Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Dessert, and Dressing Recipes

By Tom Avery & Plant-Based Chef Noelle Matthews


Introduction – 3

Breakfast Mindset – 5

Breakfast Recipes – 7

Lunch Mindset – 29

Lunch Recipes – 30

Dinner Mindset – 55

Dinner Recipes – 56

Dessert Recipes – 85

Dressing and Sauce Recipes – 92

Eating Out And Socially – 96


Tom Avery is a lifetime athlete, tennis coach and sports nutritionist. For the last 35 plus years he has helped hundreds of thousands of tennis players from around the globe. He is the author of the popular Consistent Tennis Wins Series (A total of 8 DVDS aired on The Tennis Channel). His YouTube Channel to date has over 5 million views and is rated in the top 5 for tennis coaches on YouTube. He has produced many online tennis instructional courses and is the owner and designer of the AVERY Racquet Company.

Tom’s interest in health started at the age of 32. He read every book on alternative health care and diet he could get his hands on. Although he made some improvements to his health, for years he felt that something was missing. It wasn’t till the age of 58 that Tom realized, after much research, and becoming a Sports Nutritionist, that a vegan diet is the one we’re designed for and the most optimal.

Currently, at age 65, he still teaches and plays tennis, works out 5 days per week and is active in sprint triathlons. He also teaches all his tennis students and the general public of the benefits of adhering to a vegan lifestyle through his 2 websites, and and his vegan lifestyle plan, outlined in The 30 LOVE Diet. He is living proof that eating whole, fresh, ripe, plant foods is the nutritional way to vibrant health and vitality.

Tom says, “For years I thought I was doing pretty well health wise, shopping at the health food store and trying to eat organic as much as possible. Yet, I was making unwise choices, unbeknownst to me at the time. Not everything at the health food store or at Whole Foods is a wise choice. Because of being programmed by the advertising hype, designed to make money, not to create healthy people, I was fooled like everyone else, including other nutritionists, that believe animal based foods are necessary. They are not only unnecessary, all you have to do is look around at the state of health here in the U.S. to rightly conclude, they are downright harmful.”

Tom continues, “After reading books by Norman Walker, Colin Campbell, and Doug Graham, pioneers of healthy living and peak physical performance, I began to see the light. These men had the guts to go against the grain, and I’m thankful because the benefits I’ve received from following their advice has been tremendous. The light came in the form of the vegan diet and at the age of 58 in April of 2008 my

3 vegan journey began. I came to fully realize that animal based foods are not only unnecessary but when overused they have a very detrimental effect on the human body. Even when used in moderation they do not promote health as well as their plant based counterparts and over time will create disease. When a wide variety of fruits and vegetables are a part of the diet every nutrient needed by the human body is easily and readily obtained. The U.S is the sickest country in the world, diabetes, cancer and heart disease are rampant and the use of animal based foods are the causes of these diseases.”

“Today, I’m very excited about the program I’ve developed and outline in The 30 LOVE Diet. This program will help you avoid the common ailments of modern man that are caused solely by food intake. Without a shred of doubt, I can confidently say, if you put these principles of healthy eating into action, the quality of health and fitness you now possess, will be elevated to heights you never dreamed possible. I cannot encourage you enough to give it a try, it will without a doubt change your life for the better.”

4 Breakfast Mindset

Start your day hydrating with one liter of distilled water, if you want added benefits add the juice of one lemon, which helps cleanse the entire digestive tract. Hydration is very important so drink at least 2 more liters of water throughout the day. Do some light exercise like calisthenics and stretching. After your brief exercise it’s time for the juicy fruits. Watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple, mango, peaches, papaya, oranges, grapefruit, grapes, etc.. Eat as much as you care for, eat till satiated, this IS NOT a starvation diet. Fruit is loaded with good natural sugar which fuels every cell in your body and fruits are loaded with calories, good calories. Calories from plants will never make you fat, rather they help you find your ideal body weight.

If you have a very active day planned you may need some of the sweet fruit like bananas, persimmon, fig, dates, etc., which are higher in calories. As an example, if you blend 5 good-sized bananas with water (banana water) and a little vanilla extract you have added about 500 calories. Before long you will be able to figure out your caloric needs that will keep you going till lunchtime.

If you’re having oatmeal or any other whole grains along with your fruit make sure you eat fruit first. If you eat fruit after oatmeal the fruit sits on top of the oatmeal, ferments and causes gas. Fruit is easily digested and will pass through your stomach in 10-15 minutes, so eat the fruit first wait for 10-15 minutes then have the oatmeal or whole grain.

Fruit should be the mainstay of breakfast. Your body is still in the elimination cycle and fruit keeps the elimination process going smoothly. Remember, fruit smoothie combinations are endless, as well as fruit bowl combinations. You can go straight fruit in your smoothies or if you want more nutrient dense smoothies add your leafy greens like kale, spinach and collards. I suggest all the fruit you want till noon, however, if you feel the need for oatmeal or whole grains stick to gluten-free oatmeal, rice, millet, quinoa, etc. and use non-dairy milks like almond, rice and soy milks.

The first week is going to be the toughest. If you’re transitioning from an animal based high fat diet, eating this much fruit can be a challenge. The KEY is to clear your bloodstream of fat. If you stay off the animal based foods and stay plant based, in one week your bloodstream will be clear of fats. Once the bloodstream is clear, eating more fruit than ever before will become satisfying and enjoyable. This is very important, that you increase your fruit consumption as you progress on the 30 Love

5 Diet. If you do not increase your consumption of fruit and get the needed calories, you will be hungry and tempted to go for a quick fix with some type of animal based food. Fruit needs to become a staple of your diet. Remember, it’s rocket fuel for the human body, but you must consume enough to satiate yourself and get enough calories. Also, on some of the recipes I have a range of fruit to use, depending on how much you’ve progressed on the 30 Love Diet.

6 Breakfast Recipes

Vanilla Banana Smoothie Total Time: 5 minutes

Ð 3 – 10 bananas (depending on caloric needs) Ð ½ - 1-teaspoon vanilla Ð 1-2 pints of water

The reason I say between 3-10 bananas is because in the beginning eating large amounts of fruit can be a challenge. But remember, the natural unprocessed sugar in fruit is GOOD for you; glucose, or the simple sugars found in fruit, are what fuel every cell in the body. The natural sugar in fruit is the most easily assimilated and gives you instant energy. Therefore, if you have a hard time consuming a lot of fruit, take it a step at a time, you’ll get there.


Watermelon Pizza Total Time: 5 minutes

Simply slice a piece of watermelon and cut it as you would a pizza. Eat as many slices as you care for, in other words, eat till satiation. Fruit will not make you fat; rather it helps you find your ideal body weight. And yes watermelon has protein, 7% of the calories from watermelon are good healthy protein easily assimilated by the body. Newborn babies thrive on 6% protein from mother’s milk and newborns require more protein than adults. Overconsumption of protein is the reason for kidney failure and the U.S. leads the world with more people on dialysis. I recommend not going over 10% of your daily caloric intake from protein. Once you go over 10% you’re getting TOO much.


Kaleicious Smoothie Total Time: 5 minutes

Ð 3 - 8 bananas Ð 3 – 4 kale leaves Ð ½ -1 cup frozen blueberries Ð Optional 1 tablespoon hemp or flax seeds


Banana Chocolate Mint Smoothie Total Time: 5 minutes

Ð 3 - 8 bananas Ð 5 - 7 mint leaves (or a few drops of peppermint oil) Ð 1 tablespoon of raw carob or chocolate powder (I prefer the carob, it’s healthier)


Raspberry Pineapple Slush Total Time: 5 minutes

Ð 1 cup frozen raspberries Ð 1/4 cup fresh pineapple Ð Dash of stevia (optional)

Add ingredients to blender and add enough h20 to just submerge the fruit. Puree and serve. Simply double or triple the ingredients according to your caloric needs.


Fall Citrus Salad Total Time: 5 - 10 minutes

Ð 2 fresh red grapefruits Ð 2 fresh oranges Ð 1 fresh pomegranate

Separate orange and grapefruit into segments. Separate seeds from other parts of the pomegranate. Combine in a bowl, chill and serve.


Cucumber Melon Gazpacho Total Time: 10 minutes

Remove rind and seeds from one fresh cantaloupe cut in chunks and add to blender. Add 1 whole fresh cucumber and puree.


Strawberry Basil Lemonade Total Time: 10 minutes

Julienne 1/4 cup fresh basil and add to blender. Add 1-cup fresh strawberries. Add the juice of two fresh lemons. Add natural calorie free stevia sweetener to taste. Fill blender with h2o and puree. Serve chilled.


Florida in June Total Time: 10 minutes

Ð 1 lb fresh Lychee peeled and seeded Ð 2 ripe mangoes diced Ð 2 cups seedless watermelon chunks

Combine and serve chilled.


Fignilla Smoothie Total Time: 5 minutes

Ð 3 - 10 bananas depending on your caloric needs Ð 3 - 4 frozen figs (Trader Joe’s or look in frozen fruit section) Ð dash of vanilla Ð water as needed Blend and enjoy!


Ultimate Green Smoothie Total Time: 5 minutes

Ð 3 – 5 bananas Ð 3 – 4 leaves of kale stems removed Ð ½ - 1 cup unfiltered organic apple juice (Trader Joe’s is excellent) Ð Juice of 1 lemon Blend and enjoy!


The Bolt Smoothie Total Time: 5 minutes

Ð 6 bananas Ð 1 cup frozen blueberries Ð 3 – 4 kale leaves Ð ¼ inch slice of ginger Ð ¼ - ½ liter water depending on thickness desired

I named this smoothie after Jamaican Usain Bolt the fastest man in the world. This is about a 720-calorie smoothie so you can adjust according to your needs. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties. In a study done at the University of Georgia they found that ginger could reduce exercise induced muscle pain by 25%. So if you want better recovery after a tough match or workout, add this very tasty smoothie to your post match or workout meal.


Healthy Chocolate Pudding Total Time: 5 minutes

Ð 1 large ripe black sapote (aka chocolate pudding fruit) Ð 1 TBS raw cocoa or carob (I prefer the carob) powder Ð 1 TSP vanilla extract

Remove and seeds from black sapote stir in other ingredients chill and serve.


Sweet Potato Delight Prep time: 10 Minutes Cook Time: 15 Minutes Total Time: 25 Minutes

Ð 1 sweet potato, cubed Ð Two pieces of Ezekiel bread Ð 1-2 TBS maple syrup

1. Boil your sweet potato until easily pierced with a fork. This should take ten to fifteen minutes. 2. Once the potato is ready, use a mixer or food processor to chop it up until it's mashed. Stir in the maple syrup. 3. Spread over two slices of Ezekiel bread (or your favorite dairy-free, egg-free bread) and get that full feeling you sometimes crave before a big day!


Mango Coconut Fruit Bowl Prep time: 5 Minutes Cook Time: 0 Minutes Total Time: 5 Minutes

Filling Ð 1 cup of freshly cut coconut (or coconut flakes) Ð ½ mango, cut into chunks Ð ½ TSP vanilla Ð 1 cup of raspberries Ð 2 sliced bananas Ð 1 TBS cocoa nibs Ð 2 TBS hemp seeds Ð ½ TSP of vanilla Ð 1 TSP of cinnamon

There is no better way to get going in the morning than with a fresh bowl of fruit. The natural sugars you get from the fruit give you a boost of energy and have you feeling good until your next meal.

1. Mix all of the ingredients together in a large bowl. Find a spoon as big as your tennis racket . . . or maybe just a regular sized spoon and enjoy.


Tofu Scramble Prep time: 10 Minutes Cook Time: 5 Minutes Total Time: 15 Minutes

Ð 8 ounces extra firm Ð 2 TBS reserve juice from olives Ð ½ TSP sea salt Ð ½ TSP garlic powder Ð ½ TSP cumin powder Ð ¼ TSP chili powder Ð ¼ TSP paprika Ð ½ green pepper, sliced Ð ½ cup of spinach, chopped Ð ½ grapefruit

Tofu is not good for those of you with a soy , however for those of us who can eat it, it's a miracle food. It is is naturally gluten-free and low calorie, contains no cholesterol and is an excellent source of protein, iron, and calcium.” Pair a tofu dish with spinach, which “ is important for skin and hair, bone health, and provides protein, iron, vitamins and minerals. The possible health benefits of consuming spinach include improving blood glucose control in diabetics, lowering the risk of cancer, lowering blood pressure, improving bone health, lowering the risk of developing and more,” and grapefruit - which are low in calories and full of nutrients – and you've got yourself a powerful meal.


1. Heat a skillet to medium-high heat. 2. Mix your spices in a bowl and set to the side. 3. Pour reserve juice from olives into the skillet, followed by the tofu. Use a spatula to cut the tofu into small pieces. 4. Add the spices and let the tofu heat, stirring occasionally to make sure the seasoning coats everything. 5. Toss your pepper and spinach in and continue to cook for about five minutes. Use your spatula to move the mixture around so that everything gets heated through. 6. Pour the tofu scramble on a plate with your side of grapefruit, and get that boost you needed to go out and work on your serve.


The Lumberjack Prep time: Five Minutes Cook Time: Ten Minutes Total Time: Fifteen Minutes

Ð Two slices of (this recipe used , smoky maple bacon tempeh) Ð 1 yukon gold potato, diced into small pieces Ð ½ TSP onion powder Ð ½ TSP garlic powder Ð ½ TSP paprika Ð ½ avocado Ð ¼ red onion Ð 2 corn tortillas Ð Sriracha to taste (optional)

1. Bring a pot of water to boil and pour in your potato. Heat for about five minutes, or until the potato is easily pierced with a fork. When the potatoes are soft enough, lightly mash them with a fork. Only do this for a few potatoes, so it has a chunky consistency. Mix in onion powder, garlic powder

24 and paprika. 2. Set a skillet to medium-high heat. Once it's hot enough, place the tempeh on it and let cook for 1-2 minutes (or until lightly browned). Flip and cook the other side before removing from the skillet. 3. Heat a corn tortilla on the skillet for about 15 seconds. Spread the avocado on it and top it off with the tempeh, potatoes and red onion. This is a hearty meal and will make you feel stronger than ever. Competitors on the court, beware!


The “If Elvis was a vegan” Sandwich Prep time: 5 Minutes Cook Time: 0 Minutes Total Time: 5 Minutes

This recipe's time is applicable if you already have homemade bread from the “Grilled Better than Cheese Sandwich”. Please look at the dinner recipes for reference. This is a great breakfast because the bread is filling, the peanut butter is a great source of protein and the potassium and sugar from the banana will get you up and moving in no time.

Ð Homemade bread or any healthy whole grain (Ezekiel Brand is excellent) Ð 2 TBS almond butter Ð One banana, peeled and sliced

1. Use a serrated knife to cut two ¼” slices of bread or use the Ezekiel 2. Spread both pieces of bread with 1 TBS almond butter. 3. Place banana in between and listen to some Elvis while you enjoy your sandwich and get ready to win your next game.


Good Old-Fashioned Corn Flakes Total Time: Less than 5 Minutes

Be sure to get corn flakes that do not have added sugar and other ingredients, just plain and simple cornflakes. Also, for the milk, be sure and use almond, rice, soy (non-GMO) or coconut milk. Two cups of corn flakes is 200 calories, so adjust your calorie needs accordingly. Personally, I’ll have close to 1,000 calories for breakfast. When I’m on the road I might have 3 – 4 ripe bananas or any other fruit I can get my hands on FIRST (remember always eat your fruit first for optimum ) and then 5 - 6 cups of corn flakes with plant-based milk.


Good Old-Fashioned Oatmeal (Gluten-Free) Total Time: 10 Minutes

With oatmeal go for the gluten-free, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods and health food stores for sure will have it. And many supermarkets are now carrying gluten-free. One cup of dry oats will give you 2 cups of cooked oats, which is 300 calories. Keep the same things in mind as above: plant-based milk and fruit first.

28 Lunch Mindset

For lunch I’m a BIG fan of staying on fruit and adding some leafy greens in the form of smoothies. The Kalelicious Smoothie and the Ultimate Green Smoothie are great for lunch, or a totally fruit only smoothie, you’ll just need to learn how many bananas to add to make sure your caloric needs are met. I’m also a big fan of eating mono and semi-mono meals of any fruits in season. For instance, when mangoes are in season, eating 5 mangoes or more and then maybe a 5 banana and 1 cup of frozen strawberries smoothie, will keep you satisfied for hours. If you get hungry before dinner snack on any other fruit such as grapes, apples, peaches, pineapple, papaya, strawberries, etc. Fruit is loaded with the purest water on the planet, fiber, vitamins, minerals and yes, protein. So the goal is to gravitate toward fruit for breakfast and lunch with some leafy greens added. This will give you the cleanest burning fuel for your body and you will have sustained energy levels.

However, because you’re transitioning, which is a challenge, I’ve enlisted vegan chef extraordinaire Noelle Matthews to put together some very tasty recipes, that will help you stay vegan. Remember, once you leave animal based foods in the dust, you will be elevating your health and performance, that’s the goal. These recipes will help you stay off animal based foods, and make you feel 10X’s better than when you were eating them. Just remember, you may have to increase the volume of your food intake. No worries, an increase of healthy plant-based food will NOT add weight. Also remember, IF you feel hungry you simply need to add more calories to your total caloric intake from FRUIT, (potatoes, rice, quinoa, pasta) and LEGUMES (black beans, pinto beans, etc.) eat as much as YOU NEED to feel satiated and full, this IS NOT a starvation diet. This diet is loaded with the most colorful and nutrient-dense food on the planet, as they say in Italian, “ Mangia, mangia”. You will start to experience new taste sensations that will make this transition all the more enjoyable.

29 Lunch Recipes

Sweet Potato Mexican Salad Prep time: Five Minutes Cook Time: Ten Minutes Total Time: Fifteen Minutes

Ð 1 medium sweet potato Ð 1 ear of yellow corn Ð 1 bell pepper (red, yellow or orange) Ð 1 beefsteak tomato Ð 1 medium yellow onion Ð 1 jalapeno, seeded Ð 1 avocado Ð ½ lime juiced Ð Handful of cilantro Ð 2 TSP cumin Ð 2 TSP cinnamon Ð ½ TSP salt

1. Dice and mix your sweet potato, corn, bell pepper, tomato, onion and jalapeno. 2. Mix in your cilantro, spices and top with a hearty helping of avocado. May be enjoyed on its own or inside a lettuce wrap or tortilla.


Clementine and Spinach Salad Prep time: 5 Minutes Cook Time: 5 Minutes Total Time: 10 Minutes

Ð Three cups washed spinach Ð 5 peeled and segmented clementines Ð 3 TBS dried cranberries Ð ½ – 1 TSP nutritional yeast

Toss all of the ingredients in a bowl and serve with your choice of salad dressing.


Collard Green and Black Bean Wrap Prep time: Ten Minutes Cook Time: Five Minutes Total Time: Fifteen Minutes

Ð 1 can of organic black beans Ð 1 TSP chili powder Ð ½ TSP cumin Ð ¼ TSP chili flakes Ð Collard Greens Ð Lemon Ð 1 cup of romaine lettuce Ð ½ cup of diced cucumber Ð ½ small red onion

Collard greens are an often-overlooked vegetable. They are packed with tons of vitamins that are essential for staying on top of your game. Collard greens also offer detox support, which means your mind and body will be feeling great if you consume these before heading out on the court. Combine this with protein rich black beans and a fresh cucumber (which acts as an anti-inflammatory), and you will be unstoppable.

1. Soak collard greens in a deep dish with hot water and 1 TBS of lemon juice for five minutes.

32 2. Once they're soft enough to work with, pat them dry and grab a sharp knife. Cut the stem off the base of the collard green, and then make an incision half an inch into the collard green and remove it from the base of the green. 3. Saute the top four ingredients in saucepot on medium for three minutes, or until the beans are warm throughout. 4. Pour your bean mixture into the center of your collard green, add the lettuce, cucumber and red onion and dig in.


Pomegranate and Chickpea Wrap Prep time: 5 Minutes Cook Time: 10 Minutes Total Time: 15 Minutes

Ð 1 can of chickpeas (rinsed and patted dry) Ð 1 TSP black pepper Ð ½ TSP cumin Ð ½ TSP chili powder Ð ½ cup of pomegranate seeds Ð 2 ribs of celery diced Ð Handful of mung bean sprouts Ð Butter Lettuce

Tennis players know Anna Kournikova for her game, but the rest of the world knows her as being one of the fittest women alive. The best way to achieve a healthy body type is through lots of exercise and eating well, but you should also enjoy your food. This pomegranate and chickpea wrap is so delicious and light that you'll want to eat three and then run a few laps around your neighborhood.

1. Heat a non-stick pan on medium heat. 2. Toss in the chickpeas and spices. Roast the chickpeas until they are crispy on the outside (about ten minutes). 3. Pour the chickpea mixture into the center of a large lettuce leaf, top it off with

34 pomegranate seeds, celery and sprouts. 4. Distract other players by eating this delicious wrap before a game, then win your game 40 – love.


Fast Guac and Pico Meal Prep time: 5 Minutes Cook Time: 5 Minutes Total Time: 10 Minutes

Okay, we're kind of cheating here. In order to make a fast and delicious meal, we're recommending you purchase a store bought guacamole and pico from a specialty store like Trader Joe's or Whole Foods. The rest of the recipe is easily prepared and you'll have a great lunch in under ten minutes.

Ð Guacamole Ð Pico de gallo Ð 1/3 cup spinach Ð 2 corn tortillas

1. Heat a pan on medium heat, give it time to warm up. 2. While the pan is heating up, prepare your tortillas. If the tortillas are stiff, you may want to microwave them for 10 – 15 seconds. Spread 2 TBS of guacamole in the center of the tortilla, followed by the pico and spinach. 3. Fold the tortilla so that both ends are touching in the center, do the same with the remaining two sides so that none of the insides can leak out. 4. Place the tortilla on the pan so that the side with the folds isn't visible. Cook for about three minutes (until lightly browned) and then flip. 5. Grab and go! 36

Three Veggie Tortilla Prep time: 5 Minutes Cook Time: 10 Minutes Total Time: 15 Minutes

This recipe takes a little longer than the fast guac and pico meal, but if you have the time it's absolutely worth it. It also includes three incredible vegetables: corn, onion and a bell pepper. Corn is full of antioxidants, high in fiber and a good source of b- vitamins (something very important to vegans!) Red onions contain large amounts of quercetin, which “posses cancer fighting, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti- inflammatory properties”. Bell peppers share many of the same benefits as the other two veggies, and they're also a great source of vitamin C! You can't go wrong with this dish.

Ð 1 ear yellow corn Ð 1 bell pepper, roughly chopped Ð ½ red onion, sliced into half moons Ð 1 clove of minced garlic Ð 1 cup of cooked rice Ð ½ cup of black beans (optional) Ð Guacamole and Pico de gallo to garnish Ð 2 corn tortillas (optional)

37 1. Removing the corn kernels from the stalk is a relatively simple process. Take a sharp knife, and (while carefully monitoring where your fingers are!) start at the top and cut lengthwise down the corn. The kernels will fall onto your cutting board. 2. Mix the corn, pepper, onion and garlic in a bowl. 3. Add remaining ingredients together and eat with a corn tortilla, or enjoy it as a salad!


Green Quin(oa) Prep time: 5 Minutes Cook Time: 20 Minutes Total Time: 25 Minutes

Ð 1 cup Quinoa Ð 1 Shallot Ð 1 Green pepper Ð 1 Tomato Ð ½ Cucumber Ð ½ cup of black olives Ð 1 TBS Vinegar and 1 TBS reserve liquid from olives

Despite having been around for a very long time, quinoa only recently became a hit with the health savvy population. People are finally realizing that it really is a super grain, and it does some incredible things for our body. It's low calorie, gluten-free, high in protein and it's a good source of riboflavin, which improves our metabolism. It also goes quite nicely with almost any fruit or vegetable, which makes it a very valuable grain!

1. Start by bringing one cup of quinoa and two cups of water to a boil. Cover the mixture, reduce the heat and let it simmer for about fifteen minutes. 2. Prepare the rest of your food while the quinoa is cooking. Dice the shallot,

39 pepper, tomato and cucumber and throw it in a large bowl. Add the olives, vinegar and juice from the olive can and mix well. 3. Pour half of your quinoa into the bowl, mix and eat! Cooked quinoa lasts about six days in the fridge, so save the other half for the quinoa fruit boat recipe!


Quinoa Fruit Boats Prep time: 5 Minutes Cook Time: 5 Minutes Total Time: 10 Minutes

Ð ½ cup cooked quinoa Ð 1 cup of Pineapple Ð Handful of pecans Ð 2 Kumquats (save skin for zest!) Ð 2 TBS Golden raisins Ð Half a granny smith apple, cubed (may sub out a different apple if you don't prefer the sour taste) Ð 2 ribs of celery Ð 1 Endive

1. You should already have quinoa left over from the Green Quin(oa) recipe. Please refer to that recipe to see how to cook quinoa if you don't have any left over. 2. Mix all of the fruit and celery in a bowl with the quinoa. Quinoa can be eaten cold or warm, so throw the quinoa in a microwave for 30 seconds to a minute if you'd prefer it be on the hotter side. 3. Put the quinoa and fruit mixture into an endive leaf and top of with some zest from the kumquat.


Simple Saifun and Veggies Prep time: 5 Minutes Cook Time: 15 Minutes Total Time: 20 Minutes

Ð 1/3 a package of saifun noodles Ð ¼ cup of sugar snap peas Ð ½ cup of carrots Ð Sweet chili sauce* (see dressings for recipe)

Saifun noodles are typically made from mung bean , and a great addition to the kitchen. They're gluten-free, filling and, like quinoa, they are very versatile. They're also inexpensive and have a short cook time, which puts them at the top of the list for great food.

1. There are a variety of ways to prepare saifun noodles. This recipe requires that they're soft, which means no oil is required. Cover the noodles in warm water and let them sit for about fifteen minutes, or until soft. 2. Mix together the veggies and noodles, and top off with some homemade sweet chili sauce.


Saifun and Fruit Prep time: 5 Minutes Cook Time: 15 Minutes Total Time: 20 Minutes

Ð 1/3 package of saifun Ð ½ red bell pepper Ð 1 clementines Ð 1/4 cup of spinach roughly chopped Ð Mint Sauce* (see dressings for recipe)

Oftentimes we make food and the leftovers go to waste. This book is designed to re- use a lot of the same ingredients, so you can spend more time on the court and less time in the grocery store.

1. Soak your saifun noodles in warm water for about twenty minutes. 2. Mix together remaining ingredients, top with mint sauce and get ready to win your next game!


Tomato Basil Couscous Prep time: 5 Minutes Cook Time: 10 Minutes Total Time: 15 Minutes

Couscous is a fun dish to prepare every once in a while. It's not as rich in nutrients as other grains (like brown rice), but it's incredibly filling and it's sugar free! This is a great dish to cook and bring with you to practice or a game.

Ð 1 cup vegetable broth Ð 1 cup couscous (uncooked) Ð 1 cup chopped green onions Ð 1 cup seeded diced plum tomatoes Ð 1/3 cup thinly sliced fresh basil Ð 1/3 cup crushed olives Ð 1/3 cup red wine vinegar Ð 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes Ð 1/2 teaspoon salt Ð 1/8 teaspoon pepper

1. Bring vegetable broth to a boil and stir in couscous. Remove from heat, cover and let sit for ten minutes. 2. Fluff couscous with a spoon and add remaining ingredients. It can be eaten cold or hot!


Udon with Spicy Curry Sauce Prep time: 5 Minutes Cook Time: 10 Minutes Total Time: 15 Minutes

Udon noodles are another staple in the kitchen. While they aren't high in nutrients, they also aren't high in calories. They're filling and good replacement for other noodles that would double your calorie count. They also cook quickly, and are ready to be eaten four minutes after pulling them out!

Ð 1 pack of udon noodles (typically comes in packs of three) Ð ¼ 16 oz can of diced tomatoes Ð ½ red bell pepper Ð ¼ cup of green onion Ð ½ can of coconut milk Ð 1 cinnamon stick Ð 1 TBS curry Ð ¼ TSP of red pepper flakes

1. Bring a pot of water to a roving boil and throw the noodles in. They only take four minutes to cook, so make sure you don't forget about them. 2. Bring the coconut milk and cinnamon stick to a boil. Add in curry and red pepper flakes. Lower heat to medium and stir until the curry is dissolved. 3. Combine remaining ingredients and top with curry mixture.


Udon Soup Prep time: 10 Minutes Cook Time: 7 Minutes Total Time: 17 Minutes

Ð 1 pack of udon noodles Ð 1 carrot Ð 2 ribs of celery Ð ¼ cup of red onion, cut into half moon slices Ð 1 cup of vegetable broth Ð ½ TSP onion powder Ð ½ TSP garlic salt Ð 1 TSP parsley Ð Salt and pepper to taste

1. Prepare the udon noodles first. Bring water to a boil, throw noodles in and cook for four minutes. 2. Heat the cup of vegetable broth in a small pot and add veggies. Throw noodles in after they're done cooking, top with spices and mix thoroughly.


Curried Potato Wedges Prep time: 5 Minutes Cook Time: 40 Minutes Total Time: 45 Minutes

Ð 2 yukon gold potatoes Ð 1 TBS curry Ð 1 TSP cinnamon Ð Salt and pepper to taste

This may be served as a meal or a snack. The curry creates a unique taste and eliminates the need to over-salt the potatoes.

1. Cut the potatoes into wedges. This can be done by cutting a potato in half lengthwise and width-wise, and dividing the remaining sections into thirds. 2. Put potatoes in small saucepan and fill with water until covered. Boil for about ten minutes, or until potatoes are easily pierced, but NOT falling apart. 3. Pour potatoes into a colander. Toss in spices to coat. 4. Place potatoes on a baking sheet and bake for 10-15 minutes on each side.


Cilantro and Lime Rice Prep time: 5 Minutes Cook Time: 25 Minutes Total Time: 30 Minutes

Ð 1 TSP vegan butter Ð 2 TSP chopped cilantro Ð 1 cup uncooked basmati rice Ð 1 cup of water Ð ½ TSP salt Ð 1 lime Ð 1 diced tomato Ð 1 diced cucumber

1. Melt butter in a saucepan, and rice and limejuice and stir for one minute. 2. Add water and salt, and bring mixture to a boil. 3. Cover the rice, bring it to a simmer and let it cook for about 25 minutes. 4. Fluff rice and add cilantro, tomato and cucumber. The “Au Naturale” Wrap Prep time: 5 Minutes Cook Time: 5 Minutes Total Time: 10 Minutes

- 1/4 TSP salt (optional) Ð 1 cup bulgar

48 Ð 3 TBS juice from can of olives Ð 6 baby carrots, diced Ð 1 rib celery, diced Ð 1/2 red onion, chopped Ð 2 cloves garlic, diced Ð 1 plum tomato, chopped Ð Splash cider vinegar/to taste Ð Tiny splash lemon juice/to taste Ð Black pepper to taste Ð Herbamare to taste Ð Any larger lettuce that can be used as a wrap

Bulgar is an amazing and often overlooked grain. It's not for those who are on a gluten-free diet, but if you're looking for protein then expect to get 10% of your daily intake from just one cup of bulgar! It's also rich in iron and vitamin B, so you really can't go wrong with this inexpensive and wonderful grain. The veggies add an extra boost of vitamins and antioxidants, rounding out the meal perfectly. The best part about this meal is the ability to throw it in a to-go container and bring it with you to a match or a warm up.

1. Boil 1 1/3 cup water with 1/4 TSP salt. 2. Add 1 cup washed and drained bulgar. 3. Take off heat, cover, let sit 30 minutes. 4. Heat olive juice over medium heat; add carrots, celery, onion and garlic, stirring frequently until desired softness. 5. Stir the vegetables, tomato, vinegar, lemon juice, pepper, and herbamare into the bulgar to taste. 6. Wrap that up in your favorite greens and you've got a meal on the go!


Chana Manipuri Prep time: 5 Minutes Cook Time: 5 Minutes Total Time: 10 Minutes

It's important to have your own game. We want the best serve, even better when it's an ace. But to get to that point, we must also learn from others. This Chana Manipuri recipe has been adapted from Anupama Paliwal, a woman who knows her way around a vegan kitchen. She's taught us the best way to serve, and we've made a few adjustments to make it our own.

Ð 1 16 oz can of chickpeas Ð 1 cup oil Ð 2 TBS bay leaf Ð 1 green chili, chopped Ð 1 garlic cloves, chopped Ð 2 TBS tomato sliced Ð 1 salt, as per taste Ð Turmeric powder – ¼ TSP Ð Garam masala powder – ¼ TSP

1. Heat oil in a pan. Add bay leaf to it, and cook for 2 seconds. Add chopped garlic, chopped green chili, and sliced onions. Mix well and cook for 3 minutes. Add sliced tomatoes and cook for 2 more minutes. Now add turmeric powder, salt, and garam masala powder. Mix well and cook for a minute. Add cooked chana and fry for 10 minutes. Garnish with chopped onions, green chili and lemon slices. Enjoy! 50

Tangerine Salad Prep time: 10 Minutes Cook Time: 5 Minutes Total Time: 15 Minutes

Ð 1 cup of romaine lettuce Ð Half a tangerine Ð 1 TSP chia seeds Ð 2 TBS craisins Ð Strawberry Dressing

1. Make your strawberry dressing. 2. Mix the remaining ingredients together and enjoy!


Sun-dried Tomato and Basil Pesto Pizza Prep time: 10 Minutes Cook Time: 5 Minutes Total Time: 15 Minutes

1 flat bread (Flatout, Rustic White flat bread is vegan! Also, DeLand Bakery makes awesome flat bread) 2 TBS LeGran Vegan Garden Pesto 4 Sliced cherry tomatoes 1 clove of garlic, minced ½ cup of spinach, chopped A pinch of onion powder A handful of sun-dried tomatoes

It's important to have a whole food, plant-based diet. It is the healthiest thing we can do for our bodies. But, the realities of life are such that sometimes we need something fast and we may have to balance our diets with vegetables and the occasional store bought item.

1. Spread the pesto on the flat bread and top it with the cherry tomatoes, garlic, spinach and onion powder. 2. Place on a baking sheet and put in broiler for 3 – 4 minutes. Keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't burn. 3. Once the outside of the flat bread is slightly browned, remove from broiler and top with sun-dried tomatoes.


Earth Bowl Prep time: 10 Minutes Cook Time: 20 Minutes Total Time: 30 Minutes

Ð ½ beet Ð 3 broccoli florets, finely chopped Ð 1 rutabaga, diced Ð ½ clove of garlic, minced Ð Pinch of sea salt

1. Bring three cups of water to a boil. 2. When the water is boiling, throw in the rutabaga. Boil until easily pierced with a fork, about twenty minutes. 3. When the rutabaga is soft, chop it in a food processor. It will have a chunkier consistency than a potato, but should still be blended. 4. Mix in the remaining ingredients and enjoy.


Sweet Potato Pie Sandwich Total Time: 5 – 10 Minutes

Ð Leftover sweet potatoes Ð Lettuce Ð Tomato Ð Cucumber Ð Sprouts Ð Veganaise (Egg Free and Gluten Free Mayo) you can get it at Whole Foods and health food stores, I prefer the grapeseed oil version. Ð A good whole grain bread like Ezekiel or Millet bread by DeLand Bakery

Simply get your ingredients together and make a sangwich (as they say in New York) and make sure to put generous helpings of sweet potato. You might want to have 2 or 3 of these to meet your caloric needs.

54 Dinner Mindset

If you were raised on the typical Standard American Diet, desert after dinner was commonplace. However, deserts are horrible for digestion, they sit on top of your meal and cause fermentation and gas.

The simple solution is to eat your sweets first so you’re not craving them after dinner. And when I say sweets I’m talking about nature’s sweets, fruit, not processed refined sweets like cakes and pies.

As an example, a nice tropical smoothie of mangoes and peaches (about 12 oz. each with 8 oz. of water) to start dinner is the answer to craving sweets after dinner. Any of the endless varieties of fruit will do. Fruit is digested easily and passes through the stomach in about 10 minutes, and will not hinder digestion. If you’re still craving sweets after dinner you simply did not have enough fruit before dinner.

Dinnertime is the time to take leafy greens, vegetables and savory (herbs & spices) up a notch. Leafy greens (romaine, butter lettuce, green leaf, red leaf, spinach) should take center stage, combined with starches and legumes, potatoes, rice and beans, quinoa, pasta, etc. Leafy greens, starches and legumes are loaded with vitamins, minerals and yes protein. They will fill you up, never make you fat and provide the “biggest bang for your buck” regarding nutrients.

55 Dinner Recipes

Pasta Over Greens Total Time: 15 minutes

Ð 1 LB. of Brown Rice or Corn Pasta (Gluten Free is Key) Ð Lettuces like romaine, Greenleaf, red leaf, spinach, kale Ð Cucumbers and any other favorite veggies Ð Tomato sauce (Low-fat is key, Trader Joe’s has an oil-free Pasta Sauce)

Simply chop up your lettuces, cukes and veggies and place in a large bowl, you want to get in the habit of eating lots of greens. Greens are loaded with vitamins, minerals, calcium (much better than dairy which creates acidosis, greens are alkaline) and protein. Then place cooked pasta on top with marinara sauce and enjoy! Leafy greens are loaded with micronutrients and chlorophyll. Greens contain nitrites that promote nitric oxide in the endothelial cells. The endothelium keeps our blood flowing smoothly without being sticky. They also dilate constricted blood vessels during physical activity and prevent the formation of plaque. And last but not least they help eliminate inflammation that goes with this plaque. As you move along on your vegan journey you’ll be happily surprised by your ability to recover from a tough tennis match or workout, without the stiffness and soreness experienced in the past.


Quinoa And Sweet Potato Over Greens Prep Time: 5 minutes Cook Time: 1 hour

Ð Sweet Potatoes (As many as you and your honey care for, this is not a starvation diet, plants will not make you fat.) I put them in the oven for about an hour at 450 degrees. Ð Quinoa (very tasty grain similar to rice, again as much as you need) cook the same as rice 10 – 15 minutes until water is absorbed. Ð Lettuces (romaine, red-leaf, green-leaf, kale, spinach, cucumbers and any veggies you care for)

Simply chop up your lettuces, cukes and veggies and place in a large bowl, then place cooked quinoa and sliced sweet potato on top. You can also vary this recipe with black or pinto beans.

For a dressing use the following: Ð ½ Avocado Ð ½ cup Water Ð 1 TBSP Lemon juice Ð ½ TBSP Maple syrup Ð 1 TBSP Dijon mustard Ð Mix in blender or hand mix in a bowl

Pour over quinoa, sweet potatoes, greens and ENJOY! 57

Simplest Pizza Ever Total Time: 10 minutes

Ð DeLand Bakery flat bread Ð 1 jar of Trader Joe’s oil-free marinara Ð sautéed onions, garlic and spinach Ð Trader Joe’s artichoke hearts Ð Any other toppings you care for

Spread marinara on flat bread and top with onions, garlic, spinach and artichoke hearts, and place in pre-heated oven at 350 degrees for 5 – 8 minutes DO NOT overcook.


“Bacon” Curry Sandwich Prep time: 10 Minutes Cook Time: 15 Minutes Total Time: 25 Minutes

Ð Shiitake Mushrooms Ð 1 TSP Liquid Smoke Ð 1 TBS Tamari Ð 1 TSP Olive Oil Ð 1 Avocado Ð ½ Cucumber thinly sliced Ð Tomato Ð Lettuce Ð Coconut Curry Hummus (store bought) Ð Rosemary Bread

1. Heat your oven to 425. 2. Mix liquid smoke, tamari and olive oil in a bowl. Coat over the mushrooms. 3. Place the mushrooms on a parchment lined baking sheet and put in the oven. Bake for about thirteen minutes. 4. Assemble your sandwich. Enjoy your sandwich. Enjoy it like you enjoy the feeling of hitting the tennis ball for the last time and winning the game.


Black Bean Chili Prep time: 15 Minutes Cook Time: 1 hour Total Time: 1 hour 15 Minutes

Ð 1 28 oz can of crushed tomatoes Ð 1 28 oz can of black beans Ð 1 medium yellow onion Ð 1 green bell pepper Ð 1 jalapeno, split and seeds removed Ð 1 handful of cilantro Ð 3 cloves of garlic Ð 2 TBS chili powder Ð 2 TBS paprika Ð 1 TBS cumin Ð 1/8 TSP clove Ð 1/8 TSP allspice Ð Salt and Pepper to taste

1. Sauté pepper, onion, jalapeno and garlic in a saucepan over medium heat for two minutes. 2. Add black beans to vegetable mixture. Let cook for 1 minute. 3. Add remaining ingredients, reduce to simmer and let cook for 1 hour. Stir.


Stuffed Chinese Portobello Mushrooms Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 30 minutes Total Time: 45 minutes

– 6 large portobello mushrooms – ½ cup of napa cabbage – ¼ cup of bok choy – ¼ cup diced carrots – 4 scallions, finely diced – 3 TBS diced daikon radish – 1 TBS minced ginger – 1 TBS minced garlic

Sauce – 2 tablespoons hoison sauce – 2 tablespoons mirin – 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon tamari – 1 tablespoon maple syrup – 2 tablespoons water

Mix the ingredients for the sauce together until completely blended. Marinate all of the vegetables except the mushroom in the sauce for 30 minutes in the fridge. Spoon onto mushrooms and try not to eat all of it at once


Broccoli and Quinoa with Five-Minute Hummus Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 15 minutes Total Time: 25 minutes

For the Bowl: Ð 1 large head of broccoli, cut into small florets Ð 1 beetroot roughly chopped Ð 1 cup spinach Ð 3 carrots diced Ð ½ TBS grated ginger Ð 1 cup quinoa

Hummus: Ð 1 can garbanzo beans (chickpeas) drained, save juice Ð Juice of one-half lemon (or more to taste) Ð 1 to 3 cloves garlic peeled (use more or less depending on your preference; more garlic gives the dip an extra zing)

62 Ð 2 tablespoons tahini (sesame butter) Ð 1/2 teaspoon salt Ð 1/4 teaspoon black pepper

This meal is a perfect thing to come home to any day of the week The veggies and quinoa will boost your energy levels and the hummus will satisfy those hunger pangs you feel after a physically challenging day. Hummus in moderation can aid in weight management, as it makes you feel full and even balances your blood sugar levels! This is a delicious and guilt-free meal.

1. Prepare two cups of water to a boil in a medium sauce pan. Pour in one cup of uncooked quinoa and reduce heat to a simmer. Cover and cook for 15 minutes. 2. While the quinoa is cooking, prepare your hummus. 3. Blend all your hummus ingredients together until you reach your desires consistency. Pour in some of the leftover juice from the chickpeas if you want to thin it out. 4. Mix your vegetables and quinoa and top off with 2-3 TBS of hummus. 5. Serve.


Lentil Stew Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 50 minutes Total Time: 1 hour 10 minutes

Ð ½ cup yellow onion Ð 2 cloves minced garlic Ð 4 cups of vegetable stock Ð 1 can brown lentils, rinsed and drained Ð 2 TSP thyme Ð 2 TSP rosemary Ð ½ lb of fingerling potatoes, cut into 1” chunks Ð 3 carrots, diced Ð 3 ribs of chopped celery Ð 1 cup of fresh green beans

1. In a large saucepan over medium heat, sauté onions and garlic in a small amount of safflower oil until lightly browned. 2. Add lentils and herbs and turn the heat up until the pot is boiling. 3. Reduce heat and add the remaining ingredients. Cover and allow the stew to cook for forty-five minutes.


Lima Bean and Romaine Salad with Mango Dressing Cook time: 20 minutes Total Time: 35 minutes

Ð 1 cup of cooked lima beans Ð 1 TBS Ð 3 cups of romaine lettuce Ð 2 red potatoes cut into 1” cubes Ð 1 diced cucumber Ð 3 TBS mango dressing (see recipe on page X)

1. Bring a small saucepan to a boil and throw in the potatoes. Boil potatoes for about ten minutes, or until they're easily pierced with a fork. 2. While the potatoes are cooking, heat a small pan on medium heat. Throw the lima beans in with a small amount of cooking oil (safflower is a good alternative to olive oil). 3. Sauté the beans until they're crispy, turn the heat off and quickly add the soy sauce, stir with a spatula until beans are coated. 4. Mix the potatoes and lima beans with the remaining ingredients and top it off with a refreshing mango dressing.


Endive and Lentil Tacos Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 20 minutes Total Time: 35 minutes

Ð ½ cup of vegetable stock Ð 1 16 oz can of organic brown lentils Ð 1 plantain Ð ½ TBS cumin Ð ½ TBS cinnamon Ð Dash of pink Himalayan sea salt (or any thicker salt you have in your pantry) Ð ½ avocado Ð ¼ cup of green onions, roughly chopped Ð 1 small endive, rinsed Ð Salsa Verde dressing (see dressing recipes)

1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees 2. While oven is heating up, prepare the lentils. Heat a small saucepan to medium heat, and pour all of the lentils in. Pour in the vegetables stock cover. Cook the lentils for about five minutes, or until the stock has been completely absorbed. 3. Next, prepare your plantains. Cutting them can be tricky, as their peel is much tougher than a banana's. Cut both tips off of either side of the plantain, then make a cut lengthwise down the plantain, going only as deep as the skin. Make another cut a little farther down, and the peel should come off in sections.

66 4. Once the peel is off, cut the plantain into 1/4” slices. Toss with cumin and cinnamon and add sprinkle of sea salt. Bake in the oven for ten minutes (or until lightly browned) and flip for another ten minutes. 5. By now, your lentils should have fully absorbed the liquid. Use a spoon to smash the lentils into a chunky paste. 6. Time to assemble! Pull off a leaf from the endive and pack it with lentils, avocado, green onion and plantains. Top it off with the salsa verde sauce and enjoy!


Vegan Trinidad Stew Prep time: 20 minutes Cook time: 45 minutes Total Time: 1 hour 5 minutes

Making the transition to a vegan diet can be difficult, especially when you think you have to give up some of your favorite kitchen staples. The wonderful smells of Trinidad stewed chicken used to fill the house on a weekly basis, but it was a recipe that had to be thrown out after going vegan. After some time, however, it becomes apparent that a lot of our former recipes relied more on spices than on the food being prepared. After discovering this, the vegan Trinidad stew was created – and it is delicious! Eat this to recover after a particularly grueling game. It's thick and hits the spot.

Ð 2 large red potatoes (or 3 small) cubed Ð 2 ½ TBS of green onion, finely chopped Ð 3 TBS chopped cilantro Ð 1 clove of garlic, minced Ð ¼ cup of chopped onion Ð ½ TSP salt Ð ½ TSP pepper Ð Ð 2 TBS brown sugar Ð 1 ½ TBS coconut milk Ð ½ TSP red pepper flakes 68 Ð 1-2 TBS ketchup Ð 1 TSP vegan butter (can be found near the regular butter in most grocery stores) 1. Mix potatoes, green onion, cilantro, garlic, onion, salt & pepper in a bowl and let it sit for ten minutes as the meld together. 2. Heat vegetable oil in a large pot over medium heat. You'll notice that we don't use vegetable oil in most of our recipes, but it is okay to use in moderation! Stir in the brown sugar and wait for it to dissolve. 3. Add potato mixture to the pot, cover and let cook for about three minutes. 4. Add 1 cup of water, the coconut milk and the red pepper flakes and stir. Cover and allow the mixture to cook for ten minutes. 5. Stir in butter and ketchup and cover for thirty more minutes. Serve with a side of brown rice and remember that this diet can still be delicious!


Pizza! Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 55 minutes Total Time: 1 hour 5 minutes

It's Friday night. You've worked all week, and you'll be working out all weekend. You're doing well as a vegan, but you really miss pizza. Well, here's an awesome recipe, full of veggies that's better than the real thing!

Ð 1 pack Trader Joe’s whole wheat pizza dough (or use any vegan pizza dough) cooked Ð 1 ½ large yellow onions, sliced into half moons Ð 3 cloves garlic (peel, but do not chop!) Ð ¼ cup roasted red peppers Ð ¼ cup artichoke hearts Ð ¼ cup sun-dried tomatoes Ð ¼ cup of spinach Ð 2 ½ TBS crushed olives Ð 1 TBS balsamic vinegar Ð ¼ cup vegetable stock

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. 2. Rub a little juice from the crushed olives over garlic, wrap in tin foil and place in oven for twenty minutes. Remove garlic and set aside. 3. Sauté onions in 1 TBS of crushed olives on medium-high heat. Cover and let sit for fifteen minutes.

70 4. Pour stock, vinegar and a pinch of salt and pepper into the pot with the onions. Cover and let it cook for another thirty to thirty five minutes. You may be drooling in anticipation of eating this pizza, and this step makes it all worth it. 5. Take the roasted garlic and spread it over the pizza dough, you'll find it spreads very easily! Add the onion mixture and veggies (add or remove as you see fit) and bake for about ten minutes. 6. Enjoy one of your favorite foods without seeing your waistline expand!


Three Bean Salad Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 2 hours minutes Total Time: 2 hour 10 minutes

Ð 1 can chickpeas Ð 1 can kidney beans Ð 1 can black beans Ð 2 green onions, chopped Ð 1 rib of celery, sliced Ð 1/2 cup cider vinegar Ð 1/4 cup crushed olives Ð 1 tablespoon agave nectar Ð 1/2 teaspoon ground dry mustard Ð 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder Ð 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper Ð 1/4 teaspoon onion powder Ð 1/4 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper

1. Mix vegetables and beans together in a bowl 2. Mix remaining ingredients in a separate bowl, stirring until smooth. 3. Coat the veggies and beans with the dressing and stir. 4. Practice your swing while the salad marinates for two hours. Enjoy!


White Bean Chili Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 20 minutes Total Time: 30 minutes

Ð 2 16 oz cans of cannellini beans Ð 1 jalapeno Ð 1 onion Ð 2 cloves of garlic Ð 1 vegetable stock concentrate * Ð 1 TSP cumin Ð 2 scallions Ð 2 TBS cornmeal Ð 1 sprig fresh rosemary Ð 1 TBS olive oil (or substitute reserve liquid from can of olives)

Sometimes when you're playing a match, things may seem familiar. Perhaps you're playing the same person, or maybe there are moves that come natural to you. That consistency and familiarity is important, because it allows us to feel comfortable with our game. It's just as important to feel comfortable with our cooking. This chili is a delicious variation on the black bean chili we shared with you earlier. It's equally delicious, and has similar prep work – but, we believe no two chilies are the same. Eat this after a a long day on the court. It's hearty, filling and healthy. It can also be frozen in small batches and eaten throughout the week if you're short on time.

73 1. Chop the onion, mince the garlic and chop your jalapeno. Jalapeno seeds add a lot of heat, so remove them if you don't want a lot of zing to your chili! 2. Thinly slice your scallions and remove the leaves from the rosemary sprig, finely chop them upon removal. 3. Heat up your olive oil (or olive oil reserve) in a pot on medium heat. Saute the onion and jalapeno. Add salt and pepper to taste. Cook for five minutes, and then add the cumin, garlic and rosemary to the mixture. 4. Mix in your stock, cannellini beans, three cups of water and bring the mixture to a boil. Once boiling, reduce to simmer and keep it simmering for another ten minutes. 5. Add your cornmeal to the pot, stir until everything is mixed well and let simmer for five minutes.

• There are a variety of vegetable stock options to choose from. Stock concentrate comes in the form of a cube or a paste opposed to a liquid. Most grocery stores offer stock concentrate near their liquid broth section. A great concentrate is the “Better than Bouillon” vegetable base stock concentrate.


Jambalaya Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 35 minutes Total Time: 45 minutes

Ð Olive oil (or reserve juice from can of olives) Ð 2 green peppers, seeded and diced Ð 3 ribs of celery, diced Ð 1 yellow onion, diced Ð Salt Ð Pinch of red pepper Ð 3 cloves of garlic, minced Ð 1 28 oz can of diced tomatoes Ð 1 TSP cayenne pepper Ð 2 cups of long grain rice Ð 4 cups of vegetable stock Ð 2 bay leaves Ð 1 bundle of fresh thyme Ð 5 scallions, thinly sliced

Sometimes we need a little spice in our life. Spices create passion for food, just as tennis creates passion for life. Jambalaya is the perfect answer to the adventure we crave in life.

1. Heat a pan on medium and add the olive oil/reserve juice from olives. Once the pan is heated through, add the peppers, celery, and onion. Throw in a pinch of

75 salt and crushed red pepper. Allow the veggies to cook for about seven minutes, stirring occasionally. 2. Add the garlic and allow the mixture to absorb its for about 2 more minutes. 3. Add the tomatoes and cayenne, and slowly stir in the rice. 4. Stir your mixture and add in the stock, bay leaves and thyme. Cover and allow to cook for 25 minutes on medium heat. 5. Now you're ready to serve! Throw some sliced scallions on top of the jambalaya and you've got a guilt-free, healthy and delicious meal!


Pineapple Fried Rice Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 35 minutes Total Time: 45 minutes

Ð 1 cup jasmine rice Ð 2 cups pineapple cut into squares Ð 2 TBS shoyu sauce Ð 1 TSP sriarcha sauce Ð ¼ cup peanuts OR ¼ cup cashews roughly cut Ð 2 green onions Ð 1 garlic clove minced Ð 2 carrots thinly sliced Ð ½ cup of water Ð 2 TBS olive oil or EVOO 1. Prepare rice as per instructions on the package for one cup of dry rice. 2. While rice is cooking thinly cut the green onions separating the green from the white. Roughly dice the peanuts (or cashews). Cut the pineapple into about ½ inch squares. 3. Toast the nuts in a non-stick frying pan over medium-low heat for about 10 minutes. In a separate frying pan, heat the 2 tablespoons of olive oil at medium heat for about 2 minutes. Then, add the white part of the onion sauteing for about 1 minute. Add the carrots and nuts to the onions, saute for about two minutes. Add the rice, pineapple, shoyu, sriarcha, and ½ cup of water and let cook for about 5 minutes stirring occasionally. Remove from heat. 4. Top with the greens of the onions and serve.


Jamaican Jerk Tofu Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 5 minutes Total Time: 15 minutes

Ð ½ package of extra firm tofu Ð 1 TBS Jamaican jerk spice Ð 2 TBS juice from a can of olives Ð 2 leaves of a red cabbage, chopped Ð 2 green onion, chopped Ð ½ blood orange

1. Heat a pan on high heat. 2. Pour in the olive juice, followed by the tofu and Jamaican jerk spice. 3. Scramble the tofu with a spatula and cook until heated through, or about five minutes. 4. Mix the remaining ingredients in a bowl and pour the tofu on top.


Little Corn Salad Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 5 minutes Total Time: 15 minutes

Ð ½ can of organic baby corn Ð ½ can of red beans Ð ½ zucchini, washed and thinly sliced Ð ½ TSP cayenne pepper Ð ½ TSP paprika Ð 1 TSP cumin Ð ½ avocado

1. Heat corn, red beans and zucchini in a small saucepan. 2. Add in spices and stir. Leave on medium heat for five minutes. 3. Take bean mixture off of heat and pour into a bowl. Top with avocado and make sure you have a glass of water on hand. This is delicious AND spicy!


Pasta!!! Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 20 minutes Total Time: 30 minutes

- 14 oz can petite-diced tomatoes - 1 green bell peeper - 8 oz can tomato paste - 2 cloves garlic - 1/3-cup fresh basil -1 medium sweet onion - 2 carrots - 2 ribs of celery - 1 TBS sugar - ¼ cup fresh oregano - ¼ cup fresh parsley - ¼ cup fresh marjoram - Salt to taste - Black pepper -1 small can black olives with the juice - Spaghetti noodles of your choosing

1. In a medium saucepan, bring 2 cups of water a boil and add 1 TBS sea salt. Add noodles and boil for 3 minutes, reduce heat to a simmer and cook until al dente. Strain. 2. Thinly slice or food process all vegetables. Mince garlic. 3. In a large pan or wok heat the juice from the can of olives for one minute on medium-high. Add onion, garlic, bell pepper, celery, carrot and sauté for 5 minutes on medium heat. Add tomatoes, paste, basil, oregano, marjoram and parsley and cook for 5 more minutes. Add sugar and salt and pepper to taste. Let simmer 5 more minutes. Add strained noodles and serve.


Tomato, Cucumber Pockets Prep time: 5 minutes Cook time: 0 minutes Total Time: 5 minutes

Ð 3 cherry tomatoes, diced - Ð 1 cucumber, diced Ð Hummus (Sabra classic hummus is great!) Ð Spinach - Ð Pita Pockets

1. There is really only one step in this beyond cutting up your tomato and cucumber – take all of your ingredients and throw them in a pita pocket. It's filling, fresh and delicious. Believe us, you won't have leftovers after tasting these delicious sandwiches.

81 Grilled Better Than Cheese Sandwich Prep time: 16 Hours Cook time: 1 hr 15 minutes Total Time: 17 hours 15 minutes For the bread: Ð 3 cups A/P flour Ð 1 ¼ TSP salt Ð ¼ TSP instant yeast Ð 1 ½ cup water Ð Corn meal Ð Fresh rosemary (optional)

For the meal: Ð Daiya cheddar cheese slices Ð ½ TSP garlic powder Ð ½ TSP vegan butter Ð Green Beans Ð Almond slices

Don't let the prep time fool you. This is an easily prepared meal. But, if you want fresh and delicious bread, you must be willing to wait while the dough rises. It's important to be healthy, but it's also okay to indulge every once in a while. This once a month meal may even convince the most carnivorous of your tennis-playing friends to consider a plant-based diet.

For the Bread: 1. Mix together the flour; salt and yeast, then add the water. Mix until there are no dry ingredients. If you want to try rosemary bread, then remove the rosemary leaves from the stem and add them into the dough. 2. Place Saran wrap over bowl and let sit between 14 to 20 hours. 3. It's the next day and you've had other delicious recipes from this book to tide you over while you waited for your dough to rise. It's time to get to baking. Flour your cooking surface & dump dough onto it. 4. Push out slightly (no kneading) and fold all 4 corners on top of each other. 5. Grab a towel and place corn meal over it, then put the dough on towel; seam side down. 6. Drizzle corn meal on top of dough to prevent sticking and move end of towel on top of dough. Allow the dough to rest for 2 hours. 7. 30 minutes prior to cooking heat oven to 500. Place Dutch oven & lid in oven

82 when you are heating it. 8. Drop dough into pot seam side up: place cover on; put back in oven for 30 min take the lid off and cook another 15 minutes. 9. Take out of oven & drop on cooling rack

For the meal: 1. Congratulations. You have made the most delicious loaf of bread you may ever consume. Now it's time to put it to use. Take a serrated knife and cut two slices from the loaf, ¼ – ½”. 2. Heat a skillet on medium heat. Once it's hot, put vegan butter and a pinch of garlic salt in the skillet. Take the bread and quickly soak up one side of each piece with the garlic butter mixture. 3. Put a piece of daiya cheddar cheese between the non buttered sides and put back on the skillet. Cook on each side until slightly brown (2-3 minutes per side). 4. Cut the stems off of your green beans, throw a hand full of almonds on them and you have a delicious meal that doesn't hurt the waistline.


BBQ Chickpea Salad Prep time: 5 minutes Cook time: 0 minutes Total Time: 5 minutes

Ð ½ 16 oz can of chickpeas Ð 1 turnip, cut into half rounds Ð 6 cherry tomatoes, sliced in half Ð 2 ribs of celery, chopped Ð “Smells Like Summer BBQ Dressing”

1. Mix ingredients together and top with desired amount of dressing.

84 Dessert Recipes

These desert recipes are more for snacks and before dinner than after dinner. Eating deserts after dinner is horrible food combining and your digestion will suffer.

Chocolate Pudding Total Time: 7 minutes

Ð 10 ounces of dates Ð 8 ounces black mission figs Ð 1 TSP raw cacao or carob powder Ð 1 quart water

Blend dates, figs and carob powder with water. More or less water may be needed depending on the fruit. Chill in fridge and serve.


Fudge Total Time: 20 minutes

Ð 1 ½ lbs. bananas Ð 1 lb. medjool dates Ð 1 TBS vanilla Ð 1 – 2 TSP raw cacao or carob powder

Using the “S” blade of a food processor mix equal parts of date and bananas. Process until completely smooth. Use water if needed but use sparingly. Keep processor running and slowly add vanilla and carob powder to taste. This fudge will not freeze solid. Serve with lettuce and celery as a desert or as a sweet fruit meal.


Raw Apple Pie Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 0 minutes Total Time: 10 minutes

Ð 1 Granny Smith apple Ð 1 Red apple Ð 1 Pear Ð 2 TBS pumpkin puree Ð 1 TSP cocoa powder Ð 1 TSP cinnamon Ð 1/8 TSP vanilla Ð Handful of carob chips

1. Chop up the two apples and the pear and set aside. 2. Mix the remaining ingredients with a spoon until blended. 3. Pour the pumpkin mixture over the fruit and toss to coat. Add carob chips on top and have a dessert that's just as good as your grandma's apple pie, without the guilt.


Gluten-free, Guilt-free and Heavenly Cookies Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 12 minutes Total Time: 27 minutes

Ð ½ TBS ground flax mixed with 2 TBS water Ð ¼ cup of vegan butter Ð ¼ cup of cane sugar Ð 2 TBS molasses Ð 2 TBS maple syrup Ð ½ TSP vanilla extract Ð 1 TSP ground ginger Ð ½ TSP ground cinnamon Ð ½ TSP baking soda Ð ¼ TSP sea salt Ð 1 & ¼ cup of Bob Mills All Purpose, Gluten-free baking flour

There are hundreds of variations on this recipe online. We found one that really stood out amongst the rest from the blogger of OhSheGlows. We omitted the ginger and cloves and used a gluten-free flour to create this delicious cookie you won't want to put down.

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 2. Stir your flax seed and water and set the mixture to the side. 3. Use a mixer to beat the butter, sugar, molasses, syrup, vanilla and flax

88 mixture. Make sure it is smooth before moving on to the next step. 4. Slowly ass the ginger, cinnamon, baking soda, salt and flour. Do this one by one and add the flour slowly. 5. Flour your hands so the dough doesn't stick to them as you work with it. Pull out small bits of dough and roll them into a ball. You can dip the balls in sugar if you want for a sweeter taste, but it isn't necessary. 6. Take a fork and press it into the dough balls in a criss cross pattern. 7. Bake the cookies for about 10 minutes. Stick a fork in them and pull it out to see if they're done. If dough comes out on the fork, leave them in a little bit longer.


Banana Protein Muffins Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 25 minutes Total Time: 15 minutes

Ð 1 cup of mashed bananas Ð ½ cup of applesauce Ð 3 TBS of maple syrup Ð 5 TBS of flax-seed meal Ð 15 TBS of water Ð ¾ cup of coconut flour Ð ½ cup of almond flour Ð ¼ cup of carob chips Ð ½ TSP salt Ð 1 TSP baking soda

1. Mix flax-seed and water in a bowl and set aside. 2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and line your muffin pan. 3. Mix bananas, applesauce, flax-seed mixture and maple syrup in a bowl. 4. Add the flour, salt, baking soda, carob chips and mix until everything is combined. 5. Pour the mixture into the muffin tins and bake for 25 minutes. You can check to see if the muffins are ready by sticking a fork in them. If you pull the fork up and it's clean, they're ready. If it has dough sticking to it, then leave them in a little longer.

90 Dressings

“Dress for success.” To me the dressing will make or break the salad. Be creative, the recipes below are just a sample of the endless varieties of dressings you can make. Use your favorite herbs with small portions of fat like avocados, nuts and seeds and citrus juices to make some rich delectable dressings. If you have a good blender, great! A food processor is OK but a high-speed blender will really take it up a notch. The investment in a quality blender will pay dividends to your health for years to come; it’s well worth it. I have a refurbished Vitamix I bought straight from the company, with a 7-year guarantee for $299. The dressing recipes below are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to experiencing new taste delights

91 Dressing and Sauce Recipes

Mango Dressing

Ð 1 clove of garlic minced Ð Handful of fresh dill Ð 1/2 TSP salt 1 TSP paprika Ð 1 TBS finely chopped yellow onion Ð 1 TBS reserve juice from can of olives Ð 2 TBS lemon juice Ð 1 cup vegetable broth (can make and freeze for several months) Ð 1 mango

Puree those bad boys in a food processor until blended nicely. It's okay (preferable in fact) if there are small bits of dill throughout. It's awesome on top of any salad. The dill tempers the sweetness of the mango and rounds out any raw dish, just try not to eat it all at once.

Avo-Mustard Dressing

Ð ½ Avocado Ð ½ cup Water Ð 1 TBS Lemon juice Ð ½ TBS Maple syrup Ð 1 TBS Dijon mustard Ð Mix in blender or hand whisk in a bowl

Low-Fat Mustard Dressing

Ð 3 TBS Balsamic Vinegar Ð 2 TBS Dijon Mustard Ð 1 TBS Maple Syrup Ð Add water if needed

Goes great over Pasta Over Greens and Quinoa And Sweet Potatoes Over Greens

92 Pomegranate Vinaigrette

Ð 1/2 cup pomegranate juice Ð 1/4 cup red-wine vinegar Ð 2 tablespoons maple syrup Ð 1/2 cup sunflower oil (try an almond butter) Ð Salt and pepper

Place pomegranate juice, vinegar, maple syrup, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/8 teaspoon pepper in a bowl and whisk until well blended.

Summer Fresh Dressing

Ð 1/2 cup of lemon juice Ð 2 TBS Almond Butter Ð 1/2 TSP sea salt Ð 2 TBS Dijon mustard Ð 2 TBS maple syrup

Mix. Eat. Enjoy. Move somewhere warm where you can play tennis year round.

Salsa Verde Sauce

Ð 7 oz can of salsa verde Ð ½ 14.5 oz petite diced tomatoes Ð 1 TBS chili powder Ð ¼ TSP garlic powder Ð ¼ TSP onion powder Ð ¼ TSP crushed red pepper flakes Ð ¼ TSP dried oregano Ð ½ TSP paprika Ð 1 and ½ TSP ground cumin Ð 1 TSP salt Ð Black pepper to taste

93 Sweet Chili Sauce

Sweet chili sauce is the type of sauce you can eat directly from the bottle with a spoon. It goes well with veggies, rice, noodles and is frequently found in Asian cuisine. Unfortunately, the sweet chili sauce you can purchase at the grocery store is full of preservatives. On the search for a sweet chili sauce that was good and good for you, we came across a recipe from Marie who writes the blog “Not Enough Cinnamon”. She uses a non-vegan recipe, so we made some slight modifications and ended up with this delicious sauce. Please try not to eat all of it before using it in a recipe.

Ð ½ lb fresh chile peppers Ð 2 medium garlic cloves, peeled Ð 1 1/2 cups rice wine vinegar Ð 1 cup agave nectar (you may also use coconut nectar) Ð ½ TBS of red pepper flakes

1. Roughly chop chile peppers. Deseed about 75% of them, or more if you prefer a very mild sauce. 2. Chop chilies, garlic and 1/2 cup rice vinegar in a food processor until finely chopped. 3. Transfer chili mixture into a medium saucepan, then add agave nectar and remaining vinegar. Cook on low heat for about 5 minutes. Bring to a boil and cook, stirring occasionally, for 20 to 25 minutes. 4. Add to any meal to have an instant winner!

Fresh Mint Dressing

Ð 2 cups of roughly chopped mint Ð 1 TBS organic sugar Ð ½ TSP sea salt Ð 1 cup of white vinegar

1. Heat ¼ cup of water on high until boiling. 2. Combine mint, sugar, salt and water in a bowl and stir until sugar is no longer visible. 3. Add vinegar, and cover; let sit for 1 hour before eating.

94 Strawberry Dressing

Ð 6 medium, organic strawberries Ð ½ a large lemon Ð handful of mint Ð ½ TBS maple syrup

Balsamic Vinaigrette

Ð 1/3 cup of juice from black olives Ð 1/3 cup of balsamic vinegar Ð ¼ of a garlic clove, minced Ð Pepper to taste Pour all of the ingredients into a bowl and mix well. It's a tangy dressing, so it's good for earthy salads with tomatoes, carrots and mushrooms.

Tahini's on Top

Ð 2 TBS tahini or almond butter Ð 2 TBS maple syrup Ð 3 TBS apple cider vinegar Ð 1 TBS juice from black olives

Mix it up. It's got a nutty flavor that compliments almost any salad.

Smells like a Summer BBQ Dressing

Ð 4 TBS vegan BBQ sauce (Annie's is a great go-to BBQ sauce!) Ð 2 TBS juice from black olives Ð 3 TBS cider vinegar

Mix and do not drink directly from the bowl. It's supposed to go on top of food.

95 Pineapple Nut Dressing

Ð 2 TBS tahini or almond butter Ð 4 ounces pineapple Ð add water sparingly if needed to desired consistency Ð add any herbs to your taste preference

Blend and enjoy! This is how simple dressings can be and much healthier than oil- based dressings. Oil is 100% extracted fat, whereas the tahini and almond butters are still whole foods the fiber and water are still intact.

Orange Walnut Dressing

Ð 1 - 2 ounces of fresh raw walnuts Ð 4 – 8 ounces fresh squeezed orange juice Ð Any herbs of your choice

Eating Out And Socially The first thing you must realize is that people generally like to help other people. Just let them know up front you’re on a ‘Special Diet’, I’ve found people will go out of their way to help you stay on your special diet. When invited to a friend’s house for dinner let them know you eat a plant-based diet and a BIG salad and some potatoes or rice and beans will do just fine. Also, let them know when you say big salad, you mean probably double or triple a “normal salad”. It’s also a good idea to make your own salad dressings to bring with you to a friend’s house or to a restaurant. This way you can be sure to avoid the oil-based dressings. My wife and I have actually shared a taste of our dressings with the waitress. I have yet to find a restaurant that cannot satisfy my plant-based diet. Most restaurants have a side of potatoes; rice and beans or pasta and they all have salads. Just be sure to ask for a double or triple salad and double portions of the starches. Believe me your waiter or waitress will do their best to help you succeed being plant-based. An added benefit is that you’re spreading the message that a plant-based diet is the way to go. When your family, friends, even waiters and waitresses see your determination, your new improved energy levels, how well you look, they may start to look into a plant- based diet themselves. That way everyone benefits, less sickness and suffering and better health for all.