Name: ______Date: ______

The and ’s Rebellion

1. Which three countries had land claims in in the and ?

2. Name and explain the significance (why they’re important) of the two most important rivers during the 1750s and 1760s.

3. The French and Indian War was the war in North America, the same war going on in was called what?

4. By 1763, Native controlled all but three of the most important British forts. Name the forts.

5. An official announcement is called what?

6. How did the English ’s proclamation change land claims in America?

7. A struggle against a government or other authority is called what?

8. Before the start of the French and Indian War, New sat between which two landforms?

9. Before the start of the French and Indian War, which country claimed the land known as ?

10. This landform served as a natural border between and New land claims.

11. Pontiac’s Rebellion may not have succeeded the way Pontiac had hoped, but the king of England was still concerned. Pontiac’s Rebellion led directly to what action by the king?

12. Pontiac was a chief of what Native American nation (tribe)?

13. In May of 1763 Pontiac and his men attacked which fort?

14. By the 1750’s, as both English and French settlements expanded, what kind of tensions (disagreements) began to create conflicts between the two groups? Name: ______Date: ______

15. Over the from New England sat . France had already claimed this land, which was known as what?

16. Unlike the French who originally came in search of the Northwest Passage, the English came to the in search of what?

17. Land owned by a country, either within or outside the country’s borders is called this.

18. How many original English colonies were there?

19. This is the far edge of a country where people are just beginning the settle.

20. About how many people settled in the English colonies between 1607 and 1750?

21. Due to disputes over land claims, the French wanted to protect the Territory and built (doo-Kane) near what present day city?

22. The clash at what “fort” marked the beginning of the French and Indian War? And, who was the English leader involved?

23. In 1760 the British captured and gained control of what river?

24. At the end of the French and Indian War, how did the Treaty of 1763 change the land claims in America?

25. What treaty ended the French and Indian War?