Bulletin of the Orchid Society of Canberra, Inc.

GPO Box 612, Canberra, ACT, 2601, Volume 18, Number 6 Nov-Dec 2003

Regular monthly meetings From the President

Monthly meetings of the Society are held on the first I must say that I am still abuzz with pleasure as a result of Wednesday of each month (except January) at the our successful show. The feedback from the public, our Canberra Senior Citizens Club (10 Watson St., interstate visitors and the membership has been Turner) . Meetings commence at 8:00pm with the library unanimously complimentary. and trading table open from 7:30pm. But now it is time to turn to growing the orchids in the 5 November 2003 . Cymbidiums with Trevor Hughes. It’s very best way we can, to ensure excellent blooms for next time to bring back your growing competition Cym . year. Last year in this space, I spoke of trying to improve Margaret Thatchers for assessment . my culture of cymbidiums. Well, I was only partly successful. I do have a lovely of Cymbidium 3 December 2003 . Christmas Party. Games, great food, Highland Mist ‘Lalchere’ in bloom at the moment (for the great company, and lots of orchids to take home. Not to be first time in many years), but I didn’t get the growth and missed! Rob Rough is our MC for the night again this flowering I had hoped for generally. However, after Phil year. Grech’s inspiring talk in June, I followed his advice and put fertiliser pellets under the top layer of bark in all the pots and I do believe the growth has improved dramatically. Here’s hoping! Annual Subscriptions: Single $25, Joint $30, Junior $5.

Glasshouse for sale Orchid Events in Canberra Robyn Noel has details of a glasshouse for sale (2m wide The Horticultural Society of Canberra Shows by 2.6 m long). 6258 5734. More chances to show and look at orchids! 25-26 October. Iris, Rhododendron and Azalea Show. Committee Members 15-16 November. Spring Exhibition and Rose Show. President- Jane Wright 6254 1119 Vice President- Robert Rough 6241 2729 23 November 2003. Orchid Workshop at the home of Treasurer- Robyn Noel 6258 5734 Jane Wright (135 Osburn Drive, Macgregor). Details Secretary- Brian Leedham 6251 6621 inside. Robert Bush 6297 1427 Barbara Corsini 6299 7257 Yvonne Day 6297 5162 Orchid Events Of Interest In The Region David Judge 6278 4806 Gerlinde Lenz 6288 7413 15 November. S.P.E.C.I.E.S. Society Show and Auction (10-4ish). Community of Christ Neighborhood Committee meetings Centre, 10-14 Taylor Styreet, West Pennant Hills. This is On the WED in the week following the general meeting at great event – interesting on display and on auction. the home of: Well worth a trip. November: David Judge January: Rob Rough

Disclaimer © 2003 The Orchid Society of Canberra, The Orchid Society of New Members Canberra disclaims liability for any loss, financial or otherwise caused as a result of the contents of this Bulletin We are delighted to welcome Tony Perring as a new member to the society:

1 Minutes of general meetings graduating outwards. This presents better for judging purposes. And also for judging purposes only one MINUTES OF GENERAL MEETING should be displayed in each pot. 3 September 2003 When asked how members could a obtain a supply Attendance 40 Members, 7 Apologies. of tubers Sheila suggested that the best way was to President Jane Wright opened the meeting at 8.02 p get them from other members who have excess m, and welcomed all present. numbers. She also advised that we sometimes put in Minutes of the meetings of 2 July and 6 August were an order with ANOS Victoria. accepted on the motion of Nita Wheeler, seconded by Raffle : Won by Leanda O’connor, Nita Wheeler, Leanda O’connor. Brian Leedham, John Growder, Vicki Wilson and SECRETARY’S REPORT Edna Odell. Presented by Brian Leedham Door Prizes : Sheila Cudmore, Barbara Corsini, and Newsletters Scott Mann . OSNSW (Aug); Sapphire Coast (Aug -Inc. Spring The meeting closed at 9.55 p m. Show schedule). Publications MINUTES OF GENERAL MEETING 1 October Sichuan Alpine Ecology Study; Aust. Orchid Review 2003 (Aug/Sept); Orchids AOS (June) Attendance 38 Members, 5 Apologies, 2 Visitors. Correspondence President Jane Wright opened the meeting at 8. 05 p OSNSW (Subs notice); Bank Statement; Col Bower m, and welcomed all present. (re equipment needs for Conference presentation). SECRETARY’S REPORT The Secretary’s report was accepted on the motion of Presented by Brian Leedham Murray Smith, seconded by Bob Wilson. Newsletters TREASURER’S REPORT Campbelltown (Sept); ANOS Macarthur (Sept); Presented by Robyn Noel. The balance at bank was Gosford (Sept); OSNSW (Sept); ANOS Vic (Sept); $6505.58. The major expenditures for the month Miriam Ann Orchids (Oct); Eurobodalla (Sept); were rent, and the printing and distribution of the Wagga (Aug); Albury-Wodonga (Aug & Sept); Bulletin. Sapphire Coast (Aug); OSNSW (Aug). The Treasurer’s report was accepted on the motion of Publications Murray Smith, seconded by Bob Wilson. The Orchid Review (Sept-Oct); Orchid Digest (July- OTHER MATTERS Sept). The President drew the attention of members to the Correspondence social events listed in the Bulletin, and asked those Gosford Orchidfest (Show Schedule); Bank interested to advise Robyn Noel. She also distributed Statement; Invoices (Pennant Products & Orchid Pot outstanding Popular Vote cards. Co.); Several registrations for Conference; Gary Hart SPEAKER (re Conference Speakers list); Species Orchid Society In the absence of a guest speaker Sheila Cudmore of spoke about the terrestrial orchids which may be Illawarra (re S&W Reg. Conference); Urban Services found growing in the Canberra - Queanbeyan area, (re Code of practice for Moveable Signs) with the assistance of a number of slides of a some The Secretary’s report was accepted on the motion of beautiful examples which she and Peter had found. Judy Osborne, seconded by Bob Wilson. The quality of the slides was excellent, considering TREASURER’S REPORT the manner in which they were taken - sometimes Presented by Robyn Noel. The balance at bank was $ lying on the ground in ants’ nests, or in the rain, or 4317.94. The major expenditures for the month were waiting for the sun to be in the perfect position. the necessary outlays for the Conference and Show, Sheila noted that all native orchids in the Canberra as well as for the purchase of Polo shirts and mugs. region are terrestrials. This expenditure is expected to be recouped, with, Sheila pots up her terrestrials in February in a hopefully some profit. standard cymbidium mix (after removing any large The Treasurer’s report was accepted on the motion of pieces). The tubers are planted just under the surface Judy Osborne, seconded by Bob Wilson. of the mix, and covered with dry gum or she-oak OTHER MATTERS . Once watered in they are then watered only The main issue discussed was the Conference and every 10 days. She noted that a little ash also seems Show (4/5 October). Jane drew attention to the high to help. (As an aside Don Chesher said he uses a quality of the speakers we have arranged, and to the cheap standard nursery potting mix but adds a little dinner on Saturday evening, asking members to give blood and bone). The long tubers of Diuris can be due consideration to their full involvement. She also laid on their sides if they are too long for the pot. mentioned the following matters – Diuris can also take a lot of light. Sheila Ben Wallace is organising a walk on Black Mountain recommended that the larger tubers should be placed for Sunday morning (weather permitting - and subject in the centre of the pot, with the smaller tubers to the recent back burning). Members should bring in

2 plants for the Show, and for the sales table, as early as possible on Friday after 12 noon.. The Registration form should be filled in before arrival to The Library save time, although Mark Fraser will be on call for Please remember to bring in all borrowed books at members who are not sure where their plants fit the the November meeting so that we can do the annual schedule -e. g. a “seedling” is a first flowering of a stocktake over the Christmas break. Thanks! hybrid seedling. Jane, being Registrar, will provide each member with a yellow sticker to go on the pot. JOURNAL REVIEWS All plants are to be placed in a group for those organising the displays to place them appropriately. Orchids Australia - August 2003 Sandra Corbett and Judy Osborne will be in control A spectacular new species in the Stanhopea , of the placement of plants in the displays. Our Stanhopea marizaiana , is described. Peter Taylor in Society’s display will be given priority, but all plants his selected species series discusses will have equal prominence with regard to placement pandurata . This species is widely distributed in the various displays. Jane also asked those with throughout Malaya, Sumatra, Borneo and the smallish ferns, bromeliaeds and Spanish moss to Philippines, growing in damp lowland areas. bring these in. She also asked for a cow scull -- and Kevin Butler concludes his series on attractive and (believe it of not) one member could supply. The unusual cymbidium labellums . Gary Hart provides resources of our membership know no bounds!! We information on miniature and intermediate also need more members to sign up for the various cymbidiums which he regards to be very adaptable roles of kitchen hand, floor walker, sales table and easy plants to grow. Receiver of Monies, and entry ticket and raffle Orchids of the Year 2002 nominated by each State salesperson (the former needed for both the Show and and the Northern Territory are described and the Sales Marquee). illustrated by Colin Jennings. A pity that the PLANT CLINIC Australian Capital Territory is not included . Jane asked members to raise any problems they have DNA data is being used to build an evolutionary with their orchids in order to open discussion on tree of the plant kingdom . It was found that: - treatment which may be taken to resolve those orchids are closely related to which problems. The only problem raised was the question include the vegetable asparagus, amaryllis, onions, of whether, in light of our increased water irises, daffodils, agaves and yuccas; orchids were restrictions, it would be possible to use “grey” water found to be the oldest of the Asparagales plants; on our orchids. The consensus, strongly expressed by orchids branched off before palms which are about 90 several members, was that this would be disastrous million years old; so orchids are at least that old!! for most orchids due to the high calcium and A special sunlight exposure method is included in phosphate content. The advice was to use the grey this issue. water on the lawn, or other plants which have a stronger tolerance for those chemicals. Australian Orchid Review - August/September SPEAKER 2003 In the absence of a guest speaker, Jane Wright The lead article gives a history in pictures of Euchile showed some slides of the orchids displayed at the citrina , also known as Encyclia citrina and 16 th National Orchid Conference in Adelaide. There previously as Cattleya citrina . was a strong orientation towards cymbidiums in the Wal Rhodes discusses the culture of slipper orchids . major floor displays, although many other species An overview of the Tinonee Orchid Open Day and and hybrids were shown in other, smaller, displays. Show is provided by David Banks, who called this The overall mass of was spectacular, but the event the “Avril’s Gold” show. Dendrobium Avril’s displays themselves were dramatically spoiled by the Gold “Wingham” was awarded the champion orchid, very large yellow labels used to identify the with a number of outstanding clones of this hybrid individual plants. In many of the slides shown by being exhibited. Just look at the colour photographs. Jane it was difficult to see the plants themselves for Jim Cootes describes Bulbophyllum monanthum the labels. In comparison, Dennis Diehm’s floor which he purchased as B.macranthum at Royal display (which included the Grand Champion - and Orchids. won 26 Firsts as well as many Seconds and Thirds) Geoff Stocker provides an alternate view on the used fairly inconspicuous black and white labels classification of Dockrillia . (after the judging had been completed), and Brian Milligan discusses orchid stakes, ties and consequently was much more attractive and focussed clips. on the flowers themselves. The Cymbidium Section includes part 2 of the Raffle : Won by Bob Evans, Nita Wheeler (2) and Australian Cymbidium Society Awards . Bill Ferris. Kevin Butler gives an insight of the Japan Grand Door Prize : Won by Bill Ferris. Prix Orchid Show with emphasis on cymbidium The meeting closed at 10.00 p m. hybridizing results.

3 Dean Roesler continues his review of Cymbidium South and West Regional Show and suave hybrids Conference in Canberra How to collect, store and use cymbidium pollen is discussed. What an outstanding success! The hall was the prettiest I’ve ever seen it. Over and over, people told Orchids (American Orchid Soc.) - June 2003 us that it was the best show we have ever had. The lead article provides an introduction to the Congratulations to the society and everyone who Vanda Alliance and discusses the importance of the made it happen. It was a great team effort. species Vanda sanderiana and V. coerulea as parents of the large number of Vanda hybrids. Particular thanks go to the societies that came all that Laelia purpurata and its various colour variations are way to set up displays: Eurobodalla Orchid Club, illustrated. A case is made to reclassify this species Sapphire Coast Orchid Club and Albury Wodonga and include it in the genus Cattleya . and District Orchid Club. Thanks to the team that set If you grow slipper orchids (Paphiopedilum, up the hall, including Bob Bush, Bill Osmand, Eddy Phragmipedium and Cypripedium ), then the article Collett, Hans de Vries. Laurie Woods put up most of asking ten questions and giving answers to these the street-side signs. Mark Fraser prepared the show questions about the cultural requirements of slipper schedule. Display makers were Sandra Corbett, Judy orchids is recommended reading. Osborne and Lynne Phelan. Plant registration and An interesting article on a “new” fertilizer without computer listings were prepared by Jane Wright, with high phosphorus developed at the Michigan State help from Roslyn Blyton and Jenny Schutz. Robyn University proved itself with orchids. organised the judges for the floral art, photography An orchid portrait on splash-petalled Cattleyas is and art & craft. Brian Leedham made sure the orchid included in this issue as well as an introduction of the judges knew when and where to show up. Catering genus Kefersteinia. was organised by Audrey Rough (with lots of help Methods to combat Roaches, which can be a from her friends XYZ from ????, and all the nocturnal pest of orchid houses are described. sandwich and cake makers ). Night watchman duty was performed by Scott Fitzsimons, Dean Carriage, The Orchid Review - September/October 2003 Bob Bush and Laurie Woods. The conference The main article describes the genus Cochleanthes program was organised by Ben Wallace and Rob and discusses the cultivation of species of this genus, Rough, and Ben led the orchid walk for the which are characterised by blue scented flowers. conference attendees. The conference dinner was A new species of Gastrochilus , G.sonamii , from arranged by Brian Leedham. Jenny Schutz assisted Sikkim is described. Jane with the printing of the certificates. Sponsors An interesting article on medicinal uses of orchids were lined up by Robyn Noel and Dean Carriage. in Malawi is included in this issue. Potting demos were done by Brian Leedham and Jane A species of Maxillaria, M.elegantula that was lost Wright. Mark Fraser and Gerlinde Lenz to cultivation for many years is illustrated and photographed the show. Thanks to all the members another species, M. pacholskii , is described for the who sold tickets, worked in the sales area, helped first time. with the catering, and spent time talking to the public Jim Cootes describes some cooler growing and our interstate visitors. Above all, we must thank Phalaenopsis species from the Philippines with brief Robyn Noel for her incredible effort in keeping cultivation notes on these species. everything on track. Keith Marshall describes the various methods he uses to grow species of the genus Coelogyne. A plant is missing from the show. Miltoniopsis Andy A white variety of Miltonia regnellii is briefly Easton 'Globemaster', a pansy orchid belonging to described. Brian Phelan, didn’t make it home after the show. If Other articles deal with: anyone has found this wandering plant, please call - floral exudates consisting mainly of Jane or Robyn. glucose and fructose have been observed on a variety of orchids but are described for the first time to occur on two Paphiopedilum species Orchid Workshop and BBQ - how to describe an orchid. 17 November 11am - whenever.Workshop at Jane This issue also contains the RHS Awards covering Wright’s (135 Osburn Drive, Macgregor 6254 1119). the months of May and June with brief descriptions Society members will demonstrate repotting of a and photographs of the awarded plants. range of orchids discuss orchid growing in Canberra generally. BBQ for lunch (1pm-ish- bring your own meat & drink and a salad or dessert to share). The full range of orchid growing products will available for sale. Everyone (beginner or otherwise) is welcome – there is always something new to learn!


CROSSWORD No 10 by Dennis Drobe From the Sales Table

1 2 3 4 5 The Society’s new polo shirts and mugs arrived, just in time for the show. They will be available for purchase at regular meetings for from Jane Wright at 6 7 8 $25 each for the shirts and $10 for the mugs.

9 Stock up on products for the summer! The full range of products will be available for sale at the workshop 10 to be held at the home of Jane Wright (135 Osburn 11 12 Drive, Macgregor) on 23 November. Of course, you can always call Jane on 6254 1119 to arrange another

time. Robyn Noel (6258 5734) and Mark & Sandra 13 14 (6287 1106) also have some limited stocks. 15

16 17

18 19

ACROSS 1 The majority of orchids have this growth pattern (9) Horticultural Society Shows 5 Effuse (3) Lancaster Hall at Wesley Uniting Church, Fitzroy 6 Abbreviated wash or trim (5) Street between National and Dominion Circuits, 7 Relating to hunting (7) Griffith. The shows are open to the public on 9 The tribe of orchid bees (10) Saturday from noon-5pm and on Sunday from 12:30- 11 Scope for anger (5) 4pm. 12 Hawaiian greeting (5) 13 He wrote “Orchid Fever” (4,6) Members are encouraged to enter their orchids in the 16 Indigenous orchids (7) classes organized specifically for our benefit. The 17 The American soldier got amusement from procedure for entering plants is: the moulds (5) 1. By 8pm on the Thursday preceeding the 18 Contains orchid seeds (3) show, phone Mrs Linn Doyle (02) 6231 19 The sister found the fish and the spirit an 7755, and tell her how many plants of each enigma (9) category you plan to enter. Note that you must have owned and been in possession of DOWN the orchids for at least 6 months. 1 She wrote “The Orchid Thief” (5,6) 2 The cry of a cat (4) 2. Bring your plants to Lancaster Hall for 3 Poke one’s nose in and you rob Ted (7) staging on Friday (6-10pm) or Saturday 4 “To read between the… was easier than to follow the (7:30-10am). There is a 10 cent charge for text” – Henry James (5) each entry. 5 Slough (8) 3. If you win any prizes, your winnings (1 st $1, 7 Speaks ill of the devil in a spin (9) 2nd 50c) must be collected before the show 8 Contains the anther in an orchid (11) closes. Uncollected money will revert to the 10 Len’s diet was why he joined the army (8) Horticultural Society. 12 A landslide occurred in this Welsh village on 21 4. Collect your plants immediately the show October 1966 killing 116 children … (7) 14 … and causing widespread destruction (5) closes at 4pm on Sunday. The speed at 15 Growl (3) which this Society can pull down a show is awesome!

Members’ News Iris, Rhododendron and Azalea Show 25-26 October 2002 Members Scott Mann and Mei Orchid classes: Ling Lai were married on 27 September 2003 in 120 One cymbidium Canberra. In March, they will move to Guangzhou, 121 One standard cattleya when Scott begins a 3 year posting with 122 One intermediate cattleya Australia’s Immigration services. 123 One miniature cattleya 124 One paphiopedilum 125 One vandaceous alliance

5 126 One native orchid 2nd : Coelogyne speciosa subspp speciosa. Don 127 One oncidium alliance Chesher 128 One pleurothallid alliance 129 Any other orchid species 238 Any other orchid 130 Any other orchid hybrid 1st : Cynorkis uncinata . Laurie Woods Champion orchid 2nd : Restrepia cuprea . Don Chesher

Spring Exhibition and Rose Show Champion Orchid: Phal. amabilis . Sheila Cudmore 15-16 November 2002 Orchid classes 127 One cymbidium 128 One standard cattleya 129 One intermediate cattleya 130 One miniature cattleya 131 One paphiopedilum 132 One vandaceous alliance 133 One oncidium alliance 134 One native orchid 135 One pleurothallid alliance 136 Any other orchid species 137 Any other orchid hybrid Champion orchid

Orchid Results from the Spring Bulb And Camellia Show: 229 One intermediate cymbidium 1st : Cymbidium unknown. Robyn Noel

230 One miniature cymbidium 1st : Cymbidium Little Black Sambo. Shelia Cudmore.

231 One cattleya 1st : Cattleya chocoensis . Mark Fraser & Sandra Corbett 2nd : Sl. Orpetii ‘Laina’. Don Chesher

232 One paphiopedilum 1st : Paph. hirsutissimum . Jane Wright 2nd : Paph. wolterianum . Dean Carriage

233 One vandaceous alliance 1st : Phal. amabilis . Sheila Cudmore 2nd : Phal. Brother Purple Brother x Carmela’s Pixie. Jane Wright

234 One oncidium alliance 1st : Baptistonia echinata . Don Chesher 2nd : Oncidium fuscatum . Bob Evans

235 One native Dendrobium 1st : Den . Warrambool. Murray Smith 2nd : Den . Lorikeet x Delicatum. Murray Smith

236 Any other Australian native orchid 1st : curta . Don Chesher.

237 One coelogyne alliance 1st : Coelogyne speciosa subspp fimbriatum. Don Chesher


Class 1st/ Plant Owner Society 2nd 1: Regional Society Display (2.4 1 Eurobodalla Orchid Club EOC x 1.5 m) 2 Sapphire Coast Orchid SCOC Club 2: Round freestanding display 1 Dendi Orchids (1.5 m diam) 2 Orchid Society of OSC Canberra 3: Tabletop display with 1 Dendi Orchids backdrop (1.2 m wide) 2 Orchid Society of OSC Canberra 4: Tabletop display of four plants 1 Jane Wright OSC (0.5 m wide) 2 Jane Wright OSC 5: Cymbidium species 1 Cym. erythrostylum Ben Wallace OSC 6: Cymbidium - standard 1 Cym. Jinjera 'Desiree' Stan Rowlands SCOC 2 Cym. Jubilation 'Geronimo' Trevor Hughes OSC 7: Cymbidium - intermediate 1 Cym. unknown Robyn Noel OSC 2 Cym. Embers 'Yowie Bay' Geoff Dyne OSC 8: Cymbidium - miniature 1 Cym. Gladys Whitesell 'The Charmer' John Tanner SCOC 2 Cym. Mad Magic 'Amber' Margaret & Don Hayes EOC 9: Cymbidium – primary hybrid 1 Cym. Pumilow 'Florshow' Brian & Lynne Phelan OSC 2 Cym. Scallywag 'Sweet Charms' Brian & Lynne Phelan OSC 11: Best specimen – Cymbidium 1 Cym. Gladys Whitesell 'The Charmer' John Tanner SCOC 12: Cattleya species 1 C. intermedia alba Robert & Audrey Rough OSC 2 C. intermedia 'Maria Faceria' Norma Stafford SCOC 13: Other Laeliinae species 1 Laelia jongheana Dendi Orchids OSNSW 2 Laelia harpophylla Robert & Audrey Rough OSC 14: Laeliinae hybrid - standard 1 Blc . Dundas 'Olga' Dendi Orchids OSNSW 2 Blc . Sylvia Fry 'Hamey' J&J Wooding AWOC 15: Laeliinae hybrid - midi 1 Slc . Jillian Lee 'Joyce' Dendi Orchids OSNSW 2 Blc . Love Sound 'Dogashima' Ron Boyd EOC/OSC 16: Laeliinae hybrid - miniature 1 Laelia crispata x Soph. coccinea Ron Boyd EOC/OSC 2 Lc . Seagull 'Royal Suite' x Soph. Theo & Jenny Schutz EOC/OSC coccinea 17: Laeliinae hybrid - cluster 1 Cook . Bill Dendi Orchids OSNSW 2 Lc. Trick or Treat 'Orange Beauty' Robert & Audrey Rough OSC 18: Best seedling – Laeliinae 1 Lc . Seagull 'Royal Suite' x Soph. Theo & Jenny Schutz EOC/OSC coccinea 19: Best specimen – Laeliinae 1 Slc . Hazel Boyd 'Apricot Glow' J&J Wooding AWOC 20 : Dendrobium kingianum 1 Den. kingianum 'Monique' Lorna & Merv Kerr SCOC HCC/ADNSW 2 Den kingianum 'Speckles' x 'Freckles' Murray Smith OSC 21: Dendrobium speciosum 1 Den. speciosum J&J Wooding AWOC complex 2 Den. speciosum A&J Smith OSC 22: Dockrillia species 1 Dockrillia striolatum Shirley Bedingfield EOC 2 Dockrillia linguiforma Joy Richardson SCOC/EO C 23: Other Dendrobium alliance 1 Den. jonesii Irene & John Stubbs SCOC species 2 Den. johannis Bob Evans OSC 24a: Dendrobium alliance hybrid 1 Den . Jesmond Gem Murray Smith OSC derived from Dendrobium 2 Den . Keldon 'White Glory' Shirley Bedingfield EOC kingianum 24b: Dendrobium alliance hybrid 1 Den . Brinawa Charm x Aussie Victory Shirley Bedingfield EOC not derived from Dendrobium 2 Den . Gracillimum Murray Smith OSC kingianum 7 25: Native vandaceous species 1 Sarco. hartmannii 'Kerri' Sheila Cudmore OSC 2 Sarco. falcatus '#3' Shirley Bedingfield EOC 26: Native vandaceous hybrid 1 Plectochilus Longwarry Irene & John Stubbs SCOC 2 Sarco . First Light 'Freckles Shirley Bedingfield EOC 28a: Terrestrial orchid species 1 Diuris maculata Don Chesher OSC 2 Glossodia major Laurie Woods OSC 28b: Terrestrial orchid hybrid 1 Pterostylis Bantam Don Chesher OSC 29: Best seedling – Australian 1 Den . Brinawa Charm x Aussie Victory Shirley Bedingfield EOC native orchid 30: Best specimen – Australian 1 Den. speciosum J&J Wooding AWOC native orchid 31a: Paphiopedilum species 1 Paph. hirsutissimum Norma Stafford SCOC 2 Paph. villosum Ron Boyd EOC/OSC 32: Paphiopedilum hybrid - 1 Paph . Hellas 'Westonbirt' x [Colonist x Ron Boyd EOC/OSC classical Flight Path] 2 Paph . Barbourne 'Adventura' Rob Pollock SCOC 33a: Paphiopedilum hybrid – 1 Paph . Knock Knock x Red Glory Jane Wright OSC Maudiae type 2 Paph . wolterianum x sukakulii Margaret & Don Hayes EOC 33b: Paphiopedilum hybrid - 1 Paph . Bel Royale 'Dendi' HCC/AOC Dendi Orchids OSNSW other 2 Paph . Berenice 'Diane' AM/AOC Dendi Orchids OSNSW 33c: Phragmipedium hybrid 1 Phrag . Don Wimber J&J Wooding AWOC 34: Best seedling – 1 Paph . Bel Royale 'Dendi' HCC/AOC Dendi Orchids OSNSW Paphiopedilum alliance 35: Best specimen – 1 Paph. villosum Ron Boyd EOC/OSC Paphiopedlium alliance 36: Vandaceous alliance species 1 Phal. stuartiana Dendi Orchids OSNSW 2 Paraphalaenopsis laycockii Ben Wallace OSC 37: Angraecoid alliance species 1 Angraecum eburneum Judy Osborne OSC 38a: Phalaenopsis hybrid - 1 Dtps . Orihime Theo & Jenny Schutz EOC/OSC standard 2 Phal . Lippepracht x Abendrot J&J Wooding AWOC 38b: Phalaenopsis hybrid - 1 Phal . Brother Cat's Paw 'Purr' Dendi Orchids OSNSW novelty 2 Phal Taida Lawrence Dendi Orchids OSNSW 39: Vanda or Ascocenda hybrid 1 Ascda . Bicentennial 'Carmela' Dendi Orchids OSNSW 2 Vanda Gordon Dillon 'KB' J&J Wooding AWOC 40: Other vandaceous hybrids 1 Angraecum Veitchii Irene & John Stubbs SCOC 41: Best seedling – vandaceous 1 Phal . Golden Peoker x Dor. Dendi Orchids OSNSW alliance pulcherrima 'Oz' 42: Best specimen – vandaceous 1 Phal. stuartiana Dendi Orchids OSNSW alliance 43b: Oncidium complex hybrid 1 Onc . Puff Magic Dragon Dendi Orchids OSNSW 2 Onc . Hawaiian Gold x Firecracker Dendi Orchids OSNSW 44b: Odontoglossum complex 1 Od a. Star of Jersey Brian & Lynne Phelan OSC hybrid 2 Oda . Shelley 'OK' Brian & Lynne Phelan OSC 45a: Other Oncidium alliance 1 Baptistonia echinata Don Chesher OSC species 2 Ada aurantiaca Margaret & Don Hayes EOC 45b: Other Oncidium alliance 1 Colm . Space Race Dendi Orchids OSNSW hybrid 2 Colm . Wilcat 'Bloodshot' Dendi Orchids OSNSW 46: Best seedling – Oncidium 1 Oda . Carnette x Avoca Theo & Jenny Schutz EOC/OSC alliance 47: Best specimen – Oncidium 2 Colm . Wilccat 'Bloodshot' Dendi Orchids OSNSW alliance - 48a: Masdevallia species 1 Masd. coccinea alba var Lemfordel Shirley Bedingfield EOC 2 Masd. ignea 'Lava Flow' Shirley Bedingfield EOC 48b: Other pleurothallid species 1 Restrepia sanguinea Shirley Bedingfield EOC 49a: Pleuothallid hybrid 1 Masd . Prince Charming Annie Schramm & Ian EOC including Masd. veitchiana Scott 2 Masd. veitchiana x urosalpinx Annie Schramm & Ian EOC Scott 8 49b: Pleurothallid hybrid not 1 Masd . Tuakau Candy Margaret & Don Hayes EOC including Masd. veitchiana 2 Masd . hybrid unknown Annie Schramm & Ian EOC Scott 50: Best seedling – Pleurothallid 1 Masd. ignea 'Pedro' x Kimballiana Theo & Jenny Schutz EOC/OSC allaince 'Purity' 51: Best specimen – 1 Masd . Copper Angel Joy Richardson SCOC/EO Pleurothallid alliance C 52: Exotic Dendrobium alliance 1 Den. thyrsiflorum J&J Wooding AWOC species 2 Den. aphyllum Mark Fraser & Sandra OSC Corbett 53: Coelogyne species 1 Coel. lawrenceana Don Chesher OSC 2 Coel . sp. aff. carinata Don Chesher OSC 54: Any other species 1 Dendrochilum uncatum Don Chesher OSC 2 Maxillaria densa Norma Stafford SCOC 55: Exotic Dendrobium alliance 1 Den . unknown Geoff Dyne OSC hybrid 2 Den . Gion 'Pink Lady' Theo & Jenny Schutz EOC/OSC 56: Coelogyne hybrid 1 Coel . Unchained Melody Shirley Bedingfield EOC 2 Coel. Andree Millar Don Chesher OSC 57: Any other hybrid 1 Lyc. Shoalhaven 'Lady Kay' Theo & Jenny Schutz EOC/OSC 2 Zygo . Arthur Elle 'Stonehurst' AM/RHS Brian & Lynne Phelan OSC x self 59: Best specimen – orchid not 1 Coel. flaccida John Tanner SCOC otherwise specified 61c: Novice Cymbidium hybrid - 1 Cym. unknown R B Bush OSC miniature 61d: Novice Cymbidium hybrid – 1 Cym. Rosefieldense Rajani Rai OSC primary hybrid 63b: Novice Cattleya hybrid – 1 Blc . Empress Worsley 'Roman Holiday' R B Bush OSC not standard 64: Novice Dendrobium alliance 1 Den . falcorostrum David Judge OSC species 65: Novice Dendrobium alliance 1 Den . hybrid R B Bush OSC hybrid 68: Novice Paphiopedilum 1 Paph. spicerianum Albert Sittler OSC species 71: Novice Phalaenopsis hybrid 1 Phalaenopsis hybrid Susan Lowe OSC 74a: Novice Other Oncidium 1 Onc. ornithorhynchum R B Bush OSC alliance species 77: Novice other species 1 Coel. cristata Eddy Collett OSC 80: Novice specimen 1 Cym. Rosefieldense Rajani Rai OSC 82: Floral decoration - open: An 1 Orchid Tapestry Robert & Audrey Rough OSC orchid tapestry 2 Orchid Tapestry Pamela Phillips OSC HC Orchid Tapestry Robert & Audrey Rough OSC 83: Floral decoration - open: As 1 As You Like It Pamela Phillips OSC you like 2 As You Like It Pamela Phillips OSC 85: Art 1 Cattleya OSC var Rose Perfume Shyan Lii Goh OSC 2 Watercolour: Cattleya Fitz Eugene Quin Yuen Chung OSC Dixon 86: Craft 1 Quilt Pat Butt OSC 2 Orchids on the Egg Quin Yuen Chung OSC 87a: Photography – studio work 1 Miniature photograph Quin Yuen Chung OSC 87b: Photography – field work 1 Diuris photo Murray Smith OSC 2 Diuris photo Murray Smith OSC 87c: Photography – enhanced 1 Digital photograph 4 Quin Yuen Chung OSC photograph 2 Digital photograph 2 Quin Yuen Chung OSC

9 Popular Vote Sept 2003

Phalaenopsis Phalaenopsis Brother Purple Brother x Carmela’s Pixie Jane Wright Oncidium Alliance Odontoglossum hybrid Albert Sittler Oncidium species Paphiopedilum species Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum Scott Mann Coelogyne Coelogyne flaccida Don Chesher Masdevallia Masdevallia veitchiana ‘Prince Des Galles’ Jane Wright Sarcochilus Sarcochilus hartmannii ‘Red Heart’ x ‘The Globe’ Brian Leedham Australian terrestrial Pterostylis curta Don Chesher Australian Dendrobium hybrids Dendrobium Ellen ‘ Murray’ Murray Smith Any other orchid Catasetum warsewiczii Bob Evans Laeliinae hybrid – miniature Sophrolaelia Orpeti ‘Laina’ Don Chesher Popular Orchid of the Night -1 Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum Scott Mann Popular Orchid of the Night -2 Catasetum warsewiczii Bob Evans Judges’ Choice Pterostylis curta Don Chesher

Popular Vote October 2003

Masdevallia Masdevallia Pichincha ‘Pacchi’ Jane Wright Cymbidium Cymbidium unknown hybrid Rajani Rai Oncidium Alliance hybrid Odcm. Buckton ‘Maries Choice’ Robert Rough Laeliinae species Laelia harpophylla Robert Rough Laeliinae hybrid – standard Slc . Elegant Oak x Slc . Wendy’s Valentine Robert Rough Coelogyne Coelogyne fragrans Don Chesher Australian native species Dendrobium falcorostrum David Judge Australian native hybrid Dendrobium Candice Brian Leedham Sarcochilus Sarcochilus Heidi Brian Leedham Australian terrestrial Diuris maculata Don Chesher Pleurothallid Alliance species Paphiopediulum spicerianum Albert Sittler Pleurothallid Alliance hybrid Paphiopedilum Jerry Buote David Judge Any other orchid Disa tripetaloides Dean Carriage Orchid of the Night -1 Laelia harpophylla Robert Rough Orchid of the Night -2 Paphiopedilum Jerry Buote David Judge Judges’ Choice Paphiopedilum Jerry Buote David Judge

Contributions to the Bulletin You can get material to the editor by the following means: In person : At meetings, or if I am not there to either Robyn Noel or Laurie Woods. By mail : PO Box 3312, Belconnen, ACT 2617 not the Orchid Soc PO Box By phone : (02) 6254 1119 (h) Fax (02) 6246 4202 By email : [email protected] Hand written, typed and computer generated material all welcome and will be included as soon as possible subject to space. Contributions preferably by 14th of Jan, Feb, April, June, August, October. Computer files: This bulletin is prepared with Word for Windows 2000 on a PC. I can handle .doc, .rtf and .txt text formats and digital still and video images in most popular formats including .avi, .jpg, .tif and .bmp. Please keep formatting to a minimum, especially if it includes graphics . I can also scan drawings, text, slides and photographic prints. Contributors using a Mac please format files to a PC readable format before sending them to me. Please keep a backup copy of your own of anything you send me as accidents can happen! I can handle IBM formatted floppy disks and CDs. Please put your name on disks so that I can return them to you. Any questions, please see, ring or email me. The Editor, Jane Wright