Mondragon Mondragon

Nominated City: Mondragón Region: Country: City Category* : Knowledge City-Region

Please use one MAKCi Nomination form for each nominated city, and make sure you nominate each city for one category only . *This nomination was originally proposed by Andoni Gartzia Urtaza, at Plo Garaia. Mondragon, Spain. It was further developed by the MAKCi team with the special collaboration of Chris Briones Saavedra, Research Fellow at Colef .

17 MAKCi Questions Supporting reasons and relevant information, documents and links (to be (They are grouped provided/posted by expert) on the MAKCi Forum together according to MAKCi Framework capital categories) A. IDENTITY, INTELLIGENCE AND RELATIONAL CAPITALS 1. How distinctive and Mondragon is a major industrial hub, both of Gipuzkoa and the Vasco Country. well positioned is the city’s Mondragon is the epicenter of Basque cooperative movement, which crystallized in identity (how valuable is the second half of the twentieth century with the creation of numerous cooperative the city’s brand and ventures, many of which are based in this city. The headquarters of Mondragón reputation)? (1. Identity). Corporación Cooperativa, which groups most of them, is in Mondragón. Mondragon provides about 12,000 jobs, so that not only employs most of the population of the municipality, but also attracts workers from nearby towns and even neighboring districts. Since the Middle Ages metallurgy has been and is the backbone of the economy of Arrasate; of the first ordinances of the Confraternity of San Valerio shows that already in the fifteenth century most of the approximately 1,900 people that had the municipality undertaking work relating to the collection and processing of steel. For many centuries this activity was developed in accordance with plans and craft forms of production. In the late nineteenth century were adopted industrial production models, maintaining the tradition focused on metallurgy manufacture of locks and hardware, at this stage is born and develops Cerrajera Union as an integrated company, which for much of the century XX will be the most important job center of the village. We must stress the importance of social work Cerrajera promoted by the Union as the Apprentice School, starting point for initiatives that will shape the future development of Arrasate: Technical Vocational School, home of the current "Mondragon" (MU), and the cooperative movement, symbol and bastion of the economy mondragonesa the last half century, which has turned the town in reference to the socio-economic and organizational model internationally.

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2. How good is the city No documents or rationale available at the moment. knowledge-based development strategy and the capability to enact it? (1. Identity). 3. How good are the city’s strategic intelligence systems (e.g. does it have a Future Center or equivalent initiative?) (2. Intelligence). SAIOLAN - CENTRO DE EMPRESAS E INNOVACIÓN DE MONDRAGÓN S.A.

4. How strong is the city’s The Department of Social Services City of Arrasate central aims the development social cohesion? (4. of community action, coordinating and managing access to the various levels Relational). of social services system

SERVICES • Social Services • Information / Assessment / Advice • Coexistence Programs • Prevention of Exclusion • Alternative accommodation for the elderly • Residence Iturbide • Emergency Foster • Social Coexistence • Performance Management

5. How good are the city’s regional, national and international

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relations? (4. Relational).

The Vasco Government has highlighted its collaboration, through SPRI, to provide services for 32 projects from 12 different cooperative Mondragon Group. The collaboration has been highlighted especially in China, with eight projects. We are countries like Hungary (4), Mexico (3), Poland, Russia, Czech Republic (all with 2), as well as Germany, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, USA and UAE. Also in terms of internationalization has been an important moment in the collaboration between the Government and Mondragon, since in 2011 an agreement was signed between China's Kunshan region and department heads Bernabé Unda has enabled the availability of 250,000 square meters for Basque companies. Two companies already located in that area and there are three more are planned. Also, in the field of Prointer program of the Government, to support internationalization, projects have been funded from a number of Mondragón cooperatives, projects and open markets over seas deployment, both commercial and productive. The total resources amount to 586,040 euros. Another program related to this area relates to the fellows, 2011, in which has four collaborating Mondragon cooperatives that have internationalization scholars in Morocco (Alecop), U.S. (Fagor), China (Orbea) and Turkey (Orona). corporacion-colaboran-en-32-proyectos-de-internacionalizacion- en?utm_medium=icoopera&utm_source=Icoopera

B. FINANCIAL AND INSTRUMENTAL-MATERIAL CAPITALS. 6. How healthy are public financial accounts? (3. Currently, the Mondragon Cooperative Corporation (MCC), a group of industrial Financial) and service cooperatives based in Arrasate, forms undoubtedly the largest and strongest business group in the Basque Country. At the level of municipality, approximately 50% of jobs are located in Arrasate companies in this group. Furthermore, Mondragon is the home of the largest credit union in the state, Caja- Euskadiko Kutxa Financial Group of Mondragón Corporación Cooperativa . 7. How good are the city’s location, climate Mondragon is scattered in an area of 30.80 km ², so a density of 716.36 hab. / and physical landscape? Km ². Mondragon is the Basque name above the village that was there before the (7. Instrumental-material). foundation of it.

The highest elevations 1.117 meters above the sea and its Udalatx meters from the summit. It is located 78 km from San Sebastian, Vitoria and , 54 km from 35 km.

Mondragon is considered the backbone of the region of Alto. This region is geographically located in the center of the Vasco Autonomous Community and the Province, in two different states, Spain and France, is a strategic

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place. However, due to lack of transport infrastructure projects are currently underway to resolve this is not fully take advantage of their geographical location.

The city-region’s high nature, is characterized by a strong and stable, functional cohesion is strong, and has developed over the years, these data historically dynamicsocial, economic and business to confirm eso.Hoy days, the business projects and projects promoting improved communications, new and important challenges facing the region is located between the cities of the Basque Country and the system is able to strengthen its position further.

As in other cities of the province, the physical space is a limited resource and project development is conditioned by the city. Mondragon, a town ofthe city is the landscape of the environment very urban and rural area and preserve the sites that are neighbors, and where the quality of life of people, increasing the level of attractiveness nuId=5329615&type=5329615

population of 22,064 inhabitants located in the Vasco Country, southwest of the territory of Gipuzkoa, in the region of . joins the north, south, however, with , or lift the eastand west Oñati or west with Aramaio.

The municipality is 34.20 km ² and 223m-s is the sea level. Is the distance from the capital following: - San Sebastian, 78 km - Vitoria, 39 km - Bilbao, 48 km - Pamplona, 109 km It is under the territorial jurisdiction of Bergara, as part of the town center, is joined Udala neighborhoods, Bedona, Meatzerreka, Garagartza andGesalibar. Among the mountains which surround the town, we would highlight Udalatx(1, 117 m), Murumendi (778 m) and Kurtzetxiki (532 m). As far as rivers are concerned, are unified in Mondragón Aramaio and Deba rivers. As for the climate, that we have a so-called oceanic climate, ie wind usually blows from the west and northwest, with warm summers and mild wintersbetween 10 and 22 º.

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8. How advanced are the city’s environmental In accordance with Article 41 of Law 3/1998 of 27 February, GeneralEnvironment policies? (7. Instrumental- Protection Environment of the Basque Country and Article 3 of Decree 183/2003 of material). 22 July, which regulates the joint assessment procedure of environmental impact (hereinafter ECIA), the General Plan Urban (Plan) and its revision, you must complete the ECIA procedure for approval.

Likewise, the record is in the scope of Law 9/2006 of 28 April (legislation basic state) on the evaluation of the effects of certain plans and programs on the environment, consistent with the legislation cited above.

The Council of Representatives of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, in the place on 8 October 2003 finally approved the General Plan of Arrasate. The document itself states that in a square of 8 years analyze the advisability of revising it.

After this time it was considered desirable to proceed with the opening of a discussion of some current General Plan proposals. The City of Arrasate-Mondragón, promoter of the General Plan review,request the Department of Environment, Planning, Agriculture and Fisheries of the Basque Government issuing the 'Report Draft Environmental Impact ', in relation to the proposals in the documentfor the Advancement of Review of General Plan and its environmental impact.

This document corresponds precisely to the 'Environmental Sustainability Report' Progress Document of the revised General Plan and is intended as a basis for the issuance by the environmental body 'Report Draft Environmental Impact '. The town has been document drafted by the Technical Department of the City planning Arrasate-Mondragon. a/iraunkortasun_txostena/iraunkortasun_txostena_memoria_gazteleraz 9. How good is the quality 1. Water supply: water supply is high in the city of Miraculous Urkulu reservoir has a of urban physical capacity of 10 cubic MF and water supply to the region of Alto. infrastructure? (7. instrumental-material). Global Network of the 8 km long and is doing a four-year plan with the following objectives:

• For a network (SARETU) almost the entire city, so that the potential exists for an alternative supply. • Sektorizatzea the city and the consumer through a system of computer control. • Renewal of the general network of around 80%.

2. The total sanitation: fecal project is completed, the heart of the Miraculous and emissions of waste water from the Mondragón.Wastewater treatment station of the location of dirty water, and 10.3 million euros have been invested.

Tempered WWTP is currently under construction in northern Spain Conferación International Hydrographic Organization, and the treatment cycle is completed in a

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comprehensive final, the period in 2009.

These works come from Cano ... and recovery Bergararaino Deba River.

3. Mondragon has continued to improve rural infrastructure: roads and water supply plans to run, then will begin a treatment program, and the farms where they discussed the possible connection between the high and fecal Aramaio as an alternative to septic tanks.

4. The network power supply is a network around the town of Mondragon, Iberdrolarena. The Municipality of Mondragon is considering creating its own network to provide its own facilities or buildings.

5. Natural Gas: provider of domestic and industrial gas in the municipal, industrial, and Uribe is a global network that connects the registration and regulation and Romans Zaldibarren measures for the two stations, which is distributed license disease for family consumption.

6. Telecommunications: Today is the day in the city of two operators: Telefónica and Euskaltel. Telephone and fiber optic network and an analog to a network, the client connected to the latter best, and the rest of the system and ADSL over analog systems.

Euskaltel, however, has an extensive fiber optic network nodes Kataideko center. Has not yet been completed and access to all districts, especially in Santa Teresa neighborhood Musakola and old are missing. menuId=5329615

10. How good is the city’s High is the heart of the Basque region in terms of geography. transportation and In addition to the capital of the Basque Country, as well as high-speed channels (A- telecommunications 8, A-68/N-622 and N-1) to solve a major problem in the context of - connectivity? (7. Vitoria motorway, which runs from east to the town of Mondragon and - Instrumental-material). Durango corridor project as a result. It will easetraffic in the region of Upper and improve communication of .

The project is to build a high-speed railway train, the "Y" known. Initially, the trains cross the region and has to come from outside, but not goingoutside the region to improve communications. However, the FederalGovernment has asked the station to receive a project in our region, in fact.

Configurations of the region and the functional relationship between the municipalities of the region, over and over again and seamless travel on the roads, as well as future planned projects have clearly demonstratedthat there is no public transport to move between our peoples.

Thus, the improvement of regional transport, the Government plans ddaukaa light meter (tram) to the Deba Valley (Upper and Lower Deba). This project, largely relieve the current shortcomings of public transport andprivate vehicles to transport controls.

In other areas, it should be noted that the County Bicycle Plan, ie, a lane is lost in the adaptation of the old railway platform Basque Navarro, the routewould connect the major cities of the region through motorgabeen(pedestrians and ...)

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As for parking, public parking in the center of Mondragon, 432 seats, theseats and have not been set. report menuId=5329615 C. HUMAN INDIVIDUAL, HUMAN COLLECTIVE AND INSTRUMENTAL K-CAPITALS. 11. How ‘youthful’ is the Mondragon level (54%) is above the average (49.7%). In addition, the younger city (e.g., how large is the generation of the last twenty years we have been able to livewith demographic cohort of a strong Basque. Thus, children 86% of the population speaksBasque%, 74 young people under the age of people, adults and seniors 41% to 56% 25)? (5. Human individual). nuId=5329615&type=5329615

XX. During the twentieth century , its population has increased 7 times. His majority in 1990 was historic , 26.367 inhabitants. Since then, it is a downward trend : in 2007 there were 22.118 people in Mondragon.

Mondragón industrial development , the process has been linked to demographic and immigration is an important phenomenon . Migratory movements in various regions of Spain and the Vasco Country and other areas , mainly driven by the specific requirements for employment in the region. Since 1991 there has been a decline in city population , declining birth rates in the trend nuId=5329615&type=5329615

12. How good are public Cosmetics are the leading health services, Mondragón: health standards? (6. Human collective). Hospital-Deba. Outpatient-Mondragón. -Rehabilitation Center. Regional Hospital, a few years renewable, will be reformed.

In addition, two other psychiatric hospitals, which are private: - Father Menni Psychiatric Hospital. - San Juan de Dios Psychiatric Hospital. With respect to services for older people, there are several options for them, and retired in Mondragón is a residence that is currently in the process of reform report nuId=5329615&type=5329615

13. How equal are social Important source of job performance of income, we highlight the first paragraph, is and economic reflected in the distribution of revenue in the statement, theMondragón Standard, opportunities for the highest percentage is obtained (85.7%), Deba,Declaration of 84.8% and 79% individuals citizens to in Gipuzkoa, 8. develop their full potential? (5. Human But the most important aspect of our country and our region, with individual). a lowdispersal rate (49.0% and 48.7% respectively), and is declared by a highdegree of equality of income distribution, adjusted on the basis some very small quantitative differences.

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nuId=5329615&type=5329615 D. INSTRUMENTAL TANGIBLE-INTANGIBLE CAPITALS 14 . How robust is the No documents or rationale available at the moment. governance and social organization structure?

15 . How good is the coverage and quality of public information services (e.g., e- Government)? 16 . How diverse and Izarte important changes are taking place in the modern lifestyle and improved creative is the city’s quality of life that demands more and more voices are added, the range of services cultural environment? has increased in recent years and the demand for recreation, culture, sports , health services and estetikarako is increasing. 17 . How good is the Alto Deba Commonwealth: Agent of Innovation in the region. city’s collective capacity to foster economic and political innovation? The Commonwealth of the Alto Deba, is expected to provide advice, methodology and tools to companies that request it. It will draw from resources and coverage of the Innovanet network, as well as innovation regional agendas. The Commonwealth through its Economic Development Agency , will spear up regional innovation, in its capacity of 'agent' District of the Euskadi Innova project. This Basque public policy initiative is expected to promote social and entrepreneurial innovation in the Basque country as a whole.

In its capacity as agent for innovation of the region, the Alto Deba Commonwealth would facilitate thoughts, experiences and knowledge sharing amongst organizations, as well as fostering programs that would support firms in becoming innovative in this region.

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