United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management

Environmental Assessment DOI-BLM-UTYOl0-2012-0053 EA

February 2012 Special Recreation Permit for Moab Base Adventures LLC Base Jumping


Guided base jumping: Fisher Towers (Ancient Art and Dragon's Nest), Chess Board (Courthouse Rock), Monitor, Menimac, Spring Canyon, Echo, Tombstones on Kane Creek, Mineral Bottom, Castle Rock, Paniott Mesa, G Spot (along Highway 128), Takeout (along Highway 128) and Wall by Big Bend (along Highway 128)

Tandem basejumping: Tombstones on Kane Creek, Mineral Bottom, Paniott Mesa

Applicant/Address: Mario Richard and , 394 Chinle, Moab, UT 84532

Moab Field Office 82 East Dogwood Moab, UT 84532 Special Recreation Permit for "Moab Base Adventures Base Jumping Permits

DOI-BLM-UTYOl0-2012-0053 EA


Moab Base Adventures seeks a Special Recreation Permit to conduct base jumping activities, including tandem jumping, on lands in the Moab Field Office. Moab Base Adventures has not had a Special Recreation Permit with the Moab BLM office prior to 2012.

PURPOSE AND NEED FOR THE PROPOSED ACTION Moab Base Adventures seeks permission to conduct base jumping activities, including tandem jumping, on public lands in the Moab Field Office. As required by 43 CFR 2930, Moab Base Adventures is required to obtain a Special Recreation Permit to conduct such an activity on BLM lands. CONFORMANCE \VITH BLM LAND USE PLAN(S) The proposed action has been determined to be in conformance with the terms and conditions of the Moab Resource Management Plan (approved in October, 2008) as required by 43 CFR 1610.5.

Moab's RMP states the following:

• REC-46 "Special Recreation Permits are issued as a discretionary action as a means to: help meet management objectives, provide opportunities for economic activity, facilitate recreational use of public lands, control visitor use, protect recreational and natural resources, and provide for the health and safety of visitors." (page 97) and • REC-47"All SRPs will contain standard stipulations appropriate for the type of and may include stipulations necessary to protect lands or resources, reduce user conflicts, or minimize health and safety concerns ... .Issue and manage recreation permits for a wide variety of uses to enhance outdoor recreational opportunities, provide opportunities for private enterprise, manage user-group interaction, and limit the impacts to such uses upon natural and cultural resources." (page 98). Two of the requested locations are within Focus Areas established in the RMP for competitive basejumping. The Tombstones are within the Tombstone Competitive BASE Jumping Focus Area page 88). Mineral Bottom is within the Mineral Canyon/Horsethief BASE Jumping Focus Area (REC 92). RELATIONSHIPS TO STATUTES, REGULATIONS AND OTHER PLANS proposed action is consistent with page 48 of the Grand County General Plan Update (2004 ), states: "The public lands of Grand County should be managed for the enjoyment people of Grand County and the nation so as to maintain integrity and natural and cultural resources. Furthermore the Grand County General Plan Update states under the category "Economic use of public lands: Grand County encourages the expeditious processing of use permits for economic uses of public lands consistent with the policies of the Plan, and specifically, film, mineral extraction, and recreation, for the benefit of Grand County.

CHAPTER2 DESCRIPTION OF ALTERNATIVES INTRODUCTION This EA focuses on the Proposed and No Action alternatives. No other alternatives were considered. The No Action alternative is considered and analyzed to provide a baseline for comparison of the impacts of the proposed action.


Moab Base Adventures proposes to offer commercial base jumping activities on Moab BLM lands. Some trips would involve a guide taking an experienced base jumper to a jump location; guide and the client would then jump together. A second form of trip would offer tandem basejumping. Tandem basejumping pairs an experienced basejumper with a non-basejumper. The two people are harnessed together and jump together. They return to earth under a single . Guided basejumping trips are usually fewer than 6 clients, with at least one guide. The following locations are requested for guided basejumping: Fisher Towers (Ancient Art and Dragon's Nest), Chess Board (Courthouse Rock), Monitor, Merrimac, Spring Canyon, Echo, Tombstones on Kane Creek, Mineral Bottom, Castle Rock and Parriott Mesa. In addition, Moab Base Adventures has asked for three jump locations along Highway 128 (G Spot, Takeout and the Bouldering Wall by Big Bend).

Tandem basejumping has a one-to-one-guide/client ratio. The following locations are requested for tandem basejumping: Tombstones on Kane Creek, Mineral Bottom, Parriott Mesa.

NO ACTION The No Action Alternative is to deny the SRP to Moab Base Adventures. CHAPTER3 AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL SETTING The affected environment was considered and analyzed by an interdisciplinary team as documented in the Interdisciplinary Team Checklist. The checklist indicates which resources of concern are either not present in the project area or would not be impacted to a degree that detailed analysis. Resources which could be impacted to a level requiring further analysis are described in Chapter 3 and impacts on these resources are analyzed in Chapter 4 below.

The basejumping locations are located within 20 miles of the town of Moab. Each of the locations is accessible by paved or highly maintained road. Each of the jumps has existing "climber trails" to their bases; the permittee will use these existing hiking trails to access the jump.

Recreation area within 20 miles of Moab is heavily used by recreationists of all types, including those come to Moab to basejump. The basejumping locations requested by Moab Basejumping Adventures are used for basejumping by the general public (that subsegment of the public that engages in basejumping). Although the Moab BLM has permitted competitive basejumping events in the past, it does not have (nor has ever had) a guided basejumping permittee. Many of these basejumping locations are fairly well known in the basejumping community and are listed on internet sites, forums and blogs. Three of the requested base jumping locations (G Spot, Takeout and the Big Bend Bouldering Wali) require jumping over Utah Highway 128. This road is a winding route along the Colorado River that is very popular with recreational drivers. This road receives over 500,000 visitors per year. Natural Areas The basejumping routes in Fisher Towers and Castle Valley are within the Fisher Towers and Mary Jane BLM Natural Areas. BLM manages these areas to maintain natural values. Threatened, Endangered or Candidate Animal Species Several of the basejumping locations are within modeled Mexican Spotted Owl habitat (MSO) and have been evaluated for habitat suitability. These areas are either under current USFWS survey protocol designation for absence status or are in areas determinate as un-suitable for MSO nesting occupancy. Fish and Wildlife Raptors: All requested basejumping routes are in areas with potential nesting habitat for a variety of raptors. Currently there are no known active nesting sites near any of the proposed basejumping routes.

~=-"--'~=:.o.=-S:::::.h:::::.e:::.:e::.,a;:.p: the following basejumping are within crucial desert bighorn sheep habitat Spring Canyon, Mineral Canyon, Chess Board (Courthouse

Migratory Birds All requested basejumping routes are in the areas inhabited by migratory birds. Basejumping locations are in potential habitats for many species of migratory birds, though nesting in these areas is expected to be mmimal; nesting is limited to nesting and some shrub nesting species. Utah BLM Sensitive Species Basejumping locations are in potential and occupied habitats for the kit fox, a Utah Sensitive Species. CHAPTER4 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS DIRECT AND INDIRECT IMPACTS


This section analyzes the impacts of the proposed action to those potentially impacting resources described in the affected environment, Chapter 3, above.


The addition of 200 people to an area which receives over 800,000 recreation visits per year would not disturb existing recreation patterns. Granting Moab Base Adventures an SRP would provide a recreation benefit to the clients, as well as an economic benefit to the business. The promotion of a good basejumping ethic by Moab Base Adventures would benefit recreation as proper behavior would be taught to those being introduced to basejumping.

Those jumps that require jumping over Highway 128 would pose safety issues to those driving along this highway. Drivers on Highway 128 (who are general1y viewing the iconic scenery found along this route) would likely be surprised by the sights and sounds of basejumping occurring over the paved highway. This could cause drivers to lose control of their vehicles. Basejumping over Highway 128 creates unnecessary risks to drivers. Natural Areas Fisher Towers and Castle Valley are within the Fisher Towers and Mary Jane BLM Natural Areas. Both of these areas receive very little basejumping use, but they do receive fairly heavy use. Base jumpers would be required to climb the features in order to basejump off. The addition of fewer than 50 people to those already climbing in the area would have little impact. The commitment of Moab Base Adventures to stay on previously existing climber trails mitigates impacts to naturalness within these areas. Threatened, Endangered or Candidate Animal Species Use of the proposed basejumping sites is not expected to impact nesting MSOs, as are currently no nesting MSOs in the vicinity. All habitats that are considered suitable have current protocol surveys in place and these surveys are repeated as required by the USFWS survey protocol. If MSO nesting occupancy is determined within 0.5 miles of any permitted basejumping site, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will be notified. Action, such as closing the site to basejumping, will be implemented to insure nesting success. Fish and \-Vildlife Raptors: All of the listed basejumps have the potential to be chosen by a raptor for a nest site near the climb. Stipulations following USFWS Guidelines for Raptor Protection will be attached to the permit which disallow basejumping if a raptor nest is in use within a certain specified distance from the nest (see attached stipulations). If it is determined that there is an active nest within 0.5 miles of the climb, the BLM will implement USFWS Guidelines for Raptor Protection and the basejumping area may be signed as closed to permittees for the duration of the nesting period or until the chicks have fledged the nest. (It is also hoped that private basejumpers, although not under this stipulation, would adhere to the closure.) These stipulations would lessen impacts to nesting raptors. The consistent use of these areas could reduce habitat suitability for raptor nesting. This could result in the loss of this habitat for future raptor nesting within approximately 0.5 miles of the activity areas. This habitat loss would be minimal and would not affect the integrity of the extensive suitable raptor nesting habitats within the Moab Field Office. Desert Bighorn Sheep: The Chess Board (Courthouse Rock), Spring Canyon, Mineral Canyon, Chess Board, Monitor and Merrimac basejumping routes are within crucial desert bighorn sheep lambing and rutting habitat and migration corridors. These areas are used by ewes and rams throughout the year, though the Chess Board site appears to be used less by ewes. The Mineral Canyon location is currently in a Basejumping Focus Area as allocated in the 2008 Moab Resource Management Plan. Local ewes that occupy Mineral Canyon tend to avoid the basejumping area.

Lambing grounds are typically occupied by ewes and their lambs throughout the year. These areas are considered to be the most important habitats as ewes give birth and raise their lambs in lambing grounds. Furthermore, rams migrate into these areas during the rut. Migration corridors are more typically utilized by rams and are frequently utilized before, during and after the rut by rams traveling to and from their rutting grounds. These habitats are also utilized throughout the year by rams as well as younger animals and ewes moving to other habitats. Migration corridors may also be used by ewes with their lambs. Basejumping activities and associated activities such as hiking to and from the site within lambing grounds could impact desert bighorn sheep, particularly during lambing season. Ewes and lambs are highly susceptible to displacement during the lambing season and the hot summer months that fo11ow. Increased or unpredictable disturbances can further stress animals nursing their young. Ewes and lambs are already subjected to heat stress and reduced forage and water during this season. Stress may reduce the survival rate of young lambs or nursing ewes or may cause to abandon their lambing grounds. Basejumping activities in migration corridors could cause rams to take flight and avoid habitats near basejumping activities. Rams tend to move through an area in a short period time. Local and migrating sheep utilizing areas seasonally or yearlong near the proposed jumps may experience localized disturbance from these activities and may abandon small portion of this habitat or may habituate to the activities. Escape terrain is plentiful and bighorn may readily avoid these areas during disturbing activities, as needed, but habitat fragmentation may OCCUL Unrestrained dogs are known to chase desert bighorn sheep and other wildlife, inducing yet more stress. Migratory Birds Project activities occur in short duration. Foraging birds can easily vacate the area during disturbing activities, utilizing the abundant suitable habitats adjacent to the jump sites. Nesting experience short term disturbances but the low intensity and short duration of activities is not expected to cause nest abandonment No vegetative disturbances will occur; therefore nesting and foraging structure will not be altered and migratory bird habitats will not be negatively impacted. Utah State Sensitive Species (Kit Fox) Project activities occur in short duration; these events do not alter kit fox habitats. Foraging kit fox and kit fox occupying non-natal dens can easily vacate the area during disturbing activities, utilizing the abundant suitable habitats adjacent to the jump sites. Kit fox occupying natal dens with pups may experience short term disturbances but the low intensity and short duration of the activities is not expected to cause the kit fox to abandon their natal dens. No vegetative or soil disturbances will occur, therefore denning and foraging structure will not be altered and kit fox habitats will not be negatively impacted. The consistent use of these areas could reduce habitat suitability for future kit fox use. This could result in the loss of this habitat in and near the activity areas. This habitat loss would be minimal and would not affect the integrity of the extensive suitable habitats within the area. NO ACTION The No Action alternative would not meet the need for the proposed action; the benefits of issuing an SRP would be foregone. There would be no environmental impacts from the proposed action because the action would be denied. Recreation Approximately 200 jumpers would not be added to the numbers who currently climb and basejump in the Moab area. The SRP would be denied, and the 200 jumpers would not be guided by a responsible outfitter and would not be educated in outdoor ethics vis-a-vis jumping. The number of visitors to the Moab BLM would not be appreciably lessened. Natural Areas Both the Fisher Towers and Castle Valley area receive very heavy climber use. Denying the permit to Moab Base Adventures would mean that 200 people may not be added to those numbers. This small reduction in numbers to those jumping and climbing in these areas would have very little impact on the naturalness of these areas. Threatened, Endangered or Candidate Animal Species Although 200 permitted jumpers would not be allowed under No Action, private jumping and recreation would continue. Thus, No Action would not have an appreciable beneficial impact to Owl Fish and Wildlife Raptors: although 200 permitted jumpers would not be allowed under No Action, private basejumping and recreation would continue. Thus, No Action would not have an appreciable beneficial impact to nesting raptors. No Action could actually result in negative impacts to nesting raptors because stipulations to protect them would not be imposed, and these stipulations would not be shared with private jumpers. Private basejumpers would continue to jump without restriction; although private basejumpers are not required to adhere to commercial stipulations, it is hoped that many of them would do so. Desert Bighorn Sheep: although 200 permitted jumpers would not be allowed under No Action, private basejumping and recreation would continue. Thus, No Action would not have an appreciable beneficial impact to desert bighorn sheep. No Action could actually result in negative impacts to sheep because stipulations to protect them would not be imposed, and these stipulations would not be shared with private basejumpers. Private basejumping would continue to jump without restriction; although private jumpers are not required to adhere to commercial stipulations, it is hoped that many of them would do so. Migratory Birds No impacts to migratory birds from commercial basejumping would occur. Utah BLM Sensitive Species (Kit Fox) No impacts to kit fox from commercial basejumping would occur. MITIGATION As mitigation, stipulations have been developed that would be attached to the permit for raptors and for desert bighorn sheep for a subset of the basejumps requested in the proposed action. These are: I. Permitted basejumping will be disallowed on a particular jump if a raptor nest is in use within a certain specified distance from the nest (the time and distance varies by species; see attached stipulations). Permittees wi11 be notified of the existence of the use of the nest, and the jump will be signed as closed to permittees for the duration of the nesting period. 2. Permitted basejumping will not be allowed on Chess Board (Courthouse Rock), Spring Canyon, Monitor and Merrimack from April 1 through August 15 (lambing season and summer restrictions). 3. All dogs accompanying the basejumping groups must be on leash at all times. 4. If it is determined that there is an active nest within 0.5 miles of the climb, the BLM implement USFWS Guidelines for Raptor Protection and the basejumping area may be signed as closed to permittees for the duration of the nesting period or until the chicks have fledged the nest.

CUMULATIVE IMPACTS proposed action is not expected to have a cumulative impact on past, present or future m areas within the Moab CHAPTERS PERSONS, GROUPS, AND AGENCIES CONSULTED During preparation of the EA, the public was notified of the proposed action by posting on the January 11, 2012. No one has contacted the BLM in response to the notice. comment period was not offered because very little interest in the proposal has been List of Preparers Table 5.2. List of Preparers BLM Preparers

I Name Title Responsible for the Following Section(s) of this I Document Ann Marie Aubry Hydrologist Air Quality/Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Floodplains, Soils, Wetlands/Riparian Zones, Water Resources

Katie Stevens Outdoor Recreation Areas of Critical Environmental Concern, Recreation, Planner Wild and Scenic Rivers, Visual Resources

Aron King Archeologist Cultural Resources, Native American Religious Concerns

Doolittle Geologist I Geology, Paleontology, Wastes I J l I Bill Stevens Outdoor Recreation BLM Natural Areas, Socioeconomics, I Planner Wilderness/WSA, Areas with Wilderness Characteristics, Environmental Justice

Pam Riddle Biologist Fish and Wildlife, T &E Animal Species, Migratory Birds, Utah BLM Sensitive Species

Kim Allison Rangeland Vegetation, Rangeland Health Standards, Livestock

Management Specialist 1 Grazing

Dave Williams Rangeland T&E Plants Management Specialist

Jan Denney Realty Specialist Lands/ Access

Jordan Davis Invasive


Appendix A: Interdisciplinary Team Checklist Appendix B: Maps FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT AND DECISION RECORD

Moab Base Adventures, llC (Commercial guided base jumping and tandem base jumping tours) DOI-BLM-UT-YO! 0-2012-0053 EA

FONSI: Based on the analysis of potential environmental impacts contained in the present document, I have determined that the action will not have a significant effect on the human environment and an environmental impact statement is therefore not required.

DECISION: It is my decision to issue the commercial Special Recreation Permit for the Moab Base Adventures, LLC to conduct guided climbing and base jumping using the following jumps: Fisher Towers (Ancient Art and Dragon's Nest), Courthouse Rock, Monitor, Merrimac, Spring Canyon, Echo, Tombstones on Kane Creek, Mineral Bottom, Castle Rock, and Parriott Mesa. Of these locations, three are also approved for tandem base jumping: Mineral Bottom, Parriott Mesa and the Tombstones on Kane Creek. The following jumps (G Spot, Takeout and the Big Bend Bouldering Wall) are not permitted because they require jumping over Highway 128. The surprise of a base jumper jumping over Highway 128 is deemed to be dangerous to drivers along this busy highway. For that reason, the permit will not allow jumping in these three requested locations.

This decision is contingent upon meeting all stipulations and monitoring requirements attached.

RATIONALE: The decision to authorize this Special Recreation Permit for commercial climbing for Moab Base Adventures, LLC has been made in consideration of the environmental impacts of the proposed action. The action is in conformance with the Moab Resource Management Plan, which allows for recreation use permits for a wide variety of uses to enhance outdoor recreational opportunities, provide opportunities for private enterprise, manage user-group interaction, and limit the impacts to such uses upon natural and cultural resources.


Project Title: Recreation Permit for Moab Base Adventures, LLC (Base JumpingJ

NEPA Log l\umber: DOI-BLM-UT-YOl0-2012-0053 EA

File/Seriall\umber: MFO-Y010-12-018R

Project Leader: Jennifer Jones

DETERMINATION OF STAFF: (Choose one of the following abbreviated options for the left column) NP =not present in the area impacted by the proposed or alternative actions NI =present, but not affected to a degree that detailed analysis is required PI= present with potential for relevant impact that need to be analyzed in detail in the EA NC = (DNAs only) actions and impacts not changed from those disclosed in the existing NEPA documents cited in Section D of the DNA form. The Rationale column may include NI and NP discussions.

The following elements are not present in the Moab Field Office and have been removed from the checklist: Farmlands (Prime or Unique), Wild Horses and Burros.

Determi­ Resource Rationale for Determination* Signature Date nation




Water Resources/Quality (drinking/surface/ ground)

Wetlands/Riparian Zones

Areas of Critical Environmemal Concern


Wild and Scenic Rivers

Visual Resources Determi­ Resource Rationale for Determination* Signature Date nation

...{.l!.\vr\J4 Vl.,lL Nfl Cultural Resources Al• ~...{ I c ~ .:.+- l+tb\vvh. 0 < Native American

Threatened. Endangered or Candidate Plant

Rangeland Health Standards Vegetation Excluding USFW Designated

NC Woodland I Forestry

NC Fuels/Fire Management

Geology I Mineral N~ Rcsoun:cs/Encrgy Production

N Lands/Access



Reviewer Title Comments

Environmental Coordinator

Authorized Officer DOI-BLM-UT-YOl0-2012-0053 EA Bureau of Land Mangement Moab Field Office Mineral Bottom

Tidwell Bon om

Bureau of Land Management (BLM) ~ BRoads (Maintained) ----· D Roads (Unmaintained) (NPS) P Parking State CAUTION: ' Land owrership data is deriYed from less acrurote data than the 1:24000 srole base w '·. 1: map. Therefore, land ownership may not be 0 0.05 0.1 0.2 shown for parcels smaller than 40 acres. and , land ownership lines may hove plotti"9 errors Map created on Dec 14, 20 I I Miles * rue to source data. DOI-BLM-UT-YOl0-2012-0053 EA Bureau of Land Mangement Moab Field Office The Chess Board

Bureau of Land Management (BLM) =-=- BRoads (Maintained) ----· 0 Roads (Unmaintained) National Park Service (NPS) P Parking PUBLIC LANDS State CAUTION: Land ownership data 1S deri...,d from less ocrurate data than the 1:24000 salle base mop. Therefore, land ownership may not be 0 0.050.1 0.2 shown for parcels smaller than 40 acres. 011d land ownership lines may ha..., plotti~ errors Map created on Dec 14. 2011 - Miles

Bureau of Land Management (BLM) ~ BRoads (Maintained) ____ , 0 Roads (Unmaintained) National Park Service (NPS) P Parking State CAUTION; lAnd ownership data is deriYed from less acrurate data than the 1:24000 scale base rrop. Therefore, land ownership may not be 0 0.05 0.1 0.2 shown for parcels smaller thon 40 ocres, and land ownership lines may hoYe plotti~ errors Map created on Dec 14, 20 II Miles dle to source doto. DOI-BLM-UT-YOl0-2012-0053 EA Bureau of Land Mangement Moab Field Office Merrimack and Monitor

Bureau of Land Management (BLM) =-=- BRoads (Maintained) ____, D Roads (Unmaintained) National Park Service (NPS) P Parking State CAUTION: Land ownersh1p data is deri-.ed from less acrurate data than the 1:24000 scale base map. TheN!fore, land ownership may net be 0 0.0501 0.2 shown for parcels smaller than 40 acres. and land ownership lines may ha-.e plottir

Bureau of Land Management (BLM) ~ BRoads (Maintained) ----· 0 Roads (Unmaintained) National Park Service (NPS) P Parking State CAUTION: Land ownership data is deriYed from less occurate data than the 1:24000 scale base map. Therefore, land ownership may not be 0 0.05 0.1 0.2 shown for parcels smaller than 40 ocres, Otld land ownership lines may hoYe plott1ng errors Map created on Dec I 4 20 I l Miles dJe to source dota. 001-BLM-UT-YOl0-2012-0053 EA Bureau of Land Mangement Moab Field Office Castleton Tower

Legend Bureau of Land Management (BLM) =-=- B Roads (Maintained) NATIONAL ----· D Roads (Unmaintained) ·. •. National Park Service (NPS) P Parking BLIC LAND State CAUTION: Land owrership data tS dertved from less acrurate data than the 1:24000 srole base map. Therefore, land ownership may not be 0 0.040.08 0.16 shown for parcels smaller than 40 acres. and lard ownership ltnes may have plotting errors Map created on Dec 14. 20 I J -Miles d.ie to source data. 001-BLM-UT-YOl0-2012-0053 EA Bureau of Land Mangement Moab Field Office Spring Canyon

I< N 0 T


I Bureau of Land Management (BLM) =-=- B Roads (Maintained) NATIONAL ----· D Roads (Unmaintained) National Park Service (NPS) P Parking I · · State i CAUTION: Land ownership data •s deri"!d from less acrurote data than the 1:24000 soole base rmp. Therefore, land ownership may not be r\ 0 0.050.1 0.2 shawn for parcels smaller than 40 acres. and land ownership lines may have plotttrg errors Map created on Dec 14 20 II - Miles dle to source data. DOI-BLM-UT-YOl0-2012-0053 EA Bureau of Land Mangement Moab Field Office Echo Area Grand County

Bureau of Land Management (BLM) ~ BRoads (Maintained) ----· D Roads (Unmaintained) National Park Service (NPS) P Parking ·· State CAUTION: Land ownersh•p data is derived f rom less acrurate data than the 1:24000 scale base rmp. Therefore, land owrership may not be 0 0.05 0.1 0.2 shawn for parcels smaller than 40 acres, and land ownership lines may have plottirq errors Map created on Dec 14, 2011 Miles cLe to source dota 001-BLM-UT-YOl0-2012-0053 EA Bureau of Land Mangement Moab Field Office Tombstone

Bureau of Land Management (BlM) =-=- B Roads (Maintained) ----· D Roads (Unrnaintained) National Park Service (NPS) P Parking PUBLIC LANDS State CAUTION: Lllnd ownership data is d•mved from less acrurate data than the I :24000 scale base map. Therefore. land ownership may not be 0 0.05 0.1 0.2 shown for parcels smaller than 40 acres, and land ownership lines mat hove plotting errors Map created on Dec 14, 20 II Miles dJe to source data. 001-BLM-UT-YOl0-2012-0053 EA Bureau of Land Mangement Moab Field Office Fisher Towers (Ancient Art) Grand County

. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) ~ B Roads (Maintained) ----· 0 Roads (Unmaintained) National Park Service (NPS)

State P Parking CAUTION: Land ownership data is derived from less accurate data tnan the 1:24000 scole bose mop Therefore, land ownersh•p may not be 00.00.04 0.08 snawn for parcels smaller tnan 40 acres. and land ownersh ip lines may nave planiiVJ errors Map created on Dec 14, 20 II -Miles dJe to source data. DOI-BLM-UT-YOl0-2012-0053 EA Bureau of Land Mangement Moab Field Office Parriot Mesa

·.. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) ~ B Roads (Maintained) ----· D Roads (Unmaintained) ' National Park Service (NPS) P Parking State CAUTION: Land ownership data 1s ~i~oed from less acwrote data than the 1:24000 scale base rrap . Therefore, land owrership may not be OO.C0.06 0.12 shawn for parcels smaller than 40 acres. and land ownership lines may ha~oe plotti"9 errors Map created on Dec I 4. 20 I I -Miles dle to source data. 001-BLM-UT-YOl0-2012-0053 EA Bureau of Land Mangement Moab Field Office Bouldering Wall Grand County


Bureau of Land Management (BLM) =-=- 8 Roads (Maintained) NATIONAL ----· D Roads (Unrnaintained) National Park Service (NPS) P Parking State CAUTION: N Land ownership data IS derived from less acaJrate data than the 1:24000 srole base mop. Therefore. land ownership may not be 0 0.05 01 0.2 ..... shown for parcels smaller than 40 acres. Olld land ownership lines may ha"" plotting errors Map created on Dec 14. 20 II Miles ' cLe to source data. DOI-BLM-UT-YOJ0-2012-0053 EA /W~~wR\t~D Bureau of Land Mangement Moab Field Office G Spot

· Bureau of Land Management (BLM) =-=- BRoads (Maintained) ----· D Roads (Unmaintained) National Park SeiVice (NPS) P Parking State CAUTION: Land owrv!r>-hip data IS do!rrved from less accurate data than the !:24000 scale base map Therefore, land owrership moy not be 0 0.050.1 0.2 shawn for parce ls smaller thon 40 acres, and la..J ownership lines may hove plotring errors Map created on Dec 14 20 II - Miles dre to source data. 001-BLM-UT-YOl0-2012-0053 EA Bureau of Land Mangement Moab Field Office Take Out Beach Grand County

Bureau of Land Management (BlM) =-=- BRoads (Maintained) ----· D Roads (Unmaintained) National Park Service (NPS) P Parking State CAUTION: l.arld owrership data is deri""d from less ocrurate data tmn the 1:24000 s oo le base rrop. Tllenfore, land ownership may not be 0 0.05 0.1 0.2 snawn for parcels smaller tnan 40 acres. and land ownership lines may have platt1ng errors Map created on Dec 14, 20 11 Miles we to source data. Environmental Notification Bulletin Board

ENVIRONMENTAL NOTIFICATION BULLETIN BOARD Project Name: SRP for Moab Base Adventures, LLC NEPA Log Number: DOI-BLM-UT-Y010-2012-0053 EA Field Office/Code: Moab Field Office Contact: Jennifer Jones Phone Number: 435-259-2136 File/Serial Number: MFO-Y010-12-018R Document Type: Environmental Assessment Cultural: Watershed: Fire I Fuel: Wild Horses: Lands & Realty: Wildlife: Primary Program: Minerals: Planning: Range: Paleontology: Recreation: W Woodland I Forestry: r Vegetation: Other: Project Description: commercial base jumping and tandem base jumping Meridian: Salt Lake Township: Legal Description: Range: Section: Fisher Towers (Ancient Art and Dragon's Nest) Chess Board (Courthouse Rock) Monitor & Merrimac Spring Canyon (Permitted base jumping will not be allowed on Chess Board (Courthouse Rock), Spring Canyon, General Location: Monitor and Merrimack from April1 through August 15 (lambing season and summer restrictions). Echo, Tombstones on Kane Creek Mineral Bottom Castle Rock Parriott Mesa Mineral Bottom, Tombstones and Parriott Mesa

County(s): Grand Other:

ACEC:r Special Status Species: Crucial Habitat r Visual Resources: r Cultural:r Designated Wilderness I WSA: Fire Wild & Scenic Rivers: Special Interests: Rehabilitation: r Areas wfth Wilderness Riparian: Characteristics: r None: (\I Native American Concerns: Other: BLM Natural Areas r Other Remarks: • EA initiated 1/11/2012. Status and Date of Actton: DR signed 510712o12. 0511012012 13 07 15 ProJ'ect Modified Dates· : : • 05/02/2012 10:47:55 Comment Period Provided: No Files: No Files

Have external organizations {government, advocacy, etc.) expressed Interest in the action, or is no o it anticipated they will express interest? If so, who: Does the action include issues that are of high interest to the public? no Please list issues of public interest: Is the action one that has been of high interest to the state office or no WO? Do you plan to distribute a news release for the action? no