Extensions of Remarks E771 HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS HON

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Extensions of Remarks E771 HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS HON June 13, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E771 tions. Had I been present, I would have voted HONORING THE LIFE OF IN HONOR OF G. ROLAND VELA, the following: CHRISTOPHER KELLY RAPP PH.D. (Roll No. 242) H.R. 542—Supporting Re- search and Development for First Responders HON. ABIGAIL DAVIS SPANBERGER HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS Act, had I been present I would have voted OF VIRGINIA OF TEXAS yes. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES (Roll No. 243) H.R. 2539—Strengthening Thursday, June 13, 2019 Thursday, June 13, 2019 Local Transportation Security Capabilities Act, had I been present I would have voted yes. Ms. SPANBERGER. Madam Speaker, it is Mr. BURGESS. Madam Speaker, I rise (Roll No. 244) H.R. 2590—DHS Overseas with great sadness today that I rise to honor today to honor the contributions of G. Roland Personnel Enhancement Act, had I been the life of Mr. Christopher Kelly Rapp, a hus- Vela, Ph.D. to the City of Denton and the aca- present I would have voted yes. band, son, musician, and public servant from demic community. Dr. Vela is a retired pro- Virginia’s 7th Congressional District whose life fessor at the University of North Texas, where f was taken too early on May 31 of this year. he served as one of the first Latino faculty Friends and colleagues describe Mr. Rapp members. At UNT, he authored 75 scientific RECOGNIZING KIMBERLEE BURKS as empathetic, honest, and helpful. As a pub- papers and books regarding Texas History. lic works employee for Virginia Beach, Staf- This history-maker also blazed trails as the HON. ERIC SWALWELL ford, and Powhatan, he dedicated much of his first Hispanic member of the Denton City OF CALIFORNIA working career to improving the lives of those Council and one of the country’s first Mexican- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES around him. A man of deep faith, Mr. Rapp was also a devoted volunteer. In fact, he was American Microbiologists. In honor of Dr. Thursday, June 13, 2019 Vela’s distinguished achievements, the City of scheduled to volunteer at an event to help the Denton dedicated the G. Roland Vela Athletic Mr. SWALWELL of California. Madam less fortunate on June 5th—an event which he Complex on May 26, 2019. Speaker, I rise to recognize the life of was never able to attend. Dr. Vela was raised in San Antonio, Texas. Kimberlee Ann Burks, on the occasion of her In addition to his commitment to service, Mr. During World War II, he joined the Texas unexpected passing on Thursday, May 30, Rapp was known for the true and abiding love State Guard at age fifteen and convinced his 2019. he possessed for his wife, Bessie. When they parents to sign release papers that would Kimberlee’s roots in Hayward ran deep. She met, she was a travel agent and he wanted to allow him to enlist in the U.S. Navy at just was born at our very own St. Rose Hospital in travel the world. As husband and wife, they seventeen. Though the war concluded before January 1967. She enjoyed spending her spent 24 years traveling it together. This abid- he was assigned to a ship, the young Texan childhood at our local landmarks, like Kennedy ing love also led to Mr. Rapp embracing his dedicated the following year of his life to the Park and then returned to settle in Hayward in wife’s culture by becoming an active member Navy in peacetime. 2015. of Kultura Filipino. Through this group, he Following his honorable discharge from the For the homeless populations in Hayward learned Filipino dances, empowered Pinoy Navy, Dr. Vela attended San Antonio Junior and Alameda County, Kimberlee was a cham- children by teaching them about Filipino cul- College. After transferring to the University of pion. She modeled what a person could do for ture, and made his home a central location for Texas at Austin, he took multiple jobs to sup- themselves and for other people. Regardless all types of cultural communities from the port himself before graduating with a degree in of whether you recently lost your job, had be- Tidewater to Central Virginia. bacteriology. In 1951, he received a scholar- come a victim of the ever-increasing cost of Chris loved the experiences of life and was ship for his master’s degree in bacteriology, housing in the Bay Area, or were struggling a life-long learner. Whether it was buying a which he completed in just one year, followed with an addiction, Kimberlee saw you as a Tagalog dictionary on his wedding day, start- by a doctorate in microbiology and bio- human being first. ing piano lessons in his mid-50s, or avidly chemistry in 1963. The Downtown Streets Team is where writing short stories, he capitalized on every Dr. Vela later began a 35-year tenure as a Kimberlee found the support that fostered her second of life. He was renowned for his pas- professor at the University of North Texas in spirit for advocacy. She started as a peer ad- sionate performances on the bagpipe and Denton, where he taught undergraduate and vocate and peer leader where she introduced served as a member of Greater Richmond graduate courses in microbiology. He was the group and its goals to those in search of Pipes & Drums, as well as Tidewater Pipes & chosen to be part of the American Academy of support, work-experience, and secure housing Drums. These bands remember him for his Microbiology and was named the Associate in our community. love for music and eagerness to share his Dean of Science and Technology in the Col- In addition to her work with the Downtown sound with the community. lege of Art and Sciences. During his tenure at Streets Team, Kimberlee found community at I am heartbroken by the death of Mr. Rapp UNT, Dr. Vela oversaw the research of numer- Community Resources for Independent Living during the senseless shooting at the Virginia ous students and mentored 20 doctoral stu- (CRIL), where she served as a housing search Beach Municipal Center. While I know that I dents before retiring in 2000. coordinator. There she served two vulnerable can offer no true consolation, I offer my pray- In addition to his many professional accom- communities that she held dear, the homeless ers and heartfelt sympathy to Mr. Rapp’s wife, plishments, Dr. Vela is a public servant. He and the disabled through the coordination of parents, family, and friends. Madam Speaker, please join me today in was the first Hispanic member elected to the housing search workshops. commemorating the life of Mr. Christopher Denton City Council, and has served on the Kimberlee volunteered throughout Hayward Kelly Rapp. Texas Municipal Power Agency Board of Di- and Alameda County to raise awareness and rectors as well as numerous boards and com- restore dignity to our homeless population. f missions. Whenever she made a gain of her own in life, HONORING BOB COFFIN The G. Roland Vela Athletic Complex is a she was always looking for a way to help fitting tribute to this remarkable North Texan. someone else. HON. DINA TITUS In 2017, she came to Washington, D.C. and I join Dr. Vela’s family, friends, colleagues, OF NEVADA visited my office to represent and advocate for and students in celebrating this well-deserved IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES honor. the needs of Alameda County’s Healthcare for Thursday, June 13, 2019 f the Homeless program. Just days before she passed away, Kimberlee was in Sacramento Ms. TITUS. Madam Speaker, I rise to recog- PERSONAL EXPLANATION with CRIL and other advocates seeking sup- nize Las Vegas Councilman Bob Coffin on the port for measures that would provide secure occasion of his retirement from political life. HON. BILLY LONG and stable housing and medical care for those Councilman Bob Coffin was elected to rep- OF MISSOURI with disabilities and older adults without ac- resent Las Vegas Ward 3 on Tuesday, June IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cess to other forms of insurance coverage. 7, 2011, and was sworn into office on Kimberlee led by doing. She was a force for Wednesday, July 6, 2011. Councilman Coffin Thursday, June 13, 2019 good, and she is gone far too soon. She is has deep roots in downtown Las Vegas, hav- Mr. LONG. Madam Speaker, on Monday, survived by her mother, Barbara, and her two ing been a resident in and around Ward 3 for June 10, 2019, I was unable to vote on any sons, Austin and Preston. They have my more than 60 years and now lives less than a legislative measures due to travel complica- deepest condolences. mile from his boyhood home. VerDate Sep 11 2014 21:27 Sep 04, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD19\JUNE\E13JN9.REC E13JN9 E772 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 13, 2019 Councilman Coffin’s commitment to South- PERSONAL EXPLANATION Upon receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Soci- ern Nevada can be seen through his decades ology from Texas State University, Toni found of public service. He was first elected in 1982 HON. JOHN KATKO her calling as an organizer while serving as a to the Nevada Assembly, where he served for OF NEW YORK Field Representative with the American Fed- two terms. He continued his public service in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES eration of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL–CIO) where she led the the Nevada State Senate, where he served Thursday, June 13, 2019 implementation of their national policies.
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