A B C 1 Author Title Dewey Number 2 2394 Priests For Queensland 250 PRI 3 (ed.) Barraclough Morris West - Anthology F WES 4 (ed.) Cosstick AIDS Meeting Community Challenge 253 AID 5 (ed.) Davie The Oxford Book Of Christian Verse 242 OXF 6 (ed.) Freeman L John Main - Essential Writings 248.3 MAI 7 (ed.) Hinnells J Handbook Of Living Religions 290 HAN 8 (ed.) Long D In The Vineyard 250 LON 9 Abata R Helps For The Scrupulous 248.4 ABA 10 P Unholy Trinity F ADA 11 J Let Me Sow Love 242 ADA 12 Adams M Daily Wisdom For Mothers 248.8 ADA 13 Adelsperger C When Your Child Hurts 155.9 ADE 14 A'Kempis T Imitation Of Christ 248.3 AKE 15 Albom M Tuesdays With Morrie 280 MOR 16 Albom M For One More Day F ALB 17 Alderman M Each New Sunrise 155 ALD 18 Alexander E Proof Of Heaven 155.9 ALE 19 Alexander I Practicing The Presence Of Jesus 248.3 ALE 20 Anderson F Jesus Our Story 242 AND 21 Anderson F Eucharist 264 AND 22 Angelou M Even The Stars Look Lonesome 280 ANG 23 Anglican - R.C Commission Mary - Grace And Hope In Christ 232.91 MAR 24 Annie Of Jesus Charles de Foucauld 280 DEF 25 Ansell Stones That Speak 250 ANS 26 Ansell L Shepherd Amid Shepherds 280 MAO 27 Anslinger L Forming Generous Hearts 254 ANS 28 Apostoli A Walk Hunbly With Your God 248.3 APO 29 Apostolic Fathers The Wisdom Of Apostolic Fathers 242 APO 30 Aquinas T The gift Of The Spirit 248.2 AQU 31 Arbuckle G Refounding The Church 262 ARB 32 Arbuckle G From Chaos To Mission 248.4 ARB 33 Arbuckle G Earthing The Gospel 253 ARB


A B C 34 Arbuckle G Dealing With Bullies 158 ARB 35 Arbuckle G Violence, Society And The Church 262 ARB 36 Archer J The Wisdom Of Water 290 ARC 37 Archer J The Gospel According To Judas F ARC 38 Arico C A Taste Of Silence 248.3 ARI 39 Armstrong K The Case For God 231 ARM 40 Armstrong T In Their Own Way 248 .8 ARM 41 Arneil S Out Where The Dead Men Lie 255 ARN 42 Arnold D Francis - A Call To Conversion 280 FRA 43 Arroyo R Mother Angelica 280 ANG 44 Augustine St. The Confessions Of St Augustine 280 AUG 45 Author Title Dewey Number 46 Author Title Dewey Number 47 Ayers P Prince Of The Church - Moran 280 MOR 48 Bacon J Illustrated Atlas Of Jewish Civilisation 291 BAC 49 Bacon J The Illustrated Atlas Of Jewish History 291 BAC 50 Ball A Handbook Of Catholic Sacramentals 246 BAL 51 Ball A Faces Of Holiness - Modern 280 SAI 52 Bann G Suffering Silence Prayer 248.3 BANN 53 Baron R & Wagele E The Enneagram Made Easy 155 BAR 54 Barr Scriptual Comfort 242 BAR 55 Barr A Songs Of Praise - Lent & Easter 263 BAR 56 Barr A Songs Of Praise Book Of Prayer 242 BAR 57 Barry W God's Passionate Desire 248.3 BAR 58 Barry W Who Do You Say I Am? 232.9 BAR 59 Barry W The Practice Of Spiritual Direction 253.5 BAR 60 Barry W Now Choose Life 248.2 BAR 61 Barry W Seek My Face 248.3 BAR 62 Barry W Allowing The Creator To Deal With… 248.3 BAR 63 Barry W Finding God In All Things 248.3 BAR 64 Barry W What Do I Want In Prayer? 248.3 BAR 65 Bartel B Take A Turn 248.3 BAR 66 Batt M Up The Beaten Track 242 BAT


A B C 67 Bausch W While You Were Gone 253 BAU 68 Bausch W Telling Stories Compelling 268 BAU 69 Bausch WJ The Parish Of The Next Millenium 262 BAU 70 Baxter M A Devine Revelation Of Angels 231 BAX 71 Becker A The Compassionate Visitor 155.9 BEC 72 Beckett W The Mystery Of Love 246 BEC 73 Beckett W Sister Wendy On Prayer 248.3 BEC 74 Beckett W Encounter With God 246 BEC 75 Beckett W (Sr) Meditations On Love 246 BEC 76 Beckett W (Sr) Meditations On Joy 246 BEC 77 Beckett W (Sr) Meditations On Peace 246 BEC 78 Beckett W (Sr) Meditations On Silence 246 BEC 79 Beguerie How To Understand The Sacraments 265 BEG 80 Benedict St Life Of St. Benedict 248.2 BEN 81 Benedict XV1 Deus Caritas Est 230 BEN 82 Benedict XV1 Way Of The Cross 263 WAY 83 Benedict XV1 Salt Of The Earth 262 BEN 84 Benedict XV1 Let God's light Shine Forth 248.2 BEN 85 Benedict XV1 Dear Young People 230 BEN 86 Benedict XV1 Questions And Answers 242 BEN 87 Benedict XV1 Caritas In Veritate 230 BEN 88 Benedict XV1 Jesus Of Nazareth - Part Two 232 BEN 89 Benedict XV1 The Fathers Of The Church 230 BEN 90 Benedict XV1 Sacrament Caritas: The Sacrament Of Love 230 BEN 91 Bennett A & L The Temperament God Gave You 155 BEN 92 Benson M We Have A - Benedict XV1 280 BEN 93 Bernanos G Diary Of A Country Priest F BER 94 Intimacy In Prayer 242 BER 95 Berry T Befriending The Earth 230 BER 96 Berry T The Dream Of The Earth 230 BER 97 Biela S Praying Self Abandonment To Divine Love 248.2 BIE 98 Biffi I The Way Of The Cross 263 WAY 99 Binz S Advent Of The Savior 226 BIN


A B C 100 Binz S Introduction To The Bible 220 BIN 101 Birch C Regaining Compassion For Humanity & Nature 230 BIR 102 Birnie L A Good Day To Die 155.9 BIR 103 Blake D Mary Aikenhead - Servant Of The Poor 280 AIK 104 Bly R Iron John 155 BLY 105 Boff L Sacraments of Life 265 BOF 106 Boff L & C Liberation Theology 261 BOF 107 Boland T James Duhig 280 DUH 108 Bonhoeffer D The Cost Of Discipleship 230 BON 109 Bonhoeffer D Seize The Day With Dietrich Bonhoeffer 242 BON 110 Borchgrave H A Journey Into Christian Art 246 BOR 111 Bowman D At Home With The Sacraments - Reconciliation 265 BOW 112 Bowman P At Home With The Sacraments - Confirmation 265 BOW 113 Bowman P At Home With Sacraments - Baptism 265 BOW 114 Boyer M Mary's Day - Saturday 232.91 BOY 115 Boyne J The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas F BOX 116 Bradford N Natural Fertility 248.8 BRA 117 Bradley I Pilgrimage 282 BRA 118 Bradshaw J Homecoming 155.2 BRA 119 Bragg M Credo F BRA 120 Brasch R Christmas Customs 263 BRA 121 Brestin D A Woman Of Faith - Esther 221 BRE 122 Brewi J Mid Life 155.6 BRE 123 Briggs & Myers Gifts Differing 155 BRI 124 Brophy B Great Catholic Books 268 BRO 125 Brouwer C The Carpenter's Cloth 232 BRO 126 Brown R The Birth Of The Messiah 226 BRO 127 Brown R A Retreat With 248.2 BRO 128 Brown R 101 Questions & Answers On The Bible 220 BRO 129 Brown T Setting Hearts On Fire 254 BRO 130 Brueggemann W To Act Justly, Love Tenderley 262 BRU 131 Bryan D A Western Way Of Meditation - Rosary 232.91 BRY 132 Bryant M God In Cartoons 231 BRY


A B C 133 Buiddulph S More Secrets Of Happy Children 248.8 BIO 134 Bunge G Earthen Vessels 248.3 BUN 135 Bunson M The Angelic Doctor - St Thomas Aquinus 230 THO 136 Bunyan J The Pilgrim Progress F BUN 137 Burke A 226 BUR 138 Burke J Our Lady Of Apollo Bay F BUR 139 Burns R Thought Miracles (+CD) 242 BUR 140 Byrne B Lazarus 226 BYR 141 Byrne B The Hospitality Of God 226 BYR 142 Byrne B A Costly Freedom - Marks Gospel 226 BYR 143 Byrne L Sharing The Vision 248.4 BYR 144 Byrne L Margaret Of Scotland 280 MAR 145 Byrne L 280 CAT 146 Byrne L Original Prayer 248.3 BYR 147 Byrne L Women Before God 248.2 BYR 148 Byrne N Robert Dunn 280 DUN 149 Byron W Praying With And For Others 248.3 BYR 150 Cahill T The Gifts Of The Jews 220 CAH 151 Callahan A Spiritualities Of The Heart 248.2 SPI 152 Callahan A A Retreat With Mary Of Magdala & Augustine 248.2 CAL 153 Callanan J God In All Things 248.3 CAL 154 Caltagirone C Friendship As Sacrament 248.4 CAL 155 Camara H Spiral Of Violence 261 CAM 156 Cameron J A Dangerous Innovator - Mary Ward 280 WAR 157 Cameron R Opala 242 CAM 158 Campion E Lines Of My Life 280 CAM 159 Campion E Great Australian Catholics 250 CAM 160 Canfield J Chicken Soup For The Soul 248.2 CAN 161 Cantalamessa R The Eucharist 264 CAN 162 Cantalamessa R Mary - Mirror Of The Church 232.91 CAN 163 Cantalamessa R The Mystery Of The Transfiguration 232 CAN 164 Cantalamessa R Loving The Church 262 CAN 165 Carlo G Christian Meditation Through Yoga 248.3 CAR


A B C 166 Carretto C Blessed Are You Who Believed 232.91 CAR 167 Carretto Carlo Carlo Carretto - Essential Writings 248.2 CAR 168 Carroll J The Existential Jesus 232 CAR 169 Carty C Padre Pio 280 PIO 170 Casey M The Undivided Heart 248.4 CAS 171 Casey M Towards God The Western Tradition Of Contemplation 248.3 CAS 172 Casey M Fully Human, Fully Divine 232 CAS 173 Cassidy S Light From The Dark Valley 155.9 CAS 174 Cassidy S The Loneliest Journey F CAS 175 Catoir J Where Do You Stand With The Church 248.4 CAT 176 Catoir J World Religions 291 CAT 177 CDW The General Instruction Of The Roman Missal 264 GEN 178 Champlin J The Marginal Catholic 253 CHA 179 Champlin J From The Heart 264 CHA 180 Champlin J With Hearts As Light As Feathers 265 CHA 181 Chandler P Sharing Faith With Your Child Birth - 6 248.8 CHA 182 Chandler P Carmelites In Australia 255 CAR 183 Charlish A Caught In The Middle 248.4 CHA 184 Charneski R A Catholic Approach To Widowhood 155.9 CHA 185 Chase A Remaining Faithful 264 CHA 186 Chervin R A Widow's Walk 155.9 CHE 187 Chesterton GK G.K Chesterton - Essential Writings 230 CHE 188 Childress G Reading Your Bible 220 CHI 189 Childs B Intro To The Old Testament As Scripture 221 CHI 190 Chittister J Friendship Of Women 220 C HI 191 Chittister J Uncommon Gratitude 248.2 CHI 192 Chittister J The Cry Of The Prophet 224 CHI 193 Chittister J Sparks Of Advent Light 263 CHI 194 Chittister J God's Tender Mercy 242 CHI 195 Chittister J Called To Question 248.2 CHI 196 Chittister J Breath Of The Soul 242 CHI 197 Chittister J Illuminated Life 242 CHI 198 Cingaloni G Possenti Passionist 280 GAB


A B C 199 Cingolani G He Loved Them To The End 263 CIN 200 Clancy E God's Trailblazers 280 GOD 201 Clancy E Walk Worthy Of Your Vocation 227 CLA 202 Cleary W Prayers Yo She Who Is 242 CLE 203 Cliffe A Let Go And Let God 248.4 CLI 204 Cloud H Boundaries In Marriage 248.8 CLO 205 Coelho P The Devil And Miss Prym F COE 206 Coffey K Hidden Women Of The Gospels 248.2 COF 207 Coffey K Women Of Mercy 280 WOM 208 Coleborne W Companion To The Sunday Missal 264 COL 209 Coleman W Getting Along With A New Parent 248.8 COL 210 Coles R Simone Weil a Modern Pilgrimage 280 WEI 211 Collins P Papal Power 262 COL 212 Comby J How To Read Chruch History Vol 1 270 COM 213 Comby J How To Read Chruch History Vol 2 270 COM 214 Comby J How To Understand The History Of Mission 262 COM 215 Confoy M Morris West 248.2 CON 216 Congar Y Called To Life 248.4 CON 217 Cooke T Meditations On Mary 232.91 COO 218 Cooper A The Cloud - Reflection On Selected Texts 248.2 COO 219 Cooper A A Little By Ourselves - Oblates Of Mary Immaculate 255 COO 220 Cooper A John Henry Newman 280 NEW 221 Cooper S I Don't Want To Go To Church 248.8 COO 222 Copland M One Hour More Daylight 261 COP 223 Copley T The Bible : The Story Of The Book 220 COP 224 Cornelius J Church Humour 250 COR 225 Cornish C The Undistracted Widow 155.9 COR 226 Cosgrove B The Spirit Of The Range 255 COS 227 Costello T Tips From A Travelling Soul-Searcher 248.2 COS 228 Couglan J Inside The Vatican 246 COU 229 Council Aboriginal Reconciliation Australians For Reconciliation - Study Kit 261 AUS 230 Covey S 7 Habits Of Highly Effective Families 248.8 COV 231 Cowan J Francis - A Saints Way 280 FRA


A B C 232 Cox H Common Prayers 291 COX 233 Coyle K Mary In The Christian Tradition Coyle K 234 Crehan D Stories To Tell And How To Tell Them 268 CRE 235 Cronin G Nurturing To-day's Children 248.8 CRO 236 Crosby M Spirituality Of The Beatitudes - Matthew 226 CRO 237 Cumming J And God What About…? 248.8 CUM 238 Cunningham L Why Not Women? 253 CUN 239 Cure D'ars Thoughts Of Cure D'ars 248.2 CUR 240 Curran B The Miracles Of Mary 232.91 CUR 241 Curry C When Your Parent Dies 155.9 CUR 242 Cuskelly E Walking The Way Of Jesus 248.2 CUS 243 Dalai Lama The Art Of Happiness 248.3 DAL 244 Daley R The Essence Of A Vision 250 DAL 245 Dalrymple W From The Holy Mountain 282 DAL 246 Daly Cardinal Steps On My Pilgrim Journey 280 DAL 247 Davies O God Within 248.2 Dav 248 Davies O Celtic Christian Spirituality (Anthology) 242 DAV 249 Davies P God And The New Physics 230 DAV 250 Davies S The Gospel Of Thomas 226 DAV 251 Davitz L How To Live Almost Happily With Teens 248.8 DAV 252 Dawes J Towards The Future- Kincumber Parish 250 DAW 253 Dawkins R The God Delusion 231 DAW 254 Day M Lambs Of God F DAY 255 de Bargh D Francis And John 280 FRA 256 De Botton A Status Anxiety 261 DEB 257 De Chardin T Meditations With T. De Chardin 242 DEC 258 De Mello A Praying Body And Soul 248.3 DEM 259 De Mello A Contact With God - Retreats 248.2 DEM 260 De Montfort LM God Alone- Collected Writings 230 DEM 261 de Sales F Sermons On Our Lady 232.91 DES 262 de Waal E A Life Giving Way 248.8 DEW 263 de Wohl L The Living Wood F DEW 264 Dean A Responding In Love 263 DEA


A B C 265 Dear J Transfiguration 261 DEA 266 Dear J Jesus The Rebel 261 DEA 267 Dechanet Christian Yoga 248.4 DEC 268 Delio L Care For Creation 230 DEL 269 Demartini J Count Your Blessings 158 DEM 270 The Lives Of The Desert Fathers 280 DES 271 Dessain M St Margaret Clitherow 280 CLI 272 d'Hage A The Omega Scroll F DHA 273 Dickens C The Life Of Our Lord 232 DIC 274 Didion J The Year Of Magical Thinking F DID 275 Diethelm W St Pius X 280 PIU 276 Dimock G The Eucharist 264 DIM 277 Dineen J Living With The Gods 290 DIN 278 Ditewig W Deacons 253 DIT 279 Dockrey K When A Hug Won't Fix The Hurt 155.9 DOC 280 Dougherty R Group Spiritual Direction 253 DOU 281 Dowling G Achieving Inner Peace 248.2 DOW 282 Dowrick S In The Company Of Rilke 248.2 DOW 283 Doyle S Understanding The New Testament 225 DOY 284 Doze A Discovering St 232.91 DOZ 285 Dubay T Happy Are You Poor 248.2 DUB 286 Duchett M Secret Places Sacred paths 248.3 DUC 287 Duffy G Demons And Democrats 250 DUF 288 Dulles A Models Of The Church 262 DUL 289 Dulles A A Church To Believe In 262 DUL 290 Dulles A The Craft Of Theology 230 DUL 291 Durham M Miracles Of Mary 232.91 DUR 292 Dwyer E Catholic Tribunals - Marriage Annulment 262 DWY 293 Earle M Holy Companions 248.2 EAR 294 Eco U The Name Of The Rose F ECO 295 Edwards D Called To Be Church In Australia 269 EDW 296 Edwards D Breath Of Life 231 EDW 297 Edwards D Jesus And The Natural World 230 EDW


A B C 298 Ekpo A The Breath Of the Spirit In The Church:The Sensus Fidelium And Canon Law 262 EXP 299 Elich T St Stephens Cathedral Brisbane 250 ELI 300 Elliott P What God Has Joined 265 ELL 301 Elvins M Catholic Trivia 250 ELV 302 Endicott M From Darkness To Light - St Augustine 280 AUG 303 English G Saying Hello To God 248.3 ENG 304 Escriva J The Way Of The Cross 263 WAY 305 Estes CP Women Who Run With The Wolves 155 EST 306 Evangelisti S Nuns - History Of Convent Life 255 EVA 307 Evans E Apostle To The Karens - Paolo Manna 280 MAN 308 Evans E Faithfull Unto Death 280 EVA 309 Faggioli M Vatican 11 Battle For Meaning 262 FAG 310 Falbo G St Monica 280 MON 311 Fallon M The Four Gospels 226 FAL 312 Fallon M The Letters Of Paul 227 FAL 313 Fallon M Who Is Jesus 232 FAL 314 Fallon M A priest After My Own Heart 248.4 FAL 315 Fallon M Yielding To Love 248.3 FAL 316 Fallon M Yielding To Love 248.2 FAL 317 Farland H Following The Little Way - Theresians 250 FAR 318 Farrell E Gathering The Fragments 248.2 FAR 319 Farrell Marie T She Who Believed : Australian Images Of Mary 246 FAR 320 Faustina Devotion To Divine Mercy 242 FAU 321 Fazzina & Noor Stress Points 248.8 FAZ 322 Ferder F Your Sexual Self 155 FER 323 Fiand B Prayer And The Request For Healing 248.3 FIA 324 Finciu Patelisco He Spoke Truth In Love 282 FIN 325 Fink J Married Saints 280 SAI 326 Fischer K Women At The Well 253 FIS 327 Fischer K Loving Creation 230 FIS 328 Fisher B Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends 248.4 FIS 329 Fitzgerald R The Pope's Battalions 250 FIT 330 Fitzpatrick No Greater Love 263 WAY


A B C 331 Flanagan S 280 HIL 332 Fletcher - Editor Falling In Love With God 248.2 FAL 333 Foley E From Age To Age 264 FOL 334 Follett K The Pillars Of The Earth F FOL 335 Fontana D Teaching Meditation To Children 248.3 FON 336 Ford M Wounded Prophet (Henri J Nouwen) 280 NOU 337 Forissier A For A Marian Church 255 FOR 338 Foster D Deep Calls To Deep 248.3 FOS 339 Foster R Coming Home 242 FOS 340 Fournee J Praying The Angelus 242 FOU 341 Fowler J Stages Of Faith 155 FOW 342 Fox G 10 Min Time Out For You & Your Kids 248.8 FOX 343 Fox R Heroic Catholic Families 248.8 FOX 344 Fox R Bl. Jacinta & Bl. Francisco Of Fatima 280 JAC 345 Foxe J Foxe's Book Of Martyrs 280 FOX 346 Francis 1 Evangelli Gaudium: The Joy Of The Gospel 230 FRA 347 Francis 1 The Francis Effect 230 FRA 348 Francis 1 Laudato Si 230 FRA 349 Francis 1 Pope Francis His essential….Wisdom 230 FRA 350 Francis 1 Misericordiae Vultus 230 FRA 351 Francis 1 I Ask You To Pray For Me 248.2 FRA 352 Francis 1 Bring Forth Hope 248.2 FRA 353 Francis I Pope Francis - In His Own Words 242 FRA 354 Francis I Lumen Fides 230 FRA 355 Francis L Personality Type And Scripture 155.2 FRA 356 Francis M Anima Christi 248.2 FRA 357 Francis St. The Little Flowers Of St Francis 248.2 FRA 358 Frassati L A Man Of The Beatitudes 280 FRA 359 Frederickson Satanism 291 FRE 360 Freeman L A Short Span Of Days 155.9 FRE 361 Freeman L Jesus The Teacher Within 232 FRE 362 Freke T Heaven 291 FRE 363 Fuellenbach J Proclaiming His Kingdom 248.2 FUE


A B C 364 Furlong M Bird Of Paradise 248.2 FUR 365 Gaarder J Sophie's World 290 GAA 366 Gaarder J Vita Brevis F GAA 367 Gaillardetz R By What Authority? 262 GAI 368 Gallagher C Embodied In Love 248.4 GAL 369 Gardiner P Mary Mackillop 280 MAC 370 Garne G Jesus Only 232 GAR 371 Gaudiose D Prophet Of The People - Padre Pio 280 PIO 372 Gawler G Women Of Silence 155.9 GAV 373 Gearin-Tosh M Living Proof 155.9 GEA 374 Gellman M Where Does God Live? 248.8 GEL 375 Geoffrion J Labyrinth And The Song Of Songs 242 GEO 376 Gibellini R The Liberation Theology Debate 261 GIB 377 Gilchrist M Daniel Mannix 280 MAN 378 Gilchrist M Lost! 250 GIL 379 Girzone J Kara F GIR 380 Girzone J A Portrait Of Jesus 232 GIR 381 Girzone J Joshua And The City F GIR 382 Girzone J What Is God? 231 GIR 383 Girzone J Joshua The Shepherd F GIR 384 Girzone J Joshua And The Children F GIR 385 Girzone J Joshua In The Holy Land F GIR 386 Girzoni J Trinity 231 GIR 387 Gleeson L Mahtab's Story 280 MAH 388 Glendinning B Preparing The Eucharistic Table 264 GLE 389 Good M & P 20 Questions About Amish and Mennonites 290 GOO 390 Gooley A Bite Size Vatican 11 262 GOO 391 Goonan M The Crucifix That Spoke To St Francis 246 GOO 392 Goonan M A Community Of Exiles 242 GOO 393 Gorden B The First Year Alone 155.9 GOR 394 Grassi J The 5 Wounds Of Jesus & Personal Transition 248.2 GRA 395 Gray J Men Are From Mars Women Are From Venus 155 GRA 396 Greeley A Catholic Imagination 282 GRE


A B C 397 Green G Coping With Suicide 253 GRE 398 Green T Drinking From A Dry Well 428.3 GRE 399 Green T Come Down Zacchaeus 248.4 GRE 400 Green T Prayer And Common Sense 248.3 GRE 401 Green T Weeds Among The Wheat 248.3 GRE 402 Greene G Brighton Rock F GRE 403 Greening K When Grief Leaves The Dictionary 155.9 GRE 404 Greening K Grief The Toothache Of The Soul 155.9 GRE 405 Grenier B Family Life In Christ 248.8 GRE 406 Gribble E History And Devotion Of The Rosary 232.91 GRI 407 Griffiths B A Human Search - Griffiths 248.2 GRI 408 Griffiths B A New Vision Of Reality 291 GRI 409 Griffiths B 2234 Bede Griffiths - Essential Writings 248.2 GRI 410 Griffiths J Seeking Sophia 262 GRI 411 Grimer M Making Families Work 248.8 GRI 412 Grizone J Never Alone 248.2 GIR 413 Grizone J Joshua F GIR 414 Groeschel B Arise From Darkness 155.9 GRO 415 Groeschel B Jesus & Mary 232 GRO 416 Guardini R Preparing Yourself For Mass 264 GUA 417 Guiley R The Miracle Of Prayer 158 GUI 418 Gumbel N Searching Issues 268 GUM 419 Gumbel N Questions Of Life 268 GUM 420 Gumbel N Searching Issues 268 GUM 421 Guntzelman J A Retreat With & Damien Of Molokai 248.2 GUN 422 Hahn S The Lamb's Supper - Study Guide 265 HAN 423 Hahn S Hail Holy Queen 232.91 HAH 424 Hahn S The Lamb's Supper 264 HAH 425 Hahn S & K Rome Sweet Rome 280 HAH 426 Hajduk D God's Plan For You 248.8 HAJ 427 Hall T Too Deep For Words 248.3 HAL 428 Hammond M Heirs Together 248.4 HAM 429 Hample S Children's Letters To God 230 CHI


A B C 430 Hampsch J Pathways Of Trust 248.2 HAM 431 Hampshire S Susan's Story 280 HAM 432 Hann T Miracle Of Mindfullness 248.3 HAN 433 Hannan P Love Remembered 264 HAN 434 Hansel T Family Vacations That Work 249 HAN 435 Hansen M The Land Of Walking Trees 242 HAN 436 Haring B Our Father 242 HAR 437 Haring B The Eucharist 264 HAR 438 Harrington D The Gospel Of Matthew (Sacra Pagina) 226 HAR 439 Harrington D Mark 226 HAR 440 Harrington D Following Jesus 232 HAR 441 Harris M Proclaim Jubilee 230 HAR 442 Hartin W Staying Married 248.8 HAR 443 Hartman J Enjoy Motherhood 248.8 HAR 444 Harvey J Mum…I Want To Die 253 HAR 445 Haskins S Mary Magdalen 220 MAR 446 Hays E Prayers For A Planetary Pilgrim 242 HAY 447 Hays E Prayers For The Domestic Church 242 HAY 448 Hays E Letters To Exodus Christians 253 HAY 449 Hays E A Pilgrims Almanac 242 HAY 450 Heaps J Parish Pastoral Councils 254 HEA 451 Hebblethwaite M Six New Gospels 225 HEB 452 Hebblethwaite P Paul V1 280 PAU 453 Hebblethwaite P John XX111 Pope Of The Council 280 JOH 454 Hederman M Dancing With Dinosaurs 248.2 HED 455 Hellwig M The Role Of The Theologian 230 HEL 456 Hellwig M What Are They Saying - Christian Hope 230 HEL 457 Helwig M What Are Theologians Saying Now 230 HEL 458 Hemming L Benedict XV1 - Life & Thought 230 BEN 459 Henderson L Step Parent Survival Guide 248.8 HEN 460 Henderson L Relax 158 HEN 461 Henderson S 2070 From Strength To Strength 280 HEN 462 Henriot P Catholic Social Teaching 261 HEN


A B C 463 Henry J To See The Face Of God - Advent 263 HEN 464 Henry K The Book Of Enneagram Prayers 155 HEN 465 Hepburn E Of Life And Death 261 HEP 466 Herbert G Wisdom Of George Herbert 242 HER 467 Hildegard Mediation - Hildegard Of Bingen 242 HIL 468 Hildegard Illuminations 242 HIL 469 Hildegard From St Hildegard's Garden 264 HIL 470 Hillman J The Force Of Character, And Lasting Life 155.6 HIL 471 Hoban B Who Will Break Bread For Us? 262 HOB 472 Hoban M Caroline Chrisholm - 51 Pieces of… 280 CHI 473 Hodgkinson Introducing Icons 246 HOD 474 Hollows F Fred Hollows 280 HOL 475 Homan H Francis And Clare 280 FRA 476 Homan H St Anthony And The Christ Child 280 ANT 477 Hooton C T'ai Chi For Beginners 248.2 HOO 478 Hoover D How To Respond To The Occult 290 HOO 479 Hopkins GM Poems And Prose 242 HOP 480 Hosie J Catholics, divorce And Remarriage 248.4 HOS 481 Hosseini K The Kite Runner F HOS 482 Housden R Retreat 232 HOU 483 Howellett N Mary For Us Today 232.91 HOW 484 Huebsch B Rethinking Sacraments 265 HUE 485 Huebsch B A Radical Guide For Catholics 262 HUE 486 Huebsch B Grace 230 HUE 487 Huggins J The Reckoning F HUG 488 Hughes G God Of Surprises 248.2 HUG 489 Hughes G God In All Things 248.2 HUG 490 Hume B To Be A Pilgrim 248.3 HUM 491 Hume B Searching For God 248.4 HUM 492 Hunt G Honey For A Child's Heart 248.8 HUN 493 Hutchinson G A Retreat With Teresa Of Avila 248.2 HUT 494 Inglis C Cecilia 280 ING 495 James PD Death In Holy Orders F JAM


A B C 496 James V The Woman's Money Book 248.4 JAM 497 Jampolsky G Forgiveness The Greatest Healer Of All 158 JAM 498 Janda J Inigo 280 INI 499 Jensen A God's Self-Confident Daughters 270 JEN 500 Jensen A-M The Flying Nun 280 JEN 501 John Of Taize At The Wellspring 242 JOH 502 The Living Flame Of Love 242 JOH 503 John Of The Cross The Spiritual Cantical 242 JOH 504 John Of The Cross Dark Night Of The Soul 248.3 JOH 505 John Paul 1 Illustrissimi 280 JOH 506 John Paul 11 Mary 232.91 JOH 507 John Paul 11 Redeemer Of Man 248.8 JOH 508 John Paul 11 Mercy Of God 231 JOH 509 John Paul 11 Catechesis Of Our Time 268 JOH 510 John Paul 11 Role Of Christian Family 248.8 JOH 511 John Paul 11 Christian Meaning Of Human Suffering 155.9 JOH 512 John Paul 11 On Human Work 261 JOH 513 John Paul 11 On The Vocation Of Women 248.8 JOH 514 John Paul 11 Angelus Meditations 242 JOH 515 John Paul 11 Prayers And Devotions 242 JOH 516 John Paul 11 The Pope's Family Prayer Book 242 POP 517 John Paul 11 Centesimus Annus 262 JPH 518 John Paul 11 Reconciliation And Penance 265 JOH 519 John Paul 11 Christifideles Laici 248.4 JOH 520 John Paul 11 Gift And Mystery 280 JOH 521 John Paul 11 The Third Millennium 231 JOH 522 John Paul 11 To The Youth Of The World 248.4 JOH 523 John Paul 11 Dominum Et Vivificantem 231 JOH 524 John Paul 11 Rosarium Virginis Mariae 232.91 JOH 525 John Paul 11 Ecclesia In Oceania - Church In Oceania 262 JOH 526 John Paul 11 The Social Teaching Of Pope John Paul 11 261 JOH 527 John Paul 11 On Human Work - Commentary 261 JOH 528 John Paul 11 Novo Millennio Ineunte 262 JOH


A B C 529 John Paul 11 Rise Let Us Be On Our Way 280 JOH 530 John Paul 11 Ecclesia De Eucharistia 264 JOH 531 John Paul 11 Memory And Identity 248.2 JOH 532 John Paul 11 Ecclesia In Oceania - The Church In Oceania 230 JOH 533 John Paul 11 Veritatis Splender 248.4 JOH 534 John XX111 In My Own Words 248.2 JOH 535 Johnson B Fresh Elastic 248.8 JOH 536 Johnson E Consider Jesus 232 JOH 537 Johnson E She Who Is 231 JON 538 Johnson E Friends Of God And Prophets 230 JOH 539 Johnson E Dangerous Memories 232.91 JOH 540 Johnson E The Church Women Want 250 JOH 541 Johnson R Owing Your own Shadow 155 JOH 542 Johnson R 12 Keys To Spiritual Vitality 155 JOH 543 Johnson R The Physchology Of Romantic Love 155 JOH 544 Johnson R How To Honour Your Aging Parents 155 JOH 545 Johnston W Arise, My Love 248.2 JOH 546 Johnstone B Sexuality - A Catholic Perspective 155 JOH 547 Jones C The Search For Meaning 248.2 JON 548 Jones C Through A Glass Darkly 280 JON 549 Juarez B Sprinklings Of Living Water 248.2 JUA 550 Julian Of Norwich The Revelation Of Divine Love 242 JUL 551 Kaiser E The Latter Day Saints - Mormans 291 KAI 552 Kane S & L The Little Brown Book 242 KAN 553 Karon J Shepherds Abiding F KAR 554 Kasper W Theology And Church 230 KAS 555 Kavanaugh J Following Christ In A Consumer Society 261 KAV 556 Keane E N Amazing Encounters 155.9 KEA 557 Keating C Who We Are Is How We Pray 155.2 KEA 558 Keating C Dealing With Difficult People 153 KEA 559 Keating K What Catholics Really Believe 262 KEA 560 Keating K Catholicism And Fundamentalism 230 KEA 561 Keating T Finding Grace At The Centre 248.2 KEA


A B C 562 Keely V Dixon Of Botany Bay 280 DIX 563 Keirsey & Bates Please Understand Me 155.2 KEI 564 Kelley B Spiritual Direction With St Paul Of Cross 253 KEL 565 Kelly M A Call To Joy 248.2 KEL 566 Kelly T A New Imagining 230 KEL 567 Kelly T The Creed By Heart 262 KEL 568 Kendall R Second Chance 265 KEN 569 Kenny J The Living Hope Of Christians 230 KEN 570 Kern H The Johovah's Witness 291 KER 571 Keyes MF Emotions And The Enneagram 155 KEY 572 Kim Se Mang Parish Councils On Mission 254 KIM 573 King P Help For Women With Too Much To Do 248.8 KIN 574 King U Spirit Of Fire - Teilhard de Chardin 280 DEC 575 Klebanoff S Ups And Downs (Teen Depression) 248.8 KLE 576 Koehler E As The Church Turns 250 KOE 577 Kohn R The New Believers 231 KOH 578 Koulias A Temple Of The Grail F KOU 579 Kraft W When Someone You Love Drinks Too Much 158 KRA 580 Kreeft P Love Is Stronger Than Death 155.9 KRE 581 Krier C Symbols For All Seasons 264 KRI 582 Kroll W Read Your Bible 220 KRO 583 Kubler-Ross E To Live Until We Say Goodbye 155.9 KUB 584 Kubler-Ross E Death The Final Stage Of Growth 155.9 KUB 585 Kuharski M Parenting With Prayer 248.8 KUH 586 Kushner H Who Needs God 231 KUS 587 Kushner L Jewish Spirituality 290 KUS 588 Laird M Into The Silent Land 248.3 LAI 589 Lambrecht J The Sermon On The Mount 226 LAM 590 Lambrecht J Out Of The Treasure 226 LAM 591 Laney M The Introvert Advantage 155 LAN 592 Lanzetta B Radical Wisdom 230 LAN 593 Larsen R The Selected Works Of T.S.Spivet F LAR 594 Lawler J Good News For Your Autumn Years 242 LAW


A B C 595 Lawler M From Tee To Green 242 LAW 596 Lawlor A The Temple In The House 246 LAW 597 Lawrence I Ignatius 280 IGN 598 Leahy & Shelemon Healing The Wounds Of Divorce 248.4 LEA 599 Leal R The Environment And Christian Faith 261 LEA 600 Leon - Dufour Sharing The Eucharist 264 LEO 601 Leonard R Where The Hell Is God? 155.9 LEO 602 Leonard R Where The Hell Is God? 155.9 LEO 603 Lepetit C Two Dancers In The Desert 280 DEF 604 Leunig M Common Prayer Collection 242 LEU 605 Leunig M The Lot 248.2 LEU 606 Levey MT The Music Of The Mass 263 LEV 607 Lewis C Surprised By Joy 280 LEW 608 Lewis C Mere Christianity 248.4 LEW 609 Lewis CS Narnia - The Lion Witch And Wardrobe F LEW 610 Liebert E Changing Life Patterns 253 LIE 611 Lifeline Suicide Intervention Handbook 253 SUI 612 Linden I Global Catholicism 262 LIN 613 Ling S St 280 ANT 614 Link M Decision 248.2 LIN 615 Linn & Farbicant Healing Of The 8 Stages Of Life 155.2 LIN 616 Litvinoff S Travelling With Children 248.8 LIT 617 Livingstone T George Pell 280 PEL 618 Llewellyn-Jones D Everywoman's Middle Years 155.6 LLE 619 Lochhes P How To Respond To New Age 291 LOC 620 Longford L Suffering And Hope 155.9 LON 621 Longhurst R In The Footsteps Of The Mercies 225 LON 622 Lord J No Time For Goodbyes 155.9 LOR 623 Lotz A The Nativity Story 232.91 NAT 624 Lucado M The Greatest Moments 232 LUC 625 Lucado M Its Not About Me 158 LUC 626 Lucia Fatima In Lucia's Own Words 248.2 FAT 627 Luebering C A Retreat With & Julian Of Norwich 248.2 LUE


A B C 628 Lukefahr O Morning Star 232.91 LUK 629 Lund J When Life Hands You Lemons 155.9 LUN 630 Lunn R A Feast Of All Souls F LUN 631 Lynch J A Woman Wrapt In Silence 232.91 LYN 632 Mace D When The Honeymoon's Over 248.4 MAC 633 Mace D How To A Happy Marriage 248.8 MAC 634 Mack B Who Wrote The New Testament 226 MAC 635 Mackay H Why Don't People Listen 153 MAC 636 Mackay H Generations 155.1 MAC 637 Mackillop M&F Mary Mackillop & Flora 280 MAC 638 Maestri W Figures Around The Crib 263 MAE 639 Mailer N The Gospel According To The Son 226 MAI 640 Main J Silence And Stillness In Every Season 248.3 MAI 641 Maitland S Virtuous Magic - Women Saints 280 SAI 642 Malina B Social Science Commentry On Synoptic Gospels 226 MAL 643 Malone P Discovering An Australian Theology 230 MAL 644 Maloney G Gold, Frankincense And Myrrh 248.2 MAL 645 Maloney G Be Filled With The Fullness Of God 231 MAL 646 Manly G The Art Of Praying Liturgy 264 MAN 647 Manney J Charged With Grandeur 248.2 MAN 648 Martel Y Life Of Pi F MAR 649 Martin D The Foundation Of The In Q ueensland 250 MAR 650 Martin J Between Heaven And Mirth 248.2 MAR 651 Martin M Windswept House F MAR 652 Martini C Loved For Who I Am 248.2 MAR 653 Martini C The Gospel According To St Paul 227 MAR 654 Martini C The Gospel Way Of Mary 232.91 MAR 655 Martini CM The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit 231 MAR 656 Martini C-M The Woman Among Her People 232.91 MAR 657 Martini C-M I Believe In Eternal Life 155.9 MAR 658 Marvelly P Women Of Wisdom 291 MAR 659 Matthews A Being A Happy Teenager 248.8 MAT 660 Matthews A Making Friends 153.6 MAT


A B C 661 Matthews V The Prophets Of Israel 220 MAT 662 Mawson A The Social Entrepreneur 261 MAW 663 Mazza E The Eucharistic Prayers Of The Roman Rite 264 MAZ 664 McAleese M Reconciled Being 248.3 MCA 665 McBride A To Love And Be Loved By Jesus 226 MCB 666 McBride D The Gospel Of Mark 226 MCB 667 McBride D Emmaus 226 MCB 668 McBride D The Parables Of Jesus 232 MCB 669 McBride D Where Does The Jesus Story Begin 226 MCB 670 McBride D Impressions Of Jesus 232 MCB 671 McBride D Gospel Of Luke 226 MCB 672 McBrien R Ministry 253 MCB 673 McBrien R Responses To 101 Questions On The Church 268 MCB 674 McCarroll T A Way Of The Cross (Stations Of The Cross) 263 WAY 675 McCarthy C In Memory Of Me 264 MCC 676 McCarthy C The Road F MCC 677 McCarthy F Wedding Liturgies 264 MCC 678 McCarthy J Medical Ethics 261 MAC 679 McCloskey P Naming Your God 231 MCC 680 McDonagh S The Greening Of The Church 261 MCD 681 McDonagh S To Care For The Earth 230 MCD 682 McEiery P One Life 280 HAN 683 McGann D The Journeying Self 226 MCG 684 McGowin D Living In The Labyrinth 155.9 McG 685 McGrane J Saints To Lean On 155.9 MCG 686 McGraw P Family First 248.8 MCG 687 McKenna M Mary, Mother Of All Nations 232.91 MCK 688 McKenna M With Grateful Hearts 280 MCK 689 McKissock M Coping With Grief 155.9 MCK 690 McPherson A Walking To The Saints 282 MCP 691 McSweeney J Jesus In The Book Of Revelation 229 MCS 692 Meier J Matthew 226 MEI 693 Mellor K & M The Happy Family 248.8 MEL


A B C 694 Menten T Going Solo 155.9 MEN 695 Merton T Advent & Christmas 263 MER 696 Merton T On St Bernard 248.2 MER 697 Merton T The Seven Storey Mountain 280 MER 698 Metz B The Ennergram & Prayer 155 MET 699 Metz J Poverty Of Spirit 248.4 MET 700 Michaelangelo The Sistine Chapel 246 MIC 701 Michaels L The Stories Of Pope John XX111 280 JOH 702 Miller P You Can Be A Wedding MC 267 MIL 703 Milot J Muslims And Christians 291 MIL 704 Milsome J No Greater Love - Fr Damien 280 DAM 705 Miravalle M Mary Coredemptrix Meadiatrix Advo 232.91 MIR 706 Mitchell N Cult And Controversy 264 MIT 707 Mize J Supernatural Childbirth 248.8 MIZ 708 Moloney F Women In The New Testament 226 MOL 709 Moloney F Beginning The Good News 226 MOL 710 Moloney F A Friendly Guide To New Testament 226 MOL 711 Moloney F A Body Broken For A Broken People 265 MOL 712 Montagnes B The Story Of Fr Marie-Joseph Lagrange 280 LAG 713 Monti D Francis And His Brother 255 MON 714 Moore B Devotions To St Joseph 242 MOO 715 Moore G Understanding The General Instructions… 264 MOO 716 Moore S The Crucified Jesus Is No Stranger 232 MOO 717 Moore T Cry Of The Damaged Man 155.9 MOO 718 Moran F Beyond - The Culture Of Care 253 MOR 719 Morel C 15 Days Of Prayer With 242 DES 720 Morgan H Approaches To Prayer 248.3 MOR 721 Morgan M Mutant Message Down Under 290 MOR 722 Morneau R Mantras For The Morning 242 MOR 723 Morneau R Mantras For Midnight 242 MOR 724 Morris W Benedict, Me and the Cardinals 3 270 MOR 725 Mortimer M When Your Partner Dies 155.9 MOR 726 Morwood M God Is Near 262 Mor


A B C 727 Mother Teresa/Br Roger The Way Of The Cross 263 WAY 728 Moyers B Genesis 221 MOY 729 Mudge P Living Religion 290 MUD 730 Mullen P Shrines Of Our Lady 232.91 MUL 731 Mullins P Becoming Married 248.4 MUL 732 Murdoch I Nuns And Soldiers F MUR 733 Murphy - O'Conner J Jesus And Paul - Parallel Lives 227 MUR 734 Murray K The Day The Grog Ran Out 226 MUR 735 Muto S-A Celebrating The Single Life 248.8 MUT 736 Myron V Dewey - The Small Town Library Cat F MYR 737 Mystics The Wisdom Of Christian Mystics 242 WIS 738 Mystics Women Mystics Of The Contemporary Era 242 WOM 739 Mystics Mysticism - Medieval Wisdom 248.2 MYS 740 Mystics The Life Of Mary As Seen By The Mystics 232.91 MAR 741 Neary D Pilgrim In Lent 263 NEA 742 Negus G The World From Islam 290 NEG 743 Neiman C Miracles 231 NEI 744 Newman J Reasons For Faith 230 NEW 745 Newman J Reflection On God And Self 230 NEW 746 Newman S The Real History Behind The Da Vinci Code 226 NEW 747 Newsome J Greeks Romans Jews 226 NEW 748 Nichols A The Art Of God Incarnate 246 NIC 749 Nichols V Promise Of Future Glory 264 NIC 750 Noble C Mama Tina 280 TIN 751 Noffke S Catherine Of Sienna 248.2 NOF 752 Nolan A Jesus Before Christianity 232 NOL 753 Nolan A Jersus Today 232 NOL 754 Nolan A Hope In An Age Of Despair 261 NOL 755 Nolan M Mary's Song 232.91 NOL 756 Noonan & Gasnick St 280 FRA 757 Norris K The Cloister Walk 255 NOR 758 Norwich J The 282 NOR 759 Nouwen H The Genesee Diary 248.2 NOU


A B C 760 Nouwen H Life Of The Beloved 248.2 NOU 761 Nouwen H Jesus And Mary 232.91 NOU 762 Nouwen H Letters To Marc About Jesus 232 NOU 763 Nouwen H Heart Speaks To Heart 242 NOU 764 Nouwen H The Road To Daybreak 280 NOU 765 Nouwen H The Return Of The Prodigal Son 246 NOU 766 Nouwen H The Return Of The Prodigal Son 246 NOU 767 Nouwen H The Way Of The Heart 248.2 NOU 768 Nouwen H Beyond The Mirror 155.9 NOU 769 Nowen M The Burning Heart 242 NOU 770 Oben FM 280 STE 771 O'Brien F Not Peace But A Sword - Newman 280 NEW 772 O'Brien M The Mysteries Of The Most Holy Rosary 232.91 OBR 773 O'Carroll M 232.91 THO 774 O'Collins G The Easter Jesus 232 OCO 775 O'Collins G Following The Way 248.3 OCO 776 O'Collins G Jesus - A Portrait 232 OCO 777 O'Collins G What Are They Saying About Jesus? 232 OCO 778 O'Connor G Universal Father (John Paul 11) 280 JOH 779 Odell C Faustina - Apostle Of Divine Mercy 280 FAU 780 O'Donnell M & G Family Values 248.8 ODO 781 O'Donoghue F The Bishop Of Botany Bay - Polding 280 POL 782 O'Donohue J Anam Cara - Spiritual Wisdom 248.3 ODO 783 O'Donohue J Benedictus 242 ODO 784 Oke J The Tender Years F OKE 785 O'Leary D Passion For The Possible 230 OLE 786 O'Leary D Travelling Light 248.3 OLE 787 O'Leary D Lost Soul? Catholic Church Today 262 OLE 788 O'Leary D Already Within 248.2 OLE 789 O'Leary D Prism Of Love 248.2 OLE 790 Oliver D Contemplative Living 248.3 OLI 791 Oliver P The Track Back 242 OLI 792 Oliver P Drinking Deeply 248.2 OLI


A B C 793 O'Loughlin F Communion Of The Sick 265 OLO 794 O'Mahoney T Has God Logged Off? 262 OMA 795 O'Malley J Daily Prayer For Busy People 242 OMA 796 O'Malley J A History Of The Popes 282 OMA 797 O'Malley W More Daily Prayers For Busy People 242 OMA 798 O'Malley W Converting The Baptised 253 OMA 799 O'Malley W Holiness 248.3 OMA 800 Omartian S The Power Of A Praying Wife 248.8 OMA 801 O'Murchy D Jesus In The Power Of Poetry 232 OMU 802 Organ B Is The Bible Fact Or Fiction? 220 ORG 803 O'Shea B At Home With God's People 268 OSH 804 O'Sullivan C The Gift Of Mary McKillop 280 MAC 805 O'Sullivan P Sure Beats Selling Cardigans 248.2 OSU 806 Overs M Coping With Miscarriage 248.8 OVE 807 Padinjarekara F 2989 A Dewdrop In The ocean 248.2 PAD 808 Padre Pio Agony Of Jesus 248.2 PIO 809 Padre Pio Listening To God - Padre Pio 248.2 PIO 810 Parker A The Genesis Enigma 220 PAR 811 Parsons R Bringing Home The Prodigals 262 PAR 812 Pascal B Pensees 248.2 PAS 813 Paul R Pebbles In The Road 280 PAU 814 Paul V1 Marialis Cultus 232.91 PAU 815 Pawlikowski J What Are They Saying About Christian-Jewish? 291 PAW 816 Pecklers K The Genius Of The Roman Rite 264 PEC 817 Pederson M Sharing Faith With Your Child 7 -14 248.8 PED 818 Pell G God And Caesar 230 PEL 819 Pell G Be Not Afraid 230 PEL 820 Pelphrey B Christ Our Mother - Julian Of Norwich 248.2 PEL 821 Pelrement S Simone Weil 280 WEI 822 Pennington B A Retreat With Thomas Merton 248.2 PEN 823 Pennington B Call To The Centre 248.3 PEN 824 Pennington B Praying By Hand 232.91 PEN 825 Pennington MB True Self, False Self 248.3 PEN


A B C 826 Perrotta K Mark 226 PER 827 Perrotta K Psalms 248.3 PER 828 Peters E Brother Cadhael Omnibus F PET 829 Petit I How Can I Pray? 248.3 PET 830 Philibert P The Priesthood Of The Faithful 248.4 PHI 831 Phillip B The Delicate Art Of Dancing With Porcupines 155 PHI 832 Pickett B The Heart Of Love - German Women Mystics 242 PIC 833 Pierce G Wider Vision 248.3 PIE 834 Pierse G Silence Into Service 248.3 PIE 835 Pinto M Did Jesus have A Last Name? 268 PIN 836 Ponsetto D Praying Our Stories 268 PON 837 Pontifical C'misc The Church And Racism 261 PON 838 Pope Benedict XV1 Spe Salvi 230 BEN 839 Pope Francis 1 Pope Francis And The Family 248.4 FRA 840 Porter J R Jesus Christ 232 POR 841 Poust M Walking together 248.4 POU 842 Powell J Why Am I Afraid To Love 158 POW 843 Powell J Will The Real Me Please Stand Up 153.6 POW 844 Powell J A Stranger At Your Door 232 POW 845 Powell J Solving The Riddle Of Self 158 POW 846 Powell M What Are They Saying About Acts 226 POW 847 Powers I Quiet Places With Jesus 242 POW 848 Powers M Footprints 248.2 POW 849 Press M Julian Tenison Woods 280 WOO 850 Price S & Haynes D Dreamworks 154.6 PRI 851 Quentin M The Ride Of My Life 280 QUE 852 Quick D The Healing Journey 158 QUI 853 Rabior W Catholics Experiencing Divorce 248.4 RAB 854 Radcliffe T I Call You Friends 248.2 RAD 855 Radcliffe T Sing A New Song 248.4 RAD 856 Radcliffe T Why Go To Church? 264 RAD 857 Radcliffe T Take The Plunge 265 RAD 858 Ranson D Across The Great Divide 230 RAN


A B C 859 Ranson D The Hospitality Of Ministry 253 RAN 860 Ranson D The Hospitality Of Ministry 253 RAN 861 Ratzinger The End Of Time? 230 RAT 862 Ratzinger J Daughter Zion 232.91 RAT 863 Reehurst J Guided Meditation For Children Vol 1 268 REE 864 Reehurst J Guided Meditation For Children Vol 2 268 REE 865 Reehurst J Guided Meditation For Children Vol 3 268 REE 866 Reese T Inside The Vatican 262 REE 867 Reeson M Currency Lass F REE 868 Rego A How To Develop A Pleasing Personality 158 REG 869 Reid B A Retreat With Luke 248.2 REI 870 Reynolds S A Gracious Plenty F REY 871 Rhoads D Mark As Story 226 RHO 872 Rice A Christ The Lord Out Of Egypt F RIC 873 Rice A The Road To Cana F RIC 874 Rice B Basic Spiritual Workout 248.3 RIC 875 Rice HS Gifts Of Love 242 RIC 876 Richardson R New Woman 155.2 RIC 877 Ridley J In The Presence 264 RID 878 Rigali J Reliving Vatican 11 262 RIG 879 Riley W The Tale Of Two Testaments 220 RIL 880 Rivers F The Scarlet Thread F RIV 881 Robertson J Mary Of Nazareth 232.91 ROB 882 Robinson G Marriage Divorce & Nullity 248.4 ROB 883 Robinson G A Change Of Mind and Heart 226 ROB 884 Robinson G Confronting Power And Sex In The Catholic Church 262 Rob 885 Roger of Taize His Love is A Fire 248.2 ROG 886 Rohr R The Wild Man's Journey 155 ROH 887 Rohr R Why Be Catholic? 268 ROH 888 Rohr R Jesus' Plan For A New World 226 ROH 889 Rohr R Job And The Mystery Of Suffering 155.9 ROH 890 Rohr R Simplicity, The Art Of Living 248.2 ROH 891 Rohr R New Testament - Themes 226 ROH


A B C 892 Rohr R Hope Against Darkness 248.2 ROH 893 Rohr R The Naked Now 248.3 ROH 894 Rohr R Preparing For Christmas 263 ROH 895 Rohr R Wonderous Encounters - Lent 263 ROH 896 Rolheiser R Seeking Spirituality 230 ROL 897 Rolheiser R Against An Infinite Horizon 248.2 ROL 898 Rolheiser R Against An Infinite Horizon 248.2 ROL 899 Ronnebeck R 7000 Days - Creating Happy Families 248.8 RON 900 Roseman J The Spirituality Of Earthly Things 248.4 ROS 901 Rosetti C Wisdom Of Christina Rossetti 242 ROS 902 Rowatt G The Two Career Marriage 248.4 ROW 903 Rowe D The Courage To Live 155.9 ROW 904 Royal R The Pope's Army 282 ROY 905 Rupp J The Star In My Heart 248.3 RUP 906 Rupp J Inviting God In 263 RUP 907 Rupp J Fresh Bread 248.2 RUP 908 Rupp J God's Enduring Presence 248.2 RUP 909 Rupp J Dear Heart Come Home 158 RUP 910 Rupp J May I have This Dance 248.3 RUP 911 Rupp J May I Walk You Home ? 155.9 RUP 912 Rush F Life To Me Is Christ 230 RUS 913 Ryan T Fasting 248.4 RYA 914 Salza J The Biblical Basis For The Papacy 220 SAL 915 Sammons E Who Is Jesus Christ? 232 SAM 916 Sammut A A Light For Your Path 242 SAM 917 Sanford D Don’t Make Me Go Back 248.8 SAN 918 Sanford J Dreams God's Forgotton Language 154 SAN 919 Sanford J What Men Are Like 155 SAN 920 Sanna E 101 Advent Activities For Kids 263 SAN 921 Satrapi M Persepolis: The Story Of A Childhood 280 SAT 922 Savany B Finding God 242 SAV 923 Savary L Dreams & Spiritual Growth 154 SAV 924 Saward J Cradle Of Redeeming Love 263 SAW


A B C 925 Schillebeeckx E Marriage:Human Reality 265 SCH 926 Schillebeeckx E Mary Mother Of Redemption 232.91 SCH 927 Schillebeeckx E The Schillebeeckx Reader 230 SCH 928 Schillebeeckx E Christ The Sacrament Of The Encounter 265 SCH 929 Schlink B The Reader F SCH 930 Schmidt J Graffiti - Devotions For Guys 248.8 SCH 931 Schmidt R The New Explorers 248.8 SCH 932 Schneider V 26 Creative Celebrations 263 SCH 933 Schreck A The Gift - Holy Spirit 231 SCH 934 Schuster P Seeking God's Will 248.2 SCH 935 Schwartz M Morrie: In His Own Words 155.9 SCH 936 Scott Peck M A World Waiting To Be Born 158 SCO 937 Scott Peck M In Heaven As On Earth F SCO 938 Search G The Healing Garden 246 SEA 939 Seay A Music In The Medieval World 264 SEA 940 Selway D Women Of Spirit 291 SEL 941 Senior D What Are They Saying About Matthew? 226 SEN 942 Shaia A The Hidden Power Of The Gospels 226 SHA 943 Shailer J Wildflower - Journey Prayers 242 SHA 944 Sharp J Living Our Dying 155.9 SHA 945 Sheehan M Apologetics And Catholic Doctrine 230 SHE 946 Sheen F The Eternal Galilean 232 SHE 947 Sherlock P Inside The Sunday Gospels 226 SHE 948 Sherwin B How We Die 155.9 SHE 949 Shields C Unless F SHI 950 Shorto R Gospel Truth 232 SHO 951 Shortt R Benedict XV1 280 BEN 952 Shuman T The Jesse Tree 263 SHU 953 Silf M Landmarks An Ignatian Journey 248.2 SIL 954 Sing S Francis And The San Damiano Cross 248.3 SIN 955 Sister Mary St P Clothed With Gladness - St Clare 280 CLA 956 Sisters Of St Joseph Memories Of Mary 280 MAC 957 Slattery P The Springs Of Carmel 255 SLA


A B C 958 Smith C & Merz E Moment By Moment 248.2 SMI 959 Smith D Journey Into Prayer 248.3 SMI 960 Smith D Mary, Worthy Of All Praise 232.91 SMI 961 Smith G The Protector's Handbook 253 SMI 962 Smith M Studies In Early Mysticism 291 SMI 963 Smoke J Growing Through Divorce 248.4 SMO 964 Smollin A God Knows You're Stressed 158 SMO 965 Snynder R Decorating For Sundays And Holy Days 264 SNY 966 Sobrino J Archbishop Romero 280 ROM 967 Sofield L & Juliano C Collaborative Ministry 254 SOF 968 Sofield L & Juliano C The Collaborative Leader 254 SOF 969 Soggin J Israel In The Biblical Period 220 SOG 970 Solly R & Lloyd R Journey Notes 155 SOL 971 Southerwood T The Wisdom Of Guilford Young 280 GUI 972 Spires M Creating Your Parish Website 254 SPI 973 Spong J Liberating The Gospels 232 SPO 974 Spong J Why Christianity Must Change or Die 262 SPO 975 Spufford F Unapologetic 230 SPU 976 Sr Lucia Fatima In Lucia's Own Words 248.2 LUG 977 Sri E The Bible Compass 220 SRI 978 St Anthony Of Padua Seek First His Kingdom 248.2 ANT 979 St Anthony Of Padua Sermons For Sundays And Festivals 248.2 ANT 980 St Theresa Of Liseaux Story Of A Soul 280 THE 981 St.Paul Sacred Writings Of Paul 227 PAU 982 St.Teresa of Avila The Life Of St.Teresa Of Avila 280 TER 983 Staudacher C A Time To Grieve 155.9 STA 984 Steele J Aboriginal Pathways 250 STE 985 Steele O Alters And Artillery 280 STE 986 Stein E Edith Stein - Writings 230 STE 987 Steiner Rice H Lovingly 242 STE 988 Stephens T Sir William Dean 280 DEA 989 Stinson R See Judge Act 280 CHI 990 Stourton E John Paul 11 280 JOH


A B C 991 Straten M Food For Life 261 STR 992 Stringer C "Fighting" McKenzie 280 MCK 993 Suckling N The Angel Companion 235 SUC 994 Sullivan M 101 Questions On Vatican 11 262.9 SUL 995 Swenson R The Peaceful Season 263 SWE 996 Swimme & Bang The Universe Story 230 SWI 997 Szule T Pope John Paul 11 280 JOH 998 Tacey D The Spirituality Revolution 248.2 TAC 999 Taize Songs And Prayers Fron Taize 264 TAI 1000 Tansey L 50 years Downunder 280 TAN 1001 Tatelbaum J The Courage To Grieve 155.9 TAT 1002 Teresa Of Avila Mediation - Teresa Of Avila 242 TER 1003 Teresa Of Calcutta The Wisdom Of Mother Teresa 242 TER 1004 Teresa Of Calcutta 2618 Mother Teresa - In My Own Words 248.2 TER 1005 Theological Comission Jesus Christ Word Of The Father 232 JES 1006 Theological Commission The Holy Spirit, Lord & Giver Of Life 231 HOL 1007 Therese of Liseax My Vocation Is Love 230 THE 1008 Thich N Living Buddha Living Christ 248.3 THI 1009 Thomas P General Councils Of The Church 262.9 THO 1010 Thomas T Spirituality In The Mother Zone 248.4 THO 1011 Thornhill J On The Way With Pope Francis 230 THO 1012 Tierney T Annulment : Do You Have A Case 248.4 TIE 1013 Tighe M How The Heck Did I Get Here 282 TIG 1014 Timmermans F The Perfect Joy Of St Francis F TIM 1015 Tolle E The Power Of Now 248.3 TOL 1016 Tolle E A New Earth 248.2 TOL 1017 Tolle E Practicing The Power Of Now 248.2 TOL 1018 Torkington D How To Pray 248.3 TOR 1019 Torkington R Peter Calvay - Hermit F TOR 1020 Trainor M Making Decisions Of Conscience 248.4 TRA 1021 Treston K Visioning A Future Church 254 TRE 1022 Trompf G The Gospel Is Not Western 230 TRO 1023 Turley B Turning Points 155.9 TUR


A B C 1024 Tutto G Mary The Teacher Of Jesus 232.91 TUT 1025 Tutu D No Future Without Forgiveness 280 TUT 1026 Tyler A Saint Maybe F TYL 1027 Tynan P Apostle Of Brisbane - Joseph Canali 280 CAN 1028 Tynan P Constantine Rossolini 280 ROS 1029 Tynan P Johnny Cassim 280 CAS 1030 Ungunmerr Australian Stations Of The Cross 263 WAY 1031 Vail A The Story Of The Rosary 232.91 VAI 1032 Valles C Mastering Sadhana 248.2 VAL 1033 Van Kaam A The Music Of Eternity 248.2 VAN 1034 van Rijsdijk M The Shoes Of The Foundling 280 RIJ 1035 van Straaten W They Call Me The Bacon Priest 280 STR 1036 Various God's Vitamin C For The Spirit F GOD 1037 Vatican 11 Vatican 11 - Reforming Liturgy 264 VAT 1038 Vatican 11 Documents Of Vatican 11 262 DOC 1039 Vazquez A Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati 280 FRA 1040 Venard J A Journey With A Battler's God 248.2 VEN 1041 Venard J At Home With A Battler's God 248.2 VEN 1042 Venard J The Best Of A Battler's God 230 VEN 1043 Venard J In The Arms Of A Battler's God 248.2 VEN 1044 Verdeyen P Ruusbroec And His Mysticism 248.2 VER 1045 Verges M Ozanam Still Speaks To The World 280 OZA 1046 Wagner C Where Were Love And Mercy 291 WAG 1047 Wagner N The 101 Most Asked Questions - Liturgy 264 WAG 1048 Wainwright E 1832 Shall We Look For Another? 226 WAI 1049 Walker D God Is A Sea 248.3 WAL 1050 Walker P In The Steps Of Jesus 232 WAL 1051 Wallace F Encounter Not Performance 248.3 WAL 1052 Wallace F What God Wants 248.4 WAL 1053 Wallace L Ben-Hur F WAL 1054 Wallbank The Empty Bed 155.9 WAL 1055 Walsh MJ The Popes:50 Celebrated Occupants Of The Throne Of St Peter 280 Wal 1056 Walters K A Retreat With Brother Lawrence & The Russian Pilgrim 248.2 WAL


A B C 1057 Wangerin W Paul F WAN 1058 Waters A St Catherine Laboure 280 LAB 1059 Watkin E Neglected Saints 280 SAI 1060 Waugh E Brideshead Revisited F WAU 1061 Weiser F Religious Customs In The Family 248.8 WEI 1062 West C Theology Of The Body 230 WES 1063 West M Cassidy F WES 1064 West M The Last Confession F WES 1065 West M The Shoes Of The Fisherman F WES 1066 Westberg G Good Grief 155.9 WES 1067 White M The Story Of A Catholic Parish Rebuilt 250 WHI 1068 White W Stories For The Gathering 268 WHI 1069 Wijngaards J Reading God's Word To Others 263 WIJ 1070 Wilde J Commentaries Christian Initiation 265 WIL 1071 Wilkins J How I Pray 248.3 WIL 1072 Wilkinson B Secrets Of The Vine 248.3 WIL 1073 Williams R Silence And Honey Cakes 248.2 WIL 1074 Williams R & Beckett W Living The Lord's Prayer 242 WIL 1075 Williams S Mean Streets Kind Heart Fr Chris Riley 280 RIL 1076 Williams S World Beyond Tears - Fr Riley 280 RIL 1077 Williamson M Illuminata 242 WIL 1078 Williamson M Illuminated Prayers 242 WIL 1079 Willson M What Mass Means To Me 264 WIL 1080 Wilson P Instant Calm 155.9 WIL 1081 Wilson P Calm For Life 158 WIL 1082 Wilson Schaef A Escape From Intimacy 158 WIL 1083 Wilson Shaef A Mediations For Women Who Do Too Much 242 WIL 1084 Windeatt M St Thomas Aquinas (Large Print) 280 THO 1085 Windeatt M St Martin de Porres 280 MAR 1086 Windeatt M St Hyacinth Of Poland 280 HYA 1087 Winstanley M Into Your Hands 226 WIN 1088 Winter M Woman Word 264 WIN 1089 Wohl L The Spear F WHO


A B C 1090 Wood S Christian Fatherhood 248.8 WOO 1091 Woodall G Humanae Vitae 40 Years On 248.4 WOO 1092 Woodbridge L From There To Here 158 WOO 1093 Woodgate M St Dominic 280 DOM 1094 Woodgate M 280 THO 1095 Woodward J The Queensland Story, KSC 250 WOO 1096 Wright A Jesus - The Evangelist 262 WRI 1097 Wright C Charles de Foucauld- Journey Of Spirit 242 DEF 1098 Wright N What St Paul Really Said 227 WRI 1099 Wright NT Who Was Jesus? 232 WRI 1100 Wright NT For All The Saints? 263 WRI 1101 Wright T Virtue Reborn 230 WRI 1102 Wright W 2895 The Lady Of The Angels… 232.91 WRI 1103 Wuerl D New Evangelization 262 WUE 1104 Wyngaards J Seven Circles Of Prayer 248.3 WYN 1105 Yancey P Finding God In Unexpected Places 248.2 YAN 1106 Yancey P Where Is God When It Hurts? 155.9 YAN 1107 Yancey P The Bible Jesus Read 220 YAN 1108 Yancey P Prayer - Does It Make A Difference? 248.3 YAN 1109 Youder J The Politics Of Jesus 232 YOU 1110 Zagdanski D Something I've Never Felt Before 155.9 ZAG 1111 Zagdanski D Now That The Funeral Is Over 155.9 ZAG 1112 Zanolini I Tale Of Wonder - St Giuseppa Bakhita 280 BAK 1113 Vatican Collections 282 HOL 1114 The Holy Bible - Douay Rheims 220 BIB 1115 Good News Bible And Deuteronocanicals 220 BIB 1116 The Cloud Of Unknowing 248.2 CLO 1117 The Lion Handbook Of The Bible 220 LIO 1118 How To Talk To Your Child About Sex 248.8 HOW 1119 Confirmed As Child Affirmed As Teens 248.8 CON 1120 Stations Of The Cross 263 WAY 1121 Taize 255 TAI 1122 Directory Of Religious Vocations In Queensland 255 DIR


A B C 1123 New Revised Standard Bible 220 BIB 1124 Cannons & Decrees Of Council of Trent 262 TRE 1125 Litany Guide To The Bible 220 LIT 1126 Stations Of The Cross 263 WAY 1127 Creation Spirituality And Dreamtime 230 CRE 1128 Thomas Moore Through Many Eyes 280 MOR 1129 Sharing The Oblate Spirit 255 SHA 1130 New Bible Handbook 220 NEW 1131 Illustrated Atlas Of The Bible 220 ATL 1132 Priesthood The Hard Questions 248.4 PRI 1133 St A New Woman 255 CLA 1134 The Oxford Book Of Religious Verse 242 AUS 1135 Harper Collins Encyclopedia Of Catholicism 282 HAR 1136 A Spirituality Of Catholic Aborigines 261.8 SPI 1137 Praying And Doing The Stations Of The Cross With Children 249 WAY 1138 The Way Of The Cross 263 WAY 1139 Coming To New Life 155.9 COM 1140 Encyolopaedia Of Mind Magic Mysteries 290 MIN 1141 The Sayings Of The Desert Father 242 SAY 1142 The Living Gospels Of Jesus 226 LIV 1143 The Liturgy Documents 264 LIT 1144 Break Open The Word - Year C 264 BRE 1145 Lay Catholics In Schools: Witness To Faith 268 LAY 1146 Directions On Formation In Relig. Institutes 248.8 DIR 1147 Questions Women Ask About Domestic Violence 248.8 QUE 1148 Break Open The Word 1999 Year A 264 BRE 1149 Australia The Land Of Their Heritage 271 AUS 1150 Holding Hands With God 155.9 HOL 1151 Passion Play - Oberammergau 263 PAS 1152 A Book Of Saints 280 SAI 1153 Angels 235 ANG 1154 The Madonna 232.91 MAD 1155 Woman And Man 262 WOM


A B C 1156 For Weddings And A Funeral 265 FOR 1157 Break Open The Word Year B 264 BRE 1158 Simplified Morning And Evening Prayer 263 SIM 1159 The Code Of Canon Law 262 COD 1160 Great Events Of Bible Times 220 GRE 1161 Dementia 155.9 DEM 1162 Back To Basics - Hints For Carers 155.9 BAC 1163 Taking Stock 250 TAK 1164 75th Anniversary Of Parish St Augustine 250 ANN 1165 I The Lord Am With You Always 242 ITH 1166 Memory And Reconciliation 250 MEM 1167 Beautitudes 242 BEA 1168 The Dignity Of Older People 261 DIG 1169 Praying With Pope John XX111 242 JOH 1170 Contemplating The Mystery St Sergius 246 CON 1171 The History And Spirit Of The Gold Coast 251 HIS 1172 Treasury Of Prayer 242 TRE 1173 God's Little Instruction Book 242 GOD 1174 The Jerusalem Bible 220 BIB 1175 At Home With God's People 268 ATH 1176 On Being Christian 242 ONB 1177 St Francis 280 FRA 1178 The Flowering Of The Soul 242 FLO 1179 Growing Up Catholic 250 GRO 1180 The Eucharist - Gift Of Divine Life 265 EUC 1181 Bible - Concordance 220 BIB 1182 The New Way of The Cross 263 WAY 1183 Opening The Cage 262 OPE 1184 The Message Of St Francis 280 FRA 1185 The Lion Prayer Collection 242 LIO 1186 Byzantium 270 BYZ 1187 Age Of Faith 270 AGE 1188 By Gracious Choice 255 MAR


A B C 1189 Growing Old Gracefully 155.6 GRO 1190 Carved In Stone 263 WAY 1191 A More Just World 253 AMO 1192 I Am With You Always 242 IAM 1193 Welcome Home 280 WEL 1194 God Calling 242 GOD 1195 Bread Of Tomorrow 263 BRE 1196 Mary's Little Instruction Book 232.91 MAR 1197 The Way Of The Cross 263 WAY 1198 Always A Part Of Me 155.9 ALW 1199 Prayers From The East 242 PRA 1200 Love Is….. 242 LOV 1201 Christmas Wisdom 263 CHR 1202 God Can Handle It 248.8 GOD 1203 Mothers & Daughters Are Forever 248.8 MOT 1204 Old Time Country Wisdom 242 OLD 1205 Grandmothers Are Forever 248.8 GRA 1206 Fathers Are Forever 248.8 FAT 1207 The Gardeners Guide To Life 242 GAR 1208 Mothers Are Forever 248.8 MOT 1209 Friends Are Forever 248.4 FRE 1210 Holy Places 282 HOL 1211 Europe's Monastery And Convent Guesthouses 282 EUR 1212 All The Company Of Heaven 280 SAI 1213 Orthodox Spirituality 290 ORT 1214 Holy Holy Holy 246 HOL 1215 The Holy Quar'an 290 QUR 1216 Rosary Psalms 232.91 ROS 1217 The Gnostic Gospels 226 GNO 1218 Compendium Of The Social Doctrine Of Church 261 COM 1219 Why I Am Still A Catholic 262 WHY 1220 Source And Summit 264 SOU 1221 Padre Pio Wonder Worker 280 PIO


A B C 1222 Large Print Prayer Book 242 LAR 1223 Hope Of The Ages 242 HOP 1224 Interchurch Marriages 265 INT 1225 Soul Searchers 248.2 SOU 1226 Fatima - Guidebook 282 FAT 1227 Saints In The Roman Calender 280 SAI 1228 The Desert 242 DES 1229 Illuminated Manuscripts 246 ILL 1230 Catholic Married Life 248.8 CAT 1231 Make Family Time Prime Time 248.8 PRI 1232 Catholics Who Have Stopped Attending Mass 262 CAT 1233 How To Survive Being Married To A Catholic 268 HOW 1234 Burleigh Heads Catholic Parish 250 BUR 1235 St Maria Gioretti 280 GOR 1236 St Bernadette Of Lourdes 280 BER 1237 Surprised By Truth - 11 Converts 280 CON 1238 The Children Of Fatima 280 FAT 1239 Vatican City 282 VAT 1240 Michelangelo & In Vatican 246 MIC 1241 Crucifixion 246 CRU 1242 Way Of The Cross 263 WAY 1243 The Master Haunter - Poetry 242 MAS 1244 Fathers In Writing 280FAT 1245 A Father's Book Of Wisdom 248.8 FAR 1246 Australian Stories For The Spirit F AUS 1247 Oxford History Of Christianity 250 OXF 1248 Real Stories Of Christian Initiation 248.2 REA 1249 Receive The Power - WYD 2008 250 REC 1250 One People Many Journeys 280 ONE 1251 Dreaming 280 DRE 1252 The Quotable Angel 235 QUO 1253 Salt 242 SAL 1254 You Shall Not Want 242 YOU


A B C 1255 Assisi - Guide Book 282 ASS 1256 Why I Am Still A Catholic 248.2 WHY 1257 1001 Easy Ways For Earth-Wise Living 246 EAS 1258 Novenas 242 NOV 1259 Good Shepherds 1859-2009... 280 BIS 1260 Suicide Interventon Handbook 253 SUI 1261 Places For Little Faces - Gold Coast 249 PLA 1262 A Guide To "The Passion" 262 PAS 1263 Our Lady - In Art 246 OUR 1264 Reclaiming Catholicism 262 REC 1265 St Catherine Monastery 282 CAT 1266 Prayers Of Peace 242 PRA 1267 Smart Girls Guide To Friendship 158 SMA 1268 The New Order Of Mass 264 NEW 1269 Out Of The Mouths Of Babes 250 OUT 1270 God In All Worlds 248 GOD 1271 Mythology 291 MYT 1272 Kids Of The Syndrome Mix 248.8 KID 1273 Dictionary Of Devotions 242 DEV 1274 The Words Of Jesus 232 JES 1275 Family Devotions 249 FAM 1276 Improvement For Men 248.8 MEN 1277 Mackillop Papal Visit 1995 264 MAC 1278 Australians Stories To Bless The Soul F AUS 1279 Smiles 242 SMI 1280 Mary Mackillop - A Tribute 246 MAC 1281 The Celtic Tradition 290 CEL 1282 His Name Is Jesus 242 JES 1283 Rome - Lonely Planet Guide 282 ROM 1284 Novenas To The Saints 242 NOV 1285 St Francis Church - Melbourne 282 FRA 1286 Persecuted And Forgotton? 270 PER 1287 Eastern Catholics In Australia 290 EAS


A B C 1288 Blessing The Animals 242 BLE 1289 Call And Response 262 CAL 1290 The Catholic School 268 CAT 1291 Spiritual Classics 268 SPI 1292 Catholic Update - New Evangelization 262 CAT 1293 Mystery 230 MYS 1294 St Anthony Of Padua 280 ANT 1295 Living Of The Gospel: The Pope Francis Effect 230 FRA 1296 Compendium Of The Catechism 238 COM 1297 A Toast To Life 242 TOA 1298 Quick Games For Chr Ministry 268 QUI 1299 The Lion Christmas Book 249 CHR 1300 Book Of Kells 246 KEL 1301 Book Of Uncommon Prayer 242 BOO 1302 Infancy Goepels Of Jesus 226 INF 1303 Parables Of Mercy 253 PAR 1304 Celebrating Mercy 253 CEL 1305 Corporal And Spiritual Works Of Mercy 253 COR 1306 The 280 FOU 1307 The Saints Of Mercy 280 SAI 1308 St Paul Outside The Walls 282 PAU 1309 The London Oratory 282 LON 1310 Confession - The Sacrament Of Mercy 265 CON