1 Analysis of Exact and Approximated Epidemic Models over Complex Networks

Navid Azizan Ruhi, Student Member, IEEE, Hyoung Jun Ahn, Student Member, IEEE, and Babak Hassibi, Member, IEEE

Abstract—We study the spread of discrete-time epidemics over arbitrary networks for well-known propagation models, namely SIS (susceptible-infected-susceptible), SIR (susceptible-infected-recovered), SIRS (susceptible-infected-recovered-susceptible) and SIV (susceptible-infected-vaccinated). Such epidemics are described by 2n- or 3n-state Markov chains. Ostensibly, because analyzing such Markov chains is too complicated, their O(n)-dimensional nonlinear “mean-field” approximation, and its linearization, are often studied instead. We provide a complete global analysis of the epidemic dynamics of the nonlinear mean-field approximation. In particular, we show that depending on the largest eigenvalue of the underlying graph and the rates of infection, recovery, and vaccination, the global dynamics takes on one of two forms: either the epidemic dies out, or it converges to another unique fixed point (the so-called endemic state where a constant fraction of the nodes remain infected). A similar result has also been shown in the continuous-time case. We tie in these results with the “true” underlying model by showing that the linear model is the tightest upper-bound on the true probabilities of infection that involves only marginals, and that, even though the nonlinear model is not an upper-bound on the true probabilities in general, it does provide an upper-bound on the probability of the chain not being absorbed. As a consequence, we also show that when the disease-free fixed point is globally stable for the mean-field model, the Markov chain has an O(log n) time, which means the epidemic dies out quickly. We compare and summarize the results on different propagation models.

Index Terms—Complex networks, spreading processes, epidemics, network-based model, exact Markov chain, mean-field approximation. ! 1I NTRODUCTION

PIDEMIC models have been extensively studied since a extra recovered state, which corresponds to the nodes that E first mathematical formulation was introduced in 1927 have recovered from the disease and are not susceptible to by Kermack and McKendrick [1]. Though initially proposed it. Mumps and Pertussis respectively are examples of SIR to understand the spread of contagious diseases [2], the and SIRS epidemics. Additionally, in SIV models, there is a study of epidemics applies to many other areas, such as random vaccination (either permanent or temporary) which network security [3], [4], viral advertising [5], [6], and in- permits direct transition from the susceptible state to the formation propagation [7], [8]. Questions of interest include recovered (vaccinated) one. the existence of fixed-points, stability (does the epidemic Considering even the SIS case in its entirety, for a net- die out), transient behavior, the cost of an epidemic [9], [10], work with n nodes, this yields a Markov chain with 2n how best to control an epidemic [11], [12], etc. states, sometimes called the exact or “stochastic” model. We analyze the spread of epidemics over ar- This is a discrete-space model, as there are two possible bitrary networks for most well-known propagation states of “0” and “1” for healthy and infected. Ostensibly, models in the literature, including SIS (susceptible- because analyzing this Markov chain is too complicated, infected-susceptible), SIR (susceptible-infected-recovered), various n-dimensional linear and non-linear approxima-

arXiv:1609.09565v1 [cs.SI] 30 Sep 2016 SIRS (susceptible-infected-recovered-susceptible), and SIV tions have been proposed. The most common of these is the (susceptible-infected-vaccinated). In the basic SIS model, n-dimensional non-linear mean-field approximation, and each node in the network is in one of two different states: its corresponding linearization about the disease-free fixed susceptible (healthy) or infected. A healthy node has a point, which are often referred to as “deterministic” models. chance of getting infected if it has infected neighbors in Indeed these are continuous-space models, that take real the network. The probability of getting infected increases numbers between 0 and 1, which can be understood as as the number of infected neighbors increases. An infected the marginal probability for being infected (or the infected node also has a chance of recovering after which it still fraction of the i-th subpopulation). has a chance of getting infected by its neighbors. Flu is We provide a complete global analysis of the dynamics an example of this model. SIR and SIRS models have an of the nonlinear model. In particular, we show that de- pending on the largest eigenvalue of the underlying graph • N. Azizan Ruhi and H. J. Ahn are with the Department of Computing adjacency matrix and the rates of infection, recovery, and and Mathematical Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, vaccination, the global dynamics takes on one of two forms: CA, 91125. E-mail: {azizan, ctznahj}@caltech.edu either the epidemic dies out (disease-free fixed point), or it • B. Hassibi is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, California converges to another unique fixed point where a constant Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, 91125. fraction of the nodes remain infected (endemic state). Fur- E-mail: [email protected] thermore, we tie in the approximated models with the true 2 underlying Markov chain model. We prove that the linear the all-healthy fixed point is not stable, and show the exis- model provides an upper bound on the marginal probabil- tence and uniqueness of a second fixed point, and its global ities of infection, and this is the tightest upper-bound using stability. Returning back to the exact Markov chain model, the marginals only. We show that, even though the nonlinear we establish the connection between that and the approxi- model is not an upper-bound on the true probabilities in mated models. We define a partial order which makes the general, it does provide an upper-bound on the probability transition matrix of the MC an order-preserving map, and of the chain not being absorbed (some nodes being infected). helps us to establish the relation. We further generalize the As a consequence of these results, we show that when model by allowing each node to have its own recovery and the O(n)-dimensional approximate models are stable to the infection rates. We discuss variations of the models depend- disease-free fixed point, the Markov chain has a mixing time ing on the effect of simultaneous recovery and infection, as of O(log n), which means the epidemic dies out fast in the well as the efficacy of the vaccination. Simulation results for true model as well. all the models are provided in Section 5, which support the The study of continuous-time and discrete-time epi- results proved throughout the paper. We finally summarize demic models are two parallel bodies of work, and inter- the results, compare them, and conclude in Section 6. To esting results have been shown in both cases by different avoid confusion and facilitate reading, we use boxes for the groups of researchers, e.g. [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19] main equations describing the models in each section. The in the continuous-time and [20], [21], [22], [23], [24], [25] in proofs are postponed to the appendix. The current paper the discrete-time case. Depending on the application in hand combines and expands the results that first appeared in [23], it may make more sense to use one class or the other. This [25], [27]. paper focuses on discrete-time models, and we provide a unified analysis of exact and approximated models and the connections between them. We spell out our contributions 2SISE PIDEMICS with respect to what is known in both the discrete-time and the continuous-time literature, below. The following results were not known in either of the discrete- or continuous-time literature: 1) We show that the linear model is the tightest upper- bound with the marginals only on the exact probabili- ties of infection. 2) We show that, even though the nonlinear model is not an upper-bound on the exact probabilities in general, it does provide an upper-bound on the probability of the chain not being absorbed. 3) Although the logarithmic time-to-extinction of the epi- demic under the threshold was known for the SIS Fig. 1. State diagram of a single node in the SIS model, and the model in the continuous-time case (Ganesh et al. [13]), transition rates. Wavy arrow represents exogenous (network-based) this result had not been shown for other well-known transition. S is healthy or susceptible, I is infected. propagation models (e.g. SIRS, SIV, etc.) in either discrete-time or continuous-time. In addition to the above, we complement the discrete- 2.1 Model Description time literature by showing the following results that were recently shown in the continuous-time case [15], [16], [26] 2.1.1 Exact Markov Chain Model but not in the discrete-time one. For a given connected network G with n nodes, let Ni be 1) In discrete-time mean-field approximated models, the the neighborhood of node i. Let A be the adjacency matrix stability of the disease-free fixed point under the thresh- of G. Each node can be in a state of health, represented by old had been shown for SIS and many more compli- “0”, or a state of infection, represented by “1”. Consequently, n cated propagation models. However, the existence and ξ(t) = (ξ1(t), ··· , ξn(t)) ∈ {0, 1} is a binary n-tuple where stability of a unique endemic equilibrium above the each of its entries represents the state of each node at time t. threshold had not been shown for any discrete-time i.e. i is infected if ξi(t) = 1 and it is healthy if ξi(t) = 0. model, before this work. We assume that probability of infection of each node 2) Contrary to the continuous-time literature, the stability given the current state ξ(t) is independent. In other words, results shown for discrete-time approximated models for any two state vectors X,Y ∈ {0, 1}n, are typically local. But we show global stability results, n which are counterparts of the continuous-time case. Y P(ξ(t + 1) = Y |ξ(t) = X) = P(ξi(t + 1) = Yi|ξ(t) = X) Sections 2, 3, and 4, are devoted to SIS, SIRS, and SIV i=1 epidemic models, respectively. Starting from SIS epidemics, (2.1) we describe the exact Markov chain model, the nonlinear A healthy node remains healthy if all its neighbors are epidemic map, and the linear model. In the analysis of healthy. A healthy node can receive infection from any of the nonlinear model, we first describe the case where the its infected neighbors independently with probability β. An epidemic dies out. Then we analyze the second case where infected node becomes healthy if it is recovered from the 3

disease with probability δ while not getting infected by any write this as of its neighbors. To summarize this,   Y 1 pi(t + 1) = Eξ−i(t)|ξi(t)=1 1 − δ (1 − β ξj (t)=1) pi(t) j∈Ni (ξ (t + 1) = Y |ξ(t) = X) P i i  Y   mi 1 + Eξ−i(t)|ξi(t)=0 1 − (1 − β ξj (t)=1) (1 − pi(t)),  (1 − β) if (Xi,Yi) = (0, 0), |Ni ∩ S(X)| = mi,  mi j∈N  1 − (1 − β) if (Xi,Yi) = (0, 1), |Ni ∩ S(X)| = mi, i = mi (2.4) δ(1 − β) if (Xi,Yi) = (1, 0), |Ni ∩ S(X)| = mi,   1 − δ(1 − β)mi if (X ,Y ) = (1, 1), |N ∩ (X)| = m . i i i S i where the conditional expectations are on the joint probabil- ity of all nodes other than i (denoted by ξ−i).

(2.2) 2.1.2 Approximated Nonlinear Model Q (1−β1 ) One may approximate j∈Ni ξj (t)=1 by averaging it n 1 where S(X) is the support of X ∈ {0, 1} , i.e. S(X) = {i : as E[1 − β ξj (t)=1] = 1 − βpj(t) and using the assumption Xi = 1}. that the events are independent. Let S be the transition matrix of this Markov Chain,   SX,Y = P(ξ(t + 1) = Y |ξ(t) = X). We assume that Y Pi(t + 1) = 1 − δ (1 − βPj(t)) Pi(t) the Markov chain is time-homogeneous and write SX,Y = j∈Ni P(Y |X) for simplicity.   The Markov chain has a unique stationary distribution, Y + 1 − (1 − βPj(t)) (1 − Pi(t)) (2.5) which is the state where all the nodes in the network are j∈Ni healthy with probability 1. If all the nodes are healthy, no node will be exposed to disease, and therefore they will In fact this is the so-called mean-field approximation. We use always stay healthy. Therefore the capital P for the approximated probabilities, to distinguish n on the states {0, 1} , goes to the all-healthy state as time them from the exact probabilities of the Markov chain, p. progresses. In other words, the disease will die out if we The approximated model is studied on [0, 1]n, the n- wait long enough. However, this result is not practical since dimensional probability space which is computationally less it may take a very long time especially if the mixing time demanding than the 2n-dimensional discrete space. One of the Markov chain is exponentially large. It is difficult to such model was studied by Chakrabarti and Wang [22], [21]. analyze the dynamics of the Markov chain as the number of Ahn [23] viewed the n-dimensional probability distribution nodes increases. at time t + 1 as the image of the probability distribution at Comparing the discrete-time Markov chain model to time t mapped by Φ : [0, 1]n → [0, 1]n. The i-th the continuous-time Markov chain model described in [13], of the epidemic map Φ is defined as follows: continuous-time Markov chain model allows only one flip of each node’s epidemic state at each moment. However,   Y the discrete-time model allows change of epidemic states for Φi(x) = (1 − δ)xi + (1 − (1 − δ)xi) 1 − (1 − βxj) more than one node at the same time. The reason being that j∈Ni change of epidemic state for two or more nodes can occur at same time interval, even though they do not happen at (2.6) the same moment. The transition matrix of the embedded Markov chain of continuous-time model has nonzero entries T It is trivial to check that Pi(t+1) = Φi((P1(t), ··· ,Pn(t)) ) only where the Hamming of row coordinate and from (2.5). column coordinate is 1. In other words, the number of different digits for X,Y ∈ {0, 1}n should be 1 in order for the entry of the X-th row and the Y -th column to be 2.1.3 Linear Model nonzero. However, the transition matrix of the discrete-time The linearization of the above nonlinear mapping around Markov chain model can have nonzero entries everywhere the origin is what is referred to as the linear model: (except the row of the absorbing state).   Denote I(t) as the set of infected nodes at time t. Define X P˜ (t + 1) = (1 − δ)P˜ (t) + β P˜ (t) pi(t) as the marginal probability that node i is infected at i i  j  (2.7) j∈N time t, i.e. pi(t) = P(ξi(t) = 1). i Putting together equations of this form for all i, one can see this as pi(t + 1) = P(ξi(t + 1) = 1|ξi(t) = 1)P(ξi(t) = 1) P˜(t + 1) = ((1 − δ)I + βA)P˜(t) + P(ξi(t + 1) = 1|ξi(t) = 0)P(ξi(t) = 0) (2.3) n (2.8)

Note that (1 − δ)In + βA is in fact the Jacobian of Φ at By marginalizing out the state of the other nodes, we can the origin. 4

2.2 Analysis of the Nonlinear Model (d) ω(0) = 0, ω(1) ≥ 1 0 0 βλmax(A) (e) ω (0) = δ, ω (s) > 0 for all s ∈ (0, 1) 2.2.1 Epidemic Extinction: δ < 1 ω(s1) ω(s2) We study the epidemic map Pi(t + 1) = (f) < if s1 < s2 T n n s1 s2 Φi((P1(t), ··· ,Pn(t)) ) where Φ : [0, 1] → [0, 1] is δs It is also clear that ω(s) = satisfies all defined as (2.6) on n-dimensional probability space. To 1 − (1 − δ)s understand the behavior of this model, we can upper bound three conditions above. By defining Ξ(·) and ω(·) here, it as the following. the analysis can also be applied directly to the immune-   admitting model which will be described later. Y We can view (2.6) as Φi(x) = (1 − δ)xi + (1 − (1 − δ)xi) 1 − (1 − βxj) j∈N i P (t + 1) = P (t) + (1 − (1 − δ)P (t))(Ξ (P (t)) − ω(P (t))) (2.9) i i i i i   (2.13) Y ≤ (1 − δ)xi + 1 − (1 − βxj) (2.10) Lemma 2.1. Let hi,u,v : s → Ξi(u + sv) be a function defined j∈Ni on subset of nonnegative real numbers for given i ∈ {1, ··· , n},   hi,u,v(s) − hi,u,v(0) u, v ∈ [0, 1]n. Then is a decreasing func- X s ≤ (1 − δ)xi + β  xj (2.11) tion of s. j∈Ni Lemma 2.2. λmax((1 − δ)In + βA) > 1 if and only if there The latter equation is the linear map (2.7). In fact the T exists v (0, ··· , 0) = 0n such that (βA − δIn)v 0n linearization gives an upper bound on the nonlinear model. n For two real-valued column vectors u, v ∈ R , we say The main theorem of this section which guarantees the u  v, if ui ≤ vi for all i ∈ {1, ··· , n}, and u ≺ v, if ui < vi existence and uniqueness of nontrivial fixed point of (2.13) T for all i ∈ {1, ··· , n}. For P (t) = (P1(t), ··· ,Pn(t)) follows. n n P (t + 1) = Φ(P (t))  ((1 − δ)In + βA)P (t) (2.12) Theorem 2.3. Define a map Ψ : [0, 1] → R with Ξ and ω satisfying the conditions (a)-(f) above, as Clearly P (t) converges to the origin for both (2.6) and (2.7) if λmax((1 − δ)In + βA) < 1. In other words, when Ψi(x) = Ξi(x) − ω(xi) . (2.14) βλ (A) max is less than 1, the origin is a unique fixed point of δ Ψ = (Ψ , ··· , Ψ ) (2.6) which is globally stable. The reason is that this happens Then 1 n has a unique nontrivial (other than the βλmax(A) for the linear upper bound which is the Jacobian matrix of origin) zero if δ > 1. (2.6) at the origin. We will therefore focus on the dynamics We should emphasize that this unique nontrivial zero of the system when λmax((1 − δ)In + βA) > 1. (denoted by x∗ in the proof) is also the unique nontrivial fixed point of (2.13) as desired. βλmax(A) 2.2.2 Epidemic Spread: δ > 1 As a further remark, consider a network whose edge Existence and Uniqueness of Nontrivial Fixed Point {i, j} has weight wij = wji ∈ [0, 1]. The weight of each edge could represent the of intimacy. The The origin, the trivial fixed point of the system equation is weight matrix can replace the adjacency matrix to define unstable when λmax((1−δ)In +βA) > 1. Moreover, it is not  Q  Ξi(x) = 1 − (1 − βwijxj) . Then Ξ defined by the clear in general whether there exists any other fixed point, or j∈Ni how many fixed points exist if so. In this section, we prove weight matrix rather than the adjacency matrix also satisfies that there actually exists a nontrivial fixed point of (2.13). all three conditions (a)-(c) if Aij is replaced by wij from (a). We also prove that the nontrivial fixed point is unique. The system of equations will still have the same properties Wang et al. [21] and Chakrabarti et al. [22] focus on even if we admit different weights. staying healthy by defining the probability that a node receives no infection from its neighborhood. We focus on Global Stability of Nontrivial Fixed Point infection rather than staying healthy. n n T Let Ξ : [0, 1] → [0, 1] with Ξ = (Ξ1, ··· , Ξn) The origin, the trivial fixed point of the system is globally be a map associated with network G satisfying the three stable if λmax((1−δ)In +βA) < 1. The next issue is whether properties below. the nontrivial fixed point is also stable if λmax((1 − δ)In + ∂Ξi βA) > 1. It turns out that this is true, if we are not initially (a) Ξi(x) = 0 and = βAi,j at the origin. ∂xj at the origin. ∂Ξi ∂Ξi (b) > 0 if i ∈ Nj in G, and = 0 if i∈ / Nj in G. Theorem 2.4. Suppose λmax((1 − δ)In + βA) > 1. As t ∂xj ∂xj 2 increases P (t + 1) = Φ(P (t)) defined by (2.6) converges to the ∂ Ξi ∗ (c) For any i, j, k ∈ {1, ··· , n}, ≤ 0. unique nontrivial fixed point x , if P (0) is not the origin. ∂xj∂xk  Q  Obviously Ξi(x) = 1 − j∈N (1 − βxj) satisfies all i 2.3 Analysis of the Exact Markov Chain the conditions above. We define another map here. Let ω : [0, 1] → R+ be a function which also satisfies three Returning back to the Markov chain model, we study the properties below. mixing time of the Markov chain and how it relates to the 5

βλmax(A) nonlinear and linear models. The mixing time of a Markov Theorem 2.6. If δ < 1, the mixing time of the Markov chain is defined as follows ( [28, Def. 4.5]): chain whose transition matrix S is described by Eqs. (2.1) and t (2.2) is O(log n). tmix() = min{t : sup kµS − πkTV ≤ }, (2.15) µ 2.3.2 Partial Ordering µ where is any initial probability distribution defined on In this section, we define a partial order on the set of π k · k n the state space and is the stationary distribution. TV probability vectors of {0, 1} , and establish the connection is total variation distance which measures distance of two between the nonlinear model and the Markov chain. The probability distributions. Total variation distance of two nonlinear model does not generally provide an upper bound probability measures µ and µ0 is defined by on the true probabilities pi(t). However, it gives an upper 1 X bound on the probability that the system is not in the all- kµ − µ0k = |µ(x) − µ0(x)| (2.16) TV 2 healthy state. x n We define ≤st on the set of probability vectors of {0, 1} where x is any possible state in the probability space. In as follows. t () fact mix is the smallest time where distance between the 0 X X 0 n stationary distribution and probability distribution at time µ ≤st µ iff µX ≥ µX ∀Z ∈ {0, 1} (2.19) t from any initial distribution is smaller than or equal to . XZ XZ P Roughly speaking, the mixing time measures how fast initial where X  Z means Xi ≤ Zi for all i. Note that XZ µX c distribution converges to the limit distribution. represents the probability that each node of S(Z) is healthy 0 under probability distribution µ. µ ≤st µ means that the 2.3.1 A Linear Programming Approach probability of some nodes being healthy is higher under n 0 Let µ(t) ∈ 2 be a probability row vector of {0, 1}n at µ than under µ , for any set of nodes. Roughly speaking, R 0 time t. The probability that node i is infected at time t, infection probability under µ stochastically dominates one which is denoted by pi(t) as before, is simply the marginal under µ. It is trivial to check that ≤st is a well-defined P probability of µ(t). That is pi(t) = µX (t). By defin- partial order. It is clear that e1¯ is the greatest element and P Xi=1 ing p0(t) = 1 (for µX (t) = 1) and sticking it to the e0¯ is the smallest element under ≤st. As mentioned before, rest of marginal probabilities, we get the column vector since the underlying graph is connected, and there we have T p(t) = (p0(t), p1(t), ··· , pn(t)) . One can interpret p(t) as an absorbing state, it is not hard to see that the stationary observable data and µ(t) as hidden complete data at time t. We distribution is e0¯, which corresponds to all nodes being give an upper bound for p(t+1), observable data at the next healthy with probability 1. If all the nodes in the network are time step, using only current observable information. healthy, there is no infection and they always stay healthy. n+1 Let fi ∈ be the i-th unit column vector. S is the The following two lemmas reveal why ≤st is nice; it R 0 transition matrix of the Markov chain, as defined before. makes S an order-preserving map, i.e. µ ≤st µ implies 2n×(n+1) 0 B ∈ R is a matrix that relates the observable data, µS ≤st µ S. p(t), to the hidden complete data, µ(t). It can be formally Lemma 2.7. R−1SR is a 2n by 2n matrix all of whose entries expressed as: {0,1}n×{0,1}n are non-negative where R ∈ R is defined as  1 if k = 0,  1 if X  Y, BX,k = (2.17) R = (2.20) Xk if k ∈ {1, 2, ··· , n}. X,Y 0 otherwise 0 0 We would like to maximize pi(t + 1) for a node i, given Lemma 2.8. If µ ≤st µ , then µS ≤st µ S. p1(t), ··· , pn(t). This leads to the following result. Note that Lemma 2.8 directly implies X Proposition 2.5. pi(t + 1) ≤ (1 − δ)pi(t) + β pj(t). X t t t X t (µS )X = (µS )0¯ ≥ (e1¯S )0¯ = (e1¯S )X j∈Ni This is the tightest upper-bound that involves only the marginal X0¯ X0¯ t probabilities at time . for any probability vector µ, since µ ≤st e1¯. Notice that this is interestingly the linear model that we Now we establish a result which enables us to re- have been considering. In fact, by applying Proposition 2.5 late the nonlinear map Φ to the true probabilities of the Markov chain. For any given n-dimensional vector to each node, we can express it as T n r = (r1, ··· , rn) , define the 2 -dimensional column vector Y p(t + 1)  ((1 − δ)In + βA)p(t), (2.18) u(r) by u(r)X = (1 − ri). Then we have the following and (1 − δ)I + βA is the system matrix of the linear model. i∈S(X) n lemma. For obtaining tighter bounds, one should use higher order terms than just marginals (e.g. pairwise probabilities, triples, Lemma 2.9. Su(r)  u(Φ(r)) for all r ∈ [0, 1]n. etc.) [29]. T T It should be clear that e0¯ = u((1, 1, ··· , 1) ) = u(1n) Now we prove the practical result of logarithmic mixing T n n (we distinguish 1 = (1, 1, ··· , 1) ∈ [0, 1] from 1¯ ∈ time for λ ((1 − δ)I + βA) < 1. Let e ∈ 2 denote n max n X R {0, 1}n which is a state of infection). Lemma 2.9 is partic- the X-th unit vector, i.e. the probability vector all of whose ularly useful because S is a matrix all of whose entries are components are zero, except the X-th component. Also non-negative, and it follows that define 0¯, 1¯ ∈ {0, 1}n as the state where everyone is healthy t T t t and infected, respectively. S e0¯ = S u(1n)  u(Φ (1n)). (2.21) 6

t T Of note, by some algebra on e1¯S e0¯ using this bound, each node given the current state ξ(t) is independent. More the same bound as in (A.42) can be established, which leads precisely, for any two state vectors X,Y ∈ {0, 1}n, to the mixing time result. n t Y Furthermore, the i-th component of Φ (1n) provides an P(ξ(t + 1) = Y |ξ(t) = X) = P(ξi(t + 1) = Yi|ξ(t) = X) upper bound on the probability that the current state is not i=1 the steady state, given that the infection started from node (2.29) t T Probability transition from given state is defined by M. i with probability 1 at time 0. Mathematically, eˆiS e0¯ ≥ t t eˆiu(Φ (1n)) = 1 − Φi(1n) by (2.21), and we have P(ξi(t + 1) = Yi|ξ(t) = X) (ξ(t) 6= 0¯|ξ(0) = ˆi) = 1 − (ξ(t) = 0¯|ξ(0) = ˆi) (2.22)  Y P P  (1 − mi,j) if Yi = 0, t T  = 1 − e S e (2.23) j∈S(X) ˆi 0¯ = Y (2.30) t  1 − (1 − mi,j) if Yi = 1, ≤ Φi(1n) (2.24)  j∈S(X) More importantly, the probability that the network is (M) {0,1}n×{0,1}n not in the all-healthy state at time t given that the initial We define the transition matrix, S ∈ R by (M) epidemic state is X can be bounded above by the entries of SX,Y = P(ξi(t + 1) = Yi|ξ(t) = X) in the equation above. t 0 Φ (1n): For two probability distributions µ and µ which are defined n 0 on {0, 1} , µ ≤st µ is equivalent to the statement that all the P(ξ(t) 6= 0¯|ξ(0) = X) (2.25) entries of (µ−µ0)R are non-negative. Lemma 2.7 is also true T ¯ t T (M) −1 (M) (M ) = 1 − P(ξ(t) = 0|ξ(0) = X) = 1 − eX S e0¯ (2.26) for S . We can check that (R S R)X,Z = S¬Z,¬X ≥ 0 t Y t  where M T is the transpose of M. S(M) is an order- ≤ 1 − u(Φ (1n))X = 1 − 1 − Φi(1n) (2.27) preserving map under ≤st by Lemma 2.8. i∈S(X) The epidemic map associated with M, Φ(M) : [0, 1]n → Proposition 2.10. The nonlinear model provides an upper bound [0, 1]n is defined by on the probability of the chain not being in the all-healthy state as n (M) Y ¯ Y t  Φi (x) = 1 − (1 − mi,jxj) (2.31) P(ξ(t) 6= 0|ξ(0) = X) ≤ 1 − 1 − Φi(1n) (2.28) j=1 i∈S(X) (M) (M) (M) (M) for any state X. and Φ = (Φ1 , Φ2 , ··· , Φn ). M is the Jacobian matrix of Φ(M)(·) at the origin which gives an upper bound. We should finally remark that the reason why it is i.e. Φ(M)(x)  Mx. The origin is the unique fixed point possible for the nonlinear map to converge to a unique which is globally stable if the largest eigenvalue of M is βλmax(A) non-origin fixed point when δ > 1, even though smaller than 1. It also has a unique nontrivial fixed point the original Markov chain model always converges to the which is globally stable if the largest eigenvalue of M is all-healthy state, is that (2.27) is only an upper bound on greater than 1. (ξ(t) 6= 0¯|ξ(0) = X) P . In other words, if the origin is Same as in Theorem 2.6 and Lemma 2.9, λmax(M) < 1 globally stable in the epidemic map Φ, we can infer that guarantees that the mixing time of the Markov chain whose (M) the Markov chain model mixes fast. However, if the origin transition matrix is S has an upper bound of tmix() ≤ in the epidemic map is unstable, we cannot infer anything log n  , i.e. the mixing time is O(log n). about mixing time. − log kMk

2.4 Generalized Contact Model 2.5 Immune-Admitting Model In this section, we generalize the contact model. In the pre- In this section, we study the immune-admitting model. The vious model, everyone had the same recovery rate δ and in- model is the same as that of the previous section except that fection rate β. One of the main results was that the epidemic in a single time interval a node cannot go from infected to healthy back to infected. In other words, a node does not get dies out fast if the largest eigenvalue of M = (1−δ)In +βA is smaller than 1. M is defined by β, the infection rate, δ, the infected from its neighbors if it has just recovered from the recovery rate, and A, the adjacency matrix. In other words disease. To summarize this, M is the contact model. P(ξi(t + 1) = Yi|ξ(t) = X) To model an epidemic spread where everyone has its  mi  (1 − β) if (Xi,Yi) = (0, 0), |Ni ∩ S(X)| = mi, own infection and recovery rate, we can define the gener-  1 − (1 − β)mi (X ,Y ) = (0, 1), |N ∩ (X)| = m , = if i i i S i alized infection matrix. Let M = (mi,j) be the generalized δ if (Xi,Yi) = (1, 0),  infection matrix where mi,j ∈ [0, 1] represents the infection  1 − δ if (Xi,Yi) = (1, 1). probability that i is infected at time t + 1 when j is the only infected node at time t. In this setting, each diagonal entry mi,i represents self-infection rate. In other words, 1 − mi,i is recovery rate of node i and mi,i is the probability that (2.32) i stays infected when there is no other infected nodes in the network. We also assume that probability of infection of 7

The transition matrix is defined in a similar way. In this Even though the nontrivial fixed point of Φ(e ·) is not model, the probability that a node becomes healthy from stable generally, we shall show that it is stable with high infected is δ which is larger than δ(1 − β)mi as in immune- probability for a family of random graphs. To study the not-admitting model described in (2.2). Roughly speaking, stability of the nontrivial fixed point with high probability, the immune-admitting model is more likely to go to steady we will begin with the following lemma that demonstrates state than the immune-not-admitting model. that the Jacobian matrix at x∗ has no eigenvalue greater than The mixing time of this model is also O(log n). Most of or equal to unity for any values of β and δ and for any the formal proof is very similar to the one for immune-not- connected graph. admitting model, and we omit it for the sake of brevity. Lemma 2.11. Suppose that x∗ is a unique nontrivial fixed point An epidemic map of the immune-admitting model can Φ : [0, 1]n → [0, 1]n Ξ be studied as well, which is defined as of e with satisfying the conditions (a),(b) and (c) when λmax((1 − δ)In + βA) > 1. Then the Jacobian   matrix of Φe at x∗ has no eigenvalue of greater than or equal to 1. Y Φe i(x) = (1 − δ)xi + (1 − xi) 1 − (1 − βxj) For the proof see pages 64–66 of [30]. j∈Ni J Even though Φe has no eigenvalue which is greater than or equal to 1, the fixed point x∗ still has a chance to be (2.33) unstable if there is an eigenvalue which is greater than or x∗ n n equal to 1 in absolute value. We now show that is stable Φe : [0, 1] → [0, 1] of (2.33) has similar properties with with high probability when we consider a certain family Φ(·) of (2.6). Φ(e ·) and Φ(·) have same Jacobian matrix at of random graphs and the number of vertices is large. We the origin which is linear upper bound of both nonlinear will later show that this family of random graphs includes epidemic maps. Analysis of Φ(·) is modified to analyze Φ(e ·) Erdos-R¨ enyi´ graphs. here. We represent Φ(e ·) using Ξ(·) and ω(·) as we did in  Q  We fix Ξi(x) = 1 − (1 − βxj) from now on. (2.13). We can view j∈Ni

Φe i(x) = xi + (1 − xi)(Ξi(x) − ω(xi)) (2.34) ∂Ξi Y 1 − Ξi = β (1 − βxk) = β if i ∈ Nj in G   ∂xj 1 − βxj Y δs k∈Ni\{j} where Ξ (x) = 1 − (1 − βx ) and ω(s) = . (2.37) i  j  1 − s j∈N i J = β diag(1 − Ξ)A diag(1 − βx)−1 (2.38) It is trivial to check that Ξ(·) and ω(·) and satisfy all the Ξ n n conditions (a) - (f). Therefore we can apply Theorem 2.3 to (n) Φ(·) Theorem 2.12. Suppose that G is a random graph with show that e has a unique nontrivial fixed point if the (n) (n) largest eigenvalue of the Jacobian matrix at the origin is n vertices and let dmin and dmax denote the minimum and (n) (n) 2 (n) greater than 1. maximum degree of G . If Pr[(dmin) > a · dmax] goes to The origin, the trivial fixed point of the system is globally 1 as n goes to infinity for any fixed a > 0, then the system is stable if λmax((1 − δ)In + βA) < 1. The next issue is unstable at the origin and locally stable at the nontrivial fixed whether the unique nontrivial fixed point is also stable if point x∗ with high probability as n grows, for any fixed β and δ. λmax((1 − δ)In + βA) > 1. This is not true in general for For the proof see pages 66–68 of [30]. Φ(e ·). The following is an example of an unstable nontrivial fixed point. We can think of several random graph models that sat- isfy the condition of Theorem 2.12. For example, if the ran-   0 1 1 dom graph has uniform degree then the minimum degree A =  1 0 0  δ = 0.9 β = 0.9 (2.35) and maximum degree are identical and as long as the degree 1 0 0 d2 grows with n, the ratio min = d will grow with any n and ∗ dmax The nontrivial fixed point of the system above is x = a T ∗ exceed with high probability. Similarly,for random graphs (0.286, 0.222, 0.222) . The Jacobian matrix of Φe at x is where the of each node is identical and  −0.260 0.514 0.514  the degree distribution ”concentrates”, so that we can expect that the maximum degree and the minimum degree are J ∗ =  0.700 −0.157 0  (2.36) Φ(e x ) d2 0.700 0 −0.157 proportional to the expected of degree, in which case min dmax The eigenvalue with largest absolute value in the above grows if the expected degree increases unbounded with n. Jacobian matrix is −1.059 whose absolute value is greater The Erdos-R¨ enyi´ random graph, G(n) = G(n, p(n)) has than 1. However, P (t) = Φe t(P (0)) converges to a identical degree distribution. rather than a nontrivial fixed point x∗. Corollary 2.13. Consider an Erd¨os-R´enyirandom graph G(n) = The biggest difference between (2.33) and (2.6) is that log n ∂Φi G(n, p(n)) p(n) = c c > 1 ≥ 0 for any i, j ∈ {1, ··· , n} in (2.6), while it does with where is a constant. ∂x n j Then Φ(e ·) is locally unstable at the origin and has a locally stable Φ(·) not hold for e in (2.33). The proof of Theorem 2.4 can be nontrivial fixed point with high probability for any fixed β and δ. ∂Φe i applied to Φ(e ·) if ≥ 0 for any i, j ∈ {1, ··· , n} in (2.33). ∂xj For the proof see page 69 of [30]. 8

βλmax(A) Fig. 2. Summary and comparison of the results for SIS, SIRS, and SIV models, as a function of δ . MC stands for the Markov chain model. MFA stands for the mean-field approximation, aka the nonlinear model.

log n Since p = c for c = 1 is also the threshold for n connectivity, we can say that connected Erdos-R¨ enyi´ graphs have a nontrivial stable fixed point with high probability. The G(n) = G(n, r(n)) also has identical degree distribution if each node is distributed uniformly. As studied in [31], such random graphs have maximum and minimum degree which are proportional to the expected degree with high probability if r(n) is smaller than the threshold of connectivity. Like Erdos-R¨ enyi´ graphs, it has high probability of having a nontrivial stable fixed point if the degree grows with n. Fig. 3. State diagram of a single node in the SIRS model, and the transition rates. Wavy arrow represents exogenous (network-based) transition. S is healthy but can get infected, I is infected, R is healthy but cannot get infected. 3SIRSE PIDEMICS

In this section we consider the SIRS model in which each Furthermore, let S denote the 3n ×3n state transition matrix node can be in one of three states of S, I and R. During each of the Markov chain, with elements of the form: time epoch, nodes in the susceptible state can be infected by their infected neighbors according to independent events SX,Y = P (ξ(t + 1) = Y | ξ(t) = X) n with probability β (the infection rate) each. Nodes that are Y infected, during each such time epoch can recover with = P (ξi(t + 1) = Yi | ξ(t) = X) , (3.2) probability δ (the recovery rate) and, finally, nodes in the i=1 recovered state can randomly transition to the susceptible due to the independence of the next states given the current state with probability γ (immunization loss). state.

P (ξi(t + 1) = Yi | ξ(t) = X) = 3.1 Model Description  mi (1 − β) , if (Xi,Yi) = (0, 0)  3.1.1 Exact Markov Chain Model 1 − (1 − β)mi , (X ,Y ) = (0, 1)  if i i  We start again with the exact Markov chain model. The state 0, if (Xi,Yi) = (0, 2)  of node i at time t, denoted by ξ (t), can take one of the 0, if (Xi,Yi) = (1, 0) i  following values: 0 for Susceptible (or healthy), 1 for Infected 1 − δ, if (Xi,Yi) = (1, 1) , (3.3) (or Infectious), and 2 for Recovered. i.e. ξi(t) ∈ {0, 1, 2}. Fig.  δ, if (Xi,Yi) = (1, 2) 3 shows the three states and the corresponding transitions. β  γ, if (Xi,Yi) = (2, 0) is the transmission probability on each link, δ is the healing  0, (X ,Y ) = (2, 1) probability, and γ is the immunization loss probability.  if i i  The state of the whole network can be represented as: 1 − γ, if (Xi,Yi) = (2, 2)

n ξ(t) = (ξi(t), . . . , ξn(t)) ∈ {0, 1, 2} (3.1) where mi = |{j ∈ Ni | Xj = 1}| = |Ni ∩ I(t)|. The set 9

of susceptible, infected, and recovered nodes at time t are nonlinear model (3.7, 3.6). The eigenvalues of M matrix denoted as S(t), I(t), and R(t) respectively. consist of the eigenvalues of (1 − γ)In and the eigenvalues We state the marginal probability of the nodes as pR,i(t) of (1−δ)In +βA. Noticing that the eigenvalues of (1−γ)In and pI,i(t), for the probability that node i is in state R are always less than one, it can be concluded that kMk < 1 at time t and the probability that node i is in state I at if the largest eigenvalue of (1 − δ)In + βA is less than one. time t, respectively. Then pS,i(t) follows immediately as In addition, the linear model (3.10) is an upper bound on 1−pR,i(t)−pI,i(t). Based on the above-mentioned transition the nonlinear model (3.6, 3.7), i.e. rates, we can calculate the two marginal probabilities as: PI,i(t + 1) = (1 − δ)PI,i(t) pR,i(t + 1) = (1 − γ)pR,i(t) + δpI,i(t), (3.4)  Y  + 1 − (1 − βPI,j(t)) (1 − PR,i(t) − PI,i(t)) pI,i(t + 1) = (1 − δ)pI,i(t) j∈Ni   X Y 1 ≤ (1 − δ)P (t) + β P , + E|ξi(t)=0 1 − (1 − β ξj (t)=1) (1 − pR,i(t) − pI,i(t)), I,i I,j (3.12) j∈Ni j∈Ni (3.5) This concludes the following.

As mentioned, the recursion for pS,i(t + 1) can be found βλmax(A) Proposition 3.1. If δ < 1, then the origin is a globally from pS,i(t) + pI,i(t) + pR,i(t) = 1. stable fixed point for both linear model (3.10) and nonlinear model (3.6, 3.7). 3.1.2 Nonlinear Model βλmax(A) One may consider the mean-field approximation of the 3.2.2 Epidemic Spread: δ > 1 above marginal probabilities, which can be expressed as: Existence and Uniqueness of Nontrivial Fixed Point

P R,i(t + 1) = (1 − γ)PR,i(t) + δPI,i(t), (3.6) The trivial fixed point of the mappings, the origin, is not stable if (1−δ)+βλmax(A) > 1. We show that there exists a P I,i(t + 1) = (1 − δ)PI,i(t)+ unique nontrivial fixed point when (1 − δ) + βλ (A) > 1  Y  max 1 − (1 − βPI,j(t)) (1 − PR,i(t) − PI,i(t)), (3.7) for SIRS model.

j∈Ni By rearranging Eq. (3.7), we can rewrite the system equations as: This approximate model is in fact a nonlinear mapping with n  2n states (rather than 3 states). PR,i(t + 1) =(1 − γ)PR,i(t) + δPI,i(t) (3.13)  PI,i(t + 1) =PI,i(t) + (1 − PR,i(t) − PI,i(t)) 3.1.3 Linear Model    · Ξi(PI (t)) − ω(PR,i(t),PI,i(t)) , (3.14) One step further would be to approximate the preceding n 2 + equations by a linear model. Linearizing Eqs. (3.6) and (3.7) where Ξi : [0, 1] → [0, 1] and ω : [0, 1] → R are the around the origin results in the following mapping: following maps associated with network G: Y P˜R,i(t + 1) = (1 − γ)P˜R,i(t) + δP˜I,i(t), (3.8) Ξi(PI (t)) = 1 − (1 − βPI,j(t)), (3.15) X j∈Ni P˜I,i(t + 1) = (1 − δ)P˜I,i(t) + β P˜I,j. (3.9) δPI,i(t) j∈Ni ω(P (t),P (t)) = . (3.16) R,i I,i 1 − P (t) − P (t) These equations (for all i) can be expressed in a matrix form: R,i I,i It can be verified that the maps defined above, enjoy the P˜ (t + 1) P˜ (t) following properties: R = M R , (3.10) P˜ (t + 1) P˜ (t) (a) Ξi(0n) = 0 I I ∂Ξi(PI ) where = βAi,j ∂PI,j (1 − γ)I δI  0n n n ( ∂Ξi(PI ) M = . (3.11) > 0 if i ∈ Nj 0n×n (1 − δ)In + βA ∂PI,j (b) ∂Ξi(PI ) = 0 if i 6∈ Nj ∂PI,j ∂2Ξ (P ) (c) i I ≤ 0 ∀i, j, k ∈ {1, . . . , n} 3.2 Analysis of the Nonlinear Model ∂PI,j ∂PI,k

βλmax(A) (d) ω(0, 0) = 0 3.2.1 Epidemic Extinction: δ < 1 ∂ω(PR,i,PI,i) = δ The origin is trivially a fixed point of both the linear (Eq. ∂PI,i (0,0) 3.10) and nonlinear (Eqs. 3.6 and 3.7) mappings. In fact, at ∂ω(PR,i,PI,i) (e) > 0 ∀PI,i ∈ (0, 1) this fixed point we have: ∂PI,i ω(PR,i,PI,i) T (f) P is an increasing function of both PR,i and [PR,1(t),...,PR,n(t),PI,1(t),...,PI,n(t)] = 02n, I,i ω(s1,t1) ω(s2,t2) PI,i. More specifically: < if s1 < s2 and s1 s2 which means all the nodes are susceptible (healthy) with t1 < t2. probability 1, and the system stays there permanently, be- The main result of this section is as follows. cause there are no infected nodes anymore. βλmax(A) Clearly, if kMk < 1, then the origin is globally stable Theorem 3.2. If δ > 1, the nonlinear map (3.6, 3.7), or for the linear model (3.10) and also locally stable for the equivalently (3.13, 3.14), has a unique nontrivial fixed point. 10 Stability of the Nontrivial Fixed Point S to R is also permitted now (See Fig. 4). This class of processes are often referred to as SIV (Susceptible-Infected- Since the trivial fixed point was globally stable when Vaccinated) epidemics. Depending on the value of γ, this βλmax(A) < 1 δ , the existence of a second unique fixed point at model can represent temporary (γ 6= 0) or permanent βλmax(A) δ > 1 raises the question of whether it is also stable. (γ = 0) immunization. Moreover, based on the efficacy It turns out that this is not true in general. In fact, same as of the vaccine, there are two different models: infection- in immune-admitting SIS model (Section 2.5), we can find dominant and vaccination-dominant. simple examples in which the system converges to a cycle rather than the unique second fixed point. Nevertheless, like immune-admitting SIS, this fixed point can be shown to be stable with high probability for some general families of random graphs.

3.3 Analysis of the Exact Markov Chain Since the graph G is connected and the Markov chain has an absorbing state ξ = (0, 0,..., 0) = 0¯, the unique stationary distribution is: π = e0¯, 3n where eX ∈ R denotes the probability vector with all elements of zero, except the X-th one. This coincides with Fig. 4. State diagram of a single node in the SIRS-with-Vaccination the fixed point of the mappings; however, the main concern model, and the transition rates. Wavy arrow represents exogenous is whether the Markov chain converges to its stationary (network-based) transition. θ represents the probability of direct immu- distribution within a “reasonable amount of time,” or not. nization. βλmax(A) We show that when δ < 1, not only are the linear and nonlinear maps globally stable at the origin, but also the mixing time of the Markov chain is O(log n), meaning that the Markov chain mixes fast and the epidemic dies out. 3n Let the row vector µ(t) ∈ R be the probability vec- 4.1 Infection-Dominant Model tor of the Markov chain. The relationship between these probabilities (µX (t)) and the marginal probabilities (pR,i(t), In this case, the infection is dominant, in the sense that if a P pI,i(t)) is in the following forms: pR,i(t) = µX (t), susceptible node receives both infection and vaccine at the P Xi=2 pI,i(t) = µX (t). We express all these terms as well same time, it gets infected. The elements of state transition PXi=1 as p0 = µX (t) = 1 in the form of a column vector matrix are T p(t) = [p0(t), p1(t), . . . , p2n] , i.e.  T p(t) = 1, pR,1(t), . . . , pR,n(t), pI,1(t), . . . , pI,n(t) . SX,Y = P (ξ(t + 1) = Y | ξ(t) = X) (3.17) n 3n×(2n+1) Y The matrix B ∈ R which relates the “observable = P (ξi(t + 1) = Yi | ξ(t) = X) , (4.1) data” p(t), and the “hidden complete data” µ(t), can be i=1 expressed as:  where 1, if k = 0   0, if k ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} and Xk = 0  P (ξi(t + 1) = Yi | ξ(t) = X) = 0, if k ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} and Xk = 1   mi (1 − β) (1 − θ), if (Xi,Yi) = (0, 0) BX,k = 1, if k ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} and Xk = 2   mi  1 − (1 − β) , if (Xi,Yi) = (0, 1) 0, if k ∈ {n + 1, n + 2,..., 2n} and Xk−n = 0    mi  (1 − β) θ, if (Xi,Yi) = (0, 2) 1, if k ∈ {n + 1, n + 2,..., 2n} and Xk−n = 1   0, if (Xi,Yi) = (1, 0) 0, if k ∈ {n + 1, n + 2,..., 2n} and Xk−n = 2  (3.18) 1 − δ, if (Xi,Yi) = (1, 1) , (4.2)  Now we can proceed to the main theorem of this section. δ, if (Xi,Yi) = (1, 2)  βλmax(A) γ, if (Xi,Yi) = (2, 0) Theorem 3.3. If < 1, the mixing time of the Markov  δ 0, (X ,Y ) = (2, 1) chain whose transition matrix S is described by Eqs. (3.2) and  if i i  (3.3) is O(log n). 1 − γ, if (Xi,Yi) = (2, 2)

4SIVE PIDEMICS and as before mi = |{j ∈ Ni | Xj = 1}| = |Ni ∩ I(t)|. In this section we consider the effect of vaccination by Compared to Eq. (3.3), the first and the third elements have incorporating direct immunization into the model studied changed in Eq. (4.2), and for θ = 0 the model reduces to the in the previous sections. In other words, the transition from previous one. 11

In this infection-dominant model the marginal probabil- After some algebra, the linearization of the above model ities are: around the fixed point can be expressed as:

   ∗   ∗  pR,i(t + 1) = (1 − γ)pR,i(t) + δpI,i(t) P˜ (t + 1) P 1 P˜ (t) − P 1 R = R n + M R R n , (4.7)   P˜ (t + 1) 0n P˜ (t) − 0 Y 1 I I n + E|ξi(t)=0 (1 − β ξj (t)=1) θ(1 − pR,i(t) − pI,i(t)), where j∈Ni (4.3) (1 − γ − θ)I (δ − θ)I − θP ∗βA M = n n S . 0 (1 − δ)I + P ∗βA (4.8) pI,i(t + 1) = (1 − δ)pI,i(t) n×n n S  Y  + 1 − (1 − β1 ) (1 − p (t) − p (t)), E|ξi(t)=0 ξj (t)=1 R,i I,i 4.1.1 Analysis of the Nonlinear Model j∈Ni (4.4) γ βλmax(A) Epidemic Extinction: γ+θ δ < 1 The steady state behavior in the presence of immuniza- The following result summarizes the stability of the disease- tion is rather different from the SIS/SIRS cases, in which all free fixed point. the nodes became susceptible. In this model, once there is Proposition 4.1. The main fixed point of the nonlinear map (4.5, no node in the infected state, the Markov chain reduces to 4.6) is a simpler Markov chain, where the nodes are all decoupled. γ β In fact from that time on, each node has an independent a) locally stable, if γ+θ δ λmax(A) < 1, and S R β transition probability between and . The stationary b) globally stable, if δ λmax(A) < 1 . ∗ γ distribution of each single node is then PS = and γ+θ The authors of [24] have shown the same condition for P ∗ = θ (Fig. 5). In order for this MC to converge, we R γ+θ the local stability, but they do not provide any result on the should have γθ 6= 1. The stationary distribution of each global stability. state X is then:

n γ βλ (A) Y γ (X =0) (X =1) θ (X =2) max π = ( )I i · 0I i · ( )I i Epidemic Spread: γ+θ δ > 1 X γ + θ γ + θ i=1 The main fixed point of the mapping is not stable if γ βλmax(A) γ+θ δ > 1. We show the existence and uniqueness of the the second fixed point for this case. The gist of the proof is the same as that of Section, except we replace Property (d) with the more general of:

(d’) ω(PR,i, 0) = 0

∂ω(PR,i,PI,i) δ = ∂PI,i 1−PR,i (PR,i,0) for any PR,i 6= 1. γ βλmax(A) > 1 Fig. 5. Reduced Markov chain of a single node in the steady state. Theorem 4.2. If γ+θ δ , the nonlinear map (4.5, 4.6), has a unique nontrivial fixed point.

Now the nonlinear map (mean-field approximation of 4.1.2 Analysis of the Exact Markov Chain the Markov chain model) can be obtained as: We show the mixing time result for this case as well. Vectors µ(t), p(t) and the matrix B are defined as before. P R,i(t + 1) = (1 − γ)PR,i(t) + δPI,i(t) Y βλmax(A) + (1 − βPI,j(t))θ(1 − PR,i(t) − PI,i(t)), (4.5) Theorem 4.3. If δ < 1, the mixing time of the Markov j∈Ni chain whose transition matrix S is described by Eqs. (4.1) and

P I,i(t + 1) = (1 − δ)PI,i(t)+ (4.2) is O(log n).  Y  1 − (1 − βPI,j(t)) (1 − PR,i(t) − PI,i(t)). (4.6) j∈Ni 4.2 Vaccination-Dominant Model In this variation of the model the assumption is if a suscep- It can be easily verified that one fixed point of this ∗ tible node receives both infection and vaccine at the same nonlinear map occurs at PR,i(t) = PR and PI,i(t) = 0, i.e. time, it becomes vaccinated. The transition probabilities of the Markov chain are again P (t)  θ 1  R = γ+θ n , PI (t) 0n SX,Y = P (ξ(t + 1) = Y | ξ(t) = X) n Y which is nicely consistent with the steady state of the = P (ξi(t + 1) = Yi | ξ(t) = X) , (4.9) Markov chain. i=1 12

with the change that 1000 βkAk = 1.01 δ (ξ (t + 1) = Y | ξ(t) = X) = 900 βkAk = 0.99 P i i δ  mi 800 (1 − β) (1 − θ), if (Xi,Yi) = (0, 0)   mi 700 (1 − (1 − β) )(1 − θ), if (Xi,Yi) = (0, 1)  600 θ, if (X ,Y ) = (0, 2)  i i  500 0, if (Xi,Yi) = (1, 0)  400 1 − δ, if (Xi,Yi) = (1, 1) , (4.10)  300 δ, if (Xi,Yi) = (1, 2)  200  Number of Infected Nodes γ, if (Xi,Yi) = (2, 0)  100 0, (X ,Y ) = (2, 1)  if i i  0 1 − γ, if (Xi,Yi) = (2, 2) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Time Step

and mi = |{j ∈ Ni | Xj = 1}| = |Ni ∩ I(t)| as before. Fig. 6. The evolution of an SIS epidemic over an Erdos-R˝ enyi´ graph In this case the marginal probabilities are: with n = 2000 nodes. Below the threshold we observe fast extinction of the epidemic (blue curve). Above the threshold, convergence is not pR,i(t + 1) = (1 − γ)pR,i(t) + δpI,i(t)+ observed (red curve). θ(1 − pR,i(t) − pI,i(t)), (4.11)

pI,i(t + 1) = (1 − δ)pI,i(t) + (1 − θ)× γ β Epidemic Spread: (1 − θ) λmax(A) > 1   γ+θ δ Y 1 E|ξi(t)=0 1 − (1 − β ξj (t)=1) (1 − pR,i(t) − pI,i(t)) As before, the disease-free fixed point of the mapping is not γ β j∈Ni stable when (1 − θ) γ+θ δ λmax(A) > 1, and there exists a (4.12) unique second fixed point. The nonlinear map, or the mean-field approximation, γ β Theorem 4.5. If (1 − θ) γ+θ δ λmax(A) > 1, the nonlinear map can be stated as: (4.13, 4.14), has a unique nontrivial fixed point.

PR,i(t + 1) = (1 − γ)PR,i(t) + δPI,i(t) The proof is similar to that of Theorem 4.2, and is omitted for brevity. + θ(1 − PR,i(t) − PI,i(t)), (4.13) PI,i(t + 1) = (1 − δ)PI,i(t) + (1 − θ) 4.2.2 Analysis of the Exact Markov Chain  Y  · 1 − (1 − βPI,j(t)) (1 − PR,i(t) − PI,i(t)) (4.14) As shown above, the stability condition of the main fixed

j∈Ni point (epidemic extinction) is relaxed by a factor of (1 − θ) in the vaccination-dominant model. In this part, we show As a result, the first order (linear) model is: that the condition for the fast mixing time of the Markov chain is also relieved by the same factor.  ˜   ∗   ˜ ∗  PR(t + 1) PR1n PR(t) − PR1n = + M , Theorem 4.6. If (1 − θ) βλmax(A) < 1, the mixing time of the P˜I (t + 1) 0n P˜I (t) − 0n δ Markov chain whose transition matrix S is described by Eqs. (4.9) where and (4.10) is O(log n). (1 − γ − θ)I (δ − θ)I − θP ∗βA  M = n n S . 0 (1 − δ)I + (1 − θ)P ∗βA n×n n S 5E XPERIMENTAL RESULTS We should note that for the vaccination-dominant model, We show the simulation results on Erdos-R˝ enyi´ graphs, for the steady state of the Markov chain and the main fixed below and above the epidemic thresholds, and they confirm point of the mapping are exactly the same as in the the theorems proved in the paper. infection-dominant model. However, as we may expect, the In a graph with n = 2000 and λmax(A) = 16.159, for vaccination-dominant model is more stable. SIS epidemics, we fix δ = 0.9 and try different values of β. βkAk As it can be seen in Fig. 6, when the condition δ < 1 is 4.2.1 Analysis of the Nonlinear Model satisfied (e.g. β = 0.055) the epidemic decays exponentially, βkAk and dies out quickly. In contrast when > 1 (e.g. Epidemic Extinction: (1 − θ) γ β λ (A) < 1 δ γ+θ δ max β = 0.056), the epidemic does not exhibit convergence The stability of the vaccination-dominant model can be to the disease-free state in any observable time. In fact summarized in the following theorem. the epidemic keeps spreading, around the nontrivial fixed point. Proposition 4.4. The main fixed point of the nonlinear map The same behavior is observed for the other models as (4.13, 4.14) is well. The results are plotted in Fig. 7, in log-log scale. γ γ β a) locally stable, if (1 − θ) γ+θ δ λmax(A) < 1, and and θ are set to 0.5, and we change β. For SIRS model, the βkAk β threshold condition is < 1, which is the same as that of b) globally stable, if (1 − θ) δ λmax(A) < 1 . δ SIS, and it means having an additional recovered state does 13

3 3 3 10 10 10 βkAk = 1.2 > 1 γ βkAk = 1.2 > 1 − γ βkAk . > δ γ+θ δ (1 θ) γ+θ δ = 1 2 1 A βk k = 0.99 < 1 γ βkAk = 0.99 < 1 − γ βkAk . < δ γ+θ δ (1 θ) γ+θ δ = 0 99 1

2 2 2 10 10 10

1 1 1 10 10 10 Number of Infected Nodes Number of Infected Nodes Number of Infected Nodes

0 0 0 10 10 10 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Time Step Time Step Time Step

Fig. 7. The evolution of a) SIRS, b) SIV-Vaccination-Dominant, c) SIV-Infection-Dominant epidemics over an Erdos-R˝ enyi´ graph with n = 2000 nodes. The blue curves show fast extinction of the epidemic. The red curves show epidemic spread around the nontrivial fixed point (convergence is not observed.)

not necessarily make the system more stable. For the first APPENDIX SIV model (infection-dominant), we observe the same expo- βkAk Proof of Lemma 2.1. hi,u,v(s) is concave by property (c). nential decay when γ < 1 (e.g. when kAk = 16.232 γ+θ δ   and β = 0.11), which means the vaccination indeed makes d hi,u,v(s) − hi,u,v(0) the system more stable. Furthermore, for the vaccination- ds s γ βkAk   dominant model, under (1−θ) < 1 (e.g. β = 0.22), 1 hi,u,v(s) − hi,u,v(0) γ+θ δ = h0 (s) − (A.1) we observe the fast convergence again, which confirms s i,u,v s that the system is even more stable when vaccination is 1 0 0 ∗  = h (s) − h (s ) ≤ 0 (A.2) dominant. As plots show, for above the threshold cases (e.g. s i,u,v i,u,v β = 0.07 for SIRS, 0.13 for SIV-infection-dominant, and 0.29 for SIV-vaccination-dominant) we do not observe epidemic hi,u,v(s) − hi,u,v(0) 0 ∗ ∗ = hi,u,v(s ) for some s ∈ (0, s) by the extinction in any reasonable time. s mean value theorem.  Proof of Lemma 2.2. Suppose that λmax((1−δ)In+βA) > 1, and w is an eigenvector corresponding to the maximum eigenvalue. (1 − δ)In + βA is non-negative and irreducible because A is the adjacency matrix of a connected graph G (a non-negative matrix X is irreducible if there exists m(i,j) m(i, j) ∈ N for each pair of indices i, j such that (X )i,j 6S UMMARYAND CONCLUSIONS is nonzero). Every entry of w is positive by Perron-Frobenius theorem for irreducible matrices, and (βA − δIn)w 0n because the eigenvalue corresponding to w is greater than We studied the exact network-based Markov chain Model unity. for the SIS, SIR, SIRS and SIV epidemics, and their cele- Suppose that there exits v 0n such that (βA − δIn)v brated mean-field approximations, as well as their linear 0n. Then, ((1 − δ)In + βA)v v approximations. Below a certain threshold, the disease-free k((1 − δ)In + βA)uk2 λmax((1 − δ)In + βA) = sup fixed point is globally stable for the nonlinear model, and n u∈R kuk2 also the mixing time of the exact Markov chain is O(log n), (A.3) which means the epidemic dies out fast. Furthermore, above k((1 − δ)I + βA)vk a threshold, the disease-free fixed point is not stable for ≥ n 2 > 1 the linear and nonlinear models, and there exists a second kvk2 unique fixed point, which corresponds to the endemic state. (A.4) This nontrivial fixed point is also stable in most cases. Fig. 2  compares and summarizes all the results. As one can see, Proof of Theorem 2.3. Ui and U are defined by Ψ as below. for SIS and SIRS cases there is no gap between the two n thresholds, but there is a gap in SIV cases, over which only \ U = {x ∈ [0, 1]n :Ψ (x) ≥ 0} U = U (A.5) the local stability of the mean-field approximation is known. i i i i=1 Finally we should remark that the exact epidemic threshold of the Markov chain, and whether such threshold exists, By the lemma above, there exists v 0n such that (βA − is still an open question. Extensive numerical simulations δIn)v 0n. There is a small  > 0 such that v ∈ U because T suggest the existence of such threshold and a phase transi- the Jacobian of Ψ = (Ψ1, ··· , Ψn) is equal to βA − δIn at tion behavior. However, the observed threshold, for certain the origin and Ψ(0) = 0 by property (a) of Ξ and (d) of ω. networks, is different from the threshold for stability of the Define max(x, y) = (max(x1, y1), ··· , max(xn, yn)). We nonlinear model. claim that max(x, y) ∈ U if x, y ∈ S. The proof follows. 14

∂Φi max(xi, yi) = xi without loss of generality for x, y ∈ U. Proof of Theorem 2.4. It is trivial to check that ≥ 0 for ∂xj Ψi(max(x, y)) = Ξi(max(x, y))−ω(xi) ≥ Ξi(x)−ω(xi) ≥ 0 any i, j ∈ {1, ··· , n}. (A.6) Suppose that Φ(x)  x. Then, Φ(Φ(x))  Φ(x) since Φ The first inequality holds by property (b), and the second is increasing. Similarly, Φ(Φ(x))  Φ(x) if Φ(x)  x. x ∈ U max(x, y) ∈ U (0) T inequality holds because . Therefore i Define a sequence y = 1n = (1, 1, ··· , 1) and for every i and it completes the proof of the claim. y(k+1) = Φ(y(k)). This leads to the existence of a unique maximal point ∗ ∗ x ∈ U such that x  x for all x ∈ U. v ∈ U and the (1) (0) y = (1 − δ)1n + δΞ(1n)  1n = y (A.15) maximality of x∗ guarantees that x∗ has positive entries. ∗ We claim that Ψi(x ) = 0 for all i ∈ {1, ··· , n}. Assume (k+1) (k) ∗ ∗ ∗ The equation above implies that y  y for every that Ψi(x ) 6= 0 for some i. Then, Ψi(x ) > 0 since x ∈ U. (k) ∞ n ∗ k ∈ N. The sequence {y }k=0 ⊂ [0, 1] has a limit point There exists zi > x such that i because it is decreasing, and bounded from below. Denote ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Ψi(x ) = Ξi(x ) − ω(xi ) > Ξi(x ) − ω(zi) ≥ 0 (A.7) y as a limit point of the sequence, then Φ(y ) = y . There y∗ Φ T ∗ are two candidates for because has only two fixed Define z = (z1, ··· , zn) with zj = xj for j 6= i. For every points. k ∈ {1, ··· , n}, (0) Since Φ is an increasing map, and y  x for every ∗ n (k) k (k) k ∗ ∗ Ψk(z) = Ξk(z) − ω(zk) ≥ Ξk(x ) − ω(zk) ≥ 0 (A.8) x ∈ [0, 1] , y  Φ (x). y  Φ (x ) = x for every k implies that y∗  x∗. It also implies that y∗ = x∗. For any The first inequality of (A.8) holds by property (b). The P (0) ∈ [0, 1]n, an upper bound of P (t) is y(t) and it goes to second inequality of (A.8) holds by (A.7) if k = i and the x∗ as t goes to infinity. inequality holds by definition of z if k 6= i. (A.8) guarantees P (0) ∗ ∗ Suppose that all the entries of are positive. This is that z ∈ U. zi > xi and zj = xj for j 6= i contradict that m ∗ reasonable since there exists such that all the entries of x is the maximal point of U. The assumption was therefore P (m) P (0) α ∈ ∗ are positive if is not the origin. There exists wrong, Ψi(x ) = 0 for all i ∈ {1, ··· , n}, and there exists a (0, 1) such that αx∗  P (0). Define a sequence z(0) = αx∗ nontrivial zero of Ψ. and z(k+1) = Φ(z(k)). The next step is showing that x∗ is the unique nontrivial Ψ y∗  ∗  zero of . Assume that is another nontrivial zero. Then (1) (0) (0) δαx ∗ ∗ ∗ i y ∈ U and Ψ(y ) = 0n. zi = zi + (1 − (1 − δ)zi ) Ξi(αx ) − ∗ ∗ 1 − (1 − δ)αxi We claim that every entry of y is positive. Define K0 ∗ ∗ (A.16) and K+ where yi = 0 if i ∈ K0 and yi > 0 if i ∈ K+.  ∗  (0) (0) ∗ δxi Then, K0 ∪ K+ = {1, ··· , n}. K0 and K+ are separation of > z + α(1 − (1 − δ)z ) Ξ (x ) − i i i 1 − (1 − δ)x∗ set of the system. Assume that K0 is a non-empty set. i (A.17) There exists j ∈ K+ such that j is connected to a node in (0) K0 because G is connected. Denote k ∈ K0 as a node which = zi (A.18) is connected to j. ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ The inequality above holds by (A.12), (A.13) and (A.14). It Ψk(y ) = Ξk(y ) − ω(yk) = Ξk(y ) > 0 (A.9) (k+1) (k) (k) implies that z  z for every k ∈ N, and z gives (0) ∗ ∗ (k) The inequality above is strict by property (b) since k ∈ Nj a lower bound for P (k). Since z = αx  x , z  ∗ ∗ k ∗ ∗ (k) ∞ n and yj > 0. It contradicts that Ψ(y ) = 0. K0 is the empty Φ (x ) = x . {z }k=0 ⊂ [0, 1] has a limit point because set. it is increasing, and bounded from above. x∗ is the only (k) ∞ We get the following inequality by Lemma 2.1 for u = possible limit point of {z }k=0. The lower bound of P (t) ∗ (t) ∗ 0n, v = x and s ≤ 1. is z and it goes to x as t goes to infinity. ∗ ∗ Both the upper and lower bounds of P (t) go to x which Ξi(sx ) hi,u,v(s) − hi,u,v(0) ∗ ∗ = ≥ hi,u,v(1)−hi,u,v(0) = Ξi(x )implies that P (t) converges to x . s s  (A.10) Proof of Proposition 2.5. We maximize the marginal prob- ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ There exists α ∈ (0, 1) such that y  αx and yj = αxj ability of infection at time t + 1 (pi(t + 1)) given marginals for some j ∈ {1, ··· , n}. at time t (pj(t)’s). For the sake of simplicity, let us drop the ∗ ∗ ∗ time index t and mark time index only for t + 1. Ψj(y ) = Ξj(y ) − ω(αxj ) (A.11) ∗ ∗ ≥ Ξj(αx ) − ω(αxj ) (A.12) max pi(t + 1) = max µSBfi (A.19) T T ≥ αΞ (x∗) − ω(αx∗) µB=p ,µ0 µB=p ,µ0 j j (A.13) T ∗ ∗  = max min µSBfi − (µB − p )λ > α Ξj(x ) − ω(xj ) = 0 (A.14) µ0 λ (A.20) (A.12) and (A.13) are guaranteed by property (b) and (A.10). T ∗ ∗ = min max µ(SBfi − Bλ) + p λ αω(xj ) ω(αxj ) λ µ0 (A.14) also holds because ∗ > ∗ by α ∈ (0, 1), αxj αxj (A.21) ∗ xj > 0 and property (f). ∗ ∗ This contradicts that Ψi(y ) = 0 for all i. Therefore x is maxµ0 µ(SBfi −Bλ) = +∞ if any entry of (SBfi −Bλ) is the unique nontrivial zero of Ψ.  strictly positive. It follows that SBfi − Bλ  0. Evaluation 15

of SBfi and Bλ is as follows. Now for any t < tmix() we have X X (SBf ) = (SB) = S B = S Y i X X,i X,Y Y,i X,Y i t Y ∈{0,1}n Y ∈{0,1}n  < 1 − (e1¯S )0¯ (A.36)   (A.22) all nodes are healthy at time t| = 1 − P 0 (A.37)  m all nodes were infected at time 1 − (1 − β) if Xi = 0,   = P(Yi = 1|X) = m = some nodes are infected at time t| 1 − δ(1 − β) if Xi = 1. P all nodes were infected at time 0 (A.38) n (A.23) X   ≤ node i is infected at time t| (A.39) (Y = 1|X) m P all nodes were infected at time 0 P i follows (2.2) and is the number of infected i=1 neighbors of i as stated before. T t ≤ 1n ((1 − δ)In + βA) 1n (A.40) n n 2 t X X ≤ k1nk k(1 − δ)In + βAk (A.41) (Bλ)X = λ0 + BX,kλk = λ0 + λkXk (A.24) t k=1 k=1 = nk(1 − δ)In + βAk . (A.42)

We try several X for (A.23), (A.24) and SBfi − Bλ  0 n to get a feasible λ. P T where (A.40) comes from the fact that pi(t) = 1n p(t) ≤  i=1 X = 0¯ , λ0 ≥ 0 T t  1n ((1 − δ)In + βA) p(0).  X = ˆi , λ0 + λi ≥ 1 − δ (A.25) Now since k(1 − δ)In + βAk < 1, we get t < X = ˆj, j ∈ N , λ + λ ≥ β log n  i 0 j   for all t < tmix(). Therefore tmix() ≤  ˆ − log k(1−δ)In+βAk X = j, j∈ / Ni , λ0 + λj ≥ 0 n log  − log k(1−δ)I +βAk , which concludes that the mixing time is We claim that λ∗ = (λ∗, λ∗, ··· , λ∗ )T defined by λ∗ = 0, n 0 1 n 0 O(log n).  λ∗ = 1 − δ, λ∗ = β for j ∈ N and λ∗ = 0 for j∈ / N is in i j i j i Proof of Lemma 2.7. We want to compute the inverse matrix feasible set. of R first. Define a matrix R0. For Xi = 0, |Ni ∩ S(X)| = m n  | (Y −X)| X 0 (−1) S if X  Y, (Y = 1|X) = 1−(1−β)m ≤ mβ = λ∗ + λ∗X (A.26) R = (A.43) P i 0 k k X,Y 0 otherwise k=1

For Xi = 1, |Ni ∩ S(X)| = m |S(Y − X)| represents the number of nodes which are n 0 −1 m ∗ X ∗ infected in Y , but not in X. We claim that R = R . If (Y = 1|X) = 1−δ(1−β) ≤ 1−δ +mβ = λ + λ X n P i 0 k k X  Y , then X  Z or Z  Y holds for every Z ∈ {0, 1} . k=1 R R0 R = 0 R0 = 0 (A.27) By the definition of and , X,Z or Z,Y if X Y (RR0) = 0 X Y Therefore λ∗ is in feasible set.  . It is straightforward that X,Y if  . It’s enough to consider the case X  Y . T max pi(t + 1) = min max µ(SBfi − Bλ) + p λ T µB=p ,µ0 λ µ0 X X (RR0) = R R0 = 1|S(Z−X)|(−1)|S(Y −Z)| (A.28) X,Y X,Z Z,Y X Z XZY ≤ pT λ∗ = (1 − δ)p + β p i j = (1 − 1)|S(Y −X)| (A.44) j∈Ni (A.29) 0 0 (RR )X,Y = 1 if |S(Y − X)| = 0 and (RR )X,Y = 0  otherwise. It leads that RR0 is an identity matrix of size Proof of Theorem 2.6. In order to compute the mixing time n 0 −1 t 2 and R = R . (2.15), we should find the supremum of kµS − πkTV . We have −1 (R SR)X,Z (A.45) t 1 X t kµS − πkTV = |(µS )X − πX | (A.30) X −1 X X −1 2 = (R S)X,Y = R SW,Y (A.46) X X,W Y Z Y Z W 1 X t = |(µS ) − (e¯) | (A.31) X X |S(W −X)| 2 X 0 X = (−1) SW,Y (A.47) X Y Z W X 1 1 t  X t X | (W −X)| Y = 1 − (µS )0¯ + (µS )X (A.32) = (−1) S (ξ (t + 1) = 0|ξ(t) = W ) 2 2 P i X6=0¯ c W X i∈S(Z) 1 t  1 t  (A.48) = 1 − (µS )¯ + 1 − (µS )¯ 0 0 (A.33) c P X | (W −X)| | (W )∩ (Z) | c |Ni∩ (W )| 2 2 S S S i∈S(Z) S t = (−1) δ (1 − β) = 1 − (µS )0¯ (A.34) W X t ≤ 1 − (e1¯S )0¯. (A.35) (A.49) c P c X | (W −X)| | (W )∩ (Z) | i∈ (W ) |Ni∩S(Z) | In the last inequality we have used the fact that the worst- = (−1) S δ S S (1 − β) S W X case initial µ is the all-infected state, i.e. e1¯. This is rigorously established in Section 2.3.2 through the partial ordering. (A.50) 16

By some algebra, For simplicity, we call qk,X = P(Yk = 0|X).

c P c (Su(r))X+Z (A.61) −|S(X)∩S(Z) | − i∈ (X) |Ni∩S(Z) | −1 δ (1 − β) S (R SR)X,Z n Y = (1 − ri)P(Yi = 1|X + Z) + P(Yi = 0|X + Z) (A.62) (A.51) i=1 c P c X | (W −X)| | (W −X)∩ (Z) | i∈ (W −X) |Ni∩S(Z) | n = (−1) S δ S S (1 − β) S Y = (1 − r )(1 − q ) + q W X i i,X+Z i,X+Z (A.63) i=1 (A.52) n c Y  |N ∩ (Z) | 1 c  Y = 1 − (1 − β) i S δ {i∈S(Z) } (A.53) = (1 − ri)(1 − qi,X qi,Z ) + qi,X qi,Z (A.64) c i=1 i∈S(X) n Y ≥ ((1 − r )(1 − q ) + q ) ((1 − r )(1 − q ) + q ) ¯ i i,X i,X i i,Z i,Z Define ¬X = 1 − X. ¬X is an opposite state of X where i=1 each node is healthy in ¬X if it is infected in X and vice (A.65) −1 versa. From (A.50) and (A.53), We simplify (R SR)X,Z = (Su(r))X (Su(r))Z (A.66) using ¬X and ¬Z. (A.65) holds by the following one for a, b, c ∈ [0, 1]: (R−1SR) = (ξ(t + 1) = ¬X|ξ(t) = ¬Z) ≥ 0 X,Z P (A.54) (c(1 − ab) + ab) − (c(1 − a) + a)(c(1 − b) + b) = c(1 − c)(1 − a)(1 − b) ≥ 0 (A.67)  n Proof of Lemma 2.8. We defined 2 -dimensional square Define ˆi ∈ {0, 1}n as the state where everyone is healthy 0 matrix R from Lemma 2.7 because we can represent µ ≤st µ but i. The following inequality holds by (A.66). using R. By definition of µ ≤ µ0, st Y (Su(r))X ≥ (Su(r))ˆi (A.68) 0 X 0 X 0 i∈ (X) ((µ − µ )R)Y = (µ − µ )X RX,Y = (µ − µ )X ≥ 0 S n X XY Y Y ˆ ˆ (A.55) = (1 − rj)P(Yj = 1|i) + P(Yj = 0|i) 0 0 i∈ (X) j=1 µ ≤st µ if and only if all of (µ − µ )R’s entries are non- S 0 negative. ((µ−µ )R)Y = 0 if Y = 1¯ = (1, 1,, ··· , 1) because (A.69) 0 Y Y both of µ and µ are probability vectors whose 1-norm is 1. = ((1 − ri)(1 − δ) + δ) ((1 − rj)β + 1 − β) {0,1}n Define a row vector ν ∈ R whose Y -th element is i∈S(X) j∼i 0 n defined by νY = ((µ−µ )R)Y . νY ≥ 0 for all Y ∈ {0, 1} by (A.70) 0 (A.55). ν is a non-negative row vector, and ν1¯ = 0. µ − µ = Y Y = (1 − (1 − δ)ri) (1 − βrj) (A.71) νR−1. We can understand µ − µ0 as a conical combination −1 ¯ i∈S(X) j∼i of all row vectors of R but the 1-th row vector. Y 0 0 = 1 − Φi(r) (A.72) µS ≤st µ S if and only if (µ − µ )SR is a non-negative 0 −1 0 i∈ (X) vector. µ−µ = νR for non-negative ν since µ ≤st µ . (µ− S 0 −1 µ )SR = νR SR is non-negative since ν is non-negative = u(Φ(r))X (A.73) and R−1SR is a matrix all of whose entries are non-negative  by Lemma 2.7.  Proof of Theorem 3.2. Let’s define the map Ψ: [0, 1]2n → Proof of Lemma 2.9. We begin by evaluating each entry of n > R as Ψ = [Ψ1,..., Ψn] with Su(r). Ψi(P (t)) = Ξi(PI (t)) − ω(PR,i(t),PI,i(t)). (A.74) (Su(r))X (A.56) X Zeros of Ψ correspond to fixed points of the nonlinear map = SX,Y u(r)Y (A.57) (Eq. 3.14). Y ∈{0,1}n Now we define sets Ui and U as follows: X  Y  Y  = (1 − r ) (Y = 1|X) (Y = 0|X)   i P i P i n xR Y ∈{0,1}n i∈ (Y ) i/∈ (Y ) Ui = {xI ∈ [0, 1] :Ψi( ) ≥ 0, 0n  xR  1n − xI }, S S xI (A.58) (A.75) n n Y \ = (1 − ri)P(Yi = 1|X) + P(Yi = 0|X) (A.59) U = Ui. (A.76) i=1 i=1 In plain words, U is the set of “infection situations” from n Assume S(X) ∩ S(Z) = ∅ for two states X,Z ∈ {0, 1} which the system becomes “more infected” or remains there. X i.e. there is no common infected node in the two states From Lemma 2.2, λmax((1 − δ)In + βA) > 1 implies that Z and . It is trivial to check that the following is true: there exists v 0n such that (βA − δIn)v 0n. On the other hand Ψ(02n) = 0n and the Jacobian of Ψ at the origin   P(Yk = 0|X + Z) = P(Yk = 0|X)P(Yk = 0|Z) (A.60) is equal to 0n×n βA − δIn n×2n. As a result, there exists 17 u a small  > 0 such that Ψ( ) = (βA − δIn)v, which is connected, there exist k ∈ K0 and j ∈ K+ such that they v are neighbors. 0n, and indicates that v ∈ U. We claim that if x, y ∈ U, then max(x, y) ,  b  Ψ ( ) = Ξ (y∗) − ω(b , y∗) = Ξ (y∗) > 0. (A.82) (max(x1, y1),..., max(xn, yn)) ∈ U. For all i ∈ {1, . . . , n}, k y∗ k k k k ∃ ai ∈ [0, 1 − xi] s.t. Ξi(x) − ω(ai, xi) ≥ 0, and ∃ bi ∈ [0, 1 − yi] s.t. Ξi(y) − ω(bi, yi) ≥ 0. The second equality holds by Property (d) and due to bk = ∗  c  yk = 0 (from Eq. A.81). The inequality comes from Property Ψ ( ) = Ξ (max(x, y)) − ω(c , max(x , y )).  b  i max(x, y) i i i i k ∈ N y∗ > 0 Ψ( ) = 0 (b) ( j) and j . This contradicts y∗ n, (A.77) ∗ and implies that K0 = ∅, and therefore every element of y Without loss of generality assume max(xi, yi) = xi, then if is positive. we pick ci = ai, it follows that: By Property (c) and from Lemma 2.1, we know for s ≤ 1   c Ξ (u + sv) − Ξ (u) Ξ (u + v) − Ξ (u) Ψi( ) = Ξi(max(x, y)) − ω(ai, xi) (A.78) i i ≥ i i . max(x, y) s 1 ≥ Ξi(x) − ω(ai, xi) ≥ 0. (A.79) ∗ By setting u = 0n and v = x , and using Property (a), it Inequality (A.79) comes from Property (b). Now follows that ∗ max(x, y) ∈ Ui, and we can use the same argument Ξi(sx ) ≥ Ξ (x∗). (A.83) for all i. Hence max(x, y) ∈ U, and the claim is true. s i It follows that there exists a unique maximal point x∗ ∈ U such that x∗  x for all x ∈ U. Moreover, since v ∈ U, we For x∗ and y∗ there exists α ∈ (0, 1) such that y∗  αx∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ can conclude that x 0n (all elements of x are positive). and yj = αxj for some j ∈ {1, . . . , n}.  a  Now we further claim that Ψi( ∗ ) = 0 for some 0n    x b ∗ ∗ ∗ Ψj( ) = Ξj(y ) − ω(bj, αx ) (A.84) a  1n − x and ∀i ∈ {1, . . . , n}. Assume, by the way of y∗ j  a  Ψ ( ) 6= 0 0  a  1 − x∗ ≥ Ξ (αx∗) − ω(b , αx∗) (A.85) contradiction, that i x∗ for all n n , j j j ∗ ∗     ≥ αΞj(x ) − ω(bj, αx ) (A.86) a a ∗ j which means Ψi( ∗ ) > 0. Since Ψi( ∗ ) = Ξi(x ) − x x ∗ bj ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ > αΞj(x ) − αω( , xj ) (A.87) ω(ai, xi ) > 0 and ω(ai, xi ) < ω(ai, zi) for any zi > xi α z > x∗ ∗ ∗  (Property (e)), there exists i i such that = α Ξj(x ) − ω(aj, xj ) = 0. (A.88) Ξ (x∗) − ω(a , z ) ≥ 0. (A.80) i i i Inequality (A.85) holds by Property (b), (A.86) follows from > Now define z = [z1, . . . , zn] with zj = xj ∀j 6= i. For every (A.83), (A.87) holds by Property (f), and finally (A.88) comes  b  k ∈ {1, . . . , n} we have Ψ ( ) = 0 i from (A.81). This contradicts that i y∗ for all .   a ∗  a  Ψk( ) = Ξk(z) − ω(ak, zk) ≥ Ξk(x ) − ω(ak, zk) ≥ 0, Ψ z It concludes that x∗ is the unique nontrivial zero of , and hence the unique nontrivial fixed point of the system. for some 0n  a  1n − z. The first inequality holds by Property (b). The second inequality holds by (A.80) for k =  i, and by definition for k 6= i. It implies that z ∈ U. Since Proof of Theorem 3.3. First we use the linear programming ∗ ∗ zi > x , this contradicts the fact that x is the maximal point technique to show for each i ∈ {n + 1, n + 2,..., 2n}, we i   P 2n+1 a ∗ have pi(t + 1) ≤ (1 − δ)pi(t) + β pj(t). Let fi ∈ R of U. Hence Ψ ( ) = 0 for some 0  a  1 − x , and j∈N i x∗ n n i ith this is true for all i ∈ {1, . . . , n}. Thus far we have proved represent the unit column vector. For the sake of conve- (t) that there exists a nontrivial zero for Ψ. nience, let us drop the time index . p∗  We note that in order for a point R to be a fixed point p∗ max pi(t + 1) = max µSBfi (A.89) I µB=pT ,µ0 µB=pT ,µ0 of the nonlinear map, it should satisfy Eq. (3.13), i.e. T = max min µSBfi − (µB − p )λ δ µ0 λ p∗ = (1 − γ)p∗ + δp∗ =⇒ p∗ = p∗ . (A.81) R,i R,i I,i R,i γ I,i (A.90) T = min max µ(SBfi − Bλ) + p λ, For proving the uniqueness of nontrivial zero of Ψ, λ µ0 assume by contradiction that in addition to x∗, y∗ is another (A.91)   ∗ b nontrivial zero. Therefore y ∈ U, and Ψ( ) = 0 for 2n+1 y∗ n where λ ∈ R is a column vector. If any element of ∗ some 0n  b  1n − y . (SBfi−Bλ) is strictly positive, it leads to maxµ0 µ(SBfi− ∗ We claim that y is all-positive. Let us define K0 = {1 ≤ Bλ) = +∞. Therefore: ∗ ∗ i ≤ n : yi = 0} and K+ = {1 ≤ i ≤ n : yi > 0}. K0 ∪ K+ = {1, . . . , n}. Assume that K0 is not empty. Since G is SBfi − Bλ  0. (A.92) 18

∗ Now we proceed with further calculation of SBfi and Bλ. It follows that λ is in the feasible set. Back to the Eq. (A.91) we have: X (SBfi)X = (SB)X,i = SX,Y BY,i (A.93) T n max pi(t + 1) = min max µ(SBfi − Bλ) + p λ Y ∈{0,1,2} µB=pT ,µ0 λ µ0 ( T ∗ X (Yi = 2 | X} , i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n) ≤ p λ = (1 − δ)p + β p , = P i j P (Yi−n = 1 | X} , i ∈ {n + 1, n + 2,..., 2n) j∈Ni (A.94) which proves: 0, i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} X = 0 X  if and i p (t + 1) ≤ (1 − δ)p (t) + β p (t).  I,i I,i I,j (A.102) δ, if i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} and Xi = 1  j∈Ni  1 − γ, if i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} and Xi = 2 = Moreover, we already know that pR,i(t + 1) = 1 − (1 − β)mi−n , if i ∈ {n + 1,..., 2n} and X = 0  i−n (1 − γ)pR,i(t) + δpI,i(t) (Eq. 3.4), and all the  1 − δ, if i ∈ {n + 1,..., 2n} and Xi−n = 1 equations can be expressed in a vector form,  T 0, if i ∈ {n + 1,..., 2n} and Xi−n = 2 using pR = [pR,1(t), pR,2(t), . . . , pR,n(t)] and T (A.95) pI = [pI,1(t), pI,2(t), . . . , pI,n(t)] : n 2n p  (1 − γ)I δI  p  X X R (t + 1)  n n R (t) (Bλ)X = λ0 + BX,kλk + BX,kλk. (A.96) pI 0n (1 − δ)In + βA pI k=1 k=n+1 (A.103)   As mentioned earlier, we want to evaluate pi(t + 1) only for pR n = M (t). i ∈ {n + 1, n + 2,..., 2n}. Define ˆi ∈ {0, 1, 2} as the state pI where only i is infected, and the rest are susceptible. Trying The mixing time as defined before in (2.15) is several X in (A.92) using (A.95) and (A.96) yields:   t tmix() = min t : sup kµS − πkTV ≤  ,  ¯ µ X = 0, λ0 + 0 + 0 ≥ 0  n  ¯ P and we have: X = 2, λ0 + λk + 0 ≥ 0  k=1 t 1 X t X = ˆi, λ + 0 + λ ≥ 1 − δ (A.97) kµS − πkTV = |(µS )X − πX | (A.104)  0 n+i 2  ˆ X X = j, j ∈ Ni, λ0 + 0 + λn+j ≥ β  1 X t X = ˆj, j 6∈ N , λ + 0 + λ ≥ 0 = |(µS )X − (e0¯)X | (A.105) i 0 n+j 2 X ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ T 1 1 Now we claim that λ = [λ0, λ1, . . . , λ2n] defined by the t  X t = 1 − (µS )0¯ + (µS )X (A.106) following values is in the feasible set: 2 2 X6=0¯  ∗ 1 t  1 t  λ = 0 = 1 − (µS )¯ + 1 − (µS )¯  0 0 0 (A.107)  ∗ ∗ 2 2 λ1 = ··· = λn = 0 t  = 1 − (µS )0¯ (A.108) λ∗ = 1 − δ (A.98) n+i = 1 − µSteT (A.109) λ = β j ∈ N 0¯  n+j for i t T  ≤ 1 − e1¯S e0¯ . (A.110) λn+j = 0 for j 6∈ Ni Hence, for any t < tmix(): We verify the claim for all possible cases as the following.   |N ∩ I(t)| = m  < 1 − all nodes are susceptible at time t| Assume i . P all nodes were infected at time 0 (A.111) some nodes are infected or recovered at time t| m = P (A.112) For Xi = 0 : P (Yi = 1 | X) = 1 − (1 − β) ≤ all nodes were infected at time 0 n n 2n   X X X T pR ∗ ∗ ∗ ≤ (pI,i(t) + pR,i(t)) = 12n (t) (A.113) mβ = λ0 + BX,kλk + BX,kλk. (A.99) pI i=1 k=1 k=n+1   T t pR ≤ 12nM (0) (A.114) pI X = 1 (Y = 1 | X) = 1 − δ ≤ T t For i : P i ≤ 12nM 12n (A.115) n 2n 2 t ∗ X ∗ X ∗ ≤ k12nk kMk (A.116) 1 − δ + mβ = λ0 + BX,kλk + BX,kλk. (A.100) t k=1 k=n+1 = 2nkMk . (A.117) 2n log  kMk < 1 leads to the fact that t < − log kMk for all log 2n For X = 2 : (Y = 1 | X) = 0 ≤  i P i t < tmix(). Therefore tmix() ≤ − log kMk , which means n 2n the mixing time is O(log n). ∗ X ∗ X ∗  mβ = λ0 + BX,kλk + BX,kλk. (A.101) Proof of Proposition 4.1. M is in fact the Jacobian matrix of k=1 k=n+1 the nonlinear map, and its largest eigenvalue is less than 1 19

∗ if the largest eigenvalue of (1 − δ)In + PS βA) is less than Now for any t < tmix(): 1. It follows that the fixed point is locally stable under this    < some nodes are infected at time t| condition, and the statement a is true. P all nodes were infected at time 0 (A.122) n Eq. (4.6) can be upper bounded as: X T ≤ pI,i(t) = 1n pI (t) (A.123) i=1 P I,i(t + 1) = (1 − δ)PI,i(t)+ T t ≤ 1n ((1 − δ)In + βA) pI (0) (A.124)  Y  1 − (1 − βP (t)) (1 − P (t) − P (t)) T t I,j R,i I,i ≤ 1n ((1 − δ)In + βA) 1n (A.125) j∈N i ≤ k1 k2k(1 − δ)I + βAkt (A.126) X  n n ≤ (1 − δ)PI,i(t) + β PI,j (1 − PR,i(t) − PI,i(t)) t = nk(1 − δ)In + βAk . (A.127) j∈Ni n log  (A.118) k(1 − δ)In + βAk < 1 leads to t < for all − log k(1−δ)In+βAk X n log  ≤ (1 − δ)PI,i(t) + β PI,j, (A.119) t < tmix(), and therefore tmix() ≤ . − log k(1−δ)In+βAk  j∈Ni Proof of Proposition 4.4. The statement a is again clear since ∗ if the largest eigenvalue of (1 − δ)In + (1 − θ)PS βA is less which implies the statement b. than one, then the largest eigenvalue of M is less than 1, We remark that from (A.118) to (A.119) it is not possible which means the norm of the Jacobian matrix is less than 1. P  to show an upper bound of (1−δ)PI,i(t)+ β PI,j (1− The statement b also follows from upper bounding Eq. j∈Ni (4.14) as ∗ ∗ PR) instead; as it requires PR,i(t) + PI,i(t) ≥ PR, which is X ∗ P (t + 1) ≤ (1 − δ)P (t) + (1 − θ)β P . equivalent to PS,i(t) ≤ PS , that is not true in general.  I,i I,i I,j (A.128) Proof of Theorem 4.2. In the same way as in Lemma 2.2, j∈Ni ∗ when λmax((1 − δ)In + PS βA) > 1, there exists v 0n such  δ that (βA − ∗ In)v 0n. Proof of Theorem 4.6. We use the same linear programming PS   argument as in the proofs of Theorems 3.3 and 4.3, and show PR On the other hand, Ψ( ) = 0n and the Ja- that for each i ∈ {n + 1, n + 2,..., 2n}, we have pi(t + 1) ≤ 0n P Ψ (1 − δ)pi(t) + (1 − θ)β pj(t). The main difference is cobian of at the main fixed point is equal to j∈N h δ i i 0n×n βA − 1−P ∗ In . As a result, there exists a small (SBfi)X = R n×2n u  δ θ, if i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} and Xi = 0  > 0 such that Ψ( ) = (βA − P ∗ In)v, which is 0n,  v S  δ, if i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} and Xi = 1 and indicates that v ∈ U.  1 − γ, i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} X = 2 The rest of the proof is the same as that of 3.2, with  if and i the main difference that instead of Eq. (A.81), we have the (1 − θ)(1 − (1 .  m if i ∈ {n + 1,..., 2n} and Xi−n = 0 following relation:  −β) i−n ),  1 − δ, if i ∈ {n + 1,..., 2n} and X = 1  i−n  θ δ − θ − δθ 0, if i ∈ {n + 1,..., 2n} and Xi−n = 2 p∗ = + p∗ (A.120) R,i γ + θ γ + θ I,i It can be verified that the Lagrange multiplier vector λ∗ = ∗ ∗ ∗ T [λ0, λ1, . . . , λ2n] with the following values is in the feasible  set:  λ∗ = 0 Proof of Theorem 4.3. The proof is similar to that of  0 (SBf ) =  ∗ ∗ Theorem 3.3, except we have i X λ1 = ··· = λn = 0  ∗ λn+i = 1 − δ (A.129)  mi  (1 − β) θ, if i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} and Xi = 0 λn+j = β(1 − θ) for j ∈ Ni   δ, if i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} and Xi = 1 λn+j = 0 for j 6∈ Ni   1 − γ, if i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , n} and Xi = 2 and it leads to mi−n 1 − (1 − β) , if i ∈ {n + 1,..., 2n} and Xi−n = 0  p (t + 1)  ((1 − δ)I + β(1 − θ)A)p (t). (A.130) 1 − δ, if i ∈ {n + 1,..., 2n} and X = 1 I n I  i−n  β(1−θ)λmax(A) 0, if i ∈ {n + 1,..., 2n} and Xi−n = 2 Under the condition that δ < 1, by the same argument as in the proof of Theorem 4.3, tmix() ≤ log n  . Since we are interested to evaluate pi(t + 1) only for − log k(1−δ)In+β(1−θ)Ak  i ∈ {n + 1, n + 2,..., 2n}, and the corresponding terms in (A) (the lower three) do not depend on θ, the equations for ACKNOWLEDGMENTS optimal Lagrange multipliers are the same as in Theorem This work was supported in part by the National Science 3.3. It follows that Foundation under grants CNS-0932428, CCF-1018927, CCF- 1423663 and CCF-1409204, by a grant from Qualcomm Inc., pI (t + 1)  ((1 − δ)In + βA)pI (t). (A.121) by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory through the President 20 and Director’s Fund, and by King Abdullah University of [21] Y. Wang, D. Chakrabarti, C. Wang, and C. Faloutsos, “Epidemic Science and Technology. 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