t'dt..V;CI.rolifs444:igria.!..:4:601,1.- • : to tie • •••• •• • •3! • , L S. FEARS OUTBREAK OF VIOLENCE-

2, • - • •-• Former .,Chief. Seeks More Police :.

• Protection On Meilibertou Reserve Fearing an outbreak of violence within the confines of the.Membertou Reservation, ex-Chief Lawrence Paul last night asked City Council for police protection on the dark streets of the reserve. ' • He stressed his concern over an increase in acts of vandalism among his peoplsj and the apparent disinterest shown by the Sydney Police in onswsring calls for help. Two recent incidents, when reported tO the city police, were not only ignore , but treated in a facetioust manner by the police officer who took the calls, he said. lb. tat est op. Althmifh we prefer not !In of the cause for the growing !going police protectios as re Chief Gould at It. the Band 13 seriously eon vandalism aided by the coo 'quested. portunity. do Former CUM Pail was se. siderIng the formation of a Mg surnption of .- "Imme brow".1 Alderman Vlore MacNeil arid Banta group foe its awn protec• Lights that milled, on the res. Ald•rman Flixabeth Vaughan compsnird by his tiro r Dan.. ation ha ve not bnm In um ,r all Alderman Jim Lovelace let at the council me tine. B. I n." be said. ''We Ire going en cliz•land Deputy Mayor Charles Pal fore the discussion • closed Ir have violence, and I mean for two years follms'og puts over their maintenanceu if. m of Ward Ton.o •bichonc. Alderman Read Int i tern number of them seers dam. hint the reserystioo. lime ask. the record the feu it's me. TO INVESTIGATE I eel to work griUs the CoSal validations In Lawrence Paul; Mayor Carl Nmille said the aged. COMMITTEE NAMED icilor In approach the Dread- lee fus past service and rodear.1 allemd police diseour!egy will Council's concern for the te. ment of India. Affairs and m nors I. maintain an atmosphere', be investlealed tablishntent of a sense of se. Oldish a. ruling on prntroim of of cooperation •iils the City. A letter from Chief Re3 read°old c ity among the elderly mern• the tights M the Memberioul The former chief is about 'to to the city council we s of Its, Band Wan show., istnem-end-simr-resterstassamil eater bospnal wdstre--M meek which stressed Use seri* in the immediate firmalon ptreet lighting. Ito be Ineamellaled for atdeas of ,lhe situation and ask fl Wired's( Okla year. and unable tit tahe fur the A ommittee of four aldermen f The Mayor guidance ho the rity poll e sult t dier art flu rfeli the to mestigate the possibility if' mmittee lacIr of ishich appears t ewe. Band Conned as a faint u • crimirstion. 73-A' Chief Gould du nnt ap it the Council Steeling II attending a conference ia M ton on medical service; for Indian people_ Alderman Alex blacinnIs mired general agreement fr Constable _ Council obey he said that ti ' !.•-• • , citizens of the reservation ''I serve the same police prole lion as any other elliten d Apointed ,serves." The Membertou Indian Re-: ' "If we con an In, at shoimir go in effectively. or slay oul.' , serve off Aielsridra Street le j „. Deputy Mayor Charles Palmer ., ••", day has a special pollee; p : constable o said. ACT STUDIO° -- '• . • Sydney Police Commission. lis' • . A hurried, and neeessarili - .-.). session Tuesday night. apprmed • cursory Mode of the complex ' •• • the appointment of Frederkir !Mum Art by City Solicitor. Mike Whalley Indicated that the . Peter Gossip*. of Micmac Street.; city has Do - police jurisdiction lb the position. M the area. - The appointment. recommend.. 11111qUe In ' resemation la - ed by a special Parranittee. le al that It lies eithi• the city bimib- • of a monicIpallty and let -_ . J . temporary measure until com- • municipal government has no plete police facilities are anal direct jurisdiction over e reser. able. vatic's'. which under the Indian '• Mr. Googoes appointment! Art. Is the responsibility o llbc au recommended by a corn-. Department at Indian Affair, " mine, consisting of Band Chief' Council was reminded by for \ mer Chief Paul that a reeved Roy Could. Police Chief Gordon.' was made • year ago for soro MacLeod and Aid. James Love-! form of street ligMul yielit lace. it - rs. r man la atal n .-I The commission was told that: Mir .s. be considers tone ps • „.. , Mr.il Googoo's duties will be. -q•7717-41:511.). ' confined to the Reservation and N._ 51t,,, , that he would be under the • " ,. supervision of Chief Gould '" • , . • • and . k • • ! .• '•I Polke Chief MacLeod. Wages arid equipment will be' . • - e..-t- paid by the Department of • :';',' `'.•. 11.f." • • --•j '1:;..„;4.•-•;,... Bonen Maim and the Lodi ":;','.: ...', Council. • •••• 4.,,.4-;•,.: Mr. Coogoo win receive train- '. ; i A , . Il eg Iron, .'s ' 4 1.14_,!.. i. 3.1- +.1- ' ".' 3 ! . "e at711.1' •4. . The inove Is the first In a -^f. - • - program to provide awnpiete - kJ• ty services to tht reservation. ' "Ise committee has been study- t ing the question of txtaxting ' city services' to the reserve and • , a proposal has been mash bpi .-.. Use Department of Indian Al'' . .1 • rut a . .... I • ; !! . - -.3 . ..' ;1!...:4,__•1'.!'i. ../.4.7 . ..r ei iliffilir3 i .V.IATI "Pi ... Ir:" i1vors ... .01•11.1.'„.g i,...... ,,,je , t. r. • - r-• - • ' '1‘. • r • •


, • • -rt••;!"•:1; '



NOT! • Th• words rem war S•nd Finds" must •op•or In •Il rowslutions reointstliss ••ponditures hoot Sand Ftwid•.







HIREDY RESOLVE the following brief be taken into careful consideration for the Interest of the members of the 5ydney band as stated in its contenta. BACKROUNDI Pram the attached petition and correspondence it is abvious the Citissene and band counoil of the Sydney Reserve arc not satisfied with its present Police protection. Sydney Reserve is in the unique position of being in the einfines of the City of Sydney and, as outlined In the attached letter from inspector T.M. Oardiner, P.C.M.P., dated September 3.0, 2969 and a follow up letter of October 14 advising the insp. re; confirmation from Headquarters in Halifax, It is suggested that policing of the Sydney Reserve should be the responsibility of the City of Sydney. The City of Sydney Feels, and rightly so , in the light of municipal grants paid by the Province that no tax base exists for the hiring of extra personnel to pollee the Sydney Reserve; also, no agreement exists for police protection between Indian Affairs Smash and the City of Sydney. The real situation, therefore, is no policing on the Sydney reserve; this reality is the camera of our people and my council and results in the petition and correspondence of this proposal. Blue circular 034 dated April 28, 1969 in itself contains the &newer to our problem. The philosophy of the circular meets the reel problem; however, the mechanics of impementation seem tI1 have not too well though. odt as seen by the non-appr v ofe3 requ st of June 18, 1969.

A- 1 1, e (CwsncIllor) (C.y.KUM) (Cwincillor)





I. TRUST 2. CURRENT IPALANCRS S. IS•p•oallibero 4. Arthority S. liourc• of F.M. O. R•••••• Ael Soc. ACCT A. Copilot LI c..4.1 ED p.

O. R•commisod•O P. 044,49 ,44

-^ D•tio A•sitittint D•put2 Mlni•l•r. Dale Auther1..4 loaliwt ANON. Chelowologlool N... a41147 Or 11.4011404 • II•1010 AD NOM TWERP. OS let LOs.11114• 3 INDIAN AFFAIRS BRAsCli


Norr Th. word. "from our Mond Itoride. lou•t opp••r In ell r•••lootIon• toqweoUAs •apoodltwoo from II•od Fwd..





The solution to the problem wo have outlined, as seen by tho council, is as follows:

A. Tho appointment of two part-time Bond Constables to enable a twenty-four hour on-call Policing service. each bond Constable would be paid at the rate of '200.00 annually. periods on a semi monthly basso.

71. Applications for tho positions would be called by the band council of 3yeney. Theses applications would be screened by the Council • nd City of Sydney Police, and the locol Indian Affairs Cranial Super- intendent. From the screening process, the council would set up an interviewing board, consisting of the Sydney Reserve Bond Council, the Chief of Police of the City of Sydney, and the Superintendent oft Indian Affairs Brensh in Sydney; using this procedure Band Constables would be selected. C. The dutios of the Band Constables would be as follows; il) the enforcement of Band by-laws which now number 0:. (2f juvenile guidance, and other educative and preventive work. maintain ordr at various band functions, and at band election policing of band property; traffic control and othur forms of policing nhi,:h are seen as necessary b7 tho Band council.

MomooDlo0 (CoolooMor)

— (ClomoolUor) (Cousollke) (CooncIII.) ....—.-.--...-.. (Couwellioe) (Court, litsr ---- (C•moollloo) MommolDo0 (Councfilw)

FOR HCADQUARTYRI UOR ONLY I. TRUST 7. CURRENT BALANCES 3. lap.1•411bink 4. Artloorito 7. Sow", of Ion.A• ACCT A. Capitol S. III•oosoo kolloo Act Som.

R•coomoolodool 7. Aopporre4

D•ta D•lo AtAltoolsoll Officer A•olotant Deputy Illnlotor, (salon Affolro Chroodegic•I No. 41 0 ..... 16.1CNT Or 0.10IAN AII•11,11 ANO NOAYmtAiki otr(Lop.e.er INDIAN AFFAIRS !BRANCH


norr TI,. worde ..Frotn tour Rood Foote' mud a In ell re•dutiono requoctlog ••panditur•• Noon Rend /wide.


AGE!,CY 11:3KA341



mtotray RESOLVE part

D. The training of such constables would be on tho job with and in cooperation of the l000l City of Sydney Polio. Department, in addition to formal aoademio training to which the foroo now avails itsolf with the Province of Nova Scotia. This training has boon agreed to by the Chief of the Sydney Police Department.


The report by the Canadian Oorrootion Association on 'Indians and the lawn , which conmiasioned by your department, calls for expansion and improvoment of the Indian Oonstablo systole. The educational aspect of policing, in that policing is more than patrol and arrest, is as mloh • question of bringing to the community an understanding and respect for the law. It is an aceeptod foot that any town or village constable must Nay upon the cooperation and accoptanoal of the people for his effeotivenoss. Children can be in:inane:1d thoughtful and eonsiderate peace officer whose interest in serving the community is demonstratod by his sonstruotival attitude and approach to his job.

We feel our proposal is sound, tho facts stated in our submission proven, and we request your consideration and approval of our request.

Brief on Polleing Sydney Reserve will be prosentod to the Dopt. of Indian Affairs Branch, Ottawa and copies sent to the Maritime Regional attics and the Rakasoni4ndian AmencYe

C ' chi.°


(Cotocillod (C•uncillor)

(Comment.) (C•uocillot)

(C•onc 1 I or ;

FOR HEADQUARTERS VII ONLY I. TPUST 2. CURRENT ISALANCRS S. taptroilitunt 4. Authority S. Soucc• •I Funds

ACCT A. Copilot I. It • ••••• Indian Act See. C•pitel R••

4. Recoomooded T. Approved

Dd. Dd. Adietant D•puty Authorisod Officer Ledo. Afield

(1. —n:,) ' 34:11'1 c014/cr pc; canioc c7:ca Tud'i VT2 1.14:17G7. AilCU 110C3.°caucl 4c0 bn71: 1772 wirOpc C00.100 OVn

F R 144.cvAr G R.Hue5T1S CITY CLERK - TREASURER S orrIcc ociou•-• c.•• cLco. DEPUTY AAAAA UREA STONEY. N S


May 12th., 1970

Mr. Roy Gould, Chief, Sydney Reserve Band Council, 117 Membertou Street, Sydney, Nova Scotia

Dear Chief Gould:

Please be advised that at the regular meeting of the Sydney Police Commission held May 5th., 1970, the following motion was adopted:

"That Mr. Frederick Peter Googoo, 15 Micmac Street, Sydney, be appointed as Special Constable in and for the Membertou Reserve as outlined in the recommendation of the Chief of Police."

Trusting you will find this satisfactory, I remain

Yours very tray,

11 i am H. Vincent, City Clerk-Treasurer Ifr

c.c. Chief of Police 6 7- ""N, Fi.7_ 171' 72 L _ SQC r s 0 L,

P.O. Box 961, Sydney, Nova Scotia, Bit' GJ4, Tf-lex 019-35215, Telephone (902) 539-4107

10 November 1977

Mr. H.D. Smith Province House Province of Nova Scotia Halifax, Nova Scotia

Dear Mr. Smith;

I am writing on behalf of the family of Donald Marshall Junior, serving a life term at the Springhill Institution. Mr. Marshall is serving his seventh (7th.) term for a crime he claims to be innocent of. Mr. Marshall's family have unsuccessfully tried to obtain a three day Christmas pass for their son. ilpparantly the institution requires that young Marshall first admit to his crime. Copies of his letters are enclosed for your information. Prior to this, the family tried to obtain an early parole for their son, and this apparantly was not successful, although he has, on several ocassions, received day passes to attend Brotherhood meetings in Halifax. Any assistance you may be able to give us for Mr. Marshall's early parole and the possibility of obtaining a three day Christmas pass, would go a long way in assisting this young man and his family Ey copy of this letter, we ask the support of Mr. Vince Mac Lean, M.L.A., who has been helpful with various programs and projects on Native Affairs. 'Anticipating an early reply, I remain, Very truly yours,

Mr. Roy A. Gould Executive Director Native Communications Society of Nova Scotia


P.O. BOX 2152

FILE, 30-78 PHONE 424.6780 November 18, 1977

Mr. Roy A. Gould Executive Director Native Communications Society of Nova Scotia P.O. Box 961 Sydney, N.S. B1P 6J4 /, Dear Mr. GoUld:

The Ombudsman, Dr. H.D. Smith, has asked me to respond to your correspondence of November 10, 1977, which you wrote on behalf of Donald Marshall Jr.

You mentioned in your correspondence that Mr. Marshall is serving a life term at the Springhill Institution for a crime of which he claims to be innocent. As you, undoubtedly are aware, the question of his innocence or guilt is a court matter, one over which we would have no jurisdiction.

Springhill Institution is a federal penal institution and our office has no jurisdiction over federal government departments or agencies. We should point out, however, that the federal government has established the office of Correctional Investiga- tor, the function of which is to investigate grievances or complaints of inmates in federal penal institutions. Although the Correctional Investigator, Miss Inger Hansen, recently resigned from that office to assume new duties as the Privacy Commissioner with the newly appointed federal Human Rights Commissioner, the office of the Correctional Investigator is still carrying on its very important function. As you will note from the enclosed correspondence, we have taken the liberty of referring your correspondence directly to Mr. Russell Turnbull of that office, asking that he have the matters complained of in your correspondence looked into.

. . . 2 November 18, 1977

Mr. Roy A. Gould Sydney, N.S.

I thank you for bringing this matter to our attention and we trust that the action taken will be of some assistance. Yours very truly,

Gordon S. Earle Assistant to the Ombudsman

/pt Encl. cc: The Honourable Vincent J. MacLean Mr. Russell Turnbull ct OFF ICE or- 11-11 ( MARI In. .ro AN! „,/, I . !JAM'. f • I IAL WAY.. NOVA B3J 313:

P.O. BOX 2 152 ILE 30-78 PHONE 4 24 -6 7 80 November 18, 1977

Mr. Russell Turnbull Office of the Correctional Investigator P.O. Box 950 Station I-, Ottawa, Ont. KlP 5R1

Dear Mr. Turnbull:

Re: Mr. Donald Marshall Jr., Springhill Penal Institution, Springhill, Nova Scotia

I am enclosing copies of correspondence concerning complaints by the above mentioned person, which have been brought to our attention by Mr. Roy A. Gould, Executive Director of the Rative Communications Society of Nova Scotia. • 'iould you kindly have your office investigate this matter and :ommunicate directly with Mr. Gould concerning the problems le has brought forward on behalf of Mr. Marshall. We thank c.)Li for .any assistance which you may be able to give :oncerning this case.

'ours very truly,

- brdon S. Earle ssistant to the Ombudsman '1 pt Mr. Roy A. Gould Honourable Vincent J. !lac:Lean

-11 "'Kee I I. t wc.1, I f !.d..00l ale . lit


November 23, 1977

Chief Alex Christmas Dear Chiefs I am writing you concerning my on Donald Marshall Jr. who is serving a life sentence in Springhill Institution. He has served seven years this year. Enclosed you will find two letters we received from him. If you read the letters you will understand why I am turning to the Chiefs for help. He does not have enough money for a re—trial and is asking you for financial assistance.

If you cannot help financially I would appreciate if you can help in any other way you possibly can. I will forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Yours truly

_1! Mrs. Donald Marshall


P.O. BOX 2152

FILE: 30-78 PHONE 424-6780

November 25, 1977

Mr. Roy A. Gould Executive Director Native Communications Society of Nova Scotia P.O. Box 961 Sydney, N.S. ElP 6J4 Dear Mr. Gould:

Re: Mr. Donald Marshall Junior

This will confirm our conversation of this date regarding the above named person. It is my understanding from that conversation that you have now had direct communication with Ms. Haley of the Correctional Investigator's Office in Ottawa.

Enclosed please find a copy of a letter that you forwarded to our office under date of November 10. I trust this is the item you require. If our office can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to call or write. Yours truly,


Gerald F. DeYoung Investigator Office of the Ombudsman

/pt Encl. 4101 The Correctional Investigator _ ,'Enqueteur correctionnel Canada Canada

January 30, 1978

Mr. Roy A. Gould Executive Director Native Communications Society of Nova Scotia P.O. Box 961 Sydney, .N.S. B1P 6J4

Dear Mr. Gould:

Please accept my apologies for not being able to reach you on January 26, 1978. When I finally returned your call I was informed that you were out of the office.

We have been in contact with Mr. Marshall. We explained our mandate to him and asked him to write to us if he wished our continued involvement.

We try to visit the institutions every six to eight weeks. On our next visit to the Maritimes which is planed for the end of February we will make inquiries concerning statements made by the parole officer as described by Mr. Marshall. I must caution you however, that parole decisions are not within our mandate and that our inquiries will be of a general nature.

With respect to Mr. Marshall's desire for a new trial, this is a matter for the courts and does not come within our mandate. Mr. Marshall has been made aware

P.O. Box 950, Ste Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5R1 /3


of all the points in this letter. We are continuing our investigations and will be in contact with Mr. Marshall, who I hope will keep you informed. I trust that this information has been of interest to you. Sincerely yours, /4)' eife-af-7 Irene Healy c.c. Chief Alex Christmas 117 Nembertou St Sydney, N.S. Y.21-e-ca ,a,Z4


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-zt-LA-A-•a-eLt.ce Octobet 2, 1979

Melinda J. MacLean P. 0. Sox 126 188 Queen Stet Timm, Nova Scotia P4U 586

Dean Metinda:

Fuathet to out tetephone convetaation aer Dotted Matahatt Jt. I am enctoaing a photocopy and otiginat tette& mitten to one Shetty SetA40n, gitt6tiend o6 Mt. Mauhatt, on Aptit 24, 1978.

In thia tettet, Ma. tiaaashatt indicateA that he vrIA hoping 60A hiA appeat to go thaough white withholding thta in6otmation and aettte it out on the Atteet.

He cta2r4 that thla python minted to hitt him when he KI014 in a con- vetaation with him at the County Jail (Sydney). He wanted him OA him- Aetti and that'a why he didn't put the tiingta on him.

Atitea zetving Aeven (eau, MA. MaAAhdtt in VA tette& indicates.— "therm going to hem the tuth", and iutthea At4t,4 that he won't teteaae the name kntit he tatka to hia tawyeaA, etc. He admitA that 'Lt took a Lot o6 gut to take a tiie Aentence and it'A gonna tilhe. a tot Oi gutA to tett them about thiA one petaon.

WA atcent bteah 6tom the weekend paaote was one way to 6ocu4 attent- ion in obtaining tegat councit and poaaibitity a new appeal oft coutt heating. Whatevet hiA intentiona dAt, I hope that they'ae AtACCAL and that he Kat pt ace hiA 4utt taust on yam judgement. MacLean 2 Octobet f, 1979

1 Icyou lieet otheAmIse, pteaAt no_ma/n honrest vtl,th Mak4hatt, ht4 iamtty and to me. Rtingtng thi4 matte& up etqht yeau tatek may not be my and it cowed Aun into a tot oi money. Ftnanctat akkangemen14 WEI stitt being tooked into, and mitt advise you etA I plo9ke64 mtth cue on my end. Thanhtng you ii0k yout coopeution and consideution, I Aemain,

VOLVO te6pect4utty,

Mk. Roy A. Goutd, Executtve Vitectot Native Corrun/cattoms Soctety o6 Nova Scotta

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July 21, 1978

Mr. Roy A. Gould, Executive Director, Native Communications Society of Nova Scotia, P.O. Box 961, Sydney, Nova Scotia. B1P 6J4 Dear Roy: I wish to thank you very much for sending to me a copy of the project submitted under the Canada Works Program entitled "Community Relations and the Law". It is my sincere hope that your application will meet the criteria at all levels of the Job Creation Branch and you may be sure of my support. In the meantime, with warm personal regards, I remain. Yours sincerely,


PAovinciat Building Pkince Stneet Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P 5L1

July 24, 1978

M4. 8/tuna diSano P4oject 066iceli Canada Won14 295 Chalitotte Stkeet Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P 106

Dealt M4. ViSano:

I undet4tand that the Native Communication4 Society o Nova Scotia haA 4ubmitted an apptication to Canada WokkA Lot binding on a pkoject entitted, "Community Re1ation4 and the Law".

I have itead a copy (36 pkopoAat and think it L4 an excettent pte4entation and 6eet that thi4 type pliogkam woutd be o gteat benet to the native community.

I woutd thetelione tecommend theit apptication moAt highly and woutd be vety ptea4ed to Aee theit ptoject teceive govetnment 6unding.

Vout4 4incetety,

OrIgIrnI Sisned $y .."NCENT .1 MacLEAN Vincent J. MacLean

VJML/ih c.c. Mn.. Roy Gould, Executive Vitecton, Box 961, Sydney ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE GENDARMERIE ROYALE Ow CANA:DA

YOUR NO. COM, '. VOT RE No "H" Division OUR NO. 4U,;* 1- ;9;a NOIRE No HP 500-14 LOCiETY 3139 Oxford Street C7 NOVA SC07:4 P.O. Box 2286 Halifax, N.S. B3J 3E1 78-07-28 Roy A. Gould Executive Director Native Communication Society of Nova Scotia Box 961 Sydney, N.S. B1P 6J4 Dear Mr. Gould:

Receipt of your letter to Sgt. Byrne is acknowledged. We are always interested in identifying means of improving police/community relations and will be interested in learning the results of your study. At the present time the Attorney General of Nova Scotia has commissioned a Criminal Justice Support Group of Nova Scotia to research methods and means of improving the Criminal Justice System in Nova Scotia. Yours t

• C ten, upt. Officer in Charge Criminal Investigation Branch

JOHN F kiscINTYRE Addeo** All CornmunK•t.ons To Cno•I of Poltc• Chief Of Polic•


•••••••• ••••••••


C; NOVA SCOTIA August 2, 1978.

Mr. Roy Gould Native Communications Scoiety of Nova Scotia P.O.Box 961 Sydney, N.S. B1P 6J4 Dear Sir:

Re: Your letter of July 18, 19.78 After reading your material that you sent to me, in regard to the Canada Works Proposal, I am not in accord with some of the statements that you have made, and therefore, I am not endorsing your Project. Yours very truly,

John F. MacIntyre Chief of Police

i4CI:K August 3, 1971 Ni,. John Y. MacIntyre Chief of Police Sydney, Nova Scotia Dear Sir: Wear. surprised and disappointed you expressed a negative endorsement of our Canada Works Proposal. Is there a specific objection to the statements con- tained in the Proposal? If so. what? The R.C.M.P. expressed a strong interest to our Pro- posal. "We are always interested in identifying means of improving Police/Community Relations and will be interested in learning the results of your study." Such a report resulting from this Canada Works Pro- posal would not only benefit the Native People, but also in many ways maks the job of the Sydney Police much easier. Do reconsider your rejection. Chief MicIntyre, V. await your reply. Rasain. Sincerely yours.

Roy Gould, imocutive Director RAG/jup a7

August 3, 1975 Mayor Earl 0. TUbrett City of Sydney Sydney, Move Scotia Dear Mr. Mayors

We would appreciate your support to our proposed Project titled, "Community Relations and the Law," which is subnitted as a Canada Works Project by our Society.

We have so far recetved support from the Bon. Vincent the Bon. Robert Muir, Chief Alex Christnas and indications J.from MacLean, the R.C.M.P. of thcir interest in receiving the results of the story. (copies enclosed)

We are disappointed in the negative response from Chief of Police, John F. MacIntyre who states that "he'i not in accord with sone of the statements" in the Proposal. I'm sure Chief KacIntyre did not look at the long term objectives of the Program, nor has an opportunity to prove itself. (copy enclosed) be given the Project In your capacity as Chairsin of Police Commission and with- out disrespect to the Chief of Police we ask for your support and the co-operation of the City of Sydney Pliice.

I Remaim.Looking forward to your earliest reply and thanking you in advance. Tours sincerely.

Roy A. Gould, Itsocutivo Director RAO/jap COMMUNIZA1 ION7) AUG - 9 1978 SOCIETY OF NOVA SCOTIA "H" DIVISION.

Sydney, N.S. 5 Aug. 78.

Works Canada Program Project Officer, 295 Charlotte St., Sydney, N.S.

Ms. DiSano,

I have received correspondence from Mr. Roy Gould, Executive Director of Native Communications Society of M.S., advising of the project hehopos to initiate. A project such as described would be a good help in opening lines of communication. I will be offering Mr. Gould any help / can should this project be approved.

(AA. Matheson) S/Sgt. I/c Sydney Detimhment.

Roy, I hope this letter to Works Canada helps some. Weill be glad to help whereever we can.

Matheson) S 'Sgt.

2? Octobtx 11, 1979

Metinda J. Maclean P. 0. Box 126 TAVAD, Nova Scotia UN 586

Deo& Metinda2 Fukthek to owt colatoondence o4 Octobex f, 1919, I am encasing pkt44 ctippitu34 couted in the Cape !Paton ro4t on Donatd Malakott Jx. Inetudid at4o at 40me pke44 ctipp2ng4 oi the "Nationat Schoot Committee Con4exence" which took place the 4ame week o4 the Supkeme Coutt txiat which coutd have e4u4e440me temion and mixed iee12ng4 on the ca4e.

So sat, I have not heotb the te4utt4 o4 Mx. MdA61atV4 amangement tiox hi4 ehakge o4 "Untaw4alty at Lakge" othet than ke4 in Spkinghitt and too king 4oxwatd to 'leaking 6/tom you on the mattek. I have been unsucce44- fiut in obtaining iniokmation 4tom InCitation o44iciat4 on the mattet.

Wet keviewing what I have 4ent you, I woutd applaciate put comment on the mattet. YOula 4incextt4f,

Mk. Roy A. Goutd Executive Dixectox

Enct. ddg P. 0. BOX 344, SYDNEY, NOVA SCOTIA, B1P 6H2, TELEPHONE: 539 0045 30 P. 0. BOX 1005, TRURO, NOVA SCOTIA, B2N 5G7, TELEPHONE: 895-6217

Octobek 23, 1979

Donald Manzhatt, J. Spn_inghite In.5t2tution Sp4inghitt, Nova Scotia Dea4 Jun-toll.:

Just a shott note to give you some pug/Less new Lot a change and my apotogy Lot not taking the time to °hop up to zee you on the matte4 az yet. By now, you shoutd have got a hint that faits, baits and detention ate out 06 my teague. In othet WCYLA, I hope I neve4 have to be in any institution atthough I have atteady committed mysetti I have to, then litt spend time. Anyway, enough o6 that and on to the good news.

Evetyone has told me (except you) that you'ite inteusted in 4e-open- ing yout case and to tty Lot anothet appeal. Two dibiekent ateas and it coutd cost money and time. I hope you'ne p4epaked to take this matte4 a- you. zee tiit and that is what you want to do. Whatevet, that is onty you have the 61nat say and onty you know the p4opet sto4y.

To date, I have asked Metinda MacLean (a good tawyet titiend o6 mine) to took at you& mate count Le., puss covetage and the appeat ptesented atteady on YOWL behatti.

I have obtained eve4y newspape4 a4ticte that appea4ed in the Cape Bteton Post 64om the begining oti the investigation, up to the time oti you& tiotmat ttiat and coutt appea4ance4. Included atso we yout most tecent headtines du4ing yout shott stay at Pictou 64om the Institute. By .the way, when ate you appeating in coutt iot that wild week-end with Wends?

In addition, I have obtained count documents yo ut puvious tawyet had and the decision made by the Appeats Cou4t. So evety bit o6 inOnmation I have Melinda MacLean has copies. It witt take some time OA he to &cad the wanks and at the same time, you have to wAite ot attange to meet with het to discuss you& intentions. That is, what you want to do and what new intionmation you have to give het on yout behatti. 2 Mam hate 2

Metinda Junipt, i6 at anytime honezty iz needed, this iz the time. and zhe ha z a Lo o endz in the a one o the be tawyeAz a/wand nothing IPLOM hen. GoveAnment. When, zhe meetz you, be honezt, and hide it OA now, untie_ I heaA likom you o/t the Welt, ote buddy, that'A and tett me eveAythirg .that' z on you& mind. tawyet. WAite to me anyway the inztitution. We know I'd Like to zee you out o Like eveAyone etze, iz taking the intetest and time to paAote iz a tong way otii and no one can. With- than youueti6 and I'm tAying to hetp whene I hetp you othet ion anyone eize to pnezent youx caze out yoult hap, it witt be impozzibte t liukthck. Stay coot, calm and cottective, my Oliend.

YouAz zincetety,

Roy Goutd '?) KKKKK HONE AREA CODE 902 895-2666


October 25th, 1979 (dictated) October 30th, 1979 (typed)

Roy A. Gould, Esq., 124 Membertou Street, SYDNEY, Nova Scotia.

Dear Roy:


This will acknowledge receipt of your letters of October 2 and 11 and enclosures with respect to the above. I have taken the time to review some of this material and would be pleased to consider this matter actively if, as we discussed, Donald, Jr., or someone on his behalf, is prepared to provide me with a retainer in the amount of $200.00:

I will simply hold my file in abeyance until such time as I have specific instructions from Donald, Jr. or someone on his behalf. Since his father's visit to him in early October, I have had no personal contact from Mr. Marshall, Sr. or Donald himself.

I trust you will find the above to be in order.

Yours very truly,

AAce/ W/„.01

• Me inda J. MacLean, Barrister and Solicitor


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Z-e/-,---Z-L A--% c9---,e-Z/ ,__..A., • k- ...,.... ;7 , - _ 'April 15th, 1980 (dictated) April 17th', 1980_(typed) "PiMSONAL & CONFIDENTIAL!'

Reginald Maloney, Esq., • Native Communications Resource Worker, Mic Mac Post Office, Shubenacadie, Hants Co., Nova Scotia. BOM 1140 Dear Mr. Maloney: RE: DONALD MARSHALL, JR. This will confirm our recent telephone conference regarding Donald Marshall, Jr., at which time you requested a letter from us regarding the present status of our ale. This will confirm, as well, my understanding that your interest in Donald, Jr. is through your work as a Native Communications Resource Worker, in association with the National Parole Service. Mr. Roy Gould, Executive Director, Native Communications Society of Nova Scotia, first contacted me regarding Mr. Marshall by telephone and his subsequent letter and enclosures to me dated pctober21979., At that time, Mr. Gould forwarded to me exten- g1W7iaterial relating to the Trial, Appeal, and media coverage of the matter. I replied,.to him by my letter of October 30 nt which time I advised that I was prepared to consider the matter actively if Donald, Jr. or someone on his behalf was prepared to provide us with a retainer in the amount of. 200.00.0'Dona1d,- Jr. wrote to me by letter dated November 8, 1979, at which time he advised me that he was then making arrangements to provide me with the requested retainer. We have received his retainer by two instalments in the amount of .$100.00 each, that is November 26 and December 18. We then contacted Donald, Jr. by telephone to make arrangements to interview him. On January 11, 1980, my associate at that time, Lawrence O'Neil, travelled to Springhill and interviewed Donald, Jr. extensively regarding the whole of the matter. Donald, Jr. has apprised us of certain new evidence which, if it can be substantiated, is material to the issue of his involvement in the death of the victim, Sandy Seale. There are provisions in the Criminal Code, specifically Sections 610 and 617 which deal with the introduction and admissibility of fresh or new evidence. A considerable amount of investigative work and research 2/ will be necessary in an attempt referred to above. . to corroborate the new evidence We cannot at this stage express any opinion of success in this matter. as to the likelihood work has been completed, However, when the necessary preliminary position to express our we anticipte that we will be in a cpinion in the matter. As to legal fees, Donald; Jr. has requestedI can only us toindicate to you at this stage that criminal legal work which will crobk upon very substantial and disbursements. Before proceedinginvolve considerable legal fees suitable arrangements be further, we would require that stantial undertaking can madebe with us to assure us that this sub- satisfactorily financed. Should 'you have any questions regard-; the matters generally, I would be pleased to at your convenience. hear fmom you. I welcome your response

Yours very truly,

Uolinda J. MacLean, Barrister and Solicitor NJMacL:jaf c.c. - client 37

Native Communications Society of Nova Scotia P. 0. BOX 344, SYDNEY, NOVA SCOTIA, B1P 6H2, TELEPHONE: 539-0045 P. 0. BOX 1005, TRURO, NOVA SCOTIA, B2N 5G7, TELEPHONE: 895-6217

Octobet 29,1980

Vewt Metinda,

The encto4ed te.ttet 6tom Dommtd Mauhatt exptanatoAy. Jet. £6 8et6

Coutd you 6i.tt me gaAding in on the tate4t devetopment4 /Le- hi4 beha4.MA_ Mauhatt'.6 uquezt and yout IttpLe4entation on

Thanking you in advance and a&siztance, I Amain: 6oft you& continued co-opelLation

YOUA4 Rupectliutty,

MIL. Roy A Goutd 'a_ Je'' .0- • , ' ) \:\M 5):I _ i\it)' {-4 v

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Roy A. Gould, Esq., Native Communications Society of Nova Scotia, P. O. Box 344, SYDNEY, Nova Scotia B1P 6H2 Dear Mr. Gould: RE: DONALD MARSHALL, JR. I acknowledge receipt of your letter of October related correspondence. , 29 and

I had written at length to Mr. Reginald Maloney, Native ,CommunicationsiResource Worker, MicMac Post Office, Shub- enacadie, Nova Scotia, regarding this file on April l7, 1980_ I enclose a copy of that letter to him for your iiifarmation.

Since that date, I have had no correspondence,from Mr. Maloney+andtherefore have no indication as to whether or mtt Donald, Jr. will be assisted financially in this matter.

As I indicated in my letter to Mr. Maloney, wer would'require that suitable arrangements be made to insure4"that,the!Ifi1e, an'be satisfactorily financed. p • 4 Yours very truly,

Melinda J. MacLean, Barrister and Solicitor MJMacL:jaf c.c. - Donald Marshall, Jr. NATUVE Cclx0.4w..t.1•77!„ -r!rwS NOV 10 1980 I C7 YlOVA..S.crOli;ii 1 , - r kl.:1101\1 (z/JA- (,..5 , A • — ' NOV 2 0 1980 n Aiz'' ' . )- t" 47? c d;c) ,, Jt 4 t /2'2 ' i , 4 -; I 1 %, - • I ,..? tf A,..!;1-• 4 ' ,1 /,• 11 ...... t ry j scollA .-- i C '""" iz • /I . '



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