrysogaster does not reach levels commonly seen in specimens of the northern morphotype. Additionally, I have not observed spawning pits

associated with southern~· chrysogaster and know of no reports of such

pits by others. Both of these observations may be biased, however, by

inadequate representation of samples from Mexico during the breeding

season. Though~· chrysogaster in the Gila River basin spawn

periodically over a protracted period, a major peaK in reproduction

occurs in spring (January- April) , and highly

tuberculate males are rare during all other seasons .

Seasonality of reproduction in the southern morphotype has not been

studied. Frequency distributions of numbers of specimens used in the

morphometric analysis by month of collection

shed some

light on this matter. Some months are not represented among southern

samples, in particular those of what might be peaK spawning periods,

------57 but, unless spawning occurs over a much more restricted time period in the south than it does in the north, highly tuberculate males should have been observed. Mean time of collection of southern specimens is about a month earlier than for northern specimens.

In the northern morphotype, large, coarse, cream-colored, horny, dermal tubercles develop profusely within a matrix of fine, evenly distributed, sandpaper-1 iKe tubercles on dorsal and lateral aspects of the cranium of adult, breeding males. Tuberculated area of the head extends from nape anteri·orly to about the anterior edge of the nares.

Tubercles are largest on the dorsal surface where arranged in an apparently-random pattern; the size and density decrease only slightly over the preopercle and opercle. Concentrations of tubercles are sometimes found along the dorsal and ventro-posterior rim of the orbit. All fins bear tubercles. Those on paired fins develop only on dorsal surfaces of major rays, from fin base distally to approximately 7~/. of fin length. On the pectoral fin, tuber·cles ar·e 1 imited to 2 parallel rows on the first ray. Each pelvic ray may be vested with a single tubercle row. All medial fins are bilaterally tuberculated, with single rows that may appear on all rays. The first dorsal ray, however, has 2 anteriorly-direch>d, par·allel rows of tubercles on its leading edge. Tubercles do not extend completely to the distal margin on medial fins, but dorsal and caudal rays may have tubercles extending from the base along 59-7~1. of their lengths. Anal fin rays bear tubercles only on medial areas. Each scale of the dorsal and lateral body surfaces may also bear fine tubercles, similar to those of the head.

---- . ---··-··----- ··-- 58

The large, coarse, heavy tuberculation of the head in northern

breeding males appears absent in the southern group, as is body

tuberculation. However, the same fine, evenly-distributed tubercles which cover the head of the northern subspecies, similarly cover dorsal and lateral head surfaces of this form. Distribution of tubercles on fins appears the same as that in the northern group. While aspects of breeding behavior of e. chrrsogaster from the Gila River basin have been reported (Winn and Miller, 1954; Hinckley and Barber, 1979; Lewis, 1978a; Kepner, 1982), comprehensive studies are not available, and observations on the southern morphotype have not been made. However, as previously noted, nests, or spawning pits such as reported by Hinckley and Barber <1979) and Kepner (1982) for the northern form were not observed during the course of extensive field collections for this study and others in the range of the southern morphotype.

Results of Analyses of Electrophoretic Data

Isoz~es of Agosia chrysogaster were studied electrophoretically by Zneimer <1986) using specimens from collections also analyzed in this study. Relevant parts of her results are presented here also for comparison with results of morphometric analyses.

Table 4 presents numbers of specimens of each genotype found in each population for all loci sampled electrophoretically. Genetic heterozygosity of populations

9.035±9.91). Both Rogers' (1972> and Nei's <1978) indices of overall 59

Table 4. Numbe~s of specimens of each genotype found in a su~vey of 15 loci in 25 populations from 22 geographic localities. Samples numbered as in Appendix B. Adapted from Zneime~ ( 1986). 6B

I I SAMPLE : ------:2 5 9 14 18 23 32 33 35 37 38 44 46 : LOCUS ~ru : ======:I I 1. Cbp-1 aa 12 12 18 12 8 18 19 19 18 18 12 12 12 : 2. Ck-A ------:aa 12 18 18 12 14 18 19 19 18 18 12 12 12 : ------:ab : 3. Pep-A bb 12 18 18 18 14 18 19 22 18 8 12 7 : be 5 6 4 : ee 5 12 I : ------: 4. Pep-B aa 12 18 18 12 14 12 13 22 18 12 12 13 12 : ------:aa 1 11 13 : 5. Est-1 ab 1 4 4 1 : bb 18 IB 4 1 14 18 18 19 17 18 18 13 11 : ------: 6. Gp-1 aa 12 17 17 12 14 18 18 18 18 18 12 12 6 : ------: aa 2 13 13 1 ab 2 4 4 11 7. Gpi-A bb 9 18 1 1 14 18 18 18 15 18 18 k 2 cr 1 ------:aa 9 2 17 18 13 16 17 17 14 2 : 8. Gpi-8 ab 3 4 1 2 1 I 3 4 : bb 11 18 18 12 6 : be : ------: 9. Ldh-A aa 12 12 9 9 14 12 13 13 18 12 12 12 12 : ab 3 3 : ------: 18. Ldh-B aa 12 13 12 9 14 12 13 13 18 12 12 12 12 : ~ 3 : ------:aa 12 18 18 18 15 18 19 18 18 13 12 : 1t. 11-Hdh-A ab 1 : ce 18 18 : 12. S-Hdh-8 ------:aa 12 18 18 18 14 18 19 19 18 18 18 13 12 : ------~------: ab 1 : 13. 11-He-A bb 12 18 18 18 8 16 19 18 18 17 14 13 12 : be 6 2 5 : 14. S-He-A ------:aa 12 18 18 18 13 18 19 18 18 18 18 12 12 : ~ :

I ------:I aa I 15. PIJ1-A ab I bb 12 18 18 16 14 18 19 19 18 18 18 13 12 : be 2 :I I


Tabl~ 31 eontinu~d

!W!PLE ------:47 48 58 51 52 53 56 61 62 63 65 68 l I ======LOCUS ALLELE I 1. Cbp-1 aa 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 12 29 18 12 14 l ------: 2. Ck-A aa 16 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 29 18 12 14 l ------: ~ 2 l 3. Pep-A bb 16 19 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 9 6 l be l ee l ------: 4. P~p-8 aa 16 13 12 12 18 12 12 12 18 12 12 12 l ------: aa l 5. E~t-1 ab 1 l bb 16 19 18 18 18 18 17 18 29 18 13 15 l ------: 6. Gp-1 aa 16 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 16 18 12 6 l ------·aa 4 4 ab 5 8 7. Gpi-A bb 16 18 18 3 6 5 9 6 19 18 18 13 be 3 3 6 2 ee 12 6 7 aa 16 18 16 17 16 15 14 18 4 12 B. Gpi-8 ab 2 1 2 2 3 2 1 bb 1 18 17 1 l be 1 l 9. Ldh-A ------:aa 16 13 12 12 18 12 12 12 18 12 12 12 l ab l ------: 18. Ldh-B aa 16 13 12 12 18 12 12 12 18 12 12 12 l ab l ------: aa 16 19 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 12 19 l l 11. M-Hdh-A ab I ee I ------: 12. S-Hdh-B aa 16 19 18 18 12 18 18 18 18 18 13 11 : ------:ab 1 l 13. M-H~-A bb 12 18 18 17 18 18 18 16 14 18 9 18 l be 4 1 2 4 2 l ------: 14. S-H~-A aa 16 18 18 18 18 18 12 18 16 18 11 18 l ab 2 l ------:I aa 6 1 2 18 18 18 4 I 15. PS1-A ab 9 18 8 1 7 bb 1 1 8 17 18 28 18 1 11 be

-----· --·- --· ------·· ----··--··-----·· --···. 62

TableS. Genetic similarities among samples- Nei's (1978) unbiased genetic identity above diagonal 1 and Rogers' <1972> genetic similarity below diagonal. Samples numbered as in Appendix B. Data from Zneimer (1986). 63

Sfl'IPLE 2 5 9 14 18 23 32 33 35 37 38 44 46 2 .97 .98 .92 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.80 1.88 .87 .83 .95 .98 5 .94 .92 .a6 .96 .97 .97 .96 .97 .92 .8a 1.88 1.88 9 .94 .aa .97 .96 .96 .96 .96 .96 .81 .77 .98 .93 14 .a8 .a2 .94 .as .86 .87 .87 .86 .75 .71 .83 .88 18 .97 .94 .91 .98 1.88 1.88 1.88 1.88 .85 .82 .94 .97 23 .98 .95 .92 .98 .99 1.98 1.88 1.88 .86 .82 .94 .97 32 .98 .95 .93 .98 .98 1.88 1.88 1.88 .86 .82 .94 .97 33 .98 .95 .93 .98 .98 .99 1.88 .9a .86 .82 .94 .97 35 .98 .95 .92 .91 .97 .98 .99 1.88 .87 .83 .95 .98 s 37 .a3 .a9 .77 .71 .a3 .a4 .a4 .84 .84 .99 .92 .92 A 38 .a8 .as .73 .67 .81 .81 .81 .81 .88 .96 .88 .98 f1 44 .93 .98 .a6 .88 .92 .93 .94 .93 .94 .98 .87 .95 p 46 .94 .97 .a8 .a2 .92 .93 .93 .93 .94 .89 .86 .99 L 47 .93 .98 .a8 .a2 .95 .95 .94 .94 .93 .79 .77 .88 .88 E 48 .96 .93 .91 .85 .96 .97 .97 .97 .96 .82 .78 .91 .91 58 .96 .93 .98 .as .96 .97 .9a .97 .97 .82 .7a .92 .91 51 .87 .83 .83 .81 .87 .sa .sa .88 .88 .72 .69 .82 .82 52 .a9 .as .a5 .at .as .98 .98 .98 .98 .74 .71 .a4 .a4 53 .a9 .as .a4 .at .a8 .a9 .89 .a9 .98 .74 .71 .a4 .a4 56 .92 .96 .a7 .a3 .89 .91 .91 .91 .92 .sa .87 .99 .99 61 .91 .95 .a6 .83 .98 .91 .91 .98 .91 .a7 .87 .99 .98 62 .97 .95 .91 .as .98 .99 .98 .98 .9a .84 .83 .95 .98 63 .98 .95 .93 .87 .98 .99 1.88 1.88 .98 .a4 .a2 .93 .97 65 .93 .98 .87 .81 .93 .94 .93 .93 .94 .88 .at .93 .95 68 .98 .95 .93 .87 .98 .99 1.88 1.88 .98 .85 .a2 .93 .97

Sfl'IPLE 47 48 58 51 52 53 56 61 62 63 65 68 2 .97 .99 .99 .98 .92 .91 .94 .94 1.88 1.88 .97 1.88 5 .93 .95 .96 .86 .88 .88 .99 .98 .97 .96 .95 .96 9 .93 .96 .96 .87 .8a .Sa .98 .98 .96 .96 .93 .96 14 .a7 .98 .98 .a4 .85 .a4 .a7 .a7 .98 .98 .aa .98 18 .97 .99 .99 .a9 .91 .91 .93 .92 1.88 1.88 .97 1.88 23 .97 .93 .93 .a9 .92 .91 .93 .93 1.88 1.88 .97 1.88 32 .97 .99 .99 .89 .92 .91 .93 .93 1.88 1.88 .97 1.88 33 .97 .99 .99 .a9 .92 .91 .93 .92 1.98 1.88 .97 1.88 35 .97 .99 .99 .98 .92 .92 .94 .94 1.88 1.88 .97 1.88 s 37 .82 .84 .as .75 .77 .77 .91 .91 .a7 .as .84 .a4 A 38 .7a .81 .81 .71 .73 .74 .a4 .84 .82 .88 .78 .88 f1 44 .98 .93 .93 .a3 .86 .86 .97 .97 .93 .93 .as .93 p 46 .93 .96 .96 .86 .89 .89 .94 .93 .93 .93 .98 .93 L 47 .99 .99 .95 .97 .97 .86 .86 .94 .95 .97 .95 E 48 .97 1.88 .93 .95 .95 .89 .88 .96 .98 .95 .98 58 .97 1.98 .93 .95 .95 .89 .a8 .96 .97 .95 .97 51 .92 .98 .98 1.88 1.88 .82 .82 .87 .88 .91 .88 52 .93 .92 .92 .98 1.88 .84 .84 .88 .98 .93 .98 53 .92 .91 .92 .98 .99 .84 .84 .88 .89 .93 .89 56 .a9 .92 .92 .84 .a6 .a6 .99 .98 .91 .a7 .91 61 .89 .91 .92 .84 .86 .86 1.88 .91 .98 .87 .98 62 .97 .99 .99 .89 .91 .91 .94 .94 1.88 .94 .98 63 .97 .99 .99 .98 .92 .91 .92 .92 .98 .93 1.88 65 1.88 .99 1.98 .96 .9a .98 .92 .92 .97 .97 .93 68 .97 .99 .99 .98 .92 .91 .92 .92 1.88 1.88 .97

---·------· 64 genetic similarity are in Table 5. Scores for genetically identical pairs of samples are 1.9 in both indices, with increasing divergence lowering scores. Minimum similarity between samples, as measured by Rogers' index, was 9.67, but 95.3/. of all 399 possible sample pairs had scores~ 9.89. Genetically identical sample pairs comprised 4.~/. of the tota 1 ;

Zneimer <1986) found significant deviations from Hardy-weinberg expectations, indicating lack of gene flow, at both inter- and intra-basin levels in e. chrrsogaster. Great distances among localities and hydrographic divides may be responsible for impeding gene flow at these levels, however, 5 significant, intra-sample deviations from Hardy~einberg expectations were also noted

32, 46, 51 and 52>. Reasons for these are not known, however, 3 of the 5 deviations were at the Gpi-A locus.

Five presumptive loci were monomorphic across all samples. Three polymorphic loci

Yaqui) and Turkey Creek ; occurrence of an 65

unique Peptidase allele

in a single heterozygote from Rio Sonora (sample 61>; a rare unique electromorph (c) at the Pgm-A locus in 2 heterozygotes from Coon Creek

Est-1 in Coon CreeK and Verde River

rare; and synapomorphic presence of the b allele of Ldh-A only in Coon

CreeK and Verde River samples <14 and 9).

An UPGMA phenogr~ based on the genetic identity coefficient of

Nei <1978) is presented in Figure 13. It clusters populations by the

unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic means

Electrophoretic data were input to BIOSYS-1

1972; Lundberg, 1972; SWofford, 1981) based on Rogers~ Genetic Similarity Coefficients

the longest branch. Results are in Figure 14. Obvious discrepancies were noted between relation?hips patterns extracted from electrophoretic data and those indicated by morphology. Since lack of congruence between morphological and electrophoretic

patterns might be the result of analysis of different sets of samples,

the morphometric data set was re-analyzed after deletion of samples not

represented in electrophoretic analyses. Re-analysis clearly indicated

existence of the same northern and southern morphological groups

indicated by analyses of the full morphometric data set. DFA designed 66

Figure 13. Phenogram of genetic relationships of s~ples of Agosia chrysogaster. Derived by clustering in BIOSYS-1 . S~ples numbered as in Appendix B, and basin affilitations indicated. Adapted from Zneimer (1986>.

-----~ ----~-~~ ----- ~~---- GENETIC DISTANCE 0.16 0.12 0.08 0.04 0 .------.-


I I ~~ ~g~g~~ L 9 GILA ------{:::::: 14 GILA 51 FUERTE 52 FUERTE 53FUERTE 38YAQUI 37 WILLCOX

0.84 0.88 0.92 0.96 1.00 GENETIC SIMILARITY

~ '-J 68

to maximize distances among various groupings of samples recognized by

Zneimer (1986) 1 or apparent in the Wagner network, discriminated morphologically among them, but greatest differences were consistently between the 2 previously recognized, maJor morphological groups, and not those recognized electrophoretically .


Figure 14. Unrooted Wagner network of relationships of samples of Agosia chrrsogaster derived by clustering of RogerJs <1972> genetic distance coefficients (1 - similarity) with the distance Wagner procedure of BIOSYS-1

------70 71

Figure 15. Plot of sample mean scores

------·------· -----· . --··------72


N N N N«

N N "'

"' PI N ....N ....N N N N N N N 'ill N .... N N

N NN .. "' N N "' .., N .., z a: (.) .., ,., .., ..,.., -- "' - -.r_ -- .., -- 0 .., "'.:pr> N- --=------.., ...,~ ------=.::~~ -~-;.- - ~ .;: ------.- - _-c:. - .,::- - .., I .., ,.., -_..,; ------..... -- - .., .., _.., ------"' C\J ..,..,-- -- I "'

.., .., tn ... I ... .., "' .., .., .., ::I' .., I "'

~ ~~------~------~------r------r------OT------T-----~N~------~------~~------~"? a: I I I u

-----· ----·------73

Figure 16. Plot of sample mean scores (sexes combined) on Canonical Variates l and 2 of DFA on 49 log-transformed morphometric variables. Samples are those common to both electrophoretic and morphometric analyses. Canonical Variates maximize multivariate distances among smallest groups of Distance Wagner tree, lettered as in Figure 14.

------·-- . F F E [E F F F F { F F F f t E F EE rtf FE F f FF F E E E E c F F f £rEf fF E E FF ~ft ~ E E E E E E g F f' f FE F t ~ F~ E c E Ff F E E c F ~ ft:JE ~ F E E lj: F Vf F EE ,IE IF r E[E ~ : E c c c c c F EF E t- EjF E c c c c c F F jEEE Ef E E F E Fn: c cccec FEgFi E c c c r' E E E E 8 B c ccc c ~ c ~ c F f F B E E B B c r F r Cc ftQ:cc EB E ~ sm c B E B B c ~ Cl: cc!f:Cc E c c E F F'E E EB B EFiiBii B faa~ B a ccc c c c c c c 0 C C CC C F E E E B8 B BB sB \ B B ~Slit! B D C 8 C CC Q: C C(t C C C C 1119 B BBB CCC f E B ' 9 BB I!.. cc ccccc c 9 B It 88 B lj'fB BB c " Q; C D c E 8A 8 8 8. 8 BBB BB liB BB Bs D A B 8 8 B ~ c c c 9_ ?._% B B A B B -., B 8 B 8 ¥ BBB B B oD " B c B B 8 9 D A A A A A AA AA B B B AA. AA A BA.~ A B t A ---- " " A -."A" __," A A A D A A ""A A " A A A A A " A ~ A

A " A A

-6 -5 -II -3 -2 -I 0 2 3 li 5 6 1 CAN!


All analyses of the morphometric data set indicate existence of

two distinct, allopatric morphs of Agosia chrysogaster. A northern morph is native to the Bill Williams, and Gila Rivers of Arizona and

New Mexico, as well as Rios Sonoyta and de la Concepcion of Arizona and Sonora, while the southern morph is from the endorheic Willcox Playa, and rios Yaqui, Sonora, Cocoraqui, Mayo, Fuerte and Sinaloa. The

southern morph, furthermore, shows indications of differentiation

between populations of the Mayo, Fuerte and Sinaloa basins and those of the Willcox, Yaqui, Cocoraqui and Sonora basins, though these are morphologically more similar to one another than either is to the northern group. Fishes from Rios Sonoyta and Sonora show tendencies toward body shapes intermediate between morphs. Although the relationship between morphs is affected by size and sex, at average

sizes the southern form has proportionately longer pre-dorsal

and PECDO> lengths, but shorter post-dorsal , and snout to

barbel lengths. Most obvious effects of these differences are a more dorsally-arched profile and more posteriorly positioned dorsal fin in the southern morph. Average and maximum sizes of specimens were less in the southern morph, indicating that the 2 forms

differ in size as well. Differences in size and shape appear to be the result of different

growth relationships. While log-log relationships of individual

variables to SL were significantly non-1 inear for most variables in the

- ~----~~------~-~----- ~-~~ 76 northern morph, those of the southern were predominately not significantly different from 1 inearity. Northern males had significantly non-linear log-log relationships on SL for 35 of 48 variables; the same figure for females was 23. In the southern form, fewer non-linear relationships were found, and more were in females

(10) than males (3). Though sexes are dimorphic in body and fin characters in both groups, differences are most pronounced in the northern. Morphology of &· chrysogaster in temporally separated samples from single localities varied in the same characters that discriminated between morphs. While there were differences between samples of each morph in distribution of times of collection, average month of collection for the southern morph was only about one earlier than that for the northern form.

Aspects of morphology important in discrimination between morphs were correlated with latitude; correlations with longitude and elevation were not predictive. Correlation of morphology with latitude may be an artifact of its high correlation with distribution of the morphs. An experiment in which fish from a single sample were separated randomly into a treatment group starved before preservation and measuring, and another group preserved at time of sampling, also demonstrated lack of effects of environment on body shape characteristics. These specimens differed less on multivariate axes discriminating among basins and between morphs than did those from multiple collections from single localities at intervals over a year.

It thus appears that aspects of morphology varying between morphs are ·---


little influenced by ecological conditions. Despite temporal variation

and that due to sexual dimorphism and size, it was possible to develop

a classification function using 19 variables which should provide 9~/. correct classification of unknowns of either sex to morph, and will

likely allow assignment of most ~all samples to basin of origin. Morphological patterns of variation were correlated with other observations. Though ranges were broadly overlapping, the southern form had on average about 3 more lateral-1 ine scales than in northern fish and apparently lacks development of large tubercles in nuptial

males as in the northern form. Differences may also exist in breeding


Although either morphological or electrophoretic data set could be

used to accurately identify many unknown samples to basin of origin,

and morphology is capable of near-perfect discrimination of

morphotypes, the two data sets produce different conclusions regarding

relationships of the groups and leave morphologically-defined groups without isozymic definition. Similarly, isoyme-based relationships

patterns are mostly unpredictive of morphology. For example, the UPGMA

phenogram based on electrophoretic data of Zneimer <1986)

introduced populations 1 ikely derived from that basin, cluster with those of Rio de la Concepcion in both electrophoretic and morphometric

analyses, Verde River and Coon Creek samples that also cluster closely

with other Gila basin populations in morphometric analyses are 1 inked

only remotely to them in the phenogram of electrophoretic data.


Distinctiveness of the San Bernardino

Playa samples from other Rio Yaqui samples is also incongruent with

morphology and results mostly from differentiation at both the Pep~

and M-Mdh~ loci. Morphologically, these 2 populations are only

slightly differentiated from other populations of that major group. Additionally, the UPGMA tree places Rio Mayo samples in a group that

includes Rio Sonoyta. This group is linked at a high level of genetic

identity to a tight cluster composed of Rio de la Concepcion samples

and most of the Gila basin samples, and is more remotely clustered to

the Rio Fuerte group. Morphological data indicate specimens from Rio

Sonoyta are clearly part of the northern morphotype, along with

specimens from the Gila, Bill Williams and Concepcion systems, although

they are in some ways intermediate between morphotypes. Morphologically, the fish of the southern morph which are most similar

those of the Rio Sonoyta are from Rio Sonora, not from Rio Mayo as indicated by electrophoretic data. Geologic data and the shared distribution of Cyprinodon macularius in the Gila and Sonoyta river basins

this pat tern. The UPGMA tree shows 1 itt 1e tendency to .1 inK samp 1es in such a pattern. Zneimer (1986) also produced an unrooted, unweighted Wagner

network (Farris, 1979, 1972, 1981; Lundberg, 1972; Swofford, 1981> based on Rogers Genetic Similarity coefficients using


this study and are presented in Figure 14. This relationship

hypothesis is more congruent with relationships indicated by morphology


than is that derived by UPGMA, but major incongruencies remain.

Rooting of the tree through outgroup comparison might improve

congruence. Although Gila robusta

an outgroup for electrophoretic analysis

set, combined with questions regarding appropriateness of choice for

the outgroup resulted in a decision not to employ that taxon to root

the tree. Rhinichthrs osculus, a taxon likely to be the actual sister

group of Agosia chrrsogaster (Miller, 1959; Coad, 1976>, has been

selected instead as the outgroup for future analyses.

Without outgroup comparison for rooting, interpretation of the

Wagner tree is complicated. Regardless of where the tree of Figure 14 might be rooted, however, there is no location which would produce full congruence with morphology, and there are no simple theories which might account for incongruence of electrophoretic and morphologic

patterns. Any attempts to reconcile the two data sets leave some aspects

(e.g., great electrophoretic distance of Coon Creek [sample 14] and

Verde River [9J samples from the rest of the Gila basin, and geographically unexpected placement of samples from Rio Sonoyta [65] and Bill Williams [5] drainages) unexplained, however, greatest

congruence would be obtained if the figure were rooted on the short

branch between the central trichotomy and the tight cluster of Gila and

Concepcion basin samples. The initial dichotomy would then correspond

to the geographically-sensible split of the Gila/Concepcion lineage

from the southern morph, and subsequent splitting of the latter into 80

Yaqui/Willcox/Sonora and Mayo/Fuerte 1 ineages. Such a pattern is

congruent with morphology and an assumption of equitable rates of morphological divergence among all 1 ineages. If this is not the case,

and the true ancestral condition lies elsewhere on the figure, then

electrophoretically-distant terminal groups of the southern morph

demonstrate remarkable morphological convergence achieved over the same

time period in which the northern morph diverged morphologically, but with relatively 1 ittle isozymic divergence, from one or the other of them. A rooting position producing some congruence with morphologic

data would be between the Mayo/Fuerte group <3> and the trichotomy.

This might relate to geographically-possible divergence from an ancestral stock of Mayo/Fuerte and northern 1 ineages, with subsequent morphological convergence of a Yaqui/Willcox/Sonora lineage toward Mayo/Fuerte morphology after the former split from its Gila/Concepcion

sister group. Rooting on the opposite side of the trichotomy, nearer the mid-point of the longest distance, implies not only the same type

of convergence, but the unlikely occurrence of a geographicallY central

dichotomy producing a central group bounded on both north and south

sides by the other.

Multivariate analyses of morphometric data also produced unrooted

and purely phenetic relationships patterns, but these were geographically sensible and corroborated by evidence from meristics,

tuberculation, and perhaps breeding behaviour. A suite of morphological character states

non-linear relationships of most characters to SL, spawning pits, etc.)

------... 81 comprises autapomorphies of the northern group and synapomorphies uniting lineages of its drainages, while the alternate suite characterizes the southern morph and unites its diverse lineages.

The lack of congruence between patterns of morphology- and isozyme-based estimations of relationships is not unique. Johnson <1975> and Mickevitch and Johnson <1976> reported congruency between relationships patterns as indicated by minimum-length Wagner trees independently derived from electrophoretic and morphometric data sets on the atherinid genus Menidia. However, these patterns were largely

incongruent with those derived by phenetic analysis of the same data. Their study subsequently attracted considerable attention

Miclss, 19Se; Rohlf et al., 1983>. Several other investigations have indicated similar lacl< of agreement between morphological and isozyme data sets in other taxa, and it is clear that the degree to which morphologic and molecular indicators of relationships patterns and distances are correlated seems to vary widely. For example, numerous studies have reported lacl< of isozymic differentiation in morphologically variable taxa

Selander, 1972; Turner, 1974; Sage and Selander, 1975; Kornfield et al ., 1982; Kornfield and Taylor, 1983; Turner and Grosse, 1989; Turner et al., 1983; Grudzien and Turner, 1984a 1 b). Others have reported physiological and behavioral divergences sufficient to result in reproductive isolation among forms differing 1 ittle electrophoretically

Chapman, 1971) 1 while still others revealed considerable isozyme divergence in the face of 1 ittle or no apparent morphological

------. 82


and Turner, 1984, 1985).

In general, molecular similarities among conspecific populations of other North American fishes, including other cypriniforms, characteristically are >B.85

1979a, b, 19BB; Buth and Burr, 1978; Zimmerman et al ., 1989; Ferris et al., 1982; Turner, 1983; Grudzien and Turner, 1983). Some cypriniform

species pairs, however, are about equally, or less, genetically


al., 1989; Dowling and Moore, 1985) than are some pairs of populations

analyzed here. It is thus obvious that genetic distance data are not

consistently correlated with classical taxonomy, nor is it desirable

that such a rate-dependent measure be so if taxonomy is to be a

reflection of phylogeny. Existence in this study of clearly-discernable morphotypes, with contiguous geographic

distributions, coupled with evidence of intermediates are in fact characteristic of subspecies. However, if morphs were considered

subspecies, greatest genetic distances of Zneimer's <1986> study would fall within the southern one, and not between the two. Apparent lack of congruence between morphological and electrophoretic data sets obviously confuse taxonomic interpretation.

Although there are no recognized criteria to determine what constitutes a subspecies, Hubbs <1943) suggested informal ones based on his fish

research. His criteria were proposed more than 4 decades ago, however,

and must be assessed in 1 ight of modern taxonomic perspectives. Hubbs

... ------···------· 83

<1943) was careful to point out that •systematic characters must have a

genetic basis" and continued to say "Unless the systematics are excessively complicated, I would designate as a subspecies any genetic form which shows reasonable geographic or ecological consistency, and which can usually be distinguished on its totality of characters.•

Mayr (1969) considered a subspecies to be • ••• an aggregate of

phenotypically similar populations of a species, inhabiting a geographic subdivision of the range of a species, and differing

taxonomically from other populations of the species.• Other definitions of subspecies include the long-used, but now disfavored

"75/. rule" based on the simple criterion that if 7~/. of specimens could be correctly assigned on the basis of morphology to a geographic group, subspecies designation was appropriate. By such standards, a. chrysogaster morphs qualify for subspecific, if not specific status. A more recent criterion for subspecies, however, is that of Thorpe ; who pointed out subspecies should be predictive of congruent patterns of variation in a wide range of character systems, and believed this most likely to be

the result of phylogenesis rather than ecological adaptation. Although Zneimer's <1986) results would not have been predicted by this study of morphology, the only conclusion that may be drawn is that relatively few loci surveyed in her study failed to reveal differentiation congruent with morphology, While it seems likely that

the diversity of morphological characters surveyed would be under

polygenic control, it is possible that differentiation of morphs may

relate to genetic alterations at one, or few, loci associated with

--- ~~-~--~-~--~~~ 84 growth control and sexual dimorphism. That morphs clearly differ in allometric relationships for most characters may be evidence of such control systems. If few changes, perhaps related to general developmental processes, have occurred, it is 1 ikely they would not be sampled in an electrophoretic survey such as Zneimer's.

Though isozyme studies have become an important tool of systematists during the past 2 decades, the technique is not without

I imitations and problems

1982 1 1984; and references therein>. Configuration of relationships patterns developed with methodologies such as UPGMA and Distance Wagner may be unstable and highly sample dependent . While principal groups of both Zneimer;s UPGMA and Distance Wagner figures are the same (i.e. groups A- F of Figure 14>, the 2 trees differ considerably in relationships among them. For example, while both the UPGMA and Wagner trees indicate the same Gila/Concepcion group to be the sister group of fish from the rios Mayo and Sonoyta, the latter tree includes all Rio Fuert~ samples as derivatives of the Mayo/Sonoyta lineage. In contrast, the UPGMA tree places the Rio Fuerte group as the sister of all other 1 ineages except that of the Willcox/Yaqui

Bernardino) pair. Thus, there is little concordance between results

from different methods of analysis of the electrophoretic data.

Various measures of internal consistency (e.g., SoKal and Rohlf,

1962; Farris, 1972; Prager and Wilson, 1978; Fitch and Margoliash,

1967; Sokal and Rohlf, 1981) may also be employed to evaluate tree

configurations. Based on these, the Wagner method produces best fit to

the data

9.983ti• 9.864 for UPGMA tree>. Though not investigated by Zneimer or·

here, structure of Zneim~r's data set, with most variation expressed at few loci and often in one or few samples, would 1 ikely produce

considerable variation in configuration of trees produced from subsets of loci and/or samples. Relationships hypotheses derived from

morphometric data, however, are highly stable when subsets, either of variables or samples, are used in their development. For example, the same 2 major groups are detectable with multivariate techniques on as

few as 4 of the 49 variables and all samples , or only 15 of the 69 samples and all variables (e.g., figures 3- 5 and 15, 16).

Physiography and Distribution of Morphotypes

Topographically, geographic ranges of the 2 morphotypes are

isolated by considerable relief between the Rio de la Concepcion and Rio Sonora basins, though the latter is isolated from the Gila River basin by areas of relatively low rei ief in the area of Cananea, Sonora. Least rei ief between ranges of the 2 morphotypes occurs at the divide

between the Willcox Playa and Aravaipa CreeK of the Gila River basin,

·--··- ---··------·--·------·----·----·------·. 86

where Aravaipa Creek is eroding headward into the northwest end of the

broad Sulphur Springs Valley. Prior to extensive erosion of Aravaipa

canyon, the Sulphur Springs Valley was obviously well isolated. There

is no morphological evidence of contact between the northern and southern forms over this divide. Morphological tendencies toward intermediacy of specimens from the

Rios Sonoyta and Sonora, and clear grouping of Rio de la Concepcion specimens with the Gila/Bill Williams group parallel electrophoretic patterns expressed in the Wagner tree and are consistent with

physiographic intermediacy of those drainages. Although both drain

some Basin and Range areas, each resembles the Gila River in having long northeast-to-southwest reaches, especially in their lower parts on

the coastal plain. By contrast, the Rio Yaqui and more southern

systems drain only Basin and Range topography and uplifted parts of the

Sierra Madre Occidental, and are tightly constrained in all but short

coastal-plain reaches. Alignment of major structural valleys of the

Rios Bavispe and Moctezuma of the Rio Yaqui southward into the Rio Mayo system, then curving eastward to control nothwest-draining headwaters

of the Rios Fuerte and Sinaloa drainages, respectively, is obvious in

Figure 1. Another apparent Basin and Range alignment of drainages is that of the Gila basin's Verde River and Tonto Creek along the western rim of the Colorado Plateau with the Santa Cruz/San Pedro valleys

Gila tributaries>. This same alignment continues through the upper Rio Sonora. If the Rio Sonora is excluded, range of the northern morphotype may

be simply described as streams in or entering that alignment, and

.. ------87 basins to its west.

At least one a posteriori scenario can be conceived, which reconciles some apparent incongruencies between phenetic relationships depicted by morphometric analysis and the Wagner Tree based on genetic identity coefficients derived from isozymic data. However, this scenario necessitates some major assumptions. If Gila/Concepcion, Yaqui/Sonora, and Mayo/Fuerte components were synchronously fragmented from an ancestral population distributed continuously across most or all of the present range of the species, the result would produce a phylogeny much like that depicted in the Wagner Tree of Figure 14. The three-way, synchronous disruption corresponds to the central trichotomy of the tree. To reconcile this scenario of cladogenesis with the morphometric analysis, and seemingly common sense, requires erroneous placement of the Verde River/Coon Creek, Sonoyta and Bill Williams branches by the Wagner method. Geographically, it seems far more

1 ikely that all these populations derived from the 1 ineage leading to the close-knit assemblage formed by the remaining Gila basin samples and those from Rio de la Concepcion. This scenario also implies failure of Rio Yaqui, Sonora, and more southern populations to undergo substantial phenetic divergence, while over the same time period the northern group evolved a significant apomorphic body shape prior to its fragmentation.

While elaborate ad hoc hypotheses are required to reconcile relationships patterns based on isozymes with those derived from morphology, or any probable geologic or geographic scenario, morphological relationships reflect geography and geology of the area.

------· 88

Mexican drainages north and west of Rio Sonora drain generally

low-relief areas of coastal plain and subsiding, highly alluviated

basin and range terrain, and at least in their lower reaches are little controlled by topography. This 1ow-rel i ef area extends northward i rdo the Gila and Bill Williams drainages. By contrast, more eastern and southern drainages occupied by the southern morphotype of Agosia are

characterized by considerable relief and topographic control of the

Basin and Range physiographic province

structural, fault-bounded valleys of this region, continuous throughout

the range of the southern morphotype, have been previously proposed as

pathways of fish dispersal

Other Fishes

Unfortunately, a large data base of phylogenetic hypotheses for taxa broadly sympatric with Agosia, which could be used in a vicariance biogeography approach to the problem, does not presently exist. The single appropriate published hypothesis of fish relationships is that

based on electrophoretic data of Vrijenhoek et al. (1985) for

Poeciliopsis occidental is, which shares 6 basins with~. chrysogaster. f. occidental is is in all basins south of the Bill Williams that are

also inhabited by~. chrysogaster, with the exception of Rio Sonoyta

and those south of Rio Mayo. Morphologic relationships of populations

of the latter are partly congruent with electrophoretic relationships

of the former. Relationships of Rio Sonora populations off •

occidental is 1 ie with those of more northern basins, while

.. ·-··-··- --····- -·--·-··------···-----··---··. 89 morphological data for a. chrysogaster indicate that Rio Sonora populations are nearest those of the Rio Yaqui and more southern basins, but intermediate in some characters. Additionally, the Wagner NetworK of f. occidental is reveals a third group from the upper Rio Mayo that corresponds geographically to the Mayo/Fuerte group of a. chrysogaster, which is discernable both electrophoretically

patterns indicated by its morphology. Morphologically, Agosia of Rio Mayo are nearer those of the Rio Yaqui than they are to the northern morph. As for other sites of contention between morphology and electrophoretic data on Agosia, f. occidental is data are uninformative. f. occidental is no longer occurs naturally in the Verde River or Coon CreeK, if in fact it ever did

they were known from less than about 59 Km downstream from those sites>, and was never Known from the Rio Sonoyta or Bill Williams River

comprehensible morphological affinities. Along with electrophoretic data on f. occidentalis, distributions of other fishes (for which there are no phyletic relationships

hypotheses) are congruent with morphometrically indicated relationships

---~ ------90 patterns in a. chrysogaster. Although faunas of single basins may be depauperate, a. chrysogaster co-occurs with a diversity of other fishes throughout its range. Information on the native ichthyofauna was recently reviewed by Hinckley et al. (1986); but other works dealing with fish faunas, including exotics, in the range of a. chrysogaster are: Rutter, <1896); Snyder, 1915; MeeK, 1904; Hubbs and Hiller

<1941); Miller <1945 1 1959 1 1960 1 1961, 1976); Miller and Simon, 1943;

De Buen, 1947; Hiller and Winn, 1951; Hiller and Lowe <1964); Branson et al ., 1969; Barber and HincKley (1966); Contreras-Balderas, 1969;

Alvarez, 1979; LaBounty and Hinckley <1972); Hinckley and Deacon, 1968; Deacon and Hinckley <1974); Hubbard (1977>; Angus <1989>; Kepner <1989, 1981>; Schreiber and Hinckley <1982>; Moore, 1984; Silvey et al.

(1984); Propst et al. 1985; Hinckley <1973, 1985); Hendrickson (1984);

Hendrickson et al ., 1981; Burr, 1976; Hendrickson <1984) 1 Schultz (1977>; Vrijenhoek <1984); and Hendrickson and Juarez Romero (in prep.). A basin-by-basin account of fishes taken with a. chrysogaster

No single species shares the entire distribution of Aqosia chrysogaster, though some are broadly syrnpatric with it and provide biogeographical information. Among these are other Poecil iopsis taxa, diversity of which increases rapidly from the lower Rio Yaqui southward. If the many unisexual clones of Poeciliopsis that reproduce through hybridogenesis or gynogenesis are considered together, they occur in all Mexican basins occupied by Agosia with exception of Rio

Sonoyta. In actuality, however, these represent a complex, but well studied, group of distinct clones, each of which has apparently 91 dispersed from independent origins in the rios Mayo and Fuerte. If a questionable

Rio Sonora (Miller and Lowe, 1964) is valid, and if catfishes south of

Rio Yaqui are considered synonymous with that form

1976; Hendrickson, 1984). Within~. ornatum, Burr (1976) concluded that •extreme and rather irregular variability from drainage to drainage• characterized the taxon, and recognized no subspecific groupings. Catostomus insignis and~· bernardini are a sister-species pair with distributions largely congruent with those of the northern and southern morphotypes, respectively, of a. chrysogaster, though catostomids are lacking from Rios Sonoyta and de la Concepcion. A single record of~. bernardini from Rio Sonora, as well as one of~· wigginsi from the Rio Yaqui basin, were judged invalid by VanDevender et al, <1985). If valid, those records would increase congruency of their distributions with B· chrysogaster morphs. Relationships of~. wigginsi are not clear, but Siebert and Hinckley <1986) who "cursorily examined" relationships of~. leopoldi and~· cahita from the Rios Yaqui and Mayo, mention it. Their proposal that "Catostomus leopoldi and~· cahita (and 1 ikely ~· wigginsi) represent rel lets or derivatives of an old regional fauna• seems to imply that relationships of the last are likely not with the~. bernardini complex. However, Robert R.

Miller (in litt., 1/39/1987) groups~· wigginsi with~. bernardini and

~· insignis on the basis of 1 ip characteristics. Catostomus of this 92

region obviously are in need of further study. Another species, Gila

purpurea, ties together three basins occupied by the southern morph

, and its sister species, Gila ditaenia occurs with the northern morph of a. chrrsogaster in Rio de la Concepcion. Gila robusta is not as informative regarding faunal relationships as are other taxa occurring with a. chrysogaster. This form, presently considered a homogeneous species, 1 ikely for lack of study, extends well north of the Bill Williams River into tributaries of the upper Colorado River basin, and apparently further south than a. chrysogaster to the Rio Cul iacan . The smallest

and most arid basins

Matape and Cocoraqui, as well as Willcox Playa) are those from which

Gila robusta is absent. Other fishes which occur with a. chrysogaster are local endemics

other Gila and Colorado River basin fishes, as well as Gila ditaenia

and the remaining Catostomus species>, or represent peripheral populations of taxa more widely distributed elsewhere

plebe ius, Notropis formosus, Rhinichthys osculus, Cichlasoma beani, and Gobiesox fluviatilis).


Morphological differentiation ~~ng Agosia chrysogaster from different basins, and in particular between groups of basins occupied by the 2 morphs, was evident in all analyses of the morphometric and meristic data sets, and indicated by tuberculation patterns and spawning behaviour. Thus, hypothesis 1 of this study, that ther·e is morphological divergence among basins, is supported. It is recognized, however, that phenetic techniques may not be good indicators of phylogeny due to influences of convergence and variations in rate of divergence. Despite that fact, conclusions based on the morphometric analyses, and congruence with them of several other character sets, strongly support a phylogeny involving an early dichotomy in ancestral a. chrysogaster, which gave rise to what are now the 2 morphs. Subsequent to that split, 1 ineages isolated in independent hydrographic basins continued to diverge. In the southern morph, 2 closely-related, morphological lineages are indicated, one in the Willcox Playa, Sonora and Yaqui basins, and the other in the rios Mayo, Fuerte and Sinaloa. Evidence of morphologically-intermediate morphs in geographically-intermediate drainages may result from reticulation in the phylogeny, which in turn suggests hydrographic inter-connections between drainages and lack of genetic isolation. Zneimer <1986>, on the other hand, found no electrophoretic evidence for the morphological groups of a. chrrsogaster. Ad hoc hypotheses which explain electrophoretic relationships patterns derived by Zneimer <1986) are themselves not parsimonious, and become even less

----- ·---··--·------·------94 so if attempts are made to explain evolution of morphologies within the context of genetic relationships indicated by electrophoresis.

Geologic history of the region fails to support any attempt to explain hypotheses developed by Zneimer. By contrast, hypotheses which address phenotypic evolution of the 2 morphs are direct, uncomplicated, and correlate well with physiography and geologic history of the region.

That a multivariate measure of morphologic distance between samples was correlated with stream distances among them supports the second hypothesis of this study. However, distance along drainages

(and coast! ines) between localities was correlated to a lesser degree with morphologic distance than was an index of hydrographic affiliation. Thus, hydrographic isolation of basins appears more important in influencing evolutionary direction than distance individuals would travel to achieve gene flow. This result probably reflects inability of&· chrysogaster to utilize marine corridors between basins. The third hypothesis was similarly supported. While morphologic distance along a multivariate axis, which provides high levels of discrimination between morphs and among basins, is correlated with latitude, longitude and elevation, high levels of variation surround the relationships. Highest correlation was that with latitude , and multiple correlation of both morph and latitude indicates the latter adds insignificantly to total variation.

Latitude may be coincidentally correlated with morphology because the morphs occur north and south of one another. Similar correlations

------·-····------·· 95 exist among scores on Principal Components, which discriminate among morphs and latitude, longitude and elevation. The correlation of elevation with morphology appears to be largely a result of sampling bias. For the Gila River basin alone, however, where such sampling bias was not as pronounced, a weak relationship with elevation was found for size and H2.

Finally, hypothesis 4 1 that all data sets would produce patterns congruent to that of the morphometric analyses, was supported by all forms of morphological data, as well as by distributions and relationships of other taxa, but not by electrophoretic analyses. The electrophoretic analyses on Agosia, however, produced relationships patterns more similar to those from isozyme studies of Poeciliopsis occidental is than to those derived from morphology of Agosia. Reasons for lack of agreement between isozyme and morphometric studies are unKnown, but may be related to analytical problems inherent with electrophoretic data and 1 imited sample size in that study. As noted before, morphology does not appear greatly influenced by ecology, and distribution and degree of differentiation of morphs fit classical criteria for subspecies, which presume underlying genetic causation.

In 1 ight of all evidence, it seems unlikely that lack of congruence between morphologic and electrophoretic data relates to failure of the former to reflect phylogeny. Thus, as a result of varied tests of initial and subsequently formulated hypotheses, I conclude that B· chrysogaster consists of 2 readily-distinguishable, allopatric morphs. The fact that fishes of 2 geographically intermediate basins

---··-·--·- -·· .. 96 intermediate in body shape indicates incompleteness, or past breakdown, of hydrographic isolation, and implies an ability of the morphs to interbreed. Reasons for lack of intermediacy of morphology in Rio de la Concepcion, geographically intermediate between Rios Sonoyta and Sonora, are unknown. The morphs also display differences in lateral 1 ine scale count, nuptial tuberculation, degree of sexual dimorphism, and perhaps breeding behavior. Shape of~. chrYsogaster appears 1 ittle correlated with general indicators of ecological conditions such as latitude and elevation, but, at least in the Gila basin, varies temporally in the same ways that morphs differ from one another.

Despite temporal variation, all samples can be readily assigned to morphotype, and often to basin of origin, on the basis of a small subset of morphometric characters.

It is clear that description of subspecies would be justified solely on the basis of morphology and distributions; however, electrophoretic data produce largely incongruent patterns.

Morphological phenetic dissimilarity might, therefore, be disproportionate to true genetic similarity, and perhaps the result of alterations in regulation of growth patterns determined by few genes. Discrepancies between morphologic and electrophoretic analyses thus confuse phylogenetic interpretations, and it remains unknown which data set, if either, is a more accurate reflection of the true phylogeny. Since it is my opinion that taxonomy should reflect phylogeny, decisions regarding taxonomic treatment of the morphs are deferred pending additional data on questions of genetic relatedness of the morphs and mechanisms determining morphology. REFERENCES

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------····--·- Appendix A. Acronyms and descriptions of morphometric variables.

------·------. ·------·------··· 11 .3


ALIPB -anterior edge of upper 1 ip at midline to base of barbel ANBASE - length of anal fin base ANFL -greatest length of anal fin ANODI - anal fin origin to dorsal fin insertion ANODO anal fin origin to dorsal fin origin ANOHP -anal fin origin to posterior edge of hypural plate BARBNAR -anterior edge of barbel base to lower edge of nares BARBORB -anterior edge of barbel base to lower edge of orbit BODYW - body width at anus BOPERCO - base of barbel to top of opercular opening BPECTO -base of barbel to pectoral fin origin CAUDPD - least depth of caudal peduncle DOOPERCO dorsal fin origin to top of opercular opening DORSBASE - length of dorsal fin base DORSFL - greatest length of dorsal fin FL -fork length HEADD - depth of head at nape HEADL - tip of snout to posterior edge of operclum bone HEADW - greatest width of head HPDORSI -posterior edge of hypural plate to dorsal insertion !BARB - distance between centers of barbel bases !NARES - least distance between nares IOPERCO - distance between opercular openings at their dorsal ends !ORB - least fleshy distance between orbits IPR8HAX -distance between skin folds at ends of premaxillaries ISTHMUS -isthmus width at line between barbels LOPERCO - length of opercular opening MOUTHW - greatest mouth width NARL -greatest length of nares opening NARORB -least distance between nares and orbit NARSNT - tip of snout to lower edge of nares NPECTO - lower edge of nares to pectoral origin OPERCORB- top of opercular opening to orbit OPERNAR - top of opercular opening to lower edge of nares ORBDIA -diameter of orbit

------Appendix B. Descriptions of samples used in analyses 115

SAHPLES ANALYZED S~ples are listed by rive~ ~asins Jf origin. Five digit numbers ~receding each s~ple description are codes used for h:irar:hically sorting and su:setting ja,a. The first two digits identify the basin, third and fourth sub-basin, and fifth specific sample. A single asterisk (f) indicates samples used only in electrophoretic analyses of Zneimer (1986>; t~o (ff) nark those used in both electrophoretic ">.

HUALAPAI <=RED> LAKE DRAINAGE 1. 81811 -USA, Arizona, Mohave Co., Unnamed spring 7.4 km N U.S. hwy. 66 on road leaving h~y 9.5 km ru ~ile post 91. 35029'38"N; 113041'3B"W. 1568 m. 17-'Jl-1981. D. A. Hendrickson, George Welsh, Hike Baltzly. ASU 19313. 8 females, 8 ~ales.

12. 91812- USA1 Arizona, Mohave Co., Truxton Wash, 2 km NE Valentine. 35025'N; 113038'38"W. 2599 m. 28-'Jl-19~5. D. A. Hendrickson, David Galat. ASU 11889. .


3. 82812 - USA1 Arizona~ Mohave Co.~ Burro Creek at Highway 93 bridge. 34038'N; 113027'W. 579 m. 26-IV-88. u. A. Henarickson, ASu ichthyology class. ASU 8374. 18 fe~ales.

4. 82813- USAl Arizona, Mohave Co. 1 Trout Creek. 34057'N; 113037'W. 763 m. 23-11-79. William 6. Kepner, John D. Surd. ASU 89~4. 9 females. 15, 82814 - USA, Arizona, Yavapai Co. Francis Creek 9.8 km above confluence of Burro Creek. 34D44'45"N; 113015'W. 945 m. Wi 1liam G. Kepner. ASU 8585. .

6. 82821 - USAA Arizona 1 Yavapai Co., Kirkland Creek. 34027'N; 112047'39"\11. 1131 m. 14-111-1988. Willian 6. ~epner. ASU 8634. 27 females, 32 nales.

GILA RIVER DRAINAGE 7. 93811 - USA Arizona Yavapai Co., Cellar Springs Creek above confluence of Blind Indian Creek. 34015'N; 11;.::029'W,1 11831 m. 3-IV-1988. William G. Kepner. ASU 8746. 18 females.

8. 83821 -USA, Arizona, Yavapai Co. 1 Sycamore Creek T11N1 R3E 1 ~, NE~1 S~1 Sec. 11. 34021'N; 112D88'38"W. 1143 m. 22-'Jll-1981!. Arizona Game and l"ish. ASU 1829t. 1;:s -females, 17 males. !9, 83831 - USA Arizona Yauapai Co., Verde Riuer at Perkinsuille. 34D53'39"N; 112D9'39"W. 1161 m. 19-'Jl-1Y81.1 D. A.1 Henifrickson, E. Milstead, W. L. Hinckley. ASU 18978. . 18. 83832- USA, Arizona, Maricopa Co., Sycamore Ck. at Sheep Canp. 33D42'N; 111038'W. 536 n. 1-'JI-1988. D. A. Hendrickson, Jed Kraemer. ASU 8356. 18 fenales, 28 males. 11. 83833- USA, Arizona, Maricopa Co., Sycanore Ck. at DosS Ranch. Starved before preservation. 33045'38•N; 111038'W. 646 m. 1-X-1981. D. A. Hendrickson et al. ASU uncataloged DH 52-81 . 21 females, 18 nales. 12. 83841 - USA Arizona, Gila Co., Tonto Creek at Gisela. 34095'N; 111017'W. 865 m. 1-'Jl-1989. D. A. Hendrrckson,1 Jed Kraemer. ASU 8385. 15 females, 12 nales. 13. 83842- USA Arizona, Gila Co., Tonto Creek midway bet~een Roosevelt Dam and Payson. ca. 33056'N; 11J018'W.1 ca. 731 n. 9-IX-1926. C. L. Hubbs, L. P. Schultz. UHHZ 94881. 15 females, 18 males.

1114. 83851 - USA1 Arizona, Gila Co., Coon Creek at Cherry Creek road . 33042'N; 111058'38"W. 855 H. 3-'Jll-1985. D. A. 1 John R. and Garrett D. Hendrickson, Jainie. Beran. ASU uncataloged. 18 fenales.

------·--- 116

15. 83871 - USA, Arizona, Gila Co., Cibeque Creek ~ Sec. 9 T6N 1 R17E. 34058'W;118029'W. 1483 ~. 14-vi-1967. John N. Rinne et al. ASU 3125. 18 fenales.1

16. 83121 - USA1 Arizona Santa Cruz Co., Rio Santa Cruz at gage station 8.8 kn NU.S.-Hexico border. 31021'N; 1lu035'W.1 1414 ra. 1-IV-1978. W. L. Hinckley et al. ASU 7828. 18 ferules. 17. 83122- Mexico, Sonora, Santa Cruz Valley, 23-X-1893. E. A. Hearns. USNH 45445. 118. 83131 -USA, Arizona, Cochise Co., San Pedro River WCurtis. 31051'N; 118D12'38"W. 1121 m. 7-vl-1988. D. A. Hendrickson et al. ASU 8355.

22. 83151 - USA1 Arizona1 Pinal Co., Aravaipa Creek 12.5 ~i. (by road) fr~ U.S. 77. 32053'38"N; 118034'W. t92 11. lt-lV-1964. W. L. Hmckley 1 A. Wick. ASU 662. 18 fMales 1 1 ~ale.

1123. 83171 - USA, Arizona1 Gila Co. San Carlos ARache Reservation 1 Cassadore Spring on road frat San Carlos to S~ill. ~3031'N; 11 8023'38"W. 1228 ~. 29-lll-19u1. D. A. Hendrickson, ASU fisheries class. ASU 9178. 18 f~ales.

28. 83195- USA, Arizona1 Grahan Co., Bonita Creek, elevation 1152n. 33DN; 189032'W. 1152 m. 14-IV-1978. Robert ~larkson, Benda. ASU 7896. 7 f~ales, 8 nales.

29. 83196- USA, Arizona1 Grahan Co., Bonita Creek 1 elevation 1152 n. 330N; 189032'W. 1152 m. 3-lll-1978. Robert ~larkson, Clarkson. ASU 7Y72. 18 f~ales, 28 nales. 38. 83197- USA, Arizonaf Grahan Co., Bonita Creek, elevation 1152 n. 330Ni 189D32'W. 1152 ~. 4-ii-1978. Robert C arkson, Thonas 0. Clark. ASU 8121. 14 fenales, 2B ~ales.

II, 31. 83198- USA, Arizona, Grahan Co. 1 Bonita Creek, elevation 1152 n. 330N; 189D32'W. 1152 18-Xll-1977. Robert Clarkson. ASU 8132. 7 f~ales, 9 nales. 132. 83211 - USA, Ne~ Hexico Hidalgo Co. Gila River at h~y. 92 crossing near Virden. 32039'Ni 188053'38"W. 114B n. 1

1133, 83251 - USA1 New Mexico1 Catron Co. 1 Tularosa River 8.5 kn d~nstrean fr~ Tularosa Spring above Aragon. 33D53'38"N; 18u038'W, 287~ n. 28-vi-1988. D. A. and Roger D. Hendrickson. ASD 8485. 15 f~ales, 15 nahs.

34. 83281 -USA, N~ Hexico1 Grant Co., Sapillo Ck. i N.H. ~y 15. 33081'N; 188D13'U. 1778 ~. 26-vl-1988. D. A. and Koger 0. Hendrickson. ASU 8481. 12 fe~ales, 16 males. 135. 83291 -USA, New Mexico, Grant Co., South Fork of Negri to Creek at crossing of Forest Service Road 583 above confluence of North Fork. 33036'15"N; 188037'48 1W. 2813 n. 27-vl-1988. D. A. and Roger D. Hendrickson. ASU 8418. . 117

WILLCOX PLAYA DRAINAGE 36. 84911 -USA, Arizona, Cochise Co.f Turkey Creek at Turkey Creek Campground. 31052'N; 189021'14. 1884 m. 9-QI-1981. Elisabeth Hi stead. ASU 18858. 33 females, 2~ males. 1137. 84812- Same as 84811. 27-v-1985. D. A. Hendrickson, David Galat. ASU 11883. 19 females. .

RIO YAQUI DRAINAGE 1138. 85811- USA, Arizona, Cochise Co. Leslie Canyon at USGS gage station E McNeal alongside road from Dougl~s to Rucker Canyon. 31 D35'39"N• 189038'38"14. 1482 m. 8-vi-1988. D. A. HendricksonJ Gary K. Meffe, Mbida Hpoame, lames P. Collins, La~rence Tool in. ASU 8378. 18 females. (£neimer 16). 39. 85813- Mexico, Sonora, Cajon Bonito at Ejido Oquita Monte Negro. 31018'N; 189013'14. 1838 m. 11-v-1978. D. A. Hendrickson et al. ASU uncataloged DH21-78. 18 females. 48. 85814- Mexico! Sonora, Cajon Bonito 9.3 km d~nstream from Rancho Nuevo. 31D17'N; 189088'14. 1389 m. 28-vi -1978. D. A. Hendrickson et al. ASU uncataloged DH182-78. 8 females.

41. 85831- Hexico1 Sonora Rio Sahuaripa at crossing 23.6 km from Sta. Rosa on rd. to Guisamopa. 28038'Nl 18908t'W. 69!1 m. 6-vii-1978. D. A. Hendrickson, W. L. Hinckley, James P. Collins, Robert ~larkson. ASU uncataloged DH16-78. 8 females. 42. 85832- Mexico, Sonora~ Spring fed stream upstream from Rancho Hababi. 38D48'N; 118082'14. 1858 m. 19-vii-78. D. A. HenijricKson, W. L. Hinckley, James P. Collins, Robert Clarkson. ASU uncataloged DH97-78. 9 females, 1 male. 43. 85841 - Mexico, Sonora, Arroyo Hoctezuma 3 km d~nstream Cum~as. 29D58'N; 189046'14. 758 m. 8-vi-1978. D. A. Hendrickson et al. ASU uncataloged DH43-7B. 41 females, 17 males. 1144. 85842 - Mexico, Sonora Arroyo Moctezuma 3 km d~nstrean from Cumpas. 29D58'N; 189046'14. 758 m. 18-I-1981. D. A. ~endricksou 1 Elisabeth Milstead, Robert Vrijenhoek, Michael Douglas. ASU 9844. 6 females. . 45. 85851 - Hexico Sonora Tributary of Arroyo El Toro, ca. 25 km E Yecora on rd to Haicova


**47. 86811 - Hexico1 Sonora1 Arroyo San Bernardo at San Bernardo about 56 km N of Alamos. 27D24'Nl 188058'38"14. ~88 m. ~2-vii-1988. D. A. Hendrickson, Gary K. Heffe, Charles 0. Hinckley. A~U 8286. 38 females, 27 males. . 1148. 86812- Sane as 86811. 14-1-1981. D. A. Hendrickson, Elisabeth Milstead, Robert Vrijenhoek, Michael Douglas. ASU 8997. 18 females.

------. 118

RIO FUERTE DRAI~GE 1151. 87811 -Mexico~ Sinaloa Rio de Choix at bridge at El Vado on road to Huitis ca. 3.2 km from Choix. 26044'Ni 188019 1W. 198m. 23-vJJ-1988. D. A. Hendrickson, Gary K. Meffe, Charles o. Hinckley. ASU ~214. 31 females, 25 males. . 1152. 87812- Same as 87811. 15-l-1981. D. A. Hendrickson Elisabeth Milstead, Robert Vrijenhoek, Michael Douglas. ASU 9828. 7 females. .

RIO SI~LOA DRAI~GE 54. 88811 - Hexico Sinaloa, Arroyo La Joya at Bridge in Bacubirito on road to Sinaloa de Leyva. 25048'N; 18705q'W.1 155m. 16-l-19B1. D. A. Hendrickson, Elisabeth Milstead, Robert Vrijenhoek, Michael Douglas. ASU 9887. 1 nale. 55. 88812- Nexico, Sinaloa, Tributary of Rio.Bacubirito-Sinaloa Calabasas at Los Gatos, Arroyo Camino Huato. (estinated as sane location as ASU 9887 aboueJ.1 5-Ill-1Y61.1 Robert R. Miller, Howard Huddle. UHHZ 179681. 5 fenales, 2 males.

RIO S~DRA DRAI~GE 1156. 11811 -Mexico, Sonora, Rio Bacanuchi at ~y. 188 crossing N of Arizpe. 38038'N; 118018'W. 958 m. 9-I-1981. D. A. Hendrickson, Elisabeth Milstead, Robert Vrijenhoek, Hithael Douglas. ASU 9814. 2B fmales, 31 nales. 9.6 kn N h~y 188 fran Cananea to Bacoachic. near 33056 38"N; 118081'15"W. near 1788 n. 9-l-81. D. A. Hendrickson, Elisabeth Milstead, Robert Vrijenhoek, Michael Douglas. ASU 9835. 5 fenales. 59. 11826- Nexico, Sonora Rio Sonora at La Aurora 4 kn Nand 8.8 kn WHazocahui. 29035'N; 11808B'W. 495 m. 18=61-78. D. A~ Hendrickson et al. ASU uncataloged DH45-78. 18 fenales. 68. 11827 -Nexico, Sonora, "Rio Sonora, Magdalena.• 5-Xl-1889. V. Bailey. USNH41988. 1 female. t61. 11828- Hexico Sonora Rio Sonora at bridge on Hernosillo- Ures road. 29019'31"Ni 118032'38"W. 1;;s58 n. 1d-vll-1988. D. A. Hendrickson et al. ASU 8334. .

RIO DE LA C~CEPCI~ <=*GDALENA, ALTAR OR ASUNCI~> DR~U~GE **62. 12811 - Mexico, Sonar~\ Strean at h~y. 15 crossing at Canpo Carretero S of Nogales. 38046'N; 118052'W. 838 n. 28-vii-1988. D. A. Hendrickson Gary K. Meffe, Charles 0. Hinckley. ASU uncataloged DH44-88. 38 females, 38 nates.

------·------··-···· RIO S~UYTA DRAINAGE

1165, 13811- Mexico1 Sonora, Rio Sonoyta 17.6 km Wand ca. 1.6 km S of Sonoyta. 31054'Ni ll2059'W. 348m. 28-v-1Y82. Rooert R. Miller, Tha~as McMahon. UMMZ 211154, ASU 11881. 25 temales, 11 males.

66. 13812- Mexico1 Sonora, Rio Sonoyta at Sonoyta. 31051'N; 112D51'W. 398m. 14-IV-1958. Robert R. Miller, H. t:. Winn. UMMZ 162663. 11 females, 17 raales.

ARROYO COCORAOUI DRAINAGE 67. 14811 -Mexico, Sonora, Cocoragui draina9e. Arroyo La Mutica on rd. fra1 Los Hornos to Rosario J. 16.8 kQ frcn Rosar1o. 27047 38"N; 189038'W. 488 m. 12-vi-78. D. A. Hendrickson et al. ASu uncataloged DH53-78. 18 feQales.

MIMBRES RIVER DRAINAGE 168. 15812 - USA, New Hexico Grant County. Mimbres Riuer at mouth of McKnight Creek. 32D57'Ni 188D81'1B"W. 1913 m. :.!7-vl-1988.1 D. A. and Roger D. Hendrickson. ASU 8446.

RIO GRANDE DRAINAGE 69. 16811 - USA, New Hexico, Sierra County, Hoyt Creek T11S R11W S7. 18-vi-1953. J. Sands. UNN1534. 3 females, 5 males. 1 1

-----·---··------. --·-· . Appendix C. Means and 95/. confidence intervals <±2 standard errors) for all variables by sex and basin

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BILL ldiLLifi'IS GILA WILLCOX PLAYA YAQUI !~RES 2.358±8.866 2.431i8.838 2.175t8.849 2.291:t8.039 !ORB 4.392±8.118 4.668i8.852 3.972±8.881 4.137±8.878 lOPERCD 6.128±8 .158 6.539±8.878 5.353±8.133 5. 677:t8. 898 HEAW 8.819±8.233 8.351±8.184 7.828:!:8.174 7.324±8.138 IPREMAX 3.564±8.184 3.599±8.848 2.479±8.879 2.971:t8.856 MOIITW 4.427:!:8.138 4.479±8.868 3.498±8.899 3.988±8.873 IBARB 3.587:!:8.128 3.614±8.852 2.962±8.898 3.389±9.866 ISTII1US I. 882±8. 858 1.223±8.824 8.978±8.832 8.961±8.824 PELVW 4.558±8 .161 4.862±8.873 3.766±8.128 3.964±8.888 BDD'IW 4.359±8.158 4.624±8.863 3.984±8.129 4.288±8.889 5NTII1EI1 4.581±8 .188 4. 558±8. 851 3.689±8.892 4.839±8.863 !NT BARB 4.364±8.187 4.411±8.851 3.531±8.891 3.895±8.868 ALIPB 3.948±8 .891 4.886±8.843 3.287:t8.885 3.681:t8.853 PLIPB 3.363±8.878 3.488:!:8.837 2.838±8.878 3.218±8.848 BAR mAR 3.268±8.886 3.373±8.838 2.496±8.864 2.938:!:8.848 IIARBDRB 1.6BI:t8 .864 1.738±8.827 1. 292±8. 848 1.528:t8.838 BDPERCD 8.184±8 .284 8.549±8.893 6.955±8.151 7.369±8.118 BPECTD 9.351±8.227 18.877:!:8.183 8.423±8.165 8.567:!:8.129 NPECTD 18.339±8.252 11.1 88±8 .118 9.233±8 .178 9.581:t8.144 PECDPER 4.584±8.127 4.945±8.857 4.247:t8.185 4.388±8.879 LOPERCO 6.485±8 .188 6.879±8.886 5. 742±8 .134 6.857:t8 .111 HEADD 8.537:t8.218 9.883±8.896 7.556±8.159 7. 957:t8 .125 PECDO 15.175±9.466 15.743±8.285 14.953±8.377 14.862±0.385 PECFL 8.344±8.234 8.488±8.897 6.297:t8 .139 7.565±8.127 PECDPELO 12.772±8.448 13.441±~- ~78 11. 872±8 •287 II •931:t8. 247 PEL ODD 11. 381±8 •366 12.216±8.161 18.381±8.279 18. 671±8 .223 PELODI 11.592±8.371 12.359±8.168 11.846±8 .312 11.142±8 .232 PELFL 8.843±8.235 8.421±8.184 6.648±8.161 6.913±8.137 PEL llANO 9.386±8.328 18 .889±8 .145 8.351±8.243 8.884±8 .185 ~ODD 13.282±8.433 14.288±8.183 11.411±8 .298 11.484±8.236 ~001 8.741±8.299 9.462±8.129 7.739±8.288 7.921±8.169 ANOHP 13.279±8.351 14.227:t8 .152 12.569±8.266 12.473±8.195 (tiFL 18.922±8.353 11.414±8 .145 8.787:t8.286 9. 737:t8 .172 ~BASE 4.595±8.122 4.888:!:.8.859 4.134±8 .128 4.284±8.873 I'AUDPD 4.883±8 .138 5.197:t8.861 4.671±8.899 4.757:t8.884 HPDORSI 16.559±8.467 17.655±8.283 14.285±8.325 14.291±8.255 DORSFL 18.875±8.279 11.898±8.121 9.328±8.281 9.789±8.154 DORSIIASE 6.863±8 .167 6.298±8.876 5.228±8.133 5.328±8.893 DODPERCD 15.673±8.468 16.342±8.282 15.672±8.383 15.284±8.385 DPERCDRB 4.294±8.188 4.436±8.848 3.545±8.876 3.883±8.854 OPEmAR 7.946±8 .I 83 8.415±8.885 6.935±8.124 7.193±8.185 HEADL 12.439±8 .311 13.168±8.139 18.885±8.221 11.522±8.179 NARSNT 3.834±8.186 3.159±8.845 2.313±8.858 2.788±8.858 NARDRB 8.534±8.814 8.543±8.887 8.461±8.818 8.588±8.818 NARL 1.928±8.938 1.851:t8 .815 8.839±8.828 9.816±8.815 ORBDIA 3.344±8.868 3.685±8.838 3.863±8.843 3.156±8.848 SL 47.822±1.387 sa. ;n±e. 555 43.598±8.935 43.892±8.753 ~· ::.s~~1 .a~5 59.413:3.724 ~e. ss3±!. ~s6 51.377±8.863 TL 68 .896±1.561 63.431±8.794 53. 977:t 1.119 55.535±8.928

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tV! YO FUERTE SINALM S~ORA INARES 2.234!8. 854 2.322:!:9.962 2.687:±9 .126 2. 499±9. 942 IORB 3.793!8.888 4.96S:t8 .181 5.879±9.168 4.u 4:±8 .861 IOPERCO 5.187±8 .123 5.496±9.143 6.599±8.235 6.894!8 .194 HEAW 6.372:!:8 .178 6.999±8.198 8.763±9.348 7.559±8.138 IPRB'W< 2.667±8.968 2.774:±9.878 3.211:t9 .124 3.864!8.857 MOIITIU 3. 358:t8.888 3.798:t8.183 4.699±8.178 4.861±9.888 IBARB 2.881±9.885 3.938:t8.994 3.881:±8.118 3.386:±8.968 ISTitiUS 9. 869±8 •832 9.991:!:0.837 1.1 sate. 866 1.87S:t9 .937 PELVW 3.458:t8.186 3.969±9.144 5.999±8.212 4.57B:t8.994 BODYW 3.749±8.891 3.912:!:8.129 4.831±9.178 4.843!8.974 SNTBt1Et1 3.614±9.884 3.923!8.997 4.597±8.214 4.88B:t8.964 SNTBARB 3.583!8.885 3.883!8.189 4.613:!:8.287 4.171±8.978 ALIPB 3.232:!:8.875 3.517±8.979 4.221:±8.288 3.891±8.872 PLIPB 2.843!8.966 3.926:±9.864 3.729±9.154 3.416:±8.864 BARBNAR 2.661:±8.965 2.81B:t9.975 3.627±8.132 3.122:!:9.861 BARBORB 1. 48:x±8.934 1.463!9.845 1. 883:!:9 •878 1.557±8.841 BOPERCO 6.898:t8 .1 55 7.633!8.198 8.86S:t8.392 7.989±8.132 BPECTO 8.159:±8 .153 8. 747±9 .194 9.835±8.334 9.728±8.145 NPECTO 9.918:t8.188 9.787±8.212 11 .118:t8. 322 18 •719±8 .168 PECOPER 4.846:±8.895 4.543!8.124 5.177±9.158 5.129±8 .899 LOPERCO 5.785±8.137 6.1 SS:t8 .161 7.493!8.287 6.585±8 .126 HEADD 7.413!8.158 8.112:!:8 .195 9.889±8.274 8.611±8.128 PECDO 13.445±8.386 15.289±8.583 18.329±8.983 16.192:!:8 .396 PECFL 6.972:!:8.142 7.676:±8.289 9.169±8 .318 8.469±8 .123 PECOPELO 18.828:t8.318 12.149±8.489 14.448:t8.834 13.218±8.265 PELODO 9.682:!:8.232 19.994:!:8.353 14.183!8.477 12.889±8.233 PELODI 18.238±8.258 11.783!8.368 14.737±8.478 12.469±8.248 PELFL 6.591±8.147 7.475±8.213 8.687±8.225 7.968:t8.138 PEL~O 6.925±8.198 8.511±8.387 18.468±8.455 18 .881:±8 .211 ANODO 18.63S:t8.266 12.14at8.388 15.316±8.575 13.383!8.248 ANODI 7.517±8 .187 8.442:!:8.267 18.546±8.485 8. 768:t8 .178 ANOHP 11.695±8.267 12.275±8.313 14.288±8.488 13.698:t8.218 ANFL 9.338:!:9.288 9.926:±9.273 11. 796±8 .338 I! .384!8 .281 AN BASE 4.147±8.115 4.518±8.145 5.735±8.258 4.777±8 .886 CAUDPD 4.881:!:8.897 5.886:±8 .134 6.835±8.272 4.717±8.968 HPDORSI 12.487±8.292 13.982:!:8.399 15.697±8.594 16.328:t8.259 DORSFL 9.612:!:8.182 18.468±8.275 11. 928:t8. 3!1 11.224:!:8 .169 DORSBASE 5.188±8 .127 5.724:!:8.174 7.841:!:9 .134 6.278:t8.896 DOOPERCO 13.979±8.373 15.757±8.589 19.282:!:8.768 17.81B:t8.388 OPERCORB 3.554:!:8.881 3.925±8.894 4.526±9.143 4.183!9 .971 OPE~R 6.932:!:9 .143 7.488±8 .178 8.672:!:8.238 7. 939±8 .117 HEADL 18.514!8.219 11.741:±8 .269 13.716±9.535 12.491±8.186 ~RSNT 2.442:!:8.863 2.749±8.864 3.397±8.191 2.891±8.865 ~RORB 9.463!8 .812 8.494:!:8.818 8.589±8.815 9.587±8 .811 NARL 8.833!8 .822 8.916±8.931 1.926±8.944 8.911:±9.822 ORBDIA 3.123!8.855 3.383:!:8.878 3.888:!:8.135 3.575±8.845 Sl 39.567:!:9.895 44.643!1.212 52.517±1.618 49. 838:t8. 779 FL 46.572:!:1.817 52.235±1.489 61.788:t2.864 57.476:±9.862 Tl 58.731±1.884 56.565±1.583 66.891:!:2.126 61. 789:t8. 914

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C~CEPCI~ S~OYTA COCORAOUI I~RES 2.574f8.974 2.415±8.893 2.639!8.891 IORB 4.574±8.118 4.577±8.144 4.841:!:8 .181 IOPERCO 6.429.±8.177 6.149.±9 .197 6.772±8.388 HEAW 8.459.±8.236 8.129:!:8 .281 8.689:!:8.335 IPRBW( 3.428±8.183 3.228:!:8 .131 3.388±8.144 HOUTIU 4.358:!:8.136 4.164:!:8.161 4.425±8.165 IMRB 3.432±8.184 3.36S:t8 .138 3.769:!:8.123 ISTII1US 1.262±8.848 1.897±8.857 1.232±8.876 PELVIU 4.818±8.157 4.787±8.217 4.763:!:8.211 BODYW 4.575±8.116 4.549:!:8.181 5.415±8.238 SNTBHEH 4.726:!:8.128 4.488:!:8.142 4.615:t8.136 SNTBARB 4.348±8.128 4.159:!:8.155 4.544:!:8.143 ALIPB 3.928:!:8.898 3.793:!:8 .133 4.278:!:8.147 PLIPB 3.276:!:8.884 3.25S:t8 .113 3.713±8.139 eARBWIR 3.167±8.888 3.182±8 .115 3.541±8 .178 BARBORB 1.738±8.856 1. 767±8 •868 1.618:!:8.869 BOPERCO 8.782±8.248 8.435±8 .386 8.697:!:8 .319 BPECTO 18 .195±8 .262 9.835±8.325 18.384f8.441 NPECTO 11.177:!:8 .298 18.628±8.367 11.537±8.494 PECOPER 4.983±8.136 4.973±8 .185 5.583±8.213 LOPERCO 6.691±8.185 6.747±8.248 7.287±8.314 HEADD 8.996±8.216 8.789:!:8.283 9.761:!:8.323 PECDO 15.843±8.487 14.855±8.689 18 .113:!:8. 784 PECFL 8.871±8.248 7.761±8.384 9.387:!:8.383 PECOPELO 13.858±8.382 12.286:!:8.588 15.359:!:8.672 PELODO 12.136±8.325 11.719:!:8 .493 12.977:!:8.489 PELODJ 12 .178:!:8 .353 11.887±8.533 13.68S:t8.527 PELFL 8.587:!:8.248 7.647±8.353 8.232±8.329 PEL~O 9.558:!:8.328 9.358±8.465 9.271±8.347 ~ODD 13.872±8.488 13.279:!:8.587 14.437:!:8.551 ~ODI 9.839:!:8.278 8.932±8.413 18.259:!:8.428 moHP 14.781±8.399 12.35S:t8.428 14.64a±8.614 ~FL 11.551:!:8.356 9.415±8.448 12.553:!:9.459 ~BASE 4.931±8.148 4.661:!:8 .214 5.232±8.238 CAUDPD 5.168±9 .128 5.359:!:9.291 5.837±3.203 HPDORSI 17.684:!:8.494 14.659.±8.585 16.975±8.68~ DORSFL 11.542±8 .298 9.983:!:9.388 12.885±8.386 DORSBASE 6.527±8.193 5.651:!:8.231 6.761:!:8.272 DDOPERCO 15.625:!:8.451 15.562±8.647 18.926:!:8.889 OPERCORB 4.568:±8.129 4.616:!:8.161 4.257:!:8.137 OPEIHIR 8.651±8.224 8.812±8.268 8.461:!:8.317 HEADL 13.398:!:8.344 12.829:!:8.462 13.449:!:8.458 NARSNT 3.278±8.893 3.181:!:9.117 2. 766:!:8 .115 NARORB 8.544:!:8.815 8.526:!:8.817 9.478:!:8.824 NARL 1.868±8.836 8.926:!:8.841 1.952±8.948 OR8DIA 3.621:!:8.876 3.115±8 .887 4.931:!:8.133 SL 59 .824±1.324 46.183±1.784 52. 774:!:2 .125 FL S8.52B±1.527 53.82a±1.946 61.886±2.258 ll 62.927:!:1.629 57.254:!:2.866 67.318±2.581

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HALES BILL WILLifi'IS GILA WILLCOX PLAYA YAQUI INA RES 2.474::!:8.113 2.343::!:8.833 2.123::!:8.847 1.885±8.833 IORB 4.541::!:8 .288 4.591:!:8.855 3.649::!:8.878 3. 249:!:8 •852 IOPERCO 6.468:!:8.386 6. 461:!:8. 881 4.983::!:8.116 4.256:!:8.896 HEAIX4 8.627::!:8.426 8.332:!:8.118 6.389::!:8.116 5.467::!:8.987 IPREt!AX 3.714:!:8.188 3.588:!:8.848 2.243::!:8.868 2.184:!:8.845 MOIJTIU 4.655::!:8.238 4.482:!:8.866 3.187::!:8.878 2. 891:!:8. 857 I BARB 3.821::!:0.212 3.548:!:8.856 2.615::!:8.878 2.437:!:8.058 ISTHMUS 1.128::!:8 .974 1.196:!:8.829 8. 874::!:8. 842 8.666:!:8.848 PELVW 4.843::!:8.281 4.839:!:8.882 3.393::!:8.878 2.934±8.969 BODYW 4.937::!:8.259 4.787:!:8.875 3.413::!:8 .891 3.199:!:8 .855 SNT!t!EM 4.732::!:8.228 4.479±8.856 3.379::!:8.881 3.282::!:8.972 SNTBARB 4.589::!:8 .283 4.353::!:8.954 3.221!8 .865 3.187:!:8.858 ALIPB 4.176:!:8 .173 3.976±8.848 2.998:!:8.868 2.886:!:8.838 PLIPB 3.633::!:8.141 3.391:!:8 .841 2.638:!:8 .874 2.539::!:8.848 BARIHIR 3.419::!:8.144 3.276±8.839 2.259::!:8.854 2.285±8.835 BARB ORB I. 934::!:8 .116 1.731:!:8.828 1.194::!:8 .841 1.191:!:8.842 BOPERCO 8.453::!:8.374 8 •479±8 .184 6.644:!:8.133 5.884±8.898 BPECTO 18.325::!:8.446 18.385:!:8.122 8.485::!:8 .152 7.264±8.883 NPECTO 11.375:!:8 .476 11 •393:!:9 .133 9 .107::!:8 .152 8.884±8 .185 PECOPER 4.881i8.283 4.822:!:8.857 3.844:±8 .884 3.344±8.857 LOPERCO 6.812::!:8.328 6.795:!:8.894 5.236:!:8 .111 4.716:!:8.892 HEADD 8.847::!:8.373 8.989:!:8.183 6. 934::!:8 .182 6.383::!:8.879 PECDO 14.352::!:8.659 14.373:!:8.193 13.318::!:8.272 18.922±9.178 PECFL 9 .683:::!:9 .421 9.242:!:9.118 7.154::!:8.163 6.672±9.141 PECOPELO 12.588:!:8.618 12. 657:!:8 .171 18.861:!:8.255 8.866:!:8 .192 PEL ODD 11.338:!:8 .685 11.959±8.176 8.998::!:8.286 8.228:!:8 .157 PELODI 11.257::!:8.598 11.688±8.168 9.568::!:8.226 8.434±8.159 PELFL 18.881::!:8.528 18 .885::!:8.146 7.716::!:8 .193 6.814:!:8.151 PEL~D 8.443::!:8.374 8. 657:!:8 .111 7.169::!:8 .147 5.817:!:8.125 ~ODD 12.983::!:8.648 13.426:!:8.191 9.637::!:8.231 8.628::!:8 .148 ~ODI 8.478:!:8.448 8.754::!:8.128 6.562±8 .153 5.822±8.113 ~OHP 14.456::!:8.695 14 .918±8 .281 12.326::!:8.295 18 .356::!:8 .187 ~FL 18.679::!:8.497 18.547:!:8.132 8.589::!:8 .185 7 .468::!:8.149 ~BASE 4.782::!:8.232 4.789:!:8.871 3.888::!:8.183 3.429::!:8.872 CAUDPD 5.174:!:8.269 5.415::!:.8.875 4.328:!:8.891 3.756±8.868 HPDORSJ 16. 988::!:8. 798 17.472:!:8.229 13.538::!:8 .311 11. 487::!:8. 285 DORSFL 12.556::!:8.595 12.356±8.172 9.952±8.253 8.234::!:8.282 DORSBASE 6.465::!:8.295 6.475::!:8.893 5.862±8.118 4.266::!:8.182 DOOPERCO 15.155:!:8 .665 15.844±8.188 14.345:!:8.275 11.341::!:8.159 OPERCORB 4.689::!:9 .199 4.434±8.855 3.375::!:8.852 3 .186::!:8 .845 OPE"*'R 8.378:!:8.334 8 .374±8 .893 6.698::!:8 .188 5.863::!:8.887 HEADL 13.122::!:9.563 13 .113::!:8 .153 18.282::!:8.166 9.212::!:8.1t8 NARSNT 3.464:!:8 .172 3.178±8.849 2.216::!:8.862 2.263::!:8.945 NARORB 8.598±8.827 9.543::!:8.887 8.439::!:8.815 8.392::!:8.812 NARL 1.856::!:8 .850 1.845::!:.8.817 8.846::!:8.838 8.658::!:8.921 ORBDIA 3.318:!:9 .184 3.531:!:8.832 2.964:!:8.838 2.651:!:9.943 SL 49.812::!:2.161 49.828±8.582 41.859:!:8 .728 34.459::!:8.444 FL 57.782::!:2.482 59.831:!:1.848 47.~i2::!:8.836 48.665:!:8.531 TL 61.681:!:2.653 63 .885::!:.1.841 51.182::!:8 •858 43.998::!:8.597

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~YO FUERTE SINALM S~ORA INARES 2.894:!8.858 2.815:!:8.843 2.176:!8.119 1.971±8.042 IORB 3.574:!0.866 3.553:!8.969 3. 929:!8 .191 3.438:!8.878 IOPERCO 4.977:!8.899 4.845:!:8.187 5.114:!0.371 4.836:!8.184 HEAW 5. 958:!9 .121 6. 984:!8 .148 6.511:!8 .539 6.858:!8 .126 IPREmX 2.42l:t8.861 2.424!8.955 2.675:!:8.389 2.419:!8.854 HOUTIU 3.165:!:0.887 3.171:!8.877 3.585:!:8.235 3.284!8.978 IBARB 2. 627:!8 •872 2.572:!8.875 3.141!8.328 2.738:!8.858 ISTII1US 8.812:!8.843 8. 779:!8. 934 8.986:!8 .119 8. 843:!8. 828 PELVW 3. 340!8 .103 3.391!8.898 3.751!8.417 3.685±8.991 BODYW 3.684!8.182 3.486:!8.883 3.996:!8.444 3.374!8 .886 SNTBtiB1 3.476:!8.893 3.512:!0.879 3.573:!8.280 3.482:!8.964 SNTBARB 3.480:!8.972 3.394:!8.978 3.531±8.268 3.419:!8 .868 ALIPB 3.143::!:8.872 3.184!9.959 3.378:!8.252 3.288±8.962 PLIPB 2.787:!8.867 2. 686:!8. 955 3.823:!8 .173 2. 852:!8. 953 BARIH\R 2.543::!:8.859 2.478:t8.858 2.853::!:8.249 2.578:!8.844 BARBORB 1. 33V±9. 849 1.288:t8.935 1. 329:!8 .118 1• 321±8. 837 BOPERCO 6.591±8 .172 6.822:!8.155 7.256:!8.669 6.759±8.124 BPECTO 8.147:!8.174 8.241!8 .194 8.992:!8.984 8.694!8.156 NPECTO B. 914!8 .194 9.971!8.187 9. 737:!1. 825 9.483::!:8 .183 PECOPER 3.725:!:8.876 3.921!8.876 4.847:!8.285 4.891±8.898 LOPERCO 5.351!8.135 5.385:!:9.128 5.596:!8.586 5.324:±8 .189 HEADD 7.158:!8 .145 7.224:±8 .142 7. 772±8 •775 7. 237:!8 .123 PECDD 12.723::!:8.334 12.826:!8.388 14.165:!:1.528 12.848:!9.292 PECFL 7.413::!:8.211 7.635:!:8.214 a. 755:!:1.295 8.398:!9.171 PECOPELD 18 .374:±9 .276 18.31B:t8.264 12.167:!1.448 18.997:!8.265 PELDDD 9 .144±9.197 9.388:±8.228 18.510:!1.253 9.658:±8.219 PELODI 9.586:±8.212 19 .163::!:8 .252 11. 591:±1.548 9.788:!8 .219 PELFL 7.164±8.229 7.699:!8.271 8.517:!1.498 8.265:!:8.228 PEL~O 6.691:±8.169 7.384!8.215 7.933::!:1.213 7.626:±8 .197 lt-IODD 18 .154!8 .225 18.568!8.264 11.667:!1.489 18. 758:±8. 249 mODI 7.184!8 .155 7.282±8 .184 8.34B:t1.816 7.887:±8.168 moHP 11. 488:!8 .298 11.582±8.293 13.394!1.798 12.766:±8.255 lt-IFL 9.895±8.218 9.123::!:8.237 9.686:±1.389 9.484:±8.217 lt-IBASE 3.991±8 .121 4.974:±8 .114 4.995:!:8.594 4.897:±8. 894 CAUDPD 4.633::!:8.899 4.674±8.188 5.131±8.723 4.135:!:8 .898 HPDORSI 12. 288:±8. 288 12.987:!8.338 13.42B:t1.681 14.513:!8.298 DORSFL 9.565±8.247 10 .157±8 .388 11. 388.±1. 598 18.852±8.239 DORSBASE 4. 948:!8 .159 5.422±8.171 6.672±1.885 5.689:±8.145 DOOPERCO 13.515±8.317 13.735:!:8.351 15.291±1.899 14 .153::!:8 .395 OPERCORB 3.373::!:9.986 3.538:!8.878 3.983:!8.294 3. 482:!8 •871 OPE!mR 6.592±8.168 6.835:!:8.133 7.128:±8.633 6.814:±8.133 HEADL 18.197:!8.196 18 .446:±8 .199 11.866:±1.838 18.462±8.183 NARSNT 2.428:!8.869 2.385:!:8.853 2.642±8.333 2.439:±8.959 NARORB 8.443::!:8.817 8.434!8.814 8.516:±8.817 8.396:±8.814 NARL 8.796:±8.829 8.838:t8.828 8.686:±0.867 8.764:±8 .823 ORBDIA 3.825:!:8.858 3.835:!:8.858 3.175:!:8 .283 3.114!8.851 SL 38.913::!:8.868 48 •388:±8. 949 44.51B:t4.694 42.493::!:9.848 Fl 45.529±8.988 47.333::!:1.116 52.845:!:5.474 52.574!3.341 TL 49.566:±1.831 51.389:±1.235 55.982:!5.948 56.243:±3.246 12.:.

C~CEPCI~ S~OYTA INARES 2.474±8.873 2.694±8.153 IORB 4.488±8.186 5.152±8.255 IOPERCO 6.289±8.174 6.836±8.351 HEADW 8.849±8.234 9.344±8.587 IPRBW< 3.291±8.188 3.691±8.288 HDiJT!Ii 4.127:!:8.128 4.951!:8.287 IBARB 3.257:!:8 .895 3.941±8.221 ISTif1US 1.259±8.848 1.228±8.872 PELVW 4.632±8 .151 5.388±8.347 BODYW 4.68l±8 .192 5.876±8.282 00111EH 4.588±9.121 4.939±8.255 SNTEIARB 4.221±8 .128 4.755:!8.251 ALIPB 3.888±9.188 4.386±8.223 PLIPB 3.199±8.895 3. 778±8 .189 BARBNAR 3.828±9.888 3.578±8 .187 BARBORB 1.738±8.853 2.858±8.187 BOPERCO 8.568±8.285 9.537±8.481 BPECTO 18.381!:8.272 11.461±8.593 NPECTO 11.241!:8.388 12.348±8.626 PECOPER 4.837:!:8 .138 5.737:!:8.287 LOPERCO 6.566±8.179 7.514±8.393 HEADD 8.881±8.191 9.777:!:8.454 PECDO 14.186±8.351 15.177:!:8 .772 PECFL 9.184±8 .257 9.526±8.554 PECOPELO 12.652±8.388 12.771!:8.663 PEL ODD 11. 979±8 •289 13.815:!8.755 PELODI 11. 596±8. 383 12.822±8.741 PELFL 9.588±8.324 9.862±8.662 PELDAND 8.494±8.239 9.125:!8.517 ~ODO 13.869±8.338 14.288±8.846 ~ODI 8.517:!:8.288 9.581±8.572 ~OHP 14.948±8.466 14.364±8.778 ~FL 18.761!:9.292 18.244±8.588 ~eASE 4.691!:8.158 5.349±8 .321 CAUDPD 5.285±8.126 6.894±8.349 HPDORSI 17.588±8.528 16.269±8.848 · DORSFL 12.117:!:8.486 13.114±8.831 DORSEIASE 6.429±8.195 7.176±8.441 DOOPERCO 14.679±8.396 15.968±8.798 OPERCORB 4.477:!:8 .ll3 5.212±8.263 OPERNAR 8.559±8.193 8.921±8.428 HEADL 13.169±8.326 14.517:!:8.726 NAR!M' 3.247:!:8.891 3.688±8.218 NARORB 8.558±8.814 8.597:!:8.831 NARL 1.813±8.831 8.972±8.858 ORBDIA 3.538±8.863 3.381±8.125 SL 48.788±1.255 58 .268±2.477 FL 56. 929±1. 399 59 .124±2.995 TL 61.142±1.492 62.781±3.861

------Appendix D. Nonlinea~ ~eg~ession statistics by sex and mo~ph fo~ all va~iables ~eg~essed on SL. Columns are:

- nlin ~eg~ession pa~amete~s f~om model log(Y) =A+ B*(log

Under! ining indicates a pa~amete~ which significantly differs from the same parameter in another g~oup which is also unde~lined. Continuous under! ining ac~oss both sexes of a single morph indicates no difference between those sexes, but difference between the pair and one or both sexes in the other mo~ph. Significance of diffe~ences was determined by lacK of overlap of asymptotically estimated 9~/. confidence intervals. Significantly non-linear ~elationshi9s with+ or- quadratic terms are indicated by + o~ - in center column.

-- ---···· .. ·------··-·---·-·------128

FEMALES - NORTHERN HORPH MALES - NORTHERN HORPH DEPENDENT VARIABLE U~RES DEPENDENT VARIABLE I~RES 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 A 3.5983 2.1216 -8.5722 7.7689 A 6.6389 2.4824 1.9842 11.3576 B -2.9833 1.2983 -4.5556 8.5488 B -3.9346 1.4699 -6.8267 -1.8425 c 8.4598 8.1985 8.9687 8.8493 + + c 8.7654 8.2247 9.3232 1.2877 DEPENDENT VARIABLE IORB DEPENDENT UARIABLE IOR8 A 3.5155 1.3587 8.8445 6.1864 A 2.9815 1.7488 -8.4591 6.4221 B -1.7878 8.8314 -3.3423 -8.8732 B -1.4222 1.8699 -3.5273 8.6828 c 9.4826 8.1271 9.1526 8.6526 + + c 9.3656 8.1635 9.9437 9.6875 DEPENDENT VARIABLE IOPERCO DEPENDENT VARIABLE IDPERCO A 5.7391 1.9223 3.7295 7.7488 A 2.2968 1.2986 -8.3481 4.7617 B -3.9374 8.6257 -4.2674 -1.8974 B -9.9179 8.7945 -2.4882 8.6461 c 8.6145 8.9957 8.4264 8.8827 + + c 8.2972 8.1214 8.8582 8.5362 DEPENDENT VARIABLE HEAW DEPENDENT VARIABLE HEAW A 3.3475 1.3124 9.7675 5.9274 A 6.6338 1.4878 3.7966 9.5699 B -1.5686 9.8831 -3.1394 8.8181 B -3.6475 8.9182 -5.43B4 -1.8566 c 9.3969 8.1228 9.1554 9.6384 + + c 8.7284 8.1391 8.4546 1.8822 DEPENDENT VARIABLE IPREHAX DEPENDENT VARIABLE I PRBW( A 3.8B41 1.83B9 9.2691 7.4998 A 3.4944 2.9742 -8.5865 7.5754 B -2.1796 1.1253 -4.3918 8.8325 B -1.9374 1.2698 -4.4342 9.5594 c 8.5811 8.1721 9.1627 8.8394 + + c 8.4638 8.1948 8.8821 8.8456 DEPENDENT VARIABLE HOUTHW DEPENDENT VARIABLE 1101JTIU A 4.7835 1.6746 1.4915 8.8755 A 6.6664 2.8898 2.5547 19.7781 B -2.6718 1.8248 -4.6856 -8.6564 B -3.8792 1.2786 -6.3858 -1.3546 c 8.5763 8.1567 9.2682 8.8844 + + c 8.7674 8.1954 8.3827 1.1528

DEPENDENTA VARIABLE !BARB DEPENDENT VARIABLE !BARB "'! 3.8539 2.8485 -8.1739 7.8799 A 4.8372 2.3839 9.1478 9.5274 B -:?.2927 • ~t:'~! -~ . .:~:'9 8.2615 B -2.8598 1.4585 -5.7294 8.8896 c 8.5112 a:i9i7 8.1343 8.8881 + + c 8.6286 8.2238 8.1818 1.8593 DEPENDENT VARIABLE ISTII1US DEPENDENT VARIABLE ISTII1US A 3.7238 4.9971 -6.1882 13.5463 A 4.6146 5.5988 -6.4886 15.6299 B -2.6119 3.8581 -8.6234 3.3996 B -3.2327 3.4254 -9.9721 3.5866 c 8.6829 8.4676 -8.3164 1.5223 c 8.7896 8.5237 -8.3287 1.7488 DEPENDENT VARIABLE PELVGW DEPENDENT VARIABLE PELVGU A -1.1469 1.5135 -4.1222 1.8284 A 2.7547 1.6418 -8.4748 5.9834 B 9.8847 8.9262 -1.8161 2.6255 B -1.6539 1.8948 -3.6284 0.3223 c 8.8712 8.1416 -8.2872 8.3496 + c 8.4585 8.1535 ·8.1565 8.7686 DEP~DENT VARIABLE BODYW DEPENDENT VARIABLE BDDYW A -2.8581 2.5761 -7.9143 2.2148 A -1.1213 3.8822 -7.1854 4.9426 B 2.8868 1.5765 -1.8122 5.1859 B 8.9538 1.8857 -2.7562 4.6639 c -8.1628 8.2411 -8.6365 8.3111 c 8.8236 8.2883 -8.5435 8.5989 DEPENDENT VARIABLE SNTBHEH DEPENDENT VARIABLE SNTBHEI1 A 3.7298 1.5241 8.7329 6.7251 A 6.7748 1.7268 3.3788 18.1788 B -1.8117 8.9327 -3.6452 9.8217 B -3.7551 1.8568 -5.832B -1.6773 c 8.4139 8.1426 8.1335 8.6943 + + c 8.7235 8.1614 8.4858 1.8412 DEPENDENT VARIABLE SNTBARB DEPENDENT VARIABLE SNTBARB A 2.5443 1.2769 8.8348 5.8545 A 5.2272 1.4785 2.3349 8.1284 B -1.1625 8.7814 -2.6987 8.3735 B -2.8383 8.8997 -4.6884 -1.8681 c 8.3245 8.1195 8.8895 8.5594 + + c 8.5865 8.1375 8.3158 8.8571 DEPENDENT VARIABLE ALIPB DEPENDENT VARIABLE ALIPB A 2.8464 1.3169 8.2576 5.4352 A 6.4991 1.5219 3.5848 9.4934 B -1.2993 8.8859 -2.8836 8.2849 B -3.5998 8.9311 -5.4389 -1.7678 c 8.3343 8.1232 8.8928 8.5766 + + c 8.6964 8.1423 8.4163 8.9765 DEPENDENT VARIABLE PLIPB DEPENDENT VARIABLE PLIPB

----·------·-······· 12'7'

A 4.9189 1.6824 1.7688 8.9618 A 7.7586 1.8486 4.1135 11.3878 B -2.5886 9.9886 -4.5884 -8.6529 B -4.3898 1.1318 -6.6142 -2.1637 c 9.5263 9.1499 8.2315 8.8212 + + c 8.8145 9.1729 8.4742 1.1547 DEPEi~ENT VARIABLE BARBNAR DEPENDENT VARIABLE BARBNAR A 9.9113 1.6933 -3.3173 3.3481 A 1.7985 1.7791 -1.7897 5.2989 B 8.3249 1.8362 -1.7139 2.3611 g -B.7B79 i.BBSS -2.9295 I.3536 c 9.9956 8.15B4 -8.2159 9.4971 c 8.2693 9.1~~4 -8.9591 0.5967 DEPENDENT VARIABLE BARBORB DEPENDENT VARIABLE BARBORB A 19.6759 2.4283 14.9824 24.4493 A 19.3468 2.9652 13.5121 25.1799 B -12.9133 1.4861 -14.9348 -9.8918 B -11.8666 1.8141 -15.4359 -8.2973 c 2.8812 9.2273 1.5543 2.4488 + + c 1.9887 8.2773 1.4438 2.5344 DEPENDENT VARIABLE BOPERCO DEPENDENT VARIABLE BOPERCO A 3.8492 1.1249 8.8378 5.2686 A 3.4688 1.2518 1.9851 5.9389 B -1.2661 8.6884 -2.6194 8.9872 a -1.5829 8.7659 -3.9888 -8.8751 c 9.3369 9.1852 8.1291 9.5438 + + c 9.3941 8.1171 8.1637 8.6245 DEPENDENT VARIABLE BPECTO DEPENDENT VARIABLE BPECTO A 4.8442 8.9839 2.1181 5.9783 A 8.6485 1.1731 -1.6595 2.9565 B -1.7796 9.6821 -2.9622 -8.5949 B 8.2967 8.7177 -1.2853 1.6189 c 9.4863 a.ana 8.2253 0.5973 + c 8.1198 8.1897 -8.8968 8.3349 DEPENDENT VARIABLE NPECTO DEPENDENT VARIABLE NPECTO A 3.9482 8.9295 2.1129 5.7675 A 1.3223 1.9657 -8.7744 3.4192 B -1.7267 9.5688 -2.8458 -8.6885 B -8.1725 8.6528 -1.4554 1.1183 c 9.4848 8.8869 8.2329 8.5758 + c 8.1757 9.9996 -8.9294 8.3718 DEPENDENT VARIABLE PECOPER DEPENDENT VARIABLE PECOPER A 6.2839 1.4878 3.4363 8.9714 A 5.9673 1. 9518 2.1272 9.8974 B -3.3719 8.8615 -5.9646 -1.6774 B -3.2178 1.1941 -5.5665 -8.8676 c 9.6628 8.1317 8.4938 8.9211 + + c 8.6375 9.1825 8.2783 8.9967 DEPENDENT VARIABLE LOPERCO DEPENDENT VARIABLE LOPERCO A 6.7325 8.4293 5.8885 7.5766 A 6.9638 1.6897 3.6394 18.2882 B -3.6782 9.2621 -4.1856 -3.1548 B -3.8622 1.9338 -5.8962 -1.8283 c 9.7171 8.8491 8.6382 9.7969 + + c 8.7548 9.1588 8.4438 1.9658 DEPENDENT VARIABLE HEADD DEPENDENT VARIABLE HEADD A 3.6825 8.8852 2.8196 5.1854 A 3.2784 1.9939 1.3832 5.2536 B -1.5714 8.4927 -2.5481 -8.6827 B -1.3979 8.6142 -2.6855 -8.1885 c 8.3797 8.8753 9.2315 8.5278 + + c 8.3572 9.9939 9.1724 9.5428 DEPENDENT VARIABLE PECDO DEPENDENT VARIABLE PECDO A 8.1918 8.7584 -1.2833 1.6669 A 1.9914 1.3435 -8.6519 4.6347 B 9.4517 8.4582 -9.4498 1.3526 B -8.6881 8.8229 -2.2173 1.9171 c e .1e2e 0.9799 -9.0356 0.2396 f c 8.2529 9.1256 6.6857 8.5992 DEPENDENT VARIABLE PECFL DEPENDENT VARIABLE PECFL A -3.7826 1.2682 -6.1956 -1.2995 A -8.3382 1.4646 -11.2198 -5.4566 B 2.7845 9. 7761 1.2588 4.3182 9 5.5966 9.9961 3.9236 7.3~91 c -9.2713 0.1196 -B.SB46 -B.B3BB - - c -B.69B1 B.i37B -8.9597 -8.4286 DEPENDENT VARIABLE PECOPELO DEPENDENT VARIABLE PECOPELO A -2.3653 1.1642 -4.6549 -9.8766 A -2.8184 1.2687 -5.3867 -8.3142 B 1.9248 8.7124 8.5242 3.3254 B 2.2596 8.7762 8.7324 3.7869 c -8.1158 8.1889 -8.3388 9.9983 c -8.1775 8.1186 -9.4118 9.9559 DEPENDENT VARIABLE PELODO DEPENDENT VARIABLE PELODO A 9.1118 1.5843 -3.8825 3.2263 A 1.3538 1.8639 -2.3132 5.9218 B 8.4474 8.9695 -1.4585 2.3533 B -8.3681 1.1483 -2.6117 1.8754 c 8.1985 8.1482 -9.1998 9.3928 c 8.2338 8.1743 -8.1891 8.::~~9 DEPENDENT VARIABLE PELODI DEPENDENT VARIABLE PELODI A -8.7441 1.4626 -3.6194 2.1318 A 1.2197 1.7838 -2.1325 4.5728 B 8.9197 8.8951 -8.8398 2.6793 B -8.2866 1.8424 -2.3377 1.7643 c 8.8365 9.1368 -8.2325 9.3956 c 8.2284 8.1593 -8.8931 9.5349 DEPENDENT VARIABLE PELFL DEPENDENT VARIABLE PELFL A -4.8993 1.3384 -7.5383 -2.2682 A -13.8487 8.2528 -14.3446 -13.3527

--- --··------··--· 130

B 3.4181 8.8198 1.8988 5.8282 B 8.7929 8.1527 8.4924 9.9934 c -9.3539 8.125~ -D.m2 -B.IB" - - c -I .1527 B.B2~~ -I.I99B -I.IB~S DEPENDENT VARIABLE PELOANO DEPENDENT VARIABLE PELOANO A 9.9114 1.4361 -1.9115 3.7345 A -2.8814 1.4858 -5.7247 8.1218 B -8.2559 8.8788 -1.9835 1.4717 B 2.2814 9.9999 8.4129 3.9988 c 9.2321 8.1344 -8.9328 9.4964 c -8.1759 8.1389 -8.4494 9.8974 DEPENDENT VARIABLE ANODO DEPENDENT VARIABLE ANODO A -8.3345 1.9174 -2.3347 1.6655 A 8.7854 1.2882 -1.8291 3.2399 B o.nss B.~22~ -B.~9B~ 1.9~95 B 8.8652 8.7881 -1.4854 1.6159 ~ B.B~~~ 0.&952 -B .I2~B 9.2505 c 8.1666 8.1285 -8.8784 9.4837 DEPENDENT VARIABLE ANODI DEPENDENT UARIABLE ANODI A -2.6282 1.3658 -5.3116 8.8552 A -8.5281 1.6693 -3.8125 2.7562 B 1.9679 8.8353 8.3248 3.6892 8 8.6896 1.8213 -1.3198 2.6991 c -8.1185 8.1277 -8.3697 8.1325 c 8.8737 8.1561 -8.2334 8.3819 DEPENDENT VARIABLE ANOHP DEPENDENT VARIABLE ANOHP A -1.9212 1.1812 -3.3432 1.3998 A -8.9335 1.4811 -3.6992 1.8231 B 1.3361 8.7228 -9.9849 2.7571 B 1.1612 8.8573 -8.5254 2.8479 c -9.9585 9.1185 -9.2758. 8.1587 c -8.8188 8.1319 -0.2687 9.2478 DEPENDENT VARIABLE ANFL DEPENDENT VARIABLE ANFL A -8.7883 1.6691 -12.9518 -5.5247 A -18.8239 1.5996 -12.9941 -7.8538 B 5.8891 1.9159 3.8128 7.8863 B 6.6639 8.9236 4.8467 8.4812 c -8.7894 8.1553 -1.8148 -8.4939 - - c -8.8567 8.1412 -1.1345 -8.5788 DEPENDENT VARIABLE ANBASE DEPENDENT UARIABLE ANBASE A 9.5B25 1.2898 -1.9514 3.1165 A 2.2887 1.6441 -8.9459 5.5234 B -9.8428 8.7888 -1.5935 1.5879 B -1.2839 1.8959 -3.1829 9.7769 c 8.1699 9.1286 -8.8681 8.4861 + c 8.3646 8.1537 8.8628 8.6672 DEPENDENT VARIABLE CAUDPD DEPENDENT UARIABLE CAUDPD A 8.8594 1.6854 -2.2965 4.8154 A 1.4477 1.7958 -2.8853 4.9888 B -8.1862 8.9B24 -2.8375 1.8251 B -8.5948 1.8987 -2.7556 1.5676 c 9.1657 8.1592 -8.1295 8.4611 c 8.2628 9.1679 -8.9684 8.5925 DEPENDENT VARIABLE HPDORSI DEPENDENT UARIABLE HPDORSI A -1.8348 1.8123 -3.8241 8.1561 A -3.3564 1.2368 -5.7899 -8.9239 B 1.B942 8.6195 8.5863 3.9221 B 2. 7851 9.7567 1.2163 4.1939 c -9.1173 8.8947 -8.3836 8.8688 - c -8.2498 8 '1157 -8.4774 -8.8222 DEPENDENT VARIABLE DORSFL DEPENDENT VARIABLE DORSFL A -9.5178 1.2332 -2.9414 1. 9873 A -4.1229 1.5912 -7.2536 -8.9922 B 9.9649 8.7547 -8.5187 2.4485 B 2.9866 9.9735 1.9711 4.9828 c -8.8919 9.1154 -8.2289 8.2249 c -8.2788 8.1488 -8.5789 8.8147 DEPENDENT VARIABLE DORSBASE DEPENDENT UARIABLE DORSBASE A -1.5681 1.6718 -4.8546 1.7183 A -5.6136 8.9428 -7.4686 -3.7587 B 1.3726 1.8231 -8.6385 3.3839 B 3.7299 9.5766 2.5945 4.8635 c -9.8517 8.1564 -8.3593 9.2558 - c -8.3917 8.8881 -8.5652 -8.2181 DEPENDENT VARIABLE DOOPERCO DEPENDENT VARIABLE DOOPERCO A -9.2378 8.9628 -2.1298 1.6532 A 2.8966 1.1182 -9.8877 4.2818 B 8.7531 8.5887 -8.4842 1. 9184 B -9.6868 8.6792 -1.9432 8.7296 c 9.8516 8.8988 -8.1253 8.2286 + c 8.2471 8.1938 9.8428 8.4515 DEPENDENT VARIABLE OPERCORB DEPENDENT VARIABLE OPERCOR8 A 6.6588 1.4933 3.7232 9.5944 A 8.5912 1.7464 5.1553 12.9271 B -3.6958 8.9138 -5.4823 -1.8993 B -4.8655 1.9684 -6.9676 -2.7634 c 9.6875 8.1397 8.4127 8.9622 + + c 8.8928 8.1633 8.5714 1.2142 DEPENDENT VARIABLE OPERNAR DEPENDENT VARIABLE OPE~R A 3.5318 1.8199 1.5259 5.5368 A 1.6929 1.9818 -9.5239 3.7299 B -1.5928 8.6241 -2.7298 -8.2758 B -9.3545 8.6614 -1.655B 9.9467 c 9.3625 8.8954 9.1749 8.5582 + c 8.1928 8.1811 -9.8869 9.3918 DEPENDENT VARIABLE HEADL DEPENDENT VARIABLE HEADL A 3.5392 8.8618 1.8465 5.2319 A 3.1214 1.8248 1.1952 5.1376 B -1.4381 8.5269 -2.4739 -8.4822 B -1.2259 8.6269 -2.4595 8.8876

------131 c 8.3683 8.8885 8.2819 8.5187 + + c 8.3353 8.895B 8.1467 8.5248 DEPENDENT VARIABLE ijqRstfT DEPENDENT VARIABLE ijqRSNT A 9.6549 2.46B2 4.8829 14.5869 A 7.3863 2.8353 1.7279 12.8847 8 -5.7177 1.5183 -8.6868 -2.7487 B -4.3175 1.7347 -7.7385 -8.9845 c 1.8383 9.2389 8.5843 1.4924 + + c 8.8316 9.2652 8.3898 1.3534 DEPENDENT VARIABLE ijqRDRB DEPENDENT IJARIABLE ijqRORB A 5.4834 3.1197 -9.6492 11.6161 A 3.8858 3.4788 -3.8378 9.8488 B -3.3738 1.9891 -7.1268 8.3799 B -1.9264 2.1279 -6.1138 2.2682 c 8.6485 8.2919 8.8666 1.2145 + c 8.4314 8.3253 -8.28B6 1.8715 DEPENDENT VARIABLE ijqRL DEPENDENT VARIABLE ijqRL A 1.2382 3.1944 -4.B644 7.348B A 3.4834 3.8282 -4.8484 11.8154 B -8.8847 1.9884 -4.5486 2.9311 B -2.2183 2.3422 -6.8185 2.3978 c 8.2784 8.2987 -8.2931 8.8588 c 8.4984 8.3581 -8.2961 1.2838 DEPENDENT VARIABLE ORBDIA DEPENDENT VARIABLE ORBDIA A -2.5877 1.2567 -4.9781 -8.8372 A -6.1989 1.3153 -8.6969 -3.5219 B 2.1112 8.7698 8.5994 3.6238 8 ~.3239 B.BB~7 2.739~ 5.99~3 c -9.2118 8.1176 -8.4431 9.8193 - c -9.55!2 B.I23B -9.7933 -B.3B92 DEPENDENT VARIABLE FL DEPENDENT VARIABLE FL A 8.1818 8.2678 -8.3431 8.7868 A -8.8826 8.4888 -1.6712 -8.8941 B 8.9557 8.1634 8.6344 1.2778 B 1.5932 8.2452 1.1188 2.8757 c 8.882B 8.8249 -8.9462 8.8528 - c -8.9923 8.9374 -8.1661 -8.81B5 DEPENDENT VARIABLE TL DEPENDENT VARIABLE TL A -8.5368 8.2986 -1.1874 8.8353 A -8.9988 8.3323 -1.5627 -8.2558 B 1.4288 8.177B 1.8784 1.7777 B 1.6586 8.2833 1.2585 2.8586 c -9.8716 9.8272 -9.1258 -8.8181 - - c -8.1946 8.9318 -8.1658 -8.8434


FEMALES - SOUTHERN MORPH ~LES - SOUTHERN HORPH DEPENDENT VARIABLE JNARES DEPENDENT VARIABLE !NARES 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 A 5.7685 3.4122 -8.9448 12.4818 A 1.8921 8.1364 -14.1941 17.9783 8 -3.1778 2.1155 -7.3392 8.9852 B -8.6799 5.1131 -18.7889 9.~298 c 8.6169 0.3277 -8.8279 1.2617 c 8.2132 8.8831 -1.3745 1.8811 DEPENDENT VARIABLE IORB DEPENDENT VARIABLE IORB A 1.6478 2.5589 -3.3873 6.6815 A -3.3232 6.1649 -15.5118 8.8653 B -8.5184 1.5865 -3.6317 2.6188 B 2.7467 3.8742 -4.9128 18.4863 c 8.2183 . 8.2458 -8.2732 8.6939 c -8.3244 8.6885 -1.5275 8.8786 DEPENDENT VARIABLE IOPERCO DEPENDENT VARIABLE IOPERCO A 4.1652 2.8349 B.1615 8.1688 A 8.7183 5.7398 -2.6297 28.8664 B -2.8833 1.2616 -4.5656 8.3988 B -4.8421 3.6878 -11.9736 2.2892 c 8.4698 8.1954 8.8844 8.8536 + c 8.8848 8.5665 -8.2361 2.8842 DEPENDENT VARIABLE HEAIXol DEPENDENT VARIABLE HEAIXol A 8.3215 2.1392 -3.8871 4.5382 A -4.2642 4.5494 -13.2589 4.7383 B 8.2758 1.3262 -2.3334 2.8852 B 3.3193 2.8598 -2.3331 8.9717 c 8.1171 8.2854 -8.2871 8.5213 c -8.3886 8.4498 -1.2765 8.4991 DEPENDENT VARIABLE JPREHAX DEPENDENT VARIABLE IPREMAX A 1.8622 3.6258 -5.2712 8.9957 A 2.8888 7.8754 -13.4895 17.6511 B -8.8935 2.2479 -5.3162 3.5291 B -8.9114 4. 9491 -18.6962 8.8734 c 8.2938 8.3482 -8.3921 8.9782 c 8.2739 8.7773 -1.2629 1.8189 DEPENDENT VARIABLE HOUTHW DEPENDENT VARIABLE MOUTHW A 8.6241 2.7667 -4.8191 6.8675 A -8.6313 6.5673 -13.6153 12.3526 B -8.8864 l. 7153 -3.4612 3.2884 B 8.8482 4.1278 -7.3112 9.8877 c 8.1735 8.2657 -8.3493 8.6964 c 8.8818 8.6482 -1.2886 1.2826 DEPENDENT VARIABLE lBARB DEPENDENT VARIABLE IBARB A -2.9878 3.5183 -9.8933 3.9191 A -13.2326 8.1811 -29.2492 2.7839 8 2.8381 2.1763 -2.2436 6.3288 B 8.6375 5.8989 -1.4276 18.7827 c -9.1453 8.3371 -8.8887 8.5188 c -1.2898 8.7996 -2.7988 8.3711 DEPENDENT VARIABLE ISTHMUS DEPENDENT VARIABLE ISlHMUS A -3.9899 7.4881 -18.7221 18.7423 A 1.9443 19.4687 -36.5468 48.4354 B 2.3288 4.6425 -6.8138 11.4547 B -1.5879 12.2346 -25.7767 22.6888 c -8.1867 8.7192 -1.6818 1.2284 c 8.4521 1.9217 -3.3473 4.2515 DEPENDENT VARIABLE PELVGW DEPENDENT VARIABLE PELVGW A 1.7678 2.3259 -2.8898 6.3431 A -5.1244 4.4812 -13.8268 3.5771 B -1.8213 1.4428 -3.8585 1.8157 B 3.3738 2.7658 -2.9952 8.8413 c 9.3552 8.2234 -8.8843 8.7947 c -8.3459 8.4344 -1.2848 8.5138 DEPENDENl VARIABLE BODYW DEPENDENT VARIABLE BOO't1A A 1.6597 4.8868 -6.2234 9.5428 A -2.3134 8.1858 -18.3392 13.7123 B -8.6848 2.4842 -5.5723 4.2926 B 1.9751 5.8937 -8.9956 12.8459 c 8.2625 8.3848 -8.4946 1.8197 c -8.1832 8.8888 -1.7659 1.3985 DEPENDENl VARIABLE SNlBHEH DEPENDENT VARIABLE SNlBHEH A 3.6968 2.6789 -1.5737 8.9673 A 11.4767 6.7966 -1.9686 24.9141 B -1.7932 1.6689 -5.8689 1.4744 8 -6.6243 4.2711 -15.9687 1.8298 c 8.4894 8.2573 -8.8968 8.9156 c 1.1578 8.6788 -8.1693 2.4835 DEPENDENT VARIABLE SNlBARB DEPENDENT VARIABLE SNlBARB A 7.6964 2.2572 3.2554 12.1375 A 4.6242 5.2711 -5.7971 15.9456 B -4.3578 1.3995 -7.1112 -1.6944 B -2.3124 3.3124 -8.8614 4.2366 c 8.8188 8.2168 8.3922 1.2454 + c 8.4779 8.5283 -8.5587 1.5866 DEPENDENT VARIABLE ALIPB DEPENDENT VARIABLE ALIPB A 7.5892 2.2393 3.1836 11.9948 A 3.2335 5.1963 -7.8481 13.5871 B -4.2768 1.3884 -7.8877 -1.5443 B -1.4667 3.2655 -7.9229 4.9895 c 9.8885 8.2151 9.3772 1.2237 + c 8.3463 8.5129 -8.6677 1.3684 DEPENDENT VARIABLE PLIPB DEPENDENT VARlABLE PLIPB A 7.3499 2.7471 1.9362 12.7456 A 5.8685 6.7722 -7.5287 19.2497


B,.. -4.1346 !.7931 -7.4854 -8.7839 B -3.1313 4.2558 -11.5454 5.2828 . 9.7751 9.2638 8.2568 1.2942 + c 8.6844 8.6684 -8.7172 1.9268 DEPS4DENT VARIABLE BARBNAR D:?~~D911' t.}:!I?!~Bl~ :.A~S!~~ ., ,..,...... A 12.4889 3.1452 6.2129 18.5889 A 12.1116 7.3881 - .... ,J,;;,· .. ::.:::~ B -7 ,g~ss !.9SBO -u .2020 -g,S29B B -7.8618 4.5926 -16.1418 2.8189 c I .2B6~ o.g92I 9.~929 I .9BB9 + c 1.2174 8.7213 -9.2887 2.6436 DEPENDENT VARIABLE BARBORB DEPENDENT VARIABLE SARBORB A 16.6998 4.8797 7.8993 26.3883 A 28.8817 12.4215 -4.4765 44.6399 B -19.1724 3.8254 -16.1247 -4.2282 B -12.2985 7.8959 -27.7235 3.1424 c 1.7152 8.4687 9.7938 2.6374 + c 2.8451 !.2261 -8.3789 4.4693 DEPENDENT VARIABLE BOPERCO DEPENDENT VARIABLE BOPERCO A 1.4888 2.8389 -2.5876 5.4837 A 9.7618 4.5817 8.8616 18.6621 B -8.3844 1.2591 -2.7818 2.1728 B -5.4838 2.8298 -11.9761 8.1191 c 8.1868 8.1958 -8.1969 8.5786 + c 8.9968 8.4443 8.1174 1.8745 DEPENDENT VARIABLE BPECTO DEPENDENT VARIABLE BPECTO A 1.8961 1.6925 -1.4337 5.2259 A -6.5417 3.2766 -13.8198 -8.8635 B -8.4419 1.8493 -2.5864 1.6225 B ~.77~~ 2.0591 oJog~ 8.9~55 c B.1972 8.1625 -8.1226 8.5171 c -8.6975 8.3234 -!.2~~9 o.eg19 DEPENDENT VARIABLE NPECTO DEPENDENT VARIABLE NPECTO A 2.3328 1.6449 -8.9842 5.5682 A 8.3284 3.8796 -5.7681 6.4171 B -8.7813 1.8198 -2.7878 1.3858 B 8.5328 1. 9351 -3.2938 4.3587 c 8.2399 8.1588 -8.8789 8.5588 c 8.8596 8.3839 -8.5582 8.6516 DEPENDENT VARIABLE PECOPER DEPENDENT VARIABLE PECOPER A 5.1872 2.5148 8.1611 18.9533 A 18.1889 5.8488 8.2147 29.1472 B -2.B841 1.5586 -5.8787 8.2623 B -5.8532 3.1678 -12.1162 8.4897 c 9.5922 8.2414 8.1171 1.8673 + + c 1.8475 8.4975 8.8638 2.8313 DEPENDENT VARIABLE LOPERCO DEPENDENT VARIABLE LOPERCO A 9.1845 2.3976 4.4672 13.9817 A 7.1946 6.8488 -4.7643 19.1536 B -5.1738 1.4865 -8.8976 -2.2483 B -3.8545 3.8812 -11.3698 3.6687 c 8.9476 8.2383 8.4945 1.4888 + c 8.7288 8.5978 -8.4523 1.9885 DEPENDENT VARIABLE HEADD DEPENDENT VARIABLE HEADD A 4.3725 1.4846 1.4515 7.2934 A -8.8719 3.3983 -7.5986 5.8467 B -2.8511 8.9284 -3.8628 -8.2481 B 1.2943 2.1355 -2.9278 5.5166 c 8.4541 8.1426 8.1735 8.7347 + c -8.8883 8.3354 -8.7436 8.5828 DEPENDENT VARIABLE PECDO DEPENDENT VARIABLE PECDO A 2.1164 1.5915 -1.8147 5.2476 A -2.7417 4.5868 -11.6585 6.1669 B -8.7446 8.986B -2.6868 1.1968 B 2.4153 2.8316 -3.1838 8.8138 c 8.2916 8.1528 -8.8891 8.5925 c -8.2232 8.4447 -1.1826 8.6561 DEPENDENT VARIABLE PECFL DEPENDENT VARIABLE PECFL A 6.3822 3.8578 8.2862 12.3183 A -6.3897 5.7764 -17.8181 5.8386 B -3.323i5 LB95B -7.8535 u.~Bi52 B 4.4427 3.6388 -2.7348 11.6196 c 8.6682 8.2937 8.8923 1.2391 + c -8.5223 8.5781 -1.6496 8.6849 DEPENDENT VARIABLE PECOPELO DEPENDENT VARIABLE PECOPELO A 8.5947 1.8483 -3.8268 4.2154 A -6.8398 3.7381 -14.2296 9.5515 B 8.1138 1.1418 -2.1389 2.3587 B 4.8311 2.3588 8.1848 9.4774 c 8.1627 9.1767 -8.1858 9.5185 c -8.5862 8.3692 -1.3164 9.1438 DEPENDENT VARIABLE PELODO DEPENDENT VARIABLE PELODO A 3.2375 2.4229 -1.5293 8.8843 A 2.5524 4.7133 -6.7661 11.8789 B -1.4934 1.5921 -4.4488 1.4619 B -8.9594 2.9619 -6.8154 4.8965 c 8.4823 8.2327 -9.8555 8.8682 c 8.3886 8.4652 -8.6191 1.2284 DEPENDENT VARIABLE PELODI DEPENDENT VARIABLE PELODI A 4.5839 2.1348 8.3838 8.7848 A 6.3673 4.6479 -2.8219 15.5566 B -2.3227 1.3235 -4.9267 8.2812 B -3.3766 2.9185 -9.1467 2.3934 c 8.5321 8.2858 8.1287 8.9356 c 8.6854 8.4588 -8.2281 1.5911 DEPENDENT VARIABLE PELFL DEPENDENT VARIABLE PELFL A -8.8237 2.5524 -5.8454 4.9979 A -9.7183 5.2292 -28.8498 8.6282 B 8.5889 1.5824 -2.6124 3.6143 B 6.2121 3.2868 -8.2846 12.7889 134 c 8.8885 8.2451 -8.481B 8.5629 c -8.7513 8.5161 -1.7717 8.2691 DEPENDENT VARIABLE PELOANO DEPENDENT VARIABLE PELOANO A 8.1956 2.6888 -5.9778 5.46B3 A 1.6753 5.1595 -8.5877 11.8584 8 9.1213 1.6615 -3.1477 3.3983 8 -9.7357 3.2367 -7.1358 5.6635 c 9.1828 8.2574 -8.3236 8.6892 c 8.3858 8.5884 -9.7988 1.3192 DEPENDENT VARIABLE ANODO DEPENDENT VARIABLE ANODO A 8.4812 1.7669 -2.9951 3.9576 A 13.4712 5.5328 2.5338 24.4885 B 9.2858 1.8955 -1.9582 2.3684 s :uns -R7!Sl -o.nus c 8.1446 8.1697 -9.1892 9.47B6 + c UBBB 0.5~69 B.~B92 2.~6B~ DEPENDENT VARIABLE ANODI DEPENDENT VARIABLE ANODI A 1.7155 2.459B -3.1248 6.5552 A 8.1338 6.3828 -4.3256 28.5933 B -8.6387 1.5251 -3.6392 2.3617 B -4.6889 3.9683 -12.4388 3.2289 c 8.2718 8.2362 -8.1929 9.7367 c 8.8811 9.6228 -8.3487 2.1189 DEPENDENT VARIABLE ANOHP DEPENDENT VARIABLE ANOHP A -1.6698 1.6B18 -4.9787 1.6391 A 8.2928 3.8715 -7.3614 7.9471 8 1.8861 1.9427 -8.2453 3.8576 B 8.4441 2.4329 -4.3668 5.2542 c -8.1417 8.1615 -8.4595 8.1761 c 8.9933 9.3B21 -8.6621 8.8489 DEPENDENT VARIABLE ANFL DEPENDENT VARIABLE ANFL A -2.8877 2.78B6 -8.2942 2.67B6 A -3.7339 5.2442 -14.1821 6.6343 B 2.3465 1.72B9 -1.8558 5.7481 B 2.8793 3.2956 -3.6363 9.3949 c -8.2188 8.2678 -8.7378 8.3169 c -8.2864 8.5176 -1.3898 8.7378 DEPENDENT VARIABLE ANeASE DEPENDENT VARIABLE ANBASE A -1.1282 2.9288 -6.8651 4.6246 A 6.5435 5.5667 -4.4622 17.5494 B 1.8471 1.8183 -2.5146 4.68B9 B -3.8633 3.4987 -18.7885 3.8539 c -8.8835 8.2884 -8.5553 8.5482 c 8.7B25 8.5496 -8.3841 1.8691 DEPENDENT VARIABLE CAUDPD DEPENDENT VARIABLE CAUDPD A 8.5434 3.2912 -5.931B 7.81B6 A -1.9275 7.8577 -17.4629 13.687B 8 8.2644 2.8485 -3.7591 4.2798 B 1.7413 4.9388 -8.8214 11.5841 c 8.8836 9.3161 -9.5383 8.7855 c -8.1373 8.7756 -1.6798 1.3961 DEPENDENT VARIABLE HPDORSI DEPENDENT VARIABLE HPDORSI A -3.6572 1.5975 -6.8883 -8.5141 A 8.7712 4.8953 -7.3254 B.8688 8 2.9188 8.9984 8.9692 4.8667 B 8.1567 2.5735 -4.9313 5.2449 c -0.2982 9.1534 -8.5922 8.9116 c 8.1486 8.4842 -8.6586 9.9398 DEPENDENT VARIABLE DDRSFL DEPENDENT VARIABLE DORSFL A -1.8751 2.3499 -6.4966 2.7464 A -6.2897 2.4668 -11.1669 -1.4126 B 1.8823 1.4563 -8.9829 4.7477 8 4.3383 1.5471 1.2794 7.3973 c -8.1548 9.2256 -8.5987 8.2B91 - c -8.4879 9.2426 -8.9677 -8.8882 DEPENDENT VARIABLE DORSBASE DEPENDENT VARIABLE DORSBASE A -2.3828 2.5258 -7.2723 2.6665 A 5.1762 7.8819 -8.6678 19.8196 B 1.8421 1.5668 -1.2388 4.9232 8 -3.8815 4.4881 -11.7889 5.6179 c -8.1265 8.2426 -8.6839 8.3587 c 8.6838 8.6911 -8.6834 2.8494 DEPENDENT VARIABLE DOOPERCO DEPENDENT VARIABLE DOOPERCD A' 8.92B9 1.5458 -2.1187 3.96B6 A -2.7774 3.4778 -9.651B 4.8978 B 8.8258 8.9579 -1.8587 1. 9184 B 2.3827 2.1858 -1.9373 6.7927 c 9.16B6 8.1484 -8.1233 8.4686 c -8.2865 8.3432 -8.BB58 8.4728 DEPENDENT VARIABLE OPERCORB DEPENDENT VARIABLE OPERCORB A 1.4423 2.4457 -3.3694 6.2548 A 5.8451 5.2881 -4.4517 16.1419 B -8.3826 1.5163 -3.3658 2.6886 B -3.1458 3.2729 -9.6158 3.3257 c 8.1878 8.2349 -9.2743 0.6508 c 8.6199 8.5148 -8.3964 1.6363 DEPENDENT VARIABLE OPERNAR DEPENDENT VARIABLE OPERNAR A 8.4844 1.8417 -3.1389 4.1879 A 7.6464 3.8898 9.1156 15.1772 B 8.4888 1.1418 -1.8456 2.6473 B -4.1148 2.3937 -8.8466 8.6184 c 8.8643 9.1769 -8.2837 8.4124 c 8.7758 9.3759 9.8316 1.5183 DEPENDENT VARIABLE HEADL DEPENDENT VARIABLE HEADL A 2.4322 1.2699 -8.8644 4.9289 A 2.1876 2.8572 -3.5413 7.7566 B -8.7419 0.7867 ·2.2899 8.8859 B -8.4547 1.7955 -4.8847 3.9951 c 8.2588 8.1218 8.8182 8.4898 + c 9.1988 8.2828 -8.3667 8.7484

------· ------··· 1:35

DEPENDENT VARIABLE NARSNT DEPENDENT VARIABLE mRSNT A 11.6794 4.8422 3.7175 19.6232 A 8.5814 8.4587 -16.2228 17.2249 B -6.8843 2.5861 -11.8158 -1.9536 B 8.1252 5.3156 -18.3842 18.6347 c 1.2842 0.3882 9.4483 1.9682 + c 8.1842 8.8349 -1.5465 1.7558 DEPENDENT VARIABLE NARORB DEPENDENT VARIABLE mRDRB A -1.1224 5.6394 -12.2175 9.9727 A 25.5964 15.8425 -4.1437 55.3366 B 8.7386 3.4964 -6.1482 7.6175 B -15.9272 9.4531 -34.6167 2.7622 c 8.8887 8.5417 -1.8658 1.9665 c 2.5959 1.4848 -8.3397 5.5316 DEPENDENT VARIABLE NARL DEPENDENT VARIABLE mRL A 8.8651 5.4332 -2.6241 18.7544 A 24.2175 13.4249 -2.3245 59.7595 B -4.9162 3.3685 -11.5435 1.7111 B -15.1963 8.4365 -31.8768 1.4833 c 8.8939 8.5218 -8.1328 1.9287 c 2.5285 1.3251 -8.8913 5.1485 DEPENDENT VARIABLE ORBDIA DEPENDENT VARIABLE ORBDIA A 3.3849 2.8757 -8.6988 7.4687 A -1.4486 3.5858 -8.5388 5.6487 B -!.SIB~ 1.2B~9 -USB~ um B 1.4559 2.2534 -2.9992 5.9111 c R.3~~1J &.1993 -u~s~ 0.7399 c -9.1117 8.3539 -8.8115 9.5888 DEPENDENT VARIABLE FL DEPENDENT VARIABLE FL A 8.2488 8.4326 -8.6111 1.8912 A -1.9114 1.8712 -4.8293 8.2864 B 8.9159 8.2682 8.3881 1.4436 B 2.2688 8.6731 8.9298 3.5989 c 8.8896 8.8415 -8.8721 8.8913 c -8.2883 8.1857 -8.4893 8.8887 DEPENDENT VARIABLE TL DEPENDENT VARIABLE TL A 8.7125 8.5692 -8.4874 1.8325 A -1.3784 1.3583 -4.8639 1.3878 B 8.6628 8.3529 -8.8315 1.3572 B 1.9568 8.8536 8.2691 3.6444 c 8.8458 8.8546 -8.8617 9.1534 c -8.1543 8.1348 -8.4194 8.1197

---·-----··------·-· Appendix E. Composition of native fish faunas of ~ive~ basins whe~e Agosia ch~ysogaste~ is native. P~esence is indicated by "1" and absence by •e•. Details on dist~ibution of clonal Poecil iopsis here lumped as "f. unisexuals" can be found in Schultz <1977) and Angus (1989>.


Bill Will cox Will ims Gila Sonoyta Concepcion Sonora Playa

Sal11o apache 8 1 8 8 B 8 ~· gilae 8 1 8 8 8 8 ,2. sp. 8 8 8 8 8 8 Agosia chrrsogaster 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cilllpostma ornatura 8 8 8 1 1 8 Gila ditaenia 8 8 8 1 8 8 .§. elegans 8 1 8 8 8 8 .§. inter11edia 8 1 8 8 8 B .§. purpurea B 8 B 1 1 .§. robusta 1 1 8 Meda fulgida 8 1 8 Notropis formosus 8 8 8 Plagopterus argentissi11us 8 1 B Ptrchoche i1 us l.!!£.i!!! 8 1 8 Rhinichthrs osculus 1 1 Tiaroga cobi tis B 1 Catostomus bernardini 8 8 _G. cahita 8 8 £. insignis 1 1 £. htipinnis 9 1 £. leopoldi 8 8 _G. 111i gginsi 8 8 1 Pantosteus clarki 1 1 8 f. plebeius 8 8 8 Xrrauchen texanus 9 1 8 Ictalurus pricei 8 8 8 8 Crprinodon 11acularius 9 1 1 8 8 Poeciliopsis latidens B 8 8 8 f. lucida 8 8 e e f. raonacha 8 8 8 8 f.. occidentalis 1 B 1 1 8 f.. presidionis 8 B 8 8 8 f.. prol ifica 8 8 8 B 8 f.. uiriosa 8 e 8 0 8 f.. sp. 8 8 1 9 8 f. unisexuals 8 8 1 1 8 Poecilia butleri 8 8 8 8 8 Ci ch 1asma bean i B 8 8 8 8 Gobiesox fluuiatilis 8 8 8 8 8 138

Yaqui Cocoraqui Hayo Fuerte Sinaloa Totals

Sa lno apache 8 8 8 8 8 1 2· gilae 8 8 8 8 8 1 2· sp. 1 8 8 8 8 1 Agosia chrrsogaster 1 1 1 1 1 11 Cartpostma ornat1111 1 1 1 8 5 Gila ditaenia 8 8 8 8 1 §. elegans 8 8 8 8 1 §. intemedia 8 8 8 9 1 §. purpurea 1 9 8 8 3 ~. robusta 1 1 1 1 6 Heda fulgida 9 9 9 9 1 Notropis fornosus 1 8 8 9 1 Plagopterus argentissinus 8 9 8 9 1 Ptrchocheilus lucius 8 8 8 8 1 Rhinichthrs osculus 8 8 8 8 2 Tiaroga cobitis 8 8 8 8 1 Catost011us bernardini 1 1 1 1 4 ~· cahita 1 1 8 8 2 ~· insignis 8 9 8 8 2 ~· latipinnis 8 8 8 9 1 ~· leopoldi 1 9 8 8 1 ~· wigginsi 9 8 9 8 1 Pantosteus clarki 8 8 8 9 2 f. plebeius 1 8 8 8 1 Xrrauchen texanus 8 8 8 8 1 Ictalurus pricei 1 1 1 1 4 Crprinodon nacularius 8 8 8 8 2 Poeciliopsis latidens 8 8 8 1 1 2 f. Iucida 8 8 8 1 1 2 f. nonacha 8 9 ! ! ! 3 f. occidentalis 1 1 1 8 8 6 f. presidionis 8 8 8 8 1 1 f. prol ifica 1 8 1 1 1 4 f. viriosa 8 8 8 8 1 1 f. sp. 8 8 8 8 8 1 f. unisexuals 1 1 1 1 1 7 Poecilia butleri 8 8 8 1 1 2 Ci chI as011a bunt 1 8 1 1 1 4 Gobiesox fluviatilis 8 8 8 1 8 1


Dean A. Hendrickson was born September 12, 1959, in Phoenix, Arizona where he obtained his primary and secondary education. In May, 1973.he completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Wildlife Management with a Fisheries option at Arizona State University. He and his wife, Sherry, then entered the U.S. Peace Corps in Colombia where he worked for two years as a fishery research biologist for the Colombian Department of Renewable Natural Resources
